#Felicia is really beautiful
the-words-we-sung · 9 months
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lady-a-stuff · 2 years
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I'm super late but I wanna to show pics of my babes here so I'm joining the swiftie pet night
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 month
So, we’ve got Felicia Hardy smut galore, but what about fluff headcanons? 🥺
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Felicia Hardy x GN!reader
● Felicia is actually a really soft girlfriend
● her love language is physical touch and she needs to be touching you at all times
● if you're cooking, her arms are wrapped around your waist so she can rest her head on your shoulder
● if you're on the couch watching movies/TV she's laying with her head in your lap
● when you fall asleep she's the little spoon and by the time you wake up you've become the little spoon
● out in public is the same thing, always needs to be holding your hand or one of you having your arm around the other
● she loves taking you to fancy dinners with the money she makes from her night job
● she also loves going on museum dates (and only maybe sometimes she's staking out her next heist)
● “you're coming back later to steal that aren't you” you whisper in her ear
● “you know me so well my love, i'm going to make a fortune selling it on the black market and afterwards I'm going to treat you with a trip to anywhere you want”
● at your own job every guy in the office is jealous that you have the most beautiful girlfriend
● every time she drops by to see you they all gather around to try to get her attention
● one of them even straight up asked her to get drinks with him right in front of you
● “sorry boys I only have eyes for one person” and she seriously means it
● she loves to read together side by side in bed or on the couch with her legs thrown over your lap
● and it's even better if you read to her, she's comforted by the sound of your voice
● going on long walks around new york city just spending time with each other
● you two have all your favorite bakeries, book stores, coffee shops etc
● and she swoons every time you stop to buy her flowers
● you make her breakfast in bed after big heists
● she excitedly tells you about how much she stole and how she expertly evaded both security and spider-man
● she feels like the luckiest girl in the world to be so loved and to have a partner who supports her life of crime
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afewfantasies · 2 months
🏔️The Retreat 🏔️- Chapter VI
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Prologue | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Misc references & details
Summary: Lorena and Gale make strides during the last bit of winter prep. Gale finally reveals his heart and goals to Lorena, to her surprise its music to her ears.
Pairing: Gale Cleven x Lorena (black fem oc)
Warnings:  None
Tropes: Slow Burn, opposites attract, forbidden love
Word Count: 2.1K
Lorena listens from her bedroom as the wind howls outside. The familiar sounds of Gale’s footsteps on the wood floors can be heard from where she lay as he did his nightly check of the homes interior. A quilt lays over her now, a far cry from what was required in the summer. Lorena counts the twelve steps and holds her breath laying silently in the dark as Gale takes another ten steps to her door. It was a staple every night, perhaps a habit from the war. Lately, things between them have evolved. Gale hovers. He lingers in the doorway for a few moments before heading back down the hall to his room. Leaving Lorena’s heart racing for those moments and thereafter. The words of Rose and the implications from Felicia, her sister had been adding up. Lorena hadn’t run away to find anyone, she wasn’t looking for anything besides a refuge and peace of mind. Gale’s retreat had been somewhat of a happy miracle but now her mind can’t help but wonder if it’s more. Her once peaceful sleep; is restless as she tosses and turns at the memory of how it felt to be held. To exist in a mans arms, wrapped in his embraces, covered in his scent, completely at ease and his. But things had changed, Lorena wasn’t a girl anymore, she’d grown in to a woman and so it meant even more. Whomever she decided to be with wouldn’t just have a slab of marble to be molded at their leisure. Lorena had years to chip away at the stone herself, creating someone she could be proud of.
When morning comes too soon Lorena dumps her thoughts into a journal after freshening up and is surprised to see Gale sitting at the table when she emerges.
“I was just about to come up and check on you” he says with an aromatic black coffee in hand.
“Good morning, You didn’t sleep much either I take it” Lo smiles pointing at his cup.
“The wind was relentless, maybe we cleared too many trees” he suggests.
“Maybe” Lorena shrugs. “So what’s on the agenda for the day?” She asks.
“We have no visitors, I thought maybe we could go into town and get you a couple more sweaters” Gale shrugs with a spark in his eye.
“You really do not have any faith in me lasting the winter” Lorena remarks taking her seat at the two person table. A smirk plays on Gales lips. Neither of them had realized how the house was furnished for two suddenly felt like a home, nor had Gale realized how Lorena had come in and filled the empty space.
“I have plenty of faith in you. I know myself and I won’t be able handle seeing you suffer well. You’re stubborn enough to freeze while making a point” Gale says knowing her well.
“Sometimes Gale Cleven, you're a sweet man. Let me take this upstairs and get myself together” Lorena smiles taking her plate. As she turns Gale sits with a fresh blush on his cheeks. He takes a moment before heading out to pack up his truck. It was getting harder and harder for him to keep his thoughts away from Lorena and him being more than friends. There was a beautiful women sharing his home with him. Arguably the most beautiful woman he’d ever known, inside and out.
“Gale!” He hears her shout. “Get in here! I’m not going into town with your hair like that!” She continues from the window.
Mumbling curses under his breath Gale makes his way into the house and upstairs into her makeshift beauty parlour. He sits without another word. Lorena wraps a cape around him before running her hand through his overgrown hair. Gale watches her in the mirror as she combs up and clips his hair until it’s neatly coiffed and styled. Watching Lorena in her element had quickly become one of Gale’s favourite pastimes.
“’There, now you’ll get the fanfare you deserve.” Lorena winks patting his shoulder. Standing Gale admires himself in the mirror. He reaches into his pocket to get out money to pay for the service.
Lorena scoffs, “Don’t be silly Gale, we’re friends” 
“Exactly” Gale says taking her wrist and placing the payment in it. The contact catches both of them in a moment. Swallowing Lorena breaks the intense eye contact.
“Let me get my purse thanks” she mumbles.
Rose’s words haunt Lorena as she heads down to the car where Gale waits beside the open passenger door looking like one of the men in the pictures. The stakes of reading him wrong were insurmountable levels of shame. The radio plays for the  entirety of the drive into town. Instead of one of the ugly sweaters on display Lorena buys a few balls of wool yarn and dye hoping to learn how to knit from Rose. Gale searches for his own things paying for everything and putting them in his truck. It’s nearly sunset when they decide to head into the cinema. Gale holds the popcorn as whispers begin about the recluse on a date. Lorena hears the chatter and does her best to ignore it. Both of them sit uncomfortable with the newness of the experience. Neither of them had ever had to guess whether or not someone was interested in them. No one had ever been reserved or shy about their affections. The sound of Lorena’s laughter brings him back to the moment. Stretching he places an arm around her for comfort. Lorena scoots into him instinctively.
“Thanks for today Gale, I had fun” she confesses.
“Might be the last time before weather turns but if we can make it down before then, I’d be happy to bring you” he offers.
“Cleven” a man says approaching. Gale turns to face him. “I have some mail in for you. I just thought I could save myself a trip”
“Fair enough” Gale nods and the man procures a stack of letters.
“Is this the mail for everyone?” Gale asks.
“Yes all residents on the lake” the postman responds. “Thank you, good evening Mr. Cleven, Miss” the young man nods tipping his cap. Lorena organizes mail stack as Gale drives.
“He still writes…” Gale comments knowing the familiar brown envelopes that come from Reggie Lorena’s ex husband.
“Guilt” Lorena sighs missing the hint of possessiveness in Gale’s eyes.. “He can’t be disliked, my siblings are making it hard to carry on” Lorena sighs.
“If he apologized and asked you to come back would you?” Gale asks for the first time. But Lorena hadn’t run across the country to be chased, she had run to be forgotten. To disappear.
“Reggie’s too proud to beg and I do think he loves his new fiancé as much as it makes me sick.” She admits.
“He’d beg Lorena. He knows he’s messed up that’s why he still writes and sends you money.” Gale shares resentful of the distance each letter puts between them.
“Are you still in touch with your sweetheart?” Lorena asks and Gale swallows hard clutching the steering wheel.
“No, she made her choice clear. Her new fiancé forbids any correspondence.” Gale explains.
Lorena sighs, “I’m sorry” 
“Don’t be, she hates it here and made everyone miserable for the week she was here. Today she’d be fine and tomorrow I’d be worried about losing her. It was no good.” Gale confesses.
“All the other guys go into town for women and have trysts, has she sworn you off women or are you waiting for her?” Lorena asks curious.
