2022dirt · 1 month
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In Japan, you can buy a pyramid shaped watermelon. They can be very expensive, with this one costing about $1300 or so.
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halfmoon-horse · 1 year
Just ate a bowl of chopped persimmons (with a bit of vanilla ice cream, I'll admit) and honestly it's so nice to find a fruit I like. I couldn't sit and down a bag of them, but they're not mushy or slimy, it's kinda firm and subtly sweety. If a scoop of ice cream is what it takes for me to eat fresh, locally grown fruit, sure.
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newscontinuous · 2 years
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bucketfullofocs · 2 years
Hot Chocolate and Snow Falls - Christmas
@houseofvaricty asked:
(Hawks to Aya) Having enjoyed her baking before, the pro hero didn't even have to think long about what to get Aya for Christmas. In fact, he was out of breath when he approached her, having just finished his last minute preparations. "Heyo, Little Sparrow, looks like I arrived just in time." Hawks raised his glasses and winked at the woman. In his other hand he held a basket. He presented it to her with a smile. In it, on a bed of red and silver tissue paper, lay an assortment of fruits, the variety obviously from all different parts of the country. "Hand picked them myself. I'm sure you'll put them to good use." He chuckled lightly adding, "I wouldn't be against tasting anything you create either." His gaze softened, the smile he wore broadening. "Merry Christmas, Little Sparrow."
Aya didn't expect a gift from Hawks. Really, she hadn't expect much from anyone - she was just happy being able to bring smiles to their faces. The way Hawks had lit up at the cookies and the scarf was amazing to her, making her heart full and happy.
So she wasn't expecting him to land in front of her, making her make a startled little squeaking noise as she looked up at him. Gaze darting to the basket as he handed it over, Aya quickly took it and peered inside, gaping at the fruits that were inside. Fruits from all over the country, some of which were surely hard to get this time of year.
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"Hawks, I - this, um, this is amazing. I, um, thank you! You, um, you'll definitely be the first to try anything I make with these." Maybe some kind of little cakes? Or maybe tarts, or a cobbler - the options were endless.
Carefully moving the basket to hang off her arm, Aya stepped closer to the hero. Reaching out, she wrapped her free arm around him in a quick hug, not lingering in case he was uncomfortable. "Merry, um, Merry Christmas."
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carelessflower · 3 months
On Testing and Qualifying Magnus Lightwood-Bane's Sugar Daddy Behaviors - An Analysis
Multiple arguments have been made against the current High Warlock of Brooklyn, superficially regarding whether this gentleman's reputation as the current Consul of the Clave's sugar daddy is underappreciated or exaggerated. This study aims to dissect the argument with the support of textual evidence throughout the couple's appearances in the series
Paying for their first date
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Taking care of the bill like a gentleman. From this instance, one can assume he takes his gentlemanly courting ritual very seriously, as he also reached for the meal cheques in other occassions
Conjuring and pelping to pick fine clothes for Alec
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On their famous Europe vacation, it is shown Magnus has a habit of magicking tuxedoes, suits, and well-made sweaters for Alec. Now, if he could upgrade that GAP scarf to a Burberry one, it would be much appreciated
Gentleman behavior
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Even though his boyfriend is supernaturally strong with biceps to bite for days and hunts bloodthirsty demons for a living, Magnus would still rather pay someone to carry the heavy luggage than his darling
Luxurious accommodation only
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There has been a previously published study on the expenses for all these places here, so this article will be repeating the same key points:
one night at Istanbul Grand Suite on the Orient Express: $26,000
suite in Belmond Hotel Cipriani: $1,056
suite in Palazzo Manfredi, Rome: $729
It is understandably relatable when one pulls Alec Lightwood and wants to do everything in their power to woo him. For Magnus, it apparently includes never letting Alec stay in any place less than five stars
Letting Alec drive the Maserati
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It costs around $10,860 to rent a red Maserati 3500 GT Vignale Spider for one day. Therefore, it speaks volumes to Magnus's affection for his boyfriend that Alec almost crashes them and the expensive car off a cliff is just a "tiny accident". It is also very likely he buys this type of car later, seeing his husband's fascination with them
Living together in Brooklyn
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Months into the relationship Alec has already possessed a literal key to Magnus's home and proceeds to move in after weeks of getting back together. For other poor souls who are looking for a 3-bedroom brownstone in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the rent would be estimated at around $5000 per month. For the Consul, it certainly would involve a different type of payment method
Alec's magically money-full pocket
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The consul carrying energy bars in his duffle bag instead of using the 15000$ in his pocket guarantees the funniest mental images one could possibly imagine
Enchanting Izzy's whip for Alec's birthday
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Knowing Alec's top wish is to keep his family safe, Magnus chooses to tip his boyfriend's sister's whip in a prized potion to help her on the battlefield. Loving someone to the point you want to protect what else they love
Assisting shadowhunter without payment
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This element may prove to be the strongest supporter of Magnus's claim as THE sugar daddy of the shadowhunter chronicles universe title, seeing how he used to overcharge shadowhunter on their business (deservingly so), and now he is willing to do all kinds of crazy shenanigans without an ounce of money. Whoever's in charge of the Clave's budget better send Alec the biggest, freshest, most expensive fruit basket
Final note
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In conclusion, this research paper does not provide a definitive answer to the argument but encourages readers to draw their own perspectives. Nevertheless, it is a great possibility that in his report, the consul stated he used 10-20 dollars each week while he was traveling across the world, going to Japan when he craved sushi and staying in the finest places, all thanks to his generous husband
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43
@khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward
@noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible
@kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @goldendreams3 @cityofdownwardspirals
@i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt
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earl-grey-teacake · 4 months
Omg we need the Fernando Aston Martin story! It would be hilarious like just imagine George trying to convince Logan that he should drive for Mercedes but Logan doesn’t even know what he is talking about and because he practised his lines with Fernando he does not agree😂
Sorry it took so long 😅
"Logan, what's your favorite team?" George asked, his eyes laser-focused.
Unlike his father, Logan was more preoccupied with the green cap in his arms. "Aston!" He yelled, holding the cap up with the biggest smile on his face.
The response did not elicit the same effect with George sighing and Toto looking displeased, a silent "fix this". Lewis seemed quite amused at the situation, already texting Fred to get a team kit in kids size for Logan.
