#Fingernail Fungus Infection
Can I get foot fungus from walking barefoot in public places?
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     Indeed, strolling shoeless out in the open places, for example, shared showers, rec centers, storage spaces, and pools can build the gamble of getting foot parasite. Parasites flourish in warm and soggy conditions, and public spots where individuals walk shoeless give an optimal favorable place to them.
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The most well-known kind of foot organism is Competitor's foot, which is an infectious contagious contamination that causes tingling, consuming, and redness on the skin of your feet, toes, and bottoms. You can get the organism by strolling shoeless on tainted surfaces, for example, shower floors, storage space floors, and pool decks, where the parasite can get by for quite a long time.
To forestall foot growth, it's vital to wear shoes or flip-flops openly spots where individuals walk shoeless. Furthermore, you ought to rehearse great foot cleanliness by washing your feet everyday, drying them completely, and changing your socks and shoes routinely. On the off chance that you suspect that you have foot parasite, see your primary care physician or a podiatrist for finding and treatment.
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cinnamongorll · 6 months
a fragile line - chapter 4
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read on ao3! (111k words) | previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female OC
Tags: extreme slow burn, age gap, older man/younger woman, protective joel, jealous joel, hurt/comfort, pov third person, mutual pining, angst, sexual tension, friends to lovers, canon-typical violence, feral joel, parental abuse.
Fic synopsis: three years ago, Juliet escaped her father's religious survivor camp, ending up in the Boston QZ. Juliet created a life for herself in Boston, desperate to forget the trauma of her upbringing. One day, Juliet arrives home to find a mysterious letter which forces her to return to her home town. Juliet can't travel the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape alone, so she enlists the help of the grumpy and, at times, frightening man she works alongside: Joel Miller.
Word count: 2k
Chapter 4: 'Something In The Way'
They moved like shadows, lurking in the gaps between the enforcers’ spotlights. 
The roads were busy, armed guards and trucks patrolled the city with torches panned on every dark corner. The sound of their engines drowned out the anxious thoughts floating through Juliet’s mind. All she could focus on was the man in front of her, Juliet matched Joel’s every step to keep up with his impossible stride. The rain had picked up, puddles splashed against her already damp jeans. 
Joel stopped without warning. Juliet struggled to see through the pouring rain but watched with squinted eyes as Joel’s blurry figure used his shoulder to break open the door of the crumbling building they stood in front of. Three hits and they were in. 
Downstairs was the entrance to a series of abandoned underground tunnels, water dripped from every corner and various weeds had sprouted between rotting bricks. Joel was moving again, the sound of his boots echoed off the walls. Juliet jogged to catch up, rounding a corner and - 
“Shit” she gasped, her feet stumbled to an abrupt stop. Her hands covered her mouth, her eyes wide. Fungus painted the wall in front of her in shades of red, green and brown, surrounding the body suspended in the centre. ‘Body’ wasn’t the right word, it didn’t even look human. The dampness had done a number on it, the skin rotted and swollen. 
“This one’s done,” Joel observed in a monotone voice, he had stopped about a foot away from her. 
Juliet dropped her hands, embarrassment flooded her cheeks. 
“I know,” she replied, releasing a shaky breath. “I just haven’t seen one in a while.”
Joel raised an eyebrow, irritation evident on his face. The rain had soaked his hair, his fingers slicking it back. The dark blue of his shirt was almost black and it clung to parts of his chest. He stood there, staring down at her with ire poured over his features, dripping off him like rain. Juliet was struck by a sudden moment of clarity, a stark realisation that Joel was dangerous. Every inch of him radiated hostility. The set of his broad shoulders, the hard clench of his jaw, the look in his eyes, all screamed don’t fuck with me.  
Working alongside him for years, Juliet knew of him, knew that he was a smuggler, a drug dealer. She knew, at least subconsciously, what he was capable of. To experience this side of him up close, his ability to come across infected without so much as flinching, was an entirely different story. Joel had started to move again, walking the dark trail through the damp tunnel. Juliet followed close behind, her heart was beating so violently against her chest she could feel it echo in the tight space around them. 
Just this morning, they were working the same shift, shovelling ash and piling bodies. Now, she had placed her life in Joel’s hands, forced upon him the responsibility of getting her out alive. Juliet wasn’t used to delegating her safety, protecting herself had been her number one priority since she had set off alone, reclaiming her life. She clenched her fists, her fingernails dug into the smooth skin of her palms.
It was obvious to her that, on some level, she trusted Joel. They had never shared a real conversation in all the time they had known each other, but Juliet had watched him, mimicking his actions on shift, working in harmony. She knew his body language, what it meant when he raised his eyebrows, when his shoulders tightened, when he shifted his jaw. Juliet knew Joel was dangerous but she wasn’t frightened. He would get her out of the QZ and then she would survive, like she always did. 
Juliet was pulled from her thoughts when Joel stopped walking and signalled towards a rusted ladder which hung from the side of the tunnel wall. Joel started to climb and released a harsh grunt when he reached the top and began to push against the mud and concrete sealing them in. The seal broke and he placed two hands on it, holding the slab open, the muscles in his arms strained against his damp shirt. His stare cut towards Juliet and he lifted his chin, indicating that she should climb up. Juliet gripped her hands on the rusted metal, praying it didn’t snap under both their weight as she squeezed past Joel. She held her breath as the side of her body brushed against his. The rough breath he released afterwards told her that he had done the same.  
Once Juliet was standing in the open air, Joel climbed out behind her, wiping the mud that caked his hands onto his jeans. The rain was still pouring down, even heavier now. The droplets drifted across Joel’s face and trailed down his neck. 
“Where do we go now -” Juliet began but was quickly cut off when a hand tugged her by the arm of her jacket. Joel dragged her to the shelter of a rusted yellow van which sat at an odd angle, as though it might tip any second. Juliet reached up, brushing the rain from her eyes and the soaked hair that had escaped her braid. She blinked a few times and opened her eyes to find Joel standing in front of her, his finger glued to his lips. 
“We’re goin’ to move round the left edge of the buffer zone,” Joel informed her, his voice quiet. He stood so close to Juliet, she could feel his hot breath scalding her cheek. Juliet glanced at his other hand, still wrapped around the wet material of her jacket. Joel followed her gaze, his hand fell immediately. 
“You move when I move,” he continued. “No exceptions.”
“Got it,” Juliet confirmed.
Joel shook his head, bitterness radiating from his posture. Then he turned, leading the way. 
Lightning flashed as they silently crawled through large metal cylinders and raced behind abandoned cars. Juliet was panting, rain bled into her open mouth, choking her as she imitated Joel’s movements. They were nearly there, almost at the surrounding metal fence, only a few more steps - 
“Don’t move!” a harsh voice echoed through the thunder. 
Fuck. An enforcer.
“I said don’t fucking move,” he ordered. Joel stopped so suddenly Juliet almost ran into him.
He turned, locking eyes with Juliet as a silent conversation passed between them: Stay still and don’t say a word.  
“We don’t want any trouble,” Joel called, raising his hands in a defensive stance. Juliet did the same, her fingers trembling. 
“Yeah?” the soldier shouted back. “If that were true, you wouldn’t be out here.” 
Juliet held still as the soldier came into view. He was young, around Juliet’s age or younger perhaps. He was dressed entirely in black, the colour a stark contrast to his pale skin. A shotgun hung from the strap around his neck, his hands gripped it tight, his knuckles white. Below the gun was a torch projecting a white light on Joel and Juliet’s frozen forms. 
Joel was eerily quiet, his hands still raised in front of him, palms facing outward. Juliet stole a glance towards him and shock shot through her in a sharp bolt. His face was a barricaded door, every shutter closed with no entrance visible. Joel’s expression was paralyzed, his eyes entirely vacated. Whatever he saw in the young soldier had immobilised him, physically and mentally. 
“On your knees,” the soldier commanded, his voice cracking on the last word. Juliet narrowed her eyes, Joel was entirely checked out. He was seized by some kind of ghost, his stare anchored on the enforcer.  
The rain pounded down around them, the speed of it echoing the pace of Juliet’s thoughts as they circled her mind. The soldier stared at her, the grip on his gun getting tighter. She had seconds to decide what to do. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Joel was supposed to get her out of here. There was no time. 
“Fuck this,” she muttered, then dropped her hands. In one smooth, practised motion, Juliet reached into her back pocket and pulled out her gun, popping off the safety. The sharp click seemed to wake Joel from whatever trance he was locked in.
 “Juliet -” he started to shout. 
Two shots rang out in the night air. 
Joel swore and rushed towards the soldier, his arms out to grab the gun off of him but it was a wasted effort. The soldier was already dropping to the ground, his body a dead weight. 
A small spot of red marked his forehead, no bigger than a coin. 
Joel crouched next to him, his thumb searching for a pulse. Another wasted effort; he was very much dead. 
Joel turned towards Juliet, shock painted his face when he saw her still standing, her eyes trained on the soldier. No remorse was found in her features, only a cold numbness. 
Joel stood and walked towards Juliet, reaching out his hand to carefully take the gun from her. Juliet let him pry the weapon from between her trembling fingers. 
“You hurt?” he demanded, breathing heavy, acutely aware that two bullets were shot, and only one ended up in the soldier. 
“I’m fine,” Juliet murmured.
Joel was unconvinced, his eyes scanned her body, searching for any patches of red on her damp clothing. The light from the soldier’s torch still illuminated her form. 
“Joel seriously, I’m fine. We need to -” 
“Your shoulder, he got your shoulder,” Joel announced, the words rushing out in a single breath. His hand hovered over the torn fabric, blood flowed from the wound, blending with the rain soaking her jacket. He pocketed her gun and used both hands to push down on the bullet hole. Juliet released a sharp gasp.  
“Shit,” he cursed, and looked behind him. “Someone might’ve heard the shots, we have to go now.” 
Juliet nodded, dizziness crashed over her like a wave. The pain in her shoulder was minimal, Juliet knew this was not a good sign, that shock was diluting her pain response. 
“I’m good. Let’s… let’s get out of here,” she muttered, her speech slurring slightly.
Joel’s stare was murderous. His jaw hardened before he swallowed and looked away. 
“You need to put pressure on it,” he said, dropping his hands before he pulled her right hand up to cover the wound. “Push down, hard,” he ordered, and Juliet obeyed immediately, suddenly too tired to argue.  
When Joel was satisfied with Juliet’s response, he pulled his backpack off, stuffing her gun in it, then swung it back over his shoulder. 
Juliet couldn’t find the energy to care that he had taken her gun, her vision blurred slightly at the edges. 
He gave Juliet one more brutal glare before stepping in front of her and heading for the fence around the corner. Juliet looked behind her, she could see spotlights in the distance. She pressed her hand harder over the wound and followed Joel, her steps stumbling a little. 
They reached the fence minutes later. A hole had been savagely carved out of the tight metal wire, which Joel now held open for Juliet to pass through. 
Juliet ducked her head and squeezed past. She knew that this moment should symbolise a sense of freedom, an escape from the frustratingly rigid rules of the QZ. But swinging her body through that fence, tired and injured, Juliet felt more trapped than ever. Her life no longer belonged to her. She would fight to stay alive to get to Ethan, to save him from her father's clutches. 
Juliet's survival was now a currency; her life a means to an end. 
