#Figured I'd tag u sorry if that's a problem!
sameschmidtdiffname · 8 months
feeling a bit weird asking this request since i haven't actually seen anyone write such a thing, but i'd like to ask for something about the parent figure!mike (NOT SMUT OFC), maybe something he's the reader's father or brother or something, if it's not something you could write just ignore !!! (i'm also not a native speaker so i apologize if it sounds impolite i always have this problem :/)
Girl have you read my fics?? Do NAWT come on here talking about feeling weird for a request when I have written shit that's sending me to super hell with Jensen Ackles or whoever played the angel guy from Supernatural. (I hope that joke made sense, I'm not in that fandom </3)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!! Fresh off the press for you pookie <3 (BTW, your English js great and you weren't demanding at all!! Seriously, don't feel bad 😊)
Same Shit, Different Schmidt
Dad! Mike & Gender Neutral! Reader
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(This gif always sends me, I'm sorry)
Summery: You are a stubborn ass and Mike is not here to put up with that shit. Where'd you get this attitude, anyways? Is it so hard to just listen?
Tags: No use of Y/N, Reader is Mike's child, this is lowkey a sequel to 'What's One More?' but that is absolutely not required to read this, sickness, reader almost passes out, slight angst, Mike takes care of reader, Mike has a come to Jesus moment, mentions of arguing, injury, underage drinking, Abby and Mike go at it at one point, just a cute lil drabble :)
Notes: it feels illegal to post something so short. Is this allowed?? Anyways, this was so cute to write! Definitely a new approach. I hope you guys like this! Thanks for the request anon, I always love getting them 💗
"I'm fine," you groaned emphatically, trying to to rise from the bed, musty from your body's sweat during the night.
"You are not fine, do not bullshit me," Mike scolded. His hands pressed you back onto the bed, his scowl growing as he feels your temperature through your moist shirt. "When did this start?"
"I told mom my throat hurt last night and she gave me some ibuprofen. It's seriously just a cold," you said, trying one more time to rise from the bed.
"You always get a sore throat before you get sick, have since you were a kid. When did the fever start?" His hand feels freezing against your clammy forehead, making you shy away to avoid the chills that threaten you.
"Not hot."
"You want me to call your mom so you can gaslight her, too?" His tone is firm and threatening. "Is there something you're trying to get away with here or...?"
"I have tech tonight for my show, I can't miss," you finally admit. You open your mouth to continue, but Mike quickly cuts you off.
"No. Out of the question," he said.
"Dad, I'll get in trouble-"
"You will get everyone else sick and then what? I said no," he said firmly. But when he sees the way you sink into the bed, eyes sad and finally accepting the situation, he thinks of your mother acting in a similar manner or Abby when she was your age with the same attitude. It makes him relent, pressing his lips tight together. "What do you need me to do?" He asked, voice softer as he strokes your cheek. Your eyes brighten for a moment, a smile breaking out. "You're not going, I'm just asking what I could do to help."
You sink into the bed once more, crossing your arms.
"My director is gonna hate me," you mumble.
"I will deal with her, or she will deal with me. I promise you one's better than the other," he said. At that you crack a smile, finally looking at him.
"Mom's not gonna be pleased either," you said.
"Mom's not gonna let you go either," he said. "I'm getting the thermometer and then I'm moving you to the living room so I can watch you better. You get control of the TV as your consolation prize."
You twirl your finger in the air, rolling your eyes as emit a mocking 'yay,' glaring at him as he shoots the same glare down at you, walking out of the room and slipping his phone out of his pocket to call your mother.
"How upset are they?" She asked on the other side of the phone. He could hear the office chatter going on around her as he searched through the cabinets for the supplements they kept in stock.
"They're not thrilled. Not planning my death yet, but it's coming," Mike huffed. "Is it elderberry that helps with sore throats?"
"Elderberry makes it worse after you get sick, helps before. Don't give them that," she said. There's a slight pause before she adds "You realize this attitude is inherited?"
"Oh," he groaned, sucking on his teeth. "I wasn't gonna throw you under the bus like that."
"I helped raise Abby, do not pin this on me," she laughed.
"I don't deny sickness," Mike said.
"I can name five seperate instances where you did," she countered. Mike froze for a moment, trying to remember. "Just go easy on them. Remember you're dealing with your kid."
"And yours," he countered.
"Supposedly," she teased.
"I'm pretty sure that was you I knocked up."
"But are you sure?"
"Well, there was that one time with your mom."
She laughed. "Have them text me when they can. I'll deal with director, she knows me better."
"Thanks. She terrifies me. Kinda get why they don't wanna miss," Mike admitted. With a quick laugh and a quicker goodbye, Mike clicks off the call, slipping the phone back into his pocket. He gathered the vitamins in a small cup, grabbed the other needed items and made his way back to the room that used to house his little sister.
"Okay, Mom's dealing with director and is willing to grab dinner of your choice if you'll-" Mike trails off at the sight of your empty bed, worry prickling through and tainting the annoyance rising in his chest. He calls your name, turning to look for you before his ears tune in on the shower running in the bathroom. He sighs, placing the items on your bedside table and making his way to the living room. All is well until about ten minutes after the water shuts off, when he heard a small but sure 'thud' ring from the room.
"Honey?" He called. Nothing.
He rises from his chair, his mind trying to remind himself to stay calm and not jump to its automatic thoughts of harm and anxiety as he walked quickly to the door.
"If you don't answer I'm coming in," he warned. The quiet groan on the otherside is all he needed to quickly open the unlocked door, trying not to panic as he catches sight of you curled up on the floor with your head between your knees.
"I'm fine," you said quietly. "Got dizzy." Your clothes are thrown on haphazardly and it's clear how disoriented you are. Your hair doesn't even look properly washed.
Mike's arms are comforting, familiar and protective as he carefully lifts you up, taking you to the couch as though you weigh nothing to him. When his mind is racing like this, you may as well not.
"What were you thinking?" He asked in a panicked voice. "I told you you weren't going."
"My director hates me and tech is like, our biggest practice. I can't miss," you insisted, barely able to stand the light shining through the open windows. The couch is cool against your skin, the old leather offering relief. Mike had brought it home a few years back, a surprise he'd found at a thrift store with your help. Still pricey but a Christmas gift for everyone in the house. Your mother shook her head as she finally agreed maybe the couch that was as old as her needed to be replaced.
"Your mom is dealing with her and she's gonna deal with you next if you don't listen to either of us," Mike said. He ran back to your room, collecting the items and returning to your side before you could even respond. "Can you just let us take care of you?"
Oh. Oh. Fine, okay. There it is. He hears it now, that point your mother had just been making.
As the thermometer takes longer than he'd like to beep, he sighs at the sight of you looking like death on the couch. "You get this attitude from me," he finally sighed. You raise your brow quizzically, waiting for him to continue. A soft noise emits from the device. Mike takes it from your mouth and scowls at the number that flashes back at him. He hands you a now room temperature cup of throat coat tea with three ibuprofen to help with the fever before he takes your hand.
"Did I tell you about the time your mother had to drag me to the emergency room for stitches on my forehead?" He asked, smiling. You snort, taking another sip of your drink. "It happened when you were little. I don't even think you were two. Abby was going out with this idiot and figured out how to take out the screen in her window so she could sneak out without any of us knowing. This girl was bad news, I mean-"
"Aunt Abby?" You asked.
"What? No. No, the girl she was going out with, Lisa Browning. Had her come home with a belly button piercing once, I wasn't happy about that. Anyways, Abby decided that she was going to this party one night and I'd found her bed empty halfway through the night while I was going to check on you. Well, I decided I was gonna wait for her in her room with the lights off until she got home. So I sat in front of her window and eventually got tired, so I shut my eyes. Figured it couldn't hurt. Took a couple hours, but eventually your mother woke up and my side of the bed was empty and she heard this loud as fuck noise from your aunts room. This is like four in the morning, mind you," he said. "So she jumped out of bed and heard your aunt yelling, saw some guy in dark clothes on the floor, open window and the lights are off, and she's still wiping sleep out of her eyes."
"Oh no," you groaned.
"Oh yes. Grabbed some metal Eiffel Tower thing on Abby's desk and just swung at my head. Hurt like a bitch," he laughed, you joining in as much as you could without hurting your throat. "It was a good hit. I think she realized it was me when I grabbed her ankle and hollered her name cause she stopped right after that. Wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't stop bleeding."
"So did Abby get in trouble?" You asked.
"Are you kidding? I was even more pissed, I chased her down the hallway after her girlfriend climbed in and fell on top of me. I was ready to kill her. Your mother had to drag me and her into the car, go back and grab you and deal with us screaming at each other all the way to the hospital. Not that I wanted to go, I was fine with just pressing a dishcloth to the thing and carrying on with my plan to rip my sister a new one. She had to threaten us both to actually get me inside, and I only conceded because I was too dizzy to object by that point. I think the nurses assumed she was insane. I mean, kid on her hip, dressed in pajamas with some drunk teenager bickering with a guy bleeding from his head at the crack of dawn. I'm surprised no one called the cops. They did have to almost seperate Abby and I, though. Which just upset me more."
"How did they get you to calm down?" You asked.
"Your mother handed you to me while she walked Abby to a bathroom so she could take a go at her. And you were all upset anyways because I wasn't paying attention to you and you didn't understand why the nurses were fuckin' with me or why I was upset. Once I had you in my arms I refocused, calmed down a good bit. Someone brought me a book to read you and we got to focus on that while they prepped me for stitches," he said the last part softly. "I was so glad when Abby got out of her teen rebellion phase."
"She ruined mine," you joked.
"Yeah. She used pretty much every trick in the book, so we were ready for you. Sorry," he said.
"It's fine, I don't like parties."
"I don't either."
Mike's phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked it, typing a quick response before refocusing on you. "Your mother wants to know what you're thinking for dinner," he said.
"Chinese?" You asked.
"That comes from your mom's side," he smiled. "She'll be pleased."
