#Fan kids au
peckforlovingheck · 1 year
Another snippet of fankid content bc I’m hyperfixated on it again
Wren bellyflops onto the couch. Jamie collapsed on it after. Owen lays on top of the couch. Lastly, Sylvie sits down on the couch gently.
“Augh. Today was ass.” Wren says. “Agreed.” Owen and Jamie say in unison. Sylvie just nods.
“But why?” Owen asks.
“Had to dogsit. This one mastiff jumped on me today and knocked me into the creek. Almost broke my leg. That and I also got a C in English because of a missing essay. I left it upstairs in my house so… yeah..” Wren explained, examining their right leg. “What about you?”
“Y’know how I have the new neighbors, right? The Raymond twins?” He asked.
“Oh how could we forget. You talk about them constantly.” Jamie smirked.
“Shut up.” His face flushed. “Anyway. I passed them and tried to say hi, then I tripped on my goddamn shoelace and rolled down the stairs.”
Sylvie winces. Jamie says, “Damn. Rule 5 of being attractive. Make sure your shoes are tied.”
“..and what do you know about that?” Owen laughs. “You’ve like the same person for god knows how long and you STILL don’t have the balls to ask her out.”
Jamie shrugs. Wren is holding in a laugh. Sylvie is confused.
“All I can offer up today is how tired I am.” He says.
“I was left behind by you guys when we were walking here!” Sylvie groaned.
“Sorry…” Wren and Owen say. Jamie sits up. “I’m not.” He laughs. “It’s because we were walking to your house, stupid.” Wren countered. “Yeah.” Owen agreed.
“Well, you guys still left Sylvie behind. I’d never.” Jamie rolled his eyes. Sylvie glared at him, as if to disagree. “Yeah because your a lover boy”Wren started but Jamie slapped his hand over their mouth. Not that it stopped anything. What was said was said. Realization falls over Sylvie’s face.
A silence fell among the group.
“Are you serious..?” Sylvie asked, breaking the quiet pause. She sounded cautious at first, then repeated what she said with a harsher tone.
“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” She was practically yelling. When it came to Sylvie, she never actually raised her volume above the average speaking level, but the tone and expression were amplified.
“…Why are you upset?-“ Jamie consulted, looking confused.
“You decide to be our closest friend for years, drift off in middle school, and completely abandon us in high school. Then you start hanging out with us again and say you like me..? Just like that? Acting like nothing happened?!”
“This isn’t anything new! I’ve liked you since we met!-“
“WHY?- YOU LEFT US. YOU LEFT ME. SO WHAT IF YOU LIKED ME. I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU.” She was literally yelling this time.
“Oh yeah totally and then you all fucking replaced me-“
“…” She looked away from him.
“..I regret it all, okay? I’ve spent the last five months trying to rebuild my friendship with you guys. I’m an asshole. A prick. A loser. Whatever you want to call me. I’m trying to be sincere. I’m sorry.”
Sylvie looked at him, a complete pissed off expression. Then she did something he didn’t expect, hugging him and crying. Not a complete over the top sob session. Just a cry.
“…” She let go of him. Wren grabbed Sylvie’s hand. “She and I need to talk one-on-one, alright? Owen, make sure James keeps his ass here.” They say.
Fifteen minutes into their talk.
“Why is he coming back to us now?” Sylvie asked.
“Eh. Either he really missed us or he found out about the rumors of his other friends being creepy towards the freshman.”
“Yeah. That’s probably a big part of it.” Wren stares at the ground. “I don’t know. You decide whether you forgive him for leaving us or not though.”
“Should I..?” Sylvie asks. Wren shrugs. “It’s up to you. If you need to give it time, sure.”
Sylvie stood up and the two walk back into the room. Owen is currently hanging off of Jamie’s arm. “He was talking my ear off…” Jamie whined.
“Tell me about it.” Wren laughed. “Anyway, the food’s here. Come on.” Owen smiled.
The four walk downstairs and eat. Not much conversation. “…Do you guys actually want me back?” Jamie asked.
“I mean.. yeah.” Wren said. “Obviously.” Owen agreed.
“…” Sylvie stared dead at him. “Not going to answer that.”
“That’s fair.” He sighed.
“But answer this for me: how the hell are we replacing you? It’s more of the other way around.” She asked, each word a hesitation.
“The scary ginger guy.”
Sylvie snorts. Owen almost choked on a chicken wing. Wren starts their loud and brass laughter.
