#This is my story
veryintricaterituals · 8 months
I am Jewish, what does that mean?
I was born in Colombia on the 49th anniversary of Hitler's suicide, I was raised here but I lived in Israel for about four years. I am not white, I don't look white, and my first language is Spanish. I came back to Colombia three years ago because of the pandemic.
I grew up Jewish and swallowed all the pro-Israel propaganda, I moved there looking for better opportunities and somewhere safe where I could come out of the closet. It took me less than a month to understand where I really had ended up in. It wasn't so different from my own colonized third world country filled with violence.
I did my best, I voted against the current Israeli government four separate times, I worked with and was great friends with many Palestinians and Arab Israelis (there unfortunately is a difference), I went to protests, I donated blood, I donated food and money. I fucking hate Netanyahu with all my heart.
For two years I taught English at a low income school in Jerusalem where all my students were mizrahi jews (from Arab countries) whose families had been kicked out of various surrounding countries in the 20th century. When I spoke to their parents and grandparents they talked about Iran, Morroco, Egypt, Yemen, with such longing and they brought me the most delicious foods. (Two of my students were killed two weeks ago, kids, barely 18 now, much younger when I taught them, I remember them).
My great grandmother on my mom's side was born in Jerusalem and raised in Egypt until all Jews were expelled and she had to flee with my newborn grandfather. They ended up in Colombia because she spoke ladino (Jewish dialect that is close to Spanish) they were undocumented, without a nationality because Egypt had rejected them, they had to lie and pay for falsified documents in order to get a passport, I still have a Red Cross passport in my house with my grandfather's name that determines he has no home country.
My great grandparents on my dad's side were born and raised in Bielorrusia and had to escape with my newborn paternal grandfather from the progroms after they destroyed their shtetl, they tried to make it to the US but they wouldn't take any more Jews so they ended up in Colombia.
My great grandmother on my paternal side was born in Romania, at the age of 12 she got on a boat with her 15 year old cousin, not knowing where it would take them. Her parents had both died and antisemitism was on the rise. She was so afraid that they were going to send her back that she threw her passport (that said JEW in capital letters) into the sea when they arrived at the port of a country she had never heard of, to this day we don't know when her birthday was.
My maternal grandmother is Colombian, she was born and raised here, Catholic until she converted to marry my grandfather, and yet when I went looking up our family tree I found we came from Sephardic Jews that had been expelled from Spain almost 500 years ago by the inquisition.
There are less than 400 Jews in my city that homes over 4 million people. My synagogue has been closed since October 12th, our president has equated all of Israel with Nazism on multiple occasions in the last few weeks. The kids that go to our tiny Jewish school have stopped wearing the uniform so that they cannot be identified. Ours is one of the countries with the least amount of antisemitism in the world. Someone in my university saw my Magen David necklace and screamed at me to go back where I came from. I went online and saw countless posts telling Israelis to do the same.
I am Jewish, I am latina, I am gay. My story is complicated, my relationship with my community is complicated, my relationship with my country is complicated. My relationship with G-d is complicated, my relationship with Israel is incredibly complicated. My history is complicated.
I am Jewish. What does that mean?
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kaycode1999 · 5 months
I’m calling it now
Season 2- Lucifer and Alastor will continue their beef but somehow it will switch to who is more gentleman like/ who gets along better with women (platonically)
It ends in a stalemate because Alastor is actually besties with the ladies, but Lucifer is a charmer as well as respectful and all the women think he’s good looking
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teddykaczynski · 3 months
how would you feel if your parents were basically exactly like edward and bella and one of the names they give you is also a reneesme style name (combination of grandmas names)
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isawthismeme · 29 days
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lavellanhell · 5 months
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Hello. I'm Riannon Lavellan. I'm a Dalish Elf, a mage, and I'm also in my 30s. I'm sure you're thinking that I'm old enough to settle down, get married and (most importantly) have children. But anyone who grew up in a clan knows that. The choice is quite limited and in my case I happily accepted the idea of ​​dying alone. That's why I also volunteered when our keeper announced that someone had to go and take a look at the situation at the conclave. Our clan was very worried about what was happening in the human world. And so I went. One stupid decision and your whole life will be turned upside down. I was the only survivor of the crazy explosion, and the price for that is a small orb on my hand full of strange green magic. Nobody quite understands it yet. But when we found out that it can close rifts, I suddenly became everyone's savior from being the only suspect. Life is really making an ass out of me.
