#Father Harringrove
broke-art-girl · 3 months
"Lily." By Broke_Art_Girl
Fandom: Stranger Things
Steve Harrington comes back to Hawkins with a purpose.
Steve Harrington has a child with Eddie Munson that he doesn't know about, when the child is 4 months old Steve Harrington comes back to ask if Eddie wants to be her father.
Words: 9k+
Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Original character child of Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove. Original character child of Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. The Party (stranger things) Corroded Coffin (stranger things) Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54582946/chapters/138304279
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 months
Reality collision where Billy shows up to school one day with a baby. No one knows who the kid is or why Billy showed up with him; but he waits to corner Steve in the parking lot. Shoves the baby into his arms unceremoniously all - "Take your spawn Harrington."
Steve's never seen this baby in his life, and if anything it looks like Billy. Brown hair sure, but the eyes,chin, and those ears are all Hargrove. He's confused even more when Billy starts babbling about holes opening up on the walls and what sounds like demo-dogs, which he shouldn't even know about!
One thing he is sure of, he definitely didn't get attacked by a demo-dog last night or run into Billy's car out near the powerplant. He definitely didn't give Billy this baby and ask him to take care of it, but someone did.
AKA Billy and Steve get stuck temporarily taking care of their alternate reality baby and it brings them together.
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orphisthedragon · 2 years
Billy: Hop, can I see my boyfriends?
Hopper: No.
Billy: Why?
Hopper: Chores before whores
Billy: Hop-
Hopper: Dishes before bitches
Billy: What the hell-
Hopper: Cutting grass before getting ass
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Hopper, casually ruffling Billy's hair: You did good kid! I'm proud of you.
Billy, bewildered: The hell did you just do to me?
Hopper, lowering his hand: I just tousled your hair. Ain't nobody ever done that to you before?
Billy, grabbing Hopper's wrist: Keep. Going.
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
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lovebillyhargrove · 11 months
Billy still smoking while he was possessed was such a badass move. Like the mindflayer likes it cold, and it certainly didn't like the heat of a cigarette or the hot smoke billy inhaled. It was this little something that billy fought off for himself, his small piece of free choice, his choice.
Idk i love making this parallel in my head, like billy standing up to the mf is like billy standing up to his father. Also with a dad like Neil? Billy always fought for freedom anyways. His car, I'm sure Neil didn't like it for his son, but Billy still had it. His hair, the pierced ear? His clothes? Even the mess in his room. The way he actually talks to his dad, it's not like he's all obedient and humbled, no, he talks back, rolls his eyes, he snaps at Neil. He gets pushed up the wall for that, but still. Billy has had fire in him all along, and Neil couldn't put it off, never. No-one could, even the mindflayer. Billy was fighting the monster while possessed, and sometimes he even won. The little bits of his own will. Like with the smoking. Or not killing karen. Of course he lost in the majority of cases. But in the end? He fucking fought the huge monstrosity with his bare hands.
When billy comes back from the dead (which he does) he never lets Neil treat him the way he used to. He pushes back "no more, dad. Get your hands off of me." And Neil does. Has no choice because his son is stronger. So strong neil could never even fathom.
Billy doesn't live at cherry lane anymore cause steve anyways.
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thatharringrovehoe · 1 year
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
Steve "I want a bunch of kids" Harrington and Billy "I'm terrified of becoming my father" Hargrove is such an interesting dynamic to explore
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Billy, as the biggest dramaqueen he is, texting: How could you do this to me?? how could you cheat on me like this?!?! After everything we have been through? I trusted you and you cheated on me!
Billy: Oh, sorry dad. That was meant for Steve.
Hop: Oh, okay.
Hop: On a completely unrelated topic, have you seen my shotgun anywhere?
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ariesbilly · 1 year
Ok wait listen…the belief that in order for someone to become a witch they had to make a pact with the devil and literally kiss their ass…but make it harringrove 😂
IM JUST THINKING!!! About devil!steve being all charming and coming to billy after a rough night with neil and he’s making all these suggestions about how he could give billy so much power if he have into all the desires he has about wanting to fight back against his father…and Steve’s talking sweet and making a real tempting offer and billys like “yes. Yes I do want to be powerful” and he’s totally entranced by Steve’s words and his voice and his face
So they make a deal, seal it with a kiss that grows heavier and heavier. And then Steve’s like “there’s one more thing you gotta do…” and billys in so deep man he’s like “I’ll do anything what is it”
And Steve turns around in billys arms and presses back against him, and billy thinks he’s got the point. So he makes quick work of undoing Steve’s pants thinking they’re about to fuck, but while billys kissing Steve’s neck and shoulders Steve’s grabbing a fistful of his hair and guiding him down until he’s on his knees and…billy understands what he’s meant to do now. And dammit if he doesn’t close this deal thoroughly!