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backtothefanfiction · 9 months
You Can't Outrun The Reaper | A Joel Miller x Reader Story
Summary: He thought he was saving her life, turns out he was just delaying the inevitable, the reaper will always take what's his.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Genre typical violence, smut, mentions of blood, guns, attempted sexual assault, infected, angst, nostalgia, running for your life, no use of Y/N, a little smut, small daddy kink, oh and of course death.
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: @amy172 went absolutely, and I quote, "bananas" over the little Joel blurb I wrote the other day and asked for more. Now, that was only supposed to be one short thing, but somehow while at work my mind went wondering and somehow we ended up here. I am not an expert on the series, I know a little about the game from having very nerdy friends who were into it when it first came out and of course watched the series when it was released but haven't rewatched or read many other fanfics since (well until the last couple days anyway) so if things don't sound right, I apologies, hopefully you'll like it anyway. There is honestly so much f*cking pain coded into this story but hey... enjoy.
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Running. So much running. That’s all she’d known for months now, however over the last week, she felt like she’d run more than she had ever run since outbreak day.
“Bobby, what did you do?” she chastised her brother, a look of horror on her face.
They had been raiding an old minimart when he had found the stupid shooting game in the back. She had told him not to. Told him to leave it alone, but no, her stupid man child of a 34 year old brother couldn’t help himself.
Ever since the outbreak it had been just them. Her Mom had called her frantically on the phone, “There’s something wrong with Darren!” she screeched down the phone. Darren, their step dad, not that either of them ever referred to him as that. She had been 26, Bobby 29, when their Mother had remarried. “Darren, honey.” she heard her Mom’s voice say tentatively down the line. There was screaming before the line went dead. Her and Bobby had immediately hopped in the car to travel to her, but they never made it.
It had happened so fast. “Look there’s nothing out there. They’re all hanging around closer to the QZ where there’s life.” Bobby had said. “It’ll be fine.”
He had plugged the game in, it starting up with this awful techno music from the 90s, Bobby grabbed one of the guns holstered to the console as he clicked buttons. Pew! Pew! It was so loud. 
“Bobby, turn it off. TURN IT OFF!” she said louder as she wrestled the gun from his hands before reaching to pull the plug. There was sudden silence.
“See I told you it would be fine.” 
He had spoken too soon. There was a loud snarl as a body came hurtling down from upstairs.
“RUN!” Bobby had said. “Go! RUN!”
Bobby raced to where he had left his gun next to the cash register, the creature racing after him. She watched over her shoulder as she began to race down one of the small aisles, her heartbeat pounding in her ears, adrenaline coursing through her body. She picked back up her own backpack and knife. She froze at the shadow of another human shaped creature moving past the window. Fuck.
There was one gun shot after another and she turned her head to see her brother, wrestling with the fungus covered 20 year old. “Bobby watch out!” she cried as she began to tip one of the shelves over onto the kid.
“Quick, let's go!” Bobby grunted as they raced to the door but he suddenly jolted still, the feeling of a hand tightly grasped around his ankle holding him in place. He pulled his leg hard, the fingernails of the young 20 something year old now half trapped under the shelf stack, scratching at his skin as he pulled himself free.
She pulled her own gun out of her bag as she exited the main door of the shop, her body turning in the direction of the other body she had noticed through the window. She fired once, twice, the second hitting the infected in the head and it collapsed onto the ground, just as her brother came out of the shop, fast on her heels.
“Quick, back towards the trees.” Her brother said. She didn’t second guess his judgement as she ran. Even after they reached the treeline she didn’t stop. She just kept going.
She didn’t stop until her limbs were screaming, her chest heaving, lungs burning. She braced her hands on her thighs as she doubled over taking deep gasping breaths. “Did we out run them? Are they gone?” she panted. Nothing. She stood up, her hands bracing her side as she turned around, “Bobby?” He wasn’t there, she was alone. “Bobby?” she asked again a little louder as she began to double back.
She caught up with him, hunched over his leg, his back resting against a tree trunk, panting. “Bobby.” she hissed with relief.
When he looked up at her, his face told her everything. When she looked down to his hands wrapped around his leg it only confirmed things more. Two large bite marks were on his leg.
“Dolly, you need to get out of here.” he said as she began to shake her head. “Dolly-”
“No. NOO,” she wailed a little louder, her throat closing up, tears welling in her eyes. “I can’t lose you too! No..” 
He watched as her face screwed up, her lip trembling. “You can’t stay here! You’ve gotta go!”
“Where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do!”
“Head back to the QZ.” She shook her head. “No, you need to go back. You can’t stay out here on your own.”
“No.” she shook her head again but her feet were already stepping backwards.
“GO!” he shouted.
She couldn’t say goodbye. She had to pretend he’d be coming back. That she was going on ahead and he would catch up.
She thought that again now as her feet pounded into the concrete, her lungs burning, thighs and arms aching but she had to push forward, she couldn’t let them get her.
“Where are you going baby?”
“Yeah come back here!” Their voices jeered at her.
She had run out of bullets two days ago. She did still have her knife but to use it she’d have to be up close to them and she knew that would be pointless. They were both much larger than her, they’d over power her the second they got their hands on her. She needed to keep running. 
She darted into an open door, making her way through the rooms of the lower half of the building, looking for a back door. Shit! It had long been barricaded, there was no way she’d be able to move the furniture in time to get through it. At the sound of footsteps behind her she knew it was already too late anyway.
“Come here, baby.”
“We just want to have some fun.” They cooed to her as they circled her, backing her into the corner of the room.
“No. NO!” she said as she flashed them her knife, snarling at them like a honey badger, trying to make herself seem more deadly than she was, or at the very least like she’d be too much of a hassle. 
They just laughed as they lunged at her. She screamed and cried out as the knife was ripped from her hands, her body wrestled to the floor. She could feel their hands, groping at her body and her clothes and she closed her eyes as she fought the helpless cries and sobs that tore from her throat.
“HEY!” A gruff voice shouted from the doorway.
The two men stilled and she slowly opened her eyes as their hands removed themselves from her body.
“Hey, man.” One of them said as he sidled up to the man standing in the doorway. “Why don’t you go and find your own-” The man didn’t get to finish his sentence before there was a gunshot.
Her hands flew up instinctively to her head, covering her face as the other guy who had been assaulting her lunged forward for the man in the doorway. She held her body tight in a ball against the wall as she listened to the scuffle. Grunting and groaning, the cling of metal, she assumed one of them had picked up her knife. 
“Hey get the fuck off me man!” she heard her attacker cry before- BANG! There was another shot and a loud thud as another body hit the floor. 
She whimpered as she continued to push herself against the wall, her eyes closed tight as she heard heavy footsteps make their way towards her. The light changed as he crouched down, his body looming over her. She flinched when his hand rested upon her shoulder.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed.
“Hey, hey, hey.” the guy's deep voice said softer. She slowly lifted her head.
“Dolly?” He said, as recognition took over.
“JOEL!” she cried out as her own recognition of her saviour took place, her arms quickly wrapping around his neck, her fingers clinging onto his shirt for dear life. She sobbed into his shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” he tried to soothe her as he placed his gun down on the floor and pressed a large reassuring hand to her back.
She suddenly pushed herself back, half desperate for air, half desperate to check it was really him. Yes, it was him.
‘Fuck! Dolly, what are you doing here?” Her chest twinged at the old nickname, a memory of a life that felt so long ago, not just a few months. It was one thing to hear it from her brother, another to hear it from someone she’d barely known before all this happened.
Dolly. Dolly Daydream. It’s what her Dad had called her. She’d always had her head up in the clouds. It was exactly where she had been the moment she first met Joel. Him and Tommy interrupting her in the office to come and get their paychecks. Her Dad had hired them to come and do some work on the housing estate his firm was building, needing the extra pair of hands.
“Dolly, where’s Bobby?” his gruff voice pressed her when she remained silent. The way her face fell he already knew. It was a look everyone had grown accustomed to. The ‘they aren’t here no more’ look, the ‘they’re one of them now’ look. “Where were you headed?” he asked her and she fought to find her voice, her throat hoarse from screaming.
“To the QZ. Bobby told me to go- but then they-” she hastily explained as she looked at the two bodies now on the ground.
“Don’t look at them.” Joel said grounding her, forcing her to look at him and only him. “Is that where you wanna go?” Joel pressed her, his deep brown eyes boring into her.
“I don’t know.” she replied honestly. There was a silence between them. “Joel, I’ve got no one left.”
“That’s not true.” he tried to reassure her. “You’ve got me okay? I’m gonna get you out of here okay. Find you somewhere safe.”
“Okay.” she said quietly, her head instinctively agreeing and nodding before she could even process what that would mean.
She let him escort her back to the QZ, sneaking her in through a secret route in the side before taking her back to his assigned apartment.
“Who’s that?” Tess had asked him when she had got back an hour later.
“Tess, this is Dolly.” Joel had introduced them. “I ummm, I used to work for her Dad sometimes.”
“Okay, but what is she doing here?” Tess pressed him.
“She’s got nowhere else to go. The rest of her family are gone Tess. It was lucky I found her.” Joel tried to explain in a way that told Tess there was no question about it, Dolly would be staying with them and that was that.
“So what Joel you just sneak her in? That’s not how this is done and you know it. What happens when they find out? What if she’s carrying the virus?”
“She’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I checked.”
Dolly felt awkward as she listened to them argue in the kitchen from the small living room.
“I can just go.” She had said to Joel after Tess had stormed out.
“No, don’t be ridiculous.” Joel reassured her, his hand resting on her thigh as he sat next to her on the couch.
The moment reminded her of another. Her birthday, a couple years ago. They had all gone out to a local bar for a drink. Tommy and Joel had been invited by her brother at the last minute. She had been drinking gin. mother’s ruin they called it and they weren’t wrong. Just another long line of things she had picked up from her mother. Mother knows best after all. They had taken a moment out from dancing, her head growing dizzy, Joel, not one for dancing, keeping her company as he helped her back towards an empty leather sofa.
“You doing okay there?” he checked in with her as she flopped onto the leather sofa, a grin on her face.
“Yup.” She smiled like the Cheshire cat under his ministrative gaze. She swayed from side to side slightly before she closed the space between them, her lips locking onto his. He instinctively pulled away from her but his hand still reached to cradle her cheek. She thought he was about to reject her but he didn’t. He was merely checking to make sure she wasn’t so drunk he would feel like he’d be taking advantage of her. 
She wanted to get lost in the memory, to wrap herself in it, but so much had happened, she couldn’t. “What happened to Sarah?” she instead asked quietly. He didn’t say anything. His whole body went rigid at her name. He couldn’t even look at her to show her that face. But she knew. “I’m sorry Joel.” she quickly said, trying to brush it away, but it was out there now. It almost killed her when he left the room and went and closed himself in his bedroom.
Two weeks after she had first arrived she felt like she was beginning to go crazy. Always kept shut away in the apartment just in case anyone noticed her.
“You should take her back out the way you first came in and take her round to be properly registered, then she can go out and sign up for jobs so she’s not so cooped up.” Tess had tried to reason with Joel but for some reason he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. “She’s a person Joel, not a pet.”
“I don’t think she’s a pet.” Joel tried to defend himself. “A pet wouldn’t tidy up around here.” Joel observed.
It had been the only thing she could do, keep the tiny apartment clean for all of them. 