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marquezian · 3 months
what's the full curated list
kDSJK god.. okay.. heres all motogp personalities i would actively go for at the bar AND ask out for further dates after. in no particular order
dani dovi santi hernandez frankie carchedi
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failfemme · 3 months
too irony poisoned to live, too earnestly adorkable to die
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stupidbluegirl · 11 months
Daddy Ass "retiring" is all storyline, right? Alastair Black bewitched him or something (ie threatened to go after The Acclaimed).
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ewige-jugend · 4 months
Alles Wichtige begann 1708...
Dryden hat vor wenigen Monaten sein Studium mit summa cum laude abgeschlossen. Obwohl dies ein Grund zum Feiern war, blieb er ein fleißiger junger Mann, der nach mehr strebte. Er trägt einen Hunger in sich, den kaum jemand zu kennen scheint. Abgesehen von einer Person, die ihm während dieser Zeit begegnet war, Tadeusz Broz, einem begnadeten Alchemisten, der etwas erschaffen hatte, wovon viele nur träumten; niemand war in der Lage, ihn zu inspirieren, tiefer zu forschen.
Als die Nachricht vom Tod von Ewa Broz die Runde machte, sah Dryden seine Chance und besuchte den Mann. Vor ihm sah er nichts von dem einst anerkannten Alchemisten. Dieser war ein Wrack seiner Gefühle und Gedanken. Es war fast bemitleidenswert, wenn Dryden nicht solch eine Idee im Kopf hätte, die nicht vergehen wollte. Über all die Jahre war der Mann von dem Stein der Weisen fasziniert. Er wollte ihn unbedingt haben und die Alchemie schien der einzige Weg dorthin zu sein und niemand schaffte es, ihn zu beschaffen.
Es dauerte seine Zeit, bis er die Formel herausgefunden hatte. Broz half ihm dabei, obwohl er nicht bemerkte, was Dryden  eigentlich machte. Dryden verformte alles. Obwohl Broz am Ende seine Tochter wieder in den Armen halten konnte, hatte Dryden etwas geschaffen, was niemandem zuvor gelungen war. Er war stolz auf sich.
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chaotic-orphan · 2 years
Dec. 11, prompt: fake dating
Uh-oh, I named characters again and now I am attached. But this prompt calendar has me writing so many new things I'd never even think to write and I love it and I want to thank the modern typewriter for being an inspiration to continue writing
I had a lot of fun with these two and fake dating so enjoy!
@the-modern-typewriter-aesthetic @the-modern-typewriter
'The Silver's are hosting a ball tonight,' said the royal courtier looking pointedly at the prince who was trying very hard to ignore them. Which was hard to do when you're both stuck inside a stuffy carriage, a mere breath away.
The courtier cleared their throat but the prince was still looking out the window.
'Your attendance is expected, your highness.'
'I'm sure my brother can handle the Silver's,' Adam said, watching the trees go by.
'His royal highness is otherwise occupied. I'm afraid the duty falls to you.'
The carriage rolled to a stop, and Adam was out in the trees, stretching before going to the coachman, a hand on one of the horses as he spoke.
'Everything okay?'
The coachman was gruff looking. Red hair hidden under a peak cap, a cigarette dangling from his lips, but his eyes were sharp. Enthralling, Puck told him once. That's what his eyes were meant to do, ensnare people to him so he could kill them. Adam's best friend.
'There's something not right,' Puck said, hopping off the coach perch and taking a drag, smoke coming from his nose as he eyed the trees surrounding them. Adam did the same.
'Your highness, why have we stopped?' courtier called from inside the carriage. 'We mustn't be late!'
Both of the boys ignored them.
Puck's ears twitched and then he was turning on his heel, drawing his dagger.
'What is it?' Adam asked, following Puck as he walked around the carriage. Then there was a whistle that seemed to resound from the trees. Puck took a final drag and crushed the cigarette under his feet.
'Fuck. It's the feral. Adam, you need to go.'
'Go? No, no way. I'm not leaving you-'
'They're elves, I'll be fine. Now go.'
Puck's eyes flashed golden, and Adam took an instinctive step back.
'Okay, I'm going,' he said, then added, 'don't get killed.'
Adam went around the carriage to the courtier, when a feral walked out of the door blood staining their armour.
'Why would we kill anyone?' the elf asked, exposing their teeth with a shark like smile. 'We just want an audience with the royals.'
'I hear they're not worth it,' Adam said with a strained smile. He had a hand on his dagger, when Puck came to stand beside him.
'Puck, my how you've grown. Sharing bread with humans now, hmm?'