Short but sweet. This was a fun one :)
@jhutchissupercool @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support! <3
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sabh0 · 5 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, I'm new in this fandom and I feel like you're kind of a big figure in here, so I wanted to know if you read fanfics and, if so, if you had any rec for me? I can't say I like the usual take on Chuuya or Dazai or their relationship in most fanfictions, making of Dazai an emotionless bully and Chuuya an angry spazz with anger management issues and absolutely no brains.
Your takes on the character seems to me closer to actual canon, and so I figured you'd probably know of fics I would actually enjoy.
(If you do, then to be more specific, I'd rather avoid fics with no powers/modern aus and if explicit, then no bottom chuuya, please? For some reasons, bottom Chuuya writers always make him to be some dainty little princess and Dazai a daddy dom which is. Hilarious. Holy fuck.
Hi!! Damn i get ur problem 😭😭 I don't read fanfics regularly exactly because i cant find things that would be close to my perception of their relationship,, even if, i read mostly oneshots
Im picky af,,
Tbh i don't really remember many fics, but for some reason i have saved a bunch of them by halfbloom (diphylleias) so i would only guess my past (months ago) self thought the writer was good real good. I dont remember most of these, but i must say i regulary reread one of their fics, "Castles out of couches" (this is a oneshot consisting of??? A lot of very short stories about skk living together) (im a sucker for domestic skk that r still silly and bickering for fun) (and this fanfic is exactly that) (instead of suddenly very cutesy and petnames using couple that some ppl write) (castles out of couches makes me giggle like a teenage girl) (i drew some old arts based on this one, even)
So i would start from there and then check other halfbloom works with tags u r interested in! (I obv skipped what i didn't wanna read right) (tho i think they mostly write skk talking things thru, which is cool)) (there may be nsfw in some ig?? But it's bearable amounts + none of that annoying uwu chuuya daddy dazai)
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
hello! I know you super-ship jasico but I was wondering if you got any pernico fanfic recs? Ty! :D
wdym but? Just because I super-ship jasico doesn't mean I can't be obsessed with percico now can I? I'm a man (girl. woman. danger to society, if u will) of everything.
sorry losing track LOL anw you don't specify your references so I'm seriously going in blind here lmao. Imma just suggest those I love the most amongst my bookmarks then. There would be explicit content and i'd try to include as many warnings as i can think of, alrity
Everything by BobInTheComments. I barely read 1/10 of their works but I KNOW they're all brilliant. Trust me.
Again, everything by Doevademe (OriginalDaemon). Trust me.
too much poison in these veins and frankly? Everything by fuckin_rodent (I don't advise trying if you're a Will stan tho, and the content is pretty heavy sometimes btw)
betsib has some amazing works too! One of my favourites is Rest your head close to my heart wherein Nico and Percy have to take care of a baby legacy of Zeus (go figure) and Percy realizes his feelings!
The Who We Are series bc I cried
Fire Bringer by wewhofightmonsters: Percico in Prometheus' POV. It hurts so much. I cry every time for Prometheus and Nico's friendship. 😭😭😭
[with symphonies playing in a] World without Sound by shadowtraveled (orphan_account): THIS HURTS. But I love it. Because it's one of the rare ones that depict an unusual take on Percico of mine. Basically it's about Nico leaving, Hazel is sad, and Percy has an epiphany but it's too late. The author left it undone IMO but the work itself is beautifully heart-wrenching.
When the River Meets the Sea by bvnne: Again, shared custody. What's wrong with Percico and shared custody and babies?????
Where do I Begin? by Mitsumi in which Percy, Jason and Piper embark on a quest through Nico's memories to save him. Fuk u Cupid. Pls mind the tags btw.
Wash Me Throughly by creepy_crawly: This is short and kinda like a little treat LOL. Summary: "Percy helps Nico wash up, and gets a little jealous of the water." It's really what it is.
Only Human by Avaetin: “Will you be able to kill me, Percy?” Dark Nico. The villain in me is cackling.
Surfer Kid and Ghost Boy by exul_ansis: Gamers AU. Nico has mental problems. Percy thinks he is a failure. They try to help each other. PLS READ THIS JKASDHASKJDHASKJ
Shuffle 50 by ZoudiaxZoe: Topic: Drug Use. They're both a mess. Implied cousin-incest, if you will, their family is just fucked up. BUT PLS READ THIS 😭😭😭
I have a lot more but frankly I don't know if I should include lolol this is probably too many anyway.
I hope you enjoy!!! Please don't forget to show the authors some support if you can! ^_^)/ 💖
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danketsuround · 10 months
sunday six!
typical monday six for me cause i forgot yesterday was sunday lol i was tagged by @four-white-trees and @overdevelopedglasses woo! thank you! i will tag everyone else i usually tag @c-cw-f-saeko @fire-tempers-steel @futilecombat @passthroughtime (think that's everyone? lmk if u want to be tagged/untagged) (share if you want don't if you don't as usual HI)
sharing something different cause i wasn't feeling well this weekend and i have this written already. little extra thing from two birds that expands on the letters kuwana and reiko wrote to each other. kind of long but i don't like it enough to post so just take the whole thing gosh!
To Kusumoto-san,
How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written yet. I just figured out how this works in the midst of moving around. Ehime is a nice place. Far, temperate. The people in Masaki are a little too friendly. Not sure I could say the same about Matsuyama, though, I guess that's the city to a stranger. It seems silly to say, but I hope you're making some friends, if you can.
When we first drove in, a seagull shat on my car. Right on the windshield! I almost killed us both. I know you just jumped at the thought, but we're really okay. Mitsuru made fun at me for getting so startled. He's a good kid. He's a lot like you and nothing like me. Thank God. Despite our differences I think we're getting along.
We came to Matsuyama for a bit. We wanted to pop in and see you but they told us it doesn't work that way. That day it really hit that you were in prison, and not just away on a terrible vacation. I guess I'll never get over missing you. It really upset Mitsuru, so I took him to do tourist stuff instead. It was nice because a lot of people visit those areas, so the wheelchair wasn't really a problem like it is on these gravely rural roads. We met the mascot, Mikyan, and took a picture with him. I'm sure it fell out when you tore open this envelope. Did you know Ehime is famous for its mandarins? They really won't let you forget it! The photo was just going to be of Mitsuru, but this lady behind me said she could take a photo of the both of us, and I got too shy to say no. I'd never do that! Maybe I'm a changed man after all. Anyways, you have the both of us now—though it wasn't like you didn't before.
Mitsuru gave me a haircut. I look ridiculous. You can see it in the photo, right? I would have done a better job blindfolded, but he seemed proud of it, so I kept it. His hair looks pretty choppy now, but not out of revenge. I just suck at cutting hair. Did I tell you that he's trying to get his high school diploma? What a dedicated young man you've raised. I technically still have my teaching license, so I've been helping. Feels good. It's weird. Whenever I help him, I remember why I became a teacher in the first place. Ironic, isn't it? I want to tell you everything but I'll save it for the next time we see you. I'm sorry for cutting it so short, but I have a favor to ask you.
The nurses in Ijincho explained a bunch of stuff to me about Mitsuru's condition and printed it out. It's expectedly massive. Sorry to be a pain, but would you mind taking a look at it and tell me what to do? Advice? I can't make sense of it all. Or maybe I refuse to believe it. Is he really hurt so badly? What does he think of all this? I wonder about it. I wonder about it a lot. He seems fine, but then I look at all his X-rays and blood tests and I don't know what to think. How do I get him too eat? To grab things? To smile? I'm taking it one step at a time, but these technical terms are a big hurdle. You can read it, right? You've always been so much smarter than me. I'm sorry again. I'm lost. Thank you. I'm running out of room. They've got a limit on paper for prison letters. Seems strict.
Mitsuru wanted to say:
M iSsyou Mo M
- Mi Tsu ru
He's got a damn strong grip on his pencil. You'd be proud.
Until then,
It's good to finally hear from you. I'm doing as well as I can. You seem to be the same. I checked a map of Masaki to try and place you two. It seems like a nice town. Are you getting used to the short buildings and the little beach?
I've been friendly with some of the other inmates, and the seagulls here do the same, but I've been safer than you.
I got your picture. How cute. Your haircut isn't so bad, he did a good job.
I looked at the documents. I know what you mean. I expect you already know to use the feeding tube and how to bathe him. It's not surprising he did not respond well to the catheter. I wouldn't either.
Firstly, Mitsuru has anterograde amnesia. That means he has a very difficult time forming short term memory, even if his long term memory is intact. Remember when you told me he didn't know your name, even though you told him earlier? That's why. I'm not sure why he doesn't remember your face from before. I suppose that's a fortunate mystery. You may have noticed the nurses doing this, but if you tell him the same things over and over again, he'll have an easier time forming new memories. He knows what to call you now because you said it so many times. I'm sure he knows I'm in prison because the nurses told him many times, too. That's what I get.
I'm sure you're well aware of his mental health. He seems to go up and down a lot, I bet. Like his body, his brain is suck at seventeen. Doesn't he seem so... frozen in time to you? He's like an old doll, destined to be a kid forever. I'd be jealous if that was the end of it. The nurses observed that he sometimes behaves like a much younger child. Have you seen him suck his thumb? Does he tug at you when he wants your attention? Hug you at night? It's an acute stress response. He's defending his body from his mind—that's what that means.
Lastly, his food. It's not very difficult to do. Steam it for thirty minutes. If you lose track of time and think you've cooked it for too long, add another ten minutes. I did that when he was little. He hated vegetables until they weren't shaped much like vegetables anymore. He'd swallow his food whole to hurry up and play outside again, so boil it thoroughly. It should be the consistency of chewed gum or silt. Try it yourself, add salt if you hate it. He doesn't like broccoli. No broccoli. Like everything else, he's still relearning how to chew. Don't push him. He’s sensitive. You know that already, just like you know how to do all this other stuff. You have good intuition, and great memory, and it helps that Mitsuru seems to love you. Even still, don't push him. No broccoli. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't expect me to say anything else, I'll see you soon.
Kusumoto Reiko
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highlordofkrypton · 4 months
ACOTAR tag game 💕
I don't think I've seen one around, and figured this might be fun to do!
