#Finnish Lakeland
athingofvikings · 2 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 114: The Paragon Of Animals
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Chapter 114: The Paragon Of Animals
The Saami are a Finno-Ugric ethnic group indigenous to the Sápmi District of the North Sea Empire. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Saami's ethnic roots originated from the Uralic peoples to the southeast in the Volga Region between five and four thousand years ago. Migratory tribes of these people eventually pushed towards the Finnish Lakeland region approximately three and a half thousand years before present, and eventually spread through the highlands of the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsulas, mixing with the isolated groups already present and integrating them, creating the predecessors to the Saami people…
As one of the Sovereign Peoples of the North Sea Empire, the Saami, as a political unit, have the legal right to organize their own Things for internal self-government in their District, full representation in the Grand Thing, and to determine Saami tribal identification according to their own criteria…
Many Saami who live in the Sápmi District continue to maintain their traditional lifestyles, with herding reindeer, fishing, hunting, and forestry being dominant activities, while Saami who live outside of the District are noted as being disproportionately employed by House Haddock as Dragon Tenders for the Imperial Brooderies and Rookeries, a tendency that goes back to the founding of the Empire.
—Saami. (n.d.) In Wikikenna. Retrieved January 8, 1891
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thehappybroadcast · 1 year
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Finland first topped the World Happiness Report in 2018. The country has remained at the top of the rankings based on how the people there describe their personal sense of "wellbeing," according to the publication. The happiness score also considers countries' gross domestic product, social support systems, personal freedom and levels of corruption. We believe Finnish happiness stems from a close relationship with nature and our down-to-earth lifestyle," Heli Jimenez, Business Finland's senior director of international marketing said. "It's not some mystical state, but a skill that can be learned and shared." Those selected for the Masterclass of Happiness will work with coaches in four areas: nature and lifestyle, health and balance, design and everyday, and food and wellbeing. The happiness class will be held at the Kuru Resort in the Finnish Lakeland from June 12-15, with participants arriving on June 11 and leaving on June 16. Visit Finland will cover all costs for 10 people. Those interested in applying have until April 2. Applicants, who must be at least 18 years old, will have to complete a social media challenge on Instagram or TikTok in which they post a video "showing us what things make you believe you may secretly be a Finn," according to Visit Finland. Source: CBS News (link in bio) #finland #happiness #travel #goodnews https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLFN5CLeFQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 7 months
Hi, I love your original character Ahti II very much he has such a cool design. Does he live in fresh or salt water?
Thank you very much!! Ahti II is very special to me :D
Funny story, he is a brackish water dweller! His home is the Baltic Sea, which on average has a salinity of about 7‰ or 0,7%. By contrast, oceans on average have 35‰ or 3,5%! The salt content of the water is even lower the further you go from the ocean, and Ahtola, Ahti II's home city (and the capital of his country) is located pretty deep in the Baltic, it's somewhere between Sweden and Finland and south of Åland. There isn't very much salt ^^'
As he is away from home a lot as a teen (learning to be like the average person and whatnot) he enjoys the joys of swimming in pure freshwater too, in Finnish Lakeland in the summer!
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kivikunnas · 1 month
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gokitetour · 2 months
Amazing places to visit in Finland
Finland, nestled in Northern Europe, boasts pristine landscapes of lakes, forests, and the captivating Northern Lights. Renowned for its high-quality education, innovative tech industry, and love for saunas, Finns embrace a unique blend of modernity and nature, with a rich cultural heritage showcased in their design, music, and hearty cuisine.
Here are some amazing places to visit:
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Finland's vibrant capital city boasts beautiful architecture, cultural landmarks like the Helsinki Cathedral and Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, as well as numerous museums and galleries. Also Read: Japan visa
Known as the land of the midnight sun in summer and the northern lights in winter, Lapland offers stunning wilderness, reindeer safaris, husky sledding, and the chance to meet Santa Claus in Rovaniemi. Also Read: Egypt visa
Finland's oldest city, located on the southwest coast, is known for its medieval castle, the Turku Cathedral, and its vibrant riverside market. Also Read: Bangladesh visa
The Archipelago Sea:
Explore the stunning archipelago of thousands of islands off the southwest coast of Finland, offering opportunities for sailing, kayaking, and island hopping. Also Read: Belgium Visa
With over 180,000 lakes, Finland's Lakeland region offers breathtaking scenery, charming lakeside towns like Savonlinna, and outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, and hiking. Also Read: Greece visa
This lively city in northern Finland is known for its technology hub, cultural festivals, and beautiful parks along the Oulu River. Also Read: Norway visa
Wander through the cobblestone streets of this picturesque medieval town located on the southern coast, known for its colorful wooden houses and historic old town. Also Read: Sweden visa
Visit the medieval Häme Castle and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing in the surrounding scenic landscapes. Also Read: Singapore visa
Koli National Park:
Experience Finland's rugged wilderness in this national park in Eastern Finland, offering stunning views of forests, lakes, and hills, particularly from the iconic Ukko-Koli hill. Also Read: Germany visa
Åland Islands:
Explore this autonomous region of Finland located between Finland and Sweden, known for its unique blend of Swedish and Finnish culture, maritime history, and beautiful landscapes. Also Read: Canada visa
In conclusion, Finland's allure lies in its diverse landscapes, from the Northern Lights in Lapland to the vibrant city life of Helsinki. With its efficient visa process, exploring its wonders is hassle-free. Whether reveling in nature's beauty or immersing in cultural delights, Finland promises an unforgettable journey for every traveler. Finland visa opens doors to a land where enchantment meets modernity, offering experiences beyond compare.