'The food is good,' Puck shrugged with that same easy calm he always seemed to possess. 'Plus it's better than smelling like fresh shit and muck all the time.'
Puck flashed his own smile, showing his teeth this time. Just as sharp. Just as dangerous.
An arm settled heavy over both the shoulders of Adam and Puck, Adam flinching because he never heard the elf creep up on them.
'You seem awfully protective over the human who's brother hate us all, Puckie. Is it your new toy?'
Adam turned his head ready to bite at these tall fuckers, when he felt a hand slip into his. Adam looked up at Puck with wide eyes, but Puck just had that same lazy grin.
'Boyfriend, actually. So if you wouldn't mind getting your hands off what's mine, that would be great, Rekkie.'
The second elf, Rek, scoffed, but took their arm off Adam and Puck all the same, going to stand beside the other Feral.
'Please tell me you didn't have a threesome with the suit I just bludgeoned,' leader asked with a sly smile, looking between the two with the same enthralling eyes Puck had flashed Adam not two minutes ago. Trying to enchant Adam to him, but Puck's hand was strong and sure, holding Adam close to him.
Puck tilted his head, 'You know me Fachnan, I like pretty things.'
Puck didn't flinch under the Feral's inquisitive stare, trying to get him to confess he was lying and that they could all kill Adam together like the old days. Good quality bonding. Ripping a human limb from limb.
'Well, I guess we won't keep the happy couple any longer, aye Rek?'
'Aye boss.'
Fachnan smiled at them both again, 'Just call us when you need us to murder your brother. What a spectacle it would be, to see a King with an elf on his arm, hmm.'
The two Feral's bowed then, deep and low, arms spread in front of them, and Puck bowed in the same way back at them. An elfish farewell deep rooted with respect. Even Feral's were mannerly, despite their name.
Only after they were far out of eyesight did Puck take his hand out of Adam's and Adam settled back against the carriage, his heart pounding in his ears.
'I'm sorry about your courtier,' said Puck, 'and for pretending to be your boyfriend. It's custom to respect an elf's mate, so I knew they wouldn't touch you if I pretended we were together.'
Adam looked him in the eyes, and let out a shaky breath. 'Are you really apologising for saving my life?'
Puck laughed, reaching deep into his pockets and taking out his cigarettes and lighter.
'Yeah? I guess I am,' he said as he pulled one out with his teeth, offering the pack to Adam who took it gratefully. Puck lit Adam's cigarette first then went to light his own. Puck closed the door to the carriage and then went to the coachman's step.
He stuck out a hand to Adam to help him up, and soon they were both sitting on the pedestal, knees touching, cigarette smoke surrounding them.
'If you ever do want to kill your brother-' Puck said, and Adam elbowed him playfully in the side. Puck let out a riotous laugh, and Adam joined him a second later.
'Let's just see how bad the Silver's ball is. I'll tell you by the time the night's out,' Adam said, and Puck grabbed the reins in both hands and started them down the offbeat track through the woods again.
'Do you need a plus one?'
Adam exhaled a lung full of smoke, 'I thought you'd never ask.'
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Keyshia Cole: This Is My Story, World Premiere in LA
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wolveswarrior124 · 1 year
So guys, remember I made PussDeath story but female version for Puss? You wouldn't believe what happened! Ok, so I have this amazing dream I ever seen and I want to make it one shot story part one and part two of this! So hear me out! Death who is immortal in his entire life through eternity. Once he met (female) Puss at university after months later. After Puss playing soccer, she was about to heading up to the studio to performance one of the culture part or whatever they called. Then she spots Death underneath the peaches, blossom trees. He was waiting for Puss patient, so a female feline comes up to him. Both having talk and Death explain to Puss about his feelings. Before Puss could chance to talk to him about his feeling until a bell rang from the studio building. Death told her wishes luck to her. During Performance thing going on, Puss tries to find him from same spot or the front of the building. She couldn't find Death. So, she asked all her classmates where is Death, but there is no luck for Puss. Expect one friend who knew where is Death.
A lonely female cat who is in the middle of the field while kicking the white ball with black spots. She continues kicking with feeling depressed. There is two buildings between while the middle is a small field. She continuing kicks the soccer ball until she spotted two couples were holding hands. Then she heard them about their marriage or something which this more worst for Puss. As soon as she kicks harder the ball was going underneath the building has broken white gate that shows empty dirt. Puss who let out of sigh, "damn it..."
Her expression was worried and missing someone she knew. How much she misses someone she knew for months and yet she kept this feeling to herself when she met him. That same white wolf who comes often to her apartment whenever her roommate isn't around with her from the apartment. She looks at sun which almost going down. With another sigh as she walks up to her bag and heads inside of the restroom.