"No, it's Mercedes. Can you say Mercedes?" Stress evident in George's voice.
"Mercedes!" Logan smiled and pointed at the Mercedes logo in the engineer's room.
Lewis leaned over the table and asked, "Buddy, who's your favorite driver?"
Logan paused for a moment, looking up at the ceiling, his face pensive. "Alonso!"
"Ugh!" George put his head in his hands.
It was bad enough he foolishly let Fernando babysit Logan, "something something bonding with his nephew". Logan had come tottering back, happy from an exciting game of tag and lots of $200 Japanese grapes, going on and on to Shov, Marcus, and Bono about how "Aston was so fun" and their "Car is really fast" and the most egregious of all, "Aston is the best!" "Alonso is the best!"
Some of the engineers smiled while Toto's frown deepened. Lewis laughed, "Why? Why is Alonso your favorite?"
Like being asked to recite the alphabet, Logan recounted the script Fernando had him memorize, earning a fancy grape as a reward for each line he recited perfectly. "Alonso is the bestest driver in the world. He is fast, and cool, and really smart. He is better than the grid.”
Each word was slow, methodical, and said with a smile. Logan looked up expectantly at the crowd, clearly expecting a reward or praise for his perfect recitation.
“I’m going to kill Fernando!” George scowled as James Allison started to look at the upgrade package, deciding on what could be implemented for the next race that would leave Aston Martin in the dust. The others returned to their work, emboldened by a sense of either deep competition or revenge.
“Logan, come here. We’ll leave everyone to do their work” Toto called out. Logan hopped off the car and followed him, the green cap in hand. Maybe with enough treats, Logan can unlearn whatever ridiculous thing Aston Martin taught him. If Mercedes needed to fly in expensive fruit from Japan, they can write it off as a business expense.
Official F1 Group Chat [official use only]
George: watch your back Fernando
Lando: Woah
Max: ???
Charles: is this an official thing?
Carlos: what happened?
Alex: George
Fernando: what did I do?
George: you know what you did! Lance too!
Lance: What did I do?
George: brainwashed my son into an Aston Martin fan
Lando: 😧
Charles: 😮
Max: 😨
Carlos: 😬
Lance: it’s not brainwashing! He just saw the truth😎
Fernando: 😎 no regrets
Lewis: to the brainwashing?
George: I’m sending you both into a wall
Alex: George
Lando: bit of an overreaction
Fernando: Soon Oscar will see the light that is Aston Martin
Lando: Stay away from my son
Carlos: 😨
Thank you for the ask! I had a lot of fun answering this!
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You mentioned once that Mai Valentine likes her sweets boozy and also you had a bunch of other preferred flavor profiles for TPOFATGIF. Any chance of something similar for AEIWAM?
I know Kubo made canon notes on everyone's favorite and least favorite foods, but this is for the AEIWAM versions of the characters. Here's much of the cast's food preferences, as characterization practice:
As much as he gets teased for it and his name, Ichigo loves him some fruit. He will inhale any fruit or juice left unattended within arm's reach of him in seconds. Melons, berries, pineapple, pears, guava- he does not care. There is fruit, it's going in him. Isshin is pleased his son likes healthy snacks but sometimes the grocery bill can get alarming. Ichigo's least favorite food is anything with capsaicin in it- being a ginger means he's unusually pain-sensitive and with an equally touchy tummy. It burns on both ends and all the way through the middle too.
Tatsuki likes to joke that the gods were drunk when they made Orihime, and they put her taste buds in backwards. Truth is, Orihime is a sensation-seeking kind of autistic girl and loves novel flavors more than anything else. She read "salt, fat, acid, heat" and took it's advice very literally, so you end up with things like "cream (fat) of tuna (salt) balsamic vinegar (acid) sriracha (heat) casserole" . The only thing Orihime really dislikes is foods she's gotten bored of.
Beef. The boy needs beef. Chad spent his early adolescence on his Grandfather's Cattle Ranch in Mexico, allowed to eat as much red meat as he wanted and his physique shows it. Now he's back in Japan where it's prohibitively expensive and he is DYING. Please. He is a large carnivore. He can't live like this. Chad's least favorite food is ironically, his most reliable source of red meat: the fast food burger. It's not the same. It mocks him.
(More Karakura Gang and Some Captains under the cut)
Uryuu is the son of a doctor and a little weirdo in his own right and he will assemble a baked potato or disassemble a slice of pizza with surgical precision. He just sort of likes customizing his food before he eats it. Hence, his least favorite foods are things where all the ingredients are mixed together and inseparable, like stews and casserole.
Tatsuki is a hot wings afficionado- she likes all the flavors, because there's a lot of really nice flavor interactions in the milder sauces, but also, the hotter the better. She once entered a hot wings eating contest in middle school where every round was hotter than the last and sailed easily into the "scorpion death pepper" round before being declared the winner, much to her disappointment. She was still hungry, and those were a 5/10 at most for her. Tatsuki's least favorite food with anything with even a hint of clams or other mollusc shellfish in it. She hasn't been diagnosed with an allergy, but given her extreme aversion to shellfish, she's not going to press her luck.
Keigo lives on a rancid diet of junk food, novelty soda, and instant ramen and likes it that way, thank you. Ichigo periodically makes him eat an apple at sword point to get some kind of fiber and vitamin into him. Keigo's least favorite food is anywhere can't cook in a microwave, and all vegetables.
Mizuiro is way too vain about his skin and hair to live on Keigo's garbage raccoon diet, but he can't cook to save his life. His favorite foods are multivitamins and everything he can get delivered, and his least favorite is anything deep-fried and greasy
Rukia was raised in fantasy medieval Japan, but is a "I'll try anything once!" Girl and this has lead to her favorite food being Oregano. Favorite condiment. Puts it on everything, even ice cream. Once things calm down a little when she returns to soul society, she gets Orihime to send her a "care package" of assorted spices, snacks and modern "puzzle" foods (juice boxes and ramune) to show to Byakuya, who starts inviting friends and coworkers over to try these things too, and the resulting video makes Ichigo laugh hard enough to rip out a few of his stitches. Rukia's least favorite food is jellybeans, because she can never remember the flavors and keeps putting bad combinations of them in her mouth.
