cupcakeslushie · 8 months
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Febuwhump Day 6: You lied to me
“You said you’d protect me”
Leo does not react well to being woken up mid nightmare.
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linecrosser · 8 months
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Febwhump 2024 - Day 6 - "You lied to me"
There is an empty space where there should be someone.
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kabie-whump · 8 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 6: "You lied to me." ♡
Content: betrayal, suggestion of attempted recapture
“You lied to me!”
Whumpee’s voice was hoarse and broken. They weren’t supposed to be using it this much yet. It wasn’t finished healing.
Caretaker held out their hands, moving slowly towards where Whumpee was curled into the corner of the storage closet, their knees tucked to their chest.
“Whumpee, please. Calm down.”
“No! You lied to me! You told me I would never have to see them again!” They were sobbing now, chest heaving.
“You don’t, Whumpee, I promise. You’re safe from Whumper.”
“Shut up!” Whumpee’s voice cracked, forcing them to resort to a frenzied whisper. “You’re lying. I saw them. I saw them. You’re letting them live here!”
“You- oh. Oh shit. The person in the lobby? Gray sweatshirt?”
Whumpee nodded miserably.
Caretaker’s heart dropped. The new member of their little team had seemed so nice during the interview. Their eyes had lingered on Whumpee as they walked by, but Caretaker had taken it to be innocent curiosity at their many scars.
“Shit. I am so sorry. I’m going to get rid of them, I promise. Just stay here. Lock the door. Don't open it for anyone but me.”
Whumpee didn’t respond, sobbing into their knees.
Part 2
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
The One
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Prompts: DAY 6 - “you lied to me @febuwhump Characters: Yasushi x reader Fandom: High and Low Summary: Yasushi escapes from hospital before the fight and reader finds out…
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of fights, injuries, blood but mostly fluffy
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The young girl's scream echoed throughout the school. Oya boys had just returned from the fight with Housen. They were all injured and tired. But one person should definitely not have been in that fight.
Yasushi Nishikawa. Yasushi, who was injured in his head after the Kidra attack and had to be in the hospital…
Oya's leaders turned their gaze towards the sound coming from the stairs. Yasushi knew very well who was coming. He sighed and waited for his girlfriend to appear at the door.
As soon as Y/n stepped through the rooftop door, she found her boyfriend in front of her. The young boy's gaze softened as soon as he saw the worried girl and he smiled.
“Y/n! I wasn't expecting you!”
Y/n angrily stepped towards him and stood right in front of him. She looked at the bandage on his head, stained red with blood, and shouted in fear.
“You bastard! You lied to me!"
When everyone looked at the girl screaming in surprise, Yasushi was calmly waiting for the young girl to scream.
“You were supposed to be in the hospital! You said you were staying with your mother! But I heard you went to a fight! Have you lost your mind?!”
The young girl was angry. But she was more afraid. She didn't know how she ran to the hospital after they attacked Yasushi. And that damn boy escaped from the hospital.
“Do you have any idea how worried I am, you idiot?!”
Yasushi hugged the girl in front of him tightly with the young girl's trembling voice. Although Y/n was suddenly startled and surprised by the arms surrounding her, she calmed down with the voice whispering in her ear.
“I'm okay, I know you're scared. But I'm okay.”
The young girl tightly wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's body while the hands wandering through her hair calmed her down.
“I will kill you…”
Yasushi smiled.
"I know."
The young girl whispered reproachfully
“I hate you.”
“No you don't.” The young boy objected and smiled. He kissed the young girl's hair and hugged her tighter.
He knew she was the one…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy @koala-yuna @star2fishmeg @little-miss-naill
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Wild's Wolf: Febuwhump Day 6 -- "You (They) Lied to Me."
Tw: Implied child abuse, medical whump, human experimentation.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Wild knew what was coming by now, when he heard the metallic chime that preceded the opening of that metal door. The hazy memory of rough hands and voices, fear and violation, and above all pain, pain, pain sent his heart racing.
Beeeeep! The door swung inwards with a slow fwoosh! 
Wild backed himself into the furthest corner of his hiding spot underneath the bed, nearly sick with anxiety, as he eyed the man that stepped inside. That in and of itself was odd—these strangers usually dealt with him in overwhelming groups, so that any defense he tried to mount against them was easily crushed. The man even looked different—he wore not the universal white coats common to all of his tormentors, but instead a beige turtleneck sweater and black leather jacket. He was a lot taller than his regular tormentors, too, and broader, though he still had those rounded ears that Wild was learning to hate. The door hissed shut behind him.
