#Farah Province
bikerlovertexas · 2 years
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Old Habits Die Hard
Ghost is discharged from the SAS after a pretty severe suicide attempt. Now he's forced to live life as a civilian which is... pretty fucking boring. Hence why he jumps at the opportunity to beat the shit out of two punks who come in the rob the store. However, when it turns out they're part of an actual gang who has decided he needs to die... well, things get a hell of a lot less boring. Oh yeah, and he needs to talk to Soap, apparently.
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Price would have had a fit if he saw the habit that Ghost had picked up. Well, less a fit. Would have told him to knock it the fuck off, but… Well, fuck that old man. He’s the one who put Ghost in this stupid fucking position and Ghost had to cope somehow.
Ghost went back to tapping his fingers on the glass of the cigarette counter, grateful but bored with the lack of customers at the drugstore he now worked at. Why did he work at a drugstore? His stipend didn’t cover rent anywhere in his Province and he didn’t really want to go anywhere else. Plus, a job would “give him something to do”, according to Alex, who was the only fucker he still talked to.
Well, that was a lie. Okay, really, he just didn’t talk to Soap, Price, and Gaz. The latter because he didn’t talk to Ghost and… well, Soap and Price had both advocated for his discharge. Maybe he was being petty with being mad at them. Maybe he did need to be discharged but… well maybe Ghost wasn’t one to forgive easy. Not yet. One day, he would. But… Not yet.
Actually, working where he did wasn’t too bad. His boss was gone most of the time and there really weren't too many customers, so he was mostly left alone. Thankfully, too, because he’d rather be bored than dealing with people. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket and for a moment he considered just ignoring it but… no. He got it out, unsurprised to see Unknown Caller. Alex. He had to use secure phones to make sure no one could track him using their phone calls.
Sighing softly, he answered the phone, leaning against the counter. “Alex.”
“ Hey, man! It’s been a couple weeks since we talked. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay.” Ghost lied. He knew Alex would know it was a lie, but he never called him on it. Alejandro would say it was bullshit to Ghost’s face which… Ghost would reluctantly admit he appreciated it. Sometimes, he needed someone to take him at his word, sometimes he needed someone to call him out.
Now, he really didn’t want anyone to call him out. “How are you?” He asked, genuinely caring about the answer. Alex and Alejandro had become Ghost’s only friends. So, he wanted to know how they were doing.
“ Good! Really good. I uh… got to see Gaz, again. He and Price were out here helping Farah find me when I had, you know, gone missing again. They just left.”
Ghost barely resisted teasing him about Gaz. “That’s good. I’m glad they still help you.”
“ Have you uh… talked to Soap, lately?”
Ghost just snorted and then sighed. “I’ll talk to Mactavish one day, but… not for now, no. I tried.” Once. “All he did was apologize.”
“ He does feel bad.”
“Did you call me just to convince me to talk to him?”
“... maybe. I may have promised Gaz that I’d try to talk to you. Soap is, apparently, really torn up about it. Price sent him to Las Almas while he and Gaz were helping us so Alejandro and Rodolfo could babysit him. ”
Ghost wouldn’t lie and say he didn’t feel bad. But… when Soap had agreed and pushed for Ghost to be discharged… Ghost had felt betrayed. Soap had claimed it was for Ghost’s own good, but Ghost had, only a week before, confided in Soap and told him how badly he needed the military to stay sane. How he had nowhere else to go if he wasn’t there. 
“ Ghost. You almost fucking killed yourself because of a PTSD episode. ”
“I didn’t even say anything.” Ghost defended. Hey, he hadn’t said it wasn’t justified. It just… made him feel betrayed. 
Alex sighed. “ You don’t need to, Ghost. I know how you are. We’ve been friends for a while now. Since Verdansk. ” Honestly, even before Verdansk. They’d worked a few missions before, though Ghost had been freshly traumatized and hadn’t wanted to admit he still needed friends.
Ghost grumbled under his breath before just sighing. “You’re right.” He admitted. One thing he’d been working on was not sabotaging his friendships. “Thanks for calling, Alex.”
“ Of course, Ghost. You’re my friend, I want you to be okay. Just… look, the old man says you don’t have to talk to him, but… talk to Soap. At least tell him you’re not mad at him.”
Ghost huffed. “I am mad-”
“ Lie! ” Alex almost sounded like he was snapping at Ghost, but Ghost knew what Alex snapping sounded like. “ Lie, like everyone does to make you feel better. ”
“Ouch. Low blow.” Ghost mumbled, just hearing Alex hum in response. “Alright, alright. I’ll… think about it.”
“ I guess that’s really the best I can ask for. ” 
“It is.” Ghost agreed and then frowned when he heard the bell for the door chime. “I have to go. Bye.” 
“ Alright. Talk to Soap! Bye. ” Alex hung up and Ghost shoved his phone back in his pocket, shaking his head.
He really did appreciate him, even if his correct advice irritated Ghost sometimes. Ghost went back to tapping on the glass of the cigarette counter, watching some young teenager walk around the store. He didn’t look like a delinquent, so Ghost didn’t bother to keep that close of an eye on him. 
He did, however, keep a very close eye on the two new customers that had walked in. Both were dressed in dark clothing with their hoods up and Ghost could see tattoos peeking out of their hoods, on their necks. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Wannabe gangsters who, if faced with even the slightest bit of actual organized crime, would likely end up pissing their trousers.
Snot nosed little prats, essentially. 
God, he hoped they’d do it. He hoped they’d try to make a few hundred off of that store. Do it, please.
The first one to enter finally came up to the counter with some sodas and a few candy bars. A bag of Malteasers, too. Ghost, occasionally continuing to glance to the other two, rang up the items, unable to help noticing how the kid shrank away from him. “What’s your name?” Ghost asked, though he didn’t honestly care. 
“Dean…” The kid answered, avoiding Ghost’s eyes. “I just got off school.”
Ghost had been like that, once. Felt the need to over explain so no one would think he was trying to cause trouble. He’d more than outgrown that, since he couldn’t care less what anyone thought he was doing. 
He continued to ring up the items, about to tell him the total, when one of the two delinquents came up to the counter. “Hey, my mate needs help.” They said, not at all looking urgent. Ghost noted that they had a tattoo that looked like a dragon coiled in a spiral. He kind of liked it, actually. May get something similar.
“I’ll help in a moment.” Ghost said, trying not to roll his eyes. His boss had mentioned him being nicer to the customers, so he decided to make an effort. “Let me finish ringing this customer up.”
“No, he needs help, now .” A gun was pulled and pointed directly at Ghost. Ghost, however, just stared down the barrel. 
The kid immediately backed up, but the gun moved and pointed at him instead. “Don’t fucking move, or I’ll blast your head off.”
Ghost felt giddy. He felt excited. “Let him go-” He stopped and raised his hands as the gun moved to be pointed at him, instead, and he sighed. “Look, I’ll comply with whatever you ask. I’ll empty the till, hell I’ll get in the safe, just let the kid go.”
“You’ll comply with whatever I ask, regardless,” The delinquent all but growled, shoving the barrel of the gun into Ghost’s shoulder, “but uh… fine. The kid can go.” He gestured and Ghost handed the kid his bag, before the kid immediately ran off.
“Ethan!” The other called, coming up to the counter right as the kid was running off. “Why the fuck did you do that?! He’s seen our faces!”
“Yeah, as if that will matter. He’s a kid, he probably forgot.” Ethan muttered and then shook his head. “Alright, old man, open the till.”
Ghost had to resist grabbing the delinquent's face and slamming it into the glass counter, just turning and putting his keycode in to open the register. He had to fight not to get over excited and just beating the shit out of them. He was fairly certain that gun wasn’t loaded, but smart enough to avoid risking it. 
He took his time, however, watching them eye him as he got out the bills and laid them on the counter. “Your bracelet,” The unnamed one said. “I like it, I want it.”
“Too fucking bad.” Ghost refused to give them that. Maybe he was mad at Soap, but it’d been a gift. One he deeply appreciated and didn’t want to lose. 
“Give him the fucking bracelet!” Ethan cursed and pointed the gun right at Ghost’s head, shaking it as if to punctuate his point.
Ghost stared down the barrel, knowing exactly what type of gun it was. .22, no modifications. Of course not, why would it have any? Ghost leaned forward and put his forehead on the gun. “Do it. Because you’re not getting that bracelet.”
Ethan looked in his eyes and for a moment, Ghost thought he saw his finger tighten around the trigger, but then he saw it. Hesitation. He didn’t want to kill anyone. 
Ghost immediately took advantage of that, reaching up and yanking the gun out of Ethan’s hand, moving his head to the side as the movement caused Ethan to flinch and pull the trigger. Glancing behind himself, he saw a bullet hole in the wall. So it was loaded.
He released the magazine, seeing it indeed was loaded and just dropped it, shaking his head and slamming the gun onto the counter. “Idiots.”
“Who are you?” The unnamed one immediately asked, his eyes widened.
“A ghost.” Ghost simply answered before reaching over, grabbing the back of his head, and slamming his face into the counter, grateful when it didn’t break. He then used his elbow to hit Ethan full force in the face, leaping over the counter as Ethan stumbled.
He took said bracelet, which was a very thick steel chained bracelet, and slid it up and over his hand, wrapping his arm around the unnamed one’s neck and starting to slam the side of his now chain wrapped fist into the unnamed one's face after maneuvering so he could.
However, before he could do any real damage, something was slamming into his side, sending him into a shelf, causing it to topple over with him on top of it. The air was knocked out of his lungs and he coughed, slowly rolling over so he could push himself to stand back up.
“Are you okay?” He heard Ethan ask the other and he glanced back, seeing Ethan was touching the other’s nose. “Dan, are you okay?”
“Oh, piss off. Let’s just fuck this asshole up and go. Fuck the cash.” Dan’s nose was bleeding heavily and it dripped down his face and his neck. He looked pissed, but Ghost didn’t fucking care, finishing rising to his feet and rolling his shoulders.
He watched Dan and Ethan both prepare themselves, before Dan was running at Ghost, who punched him as soon as he got close and shoved him to the side, catching Ethan mid air as he launched at Ghost and using the momentum to send him into the shelf he’d just shoved Ghost into.
Dan was up almost immediately, and he grabbed a bottle of something, a glass bottle, and hit it over Ghost’s head, which disoriented him. But only for a moment, as he immediately punched Dan again.
He grabbed Dan’s arm and was halfway to snapping his elbow when Ethan launched at him, again. Christ, he only had one move, but it was effective that time as Ghost toppled over, Ethan on top of him.
Impact after impact hit Ghost’s face, only making him angry and he felt beside him, throwing up his arm to block the punches before his hand was wrapping around a broken piece of glass and he slashed up, cutting across Ethan’s face. 
Ethan flinched and Ghost used that to his advantage, shoving him off and standing before cursing as something sharp stabbed into his side, jerking back and feeling his side where a knife now stuck out of it. 
He looked at the knife and then made eye contact with Dan, who was watching him with his eyes wide, as he yanked the knife out of his side. Ghost couldn’t help laughing, since they looked so terrified. Good.
Maybe Alex had a point about him being a bit edgy. Regardless, Ghost flipped the knife so he was holding it correctly and stepped forward, slashing across Dan’s face and giving him a matching cut to Ethan’s. 
He then kicked Dan in the stomach, sending him flying back, and he elbowed Ethan before Ethan could even really do anything, before grabbing his shoulder and shoving him so he landed on top of Dan.
He went over to Ethan, kicking him off of Dan, and grabbed Dan’s collar, using the hand who held the knife to pull his face mask down and spit out blood to the side. “I won’t fault you two idiots for picking the wrong fucking shop to sack, but if I ever see your faces again, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Dan’s eye was already swollen and he just quickly nodded, so Ghost dropped him. “Get the fuck out of my shop.” Ghost growled and they both were immediately up and practically sprinting out of the store, tripping over themselves in their attempt to get out. 
Finally, the pain slammed into Ghost and he cursed loudly, looking down at where blood was now staining his black hoodie. Bastards. He shook his head and then cursed again as his phone rang, shaking his head. 
Jason showed on the caller ID and Ghost rolled his eyes, knowing he needed to answer or Jason would refuse to give him what he needed. So, he did. “Jason.”
“ Bloody hell, you sound even more irritated than normal.”
“What do you want?” Ghost spit out more blood and put the phone between his cheek and shoulder, going to the shelf and lifting it so it was back upright, glad to see none of the shelves looked bent. 
Jason chuckled, softly, which just irritated Ghost more. “ Am I still coming by, after your shift, to give you that shit?”
“It’d be nice.” Ghost grunted, putting all of the snacks back on the shelf, though he didn’t do it very neatly. Fuck that. He noticed that most of the money was still on the counter, so he shrugged and went to it, putting it all back in the till. 
“ See you then. ”
“Wait. Grab a first aid kit.”
“... Why?”
Ghost resisted growling in pain, having had to walk through Jason cauterizing the stab wound, since it was in too odd of an angle for Ghost to do it himself. “Christ, Simon. How did you manage this?”
“Two idiots sacked the shop.” Ghost muttered, gritting his teeth as Jason cleaned the fresh burn before finally bandaging it. “I defended it.”
“You could have just rang the police.” Jason rolled his eyes.
Ghost shrugged and rolled his shirt back down, only having raised enough of it for Jason to bandage him. “Did you bring my shit?”
“Your shit?? You haven’t even paid me, yet. You’re lucky I’m bringing it at all, since it’ll practically take a fortnight for you to pay me for it.”
“You still bring it.” Ghost reminded, taking a paper bag as it was handed to him. Self medicating, another cope with the perpetual boredness. 
“You’re welcome.” Jason grumbled before hopping up and sitting on the wooden pallets beside Ghost, getting out a cigarette and lighting it. Ghost took it before he could start to smoke it and Jason just sighed and lit another. “You’re a prick.”
Ghost grunted in response, lifting his mask to take a long drag from the cigarette and watching some stray cats run across the street. “There was a kid there. Before they started to rob the store. He looked scared shitless.”
“Yeah, no wonder.” Jason agreed and then sighed. “Well, did you get all of the aggression out of your system?”
“Sure.” Ghost lied. No, no he hadn’t. He probably never would. Knocking punching bags down from the ceiling didn’t help, and neither had this. “Feel better.” That wasn’t a complete lie, he did feel… almost lighter.