Like Chad, Renji needs his fucking protein, and sure loves him some beef, but he's also got that ADHD Hyperfocus going on and regularly forgets to eat so while he's not specifically partial to the flavors, his favorite food in terms of 'keeping him alive and hale' is nutritional protein shakes. Like Ichigo, Renji is also partial to fresh fruits and has the spice tolerance of a recipe blogger from Kansas, but he does have an extremely strong aversion to Bananas that he refuses to explain.
Byakuya is a sensation-avoidant autist who has had his aversions largely ignored in favor of "you need to uphold the clan honor by being POLITE at this dinner and EATING WHAT YOU ARE SERVED, you can throw up in private later", so his regular diet is quite mild and limited, which moderately terrified Unohana (she IS partially responsible for keeping him alive). A chance encounter with Zaraki Kenpachi accidentally saved the Kuchiki line because he introduced a New Food to Byakuya by being normal about it, and now Byakuya loves BEANS. All of them. Red, Black, Soy, Kidney, Mung, Great Northern, Purple String, Adzuki, Anasazi, Edamame, Pinto, Pole, Striped, Yard, Garbanzo and Navy. Peas too- English, snap, snow, lentil, black-eyed and split. Paired with already-acceptable rice, this makes his limited diet startlingly nutritionally complete and high in fiber. He'll never eat squid or octopus again if he can help it though.
AEIWAM Zaraki Kenpachi was raised by eagles and it shows through in weird places, like how he insists on eating poultry and fish bones like his mother taught him to. In fact, the bones from deep-fried chicken are his favorite, and he will help himself to the bones other people don't want. He has a cast iron stomach that rarely gets upset and a notable sweet tooth, but is extremely picky about texture. This surprises some people who think that living as a beggar for a few centuries means he'd eat anything, and comes as no surprise to anyone who HAS been that destitute- an off texture is often your only warning before a potentially lethal case of food poisoning. Hence, Kenpachi's least favorite foods are anything "slimy", which puts him off many sauces and seaweed-based dishes.
AEIWAM Zaraki is significantly more amiable and cunning than his canon counterpart because, realistically, he had to keep Yachiru fed. No village will let a random murder-hobo in to eat, especially if he's broke, so Zaraki got exceptionally good at ingratiating himself with strangers and getting hired at odd jobs in a hurry. This was an extremely sharp learning curve because he found Yachiru when she was an infant and not yet weaned, and he had to go to some fairly extreme measures to get milk for her. It's a point of pride for him that his little girl has never gone to bed hungry, even if he did. Yachiru is very aware of the fact she has historically eaten better than her father, despite his best efforts to disguise it, so her favorite foods are anything she can share with him- bags of small candies or chips or other snacks she can divy up and insist he eat too. She gave Zaraki his sweet tooth sharing candy like this, but anything she can share while eating is a favorite. Her least favorite is boiled vegetables. There is nothing that can make boiled broccoli worth eating.
Retsu Unohana has severe ADHD and makes food choices based first on the dopamine reward she gets from eating them, and the medical knowledge of "you need vitamins and fiber too, bitch" second. She would live on high-octane coffee with an excessive amount of sugar and cream if it were nutritionally complete, but alas. She does have a notes fondness for organ meats like liver, kidneys and lungs because they taste "richer" to her, and the novelty appeals as well. However, she has seen the horrors of what The Wrong Mushroom will do to a human body up close far too many times, and it's put her off eating fungi entirely. She'll eat her own hand before she'll eat a mushroom.
Food is both a joyful and distressing experience for Sajin. Joyful, because his exceptionally sensitive sense of smell and taste means he gets to experience layers to even the most simple foods that humans can't even begin to comprehend. Distressing, because humans have a very weak sense of taste and over-season their food accordingly, often with poisons. A lot of the reason he started wearing a helmet was less about fear that humans would attack him for being a wolf man, or that he would inspire undue fear in others, and more that he has a hard time saying "No" to people, who keep unwittingly offering him food full of toxic onions or worse, grapes. The helmet was not easily removed, and kept the dangerous gifts at bay. Fortunately, modern humans are more aware of things that will poison him and more willing to make accommodations on his behalf. Still, his least favorite food is Raisins, which keep being added to otherwise perfectly good dishes, like someone deciding to sprinkle a bit of Water Hemlock in their tacos. He still keeps the Occasional "Carnivore Outing" he and Zaraki take to the distant mountains to celebrate their shared cultural heritage a secret though, because he's not sure most of his friends and colleagues are ready to learn that his favorite food is "Elk bone marrow, either still hot from the kill or after it's been buried in dirt for a week", but at least these days he has Zaraki "You know how it is with Liver and Eagles" Kenpachi to commiserate and split the carcass with.
Kaname did his required tour of duty in the living world in Oaxaca, Mexico and while he was there he developed a taste for Chapulines, or fried grasshoppers. He didn't mention this delicacy when he returned to soul society, not out of fear that people would think he was a freak- his coworkers already largely did, either because of his blindness or his Blackness, if not both- but because one of the few coworkers who he genuinely liked and got along with was Lieutenant Mashiro, whose favorite animal is Grasshoppers. His least favorite food is any alcoholic beverage or boozy dessert, because the one time he tried drinking with some friends from Shinigami academy, he developed a case of the spins just two drinks in and immediately became completely disoriented and couldn't right himself, and quickly became too nauseous and panicked to speak. His friends were having a GREAT time and thought Kaname was doing his usual wallflower nonsense until Liza Yadomaru finally realized something was amiss and she and Love Aikawa ended up taking him on a drunken sprint to the emergency room. He got better by morning but now even the smell of alcohol makes him feel sick again.
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Here I am back at it again with the Boueibu food analyses //bricked
I’ve been staring at the Melon Monster for years, trying to unpack what “the melon was just playing melon” and “melons are tops” meant because it’s definitely interesting wording, but nothing was coming up… until I came across a collection of articles and videos talking about the Yubari King Melon, a hybrid cantaloupe that has been specifically cultivated for its desired traits and is subsequently considered “the best melon” in Japan.
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To be considered a top-grade melon, one must be perfectly round and have an exceptionally smooth rind. Upon harvest, part of the stem is left on top to add to its aesthetic appeal. [x]
Hmmmm don’t you look familiar!