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pizzacast · 1 year
Billy at the dinner with Neil and Neil is giving him a threatening talk about not taking enough responsibility and not being a good role model towards max.
Max and Susan are out getting ice cream and before they left, Susan gave Neil his dinner. Fish and steamed vegetables. While neil is angrily ranting, he chokes on a fish bone. While he’s choking and gasping for air, Billy pretends to act  urgent.
“Don’t worry I’ll get help.” He rushes out the door and goes to his car. When he’s in it he drives away.
Hopefully he can remember to call the hospital or something after he’s finish sucking Steve Harrington off.
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ghostlynimbus · 2 months
I want a Westworld inspired au rn.
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Ok but also imagine Michael Myers becoming a father figure to his new gay murder sons 😂 they have dinners together almost every night and if anyones homophobic to billy and/or steve they are immediately getting their throats slashed. Love wins
Lmfao yes!!
Michael somehow ends up as a single dad/protector/ serial killer mentor of Billy and his boyfriend...
The whole thing is a sitcom.
Billy can sleep easier knowing he's there. Steve knowing he's not ever really alone means sooo much to him.
Michael's a fair cook, but he keeps using bigger knives than he needs. Like buttering toast for example.
Sometimes they sneak into people's houses a little after dinner time. Michael's got to show the young ones how it's done. They can't go during the day, and they have to make sure everyone in the house is dead before they sit at the dinner table and enjoy a warm home-cooked meal.
If we bring a blood kink into it tho... whew!
Billy stopping in the middle of stabbing someone to lick his knife, and when he sees Steve covered in blood? It's over.
While they're fucking, Michael ties up any loose ends.
If they can't sneak into a house, he takes them to a McDonald's drive thru. Billy orders, of course lol.
Michael doesn't actually mind their company. Sure, they can get loud as hell, but they're good kids.
Billy doesn't feel as on edge with him around, because Michael tends to move in slow motion with him. The fact that he doesn't talk, doesn't yell... 🥺
If they're still in school while being gay and doing crime, Michael makes sure they go on time. He's always watching, which brings both boys comfort.
Since he doesn't talk, he taps his fingers on surfaces, or either boys' shoulder to get their attention. Hes a pretty good listener. Not so much a hugger, though. If Billy or Steve are in need of physical comfort and they come to him of all people? He's just like 🧍‍♂️
Still, he does make an effort. He pats them on the head, ruffling their hair (they protest bc they've spent hours in the bathroom just focused on that, which he doesn't understand), and gently (as gentle as he can) smacking them on the back.
He teaches them how to properly hold a knife and how to move like a shadow.
They also come in handy if he needs to get a new knife polishing kit. It's not like he can just walk places without causing any suspicion.
No one fucks with the Myers boys. If anyone as much as looks at them wrong or spits in their direction, Michael goes full rabid poppa bear mode.
Best believe he does not tolerate homophobia 🙏
What a fucking ally lmao-
There is a strange comfort in his violence to both Steve and Billy.
They may be an odd bunch, but they're family.
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hrrgrve · 2 years
going through the billy hashtag on twitter is like experiencing whiplash.
it’s full of people calling him ugly, attacking dacre for relating with billy because of his anxiety and issues with his father, telling billy fans to off themselves and that eddie and steve fans need to join forces to “beat the enemy”(aka us) etc
…and then billy stans just minding their business.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
You know how 3rd base is supposed to be like sex and shit?
Well, for Billy 3rd base is him telling Steve about his father. But when he told Steve he was 'ready for third base' his boyfriend was beyond confused bc Billy was riding his dick at least twice a week??
It isn't until Billy comes over and instead of trying to fuck, he sits on the couch and just pours his heart out, about his dad, and all his trauma in general. From his mom leaving, to the looks the moms in Hawkins force on him..
Steve is still fucking lost, but he listens to his boyfriend, takes note of every important detail. He just holds Billy as he speaks.
But after this? He knows they really need to have a discussion abt Billy's definition of 3rd base bc his boyfriend is an emotionally constipated fuck. <3
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
remember when they kissed right after this
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