Answer the questions below & tag whoever you want, or make it an open tag!!
Who's your favourite ACOTAR character?
The myth, the man, the legend, the GOAT (sometimes) -- Tamlin.
Who's your least favourite character?
Feyre, but only bc I was trapped in her mind for too damn long before I DNFed.
Say something nice about your least favourite character.
Honestly, book 1 Feyre and me would have had a fucking blast! We are both feral people who can't read. We would have bitten so many people to make a point, my god. Without a doubt, immediately banned from Prythian.
Who's your favourite High Lord? (If you picked one for your fav character, then who's your second fav!)
Tarquin could rizz me any day. I'm so sorry, but when he was first introduced, I was ready for Feyre to abandon Rhys for him. I wouldn't even blame her 'cause me too, girl, me too.
Favourite MINOR character?
ANDRAS, OFC???? I'd be willing to make an Andras stan account and just make up shit about him and his life, let's GOOOOOO.
Favourite ship? (Crackships included!)
Tamsand to write, but I do like watching the Tamcien shippers go HAM with their content. I also wrote myself into loving Azriel x Rhysand's sister and Rhysand's parents so...
Favourite court and why?
Summer only because realistically, Spring would give me so many allergies with the flowers and stuff. I also think Summer probably has gorgeous beaches! OH AND WINTER FOR HEADCANON REASONS.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW, NO PREP JUST VIBES.
UHHHH, NEBULA COURT. IT'S A SECRET COURT RUN BY A COUNCIL OF WOMEN, EACH OF THEM REPRESENTING A PLANET OR CONSTELLATION. They were hidden up until the second Hybern war because honestly, wtf are you High Lords doing give back the Cauldron it's not a tOY.
What relationship would you have wanted to see more of in the books?
Although I am dying on the hill of Cassian and Tamlin being himbo bffs BEFORE Tamlin and Rhys murdered each other's families, I wish we would see more development for ALL the faeries between one another. These people have known each other for centuries... Wouldn't they have favs? Or alliances?
What's your unpopular opinion?
Azriel would be a better character if romance was not factored in. As the only remaining character who isn't 'mated' of the guys, there's still room for his character to be salvaged? He has a lot of potential, but I feel like his characterization is bogged down by basically falling in love with ... available... women... and not in a funny way?
What's your favourite headcanon/fan canon?
Any art or writing that makes the Faeries a little more magical! I love the horns, tails and wings!! Looking at u @copypastus and @thrumbolt
If you were swept away to Prythian, what's ONE thing you would want to do?
I would be a problem.
If you could have ONE faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
If you think of other silly questions to add, do it!
Tagging everyone in the community I can think of and if I forgot you pls jOIN IN ANYWAY!! @achaotichuman @rin-u-pos @wingsdippedingold @thedickgraysons @fourteentrout @copypastus @thrumbolt @praetorqueenreyna @goforth-ladymidnight @taymartiart @lucychanart @darah-g @yaralulu @positivelyruined
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osc-confessions · 1 year
Back to explain further on the topic of Pen and Fries being friends— There are a lot of reasons why a friendship between the two would be infinitely better than the practically nonexistent friendship between Pen and Eraser.
First off, considering the clear separation anxiety that Pen has shown towards Eraser, it's going to take an active force to help him realize how badly the relationship is going. And since objects in different teams hardly interact unless in competition with one another, it would have to be someone in AYO. TB & GB wouldn't care at all, TV deals more in logic which likely wouldn't sway Pen as much as emotion would, and Puffball probably wouldn't take notice of the problem unless somebody else pointed it out (u don't have to tag all these people,,, just briefly mentioning them). That leaves Fries. His no-nonsense attitude and desire to get the job done would probably help in getting Pen to realize that he's clinging onto a dead friendship, as Fries is generally blunt and doesn't skirt around the point. It'd be a quick "Hey. You know you're being an idiot, right?" along with taking down any of the half-baked excuses Pen comes up with for Eraser. Of course, it would take a while to drag Pen out of that given how long he's been friends with Eraser, but Fries' way of approaching things would put a big dent in the armor. Sure, maybe I'm giving him too much credit in assuming that he'd notice what's going on at all, but Fries isn't a complete idiot. Plus, the problem just gets more obvious every episode, barring TPOT 4.
Now, here's one of the biggest reasons why I think a friendship between Pen and Fries would be interesting: They're opposite sides to the same kind of rocky friendship. On one side we have Pen and Eraser, with Pen constantly trying to reach out to Eraser to no avail, as Eraser clearly doesn't care about Pen anymore. And on the other side? Fries and Puffball. Puffball, who only wants attention and recognition from her team. Who only wants to help them. Whose problems were ignored by her supposed best friend Fries... until TPOT 5. The difference between Eraser and Fries is that Fries has gone back for Puffball. It took him a bit, but he realized the problem and stood by her. That sort of self improvement is why Fries would be so much better as a friend for Pen than Eraser is. He's certainly not perfect, but he's not self-absorbed and ignorant. Perhaps him going and helping PB is what would help him realize the problem Pen has— now he's aware that it's a thing that happens within their team.
...I should probably cut it off there, looking at the length. Sorry if this isn't something you wanted, just figured I'd tell you about my ideas for the friendship since you seemed interested.
I'm sorry that this took so long to be answered - I am interested!!! I simply do not have the mental capacity to give this a response of the same caliber, at the moment :') It was a great read though. I loved the analysis /gen
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if you had to introduce yourself through four books, what books would be they be? tagged by @metamatar thank u so much and i am v sorry for taking so long with responding to this <3
i am paralized by choices fr, but i think what rhu said in their post was also true that books you read when you're a teenager stick the longest. unfortunately for me one of the major ones was harry potter from which i have relentlessly disassociated over time so now that feels like no way to introduce myself. anyway
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. look i know it's not even my favourite (yeah, shockingly, my favourite is Mansfield Park) one amongst all of the books she wrote, but this was the first one i read, the first one i thought of when i thought ✨romance✨. i shudder to call it enemies to lovers also because the dynamic is so unique and the subject of every author's envy since miss austen dropped this beat in 1813. also you guys have no idea how much of my personality is inspired by this one, i have simply invented myself through the yearning and love that austen put in me. i wrote my master's thesis on emma.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik. this book saved my life during my master's. i had just gone through three years of undergraduate, and anyone who has studied literature will tell you that studying literature kind of sucks the life out of it. to discover it again takes something, and naomi novik entered my life, looked me in the eye, and said, "you're gonna fuckin love this. enemies to lovers, beauty and the beast, language based magic system, everything you love." and i fuckin fell for it, i was changed dramatically, i read all of the new age fantasy fiction of the fantasy renaissance. as u can see im just a romance gal.
Milk Teeth by Amrita Mahale. i hesitate to put this because i only read it this year, but since it's been living rent free in my mind since, i suppose we will just have say it's one of Those Ones. im not even sure if this one is as well written as it could have been but there were so many moments that made me feel like the author was crawling into my own skin, so, you know. the protagonist of the story was so interesting, the premise was so interesting, the dilemma and the political decision was so well framed,,,,, it is simply living in my mind since then.
The House that BJ Built by Anuja Chauhan. its basic and i know everyone's favourite is Those Pricey Thakur Girls but this one also happened to me and it just ushered in new kinds of reading for me. i know this is an unpopular opinion but loving delhi is such a central part of me that it just feels good to read about someone who falls in love in this city. also the protagonist is my absolute favourite, Bonu has my whole heart. i know she has like problems, i remember @whatdoesthefuturebehold and i had like a chat about it, but i can't help it, it's just my jam,,,,
The Truth by Terry Pratchett. sorry for cheating a little but i love this one so much. it's just got the best of pratchett in it, everything i love. meditations on the social contract, a printing press, fun romps with newspapers and the state of our reading public. plus that standard terry pratchett flair of just. militant decency. i know it makes sense as a standalone, but, holy shit, i'd have loved a sequel. i also struggled so much between putting this or tiffany aching, but i think i covered loving witches in Uprooted so you know, figured i'd throw in my love for print cultures.
shoutout to the Book of Indian Folk Tales of which i cannot remember the author. it's lying in my home in lucknow somewhere, i may post about it later. anyway thats me <3. let me tag @readingthenight @half-past-late @infantisimo and @khlur
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sarahreadsfic · 2 years
I saw your tags and figured I'd send an ask haha
All those names are really nice! I do think in future quests they'd end up using the name you gave him, so that's definitely something to consider. You do get one extra chance to rename him, so maybe try out Zihong for awhile and see what you think?
omg hello!! welcome, please don't mind the mess haha-- *hastily shoving posts and tags aside, attempting to look casual*
so the funny thing is i'm actually nowhere near that part of the quest yet lmao, like i haven’t even met him in-game yet. i'm just trying to get myself used to calling him a different name before i actually have to use it (and for writing purposes).
zihong is definitely in my top 5 names for sure, but the problem i’m having now is that there are just SO many names i’ve researched that would be good for him and i dunno which one he would like best lol.
i’m WAY overthinking this decision and taking it far too seriously, i know - from what i’ve seen, he seems pretty indifferent to whatever we call him either way, aside from his old names or other characters’ names. but still! i want him to feel satisfied with it. if he doesn’t feel so loved and warm inside whenever i call him by his new name i will have failed him >:(
apologies and you definitely did not sign up for this but i’m now using this ask to make a comprehensive list of all my other favorite names and their (supposed) meanings. wish i could just run them all past him for input hgjnfjhdj sORRY FOR THIS IT’S RLLY FOR ME ONLY U DO NOT HAVE TO READ ME WAXING ON ABOUT NAMES FOR WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PARAGRAPHS
First, all the Japanese names:
Matsuri - “Festival”, “enshrined”, “showing gratitude towards the rituals of nature”; has connections with Shinto and Buddhism. I don’t think this is commonly used as a name, necessarily, but the whole “gratitude towards nature” part struck me as a sort of nod to how Nahida helped him. And I like the idea of giving him a name that invokes joy, celebration, and life, because I want him to have those things and find happiness in his new self!