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As the Melon Monster alludes to, the Japanese fruit industry is an interesting rabbit hole to fall down, but this video offers a pretty good insight into the Yubari melon specifically.
According to this article, the Prince melon was developed in Japan and first sold in 1961, gaining immediate popularity in average households due to its low price. On the opposite end of the melon spectrum, the Yubari melon (developed in 1951) is exclusively grown in Yubari, Hokkaido and is so expensive it is considered a luxury fruit, which is in no small part due to its limited availability each year and sought after sweetness/aroma. Yubari melons are often given as gifts to show appreciation during the summer gift-giving season Ochugen and there are annual auctions where pairs of these melons regularly sell for millions of yen.
Furthermore, according to another article I found, the history of melons in Japan goes all the way back to the Makuwa (oriental melon), which Uriya gets his name from and which allegedly came to Japan during the Yayoi period (3rd century BC to 3rd century) via China. How prestigious! That certainly explains the choice of costume and no wonder the poor Melon Monster remarks that his existence is anachronistic when told by his peers that melon is just another fruit nowadays!
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Here he is, trying his best to be a Yubari melon, cherry-picking what he thinks are his best and most interesting traits in an attempt to meet the expectations of others around him as someone with value, and the Battle Lovers immediately curb stomp every single one of his efforts by not only outsmarting him in the most effortless way possible (using the internet to solve his riddles and surviving his traps as though they were a children's obstacle course) but mistaking him for a common melon. The melon (Makuwa) was only playing melon… playing at something he could never hope to be… pretending that anyone could ever see value in him. But he is only an ordinary melon, so why would anyone go the extra mile for that?
[With this in mind, I feel like this monster must have sprung into existence as a result of a conversation about the popularity of melons similar to the origin of the Chikuwabu Monster (many thanks again to @intra-fiducia for the wonderful translations!! <3). XD]
On a side note, I wrote briefly about the paulownia box being a representation of how Uriya is trapped by his own anxieties and self-consciousness in his attempt to meet everyone’s expectations, but I didn’t realize that sometimes the gift of melon is delivered very cutely in one. So there’s an extra layer to that line about no longer needing to stay in one! Melon can be enjoyed in many forms and varieties, like the Battle Lovers said! He doesn’t have to be the best because the people who like melon pan, melon soda, and shaved ice will like him just the same for what he already is.
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volleypearlfan · 1 year
Where are the teenage/YA cartoons?
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Recently, two cartoons that were slated to be on Cartoon Network, Unicorn: Warriors Eternal and My Adventures With Superman, are now going to be on Adult Swim.
To me, this move makes no sense. These shows could have diversified Cartoon Network’s very barebones lineup, but they were shoved to Adult Swim. I sorta understand Unicorn, as it is dark (but definitely not on the same level as Primal, one of Genndy Tartakovsky’s other shows), but My Adventures with Superman? That show seems pretty innocuous. It has a bright color palette and doesn’t seem similar to Harley Quinn or the later seasons of Young Justice.
This reminds me of the desperate need there is for teen/YA-oriented western cartoons. In western animation, there are three primary audiences:
Preschoolers; anything rated TV-Y, shown on PBS Kids, Nick Jr, Disney Junior, or Cartoonito. Example: Doc McStuffins.
Big kids/elementary school crowd; anything rated TV-Y7, can be seen on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. Example: The Amazing World of Gumball.
Adult; anything rated TV-14 or TV-MA, seen on Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or the prime time Fox lineup. Example: Rick and Morty.
That’s it. Despite what the rating of TV-14 might lead you to believe, the stuff on Animation Domination or Adult Swim isn’t targeted to teenagers, obviously.
This leaves teenagers in a weird spot when it comes to watching cartoons (western ones, that is. They definitely watch anime). They tend to stick with big kids and/or adult cartoons, like Avatar. With all of the heavy subject matter it and Korra tackle, they definitely feel more like teenage cartoons, especially since they were inspired by anime.
I bring up anime because they have clearly defined demographics, including teenagers. They have manga/anime for teenage boys, shonen (Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z), and teenage girls, shojo (Fruits Basket, Kamisama Kiss, Yona of the Dawn).
Shojo anime (except Sailor Moon) pretty much never air on American TV, but when shonen anime are exported here, they end up on Adult Swim’s Toonami block. For example, Demon Slayer aired on Toonami (they had to stop airing it because it got too expensive), and in America, the Mugen Train movie was rated R. This despite Demon Slayer being aimed at teenagers, and also being enjoyed by small children in Japan. They even had a Japanese Happy Meal promotion that ran alongside Pretty Cure, a show that actually is aimed at small children (kodomomuke).
With America’s teenagers flocking to anime, I believe that the American animation industry should keep up with the times and try to capitalize on the teenage demographic instead of shoehorning shows to be for elementary schoolers or adults.
Here are some western cartoons I believe could be classified as YA/teenage shows:
Avatar and Korra, as mentioned above.
Most cartoons aired on MTV, such as Daria, Beavis and Butthead, and Clone High. It helps that MTV itself was aimed at teenagers. Aeon Flux is an exception however, as it is clearly for adults. They’re often shoehorned into the category of “adult animation,” but their subject matter is more appealing to teens.
6teen. It’s right there in the title! Canada knows what’s up.
Total Drama, another Canadian cartoon. I know that they made the younger-skewing DramaRama spin-off because teenagers weren’t watching cartoons anymore, but now that the main show is coming back, it will definitely be aimed at teenagers again.
Sym Bionic Titan, yet another Tartakovsky show, pretty much is a teen/YA show, minus swearing. If I remember correctly, it aired on Toonami for a little while.
Regular Show. The most obvious example of a YA cartoon disguised as a kids cartoon.
Infinity Train. Never forget that it was cancelled because “no child entry point.”
As Told By Ginger is essentially a teen drama in animated form.
Invader Zim - Nickelodeon asked Johnson Vasquez to make a show directed towards older audiences, got exactly what they wanted (most of the viewership was from teens and adults, especially of the shops-at-Hot Topic variety) and cancelled it anyway.
