#Faith in Action Community Education Services
mirrorreview · 1 year
Joshua is the Founder and CEO of F.A.C.E.S., which was founded in 2018. A company that helps students builds better careers and makes efforts to keep the community together. F.A.C.E.S. (Faith in Action Community Education Services) intently provides services to the community, which is filled with several issues. It serves school students mainly for mental health, behavioral health, and education.
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jyeshindra · 7 months
Hey y'all! We've got the next installment in the ascendant series (so close to the halfway point!) with Virgo!
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Ahhh Virgo, the dutiful maiden of the zodiac. I actually find Virgo to be one of the most interesting zodiac signs (mostly because Mutable Mercury in Earth is a crazy combination), and the ascendant is no less interesting!
Again, the ascendant is how the world sees us. It rules our physical body, our life path, the zodiac rulers of each house in our chart, our outlook on life, and how our energy purely manifests.
Virgo's ruler, as I said, is the observant and mischevious Mercury. But Virgo is a bit different from it's counterpart Gemini. Where Gemini is bubbly, activated, and motivated to communicate, Virgo is more about analysis. Picking things apart and reassessing it for practicality, efficiency, and economy.
The risings are much like this. They see the world as a project that can always be improved. There's always something to fix, something to readjust, something to change. They're noticing all the little details and how each detail is working in the mechanical whole.
It's why you're so put together, Virgo. These risings tend to be well-manicured. They appear neat and well-groomed, usually preferring understated clothing. They can also be a bit self-preoccupied; they always need to look or present themselves a certain way. Perhaps the eyes are bit doe-like or their features are petite and dainty. Some may wear glasses or some other accessory to highlight their intelligence and reserved nature. Regardless, their eyes always have this special intensity...like they're studying you and sizing you up. I once had a Virgo Rising friend who said whenever she goes on a date she looks first at a man's shoes, then works her way up for her analysis. Very on brand for a Virgo Rising, lol.
Virgos can range in their presentation a bit. Some are more anxious, self-aware, and self-critical. Some are more observant and analytical, quiet and reserved. Others are more warm and service-oriented. But again, there's an emphasis on efficiency and service/work.
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With a 4th House Sagittarius, these risings have a very Jupiterian-like home environment. There are many opportunities to learn, grow, and these natives may be blessed in many ways regarding their homes. However, with Sagittarius we usually find there is a message and a battle between man and spirit. Being mutable fire, Sagittarius wants to both investigate it's own actions and also disseminate information. Perhaps there was scrutiny in the Virgos home regarding their actions or a specific set of beliefs were established regarding what was acceptable or permissible in the home. In an unhealed manner, Sagittarius can be very stuck in its ways and attached to its ego. The home environment could be very rigid in this way...perhaps through religion, beliefs, faith, or education! School and learning may be very important to these individuals as it is something that could've been emphasized by the parents/home environment growing up.
In their private lives, Virgo Risings can indulge themselves in a variety of exciting behaviors. These types may like to drink, smoke, and vibe out in the privacy of their own homes. Or they love to learn and read about other cultures, far-away places, and interesting people. These natives have an innate curiosity about life that's been hammered into them!
Says a lot about the Virgo's discriminatory, cerebral nature and even their penchant for condescension/criticism.
Something else I'm now thinking about...perhaps Virgos need for control comes from a chaotic home environment. Mutable signs in general can hold space for turbulence both internally and externally. These are signs who most easily adapt. The home environment could've been filled with people/parental figures coming in and out. Family staying and leaving. Parental figures who were inconsistent or irrationally angry. Avoidant parents who did not know how to deal with conflict. Again, we can keep going and going and going with these Sagittarius themes.
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I'll try not to make the other house breakdowns too wordy. For the 10th, the public image, life, and vocation of these natives is ruled by Gemini! Communication and connection is ultimately how these natives manifest service in their lives. Often Virgo Risings will become actors (Timothee Chalamet, Janelle Monae, Emma Watson). This is a good indicator for music or some other lyrical ability as well. Jay-Z himself is a Virgo Rising. Another funny way it could manifest is with the examples of Steve Jobs and Rachel Ray! One created a company that revolutionized communication forever, the other became a lively TV show personality. All very Gemini vocations. Something about the information you have to share or the way you communicate is key here, Virgo Rising. You have the potential to inspire and be seen for your articulation and your mind. Enrich the qualities of both and you shall see success. It is Mercury who awakens your authority in life.
As for the 7th house, Virgo Risings can tend to pick partners who need help or who need to be fixed or saved in some way. Or partners who are just bad for them/toxic. This is the more unhealthy side of Pisces, a sign who can be severely ungrounded and drain the energy from others. Pisces is also a bit of a helpless energy and so Virgo Risings can manifest partners who reflect this. Virgo may attract emotional people in general! People who seek to dump their worries and emotions onto the Virgo. It's a very Virgo thing unfortunately. Everyone wants you to be there mother! People may sense you can heal them in some way or emotionally fulfill them...and while that may be true...boundaries! You are not here to serve everyone, Virgo! You are here to understand yourself and to fall in love with your imperfections. A humility can be found in Virgo and Pisces can help you do this! The opposition here is that Virgo needs Piscean partners/people who inspire a dreaminess, a loftiness, and an ease in Virgo. You do not have to work all the time nor do you have to be so hard on yourself. Pisces can teach Virgo unconditional love and how to devote their energy to things that truly matter and will emotionally fulfill them. They will teach the Virgo to listen to how they feel and to truly evolve from their experiences. And Virgo, you need someone who is just as devotional as you!
Virgos have to investigate their own wounds and fears around authority and independence. There can be some guilt and wounding around leadership and being selfish (Aries 8H) that can take time to heal. There could also be wounding around being too self-focused! Virgo can be so caught up in controlling themselves and their own lives that they become vindictive and judgmental rather than open and receptive. It's about calculated risks with the 8H and acknowledging the areas of our growth so we may challenge those beliefs and unearth our power through change! Once you do, you will find a sense of peace and earthliness (Taurus 9H). Learning those Taurean themes will set you free and become your philosophy and foundation. Firm boundaries, stubbornness, holding your own. Learning to value oneself and one's abilities. Learning to hold space and be open to others as well. This is what you must learn so you may achieve your highest potential and communicate your truth! (Gemini 10th).
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The esoteric ruler of Virgo is The Moon. Ultimately, Virgos learn to love without conditions, much like a mother loves their children. They focus on the immediacy of their needs rather than getting caught up in the details. Their lives become tapestries of healing and devotion rather than cold calculations. Information does not become the defense, instead it is distilled into medicinal wisdom that can benefit others. Virgo you are here to learn how to serve better.
That's all for this one folks! I had more to say here as a sidereal Pisces with a lottt of Virgo Rising friends. I tend to attract you all a LOT. Y'all bring so much rationality, care, and stability into my life and I appreciate it so deeply. I just want you Virgos to take care of yourselves and to open yourself up to new experiences! You can do it!
