#Fell Ruin
themetalwanderlust · 1 year
Show Coverage: Eyehategod - Sanctuary Detroit, April 18, 2023
Event: EYEHATEGOD – 30 Years of Take As Needed For Pain Spring Tour Venue: Sanctuary Detroit, Hamtramck, Michigan Date: April 18, 2023 Artists Performed: Graboids, Fell Ruin, Goatwhore, EYEHATEGOD On a cold winter-like spring evening the people in Hamtramck, Michigan people lined up for a sold-out show at Sanctuary Detroit featuring two legendary bands from New Orleans, Louisiana. While…
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vynnyal · 6 months
So let me get this straight:
Hollow knight is about the journey of a small creature possessing the corpse of a god's discarded child, and the character arc that unfolds as they realize they're more than the path they were set to take, eventually defeating the corruption instead of merely postponing inevitable destruction.
Rain world is about the journeys and experiences of many small creatures sent by a bunch of gossiping computers, and the efforts to help stop the destruction caused by a corrupted god that unfolds over hundreds of years, all to postpone his inevitable death.
Man, video games are fun!
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gbhbl · 2 years
Album Review: Fell Ruin - Cast in Oil The Dressed Wrought (Tartarus Records/Death Psalm Records)
Album Review: Fell Ruin – Cast in Oil The Dressed Wrought (Tartarus Records/Death Psalm Records)
The shape tapered as it pillared the skies. Lanterns hung from the shine. Seduce at the center of a fire. Since its conception in 2014, Fell Ruin has been an ever-evolving metal soundscape of dark, cathartic storytelling. After self-releasing the debut EP “Devices” (2015) and conspiring with I, Voidhanger Records and Graven Earth Records on the full-length “To the Concrete Drifts” (2017), the…
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tapeworrmart · 4 months
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ineffablyruined · 4 months
Did we all notice Aziraphale's reaction to Crowley's mention of how he's dressed at the Bastille?
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The quick little eyebrow raise and eyes immediately going to Crowley.
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That face is very: "He commented on how I'm dressed! He noticed what I'm wearing! Wait, was that a good tone or a bad tone? I'll fight him if it was a bad tone. No, no, I look fabulous and we are both aware of that."
Original gifs from @winter-seance.
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
The Hades and Persephone AU
So! It had been a coincidence. One of the Rouges Cass had been chasing down had dropped a stray Bullet Casing, and she had managed to miss it as she ran after them. All they could hear through the Comms was her startled yelp as she tumbled 3 Stories, directly onto her Back.
Batman had rushed to the scene, hoping that his daughter was still alive, but when he got there he came across a very different sight. A Tall, shadow covered Knight Carrying Cass in his Arms. Before he could do anything, the Shadow Knight turned away and walked deeper into the Alleyway, were a Lazarus Green Portal stood waiting.
Batman could only watch as his critically injured daughter was kidnapped by some sort of Dark Armored Demon. And into a Portal glowing with the same light as a Lazarus Pit no less.
When he returned to the Cave, Bruce immediately contacted Constantine. Within the Hour, Constantine had arrived and had been lead to the scene where Cass had been taken.
"Well, I don't know what you did to catch their ire but it seems like Orphan was kidnapped by a Realms Being." He explained, "And by the looks of it, by the Right Hand of the Ghost King himself. How did you manage this?"
"Where can we find her?" Asked Batman in a Hard Tone. This was his Daughter, and she had just been kidnapped by Royalty from another Realm. He didn't know why, but they were going to pay.
"Well, the Ghost Zone is a treacherous Realm. Ordinarily I would advise against even considering going there, but I know you will either way."
Constantine gave them Directions to a small town in Illinois, where supposedly a pair of Techno-Mages had managed to open a Permanent Portal the the Ghost Zone. They would have all the Weapons, Armor, and Transportation he would need to venture into the Zone.
Finding the Tecno-Mages was easy (though they preferred the term Ecto-Biologists), and surprisingly convincing them that they needed their help was even easier. Once Batman explained that his Daughter had been kidnapped by a Being from the Zone, they offered their help immediately.