“Okay, so what about sneaking her out on runs?” Tess enquired. “She seems resourceful enough.”
“No.” Joel said as a matter of fact. He didn’t want her going back out there. Didn’t want her risking her life the way they did. She had already lost too much. Heck she was still grieving the loss of her whole family.
“Fine.” Tess said as she began packing up a bag with things.
“Where are you going?” Joel asked her.
“Well somebody’s gotta put food on the table.” she said. “I’m going to do a job for Marlene.” Joel looked at her like she was crazy. “There’s three of us here now Joel and if you won’t go register her properly so we have enough food rations for all of us, then it means we gotta step up and do some jobs we don’t wanna do.” 
He sighed in acknowledgement. She was right. He just didn’t know what it was. There was something about having Dolly back in his life, that familiarity and nostalgia for who he used to be, who he tried to still be around her, it made him feel closer to Sarah. Closer to how things had been.
He didn’t mean to start sleeping with her. It was just familiarity. You couldn’t call it a one night stand if it had happened three, maybe four times. A casual hook up maybe. She had kissed him that night when they had gone out for her birthday. 29. Half a decade or so isn’t really that much of an age gap but he still didn’t want her dad or brother finding out. They’d snuck out together, Joel claiming he was taking her home because she was too drunk. 
Her apartment had been cosy. Just a small little one bedroom thing above one of the shops in town. They hadn’t made it to her bed, simply fucking on the couch, her sat in his lap, grinding and moan as he fucked up into her. She had wanted him to stay, maybe go for a second round in the morning, or at the very least have breakfast but he couldn’t, he needed to be back for Sarah.
He’d left his number though asking her to give him a call if ever she was feeling lonely. He hadn’t been ready for a relationship, he didn’t want to complicate Sarah’s life but Dolly was nice to look at and he had to admit, a man has needs.
It was hard for him not to look at her through that lens now. Tess figured it out that very first week of Dolly being there that Joel used to fuck her, that he had a soft spot for her. She tried not to be jealous, after all her and Joel hadn’t been in each other's lives that long, they hadn’t had the relationship conversation. They were just companions and who was she to compete with this woman who was almost 10 years younger than her, not long turned 31. She hadn’t had kids, still had fairly perky tits and when she looked at Joel she seemed to have a twinkle in her eye. A glimmer of hope amongst the ruins of their life. History.
Tess was gone four days in total. The first day was tense, Joel pacing around silently stuck in his thoughts. Dolly tried not to disturb him or get under his feet. She merely observed him from her spot on the couch, a book resting against her bunched up knees to entertain herself. He ultimately went to bed early without a single word.
It made her feel awkward. She’d heard how he and Tess had spoken about her. It made her feel like a burden. “Joel, I want to do more.” she said to him the next morning over a measly breakfast of toast.
“What are you talking about? You do plenty.” He had tried to say.
“Tess is right, you know. If we registered me properly-”
“No.” He said. “No, I don’t want you-”
“I can’t stay cooped up in here forever Joel. I need sunlight, I need fresh air.”
“It’s the QZ Dolly, the air ain’t that fresh.”
“You know what I mean.” she said.
“I’ll think about it.” he said before he put on his jacket and went out to do chores.
When he got back they didn’t talk about it. Instead he did everything he could to talk about anything else, to use her as an escape. He asked her about her book, which turned into a discussion about her favourite books. He asked questions about stuff he remembered from her apartment. Where she had gotten her Garfield cookie jar? How he wished they had some of her plants to liven up the space. He asked her about what she had done for work before she had gone to work for her father keeping the books. “I never asked, where does Dolly come from?” It was a conversation that lasted from the time he had gotten back until well past midnight when they finally went to bed.
When she woke up the next day he had already gone to do chores. She tidied things up from the night before, before settling down and starting another dusty looking book that had been left forgotten by the original tenants of the apartment all those months ago. 
She was taking a shower when Joel got home, dropping his keys on the table, he froze at the sound of her singing in the shower. She had left the door ajar, whether an invitation or just because she didn’t think he’d be back before she was done, he wasn’t sure. He couldn’t help but find himself walking across the floor towards the half open door, the steam filling the air. It was like a siren calling sailors to their deaths, he knew it was a bad idea but he couldn’t help it.
He heard her voice falter a moment as the door creaked open announcing his presence. When her song continued he knew it was okay. He wasn’t sure why he was doing it, but he was suddenly stripping off his clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor. ‘He was just saving water,’ he thought to himself, ‘it’s not like he hadn’t seen her naked before or she him’ he reasoned.
He shifted the curtain aside and her singing turned to humming as she took a small look over her shoulder as if to double check it was in fact him. It felt so domestic, so familiar. They had in fact showered together once. It had been the middle of summer, they had been in the middle of a heatwave when he snuck out and over to hers for a late night booty call. They were so sweaty, both of them covered in each other's arousal, a cold shower had been needed before he could go back home again.
His fingers brushed her wet hair aside, allowing him access to nuzzle into her neck. “Don’t stop.” he said as her breathing hitched, her little tune coming to an abrupt stop as his hands began to wander down her sides. She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply as her back leaned into his chest behind her. 
“Joel.” she sighed as his lips began to drag across her shoulders.
“Please Dolly, I just wanna forget. Can we just pretend for a little bit? Imagine we’re back in that little apartment of yours, sneaking around behind everyones back, everyone still-”
“Don’t say it.” she quickly interjected, not wanting the fantasy ruined.
“Okay, then sing for me then.”
“Stars shining bright above you,” she began, “Night breezes seem to whisper, I love you. Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me.” she sang as his hands continued to glide over her soap covered body.
He suddenly spun her around, his lips attaching onto hers as he pushed her back into the tiles, his body leaning into the water of the shower head. He ran his hand up her left thigh, pulling it up to wrap around his body, allowing himself to nestle himself between her legs.
“Joel.” she panted as he began to run his lips along her jaw, then down her neck before she grabbed his face and latched her lips back onto his. His tongue reached out to lick into her mouth and she opened up willingly to him. 
“I need to feel you.” he said as he removed his mouth from hers again.
“Not here.” she said.
He turned off the water and wrapped her in a towel before he carried her over his shoulder to his bedroom, laying her back down onto the sheets. He quickly leaned over her, his lips latching on to hers again. Her fingers flew into his damp hair, pulling him into her. His fingers reached up to pull at the tuck of her towel, revealing her body to him again. 
His fingers traced down the familiar contours of her body, the rough pads of his fingertips dragging across her soft sensitive skin. His large hand, palmed at her breast and he couldn’t help but bite her lower lip as she moaned in reaction to his touch. 
His fingers and his lips continued to trail down further and further until his knees were resting on the floor at the end of the bed, his mouth trailing kisses closer and closer to her awaiting cunt. “Fuck baby, you still get so wet for me.” he cooed as he spread her legs wider with his hands. He wrapped his hands around her hips before he pulled her closer to the end of the bed and his awaiting mouth.
She let out a moan, her head relaxing back amongst the messed up covers as he licked a thick stripe through her folds. “Still taste so sweet for me too.” He said as he took a breath before diving back in.
He had figured out early on the first time they started having sex that his words got a reaction from her. Given her affiliation for books and reading he wasn’t too surprised. Sarah’s mom had hated that kind of stuff. Said it always made her cringe and he was fine with that, kept that side of him hidden, but after Sarah had been born a different kind of hunger and need had set in a single word. Daddy.
As if right on queue, “Fuck, daddy.” she panted. God how he had missed the way she had called him that. It had just come out the second time they had fucked. He had been the drunk one this time and the request had just fell from his mouth as he had been fucking into her from behind. She hadn’t questioned it just said, “Fuck! Yes! Daddy!” As she backed her ass back into him.
It hit differently now though, he wasn’t an actual daddy anymore. As if feeling his hesitancy against her cunt she looked up, saw the slight anguish in his face. When she met his eyes, it was a silent agreement, that term was no longer on the cards.
“Joel.” she said tentatively as she reached out for him, guiding his face away from that place between her legs, encouraging him instead to come and kiss her again.
They shuffled up the bed, laying back down amongst the covers. She wished she could kiss his pain away, suck it right out of him. She rolled him onto his back as she straddled his waist. She was still wet enough for him to slide right in. They took a moment for them both to adjust, their lips still intertwined before he started to slowly thrust up into her. It was soft, sweet, sensual; all the things their sex had never been before. It was sad, it was nostalgic, but it warmed them both, provided a connection neither one of them had had in a while.
“Fuck, I need you.” he said against her lips, his fingers holding tightly to her hips, guiding her up and down the length of his cock. “I needed this. Needed you.”
“No.No.No.” he said, quickly cutting her off, not wanting her to say something that would take him out of this moment. He thrust up into her deeper and her breathing hitched, his lips eager to chase her moan, to swallow it, to let it live inside him and transform him from the inside out.
She could feel her climax rising, but she felt something else too, a pull at her chest, a knowing feeling of ‘this couldn’t last’, because it never did.
“Come on, let’s go.” Tess called out as they made their way out of the QZ. Joel had finally caved. After weeks of begging from both Dolly and Tess, it was finally agreed, Dolly would go out on a run with them. The deciding factor, they couldn’t leave her alone with no food for a week while they went out searching for the shit those stupid fireflies needed.
“You stay close to me, okay?” Joel said, gun in hand, finger near the trigger, always on alert.
“Joel, she’s not a child.” Tess said, handing Dolly a gun of her own. “You know how to use this right?” Tess checked.
“Yeah, my brother taught me.” Dolly said as she felt the weight of the gun in her hands. She’d also packed her knife, tucking it into the side of her backpack, ready to get out if she needed it, but not gonna get in the way or hurt her during their hike. And it was a hike.
She hadn’t had this much exercise in weeks. “Hold up.” Joel said to Tess as she began to fall behind. Tess grumbled but relented.
“We need to get to the outpost by sundown.” she said.
“I know, I know.” He said, waving her off as he stepped closer to Dolly.
“You good?” he checked in with her, a gentle hand to her arm. 
“Yup.” she nodded, but her hand rubbed at a stitch in her side. “Told you you shouldn’t have kept me cooped up in that apartment like that.”
“Hey, I thought you enjoyed the exercise you got.” he joked quietly so Tess wouldn’t hear. After that first afternoon they had kept fucking. Usually it was when Tess was out but they couldn’t help it. One or two times he had snuck back out into the living room under the guise of getting a glass of water, only to find himself drinking from between her legs instead. Other times they would stay up talking when Tess went to bed first and she had taken his length into her mouth and Joel would have to fight to contain himself.
“Shut up.” she pushed him and he let out a breathy chuckle.
“Come on you two, stop fucking around, lets go.” Tess shouted back to them, but suddenly there was a gunshot. Then a second one. They ducked for cover as bullets began to embed themselves in the rubble of the buildings around them. “Fucking scavengers.” Tess snarled.
Joel propped his elbows up on the hood of a car as he scoped with his rifle for a target. Dolly braced herself against the car at his side as he took the shot before he ducked back down for his own cover again. 
“You okay?” He checked in with her as she got her own gun ready. She didn’t say anything, too scared to find her voice, but she nodded.
“Shit, we need to fall back.” Tess shouted over to them from her cover as the scavengers began to press in on them. 
“Head back that way.” Joel motioned with his hand, indicating a series of raided buildings that had mostly remained intact despite the firebombs from months back.