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
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[ID: A square Instagram post, split in half horizontally. The top half of the page has a red background, and displays a large, all-caps, white and dark gray heading reading "the Supreme Court rules in favor of anti LGBTQ+ web designer." The bottom of the page displays a photo of a pro-queer protest, featuring signs that read "religion doesn't excuse discrimination," "our rights are not up for debate," and "free speech is for everybody." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post, with an all-caps dark gray heading reading "let's talk about it..." smaller white text underneath reads "In December 2022, Lorie Smith, owner of 303 Creative LLC, went before the Supreme Court to ask if an artist can constitutionally be prohibited from discriminating against customers based on their sexual orientation. She claimed that the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Law* "forced her to create websites celebrating marriages that defy her belief that marriage should be reserved to unions between one man and one woman". On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that the web designer's work is a form of artistic expression and that forcing her to create a website for a same-sex wedding violates her First Amendment rights in a 6-3 vote. *The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Law "prohibits all 'public accommodations' from denying 'the full and equal enjoyment' of its good and services to any customer based on his race, creed, disability, sexual orientation, or other statutorily enumerated trait." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps dark gray heading, that reads "this opens the door for discrimination against LGBTQ+ folks." Below that, white text reads "This not only creates pretext for other anti-discrimination laws nationwide to be challenged, but also allows businesses to deny customers who present themselves or identify as LGBTQ+. This decision sets a dangerous precedent and threatens decades of progress against LGBTQ+ rights." In the bottom left are two illustrated people, standing side-by-side, the one on the left holding a sign which reads "defend LGBTQ rights." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps dark gray heading reading "Queer Youth Assemble's Statement:" Smaller white text underneath reads "We at QYA are sickened and disappointed by the Supreme Court’s ruling. “We the people of the United States” should refer to all people, not a select few privileged by the nine individuals on the bench. We will continue our fight to protect the queer community across the country and amplify the voices of those impacted by this ruling. Discrimination has detrimental long-term impacts; as evidenced by the restrictions and discrimination following Black Wall Street, discrimination in all forms has a lasting impact on a community when it comes to resources including housing, finances, education, and access to opportunities of all manner." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps dark gray heading reading "continued..." smaller white text underneath reads "Queer Youth Assemble is committed to providing the resources LGBTQIA+ youth need to thrive in the face of injustice and discrimination. Stay safe, stay strong, and stay proud." An illustrated person at the bottom holds a sign that says "queer people will not be erased." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps dark gray heading which reads "what can I do?" Smaller white text underneath reads "1. ORGANIZE AND ATTEND PROTESTS If you are interested in taking direct action in the form of organizing a protest or demonstration related to the new legal precedent set by this case, contact QYA's Head of Policy, Faith, at [email protected] 2. EDUCATE If it is safe to do so, inform your family and community on what is happening to the queer community, and educate those around you, helping them to to be better allies, and more aware of the severity of this ruling. 3. REACH OUT TO QUEER ORGANIZATIONS Contact your local LGBTQIA+ organizations/centers and ask them to organize events to raise awareness about the SCOTUS decision." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post with an all-caps dark gray heading that reads "where can I donate?" Below that, smaller white text reads "1. LAMBDA LEGAL https://support.lambdalegal.org/site/SPageNavigator/donateApplePay.html 2. ACLU https://action.aclu.org/give/now? 3. Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund https://transgenderlegal.org/support-us/ 4. THE LGBTQ+ BAR https://lgbtbar.site-ym.com/donations /default.asp" An illustrated person in the bottom right corner holds a sign that reads "support queer causes." End ID.]
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[ID: A red square post, with an all-caps dark gray heading that reads "sources." Below that are two columns of sources. The left column reads, from top to bottom, "AMERICAN PROGRESS https://www.americanprogress.org/article/widespread-discrimination-continues-shape-lgbt-peoples-lives-subtle-significant-ways/ SUPREME COURT https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/21-476_c185.pdf LAWYERS COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS https://www.lawyerscommittee.org/lawyers-committee-for-civil-rights-under-law-condemns-supreme-courts-harmful-ruling-in-303-creative-llc-v-elenis/" The right column, from top to bottom, reads "Statement from President Joe Biden https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/06/30/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-supreme-court-decision-in-303-creative-llc-v-elenis/ GLAD https://www.glad.org/statement-on-supreme-court-ruling-in-303-creative-v-elenis/" End ID.]
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
Faisal Alam
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DOB : 1977 maybe
Occupation: LGBTQ+ rights activist,Community leader,Writer
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Religion : Islam
Ethnicity : South Asian
Nationality : Pakistani 🇵🇰
Faisal Alam is a Pakistani-American Gay Muslim man.He is a faith-based activist,writer,advocate for South Asian & Muslim LGBTQ+ folks, & public speaker.He founded the Al-Faitha, a pioneer org. for queer muslims.His organization helped to advance Queer Muslim movement internationally.He is the co-founder of Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity , a National Muslim LGBTQ+ organization in North America.
He is a member of the National Religious Leadership Roundtable (NRLR), an interfaith network of US LGBT leaders,member of the National Advisory Board for the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion & Ministry.He also a member of Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV).
Early Life
Faisal Alam was born in the Islamic State of Pakistan & was raised in a muslim household.At the age of 10 his family arrived in the USA in 1987 and resided in the rural middle-class town of Ellington,Connecticut. He completed his studies in America.
Activism & Advocacy
In 1997, Faisal Alam started an email listserv for LGBTQ+ Muslims that led to the founding of Al-Fatiha Foundation in 1998 in Boston.Since then the org. had grown significantly, with its sister-organizations & chapters in the Canada,USA,UK,Spain,Turkey & South Africa.Under his leadership,Al-Fatiha and the LGBITQ Muslim communities have received wide media recognition.He was served as a President of Al-Fatiha, from 1998-2004.Faisal Alam represented Al-Fatiha at both National Religious Leadership Roundtable & the Center for Lesbian & Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry.During his leadership, Al-Fatiha organized 4 major conferences,retreats for LGBTQI+ Muslims & their Allies from around the world.In 2005, Al-Fatiha launched national fundraising campaign, where Faisal traveled around the country to meet with local LGBTIQ Muslims & their Allies.In July 2005,Al-Fatiha hosted the the first LBTQ Muslim women’s retreat in Philadelphia and in September 2005, hosted the 5th International Retreat for LGBTQIA+ Muslims.Additionally the org. made significant links with sexual & gender minorities within the Islamic world,helping to support the struggle for the recognition of human rights in countries including Egypt, Turkey,Palestine,Pakistan,Malaysia,Saudi Arabia,Bangladesh,etc.After getting threats & pressure from muslim conservatives, radicalists Al-Fatiha members closed the organization.
In addition to his LGBT faith-based activism, Faisal is also involved in numerous local organizations.He is a member of AQUA (Asian Queers United in Action) of Washington,Khush-DC,National Minority AIDS Council of Washington,etc.He is also an active member in OUTFront, the LGBT program of Amnesty International,Human Rights Watch,National Gay & Lesbian Task Force.He did work in HIV/AIDS prevention and education in the Asian & Pacific Islander communities.
