5h0w1sh · 1 year
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Chaos Sonic is so “^o^” coded
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
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^ epic sonknux win btw
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blu-ish · 9 months
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dragonridernoobie · 1 month
Hi! I hope your doing okay, please feel free to ignore if you aren’t feeling up to writing:>
Maybe a cybertronian reader who’s blind? With Ratchet, Optimus, Megatron and Wheeljack(or just Optimus and Megatron if you don’t have the energy for all of them) transformers prime as usual
Also, TRANSFORMERS PRIME OC, their name is Sonic Surge and they are blind(meaning they don’t have eyes in this scenario….)
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I've never done a blind OC yet (I think). Also, thank you, but I will always get to a request. I'm injured but doesn't mean I am not writing. It just takes me so long to write stories with one hand without it cramping (Since my Dominate hand decided to get Electrocuted) but I will always get to it. So thank you for you're Patience
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Optimus X Blind Reader X Megatron
When he was out on a mission with his team, they where attacked by the decpticons when they got to close to a energon mine.
Obviously, they fought back.
Shooting, fighting, the whole jazz.
Intel optimus noticed somthing in the corner of his optic.
A human sitting on the edge of the cave, hiding behind a rock.
So, with carful moves, he ran over and picked the human up.
He called a retreat since they have a human life with them.
Once back at the bace though, he noticed how the human wasn't looking around, or at them. They where just shaking.
So, he asked them their name....(Y/N)
He asked them why they were wearing a visor and they explained they are blind and where born without eyes.
He was very surpised about this.
He welcomed them to the team and made himself (Y/N)s guardian.
Optimus wouldn't lie, he is extra carful with (Y/N).
He helps them when they don't know the layout of the base.
He gives them a ride home and much as possible.
He loves to listen to (Y/N), since because of their blinders, they have to learn everything from touch, sound, smell, and taste.
He finds it so interesting.
Optimus dosent choose favorites...but...he might like (Y/N) a tad more.
He ordered his troops to go capture a human pet from the autobots.
When his drone brought a human with no eyes to him, he was surpised, mad.
Mad, because this was not a human pet, and this human was defective!
Though, he will have to give the human props for not freaking out.
They where just sitting in the drones hand, shaking but not making noise.
He asked the human what their name was....(Y/N)
What ever, he ordered the drone to take the human to knockout so he can study the human.
While (Y/N) was with knockout, he found out that knockout and The human have gotten along.
So, he decided to take the human for himself to torture.
Not even 5 minutes later, he is losing his patience.
It's hard to scare somone without eyes.
He decided to just keep a human as a pet.
Surprisingly, he got used to (Y/N) being on his shoulder.
Plus, (Y/N) has sharp hearing so they would be able to tell megatron noises that he hasent heard yet.
He also made sure (Y/N) had their own little room.
Ya, the human is very much megatrons favorite person.
He will portect (Y/N) to.
Especially from starscream.
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
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So, since the finale of Sonic Prime has finally aired, I had figured to offer my opinion on the show.
I absolutely LOVED IT!
I know that not everyone was fond of the finale, and were also confused by the ending (EDIT: Note, I understand the ending, I'm just talking about what I heard through the grapevine), and there were some wars over Ian's comment about Sonic Prime taking place after Sonic Advance 3... but I didn't mind it too much.
In my personal opinion, I found Sonic Prime to be a very enjoyable show with an interesting take on the Sonic characters, the highlights being the Amys (Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose and Black Rose and their development as sisters), Captain Dread (I loved his redemption!), Rebel and Renegade Knux (Knuxouge anyone?!; also Rebel showing off her leadership skills and Knux punching Nine) and Nine (we now have evidence that Tails will commit war crimes if Sonic isn't around). I'll also add Mangey and Sails for their adorableness.
However, what impressed me the most was the character development of the two particular hedgehogs shown above - Sonic & Shadow.
Sonic started out the show as someone very reckless and doing his own thing instead of listening to his friends, causing him to shatter the Paradox Prism and create what becomes known as the Shatterverse. He projects his vision of his friends on people that look like his friends, getting himself more and more into trouble, especially with Nine, until he finally starts to listen, starting with Shadow, and over time gains the trust of the others, showing that he did become a bit wiser by relying on his Shatterverse friends' (and enemy's) advice. He really came a long way from how he used to be.
As for Shadow, I had actually planned to talk about him more in a separate post, but to keep it short - Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow! Just like Sonic, he underwent through character development, even though his was a bit more subtle. Shadow is a character who too has issues with communicating people, preferring to punch Sonic (admittedly, it also doesn't help that Sonic refuses to listen to him) over talking, but over time, he and Sonic start working together, showing to be the dream team. Not only that, but I loved how Shadow starts to become more and more protective over Sonic during the finale, trusting Sonic's plan and even not minding the hugs from Sonic. Also, that finale, where he saves Sonic's life had my heart racing!
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Yeah, I've been freaking out over the Sonadow content the whole time and Sonic Prime never failed to deliver. Oh, I know that Sonadow will never become canon, especially given how SEGA had taken a step away from romance, which I don't mind, but I love to see how fan content is thriving.
I'll be also looking forward to reading any Post-Sonic Prime ideas, especially in regards to Sonic and Shadow's relationship, as it is implied that both remember the events of the Shatterverse (again, Sonadow shippers are thriving).
All in all, Sonic Prime was awesome, but I do have a question - why are there 23 episodes?! Netflix, where is the 24th episode?!
Sonadow Prime AMV (Enjoy!)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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son1c · 5 months
i'm thinking so deeply about my sonic prime au... of course, sonic and the boscage crew succeed at their little game of hacky sack. sonic catches the shard right as he grabs hold of shadow's hand and they both get zapped out of there. the prism shard falls to the forest floor and the megaflora is FURIOUS at they lost their precious "gift"... their rapacious roar follows him out into the void, but it's already over. they can't reach him or shadow anymore. as the two of them pass through the gate to no place, sonic curls around shadow (who hasn't moved or said a word) while their momentum sends them into a free fall.
in an awesome moment of coincidence, there just so happens to be a small wooden skiff floating empty in the vast sea below them. sonic manages to point himself and shadow toward it, and they're able to get on board (though sonic basically had to drag shadow's limp body over the side). the boat is in pretty rough shape, with seaweed growing over the bow and a strong sense that no one has used it in many years. but it still floats, and that's better than treading water, so sonic is grateful.
sonic hasn't let go of shadow. they're both sitting in the boat, but shadow has this dead-eyed stare to him that freaks sonic the fuck out. he saved him, right? they're in a totally different world now, so the plants can't get to him anymore... right? well, yeah. that much is true. but after spending weeks under their green thumb, shadow's not unchanged.
behind that blank stare, shadow is waiting for the plants to tell him what to do. but it's so deafeningly quiet that it unnerves him. it wakes him up. slowly, he comes to his senses. and that's when he asks sonic if he's free and those sketches i made take place. after being forced to work and move and fight nonstop for those weeks by the plants, shadow is exhausted. he's finally free... and that means he can finally rest.
and sonic could wake him up. he could be like, well, i'm happy you're back, but we gotta save the universe NOW... but he's already fucked up once by ignoring his friends. he already destroyed the universe once by being hasty. so, he doesn't do that. and he lets shadow sleep as the little boat rocks softly on the waves...
i think shadow wakes up first. and for a minute, he's back to that almost catatonic state like, he's suffering from Plant Withdrawal(TM) or something. but then the disgust settles in and he snaps out of it again. finally, he remembers where he is and who he's with and he's able to take in, for the first time, just how BEAT UP sonic is. because it was no east task fighting through a whole jungle of killer plants just to save him. and ofc sonic wouldn't show it... he's tough... but shadow can see with his eyes that he's injured.
so he uses his chaos powers to help sonic heal. and when sonic wakes up he feels really good, and can see the last of the glow fading from shadow as his powers recede. and he understands without words that that was his "thank you."
but yeah, i wanted them to be alone for this so they could have a cinematic moment where the sunrise is coming over the vast sea, and they have a little handshake of understanding, and sonic grins his wide determined grin and things finally look like they're gonna start getting Better. like maybe they Can do this. now that they're working together. now that shadow understands that sonic truly regrets his mistake and is willing to do ANYTHING in order to fix it... which sonic proved by nearly destroying himself to save shadow. yk? i just think it really works.
