#Fairy Tail Fanfics
inspectingg · 1 year
Exterminator (Gruvia AU) Chapter 9 - Flourish
© 2023 inspectingg (on tumblr, wattpad and fanfiction.net). All rights reserved.
Synopsis: The administration indisputably decided that social status not only determined one’s wealth, but also life or death. Driven by corruption, those who thrived at the top of the chain dominated the world. Desperate to seize absolute control, Exterminators were given the decree to kill. With the entire fate of the human race under their control, it is imperative to lose all morality and sentiment. When killing people is a full-time job, it becomes second nature for Gray Fullbuster. But when the first person he has ever vowed to protect was his next victim, he makes the difficult decision to keep her under his care, training her to kill – or else be killed.
Genres: romance, action & dystopian.
This fanfiction contains violence and sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Author’s note: two chapters updated in a row!? i'm trying to squeeze in as much writing as i can before i get busy again x0. i hope you guys enjoy another chapter of juvia suffering :( ! trust me it will get more fluffy in a few chapters' time :3 there is an exciting gruvia scene in this chapter that will make you hot and bothered ;)
Chapter IX - Flourish
Juvia’s gaze aimlessly fell to the metal bars that meandered around the edge of the tunnels. The ten-metre fall loomed at her feet, inviting her to take another step. Its gloomy shadows enticed her to swing her legs over, straddling the metal between her thighs until she could no longer feel the ground beneath her. 
Her eyes would roll backwards as she was brought back into the tunnel. The wind fights against her hair. Her skin burns from the force and she’s taken by the void. Before she could test those thoughts, she is interrupted by the clatter of Erza’s boots. 
“If you want to die, do it somewhere else.” The Commander’s scarlet eyes flickered between the drop and Juvia’s staggering figure. “I’m busy as it is already.”
“Why did you pair me with Gajeel?” Erza stopped in her tracks. “All my opponents have been in higher ranks,” Juvia stammered. “I don’t see how that’s fair.” Erza immediately swirls her head to face the drifter. 
“I’m always fair,” she hissed. Raising a hand, she slipped a finger down Juvia’s cheek. “I gave you the opportunity to climb the ranks.” Juvia flinched from her nail scraping down her bruised skin. “If you bothered to fight properly, you would’ve rosen the ranks and we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now, would we?” Her breath hammered against Juvia’s face. “You’ve gotten plenty of help already from a certain someone.” Juvia gulped in response. “Does that answer your question?”
Juvia gave her a small nod and moved away uneasily. 
“Good,” Erza smiled. She turned her head to leave, allowing her hair to follow her like a blaze. “Oh, I forgot to tell you.” Juvia flinched as she felt her face burn. Erza’s lips adorned an intense red tint as she let a tongue flicker against her upper lip. “Bora is alive.” 
Juvia winced as a ringing punctured her ears. “You’ll pay. You’ll pay. You’ll pay” She was once again faced with the disfigured man who taunted her with a playful smile. Its flesh gleamed bright red and patches of skin peeled away, revealing the face of a normal man. His features twisted from blotches of red and reverted back to an ordinary man. Juvia couldn’t help but approach him carefully, started by his transformation. She raised a hand in shock, but was knocked over her feet as a stench tickled her nose, sending a rush of sulphur into her oesophagus. She lurched over to cough. A sting at her shoulder caught her motionless. She convulsed as she found a familiar dagger hanging out from her flesh, sending blood running down her body. Before she could recover her posture, the man twisted his neck to meet her face-to-face. 
“Juvia Lockser,” it shrieked, “you’ll pay.” 
Juvia screamed as a fist suddenly hammered against the man’s face repeatedly. With every hit, his face distorted into patches of red and black. Before she could stop what was happening, she realised the man was the one that tried to throw her over the edge, and Gray had killed him. 
A guttural sound escaped his lips and the man began to whimper, its lipless mouth formed a pool of blood before eventually dissipating away into its rotting body. A puddle of frayed skin and flesh piled into a viscous liquid that slithered into the earth. 