“I’m not sworn off of women” Gale smiles omitting the uglier truths about his time at brothels before realizing his business kept him far more sated than paid pleasure ever could. “I don’t have a lot of time with the Retreat and women require time” he explains. 
“Women don’t require as much time as you think. I think that’s you Gale. With the exception of Bucky none of those guys really know you and you only started opening up to me after months of being here. You’re the most reserved and respectful man I know. It’s atypical - women aren’t taught how to read that” Lorena’s words are frank. 
With Gale there were none of the usual tell tale signs. The head-rush, the butterflies, the fiery lust that blurs your senses. Reggie had flicked on every switch within her in so little time but now as she sat across from Gale she was considering for the first time that it may not have been the whirlwind romance she once thought it was. Smiling Gales thoughts were oddly similar. He’d never come across a woman like Lorena. Instead of resting on her laurels she’d turned her entire life upside down.
“I tread lightly because you have a wicked temper” he says amused. Lorena’s cheeks burn. “If I say the wrong thing…” he teases.
“I won’t go upside your head Gale” Lorena chuckles. “You just met me when I was raw and very angry. You, Rose the Retreat have been good for me. Good to me. I can repay it in patience” Lorena confesses and Gale nods turning on the last stretch home.
“The next decade, if all goes well what does it look like to you?”
“Decade?! You really are a mad man if you can think that far ahead. I’m not clear on what I’ll wear tomorrow” Lorena objects.
Gale nods silently with a small smirk playing on his lips as he relaxes his grip on the wheel. “I want a staff to help me run the retreat. A finished barn so I can keep more animals. I want to expand the house and move the retreat to the other side of the lake for some privacy. I want life to be easy and peaceful.”
Closing her eyes Lorena can see it clearly. “You’ll have it all, but you’ve got to work on your communication if you’re gonna have a staff.” Gale smiles at Lorena’s jest as his heart burns to be brave and tell her the whole truth of vision for the future.
“My wife would handle the staff and I would handle them if they mishandled her” Gale says having thought it through already. Lorena found herself amused with that image.
“Fair enough and would I be welcome here in a decade?” She asks as he parks outside his home.
“Lorena, in a perfect world you never leave” Gale says with his eyes holding hers. Her mouth gapes and then closes as she tries to process. Blinking it takes a moment for the weight of his words to register. When she turns back Gale is sitting there still and waiting like always. In a perfect world you would never leave. A replay in his voice floats across her consciousness. Catching the meaning he nods in affirmation without any words before opening his car door. She waits seated hoping he will head in and let her recover but it’s not to be. Gale walks around the front of his truck to open her door. Looking down there he stands with a hand outreached for her as her heart races. Reaching out for Gale his hand closes around hers. Heading inside Gale lights the lamp only to be bombarded with a hug. Steadying himself Gale holds Lorena closer, tighter than ever before as he revels in the feeling and her sweet scent. She’d been so far from perfect these last few months and he still wanted her with him. Parting slowly Lorena looks up at Gale whose eyes rest on her lips.
“I’m gonna do right by you Lorena” he whispers running his hands over her hair. Looking up Lorena resigns herself to following his lead. Cupping the side of her face he kisses her forehead pulling her into another embrace. Resting against his chest she can feel his heart racing and hear its drumming. For the first time since the war the both of them feel like they’re settled and safe.
After freshening up Lorena is in her bed as Gale begins his checks. She counts the steps and when he gets to her door this time he waits for a moment longer than normal. She hears him whisper a goodnight before heading into his room. Looking up at the ceiling and around the room Lorena feels the distance between them too much.  Slipping into her house shoes she closes her robe heading over to Gales room. She finds the door open and sees Gale rise in his bed out of confusion. There are no words exchanged as Lorena climbs into bed beside him. The bed smells like his aftershave now his pillows would smell like her perfume. It takes a moment for Gale to move but when he does he pulls Lorena in close. Sliding his arm under hers as the big spoon. There was no more tossing or turning that night only sound sleep and deep appreciation.
Authors Note: Back with another update for our favorite Major. Thanks in advance for all comments, likes and reblogs. Also if you made it this far my requests are open 😉 xoxo
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nyeddleblog · 1 month
Unrequited. [Part 3]
Pairing: Andrew! Peter Parker x Fem!Reader; Mary Jane Watson x Fem!Reader. Warnings: Mary Jane Watson, reader has a situationship with MJ and gives her an oral, oral sex (f receiving), reader is a flirt. Summary: You go to MJ's and once you come back home, Peter already has someone over. A/N: Oof, I'm not sure any of you will like this chapter, I'm sorry...
Chapter 3: Boundaries.
Mary Jane Watson. Fuck, she was beautiful, a sight for sore eyes, a mess of freckles sprayed over rosy skin, a cascade of copper locks framing a gorgeous face, and she looked so good on the receiving end, too. Her taste, her smell, her voice. It was all too intoxicating.
"Fuck, baby" she'd mumble, chest heaving as she took a hold of your hair, pulling softly, "Right there."
You groaned, making the vibrations travel through her body. MJ squirmed then, and you took firm hold of her hips, pressing your mouth against her pussy, eating her out fervently.
"Oh, god," she whimpered, "I'm so close, honey."
You smirked in response, knowing better than stopping the good work. Your hands traveled from her hips to the rest her body, one stopping right on her lower stomach as you pressed gently, and the other gathering her slickness through her pretty folds, letting her grind herself against your face. You were in heaven.
You pressed two fingers against her entrance, waiting for permission. Mary Jane pulled your hair a bit tighter and that was all you needed. You left a soft kiss on her clit before coming back to licking her exactly how she needed you to, pumping your fingers into her with a steady pace.
"Cum for me, princess" you demanded gently, right when her hips jerked upwards, and she let out a sweet moan that made you smile, "That's it, baby."
Mary gasped, falling backwards against the mattress. You let your fingers slip out of her and softly caress the plush skin of her inner thighs. You left a few chaste kisses on her knee, as you pushed her panties back on their place. 
"That was amazing..." the ginger giggled, not quite used to it. 
"Well, I was just returning the favor" you said in response, resting your cheek on her lower stomach. MJ ran a hand through your hair gently, "Want me to stay the night? I could order something and maybe we could do something else..."
But Mary Jane was getting up, leaving you on the bed like a lost puppy. She made her way to the  bathroom, letting the shower run as she took off the baby tee you hadn't been able to get a hold of. 
"I have rehearsal at nine" she explained mindlessly, checking the water temperature, "So I can't really allow myself a sleepover."
"Nine?" you inquired, starting to walk towards her. Mary Jane received your arms snaking around her waist with a smile, "It's kinda late, don't you think?"
"Well, most actors work during the day..."
"So, I just gotta adjust my schedule to theirs..." she finished explaining apologetically. You pouted in response but left a kiss on her cheek nonetheless, "I can offer you a hot shower and, maybe, round four...?"
"God, aren't you a romantic?"
Mary Jane Watson was adorable, even if her name was a mouthful. She was just a tad more talkative than you, had the cutest laugh and you were growing dangerously accustomed to the way her fingernails grazed your skin. Three more sessions of this and, fuck, you were going to risk it all.
So you drove home with a smile after showering, specially grateful of the fact that Peter hadn't texted you about any flings. Maybe he had finally gone to the girl's place, for once. Either way, as you got out of your car and walked towards the elevator, you texted him that you were arriving.
And little did you know you were in for a surprise.
"Felicia!" you exclaimed when you got into your apartment. At least she was fully clothed, and judging for the disheveled appearance of her hair, they had already finished, "How the fuck did he convince you to come back?"
Instead of appearing annoyed or angry like the night before, she just smiled and rolled her eyes. You raised your eyebrows at that, to be honest you didn't think that Parker had it in him.
"Damn, okay."
And Peter came out of the bathroom, wearing only his boxers. You pressed your lips together, turning towards the kitchen as you uncomfortably watched the way Felicia stood on her tippy toes to leave sloppy kisses on his jaw and collarbone.
"Damn, okay!" you repeated, so they'd acknowledge your presence.
Peter smiled your way, "I didn't think you'd come back."
Yeah, that was the smile of a person who just got fucked their brains out.
"Yet I did," you said dryly, but smiled his way to show there were no hard feelings though he hadn't warned you, "Is your apology take out offer still up?"
He held Felicia by the waist and walked towards you, getting three glasses out of their cabinet, "Of course. Water?"
