#Billy Hargrove is a good person
broke-art-girl · 6 months
"Lily." By Broke_Art_Girl
Fandom: Stranger Things
Steve Harrington comes back to Hawkins with a purpose.
Steve Harrington has a child with Eddie Munson that he doesn't know about, when the child is 4 months old Steve Harrington comes back to ask if Eddie wants to be her father.
Words: 9k+
Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Original character child of Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove. Original character child of Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. The Party (stranger things) Corroded Coffin (stranger things) Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54582946/chapters/138304279
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Friendly Competition
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Billy has almost beat Steve Harrington at everything he was once the best at. There is just one more thing left to obtain.
His girl.
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CW: Smut, Breeding kink if you squint (wrap before you tap lmao) some manipulation, spitting, crying, some slapping idk, Billy is kinda a dick, cheating.
You weren't quite sure how you ended up befriending Billy Hargrove, but you did. You supposed it was the genuine interest that he showed in you. You weren't attracted to him like other girls were, you were just happy that someone seemed to care about the little things you had to say.
Steve had warned you. He had been completely furious when he found out you were speaking to him in the first place. You couldn't particularly blame him. You knew that Steve was jealous of the other boy. Billy had come in a like a tornado and scooped up all of Steve's hard work to take over the school.
It started small, so small that you barely noticed Billy's presence around you at first. He was just suddenly there with his pearly white smile and charismatic attitude. You could see why girls flocked to him so easily, but you were loyal to Steve.
"Is this yours?" You looked over your shoulder as Billy leaned in close to you, the smell of mint and cigarettes lingering on his breath. You looked at the wooden pencil he was holding in his hand.
"Maybe?" You set your book down, looking across your desk to see that you had knocked your pencil off without meaning to. You reached over to grab it, your fingers knocking against his as he handed you the pencil, "Thank you. You're a lifesaver." You teased softly as you sat it back on your desk. His smile only grew at your words.
"I'm Billy," He held his hand out and you hesitantly took a hold of his rough palm. You watched as he clasped his free hand on top of your palm, sandwiching your hand between his, "I don't know if we've met before?"
You almost told him that you knew who he was. It was only his first week at school and everyone had already been talking about him. That included your boyfriend. You thought it was a bit silly, worrying about his status and everything else when he'd be graduating in a few months. He had changed for the better, but you were worried he was on a slippery slope back to his previous self with how threatened he acted.
"Probably not," You smiled kindly as he released your hand, "We'll see each other at basketball games. I'm a cheerleader." You responded as you made small talk. You weren't really sure what Steve had been so worried about. He seemed pleasant as his smile grew.
"Good, I hope to see you around." There wasn't much to the conversation in your opinion, but you had given Billy everything he needed to know about you, like you were an open book.
"Do you understand this?" You were taken aback as Billy shuffled his desk towards yours, his knees brushing against your bare skin as you looked over to the paper he was holding. You squinted your eyes for a moment, having a hard time reading his handwriting.
"Oh, yeah. You just haven’t been carrying your numbers. So do it like this instead,” He scooted closer to watch you write out the problem for him. You paid no attention to how his eyes watched you, already used to the way he held contact, “Like this.” You pushed the paper back towards him. He looked over it for a moment, biting on his pencil.
“That makes a bit more sense,” He admitted slowly. He looked up to face you, his blue eyes flickering in the sunlight as he smiled gently. You felt your heart hammering in your chest, “Thank you. Steve didn’t mention you were smart.” You bit your lip, smiling at the mention of your boyfriend.
“What did he mention about me?” You smiles, thinking Billy was going to offer you another compliment that Steve had gushed about you. Billy chuckled, flicking his tongue across his bottom lip.
“Not much, he said you’re good with your mouth,” You stared in horror, feeling your body warm. Steve had mentioned that to you before, but you didn’t like that he was telling other people. You gulped hard, “Just locker room talk.” Billy admitted as his knee brushed against yours again. You nodded, trying not to act bothered as you turned away from him. You missed the smirk on his face and the way he looked at you as if you were a snack.
"I don't like you being around him," Steve was irritated after he crawled off of you. You sat up a bit, pulling the blanket over your chest as you stared at him confused, "Hargrove. I don't like you hanging out with Hargrove." You frowned, staring at his back muscles as he moved.
"I wouldn't really classify it as hanging out. He gave me his jacket because I was cold." You retorted as you furrowed your eyebrows together. Steve still looked pissed as he sat to the side of the bed. You weren't used to fighting with him and didn't understand why you were fighting so much recently. You had known Steve since grade school and remained semi friends through your schooling experience. It wasn't until his recent split with Nancy that he had shown interest you. You still weren't convinced that he hadn't used you as a rebound, but you had been together so long since then that it didn't seem to bother you anymore.
"It's because he wants you," Steve snapped as he pushed a hand through his thick hair, "He's flirting with you to get to me." You sat up further, moving the blankets so you could try and look at him. You had seen the girls Billy went after and you certainly didn't lump yourself into that group.
"Steve, this is getting out of hand. I think you're getting too paranoid. Does anyone really care about status that much?" You weren't super popular, but being on Steve's arm did leave you lumped into that crowd. You really didn't care about any of that, however, and didn't know why Steve let it get to him so much. He huffed.
"Yes, literally everyone cares about that but you." He sounded bitter, and you felt your eyes soften as you watched the hardened lines grow on his face as he was in deep thought. You sighed.
"I really don't talk to him. I promise and I'm sorry for wearing his jacket. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time," You decided apologizing was better than keeping on about some dumb fight. You knew that this was just knew to him. He was used to being the center of attention and having lots of friends. Now, his friend group had basically become just you while the rest huddled towards Billy. Steve was used to being a leader and not a follower.
"Maybe you should go," Steve sighed and you watched as he stood to hand you your clothes. You stared at the pile in your lap as you looked up at him surprised, "I have a lot to think about." You opened your mouth and shut it right away. You had planned this weekend specifically because his parents were out of town and now, he was kicking you out?
"Seriously?" You huffed as you began to dress yourself, completely irritated in the childish way he was acting, "You need to get over yourself. No one is out to get you." You shimmied your pants up over your hips, watching how he looked like he wanted to argue back. You didn't let him get the chance to start again before you were stomping down the clean hallway and down the stairs and out into the cool night sky.
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you began to trek your way back to your house. You cursed Steve for his extremely fancy house that was positioned out in the middle of nowhere as you began to lose yourself in your thoughts.
Anymore it felt like your relationship was too full, like Billy was driving a wedge between the two of you. All Steve could do was complain about something he had done that made him feel even more less than before.
You didn't think you were being disrespectful in your relationship. You still didn't classify Billy as a friend, but anymore he was a lot easier to talk to than Steve. He didn't complain about social status or how hard his life was at the moment. He asked about your interests and genuinely seemed to care about what you had to say. Then again, maybe you should give Steve the benefit of the doubt. Then you remembered how he was making you walk all the way home in the chill, dark and you felt yourself growing irritated all over again.
You felt yourself tense as a car slowed near you, driving with your pace. You tried to ignore it, hugging yourself tighter. If you ended up dying you would be haunting Steve for the rest of his miserable life,“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” You were shocked to hear Billy’s voice. He appeared like the devil himself, looking rather pleased as he realized who had been walking on their own, “Need a ride?” You forgot all about your conversation with Steve, nodding as you climbed your way into the car. You were too freaked out about being abducted now to care about your boyfriends complaints.
“Thanks,” You buckled up quickly, watching as he put his smoke out, “I can pay you back.” Billy shook his head, reaching forward to turn his music down.
“It’s no problem. Where do you live?” He questioned you softly. You felt like he wasn’t this nice with anyone else but figured that was Steve’s voice crawling inside you. You told him the address, sitting back as you relaxed a bit.
“You have a nice car,” You told him politely, trying to make conversation as he took his time driving you home, “It must’ve been expensive.”
“Not really,” Billy chuckled, “I fixed most of it up myself. What about you? Do you drive?” He kept turning the conversation towards you. You were pleasantly surprised. It felt like it had been a long time since anyone had been interested in you. What you liked, what you did. You happily rambled on, not paying attention to how Billy was taking the long way to get to your house.