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mayzi33 · 9 months
Welp. Sonic Prime. Its over. There are SO MANY THINGS I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT
Unfortunately I dont have the talents to make those big ol' analysis like some creative peps so I'll just ramble non sensenly please stick with me okay
Sonic learning his lesson to listen to his friends and slow down, learning to accept help, the shatter versions getting along and forming strong bonds, (Mangey and Sails teaming up, Rusty, Black and Thorn being sisters, Renegade and Dread sharing the lead etc)
I love how Nine's character and arc was handled, though I do wish we got some glimpses of him apologizing better to everyone and maybe befriending them I still love how everything played out. How we could see him slowly softening in some parte, Sonic finally properly understanding him and protecting him even when everyone was agaisnt him, AND THE FACT THAT NINE HUGGED HIM AT THE END EVEN THOUGH HE WAS "NOT A HUGGER"
I love how all the alternative Roses are besties and OMG I AM FREAKING OUT WHAT SONIC SAID TO AMY AT THE END???
"No one protects nature better than you, sweet Amy"
I also love how Renegade teamed up with Sonic to fight Nine and took care of him when his energy was drained out.
I just genuely love how EVERYONE was so gentle with Sonic when he was in a vulnerable moment, all helping him to stay on his feet, carrying him, etc.
I love the parallel of Shadow carrying Sonic bridal style to back when Sonic did it to him
And I love how when Sonic goes back to Green Hill he's immediatly so happy to see everyone while his friends are like "wtf???" cause Sonic is never usually the emotional, clingy type (but something tells me he will be pretty clingy for a few weeks at least LOL)
And I love how despite being confused Sonic's friends were still happy to see he's finally came around and learned to stick with them and follow the plan.
I love everything. Thank you Netflix, for Sonic Prime, and thank you Sega, I think you might be finally getting the Sonic Franchise back to its glory.
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suckinitup · 1 month
thinkging about. mark winters again. predictable. anyway i love that he's so thoughtful and i love how he weaponizes it. i love that he is so fucking clever and i love that that's why he's so scary. this motherfucker is an OPPORTUNIST and he works hard to make sure that he can take advantage of as many opportunities as he can. he escaped from SUPERVILLAIN JAIL with a PEN. hes got a million little gadgets and they can all do different weird fun shit like isolate the sound in a single room or SCREAM a sonic shockwave at a trickster bastard. he's able to predict needs and potential needs and prep himself for them. but he's also. able to predict the needs of others. and it Kills Me when he cares enough to follow thru on that. he never even mentioned the prime defenders throwing tide into a lake. he knew they were scared. he prepped mattresses for them when they didnt have anywhere else to go. he reassured them and was casual and lighthearted about the planet-eating monster in the sky even when he must have been scared shitless because he knew that freaking out or leaving immediately to help would make things worse. he warned them, over and over, that they had to find ashe and find him soon, or else he was going to take matters into his own hands. he waited over a year to escape prison. when the first place he was put in just. let him fucking use his powers. he knew that ashe wouldn't want his friends hurt. thats when he really lost the battle against the prime defenders in s1 was that bathroom confrontation and he saw how attached ashe really was to them. he stopped fighting dakota and said that ashe would want them to be there when he woke up. he went and picked up tide and repowered him before bringing him to the Final Battle. he sat in the hospital room and he was quiet because he doesnt know what to do when he's the one that feels vulnerable. when there's a problem he can't fix. mark fucking winters.
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pico-digital-studios · 7 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Prime Encounter
This scene was co-written with @mcgamejolter. The scene is also based on this animation by DedGrafic.
During Cosmic Discoveries, OMT!Tails was thrown into the Prime Sonic universe by Lost Memory Sonic and knocked out from the impact. A few moments later, Sonic Prime/Modern Sonic showed up, seeing the alternate version of his best bud lying on the floor.
Modern Sonic: Huh? What's up with the blue shoes? Yo, Tails!
As he knelt down to have a closer look, another portal opened behind him, prompting him to leap out of the way as LM!Sonic showed up.
LM!Sonic: Urgh... You could've just stayed out of my business, Prower, and you managed to screw up even THAT.
He held OMT!Tails up by his ankle.
LM!Sonic: You should never have become the hero of your world. You're a mistake, child.
OMT!Tails (in a daze): Uh... Mom, I don't wanna go to school today... I've got a headache...
LM!Sonic: You're an abomination, a danger to others AND to yourself.
On cue, Sonic Prime sped right through him, moving OMT!Tails to a safe position before going back to confront his alternate self.
Sonic Prime: Hey, man. If you're part of Eggman's new army of creepy eyes, you'd better hit the hay if you know what's-!
LM!Sonic promptly bashed him out of the way.
Once Sonic Prime impacted with a tree, his hands were quickly restrained via energy spheres.
LM!Sonic: To think you're the "Prime" version of myself. Disgusting... You once fragmented this reality, creating wars between dimensions and threatening thousands of lives. There's not much difference between you and this two-tailed freak; you're both ticking time bombs that could wreak havoc on reality.
Sonic Prime: Oh, brother. I found someone even grumpier than Shadow. Hey, what's up with you beefing about the whole Shatterverse incident that happened a while ago?!
Shadow Prime arrived on the scene.
Shadow Prime: Well, to be fair, he's right.
Sonic Prime: Hey, wow!
Shadow Prime (to LM!Sonic): However, that still doesn't justify why you've come here. So I suggest you leave now!
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LM!Sonic glared at Shadow Prime hatefully, seeing ANY Shadow being his big berserk button.
LM!Sonic: Get out of my way! That sorry excuse of a sidekick is coming with me!
Shadow Prime: So it's the kid you want, huh?
Sonic Prime: Hey, now. I don't want another Nine situation, so I hope you're not thinking about giving Tails to red eyes over there-!
Right then and there, Shadow Prime charged at LM!Sonic as they engaged in combat.
Sonic Prime (genuinely surprised): Huh. I'm... I'm actually surprised.
As the fight went on, OMT!Tails wearily woke up, noticing Sonic Prime restrained.
OMT!Tails: Oh? Hang on! I'll get you down from there.
He disabled the spheres, letting Sonic come back down to terra-firma.
Sonic Prime: Thanks, dude! So... alternate universes... Tell me about it.
OMT!Tails: You know, I remember seeing you a few months back. Weren't you being chased by that robot that wanted the Paradox Prism?
Sonic Prime: Metal X? Yeah, that would be me.
OMT!Tails gasped in awe, his thoughts ultimately confirmed.
OMT!Tails: So you ARE Prime Sonic!
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Sonic Prime: The one and only! Fastest thing alive with no-one to serve except the wind that flows free! What more can I ask for than the freedom to go wherever I want! Well... Except, it's clean-up duty again. Someone's gotta fix the mess Baldy McNosehair did.
