#FRIGHTENING yet intruiging....
resolutepath · 2 months
✵ for neuvi about wrio ;)
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Their first impression of your muse: Sometimes even justice is cruel. He felt frustration for Wriothesley.
Current impression: Vexing and Intruiging in equal measure. Frustration and Fascination. Someone who he both wants to wring by the neck and draw close and covet their time. An exceedingly capable and trusted indivdual, a reckless and daring warden.    
Are they attracted to your muse?: He is drawn to Wriothesley and wants to learn more of him. He's not labelling it as attraction yet, but it is interest. He's getting there.
Something they find frightening about your muse: How mortal he truly is. That though he is so strong he is also so fragile and sometimes he does not realise it.
Something they find adorable about your muse: The excitement Wriothesley gets after discovering a new blend of tea that he likes. He thinks that's very adorable.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  No but it would weigh on him greatly that he cannot. On a matter like this he has to remember that he is the sovereign of the nation, and has a duty of care to all his people. While he is enamoured with Wriothesley, his duty must come first.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Yes though does he know that its a date? Probably not. Would he like to spend time one on one with Wriothesley participating in an activity, yes. He enjoys his company, there are things they can learn from each other and he is glad to talk to someone who knows that he is in fact the Hydro Dragon for certain.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  incalculable
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: No, Neuvillette would never slap him, though the urge does occur from time to time with the terrible teasing of Wriothesley's. It would be indecorous to behave in such a manner however.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: As things currently stand, he's not there yet. In terms of hugging, he's probably at the it might be nice for our hands to touch and even hold each other stage and kissing he's not considered. When he does get there, only behind closed doors. He's a very private person.
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↪ Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. // @daybreakrising
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monstersoc · 2 years
Titanic without the iceberg - Richlady!Monster+ Commoner!Worm
Summary: think smth similar to the plot of pat and jens titanic if the ship never hit the iceberg (Angst, humor, happy ending tho also this is seperate from the real story)
A less then fine day it was today. Despite the predictions of weather being hot and sunny, rain had started pouring dowm and lightning struck down making the guests aboard tale shelter to avoid getting soaking wet. While most were annoyed and angered at this sudden change- one was afraid of it.
The loud crack of the thunder and the white flash of lightning bought her discomfort and the cold temperatures didn't help soothe her at all. Her hands shook slightly as lighting and thunder burst, a fitting sound to match the rough patter of the rain and she greatly wished the rain would disappear- to where it went was not her concern.
As she internally panicked, an unwelcome guest decided to climb aboard the ship. How he managed to get from land to the ship on the sea was a mystery but what was not a mystery was the trouble he would be in if spotted by security. The security also weren't skinny or weak, quite the opposite actually. They were muscly and had a permanent glare etched on their face. Anyone could tell they don't show mercy to any wrongdoer.
The boy carefully and quietly weaved through the people, attempting to act natural to no avail. Security immediately looked at him- muttering words of suspicion- and the boy realizes he needs a quick cover up. Someone to help him blend in.
He immediantly heads to the frightened girl, feeling he can trust her the most to help him out. The girl notices him heading her direction and immediantly becomes confused. The boy looks nothing like the people on the ship and is soaking from head to toe which could only mean one thing- he is a commoner.
A poor person. Someone not meant to be aboard this ship. Someone who the girl, who was born into an extremely wealthy family and was meant to be on this ship should find no interest in. Yet she does anyway. Like when a girl gets a crush on some boy she saw while in a school hallway.
The boy finally reaches her and immediately goes behind her as if using the girl as a shield. The girl looks behind her- intruiged at his actions- and decides to face him.
"Afternoon, is there something I can do for you?" She asks politely and the boy responds. "Don't mind me just using the pretty posh lady as a shield from security" and the girl tilts her head. "Pretty, posh lady.?" She repeats- clearly judging his choice of words.
He nods his head with a small smirk, as if finding amusement in her reaction. "Hm, normally I don't stay around commoners like yourself but, I will admit, you are attractive" she says with a sly smirk before thunder strikes down. The girl jumps slightly at the sound and fear overtakes her body for a second before she clears her throat.
"Apologies, I have a silly fear of lightning" she says with discomfort and the boy puts a hand on her shoulder, comfortingly. "Hey, it's not a "silly fear", it's totally normal to fear lightning" he says and the girl finds her lips parting in slight shock. A total stranger- not someone she was arranged a marriage with- treating her with kindness. Kindness not even her own parents bother to treat her with.
In that very moment, there was an unfamiliar feeling in her chest. Her heart beat a little faster and she felt nervous for multiple reasons. Most confronted these feelings head on but, what does she do? She makes an excuse.
"Apologies, I must go run some- errands" she says and the boy gives her a weird look. "But its raining-" he begins before the rain miraculously stops and the sun starts to shine. "Not anymore! Goodbye!" I say, ready to leave. "Ah- alright.. bye..?" he says while removing his hand from her shoulder. "We shall meet again, commoner" she says before turning around and walking away.
"'Attractive'? Real straightforward woman, huh"
Evening- it was- and the girl found herself tired and bored. She was currently sat at a table making small talk with the other guests on board as per her parents wishes. She was only ever bored as every person was the same. The all asked where she was from, always complimented her. She was starting to despise it. Scratch that- she did despise it. She desperately wanted something new, a thrill.
Whenever she decided things were overwhelming or exhausting, she would go to the rooftop. A calming place where no one ever seemed to notice her. She quickly excused herself claiming she had some "errands" to run (an overused excuse of hers but oh well) before walking off politely.
Sneaking quietly, she climbed up the wall and onto the roof. She went over to the edge of the roof and watched the people from below. A calm sigh left her at the relaxing sight. She enjoyed watching people from above go about their regular business. It made her feel like some observer and she enjoyed it. She often wished she was a ghost during times like these. Unfortunately, her peace was disrupted.
A yelp left the girl and she turned around, summoning her polearm and pointing it at the intruder. "Woah there" he says, putting his hands up in mock surrender. The girl let's out an exasperated sigh and puts a hand to her chest. Her weapon disappears as she takes a few deep breaths.
"Don't scare me like that!" She finally says and the boy smiles. "What brings you up here?" He asks and the girl quickly responds. "I just need a place to get away from the chaos and the roof happens to be the best option" she says while turning around to face the view.
He goes closer as she turns back around to face him. "What about you? Why are you up here?" She asks. "Well I'm not exactly meant to be on this ship, am I?" He says and the girl awkwardly laughs. "Right, commoner" she says.
Darkness takes over and the sun finally sets and she let's out a sigh. "Well I suppose I should call it a night" she says and he looks at her. "See you tomorrow morning then?" He asks and she nods her head. "Good night, commoner" she says. "Goodnight pretty lady" he says in return and the girl blushes. She quickly covers her lower face with her fan. She clears her throat and nods her head before walking away, silently praying he didn't see her blush. Unfortunately for her, he did.
~Next morning~
The girl had awoken quite early, as per her usual schedule, and found herself getting up immediantly. Normally she would relax knowing she had the same boring schedule of endless dates. Today though, she had one thing on her mind- the commoner.
She made her way out and began to look for him around the boat. She searched and searched for half an hour but ultimately failed. Unfortunately, she had to go on yet another date with another man who was probably not all that different to the others.
She let out an annoyed sigh and slowly headed over to where she was meant to meet this man. She looked around and a man already seated waved at her. She walked towards him and took a seat in front of him.
From there began the endless small talk with compliments scattered in between. She gave fake smiles and laughs at whatever he said without noticing the boy on the roof she had been searching for before.