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anirobot · 5 years
Sama suomeksi - Same in Finnish language:
Saimaannorppa saattaa selvitä tänä talvena ilman apukinoksia
Saimaannorppa saattaa tänä vuonna selvitä pesinnästään ilman apukinoksia.
Lunta on tullut aiempiin vuosiin verrattuna paljon ja tuuli on pöllyttänyt sitä norpan pesäpaikkojen luo.
Norppapesäpartiot tutkivat viikonloppuna luonnonkinosten tarvetta Saimaan norppaluodoilla. Tilanne näyttää hyvältä, kertoo Norppa-aktiivi Harri Ekholm.
Saimaa ringed seal - Wikipedia
Finnish Lakeland
Lake Saimaa
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swanandphoenixsong · 3 years
Aliit - Ao3
Chapter 3: Mandalorian History
Series: Part 2 of the Star Wars - Nouveau AU series
Chapter Summary: Here I will provide a history lesson, with Bo-Katan first, then with the cadets. With both parties, their perspectives are subjective, so keep that in mind.
In my version of events, Duke Adonai Kryze united the Mandalorian Clans on Kalevala as a faithful Mandalorian warrior, before adopting the New Mandalorians’ ideals (and becoming the Duke of the Mandalore sector) during Satine and Bo-Katan’s childhoods.
I’m adding Deputy Minister Jerec and Prince/Senator Tal Merrik to Satine’s family. Jerec will be Duke Adonai’s brother, and Tal Merrik would be related to Satine’s mother, who I’ve named Mirlia Merrik. Tal Merrik won’t show up too much yet, as I don’t know how to characterize him, but considering his title, I figured he had to have some relation Satine or Jerec.
Notes: With Kalevala, I wanted to bring back some diversity to Mandalorian culture (and their demographics/ethnicities). Specifically, I’m drawing from Maori & Oceanic cultures (from Boba & Jango Fett’s actor, Temuera Morrison, and Clan Ordo in KOTOR I & II and SWTOR) and Sámi & Finnish/Karelian culture (as the name Kalevala comes from a Finnish/Karelian epic). I’ve attempted to be respectful when reaching for inspiration but I can guarantee it’s not perfect. Please let me know if there’s anything that stands out glaringly.
I also researched the Mandalorians, the Ba’jurne Kyr’stad Mando’ad, and Jango Fett "Open Seasons" through Wookieepedia, but having not read the comics, I know my version of events may not match up, especially to fit in with Clone Wars canon, so try to keep that in mind. Also, the characters don’t know the full story, as the New Mandalorians have censored their history and Death Watch’s version of events has never been wholly accurate.
With the cadets, just wanted to address that I gave Soniee back her cybernetic visor and Korkie his ginger hair. You’ll see more of their characterizations here, along with my version of Bo-Katan and Korkie’s backstories. Keep in mind that the information may be skewed slightly, as for Korkie, he’s getting it secondarily from Satine and what Bo-Katan told him when he was still a child.
See my "Set-up" work for a full timeline of events prior to 19 BBY. archiveofourown.org/works/31826422/chapters/78866083
Translations of Mando’a: *Cabur’ade �� protectors or guardians, Kalevalan militia similar to the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn alor’ad – captain *Kaleval’ade – Mando’a term for Kalevalan chakaar – thief, petty criminal, scumbag; literally: "grave robber"; general term of abuse gar serim – you’re right, that’s it Ne shab’rud’ni . . . – "Don't mess with me..."; extremely strong warning likely to be followed by violence *k’susulu – (command) listen Kyr’tsad – Mando’a name for Death Watch; literally: "Death Society" *vod’ad – niece or nephew, or child of my friend ori’buyce, kih’kovid – "All helmet, no head." –Mandalorian insult for someone with an overdeveloped sense of authority ori’haat – I swear it, no bull udesii – "calm down" or "take it easy" or’dinii – moron or fool *ka’rta be’cabur – heart of a protector, guardian nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaaj’la – not gone, merely marching far away; a Mandalorian belief about death or afterlife ret’urcye mhi – may we meet again ner – my *ka’rta’ad – child of heart or soul, foundling, adoptive child beskad – beskar short-saber
– –
19 BBY – Esplanade, Kalevala, before Death Watch has fully set up camp on Zanbar
Bo-Katan may have been born on Mandalore, but Kalevala was home.