OMT!Tails: Heh, figures. So, will Shadow be alright trying to fight off that psychopath on his own?
Sonic Prime: Shadow? Oh, please! He's fought a giant lizard and an alien god trying to destroy humanity. What else could some edgy-looking version of myself possibly do?
OMT!Tails: I mean, there's all sorts of variations of you out there, several of which have got this huge Society aiming to keep the wider multiverse safe!
Sonic Prime: So I've heard. I gotta admit, it's really weird seeing hedgehogs that look like me but with different-coloured fur across those multiversal stretches. Speaking of that... is it me, or was that a version of Nine I saw the other day?
OMT!Tails: It sure was!
Sonic Prime: So, where do you plan to go from here? Besides obviously running from that psycho.
OMT!Tails: Well, I've still got some more work to be doing with my own multiversal team once I get moving again.
On cue, LM!Sonic was kicked close to the two.
LM!Sonic: H-How is he so strong...?! This isn't fair! He should've fallen by now!
And fittingly, Shadow Prime kicked him right in the face.
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Shadow Prime: Leave now, freak, unless you want me to kick your ass a second time.
Sonic Prime: (to Shadow) Nice work, Shadow! (to OMT!Tails) See? Told ya he could beat him no problem!
OMT!Tails: Heh, sweet!
LM!Sonic got up, frustrated.
LM!Sonic: You weren't even giving it your all! Urgh, Maria would be so ashamed of-.
OMT!Tails: Woah woah woah WOAH! Haven't you even researched the golden rule related to Shadows?
LM!Sonic: Enlighten me, "genius".
OMT!Tails: Do. NOT. Mention. Maria. Out loud. When Shadow is in proximity!
Shadow Prime cracked his knuckles, not at all chuffed with this version of Sonic speaking foul of Maria.
Shadow Prime: So unless you're looking for a death wish, leave our world... and never come back!
LM!Sonic: Fine, then! (to OMT!Tails) But this isn't over, fox! I'll get you yet!
LM!Sonic made his retreat through another portal.
Sonic Prime: Aaaand we'll never see him again.
Shadow Prime: You'd better get back to wherever you came from, Tails. We're not looking to get involved in whatever situation this is.
OMT!Tails: Yeah, that's a good call.
OMT!Tails prepared to leave.
OMT!Tails: Oh, yeah. Before I go, if it at least helps you feel a little better, Shadow, there's always at least one universe where she's alright. Well, see you both around!
OMT!Tails left, Shadow Prime being left to process Tails's words.
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Shadow Prime: You know... I prefer him over Nine any day.
Sonic Prime: Oh, come on! Nine wasn't that bad either!
The two began running off.
Shadow Prime: Yeah, but at least this Tails didn't try to kill us.
Sonic Prime: Uuurgh! You're never gonna live that down, are you?
Shadow Prime: Nope.
Sonic Prime: You know what? I shouldn't have asked.
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biolizardboils · 8 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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moo-moohead · 9 months
i would apologise to all my friends and mutuals for the amount of Sonic (and Shadow (and Tails)) content i will be reblogging now that season three of Sonic Prime is out, but to do so would be lying, as i'm not sorry about it
i am going feral over these freaks
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cheetahsprints · 10 months
(If you don't like mentions of a slash ship featuring certain anthro hedgehogs just scroll past!!!! Quickly!!!)
TL;DR (You can skip this blurb if you want the full story)
I went from being like neutrally aware of the Sonic franchise characters' existence to totally obsessed practically overnight with Shadow and Sonadow. Went full speed ahead brainrot on them because of a freaking dream where cartoon (unspecified) Sonic & co accidentally entered the dimension of live action Sonic. Shenanigans ensued, most notably a dreambrain-hatched live action Shadow fighting his cartoon version because of his attitude toward Sonic & co.
(End of TL;DR)
[Text wall below for details]
A few nights ago I had a random as hell dream about Sonic the hedgehog and I am now here I have watched freaking Sonic Prime on Netflix because the mental images wouldn't leave me alone so I treated it like a weird message from the universe e send Help
My only previous interactions with sonic stuff was some person I followed on twitter for something else posting art of it (mega long time ago), watching the sonic live action movies why I have no idea (super long time ago), and that joke game that went surprisingly hard The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog which I completed even though the minigames to progress got hard AF for me (pretty long time ago) and like even before all that I knew of Sonic from ads, memes, and various posts on social medias. But I didn't fully engage with it.
Side note: the twitter posting was mostly sonadow and I would look it over like uh-huh ok the vibes check out and just keep scrolling like lsdfkjdskl but that is pretty much the main reason I knew Sonic/Shadow existed but at the time I didn't actively seek it out or try to learn more.
My brain is so so so weird and the dream was somewhat vivid like watching a movie omg where the live action sonic and pals met the cartoon versions of the characters?? even though I never watched any of the cartoons before??? as such it wasn't a specific series, I just knew it in the dream they were from a generalized cartoon universe
Specifically it was Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in the movie group, while the cartoon group had Amy and Rouge instead of the other two alongside Sonic, who I only even really knew about because of the April Fool's game. And Shadow was also there in both groups because why not I guess and they (the Shadows) fought each other because the movie one thought the cartoon one was a jerk lmao idk? Yeah my subconscious decided it couldn't wait for Sonic 3 and made up its own version of movie Shadow.
Early in the dream there was also a little kid clone of Sonic who belonged with the cartoon group. There were some cute interactions but in nonsensical dream fashion that character just disappeared later like he was never there lol
…There was some plot about the cartoon group needing to get back to their dimension because Sonic accidentally got them blasted into the movie one somehow... after watching Sonic Prime I'm like my dream was so FREAKISHLY similar to that show's plot, but I SWEAR I knew nothing about the premise of SP before the dream. Although, in the dream they were like... multidimensional travellers doing hero stuff and had met other variants before, just this time it wasn't intentional and it messed something up.
Uh getting off track... (which the dream itself did a lot tbf)
Anyway, what I remember is the movie dimension made the cartoon group look in the more realistic style so at first Shadow thought the actual movie group were the ones from his dimension (Shadow & Amy got separated from Sonic & Rouge) and was rude to them because he was so ticked off blaming Sonic for being a dumbass and yelling at Tails for not preventing whatever happened or something, so actual movie Shadow appeared like. don't talk to my friends that way asshole and beat the absolute shit out of him. There was an explanation Tails gave that the movie Shadow was more powerful for some reason I don't remember and Amy told cartoon Shadow to stop trying to beat him. But yeah bro was so pissed movie Sonic had to step in and physically stop him because he wouldn't listen to and/or overpowered anyone else. He reminded Shadow that the other Shadow was still him, in a sense.
Cartoon Sonic and Rouge appeared and Sonic started bickering with cartoon Shadow. but the movie versions were best friends so they were watching them like wtf is wrong with y'all. Movie Shadow got fed up quickly and punched cartoon Shadow again and stood protectively in front of both Sonic versions bristling and wouldn't take his eyes off his counterpart. Cartoon Shadow was so goddamn confused by Shadow's protectiveness and asked how Sonic had made movie Shadow his loyal bodyguard (derogatory) Amy and Rouge like explained the backstory to the movie crew, which is fuzzy to me but it was something along the lines of, Shadow had been brainwashed to rival Sonic, tricked to think that Sonic was evil (unbeknownst to that Sonic who in his pov had this random edgy hedgehog start attacking him out of nowhere during a mission) and they had a lot of intense fighting before Shadow found out the truth. But the two of them never quite got over the misunderstanding. Listen I didn't know Shadow's backstory, literally none of it, but I have read the wiki since ok
Meanwhile movie Shadow, in the dream, was made and raised in a lab and similarly believed he was made as Sonic's rival/equal. Behind the scenes some government thing or whatever were afraid of Sonic's power and wanted a backup plan. But some evil guy stole and unleashed Shadow. At first it was basically just a duel, Shadow admired Sonic, but the evil guy had put a chip in his head that when activated made him try to kill Sonic. Eventually he was subdued and the chip deactivated- and despite everything Sonic insisted Shadow come with him to his home and the rest was history. This unfolded in like flashback style.
