wolveswarrior124 · 1 year
So guys, remember I made PussDeath story but female version for Puss? You wouldn't believe what happened! Ok, so I have this amazing dream I ever seen and I want to make it one shot story part one and part two of this! So hear me out! Death who is immortal in his entire life through eternity. Once he met (female) Puss at university after months later. After Puss playing soccer, she was about to heading up to the studio to performance one of the culture part or whatever they called. Then she spots Death underneath the peaches, blossom trees. He was waiting for Puss patient, so a female feline comes up to him. Both having talk and Death explain to Puss about his feelings. Before Puss could chance to talk to him about his feeling until a bell rang from the studio building. Death told her wishes luck to her. During Performance thing going on, Puss tries to find him from same spot or the front of the building. She couldn't find Death. So, she asked all her classmates where is Death, but there is no luck for Puss. Expect one friend who knew where is Death.
A lonely female cat who is in the middle of the field while kicking the white ball with black spots. She continues kicking with feeling depressed. There is two buildings between while the middle is a small field. She continuing kicks the soccer ball until she spotted two couples were holding hands. Then she heard them about their marriage or something which this more worst for Puss. As soon as she kicks harder the ball was going underneath the building has broken white gate that shows empty dirt. Puss who let out of sigh, "damn it..."
Her expression was worried and missing someone she knew. How much she misses someone she knew for months and yet she kept this feeling to herself when she met him. That same white wolf who comes often to her apartment whenever her roommate isn't around with her from the apartment. She looks at sun which almost going down. With another sigh as she walks up to her bag and heads inside of the restroom.
Later, she comes out from the restroom. She was wearing old fashion skirt that looks completely old. Her shirt is showing her skinny stomach and has v vest (or something I don't how to spell it). And finally, a huge red scarf is mid on her arms. Wondering why she looking like from the culture she leaned from her university? Because she has performance going on while she was carrying her bag. When she was walking up to sidewalk until she saw a tall silver wolf figure was standing underneath blossom tree that has full of peaches.
A same wolf who stares at her with ruby eyes while patiently like gentleman. Puss begins to heads up to the wolf instead goes straight to studio building. The more she walks up to him, the more she will get curiosity. No one is around of them which probably Puss feels empty around the campus. A silver wolf who is wearing gray poncho while his pants is lighter brown. His two sickles hanging on from sides of his hips. However, Puss feels his stare isn't usually cold nor death but adoring. There is silence between them except a wind blowing.
"So.... I was about to heading up to performance for my class," she nervously spoken up which broke the silent.
No reply from same silver wolf who still adoring her. So, Puss continues and make friendly conversation with him, "you seems... quiet as usual." She chuckles shyly while looking at him with emerald eyes.
"Almost always, Gata. And yet, there is one thing that I meaning to ask you," his tone voice sounds raspy but calm.
Puss grunts by his tone, "I see. Is there anything what you want to say?" She shyly smiles at him who has monotone expression.
His height wasn't match to Puss' height. He was big as almost a door. A white paw touches Puss' cheek which made surprisedly to female feline as her ears pin down. Suddenly she begins to purring while a thumb rubbing. "There is something I immediately to ask you?" He continues.
"When we first met when you saw me pick the soul from dying victim back at the forest. I never felt my heart beat couldn't stop beating when my eyes stare at you, " he explained to Puss who stop purring as she looks up at him.
Listening his words made calm and stunning by her expression. "After several months later when we get to know each other, I have this feeling for so long that how much I missed you while I'm doing my duty. This feeling never leaves me alone whenever I feels alone entire eternity..."
Puss couldn't believe what she just heard from him. She even has same feeling after she gets to know him since he is death after all. He is immortal wolf who collects people's souls or fairytale's soul. However, what strange that nobody knows he is grim reaper. Everyone thought he just normal wolf who has nickname Death, but they were wrong. Because he is actually Death! Puss really wants to tell them that he IS real; however, Death doesn't want everyone knows he is real. So, Puss kept this for so longer to herself without telling everyone the truth. Including, everyone thought they see them as love couple.
"What I was trying say that I begin to fell in love with you..." That what he finally said it. He finally said it! After so long for him that he became alone immortal and doing his job wasn't easy to do. Since his siblings also doing their own job as well.
There is silence moment. Puss glancing up at the wolf who has same expression except he has small blush slightly. Her heart beat is pounding like excitement, no! Lust! How much she has this feeling for so long that she never stop thinking about that wolf. She really want to tell him that she has crush, but first she really needs to get to know him. Now this her chance to say it!
Before she say another word come out from her mouth, a bell rang from same building where Puss goes. Death and her looking at the bell which still ranging.