It was just as beautiful as she remembered it. Snow-peaked mountains to the north, bordering the grassy lakelands that met the gleaming oceans to the south. The evening market of Esplanade sparkled with hanging lanterns and strings of lights, the sound of drinking songs wafting in from docked ships or the bustling cantina. And the people– their wide demographics were much more diverse than they had been in Sundari. There were still pale-faced blondes and freckled gingers among them, but there were just as many with umber, tawny, ochre, and in-between brown shades of skin, with varied lengths of hair in curls, braids, or tussled waves from black, to mahogany, to russet, as well as lighter colors.
This, the rich diversity of Mandalorian culture, is what she had sorely missed during her days at the Academy.
While Pre Vizsla and most of Death Watch were setting up camp on Zanbar, Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls had traveled throughout the Mandalore sector, running recon, gathering resources, and recruiting more Mandalorians to their cause.
They had landed at the Merrik estate, just between the Sisu mountain range and the Fadno lakelands, and headed to Koha Bay’s coast to meet with civilians as well as members of the Cabur’ade, the local militia of Kalevala. They met in a dimly lit warehouse near the docks, giving the usual speech and handing out manifesto pamphlets to their audience. After, they gathered around tables and shared stories, building a rapport with their potential recruits.
Bo-Katan and her closest lieutenant, Ursa of Clan Wren on Krownest, sat at a table with Alor’ad Toa Ordo and his second-in-command, Lani Varad. Varad’s daughter, Kalei, closer in age to Bo-Katan and Ursa, stood at their side. The Varads had brown skin, a shade of dark bronze, and coarse umber waves tied back. In contrast, Ordo looked more beige, like a typical Sundari resident, but his skin was tanned and freckled from navigating under the sun. Like many Kalevalan locals, they were calloused and hardy, experienced in sailing the seas, harvesting the lakes, and hunting on the mountains. Many warriors of Mandalore had once been trained on Kalevala, before the New Mandalorians outlawed their old traditions.
Ordo set aside his drink and regarded Bo-Katan with his seasoned gaze. His voice echoed, surely overheard by nearby tables. He spoke with a voyager’s accent, the manner of his voice commanding respect. “I understand your plight. Many Mandalorians would appreciate the return of the old ways. But it was not long ago that Kalevala was a target of Death Watch’s schemes.”
Bo-Katan knew he spoke of the attack that killed Deputy Minister Jerec Kryze, just around two years ago, shortly after Senator and Prince Tal Merrik of Kalevala had been revealed as loyal to Death Watch and eliminated for threatening Duchess Satine and the passengers aboard the Coronet. Death Watch had orchestrated the attack on Kalevala in order to obtain recordings of Minister Jerec to be sent to Coruscant with Vizsla’s former second-in-command. After the assassin had failed their mission and the true recording had been shown in the Senate, Death Watch had lost favor with Count Dooku and the Separatists.
“However,” Ordo continued, “I do not speak for everyone here. Some Kaleval’ade already joined your cause when Merrik’s loyalty was revealed, while others were rightly upset by Jerec’s death and how the Separatists attempted to use his words for their own gain.”
“And what’s your view?” Bo-Katan asked, watching the other tables with her helmet’s HUD, measuring how they listened in to her and the captain’s conversation.
He looked her over, pausing at the Nite Owl and Clan Kryze sigils on her armor. “How’d you end up with Death Watch, anyway?” He asked instead, avoiding her question.
Bo-Katan barely managed not to sigh with contempt, and was glad that her vocoder didn’t pick up the stifled sound. She disliked sharing her personal history with recruits, but she understood that it helped to gain their trust. She just hoped they were worth the trouble.
“I was educated at the Royal Academy of Government on Mandalore. I had known Governor Vizsla of Concordia for most of my life.”
Although he hadn’t known of her personal history until a year ago.
“Why am I not surprised,” the elder Varad interrupted gruffly, “that sneaky chakaar would prey on naïve children to fill his ranks.”