Juvia collapsed as her legs gave out. Every moment since she has existed felt like a crime. She buried her head into her hands. An ache grappled at her chest and she let it lave over as she crumbled to the floor. Juvia stared at the reflection of herself on the tiled ground. Before she could take a look, she felt her stomach jab at her skin, as if trying to escape. Her own existence disgusted her. No longer was she able to cry away her pain and troubles. It wasn’t physically possible for her anymore. Dabbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she was surprised to find them dry. She was fearful of how weak she was. A sudden feeling of needing to be strong washed away the unrelenting pain in her shoulder.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
The trenches were silent. All the other recruits were in bed but Juvia stood at the centre of the training grounds. She formed her hand into a fist and lashed out onto a punching bag. Her bruised arms raised tirelessly, trying to match the speed she was constantly hit with. She felt her blood boil when she let Bora’s elbow slam into her face. Juvia threw out another punch, allowing the bag to sting her knuckles. His grip strangled her until she could no longer think straight. Her feet casted a blow to the rough fabric. A crude smile plastered across his face as he pierced the knife through her shoulder. She sent out an array of jabs, letting her blood race through her body. Her ragged breathing vibrated through her ribs, shaking her lungs rapidly. Her knuckles ached and her stomach clenched from the extraneous motion. Her shoulder was hammered with pain. However, she was too enraged to care. A shrill scream repeatedly encircled her, and she only accelerated her movements, desperate to drown everything out. 
A cold hand suddenly enclosed her knuckles. Juvia jerked away in surprise and tumbled backwards. Her waist was enclosed by a strong arm and she found herself staring into Gray’s onyx eyes. A rush of heat flowed through her face as she found her palm pressed to his chiselled chest. He gripped her body against his as he leaned down to inspect her. 
“You’ve lost weight.” 
Juvia promptly took a step to steady herself, pulling away from him. She patted down her clothes and swept a lock of stray hair behind her ear. “Why should that concern you?” she muttered. 
He tousled his hair away from his eyes as they surveyed her cautiously. “You’re right, it doesn’t,” he replied bluntly. 
Juvia felt her eyebrow twitch in annoyance. She wasn’t sure what these feelings were but they confused her. She wanted to stay in his arms, but she was too scared to be close. When he tipped his head closer towards her she wanted to entangle her hands in his hair and kiss him. But when he would nonchalantly touch her with an aloof demeanour, she wanted to slap him away. 
“You…why are you talking to me?” Juvia unconsciously bit her lip. “I thought I said I didn’t want to see you ever again.” 
Gray sighed as he brushed a hand behind his neck. “I don’t know.” His eyes drifted down to Juvia’s feet. 
“That’s all you say,” Juvia muttered. “At least you could make up something.” She took a step back when he leaned down on a knee. “Anything.” 
“I don’t know how to express myself,” he grumbled. His hands followed her stride and caught the loose shoelace between his fingers. “I’m… not sure why I act like this.” No words left Juvia’s mouth as she swallowed down a sob. She watched in silence as he lowered his head to fix her laces. Her heart pounded vehemently. She pressed a palm to her chest, a pointless attempt at calming it down. His charcoal locks swayed gently with every movement. Juvia suppressed the urge to touch his hair. 
He eventually let go and revealed a tight ribbon at the centre of her shoe. “I do know one thing.” Juvia trembled as he rose, allowing his sculpted figure to tower over her. His gaze locked onto Juvia’s quivering eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Before Juvia could respond, she let out a yelp as he sent a swing at her leg and let her fall backwards. He caught her right as she prepared for a harsh collision. 
“You need to be cautious of everyone,” he whispered. She quivered as his breath tickled her ear. “If your opponent is bigger than you, hit them in the diaphragm.” Juvia forgot how to breathe as she felt his grasp tighten around her waist. With a jerk of his arm, Juvia was pulled back upright. 
He suddenly yanked her arms away from her sides and pinned them together with a steady grip. “When a man takes advantage of you in a fight,” he muttered, “remember to kick them in between the legs.” Before he could finish his sentence, he swung Juvia’s body around and rammed it against the wall. She screamed in response and her eyes widened as her back collided against Gray’s arm. Juvia struggled against his hold but he did not budge. His other free hand trailed down her hip and latched on her underthigh. Juvia mewled in response but quickly pressed her palm to her mouth in surprise.
“If someone is about to kick you, get closer to them.” He trailed her thigh with a thumb. “They won’t have enough room to land an accurate hit.” Juvia’s arms flailed desperately above her head. She swallowed hard as the sensation of his hand on her thigh started to leave a burning trail. His chest was pressed against hers and his other hand tightened around her hands. With an aggressive tug, Gray wrapped her leg around his waist. “Are you listening?” 