There was a funny part where Shadow questioned Sonic's home like "What kind of base of operations is this?" In a very unimpressed tone. Sonic said sarcastically "Oh, sorry if you were expecting my own Fortress of Solitude." And I guess Shadow was allowed to watch tv because he got the reference and shot back "Does that make me Lois Lane?" Didn't make a whole lot of sense sdlfkjds but movie Shadow delivered this line very confidently and flirtatious and just walked away leaving Sonic shocked LOL
And then later Shadow complained that the government people would always rewind and loop the villainy parts and he never got to see if Lois and Clark kissed (It's been too long since I watched any Superman movies so I couldn't tell you if this makes sense) and Knuckles teased him for being a romantic, and then the whole team binge watched every Superman movie.
In the "present" at some point movie Sonic and Shadow pulled their alternate versions aside and like told them off for being mean to each other lmao cartoon Sonic was kinda like uwu I didn't know Shadow had feelings he's like a lone wolf and like was surprised by his counterpart's vehemence. Movie Sonic told cartoon Sonic that Shadow can be a great friend if you give him a chance. I don't remember the Shadowses convo much but it was a lot more chill despite the fighting before (though still prickly) because Shadow's reasons were more valid and it was more of a pep talk from movie Shadow that if he opened up more it might give the others around him more opportunity to know and accept him.
I remember there was this one specific heavy emotional line in the dream that stuck with me when I woke up said by cartoon Shadow about Sonic, "He's my best friend but I'm obviously not his" DFKLJDSKJ
Additional small detail that movie Sonic and Shadow had known each other for over 2 years during dream events. And they were quite close and in sync. But still bantery
My brain basically conjured a LITERAL FANFICTION in my sleep and I have been thinking about it a lot What's hilarious is I knew next to fuck all about these characters my brain pulled the plot points of this dream out of its ass
Typed out, this dream probably sounds a lot longer than it was... the "scenes" just felt oddly detailed for how mashed together and quick passing they were.
But yeah I kept thinking about the dream and like daydreaming more scenes and it somehow turned even more into Sonadow (like, I imagined Cartoon Sonic & Shadow finding out in a very abrupt way that the movie versions were an item. <- to my delight I did find a fic with a premise very similar to this just not movie universe related. Also played with the idea of Sonic and/or Shadow accidentally kissing the wrong counterpart in their excitement at being reunited which Awakened Some Things for the receiver of the unexpected passion😂 )
The dream kinda acted as a base that inspired daydreams to spiral out from my brain without permission but I just... mentally jumped into it because ships sometimes grab you like that.
And Sonic Prime made my sprouting interest worse, basically fuel to the fire, so now I am obsessed with them... like what a fucking way to get into a ship
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Sonine Prime ... Part 5
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we just barely started Episode 4, so we'll be starting right back up where we left off and seeing how much of the season we can get through before Part 6.
<< Part 4 | Part 6 >>
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
I lied!
A bit.
We'll pick up right where we left up in Episode 4 still, I promise. I just still wasn't over the ending of episode 3. So, I've decided to use my allotted video per tumblr post this time around to shove it in your faces because I need people to witness this ending. That I am still not over.
Do you get it do you get it do you get it?
Okay, back to the show.
It's a tiny thing that makes me laugh more than it's relevant, but the scene where Sonic meets Mangey is funny specifically because Sonic is so desperate to find Tails/a version of Tails to help him in each shatterspace up to this point. In a way, it proves to us just how lost Sonic feels without Tails specifically, and just how much the idea of losing him freaks him out.
Sonic is so incredibly freaked out when he catches Mangey (similar to how he was when he thought Mr. Dr. Eggman was going to kill Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty Rose).
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"Tails...? TAILS!"
And yet, there's something a bit different about these scenes.
Let's put something into perspective for a moment.
Imagine being Sonic the Hedgehog. Raw talent, natural speed, badnik busting practice. You're aware that no matter what, everything always turns out fine, so you can afford to be cocky. And when things get too confusing for you and "winging it" won't cut it, you've always got your trusty fox best friend. Perhaps even you're a bit scared (whether you admit it or not), you feel lost, like nothing makes sense. But that's okay, because Tails is here. Tails is smart. You can trust him to comprehend what you cannot, to try to explain it to you. Whether you understand or not, at least Tails knows what's going on. And that's enough, because that means he can come up with a plan, and if he can come up with a plan, you just have to execute it. Simple. Easy. And even if he can't understand, can't come up with a plan, at least you have each other, right?
But Sonic woke up in New Yolk alone, has been struggling thus far to understand what's going on around him (one hedgehog with a spotty memory and not even 5% of the context the audience has). So he went to look for Tails first. Because everything is messed up and wrong and Eggman took over, and Sonic doesn’t know how. He doesn't know what happened. But if he can just find Tails, everything will be all okay. Tails can explain it, work out a plan, and Sonic can execute it. They can fix everything together.
But then "Tails" doesn't remember him, neither do his "other friends". He's lost and trying to understand what's happening because no one else can explain it to him.
Or in short, Sonic in Sonic Prime is just trying to seek out the familiar in the unfamiliar, find the one thing (or person, rather) that will make everything make sense, but he can't. Tails isn't around. He's not here (not in New Yolk, Boscage Maze, or No Place). But each time he seeks him out.
And after being ripped away from Nine, and remembering how he'd lost his all his friends before that, it just... Before he knows who Mangey is, when he sees Mangey falling, he moves without thinking, desperate to have Tails back. Desperate to make sure he (and his friends) never die.
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"Am I glad to see you. The world is all blgdyblublu. You gotta figure out what's going–"
Even by this point, when he's realized that there are multiple alternate versions of Green Hill, he still tries to seek out Tails/a version of him, hoping someone can make sense of things for him.
But that's the thing. He never finds Tails. Nine and some of the other residents of the shatterverse are helpful, but Sonic has to spend much of the episodes working things out on his own while just wishing things made sense (or he could find Tails, so Tails could make things make sense)
You feel?
Did anyone ask for more Sonic & versions of Tails and Sonic & versions of Amy parallels? Cool.
So I don't remember if I said this in a previous part, but here's my personal interpretation of Sonic Prime. In Season 1, Tails/Nine/Other Tails variants are paralleled to Amy/Amy variants in regards to Sonic, while in Season 2, Nine is paralleled to Shadow. Whatever your belief is on the relationships Sonic has to certain characters or how they feel about him (and vice versa) canonically, especially in Sonic prime, it remains that S0namy and Sonadow are two of the most popular Sonic the Hedgehog ships. And this is why these Amy/Tails parallels I've been mentioning since the first part matter to me (in terms of what they mean for each of the characters, AND what they mean for Sonic, as well as what the similarities and differences mean).
So. Let's take a look at Sonic's first meeting with Thorn vs his first meeting with Nine.
Now, the very first difference. How the first meeting went about.