Then, the moments started to grow. He started to be there for you more often than Steve was. You began to rely on him more, misjudging his actions to be friendly.
"Can you pick me up tonight?" You asked Steve as you leaned against the locker in your cheerleading uniform. People were rushing by to get out of school, and you didn't blame them. You'd rather be heading home than staying to practice as well. Steve sighed, slamming his locker shut as he shoved his books into his backpack. Your smiled hardened, understanding he was going through a lot at the moment.
"I'll try. I have," He paused for a moment, "I have something going on tonight." You felt your eyebrows furrowing as you listened to him. He had never been so vague before.
"Something? Like what? You're going to miss basketball practice?" You rushed all of your questions out at once, trying to understand your boyfriend. He sighed, irritated.
"Does it matter? Something is going on and I can't make practice or pick you up. My life doesn't revolve around you, you know." He spit out angrily. You were floored. He never spoke to you in such a manner before. Whatever he was going through, he was blaming you for it. You found yourself frowning.
"Sorry I'm such a bother. I'll find my own way home." You muttered, pulling your backpack over your shoulder as you turned away before he could say anything else. You didn't need this, you didn't deserve this. You hadn't done anything wrong to him.
You were still mad through practice, missing most of your usual moves and beats. Chrissy had tried to talk to you, to ask you what was going on but you brushed her off too. Steve had left you in a rotten mood. It had been building for weeks and now it felt like it was becoming too much for you to handle.
"Don't tell me you're walking," The familiar blue Camaro appeared next to you, driving slowly as you made your way down the dirt path out of the school. You sighed, wanting to simmer in your anger on the long trek home, "Hey, what's wrong?" You stopped in your spot, feeling all of the emotions bubbling up inside of you as you turned to face him.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm walking home. I'm fine," You forced out, parading the best smile as you could manage. Billy looked at you unamused thorough his shades, "Seriously, I can walk home."
"Get in," He said simply as he stopped his car. He blew smoke out towards you as he waited for you to make up your mind. You sighed, thinking that it would serve Steve right to see you get in Billy's car, "I'll drive nice and slow, just for you." Billy teased. You scoffed, getting in the passenger seat and buckling up.
"You're such a gentleman," You teased with a roll of your eyes, "Take a left on this street." You told him, beginning to give him directions to your house. He flicked his eyes over towards you as you remembered he had already taken you to your house before.
"Something on your mind?" He questioned, lighting a cigarette as he glanced at you. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt, shrugging as you glanced towards him.
"There's just a lot going on, I guess." You admitted, finding an odd comfort as you sat in his blaring car. You glanced at him, watching the way his curls moved in the wind. It was nice, being somewhere and not having to listen to someone complain about him. You weren't sure if that was the best thing to admit.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, looking at you uncertainly as he inhaled his cigarette. You watched the way the smoke tumbled from his pink lips. It felt nice having someone interested in what you were thinking about. Steve had been too wrapped up in his own problems recently to listen to you.
"Steve is just acting weird," You weren't sure why you blurted it out, maybe it felt like you had no one else to say it to. You could feel anger forming in the base of your stomach again, thinking about how quick Steve was to leave you to the side, "I don' t know, he's just frustrating sometimes." You leaned back in your seat, feeling bad for talking about your boyfriend in this manner. Billy glanced at you in keen interest as he pulled into your driveway.
"He wasn't at practice today," Billy told you what you already knew, "That's pretty weird." He took the last drag from his cigarette, watching you with keen interest. You swallowed a lump in your chest, wondering if he was thinking the same thing you were.
"Thanks for the ride," You replied with a soft smile, unbuckling your seatbelt, "I really appreciate it." You knew you would just spiral if you continued to think about what your boyfriend was too busy with that, he couldn't give you a drive home.
"What are you doing with him?" Your head snapped up, looking at your porch where Steve was resting on one of the top steps. You felt a bit sheepish, thinking about how you had just been talking about him.
"He gave me a ride, so I didn't have to walk in the dark." You replied dryly, putting on your backpack before taking slow steps towards Steve. He completely ignored your words.
"I thought I said I didn't want you hanging out around him," Steve looked at you betrayed, glaring towards the blue car that was still sitting in your driveway, "He's an asshole." You felt your shoulders stiffening in defense.
"I can make my own judgement. He gave me a ride, that's it," You were getting irritated, feeling a bit embarrassed that you were arguing while Billy was still watching, "Seriously. You're making a big deal out of nothing."
"He's not bothering you, is he?" You turned, watching Billy stand outside of his car. He was smoking again, watching you with concern. Steve scoffed, looking at you incredulously.
"Can you believe him? Asking if I'm bothering you," Steve pushed his hands through his hair, obviously ruffled as he took a step towards Billy. You followed him, not really wanting the two boys to get in a fight in front of your house. You'd have a hard time explaining that to your parents, "You can leave now." He hissed, glaring at Billy. You were too concerned with trying to keep your boyfriend calm that you missed the smirk on Billy's face.
"Just go," You were mad, giving Steve a serious look, "You're acting ridiculous. Just go home, Steve." You were exasperated but you still felt bad when he looked at you like you had smacked him.
"What about him?" He motioned towards Billy, his tone suddenly not sounding as angry as he looked at you desperately.
"He was trying to leave before you came out here acting all crazy," You protested, feeling the need to defend yourself. Steve's brown eyes softened, like he had just realized how brash he had been, "Seriously, just go home and rest. Or do something. I have homework to do." You felt a bit guilty, but you meant your words. You were too exhausted to listen to him complain about Billy tonight. You knew he would be mad at you, but you didn't care.
"Have a good night." Billy's voice carried through the thick tension, a hint of amusement in his tone as you walked up the stairs to your home. You thought about turning to wave to him but decided against it, not wanting Steve to have any more fuel to accuse you of anything.
"We can study up here," You walked up the staircasing, showing Billy up to your room. You had been partnered together for a presentation and you were hoping that you would get it done with quickly. You didn't need Steve showing up to your house, pouting because you were around Billy again, "It's a bit messy." You quickly kicked some things out of the way, trying to clear up the entrance way to your cluttered bedroom before reaching for your other homework you'd been working on.
After speaking with your boyfriends again you had agreed to stay away from Billy. You knew there had been nothing malicious about your behavior but decided that it was better to agree to his terms than continue to fight. It had worked for a while, until you realized he was talking to Nancy again. It fueled your anger, realizing that you would never been quite enough for him.
"Steve isn't here?" Billy questioned, his eyes lingering at different areas in your room. He seemed to be thinking the same thing that you were. You quickly removed your books from your bed, clearing up an area as you turned to look at him.
"No," You spoke, trying to hide your annoyance as you placed your schoolbooks on your dresser, "He had something to do with Nancy." You were sure irritation was evident as Billy turned to you curiously.
"I thought him, and Wheeler broke up?" Your hands lingered against the nightstand near your bed, staring down at the picture of you and Steve wrapped up in each other's arms. It hurt, thinking about what he was probably doing right now.
"I thought so too." You admitted, trying to ignore the pain in your heart and the lump that was forming in the back of your throat. It would be silly to cry in front of someone like Billy. You were sure he'd have no idea what to do.
"He doesn't deserve such a pretty thing like you," He stepped forward, staring down at you with intense blue eyes. Your heart sudden beat a different rhythm as your breath hitched in your chest. His hands gripped at your soft waist, rubbing patterns into your smooth skin with his rough hands.
"What are you doing?" Your breath came up rough as you looked up at the blonde boy, noticing the way his eyes were observing you. He looked like he wanted to eat you.
"When was the last time Steve touched you like this?" Billy asked as he seemed to tower over you. Your heart was pattering in your chest as you looked up at him unsure, his large hands squeezing your hips softly.
"A while," You admitted softly. Billy's fingers slowly pushed the hem of your shirt up. You felt as if your waist burst into flames from the sensation of him against you. You were melting against him, slowly moving with him as he backed you towards your bed, "He's been distracted." You tried to defend the brown eyed boy, remembering that he was your boyfriend.