Bo-Katan grit her teeth. “I was no naïve child when I joined. I grew up watching how the New Mandalorians stamped out anyone who disagreed with their views. I know what happened to the exiled warriors on Concordia, and how their sympathizers, regardless of their origins, suffered the same fate.”
Varad looked ready to argue, but Ordo held up a hand, asserting his authority. “That is true. But I wonder how much you know of what’s really been going on for the past forty years. I assume you know that the former Duke and his family were originally from Kalevala?” Bo-Katan nodded. “Are you also aware that Duke Adonai Kryze was once a warlord, and not a New Mandalorian pacifist?”
“Gar serim, he was exactly the faithful warrior that any Mandalorian should aspire to be. The New Mandalorians converted him and his allies to their cowardly beliefs.”
Ordo hummed. “That’s not entirely true.” He paused for a long moment, a faint glimmer in his eyes. “I actually knew Adonai, more than professionally. We were childhood friends, and fierce rivals as gangly teenagers. It was an honor to spar with him, and we trusted each other with our lives. When he united Kalevalan clans, my family was the first to ally with him. When he declared his intentions to marry the princess of House Merrik, I was the one who endorsed his character. He was a faithful Mandalorian warrior, through and through.”
Bo-Katan furrowed her eyebrows beneath her visor. “But he changed–”
“Not at first. That came later, after his children were born.” He refilled his drink and knocked it back. “Before then, before he united the clans, there were turf wars in our region. Another, much smaller, clan got caught in between them. We were young and reckless, so we ran towards the danger, and they were just as afraid of us. We didn’t know the damage the enemy had caused, it ended up poisoning their lands. We were hardy and strong, and although we tried to help them, the weakest among their families suffered. We watched them die, and could do nothing.” He shook his head, clearly haunted by the memories. “When we united the clans against the thugs, it was in honor of that clan. It was our vengeance, and our duty.
“But after he was married, after he had a family of his own, he didn’t want their future to be of blood and war. So the Kryze and Merrik clans joined the New Mandalorians, and together promoted diplomacy and nonviolence, further advanced the technology of Sundari, and earned sovereignty over the Mandalore Sector.”
Bo-Katan tipped her head knowingly. “And what of Clan Ordo? What of the Kalevalan clans he left behind?”
Ordo shrugged. “I respected his choices. I did not agree with them, but I understood. Others did not.”
“And those others fought back. They protested against the New Mandalorians, and he ignored their pleas. Do you know how bad it was in Aloriya before the Civil War broke out?”
Aloriya had been a former capital of Mandalore, years before Sundari came to prosper. The city had suffered over time, exploited for labor in manufacturing the technology that went into Sundari, and the New Mandalorians had neglected to remedy the pollution they caused.
His gaze narrowed. “I do. The year before the Civil War, there were disastrous storms and earthquakes on Kalevala, ruining homes and infrastructure, and our resources were unable to fully meet the expectations of Mandalore. Princess Satine wasn’t just sent to Coruscant to learn diplomacy. She was sent to learn of the Republic and determine if they were capable of sending aid without exploiting our vulnerability. The Mandalore Sector has been neutral and independent, separate from the Republic, for centuries, and for good reason.”
Bo-Katan slammed her fist on the table. “You’re ignoring a crucial detail, just as the New Mandalorians did. Aloriya was starving, and the Duke’s administration deliberately turned a blind eye toward their suffering. They would not share their resources with them, just because they were outsiders.”
Many members of Aloriya’s clans had been of diverse heritage or were non-humans, thus victims of discrimination and bigotry, which he would know, if he was as well-informed as he implied.
Ordo sighed heavily. “You are correct in that. But there is something more you do not understand. The administration was not wholly his.” His expression grew even darker than before. “The New Mandalorians have a long history of corruption and deceit. They are prejudiced against any offworlder, especially non-humans. Adonai had hoped to change them from the inside. He underestimated their biases, and often held his tongue when he should have challenged their reforms. In the end, any power he had, came from them.”
“If you knew this,” Bo-Katan spat, “then why couldn’t you convince him of the truth?”
Ordo shook his head. “Those fifteen years had changed him. He was in too deep and wouldn’t listen to reason. Just the same as you.”
“Ne shab’rud’ni . . .”
“K’susulu,” Toa whispered, and gestured for her to come closer, “Adonai was just one man in a game that’s been going on for centuries. And the New Mandalorians aren’t the only enemy here. Do you know the history of your beloved Death Watch?”
Bo-Katan grit her teeth and waited for him to continue.
“The Kyr’tsad has existed for far longer than you know. And they are just as prejudiced as the New Mandalorians. Do you know what part they played in the Battle of Galidraan?”