“I saw that sergeant the other day. The one you guys call Soap? Asked me about you.”
“What did you say?” Ghost asked, though he honestly doubted Jason had said anything. Jason hardly knew anything.
Jason went quiet before sighing. “Just told him the truth. You hardly talk to me, either. All he really did was ask how you are, anyway. Mentioned worrying you’d do something drastic to yourself.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I will.” Ghost shrugged, again. “Maybe I’ll jump off a bridge or-”
“Don’t joke like that.” Jason sighed, sounding exhausted. “Simon, you’d do it. We all know you would.”
Ghost went silent and continued to watch the cats. “Maybe.” He finally said before taking another drag from the cigarette and shaking his hand out as it started to hurt, again. “You can tell him where I work if he comes to you, again.”
Jason simply nodded, Ghost could see it out of the corner of his eye, and Ghost finished off his cigarette before stomping it out and discarding the butt of it. “Thanks for my shit. I’ll get you the money later.”
“Yeah, sure.” Jason just snorted before getting up as well. However, before he even really got a distance away, he glanced back before turning around. “That kid. Did you make them let him go?”
Ghost sighed but nodded. “I did.” He knew what Jason’s next question would be.
Hesitantly, Ghost looked at Jason before sighing again and shaking his head. “He reminded me of Tommy.”
Jason’s eyes immediately moved away from Ghost and he turned back around. “Try to get some sleep, Ghost.” He mumbled before finally heading off. 
Ghost furrowed his brows for a few small moments before shaking it off and heading back to his flat, which was… empty. It was an open floor plan and Alex and Alejandro had both came and helped him move in.
Entirely independent of each other, too, apparently. 
Rodolfo had been there, though he’d mostly just sat with Ghost while Alex and Alejandro did most of the work and then he’d used Ghost’s kitchen to cook a decently sized dinner. If they hadn’t done that, Ghost was fairly positive he’d have killed himself.
Ghost shook his head and pulled off his clothing before falling into bed. He kept the curtains closed and no one ever came by, so he was comfortable enough to show his body. “Show” being used lightly, since again. No one was seeing it.
He’d let Soap see it… once…
For weeks afterward, Ghost had considered that shower to be one of the better moments of his life. It had been after they’d gotten trapped in Las Almas and Rodolfo had told them to shower and clean up before heading out.
There’d been a lot of feelings that Ghost was maybe not ready to confront, and maybe he still wasn’t ready. No, he definitely wasn’t ready now. But, Ghost had hardly even thought about it when Soap had asked him to join. 
That was a lie, he’d thought very hard about it. His hands had shaken the entire time as Soap had helped him discard his clothing, but Soap hadn’t said a word. Just smiled as he washed Simon’s hair. Not Ghost’s, Simon’s hair. 
Asked if he bleached it, which Simon had nodded and said he did. I’m naturally a ginger. But, hard to keep it well taken care of under the mask. So, I bleach it. Considered shaving it all off a few times. 
Don’t you dare, LT.
No. Don’t call me that right now. Just… Just use Simon. That’s who I am.
Alright… Simon.
Ghost rolled onto his back and shook his head. Even now, he didn’t feel like Simon. Simon had been a weak tether… He knew people probably considered Simon the weak scared little Sergeant that Ghost kept locked away, but Simon wasn’t afraid to show his face.
Simon didn’t need the military, Ghost did. 
Simon had slept around and laughed at dumbass jokes from pretty Sergeants with a bit too much confidence. Simon purred when fingers ran through hair as Soap dripped down his skin. Simon loved and could be loved.
Ghost wasn’t that. Ghost was broken and harsh and liked beating the shit out of people who annoyed him. Ghost growled at everything and tore skin. 
Simon would have forgiven Johnny. Simon would have smiled and touched his face as he forgave him. Said he knew Johnny meant no harm by it. 
Ghost couldn’t forgive. He’d lost that ability. He’d lost it when he was angry, digging himself out of a grave he had no right to be in. When all he had wanted to do was burn the world to the ground and settled on systematically ending every single person who had ever participated in his torture, who had ever hurt him. 
All Ghost knew how to do, anymore, was be angry. 
“I am begging you to go fuck yourself.” Ghost cursed into the phone, trying very hard to multitask while he bought a meager amount of groceries for the week. Alex was, again, doing his best to convince Ghost to… live. Or something. 
“ Ghost, don’t be like that. When was the last time you… went to the gym or something?”
Actually, Ghost went fairly frequently. It was the only thing that kept the overwhelming anger at bay, sometimes. “Yesterday.”
“ Of course you go to the gym but do nothing else. ”
“I feel like this was a trap question.” Ghost huffed, tossing his items onto the belt. He just pointed at the paper bags before the cashier could ask and turned around, touching his forehead. “I am living. I’m still here.”
“ No. You’re surviving, that’s different. Farah has said she can get a helo to pick you up and you can come here for a few days.”
Actually… that didn’t sound too awful. Ghost considered it.
“ She has ulterior motives, of course. You could help her get rid of a few thorns…”
It was so incredibly tempting, but Ghost knew Alex. He gave an inch and Alex would immediately take a mile, because he knew he could get away with it and Ghost would barely fight him. “I don’t think Price will be happy with that.”
“ Fuck the old man, I’m worried about you. ”
“I can’t.” Ghost nodded to the cashier when they gestured to the card reader, getting out his card. “I think I’m getting used to civilian life.”
“ Yeah, that’s what worries me. Alright, Ghost, just… fuck, man, just talk to someone.”
Ghost just laughed. He said his goodbyes to Alex before shoving the phone back in his pocket, taking his bags and the receipt, pausing as he realized he recognized the cashier. “Dean?” He asked before he could really stop himself.
The cashier, or Dean, the kid from the shop, looked startled before his eyes went wide. “Oh! It’s you! You made them let me go.”
“Yeah.” Ghost frowned and then shook his head. He hoped the kid wouldn’t try to give him the whole “Thanks for saving my life” spiel. He didn’t honestly need or want it. 
“I was, uh… Going to come by the shop, but… Well, since you’re here.” Dean got into his pocket before digging out a black box. “I remembered you had one on.”
Ghost tilted his head, hating how curious he immediately was. Okay, he could accept a gift as thanks. He took the box and opened it, seeing a thin silver bracelet, which kind of matched his other. “Thanks…” He said, kind of dumbly, and put the bracelet on, handing the box back. “It’s uh… nice.”
“My mum wants me to invite you to dinner as thanks-”
Ghost just laughed and took his bags. “Yeah, no thanks kid. Stay out of trouble.” He left before the kid could say anything else, not wanting to listen to any attempts to convince him. He was not interested in going to dinner with anyone as thanks for saving their life. 
He shook his head as he left the store, shifting both paper bags to one arm so he could check his phone, pausing on the sidewalk for a moment. When he lifted his eyes, he met bright blue ones, and he backed up as he recognized them.
Of course he would, he’d recognize them anywhere. 
Soap stood across the street, looking as startled as Ghost felt. Then, Soap started to cross the street, so Ghost turned and immediately started down the sidewalk, back to his flat, hoping if he entirely ignored Soap, that he might just go away.
“Ghost-” Soap called behind him, but Ghost just kept walking, ducking down an alley when he passed by a crowd, and ducking down behind a trash can, watching Soap rush past the opening of the alley.
Ghost rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning around and going out the other side of the alley, just taking the long way home. 
He still wasn’t ready to confront Soap. Maybe he never would be. 
Simon, I- It’s for your own good.
Ghost. It’s Ghost. That’s who I am.
Goodbye, Soap.
His phone buzzed. He checked it, again shifting the bags, and saw it was his boss. I need you to work a late shift.
Yeah, sure. When?
Tomorrow night, until 2 in the morning.
Ghost sent a thumbs up. He didn’t really care about the money, but he also didn’t have anything better to do, so he’d just take the shift. 
Really, it’d just be cutting into his “get high and mope” time. 
God, the great and legendary Ghost, who the mere thought of had had people shaking, had had them terrified. Recruits watched him with awe. Hell, people would whisper his name even when they were countries apart because they were terrified of invoking his wrath.
And every night between 11 and 3, he would get absurdly fucking high and desperately fight to be able to produce just one fucking tear.
How the mighty fall.
Ghost shook it off and finally made it to his apartment, going up to his door, and then immediately turning around as he heard footsteps approach, growling in frustration as he saw Soap. “Fuck, you’re stubborn.”
“You used to like that about me.” Soap answered before putting his hands up. “I just want to talk, Ghost.”
“I don’t.” Ghost muttered, unlocking his door and going inside. “I don’t ever want to.”
“Ghost, please…” Soap pleaded, putting his hand on the door before Ghost could shut it. Ghost had enough strength he could just slam it, anyway, but… he didn’t and just looked away from Soap. “Ghost…”
“Fine.” Ghost rolled his eyes and backed away from the door, gesturing for Soap to come in. He shut the door behind him and Ghost went to go put his groceries away. “What do you want?”
“To talk, like I said.”
“Fine. What about?”
“I… I’m sorry-”
“No.” Ghost shook his head. “I do not want to hear your apologies, I do not forgive you. So…” He waved his hand a little. “Pick something else.” He looked up, seeing Soap looked almost startled. 
Soap almost looked unsure what else to do and his eyes moved to look around the apartment. “It’s… nice.”
“Yeah, sure.” Ghost shook his head, again, and wondered if people could hear his brain rattle when he did that. “Alex and Alejandro helped me set it up.”
“I like it.” Soap moved and sat at a small kitchen table that Ghost had. Reluctantly, Ghost moved and sat across from him, watching Soap think. He was very expressive when he thought, his eyes would shift around, his jaw would clench and unclench, his hands would flex. “I missed you.”
“Did you?” Ghost asked, leaning back in his chair. “You wouldn’t have to if you didn’t… you know, sign off that you thought I needed to be discharged.”
Soap flinched and Ghost almost felt bad. Almost. “Ghost… I’m sorry. ”
“If it happened again, would you do it again?”
Soap didn’t answer before he was nodding. “I would.”
“Then you’re not sorry. Sorry is a synonym for remorseful.” Ghost got up and went to a bookshelf he had, getting out a dictionary. “Remorse, defined as deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed. You don’t think you were wrong and I doubt you regret it.” He moved and dropped the book on the table, watching Soap jump again. “So, you’re not sorry.”
Soap watched him, his eyes wide, and Ghost went to his bed, dropping onto it and covering his eyes with his arm. “I’m done entertaining guests. Goodbye, Soap.”
“ Goodbye , Soap.” Ghost reiterated. He peeked out from under his arm when he heard Soap move, and Soap seemed to hesitate before getting up.
Soap, however, then picked up the dictionary, flipping through the pages. “Sorry. Define, feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune. So, I am sorry.” Soap sighed and then put the dictionary down. 
“Goodbye, Soap.”
Soap looked at Ghost before his shoulders dropped and he nodded. “Alright. Goodbye, Ghost.” Then, Soap left, and Ghost rolled onto his stomach, glaring at a wall. 
Fuck Soap.
He didn’t get much time to wallow, though. God, it was like everyone had some sort of bullshit sensor that sensed when Ghost wanted to be fucking left alone. Jason.
Groaning, he grabbed his phone and put it to his ear. “What?”
“ Don’t snap at me. I’ll stop giving you that shit. Anyway, one of those guys that robbed you… did they have a dragon tattoo?”
Ghost had to think about it before frowning. “Yeah… one of those punks, Ethan, did. It was coiled in a spiral.”
“ Fuck! Look, they’re part of a real gang… And they’re angry. They want to kill you.”
“Let them try.” Ghost put his phone between his cheek and ear, sitting up and grabbing his laptop. “What are they even going to do? I’ve wiped out worse than gangs.”
“ Yeah, when you had John Price and the fucking British military behind your ass. You just barely even have yourself! What are you going to do if 30-40 gang members come after you?”
Ghost chuckled. Jason didn’t really know about Roba or his cartel. He didn’t know what Ghost had done. “I can handle it.”
“ Simon. Please.”
“I’m not going to get killed, Jason. I’ll be fine.” Ghost sighed and picked up his phone again, putting it on speaker. “What’s the gang’s name?”
“ Why would I tell you?! You’re just going to do something stupid!! Simon, please just lay low.”
“I’m not going to do that.” Ghost shook his head, laying back in the bed. “If they want to kill me, they can take their best shot.”
“ I’ll call Price. ” 
“You don’t have his number.”
“ Simon, please.”
Ghost sighed and closed his eyes. “Fine. I won’t… seek them out. But I’m not laying low. I’ll just continue life as normal and then… if they come for me, I’ll defend myself. Anyway, I have to go to bed, so…” He pulled away his phone to hang up.
“ Simon, Simon!”
Ghost hung up, anyway, and sighed softly. He searched the internet for the spiraled dragon tattoo, but after about twenty minutes of searching, he’d found only a tattoo shop that had a neck tattoo with the same coiled dragon.
Open all night. Perfect.
So, he got back up, grabbed his keys again as well as his phone and wallet and headed down the stairs. The tattoo shop was one he sort of knew. Rather, he knew of, as a couple of Jason’s mates had gotten tattoos there. But, he’d never personally been.
When he got there, he rolled his shoulders before going in, trying to look as big and imposing as possible. He went up to the counter, where a man sat, looking bored. He could hear the buzzing of tattoo needles as he walked, the murmuring of artists making chit chat with their clients.
It was surprisingly busy, considering it was close to 1:30 AM. However, he ignored that, tapping on the counter when he got up there, watching the man look at him. Ghost looked on the wall and got down the coiled dragon tattoo.
“Sorry, mate, we don’t do repeat tattoos. You thinking of something similar?” He asked, and his shirt said Michael. So, that’s what Ghost decided to call him.
“No, Michael, I am not.” Ghost laid the photo out on the counter, tapping it. “I want to know who got that tattoo and what gang they belong to.”
Michael looked at him and then he chuckled, whistling. Ghost raised an eyebrow and looked around, seeing that most of the artists had stopped tattooing, now looking at him. His eyes did pick up a few weapons here and there.
So, he sighed, straightened, and rolled his shoulders. “I’m not afraid of a fight.” He informed Michael, who laughed. “I just want to know.”