"Such a shame, if I had you there would be no one else I'd think of," Billy's blue eyes held onto your gaze intensely. You were thankful he was holding onto you, fearing that if he let go, you'd fall onto your carpeted floor and melt away, "You're fucking stunning." He spoke close to your face. You hesitated in his hands, not moving your face forward as you watched him.
"I can't." You mumbled, unsure of your own words as your body seemed to be urging to press up against him. You hadn't felt this much tension or want in such a long time. It was hard to feel guilty with other sensations taking over your body. Billy cocked a grin, raising his eyebrow as his nose brushed against yours.
"You can't have fun, c'mon," He licked his white teeth, glancing away for a moment before looking at you again, "I just want you to feel good. It doesn't have to mean anything. He won't have to know." The words were balancing in your mind as you considered him.
"I don't want Steve to know. I don't want to hurt him" You were feeling your resolve break down as Billy's touch sent flames at your skin. You exhaled softly, moving your arms over your head as he pulled your shirt up. You stared into his blue eyes, watching as his eyes raked over your cleavage.
"He'd never know. You said it yourself; he's been distracted. You deserve to be treated like a Queen. Let me show you," He sounded convincing as he moved his hands behind your waist. He traveled his warm hands up your back softly, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Your heart was beating even faster as he slowly fiddled with your bra, pulling the straps apart before letting it slide down your shoulders. You quickly covered your boobs as he pulled the material off, a nervous smile pressing against your face, "Don't be nervous. You're fucking beautiful." Maybe it was because it had been so long since Steve had said those words to you, maybe you were just that deprived to search for comfort in anyone else. You listened to Billy, letting your hands fall to your sides as he drank you in, his blue eyes darkening.
He kept eye contact with you as he slowly lowered himself onto his knees of your bedroom floor. Your whole body was warming as you watched his movements slowly. There was something so odd in seeing someone like Billy on his knees for you. He unbuttoned your jeans slowly, gripping a hold of your panties along with your jeans as he pulled them down your thighs. You resisted the urge to cover your face in embarrassment as his features lit up. He smirked up at you, gently pressing his palm against your hip to knock you down onto your mattress. A squeal left your mouth, your chest filling with giddiness as you sat up on your elbows to look at him. He dragged you forward by your thighs, gleaming up at you.
"I bet your cunt tastes so sweet," He whispered as he rested your legs over his shoulders. He looked like sin as he dipped between your legs, flicking his tongue out against your wet folds. A moan left your mouth as you watched his eyes close for a moment as he savored the taste of you on his tongue, "Fuck, Harrington gave up this? Such a shame." Billy tsked, his fingers squeezing around your thighs as his mouth devoured your wet cunt. His tongue flicked and swirled between your folds before he played with your clit.
Your elbows slid out from under you as you rested against your mattress, your mouth parting in awe as you focused on the sensation of his mouth against you. You mewled out, reaching down to tangle his blonde locks in your nimble fingers. The guilt was fading away as the pleasure took over.
"Oh god," You whined out, feeling your back arching at the feeling of his thick fingers pressing into your wet hole. You whimpered softly, already feeling stretched around him as he curled his fingers into your heat. He was lapping his tongue lazily against your throbbing clit as your hands tightened in his hair. You whimpered softly, "Feels so good." You whined out, moving your hips against his hot tongue.
He chuckled softly, pulling his mouth away from your wet heat as he curled his fingers up against your walls and searched for the bundle of nerves inside of you. You were grinding down against his hand rapidly, ultimately showing him just how needy you actually were.
"Pretty Boy wasn't fucking you nearly good enough," Billy spit out, his lips trailing against your thighs as he moved his thrusted his fingers inside of you faster. You could feel the cool metal of his rings hitting against your entrance each time he pushed into you deeper, "I'll change that, baby. Gonna fuck you so nice, gonna fill that tight cunt with my cock." He promised, his teeth grazing against your thighs as he spoke. You whimpered, far into pleasure to care about how wrong his words are. You felt your toes curling as his thick digits hit that sweet spot inside of you.
"Billy!" You cried out, rolling your hips relentlessly as you chased that feeling again. You where whining, writhing on the bed as he dipped between your legs again and wrapped his pink lips around your clit. It was like he was rising you into the sky, bringing you closer and closer towards heaven.
He hummed again, sucking your clit hard as his fingers brought you to your high. You moaned, your fingers clinging to his hair as you shook around him. You were breathing hard as he slowly lowered you back to the Earth.
You were shaking still as he pulled away from you. You were in a daze as you stared up at the ceiling. It had been so long since you had had a proper orgasm. You felt your toes curl softly as he slid you back up towards your bed. You squealed softly, still trying to catch your breath.
Billy stood at the edge of the bed, unbuttoning the few buttons of his shirt before he pulled it off. You stared at his tanned skin, the toned muscles. Maybe it was your guilt, but you couldn't help but compare how he looked to Steve. You tried to shake the feelings away as he unlooped his belt and slowly pulled his jeans down his thick thighs.
Your felt your jaw dropped when he revealed his hard cock. It bobbed against his stomach, standing straight as he crawled onto your mattress to face you. You didn't look at his face, too preoccupied with staring at the thick, angry dick between his legs.
"You ready?" He didn't reach for a condom, instead he swirled the head of his cock along your sensitive clit. You jumped, hissing softly as you felt your legs shaking still from your previous orgasm. You nodded stiffly, wanting nothing more than to feel him stretching you out. He pushed his tip into you slowly, gauging your reaction.
It was like you were being split in half. Steve was long, but Billy seemed to be twice as thick. He was groaning softly, spreading your legs wider and up towards your chest as he bottomed out inside of you. You hissed softly, your walls burning as your cunt swallowed his fat cock. He looked down between your legs, spitting again as he coated your pussy with his saliva.
"Holy fuck," Billy cursed as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. His mouth opened in bliss as he stared down at you, "You've been holding out on me." He grunted, rocking his hips forward slowly. You blubbered at the feeling of pain and pleasure swirling inside of you.
"So big," You breathed out, unsure of how else to tell him you weren't used to his size yet. He smirked proudly, cupping your chin softly as his thumb played with your bottom lip, "S'lot." You admitted, fluttering your eyelashes as you looked up at the blonde boy again.
"Poor little baby isn't used to my big cock?" Billy teased playfully, moving his hips slowly as you adjusted around him. You whined, feeling his spit slip towards your throbbing clit. You shook your head pathetically, inhaling as you felt him slide deeper inside of him, "Don't worry, baby. When I'm done with you, you won't forget my cock." He promised, drawing his hips back softly before pushing into you harder. You squealed softly, reaching towards your pillows as the pleasure overtook the pain. You'd never been stretched in such a way before.
"Feels," You breathed out harshly as he bent lower to face you, his blue eyes watching you intensely as he built up a slow rhythm. Your pussy was growing more wet, your slick coating his hard length, "Feels so good." You whined softly, feeling your eyes close in awe. They snapped open hard when his hand connected against your cheek, smacking you softly to draw your attention back towards him.
"Hey, hey," He gripped your chin softly before he squeezed your cheeks together hard, pouting your lips out towards him, "I want you to watch me fucking this little pussy, okay? You're only to think of me right now." He demanded, looking at you seriously as you nodded your head. You were too full of his cock, in too much bliss to wonder about who else you'd be thinking of at this moment.
"Okay," You whined as he pushed his cock into you harder, leaning on your legs more as they began to burn from pleasure, "Mhm, god. Fuck me so good, Billy." You pleaded. He dipped his head low, pressing his rough lips against yours in a fleeting kiss. You felt momentarily frozen, thinking about how he tasted so much different than Steve. Steve was always sweet, Billy tasted of mint and cigarettes.
He didn't let you draw on your thoughts about Steve too long before he was slamming into you hard, his cock rubbing against your bundle of nerves as you cried out. You desperately wished to grind up against him, to push him in deeper but there was no moving under his tight grip.
"Such a greedy little whore," He spit out, watching the way you were desperately trying to move your hips, "Already made you cum on my fingers and tongue and you're grinding up against me like a bitch in heat. Was that not enough?" You shook your head, your moans cascading off of the walls.