There was a beat of silence. This was something Bo-Katan did not know, and she was loath to admit it.
“How about this– do you know the names Tor Vizsla and Jaster Mereel?”
She did not.
“What of Jango Fett?”
That one she did know. Pre had said he was a common bounty hunter, and had no right to the armor he wore.
Ordo smirked, as if he knew that he had caught her. He took one last drink. “I know this is a battle I’ve already lost. You’re in a cult, vod’ad, and your sister has been groomed for her role since she was a child. It will take more than simple words for you to realize that. Come back when you’re willing to listen.”
Bo-Katan was baffled, and utterly seething. How dare he claim to know her story, or her identity as Satine’s sister? Her chair fell over with a deafening clack! when she stood too quickly. He was dismissing her like an unruly child, and part of her certainly wanted to react like one. But she knew all their efforts would go to waste if she threatened their captain, and so she simply left, her head held high and her back stiff.
She felt like a coward.
Wren and the others soon followed. They would find out tomorrow whether they had made any progress.
In the morning, they gained six recruits, and surprisingly, Kalei Varad was among them.
“Can I trust you?” Bo-Katan demanded, once she had cornered her in the hangar.
Kalei chuckled darkly. “You can trust me not to put a knife in your back. I use a rifle.”
Bo shoved her, not amused.
She laughed again. “What? I’m joking. I want to join you. I listened to what you said last night. Toa and my mother have higher priorities, they can’t leave the Cabur’ade. But I have no such responsibilities. And if we’re being honest, I think they respected what you said, much more than you realize. I know I did. Just don’t ask me to show Vizsla the same respect.”
“And why is that?”
“Ori’buyce, kih’kovid. You both have a talent for grand speeches. But on Kalevala, trust is earned with actions, not words.”
“And so I ask again,” Bo insisted, “can I trust you?”
Varad held up a hand with a smirk. “Ori’haat. Let me prove my loyalty with my actions. If I fail, you’re free to just shoot me.”
“I’m seriously contemplating it right now.”
She laughed again, and Bo was honestly annoyed. What is her game? She wondered wordlessly.
“C’mon, Princess, udesii. You’re the one that recruited me, remember?”
“I could revoke my invitation, specifically for you.”
“Naw, you want me around. Remember what Ordo said, that it was an honor to spar with Adonai?” Bo-Katan cocked her head minutely, and Varad grinned wider. “I think it’d be my privilege to spar with you.”
“You enjoy getting your ass kicked by a princess?”
“As I said, it would be my privilege.”
Bo-Katan shook her head with exasperation. “C’mon then, let’s get you some armor, or’dinii.”
“As you wish, Princess.”
– –        
19 BBY – Sundari, Mandalore, a few days before Maul executes Pre Vizsla
Korkie and the cadets had taken refuge in the safehouse the night of the first attack of the crime families. He knew the coordinates from years ago, as it had been a safe refuge during his childhood. He now shared it with his closest friends: Amis, Soniee, and Lagos, fellow cadets at the academy.
“So, what is this place?” Soniee had asked, flipping through holo-images on her wrist-display as they moved down to the lower level.
“It’s a safehouse of Auntie Satine’s. She and our family hid here whenever her position was threatened, but she hasn’t used it for a while now. I come here whenever she’s away on Coruscant, just as a precaution.”
The others continued on, Lagos making tea, Amis going to check the storage, and Soniee researching Death Watch and the crime syndicates at his side. Korkie sat at the dining table, scratching at his stiff neck, still uncomfortable with returning here.
Amis rejoined them a few minutes later, carrying a small crate. His eyes never left the short-saber hilt poking through the pile of family mementos and holo-images. “There’s a couple crates full of this stuff. Why did your aunt it keep them here, instead of at the palace? Looks personal.”
“Maybe it is personal,” Lagos said, setting down the tea.
Korkie took a cup gratefully, cherishing the warmth before he answered. “She didn’t want it in the palace, just in case.”
“In case someone found it?” Amis asked.
“In case she was killed.” Korkie corrected, taking one of the family portraits from the pile. “She wanted her family’s things to survive, even if her life was forfeit.” The portrait was of her family on Kalevala, about two years before the Mandalorian Civil War. At the back was her father, Duke Adonai Kryze, and his wife, Duchess Mirlia of House Merrik. Alongside them was Deputy Minister Jerec Kryze, and Mirlia’s younger sister, Lady Bes’laar Merrik. In front of them stood Jerec’s twin teenage daughters, Yaim and Arum, and between them, were adolescents Prince Tal Merrik and Princess Satine.
“Who’s that?” Amis asked, pointing to the toddler Satine held.
