#Fiancé started calling him Pee-Head
carterashofficial · 7 months
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Today Daisy ate various types of dirt, peed on Teddy’s head, tried to get me to play with her instead of doing important wedding-planning things, and then decided to cry and whine until I sat with her.
This was all within the space of three hours. Apparently she saves the mischief for when I’m there b/c mom says she’s an angel (Note: Daisy is not an angel)
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anonymousbardd · 6 months
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created (2)
- The First Trimester
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ Every night I would wake up and run to the bathroom throwing up everything I ate that day, and Gun would always be next to me holding my hair.
Gun had quit smoking when he found out I was pregnant, he began to cook me meals and help out in any way he could.
When my breasts started to get tender and swollen, I felt a bit flustered, Gun reassured me that it didn't look bad.
He would often massage me, every part of my sore body.
There are times he would gently massage my sore and swollen breasts, he would place soft kisses on my neck and chest.
Gun would always make sure that I don't feel uncomfortable and would do anything to lessen the pain I would be feeling.
He was always by my side and would get me some snacks whenever I craved something to eat.
ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Goo had put me on bed rest, he wouldn't let me leave unless I needed to throw up or pee, he took care of the chores, of the food and he took care of me.
I would hear him complain because a task is difficult, but when I'd offer to help he'd respond to me with, "Shut up, you're pregnant! You shouldn't do things that may cause you stress!"
And then once he realised that he raised his voice he would huff and apologise for yelling at me.
Every night, he would crease my legs and kiss my face.
Goo tried his best to tend to me whenever I needed it the most, there are times his hands would travell on my most sensitive spots and start teasing me.
He usually whines because he misses me, and my body, but he's patient enough to go through the whole pregnancy with me.
ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ Samuel started waking up alongside me whenever I felt like throwing up, he'd rub my back and hold my hair as my head was inside the toilet bowl.
He's been getting me things I need and has been doing his own research om how to take care of some who's pregnant.
He takes his time with me and is ways prepared no matter what.
Whenever he goes to work, he'd call frequently, even while he's fighting, and if he isn't able to call he'd apologize later on.
My Samuel has been so nice to me, and I really don't know how to make up for it, all he tells me is that it's okay and the child I'm carrying is a blessing enough.
ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ "Jake! Can you please get me some water?" I shouted, my fiancé came out of the bathroom half naked and dripping wet just to get me some water.
Jake has always been there for me, he, Lua, the big deal, they've been doing everything they can to help me.
He's been spoiling me with kisses and affection, sometimes he'd whine saying that he misses me.
When my boobs started to get swollen and tender, Jake's been snatching every chance he gets to grope them.
At some point, he'd ask if it was okay if he fucked my chest, I told him no countless times but then he'd start begging.
Eventually, I gave in and he began to touch my breasts and please himself using my body.
He'd clean up using his tongue, licking every inch of my tits.
I was sensitive, and it felt good too, but it was a bit unfair.
ʚɞ ┊: Vin Jin
↳ On my first trimester, I'd constantly get morning sickness and nausea, Vin would be there and he'd try to consult me, but it ends up being annoying because it's clear he isn't enjoying it.
"Vin... Can you please fetch me some water...?" I quietly asked, my dearest boyfriend, who's sat on his beanbag let out a groan and stood up to get me a half full glass of water.
I couldn't do anything about it, it was clear that he really wasn't ready for this type of life style.
"Marry... I don't know how long I'll be able to stay sane for!" I complained to the blonde woman in front of me, she was sat on the couch drinking soda while listening to my complaints.
"Vin is sweet and all... But it's clear that he's not really interested in helping out much... He doesn't have an idea what to do..."
Marry sighed and placed her hand on mine, "You know how that dick is, don't worry, I'll be here to help you out."
The next few days, I haven't been seeing my boyfriend much, it made me feel depressed and it felt like I was all alone during this.
But then one night, I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Vin, as I quietly slept, I felt two pairs of arms snake around my waist.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw Vin carrying me to our bedroom, he placed me down on the bed and placed a kiss on my forehead, "You're an idiot..." He muttered.
He then sat down near me, his hands were holding mine, "I'm sorry... I really should start being more responsible now that I'm going to be a father."
Vin sighed and laid down next to me, he pulled me closer to him, I felt his breath tickle my skin.
"I'm sorry, I'll do better, starting now."
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Note: "Nyahalo everyone! Sorry for being a bit inactive... I've been pretty busy w/ my exams and we had to go something for a few days.
Worry not, I'll try to finish up a few fics so that I'll be able to upload a bit more.
Also, Ik some people request some smut w/ pregnant reader but tbh I don't really know how I'll begin one w/ somebody pregnant, because the thing running in my mind is it'll be harmful to fuck when there's baby :').
Either way, hope y'all like this."
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unabashegirl · 2 years
Golden boy
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In honor of Argentina finally winning the World Cup and Messi finally fulfilling his dream, I decided to write this one shot. I really hope you enjoy it and if you are from Argentina then FELICITACIONES ENSERIO SE LO MERECEN!
Let me know if you want to make this a series with different scenarios and stuff.
Anything in blue is commentary!
“Are you sure you packed everything?” She asked, walking into the bedroom. He was standing by his suitcase preparing everything for his departure to Qatar. “See? This is what happens when you don’t let me help you”.
“You start doubting my packing abilities?” Y/N playfully slapped his chest and handed him a cup of tea that she had just prepared. “I think I got enough experience in this” His hand brushed past her small bump.
She was pregnant with their second child. Although the public had no idea about it. She had been hiding in their house ever since she found out. Just as a precaution. Y/N was incredibly grateful of all the fans and support, but they could get a little crazy, and her first priority was keeping their unborn child safe.
“Last time you felt to the Euro cup with only a pair of briefs. Of course, I do!” Harry laughed at his fiancé then drank the tea. “Are you excited?” He frowned, running his fingers through his long hair.
“M’nervous. Everyone talks so much shit, and it hasn’t even started” He had been blasted all over national news since the last tournament. He was brutally criticized by his ability to score in the national team. Harry contributed and had scored more goals than the majority of the team, yet it was never enough for the British sports press.
“Don’t pay attention. More than half of them have never even touched a ball” They were quick to point fingers, but none of them had played against the best football players of the world. Y/n helped him fold a few more t-shirts and socks that he had decided to take. “Look at everything you have achieved, darling. This trophy doesn’t define the class of player you are”.
“You don’t understand pup. I own this to my country. I would give up every other trophy just so I can win one world cup”. Harry had been growing anxious as the date of the inauguration approached. Y/N would wake up to pee in the middle of the night and notice he was missing. Only to find him downstairs watching the repetitions of other football matches.
“Alright” She exhaled, “We’ll come meet you at the quarterfinals” Y/N was traveling with the rest of the wags after the group stage. “Just know that whatever happens we love you, and we’ll support you no matter what”.
Harry wrapped his arms around her way waist and pressed her body against his.
“Wha’ I would do with yeh?” He pecked her lips and then her forehead.
“Leave to the other side of the world with only a pair of underwear?” Harry laughed and leaned down to kiss her, but before he could press his lips against hers, he heard a noise.
“There you are! Where were you?” Harry asked as he walked up to him. “I thought you weren’t going to say bye bye” He squat down and lifted him off the floor.
“He was at the park, right baby?” Nathaniel Styles was the spitting image of his father. He had his eyes and wild brown curls and according to his pediatrician he was going to be just as tall. Y/N had just carried him. It was as if Harry had a baby with himself.
“You are sweaty. You need to take a bath” Harry brushed back his messy curls and tried to take his shirt off noticing how flushed he was. His tiny arms hugged Harry, and he pressed his head against his father’s hard chest. “How about daddy gives you one whilst mommy makes dinner?”
“Perfect. Have fun!”
Next morning, Harry departed early in the morning. His family stood by the front door of their house and waved him goodbye.
The World Cup started later that week. Harry had Facetimed his little family the morning before the match.
“I knew you had forgotten something!” Y/N said as soon as he accepted the call.
“Sunscreen! Look how burned you are!” Y/N giggled at how sun kissed he was.
“I am fine! Qatar has just been rough. It’s too hot and training got the best of me” Thankfully the national team had arrived a few days earlier to adapt to the hot temperatures. “How is Nate and our baby?”
“Nate has been wanting to wear his daddy’s number every day. He is excited to see you play, and the baby is alright. We just miss you and wish the best”
“I love you”
“I love you more”
That evening, Y/N sat in the living room with Nate and Harry’s family. All of them extremely anxious and nervous for him but hopeful that they were going to win every match.
England vs Wales was the first match. Harry started on the bench, yet he seemed very relax and serine. The first forty-five minutes hadn’t ended when Harry was called into the field.
The game instantly changed. Harry helped opened up the field and was able to assist Rashford in their first goal in the second half of the match. Everyone jumped and cheered as Harry and his teammates celebrated. The second goal came along very quickly. Rashford had scored again.
At minute seventy-one, Harry received a perfectly good pass. He dashed through the field, dribbling past Gareth Bale and Wales’ defense. With the speed and momentum he had, he just slightly kicked the ball over the goalkeeper and scored. The stadium erupted in cheers.
Harry ran up to the camera and brew a kiss right at it knowing that his family was watching. After all they were his biggest fans.
Back in England, Y/N hugged with the entire family. She couldn’t believe his talent and his ability to make it seem so effortless. Shorty after the final whistle was blown and England had defeated Wales.
Y/N felt extremely proud of the team as she watched them clapping and hand shaking the other team.
This was the first of many. England advanced to the quarterfinals and Y/N was expected to fly to Qatar. Unfortunately, Nathaniel had caught the flu and the pediatrician advised her to not fly with him. So, they agreed on her flying for the semifinals and soon Y/N was on an airplane with Nate on their way to see his father in Qatar.
“You are here!” Katie Goodman smiled as she ran into Y/N in the lobby of the hotel. She was Harry Kane’s wife and a sort of mentor to the young wives of the national team. “Look at him! He is so big. You look so much like your dad!”
“He does! I wish he had a bit of me” Y/N pouted, bouncing him on her hip.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” the receptionist tried capturing her attention, “These are your room keys and credit card. I hope you enjoy your stay”.
“Thank you! Have a great day” She smiled and shoved the keys in her back pocket and her credit card into her purse. “Have you seen the boys already?”
“I did for breakfast. They are alright. Somewhat nervous but excited to play. Harry has been doing a phenomenal job hasn’t he?” Y/N smiled and nodded vigorously.
“He is” Y/N smiled proudly.
“Listen, we are all having dinner together like around six. Are you coming?”
“Of course. Let me just freshen up and put Nate down for a nap. I’ll meet you down there” Y/N was also in desperate need of a nap and a shower.
“Perfect” Katie smiled and went away.
Y/N went up to her room and did as she said. She took a shower after putting Nate down and got into bed too. Her feet were killing her and so was her back. Thankfully she had decided to wear a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers for every match. Obviously with Harry’s number at the back. Y/N made sure to send a text to Harry letting him know that they had arrived and were safe.
“Oh I missed you!” Harry blew on Nate’s chubby cheeks and hugged him close as possible. The family reunited for dinner time with the rest of the teammates and their respective families. “Wha' is mummy giving you that you look bigger since I last saw you?” He tickled his tummy making him squirm and giggle. “And you look beautiful” Harry shifted his attention towards his soon-to-be wife.
“I’ve missed you” Harry gripped her chin and pulled her into a sweet kiss. “I’ve missed all of you” He whispered in her ear and planted a kiss on the side of her neck.
“Stop it” She giggled and pushed him away. “You aren’t allowed to until you finish”.
“You are no fun” he pouted even though he knew that she was right. He wasn’t allowed to have sex which was the reason that their wives slept in different rooms for the rest of the match. “We could seek and have some fun”
“Fun got us pregnant last time” Harry smiled as he remembered that night of the Champions League. They had snuck into the locker rooms after the game and after lots of convincing they had sex.
After having a nice meal, they all retired to their respective bedrooms in preparations for the semifinals
The semi-finals were upon them. Harry had been benched for the first half. He didn’t mind it. He had been having some pain in his shin. Therefore, the coach wanting to preserve it had asked him to sit out.
It was 0-0 and people were getting desperate for a goal. Y/N watched from the box, she carried Nate as he soundlessly slept on her chest. He was definitely his son. Football matches were like a white noise machine for him. She was kinda disappointed that Harry wasn’t playing, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t paying attention.
After the first half and seeing the disappointing results. The coach decided to put Harry in. He needed someone to connect and assist the forwards. The match was going nowhere if he didn’t replace a player.
“Your boy is going in” Katie winked at Y/N, she already had a big smile on her face. She watched him stand on the sideline waiting for the referee to substitute. He pulled on his socks and stretched his ankles. Meanwhile, the coach was whispering to him exactly what he wanted to see.
England is having a first substitution. Harry Styles with number 9 is joining. Hopefully, he is what England needs to score. What do you think Jerry?
I think he is a very strong asset for the team. He reads well all the signals given my Kane and the rest of his teammates. He is also very observant and knows where to come in and create plays.
He is quite the player. He has scored or assisted on every single match. And there he goes, Jerry.
Maguire. Saka. Bellingham. Styles. Styles against two defenders. He kicks it with the left to Rashford. Rashford andddd it’s a corner kick!
We are finally getting some action here, John.
Kane kicks it. It bounces off. Styles gets it back and centers it. Rashford kicks it and GOAL FROM ENGLAND!
It’s coming home John!
It really is Jerry!
The game ends 2-0 with another goal but from Bellingham.
Kane ran up to Harry and hugged him tightly as cameras snapped pictures of them.
“Holy shit!” Harry exclaimed while Kane threw his arm over him and laughed.
“We did it!” Kane yelled as the fans went crazy over the pair.
“Styles!” A reporter from the FIFA called out to him for an interview. “What an amazing performance! Congratulations”
“Thank you” He smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
“Breathtaking goal. How are you going to celebrate?”
“With my teammates and my family and preparing for the next match” Harry smiled, “My fiancé and my son arrived yesterday, so I want to spend some time with him”
“Thank you Styles”
“Thank you” he said and walked off the field. He was exhausted and desperately needed a long shower. “Hello?” he called out as he walked into the Y/N’s bedroom.
“Hi! Man of the Match” she winked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Hi m’love” he was proud of himself. He finally felt like he was being able to show his talent. He felt like people were finally considering him as a decent football player. “Look at you so pretty in my shirt” Harry cocky winked. He hands untucked her shirt and slipped his hands over her skin.
“Harry” she warned, she could see his eyes burn with passion and his pupils dilated. “We can’t! I really want to but no”.
“No one is going to know m’love” he pushed her hair back, uncovering her neck, “don’t you think I deserve it?” he unbuttoned her jeans, his hands dipped into her pants and backside.
“What about Nate? He is sleeping in the other room” Her hands tangled with his hair as he assaulted her neck with kisses and bites.
“exactly he is sleeping” he guided her back towards the bed. “Just let me have a little taste” Harry gently laid her on the bed and finish taking off her pants. “Look at my pretty pup. You’ve been wearing these all day?” he pulled on a hot pink thong.
“Yes” she nodded, “for you”.
“Christ” Harry exhaled taking it off before burying his head between her legs.
“Whatever happens today. I’ll be forever proud of you” Harry was ready for the match and the team was about to leave for the stadium. They held each other’s hands and had their foreheads pressed against one another.
“I love you”
“You got this. This is just another game” She whispered and kissed him. Harry kissed Nate too before waving at them one last time and leaving.
The stadium was filled with players from both England and Spain. Y/N couldn’t believe the amount of people wearing her husband's jersey. She felt an immense pride to be his. She had been with him since the beginning. She had been with him through the injuries and the club loans and more.
“I am about to shit myself” said Katie as she sat beside Y/N.
“You and me both”
“I am happy we are here, but what if god forbids they lose? What will we do? How do we comfort them?”
“I have no idea. I told Harry to treat it as another common match” Katie nodded as she finished out snacks from her tote bag for her kids.
“What? What did I miss?” Asantewa Chitty asked, walking in with a drink.
“Nothing yet just that I am shitting myself” The three of them laughed and waiting until the players came out and the match began.
“Whatever happens today. I’ll be forever proud of you” Harry was ready for the match and the team was about to leave for the stadium. They held each other’s hands and had their foreheads pressed against one another.
“I love you”
“You got this. This is just another game” She whispered and kissed him. Harry kissed Nate too before waving at them one last time and leaving.
The stadium was filled with players from both England and Spain. Y/N couldn’t believe the amount of people wearing her husbands jersey. She felt an immense pride to be his. She had been with him since the beginning. She had been with him through the injuries and the club loans.
“I am about to shit myself” said Katie as she sat beside Y/N.
“You and me both”
“I am happy we are here, but what if god forbids they lose? What will we do? How do we confort?”
“I have no idea. I told Harry to treat it as another common match” Katie nodded as she finished out snacks from her tote bag for her kids.
“What? What did I miss?” Asantewa Chitty asked, walking in with a drink.
“Nothing yet just that I am shitting myself” The three of them laughed and waiting until the players came out and the match began.
We are here at the final match of the World Cup. England versus Spain! What are you hoping to see today, Jerry?
I hope to see a very united England. I wish to see Style's magic and ability to connect those passes to Kane and Rashford.
The chemistry between those three is really something. I wish to see it because if not then we are going to have a terrible game.
“Please let them win” Y/N whispered as the match started.
We are twenty minutes in and still no goals. Although England is playing a spectacular game.
Kane recuperates the ball. He is so quick. He passes it to Rashford. He is looking for an opportunity and some space, but Spain’s defense is way too tight. Styles is wide open. Rashford back to Kane. Kane changes sides of the field. Styles receives the pass and kicks it. GOAL! Once again, Kane with his magic.
I swear that this Styles kid is going to become the next best thing in the world of football.
I have no doubt. This performance today is indispensable
1-0 winning England! Let’s go boys. You can all do it.
At the end of the first half England was winning the match with two goals against Spain. That was until Morata scored the first goal in minute 85’ and then they scored a penalty shot.
Harry couldn’t believe how they had lost control of the match with only five minutes left. He sighted and ran his fingers through this hair.
Y/N could see that he was extremely stressed. She could also tell that he was exhausted and frustrated. It hurt her seeing him like that. She wished she could make turn back time to when they were winning.
90’ minute came around and there was a short break. They were going to play 30’ more minutes in 15’ minutes halves.
Harry drank some water and sat for a second as the coach lectured them. The tension that was building was too thick. The fans had stopped cheering as reality set in. Y/N’s words kept replaying in her mind. He had to think and treat it like another match. The pressure was too much.
10 minutes into the 15’ half Harry scored a beautiful goal. He had seen the opportunity and had taken a shot at it. Harry knelt on the floor and blew a kiss towards the box where Y/N and Nate sat.