In 2011, Alam and other LGBTQ Muslim activists were invited by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to form a Queer Muslim Working Group to evaluate the needs of the LGBTQ Muslim community.Alam was instrumental in bringing together a diverse group of seasoned leaders to undertake this project. In 2013, the Queer Muslim Working Group launched a new organization – the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity.Faisal has also spoken at many LGBTQ interfaith panel discussions and has presented at numerous interfaith services, around the country.He has also spoken at many major events including Youth Pride Day in Washington,DC (2000),Millennium March on Washington (2000) & Creating Change(National LGBT Activist Conference, 2001).
Faisal has received numerous recognitions & awards for his activism on behalf of LGBTQQI+ Muslims.The Advocate Magazine selected him as an "Innovator" Genre Magazine has recognized him as a "Founding Father" and the Utne Reader chose him as one of 30 "Young Visionaries Under 30" In 2005 the Equality Forum recognized Faisal as one of “40 Heroes” who have "made a defining difference in LGBT civil rights over the last forty years."In 2008 Faisal received an award from Pride Toronto for his "outstanding contribution in the area of spirituality that positively impacts LGBT communities.
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best-voodoo-priest · 2 years
Voodoo Practices and History
Voodoo is a popular cultural stereotype based on voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion with its roots in Haiti but with adherents in neighboring countries and the Americas. Voudon is a term that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, from those of the individual to those of the community at large, including a complex system of traditional medicine. Voudon is more than just a set of beliefs. It is a code of conduct passed down through generations through sayings, stories, songs, and folklore.
Voudonists share the Christian belief that the soul can leave the body during sleep or spirit possession. Christian theology views spiritual possession as an attempt by Satan or a demon to possess a human being against their consent. An invaluable first-hand spiritual experience and link to the spirit world, this possession is best used in a ceremony led by a voodoo priest or priestess.
History of Voodoo
Enslaved people created Voudon by fusing their West African religion with the Roman Catholicism they were forced to adopt by their owners, a process known as syncretism. Enslavers were mandated to convert their new African employees to Christianity within eight days of their arrival under a regulation passed in 1685 that also outlawed the practice of traditional African faiths. The Catholic Church approved of slavery because it helped convert Africans to Christianity. Enslaved people coerced into adopting Catholic practices gave them new significance, and many African Vodoo gods eventually came to be identified with Christian saints.
Voodoo Curses, Witchcraft, and its Evil effects
The evil effects of Voodoo encompass Witchcraft as well as Voodoo curse. Modern scientists and doctors are discussing the possibility of something called "Voodoo curse" in peer-reviewed medical journals, demonstrating the negative influence that belief in Voodoo can have on its adherents. The theology and philosophy of voodoo can be all-encompassing and dramatic. This culture has captivated and alarmed outsiders alike.
Witchcraft, an evil effect of Voodoo, involves getting haunted by spirits. Innocent and malicious spirits (kings, heroes, the reach, the righteous poor, obedient servants, etc.) roam freely after dark when the underground gates swing wide open, inspecting the souls of all citizens and keeping tabs on their actions, thoughts, and whether or not they are careful to instill cultural norms in their offspring. Spirits not only protect communities from harm but also oversee daily activities. It is in their hands to prevent droughts, floods, and the spread of deadly diseases.
Spirits would send wicked ones to torment a disobedient individual because while they can cause pain, they can only humiliate a person if he has disobeyed the wishes of his forefathers. As a form of punishment, they might make you sick to your mind, prevent you from taking a shower or medication, restrict you from sleeping in a bed or staying in your own house, and cause you to hear voices belonging to people he knows are dead. Some spirits have the power to direct their target to commit suicide.
Voodoo Priest and Priestess
A Voodoo Priest, or Houngan in the Vodou sect of the religion, is a respected religious and spiritual leader, educator, and role model for other Voodooists. The role of the Voodoo Priest is multifaceted, requiring him to uphold social order, treat the sick, and instruct his disciples in the ways of the religion. In addition, voodoo Priests perform numerous elaborate rituals essential to the faith. Similarly to how a Voodoo Priest is a male healer and leader in Voodoo, a Voodoo Priestess is the term used to describe a female healer and leader in Voodoo.
Voodoo Healing and about our services
It is essential to look for a good voodoo curse removal service. As well-respected voodoo specialists, we would use various methods to restore your health and happiness, including meditation, hypnosis, and rituals, so that you may lead a fulfilled and joyful life. In addition, we have access to some of the most skilled Voodoo practitioners and witch doctors, who will make quick work of any Voodoo spells performed upon you. The best part is that we have been doing Voodoo healing for years.
Voodoo is a significant part of the lives of millions of Haitians, and many people benefit from it. However, the practice also has far-reaching and effective negative consequences for the Haitian people. Most voodoo rituals are theatrical, epic events that fascinate and sometimes terrify onlookers.
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kdgrammarschool · 5 days
Islamic Grammar School Boys: A Journey of Faith and Knowledge
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Islamic grammar schools provide a unique blend of religious and secular education, fostering the development of well-rounded individuals who are grounded in their faith and prepared for the challenges of modern life. This blog explores the various facets of life for boys attending these schools, shedding light on their educational journey, character development, and the environment that shapes them.
1. The Foundation of Islamic Grammar Schools
Islamic grammar schools, also known as madrasahs, have a long history rooted in the Islamic tradition of seeking knowledge. These schools aim to provide a balanced education that incorporates both Islamic studies and mainstream academic subjects. The curriculum is designed to ensure that students excel academically while also deepening their understanding and practice of Islam. The foundation of these schools is built upon the principles of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), emphasizing the importance of knowledge, morality, and community service.
2. A Day in the Life of an Islamic Grammar School Boy
A typical day for a boy in an Islamic grammar school starts early, often with the Fajr prayer at dawn. The day is structured around both academic and religious studies, with classes in subjects like mathematics, science, English, and history interspersed with lessons in Quranic recitation, Hadith (sayings of the Prophet), and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). The school day usually includes regular breaks for prayers, fostering a routine that integrates worship with learning. Extracurricular activities, such as sports and arts, are also encouraged to ensure a well-rounded education.
3. Academic Excellence and Religious Education
One of the key goals of Islamic grammar schools is to achieve academic excellence while providing a strong foundation in religious education. The dual curriculum ensures that students are not only proficient in core academic subjects but also have a deep understanding of their faith. This balanced approach prepares students for higher education and professional careers while instilling in them the values and ethics derived from Islamic teachings. The integration of these two aspects creates a unique educational experience that nurtures both the mind and the soul.
4. Character Building and Moral Development
Islamic grammar schools place a strong emphasis on character building and moral development. The teachings of Islam, which emphasize honesty, compassion, respect, and responsibility, are integrated into the daily activities and interactions within the school. Through various programs and activities, students learn to embody these values in their behavior and decision-making processes. The goal is to produce individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also morally upright and committed to contributing positively to society.
