#Festus Krex skyrim
kagedbird · 6 months
Cicero Loves You, Listener!
TESSDE AU - Dark Brotherhood route
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I awoke to the same ceiling I’d been seeing for nearly half a month, a pounding in my head once again.
Not seeing Cicero by my side when I looked around, I sat up and pressed my hand into my forehead with a groan. What the hell happened to me? And why did I keep waking up this way?
Deja vu…
Turning once more, I saw a plate full of food and a cup of water settled on the nightstand, alongside a note.
The note read, “Dearest Listener! You had not listened to Cicero! Haha! He warned you you were not yet well enough to be up and whatnot, but he will forgive you as you had been seeking him out for Mother! Such a generous thought from you, my Listener.
“He will be taking care of Mother just outside your door if you find yourself up and I am not there. Do come by! I am certain she would love to see your beautiful face in person! Though I have told her much about you all ready, I am certain she wishes to see it for herself.
“See you soon!
-Your Dutiful Keeper, Cicero.”
I huffed softly, shaking my head slow. Well, that explained things a little. Guess I’d over done it. I just hoped I didn’t make too bad of an impression on his family… though I get the sense that they’re hard to please anyways.
Settling down the note and downing the entire cup of water very quickly, I managed to shimmy out of bed and test myself getting up. It was slow going, but I managed to stand on my feet, and I was pleased.
Grabbing an apple from the plate, really not wanting to take the sweets Cicero seemed to like so much, I bit into it and made my way to the door, poking my head out once more.
I found Cicero indeed kneeling down in front of that coffin from before, settled in a prayer position with his head low. But as I had creaked open the door, his head snapped up and he turned to me, mouth splitting into that smile I began to know so well.
“Listener! Good evening! You were asleep for some time. Did you rest well?”
“Um… sure. We’ll say yes.” I hummed softly, chuckling as I stepped out into the small sanctuary. “What are you doing?”
“Praying to Mother, of course! Come, come, you can pray alongside me!” Cicero offered, shifting to the side to pat where he once kneeled.
“Do I need to kneel? My knees aren’t the best.” I asked, moving closer. I took one more bite of my apple before settling it on a nearby empty plate, wiping my hand on my shorts to rid myself of the sticky juices.
“However is most comfortable for the Listener! It’s what Mother would want!” Cicero replied cheerily, happily watching as I settled down with my legs crossed.
“What… do you pray to her for?” I asked, finally seeing ‘Mother’ in her coffin. That was a dead woman all right. Yikes.
‘Uh. No offense.’ I quickly corrected myself in my head, unsure if she could hear me.
“We pray for her wisdom to guide us to a better life!” Cicero says, clapping his hands together. “With you here to hear her guidance, it’s all the more possible now!”
“Happy to help,” I smiled back, nodding. “She’s only able to talk to a Listener, right? How long have you all been without one?”
“Oh, Cicero isn’t entirely sure about this Sanctuary!” He says, tapping his chin. “Cicero arrived not long after you helped him on the road! And there was no Listener then! But Cicero’s last sanctuary was a handful of years ago. Our Listener died protecting the Night Mother from an attack! Very brave, very brave.”
I paused, frowning. “So… you’ve just been unable to hear her since?”
“Yes! Well— Cicero has never been able to hear her in the first place.” He chuckled a little manically, that strain in his throat again. “But now Miss Allora is here! And all is well in the world!”
I hummed, looking up to ‘Mother’ thoughtfully. What kind of mother just… waits and leaves her children waiting for her? What was the point?
Surely I was missing something.
“Is she speaking to you?”
I jolted, looking over to see Cicero leaning in closer than before, gaze holding me tightly in place. The manic look was amplified in a way— his eyes begging to know.
“Uh— no. I was just lost in thought. I’m sorry.”
Disappointment dusted in his eyes before they flickered back into the mask of joviality. “No worries, none at all! Cicero understands gazing upon Mother and just thinking! He’s done it enough over the years! He has!”
“How old are you?” I asked curiously, stretching my back slightly. It popped and I let out a small puff of relief. That felt good.
“How rude! To ask Cicero his age!” The jester huffed and puffed dramatically, crossing his arms. “...Kidding! Cicero is nearly in his thirties! Getting up there in age, he is!”
“I’m nearly in my thirties… too…” I said, blinking. “Wait. I am?”