“Dadda” Nate called out as they showed Harry on the big screens. Y/N wiped the tears with the back of her hand as she bounced him.
“That’s right m’love. That is daddy” And so the game ended.
England is the WORLD CHAMPION! You heard it right! The rookie Harry Styles has scored the winning goal! What a game! IT’S GOING HOME
Everyone piled on Harry as the stadium erupted with cheers. Harry quickly got back into his own feet and waved to Y/N to come down with Nathaniel. He wanted to enjoy the moment with them because everything he had done had been for them.
“Harry!” Y/N called out as she ran to him. He hugged her and got her off her feet, spinning her around. “Congratulations m’love” she covered her face with kisses. Harry's mother walked up to them, carrying Nate with teary eyes.
“Thank you darlin. All for you three” he kissed her and put her down.
“Congratulations honey” Anne hugged him tightly and handed him Nate. “What a game!”
“Thanks mum” he kissed her forehead then turned to his son.
“I’ve missed you. Are you ready to go home?” He kissed his cheeks and held his world. Proud of himself. Proud to be from England.
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m323200 · 4 months
4x01: Was The Last Time We Left Off
It's been three years since she left to achieve her dreams as a star.
I arrived back at the Dunphy house. It's been a a while. I messaged Haley.
Hey Haley. 
Where the hell 
have you been.
No call.
I'm at the front door
Omg really!! 
❤️ ❤️ 
Anyone there?
No all out.
Great.  Now open plz.
Haley opened the door. She screamed and was excited to see me. We hugged each other. Haley was shocked. "Oh my god your blonde! Like really blonde!". I laughed. I told her fresh start means new style. And I was shocked too, "Your due date soon?". She said that it's close but far.
She loved it. She says the outfit looks great. I asked her that we should catch up. We headed to her room. Which is the basement. She asked me, "How was Hollywood.". I said it was great. But she told me, "I thought you got a role in a film, directed by James Wan. It never came out and that I starred in two films that wasn't that film.".
I told her it's a long story. I explained to her, "I was supposed to come out, but after the whole incidents, they decided to cancel it.". She questioned the word I said, "incidents".
I told her, "Everything was great. When I got there it was like a dream. Few days after, I got into costume fitting for two weeks. Eventually, I dyed my hair, I let it grow and made it wavy. But when we started filming, a few days after, some people....died". She was shocked and scared. She asked many questions.
I told her, "The deaths kept getting more serious. Also, it revolved around me. So killing people around me was just part of his plan.". She got stressed.
I continued, "After I killed the person who killer people, the company thought it was best to cancel the film. They said they thought of more films to have me star in.". Haley said, "Like Submerged and that new Alien film.".
Haley got up, "I have to pee. I'll be right back.". I stayed there until she came back. Few minutes later, she did. She asked if I met anyone. I told her I met someone, but did more than just date. I showed her the ring. She screamed, "You got married!". She got excited, but I told her not to get excited.
Haley said, "Why? I should be excited your-", I interrupted, "Not getting married. That's one of the reasons why I'm here.". Haley asked if everything was okay. I told her everything's a disaster. 
Me being a star was a fail, finding love, failed. I said that I ran away from him. Haley says we need to take a girl's day out. No men telling us what to do.
We took a spa, went to the movies, bowling. Hell Haley ordered a dessert and had it with chips. Weird pregnancy cravings, am I right.
When we went home, Claire, Luke, Alex, Phil, and Gloria was there. They all were surprised. They ran to me and hugged me. They were all saying, "Your blonde!", "Your back! We missed you", that sort of things.
Claire said that food is ready now and to eat now or have it cold. Luke said, "We need to talk.". I told him, "Yeah...we do...". We headed upstairs to his room.
He said, "You didn't say you were returning.". I said that it was unexpected and not planned. I said, "I swear I was going to come back it was just...things changed...". "Three years...I haven't heard from you for three years.", he said. "I know, but it's not what I wanted...after I got proposed to-", Luke interrupted, "You got engaged!". 
I said, "Don't worry, it's off.". He asked, "Why? Where's your boyfriend-slash-fiancé.". I told him, "Don't know, don't care.". He asked if I was hiding out, but I told him I was laying low. 
We went upstairs to eat. But by the time we went up there, everyone was gone. Haley was sitting on the couch watching a movie. Me and Luke ate. We talked. We laughed. And Haley was asleep. We headed upstairs. 
I asked, "Can we start over?". He was thinking about it, "Don't you gotta go back to your-", I told him, "We're done. Don't expect me back with him.". "I'll love to start over with you. As friends. Deal?". I shook his hands. "Deal."
He said, "I'll try again, but this time, let's start slow.". I agreed with him.
It was 8:00 pm, no one was at the house. I had gotten a call. It was my ex, Brian. He told me, "Where the hell are you!". I said, "I'm not going back.". He said, "I'm going to find you and make you come back home.". I threw my phone at the wall. I felt like the bad memories kept coming back. One thing is that I will never tell anyone what happened between me and Brian.
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gate4043 · 10 months
This was the first outfit I wore out of the house.
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I was terrified. Wearing an old blue shirt I've had for years that was kinda girly but you can't really see it, it was more for me and for my confidence, a black pinafore dress, stockings, and you can't see them but just my white cheap kmart sneakers. I was also wearing breast forms (I think D cup ones) I'd bought off amazon and a shitty Bonds bra that had managed to keep them in place. I hadn't shaved my arms in a while, so I was afraid to take off the jacket. You can't see it, but my bald spot had gotten really bad, which I thankfully didn't notice until I got home.
It was a Saturday. My mum and stepdad would get back from holiday the next day, so I only had that day to do it. But it was late in the day by the time I'd actually mustered up the courage and put together an outfit. My car was parked out on the lawn, and our neighbours talked a lot with my parents and the neighbour across the street was pretty nosey and watched us a lot. I had zipped up my jacket and put on a pair of jeans so that I could drive my car into the driveway, go back inside and take my pants off, then hop back in the car and go to the only shop that was open at 9:30 something on a Saturday that people wouldn't recognise me at.
It did go wrong a little. The part of the garage that opens up to the back was a little ajar, which meant the dog ran through and out into the front yard. I panicked, pulled back into the driveway, and then ran around to the front door and desperately called him in.
I drove to the shop panicking the entire time. It was amazing, and it was scary as shit to be doing it, I assuredly accidentally broke some traffic rules out of sheer nervousness. Rolled up to the shop. Worst experience I've ever had out in public. Everyone stared. Got called a freak by a passerby whispering under his breath, to this day that's the only time that's ever fucking happened. Got inside, bunch of stares and misgendering from old cis white dudes, and everyone else in the shop was actually really lovely. Clocked the checkout as kinda queer, they were super nice about everything, headed home, freaked the fuck out.
Here I am fourteen months later in May of this year
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So that's just under six months on E at the time. Went out to a friend's first year E anniversary, it was wild, there were multiple people being held by their partners with leads, there was a person in crazy makeup and a top hat and boot heels and they explained to me where they got their hat, I got to sit in a cute girl's lap and snuggle, it was great.
I wanna talk about confidence
When I was in the closet, when I was finally starting to come out, I was doing a lot more than I'd ever done before. I'd gotten clothes from my brother's fiancée, then girlfriend, which fit me, and I'd dress up around the house and run around with the lights off upstairs because the neighbours on both the front and back of the house could see through into ours and again, they talked. All it would have taken is one dickhead blabbing and suddenly a shitstorm would've broke loose.
I have an awkward body for transitioning. What's worse, I could've prevented it because I've known I was trans for that long. Shoes won't fit me, don't even bother trying, my feet are fucking massive, even for guys. My shoulders are just wide. I know the jacket didn't help, but believe me, it wasn't as thick as it looks. I have a serious body hair problem which I hope to all fuck will get sorted out in some way with hormones, but I expect before long I'll be getting full body electrolysis, damn the expense.
This is why I'm showing this stuff, is because I was not confident, I was not the kind of trans person who posts a bunch of pictures of themselves to the internet and I'm still not that and I don't think I'll ever be that. Right now it's almost 2 AM, I haven't shaved all day, the toilet's clogged and I didn't want to sit down in the water so I was forced to stand up to pee because I was busting which made me feel dysphoric and gave me impostor syndrome at the same time and I have work tomorrow. But I know seeing a trans person I can relate to helps me whenever I'm feeling down, and I felt like sharing this.
It's okay to be a mess of a person, you don't have to be like the really fucking beautiful people I see on the internet all the time. You can be a goblin that struggles to achieve humanity, let alone gender presentation, and that doesn't change who you are on the inside and that doesn't mean that you can't do everything you wanna do and be everything you wanna be. Don't let it discourage you, you're awesome. You're always gonna be awesome. G'night.
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yourimagines · 10 months
Angst with fluff mike perry!!
You scared me
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Angst, swearing, and fluff
Mike and I we are not the same at all. He’s more like an outgoing type of person, loves to fight, doesn’t back down, always in trouble. Me on the other hand, I like to stay at home, doesn’t like to hurt people, will definitely back down and I’m never in any sorts of trouble. So when we met it was weird for people to see us together but we didn’t care about what people thought about us. So we are 5 years together, engaged and living together with two dogs. Jax an German Shepard and Simon an dachshund
Mike was actually out with friends as I stayed home, watching an Christmas movie. I was wrapped in a cosy blanket on the sofa as the two dogs lay on the ground by my feet. The only lights in the room were from the tv and the Christmas tree. I grabbed a Christmas cookie and nibbled on it. Jax jumped as a weird noise was heard from outside. He stood up and walked to the back door. “Jax buddy, it’s okay, it’s probably some fireworks.” Jax sat down at the back door, guarding the door. Simon was looking at me. “It’s nothing, just some noises from the neighbourhood.” I stood up and walked over to Jax. “Come on buddy, you scaring Simon.” Jax didn’t move, he was staring at the door. “Jax there is nobody, come on.” I tried to move him away from the door. “You need to pee, okay but I’m not going on a walk with you.” I grabbed my keys and opened the back door. He stood up and run outside as I opened the door. That’s were I shit my pants. Jax runs at a figure that was standing in my backyard. “Jax!” Jax was barking and running around. The figure started to move towards me. “Jax!” Jax runs back as I closed the door, quickly locking it. Jax was barking at the door as I run back to the sofa, grabbing my phone and Simon. I sprinted up stairs and called Mike. “Come on pick up.” I run to our room and closed the door. “Jax will be fine.” I placed Simon on the bed and called Mike again. “Come on!” I looked outside of the window and my heart dropped. The back door was open.
Tears were falling down as I searched for a weapon. Mike didn’t picked up his phone and I heard someone trying to open the bedroom door. I held my hand against my mouth as a sob escaped. Simon was scared as well, hiding himself between the pillows. ‘Jax, what happened to Jax.’ I texted Mike, that someone broke in and that I’m scared. The door clicked out of his lock and the handle slowly went down. ‘I’m going to die.’ The door made a squeaking noise as it was carefully opened. I was standing in a corner, totally trapped. I quickly looked at mikes side of the bed, a baseball bat was laying on the ground. I sprinted towards it and grabbed the bat. The person walked in and I swing around with it. “Stop!” The person grabs the bat and I panicked. “Babe stop!” He grabs my shoulders as I pushed him. “Babe it’s me! Stop.” I looked up and saw Mike. I immediately broke down. Mike wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so sorry my love, I’m sorry.” I sobbed into his chest. “I’m sorry for scaring you like that.” His hands went under my shirt, rubbing my back. “I…I was scared Mike.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” Jax jumped against my leg. “He protected you till he found out it was me.” I looked at Mike as tears were flowing down my cheeks. “I thought something happened to him.” He wiped away my tears. “I’m sorry my love, don’t cry please it hurts me to see you cry.” I sniffed and hugged him. “Just hold me close.” “I will baby, I’m sorry.” He walked us over to our bed. Simon was wiggling his tail. “You scared us all.” “I didn’t mean to make you cry…I’m the worst fiancé ever.” I chuckled against his chest. “Yes you are.” He kisses my head as Jax jumped on our bed. “Worst part is, I missed a part of the movie because of this.” I said with a pout on my face. “What we doing here then, come let’s watch that movie together huh.” He picked me and Simon up and carried us back downstairs. I was giggling as he sat us back down on the sofa. “Let me make it up to my beautiful soon to be wife.” He tucked me in and made a hot chocolate.
He lay next to me, his chest was exposed as I was running my hands over his chest. “You’re okay my love?” I nodded and snuggled up against him. “I’m sorry, I’ll never forgive myself for scaring you like that.” “I’m okay now.” He kissed my head. “Good because I really would hate myself for making you feel unsafe.” I nodded and kissed his chest. “I forgive you.” “Thank you my love.”
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 years
Subway Bosses scenarios: You get drunk and lost.
[ Ingo/Emmet is freaked out when Y/n is late coming home after going out drinking with her friends and goes out looking for her]
Ingo:  a 2:55AM Ingo winced as he woke up to his phone beeping, he rolled over to check on Y/n and frowned when he didn't see her laying next him, he assumed you were in bathroom or getting a drink of water and picked up his phone and was greeted by a text from you. [ No where I am? plz helb!] his brow furrowed and Ingo got out of bed and check around the house for Y/n, hoping she'd just fell asleep on the couch... But to Ingo's dismay he found no trace of his fiancée ever returning home!
The conductor quickly got his coat and shoes on and got in his car and drove to the bar Y/n said she was going to be at, where he caught one of the workers as they were locking it up. "Excuse me! have you seen this woman?" Ingo asked as he showed the man a photo of Y/n, the worker nodded and said her friends left at around 1AM, but he didn't remember seeing her go with them. Ingo asked if anyone followed them? worried someone may have harmed Y/n.
The worker shook their head then noticed Ingo's Rotom-phone was the newest model and asked if Ingo and Y/n were on the same plan? "Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" They showed him the Find my Rotom-pal app, the map came up on the screen and it showed him Y/n's last location a Pokémart about twenty minutes away. 
Ingo thanked the worker and five into his drive his phone rang it was Y/n's number! Ingo told Rotom to answer it. "He-Hello?" Ingo's jaw tightened... that wasn't Y/n's voice. "Who is this? where's Y/n, if you touched her I'll-" the person on the other stammered out that they didn't do anything to Y/n. "Dude, we just found her passed out at the slushy machine, could you come and get her before we call the cops?" Ingo winced wondering why Y/n was even at the Pokémart to begin with?
 "Are her friends outside or something?" the clerk hummed in confusion  "What friends? She came in here alone." Ingo's temper flared as things started falling into place. The conductor sped off the Pokémart, pissed off not at Y/n, but at her so called 'friends', Ingo could tell they were the type were only friends with Y/n, when they felt she was of use to them.
They only used her as an ATM to pay for their girl's night out! Ingo took a guess that Y/n wouldn't pay their tabs anymore and they got pissed, got her very drunk and ditched her, when Ingo got to the Pokémart, he surveyed the parking lot for anything or anyone suspicious before getting out and entering the store.
The clerk nearly dropped the boxes they were carrying when they saw one of the Trevithick twins walk in, before they could ask what they could do for him Ingo bluntly stated. "I'm here to pick up Y/n." the clerk brought him to the back room where the female clerk was watching over a passed out Y/n.
the woman's jaw dropped when she saw Ingo walk in she and her coworker watched as Ingo carefully wake Y/n up. "Y/n...It's time to depart," Y/n whined as she was still drunk, tired and feeling ill she looked around the backroom confused, as Ingo took his coat off and gave it to her to wear and helped her stand. "c'mon darlin, up we go!" the couple started to leave, but Ingo paused moment and asked the Clerks for a Komala coffee and a bottle of water, he payed got Y/n in the car and had her drink some water, he started driving home.
 'Good thing it's my day off today...* he thought while at a red light, Ingo saw Y/n's phone ping with a message {did you learn your lesson stingy bitch?] Ingo eyes narrowed and texted something back to them before deleting the chat history, needless to say Y/n was confused as to how she got home to bed and was even more baffled as to why her now Ex-friends were suddenly terrified to go anywhere near her.
Emmet: 1:55am He woke up to pee when he noticed Y/n's side of the bed was still empty, aside from her Skitty Mortimer; who had been using Emmet as a personal heater since his trainer was AWOL. Emmet assumed Y/n didn't want to wake him up and fell asleep in the living room he went to go bring her to bed, only there was no one to bring to bed, Emmet's eyes surveyed the living and mudroom and found no trace of Y/n ever returning from her game night, Which freaked Emmet out since Y/n was never this late before!
[Cut to Emmet convincing Chandelure to get him Ingo's car keys, so he can go look for Y/n.]
Emmet drove to The Bottom shelf tavern which was a Table-top RPG bar owned by M/n's (that's the same M/n from he thinks your cheating.) boyfriend, the two were just closing up the bar when Emmet came in. "Ey, Emmet, my dude whatcha' doing here?" M/n slurred clearly drunk off his butt as his boyfriend handed him glass of water and nodded at the conductor. "Uh, I'm here to pick up Y/n, is she the back or?" M/n and his boyfriend looked at Emmet bemused. "Y'mean she didn't go home?" M/n asked sobering up a bit which caused Emmet's stomach to drop into his feet. "She's not here?" he asked panicked M/n said Y/n left at around 12:30 saying she was heading home, they assumed she called a cab and that was that. 
The three men started debating if they should call the cops, when Emmet's Rotom-phone rang it was Y/n's ring tone! "Y/n? Where are you, I'm coming to-" Emmet was cut by a older male voice. "Y/n? is that her name?" Emmet's expression darkened. "Who is this? why you have my girlfriend's phone, if you did something to her..." the person on the other end barked out. "Settle down boy! I ain't nothin to your lady," Emmet's aura was ominous which caused M/n and his BF to huddled to together in fear as the man continued "I found her sleeping on my granddaughters trampoline, I'd apricate it if ya came and got her, before I call the police!" The man huffed and hung up as Emmet said goodbye to M/n. 
He used the find my Rotom-pal to track Y/n's phone and arrived at a suburban neighborhood, it took a moment for Emmet to realize this was the neighborhood Y/n used to live in *she must've thought she was still living here... * Emmet thought as he parked in front of a lavender colored house, with a very grumpy and unimpressed old man standing on the front porch. 
After making sure Emmet was the one he had spoken to on the phone, the old man brought the train conductor into his backyard where Y/n was passed out on a trampoline; with a blanket thrown over her and a bag of ice resting on her mud covered foot.
Emmet looked at the old man for an explanation. "She messed up her ankle, since she jumped the fence to get in here." the old man pointed at a spot in his yard where you could clearly see where Y/n had landed, Emmet apologized for his girlfriend's shenanigans, the old man waved him off, citing everyone has these moments. "Hell, I can remember a few times where I've had track down my wife after she's had a few too many, and vise versa." the two awkwardly chuckle as Emmet picked Y/n up and carried her to the car. 