"We understand, if it had been one of our own Kids who had been kidnapped, we would be doing the exact same. If only we could get into contact with our Son, he has connections in the Zone that may be have been useful, but he's been busy for the past few days."
After a day of preparing, the Team was ready to delve into this alternate dimension to save their Missing Family Member.
Meanwhile Cass is living out her Mythologically Accurate Romantic Fantasy (I have a headcanon that Cass adores myths). She was basically Kidnapped like Persephone, except it was under very different circumstances.
Basically, David Cain had made a deal with the Previous Ghost King. David would be given access to Fresh Lazarus Pits for the League, and in return the Ghost King would be given his daughters hand in marriage upon her Death. And while Cass was technically still alive, her Near-Death Experience had drawn enough Ecto to her that it pushed her Liminality past the point of Human Limits. She was no longer technically Alive, so the Contract had activated.
Thankfully, when Fright Knight noticed his new Queen-To-Be's condition, he had rushed her to the Far Frozen to be healed. Then he brought her to the Castle and had informed Danny of the development.
Now, Neither of them was really ready to be married, but a Contract like that needed to be canceled by the one who made it. And Pariah was still locked in his Box. So, they had delved into the Ghost Writers Library to see if they could find a Loophole.
And Study Dates have never been so fun.
Even though she isn't ready to be married yet, Cass still thinks that Danny is kind of cute. And she likes his goofy little smile, and his slightly glowing eyes, and his smooth white hair, and-
Oh, that Persephone comparison might have been a little more accurate than she thought...
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soni-dragon · 10 months
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no nightingales.
[ID: A drawing of a black bird falling with Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens kissing in the center of its chest. In the bird’s wings there are paintings of two stars and a purple and red nebula respectively. The background is a light brown color, and text in the bottom right corner reads, “hear that?” /End ID]
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didderd · 8 months
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Fell Week day 7! Happy Anniversary Underfell! :D
This was fun! Might do this again next year. Then maybe I can put together a prompt list even. :>
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taterdraws · 9 months
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fontaine doodle dump!!
im gonna explain that first one basically i wanted to draw him in that npc fit bcs i thought it looked sleek af and then i thought, listen. navia would go 'man you've decided to step in front of the chief justice, the hydro archon and like half the population of the court of fontaine. we're gonna get you dressed up!' and the realistic solution, since they cant leave the opera house, would be doing as halsey did and raid lyney and lynette's costumes. however! the funny solution is she goes "Silver, swap clothes with him" (and silver's clothes are way too big)
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dalvs-wife · 3 months
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ouhhh fell dalv....... fell dalv my beloved....
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zytes · 9 months
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something’s wrong?
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jazzkrebber · 4 months
i'll never get over how Matthias was literally iconic his entire life. this guy went to go pick a wolf, snuck away from the rest of the class, got attacked, and really said "yep. that one."
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ywpd-translations · 1 month
Ride 772: A jersey never seen before!!
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Pag 1
1: Those two are accelerating like they're right before the sprint line!!
3: Just now it was the second stage “shironeri”
4: Are you surprised, San-na? Obviously, once we get before the finish line, I'll pull out the sixth stage
5: “Golden yellow”!!
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Pag 2 / 3
Who will win the title of fastest!?
The black horse Kiji Kyuui!!
Sohoku's Team SS who's aiming to be Japan's number one!!
Or Hakone Academy's Doubashi!!
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Pag 4
2: Woah.... what incredible speed! Those two competing for the lead
You're right
3: It's Hakogaku VS Sohoku, you know, those two have the exact same cards – it's exciting
Of course Sohoku's Kaburagi is fired up for his revenge
Incredible, it's the same as last year
4: Oi, they're still coming!!
They're chasing!!
5: They're chasing!?
What incredible energy!!
The one running in the front is from Sohoku, but there's someone else behind....
That jersey....
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Pag 5
1: It's a jersey I've never seen before!! Who's that!!
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Pag 6
1: It's not Hakogaku, and it's not Kyufushi either
I've never seen them before, is it their first time participating this year!?
2: On his shoulder
3: it says “Gunma”
4: Yon
5: Yon
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Pag 7
1: Yon
3: He's coming up right behind me!!