Not now!
Looking back at Death with worries eyes. Death stare back at her with calm expression. The. he let out of sigh, "good luck on your performance, Gata..."
She takes few step back while still glancing at him. She heading straight up to the building when she arrives to the front entrance. She final looks back at the wolf until her expression becomes sad and shocking. The wolf has already disappeared.
She looking down at the floor as she heads inside. This is it.... Another performance, another boring life for her future..
While heading upstairs were her classes is waiting for their next performance. Hearing more voices from the stage when she got to her class. Puss sitting down on the floor next to her professor. Her half classmates were here while others were downstairs. She really don't care about them; the only she cares for Death. She never gets a chance to tell him how much she loves him.
Voices still rumbling or shouting from downstairs. Laughter from the crowd who is watching different classes and their performance.
Few minutes later of the boredom for Puss which sh couldn't take it no more. And so, she excuse herself then left. She heading first floor and made it there as seeing couple older college boys were sitting down while talking.
Instead, she heading back outside and goes up to same spot were Death is. When she looks her surrounding to make sure is Death still here. No sign of him. Until she saw man who walks up to the building.
"H-hey, have you seen a white wolf?" She asks one of the male. He shakes his head as no then left Puss alone.
She let out groan as she went back to the building. She begins to hear several clapping from the studio until one of her classmates walk up to her. Her friend walking beside her. "Aren't you supposed to gout out there and have drama?" Oh God...
This same person is becoming frenemies for Puss. How much she hates her, but sometimes she can be helpful. "Well excuse me, princess! I was looking for someone... " She sounds so frustrating while two female cats who looking at her with worries expression.
"How about we go somewhere private, ok?" A same female cat who softly spoke while Puss who stock to heard something from her. And so, three girls walking to different direction while fading of loudly voices.
They were all in different room, the light is came from small lamp which wasn't light enough. However, it does looks comfortable around here. Puss who sitting next to same cat once she hates her, but now she looks caring.
"So tell me, what's wrong back there?" She glancing at Puss who rubbing her arms shyly.
The other cat who was also sitting next to Puss which she is too busy bushing Puss' tail.
"There is this wolf man that I know of, I have this feelings that probably I have crush on him. Before our performing starts, he was waiting patiently underneath the blossom tree. Then he explained to me about his feelings. Before I have a chance to tell him how much I love him, but.... " She paused there as a tear steaming down on her cheek.
"I didn't get chance to say my feelings to him," she begins to break down to tears. "W-when I left the studio, I begin to looking for him..." Her voice sound heartbroken as she tries to hold her tears.
Two female cats watching Puss who continuing sobbing. Then same cat who begin to speak up, "I just saw him before I came to studio. " Puss' ears pick up while her eyes wide open.
"You do?" Her broken voice went to curious tone. "When me and Andy were about to walk up to the studio, I spotted that same wolf man that you hangout with back at the studio. He was holding one the peaches while staring at it," she tells to Puss.
Puss feels her heart beat pounding again; there is hopefulness inside. "He then clenching the peach so hard that make liquid comes out. Looks angry and sad in same time. Poor thing, " she muttering last word under her breath.
Puss imagine Death in the alley who is feeling completely alone. She feels guilty for not telling him her true feelings towards him. "Do you remember where he is now?" Feeling hope that she will get answers.
"I'm sorry, Puss. I don't know where he is now, but probably he is still behind the studio," she wasn't too sure about what she just saw.
"Why did you help me?" Puss question to her as both girls stare back at a ginger cat.
"Because you deserve this since you don't have any friends. I also apologize to treat you like trash, " she apologize to Puss who begin to hug her.
"Thank you," with that being said, she left them speechless.
Puss continues walking behind the studio were everything is dark. The setting for studio is kinda creepy for Puss. There is mannequin with creepy pose which gives shiver down on Puss' spine. She check her surrounding to make sure there are bloody eyes glowing into darkness. There is no sight of the white wolf as she was about walk out feeling disappointed. Until her fur sticking up by hearing same melody tone. Puss looks what behind her. There he was, standing there like creep stalker who is standing in darkness. His ruby eyes was still glowing while staring at Puss' soul.
"You look lovely, mi amor," his voice tone made Puss breathtaking while her heart is pounding.
She begins to walk up to him by feeling her cheeks is heating up. "I-i didn't get a chance to say something to you."
Death watching her who coming closer to him. She continuing, "when you said those things about your feeling. I have same feeling for you too, Muerte. "
"Everytime when I look at you, mi corazón is starting racing. I b-believe I started to fell in love, " she was starting to confess to Death who still has same expression as always.