Michael shook his head. “Are you afraid of death? Maybe you ought to turn back around and leave. Nice and easy like, yes?”
Ghost narrowed his eyes and he slammed his hands on the glass counter, leaning in real close to Michael. “My name is Simon Riley. No, I’m not afraid of death, however you very much should be because if you don’t give me the information I want, that pen,” he gestured to a pen very close to his hand, “is going to lodge directly into your trachea.”
Michael squinted and looked about ready to fire off before one of the older artists came over, his face pale. “Did you say… Simon Riley?”
Ghost straightened and frowned, turning to the old man. “I did.” He nodded, glancing over the others and seeing a few other confused faces. 
The old man immediately shoved his weapon, a pole, into Ghost’s hands and backed up, putting his hands up. “I… I… I want no hand in fighting phantoms.” He turned and rushed to what looked like the back and Ghost raised an eyebrow as he heard a couple locks click. 
He turned back to Michael, who now looked very apprehensive and concerned. “Let me try this again-”
He barely had to finish the threat as Michael was immediately spilling everything, complete with pictures and a home address. Ghost laughed victoriously as he exited the tattoo shop, shaking his head. No hand in fighting phantoms. He liked that one. 
Ethan Kurt… Ethan had shoved his hand into fighting the wrong phantom. 
No, that line sucked.
Ghost was so fucking bored. With the threat of being attacked being supposed to be hanging over his head, this was dull. He was starting to think Jason was entirely full of shit, but… he decided he would remain vigilant regardless.
Oh well.
Was it really still only 11:00PM? Granted, he only had three hours left but… fuck. Maybe after this, he would call Alex. He knew it would shock the hell out of him, maybe that’d be hilarious. Listen to him stammer and try not to say anything about it. 
No, because then he’d feel bad and feel like a bad friend and that was bullshit. Ghost didn’t want to be pathetic, wondering if he was a “bad friend.” He was a horrible friend, probably one of the worst, he knew that. He was a grown, almost 30 year old man. Of course he knew that.
Of course.
Ghost perked up, seeing what looked like flashlights shining around outside. He ducked down just a little, going to the side window and peeking out, seeing a group of people start to go around to the outside of the building. He could make out 4 which…
If this was the gang supposedly attacking him, he would barely have to do anything. Knock some heads together, break some limbs, done. That was… almost disappointing. 
He returned back to the counter and decided to play nonchalant, sitting on a stool and getting out his phone to play on it. Actually, he’d found some pretty interesting phone games. Card games, those match three games. Some military games which he liked to critique and laugh at. 
They were good to pass the time with and usually didn’t require much thinking, so he kept them around. Currently, he was playing a word game with Rodolfo. Both actually had a fairly high vocabulary in American English, all points considering, so it could get fun. Rodolfo had actually switched the game’s language to Spanish a few times to help Ghost practice.
However, he didn’t go easy on him or help, either, so Ghost lost at an… honestly embarrassing ratio. Alejandro had just told him to take it in stride, that Rodolfo doesn’t really think of those things. Which… Ghost knew that. He knew Rodolfo was similar to him. Sure, he could blame most of it on the trauma but… some of it was genetic. He knew that. Rodolfo was the same.
Besides, it had helped a little. Just a little.
Actually, he missed Alejandro and Rodolfo. He’d never say it to their faces, but it’d been a while since he saw them. It was nearing Christmas, so he knew they’d be taking their forced leave. He also knew if he even hinted at the idea, Alejandro would have a helo down the next day. So, maybe he could go for a couple days. He’d love Rodolfo’s cooking again, and going to bars with Alejandro sounded really nice.
God, fuck, Alex was rubbing off on him or something. What was this… hope?? Disgusting.
Ghost immediately shook it off, just playing a random word against Rudy, laughing softly when he saw two little ?? back because Ghost usually played big words that had Rodolfo cussing him out. Then, he stuck his phone back in his pocket, hearing the bell of the door chime.
He stood, going back to the register, before raising an eyebrow as he didn’t see anyone there. Hmm, he knew the obvious answer would be that they’d changed their mind and left, but… Ghost didn’t trust like that. 
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he realized that he was being taunted. Lured. They wanted him to go outside. Carefully, he felt under the counter where he’d stuck a shotgun, as well as several shells, and then he leaned against the counter, waiting. He wasn’t prey, and he wanted them to know that.
Ghost checked the time, seeing it was now midnight, and he took a breath, reluctantly leaving the counter to check everything he’d set up. The back door had a nailbomb set just right for when it was opened, the side door had a packet of noisemakers so he’d hear if it opened.
And, the front door had a bell. Everything else was in a duffel bag behind the counter. He would… admit that he may have had small kleptomanic tendencies and had maybe stolen a few things when he was being discharged.
Obviously things like semtex and frags would not be good to use in the store, but hey, flashes and stuns were free game. No, he didn’t care if he ended up blinding a few punks, he had plans to do more than blind them. 
And then all of his copious amounts of knives. So many knives. 
More lights. It seemed they had noticed he wasn’t biting the bait, as several of the lights had started to surround the small building. And finally, someone came in. Dan. He recognized him fairly easily, even though his hood was down now. 
“Hello, old man.” Dan said, in a tone clearly meant to be taunting. He had a gun, something a bit heavier than the .22 they’d had before. 
“I’m 30.” Ghost sighed, shaking his head. “I turned 30 last month.”
Dan paused, clearly started. “You’re only thirty?” He blinked before immediately shaking it off. “Whatever. You know why I’m here.”
“Maybe.” Ghost acknowledged, moving to sit on the stool again. “I’m confused why you decided you needed to bring… 30? 30 other prats with you.”
Dan glared at him, before shaking his head. “Nobody fucks with me and gets away with it.”
“I’m confused, mate, you tried to rob me.” Ghost laughed, crossing his arms. “You came into my work and had your mate put a gun to my head. Then you tried to rob me.”
“You could have just given us the money and we would have left!” Dan snapped. Ghost could see a bandage on his cheek, which appeared to be in need of changing. “So, now, we’re going to bloody kill you.”
“Sure.” Ghost laughed, nodding. “Go ahead. Take your best shot.” He hummed, standing and leaning against the counter. “Maybe you want to go and reconvene with your buddies. If you leave, I won’t do anything. I won’t seek you. I won’t hunt you down. But… if you stay, well… you’ve been warned.”
Dan’s glare only deepened. “You’re quite cocky.”
“I think I’ve earned it.” Ghost said. “Like I said. You have one chance.”
Dan appeared about to answer, likely to make some stupid quip, but then Ghost heard a small explosion from the back and some screaming, and he chuckled. “Too late.”
Dan stared behind Ghost into the back, clearly stunned, and Ghost ducked down, grabbing the shotgun and shooting at Dan. Dan was quick to duck out of the way, barely managing to be missed by any spray. 
Then, Ghost was having to duck down to avoid gun spray, rummaging in the bag for a smoke and tossing it into the back, before grabbing a knife and ducking through the doorway. He followed the sound of coughing, able to make out five distinct individual coughs.
The first was fairly close to the doorway that led to the front of the store, so he swept their legs and slit their throat, not wasting time to look at their face or even really wait for them to die. He just shoved them directly in the path of another, who stumbled backwards over them.
They hit the ground rather hard and Ghost pounced on the opportunity, stabbing them through the eye and directly into their brain. He backed up as he noticed two figures come towards him, watching them stumble through the smoke.
One tripped on his friend’s body and they landed right on top of the pair, and Ghost could just make out their eyes widening, before he threw the knife through their temple. The second spotted him right as he did that, and he rolled to the side to avoid being shot, throwing the smoke canister at them.
It hit them square in the stomach and they doubled over, coughing, so Ghost lunged forward and yanked the gun out of their hands. He stuck it right into their chest and shot through, sending them backwards.
He whipped around and shot who had just tried to sneak up on him through the head, right as the smoke started to clear. Rushing, he slid to shut the door before sprinting back out to the front, narrowly ducking in time to avoid being hit in the head by the butt of a gun.
He slammed the butt of his own gun into the person who tried to attack him, recognizing Ethan who hit the ground with a snarl. “Fuck.” Ghost growled. “It’s clear you don’t want to be doing this, why are you?”
Ethan paused, clearly surprised, and then he glared. “Dan’s like my brother. Wherever he goes, I go.”
“Say hello to him in hell, then, I guess.” Ghost muttered, and went to shoot him, before crying out in surprise as something tore through his side. He looked down at his side, seeing a gun shot wound. 
Being smart, though, he still shot Ethan through the head, cursing, and ignoring yelling behind him. He ducked back through the doorway of the back, checking how many bullets were left in the magazine of his gun. Enough, but he didn’t really want to use it, anyway.
So, he tossed it to the side and yanked the knife out of that temple he’d thrown it through, patting the dead body and having to resist the knee jerk reaction to thank it. Instead, he crouched low and stayed close to the wall and the doorway, listening and hearing several footsteps near.
He could see his duffel bag just a small distance away and now he had to consider if it was worth diving for it to retrieve another smoke grenade, before ducking again as more gun spray came. He winced as he saw if he’d stayed where he was, several bullets would have landed directly in his body.
He shook his head and stayed as low as possible, ducking through the doorway and sliding to his bag, very glad to see a flash was sitting at the top. Turning, he depinned and tossed it right in the middle of a group coming towards him, before covering his eyes.
When he opened them, he saw they were stumbling over themselves, which almost had him laughing softly, but he resisted and took a very small moment to check the wound on his side, cursing as he saw it was an all the way through gunshot. 
However, the placement of it made him think that whoever shot him really didn’t know what they were doing. 
He grabbed the shotgun, and turned, blasting the small group of four he’d flashed, before panting and peeking over the counter to see how many were in the store, glad to see that so far there was none. 
Carefully inching to the group of four, he growled as he saw none of them were Dan. “Where’s Dan?” He asked one, which was wheezing and holding a hole in his stomach. He seemed to be hit with the majority of the blast. 
“Fuck you.” They coughed, blood coming up with it. “They’re gonna fucking kill you.”
“I’ve gotten ten of you.” Ghost rolled his eyes, ignoring a pulse of pain from his side. He killed them with his knife, swiftly, and went to the next one, which was holding his leg. “Where’s Dan?”
“I’m not telling you-” He killed them, too. Fuck them.
Of course, the other two had to be just as stubborn, and they went just as fast. It seemed his enemies were reconvening, so he took the opportunity to as well, very shittily bandaging up his side. Another scar to add to the pile.
God, he was having so much fun. He felt like he was back on a mission, again, clearing out some enemy encampment. Adrenaline coursed through every vein in his body and he loved the feeling of it. He missed this so fucking much.
Carefully, he peeked over the counter again, frowning as he saw nothing. No lights, no people. Nothing… Well, he still saw the dead bodies, so he knew this wasn’t a case of him losing his mind. He narrowed his eyes and slowly stood, ready to duck down at the slightest hint of gun fire, but… he saw nothing.
Even still, he grabbed a smoke grenade out of the duffel bag, only having another flash and two stuns. He uh… hadn’t been able to grab much. 
He also put new shells into the shotgun, keeping both close as he carefully inched out from behind the counter, peeking around the shelves and seeing that there was no one. Nothing. Considering, he ducked into the back, checking the security cameras.
Technically, he wasn’t supposed to have the code, but he could fucking care less. He watched the footage and saw… they were all gone. No one was around the building.
Had they gotten freaked out and left?? No… He seriously doubted that. 
But if they hadn’t left, what the fuck was this? Did they plan to come back at a later day and try to surprise him? Maybe. That made the most sense. Whatever, he’d be ready. He did have to figure out how he’d explain the bullet holes and dead bodies but… eh, he doubted Price would let him take the fall for it.
Plus, he’d disappeared once, he could do it again.
So, he went out to the front, planning to drag each body to the back and stack them in a pile. A neat little pile. Then, he’d finish out his shift by mopping up all of the blood and go the fuck home.
Sleep sounded very nice, he wouldn’t lie. For once, it sounded fantastic. 
So, once he’d made his little pile, he went back out to the front and grabbed the mop, starting to clean up the blood. Maybe if Price did take care of this, he’d go ahead and talk to Soap. This adrenaline had him feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Warm and fuzzy enough to consider trying to talk to Soap.
He didn’t hear the car in time.
The impact sent him flying across the shop and he hit a shelf hard, the air knocked completely out of his lungs. He fell to the ground, coughing and rolling onto his back. Fuck, something was broken.
He had no hope of dragging himself to his feet, he was far too stunned, and he coughed again, closing his eyes, before opening them to someone crouching down and getting in his face. Dan sneered at him, “I outsmarted you.”
Ghost laughed, tasting blood, and he managed to reach up to yank down his mask and spit the blood on Dan’s face, seeing him splutter and jerk back. He then snarled and raised a fist to punch Ghost.
Ghost closed his eyes, preparing for the impact, but it never came. Instead, he felt weight land on his body, and when he opened his eyes, Dan was slumped over, a gaping hope splurting blood from his head. 
Making a face, he shoved Dan off to the best of his ability, before someone was grabbing his hand and yanking him to his feet. “Dude. You just had to bring shit to yourself.”
Ghost immediately jerked to look at the person, recognizing Alex’s voice and his face immediately. “Alex?? Bloody hell, what the fuck are you doing here?” He didn’t think about it, limping forward and hugging his friend.
Alex was clearly shocked, but he hugged back and chuckled. “Your friend, Jason, called me. Apparently, he got one of my phone numbers from your phone. I think he thought he would be calling Price, but I came out all the same.”
Ghost would have been mad at Jason, but he was honestly glad to see Alex. “I had it on my own,” he joked, before wincing at a lot of pain in his sides. “Sort of.” He mumbled.
“Oh yeah, I can see that.” Alex snorted before nudging his head in the direction of the vehicle. Ghost looked over, recognizing Farah as she cleared out several more of the gang members, a young woman with her. 
“I thought she didn’t leave Urzikstan.” Ghost frowned, raising an eyebrow as she and the young woman finally came over.
“I do not attack on the offense.” Farah stated, smiling as she came over. “But, I’m always willing to help out a friend if they need it.” She held out her hand and Ghost gladly shook it, before shaking his head. “Alex was going to come alone. This is Malika, my love.” 