It's important to note that Sonic was purposely looking for Tails back in New Yolk. So when he saw Nine, thinking he was Tails, he followed him to his lab, excited to have found "Tails" and glad one thing (the code to "Tails'" lab) was the same as before. He'd turned Nine's "chair" as he'd done to Tails in the flashback, expecting, well, anything other than for who he thought to be Tails to be attacking him. The idea that "Tails" would attack him instantly throws him off, leaving him confused and sad. But for Thorn? Sonic went into this fight expecting to fight a "monster". For the first minute of the direct fight, he doesn't see more of Thorn aside from possibly her hammer. You can tell how afraid he his by how the camera switches from the hammer to Sonic's face, and shows him desperately trying to crawl away and break free of the thorns keeping him from running. So in opposition to Sonic seeing glimpses of Nine before he meets him proper (and then starts a fight with him), approaching this initially with peace in mind, Sonic doesn’t see Thorn at all until after being hit around a couple times, until after going into all this initially expecting a fight with a "monster".
"Yes! There's my two-tailed genius friend. Surprise~!"
"Amy? You're the monster? Oh. Oh, those guys up above have really got it– Ughk. —wrong."
And then, after each of these, Nine and Thorn attack Sonic.
"Tails? It's me. Your best–"
"Tails, stop! We're buds—amigos! Best friends!"
"Amy, stop! We're friends! You liked me!...to some extent."
Nine and Thorn continue to attack Sonic. Nine and Sonic have a continuous attack on the underground train in the scareport (where Sonic continues to reason with him, tries to remind him of all they've been through together). Thorn sends Sonic up past the trees with her hammer, intending to end the battle altogether.
Now, a couple things to note here. Except when defending himself, Sonic never intends to actually fight Nine back in episode one. In fact, he spends much of the fight dodging and trying to reason with him. And it's clear that Sonic also never expected "Tails" to fight him. The fact that Nine does fight him, treat him like a stranger, throws Sonic off. But with Thorn? Sure, he never intended to fight her in the first place, at least not knowingly. But now that he does know who the "monster" is, he speeds down the nearest tree with clear intent to hit Thorn back. It's only because he flashes back to Amy and this suddenly makes him feel like he'd be fighting a friend does he decide against dealing that heavy blow. And while it throws him off for "Amy" to be so antagonistic, it's clear to me from the "You liked me!...to some extent", and that his first reaction was to hit Thorn back (rather than try to reason with her like with Nine), that the idea of Amy attacking him in general doesn't throw Sonic off. I'd wager that Prime Sonic has likely been at the mercy of Amy's hammer before, in the same way he'd likely never been attacked by Tails.
Now, after deciding he can't just "smash" (as Sonic puts it) Thorn with a clear conscience, he begins to try to reason with her as he had with Nine.
"Quick recap. I'm not from around here. Violence never solves anything. And where I'm from, you and I are buds. So how about we put down your big hammer and just talk, Amy?"
"My name is Thorn Rose, and you are finished!"
"What did you just call me"
"The name's...NINE!"
"Snap out of it, we go way back! All of my best memories of Green Hill have you in 'em, and you're not punching me! Don't you wanna go home? Blue skies, sunny beaches...palm trees?"
"I don't know what kind of mind games you're playing, but it won't work!"
And here's what's interesting about Sonic's demeanor. While he's hurt, confused, and panicked during the fight with Nine (and this shows when he tries to reason with him), he's much calmer when reasoning with Thorn. You know, it's as if to him "Amy" just got angry/lost herself and it's up to him to de-escalate the situation.
With Nine, it's reminding him what Sonic means to him (means to Tails really), of home, of their adventures. With Thorn, it's reminding her of what Sonic means to her (means to Amy really), and, when that fails, trying to calm her down (as Amy herself might) to get her to just talk instead.
Now here's another interesting tidbit for these two fights. When Sonic and Nine enter the scareport, the two of them are on equal footing for the fight. Neither of them really gains the upper hand as Nine fights and Sonic dodges. However, the fight between Sonic and Thorn mostly consists of Thorn hitting Sonic around. Even when Sonic switches from fight mode to dodge and reason with mode, it's a pretty onesided fight, and it's one that Thorn pretty objectively wins. They're not at all on equal footing here.
Luckily for Sonic, though, he's able to successfully appeal to both Nine and Thorn in the end. He saves Nine from being hit by one of the underground trains, and he saves a flicky from drowning in mud. Nine's first impression of Sonic was of a stranger, a bully, intending to harm him and take from him. Thorn's first impression of Sonic is of a greedy scavenger, one of those who would intend to hurt the forest and drain it of its resources.
The tie in? It's that between both moments (saving Nine and saving the flicky), Sonic convinces Nine and Thorn that he's...an outlier of a person.
After Sonic saves Nine, surprising him, Nine finds who he believes to be the only person who would save someone (him) when there doesn't seem to be any immediately identifiable gain for doing so, the only person who may have protected and helped him back when he was young.
While Thorn isn't fully convinced that Sonic isn't one of the scavengers, those who destroyed the forest originally, it's clear that Sonic’s action of going out of his way to help the flickies surprises her. After all, she finally begrudgingly agrees to help Sonic find his way home.
Although, it is also worth noting that while Nine begins to treat Sonic more like a friend than he's ever treated anyone like a friend (when he fixes Sonic's little problem and goes out with him to get the paradox prism), Sonic is treated more like Thorn's captive in episode 4 (one that she'll release out of the forest when his business is finished).
Finally (I apologize for the length of this section of parallels) we get to the bit where Sonic and Thorn find the green shard. So, final things to note. Yes, Sonic spent more time with Nine over 3 episodes than the small portion of 1 episode with Thorn, but I feel it's also pertinent to recognize that neither were actually particularly long stretches of time in universe. Regardless though, for the sake of the parallel, I'm only noting here that Nine has become at least a bit attached to Sonic in a way Thorn has not. Sonic and Nine marvel over the prism together. In fact, it was Nine who'd asked Sonic to "grab the shard already" so they could escape the coucil's fortress together. However, after Sonic digs up the green shard in Boscage Maze, Thorn doesn't marvel over the green shard for too long before hitting Sonic in the face with her hammer, claiming the shard as hers.
But I suppose this also comes back to one big difference between Thorn and Nine.
Nine cares pretty much only about self preservation and staying away from the general public back in episode 1. Thorn, on the other hand, cares about the forest. Thorn was quick to push aside Sonic for the shard, similar to how Nine decided for leaving Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty behind so he'd have a higher chance of escaping with the shard. Only their goals matter. It's just that Nine very quicky integrated Sonic into his plans, while Thorn had not.
Interesting, no?
Okay okay I'll say the thing. Parallels between a Tails and Amy variant both meeting Sonic for the first time and pursing a shard with him: IIII
So, Sonic goes for the green shard with a spin dash, yelling that he needs it, Thorn goes "as if I'd give the heart of my jungle to a stranger like you. You're a scavenger like the rest" and moves to attack, and so ends episode 4.
Putting the Sonine interactions from episodes 1-3 in comparison to all this with Thorn...really makes me embarassed on Nine's behalf for how telling his actions are😂
And now for a moment you've (me) all been waiting for (because I didn't find anything in episode 5 I wanted to talk about)...
Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 6: Situation: Grim!
I've been excited to touch on this episode since I started this little series about Sonine. Why? Because it's one of the season 1 episodes that gives me a lot of second hand embarrassment about Sonine (in a good way!), and it's just so fun to break down.
So, without further ado, let's return to New Yolk.
So, Sonic drops in, gets roped into the ensuing battle with the rebels versus the Eggforcers, and comments that New Yolk City isn't quite how he remembers it. Then, as he goes about explaining that he met "another you" (refering to Renegade), in another place, fighting another battle and the existence of other shards, he asks Renegade where Nine is.