Juvia blinked in shock, her lips moving to form words but nothing was uttered. His eyes were steady as he peered down at her. She felt every one of his exhales caress her cheek. With his body encased around her, every feature on his face was captivating. His lips were slightly chapped, but they invited her to lean in closer. The way his eyebrows furrowed together accentuated his charcoal gaze, sending her into a state of frenzy she never knew she had in her body. Even the scar etched on his forehead striked her heart. 
Juvia found herself completely infatuated by Gray, the Exterminator who could kill her at any moment.    
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azriaann · 2 months
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them dancing is my favourite thing ever i think!🥹
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gymjunkie412 · 2 months
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🟣Chaos Dragon Slayer AU🟣 Part 14, 15, 16
Old art style, back in 2021? I think. I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO POST THESE PARTS NOOOOOO. No wonder I can't find them 😅🤣 Anyway, here are the other parts that I missed posting here.
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scarletgray · 29 days
writers i have a question. how do you start writing
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through-a-blackhole · 1 month
Summary: All Natsu knew when he met her for the first time was that Lucy was the weirdo with golden hair, golden keys, and golden smile.
The first time Natsu Dragneel meets her, the first thought that enters his mind is the fact that she is the weirdest girl he has ever met,
He sees some guy with puny flames pretend to be a mage from Fairy Tail, even going as far as to use Natsu's identity as the Salamander, and immediately his world is turned upside down.
There is a blonde girl who thanks him and Natsu is confused. He broke the spell, the girl explains, and he doesn't care. Igneel isn't in this town and all Natsu wants to do is go back to the guild, fish with Happy, or start a brawl with Gray. But then the weird girl tells him that she'll treat them to a nice meal and Natsu never says no to food so this time it's him who's thankful.
The weird blonde girl becomes the nice blonde girl and Natsu is hooked. Yeah, she's nice but she's so loud. She's vain and loud and talks so much but then she mentions being a mage and wanting to join Fairy Tail.
And the first thing that enters his mind is there is no way on Earthland that this princess will ever fit in with his guild. One look at her and Natsu knows she's royalty; she has probably never even seen struggle her whole life.
For the first time in all his life, Natsu has never been proved wrong multiple times in such a short period.
The blonde girl, Lucy, can fight. She causes a wreckage that ruins the entire port of Hargeon and before he knows it, he's taking her hand and bringing her to his guild.
"Come with me," he says but what she really does is enter his heart.
They become teammates, and then best friends, and he wonders when he ever had this much fun in life.
Lucy is a wonder and she surprises him day by day. She yells and kicks him out of her apartment, but then he knows she secretly loves having them over when she doubles her groceries and never leaves her window unlocked. She gets mad when he sleeps in her bed yet he notices the spare pillow on her bed cover.
So Natsu keeps these little discoveries to himself and treasures Lucy like how she treasures her spirits. And slowly, she infiltrates not just his mind but also his heart.
It is impossible to not think about her, Natsu decides. The more he gets to know Lucy, the more he wants to keep her to himself.
Natsu has never been this exhilarated before. Love, he thinks, is silly.
He learns of her departure and hightails it to her home, and she's shocked that they came to get her. He feels the fear leave his body when she tells him that she just wanted to say goodbye one last time, and she walks back with them to Fairy Tail.
The estate and the garden (which they all mistook as a village) serve as a reminder of how Lucy Heartfilia grew up with wealth and power, and the way she sighs at a high-paying job reminds him that she left all of it for him.
His heart jumps. She left her comfortable life the moment he told her to come with him on an adventure. And Natsu gives her adventures as he promised. But new adventures come with new scars. Soon, her skin is peppered with small streaks of scars, new and old, and his heart feels heavier whenever he sees them.
She jumps off a tower blindly just because she knows he will catch her. And he does.
His body is crushed under rubble and Lucy is getting beaten right before his very eyes, and he begs her to run, but she stays because it's more fun when we're together, she says.
She is beaten black and blue against Sabertooth, unconscious and bleeding, and she has the thought to apologize how she didn't win first place for Fairy Tail.
Her body starts merging with the infinity clock and Natsu's blood is frozen in fear but she finds the courage to laugh. I'm a Fairy Tail wizard. It's almost a reminder to him. And then the entire ship explodes and he sprints across the entire field just to catch her and he does.
She turns invisible and the entire guild forgets her, but Natsu remembers her with his heart and not just his brain, so he says her name out of habit and love more than memory, and she is visible again.