Malika smiled and also shook Ghost’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Alex and Farah have said a lot.”
Ghost took a breath before shaking his head. “I thought I had it.” He admitted, grunting. “I didn’t expect to be hit by a car.” The pain was almost overwhelming but… he’d again had worse. However, he did allow himself to pant a little. “Thank you.”
“Dude. What’s up with you? You’re never this sappy.” Alex joked and punched Ghost’s shoulder, before wincing as blue and red lights appeared, as well as sirens. “Fuck.”
“Get out of here.” Ghost said, gesturing to the back. “Alex, you’re still a traitor to the United States and I don’t think Farah will be treated too kindly.”
Alex appeared to hesitate before nodding. “I’ll find you tomorrow and we can talk, alright?”
“Alright.” Ghost nodded. He went to the cigarette case and got a box and a lighter, nodding a bye as all three left, almost as fast as they came, and he chuckled softly, going back to Dan’s dead body. “You still lost. Cheers, you slag.” He muttered, before standing and waiting to be arrested.
He didn’t fight his arrest, he didn’t fight being put into cuffs. When he was stuck at a table, he didn’t say anything, just wrestled a cigarette out of the box and pushed his mask up with both hands before fighting to light a cigarette one handed.
“You killed twenty people.” The officer stated. “Twenty gang members. They were heavily armed.” 
“You know, that’s a good point. How did they even have weapons? Aren’t you guys supposed to be stopping that?” Ghost leaned back in his seat, blowing out the smoke he’d taken in. 
The officer rolled her eyes. “Who the fuck are you?”
Ghost took another long drag from the cigarette before slowly letting it out, seeing her phone ring. As she got it out, he chuckled. “I’m a ghost.”
She gave him a look before answering the phone. Within seconds, her face had paled, and he was let go hardly minutes later, with a half mumble to stay out of trouble. 
He walked home with a grin on his face. 
Alex had just left. While he was there, he and Ghost had discussed him going to Urzikstan, and Ghost had reluctantly promised to consider it. Already, he was thinking of just saying yes, disappearing to Urzikstan and running missions for Farah.
For now, though, he was sipping tea and eating lunch. Outside, too, at a little restaurant he knew and liked. He even hummed a bit as he ate, watching some birds fight over a piece of bread. What a fitting metaphor.
Soap came and sat in the chair across from him, at first silent. Ghost turned to look at him, sighing. “The charm of your tenacity has worn off, Johnny.”
“I think what I did for you will bring it back.” Soap chuckled. “After your… encounter, I talked to Price. I told him that I was wrong. I was stupid. I talked to Alex and Alejandro and both of them… agreed that you’ve been worse as a civilian. I even tracked down your friend, Jason. He uh… tore me a new one.”
“Oh?” Ghost had to admit, he was a bit shocked by that. “Over?”
“Agreeing with Price that you needed to be discharged.” Soap mumbled and then sighed. “So, I told Price that.. You’re just going to keep getting in trouble if you’re out here. He’s agreed to let you back into the SAS. He’s already pulling strings.”
Ghost blinked at Soap, quite surprised. “You’re bloody joking.”
“I wouldn’t joke about that, Ghost.” Soap winced. “He thinks you’re less of a problem in the SAS. In… the 141. He can keep an eye on you and you can’t end up antagonizing another gang.”
Ghost barely resisted exclaiming that they had tried to rob him, just sighing instead. “I don’t know. What if I have another episode again?” He snarked, feeling slightly bad when Soap winced. 
“He’s prepared to deal with it.” Soap mumbled. 
Ghost considered before shrugging. “I’ll think about it. I have a lot of offers, need to consider my options.”
Soap looked startled before laughing softly. “Alright. Consider it.”
Ghost hesitated before sighing. “Come back to my place… Johnny?”
Soap again looked startled and this time, he took a moment before relaxing.
“Of course, Simon.”
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revnah1406 · 1 year
Operation Kingslayer: 2/?
Warning!: This chapter contains specific violence, and a detailed description of torture methods.
(All locations and places that appear in this Fic are fictitious and based on the Ghost Recon Wildlands video game)
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton - @revnah1406
Alyssa "Aly" M. - @alypink
Captain Arjun - @welldonekhushi
Mandy Macfie - @alidravana
Charlotte "Jade" le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
(I'll bring more OCs soon!)
- Operation Kingslayer's playlist here! 👀✨
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Ch: 2/?
The sound of the helicopter's blades was the only thing that could be heard in the dark Bolivian sky. Inside the chopper, Jade observed the landscape that was presented below her feet, several meters below. Dark mountains full of forest and jungle, deep valleys, and huge swamps.
"Bolivia is a country with a great diversity of landscapes. Surely we will have to visit many of them during our stay here" Aly's voice was heard through Jade's headphones.
She looked at her partner who was sitting next to her and nodded. "I have a feeling we won't just have to fight the cartel" Jade commented looking into the deep forests of huge trees.
"Wolves, jaguars, piranhas, giant snakes and a huge number of alligators…" Sparrow who was sitting in front of Jade sighed also looking in the same direction as her. "Let's just say it's not going to be a walk in the park"
"Have you been to the Bolivian Andes, Sparrow?" Aly asked.
"No... I don't know this region of the Andes... But I was in Chile with my older brother and in Argentina by myself, where I climbed Aconcagua a few years ago..." answered Hannah.
"We're getting closer, the meeting point is a few clicks away" Mandy's voice came over the radio. She was flying the helicopter at a low altitude, avoiding the skyward glances of hostile onlookers.
"Copy that, Macfie," Arjun replied.
As everyone left that bar ready to take down a second drug cartel, Laswell made one last call to Canada. They were going to need a reliable pilot, Nikolai and Isobel Williams were too busy working with Farah and 141. So their only option was Mandy Macfie. They had worked with her on many occasions. Mandy had saved the team's lives on more than one occasion, always arriving at the most opportune moment to perform an emergency extraction.
"Prepare your belongings. Bowman will be waiting for us at the indicated safe house, but we better not trust ourselves, we don't know what we'll find, so keep your weapons up and the trigger ready. We will enter through different points, Sparrow and I will enter through the main entrance announcing our arrival. Jade and Aly, you'll be in the back in case the situation becomes compromised."
Everyone nodded to Captain Arjun's instructions. They began to organize and load all the belongings. They were going to be alone in Bolivia against an entire cartel. The only thing they could take was what would fit in their backpacks and tactical vests. Ammunition, provisions, first-aid kit, weapons... Everyone carried at least two long weapons that they carried on both sides of the backpack, a sniper rifle and an assault rifle. In addition to their pistols and the knives of preference for each one.
What would define their life, their home and their survival would be carried on their back or in their vests. Unlike the Las Almas Cartel whose headquarters were in Las Almas city, the Santa Blanca Cartel was spread throughout Bolivia. Having bases and headquarters in various regions and provinces of the country. They didn’t have external support for the moment either, it was the five of them against an empire. So they would have to move fast and carry light luggage.
"I have visual on the landing zone," Mandy announced.
"Copy! We'll get off the chopper in two" said Arjun.
Jade nodded as she finished packing her Karambits into the small of her back, Sparrow screwed the silencer onto the barrel of her sniper rifle, and Aly finished checking that the mini surveillance drone's hardware was in good order.
"We're ready," Hannah said determinedly.
Arjun nodded "Okay, get ready to act. Keep your radios on at all times."
Mandy landed the chopper in a clearing on top of a hill a few hundred yards from the safe house, everyone waiting for the chopper's engine to go silent, watching outside for any possible threats. The forest was quiet, the night was dark, only the silhouettes and shadows of the trees could be seen.
"Come on." Arjun ordered getting out of the helicopter followed by Aly.
Before leaving, Sparrow stuck her head in through the cockpit door.
"Thanks for the ride." Sparrow bumped fists with Mandy.
Macfie smiled and nodded again. "Always a pleasure, Sergeant."
Jade also appeared who offered Mandy a pistol.
"Stand by until we make sure everything is calm. If you hear shots, prepare the engines"
Mandy nodded and accepted the gun. She checked the bullet cabin, making sure it was loaded.
"You have to be alert, for the moment the entire territory of Bolivia is considered hostile. If you hear something or see something that we haven't reported, shoot" Jade advised.
"Copy that, be careful out there."
They both went outside, Arjun and Aly standing guard, pointing their rifles at the tree line and the house.
"Ready to board," Sparrow announced, grabbing her weapon as well and touching her captain's shoulder indicating that she was right behind him.
The moment Jade's boots came down from the helicopter and touched the ground, they all started moving towards the safe house. It looked like a hunting cabin in the middle of the woods. It was made of logs and stone, had a front porch, and small windows. There seemed to be a dim light inside.
They all moved in formation, muffling their footsteps on the ground. When they got to a close distance Arjun waved for Aly and Jade to part ways. Both women surrounded the house, avoiding the windows and watching the corners, always with their weapons raised. They reached the back door and waited for the other two members of the team.
Arjun and Sparrow approached the porch. Hannah peeked out of one of the windows, looking inside. It looked like a hunting cabin inside too, everything had a very rustic feel to it. It was in the dark, the only source of light was a lamp on the table, it seemed to illuminate some documents and plans.
"There's no one… but I have visuals of possible useful intel" she said through the radio attached to her vest.
"Get ready, on my signal we board" Arjun ordered, moving to the side of the door. "Sparrow, do the honors."
Hannah returned to her captain, stood in front of the door, waiting for the order.
Arjun pushed the button of his radio. “now”
Hannah kicked the door hard, Arjun came in raising his rifle pointing in all directions.
By the second team. Jade slowly opened the door, signaling for Aly to wait and watch her back. Aly nodded and stood in the doorway, eyeing potential blind spots in the cabin's interior layout.
Arjun was the first to enter, pointing in all directions, watching his steps. Sparrow followed, gun raised. They found no one in the room.
"Hall clear" Arjun reported
"Captain." Sparrow called to him.
Arjun turned to the sergeant. Sparrow was looking at a huge proofing board on the wall just above the fireplace. There were photographs, maps with marked places, transcripts of telephone conversations, coordinates, newspaper clippings…
"Looks like Bowman has been doing her job…" Sparrow muttered.
"This will make things easier." He answered.
Arjun walked over to the table where a study lamp illuminated some plans for unfamiliar installations. He was going to comment something else but a slight sound was heard, perhaps it would have gone unnoticed by someone normal. But as soon as he heard it, he raised his rifle in that direction.
Sparrow was quick to react when she saw her captain raise his weapon.
A woman was at the door leading to the corridor. She appeared to be in her forties, with blue eyes and blond hair. She was pointing a pistol at both soldiers.
"I suggest you get out of here or the consequences will be fatal." The woman threatened.
"You are in no position to make demands, ma’am. Put the gun down." Hannah ordered.
Arjun aimed between the woman's eyes, he discovered the small detonator that she was hiding in the other hand.
"You underestimate me" The woman smiled confidently.
A karambit poked out from behind the woman and rested its curved point on her throat.
"You underestimate us" Arjun replied as Jade slowly pushed the knife towards the woman's throat, without saying a single word.
There was the sound of a loaded rifle, behind Jade and the Woman. Aly was taking aim from a distance, in the darkness of the hallway.
The woman smiled wryly and raised her hands slowly in surrender.
"Alright, you got me. We don't have to figure out how this situation will be resolved."
"Are you Karen Bowman?" Arjun asked without lowering the gun.
The woman looked at him, studied his stoic expression, and finished by nodding slowly.
"You must be the ones Kate sent me."
Arjun gave a slight nod, ordering Sparrow to lower her weapon. Hannah compiled but the guard kept her up. Jade put the knife away and Aly stopped aiming, moving closer until she was next to her partner.
"I didn't expect you so early." Bowman commented, putting the gun in the waistband of her jeans.
Arjun bowed his head "We go where we are called"
Bowman nodded "is it just you four?"
"For now...we have a pilot too." Arjun mentioned.
Aly switched on her comlink "Mandy, it's all clear, we've found Bowman."
"Roger, I'm on my way." Mandy replied.
"So…" Bowman paced the room, examining each of the members. "Laswell believes that you can take down the Santa Blanca cartel…"
"That's why we're here, right?" Sparrow raised her chin but kept a serious expression.
Karen raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly. "It remains to be seen what you are capable of"
Jade started flipping through the evidence board.
"This is from the previous task force?" She asked, looking at all the information.
"That's right. Months of research." Bowman sighed "I'd better bring you guys up to speed. The sooner we start, the sooner we can take down these sons of bitches."
"Entering the house" Mandy's voice came over the comms.
"Copy, Macfie. You may proceed inside" Arjun replied.
The pilot entered the safehouse. Sparrow gave her a slight nod in greeting. Mandy moved closer to her, scanning Bowman and the situation with her eyes.
"I have a feeling it wasn't the best welcome." she whispered.
"You have a good feeling" Hannah replied.
They both returned their concentration to the CIA agent. The team surrounded the table while Bowman went to the proofing board and tore off a few photos.
"The Santa Blanca empire is supported by four main pillars."
Bowman posted a photo of a man who looked like a Christian bishop, with a huge golden Cross hanging from his neck and a serious expression, then a second photo of a somewhat ostentatious-looking young man smirking into the camera.
"The First Pillar: Influence." Bowman began to explain "Santa Blanca’s trying to win the love of the Bolivian people, they fill their brains with false promises and lies." She pointed to the man dressed as a bishop promising the locals the entrance to paradise and the eternal and divine forgiveness of God if they collaborated with the Cartel. The drug traffickers are great devout Christians, but above all they have a special fondness reserved for "La Niña Blanca."
"La Santa Muerte…" Aly murmured.
Bowman agreed.
"This is one of the first ways they have to win over their followers. The other is by following in the footsteps of Pablo Escobar, building houses for the poorest neighborhoods, giving aid to families... in short... creating a good image of the cartel. Everything to sweep the shit under the rug and avoid prying eyes."
The CIA agent put another photo on the table. It showed El Sueño shaking hands with a man who was dressed as a military general.
"The second pillar is Security. El Sueño has been in charge of reducing the military and police forces of all Bolivia based on bribery. So do not expect support from the government or the army."
"What about the rebels?" Arjun asked.
