#Female Orc
thetinyscald-blog · 22 days
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miku but she's from orgrimmar
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erika-xero · 1 year
Half-Orc female doodle
testing out some brushes
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ijwrite · 7 months
Female Orc x Female Reader Part 3
It only took a day for you to be healthy again, which was not just a relief to Hakla, but to yourself and your bees. You would probably never tell her, but the rivalry she had with the bees was one of the most entertaining things you had seen in a long time. And little Qarak was growing so fast too. He was constantly trying to walk, and getting frustrated when his little feet couldn't balance his body. He was still a little menace though, you couldn't take your eyes off him for a second before he was gone. He was currently sitting beside you in the garden, snacking on a carrot as you removed weeds. Hakla was slightly off in the distance, throwing weeds in the compost pile. You smiled to yourself. Life had been good lately. Your animals were healthy, your garden were flourishing and most importantly, Hakla and Qarak seemed happy. You felt a little hand smack your side, and looked down at Qarak. He folded his hand repeatedly in the way you thought him.
"You want some water little man? Okay let's go" You lifted him up and brushed the dirt from his pants. You had the idea to teach him some basic signs to communicate before he learned to speak.
"I'm just getting him some water, be right back" you said to Hakla, who hummed in acknowledgement. She had started to trust you more, and seemed much more at ease. She no longer slept with the axe near her, especially after you had made a bed for her. You had felt bad about the way she slept in a cot on the floor, and despite her protests about a proper bed, she slept much more soundly now.
After Qarak had gotten his water, he started fussing. You knew it was time for his midday nap, so you put him in the little crib. He fell asleep surprisingly quickly and you left the hut to continue your work.
Hakla was still outside, looking intently at one of your berry bushes. She reached out for it, but quickly retracted her hand once she heard you approach.
"There should be some of them that are mature" You plucked a bright red berry and held it out to her.
"They taste really good. Especially in pies"
She took it slowly. You plucked another and ate it. She ate hers too.
"You can eat when you want something, you know? That's why it's here" You went back to weeding. In the corner of your eye, you saw her pluck some more berries.
"You sure? Won't we need them for the winter?"
"Nah, I planted the berries purely as treats. You just eat till you can't"
You smiled again. She sighed heavily.
"It is not often I have had sweet things. They mostly gave us bread and meat"
She put the whole handful of berries in her mouth. You straightened up.
"They?" You asked. She tensed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I won't pressure you" it would be a lie to say you weren't curious, but Haklas comfort meant more than that.
"They were the ones I got away from. They were to sell Qarak" She grumbled. You nodded silently. "They made us fight each other. For fun. I got free" She looked down at you.
"I am glad you did. I am happy that you are here" You tried. "My life has been significantly better since you and Qarak entered it" This time, she slightly smiled back.
She truly had a beautiful smile, even when unsure, it seemed to lighten your soul just a bit.
More months went by, and soon it was little Qaraks first birthday. He was getting better at both communicating and balance. He could not talk or walk yet, but he was already much bigger than when you first saw him. As his birthday gift, you decided to make him a swing in one of the large trees at the outskirt of the farm. You actually didn't know the exact day that he was born, since Hakla only had a rough estimate of the time. But that didn't matter, a birthday he would get. So you woke up Hakla and Qarak with the smell of fresh baked fruit pie (which you guessed they both enjoyed, seeing as they both got their entire faces covered with sweet filling).
After you had cleaned the mush of Qaraks (and Haklas) face, you told them to follow you out behind the cottage. A little aways, you had hung your homemade swing yourself during the night (you thought the hardest part would be to crawl up the tree in darkness with the rope, but the real challenge was getting out the house without Hakla waking up. She would be awake at the slightest noise, and you didn't want to ruin the surprise) and happily told Hakla;
"I tied it to a strong branch, so you can swing with him!" proudly gesturing to your work. Hakla just looked at it for a minute and you wondered briefly if you had overstepped.
"You made this for... him and me?" She asked with the thinnest voice you had ever heard from her.
"Well, yes. I hope it okay. I think I made some squirrels angry when I hung it up, and I-" you were interrupted as she hugged your close to her with the arm she didn't use to carry Qarak.
"Thank you" she whispered.
"Of course" you answered.
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pumpkan · 1 year
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Commission for panley01 on Twitter
I love to draw orc lady >:3
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swevenfox · 21 days
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Another Orc, looks like that chest piece is popular! This time for a real lady -
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avylone · 1 year
Rokta in a fancy dress ✨🌱
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December Christmas Monster Stories
December 18.) Orc bestie
Shhhh let's not talk about how it's no where near December any more!