And so, Puss mewling surprise as she got pick by strong force. Then she glancing at Death who leans in to her. Until their lips touches together while Puss who moaning. This went on for five minutes as they stopped what they doing. Puss begin to breathless while feeling hot air between to her and him.
"So, this mean we're mate now?" Death smirk at Puss who let out chuckle.
"Just kiss me," she confidence tell him as both went back to their moment.
part 1 - - -> part 2
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An Altercation with Death
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I’m going to start this by saying I’m not a furry… BUT I’M SIMPLY SIMPING FOR A WOLF, WTAF IS WRONG WITH ME… I recently watched PIBTLW and it was amazing! The animation, the story and most of all, Death stole the show.
Summary: You meet a mysterious new patron at the pub you work at when trouble strikes. Unfortunately, you have no clue how to thank this new hero of yours. I see you as a cute little babydoll sheep. TLDR: You get harassed at work and Death comes to save you.
Warnings: threats, some swearing, bad Spanish translations. I call Death mainly Muerte and Lobo (wolf in Spanish).
Part 1 |  Part 2
You always believed you brought trouble.
It was said to you since you had been young, getting into trouble and mischief before you could even walk. Your parents were advocates for this: stating it to you and those of closeness, jokingly brushing aside the unluckiness you carried.
‘I swear our little Y/N just likes walking into trouble.’
Maybe you searched for it, or perhaps it searched for you. It came in altercations, near-death-like experiences, or just overall bad luck you carried that didn’t seem to bring any repercussions. Breaking things or being overall clumsy. It mattered little how hard you tried to be careful, your luck never seemed to leave you.
People whispered you were cursed, cursed with being misfortunate and cursed for the rest of your time, all whilst you brushed those away to not affect you.
‘If death wants me, he will have to come to find me.’
You continued as if life was not weighing you down, nor your ‘curse’ as you liked to call it. It didn’t push you down, but rather make you clumsy for your job working behind the bar at the Curfew, but you told yourself everyone broke glasses more times than you did, so you didn’t have to worry.
“Hey, you mind bringing those up from the shelf to put on display?” Sofia, your co-worker, a tabby cat short yet brawny called, and you pulled yourself from staring dazed out from the empty tables, moving to go help.
“Another quiet one, huh?” You asked, grabbing boxes as you went back and forth, not paying much attention to who was at the front. You resumed conversation with Sofia before she rushed out to grab some more boxes in storage, telling you she would be some time.
Distracted, you whistled back over to the front, sorting boxes in order before something caught your peripheral, sitting idly by the bar, cloaked and very opposing.
“Ah, Dios mío,” you clutched your chest to still your beating heart, startled by the presence at the bar. It was as if he was whispering death: appearing out of nowhere and waiting to order. You composed yourself enough to step up to where he sat, “May I help you, Señor?”
The first thing you noticed from the wolf in front of you was how unnerving and disturbing his eyes were. Red, like the sweetest apples in the summer, red like the leaves of autumn, red like fresh blood. Danger. They moved unblinkingly, watching you with a discomforting presence.
The wolf seemed at least 6 foot or taller, hunched at the bar on the stool, a black cloak covering his head and guarding you against seeing the rest of him. The next thing you noticed was his smile, white sharp teeth that grinned back at you as if he was teaching himself how to smile less like a maniac and falling to no avail.
You couldn’t shake the awkwardness and intimidation of this wolf; you were half his height after all and even sitting down, he towered over you, seemingly feeling as if he had trapped you from moving anywhere else between the bottles stacked behind you.
Time slowed with silence as the both of you just stared at one another, until you watched his mouth open, the friendliness you could decipher from his posture, yet you blinked owlishly back into reality when you realised you didn’t hear what he said. “I’m so sorry, can you repeat that for me again?”
“A cafe con leche, por favor.” He repeated in the suave deep voice that had you double-guessing everything, yet his smile never ceased to leave his face, eyes unblinking.
“Of course.” You smiled awkwardly, darting over to get it started for him, making sure to keep your back towards him for as long as possible. It had felt like forever perfectly what he wanted, and for something so simple and made millions of times before, you felt as if you were being assessed heavily.
With cup in hand, shakily made your way to him, telling yourself over and over not to drop it, you finally got it to him. It didn’t take much to notice that his hood had been thrown back, revealing the rest of his face and pointed ears. He looked even taller somehow without it on- as you watched his eyes lit up when you came back over to him.
“Gracias,” he gave a long sniff as he brought the cup to his mouth, sipping slowly as he gave a low, deep hum in the back of his throat. The cup looked comically too small for his large paws, yet he was much too engrossed in his drink. “I didn’t know they could do good coffee around here.”