He drove her straight to the hospital where they had her foot checked out, luckily it wasn't broken just badly sprained. Y/n woke up as they were bandaging her foot, she freaked out wondering what happened, and why she was in the hospital?! until Emmet told her what happened, Y/n was mortified and started  apologizing profusely for making him worry. 
The conductor assured her it was fine, but made Y/n promise to keep track on much she's had to drink and to call him or a cab when she wants to come home. When all was said and done, Emmet drove them home at around 4AM, he was thankful that today was his day off so that meant he could sleep until noon.
However, when Emmet pulled into the driveway he had the sudden urge to go back to the hospital, when he saw Ingo glaring at him through the livingroom window... Emmet's ears were still ringing from Ingo's verbal beatdown, and he never took his brother's car without asking again.
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Cult Girl: Doctorate (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 6
Cult girl and Hannibal find a way to turn a life-altering mistake to their favor.
Trigger warnings: accidental pregnancy, discussion of abortion, adoption, slight emetophobia
Another week passed and the 'hangover' didn't subside. Then a third week passed, so you had to give up the façade and just admit you were sick. Hannibal was smugly concerned, but not alarmed. It paid to have a doctor for a fiancé. Studying could be done from bed and you needed to be in perfect working order to burn down your grandmother's country club and fully enjoy it.
Hannibal wasn't so much of a hypochondriac that he denied you affection while bed-ridden. That, or he didn't believe what you had was contagious. Whatever it was.
It wasn't until you woke up late, just days before the start of the new semester, that you discovered. You hobbled blindly to the bathroom to take your medicine. You were fully prepared to drop to your knees and vomit in the toilet and you wanted nothing more than to return to bed and slip back into sweet unconsciousness. Not even microdosing meth could keep you awake.
You slid your birth control packet out of its sleeve. You were halfway through the green placebo pills, so you were sure that didn't help how miserable you felt. This period sure had a hell of a build-up.
That's when a number caught your eye.
It was a number you weren't even previously aware existed. A date on your birth control packet. Dated three months prior.
You weren't lucid enough to comprehend what it meant, but once it hit you, you spit the pill into the sink.
Expired. You thought. How the fuck do pills expire?
No. No. No. No.
"[F/N]?" Hannibal said. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." You called back. "I... just need to take a shower."
You turned the faucet on. It was a bad lie and he would figure it out eventually, but you couldn't involve him. Not yet. You needed a minute alone to think.
You found the pregnancy test you stashed under the sink all those years ago. You double-checked the lock, then began the test. There was no romantic or even palatable way to describe the process of peeing on a stick, quietly as possible, to avoid your frankly terrifying fiancé's notice. Once it was done, you wrapped the still-loading test in toilet paper and shoved it back under the sink.
You had no idea how long it would take to give you a result. Or if waiting four years to use it would give you a false result. There was so much you didn't know.
You jumped into the shower and washed up, trying to push all thoughts of panic out of your head. It didn't work. You went right into bury-the-body mode. A fall down the stairs could best pass for an accident, but had the unintended consequences of severe bodily harm. You wondered if those special herbal teas actually worked and where you'd find one. Or, instead of investing in gimmicky, pseudo-scientific abortion teas or throwing yourself down a flight of stairs, you could just talk to him.
You sat on the bathroom floor in a towel for what felt like hours, holding the mummified pregnancy test between your fingers. It took all your strength to rip through the tissue paper and confirm what you already knew.
A big, obnoxious pink plus sign. Almost like it was rubbing it in.
Your head was screaming just talk to him. He was your goddamn fiancé. The man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. But you couldn't tell him. Not after what he said at the country club.
"Hannibal?" You called out, voice weak. "Can you come here, please?"
He opened the bathroom door to find you huddled against the sink wearing nothing but a towel. It was a sight that would make anyone freak out.
"My god, [F/N]." He took a knee beside you. "Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?"
You gestured to the pregnancy test at your side. You hugged your knees into your chest and waited for him to process everything.
He looked at you with an unreadable expression. "I thought you were on birth control?"
You covered your face with your hands. "I did too. Nobody told me that the pills actually expire."
Then came the question that you were dreading.
"What do you want to do?"
That was why you were hesitant to tell him. Not because he would try to make a decision for you, but because he wouldn't.
"I don't know." You blurted out. "What do you want to do?"
Hannibal raised his eyebrows. "You know I can't tell you that. You need to decide for yourself."
"That's what I was afraid you were going to say." You threw your head back in exasperation. "I'm just asking for a little direction. You said you definitely wanted to have kids-"
"Not like this." He cut you off. "Not when it would derail your entire career.” 
“Look, you know I was on the fence about having kids at all.” You rambled, just trying to collect your thoughts. “But then you described what you wanted for us and it just sounded so nice.” 
“Darling, I am begging you,” He pressed his fingers to his temples. “Please, decide for yourself and only yourself.” 
“I’m trying!” You objected. “I just need a second to think.” 
“Don’t think, just answer.” He implored. “What do you want to do?” 
“I want to get an abortion.” You blurted out before slapping your hand over your mouth. 
“Was that really so hard to say?” Hannibal asked, voice broken with relief. Relief of what, you couldn’t place. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him. “It was, a little.” 
“Why?” He tilted his head curiously. “And please don’t say it was because of me.” 
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, hiding your face again. “I just learned I was pregnant, like, five minutes ago. I shouldn’t be expected to make a choice this massive without at least ten minutes to think about it.” 
“Do you really want to get an abortion?” He asked. 
Your voice wobbled with uncertainty. “No... yes?” 
“I see.” He said, as if this were just a point of academic curiosity that didn’t involve him whatsoever. “Is there a part of you, no matter how small, that wants to see the pregnancy to term?” 
“Well, yeah. Thus the basis of my uncertainty.” You threw your hands up. “But I also know it’s insanely unrealistic to think I could just speedrun my last two years of school and however long it takes to establish a career just to get to the domestic bliss.”
“You would do good to not expect motherhood to be a blissful retirement plan, love." Hannibal gently scorned. "Parenting takes just as much commitment as your studies. Likely more."
"I know." You bashed your palms against your forehead. "I said it was unrealistic, didn't I? Look, I just don't foresee any worthwhile outcomes if I carry this pregnancy to term. Even to put it up for adoption just seems selfish. Why bring a kid into the world just to set them up for a shitty life?"
Hannibal paused, and looked off into the distance pensively.
"If you could forgive me a hypothetical," He began. "What if we could guarantee them a wonderful life?"
"Are we talking philosophy, or do you have an actual suggestion?" You probed.
"A bit of both, depending on where your mind takes you." He smirked as if he were about to say something very clever. "What if Beatrice [L/N]'s estate made sure our child had a safe, comfortable upbringing? With a weighty college trust fund in their name, naturally."
You couldn't tell if this was brilliant or insane. It all depended on how 'hypothetical' the whole situation really was. Either way, you were interested.
"Go on." You urged, letting the idea slither into your mind.
"There's nothing in the will that specifically states we must raise the child ourselves." He recounted. "Only that it must be of blood descent."
You hadn't considered that, but it made sense once you heard it out loud. Your grandmother had many skills to make her a sharp manipulator, but her inattention to detail was always her downfall.
“Forty-five million extra dollars in the bank would be nice.” You said. You were humoring him at first, but when you said it out loud, it rang true. 
“Forty-five is drops in the bucket compared to what we can get from her property.” He added. “The house and the golf course.” 
You put your hand on your chin, actually, seriously considering it. You were on the precipice of inheriting more money than you could possibly spend in one lifetime. Money that could make so many problems go away overnight. Money you could hand out to anyone you wanted to, just to make their lives a little easier. You pictured yourself giving waitstaff six-figure tips, or handing a hundred dollar bill to someone asking for change on the street. You could erase your best friend's college debt as a birthday present. Get Hannibal a proper gift. All with money you bled out of your abusers.
It was divine justice. All at the price of nine months of your life.
"So..." Your voice trailed off. "We just need to keep this thing alive for the next nine months..."
"We can find an adoptive family in that time." Hannibal nodded along. "And we can set up a college fund for the child to be given to them on their 18th birthday."
"And we could make the adoption open, in case the child ever wants to meet us." You said.
"Right." He agreed. "Allowing the option for an adoptee to meet their biological parents is much better for their mental health and adjustment."
You covered your mouth with your hand, only to hide your excitement. "I take it back, I'm starting to see a positive outcome."
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
⚠️ Warning⚠️: angst
He watched the newly-wedded couple— you and your husband. Both of you drank you wines, arms interwined with each other.
He watched as the both of you laughed along with the other visitors when the host said something funny.
He watched as the both of you feed each other with your wedding cake.
Bokuto regretted coming to your wedding, and right now he also regretted in coming to the after party reception.
It hurts him seeing you with some one else. And it kills him to see you already married and connect to someone else's hearts.
Why not me?
The question echoed in Bokuto's head. Why not him? If he had confessed earlier to you than your current husband, would he be the one sitting there beside you? Laughing together and married to each other?
Bokuto pushed his food around on his plate with his fork.
From across the round table, his old high school volleyball teammates looks at him at pity, they knew how much their captain love you, how much he had dreamed to be with you.
Akaashi forced Bokuto to eat.
"C'mon, open up!" Akaashi sighed when Bokuto sat there, not showing signs of eating or wanting to eat.
The time rolled by and soon, the part was over.
Bokuto immediately stood up, after bidding his goodbyes to his friends and acquaintences— No, he didn't say goodbye to you, he doesn't want to make things harder for the both of you.
He went out the hotel, planning to go home and sulk. To cry his heart out, knowing he can't change things.
Bokuto opened up his car and was about to go in, when someone called him.
His heart clenched in pain. Why only now?
You struggled running in your fluffy wedding dress, the one you always dreamed about since you were little.
"Kou!" You huffed and stopped infront of the former captain.
Bokuto turned and tried to put up his usual playful smile.
"Y/n. . ."
You threw yourself over him, hugging him tight.
"Oh God, I miss you so much!" You giggled against his chest.
Tears bloomed in Bokuto's eyes. You had no idea how much he had missed you too. Slowly, he wrapped his mascular arms around you smaller figure.
"I miss you too, Y/N. . ." Closing his eyes, he savored the momment. Bokuto knew this would be probably the last time he would hug you, your new path of life wouldn't be with him but with your husband.
He understood that, but that doesn't mean he can accept it easily.
You pulled back, smiling widely at him, oblivious to his teary eyes.
"How was it? How was your big day? How did you feel?" He asked slowly.
You chuckled to yourself as you started rambling about how you were so excited and nervous to start a new life with your husband and how you were excited to start a family of your own– Bokuto almost lost it there, an unexplainable feeling at the pit of his stomach.
You mindlessly rambled on and on, unaware of Bokuto who looked like he was about to break down. So when you looked up at him, you stopped in your mid-sentence, in shock, he was crying.
"Hey. . ." You panicked. "What's wrong?"
Bokuto let out a broken laugh.
"I'm just. . ." He was trying to find words. "I'm just happy for you,"
He was partly lying. Bokuto cried because of you, but not because he's happy. He's broken because he wasn't a choice, that you didn't choose him, that you didn't give him a chance.
You smiled, tears also start threatening your eyes. "Awww. . . Kou~"
You brought your hand up to caress his cheek. Bokuto leaned in to your touch, feeling the cold metal of your wedding ring.
Tears streamed the both of your faces, ruining your makeup.
"I'm also happy for you, look at you! A successful volleyball player!"
He smiled through his tears, ignoring the painful tug of his heart strings.
You turned to see your husband.
"I have to go now, Kou. . ." You smiled up at him and kissed his forehead, leaving a soft lingering touch of love.
"I know. . ." He whispered.
At least, he knew how it felt like to be with you, only if it's in a short period of time.
He waved back at you as he watched the you and the man he was jealous about trail away.
When he was sure you were out of sight, he completely broke down into a crying mess.
He hesitantly stood infront of the door before knocking it.
The door opened and he was met with a not very-impressed- looking make-up artist.
"What do you want, boy?" The lady croaked.
Kenma struggled with his words.
"Who's that?" He heard your voice pipe in from inside the air-conditioned room.
"It's a pudding-headed boy,"
Kenma was about to sue her off when you spoke up again.
"Oh! That's my best friend let him in!"
The make-up artist mumbled a few words before reluctantly letting Kenma inside.
Kenma fidgeted with fingers and walked in. The first pretty thing he saw is you, infront of the make-up mirror with light bulbs on it's sides, highlighting your beauty. You were on a white robe and hair curled up into a complicated twisty messy bun.
You were beautiful, no matter what.
Too bad he isn't the one marrying you.
You looked up and smiled at him through the mirror.
He sighed watching you, heart aching so badly that he couldn't breath, heaviness swam in his lungs and in the pit of his stomach making it hard not to cry infront of you.
"Y/N. . ."
He walked up to you and sat on one of the artists chairs beside you, looking at your eyes.
"I'm getting married!" You talked to yourself, wiggling on your seat. "Oh my gosh, I'm getting married!"
He wanted to be happy for you, really, but how could he when the person he loves is marrying someone else and not with him.
Kenma shuffled on his seat.
"Yes, you are getting married, Y/N. You know what? I really want to be happy for you but I couldn't. And that's because I love you, right until this momment. Tell me how could I let you go that easily, when I spend my whole life finding out how to make a move on you, to tell that I love you. . . Only realizing I'm too late because here you are now, marrying someone else,"
But he said that all in his mind.
Failing to say those heavy words to you, he said instead:
"You are getting married, Y/N. I'm so proud of you, you are about to make a new level of your life,"
You smiled at him.
"Thank you, Kenma,"
He hated himself so much at this point, he would have been marrying you instead of that guy, if he hadn't chicken out the whole time, he would be with you.
But life has other plans.
And life wanted to make him suffer, to make him see you marrying another person.
People are right.
Life is unfair.
He watch as the make-up artist continued doing your make-up. Once in a while, you would laugh whole telling her a story about your fiancé.
He quickly stood up and went out the door, before he could cry infront of you.
Kenma refused to eat but he started to drown his 5th glass of alcohol.
"Oi! Kenma eat!" Kuroo wiggled the steak infront do his face, prodding from the fork. Kenma disgustingly put the man's arm down, muttering a curse aimed at him.
He looked up to see you dancing with your husband.
He wished it was him dancing with you.
He wished it was him feeding you cake.
He wished it was him who you ended up with.
He wished, he wished, he wished. A ton of more wishes chanted in his head, even though he knew it won't come true.
He buried his head in his hands, tears slightly burning his eyes but not ready to fall.
Suddenly, he was called. He looked up and saw that you were handing out you hand, waiting for him to take it.
Kenma blinked back the tears and shyly took it, standing up and getting dragged into the dance floor.
He placed your hands on you waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck and began swaying to the music.
Kenma ignored the people surrounding the both of you.
"I'm sorry for running away earlier," he muttered.
You laughed.
"You probably want to pee, so I don't mind,"
No, it's because it pained me to see you with someone else.
"Well I'm sorry for bringing you here to dance with me, I know you have social anxiety,"
"No, it's fine," he looked into your eyes as he twirled you around. "Even if the whole world was dancing, I'd still dance with you,"
You smiled, tears prickling your eyes.
"As long as it's you," he softly said, tears blurring his vision but he could still see your beauty.
And it's because I love you.
The song ended and your husband came walking by.
"Take care of Y/N," Kenma said to him. "That person you just married is the world's beautiful treasure,"
He didn't care if he cried infront of everyone. He just did. The pain in his heart is so painful, so suffocating.
The groom nodded softly.
You hugged Kenma tightly and everyone stared in awe.
He wanted to say you are so beautiful and pretty, he wanted to say he love you so so much, but he couldn't.
He just couldn't.
The heaviness in his heart worsens, making it hard to breathe properly.
The words I love you was sitting at the tip of his tounge but they just couldn't get out.
And he was glad you were the one who said it for him.
"I love you," you mumbled against his chest, crying quietly.
Kenma completely broke down and sobbed into your neck, bottom lip trembling and body shaking.
"I love you too, pudding, go and have the best life with your husband,"
He pulled back and handed you to your husband, who was smiling softly at Kenma.
Kenma immediately ran out of the venue and into the bathroom stall.
He leaned on the wall and slid down until he was sitting on the tiled floor, he cried, screaming into his hands, muffling his cries.
I love you so much, Y/N. . .
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handimommablog · 3 years
I feel like now is a good time, or at least as good as one can get, to explain why I’m here. Why I feel so jaded and so unjustly in this chair. I’ve contemplated telling this from the VERY beginning (like 15 years ago) or I can start from now, and bring you on the journey of how I discovered I was disabled. I choose to start from now, so I hope you’ve gotten comfy and have a moment, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. Believe me, I lived it. It sounds like a bad lifetime movie, but I promise you, it’s not. And that’s the part I seem to struggle with the most.
I was taking a bath, after my kids and bonus kids had been put to bed for the night, I wasn’t feeling well, my hips were killing me, it hurt to move, but I had assumed it was either the oncoming period or the stress I was under with the kids and finances. Then I see my stomach move, I knew I wasn’t pregnant and certainly not far enough to have that kind of movement. I yell for my fiancé, show him, and ask him to take a video, because it honestly felt surreal. It felt like an alien was inside my body, I never felt that way, not even when I was pregnant with my children. We got me out of the tub, and called a friend, who convinced me despite my hesitation and loathing for calling my doctors office, to call. I was banking on her saying it was nothing, I was wrong. Off to the local trauma center’s emergency department I go, with a doctors call ahead. Everything in my gut told me not to go, but I was in so much pain and I felt so sick, I decided to ignore my intuitions warning, and trudge ahead anyways.