He must be worse than all of the others combined, Wild determined, if he was willing to step into the room alone. And he was already coming towards him. Wild raised his shoulders, bracing himself for another fight for his life, a fight he already knew he’d lose like all the ones before it.
The man’s tall boots stopped at the edge of the bed. Then he crouched, stooping down to peek under the bed, and his single eye met Wild’s two. His singular eye. His other had been gouged out, signified clearly by the neat scar that ran over the closed eyelid. Vibrant, blocky tattoos streaked harsh angles across his face, and more climbed the column of his neck and poked out from the hem of his long sleeves. He was obviously strong and battle-worn, and he was coming for Wild.
A shiver of fear ran through the kid. A feral growl left him, and he scrambled back further into the little cranny made by the bed, ready to kick for all that he was worth as he bared his teeth. Oh Hylia, he wasn’t escaping this, he thought faintly.
The man blinked his singular eye owlishly at the response, then bared his teeth back in a wolfish smile. “Hey there, kid,” he said lowly, maintaining an intentionally jovial tone. “What are you doing under there?”
The professor’s voice crackled through the speakers. Behind the one-way glass, the researchers turned up the sound, tuning in through their earpieces.
The kid, of course, gave no response. Those odd long ears of his pinned themselves back against his head similarly to those of a wary cat. Time could see, now, the stark bruises left by cruel hands blossoming underneath the pale skin of his wrists and arms, the deep bags hanging underneath his terrified eyes. The hospital gown he wore hung loosely over his skinny, shivering frame. They hadn’t been kind to him.
If that was true, they’d be here for a while. He might as well make himself comfortable while he tried to earn a bit of the boy’s trust. Time lowered himself to the tile floor and sat against the wall with a groan, which prompted the boy to growl, louder that time. “Oh don’t be dramatic, I’m not threatening you, I’m just old,” Time said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m sure you’ll be making all these sounds too, one day.”
Those long ears flicked forwards curiously. A bit of the defensiveness left the boy’s coiled up posture at his tone, and the snarl on his face faded into something softer. Then his shoulders raised as he seemed to remember himself, and he shifted back again, hugging his knees to his chest as he looked away. He warbled something that Time couldn’t even begin to decipher, though it sounded familiar—and those researchers were right, that was not a human language—but given the fearful edge to his young voice, he could translate with mild confidence all the same. Who are you? What are you going to do to me?
“I’m not going to hurt you, kid, don’t you worry,” Time said soothingly. He reached into his pocket. “In fact, I’ve got a little treat for you.”
Time withdrew the crinkly aluminum packet in his pocket, and out of that a jabber nut. They were disguised as regular candy—chocolate covered walnuts would be a good comparison—so believably so that they’d been okayed by the researchers without a second glance. He offered one to the kid.
The boy gazed at the candy sitting in the center of Time’s palm, reaching hesitantly out to take it, then flicked his eyes back up to Time’s face. Whatever he saw there made him go pale, and he moved back, resolutely turning away. Still, he snuck childish glances at the piece of candy, like the refusal hurt him. His stomach audibly rumbled in the cold, silent room.
“Oh come on, drama queen, it’s not poison or anything. I know you want it,” Time said with fond amusement. He popped the jabber nut into his mouth, and he made a show of chewing and swallowing in demonstration before he fished out another for the kid. “There, I ate one. Not poisonous, see?”
The kid frowned up at him, looking between the jabber nut and Time himself like he was trying to figure out whatever trick was hiding there. He put his hand forwards as if to take it, then drew it back to his chest, his face clouded with indecision.
“Go on, it’s okay, kid.” It was like feeding an untamed, flighty cat—like one of the ones Malon kept out in the barn, who even after months of progress could be sent scrambling with any sudden move—but Time was nothing if not patient. He kept an easy grin fixed to his face and the lines of his body intentionally open and non-threatening as he scooted a little closer, shoving the offered piece of candy forwards with a little inviting thrust. “It’s for you, you can take it.”