You laughed nervously. “We’re sort of famous for it here. Lots of people come here.”
“So I’ve noticed,” he remarked wryly, your eyes darting behind him to the mere empty stalls and tables, the dead silence settling in as you noticed he had made a joke. His eyes were still on you, observing before he spoke up. “Though I don’t think I’ve noticed a cordera like you around here.”
The thick wool around your face felt thick and hot, making it, even more, harder to breathe. “Ah, I tend to stick to the countryside, it’s much quieter out there than in the middle of it all here.”
The wolf’s chuckle was low and haunting, “I would have to agree.” He resumed sipping his coffee, never breaking eye contact, his voice a soft rumble. “Too filled with life, huh?”
“You could say that.”
You nervously resumed conversation with him, “How come I’ve never seen a Lobo like you around before?”
He paused from drinking his coffee, placing it down before he gave a low chuckle. “I tend to stick to the quieter parts, only needing to be around people when needed.”
“Oh, like it’s part of your job, si?”
His laughter was warming, even when a part of you felt alarmed by him, telling you something was off about him. “You could say that.” He copied with leading charm.
Despite his appearance, speaking to him did help ease your nerves. Maybe it was the smile he gave, regardless of how sharp his teeth looked, there was so array of charm to him, albeit rather awkward.
“What’s your name, corderito?”
You blushed easily at the name, even if it was a fleeting teasing nickname. “Y/N, yours?”
“What, like Death? Your name is actually Death?”
“That’s what some people like to call me,” he shrugged coolly, bored as if the name held no resonance to him. “So, La Muerte, can I get anything else for you?”
“No, that’ll be all,” he stood back fully to his full height, and you dwarfed in comparison to him and his shadow, completely engulfing you. “It was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll meet again sometime.”
“Hopefully for more coffee, I hope.” You spoke hopeful, at least in hopes of seeing him again to get to know him. You heard change cling to the bar table and by the time you moved to collect it, he was gone, vanished on sight and no sight of him despite believing he wouldn’t have moved that fast.
“Huh,” you thought aloud. “That was odd.”
“What was?” Sofia came through from the back, carrying stacks of clean glasses and mugs. “There was… this wolf, and he just… disappeared into thin air.”
“How odd indeed,” Sofia questioned before she nudged your shoulder suggestively. “Was he cute though?”
Muerte did not show his face for some time, and when the seventh day showed with no sign of him, your hopes of seeing him again dwindled next to nothing.
You continued your days like nothing had happened, telling yourself that customers had lives outside of the bar and that it was unlikely to see him again if he was not a regular.
The bar was peaceful this sunny afternoon, cool breeze coming through thanks to the shade as you resumed cleaning glasses, waiting for anyone to show up. Thanks to the hot heat, many people were outside, enjoying the rays. You would find your day off would be the next day, though you were disappointed to hear that the sun would not be out.
You had to endure nonetheless without enjoying it, stuck behind a bar with an aching back and sore arms from carrying things, dealing with rude customers or none at all. The last one you had was in the early hours after opening, and now, the sun had been at the highest point in the sky, mid-afternoon at least.
“Hey, I’m just gonna go on a quick break, give me a shout if you need anything.” Sofia had shouted from the back as you called back. “It’s fine, grab some limonada if you don’t mind on your way.”
Sofia gave a quick “see you later” before it was quiet once more, or so you had prayed for.
The ruckus that came was loud and jarring, in barging through the double doors were a group of four, short and plump, the four approached the bar, loud and rowdy before one of them recognised you.
Alejandro was a black and patchy goat, a scruff of fine hairs on his chin that didn’t hide the ridiculously sized horns atop his head, pathetically too big in comparison to the rest of his body. How did you know his name? He simply told you, though it took all the willpower within you to not give him yours.
You liked to imagine yourself as being a calm, patient person, but the moment he stepped forth and you saw his annoying pestering smile, you knew how slow the minutes would tick by the longer he stayed.
“Hey, querida, a few shots for me and my friends?”
You silently obeyed, grabbing the necessary things as you poured the shots with tequila. This was a regular thing, they came in for a few minutes to an hour, buying shot after shot with Alejandro flirting his way up a storm in trying to impress you.
Alejandro gave a pleased bleat, downing the shot with his friends as they cheered him on silently behind him. You watched him saunter closer to you, leaning one elbow against the bar. “Can I buy a drink for you? Or maybe a nice meal out—just you and I-”
“Like I said many times before, no thanks. I’m busy.” You looked back behind to see if Sofia was back after her short break. In times like these when the goat came for your attention, Sofia was quick to barge in and shoo them out, but she was still nowhere to be seen.