Soma - “A sudden sound of wind”, “true/real/genuine”. It’s simple and nice and what sells this one for me is the “sudden” part. Brings about a sense of movement and change and I really, really like it for that. Don’t know if the meaning is exact, though. It seems like Hayate has a similar meaning, which I also like!
Nataku - The Japanese name for Nezha, a Taoist deity. But also, this is just on the list because I was watching Saiyuki (ridiculous and very loose adaptation of Journey to the West, janky animation and terrible writing, fun to laugh at, highly recommend) with a friend last night and there was a character called Prince Nataku who is described as a “puppet assassin”. Immediate sirens started blaring in my head as my brain honed in on that as a possible name. Apparently Nezha is also known as the Third Lotus Prince, and I love the idea of associating lotus imagery with Wanderer.
Hansei - The cultural concept of “self-reflection”, acknowledging one’s mistakes and pledging improvement. I saw someone name him this and I like how it fits him. My concern is that it seems more like an admonishment and might hold him back from thinking of himself as more than his past wrongs.
Kazuki - "Hope of peace”, “serenity”, “peaceful tree”. I really liked that your name had a connection with Irminsul in the -ki suffix! Apparently -ki also means air, which suits him well, too. In this name, it comes from “hope” and kazu- is for peace. I do like the idea of giving him a name that could embody hope and I do want him to find peace within himself, but I worry he would find this condescending, particularly the idea of “peace” since that word just has so many connotations - he might take it as me wanting him to mellow himself out as if I wouldn’t accept him or am disappointed by him as he is.
Satoru - "Enlightenment” in the Zen Buddhism sense, “to know/understand”. Mostly I think that the way it sounds suits him. The only thing is that it’s a little bit unassuming and normal, I think? Which he might like, actually.
Anything with the prefix Shin-, because I like that it can be read as both “new” and “heart”. But I also feel like 1) it would always end up reminding me of another character because there are SO many that have this name and 2) he might take it as an insult or a mockery, like, “haha, how ironic is it that you don’t have a heart and I’m giving you a name with the word heart in it”. Probably unlikely at this point, but I don’t want his name to cause even the faintest sense of melancholy or sadness in the back of his mind, so I don’t want to chance it.
Other names that I like the sound of are Seijun (pure, innocent, clean/righteous), Kiryoku (inner strength/willpower), and Katsuya (victory). While I do like these, I’m a little apprehensive that naming him any of them would be akin to imposing certain expectations onto him or the type of person I want him to be? Especially Seijun. But I could also see him choosing Kiryoku or Katsuya for himself, so I don’t know! I’m conflicted.
There’s also Ren (lotus or love) and Shou (to soar/fly - add the suffix -yo and it turns into sunlight/sunshine). Simple and sweet, but after all of the long and multisyllabic names he’s taken in the past, I think he might find something like this refreshing. I really like these two aesthetically. I also cannot decide between them for my life.
And then there are names inspired by mythology or religion:
Fujin - Japanese; god of the wind in Japanese mythology who is often depicted alongside the thunder god, which, in Genshin’s case, would be Raiden. I know a lot of people pick this one, but I think it has too strong of a connection with the past he’s trying to leave behind, although I like the way it sounds.
Shu - Egyptian; god of wind/dry air. I like the similarity with Shou, and also that it potentially would be more connected to Sumeru than Inazuma.
Akasa - Sanskrit; the Bodhisattva of void/space in Buddhism. In Japanese, it’d be Kokuzo. I know these were mentioned in my tags, but after some more consideration I don’t think they’re a great fit for him thematically.
Vayu - Sanskrit; in Hinduism, the god of the wind. Literal name meaning is apparently “that which flows”, which I think is pretty. I also think I just like names that start with V. Vaira was another option (Indian; “flowing air”) - I like that it sounds like it could be short for Vairocana, who is the cosmic Buddha that embodies the concept of sunyata, but I couldn’t find a good source for it actually meaning “flowing air” and instead it seems to be more commonly interpreted as “diamond”.
And finally, the Greek mythology names: Icarus, Aeolus, Zephyrus. I’ve seen Icarus suggested by a few people and while I like the way it looks and sounds aesthetically, the literal meaning is also “follower” which I don’t think he would appreciate. Also, I don’t know if I want to name him a tragic reference to his past hubris that caused his downfall. Aeolus (nimble, quick-moving) was the “keeper of the winds”, and though I like how grandiose and regal it sounds, I’m not really into the way it looks? Same with Zephyrus (west wind), it feels a little too soft for him (and if I recall correctly, the west wind was the gentlest one of the four).
So. That’s where I am now. I like so many of these, and I think there are ones that he would like more but I can’t possibly know for sure, and the more I research the more I find other names I like...
wanderer why can’t you just pick a name for yourself. do u see what ur doing to me. i feel like that one image of the dude from always sunny connecting all the red lines on the board. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 96
I like this chapter. This is a nice chapter. Actually looked forward to this chapter.
~Days Later~
Bots were swarming for a chance to help build the intergalactic transmitter. A surprisingly small amount arrived simply for the sole benefit of energon they’d collected. The majority arrived stating how they longed to be in contact with old friends. Another servoful was eager to be part of such a monumental and meaningful project rather than waste their lives and time away waiting for change. With the war having went on for lifetimes on Cybertron and a significant fraction off, most were interested in the change the transmitter may bring.
Unfortunately, it left Blackout preoccupied with trying to help construct the base for the communicator. He had very little issues with his size and strength carrying around equipment and holding up the skeletal pieces of metal. In fact, Novastrike was pretty damn sure he was enjoying himself. Having a task seemed to fuel him. After spending roughly half an Earth year with no work and no purpose, wondering the galaxies only to return home and have to work like a junkyard dog just to survive, he finally had routine and something physical to do. A routine. A task.
The only down side to all this change was the loneliness. With Blackout both desiring to and being asked to be on the job site not too far from the rogue outpost, it left Novastrike alone a lot. With her size, she wasn’t of much help and would only get in the way. Even Scorponok had found a job in burrowing holes into the planet to help keep the posts good and stable to the concrete bases.
So Nova spent time in the one place she was both out of the way and could be found useful. Though the medic didn’t seem keen with the extra presence, he stayed just about as far as he could away from where she hovered not far from Venus and Barricade.
She watched the infected mech with wonder and awe. Aside from the gentleness Blackout always expressed upon her, she’d never seen from an outsiders view the love a bot could have for another. He didn’t leave her side for a nanoklik, no matter wake or rest. Venus had since woken, but was told to remain in the medical office until she’d completely recovered from her injuries.
Jiggling one of her pedes from where she saw, the small femme watched as ‘Cade lovingly caressed his recharging femme’s servo. Where light glossed over her frame reflected a well polished streak over black and magenta that he took such great obsessive care to help clean when she had been out. The silver and purple metal on the claws of his servos caressed over Venus’ with delicate feather-light brushes as she slept.
Every bit of predatory insanity that had been written in his faceplate and surging at the surface days ago was gone, but the blame still warred in his dark mauve optics. No matter how hard Novastrike tried to find the words to speak to him, she couldn’t bare to open her mouth. Usually she didn’t have a problem spitting out whatever was in her processor if she thought it could help. Barricade was different however; he twisted words meant to soothe into daggers and inflicted them upon himself until he was bleeding from wounds you couldn’t see and physically mend. He was bound and determined to be the villain of his own story; the catastrophic hurricane, the cause of torment, the weight that dragged Venus into the fire and flames and would inflict only a plague of misery and hurt upon her.
Breaking into the solace with a clearing of her vocalizer, Novastrike gestured slightly to Venus as ‘Cade turned towards her and quietly coaxed, “Venus is looking better every day. Do you mind if I come over and remove her path to see if she’s in need of a replacement?”
From the other side of the room, the doctor looked up. His gaze was disapproving and somewhat distrust of her, like he found it hard to believe she could manage the task. Rather than involve himself though, he lowered his helm back into whatever he was working on in his files.
In a stereotypical robotic response, ‘Cade numbly nodded his helm as he answered in monotone, “Sure thing, Novastrike.”
“You can call me Nova,” the white armored femme stated, offering a half-sparked smile to try lightening the mood.
It didn’t to inflict any difference on the bad cop. He shuttered his optics at her very slowly and with disinterest. Gradually, he shifted his optics back down to look upon Venus as he continued stroking her servo softly.
Bounding off the counter, the small femme made her way over to the examination table and jumped up on the edge. She made sure not to glance up at the worried mech and make awkward optic contact whilst approaching Venus’ form.
With her tiny servos, she had no problem finding and disconnecting the clips helping to keep the temporary plate of metal in place. She pulled at the soft, spongy material this particular medic used instead of welding and peeled it off to toss to the side. As Novastrike began to lift up the compress with a huff, Venus began to stir.
Mumbling some nonsense gibberish, the taller femme unshuttered her optics and blinked in the dim overhead light for a moment. Her fuchsia optics blinked as she reflexively twitched her digits, curling them around Barricade’s servo that had been holding hers up.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” ‘Cade requested quietly as he raised her servo to press a gentle kiss against her knuckles.
“Fine, Barricade, just as I keep telling you,” Venus explained with a broad and loving smile.
Using her elbow to prop herself up, she pressed a kiss against the underside of his chin. The corner of his mouth pulled up a little as he rubbed his thumb against the back of her servo lightly, watching her with brightly shining optics.
Nova would have to give Scorponok more credit later on. Being the one to just stand around while two bots were staring at each other, optics locked like they could see all their hopes and dreams and happiness in the others gaze, really had a way with putting the aww in awkward. It was sugary sweet and gave her the fuzzy feelings, but maybe if she wasn’t specifically inspecting one of the bot’s injuries in the middle of it she could appreciate the sappy quality a bit more.
But right now she just felt like a nuisance.
“Ahem, sorry to barge in,” Nova spoke up nervously as Barricade looked to her with vague irritation. “I know Barricade asked you this, but how are you doing, Venus? Feeling any abnormal pains anywhere? Energon making you feel sick at all? Did you recharge well?”