Arcane is technically an adult series, but League of Legends is rated T by the ESRB, so I’m putting it in the teen/YA category (there IS a distinction between ‘young adult’ and ‘adult’)
I highly doubt that the likes of Nickelodeon will add a teenage animation block to their lineup (and TeenNick is nothing but iCarly reruns), but I hope that streaming services will start capitalizing on the YA demographic for western animation. Bee and Puppycat is a good start, featuring relatable young adult situations while technically being watchable for all ages. At least Unicorn is gonna air on ACME Night, which isn’t too late in the evening (currently, the block starts at 5:30 EST). And with Clone High and the aforementioned Total Drama making a comeback, I’m holding out hope for more YA animation.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
I'm just gonna dump this here to another watermelon hater
Pretty self indulgent
Context? You're pregnant with your first child and your husband fulfills a promise from your dating days.
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You couldn't believe the betrayal.
After 6 years together. After spending countless nights bare in front of each other, telling deepest secrets, sharing fond memories. You couldn't believe it as your twitched at the sign of your husband arriving home.
How could he?
"Hey baby!" He smiled like he was fucking innocent "I'm back!" He shaked a bit the bags he had on his hands.
Fucking asshole.
"Yeah I can see that." You growled while crossing your arms keep your chest as he blinked in false innocense.
"What's wrong baby bird?" He asked but he had that damn smile on.
"THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG YOU JERK!" You shouted while pointing at the cursed bags he was holding.
And him? He laughed. He laughed so hard he had to put them down so nothing break as he almost kneeled over in laughter.
To put some context, Keigo had to go to another country due to his hero job as you staid in Japan, and in there, he saw many fruits at a very acceptable price since Japan was famous for the fruits to be very expensive.
But as soon as his eyes found the dammed fruit he couldn't help but start to chuckle without any control. Both Endeavor and the citizens of the market were staring weird at him for it as he started to take pictures of the watermelon and immediately bought two of it on his last day at the country.
On his way back he had sended you the cursed photos and you had threatened him that you would get him out of the house if he even dared to bring these home.
But of course he did.
"KEIGO TAKAMI HOW COULD YOU?!" You shouted as your husband wheezed.
"I-im sorry! Is just that I had promised when I got you pregnant I would buy these!" He said between laughter.
If looks could kill, Hawks would be twenty feet buried in the ground by now.
You hated watermelon. You hated this fruit ever since you were a child. You didn't actually know where it came this, but everytime you inhaled the smell of the fruit you got nauseous.
Keigo discovered this on your first year of dating you and he had teased you with
"When I get you pregnant I am going to buy at least two watermelons, I like those! Maybe you could get a craving!"
"If you do that our baby is going tk be fatherless." You hissed at the time and he jokingly flinched while calling you mean.
But after five years he had done his promise. And you were about to fulfill your threat as you ran after him as he laughed.
"Wait wait wait dove think of the baby! THINK OF THE BABY-!"
"The baby can live without his dad!"
At night Keigo yawned and frowned when he didn't felt your swollen belly beneath his hand or even you on the damn bed...
He blinked his eyes open and let out a confused sound when he saw the lights on and he got on guard pretty quickly, slowly and steadily leaving your shared room to see the intruder.
Only to stare at the scene in front of him in shock and almost having another laughing attack.
You were eating the watermelon with some heavy cream on top.
"Not a freacking word bird brain." You growled as he busted in laughter.
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rogerdeakinsdp · 3 months
so i've fallen down a rabbit hole of watching videos of foreigners travelling and/or moving to russia, and i need to rant bc even my mom is tired of me talking about, every time we're in the kitchen together she's like "have you found another one?" and i'm like "yeah 😔" ........ anyway
i'm not saying there's something inherently wrong with the people who choose to come to russia, especially after february 2022, but i'm not not saying it. i definitely don't trust them, and i assume they're right wing until proven otherwise. most of the people who come stay in moscow/st petersburg, none of them travel outside of the european part and GEEE I WONDER WHY. none of them are poor and most of them have questionable politics to begin with
there's this one american guy who tours TYPICAL/LUXURY supermarkets in russia and out of all of them he's the most popular right now. and even if he understands the concept of currency and how the exchange rate actually works, most of the commenters don't. "a liter of milk is only 80 cents" first of all, that's 950ml AT BEST, could be 800 or 750, and that's not cheap. "coffee is only 5 dollars" 450 for instant coffee is a lot. "look at these shelves in the middle of all those sanctions. does it look like the people are starving????" if you don't understand the details of sourcing produce don't draw stupid conclusions. like sure there's bread and milk and local meat because it's local, there's less variety and everything is more expensive, but there's still some stuff. you have to look at cosmetics, cleaning supplies, fruits and veggies, oils, cookies, drinks, alcohol. the first wave of sanctions that really hit the stores was in 2014 and you weren't there my guy. and even now like the pads are so expensive, and you get chinese brands that aren't as nice, and i can't get my favorite oral b dental floss anymore
there's another american guy who went to the grocery store to buy some pastry, 2 fruity drinks and 3 bottles of water. "omg just 11 dollars" 1100 is expensive!!! you can get like 25 different kinds of pasta that will last you months! "had lunch. only 30 dollars" 3k for a lunch that's just some vareniki and pirozhki?????? are you insane???? "just 30 dollars" fuck off. and the people he meets.... there was one girl from krasnoyarsk, and he asked "is that in the asian part of russia?" and she was like "that's in the middle of russia, asia is far way" GIRL WHAT THE FUCK???? you should know better. nobody thinks of western siberia when they say "the middle of russia" they mean central russia and you know it. krasnoyarsk is in the asian part of russia
there's another american guy who moved to russia to raise his family because russia is more like what the god intended, and they respect family values here and all that right wing bullshit. he sold his what looks like a $400,000 house in the states SO OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS CHEAP HERE YOU STUPID FUCKING SHIT!!!! "they have organic food here, no gmo, even the milk here isn't pasteurized" all milk in stores is pasteurized you dipshit!! "there's no racism here, they treat immigrants really well" because you're american!!!! they don't treat people from central asia, or indigenous peoples, or people from the caucasus the way they treat you!
there's a dutch guy who was surprised that russian people wash their hands when they come home and i don't know what to say????? you don't wash your hands???? gross
there's a japanese guy who also doesn't understand currency. "everything here is cheaper than in japan or finland" yeah i wonder why russia is cheaper than those first world countries, is don't even know why....... and he went to crimea in the last two years.....