"The rebels are a large group of Bolivian guerrillas who have been fighting the cartel for years. Pac Katari is their leader, I know him well, but you will need a good victory if you want to earn his respect and trust. He will not welcome you with open arms at first. I advise you to make yourselves heard, that the voice spread among the Bolivian people, and that your deeds reach their ears. Only then may you get rebel support."
"So…if we do their job, we will get their attention?" Sparrow rested both hands on the straps of her vest.
"The rebels are also in charge of helping those most in need in Bolivia. If you locate stores of supplies, weapons, ammunition, fuel... mark them with location beacons. So that the rebels can find them, it is also a good way to announce that you are their allies." Bowman replied.
"And the other two pillars?" Jade asked.
Karen nodded and placed another photo on the table, this one showing a very beautiful woman with a little girl by her side. The photo appeared to be taken from inside a car. The woman and the girl were walking through a wealthy neighborhood surrounded by bodyguards.
"The third pillar: Smuggling. This woman is the mastermind of all smuggling operations. You could not imagine what she is capable of inventing to be able to get cocaine across the borders. She manages to send and export to more than sixty percent of the entire globe. They didn't earn the title of one of the biggest cartels in the world just like that."
Bowman took two more photos. It showed a very old man, wrinkled, graying hair, brown skin, and sun-spotted. And in the other, a young man in his early thirties with features similar to those of the older man.
"And finally, the fourth pillar and the base of the entire Cartel: Production. Bolivia has been a great producer of the coca plant, for cultural and medicinal uses, but it was illegal. Although with the arrival of Santa Blanca it has become massive The cultivated fields are full of forced laborers."
"Labor slaves." Mandy gritted her teeth.
Bowman nodded again.
"The trafficking and kidnapping of people is an open secret. Santa Blanca claims to ensure jobs for all Bolivians but they only force them to work until they die. The cartel blames the rebels for the Bolivian deaths, trying to give them a bad name."
Bowman put her fists on the table.
"If we can knock down one of these pillars, we can shake the cartel and make Santa Blanca weaker."
Arjun looked at his team for a few seconds, then looked back at the CIA agent.
"Where do we start?" Arjun asked decisively.
Bowman dragged two photos to the center of the table with her fingers.
"We'll start with Production." Bowman began to explain.
Aly took the photograph of the older man and looked at it carefully.
"He is Rodolfo Yana. But everyone knows him as "El Yayo", unlike the rest, he is Bolivian, he is about seventy-three years old, but don't let his age confuse you. He is the main cocaine producer for Santa Blanca. Before El Yayo was a coca union leader but his ambition brought him to work with Santa Blanca. He is willing to work with the Cartel in order to protect his people and their customs. Thanks to Santa Blanca, Coca crops are legal and they are protected. Many say that he is a traitor, others define him as a true survivor."
Aly passed the photo to Jade, who stared at it for a while.
"This is our first objective?" Jade seemed somewhat confused, she didn't expect to have to go after someone so old.
Bowman agreed.
"El Yayo is a great defender of culture and traditions. At first, El Yayo got stable and well-paid work for many cocaleros in Bolivia. People treated him as a savior for giving work to so many people. But the demand for Cocaine for part of Santa Blanca just grew and grew. Good paying jobs turned into forced labor." Bowman sighed "El Yayo is a man who prefers to make agreements than use violence. So maybe we can negotiate with him…"
"How did we get to him?" Arjun asked.
Bowman put the second photograph next to the one of El Yayo.
"This is his grandson, Gonzalo Yana, he is about 25 years old, they call him El Emissario. He is the manager and head of production of cocaine. His grandfather knows how to grow coca, and he knows how to process it. He is actually a spoiled child. He is arrogant, carefree and does whatever he wants, hoping that his grandfather or other underbosses will bail him out. Don't be distracted by his behavior, Gonzalo is a genius when it comes to processing coke. With the knowledge inherited from El Yayo and his master's degree in chemistry is capable of processing the purest cocaine on the entire market."
"How did we find him?" Jade crossed her arms.
"To get to El Yayo, you first have to find his grandson. It will be our trick to find him." Karen explained, "We had Gonzalo caught by the balls a few months ago, but he fled the country like the coward that he is. Luckily we know that he returned to Bolivia a few days ago, knowing that the old task force has been taken off the game board." and taking into account that he cannot leave the production of Cocaine unattended. El Emisario or The Emissary believes that he is now safe and that he can return to business without problem." Bowman paused. "Now we just have to find it. We know it's in Ocoro, but going door to door into every cocaine lab in the region would be a waste of time. The cat would never catch the mouse."
"I can check all the radio and phone stations and channels in the area. Maybe I can intercept something." Aly suggested.
"That's why I love you, Aly." Sparrow joked. 
"Might be a good start. Let's get to work then" Arjun said, beginning Operation Kingslayer.
"Let's go for that bastard"
The helicopter was flying over the Ocoro region. The night was moonless, it was the perfect time to act. Sparrow loaded her assault rifle. Arjun was at her side readying his gun as well.
"Okay, let's go over the plan. Aly, you're going to overwatch from a high point with the help of the surveillance drone. Keep the sniper rifle ready, I'm sure we'll need it. You'll be the one preparing our entrance."
"Got it" Aly was sitting in the cockpit together with Mandy. She had the exact coordinates on her laptop. Thanks to hacking and intercepting the radio channels in the Ocoro area, she was able to listen to a conversation with Gonzalo Yana and was able to triangulate his exact location.
"Sparrow and I will board through the first floor, while Jade will enter through the roof. We will take Gonzalo Yana out through the roof"
"Roger." Jade responded by assuring that the blade of her knives was properly sharpened.
"Okay, we'll look for Gonzalo Yana, remember that we need him alive. If the rest show resistance, you have full permission to shoot."
"We are arriving." Mandy's voice blared over everyone's comms.
"Understood! Everyone get ready"
When they reached the agreed point, they all prepared to slide down the rope. Sparrow leaned back into the cockpit.
"We are ready."
Mandy nodded. "Go carefully."
Sparrow gave Mandy a fist bump and patted Aly on the shoulder.
"Be our eyes, Aly." Sparrow smiled confidently.
Aly smiled and nodded.
"I'll watch your back"
"Sparrow let's go!" Arjun was ready to go down the rope.
"Copy, Captain!" She turned to her two companions "take care of yourselves, my ladies." the sergeant said goodbye.
Jade, Arjun and Sparrow slid down the rope.
When they all reached the ground Mandy piloted the helicopter to get Aly into the most suitable position to observe the facility from a distance but also to be close enough for her to connect to the main network and work her magic.
The team wasted no time, and began moving in formation. Taking care not to make noise.
The Ocoro region was a rural area. Mountainous, with small forests and numerous cultivated fields. The team walked a little further until there was an old industrial warehouse between the trees. There were huge outdoor spotlights illuminating the darkness of the night and a wall enclosing the restricted area.
They reached a high position to be able to observe the facilities well. The darkness covered them and prevented them from being seen.
"What do we have here…" Sparrow muttered, taking out the binoculars. "There are few entrances. Four floors, I suspect they will have a few more floors in the basement." The sergeant began to explain "Small windows and concrete walls… it's like a fucking fortress."
"Containment measures? Guards?" Jade asked. Who began to enlist her gear  to be able to make her entrance. Putting the silencer on her pistol and securing her bulletproof vest.
"There are a couple of machine guns stationed at the main entrance, snipers on the roof and in the watchtowers. Heavy armored guards at each corner, they wear ballistic helmets, we won't be able to take them out with one shot."
"leave them to me"
"Alyssa what is your status?" Arjun spoke into the comm.
There were a few seconds of silence.
"In position and waiting."
Aly was about 300m away, in an elevated position and perfect for providing overwatch. She was lying on the grass with the sniper rifle slung over her shoulder, peering through the rifle's telescopic sight. Next to her was the drone ready to be sent and the laptop that showed on the screen the synchronization with the central electrical system had been completed.
"Do you have visual on the target?" Arjun asked.
Aly looked through the windows of the building. Until she finally found a lighted window on the top floor.
"I have visual on Gonzalo Yana. Fourth floor, last room on the right."
Sparrow pointed the binoculars in the same direction.
"Affirmative. I see that bastard." Sparrow confirmed.
"Alright. Whenever you want Alyssa." The captain spoke.
Aly looked away from the scope for a moment and focused on her laptop, typing for a couple of minutes.
"Starting attack in three, two, one…" Aly hit the button "Lights off. All security systems disabled"
And suddenly, all the lights that illuminated the facilities went out. Everything was left in complete darkness. The guards outside were confused and kept alert for a long time. Until one of them mentioned that it was a simple blackout, and that it was normal in this region.
The team waited until the guards calmed down and went about their business, waiting for someone to fix the electrical system.
"Jade." Arjun whispered.
The named one nodded, clutching her pistol with the silencer attached in one hand and a karambit in the other.
"Good luck" Sparrow spoke "We'll be waiting"
Jade smiled and patted Hannah's shoulder before walking off down the hill. Stealthily approaching the entrance of the facility.
When she reached it, she put her back to the wall and waited silently for the guard to get close enough. She adjusted her grip on the handle of the knife, and when the guard was at appropriate distance, Jade clamped a hand over his mouth and buried the knife in his neck, between his shoulder pads and helmet. Carefully she dragged the body to a safe place so they wouldn't find it. But as soon as she put the body on the ground, another guard appeared walking casually without noticing what was happening around him. But he would end up noticing if he kept advancing in the direction of Jade. She wasted no time, grabbing one of the knives from the dead guard's tactical vest and throwing it with such precision at the guard that the knife sliced ​​through the air to slam into the second guard's face. The man fell backwards like a sack full of stones.
Jade sighed quietly in relief. Wasting no more time, she hid the second body next to the other and continued advancing. Jade melted into the shadows, using only her knife.
She would stab a guard in the neck and with two silent shots finish off the second. The bullets were always perfectly accurate, one in the bulletproof vest and one in the face. It ended with the vast majority of narcos who were standing guard abroad. She took care of those who were positioned behind the fixed machine guns and those who guarded all the entrances. And nobody noticed what was happening.
Jade was cleaning the blade of her knife on the clothes of the corpse of one of the guards, when she spoke through the comms.
"Aly, the sniper on the watchtower could compromise my position. To the east."
It didn't take long for Aly to aim the sniper rifle where Jade indicated.
"Got him"
As soon as he was in her sights, she held her breath, made some final calculations, and pulled the trigger. The enemy sniper disappeared into the darkness after being shot in the chest.
"Enemy sniper is down." Aly reported on the radio
Jade was able to continue creeping through the darkness around that drug lab until she found an emergency ladder that led to the roof. She climbed them carefully so that her boots did not make noise against the metal of theladder, she knew perfectly well that company would be waiting for her up on the roof.
When she got to the top, she saw two snipers walking around on the roof. Light-footed and keeping low, she took down the first sniper without a problem, but the second one apparently turned around ahead of schedule. Jade had to react quickly, with the pistol pointed at his chest and fired a couple of times. The sniper's bulletproof vest retained both bullets even though both shots nearly sent him to the ground.
The MI6 agent pounced on him when she saw that he was trying to communicate by threadbare. Jade wasted no time in pulling out her knife and making two quick slashes, the guard was able to defend himself by covering his face with both arms. Jade took the opportunity to kick his stomach hard, making him lose his balance and make him drop the sniper rifle to the ground.
The angry guard lunged at her, but Jade was faster and dodged without a problem. They kept up close combat for a while, the sniper throwing hard, heavy blows, while Jade moved nimbly, brandishing her knife, slashing across his arms. She would shift the knife from one hand to the other, changing the position of the curved blade, and every time she found a gap to get through his guard, she would not miss the opportunity to try and stab in the neck. In the end she managed to slip over the side and quickly rolled across the ground and made a quick, deep gash behind the knee. The man fell to his knees because the tendons could no longer support his leg.
Jade wasted no more time, she was tired of playing. With her other hand she drew a second karambit and using all her strength stabbed just below his jaw. The curved blade of the knife pierced the roof of the mouth while the first knife slashed across the throat.
When Jade pulled out the knife the soldier fell to the ground bleeding to death. She wiped at the blood splattered on her face, then hit the button on her communicator.
"I'm in position." He announced looking at the corpse of the guard.
"Roger that, I'll let Macfie know so she can have the helicopter ready for extraction" Aly replied.
While Jade dealt with the guards outside, Sparrow and Arjun moved through the compound, ready to enter through a back door that led to the facility's warehouse.
Arjun cleaned the blade of his knife on the dead guard's clothing while Sparrow stood guard, making sure no one approached them unnoticed. The captain managed to pick the lock on the door and opened it carefully.
"Come on, Sergeant." Arjun whispered.
Sparrow followed him into the facility.
The building was dark as expected. Both soldiers moved through the corridors in silence, Arjun taking the lead while Sparrow brought up the rear. Thanks to the silencers they eliminated any hostile people they encountered.
"Shoot carefully, there are civilians in the laboratories" Arjun said.
They found the stairs and went up to the second and then the third floor, leaving not a single living guard behind. They entered a room that appeared to be a communications room. There were computers, shelves full of documents, and radios with different comms channels. Some guards could be heard talking on the radio.
"First and second floors are the laboratories… The third is the offices?" asked Sparrow, puzzled. "This is not a normal cocaine lab…"
Arjun returned to her when he was sure the room was clear.
"This is a gold mine, we could get information from here." Arjun commented. "Sparrow, make a Backup copy of all the files on the mainframe. Alyssa can process the data later."
"Arjun, Sparrow! The guards have found one of the corpses." Aly announced agitated. "They're starting to go up the stairs!"
"Bloody hell… we should have hidden the corpses better." Sparrow cursed.
"We didn't have time for that, our priority is Gonzalo Yana…" Arjun leaned his back against the wall right next to the window and leaned out slightly to see what was happening outside. The guards seemed to be flustered, looking out the windows of the building and running all in one direction.
"Jade, what's the situation outside?" Arjun asked.
"Everyone is very nervous, they are entering the building." Charlotte replied.
"Understood. Aly, how much time do we have?"
"A minute at most." she answered.
"Sir, Gonzalo Yana will escape if we don't hurry." Sparrow nervously said, shifting her weight from her leg.