We get there, and check in, we look around, and it’s going to be a long wait. We settle into a pair of seats, and wait. I get into triage, and I’m explaining what my doctor suspects and what I’m feeling, I’m brought from that triage to another, where they begin to pull blood and get an IV into my arm. Then things start to go fast, faster than I’ve ever seen them go in an ED, especially this one. I’m sent to the top of the line, ahead of several others in the ED, and brought back to a bed. Everything you would expect and should expect to happen in a ED is happening. Nurses are trying to get me situated in a bed, the resident comes over does an assessment and even he is weirded out by the stomach movement, to a point he performs an ultrasound, himself. He throws his hands up and says nothings wrong, and goes to report to his attending. The attending comes over, and she’s really concerned with my symptoms, and starts doing a neurological exam. She begins poking at my spine during this, until she hits this point where I black out. After I black out, I remember her mentioning an MRI, and agreeing (remember this, it’s important), I don’t remember anything else, until I begin waking up in a strange room, inside of something. I try to make sense of it, but I can’t place where I am. Then I’m moving, being pulled out of the place I was in and I feel a warm sensation like I’m going to pee. I sit straight up and I’m panicking, asking where am I, how did I get here, why am I in a CT scan, the doctor ordered an MRI. The next thing I feel is the hands of someone forcing my body back down, I then feel the impact, the feeling of my head going too far back, like there was nothing there to catch it. I’m screaming, thinking i’m going to be raped or something, (yay life long trauma) because I still don’t realize where I am still or who these people are. Then I begin screaming for my fiancé, who’s already trying to get into the room because apparently from the moment they began forcing me down, I was screaming. Those fight or flight instincts are strong my friend, strong. I’m finally transferred onto the stretcher that I was apparently rolled in on, and put into the hall way. Doctors start crowding me and demanding I need to go back into the thing I now realize is a CT scan. I refuse and a security guard forces them away from me, and instructs whoever was at the top of the stretcher to get me the hell away from these people. The same security guard refuses to leave the bay i’m assigned to and is actively throwing doctors out of it and nurses. He gets me calmed down with the help of my fiancé, and then informed the doctors to cut the shit and act appropriately before going back to wherever he came form. Next a nurse comes over and rips my IV out of my arm, not even taping it. Then comes the doctor who’s demanding I trust him and do whatever he says. I refuse and state I want to be discharged immediately, and that I’m going to be contacting the administrator to file a report against him. My fiancé, the saint that he is, refuses to allow me to leave until I get the discharge papers handed to me. I get them, and I wish I didn’t get them, but I did. And I look down and I see I’m pregnant, that they knew I was pregnant, and even referenced putting me in a CT scan despite knowing this. I see red, and I tell the doctor he won’t be hearing from an administrator, hell be hearing from an attorney. I hop down, and begin to walk away. I get halfway down the hall before I realize my leg I thought was just asleep, wasn’t moving, it was dragging behind me, while three nurses pointed and laughed. It was the last time I’d ever walk again, and I didn’t even know it.
From there, my fiancé and his mother insisted I go to another ED as soon as possible. I finally oblige after a hell of a lot of coaching and encouragement.
We get the kids settled into bed that same night, and we preset them. We tell them we’re going to go to the doctors that night, and that they might not see us in the morning. That their grandmother is watching them and then their aunt and uncle will pick them up if we’re not home by dinner tomorrow. They’re sad but excited to see their family, so they head to bed and they’re set. We get ready to go and my Fiancé starts trying to help me walk towards the door, I remember saying I couldn’t see anything, and I remember saying my head felt like it was going to explode. The next thing I know I’m in the back of an ambulance, headed to a different hospital. I become more lucid and the EMT asks me some questions about what’s going on. He looked at me and said “I don’t believe what you’re telling me, it’s crazy. No hospital would do that.” As soon as we arrive at the hospital, the EMT goes about telling the nurse I’m crazy and a liar. Thank goodness my Fiancé was nearby and was able to hand the same nurse the EMT was badgering, the paperwork from the prior hospital. The nurse immediately comes back to me, and apologizes, then moves me into a different room. From there, the doctor comes in and explains, that he believes everything that happened, and he agrees the sudden neurological symptoms, such as difficulty seeing and being unable to walk without passing out, are serious issues. Despite this, his hospital doesn’t have a neurologist on staff, and the best he could do was offer a virtual consult with one, from their sister hospital. If the neurologist agrees with his assessment, they would transport me over to there for further testing. Then the doctor said something I wasn’t expecting. That he felt the virtual assessment would be pointless, because it requires the patient to be capable of following a series of voice prompts, which he already determined I couldn’t do. We asked if we could discharge AMA and go over to the hospital he was referencing, as I would be transferred there anyways. He agreed it would be best, but that he needed us to understand the dangers associated with that. We agreed, and followed through with his plan.
I want to stop and take a moment to note, that hospital was probably the most helpful, as they didn’t even try to say they could handle whatever it was that was happening. They agreed what was happening to me was abnormal and emergent, validating us off the bat for the first and perhaps only time I can recall. They explain that they don’t have neurologist on staff, and that the best they can do is a virtual consult, and that given my condition it would do nothing but hurt and upset me more. That is a hospital that deserves the clout other larger hospitals in the area receive. And if I ever get a chance to reinvent the health care system as a whole, the doctors and staff I encountered at this hospital, are ones I want to work with.
We arrive at the other hospital, and frankly it seems to be better than anything we experienced so far. The ED waiting area was clean and nearly empty. The Triage area is clean and the nurse is understanding and attentive. I remember being brought back to the bay I was assigned to. I don’t remember much else. I remember the doctor examining me and it hurt so bad I blacked out again. I remember vaguely them attempting to put me into an MRI and panicking, and then nothing, until nearly two days later, when I wake up and notice I’m in a room on a different floor of the hospital. My fiancé quickly recapped what had gone on, but I frankly to this day don’t remember what happened leading up to waking up on the neurological floor. I remember talking to him about having not peed for a while, and being concerned that I hadn’t peed. He immediately set about getting that fixed. I remember a commode being brought into the room, and him helping me get transferred. I remember them being astonished that I had that much urine in me. That probably should have been my first sign, but I guess hindsight is 20/20.
We went to bed, or at least my Fiancé did. I woke up, about 7 hours later and rang for the nurse. You see, I have a background in direct care, so I knew if I wasn’t able to feel my bladder, I needed to do something called time voiding, which is basically timing yourself to use the bladder at evenly spaced intervals, so that urine doesn’t build in your bladder, stretching it or worse, causing it to burst. I tell the nursing assistant who came in, I needed to urinate and needed helping getting to the commode to do so. She shot back a nasty comment about waking my fiancé to help. I explained he hadn’t slept in days, and that I would rather not wake him. I then asked if she could please help me get onto the commode and off of it a second time. She said she’d be right back. She never came back other than to continually turn my call bell off. I eventually peed the bed in my sleep that night. When I woke up I told my fiancé what had happened. He immediately informed nursing staff and so did I. He had to beg for new sheets to be brought to me, and for a new gown. He then had to beg for help to get both me changed and the bed changed, as he didn’t know what to do or how to do it. The finally helped get me and my bed changed, and stated the nurse I had the previous night wouldn’t be assigned to me.
From there the neurologists came in, and told us they were going to be doing an MRI but that they couldn’t use anesthesia, as I was pregnant. And that most of what needed to be done to find out what’s happening, isn’t something you can be pregnant for. We explain that at this point, my health comes before anything else. We have four kids, all who need their mom, and that they and I are the priority, not an unborn child at this time. Then one of the members of the neurological team becomes upset that I would say such a thing. I ignored it, and reiterated my stance and that it’s my right to choose, and that we had already been looking at fostering, so it wasn’t a decision made lightly, but rather one that we weighed heavily and consulted others about before making the decision to abort. We then are told by the neurologist that if that is the case, they would be able to move forward. We were fine with that, and assumed it was done. Then the same doctor came back in after my fiancé left to grab food, to attempt to “inform” me of my other options in regards to my pregnancy. I quickly and very sternly asked her to please keep her opinions to herself, and asked her to leave. I had to call my Fiancé to get her out of my room, and to stop trying to guilt me for our decision. She was removed from my case, however it wasn’t the last time she’d pop up in this story.
The MRI went well, it was hard to finagle, but it went well. The anesthesiologist made sure he was the last person I saw going in, and the first one I saw waking up. I was moved back to my room, and the rest of the evening was relatively uneventful, until I needed to use the commode again in the middle of the night. I woke up, hit the call bell, and then the same nurse appeared, smiling ear to ear. I said I needed to be toileted, she simply said “ok” and walked over to me, took my call bell and put it out of reach, then took my glasses from my side table, and walked away. I tried to wake my fiancé up, but he was dead to the world. Finally sleeping in a recliner and getting the sleep I needed him to get, to be able to help. I resigned myself to what had occurred, and went to bed. I woke up him, and told him I needed to pee, and what had happened. The nursing staff insisted the woman wasn’t in my room the night prior. When I pointed out the call bell being put somewhere I couldn’t reach and my glasses being MIA they didn’t say anything, just that the nurse wasn’t in my room. We later received confirmation she was in my room, because she was still assigned the night prior to my roommate. I became so overwhelmed by this, I started to have an anxiety attack, and I began asking for my anxiety meds. I’m informed by the nurse, that there were no orders for my anxiety medication. It was then that we realized I hadn’t even been given them, since admission. In fact the only thing they had given me were lidocaine patches and a few sporadic doses of gabbapentin. I began demanding to know why my medications hadn’t been ordered correctly or even put into the system correctly. My fiancé asserted he was told they did do that, and that clearly the physicians had mislead us into believing they were in the system and ordered. Then the issues really started.
From that moment on, I was labeled as a drug addict in that hospital. A drug addict, with no prior history asserting this, other than demanding the doctors do their jobs and get me the medication my psychiatrist had prescribed for my PTSD and Anxiety. I even tried to explain to them that by being properly medicated, I would probably be easier to deal with to begin with, because I would be able to use my coping skills to keep my fight or flight at bay. They decided they knew better, and that I was simply seeking my medication. The medication that is not habit forming or addictive, or even a controlled substance. A blood pressure medication that regulates the panic of the fight or flight associated with PTSD, and the perscription version of freaking Benadryl, and my need for both of them, do not equate to an addiction. How can a group of physicians, who arguably had to go through 10 years of schooling at least, be that uninformed about addiction? Another question I hope to learn the answer to one day and prevent from happening.
That night was possibly the worst of them all. They refused my lidocaine patches and gabbapentin that night, and then the same nursing assistant was assigned again to the room I was in. When I again paged for toileting, she choose to remove the commode from my room and place it in the bathroom, where I couldn’t get to it, even if I tried, because she also took my wheelchair. I went to bed completely defeated and beaten down. I promised myself in that moment, that I was going to change the way people with PTSD and related illnesses are treated in hospitals. I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when. I just knew I was going to do it. I had no clue what was coming next, nor did I realize it would be the fuel to my fire.
The next morning I’m again met with a team of doctors, most of which seemed to have planted their feet in agreement with the resident who told them I was a junky seeking medication, because each time we would bring up needing my PTSD meds, they would dismiss it. They informed me they still had no clue what was happening, and that they would have me meet with PT to get me set up with a wheelchair of my own, and help make other referrals in regards to my discharge from the hospital. They stated I needed to have a follow up MRI in 6 months, and that they wouldn’t be doing any further studies. I met with several other providers that day, all seeming to tell the same tale. I was fine with that, I called my primary physician, who began coordinating with the hospital in anticipation of my discharge and setting up outpatient appointments. My primary informed me that they would discharge me after the appointment with PT at 3:30, and that she made an appointment for me to follow up with her the next day. She informed me bad weather was coming and that we should probably try to leave either very early the next day or that night, so that we could get there on time and safely. We then told the nursing staff at the hospital what was happening, to make sure they were aware of the situation. They informed the resident, who came in furious we were planning to leave. We made our stance clear and made it clear we were acting based on the information both their department gave us and the advice of my physician. We went to go eat something, and made sure we were back by 3:30. We waited and waited until 4 rolled around, we called for the nurse to inform her that we needed to really get headed back soon and that we were concerned that PT was late. We were then told by the nurse the resident told PT they could come tomorrow or whenever, instead of the original plan of them coming at 3:30 that his attending agreed to with my primary physician. I was furious. I stated we were leaving regardless as I was tired of being labeled by him and that it was absolutely inappprpriate what was happening. I continued to assert this, as did my fiancé. My fiancé after this ordeal decided he needed a break and was going to start getting stuff in the car while we waited for my paperwork. Then the same resident came back in, and tried to again convince me I was an addict and that there was nothing wrong with me. I demanded he leave the room, several times, he continued to refuse until I called my Fiancé for back up and to get security. He then finally leaves. He comes back in after my fiancé is back and is handing me paperwork to discharge me. I specifically ask if my pain medication had been sent to the pharmacy, and he says yes. I state I want proof of that before signing anything. I don’t know why I said that, I think it was intuition honestly. He finally obliges, goes to the computer to do just that, and comes back saying the best he could do was send in acetaminophen and lidocaine patches. I was relieved and said that will work, thanks so much! He stands there shocked for a few minutes, as Britten begins moving me from the bed to the wheelchair. He remains there is total disbelief, until we leave.
We go down to the pharmacy at the hospital, and even the pharmacist is shocked that’s all I was discharged with, and offered to call up. We politely oblige and say that it’s plenty and that we were trying to just make it back to my doctor tomorrow, which was a 4 hour drive.
It’s a rough trip back to a hotel room to gather the kiddos who have been living it up with their aunt and uncle the last few days, and settle in for what would be a long night.
We make it without incident back to my doctors office, they get me a wheelchair and other medical equipment such as a shower chair, a commode and adult diapers. They also referred me for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing services and home health aids. Things started to normalize, but we still had no clue what was happening, just that it was. From there began the mission to help me walk again, we had no clue what that truly meant or what we would find from that.
Within a few days, my condition began to deteriorate rapidly, we called upon the other parents in our childrens lives and asked them to help. That was possibly the worst idea we had, but we will get to that in another blog post.
As my condition began to worsen, we decided to try going back to the third hospital we went to, despite their terrible treatment, they at least seemed to have some answers. I could go into detail explaining the further medical abuse and maltreatment I received, but that’s again a story for another day. The important part here is that they again did nothing and the complete lack of care continued with the nursing staff similarly to the prior stay. We decided to leave and head to another hospital, one that was internationally accredited for rare neurological disorders, and frankly medical mysteries.
We did find some answers there, and the treatment wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t great, but it reminded me of the stories American’s often tell of the European health system. They ultimately decided I did have a neurological conditional, they weren’t sure which one, but they suspected something called functional neurological disorder, which lead them to suspecting I had irritable bowl syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
It was at this hospital that they located my prior medical records, showing at the ripe age of 16, over 15 years ago, a neurologist saw something on an MRI I had, due to sudden onset of seizures and other neurological symptoms that my egg donor said were fake and being caused by a variety of mental health issues I later would find out I never had. The thing that hospital discovered, may indicate I have Fibromyalgia and that I have had it for a long time. I was then informed the only reason I didn’t receive care or further testing, was because my egg donor stated she was taking me for a second opinion. That second opinion, was actually a psych hospital. I never received further diagnostic testing or any treatment by a neurologist, I didn’t even know I needed more testing, because my egg donor made sure doctors never spoke in front of me. She convinced them of this because she claimed my mental health impeded my ability to understand what they’re saying and it could cause me to use that information to manipulate others.
That discovery made me both laugh and cry, because unbeknownst to my egg donor, who I’ve been estranged from for almost a year I had been fighting with my psychiatrist for months, refusing to accept the diagnosis that my mother convinced me were true (borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, acute psychosis and many more) were inaccurate and wrong. I went through 5 psychiatric and forensics evaluations, all indicating I had Major Depressive Disorder, Severe Anxiety and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, none of the above issues, that my mother convinced me I had. It was the moment of realization for me, that not only had I been emotionally abused (which I had already come to terms with) and used as a medication dispenser for my mother (another realization I had already come to terms with) but medically neglected and abused as well.
From this hospital stay, I began to heal, and process and understand what was going on, that I wasn’t “crazy”, my symptoms I had, ever since a car accident at 16 years old, were real. I wasn’t crazy.
I started to make appointments, to get other things situated, such as an eye apppointment, so that maybe if my vision couldn’t be totally corrected, we could get something to at least make me feel semi normal vision wise and lower my anxiety about not being able to see.
We had no clue that appointment would take me from being a medical mystery to being diagnosed with something.
The optometrist listened carefully to what happened leading into my vision change, and he quickly tested the ability to focus in my eyes, and my actual vision. When completed he announced with absolute certainty, I have a TBI, and I needed to see a neruological optometrist, who would be able to confirm the diagnosis, and hopefully get some of the things started that we needed to get in place. I expressed my concern for his certainty, and he explained the inability of my eyes to focus, was the 2nd most common symptom for people with reoccurring TBI’s that had been undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
We couldn’t believe it, it made sense. It explain everything, and it even explained why I was so quick to anger suddenly and had no patience, something that is unusual for me. I have always had the patience of a saint, or so I’m told. I had two disabled children, and raised them full time as a single mom until my fiancé came into the picture, and we blended our families. I was active in my community, my home was spotless, I worked over 70 hours a week, did laundry, housework and meals for a family of 6, while my fiancé worked long hours and was hardly home to help. Then I had a medical issue in August, which resulted in me being overdosed with pain medication while admitted to the hospital, another possible TBI, then we had covid in October, my personality changed after we had covid. I was no longer the same person I had been, I was miserable, angry and quick to lose my temper. I couldn’t keep up with the housework, the kids, work, nothing. By January I was often confused by simple tasks and couldn’t complete anything from start to finish, I was in increasing pain, struggling to walk. Then I was slammed down on a table by medical staff and had my neck hyper extended and having impact on the back on my head, another TBI. Then everything got worse and worse and worse. Still today, it seems I have more bad days than good while we navigate this, but we now have answers and treatment options. The light started to shine in my life again. I treasure the moments of authenticity, when I’m lucid and seem like my old self, but then I’m slapped with the harsh reality, that I’m not myself. I can’t walk, I can barely communicate, I can’t get to the toilet or prevent myself from soiling my pants. I can’t sleep with my fiancé, not sexually or even physically.
From there I get angry, so angry. I’m so angry because if I hadn’t gone to an eye doctor, I likely wouldn’t have any more information about what’s happening and I wouldn’t have the treatment options before me that I currently do. Then I get angry again, because why would my “mother” do this? Why? Why? Then it hits me, she did this, because she too is sick, but in a different way. You see, she’s also an addict, she’s also mentally ill. She enjoys having a sick child, she enjoys having other peoples sympathy. She is mentally unwell. And because of that, I suffered horrible acts of child abuse, that I couldn’t begin to explain. It leaves me with this distrust of my own body. This distrust makes me prefer that she’s right, I’m crazy instead of being abused. I would rather that, because you know what? If I was just crazy, they could lock me away and medicate me, I wouldn’t have to face the trauma I’ve endured and heal it. I wouldn’t have to try to break generational cruises, and I wouldn’t feel the need to speak out and change things, which gives her the ability to speak out as well, meaning I’ll undoubtedly have to come face to face with my abuser again. Something I would happily give my arm or hell even a kidney to not have to do. I never want to see the face of the woman responsible for stripping me of all my dignity, ever again.