Unlike her mech, Venus seemed unperturbed by her interference. She smiled in a way that probably made cherubs so jealous they turned their noses up and gazes away, as if looking upon her too long would befall you into a state of worship. There was something lethal in that beauty however; a threat waiting to pounce at opportune moments as she sucked bots into her charm.
Nova felt incredibly lucky to be on her side, and not her opponent. She rather enjoyed Venus; her kindness, her wit, the snide joking remarks and high sense of self-confidence made her a truly fun individual. The thought of being sucked into all that flare only to meet a demise was very disheartening.
“I feel fine,” she insisted. “I just wish I could get out of here. Yeah I probably had the longest amount of recharge in years, but that’s all I’m doing.”
“Well I’m sorry about that,” Novastrike offered sympathetically as she turned her optics upon the injury, brushing her digits in a ghostly, hardly touching contact upon it. “I’m sure it was worth it though, right?”
Barricade gave an offensive curse to himself. Glowering at her mech, Venus squeezed his servo firmly and nudged him slightly with her elbow.
“It certainly was.”
Novastrike grinned to herself a bit. Even if she couldn’t drill the thought into Barricade’s helm that the incident was none of his fault, Venus would have a better chance of knocking it into him.
“Good news: everything appears to have healed up nicely. The sealant has done its job and there’s no leaks since it melded your cracked lines. Your frame seems to have accepted the new replacement gears nicely. I don’t think there’ll be any lasting effects from the damage. Of course, the medic should really give you the a-okay and get your reformed and refortified armor back in place before you’re allowed to leave.”
The smile on the bigger femme’s faceplate faltered slightly as she whispered, “Wait, you’re not a medic? I thought for sure you were a field medic, or a trainee, or something.”
Timidly shrugging, Novastrike offered a cheesy grin and replied, “I’ve had some experience working with two highly skilled medics. I’m not a professional; I have no doctrine to prove anything and went through no schooling, but I got some servos-on-training.”
“Wow,” Venus pondered with amazement. “That’s pretty remarkable Nova. You know, I know we haven’t known each other too long and it’s not like my opinion matters at all, but I’m glad Blackout found you. I like you. He’s always been a bit of a brooding, anti-social, silent type but he’s never been anything but pleasant around me. I knew he had to have something in him willing to care more than just beyond being polite to ‘Cade,  Scorponok and I.”
“Oh. T-Thank you, Venus,” Novastrike stuttered in reply. “I gotta say, I was a bit intimidated meeting the both of you. Blackout never really revealed much of his past to me; even his work with the Decepticons he kept vague. I’m not sure how much of that was him trying to protect me from the things he’d done and how much was him just wanting to move forward in life. But I’m really glad I’ve gotten to meet you both. I mean, you look like you walked off the runway and strolled out of some sort of fairy tale.”
Grumbling, Barricade removed his servo that had been upon Venus’ and wound it around her back. He rested his palm against her backside, stretching out his digits along her frame as he tossed a look at Nova.
“Yo, smalls, I’m the one with the flirty pick-up lines. You’re laying it on pretty thick. Watch it; she’s mine,” ‘Cade cautioned.
Looking sideways at her mech, Venus rolled her optics. She turned her gaze onto Nova as she nervously twiddled her digits.
“Don’t mind him. You’d think he’d know bots can be inclined to compliment one another and not mean anything by it. I’m flattered by your praise, but you’re a cute little thing yourself. Don’t feel intimidated or discouraged. I’m sure you’ve gotten your fair share of admirers, and you don’t have to worry about the one whose opinion probably matters the most to you. ‘Cade probably would have tried killing Blackout years ago if he’d actually thought of him as competition.”
“He’s got a size kink, babe. You’re not tiny enough. He only really hung out with Scorponok before me anyway which proves my point-ouch!”
Pinching a nerve in Barricade’s wrist, the goddess of a femme shot him a warning look.
The trio turned their optics to the shuffling pedes as the medic made his way over towards them. He looked nervously at ‘Cade, who turned his helm away quickly. From the glance Novastrike got from him before his faceplate was hidden, the poor mech’s demons were rearing their ugly helms again; stricken with a look of self-loathing.
Cutting right to the point, the doctor held up the pieces of Venus’ armor that had been removed to be fixed. He waved them in the air slowly before her.
“You’re suitable to be discharged,” he stated, looking down at the wound and up to her optics. “I’m going to put these on you, and I want you to take your friend and get the Pit out of my office. Immediately.”
Smiling sweetly up at the mech, Venus purred in response, “Yes of course, sir. I’m so sorry if our ruckus disrupted your work at all.”
Suddenly, the medic’s face looked like he’d been struck by cupid’s arrow. His pupils dilated a few degrees and he looked down from her faceplate swiftly and to her injury as light filtered brightly out of his gaze. His digits fumbled for a moment shakily; too nervous with his fumbling digits to touch her. After a few tries, and Novastrike squinting at him as she considered offering to do it, the medic finally managed to snap the pieces of armor into place.
“There you go!” he practically burst out as he stiffly turned around. “Now get out, and don’t come back unless you have a real fragging emergency!”
“Wow, I’ve never been thrown out of a medic’s office so quickly,” Venus laughed as they walked out of the rogue outpost. “I guess I should have spoke to him a lot sooner!”
“He wanted us out because he was terrified of me,” ‘Cade sulked quietly, looking off to the side.
Walking backwards in front of the duo so that she could speak to them directly, Novastrike flicked her servo out as she threw in her own two credits, “Venus is up and walking around again, free of the med-bay and constant prodding and poking. We should all be very happy and enjoying this moment!”
Glancing over to the mech following her stride, Venus nudged her hip against Barricade’s as they walked. He glanced at her somewhat shyly and wrapped his arm around her to plant a kiss against her lips.
Nova made sure to discreetly look away, embarrassed.
By the time she turned her optics back, Venus had playfully shoved ‘Cade as he pulled away. A small smile played against his mouth as he snickered quietly.
Not watching where she was going, Novastrike tripped up on the uneven surface of Cybertron and fell right on her aft.
“Ha!” ‘Cade snorted.
Holding back from laughing, Venus managed a shaky, “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes,” the small femme squeaked with humiliation. She quickly pushed off on her pedes and righted herself to brush at her rump. It hurt a bit, but not nearly as much as her ego that felt like it’d been popped and collapsed like a balloon.
“You should watch where you’re going,” the taller femme scolded gently. “You could get hurt, walking without looking where you’re going.”
Nova pressed her audio receptors against her helm with mortification. She could make out the warble in her dejected spark, and the sound of other pedes approaching from the left as bots came their way.
“R-Right, yes-”
A rush of air whizzed by Novastrike’s frame and a small explosion of metal and dirt flung up from the ground. The suddenness stupefied her for five nanokliks as they all turned to look at what had just hit the ground.
A single bullet, mostly collapsed in on itself from hitting the ground, lay on the ground.
Flicking her audio receptors up, the little femme swiveled them in the direction she’d heard the muffled pedes walking around. A distinct sound of a shell casing popping out with a mechanical click of a pin whispered into her sensitive ears.
“Move!” Nova yelled, jumping out of the way just as another shot went hurtling by her, mere nanokliks from having punctured into her processor.
Assessing the trajectory of their assailant, Barricade moved around to Venus’ left side as he helped push her along to the nearest area of cover. Another bullet whistled right by; this time missing ‘Cade by a few inches and ricocheting uselessly off some nearby scrap metal and flying off elsewhere.
Charging in the opposite direction of the other twosome, Novastrike panted quietly as she jumped over some nearby twisted scrapmetal. Her form shifted; panels moving and rearranging so that when she hit the ground on the other side, she landed smoothly on four sturdy legs instead of two. The feline’s sharp optics and audios moved in the direction she’d heard the last shot come off from as she crouched low behind the mass, thinking she may be out of the line of sight.
Another bullet zipped by, luckily hitting some of the scrap. It embedded itself in the ground just centimeters from the cyber-cat’s toes.
Lifting her helm quickly, Nova picked out the brief gleam of a rifle, and the figure of a bot lying down with it in the shadows. Another ping of a shell casing had her twitching her audios in his direction.
Dashing forth, the white cat streaked across the ground like a bolt of lightning. Her hunches sprung fluidly as she dodged and weaved around the twisted formations and remnants of buildings in her way towards the bot. With fangs bared, a snarl rippled through her form as she closed in.
A shadow to her right moved as she closed in.
The crack of a cannon went off and Novastrike went rolling across the dusty surface of the planet. She slid her claws into the surface with a screech of metal, coming to a halt.
Snarling, the feline lashed her tail furiously around as the sheath around her barb tail slid open to reveal the sharply honed prongs. The blast hadn’t hit her directly, merely gave splash damage and debris flung up on her side as it harmlessly hit the ground from her last-minute adjustment.
The bot didn’t have a faceplate she recognized as they leered at her with jagged, uneven derma.
They raised their cannon and fired once more, but she was already moving once again. Hurtling over a waste of metal, the femme raced around and towards the shadows as another shot went off from the sniper. The bot didn’t have time to recover and ready another shot when she jumped into the darkness; swallowed by the shadows as she came down on the bot.
Novastrike’s claws snagged upon their faceplate as she let out a roar of fury. The bot let out a femme’s cry of pain as they released the sniper rifle to try swatting her off. Elongated gashes dripping with energon whelped as Nova sprung off the femme’s face to leave a pleasant calling card behind.
Pedes moved behind her. She tensed, whipping her helm to the mech that she hadn’t realized had approached so close already. Raising her tail, Novastrike hissed, ready to strike the bot when an explosive crack of a blaster went off.
The mech cursed, stumbling back as he was struck.
Loosening her posture, Novastrike turned her helm just in time to see Barricade as he jumped. He crashed directly into the mech. As the pair fell together, ‘Cade physically rolled with the assailant and threw him with tremendous strength. It was disturbingly horrifying to hear the bot strike the knotted up mass of rebar sticking out with such force that it punctured into areas of his frame as he let out a terrified, pained scream.
Turning towards the femme whom she’d just clawed, Novastrike saw the dawning look of fear on the bot. She pushed herself away just in time as ‘Cade jumped and came crashing down on her sniper rifle, his pedes snapping the weapon in half.