"I know." Arjun closed his eyes and pondered for a few seconds what to do. They couldn't leave without the information from the central computer, and neither could they leave without Gonzalo Yana. So he only had one option left. Trust his teammate. Arjun knew full well what Sparrow was capable of. It was not their first mission together, he was aware of the skills of the sergeant and that he could entrust the fate of the mission to her.
"Captain." Sparrow eagerly awaited further orders.
Arjun took a deep breath and opened his eyes.
"Focus on the computer and make sure you extract all the useful data. Client lists, contraband, locations of other labs…everything." Arjun walked towards the door. "Make sure they don't kill you, sergeant."
"And what are you going to do, sir?" Sparrow asked.
"Jade, get ready." Arjun ordered over the comms and then looked at his sergeant "I'm going to get that rat out of his hole." Arjun left the room and without wasting any time ran towards the stairs leading to the top floor.
Sparrow wasted no time too, pulling out an external battery to power the computer and a flash drive from one of her vest pockets, and began backing up all the files.
Gunshots could be heard inside the building, surely Arjun had engaged in combat with the remaining guards on the upper floor. Sparrow ignored her desire to go help her captain and watched as little by little the percentage bar on the computer screen filled up.
"Sparrow on your six!" Aly's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
Hannah spun around as she saw a huge soldier lunge at her with a knife. Sparrow had to drop her weapon to use both hands to prevent the knife from plunging into her face.
Sparrow was between the table and the attacker. She used all her strength to get that guy off her. She pushed him away from her and punched him in the nose. The guard swayed slightly, holding the bridge of his now bleeding nose.
"Puta zorra…"
Sparrow wasted no time, as the man lunged at her again, Sparrow raised her fists, punching him again in the face and then in the ribs. She moved swiftly across the room, dodging the knife that the man swung dangerously from side to side. Sparrow had to admit that this man was tough to beat, no matter how hard she hit him, it seemed as if he wasn't affected. Even though his face was covered in blood.
Sparrow took a quick look at the computer, five percent left for the backup to finish. She had to hurry, she had to finish this jerk and get back to Arjun as soon as possible.
"Come on… I can last all day." Sparrow waved a hand, signaling for him to come closer to continue the fight and further anger the guard.
She was walking slowly back towards the window. As the guard ran towards her to punch her in the face, Sparrow dodged quickly, managing to get behind him. As the guard turned back to her, Hannah kicked him in the chest. Causing him to stagger a couple of meters away from her.
The man was ready to attack again, but suddenly, a sniper bullet broke the window glass and went through the guard's head. The man collapsed on the ground lifeless and staining the ground with his own blood.
Sparrow smiled at the corpse at her feet, then looked at the hole in the window.
"What would I be if it wasn't for you Aly?"
Aly watched through the scope of her sniper rifle as Sparrow waved to her from across the room. She smiled, happy to see her friend safe.
"You know it's always a pleasure to watch your back, hermosa"
Sparrow looked away from the window when she heard the notification that the backup had finished. She rushed to grab the flash drive and the battery, then grabbed her weapon and ran to the top floor.
Along the way, she encountered several enemies and didn’t hesitate to shoot. She finished with any obstacle that was found along the way. When it came to dealing with firefights, there was no better soldier than her. She eliminated all the guards until she went up to the fourth floor.
Suddenly Sparrow, between the shots, saw Gonzalo Yana being thrown into the air, out of a room. Arjun came out soon after, his expression completely serious. For a moment Hannah felt sorry for that Narco, when Captain Arjun was angry, he was a scary man.
Gonzalo Yana began to flee in the direction of the stairs that led to the roof. But it seemed like Arjun didn't care, in fact he cared more about taking down the remaining guards in the corridor. Using only his pistol, a knife and a perfect aim, he finished off all the guards. When silence finally reigned in the place again, Sparrow was finally able to get out from behind the wall that she used as cover.
"Are you okay sergeant?" Arjun asked, although he didn't physically show it, he was worried about Sparrow.
"Affirmative sir." Hannah hurried over to him. "What's with that asshole?"
Sparrow was still confused, Arjun had let Gonzalo Yana run away.
"The Rat is cornered. Let's go for him"
Arjun walked up the stairs leading to the roof in no hurry. While they watched the Narco run up them so fast that he almost tripped more than once. Arjun didn't need to chase him, he knew exactly how this was going to end. It was like when a murderer knows that he doesn't have to waste energy running, he knows perfectly well that he will find you, no matter where you hide.
Gonzalo Yana banged open the door leading to the roof, but as soon as he stepped outside. The point of a karambit landed on his neck, so stealthily that the man seemed to him that he had been cornered by a ghost. He was petrified with fear.
Jade held the knife to the target's throat when Arjun and Sparrow appeared on the rooftop shortly after.
"We have the target." Arjun announced through the comms.
"Roger, Macfie is on her way." Aly replied.
"Who are you?!"
"You're not the one asking the questions here, kid" Arjun replied with a sinister tone.
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into! Do you have any idea who I am?!" Gonzalo Yana seemed to be on the verge of hysteria.
"Oh, we know that very well… Sparrow, knock him out."
"It will be a pleasure"
When Gonzalo Yana woke up. He found himself tied to a chair in a small room with no windows, just a light bulb hanging from the ceiling above him.
There was a red-haired woman sitting in a chair similar to his. But she wasn't tied down, in fact, she had a grim look on her face, kept silent, deep in her own thoughts.
"We don't have to make this any more complicated than it already is." Arjun's voice was heard behind Gonzalo.
The captain had his back against the wall and his arms folded.
"Don't waste time lying or hiding information from us. It will only make it worse."
"I would rather die than tell you!" Gonzalo Yana seemed to want to hide his fear behind his anger "You are naive! You don't know what you are getting into…"
Arjun ignored the Narco's words, kept calm and kept talking.
"Rodolfo Yana." Arjun mentioned the name of El Yayo. "Where is he?"
It took Gonzalo a few seconds to understand what they were asking of him.
"The old?" He laughed "No, you'll never find him. Listen amigo…you're not aware of how deep this shit hole is. You're just foreigners who think you can come here and remove all the shit and get out of it unscathed. The simple fact: If you touch a single hair on my head, you’ll mark a cross on your back. La Santa Muerte will come for you and will hunt you until the end of your days."
Suddenly Arjun grabbed Gonzalo Yana's hair and pulled his head back, forcing him to look into his eyes. The light from the ceiling made Gonzalo only see a dark silhouette of a man.
"I think you already disappointed me. You already were, not to me but for everybody. Because of your "pathetic" self.. decided to choose this path with your family who had nothing to do but to cause suffering." Said Arjun, in a tone capable of making anyone's skin crawl "we are not what you see... we are not what you think. I could snap your neck right now and end your poor, pathetic life. But no, you have a much bigger purpose.." Arjun brought his face close to Gonzalo's "when we're done with you… you'll wish I'd snapped your neck."
Gonzalo Yana had not realized that he was sweating and trembling the moment Arjun let go of his head.
Arjun walked towards the door, but before leaving, he patted Jade on the shoulder.
"It's all yours" and left the room.
When he stepped outside the safe house, he found Sparrow, Aly, and Mandy waiting outside. Crickets could be heard in the bushes and a cool breeze blew gently.
"There is no turning back." Arjun mentioned. "Jade will get us the information we want."
Aly sighed in concern. "Jade is good at what she does, she's an MI6 agent after all but…this will affect her."
Sparrow nodded, agreeing with her.
"If we hurt Gonzalo Yana…" Mandy had a serious expression like everyone else. "We will send a clear message to El Sueño."
"Sir…I understand this is a covert mission. But we really don't know where we're going. We don't know what El Sueño is capable of." Sparrow spoke. "You saw how many guards there were in just a cocaine lab in the middle of nowhere."
Arjun nodded understandingly. "I'm aware, Sergeant. I'll talk to Laswell, maybe he can pull more strings. But for now, we're the only ones who can stop this madness."
"And what about the Rebel forces?" Aly asked.
"They will be considered hostile until proven otherwise. Although Bowman is an old friend of Laswell's, I don't trust her." Arjun crossed his arms and looked at his boots "We'll figure something out. But for now, we're dealing with this jerk."
Meanwhile, inside the Safe house, Jade and Gonzalo Yana were left alone in the room.
Jade was silent, she was terrifyingly calm. There was no emotion on her face.
"We can do this by hook or by crook." She began to explain. "I just need you to tell me a place and a time."
"If you think I'm going to tell you where my grandfather is. You're so wrong, puta."
Jade spent some time studying the man's body language. He was scared, but he hid it well. His hands were restless despite being tied. He kept his head up and still but his eyes were unable to maintain eye contact with Jade.
"We know that you recently returned to Bolivia, and we know that you have conversations with your grandfather. He is always the one who has to save you, right? You always end up in trouble and make El Sueño angry. But Rodolfo Yana is always there to protect you." Jade explained.
"That doesn't matter…you're not going to get me to talk. It doesn't matter what you do." Gonzalo Yana smiled sideways.
Jade nodded a few times and sighed. She got up from her chair and walked over to him.
"I see you made up your mind."
She rested her hand on Gonzalo's temple and looked at him for a few seconds.
"I will ask you a question. And you must answer honestly." Jade spoke again "Where is Rodolfo Yana?"
"Fuck you, pendeja."
"Wrong answer"
Jade pressed into the space between the eyebrow and the eyeball.
Jade closed her eyes and continued pressing on one of the most painful points in the body, there are many nerves in that area and it causes great pain and discomfort when pressing on it.
The screams echoed through the room, so loud that surely the people outside could hear them.
"Let's try one more time." Jade eased the pressure but didn't pull her hand away. "Where is Rodolfo Yana?"
Gonzalo was breathing heavily, he looked like an animal. But still he said nothing. He kept silent.
Jade, getting no response, pressed again. The screams resounded throughout the place.
The interrogation began to be a game of tug of war, Jade asked questions, and Gonzalo did not answer what she wanted. It seemed a bit like a game of cat and mouse. But this time the Cat played with the mouse until he died from exhaustion.
"Please! I don't know! I don't know!"
"No I don't know's. Just answer my question. It's easy, come on."
The game continued, gradually escalating until Jade decided to use more effective methods. She didn't want to come to this, but he gave her no choice. It was time to pull out nails, Jade started with the toes. She wrapped the toe with a rubber band to reduce the flow of blood, neither too tight nor too loose, she wanted Gonzalo Yana to see the blood but not bleed to death. Then with a toothpick she inserted it between the nail and the finger.
Gonzalo Yana screamed in pain. The nail was separated from the toe. Jade looked at the Narco once more waiting for an answer but he just whimpered. So she ended up ripping it off.
Gonzalo was dying, tossing and turning in his chair. He seemed like an animal dominated by hysteria and fear.
"Please, please! I already told you I don't know!"
"If you so much as breathe another 'I don't know’, I will rip another one of your nails. Think. Remember. We could do this all night." Jade stayed calm. 
The hours passed, until finally the cat caught the mouse. The screams stopped instantly.
Everyone waited outside. Sparrow paced back and forth like a caged lion. Arjun was thoughtful with his arms folded. Aly was trying to clear her mind and ignore what she had been hearing for hours trying to decipher the information Sparrow got from the lab's central computer. And Mandy going through the topographic maps of the area.
The door to the Safe House opened. Jade came out wiping her hands on a bloody rag. She approached Arjun without saying a single word and handed him a piece of paper with the exact location and time where Rodolfo Yana could be.
Then she left, without saying a single word. She entered the forest and disappeared into the darkness and the undergrowth.
"Jade…!" Aly tried to follow her but Mandy stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Sparrow walked over and shook her head. She knew that Jade needed to be alone. She had to collect her thoughts and deal with her internal struggle.
An internal struggle that the whole team had.
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catdotjpeg · 11 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Shaheen family, are:
Walid Omar Ahmed (73);
Walid's son Murad Walid Omar (35) and his children Roua Murad Walid (7) and Shahin Murad Walid (6);
Gamal Youssef Abdellatif (70);
Abdullah Shaheen Ahmed (68); 
Abdullah's son Muhammad Abdullah Shaheen (48) and his children Abdul Rahman Muhammad Abdullah (24), Farah Muhammad Abdullah (21), Anas Muhammad Abdullah (19), Ahmad Muhammad Abdullah (16), and Mahmud Muhammad Abdullah (9);
Na’ima Ahmed Abdelrahman (65);
Ibrahim Nimr Muhammad (65); 
Sami Youssef Ismail (53) and his children Youssef Sami Youssef (33), Mustafa Sami Youssef (30), Isma'il Sami Youssef (28), Hadil Sami Youssef (23), and Lama Sami Youssef (17);
Mahmud Ayesh Mahmud (52) and his children Inshirah Mahmud Ayesh (29), Nesma Mahmud Ayesh (15), and Ali Mahmud Ayesh (9);
Wafa Saeed Mahmud (52);
Mahmud Abdelhalim Muhammad (51), pictured above, and his sibling Mostaganem Abdelhalim Muhammad (47), named for the Algerian city and province;
Bushra Abdelfattah Jaber (44);
Hiba Hindi Hegazy (41);
Haytham Muhammad Ali (31);
Abdul Rahman Salman Juma (29); 
Rahima Saadi Muhammad (26) and her unnamed infant son;
Warda Ibrahim Ayesh (25) and her siblings Yasmin Ibrahim Ayesh (24) and Azhar Ibrahim Ayesh (22);
Yahya Sultan Zayed (11), "the only child of his parents. He had memorized the Quran and stood out among his peers, ranking first among them. He had a dream of becoming an astronaut;"
Tariq Mahmud Abdullah (11) and his brother Abdullah Mahmud Abdullah (10);
Muhammad Bara’a Tayseer (10); 
Rahaf Rami Sadiq (7);
Aisha Jihad Jalal (less than a year old);
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Thaer Abdullah (36), who was martyred when iof forces stormed Far'a camp north of Nablus;
Samiya Muhammad Omar (63) and her brother Bassam Muhammad Omar (59);
Ahmed Adib Muhammad (23) and his sister Mai Adib Muhammad (37);
Fawzia Yusuf Muhammad (26);
Ibrahim Osama Muhammad (13) and his siblings Anwar Osama Muhammad (28) and Samar Osama Muhammad (22);
Fatin Awad Abdel Rahman (35);
Yahya Bahaa Muhammad (21);
Latifa Ahmed Hamed (82);
Adib Muhammad Adib (9);
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Yusuf Muhammad Yusuf (33), who was martyred after leaving a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah;
Iman Nabil Deeb (27);
Sahar Musa Ahmed (56);
Hassan Nasser Ahmed (17);
Ahmed Khalil Ahmed (15) and his siblings Mahmud Khalil Ahmed (10), Muhammad Khalil Ahmed (14), Iman Khalil Ahmed (2), and Ziad Khalil Ahmed (9);
Layan Bakr Ismail (9);
and Iman Ziad Hussein (36).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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warwickroyals · 6 months
You did least favourite tiara, what about favourite tiaras?