Female orc x Fem reader
No pronouns actually used for reader
“Ok ok open this one next!” Ugar exclaimed, holding out a wrapped gift in her calloused green hands. Smiling, you took the gift from her. It was a hand decorated frame in the shape of a heart, the image inside was one the two of you had taken when in front of a waterfall on a trip you shared together, it was a fond memory for the both of you. “Check the back of the photo.” She had whispered in a voice that had caught you off guard. You’ve never heard her so nervous before, not even that time the two of you had been camping deep in the woods and a bear had wandered into your camp smelling the yummy food. Ugar had started beating on her chest with nothing to protect her but her pajamas as she bellowed at the bear standing her ground as she scared off the bear. She swore then and to this day she would have fought that bear with her bare hands if it meant keeping you safe. So now sitting here on your bed with cheesy Christmas music playing softly in the background while you exchange, her looking so nervous, so terrified as she waited for you to look at the back of the photo made you feel as if your world was ending. She was your bestfriend you had known her since kindergarten yet she never made you feel so petrified at this moment. Was something wrong? Was she dying? Were you dying and she knew it but you had been to stupid to know it? 
Taking the back of the frame out you couldn’t help but notice your hands were trembling as you lifted it up and set it down next to you. Gulping you lifted the photo up, eyes blurry as tears already started to form from the fear you were feeling. In red pen was her messy handwriting. “I have loved you for many years and shall love you till my dying day. Say the word and I will follow you to the edge of the world. Please be mine, darling love.” It took three full reads of what it said before you really understood the words. Gasping softly your head jolted up to look at her, she dared not meet your gaze. “You really mean this?” You asked, it being your turn to whisper as you talked. She simply nodded her head as she bit down on her bottom lip. It was strange seeing such a large powerful orc acting so nervous and submissive but there she was playing with her hands fighting the urge to run so she did not have to face the rejection she feared she would have.
Feeling your small hand compared to hers being placed on her own she looked at it, her gaze trailing up your arm till she met your eyes. “I love you too. I didn’t think you felt the same.” You explained letting out a soft laugh through tears were running down your face. Were they tears of relief or joy, who knows but you didn’t care. Letting out her own laugh it quickly turned to a sob, she had been so stressed out that the build up and release of emotions broke the damn. The both of you let out sobs mixed with laughs as you hugged each other. feeling both mad and silly for not sharing your feelings sooner. Pulling away from the hug Ugar cupped your face in her massive hand as she wiped your tears away with her thumb. “You are my everything.” She whispered as she leaned in to share the first of many kisses with you.
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mr-rockadopolis · 9 months
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Orc commission
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clankhead · 6 months
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Orc (1/2)
Avalon Hill
Something something best thing about HeroQuest:
Orc’Reilly Auto Parts
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dgtor-official · 1 year
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POV: 7’6” Barbarian Orc woman, who’s lost her mate and is trying to reunite with her remaining family has just been hit on by the party’s down bad bard.
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thetinyscald-blog · 24 days
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Commission - Talia
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thefoilguy · 8 months
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Gharol Bloodmaul from Raid: Shadow Legends - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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ijwrite · 1 year
Female orc x Female reader Part 2
Living with Hakla had been... Let's say an adjustment. You are counting yourself lucky, simply by having survived the first few days of her presence. Even after you had welcomed her into your home, she kept her guard up around you, especially when you were holding Qarak. But you couldn't really blame her. Though she did like the name you gave him. "A name of an old orc hero. Good name. He is Qarak" As she put it. The first morning she awoke in your house, was to Qarak screaming his lungs out. She sprung out of her travelling bedroll, axe ready (which you had the suspicion that she slept with). So now your morning consisted of you trying to calm not just one, but two orcs. You picked up Qarak under Haklas piercing gaze. "Whatsa matter? Why's he cryin?" She growled, ready to blame you. "Hey is just morning grumpy and wants cuddles and attention. Will you hold him for a minute?" She nodded and held out her arms. "It might be a good idea to put the axe down first?" "Ah. Right" She put down the axe and took Qarak from your arms. He slowly stopped sniffling, looking up at Hakla curiously. You turned to make some breakfast. It only took a little while, and soon there were three bowls of stewed fruits steaming on the table. You motioned for Hakla to sit, which she did. She did not put Qarak into his chair, but instead held onto him. You push a large and small bowl over to them, nodding before starting to eat yourself. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Hakla sniffing the bowls of stew suspiciously, before carefully picking up and licking the spoon you had put in. She deemed it safe and began trying to feed Qarak.