Korkie sighed again. Perhaps Satine had hidden this here, just to avoid questions like these. “It’s a long story, Amis. But I suppose I have the time to share it, as much of it that I know, anyway.” He dug deeper and found one of Satine’s old journals, turning to the page bookmarked with a metal hairpin, resembling a mandalorum lily. “Soniee?”
“On it.” She had lowered her visor slightly, probably letting her tech hack into the databases while they talked. She closed her research and set down her pack, taking out her tablet. She set it on the table and projected the New Mandalorians’ recent history, just under thirty years ago.
“Auntie Satine had a younger sister, Bo-Katan. She was born about six years before the most recent Mandalorian Civil War. Before their time, Satine and Bo-Katan’s father, Adonai Kryze, was essentially a warlord, attempting to unite the clans of Kalevala and Mandalore. After he married Princess Mirlia Merrik and started his family, he became a changed man. During Satine’s childhood, he converted to the New Mandalorians’ ways of pacifism and neutrality. A few years later, he had been appointed as ruler of the Mandalore sector.”
Amis frowned. “Mandalore has changed a lot in the last thirty years.”
Korkie nodded. “The New Mandalorians had been steadily growing in number and power over the past several centuries, but even more so now, in the twenty-three years since Satine became Duchess and the former warriors were exiled to Concordia. Clan traditions, warrior training, religious practices, they were all thrown by the wayside. What do you all know about your clan history?”
“Soniee probably knows the most.” Lagos said, taking a sip of tea as she sat across from Korkie. “My family is loyal to the New Mandalorians, and we idolize your aunt.” She ran a hand through her hair, probably missing the mandalorum lilies she used to wear. “They never taught me much of clan history, but I know our ancestors were as much brave Mandalorians as anyone else’s.”
Soniee placed her hand on her shoulder. “My family is similar, but I’ve done more research, of course. My family has kept old records dating back almost a century, and we may have more data off-world. They tried to keep it secret, but it was nothing my tech couldn’t handle. Clan Dochek was known for our inventive tactics, linguistic charisma, and technological adaptability.”
Amis snickered. “Something you inherited.” He looked up, locking eyes with Korkie. “Clan Ordo were faithful Mandalorians of Kalevala, before the recent Civil War, just like Clan Kryze.” He turned toward the crate, taking out the sheathed short-saber, almost cradling it in his hands. “My family and I were invited to visit my uncle on Kalevala, after we exposed Almec’s corruption. He showed me how to wield one of these. He said I may have the mind of a student, but I also had a ka'rta be’cabur. I told him I didn’t know what that meant, and he taught me everything he could in the short time we were there. I haven’t heard from him since we left, as he and my parents had a falling out. They won’t talk about him anymore. They probably think he joined Death Watch, but I doubt it.”
Korkie nodded. “Like you said, Clan Kryze were faithful Mandalorians once, but things changed. According to Auntie Satine, her father had seen the destruction and suffering of his people, and he wanted to bring peace. He took up pacifism and became a part of the New Mandalorians, as did many within his clan. His assassination is what started the most recent Mandalorian Civil War. At the time, Auntie Satine was on Coruscant, training in diplomacy. The Galactic Senate had her escorted back to Mandalore, protected by the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“I’ve heard of him,” Soniee brought up some records, showing the well-known Jedi Knights. “He more recently protected Satine during the Death Watch assassination attempts on Mandalore, the Coronet, and Coruscant.”
“Yes, Satine hadn’t seen Kenobi since they retook Mandalore, a year after the deaths of her parents.”
“It took them a year to get to here?” Lagos asked. “Must’ve been an eventful escort mission.”
Korkie smiled, skipping over pages in his Aunt’s journal. “It was. She hasn’t told me all of it, but I know she and Obi-Wan grew close, during that time. He’s been a good friend to her since then, especially when Deputy Minister Jerec died.”
Korkie looked up again, seeing Amis frown as he tightly gripped the sheathed saber. “My uncle told me about the bombing on Kalevala and how the Senate tried to twist Jerec’s words after his death. He was livid about it, even if he didn’t agree with the Minister’s pacifist ideals.”
Korkie nodded. “When Satine and the Jedi finally got to Mandalore, those same ideals had been tested. After assassinating the royalty and seizing resources for their people, the warrior clans fell into civil war, causing chaos within Sundari and Aloriya. Satine’s twin cousins, young adult daughters of Minister Jerec, were here too, as they were responsible for watching over Bo-Katan. By the time Satine and the Jedi rallied the New Mandalorians, one of the twins, Arum, had been killed. Clan Sharratt, who had orchestrated the assassinations and the war, had taken the remaining twin, Yaim, and Bo-Katan as hostages in Aloriya. Led by Satine and the Jedi, the New Mandalorians took siege of Aloriya and liberated her family, and Satine claimed her rightful mantle as Duchess, bringing an end to the War.”