"It's Friday night" you stated like it was an answer, "I'm getting myself a glass of whiskey."
You heard the small hum coming out of Felicia's mouth and you weren't an idiot, the girl was gorgeous, so you turned towards her and seductively let out, "Want some?"
"Oh, I don't drink wh..." Peter begun to say, but you saw the blonde nod and you were replacing two of the glasses with a whiskey tumbler. 
"Not asking you, dickwad." And Peter let go of Felicia's waist, "You staying over for dinner, cutie?"
"I have time."
You gave your roommate a small, knowing look. He gave you another in response. An annoyed, deadpan stare that almost made you burst out laughing.
"She has time, Peter" you said, "So you're buying us both dinner."
TAGLIST: @marcspectorondeeznuts @slutfortheblog let me know if you want in or out of the taglist<3
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achillean-knight · 1 year
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Woe, doodles be upon ye
HC's below the cut if you're absolutely interested in my Spiderverse Noir HC's + his world 👉👈
First the ones I agree with that I've seen a shit ton of people mention >:33
- He is a fatherly figure to Peni. I can imagine when they see each other again, she'd run to him and give him the biggest fucking hug ever. She experienced her Canon Event between ITSV and ATSV too, right? So I can see her needing comfort so badly, and the only ones she ever truly grew close to were Noir and Ham.
- He'd 10000/10 get along so well with Hobie. Along with Hobie legit mentioning his hatred for the AM, PM and fuckin NAZIS IN THE COMIC ,
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he'd be rambling so much with Noir about common interests and get along so well with him. Imagine he badazzles him in punk attire and based on this image:
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(I'll link where I found the image tomorrow when I'm on my laptop lol if I remember) but based on this image, he teaches Noir how to play the guitar and shit and OUYGG I WANNA SEE THEM INTERACT (they're my fave Spiderverse characters so 👉👈)
- OHOHOHO He loves the colour purple. So much. He can't see it, ofc but he has such a love for the colour that he sees any beautiful colour- or well, of what he can see of colours, and thinks every pretty colour is Purple.
- MJ see's Noir/Peter as a brother and he see's MJ as a sister in turn. There is no romantic attraction at all. Yeah, this means MJ see's Aunt May as a nice Aunt Figure she can go to and talk to about things.
Now onto some of my own headcanons- or some that I don't see mentioned a ton. These have probably been said before but oh well, these are just what I like and my brain go BRRR
- Felicia is taller then Noir. (For those unfamiliar, Felicia is a character from the comic.) Yes that'd probably make her freakishly tall based on how tall Noir is in the movie, but that comic panel of when he first meets her rots in my brain.
- Felicia still has her mask from her ordeals. However, unlike how she pushes away Peter, they actually become friends again. Comfort each other. They swore they'd never be in a relationship again.
- Noir is a combo of both his OG comics personality and 2020's comics personality. I see movie noir as anywhere between 19 - 21. He's learning and developing as a human still. He's calmer and kinder and resembles how his personality is in the newer comics, however, based on this deleted scene LOL, makes me think he looses his shit easily and goes actually feral.
(here's the link to where I found the video BC I actually saved the link lol yeah it's reblogged by yours truly, but the full post is there.)
- Oh yeah, Noir most definitely adopted Ding Ding btw. He probably is nearly at the newer comics stage of his life, being a private eye and such, drinking his fucking egg creams like newer comics noir SBSBBS So he found and adopted Ding Ding.
- Despite being young (19 - 21) he has serious eyebags man, dudes sleep deprived 😔 I'm also heavy on the Spiderverse portrait of him unmasked that I don't really draw/see him with facial scars but he could totally have them after the shit he went through 💀
- Noir is a part-time singer. I will not elaborate.
There's so many other things I wrote down that I want to share, but they're on my computer 😭 so you get these for now hhhh
Sorry if they're half-assed, it's 10:30 pm, I am tired
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denaliwrites · 9 months
Tales of Daring
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Scrooge McDuck x GN!Reader
Summary: Scrooge catches you in his Money Bin.
Soundtrack: DuckTales Theme by Felicia Barton
Requests: Open!
Warnings: I... I'm so... I don't even know what to put here. What the fuck, man. What did I do to deserve this?
"It's not every day I catch a thief red-handed," a Scottish voice purred from behind you. You hadn't even heard him effortlessly dive into the seemingly infinite pile of gold that you'd had to rappel into, and now he had you at a disadvantage. What were you supposed to do with that?
Well, you certainly wouldn't beg for mercy. It was exactly what the old coot wanted, and you couldn't give him that.
"It's not every day a thief makes it out of your Money Bin with a pretty penny to show for it," you replied, holding up a giant, glinting ruby. Light bounced off it, sending scattered shards of red all over the room. One lit up the grin on your bill.
"Tha's a bit more than a pretty penny, wouldn't ye say?" he asked. You heard some coins shift behind you, signaling his moving closer to you.
Your grin grew just a fraction.
"To you, I'd think it's little more than a pretty trinket, wouldn't you say?" you teased, shooting him a look. He didn't seem as amused by your twist on his words as you were. No matter. "Would you really miss this little token, Scrooge?"
You watched as he shivered at the way you said his name. His eyes bounced around the bin contemplatively in an attempt to play off the reaction he'd had to you. "I know all the coins and gems and trinkets in this bin as if they were my own children. Of course I'd miss it."
"Then it should bring you some comfort, shouldn't it, that it's going to a good home?"
"I hardly think bein' sold on the Black Market for a wad of cash is 'goin' to a good home.'"
You feigned offense, laying a hand dramatically over your heart. "Scrooge! I'm hurt you'd think so poorly of me. Of course it's not going to the Black Market. It's going to a very reputable buyer. Hired me to steal it from you and everything."
"How much is 'e payin' ye, then?" Scrooge asked.
Now it was your turn to shiver -- though the one that danced down your spine was a bit more... anticipatory in nature. "Not nearly as much as the ruby is worth," you confessed lightly. "But we both know I never was one to back down from a challenge."
He was suddenly on you, his hands pinning yours behind you while his chest pressed flush against your back. A gentle shushing whisper blew past your ear before he spoke, "And how goes yer little challenge, eh? Would ye consider it successful?"
You shot a look back to him, along with a grin. "Well, I got your attention, didn't I? I'd call that a win."
He grunted in amusement before shifting his hands so that one was still holding you by the wrists, while the other delicately plucked the ruby from your grasp.
He held it up within your line of sight, twisting it so the lights bouncing off it danced along the walls. "Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, though even as he spoke of it, his eyes were on you.
"You're not so bad yourself," you purred.
He unceremoniously threw the ruby back into the sea of gold with a sigh, then released you with a grunt that seemed a lot less amused than before. "Same time next week?" he asked.
"Of course."
"Off ye pop, then. I've got a meetin' in ten..."
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dreamerwitches · 1 year
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It's the----- updated Madoka iceberg yaaay!
I'll only be discussing the additions on this one (in green) so please check out the old one for the original descriptions
Content warning fooooor: fetishes, child abuse, artists being perverted about children, suicide, death and organ trafficking. This is gonna be fun, huh
Let's goooo!
Mami forever alone: A bit of a joke/observation in the fandom. The popular pairings are Madoka and Homura, and Sayaka and Kyoko, often leading to Mami being alone which sadly suits her character... This is jokingly noticed in fanart and manga with Mami often being left out. Sadly it's also led to some darker pairings for her such as Kyubey, Nagisa and even the witch kissed woman from episode 2.
Witches speak: Although witches are often silent or cry out like monsters. Two are known to have spoken. Elly speaks in reverse in episode 4 saying 'I really had fun today, I want to do it again. Next time, I'll bring a bentou'. Izabel also speaks in episode 10 to lure Homura into her labyrinth. However it is completely unconfirmed that the witches are actually speaking and it may even be their familiars. Mildly related, Oktavia's scream from episode 9 is actually a distorted scream from Sayaka.
Walpurgisnacht festival: Walpurgisnacht's name comes from the real world European festival of the same name, or Walpurgis night, that lands on the 30th of April or the 1st of May. Some people theorise that Walpurgisnacht actually arrives in Mitakihara on one of these days.
Walpurgisnacht rising: The sequel film to Rebellion announced on April 25th, 2021... very little was first shown and not a sausage has been revealed since... v-v
Madoka Magica Cafe: A temporary cafe set up around the release of the original anime in 2011. It offered special drinks and desserts as well as Madoka merch. It was extremely popular with waits of over 2 hours on opening day. A few more were held in Japan and Taipei.