The boy seemed to have a sort of debate with himself as he eyed the candy in Time’s hand, his hands twitching at his sides. Finally, the boy's face screwed up, and he snatched the candy out of Time’s palm. He shoved himself back into the corner of the crawlspace just as quickly—knocking his head against the bedframe in the process, which made Time wince in sympathy—and hunched over the jabber nut, turning it over and over between his fingers. Time only just held back a laugh as he took a long deep sniffffffff of the treat, then darted his tongue out to sneak a taste of the chocolate coating. He jerked back from it with a delighted sound, his long ears waggling similarly to an excited puppy’s tail.
This… was odd, Time thought, eyeing those too-familiar ears, the ones he hadn’t seen in decades, maybe even lifetimes. The researchers had contacted him on the basis of getting his help in establishing communication with some feral child they’d discovered living in the forest. They’d spun a tale of a child raised completely divorced from any other human civilization before now, a golden opportunity for linguistic advancement in the study of him that Time just couldn’t pass up. But they’d mentioned nothing of the obvious otherworldliness about the kid, though the picture they’d sent him had spoken magnitudes, and once he arrived, they were talking about differences in species.
Details were being withheld from him intentionally, it seemed.
Finally, the kid put the chocolate in his mouth, biting down on the jabber nut inside with an obnoxiously exaggerated crunch! Time smiled to himself and tapped at his watch, timing out exactly minute.
Time didn’t even have to wait for that long for the boy to grow bolder. He edged forwards until he was nearly at the edge of the bed, holding his hand out in clear request.
“I’m sorry, you can’t have another one. It's not good to eat more than one at a time.” Time shook his head pointedly, then shot a glance back at the one-way window at the opposite side of the room. The researchers had said that he’d eaten nothing since they’d “gotten” him what seemed to be days ago, poor kid. “Maybe we can request some food for you, huh?”
The kid muttered something back darkly, his disappointment clear in his pout. Time glanced down at his watch. 15 seconds.
“Y’know, I wasn’t always a language professor. If you know what a professor is, I don’t know if you have ‘em where you’re from,” Time began conversationally. “Before that I was certified as a child speech therapist. Turned out to be a good thing when it came to my dissertation, because they’re really the best when it comes to the model of language learning. Y’know, one of my favorite projects, they have this dialect of ancient Mayan out in the really rural parts of Central America, way down south from here, and anyways my youngest went out with me that trip, his mother was a nervous wreck, but I told her that we just had to go, especially since they put us up in one of the nicest hotels down there…”
It was always funny to watch a jabber nut kick into effect. The boy uncrossed his arms, furrowing his brow and frowning as Time continued to prattle on—talking at length was one of his strengths, he knew, whether or not there was something worthy of being discussed. The boy scrubbed at his eyes and pressed his hands over his ears before lowering them again, his expression a perfect picture of bewilderment.
“Wha…?” the boy managed to get out, his eyes wide. “...you can…?”
“Magic,” Time whispered with a conspiratory wink—a blink, really—and a grin. The researchers watching would see nor hear any of their conversation—to their ears Time would continue to speak English, and the boy Hylian. He tapped away at his watch again, setting another timer for 10 minutes. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy bit his lip until it blanched between his teeth, studying Time’s face as if trying to determine his trustworthiness from sight alone. “...I’m… I’m not supposed to tell my name to strangers,” he said at last, dragging his fingers along the grout lines of the tile floor. 
“My name’s Time Forrester. I have a wife, Malon, and a couple of kids of my own about your age,” Time answered. “We’re not strangers now, are we?”
The boy shrugged, shifting uncomfortably, but he finally offered up with a touch of shyness in return: “My… my name’s Wild.”
“Well, Wild, would you mind coming out here so that we can hold a real conversation?” Time said smoothly. “I don’t know about you, but my back’s getting all cramped, and there are two perfectly good chairs over there."
Wild shook his head, murmuring something about how they’d come back and hurt him that Time clearly wasn’t supposed to hear.
Time paused, chewing over that phrase. Then he spoke. “I know this is all confusing for you,” he said as diplomatically as he could manage. If he kept talking, he could almost pretend that his voice didn’t tremble. “I don’t know a lot, but I’ll do my best to answer any questions that you have, if you’ll answer mine in return, I promise. Is that all right?”
Wild nodded. And when Time stood, stretching out his aching back, then extended his hand down to him, Wild only hesitated for a second before he took it.
First Chapter >> Previous Chapter >> Next Chapter Coming Soon!
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corazondebeskar-reads · 8 months
was it worth it?