The room went quiet, the others solemn. Soniee brought up the records of Satine’s homecoming and subsequent coronation. “There were calls for executions of the attackers.”
“Aunt Satine refused,” Korkie told them, “She wanted to honor her father’s wishes and spare their lives, despite all that they had done. Instead, they were exiled to Concordia, and Mandalorian Space was fully reformed with a more diplomatic government, disbanding the clan traditions of our ancestors. With Satine’s administration they established Sundari into the beacon it is today. But not everyone thought that was a good idea.”
Soniee brought up the star map of Mandalorian Space. “So, some of the warriors likely survived on Concordia, planting the seeds of Death Watch. Did Vizsla always sympathize with them, or was he converted? And what about Tal Merrik from Kalevala?”
“I don’t know,” said Korkie, “they had deceived Satine, while she believed everyone in her administration with staunch conviction. The last two years have weighed heavily upon her shoulders.”
“And what about Bo-Katan?” Lagos asked, “What happened to her and the cousin, Yaim, was it?”
Korkie sighed, looking back down at the journal. “Yaim stayed here with Satine and Bo-Katan, so that they could grow together, as a family, although they would make visits to Deputy Minister Jerec, as well as Lady Merrik and her family during Kalevala’s midsummer and midwinter holidays. Satine had established the Mandalorian royal guard, to protect her family’s lives as much as her own. Satine had her ethics and ideals as her driving force, wanting nothing more than to establish peace and neutrality, as her parents’ legacy. But Yaim and Bo-Katan were kept out of the spotlight, as they were traumatized by what they had witnessed in Sundari and Aloriya, and just wanted to be left alone. They didn’t always get along with Satine. This safehouse, and their trips to Kalevala, served as a refuge for them, away from politics and responsibilities.
“Yaim ended up meeting someone, on one of those visits to Kalevala, a couple years after the War. Their relationship helped her find happiness again, and Bo-Katan grew attached to both of them. Auntie thought that, for Bo-Katan, it was like having parents again.”
Korkie lifted the metal hairpin to show them, caressing its mended fractures. “This was Arum’s, before she died. It was Yaim’s most treasured possession, even though it had been broken by the tribal warriors. Yaim’s paramour, Arpat, repaired it with beskar as part of their marriage vows, about three years after they met, during the midsummer holiday. While Auntie Satine and Bo-Katan returned to Mandalore, she stayed behind on Kalevala.”
He passed the hairpin to Lagos and continued, “But there were secrets between Yaim, Arpat, and Bo-Katan.” Korkie looked to Amis again, focusing on the beskar saber he held. “Satine didn’t know much of it at the time, but she drew her suspicions together over the years. In secret, Yaim and Bo-Katan practiced old Mandalorian traditions and beliefs. Preserving the traditions gave Yaim closure for Arum’s death, and she shared that with Bo-Katan.
“Arpat had conflicting beliefs as well, having experienced the transition from clan traditions on Kalevala, rather than on Mandalore, the epicenter of the New Mandalorians’ administration. In the years before their marriage, Arpat and Yaim had taught Bo-Katan the archaic language of Mando’a, as well as the warrior culture, of armor and weaponry. Bo-Katan latched onto their teachings whole-heartedly, idolizing the ancient ways of our ancestors.
“During Satine and Bo-Katan’s next return for midwinter holiday, Yaim had discovered she was pregnant. When they discussed their future family, Arpat wanted Bo-Katan to stay with them on Kalevala. Yaim didn’t know if she could willingly separate Bo-Katan from her sister. Satine and Bo-Katan overheard them arguing about it and intervened. Satine and Arpat both said things they didn’t mean, and Bo-Katan, well–”
“She wanted to stay with them, didn’t she?” Amis interrupted, his voice shaky, but his gaze was tight, “If she thought of them as family, she would’ve– and it was what, five years after the War, right? So, she was like, eleven?”
Korkie nodded. “Yeah. She would be enrolling at the Royal Academy of Government the next year. Her relationship with Satine, during Bo’s early adolescence, was tense, to say the least.”
“I can imagine,” Soniee said, bringing up Kalevala on her tablet, “with knowing about Mandalorian traditions in secret, she probably resented her New Mandalorian education, as well as the time she spent away from Kalevala.”