He had been jumping up and down while waving his arms before a bright idea came to mind. He quickly scribbled down a note on same paper before scrunching it and throwing it down at the girl. However, it ended up hitting her date right on the head. The guy in questions angrily stood up and picked the paper up.
"Who threw this?!" He yelled and the girl cringed internally. If there was one thing she hated more than thunder, it was yelling. She stood up and calmly spoke. "I'll take that for you and find the person" she starts while talking the paper. "I'll be quick" she finishes before walking off and unfolding the paper.
She walked towards the edge of the boat and read the contents of the paper. Her eyes immediately widened and she quickly looked towards the balcony. He made eye contact with her and waved with a smile. A pure smile made its way on her lips but it was quickly covered with one of her fake ones and a polite wave.
The boy looked in slight confusion at her posh behavior but let it go as she made her way towards the balcony. When she made it, she noticed he was nowhere in sight and looked around confused. She peaked over the balcony to see if he had somehow made it down when a hand went on her shoulder.
"WAH!" She yelped and spun around only to see the commoner in question. "I told you to stop that!" She said while holding a hand to her chest and the boy laughed. "But your reactions are cute" he says and the girl immediantly blushes.
"I- what!" She says, flustered. Her ability to maintain eye contact was gone and the boy smirked at her state. "Why are you so red? Are you sick?" He says while putting his hands on her cheeks. The girl immediantly stutters out a "no I'm perfectly fine" and the boy removes his hands.
"I must go now I have to- erm- run some errands, yes!" She suddenly says in a panic and she quickly walks off with a "good afternoon, sir". The boy looks at her amused before turning around and heading up to relax on the roof.
The girl had decided to go to the edge of the ship and stare at the sea ahead. She was angry- not at the commoner or her parents or the man on that date. She was angry at herself. If there was one thing she couldn't do, it was fall in love with a commoner.
"God I'm so stupid" she huffed while leaning over the railing. Her parents would kill her if they found out she was in love with someone poor who wasn't even meant to be on this boat in the first place. She sadly sighed before turning around and deciding to head back to her temporary room.
~time skip to evening~
The boy wandered around on the rooftop waiting for the girl to (hopefully) arrive. He was fully aware of his feelings for her and the comfort she bought him. Not to mention her cute reactions that were oh-so enticing.
The sound of footsteps hit his ears and he quickly recognized them as the girl he was just thinking about. He hid from her eyeline and she made it to the very edge of the roof and started to quietly sneak up behind her. If he was being honest, he enjoyed scaring her. The cute expression of shock that would appear was enough to make him lovesick and he adored that.
"Hey" he says and the girl immediantly jumps. "What did I say about scaring me!" She shouts and the boy laughs. "I believe I already told you I find your reactions cute" he says and the girl blushes. "Yes you- uh you did" she says while looking away.
He steps closer to her and grabs her chin lightly with his hand to make her face him. "Is the ground more interesting than me?" He asks and the girls eyes widened. To her he looked ethereal. A strong word to use for someone of his class but it was used anyway. Like a defense mechanism, she immediantly made an excuse.
"Ahem- I have to go- I have things to do, you know?" She says while frantically trying to find a way around him. "What do you have to do?" He asks seriously and she chucks another pathetic excuse. "Uh- errands! Yup!" She responds and he looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "You had errands already" he says and the girl immediantly snaps back. "Well you know how it is for the rich! Always got to work!" She says and he crosses his arms.
"What work?" He asks. "Uhm.. cleaning! Lots of cleaning! And I really don't want to be late so-" she starts before being interrupted. "There are plenty maids down there- why would they request your help?" He speaks quickly and she starts to noticeably panic. "You can never have enough help! Now please let me through!" She says but the guy doesn't budge. "Why do you want to leave?" He asks and she doesn't respond.
"Just- let me leave!" She yells and he yells right back. "Why do you want to leave?!" And her answer makes his heart drop slightly. "Because your poor! I can't be seen with someone like you! It's forbidden! Now let me through immediately!" She yells and he goes silent. "I'm sorry" he says while moving out of the way.
Quickly, she walks off without saying goodbye and the boy watches her sadly. Perhaps it was partly his fault for pushing her so far but the girl was still to blame as well.
The girl mostly went to the roof for comfort but obviously that was not an option so she went to the next best place- the edge of the ship. There she thought about what had just happened. She knew she would end up snapping slightly and it was only a matter of time before she released all her anger.
"I- I have to.." the girl spoke aloud to herself. She knew there was only one option she could make and it wasn't the best. She pulled out a pen and some paper and began to write;
Dear Mother and Father,
Only a few words in and she froze up. It was clear this was not a decision she wanted to make. "Come one just!- just write it!" She yelled at herself. She forced the pen down to the paper and slowly began writing each word. She felt her heart breaking little by little but she pushed through regardless.
She looked at the sentence on her paper and a small tear fell. The paper got a wet start and this only depleted her mood more as she quickly folded the letter. She hastily ran over to where the mail was usually delivered and halted her movements on the stairs.
She needed to have the letter delivered but she couldn't bring herself to move. To give it to the mail people. As if on cue, the commoner came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. He found himself gravitating towards her because he felt the need to apologise. He wanted to make amends and make sure their friendship isn't ruined.
"Hey" he said and the girl gave a simple nod with a "hello". The boy looks at the letter in her hand and curiosity peaks him. "Whats that in your hand?" He asks and the girl looks down before looking back up at him. "Oh- erm- just a letter nothing important" she says quickly and the boy only grows more curious. He attempts to sneak a look and the girl immediantly pulls the letter to her chest.
"Like I said- it's nothing important" she quickly repeats and the boy looks at her with an unconvinced look. He quickly grabs the letter out of his hand with a teasing smile. "Catch me if you can~" he says before taking off and the girl panics.
She quickly chases after him but ends up losing him completely. "Archons no!" She says under her breath and quickly runs up to the balcony. She frantically looks around from her high point and eventually spots him. "Worm!" She yells while getting down and running towards him.
Then rain starts to fall.
A few short seconds and she's there but she stops in place when she sees the hurt look on his face. "Your having an arranged marriage?" He asks and the girl says nothing. "Please give it back" she says while putting her hand out.
Reluctantly, he gives the letter back and apologies. "I shouldn't have took it, sorry." He says sadly and the girl nods. Without another word said, she left with the letter towards the post people.
She goes up to them and speaks. "When is the post open?" She asks. "Not until tomorrow morning, sorry ma'am" he says and the girl nods her head. "That's alright, I shall return tomorrow" she says before turning the other way.
She couldn't bear to have to hold on to the letter. It was miserable. She loved him but she couldn't. She couldn't be with him. Again, she found herself on the edge of the rooftop, reading the sentence over and over.
"I want an arranged marriage"
She didn't- not at all- and the fact had bought tears to her eyes. As heavy rain poured and heavy tears fell along with it, the faint sound of footsteps approached. "Is this really what you want.?"
She wiped her tears quickly and turned around to face him. She said nothing. She just stood there. He came closer and repeated his question. "Is this really what you want." He said seriously and the girl dodged the question.
"This is what my parents what- for me to marry a rich man" she said and the boy felt himself get annoyed.
"Why are you sacrificing your own happiness for your parents!?" He yelled and the girl flinched at the sound. "Your parents clearly don't care about you!" He continued.
"Stop trying to make your parents happy!"
"What about us!"
"Why are you doing this!"
"Please be quiet.." the girl whispers as her breathing becomes heavily unsteady. "I can't be a disappointment. I can't disappointment them again. If I date you I'll disappoint them
I can't.
I can't.
I can't.
