crazycatgirl420 · 8 months
Fuck Around, Find Out
Ghost King Danny tutors Impulse, Bart Allen, in Summoning magic after a horrible drunken Summoning disaster.
Part 1
Monday came much too soon. Danny had spent his weekend preparing his first lesson for Bart, considering he was so deep in his non-belief of magic that he nearly started a war, Danny decided they would have to start with the basics as taught to newly formed entities in the Realms.
Danny removed his pc and monitors from his desk, snapping on a white board attachment and putting several notebooks, pens, pencils, and markers in the drawers. He held his folder of lesson plans and his own notebook. At exactly four o'clock he put one hand on the desk and appeared right in front of his Contractor.
There was a crash sound behind him, and a wide eyed red-head on the couch, a game controller in his hand.
"We agreed on four to six for your lessons." Danny reminded him. "We have a lot to cover and I do not want to spend my entire existence teaching you."
Thee human grimaced but nodded. "What are we doing today?"
"You'll be learning to read and write," Danny said. "Magic is its own language, if you don't know it you can't effectively use it."
Bart spent two hours copying the Infinite Realms Dictionary of Magic into his first notebook while Danny read it aloud.
"There are six hundred and seventy languages used in this dimensions magical script," Danny explained. "As a living being born of this realm you only need to be fluent in those six hundred seventy languages, which is a lot less than what I had to learn as a being of the Infinite Realms-"
Bart paused in writing, glancing at the book he was copying from. '670 Alphabets, Beginning to End'
"I'll leave you with the Dictionaries to study in your own time. On Wednesday we'll go over grammar, and Friday we'll practice speaking. You'll have the weekend to practice as you wish and next week will be your first set of tests,"
"Tests next week?" Bart asked. "After only three days of lessons?"
"This is easy stuff," Danny said. "You're magical friends learn this as young children before they even choose a specialty."
Bart had a week to learn six hundred languages. He couldn't believe Raven or Zatanna knew all these languages, and only a week to learn them all was insane.
"Keep working," Danny said. "We don't have time for you to change your mind now. You signed a contract, I can't even explain what that entails until you understand magic script. The gibberish you scrawled on the floor in your drunken Summoning could've been the end of your deminsion and every deminsion that surrounds yours."
Bart kept writing.
Two hours for Bart tended to feel like an eternity but Phantom taught at the same speed Bart lived his life normally. There was no slacking off for milliseconds waiting for outside time to catch up. Phantom kept up, as soon as Bart finished a notebook another was handed to him. Phantom recited the dictionary and passages on culture, history, and traditions with ease, asking questions and having Bart read the passages as he copied them down.
"You have until I return on Wednesday to learn all six hundred and seventy languages here." Phantom said, pulling several stacks of books out of the desk. "Feel free to ask those magical friends of yours about magic script of you don't believe me, though your inability to believe them was what lead to this in the first place,"
Phantom left just like he has appeared, with a flash of light and an ice cold breeze.
Bart groaned, eyeing the stacks of books with regret. This was going to be a lot of reading.
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I woke up, had a breakfast so that means that a hunt for a new iwtv episode begins, let's fucking gooo
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lizardwizard2000 · 9 months
I don't give a shit who you are, you respect the aro/ace/both people. Otherwise imma cast fucking nuke on your ass
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lucrezianoin · 11 months
ohh did they update this scene too? I did not remember the mindcontrolled companions being so clearly mindcontrolled (red eyes).
Here too:
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look at Ascended Astarion little face of regret
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masquenoire · 1 year
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Friendly reminder to all my lovely mutuals; anon hate is making the rounds but thanks to a recent update, anonymous messages can no longer be sent without signing in. That means an account must be active, and when the anonymous feature is abused, you can block that fucker and find out who they are at the top of your block list. ❤️
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bumblebeeenby · 2 years
The way the FSM named one of his kids a normal-ass name and the other one “Garmadon” like… my guy, you’re just. Begging for what comes next. You brought it upon yourself.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
PLEASE let this be Hevestro having fucked with forces beyond their comprehension
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Someone better start making nevermore headcanons soon or I fuckin will
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hollysmakingstuff · 8 months
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Knife cat wall hanging I made yesterday
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navigatorsghost · 8 months
Insomnia is kicking my ass for about the fifth night this week so fuck it, here's a quick polish and post of something short I wrote a while back. Itachi thought this Jashin thing was all in Hidan's head... he didn't know how terribly right he was. (Rated T for Tsukuyomi attempted mind control and torture, plus general macabre themes. Also crossposted to my AO3 Naruto minific collection, see source link.)
"Fucking try it, asshole-"
Usually, his eyes could pierce the psychic defences of non-Uchiha as effortlessly as a senbon flicked through a shōji. Itachi expected to find himself in whatever Hidan had that passed for a mind, surrounded by thoughts as soft as putty to be moulded. He was already picturing the red sky and tainted moon of the nightmare world, the black-and-white hellscape he favoured for his domain of torment.
He wasn't expecting to fall into a world that was already hell. He wasn't expecting black earth that collapsed into decay beneath his feet, sending him sprawling to wet, uncertain ground. He wasn't expecting the overwhelming reek of blood and death, as thick in his throat as it had been on the night he left Konoha.
He wasn't expecting the great gaunt hand, white bone knuckles breaking through withered black skin, that reached up from the shadows and across half the sky. Wasn't expecting to see that hand close its grip, effortlessly crushing the moon of Tsukuyomi like a ripe fruit to drip blood over its long, clawed fingers.
He wasn't expecting to hear a low, wet whisper of a laugh, followed by a voice like a rotting nightmare that almost playfully murmured: "Oh, you dare."
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ragethegemini · 2 years
gaslighting doesn't work on me because
1) I'll just assume you're stupid
2) I'll lie to you, pretending to know exactly what you're talking about, to keep you that way
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roxymorondraws · 2 years
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I would love to see you try
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lizardwizard2000 · 8 months
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razzithold · 1 year
I love homebrew settings for DND and other ttrpgs because I can do whatever the fuck I want. Directly rip off several things I like and verbatim slap them into my game? Absolutely.
My main homebrew setting started off as a magical steampunk ripoff of dishonored, elder scrolls, and dragon age set in a medieval Artemis Fowl-like rendition of earth and evolved into its own thing from there.
I've ran a Dishonored game where I also slapped the Entities from the Magnus archives into it to replace the outsider after the events of death of the outsider.
My beloved npc/PC oc Tiffany started out as an off brand mer knockoff of Emily Kaldwin but eventually morphed into her own person and character now detached from the initial inspiration and source material.
It's not a bad thing if your players recognize the references and source material, in fact that may increase enjoyment since they recognize things they know, but also having references to things your players Don't know has its own joys too because if they don't know the source material then they won't know the plot twist you have in store 😈 or if they only learn of the source material After playing the game and realizing the references you made retroactively. Lotta fun!
My convoluted god lore for my homebrew elven pantheon started as a mishmash of a knockoff reference to the Neverarine in Morrowind and a parody of Christianity by not merely killing the son of a god but having the daughter of a goddess kill that goddess.
I took the DND god Pelor, changed the spelling, and made him Palour the sun god of pancakes whose houses of worship are called IHOP (international house of Palour).
I took the concept of angels of death and shinigami from Multiple anime and made my elven death god have a whole organization of death angels who begrudgingly do paperwork and missions for him.
I've made so many characters whose names directly reference their inspiration. Also a lotta deliberate pun names because I am bad at names. Here, have a fairy named Margarita DeVille, deal with it.
It's so much fun to fuck around with lore! Highly recommend!
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papakill13 · 1 month
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