Later, she comes out from the restroom. She was wearing old fashion skirt that looks completely old. Her shirt is showing her skinny stomach and has v vest (or something I don't how to spell it). And finally, a huge red scarf is mid on her arms. Wondering why she looking like from the culture she leaned from her university? Because she has performance going on while she was carrying her bag. When she was walking up to sidewalk until she saw a tall silver wolf figure was standing underneath blossom tree that has full of peaches.
A same wolf who stares at her with ruby eyes while patiently like gentleman. Puss begins to heads up to the wolf instead goes straight to studio building. The more she walks up to him, the more she will get curiosity. No one is around of them which probably Puss feels empty around the campus. A silver wolf who is wearing gray poncho while his pants is lighter brown. His two sickles hanging on from sides of his hips. However, Puss feels his stare isn't usually cold nor death but adoring. There is silence between them except a wind blowing.
"So.... I was about to heading up to performance for my class," she nervously spoken up which broke the silent.
No reply from same silver wolf who still adoring her. So, Puss continues and make friendly conversation with him, "you seems... quiet as usual." She chuckles shyly while looking at him with emerald eyes.
"Almost always, Gata. And yet, there is one thing that I meaning to ask you," his tone voice sounds raspy but calm.
Puss grunts by his tone, "I see. Is there anything what you want to say?" She shyly smiles at him who has monotone expression.
His height wasn't match to Puss' height. He was big as almost a door. A white paw touches Puss' cheek which made surprisedly to female feline as her ears pin down. Suddenly she begins to purring while a thumb rubbing. "There is something I immediately to ask you?" He continues.
"When we first met when you saw me pick the soul from dying victim back at the forest. I never felt my heart beat couldn't stop beating when my eyes stare at you, " he explained to Puss who stop purring as she looks up at him.
Listening his words made calm and stunning by her expression. "After several months later when we get to know each other, I have this feeling for so long that how much I missed you while I'm doing my duty. This feeling never leaves me alone whenever I feels alone entire eternity..."
Puss couldn't believe what she just heard from him. She even has same feeling after she gets to know him since he is death after all. He is immortal wolf who collects people's souls or fairytale's soul. However, what strange that nobody knows he is grim reaper. Everyone thought he just normal wolf who has nickname Death, but they were wrong. Because he is actually Death! Puss really wants to tell them that he IS real; however, Death doesn't want everyone knows he is real. So, Puss kept this for so longer to herself without telling everyone the truth. Including, everyone thought they see them as love couple.
"What I was trying say that I begin to fell in love with you..." That what he finally said it. He finally said it! After so long for him that he became alone immortal and doing his job wasn't easy to do. Since his siblings also doing their own job as well.
There is silence moment. Puss glancing up at the wolf who has same expression except he has small blush slightly. Her heart beat is pounding like excitement, no! Lust! How much she has this feeling for so long that she never stop thinking about that wolf. She really want to tell him that she has crush, but first she really needs to get to know him. Now this her chance to say it!
Before she say another word come out from her mouth, a bell rang from same building where Puss goes. Death and her looking at the bell which still ranging.
Not now!
Looking back at Death with worries eyes. Death stare back at her with calm expression. The. he let out of sigh, "good luck on your performance, Gata..."
She takes few step back while still glancing at him. She heading straight up to the building when she arrives to the front entrance. She final looks back at the wolf until her expression becomes sad and shocking. The wolf has already disappeared.
She looking down at the floor as she heads inside. This is it.... Another performance, another boring life for her future..
While heading upstairs were her classes is waiting for their next performance. Hearing more voices from the stage when she got to her class. Puss sitting down on the floor next to her professor. Her half classmates were here while others were downstairs. She really don't care about them; the only she cares for Death. She never gets a chance to tell him how much she loves him.
Voices still rumbling or shouting from downstairs. Laughter from the crowd who is watching different classes and their performance.
Few minutes later of the boredom for Puss which sh couldn't take it no more. And so, she excuse herself then left. She heading first floor and made it there as seeing couple older college boys were sitting down while talking.
Instead, she heading back outside and goes up to same spot were Death is. When she looks her surrounding to make sure is Death still here. No sign of him. Until she saw man who walks up to the building.
"H-hey, have you seen a white wolf?" She asks one of the male. He shakes his head as no then left Puss alone.
She let out groan as she went back to the building. She begins to hear several clapping from the studio until one of her classmates walk up to her. Her friend walking beside her. "Aren't you supposed to gout out there and have drama?" Oh God...