I can't!" She yells repeating the same phrase over and over again in a panicked frenzy. "Woah, hey!" He starts before quickly grabbing her hand. "Breathe, okay?" He says, putting his other hand on her cheek. "I shouldn't have yelled, I'm sorry" he says and the girl shakes her head.
"No its my fault.. I've disappointed you now too..." she says and the boy immediately pulls her into a hug. "You do not disappoint me, Monster" he says as the girl makes no effort to move.
A comfortable silence wriggles it's way in and the girl backs away from the hug once she feels she can breathe again.
The boy looks at her and takes her hand. "Can you answer something truthfully please?" He asks and the girl nods. "Is this what you want? Not what your parents want- what you, yourself want" and the girl hesitatantly shakes her head.
"No, I don't want an arranged marriage" she starts before trailing off. "I want- uhm" she awkwardly says. "I- erm- wow.. I want to uh-" she continues and Worm attempts to stifle a laugh.
"Ah- you know what I want" the girl says giving up and the boy smiles before getting down on one knee. The girls face turns into one of shock and she looks around nervously. "W-what are you doing! This is quite fast, no?" She says but the boy pays no mind.
"Monster, ever since I first saw you, I felt a comfort I had never felt before. I knew then and there that you were the one I wanted. The only one I could ever want. So would you consider making me the happiest guy in the world and.. marry me?"
The girl looked around frantically in a panic with a flushed face and the boy started to panic thinking she was going to say no. "YES! I mean- ahem- yes, I would be delighted to offer my hand in marriage" she corrects herself while reaching her hand out.
The boy smiles and puts the ring on her hand before leaving a kiss there making the girl sweat in embarrassment. He slowly rises and cups her face with his hands. The girls breath hitches as he leans closer and eventually their lips connect. After a long kiss, they part and the girls face is incredibly red.
"This is rather embarrassing"
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Being married to a commoner was forbidden according to rich people so the girl still had to go on many- MANY dates with generic people. Worm came up with ways to ruin the date each time.
The favorite date destruction if hers was the first.
The guy was immediantly making uncomfortable advances- saying how he wants to marry her and it made the girl extremely uncomfortable. Worm had immediantly come pretending to be a waiter and asked if they would like some wine.
An evil smirk overtook the guys face and he had decided to order wine for "the pretty lady". It was clear there was malicious intent behind the smirk and the ridiculous compliment which slightly worried the girl.
The man bought himself closer as if attempting to kiss her and- fortunately for the girl- the 'waiter' had conveniently spilled the wine on him. The man stood up and yelled at him to which Worm gave a quick apology- pretending like he cared.
Thankfully, that was enough to get rid of the guy and Monster, forgetting other people exist, immediately stood up and squished her loves cheeks. "Your so.. adorable" she spoke and the boy immediately blushed. "Monster.. there are people watching" he whispered and the girl immediantly put her hand down and cleared her throat. With another pathetic lie, she excused herself and ran to the rooftop.
The boy followed quick behind her and she began to complain at the embarrassment she just endured.
"I called you adorable and squished your cheeks!" She said while pacing back and forth. The boy blushed at her words and the girl paused.
"Are you blushing.?" She says with a smirk and the boy gets more red. She goes up to him and puts her hands on his cheeks and leans in close. She almost kisses him but quickly swerves and kisses his cheek instead. She's back up with a smile.
"I thought getting flustered was only a me thing" she says and the boy jokingly glares at her comment. She laughs a little but stops when he grabbed her hand. He left a soft kiss and the girls face bursts with a red shade.
"Who's flustered now?~"
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ranminfan · 2 years
Long post...
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The Phases of Hades
Who would have thought that the gods of Mt. Olympus looked different before? You see, back when the world was new, the first olympians were deities of unknown potential. Before the fall of the Titans, they were immortal beings of undiscovered power. A youthful sorts that still needed to find and dedicate themselves in roles of devine status.
- Olympian Hades
One of those olympians was Hades, the eldest of the brothers' Zeus and Poseidon. Hades was a curious yet composed god. He has always been fascinated of the world around him, finding himself in situations some unfortunate, but his intellect has always been his strong suit. With not yet a purpose, he mingles with other gods, yet is intruiged down on the empty lands of the mortal world.
- Enthroned Hades
His residence on Mt. Olympus was short-lived however. When the mortals came and the roles of the gods progressed. Zeus, the ruler of the gods, assigned his brother to the underworld, where he will take over the souls of the departed. Hades accepted his position with no objection, took his part as the ruler of the kingdom of the dead and carried on his duties. Nevertheless, he became cold and stern, and held all of his subjects equally accountable to his laws. With the amount of responsibilities he had, his patience became thin and hot-tempered, and has caused his inscrutable nature.
- Impartial Hades
There's this period of time where his reputation as the god of the underworld was still. He continued his role and nothing was heard from him. Until the day he came back and revealed himself. His appearance has changed, replacing his locks were blues of fire so hot it affected his body. Eyes sunken from exhaustion, and sharp features replaced his once smooth image. Confused and tensed, he seeked for his brother Zeus on Mt. Olympus. There, they were aided by Hephaestus, the god of fire. They found that in some certainty, Hades' body adjusted to the extremities of the underworld. And so with nothing else to do, He returned to his domain.
Here Hades felt no resentment from the other gods, Simply accepting that this is what it meant when ruling a realm so different from others.
- Current Hades
As time went on, Hades became discontent with his role. He slowly noticed that the people above never acknowledges him. He was never admired nor praised for his work, he was treated unlike any other gods on Mt. Olympus. For what reasons? Perhaps it was his association with the underworld that made him seem as an unpleasant god. Maybe the name "Hades" itself was so frightening to the mortals that they refused to call out for him, to make temples and sacrifices on his behalf. After all, what could you pray for from the god of the dead? This affected Hades and left a sour taste, so much so that his very nature evolved into what lies in his world, cruel, dark, and dull. He became as uncouth as his subjects and as ruthless as tartarus itself. With this reputation he became a fearsome figure and was feared and loathed, not just by the humans, but by his fellow gods and goddesses.
But by his reasons, there was something else that caused this change of behavior that others didn't knew. Something that was important to him, or someone.
Sooo... The idea I had was that some of the olympian gods weren't the same from when they were younger. Especially Hades. So I ended up making up this origin of him, how he was and looked before. I wanted to integrate the true Greek mythology but still basing this off of Disney's version, but with inspirations from the real mythology.
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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artificialqueens · 5 years
living on the edge of the law (biadore / sashea) - chapter 8 - Lily2
sasha and katya have a grand idea though sasha is a bit worried about involving her girlfriend into it and adore is making considerable progress on bianca who’s just a closed book.
hope y'all enjoy! I actually did finish this tuesday but theatre and school, now I have a break though so here we are!! xx spoiler but seperate fic is coming about that europe trip - lily.
— *.✧
Adore had stepped out of the shower and into the light, fully clothed but wet and raggedy hair, staring intently at Bianca who simply would cough, avoid the gaze and continue her cooking that she had put a pause on since she had to go and run off to find a tearful, anxious Adore sitting in an abandoned bus stop with nothing but thunder and lightning pouring out as she seemed to cry harder and more frequently than the actual rain that went on.
The kiss hadn’t been brought up, not yet atleast— though in both of their minds it was clear that it was most likely something they shouldn’t speak of or bring up again though Adore would happily do it again, for free, just as much mascara on her face if needed; she may have looked like an absolute wet dog. 
Bianca was a much more soft and loving kisser than Adore expected from her brass attitude and tone, it was the most pleasant moment she had experienced and then Bianca beyond frightened of her work and possible downfall of it had backed off, telling her to shower and clear her mind, she came for a completely different reason that the older woman had yet to piece together.