I struggle with the ability to grasp my situation, I want to say just that. I flip between believing what several medical professionals have told me, which is that I’m a victim of serious childhood abuse and neglect, which literally changed the trajectory of my life. I want to say this one more time, mostly for me to be reminded as I write this entry, that my mother has verbally and physically abused me, used me as a source for multiple controlled substances, and then, choose to ignore the warning signs of a TBI in a 16 years old simply becaue it wasn’t going to keep her drug supply up. Can you say Munchausen Syndrome,”Mother”?
So believe me, when I tell you, I question every second of this, I question if I’m certifiably nuts and a liar and then I question how stupid could I be to have believed her? Why didn’t I see the signs when the 5th psychologist refuted all my prior diagnosis and replaced them with anxiety, depression and complex post traumatic stress disorder? Why didn’t I see what she was doing sooner? Why didn’t I cut her off sooner? Why didn’t I continue to assert I was ill medically, not mentally? The unfortunate answer to that question is, because I was sick and scared and trusted my mother to do what was best for me, just as so many abuse children do.
I don’t know what’s going to come of this all, but I do hope, it brings change to the world of medicine. I hope it puts the power into a 16 year olds hands to speak to their provider directly and ask questions. I hope it puts into place harsher penalties for abusers, of any form. I hope I find healing and feel better able to speak the truth of what I’ve experienced, and how much it’s truly effected every aspect of my life. My relationships, my children, my career, my home everything was effected by her one choice to not follow through with medical care.
I just want a change.
With love & light
Life as a HandiMom
A handicapped moms journey in motherhood
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pterodactylterrace · 3 years
Guys Like You ~ENDING~
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 20
Chapter Summary: My ill fated attempt to tie everything up nice and pretty and end on a positive note. In my head, this went a different way, but I decided to go the happy route for everyone
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of blood and childbirth 
“I feel like a blimp.” Faye groaned, giving up on trying to fasten her sandals herself and plopping down on the bed instead.
“I think you’re gorgeous.” Henry soothed, straightening out his tie in the mirror and crouching down to help her with her shoes.
“I can’t see my feet.”
“They’re still here.” Henry chuckled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her swollen belly.
“What about my vagina?” Faye grouched, smoothing a hand along her bump.
“I plan on thoroughly investigating that later.” Henry purred, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Why not now?”
“Because we’ll be late if we do. Now come along, darling. We both know everyone is dying to see the bump.” Henry encouraged, standing and gently helping her to her feet. They had posted earlier that week to his Instagram about their newest addition. Just a picture of a Superman onesie, captioned “Baby Boy Cavill, coming early next spring.” To say it had blown up would be an understatement. This was going to be their first public outing since they had announced the pregnancy. Faye had gone back and forth several times on whether or not she had wanted to actually accompany him, ultimately deciding to spend the evening out with her fiancé.
“Carry me?” Faye whined, giving him a pouty look.
“I’ll carry you around all you like after the premiere. If we show up in wrinkled clothing, people may get the wrong idea.”
“Henry, I’m pretty sure they know we’ve been having sex.” Faye pointed out, gesturing vaguely toward her belly. “Plus, you’ve done a wonderful job of making sure I’m satisfied at all times.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Henry chuckled, placing a hand on her lower back to urge her to the door and quickly readjusting himself in his suddenly too tight trousers. This woman was going to be the death of him. All she had to do was allude to sex, and all the blood would rush straight to his groin. He was fairly certain she had trained his dick to get hard with just a look, not that he was complaining. He’d heard several men grumbling about how their partners didn’t want anything when they were expecting. He seemed to get lucky with the opposite. She’d been much friskier during her first trimester, but after she hit the halfway point, she was damn near insatiable.
“Now make sure you behave. Hands to yourself.” Henry murmured in her ear, the couple stopping just long enough to remind the babysitter that Briar had to be in bed by eight and to tell the little girl goodbye.
“You were joking about the hands to myself thing, right?” Faye questioned almost as soon as the driver had rolled up the partition.
“It’s been less than two hours.” Henry half laughed, tangling his fingers with her wandering digits.
“So? Are you really going to turn down getting busy?”
“Darling, we’ll make a mess right before we end up in front of a ton of cameras.” Henry pointed out, kissing the back of her hand lovingly. “Just try to contain yourself for a few more hours, then I’ll be yours all night.”
“All night?”
“All night.” Henry confirmed, kissing her temple adoringly and gently placing a hand on her swollen stomach. “You look beautiful.” Henry whispered, shamelessly staring at her cleavage.
“Don’t be a tease.” Faye pouted.
“My apologies, darling.” Henry chuckled, resting his cheek against her head.
“I’m not leaving this house again until this baby is born.” Faye declared dramatically as she flopped down on the couch.
“Does that mean you’ve decided on a home birth?” Henry asked, glancing up from the puzzle Briar was trying to put together.
“Yes.” Faye growled, glaring down at her extended belly. “Tell me, Mr. Cavill. Is there a particular reason you decided to put a gigantic baby in me? Hmm? Is this some sort of payback for something?”
“Darling, the doctor said he’s only slightly larger than average.”
“Baby brother is BIG!” Briar giggled.
“Yes, he is.” Faye agreed, pushing herself up from her slouched position. “He also likes to kick Mommy in the ribs.”
“I’m sorry, darling.” Henry cooed, pushing himself up from the floor to sit next to her on the couch.
“You should totally carry the next kid.” Faye grumbled, leaning against him.
“I would if I could, darling.” Henry assured, wrapping his arm around her and kissing the top of her head.
“My feet are swollen, my belly is huge, I’m pretty sure I just peed a little and all I can think about is oranges.” Faye grumpily listed off, wiggling her way to the edge of the couch and rocking herself to her feet.
“Oh…” Henry mumbled, his eyebrows pulling together as he watched the wet darkness rapidly spread across the back of her sweats and down her legs.
“Oh shit.” Faye gasped, staring in horror at the wetness soaking into her pants. “Oh fuck… Henry!” She yelled, trying to peer over her stomach to see her legs.
“Yes?” Henry asked unsurely as he stood himself up, intent on cleaning the mess before it soaked in anymore.
“I don’t think that was pee.”
“That. Wasn’t. Piss.” Faye ground out, snapping her head around to look at him.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get me to understand, darling.” Henry admitted, his brows pulling together as he studied her face. “Wait… you don’t mean?” Henry whispered, realization washing over his face. “But he’s not due for another couple of weeks!”
“Well, it looks like he was just as tired of waiting as I was!” Faye grumbled.
“Mommy, you had an accident.” Briar pointed out as she put the last piece in her puzzle, hopping to her feet and scampering off down the hall, assuring her mother she would find her something else to wear as she ran off.
“Ok… I’m not going to panic.” Henry promised, more to himself rather than to his fiancé. “I’m going to call the doula and the nanny. Do you need me to help you to the bathroom?”
“I’m not contracting, I can walk.” Faye pointed out.
“Just in case it starts, then.” Henry suggested, resting one hand on her lower back and taking her hand with the other, keeping pace beside his fiancé as she did an odd combination of a shuffle and a waddle to the bathroom.
“FUCK!” Henry shouted as soon as the door was closed, his heavy footsteps falling down the hallway as he ran back to the living room, frantically trying to locate his phone. “KAL!” Henry called, his wild eyes darting around the room. “Kal where’s my phone?!”
“KITCHEN!” Faye yelled from the bathroom, rolling her eyes to herself. “So much for not panicking.”
“Thank you, Kal!” Henry called back, his rapid steps sounding again as he crossed the house, snatching his phone from where it was peacefully charging on the counter, hitting the contact number for the doula and impatiently listening to it ring.
“He does know the dog can’t talk; I promise.” Faye sighed, shoving her wet clothes down and sitting on the toilet to kick herself free. “Papa’s just a little excited right now. He’s going crazy waiting to meet you.” She assured her swollen stomach.
“Faye?” Henry called softly from the other side of the door, slowly cracking it open and giving her an apologetic smile. “She’s asking questions I don’t know the answer to.”
“What does she want to know?” Faye asked, watching as he slowly slid his giant frame into the bathroom with her.
“You’re doing so good, darling.” Henry whispered, gently running his hands up and down his fiancé’s back. “Another one’s coming up, deep breath.” He instructed, his eyes flicking to his watch back to Faye. He gripped her hips firmly and dug his thumbs in right where she’d shown him so many contractions ago, rubbing in slow small circles to ease the pain in her back.
“I wanna get in the tub.” Faye groaned as the tightness in her belly began to ease.
“Alright, darling. I’m going to need you to stand up with me.” Strong arms wrapped around her and slowly helped to her feet; an adoring kiss being planted to the crown of her head. “Now I need you to walk with me, can you do that?”
“Yeah. It’s not bad between the contractions.”
“I’ll be right here if you need me.” Henry assured, taking her small delicate hand into his calloused paw, slowly leading her to the bathroom. He let her rest against the sink as he fiddled with the taps, plugging the drain once the water had warmed.
“Fuck… Hen…” Faye hissed, her jaw clenching along with her distended abdomen.
“I’m right here, I’m right here.” Henry quickly took her back in his arms, letting her lean against him as he tried to find the spot on her back from the new angle.
“For fucks’ sake, how long has it been?” Faye groaned, helping Henry pull her shirt off and toss it onto the growing pile of laundry she was creating during her labor.
“Just over three hours.” Henry informed, biting his lip at his fiancé’s hopeless groan.
“That’s it?!”
“You’re doing so good.” Henry repeated, expertly unclasping her bra with one hand and casting it aside to help her step into the warm waiting water. He settled in next to the tub, holding his phone up where she could see it and pulling up one of her favorite shows, hoping to distract her.
“I wanna push.” Faye gasped, her knuckles going white as she squeezed the side of the tub, her entire body tense with a contraction.
“That’s great, that’s your body telling you you’re ready to have your baby.” The midwife assured, gently wiping her face with a wash rag. “You’re in charge here, how do you want to do this? Do you want to stay in the tub, or do you want to move somewhere else?”
“I’m staying.” Faye groaned, maneuvering herself to her knees with Henry’s help.
“You’re so close, darling.” Henry whispered, kissing her forehead adoringly, wincing slightly when her next contraction came, and her nails dug into his arm. “You’re doing so good.”
“Henry, I need you.” Faye hissed, desperate hands attempting to drag him into the tub with her. “Come here, please.” She pleaded, throwing her arms around his shoulders when he carefully lowered himself into the tub with her.
“I’m right here, darling. I’m right here.” Henry assured, rubbing her back softly, letting her lean into him as much as she wished. He paid no attention to the blood tinging the water or her nails digging into his shoulders. Instinct took over when Faye said she could feel the head coming. He reached between himself and his fiancé, gently cradling his son as he was pushed into the world.
“He’s here. He’s here.” Henry gasped after a final push, bringing the baby to his chest, quickly wrapping an arm around Faye’s shoulders to ease her back against the side of the tub.
“He’s here.” Faye breathed, a tired smile spreading across her face as Henry gently laid their son on her chest, peppering her forehead with adoring kisses and pushing her wet hair from her face.
“You did it, Faye.” Henry whispered, smiling down at the baby in her arms, his heart swelling with pride. She did that. His fiancé just brought a new life into the world. In that moment, he was simply blown away at just how strong she could be. It took almost all the mental focus he had remaining not to propose to her again, still crouching in the blood and goo filled water with her.
Reluctantly, Henry removed himself from the tub, taking a second to appreciate Faye’s demand of the oversized bathtub when they had renovated the bathroom. He was quick to rinse himself off in the other shower, throwing on dry sweats and returning to the bathroom where Faye was still gushing over their newest addition. The baby was handed to him while the midwife attended to his fiancé, draining the tub and gently rinsing away the sweat and mess clinging to her skin with a cool stream.
“He’s so tiny.” Henry whispered in awe, staring down at his minutes-old son.
“The hell he is!” Faye groaned, shooting him a look fit to kill.
“I think he agrees with you.” Henry grunted, his son’s chubby fist finding his chest hair and gripping it tightly, squirming his newly freed limbs the best he could in his tight swaddle.
“He’s only small compared to you.” The midwife compromised, Henry helping Faye step out of the tub with one arm, the other tightly cradling their son to his chest, hovering close as the midwife helped her to redress. “You have another child already, right? So, you know the bleeding is going to continue for a few weeks. Make sure you rest as much as you can. Now isn’t the time to be a hero. You’ve just gone through a lot; you need time to heal.”
“Can I have our son back now?” Faye asked, raising an amused brow at her already doting fiancé, who reluctantly handed the infant back to his mother.
“Rest, darling.” Henry reminded her, securing one arm around her rapidly deflated waist and holding her tight to his side, walking her back to their waiting bed, their son’s bassinet already pulled up close to her side.
“I wanna hold him a little more.” Faye pouted when Henry took the baby back, holding her hand to help her into bed the best he could.
“Lay down first. You’re getting shaky.”
“Then can I hold him?”
“I suppose, since you did just birth him an all.” Henry playfully sighed, handing off their son again and seating himself on the edge of the bed, content to just watch mother and child for the time being.
“Papa?” Briar yawned, shuffling into their room with her stuffed bunny in tow.
“Yes, princess?” Henry mumbled, already half asleep after changing his son and passing him back to his mother for a midnight feeding.
“He too noisy. Can you tell baby brother to be quiet? I can’t sleep.”
“You heard her, Liam. No more screaming in the middle of the night. You need to use your inside crying after 9pm.” Henry informed his young son, the only reply being his son’s usual cooing grunt as he continued to nurse.
“Sorry, Briar. He’s still little, he needs a lot of attention right now.”
“I like attention too.” Briar pouted, stubbornly climbing into their bed and perching herself on Henry’s stomach as she watched her mother.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.” Faye sighed, fighting the tears welling in her eyes.
“How about Mummy takes you to the park for a little bit tomorrow?” Henry suggested
“Liam is too little to be bringing out to a playground, Hen.” Faye pointed out, relatching the child when he stopped to stare at her nursing bra in confusion.
“So feed him right before you go, and again when you get home. You need a break from baby duty, babe.” Henry suggested, shifting Briar off his stomach to sit next to him instead.
“I wanna go, Mommy!” Briar whined, looking up at her mother hopefully.
“What if he gets hungry while I’m gone?”
“I know damn well you have extra in the fridge. It’s a bit of a surprise when you add some of that into your coffee in the morning by mistake, by the way.”
“So that’s why I was missing some.”
“I thought it was that ‘fancy’ cream you get from the farmer’s market. I was wrong.”
“It was in the same bottle, though.”
“You little…” Henry grumbled, pushing himself up on his elbows to glare at her properly. “Why would you refill a container with milk that looks startlingly similar to what was in it in the first place? You set me up for failure!”
“Mommy, I sleep with you tonight?” Briar asked hopefully, blissfully ignorant to her parent’s playful discussion.
“No, baby. You’re not going to get any sleep in here with us. Baby brother wakes up too much at night.” Faye explained, glancing hopefully at Henry. Understanding what she was trying to tell him, Henry snatched the little girl up and rolled out of bed, smiling at her excited squealing as he carried her down the hall under his arm surfboard style.
“Do you want me to turn on your Baby Shark music?” Henry asked once she had been replaced in bed, Kal lazily licking at her ear when she rejoined him. He didn’t bother even waiting for an answer before flipping through her tablet, pulling up the hour long loop they usually played for her at bedtime.
“Kal wants ice cream.” Briar informed him, batting her lashes up at her father figure hopefully.
“Kal knows he can’t have ice cream. It’s too hard on his stomach.” Henry yawned, looking suspiciously at the canine.
“No, he wants it for me, silly.” Briar giggled.
“You know the rules, princess.” Henry sighed, brushing her hair from her face softly. “Now get some rest. We all love you.”
“Did we wait long enough? Do I still look like a slob?” Faye fretted, turning this way and that, her eyes fixed on her lower stomach, trying to see if it still protruded further than she wanted.
“Faye, relax. You look amazing.” Her sister assured, turning her away from the mirror. Briar was happily running in circles with her little flower basket, all too excited to be involved in the affair. Her twin sister was in a beautiful, blue floor length bridesmaid dress, her younger sister in a matching shorter dress and her brother struggling with the matching tie.
“Are you ready to marry?” Her mother asked her giddily, squeezing her daughter’s hand softly.
“I am. I really hope he is too.” Faye replied, stealing a glance at the closed door.
“Oh please, he was ready to marry you the first time he saw you.” Her brother scoffed, finally taming his tie into something passable. “You’ve been killing the poor guy making him wait this long.”
“I didn’t want to get married while I was pregnant.”
“I really don’t think he would have cared.” Her youngest sister pointed out. “He seems pretty convinced the sun shines out of your ass.”
“Hear that, Delilah?�� Her brother jumped in, setting his teasing eyes on his sister. “Get you a man that looks at you the way Henry looks at her.”
“It’s the same way you look at pizza.” Their sister added.
“I’ll find someone when I want to.” Delilah grumbled, shooting her younger siblings a glare out of the corner of her eye.
It took the effort of three people to hold Briar back once the music started, all desperately explaining that she was going to be almost last to go. Once the time came, she threw all her flower petals on the ground at the start of the runner and then sprinted down to the other end while laughing wildly. It was deemed that was close enough and it was finally Faye’s turn to walk the aisle.
Her father’s arm was a steady, comforting constant, something she desperately needed in that moment. She could swear she saw a small tear forming in the corner of her husband-to-be’s eye, but mostly his face was one of proud surprise.
Niki was elected to hold the ‘ring bearer’ the baby happily drooling all over the ring box he was allegedly in charge of. The photographer went nuts with pictures when Henry gently pried the box from his son’s chubby fist, removing the ring from inside and handing him the box back to chew on.
The couple stared into each other’s eyes, everything else melting away in that moment as they both closed a chapter in their lives, only to begin a brand new one they hoped would be filled with adventure with two simple words.
“I do.”
Tags:  @weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay @packerfan43
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
You Can Count On Me Ch. 16
So I’ve hit a little bit of a block for 2x15 & gonna add a little of 2x16 to 2x17. Trying to get back into the swing of things and probably gonna do a little freestyle for the rest of this story because it's taking a different journey than I intended. There will still be elements from the show thrown in of course. It’s a bit rough.
They’re on their way home from the beach after a morning surf session or more like she was surfing and he was ogling. The detective can feel the cramps become unbearable and can’t keep quiet any longer…he’s weak. “Baby, please.”
“We’re almost there. Can’t you hold it?”
“I really can’t. Look there’s a gas station right there. I haven’t been by to see Frank in a while either.”
She can see the desperation in his eyes and can’t help the grin that curls at her lips. Shaking her head the agent gives into her fiancé’s desperate plea, and pulls into the parking lot. “Fine. But hurry up, I wanna get out of these wet clothes already.”