"More," You begged, wanting to feel as much as him as possible, "Need more." You felt like crying when he stopped moving his hips. You could feel his hard length pulsing inside of you, but you still feared that you had said the wrong thing.
"Okay, I'll give you more of my cock, baby," He let go of your legs slowly as he pulled out of your tight hole. You whined, watching him move as he pulled his hard cock from your wet heat. You felt a look of betrayal forming on your face, "S'okay. I'm gonna give you my cock, baby. Just relax." You felt tense as he rolled you onto your hands and knees. He positioned you a bit, so you were facing the doorway. It felt odd, but you ignored it at the feeling of cool leather pressing against your neck. Your gasp was cut off by him wrapping his belt tightly around your neck. You struggled to breath for a moment. You felt like this was far out of your comfort zone.
"I don't know," You started to speak as you felt your pulse quickening against your wrists. Billy chuckled, sliding his hard cock between your wet folds before he tapped it against your hole playfully. You were arching back suddenly, forgetting your discomfort, "Fuck me." You changed your subject entirely, looking back over your shoulder to watch him. He grinned down at you, gripping onto the belt around your neck like it was a collar.
"You're so damn needy for my cock. Pretty Boy was just neglecting this pretty little cunt," Billy tsked as he slowly slid his tip inside of you. You moaned, trying to push back to urge him in. He gripped your backside, holding you still as he watched you, "Patience, baby. You'll get my cock soon enough. I promise." He slid in slowly, teasing you as every time he hit a deeper spot inside of you, he'd pull out again. You gripped your hands in fists around the sheets, desperately trying to hold yourself together. You wanted his cock so badly. You'd never wanted something so badly before.
"Please," You whined out, sounding breathless as he caressed your backside. You were willing to get on the ground and beg for him to fuck you. Your body was trembling with want. He bit his lip, trying to control his smirk as he slowly filled you. You mewled, feeling his balls pressing up against you from how deeply he filled you, "Yes, just like that." You sighed out in relief. Billy yanked on the belt, earning an odd sound from you as his other hand roughly smacked your backside a few times. You yelped; your moan cut off from his grip on the belt.
"S'okay baby, s'alright," Billy pulled out until only the head of his cock remained, then swiftly slammed into you. You rocked forward, your eyes hitting the back of your head as the pleasure gripped you. You felt drool forming in the corner of your mouth and you quickly tried to lick it away, "Gonna fuck you dumb, make you my own little cock slut." Billy promised, grinding his hips into you deeply before he built a rough pace. Every thrust left you slamming forward, nearing the edge of the bed as he held onto you tightly. You were a moaning mess, unable to focus on how wrong all of this was with his dick hitting your bundle of nerves with each wild thrust.
You wanted to cry out again, to tell him how good he felt inside of you, but your tongue was unable to form any words. The sounds of your skin meeting filled the room in a filthy way. Billy was grunting on top of you, smacking your backside as he dragged you along his cock. He gripped the belt, pulling you off of your elbows and against his sweaty chest as he beat his cock into your sensitive pussy. You glanced at him, whimpering as you tried to hold yourself up.
"Do you like my cock?" He asked roughly, his free hand snaking around your waist as he pressed down on the bulge forming on your abdomen from his thrusts. You whined at the odd sensation as you nodded your head quickly. He moved his hand away, smacking you lightly across your cheek, "Use your big girl words." He commanded. Your cheek lightly burned but you liked it. It was odd that the pain he was causing you made you feel so good.
"Yes," You spit out, feeling tears of pleasure beginning to form on your cheeks, "Love it so much." You nodded your head, looking at him sincerely. He smirked, licking at your swollen lips messily before he was shoving you back down with the belt. You gagged when he pulled too hard, trying to regain your breathing as he shoved your face into the mattress.
"Such a good cock whore," Billy praised as he snapped his hips forward harder. He was clawing at your waist, forcing you against him harder and you were more than happy to oblige. You didn't think it would ever feel so good to be called such terrible names, "Gonna make you my own little slut. Gonna fuck you whenever I want. You want that don't you?" He degraded as he smacked your sensitive skin again. You nodded, before quickly remembering to speak when you answered him.
"Yes," You wailed when he hit your bottom again. Your skin was beginning to feel raw and sore, "Wanna be your little slut." You promised him, nodding your head urgently to let him know that you meant it. He grunted, his fingers digging into his waist as he rolled his hips inside of you. The sensation caused your toes to curl and a loud moan to leave your lips. You could feel your stomach muscles beginning to curl, signaling that you were near.
"You wanna cum on my cock?" Billy leaned over your body, whispering huskily in your ear as his movements became more rapid. You were crying around his cock, begging him for more as your cunt gripped around his hard dick like a second skin. You were whimpering incoherently as you tried to form words.
"Yes," You finally breathed out as a line of spit let your parted lips, "So bad, please." You were begging, looking towards the blue-eyed boy. He licked his bottom lip, drawing his attention towards the doorway with a snort. You didn't care what had gathered his attention. You just never wanted him to stop moving.
"Show him how good you are baby, show him how good my cock feels," Billy snapped his hips forward, the head of his cock hitting against your bundle of nerves as he held on tightly to the belt around your neck. Your mind was fuzzy, too focused on the feeling of his cock inside you to fully understand his words. He used his other hand to smack your cheek, gripping your chin to face you towards the doorway, "Show him what he's been missing."
Your eyes met brown ones, but you were unable to do much about the boy in the doorway as you clenched around Billy's fat cock and came around him. You were shrill as you moaned, your eyes clenching shut tightly as your body trembled around Billy's tight grip. He grunted hard above you, drawing you back with the belt so you were forced to look at his flushed expression.
"Gonna cum inside your little cunt, fill you with my cum. You want that? You want me to breed you? Fill you with my seed?" He hissed out, his hips snapping against you harshly as he dragged you along his cock. You nodded in shame and pleasure, a bittersweet mixture as you were all too aware with your boyfriends' eyes watching your every movement.
You cried out another time, your toes curling again as you felt his warm cum fill the deepest parts of you. Your feet kicked off the mattress softly as he held onto the belt tighter, cutting off your airflow momentarily. He was grunting like a beast, using his other hand to claw at your sides as he came down from his high. you whimpered when he let go harshly, your head rocking forward towards your bed.
You were a mess. Hair tangled from being pulled, lips red and swollen with drool pooling down to your chest. Your skin was darker where Billy had smacked you, your pussy full of the mixture of the two of you. You were ashamed, staring up at the brown eyed boy as his eyes looked at you with horror. You tried to look away, to avert your eyes so you wouldn't have to feel your guilt.
Billy yanked the belt around your neck like it was a collar and you were a dog on a leash. He forced you to look at Steve's horrified expression as Billy's cheek pressed against yours. You felt his mouth curl into a smirk as he looked at Steve.
"Sorry man, she's a bit busy. I can't believe you weren't fucking this," Billy growled, turning your head to kiss you harshly. You whimpered in protest, feeling a pang in your chest, "She's so fucking good, man. I hope you don't mind. I just couldn't help myself." You slowly raised your eyes to look at Steve again, feeling guilty and ashamed. It was like he was stuck in his spot, no words coming forward as all he could do was stare at the two of you.
You were quiet, staring down at Steve's sneakers as Billy moved behind you. You were too aware of how you were still clamped down around his length, your pussy begging for him not to leave as he unstrapped the belt around your neck. You touched your raw skin softly, looking over your shoulder at the golden boy's proud face. He pulled out slowly, hissing from how hard you were clenched around him. You felt shame fueling every part of your body at the sound of your wet heat squelching around him, his laughter filled the tense room.
"Did you hear that?" Billy bit his lip, looking between your legs one last time before he smacked your ass hard. The sound echoed and you stiffeled a moan, feeling your legs give out from under you as you fell forward on your stomach. The sticky sensation of your mixture between your legs coated your thighs. Billy dressed himself quickly, looking towards Steve like he was waiting for him to say something or to make a move. Steve never moved from his spot in the doorway, too busy staring at you with disbelief. You were doing everything you could not to meet his eye contact. The nerves filling your body as the lust left with Billy, "I hope there's no hard feelings. I let her nice and wet for you, King Steve." Billy smacked Steve's shoulder, barely drawing a reaction from him. You watched Billy's smirk grow on his face as he pushed passed the brunette boy.