Magia Record Anime ver. Units: Very controversial variant units from the Magia Record game. These units were criticised as lazy copies of existing characters. With either very minor differences to talk sprites or none at all, ugly battle sprites and lazy transformation animations ripped straight from the anime. These units were not received well with one of the only good aspects being the beautiful card art.
Juubey: The Kyubey for the Pleides Saints in Kazumi Magica. Spoilers for the manga. He was an altered Kyubey that served the girls and purified their Soul Gems without need for Grief Seeds. After learning the truth about witches, the girls killed Kyubey and turned them into a Dependent-Version Incubator with the nickname Juubey and blocked out Kyubey's influence on the city. Yeah, it's complicated XD
Covid delivery girls: The dual unit Tsuruno Felicia Delivery Girls features face masks in their transformation and Magia sprite because the Covid pandemic was occuring when the unit was released.
Ebony: Ebony was the third Puella Historia unit released in Magia Record being a girl from ancient Egypt. She is heavily criticised in the western fandom for not only having a terribly revealing and historically inaccurate outfit but for also being white. However, like Cleopatra, she could be Greek therefore her skin tone would be correct. This however does not excuse her poor design overall On a similar note, how Cleopatra appears in Magia Record is incorrect as she is tanned in-game but has been confirmed by historians to have been white.
Cancelled figures: What is says on the tin! Merchandise that was cancelled including a scale figure of Nagisa and figures of Yachiyo and Tsuruno in their casual clothes and uniform respectively (possibly prize figures). Some that are in a terrible limbo include the 1/8 scale Holy Mami figure, Figuarts mini of Mami, Sayaka and Kyoko and a 1/7 scale figure of Madoka in the style of Aoki Ume's art.
Rebellion was just fanservice: My, my, a controversial one! Some people speculate that the sequel movie, Rebellion, was merely made for fanservice and money. This can be argued with the finite feeling to the anime's ending as well as the many tropes seen in the movie. It shows all the girls fighting happily together (a thing wanted by many fans), ties up loose ends with Sayaka and Kyoko and adds a fan favourite witch, Charlotte, into the main cast. I like to think this isn't the case but you can decide this yourself.
Masara Kokoro Bride ver. A recent variant for Masara and Kokoro where Masara is in a wedding dress and Kokoro is in a tuxedo. Their description is that they're modelling for wedding photos but the gay theming is too overpowering for it to be simply platonic. The less than subtle hints at romance between two girls is a change for the series that loves to be ambiguous. The unit was very well received.
Kyubey and Charlotte scooters: A unique piece of merchandise are scooters by Brain Police that feature decals of Kyubey and Charlotte. You can get yourself one for the low low price of 134,400 yen (£750). These are certainly unique, but quite a funny piece of merch
Lesbian Rika: Rika from Magia Record is the only magical girl canonically who has been in love with another girl (don't get the pitchforks, SPECIFICALLY confirmed). Her wish was for her childhood friend to fall in love with her instead of the boy she liked which does work yet Rika realises it doesn't feel right and breaks up with her.
Trans Ria: Ria is a magical girl from Magia Record, her wish was 'Turn me into a naturally beautiful girl'. This has led fans to believe that her wish was for her to transition from male to female. This can also be seen with her doppel Heide Jekyll that transforms from a dumpy blob in a rectangle to a feminine figure with a circle. Her witch's name also comes from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which is not only a male character but they were also known for transforming into an alter ego or a different person.
Devil Homura in Magia Record: A total tease. Fans have been wanting Devil Homura as a unit in Magia Record since its very beginning however she still hasn't come. To add salt to the wound, the Magia Report version of her, Devil Homura-chan was added on April Fools 2022. It's speculated she may be released on Magia Day but she's still not here...
Alina Eve's name: Alina Eve is a witch fusion of Alina, her doppel and Shitori Egumo who debuted in episode 25 of the Magia Record anime. In the anime, her name appeared in Runes as 'Neo Dorothy Motherfucker'. This links to her use of curses and her doppel's name, Old Dorothy. However, when her profile was revealed on the official twitter she was named Alina Eve and in-game she is called Neo Dorothy. The reason for the change and discrepancy is unknown but it may be because they didn't want to use swear words in media outside the anime.
Swimsuit Madoka's transformation: An infamous one. When Madoka got her swimsuit unit her transformation was the first (and only so far) to use the live2D models instead of traditional animation. This was not well received and was a disappointment for one of the main character's units. The reason may have been time constraints but fans were not pleased.
Mami is Walpurgisnacht: Forgive me, it's a little clickbait-y..! The reason is..! Mami's voice actress, Kaori Mizuhashi also voiced Walpurgisnacht in the anime. She also voiced Tatsuya, Madoka's little brother.
Fetishes: Oh dear... we're getting here... Two magical girls have clear fetishes. Yukika gets pleasure from dangerous situations while Miyuri has a foot fetish that is probably played off for laughs... It is NOT okay to give child characters fetishes, okay? Fetishes are a sexual thing. Next.
Dub bloopers: Bloopers for the English dub of the anime were released at Otakon 2012 (can be found on Youtube). It certainly feels like 2010s humour but it's still a little funny. Also great if you wanna hear some of the girls swear.
Iroha x Yachiyo: Ugh. It is very clear from Magia Record media that Iroha and Yachiyo are played off very similarly to Madoka and Homura. While the pairing of Madoka and Homura is perfectly fine as they're both children, Iroha and Yachiyo are not. Yachiyo is an adult and Iroha is a child. The anime, merchandise, and the unit of them together rub salt into this wound as dual units are mostly seen as ship units by fans. It's disgusting and not okay.
Yuma's abuse: Yuma is an abuse victim in Oriko Magica. (cw description of child abuse) Her father is absent (either neglectful or has left) and her mother, Mako, would beat and burn her with cigarettes as well as kick her out of the house for long periods of time. Her parents are killed in the original manga and she is taken in by Kyoko because of her similarity to her late sister Momo. In Extra Story she never contracts and is living happily with her grandparents.
Deep Waters:
Gan: Ugh again. Gan is the artist behind Suzune Magica (probably the least liked spin off lol) who is infamous for their clear lack of restraint in making children sexualised. Arisa has an outfit with circles right where her nipples are, Chisato has an outfit with a strip of fabric for a skirt and she is canonically uncomfortable with it and they love giving older characters enormous (and unrealistic) breasts. The art they draw of their UNDERAGE characters is always sexual and borderline pornographic and. Not. Okay. (even told by Magireco staff to tone down their puella historia character, haha fuck you)
Takashi Tensugi The illustrator for Kazumi Magica. Their disgusting taste is evident in the character design for the protagonists as well as sexual and revealing shots in the manga but I've also heard that they've drawn hentai before. No I'm not going to fucking look for that thank you. But... another bad egg in the spin off manga series... Not okay
Masugitsune ANOTHER BAD EGG! One of the illustrators for Tart Magica and also the illustrator for Yukika (you can tell where this is going). Sexualises minors, just like every madoka spin-off artist seems to... Has drawn Yukika in revealing swimsuits and bunny costumes as well as the rest of the Tart cast. Remember, they're all children----! NOT OKAY!
Riz's former companions names Omg thank god we're past the nonce section... Riz had unnamed magical girl companions in Tart Magica that have been slowly named by their artist. Their names are... pretty shit honestly as they're just named after their weapons. They are Machete, Frusta and Falce with one being still unnamed.
Kuroe was a marketing stunt: Not confirmed of course but... Kuroe was introduced at the very beginning of the Magia Record anime with her being the only new character. She disappeared for the rest of the series until the very end with a very lacklustre and ineffective ending. One could imagine that her inclusion and focus was to grip watchers into continuing with an otherwise pretty underwhelming series. But... take it how you wish...
Livia's backstory: Hey, this isn't new! I hear you say! Well, it's not new, but it's changed! The original iceberg said that her backstory may have been linked to a miscarriage but NOPE its worse! She was actually almost a victim of organ trafficking when she was a child. And later in life, she watched one of her friends die on her wedding day as she was run over by a tractor that she caused to malfunction...
Himena and Hiko: Himena's wish was for her boyfriend to be with her within her. After... her boyfriend committed suicide yaaayyy! (sarcasm) The end of this iceberg isn't very nice, is it? Her boyfriend didn't want to come back and now he's stuck with her forever.