As the car pulls to a stop, he just sits there lost in the images that are now playing out in his head. Particularly him helping her out of her wet clothes. Shedding her of her tank top and pulling the string around her neck, releasing her top to reveal her beautiful, pert… 
He’s quickly drawn out of his daydream by the evil temptress that is his best friend, meeting her eyes and seeing nothing but humor shining in them. “Yeah?”
“Don’t you need to pee?”
“Oh, and whatever you were thinking about…hold onto that.” She seductively bites her bottom lip, sending him a wink.
“Pee quickly. Got it.” He lets out a groan before hopping out of the car, shutting the door, and all but runs into the station.
She laughs, smiling to herself as she thinks about him and all their friendship has become. Tracking his movements through the window, her brow furrowing at the sudden feeling that something is definitely up. She’s about to step out of the car when the sound of a gunshot pierces her ears leaving her scrambling. 
Pulling out her weapon, she types in her agent in distress code before slowly approaching the front door. Immediately feeling panic wash over her as she gets a glimpse of her partner lying in a pool of his blood. Making a quick judgment call, the brunette announces herself, sending the perps out through the back door.
Now she could go after them and leave her partner in the care of the store manager…that’s what her head tells her to do but her heart on the other hand tells her the hell with that. Taking a few quick strides, Kensi finds herself crouching down over her best friend, pulling his head into her lap. Feeling the tears start to pool in her eyes, she shouts at Frank to get her some towels. The men that did this being the last thing on her mind at the moment, especially when she sees her partner start to drift off.
“Baby, stay with me.”
 He can feel the darkness start to win the battle and the only thing that’s keeping him here is the voice of an angel…his angel. “Kens.”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“I’m sorry.”
Shaking her head, she sweeps the hair out of her face, mismatched orbs locking with glassy pools of blue. “Don’t you dare say goodbye. I just got you.”
It’s weak, but that goofy grin of his spreads to his lips as each moment they’ve spent together for the past 21 years plays out like a rom-com movie in his head. “You’ve always had me.” 
“And you’ve always had me.”
“I love you.”
She can’t help but raise her voice hoping it will keep him fighting. Maybe waking him up like all those times when he’d drink after a case and she’d have to snap him out of it. “No. Baby, don’t close your eyes. Don’t-“
The names filling the page in her hand start to make her dizzy and a bit overwhelmed. Drawing her eyes up towards the form lying in the bed, she’s washed over with a sense of calmness because he’s still here. It was touch and go a bit, they almost lost him in the ambulance which had been gut-wrenching as she watched him almost completely slip away. 
She has to shake herself from going down this rabbit hole. He’s here. He’s alive…a little worse for wear but he’s alive. “What are you thinking about?”
“You in a bikini.”
“I’m serious, Marty.”
“So am I.”
She knows what he’s doing and because he’s hurt she’ll humor him…for now. “Which bikini?”
He brow furrows, finally meeting her eyes. Usually, she’d just call him a pig or just brush it off and turn the conversation in another direction. “What?”
“Which bikini are you picturing me in?”
“The one you were wearing this morning. You, know…the dark red one I love so much.”
A smile briefly spreads to her lips and quickly deflates when her eyes travel to the gauze taped to his chest. “You know what I’m thinking about?”
“Me in a Speedo?”
“Um, no. I’m more focused on who’s trying to kill my future husband.”
He grimaces. Realizing the distraction tactic isn’t gonna fly with his fiancée. “Oh, that’s a touché.”
She steps through the door, making a b-line to his bedside. A sense of dread fills her as she places a kiss on his lips and sees the almost distraught look in his eyes. “Hey, you okay?”
“No. No, I’m not.”
Worry starts to set in as her mind immediately goes to his torn stitches and his heroic act just a few hours ago.
She can see her life flash before her eyes…their life, staring down the barrel of a gun with no help in sight will do that to you. Her heart breaks at the thought of leaving him. Her partner, best friend and so much more. Will he move on? Will he blame himself?
As the lone tear escapes her eye a sudden piercing sound fills her ears, bringing her out of her trance. She’s expecting pain but there is none. Her eyes focus back and realize that the man that was pointing a gun at her head is now laying on the ground, blood spewing from his mouth. 
Turning around, her heart speeds up at the sight of her partner, leaning against a pillar in agony with his gun in hand. The words he’s told her over and over again for the past 21 years playing in her head. “You can count on me.”
 Running her fingers through his hair, she tries to stay as calm as she possibly can. “What’s wrong? Do you need me to get the nurse?”
“Hetty came by.”
She’s waiting for him to finish his sentence but he says nothing. Anxiety starts to fill her mind with questions, questions she doesn't like the answers to. “And?”
His shoulders deflate as he lets out a deep sigh. He thinks back to waking up this morning with her in his arms and how simple life was. How beautiful and simple life was. There’s no possible way he could’ve imagined how drastically that could all change. First, him getting shot this morning, then her getting attracted…almost losing their forever more than once, and now this. “Look in the folder.”
Her eyes follow his and land on a manila folder that she recognizes as an NCIS case file laying on his table that’s pushed to the side, but what could it be doing here? Why is it here?  Her brow furrows as a chill runs through her body in anticipation of what she’s about to see. 
Slowly pulling it open she immediately comes face to face with someone she hasn’t seen in a very very long time. “What the hell?”
Marty can see the range of emotions his fiancee’s going through right now. The same emotions that he went through just an hour ago. 
As she flips through the surveillance photos with an older man who has a burn scar across his face as their main focus all she can feel is anger. Anger for her best friend and fiance. Anger for her soon-to-be mother-in-law. Anger for her parents. Anger for herself. All this shit coming back to haunt them. “Where did these come from?”
“Apparently there’s a large drug ring that’s recruiting sailors. NCIS is looking into it and Hetty ran across them.”
“Baby, this is not good. We have to get protection for our parents.”
“Yeah…I know.” His eyes meet hers, tears beginning to pool in his eyes.
“What-baby, no.” Her heart breaks knowing exactly where his line of thinking went. 
“I’m sorry.”
The agony in his voice brings tears to her eyes. She brings her hands up, cradling his face in her hands, her mismatched chocolate orbs conveying on the love she has for him in one look. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“You listen to me and you listen well. You’re the best thing that sorry excuse ever did and I know I can speak for my parents when I say we’d do what we did all over again if it meant to keep you and Mama B safe.” She finds the small sliver of mattress next to him, careful not to hurt him as she lays down. His body immediately curling into hers, his head finding her chest as she places a kiss on the crown of his head. “I have your back. I won’t let that man hurt you ever again.”
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer IV
Part 07: Crashing Down
series masterlist | previous part
summary: A jarring family emergency forces you to consider the future of your relationship with Rafe Cameron.
a/n: I'm a little bit emotional about this series ending because I've had so much fun writing it! Enjoy the last part and, as always, please come share your reactions with me in my inbox. Okay, that's all from me!
word count: 2.1k words
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Rafe Cameron knew how to text. He was somehow witty, charming, and hilarious all in less characters than a single tweet. Texting with most boys was like talking to a brick wall: single-syllable answers, unironic uses of punctuation, asking “What are you wearing?” before even listening to how your day went. Though, to be fair, Rafe had asked that same question a few times, which always earned him a sarcastic answer in return. Well, except for that one time.
You’d been forced to spill the beans about your dreamy summer romance to Alice and Kensie after one of Rafe’s funnier texts almost made you pee yourself laughing at the lunch table.
“Oh, so he’s a stud muffin,” Alice announced, peering over Kenzie’s shoulder at the photo on your phone.
“Please god don’t call anyone a stud muffin ever again Al,” Kenzie replied.
“What? The 80s are like making a comeback.”
“Yeah, not that,” you countered and Alice huffed.
“He’s totally hot though,” Kenzie said, handing the phone back to you. “And I kinda hate you for not telling us about him.”
You looked down at the picture. Rafe was kissing your check while you grinned up at the camera, the golden hour lighting made the whole thing look rather enchanting. It was your favorite picture of you and him.
“Oh shit,” Kenzie said causing you to look up from the phone. “You’re like in love in love with him.”
“What? No,” you protested. Yes, your brain corrected.
Kenzie glanced over at Alice for backup.
“Besides, I wasn’t hiding him. I just didn’t know if there was anything there to...tell,” you finished.
“I wish I had a handsome summer fling with spectacular cheekbones,” Alice sighed.
“Don’t let your boyfriend hear you saying that.” Kenzie chucked a fry off her tray at Alice who dodged it expertly.
“Oh, please. Matty knows I would dump his ass for someone who looks like a young Chuck Bass any day of the week. Gimme your phone. I wanna see the photos again y/n.”
“I seriously don’t know how you and Matthew have been together for two years,” Kenzie replied.
“Are you kidding? They’re practically made for each other,” you added.
“The phone, please,” Alice interjected. “I wanna thirst over your mans while my boyfriend is sucking up to his English teacher so she doesn’t fail him. Of course, I told him he needed to actually read Wuthering Heights and not just sparknotes it. But did he listen? No. I picked a real winner y’all,” she finished, taking the phone from your outstretched hands. “You sure Rafe doesn’t have any brothers? Not even like a half-step brother?”
So yeah, going great. Against the odds of three thousand miles, the whole thing was somehow working. Long-distance friends with benefits? Check. Well, except for those moments when that nagging feeling in your stomach came back and you’d start overthinking everything. His texts would sit, unread in your phone for days or even a whole week, slowly sinking to the bottom of your messages.
Then came the call from the Kildare Country Hospital in the early hours of a foggy April morning. You should have gone to sleep hours ago but were still up, desperately trying to cram Maria’s lines into your brain while also texting Rafe. The Sound of Music opened in three weeks and your director had already chewed you out twice for not being off-book, something about being an upperclassman and the lead, and what kind of an example were you setting for the rest of the program. Big speeches were kind of your director's thing, you learned to just ride them out.
Around 1 a.m. your phone ran with an incoming FaceTime call from Rafe. You pressed the green acccept button, a smile spread across your face as Rafe’s own filled the screen.
“Hey Broadway Star.”
“Hi Rafe.” The dim lighting of his bedroom made his feature especially striking. “What are you still doing up?”
“Can’t sleep. Plus you’re up too so. How’s the memorizing going?”
“Shitty,” you replied, closing your binder with a sigh. “I’m too tired to do anymore of it tonight anyway.”
“You know, I was thinking I could come to Oregon for your opening night?”
“Really?” The possibility of Rafe sitting in the audience made your heart race.
“Yeah, why not? I’ll ask Ward if I can borrow the plane that weekend and I bet Sarah’ll want to come too. I wanna see my girl kill it. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Rafe. You know my friends think you’re hot.”
“Oh, do they?” Rafe replied, rolling over onto his back in his bed.
“Don’t let it get to your head, Cameron.”
The home phone ran but you ignored it, much more invested in your conversation with Rafe. The second time the hospital left a message. Your Nonna’s heart had given out. The prognosis wasn’t good. She had barely any time left.
Your heart dropped as the words echoed over the speaker of the answering machine.
“Rafe,” you said, cutting him off momentarily. “I gotta go. I’ll call you back later. I gotta-” you ended the call before Rafe even had the chance to respond. You dropped your phone on the kitchen table, dashing up the stairs to your parents’ bedroom. Your father was booking a flight for your mother back to the Outer Banks minutes later.
The end had come so quickly, so unexpectedly. It was almost like that made it harder. There'd been just enough time for your mom and uncle to get to the Outer Banks, sitting on each side of your Nonna as her final breaths passed through her lungs. Now, everyone was there to say goodbye one last time. Uncle Austin and his fiancé. Your mom and dad. Both your siblings. The entire population of Figure Eight.
Rain drizzled down from the dark, gray clouds looming overhead. It was as if Mother Nature was mourning your Nonna too, hiding the sunshine away.
Three baby ducks followed their mama into the man-made pond at the edge of the cemetery. You watched their tiny feet kick up small waves disturbing the peaceful water and the tears silently slipped down your face.
The cars were waiting to take you back to your Nonna's house for the wake. The same house with the for-sale sign now stuck in the front yard. The for-sale sign with Rose's patronizing grin that you were starting to really hate. Your dad had handled that. Listing the house. He'd handled most of the funeral arrangement's actually because your mother had been too sunken into her grief to make any decision. Sending out the invitations, picking out your Nonna's casket, choosing the flowers. Your mother clung to him during the entire funeral, weeping into his shoulder.
“Y/n?” Rafe's voice called out from behind you and you turned to see him walked toward you. He’d stood at the back of the church with his family during the funeral. You had longed for him to be sitting in the first pew next to you, to have had his hand to hold onto to ground you, but it hardly would have been appropriate. Your Nonna would have sooner risen from the dead than have had a Cameron front row at her funeral.
As soon as he was close enough, Rafe reached for you, pulling your body tight into him. Your head landed on his chest and the sobs came moments later. God, he always smelled the same. He just let you cry, holding you close, smoothing his hand over your hair.
“I know you’re selling your grandma’s house but I was thinking you could stay with me for the summer," he said as your tears began to slow. It was hard to imagine that you wouldn't return to the Outer Banks once school let out. It was the first week of May already and you could feel the tourist-attracting town waking up. But selling the house just made more sense. Your older sister was already living her life in New York, a real adult life. Next summer, you'd be moving out too, headed to college. The house would sit empty for eight months out of the year, your family couldn't keep it and your uncle certainly didn’t want it. Selling it just had to happen.
You stepped back, slipping out of his embrace. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Rafe.”
“Why not?”
“Cause we’re like Romeo and Juliet.”
“I copied Cleo’s notes for that unit," he joked, trying to lighten to damp mood. “Plus I was never a fan of Leo DiCaprio so I didn’t finish the movie either.”
“It means we’re not supposed to be together, you and me. And whenever we try, the universe rips us apart. We hurt each other.”
Rafe shifted awkwardly on his feet, clearly wanting to reach for you again but stopping himself from doing it. “But I can't lose you.”
You reached your hand out, brushing away a strand of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. “Oh Rafe, don’t you get it? You never really had me.” You stood up onto your tiptoes to kiss him just like you had the first time three years ago. Rafe barely parted his lips, kissing you back gently. Your hand cupped his face, your thump stroking over his cheek. It was a goodbye. Both of you knew it. It was an ending and this was your closure. You pulled away, your hand falling away from his face.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say the actual words. Your eyes fell to the ground. You needed to walk away now. You side-stepped Rafe but he grabbed your waist, turning you back around to face him.
“So that’s it? You’re not even gonna try to fight for us?”
“What even is there to fight for, Rafe? I’ve been fighting for us for the past four years. If we were supposed to be together that car wouldn’t have crashed into ours, I wouldn’t have fallen for Evan when I did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation at my Nonna’s funeral. What? Are we supposed to do long distance for all of college? I hardly know who I am right now. I have no idea who I’ll be in the next four years. Our future selves might not even like each other. I’m not gonna wait around for you Rafe and I would never ask you to do that for me.” You twirled the small, star charm between your fingers, a nervous habit you'd developed over the past year. His eyes dropped down to your neck momentarily and his adam's apple visibly bobbing as he swallowed his next weeks.
“You were it for me, you know. I tried to give a fuck about anyone else but I couldn’t get your gorgeous, stupid face out of my mind. I only wanted you.” Rafe paused gauging your reaction “I was falling in love with you.”
Your eyes wandered over his stoic expression. “The feeling was mutual, Rafe Cameron.”
He dropped your wrist but you both stood, not moving or saying anything. “Do you wanna walk me back to the car?”
“Yeah.” He reached for your hand, interlocking your fingers. Your other hand held onto his bicep so you walked together through the graveyard back to the parking lot.
The moment felt precious and delicate, like the fragile china your Nonna used to collect. You wondered what would happen to all that china.
Rafe placed a chaste kiss on your lips before opening the door of the car.
“I’ll miss you,” you said, the words hanging in the air meaning so much.
“Me too,” Rafe agreed.
You wanted one more kiss, one more passionate declaration of how much this all had meant but that would make leaving Rafe so much more impossible.
You climbed into the car, dropping Rafe’s hand in the process.
“See you around Cameron.” You knew it wouldn’t happen but it felt better than a goodbye.
He smiled back. “Maybe so.”
Perhaps Rafe was right and you’d both end up at a small liberal arts college in California taking the same second-year Econ class with a professor who always smelled like weed. Perhaps the stars would align and two of you would realize the universe wasn’t trying to keep you apart. It was just waiting for the right moment to show you that the love you had for each other was the soulmates, forever and ever kind of love. Perhaps you would get married and Sarah would be your maid of honor, of course. You’d buy back your Nonna’s house to raise your troubling-making kids in. Perhaps, you would find your way back and wake up each day and choose each other again and again.
Or perhaps, he'd always be your right-person-wrong-time. And, in the end, the passing days will steal away your memories of the blue-eyed boy from the Outer Banks.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13
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It’s just a bad day... » Tom Felton imagine
Request: yes! @lindsayfosselman93
Word count: 2,037
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: I just hope you guys will like this. xx
“Hey, Y/N” my coworker called after me, just as I was about to leave my office “A couple of us are heading out to grab a drink or two at Casey’s. Do you want to join us?”
I looked at my phone to check the time. It was a Friday afternoon, and our boss said we could leave an hour earlier than usual, knowing that we had a very though week behind us, and all of us deserved a little rest after all. 
“Yeah, sure” I smiled at her and grabbed my bag from my desk “But I’m driving, so no alcohol for me today”
“Alright” she linked her arm with mine and dragged me with her, talking about how hot her new intern was. I liked Beth. She was my mentor when I first started at the PR agency, and helped me with everything I needed. She was very open minded, and loved to ask me about England, and she really enjoyed listening to me, mostly because of my British accent. She found it fascinating “So, how’s your boo?”
I laughed at her nickname for my fiancé. They had met before, and a love-hate friendship was immediately formed between them. Beth hated that I skipped a lot of end of the week pub hopping with them to go home to Tom, but loved to hear everything about our travelling stories and the romantic things he had done just to make me happy. And Tom hated that Beth would show up at our home unannounced, and babbled about her terrible dating life, and how much she already wanted to be married. These occasions usually turned into a sleepover, because she had too much wine, and wasn’t able to drive back home. But at the same time he loved the idea of me having a good friend at work. And I knew, that deep inside, he would have helped her if she needed it. 
“He’s working on a new movie, so he is quite busy” I smiled at her and opened my car “He was up pretty late last night just to learn his lines” I frowned at the memory. He came to bed almost at the same time I had to wake up to get ready for work. He looked quite annoyed and even sad. I was thinking about him, hoping he was in a better mood and slept enough. I hated how much he pushed himself sometimes. He wanted his act to be perfect, to give his best to the project he was working on and satisfy not just his fans, but himself as well. He tended to be hard on himself. 