It is the time for viewing cherry blossoms and playing games with his guild and he can't even enjoy it when the person he wants to be with most is stuck at home with a cold. So he uproots the biggest, brightest tree he can find, sails it down a river, and hopes that Lucy won't feel left out.
He doesn't know when or how it starts, but soon it's not just his mind and heart that's full of Lucy. His home is littered with memories of them: their first job together, rubble from the fight where he asked her to run away with him, Lucy's maid outfit, the fake Salamnder signature.
She's golden, he thinks. Everything about her is bright and precious and he must protect her. This nice weirdo who bought him a meal and rewrote his entire life to save him.
Natsu Dragneel is in love with Lucy Heartfilia, he decides. And he doesn't know what to do, so he tells her honestly.
"We'll always be together from now on." I'll always be with you. You'll never be alone again. I'm in love with you.
Thank you for reading this short story! :') I missed writing, kinda rusty but I hope you liked it! I love Nalu so tell me if there are any prompts you'd like me to do <3
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mousecracker · 4 months
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my peppermint pookies
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syilcawrites · 3 months
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going back to my 2012 roots with my og otp obsession
i was obsessed with these goofballs for years during the 2010s and they're still not canon. insane
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xanvasofxords · 2 months
“Huh what?”
Natsu tilts his head in confusion. She’s furrowing her brows in a cutesy way. The dragon slayer feels something in his stomach flutter because of it. It doesn’t bother him anymore though, for this has happened way too many times before.
Hands on her hips, Lucy asks, “Do you ever think before speaking?”
Natsu rolls his eyes with a shrug. He didn’t say anything wrong, in fact he corrected the guy by pointing out how genes work. Their kids will either have pink hair like him or blonde hair like Lucy. He thought she’d be happy knowing he’s more intelligent than some salon-guy.
“What did I say wrong?” He crosses his arms and leans into her space. Lucy’s face heats up from the close proximity.
The celestial mage was actually very surprised when her idiot of a partner started talking about genetics. But that really isn’t the issue. It’s just moments like this give her false hope. That maybe he feels something for her, maybe he does see her as more than a friend. But she knows he’s not on the same page.
Natsu loves her too much but it’s the same way he loves any other member of the guild. And honestly, she’s happy just being his closest friend for the rest of her life. Their friendship is the most important thing and she won’t ruin it for the sake of her feelings.
She just doesn’t want him to make things harder for her. She’s trying so hard to move on and it hurts when she constantly has to remind herself that he doesn’t feel the same. She doesn’t want him to talk about their future kids knowing it will never happen, no matter how much she wants it to.
“Earth to Lucy?” Natsu waves a hand before her, “What’re ya thinking about?”
Lucy sighs and looks up at him again. “Nothing. Leave it, Natsu.”
And he doesn’t, instead pulls her closer to him and kisses her forehead. Lucy relaxes into his chest, almost forgets about the mental storm from a moment ago. She knows he’s trying to comfort her as always. It means nothing...
“I didn’t know your favorite color changed from pink to blue.”
“It’s okay. We can just adopt a little one with blue hair, if that’s what you want.”
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aqua0pan · 3 months
Good girl | Laxus Dreyar
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Trigger warning: smut/nsfw, pet names, overstimulation, breeding kink, no unprotection, praising, dirty talk
To my Masterlist
You never expected that your day would begin like this. A few minutes ago, your boyfriend, Laxus and you were laying next to each other, cuddling for a bit while being half asleep.
And now you’re sitting on his face, your head falling back into your neck and whining out his name while he eat you out.
How did you got into this? You don’t really know. The only thing you can think of right now is how good Laxus tounge is swirling around your insides.
He held your hips tight, pressing your pussy down on his mouth so he could have a taste of you. "Hmmm~ Laxus… feels so good…“, you smiled with half lidded eyes and a small yard escaped your lips.
After a few minutes, you could already feel yourself getting close to climax but then, he stopped all of a sudden. He lifted you up, placing you down on the bed and spread your legs.
You felt so empty, and cold even though you’re slightly sweating and panting. You moved your hips, wanting your lover to touch you desperately.
"Laxus~ please… fill me up… please…“, you begged tried to wrap your legs around his hips to get him closer to you. Sadly, he was too strong and he didn’t budge.
"You want me to fill you up? I’m going to give you what you want, babe..", he grins and placed himself between your legs. He had stroke himself hard, his tip now at your entrance.