5. Role of Teachers and Mentors
Teachers and mentors in Islamic grammar schools play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their students. They serve not only as educators but also as role models who demonstrate the principles of Islam through their actions and interactions. The teacher-student relationship is one of mutual respect and trust, with teachers often providing personalized guidance and support. Mentorship programs, where older students or alumni provide guidance to younger students, are also common, fostering a sense of community and continuity within the school.
6. Extracurricular Activities and Personal Growth
While academic and religious studies are central to the curriculum, Islamic grammar schools also offer a variety of extracurricular activities that promote personal growth and development. Sports, arts, and community service projects are integral parts of the school experience, encouraging students to explore their interests and develop new skills. These activities help students build teamwork, leadership, and time-management skills, which are essential for their overall development and future success.
7. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility
Islamic grammar schools emphasize the importance of community engagement and social responsibility. Students are encouraged to participate in community service projects, charity work, and interfaith initiatives. These activities help students develop a sense of empathy and a commitment to making a positive impact on society. The schools often organize events and programs that bring together students, parents, and community members, fostering a strong sense of belonging and mutual support.
8. Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the many benefits, Islamic grammar schools face several challenges. Balancing the dual curriculum, addressing misconceptions about Islamic education, and ensuring access to resources and qualified teachers are some of the issues that schools must navigate. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and improvement. By continuously adapting and innovating, Islamic grammar schools can enhance their educational offerings and better serve their students and communities.
Islamic grammar schools play a vital role in the educational landscape, providing a unique blend of religious and academic instruction that prepares boys for success in both their personal and professional lives. By fostering a strong foundation in Islamic values, these schools help develop well-rounded individuals who are equipped to contribute positively to society. As these schools continue to evolve and address the challenges they face, they remain committed to their mission of nurturing knowledgeable, ethical, and responsible young men.
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Islamic School Kids: Nurturing Future Leaders
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Islamic school kids represent a vibrant and diverse group of young learners who are part of a unique educational system that combines traditional Islamic teachings with contemporary academic subjects. These schools aim to foster a strong sense of identity, moral integrity, and academic excellence in their students. This blog delves into various aspects of the lives of Islamic school kids, exploring the curriculum, environment, benefits, challenges, and the overall impact on their development.
1. The Foundation of Islamic Education
Islamic schools, also known as madrasahs or Islamic academies, have a long-standing tradition within Muslim communities. These institutions provide an environment where children can learn about their faith, culture, and heritage alongside mainstream academic subjects. The foundation of Islamic education lies in the Quran and Hadith, which are integrated into the daily curriculum to instill religious values and principles from an early age.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Balancing Faith and Academics
Islamic schools strive to offer a balanced curriculum that includes both religious studies and secular education. This dual approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded education. Religious studies typically cover Quranic recitation and memorization, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), prophetic traditions (Hadith), and Islamic history. Secular subjects include mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. By combining these elements, Islamic schools aim to produce well-educated individuals who can excel in various fields while maintaining a strong moral compass.
3. Character Building and Moral Education
One of the primary goals of Islamic education is character building. Islamic schools place a strong emphasis on developing ethical and moral values in students. Concepts such as honesty, kindness, respect, and responsibility are taught through both religious teachings and practical applications in everyday interactions. Teachers and staff serve as role models, guiding students to embody these values in their actions and decisions.
4. Spiritual Development and Worship Practices
Islamic schools provide a supportive environment for the spiritual development of children. Daily routines often include prayers (Salah) and Quranic recitation, helping students to develop a deep connection with their faith. Special events such as Ramadan observances, Eid celebrations, and religious lectures further enrich the spiritual experience. This spiritual grounding not only strengthens their religious identity but also provides a sense of community and belonging.
5. Cultural Awareness and Identity
Islamic schools play a crucial role in fostering a sense of cultural awareness and identity among students. By learning about Islamic traditions, history, and the contributions of Muslim scholars, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of their heritage. This knowledge helps them to navigate the complexities of modern society while maintaining a strong sense of who they are and where they come from.
6. Social Skills and Community Engagement
Social skills and community engagement are integral parts of the Islamic school experience. Students are encouraged to participate in community service projects, charitable activities, and interfaith dialogues. These experiences help them develop empathy, teamwork, and leadership skills. Moreover, being part of a close-knit community provides a support network that extends beyond the school years, fostering lifelong friendships and connections.
7. Addressing Challenges and Stereotypes
Despite the numerous benefits, Islamic schools and their students often face challenges and stereotypes. Misconceptions about Islamic education, concerns about integration into mainstream society, and issues related to Islamophobia can create hurdles. Islamic schools must navigate these challenges by promoting understanding, building bridges with the wider community, and showcasing the achievements and contributions of their students.
8. Preparing for the Future: Higher Education and Career Opportunities
Islamic schools aim to prepare students for successful futures, whether in higher education or various career paths. Many Islamic school graduates go on to excel in universities and professional fields, attributing their success to the strong academic and moral foundation provided by their schooling. Career counseling, mentorship programs, and extracurricular activities are integral in helping students to identify and pursue their aspirations.
Islamic school kids benefit from an education that not only focuses on academic excellence but also emphasizes moral and spiritual growth. By fostering a strong sense of identity, cultural awareness, and community engagement, Islamic schools prepare their students to become responsible, well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society. Despite facing challenges, the holistic approach of Islamic education ensures that students are equipped with the knowledge, values, and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world while staying true to their faith and principles.
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darrencowdrey · 12 days
Educational Strategies for Nurturing Young Faith Development
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In nurturing young faith, it becomes crucial to acknowledge the intricate connection between learning life, culture, and faith. This combination nurtures a harmonious community and empowers the youth by embedding a deep-seated sense of faith that is pivotal in their personal and communal engagements. When considering the education strategies that nurture young faith development, it is essential to recognize and implement methods that resonate deeply with the young, creating an enduring impact on their lives and the community.
Young individuals need to feel valued and heard within their spiritual communities. This can be achieved through empathetic listening, which involves genuinely understanding and engaging with their thoughts and feelings without immediate judgment or dismissal. By soliciting input and feedback, young people are recognized as equal participants in faith-based activities, enhancing their connection and commitment to their faith. Appreciating their contributions is vital, making them feel respected and integral to the faith community.
By recruiting adult leaders who are not only knowledgeable but also spiritually sound and morally upright, young individuals find genuine role models in various aspects of life. These mentors teach the youth how to integrate faith into everyday activities, making faith a living, breathing aspect of life rather than a series of isolated church events. This continuous reinforcement of faith in daily life helps solidify and normalize their faith experiences.
Being a model person, both inside and outside the church, demonstrates to the young that faith is not compartmentalized but a guide for overall life conduct. This consistent demonstration of faith in action encourages young people to embody similar values in their own lives, understanding that faith impacts every decision and interaction.
Supporting formation groups and initiating study groups for parents aim to empower them to effectively nurture their children’s faith. Providing learning resources at home extends faith discussions and practices beyond the church walls. An intergenerational approach to faith education, where young ones and parents study and grow together, strengthens family bonds and reinforces faith as a shared family value.