You slowly lifted your eyes to meet his gaze again, still fighting to regain your breath. Steve just stared, looking like he didn't quite recognize you at the moment. He stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he watched you.
"I was right," Steve breathed out slowly as he finally broke the tension, "I told you he was using you to get to me."
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i-eat-homeless-people · 2 months
my biggest problem with billy stans is not just the fact that they excuse like. all of his DISGUSTING HATEFUL HORRIBLE behavior, but it's the reason that they do that.
to put it simply, billy has a really bad relationship with his father. neil is a horrible person and took out his frustration on his wife and kids. but him having a bad home life does NOT just make all of his actions disappear.
like he is HORRIBLE to max, he's super racist and almost beat a kid to death because of his race and the fact that he was associated with max, he beat steve until he was unconscious, then KEPT beating him until max stepped in and sedated him, he yells at max and is awful to her (just wanted to emphasize that again because max does NOT deserve this), and he legit almost ran over a group of kids. (there are so many more examples but these are some of the ones that come to mind first)
"no he was abused by neil so know we understand why he did that" like ok???????? that is an EXPLANATION that fleshes out his character a bit more and adds depth to it. that is not an EXCUSE for all of his behavior. max was dealing with neil AND billy's shit and she's a WAY better person than them. jonathan was actually in a similar situation, and you know what he did? he cared for his little brother instead of tearing him down even more (unlike billy)
also just wanted to get this off my chest i feel like people forgive him more because he's attractive???? WHAT????? just because someone tickles your fancy doesn't make them a saint. and then the billy stans are either ignoring his actions because he's hot or infantilizing (?) him because "aw he has daddy issues we must protect him"
i'm sick of this bullshit, billy is a BAD HORRIBLE DISGUSTING PERSON!!!
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Okay i have an important question. Do you guys think in that sauna scene Billy was begging Max and saying it wasn't him believe him because;
he was scared Max is gonna drug him again
or because he finally started to have a good relationship with her and he doesn't want Max to misunderstood him again.
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weird-an · 1 year
Angel!Argyle dominates Demon!Billy :3
tw: Billy is missing one wing
Billy has been tempting humans for centuries now. To be honest, it's fucking boring. He'll bat his eyelashes, play with a curl of his blond hair and get them to do everything he wants - or rather, has to.
At least he doesn't have to do stupid crossroad deals anymore. These are boring and lonely. Being able to roam San Diego is lovely. Even if it sometimes means sucking it up to businessmen who are so greedy they'd end up in hell either way. To be honest Billy gets them a "skip the line" ticket.
"Thank you," the guy says, after he sealed his fate with a handshake and the nudge he needed to betray his company and leave the country. "You're a real angel."
"I've been called that." Billy grins, showing all his teeth, ignoring the shiver the word sends down his spine. It's not even a lie - thought that had been ages ago and he can't remember heaven, just a fleeting feeling of light and feeling out of place.
He watches the business suit leaving and decides that this is enough work for at least a month. Neil will hate his report either way, so fuck him. Time to get drunk.
"You shouldn't let him call you an angel," a warm voice behind him says.
Billy sighs. Of course, once he decided to carpe the fucking diem, one of heaven's killjoys shows up.
"Why? You're going to tell the big guy upstairs on me?" Billy sticks his tongue out. He has never met this angel. But he knows one when he sees one.
He's pretty. Black hair nearly reaching his hips and a smile so bright it's like Billy can see his halo.
"No," the angel grins. "But I don't like lies."
"Lying comes with the job - and you should mind your own business," Billy sneers. It's exhausting. Hell wants this, heaven wants that and Billy just wants a fucking break.
The angel steps closer. A knowing look on his face - and Billy isn't quite sure, what he knows.
They are in the middle of a bar and no one looks at them. It's disturbing. Billy needs to be looked at or hell will swallow him whole and never spit him out again.
There's an herby smell surrounding the guy, almost like - Billy frowns. There's a joint tugged behind the angel's ear.
"What kind of angel smokes weed?" he blurts out.
"What kind of demon likes to be called angel?" the angel retorts. He puts his hand on Billy's shoulder, thumb stroking the pulse Billy has learned to control after he crashed down to earth - but that now is running wild.
"I don't like it," he says. It sounds meek, even in his own ears. Neil would sent him to the pit for it.
"I don't like lies," the angel repeats, voice still warm and weirdly friendly. "It's not natural for me."
It's not natural for Billy either. It's a second skin that hurts every day, one he needs to survive, one he loathes.
His hand leaves Billy's shoulder, cupping his cheek. A touch that doesn't hurt, a touch that's soaked in mercy and goodness and all the things that aren't for Billy. It burns and Billy wants more.
"Fuck," Billy groans. Shame burns next to longing, for something he can't quite put his finger on. An angel of all possible beings seeing right through him.
"What's your name?"
"Billy," he says. He isn't William, he has never been William, no matter how many times heaven and then later Neil wanted him to be.
"My name is Argyle," the angel says. "Can you try to be good for me?"
Billy wants. It's what sent him away, what made him an outcast even in hell. It's what he has never been allowed to.
"I can't." Argyle's other hand is on his throat, not choking, giving only a slight squeeze. The stars Billy has watched for aeons dance before his eyes. "You know I can't."
He's a demon and even before he wasn't enough. He is all but good.
The bar around them fades and they are in a cabin, hell know where, lush plants, soft pillows and vibrant colors everywhere. It must be Argyle's place. Tension bleeds out of Billy's shoulders.
"I think you can." Argyle's hand stops caressing his cheek and grips Billy's curls. Tugs them, so hard pain starts blooming, but soft enough that it's sweet.
"You're an angel" he says, because there's a heat beginning to boil in his lower belly, searing hot. "You shouldn't..."
"Find joy?" Argyle asks. "Make you feel good?"
His dark eyes finds Billy's. "Can I make you feel good?"
"Yeah," Billy breathes, the first confession he has spoken in years. He needs to be, he wants to be and Argyle is so different - from all the other entities Billy ever met before. He's more human, but that doesn't make him less ethereal.
Argyle's mouth is on his, a kiss first tender, more a question than an answer. Billy can't remember if he ever kissed like this. Their tongues meet, swirling and hungrier the longer the kiss lasts.
Argyle pushes him - slightly. They end up in the midst of a pile of pillows and the world around Billy is a blur of red, blue and green.
Argyle's hands stroke his skin, undressing him, fingers wandering from his chest to his belly and there are tears prickling in Billy's eyes.
"Open up," Argyle whispers and it's the first order, maybe ever, Billy wanted to follow. There's still a voice in his mind, sounding like Neil, that he's listening to one of them, to an angel, but Argyle's lips are on his again and it's just so easy to let go.
He spreads his legs. Argyle rubs a finger against his hole.
"Good," he smiles. He moves and his fingers press into Billy. Two at once, scissoring inside him, rubbing against a spot Billy didn't know was there.
Pleasure is no stranger, but for the first time Billy wants more. He moves his hips forward.
"Behave," Argyle says, slapping his ass. It burns, but in a way that turns the pleasure hotter.
"I'm not a fucking -"
Argyle grabs his chin. "You want to be good, don't you?"
There's this stupid word again, that makes Billy's cock throb.
Argyle's dick brushes against his hole, pulls Billy down to sit on it and Billy keens, dizzy from what's happening and what's about to come.
He breaches him and it's like Billy is on fire, but not the way he's used to. One thrust and he's groaning.
Argyle fucks into him. Clearly not a stranger to pleasure. He's hitting Billy's prostate hard. Billy forgets to breath. He doesn't need it. He only needs the arms around him and that warm smile that is still there.
He's leaking precome, his aching dick trapped between their bellies.
"See? You can be very good, Billy."
Argyle laughs in his ear, a song Billy wants to remember for centuries.