They ran for cover, quickly getting split up as they bobbed and weaved through the different old doorways and upstairs. Dolly had followed Joel as closely as she could. He’d asked her to stay close to him and she did. She was oddly reminded of just a few weeks back as they raced across an abandoned office space. 
“Get down under here and don’t move until I say so.” Joel said as he motioned for her to climb under one of the desks.
“Joel.” she hissed.
“Wait there. I’ll draw them away and come back to you.” 
“Hey, over here.” A voice called out from the doorway and there was a flurry of footsteps as they continued to chase Joel through a door at the other end of the office.
He had told her to wait there but she couldn’t. There were so many of them. Lord knows where Tess had got to and there was no way he could take them all on his own. She creeped out from her hiding place, briskly walking towards the door Joel and the other men had gone through. 
It lead to a stairwell and she took it down, following the echoing sounds of a commotion at the bottom. When she got down there, there were two bodies lying dead at the base of the stairs, another propped a door open. She continued to follow the trail of bodies to where she could hear Joel’s grunts of exertion as he wrestled with the final two men. 
He had been able to push one back, just enough space and time for him to disarm the other assailant and use his own gun to shoot him in the head, his body crumbling. There was a cling of metal and a snarl as the other guy Joel had originally pushed back, picked up a knife off the floor and began to charge at Joel.
It happened too quickly, Joel couldn’t stop it. “Nooo!” Dolly cried as she ran forward, placing herself between Joel and the assailant.
“DOLLY NO!” Joel cried.
 She stilled as the knife struck her between her ribs. She knew she hadn’t thought this through, knew it was reckless but she couldn’t watch him die, couldn’t let him-.
There was a gunshot behind them as Tess came into view of the doorway. As their attacker collapsed to the floor, he pulled the knife back out, taking it with him. 
Joel quickly leaned forward to catch her, she had gone as white as a sheet, her legs giving out from underneath her.  “Dolly!” His voice called out to her trying to ground her. “Dolly? Stay with me baby. Come on, stay with me.”
“Joel!” Tess shouted at him. 
They could both see it, there was so much blood. Joel pressed his hands to the wound but it wasn’t doing anything. She was bleeding out.
“Come on baby, come on.” Joel kept repeating. 
“Joel.” Her voice was raspy, vision spotting. “Thank you.”
“No. Thank you.” He pressed. “Thank you.” His voice was breathy, tears welling in his eyes.
“I guess you can’t outrun the reaper.” She said breathlessly as her hand fought to touch his face one last time but it was so heavy. Joel reached for it, completing its mission, cradling her blood soaked hand to his cheek.
Her vision went hazy and white at the edges and a figure began to step forward. She fully expected Thanatos, his black cloak and scythe but as the figure stepped forward she saw their stature was a lot smaller, a mass of curls billowing out of the top of her head. She reached out her hand for Dolly. 
Her body went limp in his hands. He couldn’t speak. He had no words. His head fell into her chest as he sobbed. She had been his last remaining tie he had to his old life. Now he had nothing.
@amy172 @morgaussy @fanfictionaddiction99 @ianknights @lillithpanda
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roxineedstosleep · 1 year
Idk if this is a request or something but I just wanted to get it out there before I forget it. How would the batfam react to a batsis coming from the last of us universe?( the last of us is a zombie apocalypse type game.) How would they react to all of batsis PTSD from being born in a world over ran by zombie’s and learning to survive at a young age. How would they help them? How would they react if they ever were transported to there(batsis) world?
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Don't worry, the truth is that I also questioned several times the reaction of an OC insert or Reader with the passage of time, characters who lived that situation.
Also, sorry if it’s a quite large, but I get exited about this, I was also thinking and thingking about this kind of situtation or scenario and could mange myself about it.
The Last of Us, I know it's based on a video game (comic too or at least I saw several fanmade ones, sorry I don't know much about it, my thing about apocalypse was The Walking Death). And from what I understand, since I get a lot of it on my TikTok feed (thanks Pedro Pascal, I love you in all your ways) I know that the way the infected are handled and the ways of contagion are pretty fucked up.
I mean, at least in TWD the bites were the sure shit, with a good body protector you could get away with it until you got to a safe place…. but that spore stuff? that's a fucking nightmare.
Not only should you avoid being bitten, you should avoid being in contact with any highly contagious source. Food, water, air that's been "stored", spaces that are too enclosed/humid and dark (from what I see I know it's a type of fungus, fungi spread better in those conditions)… I mean, really scary.
I think the only ones who could be saved from those situations would be those who live in sanctuaries in the middle of nowhere (highly extreme climates, like snowy and deserts) or those who reach space. In that situation, which I mentioned a little earlier, the situation for Batsis would be a little worse.
Caves? First place of contagion, unfortunately.
Away from all the PTSD that Batsis must surely have from the traumatic situation of living there…. I don't think it can get much better.
Let's play a bit of a game about it, as I love the What Ifs.
Should it be Batsis from an Apocalyptic Universe coming to a "Healthy" Universe, and by healthy I can even mean post Covid0s universe like ours.
In going from a sick world to a healthy one:
She wouldn't really know how to adapt, it's one thing if the situation was with her being an adult and she at least knew that much about what it meant to have a routine within the normal. Sure, Bruce and the boys would do their best to make her feel safe in many ways, but it wouldn't be possible to make her feel safe at all. She grew up, matured, and developed in that world where every breath could mean having a fucking killer fungus inside her.
Did you ever see videos of people with OCD or germaphobia during the pandemic? Many had breakdowns at such a level that they could become paralysed with fear, breakdowns or hysteria. She would refuse to leave her safe areas, no matter how hard her father and siblings tried to convince her that the rest of the mansion was safe to walk through.
The garden? She refuses to even look at it, places where the spread of spores is more likely due to all the wind and pollination (I've never known bugs or birds to be immune, but considering they can move around because of the pollination issue I don't doubt that any place free of nature is free of risk or cross-contamination).
The cave? The last time one of her brothers tried to get her down to be checked in the medical wing, she almost slit his throat with her own fingernails. She won't go down there, that place is dark, with an uncovered water source and full of dampness… Can't you see that one of those swollen beaks is probably there?
I think she would have serious problems with food, or so I think. Not that she wants to be mean to her, really. But from what I understood a little from seeing at least the first chapters of the series, and also played with several seasons of TWD, she herself would have to see how they prepare the food to avoid contamination or fear of spoiled food. I feel like she would be safe with canned food, specifically canned food that is older than a month before it all goes down the drain. After that, she would obsessively look at the factory's provenance and be in an internal binger over the places that were dropped one by one until she was sure she was safe to eat.
So I don't see her eating with her brothers or her father something that is homemade or from scratch. Unfortunately not. Especially the flours, since they are the crops that were the first to fall before the fungi. I'm sure she would calm down a bit if Alfred showed her the family garden and the fungicides they keep in the barn. If it's not that, will she walk away or not hesitate to spit it out?
To sleep? I think so, I think she would settle, but she is hidden to avoid any risk. Next to Dick, she's the best at hiding in the high and least expected places. After she was found napping in her chandelier, where she had no nightmares or panic attacks, they decided they would let her sleep there. At least until she gets used to the idea that a return portal isn't going to be there anytime soon.
Her father and her brothers would be there for her, don't doubt it. They would love her, they would try to understand her limits, to know that she went through that terrible place to destroy the mind of a poor girl. I mean, Ella was very lucky to have reached an age of near adulthood... Do you know what that mean?
She is happy to have her brothers and her father and her grandfather back in her life. Every day she prays to all the gods she knows, to thank for not having to return to that place. But, even though she has the support of her family, the trauma cannot be reversed.
After those, which I do know are several problems to overcome, I truly believe that she would panic or become hypervigilant when there is a man, who is not from her family, near her... and for sad reasons.
In itself, for a world without the problems of the apocalypse, it is already dangerous to be a woman. Now that the whole world, morale and the little security we had has gone down the drain? I feel like it's even more dangerous. If I remember correctly there is a movie that touches on that subject. Of the possible life of women within a post-apocalyptic world. The SA would be the bread of every day, kidnappings and assaults for the possibility of being able to repopulate the earth would not be strangers. Even more so if we don't talk about ultra-religious cults that try to sell the idea of a woman's sacrifice to "heal" the masses.
Do you see what I'm going to? The fact that she survived childhood and was into young adulthood means that she had to be protected and she knew how to defend herself against all of that. And even more so because, despite everything, she could never fully forgive Bruce for what he did to her and her brothers.
Earlier I mentioned that only the most privileged could be inside those sanctuaries or even reach space to be safe from earth, right?, well. There goes a bit of the matter.
Bruce decided to stay.
For the general public, Bruce Wayne, his children and his closest friends went to one of the many earthly sanctuaries as soon as things turned terribly ugly, but not before sending all his employees safely to a compound of National security.
But Batman? Batman, Robin, and the rest of the bat family stayed to wear out their souls, their safety, and their lives for a city full of killer mushrooms.
She remembers how at first the whole family agreed to stay in the city to find a cure with the help of the League. But over time, when Alfred fell ill, Tim was infected, when Duke had to amputate his arm, Jason almost got infected and Dick was not found for months (not counting attempted assaults on S and others to kidnap her). things in the family got much worse.
Robin in case he was a child soldier, but at this point he looked more like a killing machine than a human being, she herself tried to find a cure and it was more risky and almost impossible over the time to find users who did not have advanced disease or who were immune.
She begged her father that at least the LG members with higher immunity would take care of the safety of the earth, that she and her siblings could be moved to the moon base. Superman, Wonder Women and Mr. Martian could easily handle the situation without going on a death streak every time they breathed, she and her brothers were not that lucky.
But Bruce didn't listen to her, no by any chance.
One by one they began to fall, all her family started to died, even her father amputated his leg after a bad mission plan, until, in an intent of being helpfull (she had simply fled across town looking for medicine for her father's fever), a porthole opened and she fell to that new world where his father and brothers were safe.
Did she ever forgive Bruce for that? No, even in that world where none of that happened, she couldn't forgive the fact that her mother decided to sacrifice himself and his siblings when they could have found another way to save themselves.
Bruce? He will never forgive himself when he finds out that it was his fault and his stubbornness that caused his family to perish. Even more so when he finds out that his daughter, with whom he fought the most and argued about escaping the planet to be save, in any case put his integrity at risk for wanting to save him from a fever that would have killed him anyway at the end of the day.
It hurts Dick to see how Batsis always jumps on him and the rest of his brothers to see if they have any bites or open wounds, Jason is destroyed to see how his sister shakes like a leaf, but he allows anyways to Damian to take her to the garden to get fresh air. Tim watches, in dispair, as she tries to learn all the first aid techniques and amputation procedures, because she is afraid to come back at any time and not know how to do it; Bruce cries when he sees how his daughter, his sweet girl, stores as much food as he can in hidden corners of the mansion and high on the roof; Damian can't help but feel weak when he sees, clearly sees and notices, how his sister is starving to eat any home-cooked food, but they end up throwing up when he takes a tentative bite and must go back to the canned goods.
It hurts everyone, it tears them apart, and she suffers in the process too. Of course, she no longer has to run for her life every hour, she can breathe easy, she can have all the canned goods she wants and she knows that her brothers and her father will be with her after she closes her eyes and opens them again. .