“Thanks for letting me shower.“ 
The words came out quiet, a mumble though Bianca could only give a quaint, visibly flustered smile— a small chuckle which made Adore a little more happy inside, "Well obviously, wasn’t gonna let you shit around all wet and cold, it get you all sick after.” They unbeknownst to eachother seemed to just perfectly inch together in harmony, wanting to be close to one another as they spoke nonchalant, getting their minds away from what had happened prior. 
“You’re a really good kisser." 
Adore immediately regretted letting the words slip though someone had to say it, she tapped her nails across the white marble counter as Bianca visibly bit her tongue, holding back with a sigh and looking away to hide the flush that infiltrated her cheeks the second she had processed the sentence.
"I know, I get it, I’m just your fucking assistant Adore!” She mocked in louder voice, copying Bianca’s eye motions and hand signals as she spoke, “I came all the way from fucking Brisbane! Work, I work all the time, no time for relationships when there’s work to be done and I have to be your personal file folder!” She paused and felt Bianca’s eyes stare before shaking her head and leaning against the counter, throwing in the towel for this one. 
“I get it.” She finally whispered before Bianca silently turned her back and continued rummaging through the fridge, offering Adore some iced tea which she begrudgingly accepeted with some persuasion.
“We work together, you’re young, you’re famous, you have a life that I just don’t think I could handle. As your assistant already I have pressure but to think of all the stuff that might happen media wise when they find out she’s dating her older, prettier, smarter assistant, I can’t risk it." 
No response from Adore which Bianca couldn’t stand, she always had something to say and this was uncharted territory in their relationship, a new note to write down about Adore: Doesn’t reply or speak when she’s in emotional turmoil.
"So what happened?" 
She knew the question was eventually gonna come, how could it possibly not? Bianca drove to am entire abandoned bus stop just to "rescue” her and make sure she wasn’t stuck in a damn storm.
“I really don’t wanna go into details but basically stuff with my mom, it got messy and I didn’t want to be in the place right now, she was helping me unpack." 
"Say no more.” She went over to Adore and rubbed her shoulders, she seemed like she was about to burst into tears again but Bianca wiped her eyes, shushing her. “Your mom loves you, she has very funny the one time I got to meet her, you’re just stressed and worried about other things." 
Well you can definitely say that again.
Adore slipped from her grasp and nodded, "Whatever.” She grumbled still a bit distraught, Bianca not knowing exactly what to do or how to reply before grabbing her hands again and turning Adore towards her, “Not whatever! She absolutely loves you and I can smell that shit a mile away.” The singer had to crack atleast a small smile before glaring at the countertop that had different bases and ingredients out. 
“It’s called Napoleon Cake, my co-worker and close friend Katya gave me the recipe, she’s from Russia and she said this shit is huge over there." 
Adore was definitely intruiged, "I’ll help you, not as if I have anything better to do for the day.” Bianca threw her a towel and smirked, “It’ll get a bit messy, I’m warning you now." 
"It’s perfect, it’ll blend right in with my clothing and style." 
A knock at the door interupted Katya and Sasha who were aimlessly scrolling around their laptop, searching for flights to Russia, they both discussed the want to go back to Europe and St. Petersburg atleast a tiny bit, just visit Eastern Europe as a whole really. 
"Come in!” Katya yelled before Trixie waved, stepping into the office and holding flowers as well a box of must have been chocolate, the Russian’s jaw dropping as Sasha hit her at the shoulder for her to snap out as the curly and long haired blonde smiled gently, “Hi, I didn’t know you came!” Katya graciously accepeted the gifts though right after she dumped them all on Sasha’s monitor. 
“I know, I told Shea I was and she said you’re in here—” she quickly turned to Sasha who immediately sat up a little straighter once her girlfriend was mentioned, “You must be Sasha!” There was a very honest sweetness in her words, as if she had been dying to meet her for years. “I am, Shea’s girlfriend.” The title still made her smile and a small glimmer of pride always pounded in her heart.
“I know! She always talks about you and how gorgeous you are and definitely wasn’t wrong.” The two hugged before Sasha pointed to Trixie and mouthed, I like her, a bit much but I like her.
Katya waved her off before nervously giving a grin to Trixie who admitted she really came to drop the gifts off and asked if they could go on a date to amusement park together, the one thing Katya couldn’t possibly refuse.
“As if she’s gonna say no.” Sasha spoke with a smirk, glaring at her Russian co-worker, Trixie laughing.
The older Russian’s head whipped to her co-worker, “Не будь жо́пой!” Katya yelled before Sasha cracked into laughter covering her mouth and turning away, pretending to not even pay attention to the conversation though she was listening with nothing but eagerness to Katya and Trixie who were both obviously into eachother but we’re just the tiniest bit shy to show it and often played it off as friendship though they had been on four dates already.
“I would absolutely love to.” She kissed her hand as if she was some kind of southern gentleman. “Good!” She clapped before leaving a kiss with her bright pink lipstick on the blonde’s right cheek, waving goodbye to her and to Sasha who only sucked in her laughter with a polite smile and send off. 
The door closed and Sasha almost cried of laughter, “How is it you’re so well composed, polite and visibly nervous around her but then anyone else you’re constantly screaming, kind of amazing.” Katya flushed, keeping the kiss mark on her cheek before she groaned, slumping in her chair as Sasha dumped her presents on her, “I think it’s love and it’s fucking disgusting." 
Sasha giggled, "Finally, took you long enough.” Katya hit her shoulder before opening the box of chocolates, she was extremely picky with sweets in general and the amount of each ingredient it had to have but this was pretty good, the label read as Swiss chocolate and it was good, though Sasha couldn’t stand most sweets period.
“How are we gonna go back to Russia and get fat if you won’t even eat sweets?” Sasha rolled her eyes at the question before admitting she liked some sweets and in moderation, she never had a sweet tooth as a child either, Katya who devoured the chocolate could firmly disagree about her own views compared to Sasha.
“So are we gonna do this trip or not?" 
"How long?”
The talking paused as Katya pulled up a calendar on her phone, opening her mouth and then scrolling before she finally reached her point, “Let’s go three weeks from April to May.” Sasha shook her head, “Way too long and I don’t wanna leave Shea that long.” She whined though Katya shrugged, “Bring her, we don’t wanna stick to just Russia anyway, why can’t she come?" 
Sasha’s face completely blanched, "No, no, no. I am not taking Shea to Russia, I absolutely refuse.” Katya was definitely confused and a bit worried about how sure she was, “Are you not proud of your identity?" 
"No! Well yes— well no, it’s a privilege whenever politics or violent human right violations aren’t mentioned, but you know how my parents are and why I even came to America in the first place! Not to mention how blantantly racist and homophobic among other things our government and even people can be! I’m not subjecting my girlfriend to that." 
"Then she can stay an extra four days wherever she wants, this isn’t like the United States, we have trains and buses and easy travel country to country, I just wanna go for a few days! The tough thing is you both probably can’t be open in most of Europe period, though I want to definitely stop by Amsterdam!" 
Silence from Sasha, they mentioned bringing Bianca earlier though that was shut down when they asked her and the latina could only reply with, "Adore.” Reminding them that was her lane of work now and with that came sacrifices.
Her fingers ran across her contacts before she clicked the number she needed, waiting for it ring, “Shea!” Katya screamed from the phone she dialed, Sasha yelping and grabbing her phone, “Shea please come to my office, your girlfriend is a wreck!” The constant cursing in Russian only made Katya hang up before Shea could answer, confused on the other end for sure. 