there's a korean girl who mostly just vlogs about going to museums, and going to cafes and making food, and it's pretty boring, and she even acknowledged that her experience of russia is different from someone who lives here and it all depends on your economic situation, age, social status, your circumstances, and i just watch her videos looking for something inflammatory which is ?????? but there will be something 👁👁 why did you come girl???
there's another korean girl who went to the red square in a fur coat and no hat in december, which is suspicious........
there's a number of pretty unmemorable foreigners who are like "all my family told me not to come to russia, yet i'm here anyway, i'm gonna try to survive here because i like a challenge" go solve climate change if you like a challenge! knowing that living like me, better than me, with more money than me, is a challenge to someone is truly something..... GO HOME!
many of these people say "there's no restrictions on freedom on speech or freedom of expression, the media lied to us, i'm just a normal guy who wants to live my life with my family, i don't care what the government is doing" you're so stupid. you're so privileged. the commenters on these videos are full of right wingers, people are openly racists in them. it's just a cesspool of awful people.
"people are so nice and welcoming" because you are from the west!!!!!!!
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adachimoe · 1 month
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Watermelon is associated with summer. And as Kanji says, the gang has been so busy with the murder mystery stuff that he hasn't even gotten to eat one yet. People also play a watermelon pinata game, which Nanako thinks you'll be able to do until Dojima crushes her dreams. You might have seen that in other media by now - even in P3R, Junpei tries to get Ken to do it too lol.
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But fruit there can get pricey. Non-banana fruit just isn't a big import. Here's a graph showing fruit imports - only 99 tons of watermelon was imported to Japan during the year P4 came out compared to some 1.1mil tons of bananas. And fruit is grown domestically, but there isn't a ton of farm space for this. Plus fruit is given as a gift, so farmers might weed out the less pretty looking fruit. Overall, this makes fruit cost more than what you might be used to. When I was there in 2023, a decent sized watermelon was around 3000-3500 yen, and it was still tiny compared to the giant watermelons we have in America that are cut into basket shapes to serve fruit during 4th of July.
So this scene is... it's summer, watermelon is on typical summer to-do checklists, but the fruit itself can be expensive, and a neighbor offered one.
As for Kanji...
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Looks to me like he is meant to be shaking salt on there. Last I heard it is not normal to carry a salt shaker around with you lol. But you did tell all of your friends to come over to eat a watermelon, so the guy came prepared to eat a watermelon. He's a professional. (Though you can buy salt tablets and salt candies to put in drinks and other things to help with hydration during the summer. That's ki-kind of like carrying salt around.)
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Kaiju Week in Review (March 10-16, 2024)
"It looks as though its Japanese producers, assisted by a stray American—fellow named Terry Morse, who is an alumnus of Hollywood's Poverty Row—made a close study of the old film, "King Kong," then tried to do substantially the same thing with a miniature of a dinosaur made of gum-shoes and about $20 worth of toy buildings and electric trains." —Bosley Crowther, reviewing Godzilla, King of the Monsters! for The New York Times
"The special effects are hardly special, but hey, what do you expect in a Japanese monster movie?" —Tony Kiss, reviewing Godzilla 1985 for the Asheville Citizen-Times
"Sure it's bad filmmaking. Sure it's a guy—actor Tsutomu Kitagawa—clad in a nearly vintage latex Godzilla getup and stomping through Tokyo, knocking down cardboard mini-buildings and upending toy-sized cars with his gnarly feet. But that's the point." —Bob Longino, reviewing Godzilla 2000 for The Palm Beach Post
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Godzilla Minus One won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects at the 96th Academy Awards, sending a stunned Takashi Yamazaki (VFX supervisor), Kiyoko Shibuya (VFX director), Masaki Takahashi (3D CG director), and Tatsuji Nojima (VFX artist/compositor) to the Dolby Theatre stage. Said Yamazaki, reading from prepared comments in English, "To someone so far from Hollywood, the possibility of standing on this stage seemed out of reach." I could scarcely believe what I was watching myself, despite having given a presentation for a Wikizilla stream mere hours before on Minus One's very real chances of beating more expensive American contenders. Everything I said about its nomination goes triple for its victory; we'll be talking about this one forever. To those of us who remember when Godzilla was basically a joke in the American consciousness (including my Wikizilla colleague Darthlord1997, who had a speech of his own prepared), it's the ultimate vindication.
Never one to rest on his laurels, Takashi Yamazaki directed an ad for Ajinomoto about food waste which released this week. It features the unsubtly-named Foodlosslla attacking Tokyo and facing an Ultraman-esque defense team. As with Minus One, the ad's visuals are a clever combination of high-end (a detailed CG monster) and low-end (dropping plastic fruit on top of fleeing extras).
Last year, the 4Kids Flashback podcast interviewed Mike Pecoriello, producer and writer for the company's renditions of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Ultraman Tiga, and he delivered some major news about the latter. Although only 23 episodes of Tiga aired in the U.S., 4Kids dubbed the whole thing. At the time of the podcast's recording, he thought he made copies of all the episodes, but while that doesn't seem to be the case, he did provide 4Kids Flashback with the series finale. It's a good deal more serious than the episodes which aired, with the quips kept to a minimum. Let the hunt for the rest commence!
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SciFi Japan has details on Kaiju Yarrow, a Japanese comedy doubling as a tourism ad for the city of Seki. The premise is very self-aware:
KAIJU YARROW! is set in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture. One day, 30 year old Ichiro Yamada, who works in the tourism department of a government office, is ordered by the mayor to produce a "local film.'' However, Yamada, didn't want to produce the typical "mediocre local movies'' that are everywhere nowadays, so he comes up with the idea of making a "monster movie'', which has been his life-long dream. However, his dreams develops into a major incident involving the city government...! Will Yamada be able to complete his life goal of making a monster movie??
Junichiro Yagi will direct; YouTuber Gunpee will star. Unknown quantities both when it comes to kaiju, so how this will turn out is anyone's guess.
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Tickets for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire have gone on sale in the U.S.—and as a reminder, the brief GKIDS theatrical release of The End of Evangelion wraps tomorrow.