Psychiatric treatments only work in part, therapies are somewhat slow and not easy to achieve. I mean, no one can tell a specialist doctor that she comes from another universe, Harley Queen could be an option, she herself knows a lot of shit about the multiverse and astuff, but even after a general check-up she had told Bruce, no matter how much treatment she could give him toast to Batsis, poor kid would be scarred forever.
At least the therapies help with the issue of food and hypervigilance. Outside of that, she will always need the support of others to get through everything else.
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skincare-product97 · 2 months
ProNail Complex
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Farewell Fungal Nails: My Positive Experience with ProNail Complex
I've always been particular about my nails. I love having them painted with a fun colour or a classic French manicure, but unfortunately, for a while there, fungal issues plagued my toenails. Discoloured, thick, and frankly, unsightly, they made me self-conscious and limited my footwear choices.
A Natural Solution
After trying various over-the-counter creams with little success, I stumbled upon ProNail Complex. What initially drew me to the product was its focus on natural ingredients. As someone who generally prefers a more holistic approach to health and beauty, this resonated with me. The formula boasts a blend of nourishing oils like chia seed, lavender, and lemongrass, along with vitamins and other fortifying elements.
Easy Application
ProNail Complex comes in a convenient spray bottle, making application a breeze. The mist is fine and easily reaches all areas of the affected nail. The instructions are straightforward: simply spray the product onto the affected nails after showering and bedtime. No harsh scrubbing or messy creams – a huge plus in my book!
Effective Results Take Time
I adhered to the recommended twice-daily application for three months. It's important to be patient with fungal nail treatments, as these issues don't clear up overnight. However, within a few weeks, I noticed a subtle improvement. The discolouration began to fade, and the overall appearance of my nails started to look healthier.
Long-Term Success
By the three-month mark, the transformation was undeniable. My toenails were clear, strong, and growing back healthily. I was finally able to wear sandals and open-toed shoes with confidence again. I've continued to use ProNail Complex occasionally even after achieving my desired results, simply as a preventative measure.
Beyond Toenail Fungus
While I primarily used ProNail Complex for my toenails, the product claims to be effective for both fingernails and toenails. It also highlights benefits beyond just treating fungal infections, boasting the ability to strengthen and nourish nails, promoting healthy growth, and improving overall nail appearance.
If you're struggling with fungal nails, I highly recommend giving ProNail Complex a try. Its natural formula, ease of use, and impressive results make it a fantastic option. While I can only speak to my own experience with toenails, the additional benefits advertised make it a well-rounded nail care solution. Remember, consistency is key with fungal nail treatments, but with some patience, ProNail Complex could be the answer to achieving healthy, beautiful nails once again.
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mmmorningjuice · 1 year
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Pie de Atleta
El pie de atleta es una infección causada por un hongo que se caracteriza por descarapelar la piel, o causar escamación.
Es un hongo perteneciente al grupo de los dermatofitos, que en condiciones de humedad se prolifera.
Recientemente me dio. Y acudí a opciones naturales para tratarlo, antes de acudir a fórmulas farmacéuticas. Probé dejarlo por una semana desde que lo noté, sin hacer nada. No se fue. Probé con aceite de árbol de té durante otra semana, y para mi sorpresa no me funcionó. Finalmente acudí al ajo, y fue excelente. En una semana empecé a ver cómo disminuía.
La foto 1 fue tras 3 semanas de tratamiento. La foto 2, uno de los momentos sin tratar. La ultima foto, después de parar el tratamiento.
Lo apliqué rallando el ajo con mi uña y frotándolo sobre las partes que estaban descarapeladas, dos veces al día.
Te sientes con ganas de compartir tu abundancia conmigo? https://www.paypal.me/anmaheca
Nequi: 319 564 4484 https://recarga.nequi.com.co/bdigitalpsl/
¡Abundancia! \o/
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Athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is an infection caused by a fungus that is characterized by peeling the skin, or causing scaling.
It is a fungus belonging to the group of dermatophytes, which proliferates in humid conditions.
I recently got it and I turned to natural options to treat it, before turning to pharmaceutical formulas. I tried not doing anything for a week, since I noticed it. It got worse. I tried tea tree oil for another week, and to my surprise it didn't work for me this time. I finally applied garlic, and it was excellent. Within days I began to see how it was healing.
Photos 1 and 2 were after 3 weeks of treatment. Photo 2, was untreated. The last photo, after stopping the treatment.
I cut the garlic with my fingernail and rubbed it on the parts that were peeling, twice a day.
Do you feel like sharing your abundance with me? https://www.paypal.me/anmaheca
Nequi: 319 564 4484 https://recarga.nequi.com.co/bdigitalpsl/
Abundance! \o/
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IG account:
#ajo #garlic #alho #naturalMedicine #medicinaNatural #athletesFoot #pieDeAtleta #fungi #hongos #healing #sanación
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A Talk With Death
“What’s your alibi?” I asked, tapping my pen against the table absently.
The girl looked at me for the first time. She seemed sad, but the guilty were always like that. They knew there was nothing left to fool the judges with.
“My alibi?” She whispered, eyes like spilled ink. “What does it matter?”
“To prove your innocence.”
“You know I’m not innocent.”
“Then plead guilty. I don’t care.”
Her fingernails drummed against her thigh as her gaze wandered off into the distance. “You know what’s funny?”
“I’m like a fungus.”
“Okay. What about it?”
“Everything in this world will decay. There’s no denying it. When the last tree falls and there’s nothing left but death upon the face of the earth, guess what’ll end up thriving?”
I didn’t answer. Where was this even going? Either she didn’t notice my silence or she didn’t care, because she just kept talking.
“The fungi. You can’t kill them, because they live in death. You can only lie down and hope they embrace you as one of their own.”
“What does this have to do with anything?” I asked, irritated. The girl’s gaze snapped back to my face, and I was surprised to see laugher in her eyes.
“Because I thrive off of death. I live because others have died.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
She sighed, leaning back and smiling as if she were content. As if anyone could be content in this hellhole. “It never does.”
“Can we get back to formulating an alibi?”
“The only constant in life is death-“
“-and yet you live like it’s something that only happens to others. A sickness you try to avoid.”
“I really don’t care,” I muttered, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Why did I ever decide to be a lawyer? I supposed I’d never anticipated working with crazy little crackpots like this one.
“You should care.”
“Oh yeah? Why?”
“Because they’ve already taken you.”
That caught my attention. I frowned at her. “What are you talking about?”
She leaned forward, hair brushing the table in a silent whisper. I could have lost myself in those eyes.
“Wake up.”
Water filled my nose and chest. I choked and spluttered, fighting my way towards the surface. If there even was a surface. Her face was tattooed into my eyelids, following me wherever I went. I began to sink.
A hand grabbed me by the nape of my neck, lifting me up through the water, out of the darkness.
Air. Glorious air. I sucked in with spasming breaths, ignoring the pain.
“Another one.” Said the voice.
“Euck, already rotting. Doesn’t anyone have the sense not to dump infected bodies in the lake?”
“The sickness is claiming them fast. I’ll bet this one drowned before he was infected.”
“The last one babbled about seeing a woman. Do you think this one will, too?”
“Dunno. Help me lift him.”
The hands wrapped around me. I tried to speak, but my tongue felt too thick and heavy. The only sound that came from my mouth was a string of rattling moans and coughs.
“Stupid zombie. Stop thrashing.” One muttered angrily.
Not a zombie, I thought desperately. But I couldn’t speak.
I felt myself being tossed through the air, landing hard on a pile of wood. I squealed in protest and raked my fingernails against any surface within reach.
“Watch it! Don’t let him get you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Something cold splashed against my skin. I recognized the sweet smell of gasoline.
Before I could shout, the flames roared to life.
The only thing louder than my screams of agony were the girl’s silky giggles pressing in on on my eardrums.
“I live on, because of you.”
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biogxcovid19 · 5 days
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Nail Fungus – Sample-Ready™ Reagents
Fungal nail infections commonly affect the toenails, but can also occur on the fingernails. Additionally, individuals with a weakened immune system can be at higher risk to develop a nail fungus infection. 
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dankusner · 7 days
Rare sexually transmitted ringworm found in US
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Medical experts are warning doctors and the public of a rare, highly contagious fungal strain after the first report of sexually transmitted ringworm in the U.S.
According to a report released Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology, the first case involved a New York City man in his 30s who developed tinea, also known as ringworm, after having sex with men during trips to California, England and Greece.
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When the man returned home, according to the case study, he developed an itchy, red rash on his groin, genitals and buttocks.
Tests confirmed he had contracted the rare, sexually transmitted fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII.
'Healthcare providers should be aware that Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII is the latest in a group of severe skin infections to have now reached the United States,' Avrom Caplan, the report’s lead author and a dermatologist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, wrote in a university news release.
Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII is a drug-resistant fungus that causes skin disease in animals and humans and can be acquired through sexual contact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In the report, Caplan wrote that the rash may look more like an eczema flare-up than a ringworm infection, which usually forms in a circular pattern on the skin.
The dermatologist said the infection is not fatal but can cause permanent scarring.
Caplan said he identified the first two cases of a different ringworm infection last year.
Those infections, caused by Trichophyton indotineae, are not sexually transmitted infections but are contagious and drug-resistant, the doctor reported.
Since then, Caplan’s NYU Langone Health team has identified 11 cases of Trichophyton indotineae ringworm in New York City, man yof them linked to travel in South Asia, according to a report published in JAMA Dermatology in May.
The report indicates the fungus is an emerging public health threat because it is resistant to standard therapies, including first-line antifungals, such as terbinafine.
Terbinafine, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a prescription tablet used to treat jock itch, athlete’s foot and other fungus infections of the body, scalp, fingernails and toenails
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What are the best socks to wear to prevent foot fungus?
To forestall foot growth, it's fundamental for wear the right sort of socks that are breathable, dampness wicking, and produced using materials that assist with keeping your feet dry. Here are the absolute best socks to wear to forestall foot organism:
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Cotton socks: Cotton socks are breathable and retain dampness, pursuing them a decent decision to forestall foot growth. In any case, on the off chance that you have sweat-soaked feet, cotton socks may not be the most ideal choice.
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Bamboo socks: Bamboo socks are turning out to be progressively famous because of their dampness wicking properties, which assist with keeping your feet dry and forestall organism development.
Merino fleece socks: Merino fleece socks are additionally dampness wicking and can assist with keeping your feet dry. They are likewise breathable, pursuing them a brilliant decision to forestall foot parasite.
Manufactured socks: Engineered socks produced using materials, for example, polyester or nylon are dampness wicking and can assist with keeping your feet dry. Be that as it may, they may not be just about as breathable as normal filaments like cotton, bamboo, or fleece.
No matter what the kind of socks you pick, it's crucial for change them regularly, particularly assuming your feet will generally perspire. Also, it's essential to rehearse great foot cleanliness, for example, washing your feet everyday, keeping them dry, and trying not to walk shoeless openly puts.
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tarzantips · 12 days
Home Remedies for Nail Fungus: Treating and Preventing Fungal Infections
Onychomycosis, a common medical condition that affects both fingernails and toenails, is also referred to as nail fungus. It is a fungal infection that can cause the nails to crumble, thicken, and change color.
While seeking medical advice is always advised for an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment, some DIY home remedies for nail fungus can help control and lessen fungus symptoms.