“Oh, come on, cariño. I’m a real catch.” Alejandro gave a wink your way, and you felt something within you shrivel up and die. Your patience was hanging on a thin cord, mixed with the way he persisted and his friends egging him on, you could feel the last remnants of your collectiveness holding on. “I’d treat you right.”
“I’m not interested.”
“What? You’re seeing someone?” He asked eagerly. It took a lot for you to stomach the words, but in the spur of the moment, you said it, in hopes that they would work. “Yes, I am actually. He comes here often.”
“Oh, well I’ve never seen him here before!” He laughed mockingly, his friends joining before he continued by propping himself up closer to you. “But I’m sure your little boyfriend wouldn’t mind me chatting with you.”
“He wouldn’t, no, he can be a bit protective,” you suggested, wondering if, by any chance in your mind, you were thinking of that wolf. Something in your chest clenched at the mention of him or even imagining him, and you had to dismiss it quickly before you could get your hopes up.
A lamb and a wolf, how funny. It’s not like he has some lovely wolf wife waiting for him anyway.
“Come on, cariño, what do you say? One night of fun. No one would need to know.”
Alejandro looked for a moment frustrated by your constant answers, yet, whilst encouraged by his friends surrounding him, he sniggered lightly, giving one last jab your way. “Fine, your loss. It’s not like I wanted to go out with you anyway. I bet your boyfriend even finds you fea-“
Maybe it was the spur of the moment, counting the number of times he had come in, annoying you from your job and begging for your attention. With little help from how close he was to you with the bar in between, you closed the space, grabbing him as tightly as you could by the tiny scruff of his chin hair, tugging hard until he fell forward, suddenly supporting himself as he stared back at you in surprise and horror.
It was peaceful for once, not to hear amusement coming from him or his friends.
“I told you time and time again, but no, you didn’t listen. How many other girls did you have to get through before they told you the same thing? Countless, I believe. And when your tiny ego is ruined, you think of the perfect thing to keep your confidence going—just so you’re not embarrassed in front of your friends.” You calmly spoke, leaning up on your tippy toes to give the final quip as softly and threateningly as possible.
“I do not want to see you or your buddies in here again, or so help me, I’ll personally make sure you’re put out like garbage.”
Maybe you saw red, but your adrenaline was fuelled as you released the goat with a force that he stumbled backwards, nearly falling completely flat on the ground, but was stable by the grip he kept on the table.
With a scoff and a click of your tongue, you flicked your head back away from them. “And even if I did say yes to someone like you, you would’ve bored me greatly.”
It had looked as if the goat had seen red himself.
Before his friends could sway him to leave, Alejandro moved quicker than any of them expected, nearly leaping over the bar table to get to you, a raised hand ready to come in contact with the back of your neck.
“Listen here, you ungrateful perra, I’m not done talking with you-“
The connection didn’t come, instead, a loud clap that echoed in the small room startled you to look back over your shoulder from the suddenness. Expecting to feel the harsh grip of the goat’s hand on you, you and those in the bar were moved speechless as Alejandro’s hand was held inches from your body, blocked in the large, overwhelming grip of another.
Your heart clenched at the sight in front of you, aware that he could hear the way it beat so fast. “Lobo?”
“The corderito said she was not interested,” Lobo began, the hood hiding his face except for his piercing eyes, glaring daggers towards the goat and his pals. “May I need to escort you tontos out personally?”
Alejandro looked expectantly between you and the wolf, disbelief written on his face as if it read ‘How the hell did he get in here?’ before he was trying to choke on his weak macho ego.
“How the—hey, let go of me, man!” He looked back over to you, pointing with his free hand. “This? This is your boyfriend! You’re seeing a wolf!” He questioned sardonically.
“He-“ you went to correct yourself, but Lobo chimed in, surprising both you and the other patrons in the small bar. “Yes, yes I am her boyfriend. Now,” Alejandro gave a loud yelp, his hand squished in the tightening grip of the wolf, his red piercing gaze scowled as he snarled out, “run before I grow an appetite for goat.”
It didn’t need to be repeated, watching the retreating goats bleat in horror and flee from the scene, leaving the silence to fill the air as you stared up at Lobo in quiet admiration. “You… you saved me.”
“I couldn’t have left you with those idiotas now, could I?” He asked, looking over you carefully, his gaze softening as he calmed. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
“No, you came in the nick of time.” You mustered the courage to thank him more, relieved your blushing face hid the wool. You took his paw into your hands, squeezing tightly. “Muchas gracias, Muerte. How could I ever repay you?”