Structured training in faith disciplines like scripture reading, interpretation, and the practical application of faith teachings in acts of mercy and community service is essential. This formal education helps young people understand their faith intellectually and live it practically daily, ensuring a well-rounded approach to spiritual growth.
Another strategy is through extra-curricular activities. A good example is youth groups. Encouraging the formation of youth groups provides a supportive community where young individuals can explore their faith among peers. These groups serve as a safe space for expression, questions, and mutual support, further solidifying their faith journey.
Service projects are another example of extra-curricular activities. Participating in service projects teaches the importance of selflessness and compassion. Through these acts, the youth learn to put their faith into action, realizing the profound impact their faith can have on improving the lives of others.
Not forgetting retreats and summer camp activities. Activities such as worship, Bible study, and outdoor adventures during retreats and summer camps offer dynamic environments for faith exploration. These settings foster lifelong friendships and create lasting memories, all while deepening faith.
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dtfbooks · 22 days
Exploring Sikh Literature: Must-Read Books on Sikhism
Sikh literature offers a deep and insightful look into the beliefs, history, and practices of Sikhism. From sacred texts to contemporary writings, these books provide valuable knowledge for anyone interested in understanding this rich and vibrant faith. Here, we explore some essential Sikh books that every enthusiast should consider reading.
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Sacred Texts
Guru Granth Sahib: The central religious scripture of Sikhism, Guru Granth Sahib is a collection of hymns and writings by Sikh Gurus and various saints. It serves as the eternal Guru and is revered as the ultimate spiritual authority in Sikhism. The text emphasizes devotion to God, ethical living, and social justice.
Dasam Granth: Composed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Books , Dasam Granth includes a variety of works such as autobiographical texts, philosophical writings, and poetry. It complements the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib and provides additional insights into Sikh philosophy and spirituality.
Historical Texts
Janamsakhis: These are traditional biographies of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Janamsakhis detail his life, teachings, and travels, offering a historical perspective on his contributions to the faith.
Sikh Rehat Maryada: This text outlines the code of conduct and conventions for Sikhs. It is essential for understanding the practices and daily life of a devout Sikh, including guidelines for worship, community living, and ethical behavior.
Contemporary Writings
"The Sikh Way: A Pilgrim's Progress" by Sewa Singh Kalsi: This book provides an accessible introduction to Sikh beliefs, practices, and history. It's a great starting point for those new to Sikhism or looking to deepen their understanding.
"Sikhism: An Introduction" by Owen Cole and Piara Singh Sambhi: This comprehensive book covers the origins, history, and key teachings of Sikhism. It is well-regarded for its clarity and thoroughness, making it a valuable resource for students and researchers alike.
Biographies and Personal Stories
"The Name of My Beloved: Verses of the Sikh Gurus" translated by Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh: This collection of translations brings the poetry of the Sikh Gurus to a wider audience. It offers a personal and emotional connection to the spiritual wisdom of Sikhism.
"Seva: Sikh Wisdom for Living Well by Hardev Singh Virk: This book explores the concept of seva (selfless service) in Sikhism. Through personal stories and reflections, it illustrates how this principle shapes the lives and actions of Sikhs around the world.
Children's Books
"A Lion’s Mane" by Navjot Kaur: This beautifully illustrated book introduces children to Sikh identity and values through the story of a young Sikh boy. It's a wonderful resource for parents and educators to teach kids about diversity and cultural pride.
"The Boy with Long Hair" by Pushpinder Singh: This book addresses the experiences of young Sikh boys who maintain their long hair as part of their religious practice. It promotes understanding and acceptance among children of all backgrounds.
Sikh literature offers a vast array of knowledge, from foundational scriptures to modern interpretations and stories. These books provide a comprehensive understanding of Sikhism, its history, and its values. Whether you are a devout follower or simply curious about this faith, exploring these texts will enrich your knowledge and appreciation of Sikh culture and spirituality.
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mariacallous · 1 month
In late April, less than a month before the May 29 national election, Zackie Achmat, who is running to become one of the first-ever independent lawmakers in South Africa’s National Assembly, gathered his core staff and organizers at his campaign headquarters in downtown Cape Town to implore them to take some time off.
“Most of you have been here, doing this for more than a year,” he told the room, a group that ranged from those young enough to be first-time voters to those old enough to have grown up under apartheid. He reminded them that the election was not an end point but—if he won—a moment of transition. They were not just running a campaign; they were building a movement that would need to last through Achmat’s five-year term.
Mandla Majola, who has been organizing alongside Achmat for more than two decades, spoke up from the back of the conference room: “This is the failure of many activists. We’re good at taking care of others but fail to take care of ourselves.” His choice of words was revealing. As Achmat broke the team into groups to discuss steps they could take to protect their health, it was no longer obvious whether this was a campaign meeting or a lesson in movement organizing. For Achmat, there was no reason it couldn’t be both.
One of the most successful activists in South African history, Achmat crusaded against apartheid and, after the country’s democratic transition in 1994, to secure LGBTQ+ equality. He drew international attention in the late 1990s when he launched the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), a grassroots movement that helped win affordable access to HIV treatment globally. But he now believes he has reached the limits of outsider activism in South Africa.
Taking advantage of a 2023 change to the electoral law that allowed candidates to run for legislative seats without the backing of a party for the first time, Achmat has spent the past year assembling movements of young people, people with disabilities, people without secure housing, and members of the LGBTQ+ community and hopes to ride their support into office. He is not promising them legislative success if elected. In fact, he is not promising them anything except to use his parliamentary privileges to help compel the government to meet specific demands they believe will help secure their rights and improve their lives. Essentially, Achmat is positioning himself to be the outsider’s insider.
At the same time, he is curious to try on the role of politician. Since the end of apartheid in 1994, the country has been ruled by the African National Congress (ANC). Once the party of Nelson Mandela, its leaders are now dogged by allegations of corruption. Achmat, once a card-carrying party member, believes decades of scandals have contributed to a widespread perception that the party no longer works on behalf of its constituents but to line its members’ pockets. That has dampened voter participation and—30 years after the ANC took power—now threatens the future of the country’s democracy. He wants to help restore faith in politics by demonstrating how a lawmaker can engage citizens.
“I just want to show people what the position can do,” he said.
Now 62 years old, Achmat has famously been a firebrand since his youth in Salt River, then a working-class Cape Town neighborhood. He was 14 when he set fire to his segregated school in support of national education boycotts and was later arrested and tortured by the apartheid-era security services. Driven underground, he organized for both the ANC in its efforts to liberate South Africa from apartheid and deliver on its vision of democracy and equality and the Marxist Workers Tendency, a revolutionary Trotskyist group that operated within the party to push it to the left.
His rupture with the ANC came during his years campaigning with TAC. The movement’s original goal was to force multinational drug companies to make HIV treatment affordable to people across the global south. Already contending with resistance from the pharmaceutical giants and their backers in the U.S. and European governments, TAC’s work became even more difficult in the early 2000s when President Thabo Mbeki began entertaining the lies of HIV denialists.