Sasha fixed her hair and closed the tab on her Mac as Shea came in, holding her phone before Sasha stood and gestured her girlfriend over who happily kissed her, putting her hair behind her ear, “So are y'all okay?” Curious as to what the phone call was even about, “Sasha why don’t you lead." 
The Russian embarrassed, looked down at her shoes, groaning though Katya had her arms crossed and smiled, satisfied. "Katya and I want to go back to home to Russia and Europe for three weeks.” Shea didn’t see an issue with this, “Okay, that’s fine, you don’t need my permission to take time off babe.” She leaned against her lover’s desk as she continued, “She doesn’t want you to come because she’s scared you’re gonna uncomfortable in Russia.” Katya finally spoke breaking Sasha’s tension.
Shea frowned, “Sasha you can’t be so worried for me babe.” She smiled and sat with her girlfriend who had a visible sadness glooming over her. “C'mon! It’s so beautiful in all the pictures and videos you show me, I know we can’t be open but that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy myself." 
Tension loomed and Katya broke it with a slap at her shoulders, Sasha still not speaking before Shea pushed her off her chair, the Russians confused until Shea grabbed her girlfriend by the waist and made her sit in her lap, yelling, "C'mon! Let me come! I wanna go to Europe!” She whined extensively, Katya clapped and yelled at Sasha as well who could only smile and shake her head, “If you stop shaking me maybe we can work it out!" 
That was enough of a compromise for Shea to stop though she still sat in her girlfriend’s chair, her arms around her waist tightly as the chair spun a bit, Shea’s feet hitting the floor as Sasha opened her laptop again, handing it to Katya who begun typing into the website, "Okay let’s do three weeks, I don’t wanna go to Russia first, it’s probably the most expensive flight in Europe if we’re thinking logically here." 
"Oh this is a whole vacation! We’re gonna hop around?" 
Sasha kissed her girlfriend’s cheek grinning, "Traveling in Europe is very easy once you get there and Russia we only wanna stay at most five days, don’t need much more." 
"Can we go to Spain? I really wanna visit Valencia and Barcelona." 
Katya waved a hand, pointing to Shea, "She has a point here, the ticket is about five hundred each verses some of the nearby ones that are over a thousand!” Shea winked at her girlfriend who seemed just a bit nervous, “They have a ton of art there, they like invented half of the architecture styles I’m sure, you’ll love it." 
"I’m not worried about Spain, are you sure you wanna come?" 
"I’m absolutely positive, no one else I would rather travel and spend my days with, anytime.” They stared at eachother with such loving and intense bedroom eyes that Katya coughed obnxiously, almost falling out of her chair on purpose, “It was my idea!” She coughed again before they all laughed and Sasha smiled, “I know and I can’t wait to experience Europe with my girlfriend and my long lost sister." 
"H-E-A-R bitch! Here we come!" 
Upon hearing about the unplanned trip to Europe Bianca wanted to kick herself for dedicating herself so badly to her work as she sat, helping Adore, unpack into her new place. It wasn’t too bad, she had begun to even tune out the music that she had blasting from her speaker, the two of them sitting on the lovely and new wood floors as they unpacked and sorted through clothes in her suitcases, Bianca was a master organizer at work and appreciated the time between them that wasn’t work related. 
Adore had inisited they get to know eachother better by asking questions, she was very clearly but nosy and trying to make an impression but Bianca couldn’t complain too badly when she smiled at her, a soft grin across her lips as she reluctantly accepeted. 
However, some interesting things were noted in Bianca’s memory now that they had actually started getting a bit more interesting with questions from the dull basics. 
"What’s a movie you could watch forever, you’d never get bored of it?” Adore asked curious, taking a bite from the pizza that they decided to order since the singer inisited it was the greatest food group of the universe though Bianca would concur with that another day. 
“Well I have two, the first is more a documentary, Paris is Burning, it’s amazing, if you haven’t watched it take notes from it— it was and still is, in my opinion so you know it’s right, the most iconic film about LGBTQ people." 
Adore nodded, definitely intruiged, "Party! It sounds really cool." 
"It’s a film I think everyone should be required to watch atleast once in their life, it’s timeless and always will be but the second is A Star is Born, the original, not the one with Barbara." 
A gasp left Adore’s lips, "Really? I sing The Man That Got Away atleast three times a week, I don’t appreciate anything theatre as much as I probably should.” Bianca was absolutely smitten to hear that, “Do you? I would kill to see you sing it for me." 
"Another day, your turn!” She took another piece of pizza before Bianca pondered, zipping her suitcase closed as they had officially finished sorting through everything they had to.
“When you kissed me, did you mean it or was it only because I was your closure?" 
Unexpected as it was question Adore immediately put her plate down and ran her hand through her long and thick hair, "I did mean it, it wasn’t some stupid fucking joke— you’re a great kisser to boot, fucking asshole." 
Bianca had to cackle at the last bit though immediately her thoughts shifted back, glaring at Adore who only stared at her feet and fishnets, adjusting her shirt before the older woman felt herself bite her tongue, not knowing how to respond though there was only one thought she wanted to get out.
"Kiss me again." 
The singer almost immediately turned and grabbed her hand, the two sitting right next to eachother anyway, her hands held around her shoulder loosely, Bianca feeling a bit red and it was definitely visible. "I’ll only kiss you again if you let me go on a date with you.” She immediately threw Adore’s arms off and she groaned, “Please! What the hell is up with that, you don’t have to do a damn thing after, you already constantly breathe on my neck so what’s the difference if it’s for something more personal?" 
She had a point and Bianca hated it, she was much more witty than anticipated a month ago. 
"Fine, one date and no kissing, no holding hands, you’re officially someone now and you can't—” Adore rolled her eyes and grabbed her face before clashing their lips together, Bianca had never been so happy and offended to be kissed considering she was trying to speak. Her hand’s gently sat on Bianca’s shoulder now, they kissed for atleast one minute and only stopped to breathe, not wanting to let anything detour them from the moment.
“Dammit I didn’t wanna stop but oxygen is something we need I guess.” Bianca nodded though Adore only leaned in again, giving her a soft kiss and whispering, “You’re really cute and soft for someone who tried to murder me atleast twice the first week." 
Bianca shouldn’t be turned on, she shouldn’t be letting his happen, she shouldn’t have Adore draping around her fingertips and be so easily distracted.
"I’m not cute or any of that shit, you called me a clown that first day and you’re wrong, I’m not a clown, I’m the fucking circus.” She whispered back though Adore collapsed into laugher, still having her arms around her shoulder. 
Their lips met again, Adore started the night with nude lipstick but due to Bianca, she now had a clearly distinct red pattern across her lips though that was definitely not a negative. 
“Maybe next week at my gig you can kiss me like that for five minutes instead of warmups.” The seperated and Adore let her arms now hang at her own sides, Bianca could only laugh it off and kiss her again, the two beginning to escalate just a bit though it was impossible for Adore to say no, this is what she had been pinning for the entire time.
“Why can’t we always do this?” She mumbled against her skin, leaning her head on her assistant’s neck, breathing softly as she replied with a quick, “Because you have a career and I want to make sure I’m focusing, I like you, I really do but I’m almost sure this in any world isn’t a smart idea." 
Adore could only brightly smile with a wink, "Well I’ve scored a date so I’m pretty excited.” Bianca fiddled with her fingers and now had to accept the fact of the matter: she was going on a date with Adore Delano. 
This is both the best and the worst thing that could possibly happen to me.
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belillinafireseeker · 5 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following - I don't remember if I sent this for Leon but if not, go for it
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.