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h3rmess · 8 months
Written by @h3rmess ✰
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S1 : Chapter 10 - "From Eros" ☆☆☆☆☆
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I placed the box down on my kitchen counter, looking at the box longingly. I suddenly remembered the message I had sent, telling Fushiguro to come over. I blushed, cursing myself for being in this situation. As I was lost in thought, I noticed a note in the box. I took it out, curious about what it would say.
"Dear Okumoto Seiko,
I heard that you like strawberries so I bought you some. Hope you enjoy them!
From, Eros. ♡ "
It was hand-written, each letter having its own individual flare that got me excited. My heart raced slightly as I wondered about the name. Eros? That's not a typical name in Japan. Could it be a fake name to hide their identity?
I soon figured that this person was most likely on campus, possibly from the sister school, but most likely not from an outsider or non-sorcerer.
I smiled as I looked at the letter once more before a knock echoed through my dorm.
I got up quickly, rushing to open the door. That must be Fushiguro, I thought as I unlocked the door to let him in.
"Hey! Good morning." I greeted him as he smiled, returning the greeting.
"Wow, that's a lot of strawberries." He looked into the box with a shocked expression.
I agreed with him, "Yeah, it must have been really expensive for them to buy. I still wonder who it was..." I placed my finger on my chin, considering the possible culprits. "I wish they would have at least used their own name. I want to thank them." I spoke as Fushiguro hummed in response.
I opened up one of the containers, taking it to the sink to rinse the strawberries. I placed them in a separate bowl, offering them to Fushiguro. I took a bite out of one of them, enjoying the rich flavour of spring bursting through each bite. I looked over at Fushiguro, who was indulged in the fruit. I found myself looking at his lips, which had been slightly tinted, the red of the berries transferring onto them. I smiled a little to myself as he looked over, causing me to look away in an instant.
I cleared my throat before I spoke, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"
"Isn't it a bit early for that?" He asked as I swore at myself. Who watches movies at 8:30am?
I bit my lip, pondering the possible activities we could do when a knock interrupted my thoughts. I looked at Fushiguro as he gestured towards the door. It opened, revealing Yuuji and Kugisaki, who looked like they had just gotten out of bed.
"Please! Can we have some strawberries?" Yuuji begged as I rolled my eyes.
"No." I stated plainly, almost closing the door.
Yuuji got on his knees and pleaded, causing me to laugh.
"Okay, fine. Come in." They entered my door and greeted Fushiguro before sitting down.
"Would you guys like pancakes?" I asked as they all agreed instantly.
I took out the ingredients I had stocked the day I arrived from my shelves. I stood in the kitchen, preparing the batter as they all conversed in my living area. I heard footsteps approach, looking up to see Fushiguro next to me.
"Can I help?" He asked me, almost eagerly.
"You could cut up the strawberries if that's okay?" I suggested as he nodded.
I handed him a butter knife and a chopping board, allowing him to get to work.
I put a bit of the batter on the pan, the sizzle satisfying me. As the pancakes cooked, I walked over to see what Fushiguro had done. He has sliced the strawberries, each slice looking like a little heart. I beamed at his work, admiring the effort he had put in. He hummed as I peered over his shoulder.
"Those are cute." I chirped, earning a flustered grin from Fushiguro as I picked one up to eat.
Kugisaki and Yuuji came over a while later to help me plate the pancakes. I placed each one onto a plate, followed by maple syrup and the heart-shaped strawberries.
We sat at a table and ate.
"This is really good!" Yuuji exclaimed, his mouth half full.
"Mhm!" Kugisaki hummed in agreement.
Fushiguro looked at me with a nod and a smile.
At this moment, I realised that life here in Tokyo was going to be a lot different than I imagined. With my new friends, the experience would be thrilling and pleasurable. The blue of the sky casted a ray of content over the thriving city, my heart raced with anticipation, wondering if a season of endless blue awaited us.
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@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @eternalalmondd @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins @samutoru @lysaray
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
The night stalker ch.2
The unexpected happened.
Ch.1 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 A03
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Triggered warning: reader gets sexually assaulted in this so you have been warned!! Sorry for this chapter being a bit short but I'll do the next a bit long!! Every chapter will be posted on Tuesday! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
As I quietly walk into the street and into the crowd of people as I look at my phone to see if Katsuki messages me back.
I looked upwards to my surroundings, people heading to work in business suits, children and teenagers heading their way to school while I was walking to the bus to meet katsuki.
As I walked forward there was one person that stood out in the crowd, he's wearing a black hoodie and everything black except for his shoes, it's red. His light blue hair covered his face as he walked in the direction opposite of where I'm headed.
I didn't think much, some guys do dress like that, casual wear in Japan but I don't know something about him seems… off.
I watch his hand slowly pull out of his hoodie as he goes lower. Maybe I'm overthinking this and this guy is just getting his phone out.
It was five feet away as we got closer and to my surprise, he pulled his penis out as I gasped.
It was a few seconds and he quickly put it back inside, I quickly turned my head as I watched him keep walking, he didn't apologize or anything, act like nothing happened… Did anyone see? I turned around and no one seemed to care, people were talking to their friends and some were on their phone scrolling.
What I noticed off the bat was that the man has a mole and large scar near his lips but he had an unsettling smile when I saw him flash me.. that was the night stalker?? I turned around to see where he was going but he was already gone.
I began to panic as I walked away. Maybe I was seeing things, a man couldn't do that in broad daylight in public… could he?
I sat at the bench as I feel my breathing is out of control as I try not to have a mental breakdown.
I should of call the police for the sexual assault and got that criminal arrest… I feel a light tap on my shoulder as I turn towards the direction, it was elderly woman speaking to me if I was alright.
I bow my head as I politely said.” yeah.. thank you ma'am. I'm doing okay. ” she rubs my back as she has a concerned look.
“ There young lady, I have nice sweet strawberries to help you. "The lady was kind as I politely accepted her offer. The Japanese strawberries were special there and the fruit were a bit expensive but I took the red berry as I began to eat it.
It tastes a lot better than the one that I have back home in my country as I sigh in relief.
What a sweet woman, the bus just stopped in front of us as I bowed my head towards her. I waved goodbye, she waved back as I got inside and gave the right money for the drive.