"Anyway. Super stoked to be back to help with...whatever the heck's going on here. Where's Nine? I gotta pick his brain about this other shard I found."
Later, after Renegade brings Sonic to Rebel and the resistance's base, Renegade "informs" Sonic that Nine left them (Renegade, Rebel, and Rusty) "high and dry" after getting the shard. Of course, similar to the scene in which Nine attacked him in their first meeting (while Sonic thought him to be Tails, this revelation seems to make Sonic...sad (a bit of an understatement, I know). Like he just can't believe Nine would do such a thing.
"I didn't steal the shard!"
"But your fox friend did, right before he left us high and dry."
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Rebel goes on to explain how she and everyone else had trusted them (Sonic and Nine) as a shortened version of the end of episode 3, as well as a continuation of the scene, play out. The audience watches Nine grab the shard, stop and consider saving Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty, before deciding to escape alone with the shard rather than risk losing it over trying to save the three (but it's important to note that Sonic doesn’t see this scene. All he knows is that Nine took the shard and left). Then, Rebel explains that after the event, the resistance grew "without you or that traitorous fox".
Now, how Sonic acts and what he says next tells us a lot about how he sees Nine (or rather how he wants to).
"If they get that energy crystal back, we're done for."
"Nine won't let that happen!"
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After having his life threatened by Renegade and some of the resistance (which I may mention that Sonic never gives up anything he knows about Nine to save his own hide, such as the location of his base, even if it is true that he doesn’t know where Nine is currently), Rebel shows Sonic the palm tree. As of the Boscage Maze section, the palm tree has become a symbol to Sonic of what can be, and what he's lost. It's a symbol of the bonds he has with his friends, the memories he made with them, what he hadn't cherished properly before it was gone, and of hope for fhe future. Rebel showing it to him provides adequate motivation to help the rebels, showing him just what's at stake if they fall.
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"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me...but I'm not a traitor and neither is Nine."
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"Let me prove it to you. Let me fight by your side."
Sonic how does– how does you fighting with them also prove Nine isn’t a traitor Mr. "I don't want to believe Nine would leave someone to die"
In any case, the battle between the Rebels, Sonic, and the Chaos Council begin, and Nine shows up just like Sonic always hoped he would.
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"Sonic! Hang on!"
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*In Unision* "Nine?!"
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"You got a plane!...kinda."
In hindsight, we know Nine came to New Yolk to find Sonic and bring him back to The Grim with him. We know this is likely his intention, given how he yells Sonic's name immediately upon appearing in New Yolk, and then says "hang on!" when he sees him in danger.
Bit of a side note here, I actually almost wonder if Nine has the ability to track Sonic (perhaps through his regulators?). I say this because there is no proof, even by season 2, that Nine had gone looking for Sonic in any other shatterspaces and seen them before (in fact there's more proof he went to Boscage Maze and No Place for the very first time while he and Sonic were trying to make off with the shards towards the end of S2). If he was looking for Sonic specifically and just so happened to know not only what shatterspace he was in but also where he was, it makes sense that Nine would be able to portal to about exactly where Sonic was and to come out of the portal yelling his name.
As for Sonic, while Rebel and Renegade are (understandably) none too happy to see him, Sonic is just...so happy, man.
Now, for the next bit where Nine participates in battling the Chaos Council, I think the intentions here are so interesting. Because Nine? He came here just to find Sonic and bring him back. He's battling the Council to free up Sonic and give him an opening to join him. We know this because Nine practically portals out New Yolk the moment Sonic is safe in the cockpit. Basically, Nine only "helped" so he could return to the Grim with Sonic.
But Sonic? He's just got done asserting that Nine would never betray anyone. He wants to believe that Nine cares for people and fighting for good like he does (and like he believes Tails does, but how Sonic sees Tails and how Tails actually is is an essay for another time). So when Nine shows up and starts blasting the council, Sonic believes not that Nine showed up just for him, but that Nine came to help. To Sonic, Nine showing up in their hour of need proves that he's not a traitor, proves that Nine cares about spreading good and peace to New Yolk like Sonic wants to believe.
Understanding their differing points of view and stances on everything is integral to understanding the miscommunications to come in this very episode, and in the future. And, so does understanding how each of them badly want to believe in a version of the other that wants everything that they want and is the way they think they should be.
...And that will be it for part 5 of Sonine Prime, everybody! This was a long one, and it would have been longer if not for the tumblr photo limit, but no matter. Next time we'll be continuing Episode 6, and I'll probably mention a hundred more times how embarrassing Sonic and Nine are about each other (Mr. "I smile as soon as I see you again after time apart and wanted to see you again so bad" and Mr. "We barely knew each other for a day but I want to spend my life alone with you in a world of our own making").
See you in the next one!
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fleetsonourgecentral · 4 months
oh nothing too precise but I just loooooove angst so I'm over here imagining the FFs in the Prime dimension and Prime!Eggman is doing something seriously fucked up or there's some other emergency occurring that puts some of the Fleet!FF at risk and Sonic's over here freaking out bc he doesn't want to lose another friend and the Prime!FF are like "hol up this guy's traumatised" and it might be a lil ooc but I love angst too much for my brain to be 100% on character
another lil angsty thing I sometimes think about is the FFs somehow end up in the Metal Virus Arc and Amy ends up infected and there's just this scene where Tekno is banging on a glass wall that separates them ('cause Amy didn't want to put the others at risk) and Tekno has to watch their girlfriend get fully infected before their eyes
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Holding this in my hands I love angst so much and I especially love the angst of Sonic being terrified of losing another friend after Johnny..... aaaaaaaa I would LOVE to see the prime!FFs react to that bc like. Surely at this point they must have interacted with Sonic enough to know he's a dick and they've probably seen how he speaks to his friends and it's such a contrast to how Prime Sonic acts it wouldn't surprise me if they're like "he says they're his friends but does he even care about them at all????" bc he doesn't act like it and surely Scourge wouldn't be into him if he cared that much about people? So to see this arrogant cocky bastard who never seems to have a nice word to say about his own friends suddenly freak out at the prospect of losing them would be soooooo interesting
"Tekno has to watch Amy get fully infected before their eyes" AAAAAAAAAAAA OH MY GOD AND IT'D HURT SO MUCH KNOWING THERE'S NOTHING HER TECHNOLOGY CAN DO TO SAVE HER...... I love this so much yesssss give the girlies angst
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luescris · 2 years
Okay I've had this thought rotting in my brain for like weeks now and I have the mighty n e e d to get it out now (SONIC FRONTIERS SPOILERS AT THE END BEWARE)
Sonic is not only exhausted right now, but he is also fucking touch starved.
Before Sonic Forces, he was fine. Sure, he wasn't big on touch and all that, but that's pretty much the norm for him. But then, he gets captured, and for six months straight not only did he probably not get proper sleep, but he couldn't see his friends, nor could he give/receive friendly touches like high fives and fist bumps, but hands were hurting him for six months straight.
As soon as he comes out of his imprisonment he has to deal with a whole ass war that he missed half of, like didn't even get a day to rest or anything, and was most likely running on pure adrenaline (the game didn't show this at ALL but I choose to ignore this and say so myself 😤😤) until it was all over. He gets to rest a couple of weeks after thankfully, I want to say at least a month before the whole Neo Metal/Mr. Tinker thing happened (BECAUSE THE COMICS ARE CANON TO THE GAMES NOW) , which is good.