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Their first impression of your muse:
First time she had really seen him for more than just a passing glance was at fire fest and she had been seeing him throughout the day when he was there and she kept on hearing him during different performances adding in little comments that made her adore him.  All the little remarks made her chuckle every single time he would say anything and it really endeared him to her.  
  Current impression: 
 Bella finds Leon extremely charming and has an ease about him that puts her at ease, even when in worgen form.  She has come to know him more intimately in recent weeks, and has really enjoyed herself when she has been spending time with him.  She is especially looking forward to going to stormwind for a variety of reasons, but especially to see about this bed he talks about every so often.  
  Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Yeah...Otherwise she would have never gone home with him. 
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Even despite the fact that he can change into a rather large wolf, she really doesn’t feel anything frightening about him.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
How affectionate he can be post intimacy.  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: 
She really doesn’t know him well enough yet to do so.  Maybe in time that will change.
  Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
Yup, she has and will do both again.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
Well, yes but only if it comes to roleplaying.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
Yeah, she has and will happily do both again, among other things. 
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otaku-tactician · 6 years
Complicated characters are good. I'm intruiged by how difficult they are to truly grasp lol. Many of them have likeable and utterly horrendous traits mixed into a single being and it's shocking as it makes it so hard to just simply "like" or "dislike" them. When you feel an urge to battle them, but also the desire to shake their hand. When some of the things they say and do awe you, yet other actions either frighten or strike a sense of contempt or hatred within you.
This really raises the topic of the duality of human nature. Also whilst writing this I sound extremely edgy. Lol i like personality too much! 😂😂😂 I say that but those that are so complex that they become like a puzzle are quite intense and a bit terrifying tbh...
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YES. So, I relate The intensity…in the eyes…frightening yet fascinating and not until I grew and matured did it become so so intruiging and attractively familiar.
I’ve spent so much time with regret the last year and a half. I’m still working on forgiving myself and never has it been as hard as it has with this…but reading this made me realize - maybe I was just too weak, too young, too immature to capture what I could claim. This of course just leads to more confusion about the here and now and the painful impossibilites, but with those aside, perhaps some of my reasons were valid in a way without me realizing it. Not that I was “right,” but that within, I just wasn’t prepared…
Still working on it, I suppose.
Excerpt form “The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson. I am very much enjoying this book!
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milynya · 8 years
Deer in the headlights (Enjoltaire)
My first Enjoltaire-fanfic (actually my first fanfic in the Les mis-fandom) and I’m not a native English-speaker, so I’m sorry if there are some severe mistakes. Anyways: Enjoy, if it’s a little enjoyable, I certainly hope so ^^;
“Met a [boy] in the parking lot And all I did was say hello [His] pepper spray made it rather hard For me to walk [him] home But I guess that’s the way it goes“
It really wasn’t a good story to tell. He fell in love on a goddamn parking lot in the middle of the night, how could that possibly be exciting? Grantaire remembered that he had felt down the whole day, hadn’t eaten since yesterday, hadn’t slept for three days and hadn’t shaved properly for a week. Actually, he was looking for a gas station to buy a drink while trying to convince himself he didn’t need one. Well, he failed gloriously. Who would have expected such a surprising development in the sad story of his life? Probably everybody who ever met him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed the line of parking cars. He wouldn’t make the day without drinking, again. What happened to the bright kid he used to be? All that was left was a wrecked shell, barely able to live. Sometimes Grantaire wished he could become one with the shadow inside the hood of his jacket und just stop existing. He watched his feet walking on and on automatically. It took some seconds toll notice, that there was the sound of another pair of shoes meeting the pavement, much faster than his own. He spotted the back of a guy a little taller than him. Neat suit jacket, nice haircut and a really appealing backside. Maybe that guy knew the closest gas station. He had to have a car parked here after all. Grantaire tried to collect his senses to at least attempt a working conversation. He didn’t come any further than a raspy “He…“ and a thought like ‘Goddamn, I met a fucking angel’ when the guy turned on his heels and something hit him in the eyes, burning like fucking hell chose to make itself a nice new home there. He pressed his hands over his eyes and cursed like his life depended on it. “Shit, are you crazy? Is that pepper spray? Why did you do that?“, he babbled. Must be the shock. What kind of devil was this angel going around spraying people in the eye with pepper spray?! “Jesus“, muttered said angel. “So you’re not one of this homeless-gang-whatever-guys attacking and robbing people around here?“ Well, that hurt almost more than the pepper spray. Grantaire blinked, he still couldn’t see anything and his eyeballs burned like fire. At least angel-boy had been shit at aiming, Grantaire had had worse things meeting his eye properly. “You really know how to compliment a guy“, he answered as drily as he managed. “You don’t happen to have some water that I can wash out my eyes?“ He kept blinking and reached out to steady himself on the car to his right. There had been a car, hadn’t it? “I do actually“, said angel-boy, his voice sounding much smaller than before. Grantaire felt a bottle been pressed into his hand and he let the water dripp onto his eyeball. A reliefed sigh escaped him as the world reappeared before him. Then he saw angel-boy and that was that. As easy as breathing, he fell in love. Well, not quite as easy, it was a lot more painful. Maybe it was a good story to tell after all.
“Tell me again, was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye? Didn’t you know love could shine this bright? Well, smile because you’re the deer in headlights.“
Oh, and what a complete asshole In-love-him was. Teasing, arguing, insulting to cover up how completly vulnerable he felt. Goddammit, he couldn’t even handle his life when nothing happened and now he should cope with it with everything happening at once? Because a lot began to change and it started with the angel insisting to drag him along to a bar to meet a friend of his who should take a look at his eyes. Grantaire joined their strange club faster than he could pronounce 'cult’. Luckily for him, it wasn’t a cult after all, but just a naive idea by a bunch of young people. He probably would have joined it anyway, he never knew what was good for him and what wasn’t and he had an angel-like, no, godlike reason to bear whatever shit they were planning to do, just so he could drool a while. He even remembered to shower sometimes and relearned to make conversation with the weird people his favourite god collected. Granted, he rather liked them. They were intruiging unconcerened what others thought about them. But yeah, back to him being an asshole. He just couldn’t shut up, keep his stupid opinions to himself. In the unbelievably short time of two minutes mere presence and two sentences, he managed to upset Angel-Enjolras so much, that he outright shouted at him and in addition cause a chaotic discussion among the rest of his friends. So much for drooling silently. But hey, Enjolras was breathtaking anyway and his fury was like being in the middle of a thunderstorm, frightening and electrifying at the same time. Like a deer in the headlights. He hadn’t felt this alive for a long time. Love at first side with a force of nature. He was so screwed.
“Met a [guy] with a graceful charm But when beauty met the beast he froze Got the sense I was not [his] type By the black eye and bloody nose But I guess that’s the way it goes.“
Enjolras was fuming. They had about Jehan, about his long hair and his wide trousers and colourful shirts. He liked to think that a lot of things could be resolved by talking and explaining. But dear god above, a fist was so much more effective sometimes. He wiped the bit of blood of his face that was dripping out of his nose and eyed his bruising hand. He had to calm down, to breath. They had paid for their stupid, narrow-minded mobbing-campaign. Now he had to find somebody to look after his hand and he was a little reluctant to call Combeferre again. He felt guilty for always making his best friend patch him up, especially because he had warned him to solve problems this way. And yes, he knew it too, that it was wrong trying to beat some sense into idiots, but he just couldn’t see Jehans look again, every time they had to pass this part of the city. It just…wasn’t fair. Wait, didn’t Grantaire live around here? He did and his look was more shocked than Enjolras had ever seen him. “Hello, Grantaire“, was everything that came out of his mouth. Wordlessly Grantaire let him enter and he continued to be silent, until he had cared for every single wound and Enjolras had thought about a dozen time, that even Combeferre’s lecture would have been better than this. This silence, the gritted teeth and the looks. Jesus, he knew he had a black eye, but was it really that bad? Usually, Grantaire liked to watch him and Enjolras liked that Grantaire liked to watch him and how he liked to watch him. Just a little bit. But it seemed like a black eye and a bloody nose weren’t exactly his type. He wasn’t disappointed, or was he?