Dumbfounded and more than a bit terrified herself, the white cyber-cat turned her helm to the incoming sound of pedes. Huffing softly from the jog, Venus sprinted right past Novastrike, much to her confusion. She craned her helm around just in time to see the goddess strike a blow to the mech’s extended arm’s crevice in his forearm. The joint cracked as his arm snapped downward, firing his cannon into the ground.
Bringing up her leg in a wide arc, she struck him hard in the side. As he stumbled and tried to regain his balance, Venus slid a dagger out from her forearm into her servo. With a flick of her wrist, she plunged the blade with a fluid stroke beneath a section of the bot’s armor of his chassis and up.
His optics flashed with alarm as he sucked in deeply. She extracted the blade and rammed it in again as he wheezed, staggering. There was very little energon that dripped out from beneath his armor as he fell into Venus, but she stepped aside as he collapsed.
Nova didn’t bother to watch as he convulsed and slowly would begin to turn gray. Instead, she slid her paws gingerly on the ground, scared to witness what Barricade had done to the femme he’d been victimizing.
It seemed Venus had the same thought.
Running around Novastrike, the taller femme hurried over to the two frames upon the ground. She reached out tentatively to touch ‘Cade on the shoulder as he leaned over his opponent.
“Babe?” she whispered nervously.
Lifting his helm up, Barricade’s optics were that eerie slightly pinkish-purple. The seams on his faceplate were slightly parted, but not fully opened. He held his ventilation system still so not to breath in the smell of energon. A bit stiffly, he pushed himself to his feet.
Novastrike grimaced and looked away from the femme. Her armor was practically crushed out of sheer, brutal strength. There was hardly a faceplate to be made out.
Reaching out, Venus gingerly touched the sides of his face. A kitten’s purr almost moved through the cop as the four segmented areas of metal on his faceplate flexed slightly and retracted back to making his faceplate smooth once more.
“Are you okay?” Venus demanded swiftly.
“Fine,” ‘Cade rasped, grinning. “Didn’t even take a nibble.”
“Primus, you had me scared there for a moment,” she hissed, stroking the side of his face.
Chuckling with some unease, he leaned in to press his forehead lightly against hers. An adoring smile formed on his faceplate as he looked her in the optics tenderly.
Slowly pulling away, Barricade looked over Venus’ shoulder to stare at Novastrike. She went rigid, looking around like she wasn’t sure where to go to be out of his sites. It wasn’t like she’d done anything wrong, but being caught staring was certainly a bit awkward.
“You’re not too bad,” he admitted gruffly as Venus caressed his face.
Blinking her optics slowly, Novastrike offered a nervous smile. “Thank you, for saving me from that mech, Barricade.”
‘Cade gave a single nod of his helm, flashing his derma in a grin. “Sure thing, Nova. By the way, you can call me ‘Cade. I won’t bite, I promise.”
Light sparkled in Novastrike’s optics as she let out a faint gasp. A feline’s grin appeared on her cyber-cat alt-mode’s face as she wriggled in place excitedly.
What a way to get the approval of a new friend.
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heeracha · 3 years
## jake sim(p) — s. jake
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content/waring(s): simp jake
wc: 0.4k
note: 500 followers event (u can send in until dec 25 <3) !! requested by the bestie <3 @goldenhypen AAAAA I HOPE YOU LIKE IT EM,, im so active wHO AM I
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"jake," you call, but the said boy didn't even nudge as he focuses on his phone. "jake, honey, come on." you say, looking at him. "i'm sorry." you said and jake looked at you, nodding his head once as he goes back to his phone.
well, jake is kind of upset as you can see. after days of waiting for a day off, jake finally had it and he decided to spend the whole day with you.. but you kind of forgot, leaving the boy waiting for you in your favorite restaurant date while you were sleeping in.
"come on, baby. i'm sorry." you said with a frown.
"yeah, it's fine." jake says, but you know it's not. he still doesn't give you attention, so you sigh, deciding to give him his space. you stand up from the couch, grabbing your bag to which caught jake's attention.
with his wide eyes, he follows your movements as you look around seeing if you would leave something. "w-what are you doing?" jake asks. " i mean, whatever, but what are you doing?"
"well, you're still upset," you said with a frown, almost a pout. "i figure i'd give you space for you to cool down." you explain and jake nods, looking at his phone. "text me?"
"yeah." jake said, looking away from you.
"i want to kiss you, but you're mad. so," you trail off, kissing your fingertips as you tap jake's cheek. he stays still, not looking at you as he focuses on the window with the rain's rhytmic tapping against it. "i'm gonna go now."
"'kay." jake mumbles as he feels you move. he turns his head, looking at you go to the door as you open it, the rain surprising you. it wasn't really strong, but it wasn't weak either. the problem is, you didn't bring any umbrella.
you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn your head to see jake holding an umbrella out as he uses it to tap you as well. "thanks, babe." you say with a smile and he nods once, turning away.
you open the umbrella, ready to go, until you here jake say 'wait'. he hands you his denim jacket and you smile, taking it as you put it on. "bye, my love, thank you." you say and jake rolls his eyes.
"'kay, bye, whatever." jake says. "take care."
you smile, stepping out as you bring the umbrella above your head. but suddenly, you feel jake's hand on your arm, gently pulling you back inside. "you know what? stay with me." jake says as he takes the umbrella, closing it as he puts it on the ground. he closes the door, scooping you into his arms as you put your arms around his shoulders with a big smile on your face. "and i need the kiss properly this time."
your boyfriend? jake sim? oh, no no. it's jake simp.
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permanent taglist [ open ] : @ja4hyvn @goldenhypen @acciomylove @kuromieiie [ can't be tagged: @robotsahi ]
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actualbird · 3 years
ive been wanting to ramble bout this for years (like since 2019 HAHA) but i held off on it because i figured the fandom phenomenon i was seeing was gonna be a one off thing. something thatd fade with time.
it wasnt. it's still here and so i wanna articulate what i think about
the fast food-ification of fandom
here’s the thing about fandom right now; we operate on social media platforms that are inherently fast paced. social media platforms these days prioritize new and popular content, but more than that, it creates an audience that is always searching for new content very, very quickly. 
tumblr is a bit of a lesser evil, in terms of contributing to this (still does, tho, dont think im exempting hellsite derogatory, LMAO). but twitter, imo, is a hellscape with a system that hammers this in so so much: the lack of an explorable archive, no account specific tag search mechanism, a timeline algorithm that shows an account's followers the popular tweets first instead of chronologically and oftentimes even if you follow that account you will not be able to see all the tweets that account makes lest you go to the profile specifically. twitter is built for "new new new!" and it's not its fault, i guess, cuz it was not designed with fandom interaction in mind. still, it's become a very popular fandom platform and the "new new new!" mindset the system promotes ends up seeping into the members of fandom itself.
and there’s nothing wrong with wanting new content. but the problem here, i think, is the speed at which we consume fanwork. and the lack of memory for fanwork thats already been made.
fanwork consumption feels like it's going 100000000 mph with these kinds of systems and thanks to the lack of a navigate-able archive or tagging system, it's nigh impossible to find something from even last week. an incredible piece of fanart or fanfic or any fanwork gets attention for 3 days tops before it's lost and very very difficult to find. things are so fast and it's harder to remember them now.
swerve to another point: the trend of silence
im gonna bash on twitter again (SORRY KJSFBSD, like, i do have a twitter btw so im speaking from experience. i'd like to make it clear im not bashing ppl who do like/use twitter, im waving my hands frustratedly at twitter's systems) cuz tweet wc limits make it so that literally not much can be said! additionally, to add comments in QRT takes attention/notifs away from original poster, so if u QRT an art with praise, OP will see that! but if ppl reply more praise to the art on that QRT, OP will not get notified so that praise might as well have been yelled to the void
im a passionate believer that if youve got something nice to say about a fanwork and/or the creator of that fanwork, say it on their turf so they can see it. twitter makes it easier for this to not happen. positive attention and feedback matters so so much to creators and im p sure im not alone in saying that i cherish each and every comment (be it on ao3 or tumblr tags/comments or asks) ive ever gotten
and like, i know the argument to that is "make fanwork for yourself! dont make it for attention, do it cuz you enjoy it!" and "for every feedback you dont get, theres many lurkers who value and love what you do!"
i agree with that first thing very much but only the bit that says "do it cuz you enjoy it!" cuz yea! fandom is about having fun! but also like...isnt the point of fandom the fact that it's not just you alone, but you in a community?
a big draw of fandom, for me, is that it's likeminded deranged nerds all obsessed about the same thing. these are people on similar wavelengths and theyre people PLURAL. do fanwork cuz you enjoy it but the implication that a fancreator should be happy in isolation doesnt make sense cuz thats not what fandom is about.
and as for "there are lurkers who silently enjoy what you make" well...why?
why not say something when youve got something nice to say?
be it fanart or fanfic or fanmeta or anything, if the thought already pops up in your head, why not say it somewhere the creator can see it?
i totally understand if youre shy or if it's difficult to put into words whatever your thoughts are, like, huge mood. but also fandom becomes an infinitely funner space to be in when people are saying things
even a comment thats something simple and short makes the current landscape of fast paced churning out of fanworks feel less like we’re shouting in a forest alone, and more like we’re shouting in a forest and somebody yelled “I LOVED THIS” back. it’s really nice.
this is not a criticism towards anybody, but instead just kinda like, an inquiry to how we consume and interact with fanwork, these days. it’s really fast. like, so fast. tags update daily with new things every single day, every second, and it’s easy to just look and look and not say a thing. and that ease of fanwork consumption also makes it easy to forget just how hard it is to make things. how hard it is to make anything at all.
so much heart and effort is put into every work in fandom, and ive always seen fandom as a space for unapologetic enjoyment and community. treating fandom like a fast-food transaction where u get a thing in 5 minutes and drive off is...well, i dunno. but for me, among many things, it makes us forget just how much heart and effort is in all things.
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angelic-vinyls · 4 years
(Not) Coldblooded CEO >> ROSÉ
Feel free to request!