Great idea! I think I'll prick my favourite tiaras from each country, and no commentary just so that this post doesn't ramble forever and ever. Just know that these are the ones that I like for either aesthetic or historical purposes. I'd say the best collections go to the British, Swedish, and Spanish in that order. Out of the fake monarchies Greece has some bangers in there:
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Belgium 🇧🇪 - Queen Astrid of Belgium's Nine Provinces Tiara (as a bandeau)
Brunei 🇧🇳 - Anisha Isa Kalebic's Diamond Tiara
Denmark 🇩🇰 - Princess Louise of the Netherlands' Pearl Poiré Tiara
Egypt 🇪🇬 - Queen Nazli of Egypt’s Diamond Tiara
France 🇫🇷 - Empress Josephine’s Cameo Tiara (it's in the Swedish vault but it's French in every other way)
Germany 🇩🇪 - The Prussian tiara (it's of German origin but is currently with the Spanish due to royal intermarrying)
Greece 🇬🇷 - Khedive of Egypt Tiara
Italy 🇮🇹 - Queen Margherita of Italy's Pearl & Diamond Tiara
Iran 🇮🇷 - Empress Farah of Iran’s Turquoise Tiara
Japan 🇯🇵 - Imperial Chrysanthemum Tiara
Jordan 🇯🇴 - Queen Noor's Sunburst Tiara
Lesotho 🇱🇸 - 'Masenate Mohato Seeiso's wedding tiara
Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 - Princess Maria Kinsky's Honeysuckle Tiara
Luxembourg 🇱🇺 - Grand Duchess Marie Adélaïde of Luxembourg's Sapphire Tiara
Monaco 🇲🇨 - Princess Charlotte of Monaco’s Pearl Drop Tiara
The Netherlands 🇳🇱 - Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands's Stuart Diamond Tiara
Norway 🇳🇴 - Princess Ingeborg of Sweden's Pearl Circle Tiara
Russia 🇷🇺 - Grand Duchess Vladimir Tiara (of Russian origin but is with the Brits)
Spain 🇪🇸 - Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain's Fleur de Lys Tiara
Sweden 🇸🇪 - Nine-Prong Tiara
United Kingdom 🇬🇧 - Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara
BONUS - The Greville Emerald Kokoshnik 🇬🇧
BONUS - The Swedish Aquamarine Kokoshnik 🇸🇪
BONUS - Queen Desiree of Sweden’s Ruby Parure Tiara 🇩🇰
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Published: Dec 7, 2022
What is believed to be the first public execution in Afghanistan since the Taliban seized power last year, drew criticism from the UN human rights office, OHCHR on Wednesday. Spokesperson Jeremy Laurence described it as a “deeply disturbing” development. 
Moreover, he added, it was performed in the presence of local residents and some senior members of the de facto authorities. 
Reminding that public executions constitute a form of “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”, he stressed that they are “arbitrary in nature and contrary to the right to life protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Afghanistan is a State party”.  
According to news reports, the man put to death was accused of murder in western Farah province, after being accused of fatally stabbing another man, 5 years ago. A Taliban Spokesperson reportedly said the execution was carried out by the father of the victim. 
Over a dozen senior Taliban officials were reported to have been in attendance. In recent weeks, the country’s supreme court has announced a return to public lashings of men and women, for offences such as robbery and adultery. 
Prohibit capital punishment  
The death penalty is incompatible with fundamental tenets of human rights, and its use cannot be reconciled with full respect for the right to life, said OHCHR’s Jeremy Laurence.   
“We urge the de facto authorities to establish an immediate moratorium on any further executions, and act swiftly to prohibit use of the death penalty in its entirety”. 
The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) echoed that message on social media.  
“The UN strongly opposes the death penalty in all circumstances”, it tweeted, urging the Taliban to establish and immediate moratorium on executions, “with a view to abolishing the death penalty”. 
I mean, the Afghanistan government is the Taliban. They're violent fundamentalist fanatics with their appalling god and scriptural book of war on their side, telling them what to do. Anything so considered as an appeal to human rights is not only unrealistic but also blasphemous. They're just doing exactly what Muhammad, "the perfect human," and "an excellent model of conduct," did.
“We want to live a life like the Prophet lived 1,400 years ago and jihad is our right. We want to recreate the time of the Prophet and we are only carrying out what the Afghan people have wanted for the past 14 years.” – Ahmed Rashid, “Taliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond”
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Islamabad —  Afghanistan’s Taliban have announced fresh public floggings of convicts, both women and men, in defiance of renewed United Nations calls for the Islamist rulers to immediately halt the practice. The Taliban’s supreme court said Monday a group of 22 individuals, including women, was flogged in a crowded sports stadium in Sheberghan, the capital of the northern province of Jowzjan. Each was given between 25 and 39 lashes for alleged crimes, including adultery, gay sex, running away from home, drug trafficking and theft, the statement said. The court also reported on Sunday that 11 men and a woman were flogged in central Ghor province for committing similar crimes. The de facto Afghan authorities have carried out floggings of more than 130 men and women in crowded sports stadiums in several provinces and the capital, Kabul, since mid-November, when the Taliban supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, ordered the judiciary to implement Islamic law or Sharia-based punishments. The order also led to the first public execution of a convicted murder since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan in August 2021. Officials said the execution in the western province of Farah two weeks ago was in accordance with “Qisas [retribution in kind], an Islamic law stipulating the person is punished in the same way the victim was murdered.
The flogging and execution have been administered in stadiums in the presence of senior Taliban officials and members of the public. The top Taliban court in its statement Monday defended the application of Islamic Sharia to criminal justice, saying it is key to promoting "peace and justice” in the country. UN call for halt On Friday, a U.N. panel of independent experts said in a statement they “are deeply aggrieved” about the public execution and resumption of flogging in Afghanistan. The panel urged the Taliban to halt immediately what it decried as “inhuman” along with “distasteful and undignified” punishments. “International human rights law prohibits the implementation of such cruel sentences, especially the death penalty, following trials that apparently do not offer the required fair trial guarantees,” the statement said. The U.N. panel maintained that at all times, no matter the status of a person, the individual is entitled to dignity and respect.
UN Experts Denounce Taliban Treatment of Women as Crime
The Taliban leadership has criticized the outcry over the application of Sharia to criminal justice as an insult to its Islamic religious beliefs and ruled out any compromise on them. No country has yet formally recognized the male-only Taliban regime over human rights concerns. The Islamist group previously ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 when Taliban authorities would routinely carry out punishments in public, including floggings and executions at sports stadiums before crowds of spectators. The Taliban repeatedly assured Afghans and the world at large after seizing power that they would not bring back the polices of the previous rule to govern the conflict-torn impoverished South Asian nation. The group has reneged on its pledges and placed severe restrictions on the lives and freedoms of Afghans. The Taliban have increasingly excluded women from public life and barred teenage girls from attending secondary schools.
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dan6085 · 19 days
During Barack Obama's administration (2009–2017), the U.S. significantly expanded its use of drone strikes, particularly in counterterrorism operations. These drone strikes were conducted by both the CIA and the U.S. military, targeting militant groups such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and other terrorist organizations. The drone program was largely centered in countries like Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Libya, and while it was aimed at high-value terrorist targets, it also drew considerable controversy due to civilian casualties and the lack of transparency surrounding the operations.
Below is a detailed overview of U.S. drone attacks made during the Obama administration:
### 1. **Pakistan**
The majority of drone strikes under Obama occurred in Pakistan, particularly in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan, where the U.S. targeted Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other militants.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Between 370 and 400 drone strikes took place in Pakistan between 2009 and 2016.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: These strikes are estimated to have killed between 2,500 and 4,000 people, including militants and civilians.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Baitullah Mehsud** (2009): Leader of the Pakistani Taliban (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan), killed in a drone strike.
- **Hakimullah Mehsud** (2013): Successor to Baitullah Mehsud, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Ilyas Kashmiri** (2011): Senior Al-Qaeda operative and leader of the Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, killed by a drone strike.
- **Mullah Mansour** (2016): Leader of the Afghan Taliban, killed in a drone strike in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.
- **Civilian Casualties**: According to estimates, between 300 and 800 civilians may have been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan during Obama’s presidency, leading to widespread criticism both within Pakistan and internationally.
### 2. **Yemen**
Yemen saw an increase in drone strikes as the U.S. targeted members of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), one of the most dangerous branches of the terrorist network.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: There were approximately 150–200 drone strikes in Yemen during Obama’s presidency.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: Drone strikes in Yemen resulted in the deaths of around 1,000 to 1,500 people, including militants and civilians.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Anwar al-Awlaki** (2011): A U.S. citizen and key figure in AQAP, known for his role in radicalizing Western jihadists, killed by a drone strike in Yemen.
- **Samir Khan** (2011): Another U.S. citizen and AQAP propagandist, killed in the same strike as al-Awlaki.
- **Nasser al-Wuhayshi** (2015): Leader of AQAP and a former personal aide to Osama bin Laden, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Jalal Baleedi** (2016): Senior AQAP commander, killed in a drone strike.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties in Yemen ranged from 65 to 120 during Obama’s administration. There were also incidents like the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, in a drone strike weeks after his father was killed, raising ethical concerns.
### 3. **Somalia**
Somalia, which is home to the Al-Shabaab militant group, also became a frequent target of U.S. drone strikes during Obama’s tenure.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Approximately 30–50 drone strikes occurred in Somalia under Obama.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: These strikes killed between 200 and 300 militants, according to various estimates.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Aden Hashi Farah Ayro** (2008): An early strike, conducted just before Obama took office, killed the leader of Al-Shabaab.
- **Ahmed Abdi Godane** (2014): The leader of Al-Shabaab, responsible for attacks like the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya, was killed in a drone strike.
- **Hassan Ali Dhoore** (2016): Senior Al-Shabaab commander, involved in attacks on hotels and civilians, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties were relatively low compared to other regions, but there were still instances of non-combatants being killed.
### 4. **Afghanistan**
Drone strikes in Afghanistan were part of the broader military campaign against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the country. While manned airstrikes were more common, drones were also frequently used for targeted killings.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: Hundreds of drone strikes occurred in Afghanistan during Obama’s presidency.
- **Estimated Death Toll**: The drone strikes in Afghanistan likely resulted in the deaths of several thousand militants.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Mullah Akhtar Mansour** (2016): As mentioned earlier, the Afghan Taliban leader was killed in a drone strike while in Pakistan, but his death had a significant impact on the war in Afghanistan.
- **Civilian Casualties**: Civilian casualties in Afghanistan have been harder to quantify due to the overlap with broader military operations. However, some reports suggest that hundreds of civilians were killed in drone strikes.
### 5. **Libya**
During the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya, drone strikes were used to target forces loyal to then-leader Muammar Gaddafi. After Gaddafi's fall, drones continued to be used against ISIS affiliates and other militant groups in the country.
- **Number of Drone Strikes**: There were about 20–30 drone strikes in Libya during Obama’s presidency.
- **Key Targets**:
- **Muammar Gaddafi's forces** (2011): Drones were used during NATO’s campaign to aid rebel forces, culminating in the death of Gaddafi.
- **ISIS affiliates** (2016): After the rise of ISIS in Libya, the U.S. began targeting ISIS positions with drone strikes.
- **Abu Nabil al-Anbari** (2015): An Iraqi ISIS leader operating in Libya, killed in a U.S. drone strike.
### 6. **Key Controversies**
While drone strikes under the Obama administration were effective in eliminating high-level terrorist targets, they also sparked significant ethical, legal, and humanitarian concerns. The key controversies include:
- **Civilian Casualties**: Despite the precision of drones, civilian casualties were a frequent and tragic consequence of drone strikes. Various estimates suggest that hundreds of civilians, including women and children, were killed in drone strikes during Obama's presidency. Civilian casualties have often inflamed anti-American sentiment in targeted countries, complicating U.S. counterterrorism efforts.
- **Lack of Transparency**: The Obama administration was criticized for the lack of transparency surrounding its drone program. Many of the strikes were conducted by the CIA, and there was little public disclosure about the decision-making process, the targets, and the aftermath of strikes.
- **Targeting U.S. Citizens**: The most controversial aspect of Obama’s drone program was the targeted killing of U.S. citizens abroad, most notably Anwar al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman, was also killed in a separate drone strike, raising significant legal and moral questions about due process and the rights of U.S. citizens.
- **"Signature Strikes"**: Under Obama, the U.S. also engaged in "signature strikes," where drone attacks were carried out based on patterns of behavior that suggested terrorism involvement, rather than specific intelligence identifying a known militant. This method increased the risk of killing civilians and non-combatants.
### 7. **Legacy of Obama’s Drone Program**
Obama’s drone program represented a major shift in U.S. military and counterterrorism strategy. While the administration sought to minimize American troop involvement in foreign wars, it dramatically expanded the use of drones as a tool for remote warfare. Obama himself acknowledged the moral dilemmas posed by drone warfare in several speeches, including his 2013 speech at the National Defense University, where he defended the use of drones but also expressed concerns about their overuse.
The drone program under Obama left a lasting legacy for U.S. counterterrorism operations. It solidified drones as a primary tool in the U.S. military arsenal, a practice that continued under subsequent administrations, though with varying levels of public scrutiny and debate. However, the long-term consequences, including the alienation of local populations and the debate over the legality and morality of targeted killings, remain subjects of intense debate.