Their claims that AIDS was not linked to the virus, but instead the result of poverty or poor diet, led Mbeki’s health minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, to infamously encourage people living with HIV to use garlic and beetroot to manage their condition. Tshabalala-Msimang was also among the members of the administration who denied the scientific evidence that antiretroviral drugs could reduce an HIV infection to the point of undetectability and frustrated the activists’ efforts to expand access to treatment.
Achmat, who can turn uncompromising in his anger, dropped out of the party in 2004 at the height of Mbeki’s denialism. Despite his outrage at the president and his acolytes, Achmat and the rest of the TAC leadership were careful to maintain links with the ANC. They understood that they could not afford to alienate the many TAC activists who were still members.
But Achmat now believes there was a naivete in the movement’s continued engagement with the ANC leadership. In the immediate post-apartheid era, there was a “belief that the ANC could do everything” toward effecting the progressive vision its leaders had laid out ahead of assuming power “as long as there’s a bit of pressure from outside,” he said. “We focused on good governance, accountability, openness, believing that it’s just a matter of opening eyes rather than a very real material interest.”
Jacob Zuma’s presidency, which began in 2009, disabused him of that perspective. Achmat spent much of that time helping to launch campaigns in Cape Town, including efforts to improve the region’s rail services and to demand affordable housing. But he was also increasingly fixated on the monied interests capturing the state, seemingly with the president’s permission. As evidence mounted in 2017 that Zuma’s administration was effectively controlled by the Guptas, three businessmen brothers with long-standing ties to the president, Achmat helped organize a march to Parliament demanding Zuma be recalled.
The president ultimately stepped down from office the following year rather than face a parliamentary vote of no confidence over the corruption allegations. Nevertheless, in the solitude of the COVID-19 pandemic-era lockdowns, Achmat concluded that the only way to compel politicians to fully deliver on the constitution’s promises of freedom, equality, and dignity was “through political power both inside and outside.”
This was around the time of a 2020 ruling from the Constitutional Court declaring it unconstitutional to prevent independent candidates from standing for the National Assembly, prompting the change in the country’s electoral law. Until that point, citizens had voted for parties, which then filled their National Assembly seats from a candidate list. The Assembly members, in turn, selected the president. Now, for the upcoming election, there will still be a national ballot but also a new regional ballot specific to each of the country’s nine provinces, listing independent candidates alongside parties.
That opening spurred conversations in Achmat’s circles, with them “playing around with the idea of what an alternative looks like, what it means if an alternative would be born out of this civil society.” said Zukie Vuka, who first met Achmat as a student organizing for better schools. Ultimately, Achmat and his comrades hit on a model they think might work.
Achmat ended up being only one of six independent candidates for the National Assembly to qualify to run—and the only one in the Western Cape province, which is where Cape Town is located. Pundits suspect the difficulty of campaigning—and raising money in particular—outside the apparatus of a political party dissuaded many potential candidates from competing. Achmat is the only one who seems to have had much fundraising success, yet even he hasn’t brought much in: only 7.5 million rand (about $405,000) as of the end of April, which has not been enough to allow him to organize across the province.
Despite the lack of funding or party infrastructure, the lifelong movement-builder is convinced he can still win by building another movement. Actually, he’s building several movements. For the past year, Achmat and a core group of comrades drawn from a lifetime of activism have been organizing across a wide spate of groups: people living in informal settlements, young people, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. They are mostly drawn from the townships that surround downtown Cape Town, areas where the apartheid government began relocating the Black and mixed-race—“Coloured,” in South African parlance—communities in earnest in the 1960s.
Within these areas, there is a rage that is echoed in Black and Coloured communities across South Africa. After withstanding the abuse, torture, and disenfranchisement of the apartheid regime, many allowed themselves to believe in the ANC’s promise of a post-1994 transformation that would deliver on the tenets of freedom and equality and make room for everyone to thrive economically. Yet, 30 years later, with inequality as deep as ever, there is a fear that the ANC’s promised miracle has passed them by—or that it never arrived at all.
In the Cape Town communities where Achmat has rooted his campaign, there is an equivalent frustration with the Democratic Alliance—the national opposition party that has controlled the Western Cape government since 2009—and a growing distrust of political parties, in general.
Achmat is keenly aware of this skepticism because he shares it, which is why he is organizing movements instead of a political party.
He has cautioned the activist forums that he is building not to expect systemic transformation at the outset but to rally around policies that will improve people’s lives. For instance, the youth forum, dubbed Youth in Action, wants to curb the drug and alcohol abuse that is rampant among unemployed young people. Achmat and the other seasoned activists have encouraged them to begin with achievable targets, though, such as limiting alcohol advertisements around schools and restricting the hours that alcohol is sold, hoping that these initial victories will win them new followers and help build toward more sweeping solutions.
Since announcing his candidacy in March 2023, Achmat has spent much of his time forgoing door-to-door campaigning, which he doesn’t much enjoy, to help the forums craft their strategies. “I believe the campaign I’m working on is a knowledge-based campaign,” he said. “It is not, ‘Here’s the candidate. Let him kiss your lovely baby.’ I’ve built up a store of knowledge with a bunch of activists. We are going to share that knowledge.”
Like so many people in Cape Town over the decades, Gadija Abrahams Idas credits Achmat with her political awakening. It happened when the 20-year-old went to a candidate meeting in her area, Eerste River, and quizzed Achmat about how he planned to deliver jobs and improve their schools.
With the slightly ironic smile that is something of his trademark, “he told me he’s going to do nothing,” she said. “He told me he’s going to teach us, give us the tools to do it ourselves.”
In this way, it’s the same activist model Achmat has followed his entire life—except that he now believes political power is necessary to speed and sustain any transformations. So even as he encouraged Idas to join Youth in Action, he also asked her to campaign for his candidacy.
If he is elected, he has pledged to do whatever he can to support the activist forums. That means arming activists with vital information that a lawmaker might prefer they not see by releasing reports or contracts that might normally get snarled in bureaucracy. He also aims to win a place on a committee with spending oversight and then leverage the position to hold his peers to account. Even if he misses out on his preferred assignments, he will still have the right to attend committee sessions, to ask questions, and to bring his activists to the hearings.
“His role in Parliament is not to be a voice for the voiceless,” Vuka said. “His role in Parliament is to get in there and open up the books.”
And if he fails in his campaign, Achmat still intends to maintain the activist forums and continue to press for improvements to people’s lives that politicians are not delivering. This is his answer to critics who accuse him of running a campaign as a vanity project.
“I’d be disappointed,” he said. “But for me, ultimately, the most important thing is the movement that’s come out of it.”