“You are?” Cicero asked, tilting his head. “How sad that the Listener cannot even remember. Perhaps praying to the Night Mother or Dread Lord will alleviate the addlement! Cicero wouldn’t want you like he is— with others always calling him crazy.”
“You’re the farthest thing from crazy,” I frowned, gently placing my hand on his arm. “Don’t listen to that kind of crap. You’re clearly devoted to your cause and your family, and it shows. Sure, you’re a little loud at times, but I think I am too. It doesn’t make us bad people, and definitely doesn’t make us crazy. Jeez.”
Cicero is frozen in place as he stares at me, glancing down to my hand. I quickly pull it away, embarrassed for getting so caught up in trying to make him feel better that I invaded his personal space.
“Sorry. We should… get back to praying.”
I’m more unnerved by his quiet response, and quickly adjust my sitting position on the cold, hard floor, before clasping my hands together and closing my eyes in a vain attempt to ignore his continued staring.
Was what I said that strange?
‘This is what I get for trying to be nice,’ I bemoaned in my head, letting out a quiet sigh.
Oh well. Could be worse, I guess. He could be reacting like that woman who tried putting a knife to my throat.
“That pretender…”
I jolt, snapping my eyes open at the voice that pervaded my mind again, looking up to ‘Mother’. She never moved, nothing changed, save for a subtle red glow in her eyes.
“You are in charge of this guild, my sweet Child. My Listener. Fear not your brothers and sisters under Sithis’ arms, for his wrath will quell their injustice well.”
I swallowed thickly, nodding my head. That was… good to know.
‘Is there… anything you need of me, Mother?’ I asked in my mind, unsure if I should be speaking out loud or not. It felt… personal, to have her address me. Secretive.
“There will be a job for you in the future. You are still weak, however. Instead, inform my dear Keeper Cicero that Mother wishes for you to hand out tasks in the meantime.”
“Cicero,” I whispered, eyes never straying from Mother. I couldn’t. “...Mother has jobs for the others.”
I could feel him move next to me, his face nearly over taking my view of Mother. His hands took mine and held them tightly— almost too tight— excitement in his voice.
“Yes? Yes?! What tasks await us? Oh, do not keep the Keeper waiting!”
“A grieving boy in Windhelm cries out to me…”
“He is asking for Grelod the Kind…”
“To be murdered in Riften.”
“A scorned woman in Markarth…”
“Craves the ending of a man named Alain Dufont in Raldbthar…”
“As well as a woman named Nilsine Shatter-Shield in Windhelm…”
“And an Indolent Farmer in Ivarstead…”
“Craves the blood of a pitiful farmer in Ivarstead.”
I feel myself slump forward against Cicero, a cold sweat breaking out over my skin as whatever held me aloft whisked itself away like smoke blown from a candlestick.
Murder. The tasks were about murder.
But Cicero was all smiles as he helped me sit up, beaming so wide, it had to hurt. “Splendid, splendid! To hear her through you— it’s enough to forget all those silly years of silence! Maddening silence! Oh, but it’s all broken now, yes it is! We must tell the others the good news!”
Cicero pulled me to my feet and guided me out of the sanctuary— after thanking Mother for her guidance and closing her coffin once more— and led me out into the main hall of the… whatever we were in.
It felt like a den with how strange the shape of the interior was. I could only hope it wasn’t a den of wolves.
I froze lightly as all eyes turned to us from various places all over the room and carefully kept myself close to Cicero. He had mentioned protecting me before. I could only hope that continued to be true.
Their eyes… it made all the more sense now.
“Looks like the tidbit finally woke up.” The giant man growled out, pulling his sword from the grinding stone he had been using.
“Who?” A small girl asked, tilting her head curiously.
Something inside me ached at the sight of her pale skin and darkened eyes. Violently I am reminded of undead creatures of the night that consume their victims blood until nothing is left.
“The clown’s pet.” The giant man grunted, standing up. “Taking her out for a walk, Keeper?”
“Haha! How very funny of the sheepdog!” Cicero spat back with a high pitched chuckle. “Surely he recognizes the importance of the Listener’s position! Especially! Since Mother has given us contracts!”
“What?” An older man asked, eyes wide. His gaze turned to me, looking me up and down slowly with an agape look. “You heard her speak? What did she say?”
“Oh, Mother dearest had several contracts to dole out!” Cicero said, slipping my tight hand from his to clap excitedly. “Our Listener told them all to me, so that I may in turn share them with you! She is still recovering, the poor thing!”