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jackson!Joel Miller x f!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 - "you lied to me" | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 619
summary: You confront Joel after learning the truth about what happened at the hospital.
warnings: angst, established relationship, heartbreak, betrayal, hurt no comfort
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Joel has the nerve to look sheepish when you storm into the house, door smacking against the drywall. You fumble when you try to grab for the edge of it, eventually grasping and slamming it closed.
“You lied to me,” you said, low and dangerous, heart thrumming with all you’ve been told. You clasp at your chest for a moment, sure that your hand will come back red. 
You let the accusation hang, daring him to grab it and throw it aside. 
But he doesn’t. He can’t. He knows he’s been flayed and left open to burn. 
“I lied to everybody,” he says after minutes have crept by. 
“You lied to me,” you snarl. The corner of your lip jerks, an involuntary sneer. You’d trained yourself to do it in the dingy mirror of your first Boston apartment, holding the other side down until you looked as nasty and tough as the rest of them. 
It worked. It was just a twitch now, unstoppable, popping up when you needed it, whether or not you wanted it. 
Oh, but you do right now. You want it. You want him to see the way you’re rethinking this whole fucking situation.
“I had to,” he says. 
“Oh, fuck off. I trusted you.” 
“I never asked ya to,” he snaps. There he goes. There’s the Joel you know and thought you loved. 
The fight slips from your fists, unfurling and folding over your chest instead. “You’re right. You didn’t.” 
He doesn’t stop you when you go upstairs, but oh, does he wish he had when you come back down a few minutes later. His brain almost doesn’t put it together; the sight of your backpack straps so incongruous with your life here in Jackson.
“What—” he starts, but you don’t let him finish.
“Don’t. I’ll come back by in a few days. And you can think about if it was fuckin’ worth it, Joel.” 
“Worth it to save her life?”
“For fucks sake, Joel, I’m not mad you did it! Jesus, is that what you think of me?” 
You had been trying to keep quiet before, but that’s dead and buried. He raises his voice to match.
“How the hell am I supposed to know what you’re thinkin’?”
“You’re supposed to talk to me, Joel! You’re supposed to tell me shit. You tell me when there’s chili at the hall, you tell me when Tommy has a stomachache, but you can’t fuckin’ tell me how close it came? Can’t tell me what you had to do to save that girl? To bring her home?” 
It’s too late. He’s shut down; you can see it. “I ain’t sorry. About any of it,” he says, and it’s clear and crisp, but you feel like it filters in from across town, something too distant to be sure what you heard. 
But you know. 
“Figure out if it was worth it to lose both of us,” you snarl before you can stop. And it does exactly what you meant it to. It whips across his face like a snowball packed with ice. 
His own sneer twitches to meet yours. You think you might burst if you stay there too long, held perfectly still between him and the door. Might spill more words you don’t want to watch him hear, might throw and shatter the vase on the foyer table, might break down into tears. 
Part of you wants to break, to give in, to try to pull the confession from him and pray he didn’t mean it. That he wants you to trust him. That he is sorry.
But you leave, and when you hear the door slam after you’re down the road, you don’t turn back. 
(p.s., this is a standalone but I did see this as joel & reader from "you know you never stood a chance" and did actually go back and write the rest of this, might fuck around and add it to the "lulu" deleted scene ok thx love u bye)
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 6 - "You lied to me"
CW: parental Whumper, hypnosis, emotional manipulation, interrogation, conditioning
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"There are still plenty of thoughts inside your head, so let's get them in order."
Shepard was intently focused on his son. Above now dried tear tracks, his unblinking attention denied Ben to be unguarded for even one second, whilst his assertive but nevertheless mellow tone carried him along a carved-out path.
Possessive strokes down his back dragged him further: "Down, just down, always deeper down. We can't choose our sorrows, but you can choose to let them go for a moment, to let me help forget them. Follow my lead."
In and out, it was impossible to resist the pace he was taught so well.
"I would count you down, but you know all my old tricks."
Shepard was not naive, he had to be extremely lucky that his charade still worked after all these months Reuben spent on his own, poisoning his mind and spirit out in the world. That he still responded obediently to the suggestions of the past was a goddamn miracle. One he would gladly use to its full potential.
"Remember all the times we did this before," Shepard repeated for good measure. So many, many times, half of which Ben couldn't even recall. Today was far from the first instance he helped to quiet his ward's nettled thoughts.
It was about time to rectify old lies.