“OCTOBER ZHAO?!- THAT GUY?-“ Wren continued. “REALLY?-“
“Wren became his friend. By association, we started hanging out with him too. He doesn’t like you much only because we’d vent to him about you. Our bad.” Owen dipped his head apologetically.
“..He’s really nice when you get to know him.” Sylvie said. “He thought you’d eventually come around, so there’s that.”
“—oh.” Jamie nods. “I see.”
“…Glad we for that resolved, I guess. Can we watch a movie or something now?” Owen asked.
The four on the couch, exhausted but enjoying the time. The movie is one that’s not trash but not memorable. The front door clicks open.
“…Oh hey Appa. Hope you don’t mind that Wren, Owen, and Sylvia came over.” Jamie says, looking over at his dad standing in the doorway.
“I don’t mind. They’re nice kids.” His dad smiled. “It’s late.. don’t stay up past 12. Get some sleep, son. Make sure your friends get home safely though. I know full well that if anything happened to those three, it’s my ass on the line.” He waved and walked upstairs.
Jamie laughed. “He has a point. Adanna would absolutely sue.” Wren said. “Yeah, my mom would totally raise a lawsuit.” Owen sighed.
Light hum of Sylvie’s snore could be heard. Soft breaths as she leaned against Jamie. Owen decided to spare Jamie but Wren would not give the mercy.
“Awwww. I knew she’d fall back into your arms eventually~”
“Shut.” He said. Sylvie opens an eye. Jamie felt fear as Sylvie stared at him with a sleepy expression. She wrapped her arms around him.
“or I guess you’re in her arms??-“ Wren said.
“..shut up. I need this.” Sylvie said, then went quiet.
“Does this mean we’re okay now?” Jamie asked.
“I’ll think about it. Doesn’t mean I am over you though.” Sylvie said, then falling asleep.
Owen turned to face them. “Am I the only one actually watching this?-“
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 6 months
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Guardian swap au for 4/13 ^ ^
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emthimofnight · 8 months
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girl dad(s)
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wanologic · 4 months
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yo danny fenton he was just 19
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kyri45 · 2 months
If you also go by that one bc of mac and pig being sworn siblings, i can only imagine her figuring out that mk is mac’s bio kid-
pif: why didn’t you tell me?!?
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Think of all the birthday she missed! (She would be one of those aunts who is more concerned about her nephew than her own actual son)
Thank you for joining the stream! Was a lot of fun ;)
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT )
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sleepypdng · 1 month
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Coraline x Monkie Kid 🪡
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tangledinink · 8 months
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tmnt tarot ☽O☾ zero through five
[ @angelpuns - @evenmoreofadisaster - @radishhqueen - @probably-not-a-rutabaga - @kathaynesart - @beannary ] - [ next set ]
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ne-cocoa · 29 days
Monkey + bull = ???
Just a lil silly thing :3
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swagginmun · 1 month
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Chapter 2: Tactical Infiltration Page 11 Pump it UP! Start || Previous || Next
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douxmae · 6 months
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I’ve drawn both baby mk and monkey mk, but never baby monkey mk! I don’t know if Pigsy would be able to keep up with him haha
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dez-ku · 6 months
I made this days ago lol
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lostuzumaki · 6 months
Luffy reincarnated to past AU
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Part1 ... Part21 Part22 Part23
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raindropsyndrome · 2 years
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So, no one will headcannon that Donnie would be thrilled to help raise a kid? No? 🤨
Alright then… I’ll do it myself
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emthimofnight · 7 months
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A scene that takes place within the first month of rescuing Stellar from the government facility she was made at; Sonic and Shadow have gotten more into the rhythm of co-parenting. Even so, parenting an illegal genetic experiment isn't easy!
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certainty2witch · 23 days
Croc didn’t like that 😭😭
Or he secretly does?
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From this @mercyannmay ‘s comment on twitter:
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Connect to this
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kyri45 · 2 months
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You guys, of COURSE Mei figured it out (as she said:”waaaayyy ahead of you”). It’s the fact that he got the braincell of the Emo Monkey as well. Also don’t worry Red Son you still have your chance on Noodle Boy.
And MK didn't make the same connection he s too oblivious.
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT)
Asks by @hyperfixationgodess87 @mothpendragon @the-ninja-girl-in-blue @luciferapollyon @terezsa07 @elianaroselight @bonnalina
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