The world blurs and Billy only halfway registers that Argyle's wings spread out, nearly reaching the ceiling. He knows his own is there, too, but he's so high on pleasure, he doesn't care.
Argyle pants, thrusts again and suddenly Billy's vision blanks, all white joy exploding inside him. He comes, whole body trembling and the world around him shaking.
Argyle whispers in his ear, tells him he's doing well, that he's proud and all Billy can do is whine, his skin tingling. Argyle follows shortly after with groan getting tangled with a laugh, the happiest noise Billy ever heard.
Argyle still has his arms around Billy. He strokes his black feathers, carefully.
Billy's heart flutters like his wing can't anymore. He knows what's left is charred and ugly.
"You're beautiful," Argyle whispers - like Billy's wings aren't the proof he isn't. "A real angel."
Billy knows lies, can see them and taste them from miles around - but this isn't one. Tears burn in his eyes. He bites his tongue. This is embarrassing.
Argyle wraps his wings around them. Billy's limbs are tired. Argyle's hand is still buried in his feathers. No one has held him like that. It's calming, it feels safe. He buries his face in the nape of Argyle's neck and pretends he isn't crying.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
post starcourt billy and steve who’s bonding time consists of getting high and watching movies because steve suggested it one time and now it’s like.. a thing
steve bringing back gremlins (1984) for them to watch when it gets to december because it’s festive, billy and never taking it back to family video because, turns out, billy actually kinda loves that movie
and steve realises he kinda really loves seeing billy happy
billy and steve accidentally co parenting a black cat that billy found hanging around in steve’s back yard and calling her gizmo because steve thought it would be funny because, you know- billy and gizmo
billy always walking around with this cat just sat on his shoulder or lying around his neck when he goes to steve’s because they’re basically inseparable at this point
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fanatics4l · 2 years
no it's actually hilarious that this fandom has sympathy for vecna because they think he was abused as a kid. he wasn't abused. there were no implications towards this. him saying to el that there was more behind the story of his childhood does not automatically equal abuse. on screen, his father was clearly caring and loving towards his wife, daughter, and son. vecna saying that to el probably meant he "witnessed the cruelties of this world" and went insane about it like a fucking weirdo.
"brenner abused him" girl yeah that sucks but he was evil before that so invalid point
y'all can read so deep into this child murderer's story and find sympathy for him, who slaughtered and tortured teenagers and children and his own mother. you can pull shit out of your ass about his backstory, but the second we do the same for billy, who we actually have a concrete, canon backstory for, we're the bad ones??
friendly reminder that the only canon child abuse victims in this entire show are el, jonathan, will, patrick, chrissy, and billy.
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cavinginhisfvce · 1 year
"You actually thought I loved you?"
Ship: Harringrove. Unedited.
TW: Child abuse, SA mention, toxic relationship, manipulation, breakup.
"You actually thought I loved you?"
Those words replayed in Billy's mind for hours after he'd left Steve's house, after he'd slipped into the Camaro and sped down to the Quarry to get trashed.
When Steve all but shouted it at Billy, the boy had wanted to yell back, "no, because no one fucking loves me. Not my mom, not my dad, not Max. Not you." But he knew the elder wouldn't care. It would just be a bunch of noise, embarrassing, soul crushing noise added to the room. The room where Steve once laid him down, and peppered kisses down his body, held his hands, and called him baby, sweet boy, he told Billy he was his. He belonged to Steve. The room where he told Billy he loved him. Told him he wanted to take the blond away from his shitty father.
He was so fucking stupid to think this thing with Harrington had meant anything to him, he was a goddamn fool to believe those round, chocolate pools when Steve showered him with praise.
It had never been anything more than lust induced infatuation, but stupid Billy went and fell in love. He fell for the boy with doe eyes and a shy, yet captivating smile. That same boy could spit vitriol in ways Billy could never imagine.
He was so dumb to believe that King Steve could ever love a damaged person like Billy, it was naive for him to give into the siren call of being loved and valued. 
Boys like Billy don't get tender touches, and sweet kisses, and if they do, they definitely don't get them long term.
It hurt, mostly because Billy had gone against his better judgment to be with the brunet, had defied his father's lessons, his rules, the same ones he spent years beating into his son, for a chance with the boy who smiled brighter than the sun shined.
He told Steve about his childhood, about his mother leaving him with his father, he told him about the babysitter who touched him, and the cop who followed in his footsteps the first time Billy was arrested for fighting.
Steve knew every intimate detail of Billy's life, he told him he was worth loving, only to quite literally laugh in his face. 
Two months after the breakup, Billy found himself holed up in Harrington's bedroom, his brows pinched in discomfort as the elder frantically attempted to apologize for his words just weeks before. He was red in the face as tears spilled down his cheeks, his voice trembled when he spoke. His hand was sweaty, something Billy once found amusing. 
He wanted to fold, wanted to jump onto Steve's lap and kiss the air out his lungs, chasing the sweetness that always accompanied one of the boy's millions of kisses. 
Instead, Billy did none of that. 
He slipped his hand from Steve's and abruptly stood up, his sock clad feet made no sound when they met the carpeted ground. There was no sound aside from the squeak of Steve's door as it swung open. 
There was silence until Billy was pulling on his boots at the door, and Harrington had breathlessly trailed behind him. 
"Why are you still leaving me? I need you, Blue Bird…Y-you can't leave…"
Steve's words almost tune out the ones from a few weeks ago, but they still ring louder than any confessions Billy's ever gotten.
He shakes his head, clicking his tongue as he turns his head to glare at the boy he wanted nothing more than to lay in bed with, cuddled up like they spent every free weekend together for the past ten months.
"You left. You don't get to cry, or pretend you're so heartbroken to be rid of me."
Steve is quick to object, his bottom lip quivering, Billy just wants to laugh, "I love you, please don't do this! I need you, Billy."
The younger boy takes a shaky breath, his eyes turning misty despite the anger fluttering in his stomach. 
"I'm tired of being treated like shit, by everyone, Steve! You dumped me, you don't love me, and if you do, you're gonna have to do more than cry to fix this." He pauses, flexing his fingers.
"You haven't even told me why you said that, why you had to go for the one thing you knew would hurt more than if you would've told me I deserve the crap I've been through! 
You love me, but what happens next time you change your mind, Steve?"
"I would never say that.
I won't change my mind, Billy…please. Just give me one more chance, and I'll make this right…"
Billy scoffs, now turning to face the door. 
He doesn't believe Steve, not even a little, but he's so desperate for this to work out, so desperate to have something that makes his life of hurt just a little less painful. Even if that something might destroy him in the process. 
"You want a second chance, Harrington? Fuckin' earn that shit."
Steve doesn't reply, not that Billy gives him the chance to. 
By the time Billy's blinking, and Steve is about to confirm or deny his willingness to fight for the blond, he's peeling out Steve's driveway, his tires skidding with the movement. 
"You actually thought I loved you?" 
"No," Billy thinks bitterly. "But I love you."
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kedreeva · 2 years
Was thinking yesterday about how Billy died. About how Billy was always going to die. Not, like "Always" but lowercase always, by the time they got to that scene. He was one of the flayed, still. When they cut off the head to kill the body, Billy was going to die anyway. There wasn't time to save him, then. There were no resources to heat the mindflayer out of him. He was always going to die by that point. They tried to save him, in the sauna, and they failed, and from that point on, he was always going to die because they had no time, no resources, no additional chances.
And I find his arc... interesting, to say the least. Curious, maybe would be a good word? He was pretty terrible as a human being - there's no real arguing that, his actions were his own no matter how badly I feel for the circumstances that brought him to that point. He was faced with a mundane Bad Guy (his father's abuse, being taken from his home environment, being thrust into a social-familial relationship he didn't want at a young age, etc) and turned that into anger and lashing out at people that didn't deserve it. His learned behaviors are aggression against the people who can't fight back. He backs off Max when she does fight back.
Now, in most situations in media where you have this kind of character, if they are presented with additional power, the aggression would just.... scale. No more feeling powerless, once they have power. And having More Power means there are more people who have less power than them. This is where you get the jump from bad person to bad guy to villain. Except... Billy never really made the leap to villain. I'm not even convinced he made it to bad guy, except by force.