You expected him to enter you slowly and gentle but instead, Laxus forced himself inside you with one hard thrust, making your eyes widen in surprise and cry out.
He couldn’t wait and immediately started to move inside you, rubbing your gummy walls. „Ahh.. ahh.. Laxus…“ You couldn’t complain. It felt so good, how rough he is with you and how he hit all the good spots inside you.
You couldn’t help but moan uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the immense pleasure your boyfriend is giving you.
Your legs trembled as they rested on either side of Laxus, who leaned forward between them, his breath hot against your neck, mingling with his sweat.
He thrust into you with a determined intensity, as if he wouldn’t accept any refusal. Ever inch of his big cock hot those spots inside you, filling you completely.
"That’s its, good girl. Keep taking it until I’m fully satisfied", he growled and increases his pace. You looked up at your boyfriend with pleading eyes, your voice filled with need and desire.
"Laxus~! Please…" you moaned, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure consumed you. "Please what, puppy? Tell me what you want", he growled his thrust becoming more forceful.
"More… Want more..“, you moaned and closed your eyes while you gripped the sheets underneath you. Laxus' dragon slayer instinct hit as your hot gummy walls tighten around his clock.
He gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your flesh possessively. "You want more?" Without hesitation, Laxus increased the pace of his thrust, plunging into you desperately.
Every movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you gasp and moan. "Your mine and I’ll give you everything you desire", he whispered, his voice laced with desire.
"Fuck! You feel so good! You’re going to take all of me and all of my seeds! Going to fuck a baby inside your tummy…", he groaned and attacked your neck with kissed, leaving marks.
Laxus' thrust grew more powerful and relentless, your back arched involuntary, your body responding to the deep penetration.
You could feel his pre-cum mixing with your wetness, creating a slick and intoxicating sensation as he claimed you completely.
Your breasts bounced and jiggled with each powerful thrust, the sensation adding to the overwhelming pleasure that consumed you.
Laxus' eyes remained fixed on your bouncing chest, his primal instinct driving him to dominate you further. "Look at those tits bounce for me, my girl. Your such a good girl, taking all of me."
You struggled to form a sentence as you felt your legs being lifted and placed over your lovers shoulder. The new position allowed him to go even deeper, hitting every sensitive spot within you.
Your breath hitched as he leaned in closer, his face inches away from yours. He held your legs, keeping you spread open for him. "Does it feel good, (Y/N)? Tell me how much you want it . Beg for it."
"Please, Laxus… please please please… don’t stop~" His grip on your tights tighten, his hips moving even faster. "That’s it, my needle little girl. Beg for more", he grunted, his voice low and his eyes sparkle.
"I’ll give you what you want, but only if you can prove just how good you can be for me. Be a good girl and take all of me.“ His instinct took over as he continue to claim you. The sound of skin clapping against skin filled the room, mingling with your moans and pleas for more.
Your body spasmed beneath the blond male thrusts, immense pleasure courses through you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, overwhelmed by the sensation that consumed you.
Suddenly, a rush of wetness surrounded Laxus' cock as you squirted around him, your walls tighten around him in a delicious grip. The sensation drove him wild.
"That it, my naughty little slut. You’re mine to pleasure and I’ll make you squirt again and again." He continue to puke into you, riding the waves of your orgasm to push you to new heights of pleasure.
Your juices flowed down on your tights, leaving a train of wetness as the dripped onto the sheets. A pool of your owl arousal formed beneath you.
"You’re auch a filthy little thing, drenching the sheets with your arousal." Your breathing grew heavy, each breath a desperate gasp for air as your boyfriends cock continue to fill you.
The sensation of him deep inside you was overwhelming, making you moan and groan his name im pure ecstasy. "That’s it. Scream my name, let everyone know who’s making you feel this good. Fuck!", he growled, his voice commanding and possessive.
"Laxus! Laxus!" You moaned out his name, grabbing the sheets and curling up your toes. Crying out his name in pleasure, his thrust became harder and his pace sped up.
His cock rubbed your insides, stirring you up so good. You couldn’t think straight, only wanting to feel every inch of his cock inside you.
"Hmmm~ Laxus…! Too much..!" Laxus eyes blazed with hunger as he heard your pleas, too overstimulated. "You want to stop now? I don’t think so. You’re insides gripping me so tight. I know you can handle more. You’re not leaving this bed until I put a baby inside you."