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Home Remedies for Nail Fungus
1. Turmeric Paste
The antifungal compound curcumin is found in turmeric.
How to prepare:
Apply a paste made of turmeric powder and water to the diagnosed nails. Rinse after 30 minutes of leaving on. Do it every day.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Because apple cider vinegar has antifungal qualities, it is a popular home remedy for nail fungus.
How to prepare:
In a basin, combine equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. Soak the afflicted nails in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes every day. The fungus's habitat becomes uninhabitable by the vinegar's acidity.
3. Tea Tree Oil
The antifungal and antiseptic qualities of tea tree oil are widely recognized.
How to prepare:
Using a cotton ball or swab, apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected nails. To see results, repeat this procedure twice a day for a few weeks.
4. Baking Soda
Nail fungus can be treated with baking soda, an adaptable ingredient with antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
Make a paste by combining baking soda and water, then apply it straight onto the nails that are impacted. After leaving it on for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and completely dry.
5. Coconut Oil
Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have antifungal properties.
How to prepare:
Several times a day, massage the surrounding skin and affected nails with pure, organic coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and nails in addition to helping in the fight against the fungus.
6. Listerine Foot Soak
Treating nail fungus may also benefit from Listerine mouthwash's antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
Use undiluted Listerine to soak those with painful nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day. The mouthwash's antifungal and antiseptic components are work together to help control the fungus.
Read: Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching
7. Proper Foot and Nail Hygiene
To prevent and treat nail fungus, maintaining proper foot and nail hygiene is essential. This involves using fresh, breathable socks, keeping the feet dry and clean, and routinely filing and trimming the nails.
Another way to lower your risk of fungal infections is to avoid going barefoot in public places like gyms, locker rooms, and swimming pools.
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8. Oregano Oil
Nail fungus may respond well to the antifungal and antibacterial qualities of oregano oil.
How to prepare:
Apply oregano oil to the crippled nails with a cotton ball after diluting it with carrier oil, such as coconut oil. After about 30 minutes, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide
Nail fungus can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, which has antiseptic qualities.
How to prepare:
In a basin, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, then soak those with affected nails for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, make sure the nails are completely dry to avoid moisture accumulation, which could make the fungus worse.
10. White Vinegar
Because of its acidic nature, white vinegar, like apple cider vinegar, may help to create an environment that is unfavorable to nail fungus.
How to prepare:
In a bowl, combine equal parts white vinegar and water, then soak those with sore nails for 15 to 20 minutes every day. To avoid moisture retention, thoroughly dry the nails after soaking.
11. Garlic
Nail fungus may be treated with the help of garlic's related antifungal qualities.
How to prepare:
To make a paste, crush a few garlic cloves and combine them with olive oil. Wrap the injured nails with a bandage after applying the paste. After a few hours, leave it on and thoroughly rinse and dry.
12. Maintain a Healthy Diet
The immune system, which is essential for keeping off fungal infections, can be strengthened by eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
To support general health and immunity, include foods like yogurt, garlic, ginger, and leafy green vegetables in your diet.
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healthsupplement24 · 29 days
MetaNail complex™ | Buy Now Official Store
MetaNail Complex
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MetaNail Serum Pro is a highly effective nutritional aid that has been formulated using natural components. It is developed to mend and soothe damaged nails, promoting healthy nails and attractive feet.
It offers benefits that are both spectacular and long-lasting, while at the same time delivering outstanding support for the wellbeing of your toenails.
Visit Official Website- MetaNail Serum Pro
MetaNail Complex Chosen By Many!!!
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FDA Approved
MetaNail complex supplement is manufactured in a FDA registered facility. 
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100% Natural
with ingredients sourced from local growers that let plants naturally reach their full maturity and use no chemical treatments
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Made In USA
MetaNail complex supplement is manufactured in the USA.
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GMP Certified
MetaNail complex upholds the highest standards by using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.
MetaNail Complex Chosen Across the Globe
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"The Metanail Serum Pro is unlike anything I've ever used! The end results were more than beyond my expectations; my nails have never looked more beautiful. Additionally, the price is very reasonable.."
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"At first, I wasn't completely sure that I required this, but now that I've had some experience with it, I can confidently say that it is unquestionably necessary... Excellent outcomes in a remarkably short amount of time."
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"My unattractive toenails and feet have always been a source of embarrassment for me. No longer, though! Don't give it another moment of your attention. Just do it, because once you have it, you will finally feel 100 percent proud of your feet"
What is MetaNail Complex Supplement?
MetaNail Serum Pro is a potent supplement that has been produced with natural ingredients. It is designed to repair and soothe healthy nails and beautiful feet. It provides remarkable and long-lasting advantages while also providing superior support for the health of your toenails.
This serum does not cause any adverse effects and can be used by anyone who has a toenail that is infected with fungus and is swollen.It will fully alter your diseased skin every day while also constructing a protective layer and reducing the damage caused by free radicals.
The MetaNail Serum Pro is a 20-in-1 liquid serum that can be placed directly onto your infected skin to allow it to mend and repair the foot for a radiant appearance. MetaNail Serum Pro delivers feet that are smooth and free of yellow strain and fungal infection, and it operates significantly better than an oral supplement.
Your nails' health is supported by the presence of the natural ingredient that originates from nature and is added in the appropriate proportion. You can quickly restore beautiful, strong, and long nails and feet, which will relieve the stress that has been plaguing you for the past year within a couple of weeks.
This solution will help you regardless of whether you are battling nail fungus, nail discoloration, or slow nail development. Your nails are given a new lease on life as a result of the faster development that is promoted by this treatment. Additionally, their natural color and sheen are restored, and a compelling beauty that attracts attention is revealed.
How Does Metanail Serum Pro Work?
The Metanail Serum Pro has a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and highly effective extracts from several botanicals in its formulation. Your nails will reap the advantages of a symphony of different ingredients, each of which has been painstakingly selected for its own qualities.
The active components of the serum begin to do their jobs as soon as it is applied. They provide the nail matrix with critical nutrients through direct delivery. This targeted nutrition helps strengthen the structure of your nails from the inside and protects them against breakage and brittleness, which can cause them to become weak and inflexible. As a direct consequence of this, your fingernails will become harder and more resistant to the damage caused by day-to-day use.
Metanail Serum Pro addresses a number of issues that are typical for nails. The problem of nail fungus, as well as discoloration and oxidative damage, can be helped by using ingredients such as antifungal medicines and antioxidants. They protect your nails from damage caused by damaging free radicals and create a healthy environment in which your nails can develop, which results in your nails appearing more vibrant and youthful.
In addition to this, the hydrating qualities of the serum are an extremely important factor. They help prevent peeling and promote overall nail health by infusing your cuticles and nails with much-needed hydration, which helps fight dryness and promote overall nail health. The retention of this moisture not only makes your nails more flexible and elastic, but it also increases their natural shine and gloss, leaving you with nails that radiate elegance.
MetaNail complex Supplement: Is it Safe and Protected?
MetaNail Complex Supplement is a safe and effective product for promoting healthy nails and feet. This supplement is made with natural ingredients and is safe for most people to use. However, it is crucial to check the specific ingredients to ensure that you are not allergic to any of them.
It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplement, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions, are pregnant, or are currently taking medications.
To ensure the product's quality, it is important to choose supplements manufactured in an FDA-approved facility that follows good manufacturing practices. This guarantees that the supplement is of high quality, safe, and reliable.
By following the product's usage instructions and considering these factors, MetaNail Complex Supplement can help support healthy nails and feet safely and effectively.
Metanail Serum Pro Ingredients
Metanail Serum Pro is made up of a huge variety of organic and natural ingredients, some of which are as follows:
Witch Hazel
The witch hazel plant is either a shrub or a small tree. It has characteristic yellow blossoms and is particularly well-known for the abrasive and relaxing effects that it possesses. The leaves, bark, and twigs of the plant are the primary sources from which witch hazel extract is produced. This extract is then used in a wide variety of cosmetics and healthcare products. Tannins, flavonoids, and volatile oils are some of the beneficial components that may be found in witch hazel extract, which are some of the factors that contribute to the extract's curative properties.
Scots Pine
The Scots Pine that makes up the Metanail Complex is originally from both Europe and Asia. The leaves are shaped like needles, and the bark has a rusty brown color. The lumber, essential oils, and traditional applications of Scots Pine all contribute to the tree's high value. The aroma of the essential oil that is extracted from its needles is noted for being invigorating, and scent therapists employ it because of the energizing effects that it has. Scots Pine is also linked to a number of health advantages, including the ability to provide a sensation of relaxation, support for the respiratory system, and promotion of mental clarity.
Horsetail Extract
The horsetail plant is the source of the extract known as horsetail. Because of the possible benefits to health that horsetail extract may offer, it has been used for millennia in traditional medicine . Horsetail extract is well-known for the benefits that it provides for the hair, skin, and nails due to the presence of minerals such as silica, potassium, and manganese in its composition. It is believed that silica, in particular, can encourage the formation of collagen, which is a protein that is vital for the maintenance of healthy skin and connective tissues.
Gotu Kola
In the scientific community, gotu kola is referred to by its scientific name, Centella Asiatica. This herbaceous plant is indigenous to specific areas of Asia. Because of the possible health benefits it offers, it has been used for decades, if not centuries, in traditional medical practices such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It is believed that the medicinal benefits of gotu kola are at least partially attributable to the plant's high concentration of bioactive substances such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, and asiaticosides. The use of gotu kola in traditional medicine has been associated with a boost in cognitive function and an improvement in memory.
Rosemary is a plant that is native to the area that is now known as the Mediterranean. It is widely used in cooking and has also been investigated for the possible benefits it may have on one's health. In addition to rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, rosemary also has a number of essential oils, including cineole and camphor, which are also considered to be active chemicals. These components contribute to its distinctive perfume as well as the possible medicinal benefits it may offer. Rosemary is rich in antioxidants, which play a role in protecting cells from the damaging effects of oxidative stress.
Pelargonium graveolen
South Africa is the country of origin for the fragrant flowering plant known as Pelargonium graveolens. The fragrant leaves and stunning blossoms of this plant are the primary reasons for its widespread cultivation. The leaves and stems of the geranium plant are used to make the essential oil, which is known for its wide range of possible applications and advantages. Citronellol, geraniol, and linalool are some of the components that can be found in geranium oil. Because of its mood-enhancing and calming properties, geranium oil is frequently used in the practice of aromatherapy.
Glycerin is a liquid substance that is odorless and colorless and is generated from the natural fats and oils found in foods. It has a pleasant flavor and is used in a wide variety of businesses, such as those involved in the manufacture of food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. It is an effective humectant, which means that it draws in and keeps the moisture that is present in its surrounding environment. It prevents dryness and helps maintain a healthy skin barrier by contributing to the hydration and moisturization of the skin.
Lemon Peel Extract
The extract of lemon peel is a unique, naturally occurring component that provides a wide variety of advantages. Lemon peel contains a high concentration of antioxidants, which defend our systems against potentially damaging free radicals. Lemon peel is obtained by peeling lemons. This extract is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient for maintaining an effective immune system and encouraging the development of healthy skin. Lemon peel extract imparts a zesty flavor and invigorating scent to anything it is used for, whether it be in the kitchen or on the skin.