Well... that's it! Sorry it became a bit of a bummer at the end...
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Have a plushy Charlotte for making it to the end! Yay!
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REBLOG this post if you resonate with it💦
Earlier when you were little and ignorant, you watched p0rn with a different pov. You admired the beauty and f¢ukablity of the female in the video🍑
You wanted to be the man in the video and f¢uk her. But, it was a little difficult for you to identify with that man who looked so alien to you. He was muscular and dominant with an incredible stamina to thrust 🍆
At that time you thought that maybe when you'll grow up, you'll be like him. You'll too be f¢uking hot women like him and deriving pleasure and satisfaction out of that 🌺
But, as time passed by, you started realising that you can never be him because you're not meant to be him. You're not a man but a $issyb0i 💋
Is it something to be ashamed of or feel bad about ? Absolutely not !!👙
It's amazingly wonderful that you're a $!ssyboi. You've the ability to be flexible about your sexuality. You're fortunate enough to experience both the worlds 👗
Now, the question is, what should you do ?♀️
There's nothing wrong in pretending to be a man and living your life as it is. Everything will turn out to be okayish 🙂
But, if you really want to experience the joys of your life, explore the possibilities and feel extremely contented, you should focus on becoming a $!ssygirl 🥰
It's great to feel like a woman inside and be feminine outside. To get attracted to a man's muscular body, his huge c0¢k and his manly grunts will get you excited like a girly girl. You'll be all shy and giggly. And, sex with an alpha man is something which will blow your mind and get you addicted to it 🎊
So, if you're willing to transform your life for the better or atleast wanting to try something fun and new to see if it works out for you, CL!CK the L!NK below 👇
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whitestnoise · 1 year
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IG Live with Aubin Wise, Elizabeth Mitchell & Felicia Henderson:
"You were texting me about each other to say - how can I be a better scene partner? How can I make sure she knows I support her? "Oh my god, can I have more scenes with Liz?", Aubin said more than one time. And I'm like, you're Burns, no you can't." - Felicia Henderson
"In the beginning I was like, I think Margot has a little bit of a fascination with Talia. I think she might really really like her. And you said to me, "I think Talia just kind of wants to kill her". And I said, that works for me, so let's go from there. (…) I had this big long flowery thing of why she was so drawn to her and how, after living for 500 years, you're drawn to very few people. And Talia is one of the people she was truly drawn to. And Aubin was sitting there and she's listening, and she's shaking her head - that beautiful face is so expressive. And then she said that… yeah." - Elizabeth Mitchell
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summerdiphylleia · 10 months
The next right thing
Prologue: The eve of the reaping.
Summary: During those sleepless nights, Felicia often finds herself thinking about killing her husband.
pairing: coriolanus snow x wife!oc
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
Felicia shifted in her bed once again, restless. She forced her eyes shut, though it would serve no purpose. Hard as she might try, sleep would not find her that night. It never did on the eve of the reaping. 
She could numb the Games out, for the most of it at least, but she was compelled to watch the reapings. Her husband enjoyed making a festivity out of it. He invites members of his cabinet to the mansion, they make bets, and they drink and eat and celebrate the beginning of Panem’s most anticipated show. Felicia always falls inexplicably ill the day afterwards.  
She turned towards her husband, and quietly placed a hand on his chest. Coriolanus Snow isn’t hunted by the brutality of the Games, he relishes it. He doesn’t escape perversion, he courts it. He comes up with the most savage ways of stripping people out of their humanity, and makes sure to get a spectacle out of it. Panem et circenses. Her husband is best at giving the Capitol both. 
Felicia reached towards his face, and gently stroked his chin, earning a soft hum in response. She smiled. 
It was on nights like that one, when rest would not find its way to her, that she often had one same recurring thought. She lowered her fingers towards his neck, seeking for his pulse, calm and warm. 
“What if you killed him?” 
She pictured herself, delicately throwing herself on top of him. He wouldn’t have time to even realize what was happening before her hands were already wrapped tight around his throat. Not a sound would escape his lips, which by that moment would already be turning blue. 
“Would you be able to do it?” 
It’s no easy task, suffocating someone to death, there’s a plethora of problems that might come up during the act. Fundamentally, he’s much stronger than her. But she has a medical background. And a very impressive one indeed. It’s all very methodical, really. Complete constriction of the carotid arteries can cause unconsciousness in mere seconds and brain death in minutes, if one just knew where to press one’s fingers. And she knew. She knew how to end someone’s life. She could do it. She could kill him, quickly, and efficiently, barely causing him any pain. 
“Would that save anyone?”
President Snow would die, yes. And then someone would kill her, after being declared a rebel. Her three children would have the same fate, most probably. The Capitol citizens would never know the truth of what happened of course, let alone the districts’. The cabinet would claim it had been some sort of disease —something viral, perhaps— that took the President and First Lady’s lives. It was plausible. After all, they already were in their seventies and sixties respectively; the citizens had been witnessing the two of them growing old and sickly, now that they really thought about it. They would throw a week’s funeral; beautiful and lavish. Something to remind everyone of the opulence, greatness of the Capitol. Something to entertain people away from all the acrobats and performers racing behind the curtains. And then, much too ravenously, a different ringmaster much too alike the monster that preceded him would rule over the country. And the Games would still keep on haunting one too many. That was the order of things. She had no way of changing that. 
She withdrew her hand for a moment, and then placed it over his chest again. She nestled against his frame, and closed her eyes, wishing such thoughts didn’t find their way to her over and over again. Thinking was dangerous in the Capitol.
Felicia didn’t hate her husband, not really. There was no point in doing so, it would only ensure her misery. Just like there was no point in him disliking her. If she was asked to pick one word to describe her husband, she would pick austere. Austerity in every fraction of his life, psyche included. He indulged in no emotion if it secured him nothing in return.
He didn't gain anything by being cruel to her, on the contrary. He risked ending up with a resentful wife in a position of false power, but power nonetheless, much too eager to make him suffer, for a change. No, it was in his best interest that she was happy. And so he kept her happy. 
He understood her aversion to the Games, and so he never forced her to watch them, unless it was expected to be a public affair, of course. She didn’t want their children watching them, and he had allowed it, begrudgingly, sure, but allowed it nonetheless. She loathed most of the women within the Capitol’s high society, and so he gave her permission to miss as many meetings with them as she pleased. She wished to keep correspondence with the people of the districts, so they could ask and demand of the First Lady, and he had permitted it. 
But she was always ordained to attend the inducting of the Victors, and place a crown on their heads, while commending them for their bravery. And in every celebration or dinner the mansion threw, she was required to sit beside the people she thought the poorest of; afterwards, when the party was over, she always went to bed feeling the corners of her mouth too impossibly tight. And she noticed that all of her letters replying to the districts’ residents, written with such thoughtfulness, would always end up gathering dust in a room somewhere in the mansion. 
And everytime she felt like she couldn’t bear all of that anymore and started behaving particularly narky about such issues, a little orange pill would appear on her nightstand, next to a glass of water. There was no note on the side, never has been, but she always knew what she was expected to do. She even found herself looking forward to taking it, more frequently than not. She didn’t know exactly what drug the pill contained, but she could judge by its effects. She always felt droopy for as long as a week after taking it. 
“You know I do this because I care for you, dearest?” Her husband would lovingly say, sitting beside her while offering the glass of water. “You don’t like feeling this way, do you?” 
She really didn’t. And her husband would watch her swallow it, with as sweet an expression on his face as he could muster, and then he would smile, and kiss her goodnight. That was the order of things. 
“What if someone else killed him?”
idk if this will become a series or not, but I read a prompt about Snow's wife/family eventually becoming his downfall and I loved it! I hope you enjoy it.
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This has been a worse than average endgame (to say the least), but I want to acknowledge the highlights of bb25. I’ve been watching since bb16 (been a feedster since bb17), and this has truly been the most invested I’ve been. Despite how frustrated I’ve been with production this year, I really think this season has some really stellar stuff in it (especially pre-jury). So here is a (lengthy) list of how I’ll remember this season:
Cirie motherfucking Fields showing up!!