"You always knew where Lukas was, though we both know you claimed otherwise," Shepard sighed low, "Will you tell me now?"
The soft face on his shoulder began to stir back to wakefulness, his bottom lip scrunched up in painful guilt. Rough start.
"Shh, forget that, it was a stupid question. You did nothing wrong." Comforting reassurance and soft circles drawn onto his temples helped to smooth out any risen qualm. "I know it's difficult for you to stay alert during this state, so I'm keeping this easy for us. Just Yes or No from now on, you don't even have to say a word."
Reuben showed himself more agreeable and leaned back against him.
"Is Lukas doing well?"
A small nod. Good.
"Is he eating enough? You know how he always skips breakfast."
Again, Ben nodded against the rough wool of Shepard's sweater while the same tediously tried to keep this interview on track: he could embrace his success later, when both of his sons were near him again. However, the abandoned father was ready to reap the fruits of his endeavor.
"Do you want to tell me where he is?"
Ben quickly shook his head. No, not yet.
"Mhh, I understand."
It felt horrible how easy it was to make him tell the truth, but Shepard had no interest nor intention to question his parenting methods at the moment. He knew exactly what limits confined them: he couldn't make Reuben do or forget anything he didn't want to, at least if he failed to be persuasive enough.
Shepard's boy was easy to read and just as simple as he was loyal to both his brother and father. But not in equal parts, Shepard was at a certain disadvantage he ought to correct. 
Children like them were too inept for the world outside the settlement, so it was no wonder Reuben merely crumpled under the first selfless act of affection in a long time. If his forgiveness was not given freely, Shepherd could just rip it from his fragile heart. For both their peace of mind, nothing else.
"You know how much I love you, both of you."
The shake of Ben's head said it all. It hadn't even been a question, but the blunt answer pricked nonetheless.
"Oh, well, I love you more than the world. I did everything to get you back!" Shepard mused softly, "If not me, what about the rest of our family?"
Kind memories of the people who waited for him outside rinsed Ben of any stray thoughts and drifted with him into the depths. He never wanted to hurt any of them with his decisions. 
"Did you miss us?"
Ben affirmed this shyly, grabbing a corner of Shepard's sweater.
"You are safe here, right?"
A nod.
"You are safe with me."
At the claim, Ben's head rolled around aimlessly, as if he was trying to stir awake again. Shepard tutted; this was a tricky one.
"You are here with me and the others, all together. We watch out for each other, we keep each other secure."
Yes, this made sense. Through the pleasant, thick fog that filled his head, Ben knew it to be sincere.
"Here, you are safe. With us, you are safe."
Safe...together. He couldn't possibly disagree with these smooth words.
"You are safe and loved by us all, we were awaiting your return. Always putting an extra plate on the dinner table for when you decide to come back." 
Shepard had to endure countless days of waiting before accepting that his youngest would stay gone. He had searched for him for so long it made him sick with fear, not knowing if his sons were hurt or fraternizing with God knows what kind of people. Yet, he didn't want for Reuben to realize the damage he had caused, not when he was so calm and open for the right input. 
"And today our wishes were granted!"
Warmth, safety, love. Encased by these sensations, Ben's mind caught itself slipping into easy relaxation once again.
"Can you say it for me, can you tell me that you're safe and loved?"
"'m safe and loved," he slurred quietly against the wool. It felt good to be here in his dad's arms, it felt right.
"That's my boy, I knew we could stand above the past." 
Shepard's sweet promises hugged his exhausted soul, he was too tired of running, adapting, changing. They tried to teach Ben what to say and what to hide out there, but the only thing he understood was to never be himself; another truth nobody could ever tell his brother. He remembered exactly how angry and disappointed Luke loved to get with him.
Cupping his face carefully, Shepard pushed him to sit straight up: "Open your eyes."
With a wide, empty stare but not awake in the slightest, Ben continued to sway back and forth. He was unsure what Dad wanted from him and too dizzy to care, silently begging to be allowed back into the stream of soft, dark dreaminess. Tears collected at the corners of his eyes, but Shepard was far from done with him: "Ben, tell me what you are when you're with us."
"I'm safe and I'm loved," tumbled from his lips without thinking twice about it.
"Yes, you are." Relief washed over Ben like a tsunami: he didn't do anything wrong after all, nobody hated him here.
"Now close these heavy eyes and relax."