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gmqazi19739 · 19 days
Farah Khanum - Top 15 Best Sindhi Folk Music
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The name Farah Khanum resonated deeply in the hearts of those who were fond of Sindhi classical Music and folk songs. Her journey as a singer includes a deep connection to her roots and a passion for preserving and celebrating Sindhi culture. A beautiful blend of tradition and innovation, Farah’s voice has become one of the most loved and sought-after artists in Sindh.
Best Farah Khanum Sindhi Folk Music Download
Biography and Early Life Farah Khanum’s journey began in the province of Sindh, where she quickly became a household name. She was not only known for her singing skills but also for capturing the essence of Sindhi culture in her shows. Her writing was vast, detailing songs in Sindhi, Urdu, and Saraiki, each with a deep understanding of the language and emotions behind the song. The voice captured my heart Farah Khanum was more than just a singer. She was a storyteller who shared the joys, sorrows, and love stories of Sindh with her voice. Her ability to sing songs of love and sadness in a rich, soulful voice allowed anyone who listened to her music to relate to her music. Farah was primarily known for singing popular Sindhi songs, Sindhi kalam, and vibrant Sindhi social music songs, which left a lasting impact on her listeners. Master of Sindhi classical and folk music Farah Khanum’s knowledge of Sindhi classical and folk songs was unparalleled. She had a special talent for bringing alive the poetry of prominent Sindhi poets like Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitay R.A and Hazrat Sachal Saramast R.A through her songs. Her ability to blend traditional and contemporary music gave Sindhi music a new perspective, empowering a new generation, while staying true to the original Traditional innovation Farah Khanum was a pioneer in bringing new Sindhi traditional music. She skillfully incorporated elements of contemporary music into her music, with a blend that is innovative and respectful of tradition. Her music became the medium between old and new, making Sindhi music relevant in an ever-changing world. Farah Khanum’s career and legacy Farah Khanum’s performance is nothing short of magical. She was known for performing live in a variety of venues, from intimate gatherings in "aotak" (traditional Sindhi community spaces) to large public events such as fairs and weddings. Her folk music crossed borders and brought people together in a shared cultural and artistic experience. Favorite artist of Radio Pakistan and Pakistan Doordarshan Farah Khanum’s popularity went beyond live music. She was a regular performer on Radio Pakistan and Pakistan Television, where her songs were frequently played and enjoyed by listeners. Her presence on these stages cemented her status as one of the leading artists of her time. A collection of the most famous Sindhi songs by Farah Khanum Throughout her career, Farah Khanum created an impressive repertoire of Sindhi songs that is celebrated to this day. Her Sindhi music songs are a testament to her incredible talent and deep connection with Sindhi culture. The song selection above is the most impressive: The lasting impact of Farah Khanum on Sindhi music Farah Khanum’s contribution to Sindhi songs is immeasurable. She not only preserved the rich musical tradition of Sindh but also pushed the boundaries of what was possible in the genre. A musical legacy that will last forever Farah Khanum’s legacy lives on through her music, which remains a cornerstone of Sindhi culture. Farah’s ability to connect with audiences in such a profound way is a testament to her talent and dedication to her art. Conclusion Farah Khanum was more than just a singer. She was a cultural icon who celebrated and preserved the rich traditions of Sindh with her voice. Blending classical and folk songs with modern innovations, her music continues to inspire and resonate with listeners today. Farah Khanum’s legacy is a reminder of the power of Sindhi Folk music to bring people together and keep cultural heritage alive. FAQs What has made Farah Khanum’s music stand out? Farah Khanum’s music was unique in that she blended traditional Sindhi music with contemporary styles. In which language did Farah Khanum sing? Farah Khanum sang in Sindhi, Urdu, and Saraiki, showcasing her versatility as a singer. Who were some of the poets whose works Farah Khanum sang? Farah Khanum Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai R.A., Hazrat Sachal Sarmast R.A. Where did Farah Khanum perform? Farah Khanum performed at various venues including Radio Pakistan, Pakistan Doordarshan, Melas, weddings, and events like "Aotak" events. What is Farah Khanum’s legacy in Sindhi music? Farah Khanum’s legacy in Sindhi music is one of innovation and contribution. She kept up with traditional Sindhi music and introduced new music, ensuring that it was suitable for future generations. Read the full article
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31n13 · 7 months
Interesting how the bombings enabled by the WoD are non-existent to Google. If you search "War on Drugs," only a few vague references to Afghanistan pop up, without a single result in the first 100 entries about the deadly 2019 air operation. On May 5 of that year, the US launched an aerial assault on alleged Taliban drug labs in the Farah, Nimroz, Helmand, and Kunar provinces, resulting in 145 reported civilian casualties. Not only was it a senseless loss of life, it was a war crime. Under international law, facilities that contribute economically or financially to the war effort of a party to a conflict are considered civilian objectives, and cannot be made the target of attack. Ironically, the most successful counter-narcotics effort in Afghanistan occurred when the Taliban prohibited opium-poppy cultivation from 2000-1. The ban was lifted in retaliation for the US-led invasion, before resuming in 2022, a year after the withdrawal. Unfortunately, information about the illegal air raid and its impact on the Afghan community is suppressed online unless one goes looking for it. Everything that doesn't fit the official US narrative is buried and forgotten.
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ashcovenews · 1 year
UN says the Taliban have further increased restrictions on Afghan women and girls
In early May, two Afghan female staff of an international non-governmental organization were arrested by Taliban forces at an airport because they were travelling without a male companion.
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ISLAMABAD: Taliban authorities have further increased restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan in recent months, including in education and employment, the U.N. said in a report on the human rights situation issued Monday.
Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health has announced that only males will be allowed to take exams to pursue specialized medical studies, the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said in the report, which covers developments in May and June.
That follows a ban on female medical students taking graduation exams announced in February and a prohibition on women attending universities issued last December, the report said.
The U.N. said it has recorded instances in which the Taliban have enforced previously announced limitations on women’s freedom of movement and employment.
In early May, two Afghan female staff of an international non-governmental organization were arrested by Taliban forces at an airport because they were travelling without a male companion or mahram, the report said.
In June, a midwife was detained and interrogated for five hours by the Taliban’s intelligence service, which threatened her with death if she continued her work with an NGO. She resigned two days later as a result, the report said.
“Two other NGOs had their licenses suspended by the de facto Department of Economy because of the presence of female employees in their offices,” it said.
There have also been reports of physical violence against women, including an incident in which members of the Taliban’s vice and virtue department beat a woman with a stick and forced her to leave a public park, it said.
Despite initial promises of a more moderate rule than during their previous period in power in the 1990s, the Taliban have imposed harsh measures since seizing Afghanistan in August 2021 as U.S and NATO forces were pulling out.
They have barred women from most areas of public life and work and cracked down on media freedoms. They have banned girls from going to school beyond the sixth grade and prohibited Afghan women from working at local and non-governmental organizations. The ban was extended to employees of the United Nations in April.
The measures have triggered a fierce international uproar, increasing the country’s isolation at a time when its economy has collapsed and worsening a humanitarian crisis.
Under the first Taliban regime from 1996 to 2001, public corporal punishment and executions were carried out by officials against people convicted of crimes, often in sports stadiums.
In June, the Taliban carried out what is believed to be its second public execution since it returned to power. The first was last December when a man convicted of murdering another man was executed with an assault rifle by the victim’s father in western Farah province before hundreds of spectators and many top Taliban officials.
The second was a man identified as Ajmal in the capital, Kabul, who was found guilty of murdering five people last year.
In May, the U.N said 274 men, 58 women and two boys had been publicly flogged during the previous six months.
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buglecourier · 1 year
UN says the Taliban have further increased restrictions on Afghan women and girls
In early May, two Afghan female staff of an international non-governmental organization were arrested by Taliban forces at an airport because they were travelling without a male companion.
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ISLAMABAD: Taliban authorities have further increased restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan in recent months, including in education and employment, the U.N. said in a report on the human rights situation issued Monday.
Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health has announced that only males will be allowed to take exams to pursue specialized medical studies, the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said in the report, which covers developments in May and June.
That follows a ban on female medical students taking graduation exams announced in February and a prohibition on women attending universities issued last December, the report said.
The U.N. said it has recorded instances in which the Taliban have enforced previously announced limitations on women’s freedom of movement and employment.
In early May, two Afghan female staff of an international non-governmental organization were arrested by Taliban forces at an airport because they were travelling without a male companion or mahram, the report said.
In June, a midwife was detained and interrogated for five hours by the Taliban’s intelligence service, which threatened her with death if she continued her work with an NGO. She resigned two days later as a result, the report said.
“Two other NGOs had their licenses suspended by the de facto Department of Economy because of the presence of female employees in their offices,” it said.
There have also been reports of physical violence against women, including an incident in which members of the Taliban’s vice and virtue department beat a woman with a stick and forced her to leave a public park, it said.
Despite initial promises of a more moderate rule than during their previous period in power in the 1990s, the Taliban have imposed harsh measures since seizing Afghanistan in August 2021 as U.S and NATO forces were pulling out.
They have barred women from most areas of public life and work and cracked down on media freedoms. They have banned girls from going to school beyond the sixth grade and prohibited Afghan women from working at local and non-governmental organizations. The ban was extended to employees of the United Nations in April.
The measures have triggered a fierce international uproar, increasing the country’s isolation at a time when its economy has collapsed and worsening a humanitarian crisis.
Under the first Taliban regime from 1996 to 2001, public corporal punishment and executions were carried out by officials against people convicted of crimes, often in sports stadiums.
In June, the Taliban carried out what is believed to be its second public execution since it returned to power. The first was last December when a man convicted of murdering another man was executed with an assault rifle by the victim’s father in western Farah province before hundreds of spectators and many top Taliban officials.
The second was a man identified as Ajmal in the capital, Kabul, who was found guilty of murdering five people last year.
In May, the U.N said 274 men, 58 women and two boys had been publicly flogged during the previous six months.
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creative-pens · 2 years
Taliban publicly lashes 11 people including two women in Afghanistan's Badakhshan province
At least 250 people in different provinces of Afghanistan have been publically lashed by the Taliban on charges of various crimes.
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KABUL: The Supreme Court of Taliban has said that 11 people including two women were on Friday publicly lashed at a sports ground in Faizabad in Afghanistan's Badakhshan province, Afghanistan-based news agency Khaama Press reported.
Accusing them of "moral crimes and adultery", 11 people were lashed by the Taliban in front of a huge crowd in northern Badakhshan province in the presence of Taliban authorities, scholars, and local elders, Khaama Press reported, citing an official statement.
Prior to this, as per the verdict of the Taliban Supreme Court, 16 people were publicly lashed in the Grishk district of southern Helmand province, according to the Khaama Press.
At least 250 people in different provinces of Afghanistan have been publically lashed by the Taliban on charges of various crimes.
The practice of public punishment started by the Taliban in November, after the group's supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, asked judges to implement Sharia law in their decisions in courts, including the death penalty, according to Khaama Press.
Over the past months, the Taliban-run administration has lashed scores of people in different provinces including Helmand, Farah, Takhar, Logar, Kabul, Badakhshan, Uruzgan, Jawzjan, Parwan, Paktiya, Paktika, Laghman, and some other provinces.
The media recently reported that in another grim reminder of a crackdown on Afghan human rights, the Taliban has lashed three people publicly, for a total of 39 times, exposing that the outfit which rules Afghanistan has no tolerance for premarital relationships.
The incident ensued in Nangarhar province, in eastern Afghanistan and in its defence, Taliban officials said that the lashing was carried out as all three youths were involved in committing adultery.
According to the newsletter of the Taliban office in Nangarhar province, these three individuals, who shared a residence, were tried and sentenced after being detained on suspicion of having an illegal sexual relationship.
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argus-news · 2 years
Taliban publicly lashes 11 people including two women in Afghanistan's Badakhshan province
At least 250 people in different provinces of Afghanistan have been publically lashed by the Taliban on charges of various crimes.
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KABUL: The Supreme Court of Taliban has said that 11 people including two women were on Friday publicly lashed at a sports ground in Faizabad in Afghanistan's Badakhshan province, Afghanistan-based news agency Khaama Press reported.
Accusing them of "moral crimes and adultery", 11 people were lashed by the Taliban in front of a huge crowd in northern Badakhshan province in the presence of Taliban authorities, scholars, and local elders, Khaama Press reported, citing an official statement.
Prior to this, as per the verdict of the Taliban Supreme Court, 16 people were publicly lashed in the Grishk district of southern Helmand province, according to the Khaama Press.
At least 250 people in different provinces of Afghanistan have been publically lashed by the Taliban on charges of various crimes.
The practice of public punishment started by the Taliban in November, after the group's supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, asked judges to implement Sharia law in their decisions in courts, including the death penalty, according to Khaama Press.
Over the past months, the Taliban-run administration has lashed scores of people in different provinces including Helmand, Farah, Takhar, Logar, Kabul, Badakhshan, Uruzgan, Jawzjan, Parwan, Paktiya, Paktika, Laghman, and some other provinces.
The media recently reported that in another grim reminder of a crackdown on Afghan human rights, the Taliban has lashed three people publicly, for a total of 39 times, exposing that the outfit which rules Afghanistan has no tolerance for premarital relationships.
The incident ensued in Nangarhar province, in eastern Afghanistan and in its defence, Taliban officials said that the lashing was carried out as all three youths were involved in committing adultery.
According to the newsletter of the Taliban office in Nangarhar province, these three individuals, who shared a residence, were tried and sentenced after being detained on suspicion of having an illegal sexual relationship.
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insideusnet · 2 years
Taliban carry out first public execution since returning to power in Afghanistan | CNN : Inside US
Taliban carry out first public execution since returning to power in Afghanistan | CNN : Inside US
CNN  —  The Taliban on Wednesday put an alleged murderer to death in the first public execution held in Afghanistan since the Islamist group returned to power. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the man was shot three times by the father of his alleged victim in an execution attended by senior Taliban officials in southwestern Farah province. The man had been accused of stabbing the…
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thetopbestguide · 2 years
Taliban carry out first public execution since returning to power in Afghanistan
Taliban carry out first public execution since returning to power in Afghanistan
CNN  —  The Taliban on Wednesday put an alleged murderer to death in the first public execution held in Afghanistan since the Islamist group returned to power. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the man was shot three times by the father of his alleged victim in an execution attended by senior Taliban officials in southwestern Farah province. The man had been accused of stabbing the…
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