He seemed taken aback momentarily by your sudden praise, before chuckling softly to himself. If you had mistaken it, you thought you had heard him mutter “Que linda” under his breath.
“You don’t need to repay me, mi corderito.”
Despite the cool you got from his fur, he did not pull back from you, instead, he didn’t seem to want to pull away. “I didn’t know you thought of me as your boyfriend.” He teased.
Your eyes widened in realisation. “Er, well, I had to make something up to get that estúpido away from me.” You stared up at him, nervously smiling. “I’m sorry I had to get you involved.”
“I don’t like people like him.” Muerte said softly, “especially taking advantage of someone like you.” His paw squeezed your hand momentarily before he let go. “I should get going again.”
“Can I see you again?”
He stopped in his place, turning back towards you, surprise written in his red eyes before they warmed. “Well, my job is rather busy, but I can be free just for you.”
Your eyes lit up. “Anytime this week?”
“How about tonight?”
“Yeah, erm, hold on, let me write the address.” You grabbed some paper from underneath the bar, and by the time you stood back up, Muerte was standing closely observing you, inches from your face. You jolted, not moving as if curious about what he would do next. “I’ll see you then, Y/N. Oh, and do try and keep out of trouble.”
With that, he took the note and headed out, not before you heard a low whistle, disappearing as he walked out.
The lamb and the wolf. Maybe it did have a bit of a ring to it.
Dios mío – My God
Señor - Sir
Cafe con leche, por favor – coffee with milk, please
Gracias – Thank you
Cordera – Lamb
Lobo - Wolf
Si - Yes
Corderito – Little lamb
La Muerte – The Death
Limonada – Lemonade
Querida – Darling/Dear
Cariño – Sweetheart/Dear
Perra – Bitch
Tontos – Idiots
Muchas gracias – Thank you so much
Que linda – How cute
Estúpido – Idiot
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leekeyrouz · 1 year
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deeneedsaname · 2 years
Kitty Softpaws, in the first movie and the second, is one of my favorite-written 'strong female character' archetypes.
She’s not just written as typical Strong Female Character, but she’s given similar (but not identical) foils as given to Puss. She’s cocky and makes mistakes. Her skills are different but their personalities and problem solving tactics are similar.
I just love that we get to see her mess up too! Oftentimes with her character archetype, they don’t make mistakes, so as we can see how the main character, male or female, *does* mess up. But Kitty is stupid too - she and Puss both attack the flowers even after that doesn’t work, they both don’t understand Perrito, and they both have mountains of trust issues Kitty is probably more emotionally healthy, but she’s more likely to self isolate herself, where as Puss is more the ‘bury your feelings down and go out and party’ type.
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More female jack horner because I’m still head empty about her😳
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theredghostart · 7 months
When your favourite animal is a Cougar
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thatnerdinthecorner · 10 months
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thatpurpledeer · 2 years
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Say Hello to my Gatito Blade!
Another design coming soon to my shop!
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flippythegodzilla · 2 years
What if Puss' lost lives if possible are used to create spiritual children for Death and Puss, meaning eight children?
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My friend their going to have more than eight! They have an eternity!
Nah the shrek world has a potion that allows same sex couples have kids… it just… switch the parts of the drinker’s to the other sex….so yeah that’s how pussdeath kids happen
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tcisp · 2 years
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Screenshot redraw! I wanted to redraw draw Puss and Kitty holding hands but as humans! I hope you enjoy :^)
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Can you make a part 2 of your death x reader??? I loved it so much and I would love to read more💘💘
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I enjoyed writing for him, so I will continue this! See this as their little 'date'! I made this one oddly sad, but hope you still like it!
Part 1 | Part 2
An Altercation with Death Part 2
He was late. Incredibly late.
You were not surprised though: your hopes and expectations of seeing him were dwindling. Finishing work for the rest of the afternoon was a struggle when you just had him on your mind, but also on what you had just done.
Was I being too forward? Was he just being polite?
You finished up work in the early evening, walking away from the vibrant town, up the cobbled slopes towards your secluded home. It was quaint, yet sometimes lonely.
You sighed in the cooling air, hugging yourself with your cardigan as the only source of warmth. “Of course, I overstepped, like always.”
“Buenas noches, corderito.”
You looked up, eyes darting over to the dead, wilting tree, a shadow emerging from its rotting bark, tall and imposing, the wolf appeared with red eyes gleaming.
“Lobo,” You breathed a sigh of relief, certain your heartbeat could be heard, erratically beating. “I didn’t know you were there.”
“Apologies for startling you,” he lowered his hood, his pointed ears spoking upwards, grey smoke fur standing out in the contrast of the moonlight. “I have been quite busy.”