As he sagged back down, the inward pull doubled its force. He felt that the soap bubble his brain had become threatened to pop. Too much to focus on, nothing to think about, clutching onto the inner peace Dad had so kindly given him. 
"We all love you so much. Missing is too weak a word to explain how desperately we wanted you back. You are always wanted here." 
Every word was law.
Shepard should feel dirty at using Reuben's obvious weaknesses so bluntly against him, but not today. Today they would celebrate his return and plan the one they enjoyed as soon as the other prodigal son decided to come home. A selfish sting inside Shepard's heart forced the next question out: "Did you miss me?"
A final nod made tears run down Ben's face. Shepard hugged him tighter, as if he never intended to let go again:
"I missed you too, starshine, it's going to be alright. Everything falls into place when we are together."
Numb with joy, Ben felt too tired to hold on to the present any longer, a problem his father gladly helped him with: "Sleep now, sleep and let my words manifest as truth in your mind."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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l3ominor · 8 months
Febuwhump day 6: "You lied to me,"
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"Green and Vio aren't dead," Blue said, his voice hard. "That Vio we saw was probably just Shadow Link in disguise."
It was the only option he would accept. It had to be a lie. A trap set by the Shadow to catch them off guard. He didn't want to admit that it had worked.
"I don't know- he seemed pretty real," Red whimpered. Blue could only sigh, hugging him closer.
I know. He was too real. But... I refuse to believe he would lie to us like that. He had to blink a tear away, the cut on the side of his face stinging as the salty liquid got into it.
Forget this all. They didn't have time to be sobbing in the dark, fretting over a clear lie. They had to get out of this cursed temple.
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blackkatmagic · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/CC-5869 | Stone/Clone Commander Thorn, CC-1010 | Fox/CC-5869 | Stone/Clone Commander Thorn, implied Padmé Amidala/CC-5869 | Stone/Clone Commander Thorn/CC-1010 | Fox Characters: Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-5869 | Stone, Padmé Amidala Additional Tags: Time Travel, POV Outsider, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Fix-It of Sorts, BAMF Padmé Amidala Summary:
“Senator?” Thorn asks, and the word wants to hesitate, to catch. Padmé’s never been one of the senators to torture clones for fun, or make them do demeaning things, or put them in humiliating situations. Just a minute ago, back in the main hall, she’d kissed him, even, called him brave, told him he was everything a person could want. He’d thought—
She’s just standing there, though, watching him with dark eyes, and the barrier glows a strange, unsettling red between them. “Senator, what is this?”
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
*shuffles to the middle of the stage and taps on the mic a couple of times* uh, *taps again* does this thing work? Right, okay. Um, so *claps hands together* I have come here today for a very very, very very special announcement. It is with great honour I announce that, err... probably a thousand years ago today, our dear, dear, lovely @lilbitofmac has been given birth. And so today we shall celebrate their birthday, as they are getting older than they already are. Anyway. *clears throat* *takes out a bunch of cards* No... done that bit. *flips it over* done that bit... *flips* that bit as well... *flip flip flip* *gives up and throws it into the air* Alright just-- gift! Right. Here -- *gestures vaguely around fic* for you, my love. Happy birthday. xoxo 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Tiberius Stone Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Kidnapped Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Protective Stephen Strange, Torture, Waterboarding, Ambiguous/Open Ending Series: Part 6 of Febuwhump 2023 Summary:
Tony gets kidnapped by Tiberius Stone.
Febuwhump Day 6: Shackled 
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kybercrystals94 · 8 months
Die for a Corpse
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 6 | Prompt 6: “You lied to me.”
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Cradling someone in their arms.
Rated: T | Words: 960 | Summary: Tech tries to help a fatally injured trooper. [Character Focus: Tech, OC]
Troopers ran past, not looking at, but carefully avoiding contact with, the two clones huddled in the mud.
“Please,” the trooper sitting upright beseeched whoever might listen, “we need a medic!”
In his arms, the other clone choked for breath, a blaster hole through his chestplate. He didn’t have long. That much Tech gathered as he approached the pair. He knelt before them. “I am not a medic, but I have medical training. I will assist with whatever I can.”
“Thank you,” the reg said, adjusting his grip on his brother.
Tech gave a short nod and slid his pack off. “My name is Tech.”
“I’m Blade,” the uninjured reg said, “this is Shank.”