“Recovering?” A dark, ashen skinned woman asked, frowning. “I could have helped speed along her recovery, you know. I’m not the most adept with healing magicka, but…”
“Cicero had it under control!” The jester interrupted, still smiling genially. I could tell there was an underlying threatening tone, if only from how long I’ve spent in his company alone. Seemed he was very protective of me, in every sense of the word.
Now to know if that was a good or bad thing.
“How do you know she’s really the Listener? Not that I distrust you, Keeper,” a lizardman asked, faintly shocking me from his presence. “But it’s all rather sudden…”
Where the fuck was I? Was this normal? Why did I feel more deja vu?!
“She spoke the Binding Words to me! Oh yes, oh yes! Tried coming straight to me once she heard them, but Astrid held her with a knife to her throat!” Cicero guffawed, looking tickled pink despite my almost murder. “But of course, dearest Mother would not have let it come to that! No, no!”
“She looks weak.” A dark skinned man from the back wall bluntly remarked, biting into my insecurities deeply.
“Quite rude! Miss Allora has been on bed rest for two weeks! Anyone would become shriveled at that point, indeed!” Cicero huffed, ‘defending’ my honour.
“Gee, thanks Cicero…” I sighed, looking away from everyone.
“Of course!”
“Enough joking around. We got contracts? Give them. Now.” The giant man said, standing up and stomping over to tower over me.
I shrunk instinctively, feeling my chest tighten as my vision flickers from man to wolf repeatedly, reaching out to clutch Cicero’s jacket tightly in my hand reflexively. Said jester immediately positioned himself in between us, pressing his back to my front.
“Night Mother requested I hand out the tasks, according to our wonderful Listener! Isn’t that correct, Miss Allora?”
“Mhm,” I forced out, nodding quickly and dropping my eyes to the floor as a shudder ran through my body. My headache was getting worse.
The giant man huffed loudly through his nose before crossing his arms. “Get on with it then.”
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areggo · 7 months
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is this anything..?
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areggos-art-dump · 1 year
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finally I drew all of them!!! fuck!
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whitegoldtower · 10 months
Skyrim NPCs Reactions (This time, if you hide in a cupboard and jump out at them)
Ancano: He’s camp about it and you can’t convince me otherwise. Clutches his pearls and shrieks before regaining his composure. If you breathe a word of this to anyone, there’s a fireball with your name written on it.
Ondolemar: was too focused on his work to notice your hiding spot. Jumps a mile but sighs and sits there with his head in his hands for a moment before he’s ready to face you.
Vingalmo: knew you were in the cupboard. Waits to watch you make a fool of yourself for his own entertainment.
Serana: knew you were in the cupboard. Jumped anyway and scowled at you. You’re cruel. How does it feel to be a horrible person?
Cicero: goes one of two ways. Either he screams and then laughs and dances around to get the uncomfy out of his system, or you end up with a knife against your throat. Or worse.
Lydia: she turns around with lightning reflexes and throws a haymaker directly into your face before apologising profusely (provided that she hasn’t knocked you out). She tells you off for it whilst pressing a beefsteak against your face, and you can only acknowledge that you totally deserved that.
Vex: A knife whizzes past your ear and lodges into the wood. “Next one goes in your eye.”
Elenwen: walks up to you and throws her drink over you. “Pour me another by the time I get back.” She turns on her heel and storms out to walk it off.
J’zargo: *GROWL HISS*… *decides that he can’t be bothered*
Festus Krex: he knows you’re in there. “Stop it.” If you jump out anyway, he throws whatever he’s holding at you. Probably a mortar and pestle.
Arnbjorn: knows you’re in a cupboard. Doesn’t know which one. Threatens the wrong cupboard door.
Vilkas: sees you hiding and tells you to wait for Farkas.
Farkas: screams at the top of his lungs. Falls over his own feet.
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cosmictyto · 11 months
Things Gabriella has Knitted (or Crocheted) for Everyone:
First, (nearly) everyone has gotten a pair of socks from her as a “welcome to the brotherhood” gift.
(In alphabetical order)
🐺 Arnbjorn: A bright red knitted sweater as a wedding present. He’s only worn it once. (He jokes that it's not his style but he secretly loves it. He doesn't want to ruin it on accident.)