“I can tell.” You murmured, and the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks; the height difference! You barely came up to his hip, and he stood imposing and towering.
It had come to you to realise you had been caught staring at him, noticing the way he stalked closer and closer towards you, gauging how you would react or even at all when you were caught in a daydream once again. Dios mío, think, Y/N! Think!
You coughed awkwardly, trying to find the right words and to not feel so uneasy. “So, what do you want to do?”
There was amusement and intrigue mixed in his crimson gaze. “What do you mean?”
“Well, we’re both free all evening… would you like to go and do something?”
“How about going for a meal?”
Your expression lit up, it was an indication to him that this was a great idea. “Of course! Ooh, I’ve heard of this really good tapas and patatas bravas.”
Something in his eyes lit up too; was it fascination, interest? It was uncertain. The wolf, close enough, knelt to be eye level with you, his long snout gracing your ear as he whispered lowly. “Wherever you, go, I’ll follow, chica.”
You could’ve mistaken your face had betray you: the way he whispered so huskily in your ear, the warmth of his face so close to yours, the pure power that was raw and radiating off of him. He could’ve easily pinned you down to the ground and ravaged you whole, and something about that both ignited the flight or fight mode within you.
“Okay!” You side-stepped closely away from him before he could sense your bashfulness. It was amusing for Lobo, watching you stumble away from him as he sauntered behind you.
He followed not far behind you as you led the way, back down towards town as life filled the streets in the late evening. All walks of life were situated everywhere: music filled the streets, food and smells of all flavours filled your nostrils. It gave you the best idea for everything: how would Muerte think if you got him a sweet treat?
You found the small restaurant, surprised when the waiter asked if it had been a table for one, when you looked back over behind you. “Oh no, it’s me and—” You were expecting the wolf’s looming figure to stand behind you, instead, met with the open, cooling air. “Ah, I’m waiting for someone.”
“Of course, señorita.”
The waiter directed you to a small table in the corner, forgotten and left for all to ignore, as the waiter ran off to grab two menus, you felt a warm, familiar hand press into your waist, something fuzzy and soft brush up against your side. “This is a nice table.”
“Lobo! Where did you run off to?” You scolded lightly, the two of you sitting as the waiter returned, taking your orders. It was odd: how the waiter didn’t even regsiter Muerte sitting there opposite you. Where you losing your mind? How could anyone not spot him there?
“I swear I seem strange to others.”
Muerte was sipping his drink when he met your gaze, “How so?”
“Well, that waiter looked at me like I was having a meal with an imaginary friend.” You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. “I mean, it’s not hard to notice you. I thought it would’ve been the opposite way round.”
“Well, it’s hard not to miss a corderito like you.” He said, but there was a indiference to his words. It was as if he was never bothered by being unnoticed. How could someone like him want to be ignored? You thought, observing him.
“Do you come out often?”
“Many times, actually,” he chewed at his meal. “Though never once have I been invited on a date before.” He grinned when he said that one word, and your heart nearly collasped in your chest.
“Date—where did you-”
“You said to that cabra idiota yourself, you were seeing someone, hmm?”
You buried your face in your hands, trying your best not to scream in embarassment. If the earth could swallow you whole, it would’ve done so by now, but no, you were faced with the teasing of a wolf who enjoyed it clearly.
Would you have called it date? Or was he just teasing? “I—It was never discussed, I just thought-”
“Oh, so you didn’t want to go for one?” He smirked.
“Yes! I mean no! Ah, you’re making this difficult for me.” Your fur felt hot on your face, and when you heard the light, easy-going chuckle come from in front of you, you couldn’t help but think he was just doing it to annoy you.
“Ah you’re really cute when you get flustered.” He sighed, continuing on as if he hadn’t put that compliment out there in the open. He finished his meal and you gave the rest of yours for him to finish (it was hard to when you remained flustered for the rest of your ‘date’).
The two of you paid and left with few words spoken, except your mind was whirred and spinning with all sorts of questions. The less you spoke and the minutes ticked by, the more you panicked.
“Hey, I’m sorry for making it this-“ You turned on your heel as you kept walking, clumsily your foot got caught on a broken cobble piece, stumbling forwards so quickly, you didn’t have any time to register that your body was falling too fast.
The ground was what you expected to meet, and when you braced for the hard earth, you didn’t expect to be enveloped in the warm and soft arms. A smell of cedar and pine surrounded you gently, arms catching you with ease.
“Falling for me, huh, corderito?”
You blinked, warmth spreading through you, heart racing in the cage of your chest. No way did you catch you. It was only until it dawned on you that your feet weren’t touching the ground, you found yourself eye to eye level with Muerte.