The pub was quite crowded when we arrived. We weren’t the only people in Los Angeles, who wanted to kick back a bit at the end of the week. Group of friends were playing billiard or were just chatting over a table with beers and wine glasses in their hands. Here and there were couples, maybe on a date. I smiled at a few familiar faces from either work, or at those who were frequent guests at Casey’s and sometimes joined us for a drinking game or just to chat. 
“So guess who’s being a baby and won’t drink today with us?” I rolled my eyes at Beth’s childish behaviour, but I couldn't hide my smile “Nah, just joking. Y/N’s only being a responsible adult here, and is actually driving”
We sat down to our usual table where some of our coworkers were already seated and were sipping on their first drink. I ordered myself a virgin Cosmopolitan and listened to one of our new intern’s story about how one of his professors was caught with his TA. I was sipping on my drink when my phone lit up in front of me. Because of the bad service in the pub, I didn’t get the notifications right away, so I didn’t see Tom’s messages.
“Baby? What time are you coming home?” 
“Are you alright? I thought you were coming home earlier..”
“Babe, I need you. I’m having a very bad day…”
I quickly texted him back that I was only out with a couple of friends from work but I was just leaving. I was worried. Tom wasn’t the double texting or multiple texting type of guy. He only acted like this, if it was important or he wasn’t feeling well. 
“Sorry guys, as much as I love to hang out with you, I really need to leave” I stood up and said my final goodbyes to them, not giving them a chance to ask me about my sudden leave-taking. Before I left to go home, I stopped by a grocery store to buy the ingredients for Tom’s favourite comfort food. 
I could see Willow’s cute face at the window when I pulled up to the driveway. She was jumping up and down when she saw me getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. I swear that dog was half a dog, half a kangaroo. 
“Love, I’m home” I called for Tom when I stepped in the hall and kicked off my high heels, which were killing my feet all day. I went to the kitchen and put down the grocery bags, before I kneeled down to pat Willow and give her a few kisses “Where’s Daddy? Can you show me?”
“Woof” she probably had no idea what I was asking her, but the fact that she hardly left Tom’s side came to my benefit, because she ran to Tom’s office. I followed her there, and of course he was there. He was laying on his sofa, the script for his new movie on his chest. The wrinkles of the pages told me he was close to tear the whole thing up and throw it away. He was asleep, but the frown from being frustrated was still on his face. 
“My love” I sat at the very edge of the sofa and pushed his hair out of his face softly “I’m home” I kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek carefully. I didn’t want to scare him.
“Hey” he murmured and pulled me on to his chest. His hands hold me close and Tom buried his face in my neck. I planted plenty of small kisses into his hair and hold him just as tight “I’m having the worst day of my life”
I laughed at him a bit. He could be a little bit overdramatic, when things weren’t going the way he planned. “Mind telling me why it is such a bad day?”
And he did. He told me that because of the lack of sleep he has been having caused him to wake up with a terrible headache this morning, and no matter how much he tried and practised, it seemed like he couldn’t memorise his lines. And when he finally gave up on learning those, he wanted to interact with his fans, but came across with a lot of hate, which led him to ask himself, if he really was good enough of an actor. 
I listened to him. Sinking in every single word that left his mouth, and played with his hair the whole time to keep him calm, and to show him I was now there for him, and was ready to do anything just to make him feel better. He was feeling very down, and it made me sad how his self-esteem shrunk down because of what some mean people and the media was writing about him, without knowing him at all. 
“Darling” I said softly “Did you really have a bad day or did you have 20 minutes where you let your thought run undisciplined which led you to a bad vibe that you let carry you away?”
“What do you mean?” He looked at me confused.
“I let you think about this” I kissed his neck softly, which made him laugh a tiny bit. I knew how ticklish his neck was, and loved and hated it at the same time, when I blow on it or kissed it. It was good to hear his laugh. It was so contagious. So to make him laugh again, I started to kiss it rapidly and blow on it, while I caressed the back of his neck with my fingertips to tickle him even more. 
“Stop, please” he laughed loudly and tried to push me away “C’mon darling, I’m going to pee myself at the age of 33 if you don’t stop” he begged me but never let go of me. I looked at him and kissed his lips with everything I had. I wanted this man to know how much I loved him. I wanted to show him that no matter what those people out there say about him. They didn’t know who Tom Andew Felton really was. They were cowards, using the power of social media. I pity them. How miserable their life must have been that the only thing that made them feel better or happy was hating on someone they didn’t even know personally?
“I’ll let you to think about what I just said” I stood up from him “Meanwhile you do your homework, I’ll make dinner. Come downstair when you are ready. Alright?”
“I love you” his voice was smooth. I adored how he said those words. They were pure, honest and filled with love and lust. I left him alone. I knew he needed it. He had to go through his whole day in a different point of view. He had to think if it was really worth it. Letting hate and a rough day ruin his good mood. Before I started on dinner, I changed into one of his tie dye hoodies and let my hair out of the ponytail. 
Tom came downstair just at the right time. I already sat the table, and was getting the food out of the oven when he came up behind me, and sneaked his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my neck lovingly. 
“You made casseroles” I could tell by his voice that he was smiling “It smells delicious” he sniffed into my hair “You smell delicious too” he playfully bit on my shoulder and squeezed my waist.
“Someone’s in a better mood” I sing sang and put the tray down on the table. 
“Yeah” he nodded and sat down “Thank you. I really need that to see the whole thing in a different view. Sometimes I tend to let my bad mood to take over my mind and I act unrealistically”
I placed my hand on his and gave him a reassuring smile. During dinner, he told me about how his day was, apart from the bad part. Tom told me how happy he was when Oliver Phelps texted him and asked if he wanted to be on their podcast the next week, and how they already made plans about a golf marathon as soon as it was possible for him to take off a few days from shooting. He even mentioned a few days trip to somewhere nice, just him, Willow and I, because we both had been very busy with our own jobs. He felt like we couldn’t spend enough quality time together, and we really needed it. I just looked at him, and adored the man sitting in front of me. At our dinner table, in our home. All these years together, and it still amazed me, that he chose me to be by his side for the rest of his life. He was honestly the most beautiful man I had ever met and I was more than ready to make him the happiest as possible. 
“I really can’t wait for you to put me in my place and treat me just like you did today for the rest of our lives” Tom hugged me from behind when we were getting ready to go to sleep. He played with my ring on my finger and smiled at me throughout the reflection of the mirror on my vanity table “Mrs. Y/N Felton. It still sound perfect to me.”
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xwing-baby · 3 years
Pull Over (Frankie Morales x gn!Reader)
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Warnings: Fluff!! description of a dead bird, swearing, not edited
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: On a cross country road trip with your boyfriend Frankie, you wake to a beautiful sight...
A/n: I’ve pining for Frankie all week, add this gorgeous prompt photo and this is the result
You woke up slowly to the sound of Frankie mumbling along to the radio, as he had been when you fell asleep. Blue sky was all you could see out the window as you slumped in your seat, it wasn’t until you sat up properly that you saw the majesty of your surroundings. You gasped at the sigh of the expansive red dirt, sun dancing on the endless road ahead in mirages. The last time your eyes were open you were driving through concrete suburbs, a far cry from the desolate and beautiful desert you drove in now.
“Holy shit, Frankie!” You exclaimed, choking up in emotion at the sight through the windshield. Frankie startled at your sudden proclamation, “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?” Tears streamed down your cheeks, happy tears, shocked and amazed tears. You wiped them quickly from your eyes hoping your fiancé wouldn’t see.
“Are you crying?” Frankie laughed, turning his head for a moment to look at you properly. He didn’t miss the tightness in your voice.
“Shut up,” You sniffed, wiping your eyes, “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I didn’t know you’d react like that!” Frankie continued to laugh at you, “And besides you looked cute!”
“That is not an excuse!” You exclaimed, cheeks heating up at his compliment, “Oh Babe, it's so beautiful,” You sighed happily. You pulled your phone from your jeans and took pictures through the truck window. They’d come out blurry and scratched, Frankie knew that. Then he had an idea.
“Do you want to pull over to take a proper photo?” He asked. Your mom had recently given you her old polaroid camera, the one she used when you and your siblings were younger. Having been there as a stop on the road trip already, it was sat in your bag waiting to be used. Here would be the best location to start, he thought. 
“Really? What about your schedule?” Ever the military man, Frankie liked to have a plan and stuck to it religiously. You’d been on the road for two weeks, he had planned every moment down the minute. He’d refused to stop at rest stops, despite if he himself needed to pee, all in the name of the schedule. You were surprised he was allowing the break. 
“Baby I can allow five minutes for a photo I’m not a complete hard ass,” He chuckled, “there's a stop point up ahead, I’ll pull over there and you can take some,”
You cheered and began to root around the stuffed backpack in the footwell to find out the camera. Frankie pulled the truck up ahead a few meters, parked and you jumped out eagerly.
“Fuck me it’s hot,” Outside of the cool AC in the vehicle, the air was dry but scorching hot. You could practically feel the soles of your shoes melting to the tar as you stood on the road. 
“It is a desert,” Frankie said, looking around at the expansive nothingness.
“Really? Would never have guessed!” You stuck your tongue out at him, he copied and you quickly snapped a photo. Frankie pouted and reached for the paper as it printed but you were fast and slipped the photograph in your pocket before he could get it and ruin it. 
Frankie wandered around the truck, you walked a few paces in the opposite direction enjoying stretching your legs. You’d been driving for eight hours, even if you had been asleep for the last two hours, your legs were cramped up. You stretched them out as you walked through the red dirt, watching your sneakers slowly become red stained too. You snapped a photo of Frankie leant against the truck staring off into the distance, a photo cliffs in the distance and then...
“Ah gross there's a skeleton!” You exclaimed. A half rotted carcass lay on the side of the road, bones pale under the beating sun it had been there for a while. It used to be a bird, though its feathers were gone. You stepped closer to it to get a better look.
“Don’t go closer to it!” Frankie said, walking over to you to look at it too.
“What? It’s already dead, it’s cool!” You peered at it, gagging as the smell of rotting flesh hit you. You retreated back to him and wrapped your arms around his waist as you took in the expansive desert surrounding you. 
“I do worry about you sometimes,” He teased you. 
“As you should, baby,” You grinned and kissed him quickly. “Take a picture of me, I’ve got loads of you,”
“Watch for cars,” Frankie warned as you stepped into the middle of the road. 
“Somehow I think I might see them,” You joked, it was clear from miles around you. You stood in the road and posed for the photo, waiting for a moment before calling back, ”Did you take it?”
“If you stop moving!” 
“I’m posing!” You laughed, Frankie raised a brow. “Fine I’ll hold still for you, slow poke,”
“Got one,” He said after another couple seconds. You sighed and jogged back over and took the developing photo from his fingers. You smiled, it was a really nice photo actually. 
“That’s cute! You are a surprisingly good photographer,”
“What can I say, I’m a man of many talents,” He smiled proudly. 
“That you are,” You pressed up on your toes and kissed him on the lips again, “I’m going to take a couple more and then I will be back in the car and we can get to Vegas!” You sang, doing an excited dance at the thought of finally getting to your destination. Frankie cheered too and laughed heartily before giving you ass a little tap and letting you go. 
He watched you wander about in the wilderness ahead, ever the adventurer. Unlike him, you didn’t really know the harshness of the world. You knew the things he had done, the things he’d seen, but only through stories. You weren’t hardened to the world like he was, like he used to be. Pope always teased him that you’d turned him soft but Frankie couldn’t find fault in that if it meant he could have moments like this. Usually a small reminder in his head would tell him to watch the back mirror, to watch for people hidden on the side of the road. Now, he didn’t think about any of that and instead watched you stride fearlessly into the unknown, smiling at the wildness taking photos as if you belonged among the rocks that surrounded you. 
Your smile was his favourite thing in the world. He would rather die than never wake up to see it again. You brought so much joy into his life, even when things were tough to hope that you would stick around long enough to smile again helped him through. Through fights, through low moments for the both of you the smile always sat as the prize for getting through the dark. It was what he dreamt of stuck in the Andes, it was what drove him home when he wanted to run away from everything. You.
The question had been his head the entire trip. He wanted to ask at a good time, a romantic spot meant something to the two of you. One memorable and meaningful. His plan was to take you out to California, where you’d met, and propose on the same beach. But each day with you in the truck was making him impatient. He nearly slipped it out when you had sex in the horrible motel you’d stayed at the night before. He was desperate, couldn’t wait another day to ask you to be his for forever. Now, watching you and your reaction to seeing it waking up from your nap. Maybe he didn’t need California, and past memories. Maybe he could make new ones here in the middle of the desert.
He watched you walk back to the truck, slipping the last polaroid into your back pocket. You opened the door and smiled at him. That smile. The decision was made. He had to ask now.
“What?” You asked, with an awkward laugh. You could tell he wanted to say something. He didn’t so you began to pack up your camera, putting it and the polaroid photos you’d taken away safely.
“What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” He asked, you stopped fiddling with your backpack and looked back up at him. Your heart fluttered in your chest. 
“What?” You were surprised. You had spoken about marriage with him, from the beginning of your relationship you had joked about being grumpy grandparents on a porch swing together. You just didn’t think Frankie was the type to just ask like this. You sat up and looked at your boyfriend. He was staring directly at you, he cleared his throat and readjusted his shirt. 
“Marry me? Tonight. In Vegas,” He said with more confidence, “Our friends are already there, I don’t have ring but we can go get one when we get there and I-,” He stopped, catching himself rambling, getting excited at the idea, “I would like to marry you,” He admitted, with a hopeful smile.
“You’re serious?” You asked, shocked at his words in the best way. Francisco didn’t speak, looking back at you with hopeful eyes. He needed an answer, “Yes of course I’ll marry you! Yes!”
“Thank fuck,” He gasped as you leaned over the console and kissed him hard. You’d kissed him a million times, but this was special, a new spark. 
“I have one condition,” You said as you pulled away. 
“Anything,” He smiled, eyes starry looking at you, so full of love.
“I want an Elvis impersonator to officiate” You tried to remain serious but couldn’t fight the grin on your lips. Frankie laughed and shook his head, “And you need to call my dad,” You said seriously, “I know it takes away from the spontaneity but he’d be-,”
“Already asked him, two weeks ago,” He interrupted you. Your jaw dropped, shocked.
“We were at their- Oh my god that’s why Dad had that stupid grin on his face when we left, isn’t it?” You gasped, hitting his arm playfully.
“Maybe,” He smirked, proud of himself now his plan had fully worked out. You gaped at him, 
“So you really planned to propose next to a decaying bird?” You looked at the skeleton again, curling your lip at it.
“The bird wasn’t in the plan,” He chuckled, turning your attention back to him with his hands on your cheeks. You smiled and leant into his touch, affectionately. 
“I love you Frankie Morales,” you whispered. 
“I love you too sweetheart,” 
tagging: @autumnleaves1991-blog​ the wonderful host of this awesome game
@hunters-heathen​ @peterssweetpea​ @beskarbabs​ @this-cat-is-dea​ @wille-zarr​ 
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spooderboyandtincan · 4 years
You Came Back to Me
TW: Poisoning, hospitals
Read on Ao3
Peter knew it was a waste to try to tame his curls. No matter how much gel he used (which must have been at least a full bottle by now) his hair would not stay flat. 
Peter gave a frustrated sigh and threw down the comb in surrender. Not even a second later, as if he had somehow sensed his absolute agony, Tony strolled in.
“Hey, kiddo.” Tony grinned at him. “Were you going for the half-drowned puppy look on purpose? Is this a new style I don’t know about?” he teased, tweaking one of his greasy curls gently.
Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed a towel to get some of the gel out. “I hate this stuff,” he grumbled, grimacing at his reflection in the mirror. He did look like a half-drowned puppy, not that he would ever admit it. Tony chuckled and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze and Peter looked up at him.
Tony’s hair was styled so perfectly that each individual hair was in place. His beard was combed and his sunglasses were folded in the front pocket of his smooth, cream colored Armani suit, and around his neck was a light, lavender tie. To Peter’s astonishment, he had managed to get ready in less than an hour. 
Peter leaned into his father figure’s chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne, old spice, motor oil and something distinctly Tony that always soothed his nerves. 
“How long is the party gonna be?” he mumbled into his chest. 
“As long as we can suffer,” Tony joked, then in a softer tone, “We can leave whenever you want, okay? Just let me know and we’ll go.”
“M’kay.” He nodded, feeling a little relieved. He would much rather have a movie night and fall asleep in Tony’s arms than be at a loud, crowded party full of snobby rich people, and he knew Mr. Stark felt the same. But from what he had accidentally overhead of Tony’s conversation over the phone with Pepper, it was pretty important that Tony came to represent Stark Industries, especially because Pepper had to be out of the country that week. 
“Let’s get your suit,” Tony said. They walked into his bedroom, and Peter sighed in relief at the simple black suit that was on the bed. He thought that Tony might have bought him an expensive Armani suit or a Tom Ford, but he hadn’t. Thank goodness. If he had, Peter probably would have passed out right then and there. 
When Peter came out of the bathroom, fumbling with his tie, Tony nearly cooed. When changing, his curls had gone completely rogue and were frizzing about. His socks were bright purple with pink stars and were rather blinding compared to the dark suit. Peter gave up on the tie and handed it to Tony, his big bambi eyes wide and pleading for help. 
Tony grinned fondly and quickly looped the fabric around his kid’s neck, easily knotting it into a perfect tie. “There. Signature Tony Stark.” He patted his shoulder. 
Peter rolled his eyes. “You can’t have a style for a tie, Mr. Stark.”
“Sure I can. Draw a goatee on it and it’ll be a new fashion. I guarantee it.”  
Peter snickered and they headed down to the garage where Happy was waiting. Tony grabbed a juice box and a granola bar for Peter and took the boy’s coat from the closet (Peter insisted he didn’t need it but knew he probably would). 
“Hey, Happy,” Tony greeted. The driver looked up. 
“About time,” Happy grumbled, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Get in here, we need to go!”
Tony chuckled at the disgruntled driver. “We can be fashionably late.” He hopped in the backseat with his kid and put an arm around his shoulders.
“No, we goddamn can’t!” Happy grumbled to himself, though his words were quite audible. He shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the garage. 
“Watch your language, there’s a kid,” Tony warned, cupping his hands over Peter’s ears. Peter rolled his eyes.
Once they reached the building where the party was being held, th father-and-son-duo stayed back while Happy cleared away crowds of paparazzi that had materialized all around the car. 
“Remember, kiddo,” Tony said. “We can leave anytime you want.” He squeezed the boy’s knee reassuringly. 
“‘Kay.” Peter smiled nervously. 
“You ready?” 
Peter bit his lip. “I think so.” He took a deep breath.