Achmat’s approach is typically cerebral and long-term, a far cry from other campaigns’ promises to immediately deliver jobs or end mandatory power cuts. And it’s a difficult one for Achmat’s supporters to communicate in a few minutes to potential voters, like Fanelwa Mishikwane. She was spending Freedom Day, the April 27 holiday marking the country’s first post-apartheid elections 30 years before, tidying her small home in Site C, a tightly packed community at the heart of the historically Black township of Khayelitsha. Born just before apartheid’s end, Mishikwane has for decades been struggling to save the money to move away from the shack and its leaky roof.
Tired of political parties that have done nothing to improve her life, she told a pack of Achmat supporters that she was not planning to vote at all in the upcoming election. “Our mothers voted for ANC, and they never saw any changes,” she said. “They keep on voting, but we don’t see anything.”
This is an increasingly common reaction. Less than half of all eligible voters turned out for the last national elections in 2019.
But when Achmat’s supporters filled Mishikwane in on his biography, she got excited that he “might change the situation we are seeing.” In the hurry to register more supporters, there was no time to dive into his theory of change: that it would come slowly and only if people like her joined in the organizing efforts.
But even if Mishikwane doesn’t join any of the movements that have sprung up around his campaign, Achmat believes he can still go some way toward meeting her expectations. As he inches closer to political office, he understands that it will give him power beyond movement-building. And he is warming to the idea of exercising it.
There is no reason that he cannot bring the weight of his position into conversations with a local social security agency office, for instance, where bureaucracy is making it difficult for people to register for benefits. And he is willing to coordinate with like-minded politicians to deliver legislation that cuts across party boundaries, even if it means reining in his usual scorched-earth tactics, like the time in 2003 when he helped launch a civil disobedience campaign by leading a group of TAC members to a Cape Town police station and demanding officers either arrest Tshabalala-Msimang and Trade and Industry Minister Alec Erwin for failing to provide treatment to people living with HIV or the demonstrators. He jokes that he has mellowed with age.
He will also be uniquely positioned to gain a national profile, said William Gumede, a political analyst who is working during this election cycle to coordinate a multiparty opposition coalition.
“He’s going to be quoted every day, able to address constituencies, civil society organizations, communities,” Gumede said. “And compared to many political party leaders who don’t have substance, who can’t have a debate, he can do all of those things.”
Most of all, in the wake of the Zuma years, Achmat wants to model what a responsive politician can look like. And though he does not pretend he can single-handedly restore people’s faith in South Africa’s democracy, Majola, the organizer, is convinced Achmat has the capacity “to get people to believe again. The whole idea is to help them to dream again.”
Yet the candidate is fearful of going too far down the path of becoming a politician, aware that sometimes “it doesn’t matter with what good intentions you go in or how good a person you are.”
Part of the impetus to build an extraparliamentary movement is that there will be a structure to hold him accountable. He has actually signed contracts with the activist forums pledging, among other things, to name corrupt companies and officials, to hold monthly constituency meetings, and to stand down immediately if he is charged with corruption. If he fails in any of his obligations, he has urged his followers to recall him. He also promises to keep his own council, though, aware that without independence, there is a risk of tipping over into populism.
But to begin executing any of these careful plans, Achmat first has to win.
The campaign estimates that he needs about 85,000 votes to secure a position outright. The candidate is “cautiously optimistic” he can hit that total. If he does, that’s when the real work will begin.
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errantabbot · 1 month
On Christianity, Clerics, Community, and Caesar
At some point in history, clergy in most of the western traditions doffed the role of spiritual director, and in its steed donned the functions of community organizer, building manager, fund developer, and committee corraller.
In essence, they became devotees of the idol of community (and its specific properties) rather than guides to psycho-spiritual wellbeing, awakening, and transcendence.
It should go without saying that the results have been painfully obvious, at least in retrospect.
The fundamental purpose of the clerical state is to identify intentional elders, who are formed, exposed, trained, and otherwise educated to such an extent that they are able to offer authentic guidance and wisdom for life’s journey to a wide array of peoples. That’s not been happening. Which is a shame, as the very purpose of religion, above all else, is to allay suffering and promote healing of the primal wound of consciousness.
Instead we’ve attacked “clericalism” (which no doubt has ample shadow) and sought to humanize, or normalize the minister to such an extent that we no longer expect anything more of them (in optimal conditions) than compliance with prevailing social conventions, pandering to key donors, and the intoning of milquetoast aesthetical preaching and liturgies, towing contextual party lines.
No challenge, no guidance, nor nuance sought or welcome.
Seminart education had responded to the milieu, as an increasingly lackluster experience that seldom contributes much to the formation of wise intentional elders.
In recent decades most of what had been valuable in training pastoral persons has been replaced with offerings just as easily found in, if not actually borrowed from MBA programs.
Of course, we’ve managed to maintain a core curriculum of exploring historical polemics, all while espousing interpretative rubrics ideologically bent toward dismantling power structures (when not just feigning untenable literalism), save for those still haunting our own past.
So many clergy can eloquently speak to historical heresies (you know, ancient minority positions being forced out in politicized powerplays) but remain entirely blind to their irrelevance, especially when their own faith tradition more broadly is exposed to the scrutiny of true inter-religious dialogue and comparative spiritual experience across cultures, not just denominations.
Contemporary people aren’t lacking in the desire for spiritual nourishment, they’re just not being suckered into seeking it at country clubs, political action committees, or lackluster social service agencies by any other name (chiefly that of “church”).
No amount of updated music, secularized fittings, political ideological allegiance, or appeals to fundamentalist flirtation can re-enliven the church.
The church needs to reckon honestly with its state, seek to rediscover its own wisdom, and then reimagine the function of its ministers, and the place of its practice in the life of its adherents. Too it needs to understand that success in these endeavors may not, and probably will not look like a return to the idolized packed pews and canned worship strategies of yesterday.
Something more relational, at smaller scale but with greater impact and integrity is likely on the horizon for those peoples and communities who try and succeed in this honest endeavor.
Christians in particular should remember that they are called to be “in the world, but not of it,” to render “Ceasar’s things to Ceasar, and God’s things to God.” Both of these admonitions are prone to being ignored or fanatically appealed to on both the fringes of the so-called left and right. Such abject alignment itself is part of the problem.
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k12academics · 2 months
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Jarvis Christian University is a historically Black institution, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), offering degrees at the associate, baccalaureate, and master’s levels. The mission of the University is to prepare a diverse population of lifelong learners intellectually, socially, spiritually, and personally through providing interactive services and using varied modalities of instructional delivery.
In support of its mission, Jarvis Christian University  has adopted these Guiding Principles:
Scholarship and Life-Long Learning: To advocate life-long learning by challenging and supporting students and staff to pursue intellectual, personal and professional development.
Service: To intentionally provide a quality experience for students, colleagues, surrounding communities and the nation through community service and civic engagement, as service is the core of our profession.
Integrity: To exhibit ethical behavior in and beyond the academic setting, and be good stewards of our financial resources, acting as persons of high character guided by a commitment to transparency, fairness and honesty.
Respect: To embrace the doctrines of Faith, Family and Community, which ensure inclusiveness and diversity, understanding that every individual should be treated with professionalism, courtesy and kindness.