But way too short of a break/time to process everything because right after all of that the Metal Virus arc happens.
Once again Sonic can't touch anyone, this time he has to physically force himself not to, and physically force himself not to fall asleep. I want to guess that this lasts for at least two-three weeks, and it was very clear just how much that whole crisis was affecting him. Not only that but he had to watch so many people--his friends included--turn into zombots, which I can only imagine feels almost the same as watching someone die. He didn't have to watch it happen to Cream but god his face when he realized what happened....
And then, some time after that, Frontiers happens. Once again, Sonic is alone. Once again, he can't technically touch his friends despite them being there right in his face, and I can only imagine that's a whole new torture for him. Once again, he is hardly able to sleep, has to fight giant ass Titans, turn into Super Sonic so many more times than he has ever had to (which I KNOW is absolutely draining because in Unleashed he fucking FAINTS from using the Chaos Emeralds) all the while fighting off a cybervirus thing that practically killed him.
To make it all that much worse, all of his friends are leaving. To go find themselves. Yes, this is amazing, yes, it makes me very happy and probably makes him happy (NOT TO MENTION PROUD) too, but the fact that he won't be seeing them as often just adds that perfect little cherry on the top. He is ALONE alone. Again!!
This boy needs so many hugs that at this point it's just so freaking sad. I bet it's like he really desperately wants them but a. Doesn't know how to ask and b. Is incredibly confused on wanting hugs/touch but also not wanting hugs/touch because he doesn't want to burden them because they're supposed to be leaving and he doesn't want to worry them/keep them around longer than they intend to be and--
God just thinking about this. It hurts me in so many ways I can't 😭😭
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4)
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Welcome back of Part 4 of my Shadow (and Sonic) character analysis! This time, we are covering all episodes up to Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. While Shadow doesn't appear too often, he is certainly not sidelined, as you'll see soon.
Let's dive in!
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''That's the first time one of them has made any sense.'' ''Nine's on our side, Shadow, and if you're not gonna help, you can-'' ''Oh, I can help.'' *knocks Sonic into No Place*
So, speaking of which, Shadow does have a scene in Episode 10: Battle in the Boscage, where he's just being a deadpan snarker, having witnessed Sonic's failure to get the Shard and knocking him right into No Place. I told you that he helps Sonic by keeping him focused on the mission. X3
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In Episode 12: No Way Out, while Sonic is busy helping out Dread and his crew in No Place (or rather, being chased by them after he got the Shard), Shadow tries to stall the rest of the Chaos Council by damaging their ship with the crystals that float around in The Void.
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''This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at-'' ''Who are you talking to?! I can see you have the Shard! Run faster and get out of there!'' ''Turns out, it's hard to get up to full speed on water, even with these kicks. Not to mention, having pirates blasting at you.'' ''Then go where they can't blast you.'' ''I need solid ground. I know just where to get it. By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip on the horizon.'' ''What was that about a blip?''
So, while Sonic is pursued by Dread and his pirate crew because he's carrying the Shard and Dread spun a lie about Sonic betraying them, he managed to kick up enough Prism Energy to talk to Shadow, who immediately reminds him to get out of No Place. I absolutely love how Sonic is so done with Shadow nagging him like this, especially considering how Shadow probably doesn't know what happened in No Place besides the fact that Sonic got the Shard. Shadow continues to be a deadpan snarker throughout their conversation and it is pure hilarity. You can bet that he was itching to go to No Place himself and help Sonic out.
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But considering how he can't, he decides to deal with the Chaos Council robots that are repairing the ship, freaking out Dr. Don't in the process. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Dr. Eggman activates the ship and flies it towards No Place, leaving a frustrated Shadow.
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You've done as much as you could, buddy. Honestly, I don't think that even hitching a ride on the ship would've brought you into No Place. Fortunately, in Episode 15: Cracking Down, Sonic managed to eventually get all of the Shards and with Nine in the tow, after making a stop at No Place and Boscage Maze, finally enters The Void.
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''It's about time.'' ''Nine, meet Shadow. Shadow, meet Nine.'' ''You're not another version of Sonic, but you could be twins.'' ''Hardly. I am The Ultimate Lifeform.'' ''Don't listen to him. Com'n!''
I do love this small talk, with Nine pointing out how Shadow and Sonic look similar (don't worry Nine, you're not the first to make this mistake), and Shadow retorting how he's the Ultimate Lifeform. You know, he could've just said how he and Sonic are nothing alike or explained Nine the deal, but he decides to go for a boast that is also a factual statement.
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*growls* ''Sycophantic wish fulfillment.''
After arriving at Ghost Hill, Sonic goes back to the Ghost Variants of his friends, looking at them longingly, with Shadow calling it a sycophantic wish fulfillment, with Sonic actually looking back at him and smiling. Yeah, he understands that this wasn't much of an insult on Shadow's part, but just more of him pointing out the reality of the situation. Sonic is definitely more optimistic here, knowing that soon, everything will be over, while Shadow, in his own way, shows that he shares his feelings on the matter.
So far, Shadow has gotten along with Sonic quite well after their fight, but when Nine comments on him and Tails being nothing alike, we get this look.
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Once again, he is not trusting Nine, no matter what Sonic says, which becomes the new core of their arguments. However, before they could continue, they're hit with another reality quake, with Shadow leading Sonic and Nine towards the Paradox Prism cave. Even if he doesn't want to trust Nine, he has to rely on him to fix the Paradox Prism. He even agrees to Nine's condition on being left alone to fix the Paradox Prism by taking Sonic outside.
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''How do you know that you can trust him?'' ''Trust is an issue for you Shadow. That's why you don't have any friends.'' ''I don't think your friend wants the same we do.''
So, first of all, GODDAMN SONIC, YOU WENT STRAIGHT FOR THE JUGULAR WITH THAT FRIEND COMMENT! Like, Shadow really needs some aloe vera for that burn. Seriously, that hits right in the heart, sheesh!
Honestly, knowing what I know about SEGA handling Shadow's character, as in him, Rouge and Omega not being friends, this really hurts. Nevertheless, Sonic isn't wrong.
I had talked in the previous Part of my analysis how Sonic and Shadow complement each other, but I mainly pointed out how Shadow helps Sonic to focus. But, what about Sonic? Well, one consistent issue Shadow has is his distrust of other people, which given his backstory, is valid. However, with Sonic, who fights for others, be it friends or strangers, he does have at least one person he can trust - even if that person is responsible for all the trouble they're currently dealing with. Sonic might come off as a bit insensitive and he is certainly reckless, but his heart is in the right place and Shadow knows that. That's why he sticks by his side and trusts him.
In Sonic Prime, Sonic is Shadow's only friend.
Unfortunately, Sonic's premature celebration of them finally fixing reality is interrupted by the Chaos Council appearing in Ghost Hill, leading into Episode 16: Ghost of a Chance. Now, here, we are shown what real teamwork between Sonic and Shadow looks like.
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*sighs* ''Don't you just hate this part? The build up! Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already!'' *Shadow rolls eyes at him* ''Hey, I'm not going to be the one who pulls a hammy.'' ''What about him? We can't just leave him alone with the Prism Shards.'' ''Uh, yes we can, seeing as he's the only one who can put them together and, you know, fix reality. You really don't trust him, do you?'' ''No.'' ''Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine, knock yourself out. I'm gonna buy us some time.
I just love this pre-battle banter between the two. Sonic is being so dramatic, but also optimistic, with Shadow just rolling his eyes at his dramatics (seriously, he knows Sonic too well) and questioning whether Nine can be trusted. Sonic brings up a good point about Nine being the only one who can put the Shards back together, something Shadow doesn't argue against, and leaves him to stall the Chaos Council.