🔪 Astrid: A black and red striped knitted cowl. As a wedding present. Also a matching pair of gloves.
🩸 Babette: A crocheted doll to better help her "innocent child" ruse + several knitted dresses in many colors. Gabriella loves trying out new patterns. And because Babette’s small, she doesn’t need as much yarn. Win win.
♥️ Cicero: Nothing. Though she was working on her “welcome to the sanctuary” socks for him before he attacked Astrid and Veezara.
☄️ Festus Krex: Black, knitted fingerless gloves (his hands get cold and stiff sometimes.) They look simple at first, but actually have a quite complex stitching pattern on them. Also a black scarf and hat (with string pom-pom.)
🦋 Nazir: some hard-soled slippers and a deep red tote bag (with black hand print artfully knitted in.)
🦎 Veezara: Bright, garish horn cozies. It was a gag gift. He loves them.
Bonus round
🐈‍⬛ Sajjah (OC:) A thick n’ chunky, mottled black & gray blanket (crocheted.) as well as a matching cowl + gloves set. They were working on a hat design but couldn’t figure out how it would work with her ears before the sanctuary was attacked.
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drgarrisonandpaul · 6 months
Once upon a time, I had a weird crush on a bunch of the old men in Skyrim and never knew why, the end
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shout out to autistic people and their emotional support fictional old man npcs. if nobody got me i know festus krex got me. can i get a hail sithis
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wintercearig12 · 11 months
Honestly, I find the surviving members of Skyrim’s Dark Brotherhood questline to be strange choices (except for Cicero). Don’t get me wrong, I love Nazir and Babette, but Festus and Gabriella (and to an extent Veezara) would have made for better, and more committed, members. My rationale for this lies in their views of the Night Mother and the old ways, which of course are resumed at the end of this questline. 
When meeting Cicero, Festus plainly states: “Mister Cicero, I for one am delighted you and the Night Mother have arrived. Your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition." Afterwards, he will expand upon this point, further highlighting the importance of the Night Mother and the traditions that previously governed the Dark Brotherhood: "Their arrival is the best thing that's happened to this Sanctuary in years. Astrid is an effective leader, but we've been rudderless for too long. Scrounging for contracts, abandoning the Tenets. The Dark Brotherhood has been reduced to a group of common cutthroats. Frankly, it's embarrassing." Moreover, although he does display some displeasure at the Night Mother’s choice of the Dragonborn as her Listener, he nonetheless accepts the decision: "So you're the Listener, hmm? Well that hardly seems fair. You just got here. The Night Mother should have spoken to me. Any idiot could see that. But, I will serve gladly, as that's my lot in life.”
Gabriella is particularly courteous towards the Night Mother: "Without the Night Mother, there is no Dark Brotherhood. The Matron deserves our unwavering support and respect.” Although she is understandably cautious of the news that you have been chosen as Listener, she still acknowledges the significance of what this means for the Family: "If the Night Mother truly spoke to you, if you really are the Listener... your destiny was written in the Void. Astrid is right to fear your power." In this way, she is recognising the dominance of the Night Mother over Astrid. Similarly to Festus, she is jealous of the new Listener, but does not belittle the Dragonborn: "What an honor, the assassination of an Emperor. And all because you are the Listener, favored by the Night Mother, anointed by Sithis. I am so very happy for you. If not a bit... envious."
Veezara is harder to pinpoint. Although his commitment to Astrid could be seen as disrespectful towards the Night Mother, I do not think it is as clear cut as this. When asking his opinion of the Unholy Matron, he will state: "Truthfully? I'm not entirely sure. It's not that I don't have the utmost respect for Sithis, and the Night Mother, and the ancient ways. I do. But I've never been much for religion. I kill because it's what I've been trained to do. It's all I know. So long as Astrid is happy, I'm happy." In essence, he recognises and accepts the importance of the Night Mother, but, due to the circumstances of his life, he simply takes things at face value: Astrid gives him both purpose and family, and so he commits himself to her above all. This is understandable when considering the near extinction of his order, the Shadowscales, and the lack of direction from the Night Mother in previous years. As he says, his role in life is to kill, and Astrid provides the means for him to do so, all else has been lost, and is therefore negligible to him. He follows what he knows.