He did not agree with this, and instead decided to avoid the spoon at all costs. You could hear Hakla mumbling in orcish, trying and failing to get him to eat. You put down your own spoon. "Try acting like you're eating it yourself. Then he will know it is safe" You softly told her, receiving a glare in turn. Yet after a few more attempts at feeding him failed, she did indeed almost put the spoon into her mouth, before putting it to his lips again. This time he opened his mouth and started to eat happily. Only after he emptied his bowl did Hakla begin eating. It was all gone before you could blink twice. You handed her a handkerchief before taking the empty bowls to wash them at your indoor pump basin.
Hakla followed you around everywhere the first couple of days, adjusting to your routine of keeping animals and your fields. She was carrying Qarak, which he didn't seem to mind much. You showed her your fields and your animals. She simply followed you around, eyeing everything with suspicion. She paid attention to everything though, and the next morning you had help to take care of your animals.
You never asked Hakla about anything regarding her life before, nor how Qarak ended up here.
You found it wasn't your place. But you did wonder. Hakla seemed very insecure when taking care of Qarak, always having to rely on your advice, though she did it reluctantly. She obviously loved him, but she seemed like a fish out of water whenever she had to take care of him. It didn't bug you though, you just went about your day, content and even happy with the company. It did seem to bother Hakla though. "Why are you so good with 'im?" She asked one evening, as you were sitting on the floor, playing with Qarak. "Hm. Well, you just have to make sure that he is comfortable. He is a little person, so he needs what other people will need, just with a bit more assistance I guess" You shrugged as you tickled his stomach, eliciting a gleeful screech. Hakla sighed deeply, and you felt the little interaction was over. She still did not trust you enough to get too vulnerable around you, but you didn't mind. Things take their time, after all. One day though, you had been caught in a sudden downpour, but couldn't run for shelter immediately, since you had to make sure none of the animals or iron tools had been left out. You came back inside absolutely soaked to the bone, and it had apparently been enough to get you sick. You woke up the day after with a hammering headache, chills, and a stuffed nose. You damned the weather for a few moments, before sitting up to get out of bed. You regretted this, since your world immediately went spinning. Then, without a warning, you sneezed. And it was loud. Both Qarak and Hakla jumped awake, looking over at you. At least the axe was not out yet. "Sorry, did gnot mean to wake nyou" you sniffled and stood up. You felt Haklas eyes scrutinising you from behind before she decided to say something. "Yer sick. Go sleep again" "Cang't. Got to check the angimals, the fields angd the bees" You sounded and felt horrible, but you could not just neglect your duties. Hakla snorted. "I'll do it. Sleep" You spun around, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.
"You sure?"
"Ye" You really would like to just sleep this sickness away, and if Hakla believed she could take over for a day, then you had to trust her. Trust is mutual, after all. So you nodded and staggered back to your bed, sighing in bliss as you lay your sore head onto your pillow. It did not take long for you to fall asleep. When you woke up again, it was to Qarak booping your nose. In your delirious state, you couldn't even tell what time it was. As you lifted your head, you felt something slide from your forehead onto your pillow. A green blur filled your vision, picking up a smaller blob and carrying it away before picking up whatever fell from you face and put it back again. "Lay still. Your fever is worse" A deep voice told you, and you obeyed. The thing they put on your head felt nice and cool, staving of the headache if just for a little bit. You lifted your arm to feel what it was, but accidently smacked it against the arm of what you by now had finally realised was Hakla. You immediately became alert as you heard a small grunt of pain from her. "You're hurt?" You asked and sat slightly up. "The bees do not like me" Came the short answer. You should have known. "Qarak?" You felt for the small bumps of beestings, feeling not many, but large ones. "Didn't bring him close to the damn things" This made you smile. "See? You are a good mother. Now lemme just..." You sat up, not seeing Hakla's conflicted, yet happy expression. Staggering over to your pantry, you pulled out a clove of garlic.
"What... Are you doing?" She asked as you opened the garlic and pulled out a small knife. "Hushhhh" You said, still woozy from the sickness. Under Hakla's watchful eyes, you cut open a piece of the garlic and started pressing it against some of the beestings. When that was done, you pressed a little kiss to her arm and laid down again before catching glimpse of her bewilderment. In your sleep, you felt the cool rag be put back onto your face.
Yes, living with Hakla was an adjustment. But it might be an adjustment to something better.
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Orc Princess
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terato-is-life · 1 year
The orc next door invites you for a date, but you are too weak of the knees to either deny or agree
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avylone · 5 months
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WIP of a horde grunt 🪓 gotta keep it balanced since I did an Alliance soldier a while back
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