Laxus began to lick and nibble at your breasts, squeezing them from time to time, making you scream out his name.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close to you. Your legs shifted, drawing closer to your body, allowing him to go even deeper, kissing your womb.
"Fuck, Laxus! Ahh~" "Shit. You’re so tight, (Y/N)…" You pressed your face into the males neck, your lips and teeth finding their way to his sensitive spots.
His thrust grew sloppier as your kissed and bites on his neck intensified, driving him closer to his own release. You felt a know tightening deep within you, the intensity of his rutting pushed you to the edge of your second orgasm.
With one final, powerful thrust, Laxus brought you crashing over the edge, making you cum over his cock. You moaned out his name and closing your eyes while he still thrust inside you.
He continue to move within you, his own release imminent. The room was filled with the scent of arousal, sounds of skin clapping together and groans.
He gripped your hips tighter and his hips moved desperately against yours. He was sweating and panting, not stopping until he reached his own orgasm.
With one final thrust, Laxus spilled his hot seeds deep inside you, claiming you fully as his. You felt his cum enter your womb, so much coming from his, that I leaked out, forming a white and creamy ring around his cock.
Laxus collapsed on top of you, his body pressed against yours as he held you tightly in his arms. His soften cock still buried inside you while the two of you took a moment to catch your breath.
"I think I like the way to get out of bed in the morning…“, you mumbled and stroke his back. The blonde male stared at you, his head resting on your chest as he smirked. "Then prepare yourself to be woken up like this more often.“
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malereadermaniac · 3 months
Royal Secrets ~ Gray Fullbuster x Male Reader
Royal Au kind of? Gray and you are from affluent families in the kingdom of Fiore (while still keeping his family history kinda the same)
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Gray and you were forced to become acquaintanced and to spend time with each other during your early teen years
The two of you would have to sit in on your families' business meetings and attend events and parties whether you actually wanted to be there or not
You and Gray didn't really get along to begin with, but once the two of you managed to bond over having overbearing and ridiculously rich parents, you two started to get along more
The two of you would sneak around, wiggling your ways out of meetings and sneaking away from parties to fuck around and play games with your magic
You two loved sneaking up to the balcony and playing pranks on other people in the courtyard with Gray's ice - your friend making small, slightly melted droplets of ice fall on people's heads and into their collars.
Gray loved showing off his powers to you, his mother ensured that he was well trained to use his magic, so he could perform some pretty neat tricks
And the man loved looking at you as you watched him in awe as he made some small ice figure - his ego would inflate when you would compliment his skill, and he would inexplicably blush at your comments
Now that you're both adults, you are both expected to partake in meetings and host parties - as well as start courting possible suitors...
However, what your parents are unaware of is that the two of you are too busy "courting" each other to have time for courting women
Gray and you only started seeing each other secretly recently
It was as a result of your parents declaring to a business meeting (which, of course, including Gray and his family) that you are planned to court Lady Lucy of the Heartfillia family
When Gray heard your father say that, something in him clicked - the affluent man just couldn't picture you spending your life, or even more time, with anyone else other than him
That night, the two of you were sneaking around your courtyard after ditching one of your parents' parties
Once the two of you reached the gazebo, with the ambient moonlight and the gorgeous flowers adorning your families grandeous gazebo, Gray fully couldn't take his eyes off of you
He couldn't get the idea of you with a woman out of his mind, he felt possessive over you - unlike he'd ever felt for anyone else
You also couldn't take your eyes off of the handsome man in front of you - Gray dressed very fancily to fit his status at your party, hands gloved and face glowing in the moonlight
And even though he knew he really shouldn't, Gray held your face in one of his silk gloved hands and pulled you closer into a chaste kiss
While it did take you by surprise, you were not opposed to kissing the handsome, rich man whatsoever
And while you did want to keep kissing Gray, especially when his warm tongue broke into your mouth and danced around with your own tongue, you were forced to pull away at the sound of a guard calling for you
Luckily, the clueless guard saw nothing, except for two blushing and out of breath men standing slightly too close yet just far enough as to not look suspicious
And when Gray and you were made to follow the guard back to the party, the smug man could only smirk your way, looking down at you sexily - it made you blush, of course, but also want to make out with him then and there
Ever since then, your parents have continually tried to have you court many different affluent women of their picking, and you continually subtly refuse and sneak off with Gray
The two of you are more inseparable than ever, visiting each other on "business" to spend 3 hours together - making out, chatting, thinking of the future, making out some more and going a little further from time to time
Also, you and your now secret boyfriend are not very quiet or sneaky about your relationship
You try to be, mainly sticking to your rooms when doing *certain* things, however the guards outside of your respective rooms have heard some unspeakable things
Your butler knows about the two of you after walking in on you and Gray mid-makeout and he fully supports you while keeping your secret
Other staff at your mansion or Gray's know about the two of you, especially when you two sneak around and night and bump into maids or cooks who are going to their quarters
You two wouldn't have it any other way though, Gray and you would love to be public about your love and affection towards one another - your parents being the only obstacle
While your parents have no problem with the possibility of you being gay, they would still want an heir - which you and Gray obviously can't produce legitimately
Gray's parents on the other hand believe in traditional values - meaning no dick for Gray
However, Gray's parents have had some late night, drunk discussions about the positives of having Gray and you combine your families business empire with their own
Gray and you aren't too affected by your parents opinions though, your love for him is only affected by Gray and vice versa for him.