Nazir and Babette are comparatively disrespectful towards the Night Mother. After you are revealed as the Listener, Nazir will say: "You may be the Listener, or you may just be a lunatic who's started hearing voices. Either way, Astrid is still your mistress. Not the Night Mother.” When speaking to Babette after the arrival of Cicero, she will equally display a dismissive attitude: "Two hundred years ago, I would have lain down my life for the Unholy Matron. But that is an age long since passed. Astrid is my matron now."
Having said all this, it wouldn't surprise me if this was done on purpose. After all, this situation does remind me of Oblivion, and the fact that the Night Mother knew the traitor was not at the Cheydinhal Sanctuary, and that Lucien was innocent too. The Dark Brotherhood seems to have a running theme of losing its most devoted members.
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morpheus-somnium · 3 months
Dark Brotherhood [modern au]
Location: Near Falkreath
Leader: Astrid
They live on a farm near Falkreath.
It’s in the woods, and only some sand-based road leads to it.
They are growing most of their vegetables
It has a waterfall next to the house and a cute litte pond where they sometimes bathe (as a beach)
They watch the Saw movies together to get new torture ideas, but in the end they never make any of the traps because they don’t have the money
Ever wonder why are the torture chambers in the basement? Because it’s so much easier to kick a body down the starts than to drag them upstairs.
Cicero has like a GLS/Amazon van 😭 He brought the Dark Mother to the house in a delivery van 😭😭 And now they use it to kidnap people 😭😭😭
Imagine that for some reason someone wants you dead, you are walking home, enjoying the soft breeze, you see a van turning in, and then you suddenly notice that an 8 year old with flashing eyes is driving it.
They made the Blue Whale. They don't really care if people are doing the challenges, because they are just stealing the users’ data. (Some Thieves Guild members helped them make it, and they use it to steal the users’ bank account informations)
Everyone has their own room, and they are all very edgy about them. They are like “No, you can't come in my room! >:(”
Gabriella and Babette go shopping together in Hot Topic (which is in like Solitude only (They didn't open one yet in Falkreath), so they always have to travel a lot.) And sometimes they would kill rich people with really good style so they can have their stuff
Festus Krex is their seamster?? When a piece of clothing is too big, or looks weird on someone he would make it fit them
Nazir has an ASMR snuff film dark web channel.
Cicero has lost a lot of his privileges in the Sanctuary. He is grounded most days.
You can ask for people assasinated through commissioning them on their dark web page: you upload a video of you completing a ritual + sending money to their bank account + writing the victims name in the commission.
There are legends of Bigfoot in the forests of Falkreath. Some kids saw the him and it even made the local newspaper. That was just Arnbjorn, in his werewolf form.
Veezara’s signature style is killing people by drowning them (except if they are also Argonians, then he gets creative)
Astrid has the most knowledge on the body, because she used to go to med school (she failed 3rd or 4th grade)
They are like those atoms or particles? You know, the ones that are moving except when you are filming them, because then they are staying still. They are exactly like that. They are actually really caring and nice to each other, but when you are trying to make a nice video or picture of them they are becoming the most toxic people you know.
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mukuuji · 1 year
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critter-in-skyrim · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @arisenlicious for WIP Wednesday!! Thank you!!! Going to tag @stormbeyondreality @stormcloudzz @weirdisme @oblivions-dawn @afamoore (if you guys want!)
“Arnbjorn is going to be bringing Damien by shortly,” Gabriella leaned into Festus Krex’s workspace to inform him.
“‘Bringing’?” Festus questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s carrying him. Damien decided to try to traverse the stairs while under the influence of Skooma, and broke his fucking leg,” Gabriella said, shaking her head at the newest member of their group’s stupidity. “You’ll be able to fix him, right? He’s lined up for quite a few jobs.”
“Yes, yes, a broken leg is nothing,” Festus waved off her concerns. “He’ll be up, killing again, in no time.” 
“Good. Oh, here they are now.” Gabriella stepped aside to let Arnbjorn pass. He was carrying Damien bridal-style, so as not to jostle his leg too much. Damien, for his part, seemed remarkably reserved, for just having broke his leg. The Skooma in his system might have been helping with that, though.
“Delivery: One drugged-up idiot,” Arnbjorn stated. “Where do I put him?”
“Here is just fine,” Festus nodded to the table in front of him. Arnbjorn followed directions and sat Damien down.
“When you’re fixing him up, make sure it hurts just enough that he doesn’t pull something like this again,” Arnbjorn said, as he left Festus and Damien alone.