I sat down near a window as I looked out at the clean blue sky while I happily enjoyed eating the strawberry, my eyes got wider as I spotted the same man.
At the bus stop, he was standing there as he waved his hand at me. I feel deeply disturbed by this. His crimson eyes watch me inside the bus, it begins to drive away as I watch the man have the same smirk.
That night stalker didn't look threatening by his scrawny body but I didn't notice he was there until I looked out the window.
Does he know…. Where do I live? I feel my throat begin to dry up as I try to calm myself down.
Once at the bus stop, I immediately got up and ran first. I feel adrenaline kicking as I feel panicked.
I couldn't stop breathing as I bumped into a tall red haired gentleman as I gasped out loud.
“ woah! Are you okay? ” I heard the man say as I opened my eyes upward, I thought I was falling onto the ground but Bakugou catches my fall as he stared at me grumpily.
“ It looks like you saw a ghost dude. ” a blonde male came into view as he chuckled at me, I started to feel embarrassed.
I quickly got up as I sighed in relief as I looked at the ground.
“ It's fine… really guys. " Bakugou grabs my wrist as he's worried.” Are you sure? ” I blink a few times as I thought to myself, would they believe me, would they care about it?
My eyes begin to feel watery as the gentle red haired giant leans in.” oh no!! Are you okay? You can tell us anything please don't cry dude. ” I spill the truth as I sob.
“ I-I met the night stalker today and… ”
I look downward as I feel tears running down my cheeks as I cry out.
“ I… I got sexually assaulted by him and it was.. ”
Bakugou pull you close as he comforts you, he has an irritating facial expression.
“ we're going to the police right now. ”
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pixelsimili · 7 months
📝Опросник для ваших персонажей/OC Questionnaire
Спасибо за отметку @vikomdynasty!~
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Имя/Name — Сэйери Аоки/Sayery Aoki
Прозвище/Nickname — Эри/Eri
Гендер/Gender — женщина/female
Знак зодиака/Star sign — скорпион(в своей игре я использую мод на знаки зодиака, так что информация именно отсюда)/scorpio
Рост/Height — 175 см/175 cm
Ориентация/Orientation — гетеро/heterosexual
Национальность или этническая принадлежность/Nationality or ethnicity — родиной Сэйери является Гора Комореби и, учитывая тот факт, что это местная Япония, то в нашем мире, она бы была японкой (хоть и внешне это довольно спорно x))/Sayeri's homeland is Mt. Komorebi. And given the fact that this is a local Japan then in our world she would be Japanese
Любимый фрукт/Favourite fruit — вишня/cherry
Любимое время года/Favourite season — зима/winter
Любимый цветок/Favourite flower — пион/pion
Любимый аромат/Favourite scent — дымная вишня (сherry smoke)
Кофе, чай или горячий шоколад/Coffee, tea or hot chocolate — латте на миндальное молоке/latte with almond milk
Обычное количество часов сна/Average hours of sleep — в зависимости от количества съёмок и нагрузки в университете эта цифра варьируется от 7-8 часов до 5-6/ it depends on the number of filming and the workload at the university this figure varies from 7-8 hours to 5-6
Собаки или кошки/Dogs or cats — одинаково любит и собак, и кошек/she loves both dogs and cats equally
Путешествие мечты/Dream trip — за свою жизнь Сэй удалось посетить многие места; ей не важно куда, главное с кем/during her life, Sei managed to visit many places; it doesn't matter where the main thing is with whom
Количество одеял/Number of blankets — ни одного/ not a single one
Случайный факт/Random fact — Сэйери ненавидит готовку в любых проявлениях, её возможности заканчиваются на приготовлении лёгкого завтрака, обычно она обходится доставкой еды или ужином вне дома; если Сэй вдруг решит побаловать вас завтраком в постель или чем-то в этом духе, то вы однозначно дорогой человек для неё/ Sayeri hates cooking in any form her possibilities are running out with cooking a light breakfast she usually makes do with food delivery or dinner out; if Say suddenly decides to pamper you with breakfast in bed or something like that, then you are definitely an expensive person for her
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Имя/Name — Кайл Арфилд/Kyle Arfild
Прозвище/Nickname — папик(простите x))/sugar daddy
Гендер/Gender — мужчина/male
Знак зодиака/Star sign — козерог/capricorn
Рост/Height — 183 см/183 cm
Ориентация/Orientation — гетеро/ heterosexual
Национальность или этническая принадлежность/Nationality or ethnicity — родился и вырос в Дэль-Соль-Вэлли; американец/born and raised in Del Sol Valley; American
Любимый фрукт/Favourite fruit — грейпфрут/grapefruit
Любимое время года/Favourite season — лето/summer
Любимый цветок/Favourite flower — равнодушен к ним/indifferent to them
Любимый аромат/Favourite scent — бергамот/bergamot
Кофе, чай или горячий шоколад/Coffee, tea or hot chocolate — американо/americano
Обычное количество часов сна/Average hours of sleep — 7 часов сна хватает для бодрствования в течении дня/7 hours of sleep is enough to stay awake during the day
Собаки или кошки/Dogs or cats — никто, Кайл часто отсутствует дома, чтобы обеспечить питомцу нужную заботу и внимание/ no one, Kyle is often absent from home to provide the pet with the necessary care and attention
Путешествие мечты/Dream trip — любое с включенным режимом полёта/any with flight mode enabled
Количество одеял/Number of blankets — одного тонкого одеяла вполне достаточно/one thin blanket is enough/
Случайный факт/Random fact — Кайл азартен; однажды он чуть не спустил своё состояние в одном из казино ДСВ, после этого проигрыша он надолго погряз в долгах, но страсть к подобным развлечениям никуда не исчезла/Kyle is a gambler; once he almost lost his wealth in one of the DSV casinos after this loss he was mired in debt for a long time, but the passion for such entertainment has not disappeared anywhere
Передаю: @maaaryyyyx, @tatibunnymoon, @fantasmasims, @demofanus, @cubzikbuilds, @divanstrawberry, @ibarbidoll
*Балуюсь с новым пресетом, пока не до конца понимаю, нравится он мне или нет, буду признательна, если вы поделитесь своим мнением!🙏🏻
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