Izzy immediately clocking that Jared was Cirie’s son before the live premiere even ended
Izzy immediately clocking that Cameron gives serial killer vibes
Felicia destroying four mics by the end of the first week
Felicia falling into the hot tub
“Clean that shit up a bit”
Cameron thinking Felicia was related to Denzel Washington
“Izzy Fields” and the beautiful friendship between her and Cirie
Hisam’s villain arc
Cory in Blue’s pink outfit (and later Americas jumpsuit)
(Honestly just Cory being a genuinely good dude who would call out things that crossed a line and fought against toxic masculinity)
The target flipping every other hour for like the first six weeks of the game
Every time Zach Wurtenburger tweeted about BB
The nickname “fucking Bowie Jane” which was then just shortened to fbj
The still of Cory’s mouth wide open while he was saying “what the fuck” when they were thinking of keeping Hisam
Meme’s storage room rants
“If I’m a have not next week, I’ll self-evict” “I’ll be a have not with you” *america leaves* “(to self) Cory, are you the most pathetic person? They were right about you — you’re a pick me”
Felicia yelling at Jag while he was in a chicken suit
Felicia and “Mr. B” (smooches!)
The slow burn Americory showmance (I could write a thesis on how much I love it but I’ll spare you)
The fact they brought the pressure cooker back
Izzy crying about how much she hates being in the same room as Cameron
“Fuck jag and I said that shit” -America Week 4, a prophet
When Matt used the power on jag and even live feeders were shook because we had no idea
The fact that Cameron’s 14 hours in the pressure cooker didn’t matter because jag was just brought back into the game
Blue sucking up to Felicia bc she thought she was Jared’s mom for a solid 24 hours
Felicia’s sleep screaming/singing
The dramatic and out of no where red/Cameron break up
“Cam thinks he’s like a father to me, but really he’s like an absentee father who wants to sleep with my girlfriend”
Blue volunteering jag to go up as a “pawn” during Jared’s hoh
Cam winning hoh after being blindsided by the red vote (hate him but the absolute silence and his thumbs up is so funny)
“Okay Jasmine” “*crying* who’s jasmine?” “*singing* a whole new world”
Cam not telling anyone including production who he was putting up
Matt winning the prize swap veto but choosing the punishment bc he thought he’d get to hang out with the real Josh Duhamel
The Josh Duhamel punishment in general
Izzy’s kick jump during the piggy pals punishment
Jared destroying his game because Cirie was stuck in a kayak with Felicia for 48 hours
(The fact the izzy flip happened bc she told Cory that he couldn’t sleep in the same bed as America anymore lol)
The Cory/Jared humiliverse fight
“To all my friends and family, trust I know that they are all liars and snakes… and cowards!”
“See you soon, pig!”
The Cirie/Felicia fight post-Jared’s eviction
Peak Unreliables when Jag fought for Cory’s LIFE against cams plan to backdoor him
People retweeting Meme’s tweets from over ten years ago that were weirdly relevant to the season
America lifting Cory after it was confirmed that they made jury
The musical that Cory got for his zing
The one time all the different stans came together was to celebrate Cams eviction
The “exquisite” bit
America causing Jag to want to shit his pants after telling him to “literally fuck off”
“Literally in this world, I am your biggest fan” 😭😭😭
Felicia being Cirie’s best friend and worst enemy (aka when she shaved her foot on her bed)
Americory saying “I love you” on Cory’s way out the door
Americas shrine to Cory/transforming into him
Cirie’s DR of her flipping off Jag, Matt, and Bowie
Izzy/Paige going as Americory for Halloween
The Americory “cradle robber” Halloween costume
“I’d be more impressed if [the wins] weren’t against two senior citizens, an airhead, and an idiot”
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jedijesi · 11 months
Caught in the Cat's Web Chapter 2
Felicia Hardy! Reader x Miguel O'Hara
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Previous Chapter 🕸️ Series Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Tension, slow burn, enemies to lovers
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: It's the first day of training and Felicia wants to prove to Miguel that she has what it takes to be apart of the Spider Society
Co-Author: @stclairesplace
A/N: I'm so passionate about this series, I cant wait to hear your feed back!
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New York, Earth-192
Felicia’s hands slowly smooth out the few wrinkles of spandex on her hips, studying her appearance in the mirror. She wasn’t used to her new suit and spider emblems. Felicia touches her hair, ultimately deciding to put it up, strands breaking free in the front. Felicia normally wore her hair down as the Black Cat. It wasn't all that practical but she loved the feeling of the cool breeze dancing with her silver locks as she swung around the city. But, she wasn't Black Cat anymore, she was a Spider-Woman. 
Felicia paused her primping as memories rushed back to her. 
5 months ago…
“Spider Society? You have a club?” Felicia quirked her brow, giggling at her masked partner. 
“It’s not lame, I promise!” Peter laughs wrapping his arm around her waist.  “I think it would be really good for you. You said you wanted to change and help people, and now that you have spider powers, you'll be able to do so on multi universal level!”
Felicia gives Peter a lopsided frown, looking up into the expressive goggles of his mask. “I don’t think I’ll fit in. The Spider Society is full of heroes and people who know what they’re doing. You- you know what I’ve done, Spider.” Felicia looks towards the sunset on the horizon. “I’ve fucked up a lot. I steal art and jewelry, do dumb shit, and I hurt people. They're gonna take one look at me and cast me away. I don't think it’s a good idea to join you and your nerdy spider club.”
Peter lifts the fabric of his mask before taking Felicia’s chin and tilting it to look back at him. “Felicia, all Spider-People have fucked up. You’ve seen me fuck up a thousand times!” He chuckles. “I care about you, Felicia. You wanna be better? Join us.” Peter leans down pressing a long kiss to Felicia’s lips, letting a feeling of safety wash over her. 
“Fine.” She whispered against his lips. “But that means you're coming home with me tonight, Spider,” Felicia smirks, pulling Peter in for another, more passionate kiss. 
Peter smiles into the kiss, pulling her closer. “I’d be honored.” 
The hum of the portal opening in Felicia’s living room, snaps her out of her memories, urging her to hurry.
“Damn!” Jessica smiles as she emerges from the portal. “You look good!”
“Really?” Felicia smiles, giving Jessica a twirl. 
“I can’t wait to hear what Miguel has to say about it,” Jessica smirks to herself before she strides into the portal. 
Nueva York, Earth 838
The moment Felicia emerges from the portal, she feels a sense of satisfaction as dozens of Spider-People turn to look at her in all of her beauty. As her peers feed her confidence, Felicia struts along the hallways, swaying her hips and hair with each step. 
As the two women enter through the doors of the training gym, heads turn once again to gaze upon Felicia. 
Miguel’s mask retracts. “What are you wearing?” He said with no emotion.
“My new suit. You like it?” She smirks. 
“It's black and white.” Miguel studies her for a moment, not sure how he feels about the crocodile smile on her face. “LYLA.”
“Hi, Miguel!” The AI pops up next to Miguel. 
“What’s Felicia wearing? I told you to make her a suit.”
LYLA looks between the woman and Miguel before answering. “Yeah… That’s the suit.”
“It’s black and white!” Miguel snaps at LYLA. 
LYLA shrugs, “It’s what she wanted.”
“I look good in black, Miguel,” Felicia says as she runs her hands over the silhouette of her body, noticing the way a few of the recruits gawk over her. 
Miguel pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. “Spider-People wear red and blue!”
“That’s not technically true,” LYLA speaks up to defend Felicia, adding to Miguel’s annoyance. “Spider Noir and plenty of other spider people don’t wear any blue and red. While a majority do wear red and blue, it’s not too out of the ordinary for Felicia to wear black and white. I think she looks hot!” She sends a wink in Felicia’s direction. 
“Go away, LYLA,” Miguel grumbles, prompting her to glitch over to Jessica, not wanting to leave the drama. 
“Do you really not like the suit or are you just jealous because I look so good?” she asks as she winks at him.
Miguel freezes, unsure as to how to react. “Get in line, Gata.” 
Felicia tsks, “It’s Night Spider now.” She says as she swivels on her heels to join the line of recruits. 
Miguel shakes his head before his mask covers his head once again. 
“Recruits!” He shouts, getting the attention of the nervous Spider-people. “This is your first official day of training. I will split you into separate groups, and you will spar with each other until there is the last one standing. The victors will then spar against each other and whoever wins that round well… you’ll get to go against me.” He says cockily with a smirk on his face. 
The first few teams take their places on opposite sides of the gym. The gym had fake structures to simulate rooftop and city fights. Felicia studies the Spider-People, trying to understand patterns and fighting styles. They were all resilient, battles lasting as long as 35 minutes. 