This same person is becoming frenemies for Puss. How much she hates her, but sometimes she can be helpful. "Well excuse me, princess! I was looking for someone... " She sounds so frustrating while two female cats who looking at her with worries expression.
"How about we go somewhere private, ok?" A same female cat who softly spoke while Puss who stock to heard something from her. And so, three girls walking to different direction while fading of loudly voices.
They were all in different room, the light is came from small lamp which wasn't light enough. However, it does looks comfortable around here. Puss who sitting next to same cat once she hates her, but now she looks caring.
"So tell me, what's wrong back there?" She glancing at Puss who rubbing her arms shyly.
The other cat who was also sitting next to Puss which she is too busy bushing Puss' tail.
"There is this wolf man that I know of, I have this feelings that probably I have crush on him. Before our performing starts, he was waiting patiently underneath the blossom tree. Then he explained to me about his feelings. Before I have a chance to tell him how much I love him, but.... " She paused there as a tear steaming down on her cheek.
"I didn't get chance to say my feelings to him," she begins to break down to tears. "W-when I left the studio, I begin to looking for him..." Her voice sound heartbroken as she tries to hold her tears.
Two female cats watching Puss who continuing sobbing. Then same cat who begin to speak up, "I just saw him before I came to studio. " Puss' ears pick up while her eyes wide open.
"You do?" Her broken voice went to curious tone. "When me and Andy were about to walk up to the studio, I spotted that same wolf man that you hangout with back at the studio. He was holding one the peaches while staring at it," she tells to Puss.
Puss feels her heart beat pounding again; there is hopefulness inside. "He then clenching the peach so hard that make liquid comes out. Looks angry and sad in same time. Poor thing, " she muttering last word under her breath.
Puss imagine Death in the alley who is feeling completely alone. She feels guilty for not telling him her true feelings towards him. "Do you remember where he is now?" Feeling hope that she will get answers.
"I'm sorry, Puss. I don't know where he is now, but probably he is still behind the studio," she wasn't too sure about what she just saw.
"Why did you help me?" Puss question to her as both girls stare back at a ginger cat.
"Because you deserve this since you don't have any friends. I also apologize to treat you like trash, " she apologize to Puss who begin to hug her.
"Thank you," with that being said, she left them speechless.
Puss continues walking behind the studio were everything is dark. The setting for studio is kinda creepy for Puss. There is mannequin with creepy pose which gives shiver down on Puss' spine. She check her surrounding to make sure there are bloody eyes glowing into darkness. There is no sight of the white wolf as she was about walk out feeling disappointed. Until her fur sticking up by hearing same melody tone. Puss looks what behind her. There he was, standing there like creep stalker who is standing in darkness. His ruby eyes was still glowing while staring at Puss' soul.
"You look lovely, mi amor," his voice tone made Puss breathtaking while her heart is pounding.
She begins to walk up to him by feeling her cheeks is heating up. "I-i didn't get a chance to say something to you."
Death watching her who coming closer to him. She continuing, "when you said those things about your feeling. I have same feeling for you too, Muerte. "
"Everytime when I look at you, mi corazón is starting racing. I b-believe I started to fell in love, " she was starting to confess to Death who still has same expression as always.
And so, Puss mewling surprise as she got pick by strong force. Then she glancing at Death who leans in to her. Until their lips touches together while Puss who moaning. This went on for five minutes as they stopped what they doing. Puss begin to breathless while feeling hot air between to her and him.
"So, this mean we're mate now?" Death smirk at Puss who let out chuckle.
"Just kiss me," she confidence tell him as both went back to their moment.
part 1 - - -> part 2
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
Okay, going to bed now. But I stayed up because I needed to do some writing. It was a need. A writing itch. Update: HNBD chapter 6 is about 75-80% done with 2nd draft writing. Have to finish one part and write another part that I felt needed to be added. For GoopTales: Dust's interview is written, and Cross' interview part will be entering editing in the next few days. I did start on the next part as my writing mood was still striking me. As an FYI, there will be some mild FuzzyNight... maybe some medium? I don't think I'll add Hot, and sorry, I don't write Spicy, so that's definitely not going to be in there.
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Some spins on the "mostly male team with a token woman" trope:
The woman is trans and stayed in her old circle of bros even after transition
The woman is the only one in her circle of "girls" who didn't turn out to be a trans man
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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License to Kitty.
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mimimar · 3 months
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the woman who holds the moon
prints available here. my cover for this month's issue of baffling magazine.
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