Responsibility: To be responsible and accountable for our actions in every situation, as it relates to the College, the community and the nation.
Christian Ethics: To emphasize that the Christian spiritual path provides an ethical code that, when followed, will make for a better person, a better College, a better community, and a better world
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gerardgallagherlot · 2 months
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certificationgdp · 2 months
What are some of the leading certification bodies that offer ISO 21001 certification in Lebanon?
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What is ISO 21001 certification in Lebanon? 
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aurianneor · 2 months
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Make fun or help the conspiracy theorists
Conspiracy theories have existed all over the world, throughout the ages. In ancient times, there were fanciful explanations, such as a Jew attracting the evil eye in Alexandria. Nazi ideologies fed on conspiracy theories.
Social media is a breeding ground for conspiracy theories. There are people who think the earth is flat, that the end of the world is coming, the anti-vaccine crowd. These are people who defy natural laws and simple observation. It is beyond comprehension. It’s tempting to make fun of them, to call them morons, which reinforces their idea that the world is against them and that they’d be better off sticking with like-minded people or resorting to drugs.
Yet there’s not much difference between conspiracy theories and the content of religions. Yet we don’t treat them in the same way. You don’t mock someone who says Jesus miraculously multiplied a small amount of food to feed a large crowd.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow theorized need. He believed that science should take an interest in religious need. The hold of cults over humans was ridiculed by science. The supernatural explanation has been ridiculed. Research is needed to better understand why people need supernatural explanations. By killing God, people have been left in need.
Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences d’Abraham Maslow: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/295816.Religions_Values_and_Peak_Experiences
He was ridiculed by the scientific community. Science stopped being interested in these questions.
In their lives, people feel at a loss because of terrible illness, crop failure, forest fires and so on. They have no control over the situation, and no faith in the natural world. Their hope is that something can bend the laws of nature and protect them.
According to Maslow, the human brain must be capable of taking action in the face of a terrible situation or obstacle. Conspiracy theories and religions enable us to act: we can pray, fight aliens, etc.
To fight conspiracy theories, we need to resume research into human brains and find out why we have this need for the supernatural. On the other hand, we need to reduce the number of people who feel they’ve reached their limit, who have lost hope. Having an entourage of friends and family helps to find solutions. We need to stop displacing people. We need more professionals to support people who are difficult to live with, so that they are less isolated. We need to improve education so that people are better able to find solutions or know where to look for them. We need to strengthen social security and social services to help them. It’s paradoxical that we no longer have any hope of living in a century in which science has provided so many solutions to problems that didn’t have any, and made so many social advances. In California, if you lose your job, you end up on the street. Life becomes hopeless. If there were unemployment insurance, people wouldn’t be so afraid.
It’s unethical to make fun of someone with a disability. It’s cruel to make fun of people who break down and believe in the supernatural, instead of helping them. It’s a disorder like any other. Let’s not forget that the number of suicides is on the rise.
Théories du complot, complotisme et conspirationnisme – CIC Info: https://cic-info.ch/informations-utiles/fiches-thematique/theories-du-complot-complotisme-et-conspirationnisme/
Conspirationnistes, ridiculiser ou aider: https://www.aurianneor.org/7574-2/
They make Putin laugh: https://www.aurianneor.org/they-make-putin-laugh/
Do help Mrs Dalloway!: https://www.aurianneor.org/do-help-mrs-dalloway-mrs-dalloway-virginia/
Drugs: https://www.aurianneor.org/drugs/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
What I am worth depends neither on market nor on race: https://www.aurianneor.org/what-i-am-worth-depends-neither-on-market-nor-on-race/
Humiliated by the Republic: https://www.aurianneor.org/humiliated-by-the-republic/
Change the words “HIV” and “AIDS” by “Mental illness” and see how you feel about it: https://www.aurianneor.org/change-the-words-hiv-and-aids-by-mental/
La licorne: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-licornemore-un-air-de-maman/
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kdgrammarschool · 2 months
Nurturing Minds: Exploring the Journey of Islamic Grammar School Boys
Introduction: In the realm of education, Islamic grammar schools stand as pillars of both academic excellence and moral development. Among their students, boys undergo a unique journey, shaped by the principles of Islamic teachings and the rigor of grammar-based education. This blog delves into the distinctive experiences and transformations that mark the path of Islamic grammar school boys.
The Foundation of Faith: At the heart of Islamic grammar schools lies a strong emphasis on faith. Boys are immersed in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, laying a solid foundation of Islamic principles. This early exposure instills in them a sense of identity and purpose, shaping their worldview and guiding their actions throughout their educational journey.
Academic Rigor and Discipline: Islamic grammar schools are known for their rigorous academic curriculum, which often includes a strong focus on grammar studies alongside traditional subjects. Boys are challenged to excel not only in memorization but also in critical thinking and analysis. This academic discipline cultivates resilience and perseverance, traits that serve them well beyond the classroom.
Character Development: Beyond academics, Islamic grammar schools place great emphasis on character development. Boys are taught the values of integrity, compassion, and humility, mirroring the exemplary character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Through daily interactions and moral guidance, they learn to navigate life's challenges with grace and dignity.
Brotherhood and Camaraderie: Within the walls of an Islamic grammar school, boys forge deep bonds of brotherhood that transcend social barriers. They share experiences, support each other's growth, and form lifelong friendships rooted in faith and mutual respect. This sense of camaraderie fosters a nurturing environment where boys feel valued and supported in their journey towards becoming responsible individuals.
Leadership Opportunities: Islamic grammar schools provide ample opportunities for boys to develop leadership skills and take on roles of responsibility. Whether through student councils, sports teams, or community service initiatives, boys learn the importance of accountability and service to others. These experiences groom them to become confident leaders who lead by example and inspire positive change.
Cultural Enrichment: Alongside their Islamic studies, boys in grammar schools often engage in activities that celebrate their cultural heritage. From Arabic language classes to Islamic art workshops, they gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Muslim civilization. This cultural enrichment not only strengthens their connection to their roots but also fosters a sense of pride in their identity as Muslims.
Challenges and Resilience: Like any educational journey, the path of Islamic grammar school boys is not without its challenges. From academic pressures to societal expectations, they face obstacles that test their resilience and determination. However, guided by faith and supported by their community, they learn to overcome adversity with steadfastness and grace.
Preparation for the Future: As boys progress through their years in an Islamic grammar school, they emerge equipped with both knowledge and character to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Whether pursuing higher education, entering the workforce, or serving their communities, they carry with them the values instilled during their formative years. With faith as their compass, they embark on a journey of lifelong learning and service.
Conclusion: The journey of Islamic grammar school boys is one of growth, learning, and spiritual enrichment. From the foundation of faith to the culmination of academic achievement, they undergo a transformation that shapes them into compassionate, principled individuals. As they step into the world beyond the confines of the classroom, they carry with them the teachings and values instilled during their time in an Islamic grammar school, poised to make meaningful contributions to society and uphold the principles of their faith.
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