Because, and here is where it starts to get interesting to me, when faced with being handed Power by the mindflayer (and granted, there's control involved as well, but fuck man, look at the difference between Henry and Billy when both were there to collect power for the mindflayer), instead of becoming a worse person, instead of becoming a monster, Billy fights the mindflayer every step of the way. He's in there screaming the entire time, and we see it several times. We see him breaking down and exhausted in the sauna, crying for Max (and yes, I think that was genuinely Billy until it wasn't) and trying to tell her he's fighting and doesn't want to be doing the things he's doing. We see him fighting when he's sitting in the car outside the mall; if he wasn't, he'd have rammed into Nancy's station wagon right off the bat. We see him, even REALLY early on, snarl at Karen to get away/stay away from him because he doesn't want to hurt her.
And that's... interesting. It's fascinating to see a character that's faced with mundane evil become a bad person, but then when faced with supernatural evil, they balk and try to become better. Try to become good, even.
And listen, I don't approve of the "sacrifice as redemption" trope in general, I think it's OFTEN a cop out so writers don't have to deal with the intricacies of a bad person/guy/villain becoming better (or at least doing so believably). But at the same time, the kids tried to save him. They actually had a really good plan to try to save him, they gave it an earnest shot, they were very resourceful and clever in their attempt to lure him into the sauna and smoke out the mindflayer to protect Billy. They ultimately failed, and the mindflayer would have killed them for it if Mike hadn't rescued El, but they DID try, and once they had failed, there was no real going back. Billy was going to die from that point on.
And I can't help but think that, you know. Did Billy understand what they were doing? Did that attempt give him any hope? Did he think they would try again, or at least hope they would? At what point did he realize they were out of time? At what point did he realize he was going to die, no matter what? Whenever it was, we see him fight even after that.
Because he fights the whole time. All that time, all the terrible things he did anyway, only for El to touch his cheek with infinite gentleness - and please, remember with me that he has been subjected so far to the raw mind of the true villain of the story so far, the villain that sees El as The Enemy, she is the single strongest force the mindflayer is fighting against, the one enemy he has focused all of his efforts against as the Only One who can stop him, which means that Billy must be aware she is powerful, but after however many days of a fight for his goddamn soul, after witnessing unfathomable horrors with no comfort anywhere, after repeatedly attacking her and then offering her life up to the mindflayer, the kindness with which she treats him, the gentleness, the forgiveness, the utter recognition that she understands this is not him, and perhaps most importantly the knowledge that she thinks there's still time for him to be Good... fuck, man. I'd choose her, too.
He's gotta know he's going to go down, but he's going down either way. They tried. They failed, but they tried to save him. He's repaying the effort. I know it's easy to see what he does, the way he dies, as an attempt to redeem himself through sacrifice. But the more I think about it, the more I think maybe it wasn't. Maybe he was repaying El's kindness- the first genuine act of kindness directed at him from someone that had literally been inside of his head and seen everything he is. How must it feel, to know someone has seen that, seen all of you, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and still touches you gently? Touches the good in you and says that is who you are.
I can't help but think that just maybe he has seen worst side of the most evil thing in their world, and been touched by the love of the best force of good, and he just makes the choice to stop fighting against the mindflayer and start fighting for El. And that's why he can resist so fully in that moment and chooses to do so; not because he's trying to redeem himself, not because he thinks he'll be forgiven, not because he thinks he can win, not because he even thinks he'll survive, but because we are always stronger when fighting for something than against, and he was just reminded he had something to fight for.
Anyway. Having some thoughts again.
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giurochedadomani · 2 years
Is it too early for Valentine’s day thingies? Because picture Eddie being stood up by his date on a dinner and waiter!Billy noticing what's happening, clocking out when he can and automatically sitting in Eddie's booth as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, like: thanks for waiting rockstar, what are you treating me with tonight?
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Bonus points if they have the double entendre conversation in which it becomes apparent that Eddie was waiting for some other guy and that it was a date. Billy seems surprisingly pretty chill about it but also Eddie will soon discover that Billy swings that way too
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idk i just don’t trust ppl who say “billy is a racist abusive piece of shit” but then turn around and reblog jason content like. okay if u have that opinion that’s your prerogative but it’s MY prerogative to point out that it’s weird af to feel that way abt billy and NOT abt jason
#d speaks#st#billy hargrove#jason carver#like if u hate billy that is your prerogative esp as a black person. that said#these are white ppl i’m seeing who’re like billy is so racist!!!! btw here’s my blorbo jason#it’s just like ??????? does not compute#like if we’re comparing things that got said in canon. saying ‘there are types of ppl u stay away from and that boy is one of them’ and#saying to a black kids face ‘i thought u were one of the good ones’ like. those are. very on par with one another#like there are 4 characters on this show who made racist comments: troy. mike. billy. jason.#as far as i remember at least those are the Big Ones#and while i understand not liking billy and having his racism be one of your driving reasons behind that#i do NOT understand turning around and liking jason?????#mike okay! yes he was fully microaggressive to lucas but yeah he’s a protagonist#and the show does a lot to try and make u like him. he was younger than billy & jason and they also played that moment off for laughs so#like i get if you can sit there and be like i have no reason to dislike mike wheeler for his racism#troy tbh just doesn’t get any talk in the fandom so idk how ppl feel about him. he IS the only one to fully use a slur but#he’s also 13 and i’ve seen many ppl in the fandom who define morality based on this middle schoolers are learning high schoolers should have#already learned and should be better narrative so i wouldn’t be surprised if i saw ppl defending troy#but billy and jason are. very on par with one another in terms of the micro aggressions they committed and the level of antagonism#so i am just very thrown by seeing ppl hating one and praising the other like#it’s almost like they…… don’t actually care about racism and are in fact nowhere near as anti racist as they believe themselves to be#and instead just use the term ‘racist’ as a trump card to try and win arguments abt characters they don’t like without ever actually#putting any critical thought into this show and the way racism is intertwined into every aspect of it#because surprise!!!! it was written by blatant racists lmfao#fandom wank#i suppose lmao. wank in the tags at least#also to clarify. i think both billy AND jason are compelling and interesting multifaceted characters#they’re both good antagonists and they both present very good looks at The Type Of White Boy You Meet In Small Towns#stranger things
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
If canon Steve were to talk to fanon Steve he'd be like:
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The only thing different we do about Billy is actually give him support and a safe home. I'd even argue that fanon Billy is the Billy we only see glimpses of in canon... when he's not on edge.
Which gets this fandom all hot and unbothered for some reason 🤷‍♂️
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bowiebond · 2 years
Eddie is such a snarky asshole, he absolutely could have been a part of Steve’s original group if he was more low key.
I can absolutely see him sitting with Steve, Tommy and Carol at lunch some days, picking at his food and making exaggerated expressions at whatever gossip they’re talking about, snickering to himself and tossing pretzels at them when they’re being too big for their own heads. Humbles them a bit even, because if they want good, cheap weed, they can’t toss him. He likes that they have to be on his good side. Plus, Eddie can be an absolute weirdo and still be a prick.
“Wow, Harrington, you fucked Becky S…so has most of the basketball team. You taste that when you went down on her?”
“Do you ever get a break from that collar around your neck, T-bone? Your girlfriend and your best friend share your leash, man, it’s embarrassing.”
“Carol, has anyone ever told you you are gorgeous? It’s probably all they have to say about you because there’s nothing else memorable enough that you do or say. Shut up.”
Once Billy joins the group (after Steve leaves), oh, it’s even better. Tommy had the King title but he’s more of a follower, so Eddie’s the one really running the show. He doesn’t get to be the boss in name, but he’s the one Billy gets told about.
“That Freak Munson…I don’t know how he did it, but he somehow made himself King of this place. He’s got good weed, a razor tongue and connections. Tommy was Harrington’s dog if anything, but he acts tough enough to pretend he’s almost king now that Harrington’s been thrown off his throne.”