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helgiafterdark · 2 days
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death incarnate
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skyrim-forever · 1 year
Dark Brotherhood Zodiac Signs
Astrid: Taurus
Arnbjorn: Aries
Babette: Sagittarius
Cicero: Gemini
Festus Krex: Taurus
Gabriella: Capricorn
Nazir: Virgo
Veezara: Scorpio
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Skyrim Incorrect Quotes
Last Dragonborn: We all took a vote and unanimously decided to kick you out of the Brotherhood
Astrid: When did you take a vote?!
Festus: Just now
Astrid: All you 4 did was say “bro” to each other repeatedly!
Gabriella: Yes, and we all agreed that you were a “no bro”
Arnbjorn: You have 1 day to pack your stuff and leave. You will be missed by some.
Nazir: No you won’t.
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whitegoldtower · 8 months
I have a new character to pair up with Cicero! All these altmer romances I’ve done, I’ve neglected my favourite imperial!!
Time to give him a bit of lovin’.
So. The new guy. What can be said about him?
His name is Morveth ‘Matty’ Groves; a folk-hero to the poor and needful, and a thorn in the side of the wealthy and powerful. An odd sort of vampire, he plays into the ‘Robin Hood’ trope, robbing the rich blind and sucking them dry, before redistributing his loot amongst those who need it more. Certain Argonians in Riften frequently find their pockets lined. The Khajiit caravans find themselves better off because of the arcane trickster. The Dunmer in Windhelm leave their windows open so that Ol’ Matty Groves might pay them a visit.
The rich, however, lock their windows, hide their wives and coin-purses, and hope for the best.
Appearance-wise, Matty Groves is a rather tall and muscular Dunmer, with lavender-grey skin, dusky and pale mauve eyes (with one dilated pupil that causes one eye to appear black), and a head of dust-white, intensely wavy hair. He’s more on the handsome side, and is known to be distracted by beauty. His appearance is generally pleasing, if a little off-putting; his pupils (one being massively dilated and the other being pin-prick small) giving him a rather feral look, and his twelve-fanged grin being considerably scarier (six fangs on the top row, and six on the bottom, teeth stained slightly from years of drinking blood and smoking canis root, which provides a disturbing contrast to his tongue and gums, which are a deep black-purple).
He’s a freaky rogue with what should be an illegal level of charisma, and the Thieves Guild rack up tens all across the board because this guy is GOOD at his trade - high sneak, high speech, high lockpicking and pickpocketing, double daggers, a bag full of poisons and an expert level of illusion magic.
It’s out of pure curiosity that he happens upon the tiny jester at the Loreius Farm, having heard Uthgerd mention him whilst conducting his business in Whiterun late one night. He does, of course, lend his aid, weirdly charmed by the little guy.
…And then he lends aid to Aventus Aretino (“Hey kids, wanna see a dead body?”), which lands him in the Dark Brotherhood.
Matty Groves has it out for Astrid from the beginning, seeing her as the ultimate target - a stupidly wealthy woman with ‘bad vibes’. He smells treachery, deceit and greed. The corners of his mouth begin to twitch.
Naturally, he’s going to side with sweet Cicero.
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cosmictyto · 8 months
Who Broke It? - Skyrim Dark Brotherhood Edition
(I'm sure this has been done before but w/e)
Arnbjorn, setting a heavily dented kettle on the table: So... Who broke it?
Arnbjorn: I'm not mad. I just want to know.
Astrid: I did. I broke-
Arnbjorn: No, no you didn't. Krex?
Festus: Don't look at me! Look at Nazir!
Nazir: What? I didn't break it!
Festus: Huh, that's weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Nazir: Because it's sitting right in front of us, and it's BROKEN.
Festus: Suspicious.
Nazir: No, it's not!
Veezara: I-if it matters... Probably not, but, Babette was the last one to use-
Babette: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Veezara: Oh? Really? Then what were you doing over by the kettle cart earlier?
Babette: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, VEEZARA!
Astrid, getting a headache: Okay, okay. Let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Arnbjorn.
Arnbjorn: No. Who broke it?
Nazir: Arnbjorn, Gabriella's been awfully quiet-
Gabriella: REALLY?!
Nazir: Oh, yeah, really!-
*chaos ensues*
Arnbjorn: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it... I predict 10 minutes from now, they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick...
*crashing and fighting in the background*
Arnbjorn, grinning: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here~
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