“We don’t have to go, baby,” Tony murmured, tracing a finger along his cheek bone. “Do you wanna go back home and just watch a movie?”
Peter really just wanted to nod his head and drive back to the compound and have a nice movie night with Tony. His cheeks turned red. How embarrassing would that be? Pulling up to your own party and then leaving. He didn’t want to embarrass Mr. Stark. It couldn’t be that bad. It would probably be fun (he doubted that, but maybe it would be). Peter took a deep breath. “I’m okay. I’m ready.”
“Alright.” Tony gave him a loving smile. “I’m proud of you, kiddo.”
“Thanks.” Tony gave his hand a squeeze and opened the door, hurrying around the back of the car to open Peter’s door and promptly ignoring the renewed bright flashing and clicking of cameras.
“Okay,” he whispered, looping an arm around the boy’s shoulders. “Let’s do this.” He slid on his sunglasses and they started down the red carpet. Happy hovered behind them, glaring at anyone who dared to get too close. 
Peter’s heart was beating so fast he could barely hear the separate beats. He began to feel slightly nauseous. He was already starting to regret his decision to stay. 
Peter subconsciously leaned further into Tony as they entered the building. People’s attention turned to them, and not-so-subtle gasps and murmurs buzzed through the crowd.
Tony wanted nothing more than to glare at these idiotic people and lead Peter right back to the car and back home. However, he was sure Pepper was right that this would be a good experience for his kid, and he knew they would have fun once most of the crowds dissipated. 
(Plus, Pepper would kill him if he left. She would have his ass hanging on the mantle in place of the Christmas stockings Peter had insisted they put up already.)
Happy clapped him on the shoulder and informed him was going to go patrol the perimeter. Tony dryly told him to “have fun,” and Peter waved as he stalked off.
“Tony! Who’s the kid?” a bright voice called. Peter flinched and inched behind the man as they turned around, a little nervous. 
A tall, middle-aged woman with straight blonde hair and a silvery dress rushed up to them. She had even, pearly teeth that shone brightly when she gave them a smile. “Tony! Hi!” she said breathlessly. “How are you doing? I’m Stephanie Wright.” 
Tony shook her gloved hand. “Pleasure.”
“And who are you, hon?” Stephanie bent down so her face hovered uncomfortably close to Peter’s. 
He scooted backward slightly and tried to give her a charming smile like Tony had. “I’m Mr. Stark’s personal intern.”
“Oh, isn’t that wonderful?” she cried, far too enthusiastic in Peter's opinion. “You must be pretty smart!” 
Peter smiled uncomfortably. Every instinct in him was screaming at him to get away. Something about this lady was definitely off, and he didn’t want to stick around to find out what it was.
“Why don’t we go get a drink, kiddo?” Tony interrupted, starting to lead him away from Stephanie. Peter knew he had sensed his discomfort and wanted to get him away. 
Stephanie gave a piercing laugh and, to the pair’s displeasure, followed them. “Oh, we must think alike. I’ve been craving champagne all night. I hope you aren’t giving this poor kid alcohol, Tony.”
Peter frowned. He knew Tony would never even think of it. Even talking about alcohol could make the man uncomfortable, so he tried to think of something to change the topic. 
“Did you know there’s a turtle that pees through its mouth?” he blurted. 
Peter’s face turned crimson red. Of all the things to come out of his mouth, why did it have to be that? 
Stephanie gave him a strange look and stayed silent in suppressed disgust, but Tony snorted and stuffed his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing. He squeezed the back of Peter’s neck gently to let him know he wasn’t laughing at him, but at Stephanie’s hilarious expression. Peter groaned internally and wished he could die on the spot.
Tony and Peter headed to the bar, chatting happily, but Stephanie narrowed her eyes and forced her way through some disgruntled young ladies so she stood a few yards from them. She watched Tony hand the kid a menu. He pointed to something she couldn’t see, which the man nodded at and flagged down a waiter.
She couldn't hear what he said but assumed Tony had ordered two of the same drink from the two fingers he held up. The bartender seemed to have prioritized their drinks (of course he had, that was Tony Stark) because not even five minutes later he rushed to them with two overflowing glasses of cherry red liquid on a silver platter. 
Stephanie saw her chance, and she took it.
She ran towards Tony with a grin on her face, waving to get his attention. Just before she reached them, she pretended to trip in her silver high heels and bumped into Tony. “Oh my god,” she laughed, faking embarrassment. “I’m so clumsy, sorry.” 
“No problem,” Tony said politely. The drink hadn’t splashed onto his expensive suit. In fact, it hadn’t sloshed out of the cup at all. He handed the glass to his kid, who was looking strangely at the tall woman. 
You idiot! Stephanie cursed Tony silently. You fucking idiot! That was for you, not the kid! She took a deep breath. I can make it up later, she told herself. Relax and go with it. I can get the kid first and then later, him. 
Feeling assured, she grinned. “Sorry about that, Tony. Glad it didn’t leave any stains!” Stephanie suddenly looked to her purse and dug through it till she pulled out her phone. “Oh. My fiancé is here somewhere and he’s trying to find me.” She sighed. In reality, she had received no text and didn’t even have a fiancé, but she needed to get a safe distance away before the kid took a drink from his Shirley Temple. “Well, I should go. It was wonderful meeting you Tony- you too Peter.”
“Yeah,” Tony said as the woman hurried off. “Huh. That was weird.” Peter shrugged and laughed. Tony ruffled his curls and they set down next to each other at a small table.
“How’s that Shirley Temple?” he asked when Peter took his first large gulp.
“Good!” he answered truthfully. Tony smiled fondly at him and reached out to ruffle his hair. 
Peter took another sip, expecting his dry throat to be blissfully cleared by the sweet cherry flavored drink.
Instead, the liquid that trickled down his throat stung and burned. He choked silently and took another drink, hoping it would help.
The burning in his throat only grew. He felt like his stomach was  turning inside out and his chest had been stabbed with needle-sharp knives. The back of his neck prickled and he felt like he was in the middle of a blizzard but also in a desert with the sun directly overhead at the same time.
He tried to reach for Tony, desperately needing the man’s comforting arms around him, but his arm and fingers would move. All that came out of his mouth was a strained gasp when he tried to get his attention.
Tony was texting Happy about the potentially dangerous Stephanie who had been following them all evening, when he heard a thud and the sound of glass shattering.
He whirled around. “Peter!” 
One moment he was sitting in a squishy, comfortable chair, the next kneeling on the ground next to his kid’s small form, the chair falling to the ground loudly behind him. 
“Peter?! Peter, baby!” There were glasses being set down and plates clattering on tables as people near them noticed the terrified billionaire. Tony quickly pulled off the boy’s tie and gathered him in his arms and cradled him close, his focus on his kid and nothing else. Peter’s head flopped against his chest limply, his face clammy and turning gray, his chest heaving with every strained breath. Tony cupped his cheek and smoothed his thumb over the hollows under his eyes. “Peter?” His voice came out in a whisper instead of a terrified cry. Tony didn’t know what to do. 
Peter clawed at the man’s chest, his chest feeling as heavy as lead. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe. Peter choked and gasped, coughing and trying frantically to get air into his lungs.
Tony’s blurry face hovered above him. He could tell the man’s lips were moving quickly, could feel his heart beating a mile per minute in terror and panic, but he couldn’t hear anything except a blur of shouting and running. 
Tony, sirens, heartbeat, Tony, kiss on his forehead, hand in his curls, shouting, shouting, sirens getting louder, Tony getting louder, heartbeat, glass, high heels running, Tony, sobbing, tears falling to his hair- not his tears, Tony’s tears. He didn’t want Tony to cry. “Don’t cry,” he tried to say, but nothing came out of his mouth but a strangled wheeze.  
Bubbles foamed around his mouth. The tears fell more rapidly and the strong arms around him were almost painfully tight. A kiss to the forehead- more words. Another kiss, this time on the cheek. Gentle, calloused fingers, tears, voices- different voices, not just Tony’s. He wanted Tony. 
And- Painpainpain. Suddenly Peter was drowning in white hot agony. Make it stop makeitstopmakeitstop. His teeth were grinding together, Tony was crying, words of comfort were coming out of the man’s mouth but Peter couldn’t understand them- 
Pain. Great waves of pain washed over him. Make it stop, Tony, please. This time the tears were his own. Soothing hands in his hair- he could barely feel them. Too much. Too much everything. Make it stop! He needed it to stop. Toomuchtoomuch. Too much pain. Please. Please. 
That was a word coming from Tony’s mouth. Please. 
The pain stopped. 
Everything stopped. 
Tony felt like throwing up. His heart was beating so fast it felt more like an erratic hum. His hands shook violently and had he not been sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair, he knew he would have collapsed long ago. His suit was dirty and wet with tears- not that he cared.
He dropped his forehead into his hands.
When Tony closed his eyes, all he could see was the cold, pale face cradled against his palm that was so unlike his beautiful, warm, rosy-cheeked kid. 
He leapt to his feet and began pacing the length of the medbay waiting room, fear flooding through his veins, every instinct in him telling him to move, to get to Peter, to protect his kid. 
But he fucking couldn’t, he couldn’t, because Peter was down the hall in a room filled with strangers, and oh god, Peter had been poisoned. His kid could be dying and he was stuck out here, so far away, and he couldn’t even fucking hold him and brush his fingers through his soft curls and tell Peter he had to stay. He had to. 
Tony knew he couldn’t live without his kid. Peter was his everything- he couldn't do this without him. He needed Peter- and Tony knew he couldn’t survive without him. 
He slid down the wall weakly, his breaths quickening. “Oh my god,” he whispered. “Peter, oh my god. I’m right here, Peter. Don’t leave me, baby, please.” He didn’t bother to wipe the tears trickling down his cheeks. “Don’t make me lose him, oh god please, I can’t. I can’t.” 
Tony began to sob. He pressed his hands against his face to muffle his loud cries. 
Peter, eyes closed, not breathing. Looking dead. Face gray and pale. His own anguished sobs flooding his ears as he hugged the boy to his chest.  
Peter, on a gurney, taken away from Tony before he could process that his kid wasn’t in his arms anymore. 
Too terrified and stunned to move- then sprinting after him and trying to fight through the doctors and nurses to get to Peter. Happy and two others struggling to hold him back.
“Tony,” said Dr. Cho, the door swinging shut behind her. “Are you okay?”
He spun around so fast he could hear his neck crack. Tony lurched to his feet, heart pounding. “Peter,” he croaked, blood draining from his face.
She gave him a weary smile. “He’s okay, Tony. You can see him now. He’s awake, actually, but he’s really out of it.”
Tony hadn’t processed even half of her words before he was running. He dodged past her and sprinted down the hall, skidding into a familiar room.
“Peter…” he breathed, his eyes blurred with tears. 
Before he knew it, Tony was at his kid’s side, sobs racking his chest. He gently lifted the disoriented boy into his arms, carefully avoiding the oxygen mask strapped to his precious face, and rocked him back and forth. 
He wept into Peter’s hair, pressing kisses against his curls in between sobs. “You came back to me,” Tony cried. “You came back, you came back. My Peter, my baby, you came back to me.” He squeezed Peter gently. “I thought I lost you, I thought you were gone- I- I can’t, I can’t do this without you, I-”
Tony took a long, deep breath, broken with small cries. He cupped Peter’s confused, tired, still far too pale face. “I don’t- I- oh baby, thank god you’re okay.” Tony tried not to burst into another round of tears.
He squeezed his kid close and pressed a long, tender kiss to his forehead. “My sweet boy,” Tony murmured. He ran his fingers through Peter’s soft curls.
Peter blinked up at him, a slight crease between his eyebrows. His lips parted, trying to form words, but Tony gently stopped him.
“Shh, shh, baby, no talking yet, okay?” He tapped the plastic of the oxygen mask. “We need to keep this mask on to make sure you get enough air, see? Just rest for me, bambino, I’ve got you.” Tony sniffled and tried to give him a reassuring smile, discreetly wiping away the tears that had pooled in his eyes. He wasn’t sure if Peter had even processed what he’d said, but he seemed to relax and practically melted in his arms. 
Tony felt such overwhelming relief washing over him as he watched Peter’s chest rise steadily. Wiping his eyes again, he pressed his lips to Peter’s forehead and let his eyes close for a long moment, desperately trying not to think about how close he had been to losing his baby. 
There was a quiet sniffle, and his eyes flew open, his heart racing once again. “Peter? Peter, baby?” Tony was panic-stricken to find a pearly tear running down his face. 
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting?” He wiped Peter’s tears away with the pad of his thumb. “What is it, bubba? Should I get a doctor?”
Peter shook his head, a squeak coming from his throat even though he was trying hard not to cry. He tapped his pointer finger on the rough skin of Tony’s hand, hoping he would get the message.
... -.-. .- .-. -.--
Tony’s eyes softened. “Oh baby.” He squeezed his hand comfortingly and traced his thumb along the boy’s cheek. Peter sniffed again. “I know, Petey, I was scared too,” he murmured. He still was, but that was beside the fact. “But I promise you’re okay baby, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, I promise.”  
.--. --- .. ... --- -.
Tony flinched and held his kid tight. Peter was far more coherent than he had thought. “Yeah, sweetheart. Poison.” His voice was gravelly and Tony looked to the wall while he tried to pull himself together. “I was so scared I was gonna lose you,” he whispered.
-.. .. -.. -. .----. -
Tony grinned tearily but couldn’t find any words. He sniffed and ran his fingers through the boy’s hair, stroking his soft curls. Peter’s eyes were slowly drooping shut- which terrified him. 
The inventor knew that his baby was stable and safe and breathing- but he couldn’t get the image of Peter’s sheet-white, still body out of his mind. 
Tony took a deep breath to steel himself and smiled down at his kid. “You can sleep now, bubba. I’ll be here the whole time. It’s okay.” He brushed a finger over Peter’s eyelids. “I love you, baby,” he whispered, softly kissing his forehead. 
Peter closed his eyes and soon his breaths were slow and steady. Tony’s gaze was full of love as he cradled his sleeping kid. “I love you,” he repeated a little hysterically, somehow aching for the boy, even though he was already in his protective embrace. “I love you.” Tony pressed his lips against his temple for a long while. 
Ever so gently, he lowered Peter to the mattress, careful not to jostle the sickly boy. He moved around so that Peter’s head was cradled in his lap and pulled the covers to his chin, adjusting a spare pillow behind his back despite the padded headboard.
The inventor looked up at a quiet knock on the door. Helen stepped in, giving the pair a fond smile. 
“How’s he doing?” she asked, brushing her hair out of her face, then taking Peter’s wrist and checking his pulse. 
Tony massaged his forehead and sighed. “I…. He responded to me. Um... he used morse code.” He gave a strained chuckle. “He’s so goddamn smart.” 
“The smartest of us all.” Helen looked scrutinously at him. “And how are you?”
He snorted. “Honestly? Like I got run over by a couple of eighteen-wheelers.” Tony shook his head. “How are his vitals? Is he breathing okay? Is he okay?”
“Tony. Deep breath,” she instructed. “Yes. He’s fine, he’s doing great, actually.” 
Tony breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “Helen-” His voice broke. “Thank you. I-” Tony’s eyes watered and he looked away. “I can’t thank you enough. You saved my kid.” He brought Peter’s hand to his lips. “Thank you.”
Helen shook her head, smiling. “Tony, I don’t need thanks. I may be a world renowned geneticist-” her grin widened, “-but patching up your danger-prone kid every other day is a very important part of my job too.” 
They shared a chuckle, and after checking several of the monitors around them, Helen left, giving him a little wave. “I’ll be back in half an hour to check on him,” she said. “Try to get some rest.”
The door closed quietly behind her. In the growing silence, the heart monitor’s monotonous beeping seemed to grow louder. Tony gazed down at Peter’s lax face and he felt so much love. His heart seemed to burst with all the overwhelming love he held for his sweet kid, and he could only press a long kiss to the boy’s forehead.
Tony scooted forward and pulled the expensive blankets over his shoulder, wrapping Peter in his arms and bringing him close. He held him against his chest and combed a hand through his curls. “I love you, Petey,” he murmured. 
Tony pressed a tender kiss to Peter’s temple and, after hugging Peter closer, he allowed his eyes to slip shut. Peter’s soft breaths heated the crook of his neck. After a few peaceful minutes of listening to his kid’s breathing, Tony’s own breaths eventually steadied. 
Helen paused in the restroom, relieving herself and then fixing her bun. She washed her face with the warm water that came from the faucet and took a moment to breathe. The bathroom door slid shut behind her and she turned around, and nearly rammed into the one and only Happy Hogan.
“Happy!” she exclaimed.
“How is he?!” Happy gasped breathlessly, pulling at his tie. “Is he…?” The unspoken words on his tongue made him shiver and he shook his head.
“He’s fine,” she assured him. “He’s fine. Tony’s with him right now.”
Happy breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “Thank god,” he muttered. He turned to discreetly wipe the dust out of his eyes.
Helen smiled. “Peter’s okay. He’s stable and already recovering.” She shook her head and sighed, the worry lines around her eyes creasing. “Happy, it was arsenic poisoning.”
Happy’s lips pressed into a thin line. He swallowed thickly and nodded. 
“We caught her,” he said abruptly. “Stephanie Wright. All we know so far is that, um, it wasn't the kid she was looking for. Her target was Tony.” Happy cleared his throat. “I’ll let him know. Later. Not now.” 
“But Peter’s okay?” he asked once more. 
“He’s doing fine,” Helen assured him. 
“Good. Good.” Happy nodded. “That’s… yeah, good.” He began making his way down the hall to the waiting room.
She gave the weary man a kind smile. “I’m about to go check on him. I’ll let you know how he’s doing.”
When Helen poked her head to Peter’s hospital room a few minutes later, she couldn’t help but chuckle fondly. 
Peter was wrapped in Tony’s arms, barely visible in the protective embrace of his father. The man’s quiet snores and Peter’s adorable snuffles filled the empty, machine-like silence of the room. Even in sleep, Tony’s arms were still tight around his kid. 
Helen slipped in and quietly checked the monitors, nodding to herself. She saw Peter’s hand move almost violently on the pillow out of the corner of her eye, and she had to hold back a laugh when Tony let out a loud snort and pulled Peter closer. 
After adjusting a few wires, she smiled at the sleeping father and son duo and waved slightly, then watched the door shut behind her. 
Back inside that serene room, Tony pressed his nose into Peter’s curls and breathed in deeply. His face was relaxed and peaceful as he held his precious kid. Peter, looking absolutely tiny in Tony’s arms, was snuggled against his chest, his lips parted slightly with a little drool dripping down his chin. 
Though they were both fast asleep, a feeling of peace and love filled Tony and Peter. Warm and safe in each other’s arms, they would sleep for a long while.
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