And who knows, Fiere is changing by the day
You two have always thought that your parents can be convinced
Turns out, they could be!
It wasn't the most elegant or thought out way of telling both your parents and Gray's about your extraordinarily homosexual relationship but it worked nonetheless
What happened? Well both sets of parents walked in on you and Gray of course!
You and your tall, handsome boyfriend had snuck off from one of his families parties once again and found yourselves in one of Gray's many guest bedrooms
By the time anything registered in your brain, Gray was only in his unbuttoned dress shirt and tight trousers - love bites already on his neck and your collar bone whilst some of your own clothes were discarded on the floor
As Gray was shoving his tongue down your throat - your arms around his neck, his strong hands holding your hips on his lap, the two of you comfortably making out on the guest room's bed - you two were distracted from one another at the loud sound of the door slamming open
You two quickly break the kiss and turn to look towards the now wide-open door to the guest room
And of course, as you can guess, in the doorway stood not only Gray's parents, but yours as well!
And while the two of you had to separate and get scolded loudly and for a very long time - by the end of the night, your parents were discussing how to go about the situation
Their conversation ending in an arranged marriage between you two!
Somehow, it all worked out for you and your tall, handsome boyfriend
You should of taken a photo of Gray's face, he was dumbfounded but elated
Your parents had to separate the two of you again when you started making out again out of joy!
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imnothereokuwu · 3 months
《My Fairy Tail Fanart Collection! (Pt.5)》
August 2021 to September 2021
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Pastels, pastel colors everywhere!
Looking back, some of these are embarrassing 😃. But that's not gonna stop me from posting it lol.
You maybe thinking there's an oddball in this one with the coloring, the humanized Grandeeneey and Igneel. Well that's because they're matching coloring with another thing entirely, the artwork I'm still most proud of to this day lol. It's going to be posted separately after all of the other 2021 art so look forward to that!
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azriaann · 3 months
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had to put them into my favourite trope😋!
nalu brain rot goes crazy rn…
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gymjunkie412 · 25 days
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📖Better When We're Together📖
This is very wholesome and adorable, kinda of a hurt/comfort too. This basically what happens when Wendy is not available and they have to go to Porlyuscia instead.
(R to L) I tried to imagine where they are at Lucy's place and I really hope it doesn't look too weird 😅
Author : @out-of-this-town
Source : FF.Net / Tumblr
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scarletgray · 1 month
they should invent eyesight that doesn't go bad from reading fanfiction on your phone 24/7
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natsudragneelswh0re · 11 months
headcanon: pet names
i love the idea that lucy’s pet name for natsu is ‘angel’ 
bc he’s E.N.D i feel like he gets kinda insecure/afraid that everyone thinks he’s some sort of monster
and lucy calling him ‘angel’/’her angel’ reinforces the idea that lucy would never see him as a monster 
and we know he’s OBSESSED with the way she views him (dragon cry “what do i look like to you?”)
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subject-layla · 6 months
One thing I never saw someone talking about is how Natsu is actually afraid of being left behind, to the point he prefers to leave before it happens. I think this is a consequence of Igneel's desappearence, and it's clear in the way he reacts at the end of Phantom Lord's Arc, when Lucy leaves a note saying she's going home.
This ties with Tartaros too. He leaves, because being left behind is always harder.
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