4: But I won't let this guy go!!
I thought my part was over, but there's still work left to do!!
5: It's a simple thing
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Pag 8
1: I just have to stop his legs from 30seconds to one minute!!
2: If I do that, then those two will have passed the sprint line!!
As long as the race is completely over!!
3: I'll make Issa have his revenge!!
4: This is the guy who that day
5: When we were practicing on Minegayama
6: Fell from the sky
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Pag 9
1: On a mountain bike
2: The MTB two-times in a row champion!! Gunma Ryosei's Kiji Kyuui!!
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Pag 10
1: And of course he's riding a road bike today!!
2: Road bikes are nice, you know
They're light, they react quickly, there's less loss of mechanical transmission
3: The thing that's most different from mountain bikes is that the road surface isn't uneven but flat
4: Alright, he's clinging to me!!
From now on it's a race! I'll gain time!! I'll stop him!!
5: And, you know, whenever you want
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Pag 12
1: You can accelerate at your own timing!! Yon!!
2: He got me!!
What was that just now!! He definitely turned his body like he was going right!!
3: I reacted thinking he was going to attack from the right
4: A “feint”!!
5: And from a slanted stance like that he moved straight forward?
6: The left side was narrow, there was nothing but the ditch cover
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Pag 13
1: And this guy jumped forward no matter the situation!!
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Pag 14
1: Immediately after clinging to me from the back!!
2: When road bikes cyclists, after a solo run, approach someone from behind
3: they always take shelter from the wind behind them
4: To rest their legs!! At least for 10-30 seconds
5: That guy did it for less than 3 seconds!!
6: Dammit, so there's guys who can have their legs recover in just 3 seconds!?
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Pag 15
2: This time I'll cling to him!!
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Pag 16
1: Three seconds are enough, aren't they?
3: Mountain bike is a sport where you have to continuously produce high output of energy on your own
4: In comparison, in road race, where you can rest behind someone and use them to get ahead, you only need to put out power for a split seconds
5: Really
6: Road racing is full of excitement and learning! It's really....
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Pag 17
1: Fun!! Yon!!
2: He accelerated in the curve!!
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Pag 18
2: He's controlling the bike's frame tilting it just at the right angle to not let the pedals....
3: hitting the road!!
4: The “tires”!!
I heard that in MTB the control of the tires is essential!!
Is he applying that to road racing!? Dammit!!
5: But!!
6: I wasn't in the SS team for nothing!!
7: I can do something like that too
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Pag 19
2: Ruwa-
3: The pedal hit the road!!
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Pag 20
3: Ugh!!
Number 5 lost his balance!
He's losing speed
Ugh!! I'll make Issa have his revenge.....
4: I heard a loud noise, are you okay?
6: Huh
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Pag 21
1: Stay safe
2: …. he worried about me.... and then left.... taking his time... so that's... Kiji Kyuui!!
4: Hahaha, San-na!!
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Pag 22
1: This is the third stage!!
“Pale yellow”!!
2: You're fast..... aren't you strong?
Really, Orange
3: Honestly, when I first heard two of you were coming up, I was disappointed
“This year too, huh”, I thought
4: But turns out it's an equal one-on-one race!!
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Pag 23
1: This is the best, Orange!!
You're the most serious guy!!
Let's do it!! A full throttle battle!!
2: I'll take you on!! But I told you earlier!! You don't know my “golden yellow”, you'll lose!!
3: There are 2km left until the finish line!!
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ineffablyruined · 3 months
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Do Aziraphale's eyes snap down to Crowley's sprawled body before he says, "Temptation Accomplished?"
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They absolutely do.
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Temptation, indeed.
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truth-01001001-liar · 5 months
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Ilabael Muhr of Jora’ruhn
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idreamofsleeping · 3 months
Good Omens s2 is STILL driving me insane even after nearly 9 fucking months.
Just. The miscommunication. The fact that they tried to TALK and it ended badly because they didn’t really talk at all and like?? They both took what the other said the worst way and they just UGH THEY DRIVE ME INSANE. I can’t believe I’m still obsessed with them I’m so drafting a rant rn.
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