“Tell me again, was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye? Didn’t you know love could shine this bright? Well, smile because you’re the deer in headlights.“
Enjolras confusion had just begun then. He didn’t know before how careful Grantaires fingers felt on a bruise or on his cheek. He didn’t know the concentration in his eyes while cleaning the last rest of blood of his face and he certainly didn’t know how much he liked to watch this man himself. And of course by watching he couldn’t help but notice a few things. How he had trimmed his beard to an atttactive stubble. How he wore clothes with less questionable stains on them and how he drank less. And he liked what he saw, how gentle Grantaire was with his friends, making them laugh and cheering them up. How well he fit into the group and after all: How he had grown onto Enjolras himself. He liked to have his strong voice speaking against him. He liked how he keeps teasing and testing until they argue and he even more liked it, when they get along well again after the steam is out of their arguements. It hurts sometimes, but it’s part of their strange friendship. Enjolras wouldn’t want to miss it and he finds himself standing before this thought wide-eyed like a deer in the headlights.
“It’s suffocating to say But the […]male mystique takes my breath away So give me a smile or give me a sneer 'Cause I’m trying to guess here. […]“
His first try bringing it up Bossuet hit his head so hard on the table by accident, that he fell unconscious. Enjolras felt a little reliefed, he didn’t feel prepared for this conversation at all. The second try, Grantaire had a really bad day. They ended screaming at each other, then avoided each other for two days, till they both made some shitty attempts at apologizing. Enjolras felt irritated, but not yet in a bad way. The third try, Enjolras was called by his co-worker mid-sentence and he had to leave to help at his work-place. He started to feel mildly annoyed. And then the fourth try, Courfeyrac joined their table telling a terrible joke and the right mood was gone. Enjolras was frustrated, outright frustrated. So, no wonder that at fifth try, he didn’t want to give anything a chance to get between Grantaire and his love confession, so he just kissed him hard, lifting him up by his homeless-person-jacket. Grantaire froze for a total of two seconds, before he kissed back with all the force of his short-grown existence. The first thing he said after breaking the kiss was: “I should have brought a pepper spray.“ Was that… a rejection? Enjolras frowned till Grantaires face nearly split in half as the biggest of smiles found his lips and he pulled Enjolras down to kiss him again very enthusiastically.
“Tell me again, was it love at first sight When I walked by and you caught my eye? Didn’t you know love could shine this bright? If life was a game you would never play nice If love was a beam, you’d be blind in both eyes Put your sunglasses on 'Cause you’re the deer in the headlights […]“
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horrortoyou · 6 years
The Best Horror Movies of 2018 So Far
best horror movies  of 2018
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Hot damn, 2018 is turning out to be one serious year for repulsiveness. Around this time a year ago, Blumhouse had just conveyed the one-two punch of Split and Get Out, and that was just the beginning of a string of frightfulness hits that finished in IT turning into the most noteworthy earning blood and gore flick ever. So it's sheltered to state this year beyond any doubt has a ton to satisfy, however with the absolute most foreseen titled of the year still on the docket, it's as of now simple to see this is a standout amongst the most energizing and effective years with sickening apprehension history.
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The lineup has run the range from educated and existential fear to shocking retribution spine chillers and abuse twisted loathsomeness comic drama. We've discussed "raised repulsiveness," did the calmest popcorn chomping ever in A Quiet Place, recollected the amount we cherish Nicolas Cage, and delved profound into discussions over testing films like Annihilation and Hereditary. It's been an extremely solid year for the class, to be sure.
We're keeping this rundown bound to films that have been discharged in 2018 — be it dramatically, carefully or on a spilling administration — so you won't perceive any unreleased celebration top choices on here, yet we'll be refreshing the rundown consistently. Also, with movies like Halloween and Suspiria on the docket, we have a ton to anticipate,
A producer who's never substance to avoid any risk, Steven Soderbergh chose to handle enormous thoughts with little means in Unsane, another mental blood and gore flick shot totally on an iPhone (however as a matter of fact with some huge spending focal points and programming). The organization may appear to be a hacky contrivance, however in Soderbergh's grasp, it works, conveying a bizarre closeness to the skewed story of biting suspicion and society's preposterous hesitance to trust ladies. Claire Foy proceeds with her ascent to the best as Sawyer Valentini, a youthful agent who moves to another city after a frightening knowledge with a stalker. When she begins seeing him wherever once more, she starts to scrutinize her very own existence, and after an as well fair treatment session, she coincidentally concedes to a psychological healing facility where she could possibly be caught with the man she's endeavoring to get away. Soderbergh plays with your brain, and that is a large portion of the fun, however it's the manner in which he jabs and goads at the experience of uneasiness and entanglement that makes Unsane such a viable excursion down the rabbit opening. It tends to be somewhat obtuse and schlocky at minutes, yet when Unsane burrows at a nerve, it generally hits, making for a greatly frightening knowledge.
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Mother and Dad
For the wonky, wild awfulness drama Mom and Dad Nicolas Cage reunites with Brian Taylor, who co-coordinated Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, and the broadly OTT performing artist is unmistakably having a great time in the anarchic film. Mother and Dad pursues a suburbs gone to damnation when a puzzling mass insanity plunges on the guardians of the populace, giving them a voracious want to kill their own kids. It's an ideal corruption of the common request, and everybody on board has a fabulous time with the idea, hamming it up and inclining toward the blandness with jazzed merriment. Taylor knows precisely what sort of motion picture he's creation, keeping the run time trim and conveying various camp-frightfulness successions that keep the gathering of people smiling and squirming all through, including a doozy of an appearance from Lance Henrikson and the best utilization of Selma Blair's abilities in 10 years. Mother and Dad is a midnight motion picture to boot and it works so well since it never endeavors to be whatever else.
After three [REC] films, executive Paco Plaza is back behind the focal point of another component film, something that shares some comparative characteristics with the [REC] establishment (short [REC] 3 Genesis), particularly the style, yet in addition how vulnerable Plaza can make a watcher feel inside a specific account. Notwithstanding, there's additionally one champion quality that makes the story profoundly close to home and lifts the force of the film by and large – an extremely solid hero. Veronica was roused by an unsolved case including a young lady who passed on not long after utilizing an Ouija board. In Plaza's film, the title character played by Sandra Escacena does only that and what pursues is to a great degree agitating, however it's Veronica's ground-breaking association with her three more youthful kin that ups the stakes ten times. It's a chilling, personal and exceptionally climatic experience that adds amazingly, one more thing to the endless rundown of motivations to avoid Ouija sheets. — Perri Nemiroff
Immediately, Cargo has outstanding amongst other theoretical snares of any blood and gore flick this year — a man chomped by a zombie has merely hours to locate a sheltered place for his baby girl in the end of the world before he turns. It's basic, it's solid, and you're in a split second intruiged — luckily, it's additionally supported by a pitch-ideal execution from Martin Freeman and a delightfully shot take a gander at provincial Australia that gives the zombie kind a truly necessary new setting. Freeman stars Andy, the dad being referred to, executives Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke furnish the performer with the ideal job for his reality fatigued aura, giving him a ton to bite on in a quieted, driven execution. Savvy with being excessively shrewd for its own great, Cargo relies on the groups of onlookers comprehension of how zombie films function, without turning into a meta-critique, or, in other words change of pace in a class that is simply beginning to break out of a time of staleness.