Aloe Vera
A multitude of benefits conferred by aloe vera confer upon it the status of a veritable skincare superhero. The substance, which is similar to a gel, is loaded with healing powers and works miracles. It offers immediate relief and contributes to the healing process at the same time. Because of its mild properties, aloe vera is an ideal choice for people who have sensitive skin because it lowers redness and soothes inflammation. In addition, it has the potential to be a hidden weapon for supporting healthy hair and scalp, reducing frizz, and nourishing the hair from the root all the way to the tip.
Hyaluronic Acid
The presence of the naturally occurring component hyaluronic acid in the body confers a number of benefits on both the condition of the skin and the performance of the joints. It does this by acting as a powerful humectant, which means that it draws in and holds onto moisture. This causes the skin to become more hydrated and plump. Hyaluronic acid has been shown to help increase the flexibility of the skin, which in turn reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, an essential nutrient, provides a variety of benefits that are helpful in preserving one's overall health. It has powerful antioxidant properties, which enable it to shield cells from the harm that can be caused by free radicals. This contributes to a strong immune system. Vitamin C is an essential component in the production of collagen, which helps to maintain healthy skin, bones, and blood vessels. It helps in the absorption of iron, which is essential for the synthesis of red blood cells.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that offers a variety of benefits for achieving and maintaining optimal health. It helps protect cells from being damaged by free radicals, which is beneficial for having a strong immune system. It is well known that vitamin E contributes to the promotion of healthy skin by helping to keep the skin moisturized and reducing the appearance of signs of aging. In addition, it protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation and promotes good blood circulation, all of which are important factors in maintaining healthy cardiovascular systems.
MetaNail Complex Supplement Benefits
The following is a list of some of the incredible advantages afforded by the use of Metanail Serum Pro:
The chemicals in Metanail Serum Pro work from the inside out to strengthen your nails. It fortifies and safeguards your nails at the same time. Say goodbye to brittle, weak nails! 
Improved Nail Growth: Because the serum encourages the growth of strong nails, it can help you get the long, gorgeous nails you've always wanted. Observe how your nails grow in strength and length.
Enhanced Nail Appearance: As a result of the moisturizing effects of the serum and the vital nutrients it contains, your nails will appear more youthful, vibrant, and shiny than ever before.
Putting an End to Nail Problems: No more fungus, discoloration, or damage to the nails. Your nails will be returned to their original, healthy form with the help of the active substances found in the serum, which help address these difficulties.
Hydration of the Cuticles and Nails: The moisturizing effects of the serum will also take effect on your cuticles in addition to your nails. It prevents dryness and other unpleasant cuticle problems while also softening and moisturizing the cuticles.
Simple Application: Applying the serum is a break. Put a few drops of the liquid onto the nails, and then massage the skin around the nails light.
Dosage Recommendation - MetaNail Serum Pro
The 30-ml container of MetaNail Serum Pro, which lasts 30 days when used as directed, comprises a liquid solution. Apply between three and six drops of the serum to the region of your skin that is affected. Kindly give it a very light massage, and then let the supplement handle the remainder of the process. For the desired results, continue using MetaNail Serum Pro for at least an additional 30 days each month.
As you continue to do this, you will notice a difference in your toenail, which will no longer have any bruising, breakage, or dryness and will instead have skin that is clear and soft. In addition, make sure to follow these supplementary guidelines to give your system an additional boost in the right direction.
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
In the first sixty days after your purchase of Metanail Serum Pro, you are entitled to a refund of the whole cost of the product, no questions asked. You may discover information regarding the cancellation and refund procedures on our official website. As a result, you may rest easy and be aware of everything around you thanks to the fact that your financial future is protected. You have nothing to lose by giving Metanail Complex a try thanks to our money-back guarantee, which states that you will get your money back in full if you are dissatisfied with the results the supplement produces.
Metanail Complex Supplement FAQs 
Will I experience any benefits from using Metanail Complex?
We are certain that it will perform miracles for you, just as it has for thousands of other people who have purchased our products. Despite this, it is possible that some persons will take longer than others to respond to the protocol. We propose that you give Metanail Complex a fair chance, just as we do with other natural remedies, so that your body can fully take advantage of all of the powerful elements and start absorbing them. 
Is there a policy about refunds for the transaction that I just made?
Yes. The 60-Day, One Hundred Percent Money-Back Guarantee offers full protection for your financial investment. This implies that over the next two full months after your purchase, you have the right and the ability to request a refund of your money if you are not satisfied with or if you simply changed your mind about the purchase. 
Does your product require repeated payments?
You will only be required to make a single payment to acquire Metanail Complex, which can be done right here on this page. This product does not require any additional payments in the future from the customer in order to receive the benefits. 
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lyonsbarry · 30 days
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Nails, often overlooked but vital for our overall well-being, serve more than just a cosmetic purpose. They protect our fingertips and provide sensory feedback, making them essential for our daily activities. However, issues like slow nail growth or nail disorders can impact their strength and appearance. In this blog, we’ll explore the fascinating process of nail growth and delve into common nail disorders, along with their symptoms and treatments.
Understanding Nail Growth: Nails, composed of a protein called keratin, grow from the nail matrix located beneath the cuticle. The rate of nail growth varies among individuals and is influenced by factors such as age, genetics, overall health, and nutritional status. On average, fingernails grow about 3 millimeters per month, while toenails grow at a slower rate.
Factors Affecting Nail Growth:
Nutrition: Adequate intake of nutrients like protein, biotin, vitamins (particularly B vitamins), and minerals (such as iron and zinc) is crucial for healthy nail growth.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining nail health and preventing dry, brittle nails.
Blood Circulation: Good blood circulation to the fingertips promotes nail growth by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the nail matrix.
Common Nail Disorders:
Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus): Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that affects the nails, usually starting at the edge or under the nail. Symptoms include thickening, discoloration, crumbling, and distortion of the nail. Treatment may involve antifungal medications, topical treatments, or, in severe cases, surgical removal of the nail.
Ingrown Toenails: Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the nail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, swelling, and sometimes infection. Treatment may involve soaking the affected toe in warm water, gently lifting the edge of the nail, and wearing properly fitting footwear. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Nail Psoriasis: Psoriasis can affect the nails, causing pitting, discoloration, thickening, and separation of the nail from the nail bed. Treatment options include topical corticosteroids, phototherapy, or systemic medications prescribed by a dermatologist.
Nail Trauma: Trauma to the nails, such as repeated pressure or injury, can result in nail abnormalities, including ridges, grooves, or deformities. Treatment depends on the severity of the injury and may involve protecting the nail and allowing it to grow out naturally.
Beau’s Lines: Beau’s lines are horizontal ridges or depressions that occur across the nails due to temporary disruption in nail growth, often caused by illness, injury, or certain medications. Treatment focuses on addressing the underlying cause, and the lines typically grow out over time.
Brittle Nails: Brittle nails are prone to splitting, peeling, and breaking, often due to factors such as dryness, nutritional deficiencies, or excessive exposure to water and harsh chemicals. Treatment involves moisturizing the nails, protecting them from trauma, and addressing any underlying deficiencies.
Conclusion: Nails are not just a canvas for colorful polish; they are indicators of our overall health and well-being. Understanding the factors that influence nail growth and recognizing common nail disorders can empower us to take better care of our nails. By adopting healthy habits, seeking prompt treatment for any nail abnormalities, and nourishing our bodies with a balanced diet, we can nurture stronger, healthier nails for a lifetime.
(via Nail Growth and Common Nail Disorders)
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VLCC Institute how to take care for your nails
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Nail Care – the maintenance of the fingernails and toe nails is important for health as well as cosmetic reasons. Good nail care can prevent fungus infections of the nail, painful ingrown fingernails and toenails, and infections of the skin in the hands and feet. Nail care is especially important for those with diabetes, as infections of the feet in particular are dangerous. Clean and well maintained nails not only look beautiful but also reflect the personality of a person. Since the nails are constantly growing, some people think that it would eventually grow back again so they tend to neglect them which is not a good practice as other people are stealthily observing their cleanliness. Clean hands and proper nail care are reliable ways to know if a person is hygienic. So, it is required to take proper care of nails, upon seeing clean hands people will be impressed. However, nails can also get easily damaged, whether from a bad manicure or just the everyday wear-and-tear of life. By practicing a few simple habits, you can make sure your nails are strong and well maintained no matter how hands on you get in other areas of your life.
Trim your nails straight across
This will help you avoid ingrown nails. Also try to cut your nails right after shower so that the nails are softer. If you would like to soften the corners or edges of your nails use a nail file or emery board.
File in a consistent direction to prevent weakening your nails. Filing back and forth severely damages nails over time.
Disinfect your nail care tools every month in 70 percent or stronger isopropyl alcohol.
To maintain nail flexibility and prevent nail splits, moisturize your nails after trimming them.
Avoid harsh nail polishes
Nail polishes that contain ingredients like formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate weaken the nail. Furthermore, repeatedly using bold pigmented colours can cause your nails to become yellowed or weakened.
 If you like using bold colours, try going “all natural” periodically between wears to give your nails a break.
Use gentle nail polish remover, a base coat, and a top coat
Acetone-free nail polish removers are mild and prevent your nail from drying out. When painting your nails, base coats help prevent your nails from getting stained. Top coats reduce the risk of nail polish chipping, and also reduces the frequency with which you have to remove the nail polish.
Moisturize your nails with oil to keep them flexible and strong
Like other areas of your body, your nails benefit from hydration. Before going to sleep, try dabbing almond or avocado oil onto your nail beds and cuticles to stop them from getting dry, brittle, or flaky.
 If you don’t have almond or avocado oil, use lip balm.
Cuticle moisturizers are also available for purchase at drug stores and beauty stores.
Add protein and omega-3 fatty acids to your diet
Keratin, the protein that makes up your nails, can be better produced if you’re consuming more foods like fish, nuts, and beans. You can also try taking daily supplements like biotin and fish oil, which can be found at your local grocery or health food store.
Vitamin B can also strengthen your nails, zinc can help eliminate white spots, and iron can help stop the formation of nail ridges.
Vitamin A and C keep your nails healthy, hydrated and glossy.
The recommended daily amount of protein is .8 grams (0.0018 lb) per 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of your body weight.
There is no recommended daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.
Avoid keeping your nails in wet or dirty environments
Conditions like that encourage the growth of bacteria beneath your nails, which can be difficult to dislodge. Furthermore, repeated lengthy contact with moisture can increase your likelihood of getting split fingernails.
 If you frequently wash dishes, garden, or clean with harsh chemicals, try wearing rubber or plastic gloves that can protect both your skin and fingernails from undue stress.
Take steps to stop if you bite your nails
While this can be a difficult habit to break, it’s important because your nails have germs and bacteria that can easily enter your body through abrasions created by your teeth.
 Try protecting your nails by painting a layer of clear gel on them, which may be more difficult to bite through.
You can also try using a nail polish that tastes bitter, so that the nasty taste discourages you from nail chewing.
Refrain from cutting and picking at your cuticles
While they may not always be aesthetically pleasing, cuticles actually protect your nail bed. Every time you trim your cuticles, you run the risk of giving yourself micro cuts that will allow contaminants like bacteria and fungi into your body. Those, in turn, can cause an infection.
If you absolutely need to make your nails appear more elongated, carefully push your cuticles away from your nail tips with the flat edge of a wooden stick. Avoid sharp edges when doing so.