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Park Chaeyoung, CEO of the very first Korean American entertainment company, INCLSV ENT. And you, the poor aspiring journalist assigned to interview her. Talking to someone so intimidating and stone cold had been the last thing you wanted to do, but your boss assured you that this was the best way to get your name noticed online, so reluctantly, you agreed.
On the day of the interview, you dressed to the 9's, applying your makeup slowly and carefully and spraying on perfume before grabbing your laptop and heading to your car. You stopped by to get a coffee on the way, hoping it would settle your nerves. While you were waiting in line you noticed the lady ordering in the line next to you had on a pan suit with 'INCLSV ENTERTAINMENT' threaded neatly onto the breast pocket. The woman was stuttering over her words, eyes darting from the note in her hands and the unamused cashier. Her order was very specific and you assumed she must have been the assistant to one of the higher-ups of the company, perhaps even Ms. Park?
After you ordered your coffee you noticed the woman standing right beside you. Jumping slightly, you take a breath and smile towards her. Before you could say anything she immediately blurted out, "U-um excuse me Miss, but are you by chance interviewing the CEO of inclusive entertainment today?" You were surprised by her question but nonetheless nodded your head. She sighed, almost as if she were relieved by your answer before speaking again, "I'm Ms. Park's new assistant and she hasn't exactly warmed up to me yet. I know this sounds weird but is there anyway you could stay in the room with me while I deliver her coffee? Maybe if you're in there she won't be as rude?" You felt bad for the woman and since you were going to the same place anyway, you agreed. She smiled brightly, "Okay just, follow the company car to the office, it's the only black Tesla in the parking lot you can't miss it. Thanks so much!"
You sighed as the woman walked away, grabbing your coffee and heading to your car. On the way to the building your mind went crazy with the possibilities of what would happen in Ms. Park's office. Was she going to scream at you if you came in? What if she fired her poor assistant and refused to do the interview, calling your boss and leaving both you and her assistant jobless in just minutes?
After telling the security guard your name you were allowed into the parking garage. You managed to park only a few spaces away from the black Tesla that the assistant had ridden in. As you walked over there you immediately saw the woman looking around for you, "Oh! There you are! Come with me Ms. Park is expecting her coffee in exactly 4 minutes and 28 seconds." Again being interrupted by her, the assistant grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the parking garage to the front of the building.
As soon as you stepped foot in the building you were amazed by how nice it was. The woman at the front desk pulled you out of your thoughts with a polite but rushed, "How may I help you?" You told her your name and she immediately told you where Ms. Park's office was located and that you could go in at any time. You thanked her and Ms. Park's assistant immediately dragged you to the elevator.
On the way up, her assistant rambled on and on about how scared she was of Ms. Park and that she was so thankful you had been willing to deliver the coffee with her. You ignored her as you searched on her suit jacket for a name tag, once you found it, you smiled, "Oh it's no problem Rebecca." She looked at you confused and then looked down at your name tag, "Oh! No that's my name, my name's Kathy I just haven't gotten my name tag yet, Rebecca sneezed too loud so Ms. Park fired her, I was just hired yesterday." You were about to respond but the elevator dinged, indicating the elevator had reached the floor where the office was. Kathy closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking out of the elevator.
After a short walk, a grand double door was visible. As you walked closer you saw the golden plaque on the top middle of the door, in black lettering it read, 'CEO Park Chaeyoung.' Seeing her name sent a sort of thrill through your body and you turned to see Kathy at your side hesitating to knock.
As her fist finally made contact with the door, you heard a clear voice shout, "Come in." from the other side. Kathy opened the door and stepped in, you trailing in behind her. Ms. Park seemed to ignore you as she focused on the coffee in her assistant's hand. "Finally," she spoke, "it took you a while." Kathy gulped nervously, "M-my apologies Ms. Park, the line was long and I wanted your order to be perfect." As Ms. Park stood from her desk you took the chance to fully absorb her. Her tall, thin figure was framed by long blonde hair and she was dressed head to toe in an expensive suit, a Rolex on her wrist and two Cartier rings on her hand. She looked so hot that you could almost feel your cheeks turning red as you imagined the things she could do to you on that desk. Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard Ms. Park scream, "This is wrong!" You immediately looked to the scene to see Ms. Park shouting at Kathy. "I told you several times I wanted three and a half pumps of vanilla creamer! This is not math class why did you round it to a four?! I oughta fire you right now but I already ordered for fucking name tag! If I would've known you'd be this damn incompetent I would've just gotten a fucking postmate! Now go wait in the staff room while I decide what to do about this situation." Kathy quickly muttered a, "Yes Ms. Park, I'm sorry Ms. Park." before quickly leaving the office.
Taking a seat in the chair, you immediately pulled your laptop out and began to ask questions. The interview went relatively smoothly, Ms. Park even seemed friendly. As you stood to leave you began to say your thank you's while the blonde just smiled at you. She reached across the table and grabbed your hand, making you sit back down. "Don't go yet Y/N. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you." You raised your eyebrows but nonetheless gave the woman your full attention, "O-okay, sounds great." She smirked once again, pulling out her cellphone, "Number one. What's your number?" You laughed at her obvious attempt at flirting. "Aren't you all business inquiries only, Ms. CEO?" She chuckled along with you, sliding her phone across the desk for you to type your number in. "Not once you get to know me. I'm only harsh to my employees because I want the best for them and this company. If they react poorly after I shout at them I fire them because they wouldn't be happy here. I'm not cold blooded." Your heart melted at her words and you smiled softly at her, "Well I'd love for you to show me how kind you are. How about you pick me up at 8?" A smile was present, "Sounds like a plan."
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
AHH CONGRATS ON REACHING 400 U ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT!! :] also i'd like to tag along the ship game thingy it looks fun :0 i'd prefer to be shipped with a bad batch member if that's ok (and considering we're mutuals which im still in a shock about im pretty sure it's obvious who i like heheh oops)
soo i am a very very quiet person at first, but then when i know we both have similarities and get closer im very annoying (affectionate) i'd straight up pester my friends for like 2 hours and then stay quiet for the rest of the day bcs i get drained rip but besides annoying them i tend to do playful bullying more, sarcasm if u will there are many moments where i'll just whack my friends (they r okay with it we whack each other a lot) and i'd step on the back of their shoes and yanno basically call eachother morons but that's like the PEAK friendship for us so hehe
but no worries we know it's just playful banters and we love each other sm platonically ofc, and we tend to be for each other when we need it, i always make sure my friends have someone they can rant to, all of my friends go through some heavy stuff so im glad they trust me enough to tell me those and ofc i always keep a secret
ooh my top love language is quality time, i love sitting together in silence with my friend and we both do our own thing, maybe show each other a funny meme or doodle and we'd talk through writing on each other's papers in class bcs we are both drained and tired but generally i do love sitting in silence together with my loves ones maybe bcs i also dislike voicing what i want, i'd just either code i want something or just look at them until they figure it out which i do a lot with my parents heh, im very loud with my parents tho i am the youngest sibling after all, still the only daughter tho
physically im 154 so that's about uh 5'1 i think? i like cats i love them very much, cute things makes me happy but also i tend to joke about some uhh violence stuff like when my friend says someone said something hurtful to them and i'd just reply with "push them down the stairs. fuck them." so uh yeah that's it i suppose??? i've never done this before sorry ah congrats once again!!! i love your writing so much thank u
celebrate with me ✨
dude, seriously, are we the same person???????????? bc like. everything you said I was like SAME THATS ME. and I mean. sAME that's ME. u know. u sound like such a cool person!!!
can I like?? ship you with every bad batch member??? is that? allowed?
If I had to choose, I think I'd ship you with echo. i think. or tech? maybe with wrecker. or echo. no, cross. or hunter??? maybe fox. i think you'd do fantastic with fox tbh.
SKDJSK echo it is then<3
i think ur fave is crosshair? im not sure? but listen. LISTEN TO ME.
echo and you have the same vibes. i think you guys would have this small banter thingy going on all the time. teasing each other and giggling at your sass.
echo is usually seen as a grumpy, serious babey but he's a softie with a heart of gold, I just know it.
i think you would bring him that sense of normalcy and the same something(? he had back in his 501st days. he'd feel a bit more at home when you're around, a bit more like he didn't lost too much.
you kind of remind him of fives, and he has told you once or twice you would have been the bestest™ of friends.
you joke with him and you being annoying (affectionate) always makes him love you more. because he sees so much of his old days in you but also the new days to come, and because you give him this sense of- well, like things are going to be just fine.
you're his light in the dark, always guiding him somewhere nice, a piece of heaven that you hold in your hands and always find your way to place it in his own.
he'd def hear your rants and would laugh with you, giving you heart eyes as you speak or maybe listen to you as he works on whatever. and maybe you'd have a little bit of communication problems at first, with that not voicing what u want stuff, but he's a fast learner so he'd learn to read your eyes sometimes, when you feeling sad and stuff and you look at him he's in no time dragging you to his lap and hugging u tight, kissing ur temple and all.
he'd love when you draw doodles in his hands 🥺 and he'd draw a little something on yours too while you're bored in hyperspace.
I'd say echo shares your sense of humor, saying in the most serious voice "we should kill them." when someone says something neither of you like and there's this amused glint in his eyes. you follow his jokes with another stuff that makes everyone think you're psychopaths and end up laughing.
i think quality time is also his love language, adding little touches here and there.
it's in the silence, where you two show the most how much you love each other, in the warm looks and little smiles, sharing a blanket as you sit side by side and he leans a bit closer to you, he holds your hand sometimes, playing with it as you snuggle closer, your cheek on his shoulder.
you don't say much, eyes speaking for you and he kisses you softly, lips lasting a few seconds on yours before pulling apart slowly, he brushes your cheek with the back of his hand, leaning over again just to steal another kiss. you smile, and his expression mirrors yours.