Shank coughed, a gurgling sound deep in his lungs. Blood dribbled ominously from the corners of his lips, but Blade quickly wiped it away, as if erasing the evidence of internal damage would be enough to save his brother. It wouldn’t be. Nothing would be enough.
“I’m going to give him a hypo for the pain,” Tech said.
“He’s going to be okay,” Blade told him. “We just need to keep him stable until we can get him to the med center.”
Tech did not answer, finding the correct hypo and injecting it into the dying clone’s neck.
“Is it safe to move him?” Blade asked. “We should probably take cover.”
Shank’s safety at this point did not worry Tech; however, for Blade’s sake, Tech said, “That would be advisable.”
Blade took his brother’s torso and Tech took Shank’s legs. The mud squelched under their boots, making it laborious to stay upright with the awkward weight between them. They managed to make it to a large rock formation that gave some barrier from the warzone raging around them.
“Tech, where are you?” Hunter’s voice filtered through his private comm channel.
Tech finished helping Blade settle Shank against the natural barrier before he picked up his comm. “I am assisting with a medical situation.” He was not going to say that he was helping a reg die comfortably, even if that was all the medical assistance he could offer in this case.
“Who’s injured?” comes Hunter’s next question.
Tech hesitated, trying to think of a way to tactfully say it wasn’t one of their brothers – one of the Batch – without causing distress to the reg hovering over his fallen comrade. “One of the company’s troopers,” he said after a moment.
“Be careful,” Hunter said, the guilted relief evident even through the static of the comm.
“Roger that,” Tech agreed before signing off. He turned his attention back to the two troopers in his company.
“Shouldn’t we staunch the wound?” Blade asked.
Shank whined and turned his head toward Blade’s voice. Blade reached out and took one of Shank’s hands. “I’m here, brother. Just hang on. You’re going to be fine.”
“No,” Shank mumbled, voice taut with pain. He knew he wasn’t going to make it, Tech realized.
“Yeah,” Blade argued gently and crawled closer to wrap an arm around Shank’s shoulders. “Yeah, you’re gonna be just fine. You’ve survived worse, huh?”
Shank managed a grin, and Tech felt his heart pang with an awful despairing emotion. Even in his last, excruciating moments, this reg tried to be strong for his brother.
Blade looked at Tech. “Aren’t you going to help him? You said you would help him!”
Tech crouched on Shank’s other side, pulling out his portable med scanner and making a show of checking over Shank’s vitals. “We can try to staunch the wound, as you said; however, the damage is extensive. I don’t believe there is anything that can be done other than to keep him comfortable.”
“You mean you’re just going to let him die?” Blade stared at Tech, slack faced, horror burning behind the shiny wetness in his eyes.
Tech wanted to argue that he wasn’t letting Shank do anything. It was entirely outside of his control. He had done as he said. He’d done what he could. There was nothing more to be done, as awful as it was.
“Bl…Blade,” Shank whispered, voice transparent and weak. “It’s okay…t’s okay.”
“No,” Blade sobbed, kneeling over Shank so that their foreheads pressed together. He had one of Shank’s hands clasped tightly in both of his. “No, you can’t leave. You can’t die.”
With obvious effort, Shank reached up with his free hand and put it over Blade’s chest plate, where his heart was. “Here…vod…”
Tech averted his gaze, not wanting to intrude on such a private moment. He tried not to imagine if the roles were reversed, if he were saying goodbye to one of his own brothers on the field. He did not succeed.
Not even a minute passed before Shank’s labored breathing ceased, and Blade’s sobs intensified. Tech was prepared to give the grieving brother a few more minutes, but the order suddenly came to fall back.
“Blade, we have to go,” he said as he stood.
Blade shook his head. “I can’t leave him here,” he choked out.
“We must,” Tech urged.
“You go! I’m not leaving him behind!” Blade screamed at him.
Tech reached out and grabbed Blade’s arm, attempted to forcibly drag the trooper to his feet. “You will not be leaving him behind! He’s already gone! He would not want you to die for his corpse!”
Harsh and bitter as the words sounded coming out of Tech’s mouth, they seemed to rally Blade to his senses. He allowed himself to be pulled up and returned his helmet to his head. Tech then shoved him ahead to prevent the soldier from possibly circling back if left unsupervised.
He couldn’t save one brother, but he could help the other survive at least one more day.