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Now we see Shadow, narrowing his eyes as he looks down at Sonic, then he glances at the Chaos Council's ship, contemplating the situation.
And 3... 2... 1... Yep, he leaps off the cliff to join Sonic in the battle. X3
I'm not gonna lie, I actually chuckled at this scene because this was too be expected. There is no way that Shadow would stay behind while Sonic fights for several reasons.
Firs of all, Shadow knows that Sonic will probably have trouble with the Chaos Council and will need someone to cover him and help protecting the Prism Shards. Second, Shadow has spent so much time trapped in The Void that he probably just to take his frustrations out on someone and the best target is the Chaos Council, especially since they are also responsible for this mess. Lastly, Shadow, just like Sonic, will never say no to a challenge, and I'm fairly certain that he decided to join the fight because of it.
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''Well, look who couldn't resist a team up.'' ''Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go at it alone?'' ''You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!''
More banter, but this time with Sonic being really happy about having Shadow joining in and Shadow... Okay, when I saw this scene, I thought that Shadow went tsundere for a moment. Yeah, he makes a good point, but he barely makes eye-contact with Sonic, as if he doesn't want to admit that there is probably more to his decision to join Sonic in the battle.
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What follows next is these fighting off the Chaos Council's robots, with some epic shots peppered in (I'm certain that the animators had a field day with this one).
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Seriously, you could use any screenshot like this one as a wallpaper. They look so awesome!
Of course, the Chaos Council is shocked to see Shadow joining the fight, and I think that, going by the hand motions Dr. Babble makes, either he wants to grab them and crush them, or he wants to grab them like Barbie dolls and make them kiss. It's probably the former, but if he's a shipper, I don't judge.
In any case, as Mr. Dr. Eggman diverts Prism Energy into the robots, Sonic gets knocked back by one and almost gets hit by missiles, but fortunately, Shadow saves him, leading into the moment that broke the shipping community.
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''Probably gonna regret that.'' ''I heart you too, Shadow.''
*takes a deep breath*
You know what, any moment between them that felt like a shipping moment could be excused as Sonic just being friendly with Shadow and Shadow choosing to tolerate Sonic's affection, but this?! THIS?!
My jaw dropped when I saw this scene, because this is something I never imagined it would happen. I swear, there was definitely a Sonadow shipper on the writing team, because how the hell do you explain this scene?! Not only that, but the Sonadow community went through every language (myself included) to check what line Sonic tells Shadow in the other dubs, and it's all a variation of ''I love you too, Shadow.'' Not to mention the Thai dub, where Sonic makes kissy noises at Shadow. Kissy noises!
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Bless you, Thai dub, for your contribution to the Sonadow community. If non-shippers wondered why everyone freaked out and nicknamed this show Sonadow Prime, here's your reason.
Of course, Shadow just rolls his eyes, carrying Sonic like sack of potatoes. Yeah, he's too used to this.
So, the battle continues, with Sonic and Shadow splitting up and Shadow dodging Dr. Don't's laser blasts, only for Mr. Dr. Eggman to fire at him a bigger energy blast. They think they got him, but he's revealed to be just fine.
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Dude, he's smiling again! This is so cute! (≧◡≦)
Sonic is obviously worried about Shadow, thinking the Chaos Council got him. When he checks on the crater, he refuses to believe that Shadow would go down so easily, and he is right about that. He even acknowledges that, when Shadow returns to back him up, that the robots aren't tough at all when they work together. This is then followed up by a fight against Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep, who get a boost via the Prism Shard energy.
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''Go! Protect the Prism!
When the cave gets breached, placing Nine and the Shards in danger, Shadow tells Sonic without any hesitation to protect the Prism, with Sonic nodding in agreement, his expression serious. It is a moment of quiet understanding, both knowing what's at stake here. Unfortunately, Shadow gets taken out by Dr. Deep a moment later, with Sonic and Nine eventually getting cornered and deciding to use the Prism energy to power Sonic up.
Sonic quickly takes out the enemy, being so fast that he leaves afterimages of himself, and goes to check on Shadow, who is still fighting Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep.
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''Hey Shadow! Sorry to keep you waiting!''
I dunno what's with Shadow's expression here, but it always cracks me up whenever Sonic calls for him. Sonic then proceeds to beat up the two, leaving Shadow baffled in regards to what just had happened.
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''How...'' ''Got a power up to save your butt! You're welcome!''
Shadow goes from slack-jawed to just... the image above. I dunno how to describe it, but I think it's something in the lines of ''Of course you got a power up. I shouldn't even be surprised.''
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''It's aiming away from us! That doesn't make any sense! Maybe they know when they're beat? These guys? Please, if you believe that, then you're even dumber than you look.'' *nods* ''Finally a Sonic I can agree with.''
I absolutely love this little exchange, with Sonic bantering with his afterimages and Shadow looking so done with Sonic's antics until Sonic says something that makes sense, chiming in with his own comment. I adore Shadow's expression so much here, because you can see just what is going through his head. Also, Sonic shot himself in the foot with that last comment.
The two then observe Mr. Dr. Eggman creation what can only be described as Kaiju Prime!Eggman made out of Prism Energy.
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''It's official, I've seen it all!''
I agree here with Sonic. Nobody expected a Kaiju Dr. Eggman who can shoot lasers from his mouth to appear. Shadow is equally baffled by what just happened. Sonic is the one to fight back Kaiju!Eggman, being devastated when he destroys the Loop-de-Loop, with Shadow already being aware of what is going through the blue hedgehog's head.
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''Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the Shards!''
Unfortunately, Sonic doesn't listen this time, fighting Kaiju!Eggman and doing nothing to him.
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''Get to the Shards!''
It is only when Shadow reminds him again to go after the Shards, getting blasted away by Kaiju!Eggman and Sonic realizing that Nine is in danger, that the blue hedgehog rushes towards the cave. There, he and Nine decide to use even more of the Prism energy to power Sonic up, giving us this new form.
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This is Prismatic Sonic, and as many have noticed, this shot right here might as well be the same as Dark Sonic from Sonic X. It's kinda chilling to see.
Fortunately, Prismatic Sonic beats Kaiju!Eggman, briefly glancing at Shadow as he arrives at the scene.
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Yeah, he's certainly happy that everything went well, following it up by going back to Nine and celebrating their victory. Unfortunately, it is short-lived, because what follows is an argument between him and Nine, who considers Sonic selfish for never seeing him as his own person and more of an extension of Tails, causing another energy pulse to knock Sonic out.
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Shadow gets knocked out, suddenly realizing that something went very wrong and quickly speeds off towards the cave.
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There, he finds out not only that Nine took the Shards and left, but he also finds a devastated Sonic, who is hit with a wave of realization of that he made things just worse, dooming their reality to destruction.
It is very telling of how much Sonic regrets his words and actions when the last shot of him is covering his face with his hands, clearly crying.
So, that was Part 4, the part where we saw how well Shadow and Sonic work together as a team, peppered with some fun banter and Shadow actually getting used more and more to work together with Sonic. The one aspect of his character that gets highlighted here is Shadow's clear distrust of Nine, something Sonic teases him about, but notice how Shadow actually doesn't stay behind to keep an eye on Nine, actually trusting Sonic's word that Nine is on their side.
At least, until the end when Nine leaves, hurt by Sonic's words and believing that Sonic betrayed him.
This sense of distrust and Shadow's bond with Sonic will be more explored in Part 5, when I cover Episode 17: Grim Tidings.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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