"you good?" he asks, just to make sure you don't need anything. you nod, squeeze his hand with yours, sleepy eyes letting him know there's nothing you need but him.
he chuckles, a low sound that warms your heart, a kiss on your temple and there's something murmured in your hair. it's not long before you fall asleep just like that, holding hands and each other's hearts as you share warmth in the cold ship.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
hi ma'am i'd like one (1) bob ship please! i'm 5'7 with brown hair and brown eyes. i'm a straightforward and outgoing person who wears my emotions on my sleeve because i'm v difficult to upset or deter. all about being here for a good time (sometimes at the expense of a long one) and taking risks, but i'm fiercely loyal to my friends who i love with my whole heart and would do anything for. hobbies include pub crawling, hanging out with friends, dancing, cooking, debating and playing the guitar.
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Ron Speirs
ok listen I have one intense reason why i ship this and it’s solely on how you both deal with your problems
the fact that you wear your emotions on your sleeve is really good because Ron doesn’t like to deal with his emotions for shit
like at all
he finds it oddly comforting that he know what you’re feeling because it’s not hard to figure it out... it also teaches him to be more open about his emotions, which is an entirely different story (he really should work on that, though)
you two go dancing every single Friday, and occasionally you go out with Easy Co. to a pub
Ron had no idea how to dance before you
even now he still has his two left feet moments, despite being incredibly agile on the battle field
he claims the reason he didn’t know how to dance before was because no one asked him to (L I A R)
you, Luz, and Liebgott all enjoy pub crawling/bar hopping, so Ron usually has to drag you home drunk
it’s all in good fun though
secret talent of Ron’s: he’s actually good at baking
you both have a system worked out, where you cook dinner and he bakes the dessert
sometimes, when he’s having an off day, you cook and bake for him, which he’s incredibly grateful for
he thinks it’s hot when you debate people, and sometimes he starts little arguments about things he knows you have a passion for just to get you to debate him
he loves how straightforward and honest you are
he struggles to explain himself or open up in general, so he appreciates that sometimes you’ll say what you’re both thinking
as we all know, Ron can be very insecure
he gets worried that you’ll find someone who will treat you better or that you’ll realize that he’s too emotionally unavailable and leave him
many people would get upset with the amount of times you’ve had to have the conversation that you’re not leaving him or they’d get impatient with him, so he values how understanding and loyal you are to him
y’all are that smart couple that does dumb shit together
i can’t explain it any other way.... like what the hell are you two doing DON’T THROW KNIVES FOR FUN
i mean, at least your adventures will be a good story to tell at family dinners?
he tags along and hangs out with your friends... he’s like that quiet friend that everyone loves
how you two met
like everyone else, you were apart of Easy Co.
you had finally graduated with your jump wings, and you were celebrating the night away
you and some of your fellow troopers had occupied a booth, and good lord was it chaotic
you and Joe Liebgott had been locked in a heated debate about the best brand of chocolate for the past 10 minutes, before the strange CO of Dog Co. approached your booth
everyone except you, Liebgott, and Luz had fallen silent upon his arrival
why? because some people listen to rumors and are s t u p i d
a n y w a y s
however, once Speirs had joined your table, he immediately joined your debate
“Hershey’s is not the best chocolate, you’re just lying to yourself.”
both you and Joe looked over in the direction of the mysterious voice
Joe gaped in outrage, slamming his fiston the table “Bullshit! Hershey’s is the best chocolate around, it’s classic!”
you turned to Speirs “I know, right? Joe, sweetie, you’re just lying to yourself. Hershey’s is the only type of chocolate you’ve ever had!How would you know it’s the best?”
Joe whipped around to face you again, “I don’t need to taste no other chocolate because I know I’ve already had the best! It’s Hershey’s!”
you, Joe, and Speirs debated about chocolate drunkenly for the rest of the night
Ron had decided he liked you, especially how calm your demeanor was, even when Joe was yelling in your face
you continued to talk to Ron throughout the entire night, treating him with kindness, almost like you were old friends
he found it comforting that you were so easy to converse with
he decided that perhaps it was nice to have at least one friend in the paratroopers
I’m so sorry this took forever! I hope you enjoyed this little blurb though. Have a lovely day! 💕
~ Ky
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odeysseus · 4 years
Hi there! I saw an ask about your ease tag and I'm actually having the same problem. There's only one example box showing in the preview and if I add more (as stated in the code) nothing changes and more boxes don't appear. I know it wasn't happening for you but do you have any idea what could be causing this? I'd love to use this page! It's so perfect as are your other codes, tysm for your work!
hi! sorry but if i can’t see your code my only suggestion is to double check your </div>s because 90% of the time that’s the reason something doesn’t work in a page with lots of boxes like for tags and networks and stuff. if you’re really stuck you’re gonna need to send me a link so i can figure out what went wrong for u! but thank u for your kindness i’m glad you like it :) 
0 notes
kimmoonkwon · 6 years
Dear someone... hopefully....
Dear to whom it may concern. I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey! How'd ya feel.
if we go for lunch ^^
Uh sure
It's cute how you were being nice, SeungChan, but I wish you'd said no, indulging me only made it hurt more...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansooooooool," you whine, trying to snap your friend's eyes off the cute boy who he'd been having a staring contest with for the past half hour. "Get your eyes off Jun and pay attention to this!"
"Awe c'mom y/n I'm not picking matching colours for our graduation."
"You're my best friend! You've gotta match with me!"
"What if I wanna match with Jun?"
You press your fingers to the bridge of your nose, "you're not dating Jun, you're barely friends with hi-"
"You're right, I'll go ask him."
You sigh banging your head against the table.
A few minutes later, Hansol excitedly tapped you on the shoulder.
"He said 'yes' y/n!"
"Ah good for you, Ji."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I've asked so many girls out, I'm almost done high school! Why cant I get a girlfriend??
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
A three week camping trip, more like a three week break from Hansol and Jun...
I wish I could stop my mind from thinking about him hes been so nice to me this whole trip! The warm air, the atmosphere, it's a nice trip! Plus th- is Woochul looking at me???
I know we've never spoken or anything.. but hes smiled at me lots! And been nice! And stood next to me while lining up for the bus back! And-
Oh my gosh-
Hes just being nice....
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I'm friendly! I'm nice! So why does the only girl who wants to date me only want me for sex? Why cant I just have a nice relationship?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
So I started noticing a guy at work...
Hes friendly with me, his friends, customers!
Hes funny, sweet, nice, cute, unique!
Jo Mingyu seems pretty cool!
He literally ticks off every requirement for a guy that I've ever had!
Okay. I'm going to ask him out!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hey? Hwi?" You ask, running out onto the parking lot, winter air striking your face.
Just ask y/n.
"Hey, uh, would you like to go for dinner or lunch sometime, maybe this week?" You ask, nervously rubbing your sweaty palms on your jeans.
"Oh, uh, um, I'll uh, text you, I'm pretty busy this week..." He said, halfway in his car.
"Yeah, no problem!" You smile, mentally stopping yourself from celebrating prematurely.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey y/n so i thought it would let you know now rather than later about going to dinner sometime, im going to have to decline, im just not really looking for a relationship or anything right now. Sorry.
Yea no problem Have a
nice weekend ^^
Yeah you too...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansol what do I do?"
"In regards to what?" Hansol asked, reaching across the table to grab the bottle of soy sauce.
"To get a boyfriend! Like you've got!"
"You you dont want mine, hes a little bit gay..."
"Ugh, leave Jun out of this! You know what I mean!" You protest.
Hansol rolled his eyes. "What about I set you up on a date?"
"Yes! Okay with who?" You jump in your seat, bumping your plate forward, crashing into your friend's.
Hansol rolled his eyes again, pulling out his phone, showing you a cute guy with squishy cheeks. "This is Yunmin."
"Okay I'm in." You nod vigorously at your friend.
"I'll let him know." Hansol laughed at your eagerness.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Okay, y/n I'll ask now."
A few minutes of excited silence passes.
"O-oh Hes got a girlfriend y/n, I'm sorry I didnt know"
"Oh, yeah, that's... good for him..."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
What if I die alone? A miserable old man?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Just a normal Saturday, a perfect, normal, nice, Saturday.
That is until you received a text from a co-worker...
Hi Jiann!
Um are you doing
anything Friday night
Nope 😊
Would you like to go to
Dinner with me? I know a
Great restaurant downtown!
I'd love to!
Okayy! I'll meet you there!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
You called Hansol about what to wear 3 times, reapplied make up 2 times, thanked Jun for driving you there, countless times, and waited an hour... two hours... three hours... four?!?!
Y/n I'm so sorry to do this to you, but my mom had an emergency, shes fine but I need to be with her right now, maybe another time?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Shes kinda cute, shes been sitting here all evening, o-oh she crying now...
She ran past me and into the bathroom, I probably should comfort her...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Miss? Miss we close soon... may I come in?" A sweet voice asked.
You were too sad to really register the door open, gentle figure sit down next to you and his soft hand cautiously rub circles on your back. You felt the owner of the hand hold out a tissue to you.
"May I ask why your crying Miss?"
"S-stood u-up," you stutter, embarrassing yourself further.
"That bastard! I'll beat him up for you, Miss!"
You try laugh between sobs, "His mom needed him." You explain.
"Ah, I see, we'll how about a make up date?"
"W-with you?" You dare to look up, praying that your makeup hasnt run to badly.
"Y-yeah, is that okay?"
"Sounds lovely," You smile, trying to make yourself look slightly more inviting.
"My shift is over now? How about we go next door to the café?"
You nod, smiling, wiping away your tears.
The boy's name tag read 'Jinkwon'.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"She did What?!?" You exclaim, a warm cup of tea clasped tightly in your hand, its contents quickly depleting.
"I know right!!" Jinkwon laughs, his own coffee going cold from all the stories he's been telling you.
Funny how life sucks so bad that you end up with something better?
"Its my last year of college too!" You excitedly explain your major to the boy infront of you.
At the end of the wonderful evening, Jinkwon drove you back home, you exchanged numbers, and couldn't feel happier!
Dear to whom it may concern.
I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
Dear Jinkwon, thank you for being you, and thank you to everyone who rejected me or otherwise, you've given me the experience to have a healthy relationship with someone who I truly care about. Funny how loves seems to figure itself out huh?
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