Eddie still plays D&D. Still has his shitty metal band with his friends. Held back like an ‘idiot’. Yet he’s still top dog. It’s an enigma nobody can wrap their head around, even Tommy and Carol don’t get how they came into this weird dynamic with the older boy.
Being a shadow-like King, Eddie’s living the dream. He’s got his hobbies, his friends, and he’s avoided getting his ass handed to him like he used to in middle school. In fact, he’s got a better swing that he used to. His strange, gentlemanly charm and bad boy attire earn him plenty of attention from the cheerleaders he’s interested in. He’d be going steady with any one of them if he cared to.
Billy’s transition into the group is an easy one. Eddie takes one look at him as he approaches and just knows they’ll get along. They bicker and banter, but there’s steam to it that Eddie loves. Billy’s sharp, witty, sometimes even more so than him. Eddie is happy to let the boy snatch the crown off his head, to let him wear it as Eddie appreciates his music and style (and his ass).
Billy doesn’t drop Eddie like Eddie expects. He was counting the days until he was dropped back to the middle or bottom of the food chain, but Billy likes him. Admits it while drunk. Likes that Eddie is a freak. That Billy was the Eddie of his last school, a metalhead growing up in the poorer side of town. A loser and a freak. He likes that Eddie gets it and that they’ve climbed the ladder to be the Kings of Hawkins High, as shitty as the throne was in a small town.
And yes, eventually they fuck and nobody knows they’re together, but everyone comes to the conclusion that they have two Kings just from the way the pair walks together, the same devilish gleam in their eyes.
When they leave the premise, Eddie has no qualms slipping his hand in Billy’s back pocket and the blond has no hesitation in grabbing his jaw and kissing him like he’s his, the taste of cigarettes shared between them; Marlboro’s and Camels.
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moonlit-typewriter · 2 years
The way that every season of Stranger Things manages to not only completely disregard Steve's previous head trauma but then go and give him even more and simply pretend like there wouldn't be lasting damage at this point is something that irks me to no end.
This man has managed to get knocked out in almost every season. According to every medical site I have checked (which is...an embarrassing number), someone being knocked unconscious for even 30 seconds or less is something that is supposed to be taken extremely seriously, as it can be an indicator of bleeding or swelling in the brain.
There are 2 specific instances that I always think of when it comes to my annoyance with this:
Season 2: Steve's fight with Billy. For a moment, let's ignore the fact that he literally had a plate smashed into his head (which alone would cause a lot of damage. Ceramic, glass, and porcelain dishes don't break easily unless dropped from a decent height. So to be able to physically smash it again something that isn't an extremely hard surface, in a single try??? Billy put some force into that swing). Steve was beaten until he was fully unconscious and not just for 30 seconds. He was completely out long enough for the kids to make to leave, have someone object to leaving Steve there, and argue briefly about bringing him along (it's implied that Mike wanted to leave him behind because he "wouldn't be cool" with the tunnel idea), decide to bring him, figure out how to carry him to the car and get him in, and then make it roughly halfway to the tunnels before the older teen started to wake up. This is assuming that all the "first aid" was done during the drive and not beforehand. That is, pardon my french, a long-ass time. And then, of course, he didn't even remove himself from the action (the first recommendation for people who get concussions from sports), instead going with the kids into the tunnel because he wasn't going to let them go alone. This entire ordeal should have resulted in lasting damage, especially if we're assuming Johnathon also gave him a concussion in season 1 (people who've suffered concussions before are at a higher risk for lasting damage if they get any more concussions)
Season 3: The Russians. There's a lot we don't know about what Robin and Steve went through when they were captured by the Russians. We can draw conclusions and make assumptions but we don't know with absolute certainty. From what we've seen, they were separated and it appears that Robin was left alone for the most part, while Steve was beaten and interrogated. With the final moment of his individual interrogation, he is punched in the face and, you guessed it, knocked unconscious. This is after his face is already covered in blood, meaning his head had taken at least several hits. It's possible that it took less force to knock Steve out this time (for several reasons but a big one being that his mouth was open when he took the punch. According to professional fighters, getting hit on or around the chin while your mouth is open is a very quick way to get knocked out. It causes a "lever action" on their skull, rocking their brain back and forth forcefully). However, regardless of this, Steve once again stayed unconscious for a good while. Long enough for the guards to drag him from wherever he was to the room where Robin was, for them to tie him to a chair, and for him to be unresponsive long enough [after the Russians had left] that Robin thought, at least momentarily, that he might be dead. Then of course there was once again no medical attention given. Instead, he and Robin were drugged with an unknown substance, had to run to escape the base, and take part in the final battle of the season. Which, might I add, included Steve driving his car into Billy's with enough speed to knock it off course. If you watch that scene, look at the way his head snaps to the side upon impact, that had to be whiplash at the very least. With the injuries that he already had by that point, it's a wonder that he didn't pass out again.
And you're probably thinking "the show is about an alternate dimension in the 1980s with monsters and kids with superpowers, and you're choosing to focus on medical inaccuracies???" Yes, that is exactly what I'm doing. Because I can suspend disbelief for completely fictional things (i.e: magic powers, mythical creatures, and alternate worlds) but if show-writers aren't even gonna do the research that I did to write this post or talk with a medical professional in order to figure out how they can add small details to show consistency and real-world consequences to the elements of the show that can be found in the real world, that's where I draw the line.
It wouldn't have even had to be major additions, just subtle things such as Steve having trouble seeing and hearing, forgetting things, getting dizzy easier, etc. These little details, in my opinion, would have shown a deeper level of care for the material the writers are creating because it shows that they are making an effort to make parts of the story into more than just moments of action, it shows that they aren't choosing to take the easy way out and expect fans not to care because "the whole show is fantasy so why should it be an issue if the injuries aren't accurate???"
Congrats and many thanks if you actually read this far. Love ya <3
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reineyday · 2 years
sometimes i see posts of steve and max where they call steve "the brother max deserves" and it always irks me a little because billy was the brother max deserved, they just killed him before he could properly show it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
she had a brother, they (the writers) just didnt use him very well. clearly by s3, billy and max were on good enough terms for her to mourn him all the way into s4. her grief and survivor's guilt and the trauma not just from his death but from living in an abusive home and being part of that abusive cycle are the reasons she gets targeted by vecna, and there's an entire episode titled after the letter she writes to him and reads to his gravestone. the last words he ever says are an apology to her.
calling steve the brother she deserves like billy isnt an integral part of her character, like billy isnt worth considering or looking at or like he doesnt exist, like he's somehow a villain that was cast upon max, a punishment she didnt deserve... that aint it. it takes away from their character backgrounds and the nuances held within them imo.
i love steve but the brother max deserves is a living billy, shuttling her around in his camaro and calling her "shitbird" and being like a real brother and sister, the way she wishes for in her letter. i have no doubt that had billy survived starcourt, they would have gotten there. they just chose to let him die instead. :/
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
thinking about billy’s mom leaving during the day while he’s at school
like billy waking up as usual and having breakfast with his mom, telling her what he’s gonna do at school that day, asking about what they’re gonna have for dinner together that evening, about going to the beach with her the coming weekend, his mom promising him all this stuff, telling him that yeah they can have ice cream later, strawberry? sure baby, whatever you want, billy’s mom kissing him goodbye, billy thinking she looks a little distant, a little sad but maybe it’s just because her and dad argued again
billy finishing up his day at school, getting on the bus and going home, billy putting his key in the door and realising it’s open already, him thinking that’s kinda weird since neither of his parents are usually home at that time but maybe his mom forgot to lock up that day, billy going to put his backpack in his room and noticing a note on his bedside table telling him that she’s so sorry baby and this isn’t forever, i’ll come get you as soon as i can, i love you, billy and p.s. try to be extra good for your dad, stay out of his way and do what he says, i promise this is for the best
and billy just sits down on his bed and stares at the note until it goes blurry, he goes into his parents room and sees that his mom’s things are gone, he goes to the kitchen to grab the phone before realising he has no number to call
and then he has to sit there and wait for neil to come home, wiping his tears away every two seconds because he knows crying makes his dad angry, just feeling completely and utterly helpless and alone
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