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Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424
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flowersfromwind · 8 months
Febuwhump - Day 6
(I actually cried making this one...) Day 6: "You lied to me!"
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(Continuation of Day 4 - Last words) Aryll sobbed, allowing herself to feel like the crying child she truly was. She was alone anyway, it's not like anyone would see her in this state. No one on Outset Island, even though it was a small and warm community, would be enough to fill the hole that the lack of her family had left in her heart. Because none of them were her Grandma, none of them were her big brother. It had been weeks since the postman, looking more lost in thought than she was when she heard it, had brought this unfortunate news. Link had left a few days earlier, returning to the sea after almost a year away, so there wasn't enough time for such concern to cross the girl's mind. So much so that she refused to believe the postman's word. But as the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, it slowly sunk in. When the postman returned, she always asked about her brother, again and again. He didn't say anything, because she already knew the answer. And this went on until one moment she broke down. "YOU LIED TO ME!" She cried so much that day. "YOU LIED!" Everything she had held in for months, refusing, turned into a flood of emotions. "Please…" She remembers the postman's face. "Say it's a lie. It has always been a lie, right?" She remembers how he hugged her. "Please. Please! PLEASE!" She remembers how she repeated the words 'lie' and 'please' through her tears until it became incomprehensible mumbles. And here she was. Crying herself to sleep, as if it were the first time, waiting for someone. But she wasn't there for Grandma. And she wasn't there for Link. Now neither of them were there for her.
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whumpinthepot · 8 months
Pet whumpee when whumper promises to take them out for ice cream but they pass the store and turn towards the vet instead:
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@febuwhump 2024, Day 6. “You lied to me”
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what-the-whump · 8 months
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Febuwhump 2024 | Day 6 | "You lied to me"
Power Rangers Dino Charge | 1x08 | Double Ranger, Double Danger
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splinnters · 8 months
you lied to me (1.0k works)
How could Leo not get it? What he had done to Donnie? What he had almost done to Donnie?
Febuwhump Day 6: "You Lied To Me"
come get your (very sad) disaster twins content! please read tags and TWs before you read!
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aquinnix · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 6 - “You Lied to Me”
“You… you said we could still be friends.” Blood dripped from Mumbo’s mouth as he spoke.
“I…I…” Grian met Mumbo’s saddened gaze, not sure what to say. He wrapped his arm tighter around Mumbo, inadvertently pushing him further into the blade.
Mumbo’s eyes began to glaze over. “If I fell.”
Tears pressed at the backs of Grian’s eyes. It had all happened so fast, he wasn’t even thinking. Why wasn’t he thinking?
“Mumbo I didn’t mean for… I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I wasn’t in my right mind when I said…”
Mumbo’s gurgling voice cut him off. “Why did you lie?”
The words were like a dagger to Grian’s soul. Mumbo’s legs gave out, taking both of them to the ground. The force of the sword hitting the ground pushed it back up towards Grian, taunting him. Blood from Mumbo’s rapid coughing splattered on Grian’s face.
“Why did you lie to me?” The question came again. A question Grian didn’t know how to begin answering. He hadn’t meant to lie.
“I just couldn’t bare to lose you and I thought that if we were both suffering then at least we would be cursed together.” Grian didn’t know if Mumbo could even hear him, his eyes were closed, chest barely moving. Thoughtlessly, Grian wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling their blood soaked bodies as close as he could.
He didn’t have it in him to cry, his soul felt like it was wrung dry. “It wasn’t supposed to be a lie, we’re still friends just… I don’t know.”
Were they? Friends didn’t drain the life from each other. They don’t run a sword through the other’s heart. It was supposed to be a warning, that’s all, but now…
Mumbo’s voice was barely a whispe. “So we can still be friends?” His eyes lit up as he spoke.
“Yeah.” The response came too late, Mumbo’s body sagged in Grian’s hold.
It wasn’t worth apologizing again, to ears that would never hear it. Still, he found the grieving words leave his lips. He grabbed the sword and pulled it out, the new hole only adding to the puddle of blood the two lay in. The blade felt heavy in his grip, wrong. He was wrong. Something deep inside was twisted. He let the sword fall to the ground, not trusting himself to hold it any longer.
Grian’s hands were covered in red. Skin clotted under his fingernails. Cactus needles sticking out of his flesh. He was a monster.
The memory was dizzying, playing incessantly in his mind. It was still true. No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, it would always be true.
Grian was a monster.
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