“Ah,” you looked away from him, trying not to look directly in his teasing gaze, his bloodshot eyes were vivid and glowing, “I wasn’t expecting that to happen.”
Muerte didn’t seem bothered by the clumsiness that came from you, rather there was amusement in the way he held you. “Careful now, you may fall into the arms of the wrong guy.”
“Why, you worried I’ll jump into some bad guy’s arms?” You were the one to inquire teasingingly. Muerte met your gaze, and that alone had made you shudder. He didn’t need to lean that far into your face, inches from you. “Puede atraer a las personas equivocadas.”
It took everything in your body not to surge forward and kiss him: the way he was so close and inviting. The silence could’ve been broken with a pin dropping, neither of you speaking yet only staring for some time. With some relcutance, he settled you back down, and you almost realised how badly you missed the way he held you.
“Come now, let’s get you back home.”
The walk back up the hill was silent yet not as awkward as you thought it would be. The air was filled with the growing sounds of music, growing quieter the further you left the town. When you looked across the town, it was tiny in comparison to how it felt being surrounded down there; you felt like a giant, looking over tiny ants.
“It’s peaceful, isn’t it?” You asked Lobo after some time.
“It is, but wouldn’t you grow restless after some time up here, alone?” His voice dragged the last word out. It was like a hush or murmur of the wind, starlting and haunting, yet his presence alone made you feel surprisingly safe.
“I’ve been up here for quite some time. And though, I’m jealous of my friends who live directly there, I don’t think I could ever be down there, all the time.” You laughed to yourself, hugging your smaller body.
Lobo hummed in thought, moving ahead as if he knew the way back to yours. “It is something I would rather agree on.”
Neither of you said anything again as he led, but you had time to think about what he said. Was he lonely? How could he be—it wasn’t as if you knew what his personal life was before the two of you met, but it was a curisity you held the more you were with him.
“Do you ever get lonely?”
He paused in movement, and you observed the way his long ear twitched, unaffected by the chill of the night. “Sometimes,” he drawled thoughtfully. “I think I’ve grown used to being ignored, only for a time.”
“How so?”
“I wander these lands, watching. It is rather what I would say my job is in this world, and I’ve been doing it for some time. I watch, observe those, watch them live their lives; get married, have kin, have their highs and lows in life, and when it begins to draw to an end, I come in, give them a hand and we move on.” He spoke matter-of-factly. “Though, I do get a thrill in those who don’t spend their life well. It’s quite fun to get a change once in a while.”
“Lobo,” you spoke carefully. “When you said your name was Muerte, you weren’t joking-“
“I am Death, yes.” He spoke coolly, the flickering of his cape came up for a moment, and something silver glinted on the side of his thigh, disappearing before you could even register what it was. “I come and go when it’s time for being to move on, and I’ll do the same with you.”
You felt rigid in your spot, looking up at him in both horror and twisted curiousity. “Do you know when my time will come? It’s… not tonight, is it?”
“No,” his was a odd sense of reassurance, “You will live a good, long life, I know that.” He knelt down to you, approaching you as if you were an injured animal. “I have enjoyed this one night of a break, and I enjoyed it with you.” He was kind and careful to press a chaste kiss to your forehead, standing back to his full height once more. “We will meet again, sometime, Y/N.”
“Yes.” You didn’t understand his words at first, too hopeful, too joyful to see him, and when you blinked he was gone once more.
No, it wasn’t a hopeful expectation you would see him soon, it was a see you again when your time comes.
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solpng · 1 year
hii, how many cats do you have? 🥰
too manyyy 😭 i haven't done a proper headcount in a minute so lemme do a list of names and i'll total it after
oook so there's: lily, rollie, taiga, deedee, toph, violet, vivian, vinnie, spice, simon, dean, sammy, arry, dr jekyll, mr hyde, jupiter, cosmo, comet, ember, garlic, gabriel, isaac, and pants
a lot of them were strays at certain points. like pants for example, he's new and has a much shyer brother i haven't named yet. we also have the three new kittens violet had a few weeks ago and i've only named one so far. her name's tangerine 🍊
anyway i think the total comes up to 27?? 💀 ohhh my fucking goddddd
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maxwaspace · 2 years
Crack Puss in Boots headcanon
Fem!Puss's (from the taopib episode "too many cats") version of Kitty is Kitty Ironclaws who wields large metal claws to compensate for being declawed.
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dyinggirldied · 2 years
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Coloring attempt, not my best but i try haha
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yukonkit · 2 years
fem puss in boots
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axngxa · 1 year
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Our first digital art <3
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