It is a myth that regularly cutting your cuticles means they will grow faster when you stop.
Consult a doctor if your nails regularly cause you pain
If your nails are healthy, they will have no spots or discoloration, they will be the same colour throughout, and will also lack craters or depressions. The cuticles should be present, and the nail bed should be a whitish-pink colour. Things like pain, swelling, or blood in the nail area are cause for concern.
 You should also see your doctor if your nails stop growing out or start curling.
However, vertical ridges running the length of the nail are normal.
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ProNail Complex: A Miracle in a Bottle for My Battered Nails
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ProNail Complex: A Miracle in a Bottle for My Battered Nails
For years, I'd been self-conscious about my nails. Between constantly wearing shoes and the occasional bout of discolouration, they wer...Draft 1
ProNail Complex: A Miracle in a Bottle for My Battered Nails
For years, I'd been self-conscious about my nails. Between constantly wearing shoes and the occasional bout of discolouration, they were brittle, weak, and frankly, a bit embarrassing. I tried numerous over-the-counter treatments, but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference. Then, I discovered ProNail Complex, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
Easy Application, Visible Results
ProNail Complex is a dream to use. Unlike messy polishes or complicated creams, it comes in a convenient spray bottle. After showering, I simply spray the formula directly onto my nails and feet. The mist is so fine, it reaches every nook and cranny, ensuring complete coverage. The best part? It absorbs incredibly quickly, so I don't have to worry about greasy residue or waiting ages before putting on socks.
Within a few weeks of consistent use, I started noticing a significant improvement. My nails became noticeably stronger. They weren't snagging on everything in sight anymore, and they grew at a much faster rate. The discolouration also began to fade, revealing healthy-looking pink nails underneath.
Natural Ingredients, Powerful Effects
One of the things I love most about ProNail Complex is its natural formula. Having sensitive skin, I'm wary of harsh chemicals. ProNail Complex boasts a blend of potent oils, vitamins, and minerals, all designed to nourish and protect the nails. This natural approach gives me peace of mind, knowing I'm not putting anything harmful on my body.
While the exact ingredients aren't listed on the bottle (which would be a nice addition for transparency), reviews online suggest the formula includes ingredients like tea tree oil, known for its antifungal properties, and jojoba oil, a fantastic natural moisturiser. This combination seems to be incredibly effective. My nails not only look better, but they feel stronger and healthier overall.
More Than Just a Fungal Fighter
While ProNail Complex is marketed primarily as a toenail fungus treatment, I've found it to be incredibly beneficial for overall nail health. My fingernails, which were previously prone to splitting and peeling, have become noticeably more resilient. They now hold a polish beautifully, something I never thought I'd be able to say again.
I'm so impressed with the results I've achieved with ProNail Complex. It's a truly versatile product that has addressed all my nail concerns. If you're looking for a way to revive your nails and restore their natural beauty, I highly recommend giving ProNail Complex a try. It's a small investment for a big difference in the health and appearance of your nails.
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ProNail Complex: A Nourishing Solution for Healthy, Beautiful Nails
For years, I'd been struggling with weak and discoloured nails. No matter what I tried – strengthening polishes, dietary changes...Draft 2
ProNail Complex: A Nourishing Solution for Healthy, Beautiful Nails
For years, I'd been struggling with weak and discoloured nails. No matter what I tried – strengthening polishes, dietary changes, even home remedies – my nails remained brittle and prone to breaking. This took a toll on my confidence, especially when it came to getting pedicures or trying out new nail colours.
Discovering ProNail Complex
Then, I stumbled upon ProNail Complex online. The product's claims of promoting healthy nail growth and tackling fungal infections piqued my interest. Intrigued by the all-natural formula and the ease of use (a daily spray!), I decided to give it a go.
A Simple Yet Effective Routine
ProNail Complex arrived in a discreet package. The instructions were straightforward: simply spray the solution onto your nails after showering and allow it to absorb. I incorporated this step into my nightly routine, finding it to be quick and painless. The spray itself had a pleasant, slightly herbal scent that wasn't overpowering.
Signs of Improvement
Within a couple of weeks, I started noticing a positive change. My nails felt noticeably stronger and less prone to breakage. The discolouration, though subtle at first, began to fade gradually. I was impressed by the progress, especially considering how quickly I saw results.
Continued Use and Lasting Results
I've been using ProNail Complex for several months now, and I'm thrilled with the overall outcome. My nails are not only stronger and healthier but also visibly longer. They have a healthy shine I haven't seen in years. The discolouration has almost completely disappeared, and I can finally experiment with different nail polishes without worrying about chipping or breakage.
A Product Worth Recommending
ProNail Complex has become an essential part of my nail care routine. It's a convenient, effective, and all-natural solution that has truly transformed the health and appearance of my nails. If you're looking to ditch the brittle nails and embrace healthy, beautiful nails, I highly recommend giving ProNail Complex a try.
Disclaimer: It's important to note that individual results may vary. While ProNail Complex worked wonders for me, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before using any new product, especially if you have underlying health conditions.
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ProNail Complex: A Farewell to Brittle Nails and Hello to Healthy Growth!
For years, I've struggled with weak and brittle nails. They would constantly chip, peel, and break, making it impossible t...Draft 3
ProNail Complex: A Farewell to Brittle Nails and Hello to Healthy Growth!
For years, I've struggled with weak and brittle nails. They would constantly chip, peel, and break, making it impossible to grow them out to any decent length. I tried various strengthening treatments and polishes, but nothing seemed to work for long. Then, I discovered ProNail Complex, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer!
A Simple Yet Effective Solution
ProNail Complex is a spray-on formula that couldn't be easier to use. After showering, I simply spray it directly onto my nails and feet. The mist is very fine, ensuring even coverage, and it absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue. The best part? It only takes a few seconds each night, making it a seamless addition to my routine.
Strengthening and Nourishment
Within a couple of weeks of using ProNail Complex, I noticed a significant difference in my nails. They felt noticeably stronger and less prone to breakage. I was even able to clip them without worrying about them splitting halfway through. I believe this improvement comes from the product's blend of natural ingredients, including fortifying vitamins and nourishing oils. These ingredients seem to be working together to not only strengthen the existing nail structure but also promote healthy growth.
Visible Improvements and Increased Confidence
The most exciting change, however, has been the visible improvement in the overall appearance of my nails. The discolouration that often accompanied my weak nails has faded, and they now have a healthy shine. I can finally confidently paint my nails and enjoy the freedom of experimenting with different colours and styles. This newfound confidence in my nails has positively impacted my overall well-being.
A Gentle Formula with Lasting Results
I was initially apprehensive about using a spray for my nails, fearing it might be harsh or drying. However, I'm happy to report that ProNail Complex has been incredibly gentle on my skin and nails. There's been no irritation or discomfort at all. Additionally, the results seem to be long-lasting. Even after taking a break from using the product for a few weeks, my nails haven't reverted to their previous fragile state.
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with ProNail Complex. It's a simple yet effective solution that has transformed the health and appearance of my nails. If you're struggling with weak, brittle nails, I highly recommend giving this product a try. It might just be the answer you've been looking for!refreshRegenerate drafts volume_up
ProNail Complex: A Miracle in a Bottle for My Battered Nails
For years, I'd been self-conscious about my nails. Between constantly wearing shoes and the occasional bout of discolouration, they were brittle, weak, and frankly, a bit embarrassing. I tried numerous over-the-counter treatments, but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference. Then, I discovered ProNail Complex, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
Easy Application, Visible Results
ProNail Complex is a dream to use. Unlike messy polishes or complicated creams, it comes in a convenient spray bottle. After showering, I simply spray the formula directly onto my nails and feet. The mist is so fine, it reaches every nook and cranny, ensuring complete coverage. The best part? It absorbs incredibly quickly, so I don't have to worry about greasy residue or waiting ages before putting on socks.
Within a few weeks of consistent use, I started noticing a significant improvement. My nails became noticeably stronger. They weren't snagging on everything in sight anymore, and they grew at a much faster rate. The discolouration also began to fade, revealing healthy-looking pink nails underneath.
Natural Ingredients, Powerful Effects
One of the things I love most about ProNail Complex is its natural formula. Having sensitive skin, I'm wary of harsh chemicals. ProNail Complex boasts a blend of potent oils, vitamins, and minerals, all designed to nourish and protect the nails. This natural approach gives me peace of mind, knowing I'm not putting anything harmful on my body.
While the exact ingredients aren't listed on the bottle (which would be a nice addition for transparency), reviews online suggest the formula includes ingredients like tea tree oil, known for its antifungal properties, and jojoba oil, a fantastic natural moisturiser. This combination seems to be incredibly effective. My nails not only look better, but they feel stronger and healthier overall.
More Than Just a Fungal Fighter
While ProNail Complex is marketed primarily as a toenail fungus treatment, I've found it to be incredibly beneficial for overall nail health. My fingernails, which were previously prone to splitting and peeling, have become noticeably more resilient. They now hold a polish beautifully, something I never thought I'd be able to say again.
I'm so impressed with the results I've achieved with ProNail Complex. It's a truly versatile product that has addressed all my nail concerns. If you're looking for a way to revive your nails and restore their natural beauty, I highly recommend giving ProNail Complex a try. It's a small investment for a big difference in the health and appearance of your nails.
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rohitsir · 1 month
ProNail Complex Deliverable
Pronail Complex: A Natural Miracle for My Battered Nails
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I've always been a bit self-conscious about my nails. They're naturally thin and prone to splitting, and years of nail polish haven't exactly done them any favours. But the real blow came last summer when I noticed a discolouration under my big toenail. It turned out to be a nasty fungal infection – not something you want to advertise at the beach!
Battling the Fungus with Limited Success
I tried all the usual over-the-counter remedies – creams, gels, even those special socks. While they helped a little, the infection kept coming back. I was starting to think I'd be stuck with this forever. Then, a friend who suffers from occasional bouts of athlete's foot recommended Pronail Complex.
Discovering Pronail Complex
Intrigued by the all-natural formula and the mist spray application, I decided to give it a go. The website [Pronail Complex website, according to the search results, avoids mentioning specific URLs so I can't include it here] boasted a blend of powerful essential oils and vitamins, all clinically proven to combat fungal infections. The idea of a targeted spray that wouldn't leave my feet greasy also appealed to me.
Easy Application and Visible Results
Using Pronail Complex couldn't be simpler. After showering, I'd give my feet a quick spritz, focusing on the affected toenail. The mist absorbed quickly, leaving no residue. Within a few weeks, I noticed a real difference. The discolouration began to fade, and the nail itself started to look healthier and thicker.
Beyond Fungal Repair: Stronger, Healthier Nails
But the benefits went beyond just treating the fungus. All my nails, not just the affected one, seemed to be getting stronger. They weren't splitting as much, and they even had a bit of a natural shine. I was so impressed that I started using it on my fingernails as well. Now, I can finally paint my nails without worrying about them breaking halfway through the week.
A Safe and Effective Solution
I'm so glad I discovered Pronail Complex. It's a safe, natural solution that's not only effective but also easy to use. It's given me back my confidence and allowed me to enjoy having healthy, beautiful nails again. If you're struggling with fungal infections or just want to give your nails a boost, I highly recommend giving Pronail Complex a try.
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