Having sparred with her Peter plenty of times before and recognizing the same moves, she was able to pave her way to the finals. While some spider-people admired her strength and combat, others were not too pleased to get their asses kicked on the first day in front of the boss. Their disapproval didn’t matter to her, though. All she wanted was a chance to kick Miguel’s ass and make him eat his words from yesterday. 
Once Felicia heard Miguel call her name. She strutted past him without a glance, knowing it would get on his nerves. And it most certainly did. 
“Night Spider, Scarlet Spider, are you ready?” Miguel asked from below. 
“Born ready, baby.” She winks across the gym at the Scarlet Spider. 
Scarlet Spider doesn’t say anything, entranced by the women who just winked at him. 
“Ben?” Miguel tries to regain the man’s attention. 
“Uh- Oh- Yeah! I’m ready!”
 Bingo. Felicia thinks to herself, having noted that he was one of the spider-people who couldn’t stop watching her. 
The alarm sounds, signaling the beginning of the flight. Felicia immediately thwips her new webs to a wall across from her, manuvering around to get out of Ben’s sight. 
Ben looks around in confusion trying to figure out where Felicia disappeared. She giggles to herself. Poor thing won’t know what hit him. She thwips a web to the structure across her and swings in from beside him in a perfect flip, landing on her feet. She fully sits up tossing her platinum hair out of her face as she huffs out a dramatic sigh. “So are we gonna spar, or not, cutie?” she teases. 
“Oh, baby, you didn’t even give me a chance yet! I’m not too sure if you can keep up with me.” Ben banters back.
“I’m sure I can, I’m full of surprises.” She winks.
“Is that a challenge?” He asks, watching her crawl along the side of the structure. 
“If you want it to be.” She shrugs.
“Less talking, more fighting! Focus, Ben!” Miguel yells from the sidelines.
“Aw don’t listen to the grumpy old man, Ben, let’s dance!” Felicia teases.
“Alright,” Ben stretches his arms in preparation. “Let’s dance, baby.” He says with a cocky smile and a wink.
The two circle each other, sizing up their opponent. Ben took a few thwips with his web shooters, but Felicia gracefully dodged them. She then leaped forward and landed a powerful kick to his chest, sending him flying across the room, onto the bottom floor. He recovers quickly, running straight for her before she follows up with a flurry of jabs and kicks, each one landing with a loud thud. Finally, she spins around and delivers a powerful roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him over on his side. With him defeated, Felicia stands triumphant, laying her hands on her hips. “Are you finished, Spider? I’d hate to bruise that handsome face of yours.” She says as she lifts her hands to carefully inspect the blood on her claws before retracting them back into her suit. Ben lies on the floor, lying still, and groans with annoyance at losing so early.
Miguel, standing off to the side, admiring her talent, but quickly catches himself, not wanting to be enchanted by her siren song. “Enough, Fleicia wins.” He speaks up and walks towards the two fighters. “Spider-Cat, take Ben to the infirmary to check that head of his.” 
Spider-Cat meows, in response before biting the hood of Ben’s suit and dragging him away.
“Felicia…” She straightens up at the sound of her name. “I’m… fairly impressed with your skills.”
“All for you, big boy.” She winks. “But do you think you can handle me?” She asks, clasping her hands behind her back, swaying them like an innocent child as she takes a step closer to him.
Miguel closes the space between him and Felicia leaning down next to her ear. “Try me.” 
Felicia feels a sudden chill go down her spine, throwing her off. 
“Positions, you two.” Jessica claps her hands urging the two to take their places and the recruits to go back to their seats to spectate. 
Instead of using the structure, Miguel and Felicia squared off in the middle of the arena. His broad shoulders flexed under the material of his suit. His face was stern and determined while Felicia’s was lit up with a mischievous glint. 
The two moved slowly around each other, circling and gauging each other's strength. Then with a sudden burst of energy, they both lunged forward. They crashed together with a loud thud, grappling and pushing against one another in a test of wills. 
Miguel was the stronger of the two, but she was surprisingly agile. Felicia ducked and bobbed between his attempts to grab her. If she was quick enough, she would jump onto his back, using her powers to stick to him, confusing Miguel. As she crawled along the man, she attempted to punch and kick him but was met with a solid wall of muscle, barely doing anything.  
While it didn't hurt too much, Miguel could feel her strength, fueling his determination to win the fight. Finally, he was able to get a hold of her on his back, tossing Felicia over his shoulder watching her land gracefully in front of her, reminiscent of her Black Cat days. 
The battle raged on, the tension between them growing with each passing moment. The fight seems to last forever until Felicia finally finds her advantage. She jumps on him from behind, her legs wrapping around his neck and shoulders as she spins him around, causing him to lose balance. They both drop to the floor his arms caught in the hold of her legs, pinning him down to the floor. 
Miguel grunts, feeling the wind get knocked out of him. He doesn't let it keep him down for long, quickly manuvering out of Felcia’s grip.  
“Wanna make this more fun?” LYLA asked Jessica. 
Jessica nodded, walking over to a trunk of weapons. She grabbed a training axe before walking over to where Felcica and Miguel wrestled on the ground. “Whoops!” She yells, tossing the axe 10 feet away from their faces. 
Miguel and Felicia pause for a moment as their goals shift to getting the axe. Felicia tried to stand up but immediately face-planted as Miguel grabbed her ankle, tugging her back. This allowed him the time to dig his claws into the mat, bounding for the rubber axe. Once he grasps it he turns around to be met with a kick to the chest, causing him to stumble back. As he stumbles, Felicia Snags the axe from him. 
Felicia swings the axe at Miguel's head, yelling “YOU SON OF A-” but misses as Miguel dodges it. 
“Almost, sweetheart,” Miguel smirks before lunging at Felicia knocking her back, and pinning her to the floor. 
“Ugh!” Felicia groans, getting the air knocked out of her. 
Sneakily, she tried to grab the axe beside her but Miguel knew what she was doing. With her wrists pinned in his large hands, he slides them above her head so that she's unable to grab the axe. 
“Ah ah ah,” Miguel’s mask disinigrates, revealing the smug face. Slowly he leans down to whisper into her ear. “I win.” 
Felicia couldn’t help to feel both infuriated and aroused. Miguel lifts his head back up staring into her eyes.
Jessica quickly intervenes, not sure what was going on between the two.“Okay, Miguel wins!” She says as she walks to stand in front of the two, taking over the training. “Does anyone have questions? No? Okay, you're dismissed, see you tomorrow.” 
As the Spider-People get up and swing out of the gym, Jessica turns around, watching the two separate. Miguel is the first to stand, offering his hand to Felicia, but she smacks it away. 
“I don’t need your help.” Felicia stands, walking out of the gym without another word. 
“What's up with her?” Miguel asks LYLA and Jessica. 
Jessica shakes her head before leaving to follow Felicia. 
Felicia sits on the couch by herself in one of the empty common rooms. Hunched over, she holds her stomach with one hand while the other draws figure eights on the table. Her breathing is somewhat still shallow and the pain is evident in her face. She doesn’t look up when she hears someone enter the room and sit beside her. 
“Hey girl,” Jessica sighed cautiously. “I've been looking for you, how are you feeling?” 
Felicia shrugs, not wanting to respond, still carelessly drawing circles on the table in front of her. She could never let Jessica see her watered eyes, a tear threatening to escape her eye. 
“Well if it means anything to you. Anyone who has sparred against Miguel has never won or been able to hold their own like you did today. And by anyone, I mean everyone here, including me. You’re probably the best fight he’s ever had to be honest.” Jessica pats her on the leg reassuringly.
Felicia stops and slowly turns towards Jess, asking “Yeah?” Jess nods back at her with a warm smile. “But by the look on your face, I can tell that might not be all that’s bothering you?”
Felicia sits up straight, trying to maintain her calm facade. “I um- Peter and I broke up.” Jessica frowns. “It didn’t exactly end so well. I felt like I was used and torn to pieces after that night. With everything that happened between me and Peter… I never wanted to be beaten down by another Spider-Man again, mentally or physically.” Jessica nods, begging her to continue. “So I guess after today I broke my own promise. And I let that- that stupid, ginormous ape beat me back into those same little pieces that Peter left me in.” Felicia pushes down any emotion that wants to come out.
Jessica doesn’t say anything but gently hugs her solemn friend. “I am so, so sorry, honey.” 