The Ritual
It's been a long sit tight for David Bruckner's first element film, however luckily, it was justified, despite all the trouble. The movie producer behind champion sections in Signal and V/H/S made his element make a big appearance this year with The Ritual, a Netflix unique that dives into the well of disgrace and lament to mine piercing, unmistakably grown-up dread. Goodness, and there's a quite extraordinary beast as well. The Ritual pursues four companions into the forested areas, where they adventure out grieve the passing of a dear companion, yet once they're there, a spindly, hardly observed animal frequents them consistently. Bruckner takes as much time as is needed building the dread, offering brief looks at their colossal stalker and utilizing the common cover of the backwoods further bolstering his good fortune in organizing his alarms, and between the chilling takes a gander at the animal, he takes as much time as is needed fleshing out the injury shared by these old companions and the contentions that would undermine to shred them regardless of whether they weren't being chased by an extraordinary power. The final product is a develop, downplayed blood and guts film that gradually settles in under your skin.
Saw and Insidious co-maker Leigh Whannell conveys his present for chilling ideas to the science fiction classification with Upgrade, a propulsive impact of technophobic fear that joins activity, loathsomeness, and sci-fi to wind up a standout amongst the most engaging movies of the year. Set in a not very new future where self-driving autos and bio-tech inserts twist a generally relatable image of the world, Upgrade pursues Gray Trace (Logan Marshall-Green) on a mission of retribution after a gathering of culprits murder his significant other and abandon him deadened starting from the waist. Everything changes when he's acquainted with STEM, a PC chip embed that enables Gray to move again, yet substantially quicker and superior to anything he at any point did previously, and not generally inside his control. Relying on a totally dazzling physical and passionate execution from Marshall-Green, Upgrade is part tech awfulness, part body frightfulness, and kick ass completely through, showing some savvy course from essayist/performer/maker turned-chief Whannell and demonstrating by and by that this person has a talent for snappy kind thoughts. In the event that you missed it, try searching this one out at home, since it's one of the most slender, meanest old fashioned science fiction rushes of the most recent decade and in a simply world, Marshall-Green's execution would be all the rage.
French movie producer Coralie Fargeat creates a treat shaded, sun-soaked bad dream of survival and retaliation in her singing directorial make a big appearance Revenge. Succintly titled and snappy to summon the oft-dull custom of the assault exact retribution subgenera, Revenge offers a more instinctive, refined, and a la mode turn on the material that never shies from its abuse roots. Flipping the male look on its head in a demonstration of subversive viewpoint moving, Fargeat challenges the crowd to denounce her explicitly uninhibited hero, Jen (Matilda Lutz), for her short skirts and Lolita-designed enchantment. While on a sentimental escape with her wedded sweetheart, the platinum blonde wannabe on-screen character teases and displays, sucking on a candy and granulating on her darling's companions, however when the snapshot of infringement arrives, it conveys a striking censure to injured individual disgracing and "what was she wearing?" attitude, uncovering the attack for what it genuinely is — the activity of a couple of frail, entitled, and frantic men. From that point on, Revenge is a jamboree of bloodletting as Jen first tries to get away, at that point survive, and at last overwhelm her attackers in a fierce, blood-heaving representation of resurrection.
Chilly Hell
A fighting Giallo return by method for sex bowed Taxi Driver, Cold Hell is a motor, kickass wrongdoing spine chiller of the most elevated request with a thick damp with sweat sheen of black market grime. Violetta Schurawlow conveys a breakout execution as Özge, an unpleasant cabbie in Vienna, where she spends her evenings grabbing rough and brutal clients, fuelling her inward anger with each new pickup — seethe she doles out every day in her Thai boxing club. When she returns home after another exhausting night in the driver's seat, she observes a grim homicide, and when the killer witnessess her as well, he sets his sights on Özge as his next unfortunate casualty. But, she is the keep going lady on earth you need to upset. Established in prejudice, sex and religion, Cold Hell has more to state than your normal thick spine chiller, and coordinated by Oscar-winning movie producer Stephan Ruzowitzky (The Counterf
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tophj86-blog · 7 years
Memoirs Of An Addict By Christopher Jacobson ive always feared suicide. Death in general frightens me, but to physically take your own life is something that I have trouble imagining. Alone in that dark of a place in your mind where suicide seems to be the only escape. Do the drugs not work anymore? Or are the drugs the reason you've come to this? Either way, you've come to this deep of a level and you're convinced that this one selfish, violent act is the only way to prove your point. Whatever the reason may be, you're determined to put an end to this miserable existence. What is the last thought passing through one's mind just before the bullet adds the punctuation to it? Or deeper yet, and what has always intruiged me about this subject. What next? What happens after your statement is made and the shell of your past life falls to its final, lifeless position? Are you forever trapped like a lost soul, invisible to the world? Watching as your loved ones storm in to the room with that horrifying look upon their faces, because deep down they know what lies on the other side of that locked door since that God awful, loud bang couldn't possibly be anything other than a fatal shot. Praying that when they open the door, it was only an accidental discharch. Perhaps you were cleaning a gun and it fired. Where did you get a gun? And when? And from who? Better yet, why? Your ghostly form only watches as they open the door leading to the most horrific experience one could ever imagine. They die inside and fall to the floor at the first sight of this violent display of horror. What now? Surely, you didn't just hurt yourself. Your family has to live with this sight for the rest of their lives. The endless thoughts of, why? How could you? Or, if i would have only been there? If I had dinner ready 2 minutes faster, I could have stopped this... Because lucky for you, you escaped this traumatic demise with no pain whatsoever. Quick, and easy. Or is that the end of it all? Nothing more, no recalection of a past life, no constant replay of distant fading memories in black and white. Just solid black, nothing... Haunting, how once an existence of life flowing as far as the eye could see, you feel, breathe, taste, and hear life. All around you. Everywhere. Next second, non-ixsisting, darkness. Either way, it is still the ones who loved you when you couldn't possibly find a single attribute about yourself to love just enough to stop you from your attempt to control fate, that end up in utter ruins over this. They feel it all. At times, their pain is possibly so intense that they wish it was them who had died. I get chills when I start to think about it. I get chills when I start to recollect it. I get chills and have to shake it off, when I start to remember it. It is without a doubt the darkest, saddest, and most haunting level of depression that I have ever felt. And yes, the drugs stopped working. They also caused it, and by no means whatsoever were they helping me in any way. The truth about that lifestyle is, drugs will take a hold of you and won't let go. Drugs will change you into a completely different person, ignoring every moral, belief, and value that you hold true to yourself. Drugs will erase your emotions and your spirit. People that you know, people that you consider close to you during this, will be taken away from you. Your "friends" will go to prison. They will become institutionalized. Or worse off, they will die. You will lose jobs, money, respect, possessions, homes, and your kids will be taken from you entering yourself into yet an even deeper level of dispair.. having had felt all of these hardships, still Satan refuses to loosen his grasp on you ever requiring you to endulge more and more in excess until you also die. I write this memoir, not only to remember this pain that I chose to leave behind me, but also in hopes that maybe somebody will take a glance at it and suddenly feel inspired to change the road they are traveling down. So one day my daughters can read this and understand what had happened. Also because if I hadn't changed, that fatal loud bang very well may have been the last choice I ever made...
Source: my heart
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