Before she can say anything else, the door slides open. Miguel spots the two and timidly walks inside. “Jess”, he nods in her direction. She stands from her seat as well as Felicia. Jess gives her one last glance before exiting the room. “Actually Felicia- umm” he puts a hand out to stop her from leaving. “If you don’t mind, can we talk for a second?” 
She silently nods, telling him to continue. He leans back on the edge of a table. “How’s your side? Any serious injuries?” 
Felicia fixes her posture to seem more energetic. “No not at all. I’ll just be sore for a bit then get right back to good ol’ me!” 
Miguel softly smiles, but only for a second before it disappears. It lights something strange in Felicia’s stomach, seeing his face without all the gruff and serious expressions. She quickly thinks about how she couldn’t wait to see it again. 
“Well, I just wanted to make sure. You know I can’t- can’t have the new recruits go soft on me now.” Miguel tries to keep a tough exterior. 
“Well, you can trust me, Big Boy, I’ll be tip-top. Night Spider, ready to kick anyone’s ass into next week.” She softly smiles at the new name, still having to get used to it. 
“Ok,” Miguel replies. 
They stood in front of each other, their eyes locked and their bodies tense. There was an undeniable palpable energy in the air. It seemed to crackle between them, and the intensity of the moment was unmistakable. 
They both seem to snap themselves out of it. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Felicia gave him a small forced smile. 
“Right,” Miguel chokes out and clears his throat.
Felicia moves around him ready to press in the door when he calls her name once more. She quickly turns around, her messy platinum blonde hair swiftly moving over her shoulder.
“Rest well, Night Spider” She smirks, as he finally calls her by her call sign. 
“Of course, you too…. Miguel” she answers back walking out the door.
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Chapter 3
A/N: Please lmk what you think. Me and the darling Co-Author are so excited about this series!
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marvel-wlw · 2 years
Until We Meet Again
Felicia Hardy x Reader
Requested by anon
Request: Hello! can I request something with Felicia Hardy/Black Cat and reader? could be anything, if it is okay. She is too underrated ❤️
I have chosen a prompt for felicia 💕 “Will we ever meet again?”
You don’t necessarily have to choose that prompt but it would be nice 🥰 thank you so much for answering so fast by the way and for reblogging those prompths❤️🤍❤️
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, they belong to Marvel.
Tag list: @casey-anne-j ​​ @softgamerking ​​ @morbid-gaymer ​​ @geekycatlover ​​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​​ @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov @alphalesbianwolf ​​  @dykse​​ @autumnjackson4​​  @1-danid ​​ @dynnealberto  @natasharomanoffswife ​​​ @aquariuslavenderhoney ​​ @spywidownat @atlas-nex
Prompt is from @linwritesif ‘s prompt list!
A/N: I hope you guys like it! 😄 Also this gif isn't mine, credit goes to whoever made it!
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You had met Felicia about a year ago. It was a nice autumn night, you had decided to go up to the roof of your apartment building and look up at the sky. You knew you wouldn't be able to really see the stars in the city but still.
Felicia was traveling alone the rooftops after a successful heist, when you caught her eye. She watched you for a few moments from the rooftop across from your apartment building.
After a few moments she quickly and quietly made her way to you. "What's a gorgeous woman doing on a beautiful night like tonight by herself?" She gracefully sat down next to you.
That night you two talked and got to know each other. Almost every night since then, that spot on the roof of your apartment building became your meeting place.
You were in your apartment, pacing back and forth. You had heard what was going on with Hammerhead and that Felicia was somehow involved.
You knew Spider-Man was trying to help her, Felicia had told you about how he tried to help her change. Knowing what she does, it doesn't change how you feel about her. Not that she knows about your feelings for her.
Suddenly you heard an explosion in the distance, you could literally feel it shake your apartment. Rushing over to your window, your eyes widened in horror. That was Felicia's place.
"No, no, no..." You place your hand over your mouth as tears start to roll down your cheeks, your heart drops into your stomach.
A few moments later there was a knock on your door. You quickly wipe away the tears before going over to your door and looking out the peephole.
You gasp when you saw who it was, your heart pounding. You yank open the door and pull Felicia into a tight hug. "F-Felicia... but how? I saw what happened..."
She wraps her arms around you, without letting you go she moves the both of you inside your apartment and she closes the door with her foot.
"Come on, sweetheart." She smirked. "You know cats have nine lives."
You look up at her, without even thinking you lean in and kiss her. When you realized what you did, you went to pull away but Felicia held you closer and deepened the kiss.
When you both pull away from the kiss, you start to blush. Felicia moved her hand and placed it on your cheek, cupping it as she gently run her thumb over your cheekbone.
You lean into her touch. "I thought I lost you..."
"You'll never lose me, (Y/N)."
For a few hours you and Felicia talked. You had finally told her how you felt and she did the same. But there was something she wasn't telling you.
You and Felicia were standing at your front door, she wrapped her arms around you. "I need to go into hiding for a while, sweetheart." She gave you an apologetic smile.
You understand, but that didn't mean your heart didn't drop. "Will we ever meet again?"
"Of course we will. You'll be the first person I see when I get back." Felicia leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
When you watch Felicia walk out the door, you wanted nothing more than to run after her and tell her to stay with you. But you knew why she had to go into hiding and she didn't want to put you in any danger.
But you knew you would see her again.
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fancyschmancyopinions · 7 months
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HALLE BAILEY at the Glamour UK Women of the Year Awards on October 17th 2023 wearing NICOLE + FELICIA COUTURE
Halle looked beautiful at the Glamour UK Women of the Year Awards. I really liked everything about this look.
Her hair looked amazing, and I loved the bright red lip. Her jewelry was gorgeous, and complimented her look so well. This dress was also super cute. I loved that she wore a shorter dress. I thought the little white roses peaking out the bottom were such a romantic detail, and just really pretty. A beautiful look all around.
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En Del Av Dig thoughts! (spoiler notes will be below the cut)
4/5 stars from me. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but some of the pacing could have been better.
- holy fucking shit Felicia is amazing. I’ve been a fan of her for a long time, I watched Heartbeats, I watched Avgrunden, I’ve obviously watched Royals, but this is next level. Her acting is incredible. It’s the kind of acting that makes you have a visceral reaction. The emotional moments made me take pause and her little micro expressions through the whole movie were so amazing. I don’t know how to describe how difficult it is to act like you’re acting, but she did it seamlessly.
- ZARA LARSSON CAN ACT. I’m gonna be honest, when I saw they cast her, especially for such a vital role, I didn’t know how it was gonna work out. It worked out amazing. She is a triple threat, my friends. Another performance that gave me a visceral reaction. THE LAYERS OF HER CHARACTER YALL
- Zara and Felicia together was otherworldly. They played so well off each other and the way they were able to act together and look alike in their mannerisms made me have to pause and second guess which one of them was about to be on screen more than once.
- the real main character was blue eyeshadow
- every song i've heard in the last 24 hours can be an En del av dig edit song if I try hard enough.
- The fight between Agnes and Noel was insane. Incredible and visceral and I won't stop thinking about it for a long long time. "What, you can't sleep with me if I remind you of her?" and "Do you want me to say she's coming back? She's not. She's dead, Agnes. She's fucking dead." HOLY SHIT.
- Julia was surprisingly deep. Her struggles coming out in the last half hour was wild, but I wish they would have spent more time on it instead of just "oh she might have killed herself on purpose maybe"
- I simply could not take the green contacts seriously. I love Edvin but he looked like a cullen wannabe in that one scene.
- If there's one thing I'll fall for every single time, it's the gay pining best friend trope.
- Actually started screaming "BREATHE. YOU NEED TO COME UP FOR AIR, KIDS" and I choose not to elaborate. iykyk
- I'm really glad that they established that Agnes was into Noel before Julia died. It makes you root for them a little more, knowing there was something there before they lost Julia. They were already playful with each other, Anges was already down bad, and Noel already felt protective over her.
- That however does not excuse the next point which is: I need a full psychological study on Noel because what the hell? Sir? Not one of those decisions was correct. We cannot sister hop after one dies, we cannot leave after sex because of our own poor decisions coming back to haunt us, we cannot undo all the poor decisions by showing up with a single flower. SIR-
- Felicia's acting in the scenes between Agnes and her mother was incredible and, once again, something I will be thinking about for a long time.
- The play and Agnes' monologue tying in throughout the story was really beautiful and even though you could see it coming, it was a really impactful ending.
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