“It was her lifeline,” Lagos whispered, setting down the hairpin. “If she was like Yaim, then Mandalorian traditions and beliefs were her connection to everything she had lost. Her parents and cousin Arum were all part of her life before the War, and with the reforms put in place by Duchess Satine and Deputy Minister Jerec, she was cut off from all that she had known. If she hadn’t had Yaim and Arpat preserving that culture, she would’ve lost it all.”
“Yes, and at the time,” Korkie continued, “Satine hadn’t discovered their secrets, as far as they knew. So, the argument was the climax of everything that had transpired without Satine’s knowledge. It only ended when Minister Jerec and the royal guard were alerted by their shouting. He made the decision for them, believing it was safer for Bo-Katan with the royal guard, and that it’d be better to continue her education on Mandalore.”
Korkie reached inside the crate, picking up another family portrait, “I was born within the next year, given the Kryze name to carry on the family legacy. Satine and Bo-Katan became my honorary aunts.” The portrait, as he showed to the others, was of his parents holding him as an infant, and Grandpa Jerec, Auntie Satine, and Bo-Katan standing around them. Yaim looked like her father, with ginger hair and high cheekbones, which Korkie inherited. But he would have Arpat’s nose and ears, which Bo-Katan had teased him about, as he grew up. She had been like an older sister to him, once upon a time.  
“Bo-Katan and Satine grew closer during her years at the Academy, especially when they stayed here at the safehouse. Despite Bo’s resentment toward the New Mandalorian ways, she could confide in Satine, missing Yaim and Arpat, and reminiscing about their lost family members. It was during this time that Satine had gleaned the truth. There would be things that Bo-Katan would say, things she couldn’t have remembered or couldn’t have learned in her education. However, even when three years had passed since the climactic argument, she delayed confronting anyone about it, not wanting to upset her family.
“During the next midwinter holiday on Kalevala, while Jerec, Satine, and Bo-Katan watched over me, my parents had planned a few nights alone together in the mountains. There was a tempestuous blizzard, causing an avalanche down the mountainside.”
Korkie went silent, his throat sore from more than just talking. His hands shook slightly around his teacup, the ceramic having cooled during their conversation. Lagos steadied his hand, and Soniee sat next to him, leaning against his shoulder. Amis set down the saber and leaned over the table, his gaze communicating sympathy.
“Auntie Satine became my guardian, and I went to live with her and Bo-Katan here on Mandalore. Auntie Satine forgot about Bo’s secrets for a while, as raising me became the focus of their lives.”
“But that wasn’t the end of it.” Amis said knowingly.
“No,” Korkie replied. “Once I was old enough to understand, Bo-Katan shared with me the same comforts that Yaim had given her after the War.”
“Nu kyr’adyc, shi taab’echaaj’la,” Amis recited reverently.
"Not gone, merely marching far away," Soniee translated.
Lagos looked away from them, still cradling the metal hairpin in her other hand.
“Every holiday on Kalevala,” Korkie continued, “or when we were alone at this safehouse, she taught me more about the history of Clan Kryze and the old Mandalorians. For the most part, it was fun, sneaking around to keep our secret from Auntie Satine and Grandpa Jerec.”
Korkie looked over at the beskar saber. “That blade once belonged to Duke Adonai. Yaim had recovered it in secret, along with other weapons and armor, from House Kryze on Kalevala, before the New Mandalorians had finished clearing out everything else. She and Arpat showed Bo-Katan how to use it when she was old enough, and then Bo passed it on to me, almost ten years ago.
“When she did, she swore to me ‘ret’urcye mhi, ner ka’rta’ad.’”
“May we meet again, my foundling.” Amis translated.
Korkie nodded. “The morning after, Bo-Katan was gone, along with everything that she and my parents had hidden here, away from Auntie Satine. That hairpin is all she had left behind. Auntie Satine comforted me and revealed she had known the truth for a long time, but never had the courage to face it. Neither of us had any idea why Bo-Katan had disappeared so suddenly, or where she had gone.
“In the ten years that have passed, I depended upon Aunt Satine and have come to understand why she had left behind the old traditions. Before she became Duchess, she and her parents had seen the Mandalorian clans wage war against each other, spewing hate and discord, and when her father unified them and turned toward pacifism, they responded with violence, executing her parents and killing innocents. Even after she ushered in years of peace and prosperity, those old beliefs festered resentment and tore apart her family.
“When Auntie Satine returned from Coruscant, after Vizsla was exposed and Death Watch had made attempts upon her life, Satine confided in me, here at the safehouse. With the involvement of Tal Merrik and the death of Minister Jerec, she suspected that Death Watch had recruited someone who was accustomed to Kalevala’s terrain and had intimate knowledge of the dynamics of the royal family, in order to strike where she was most vulnerable.”
“It was Bo-Katan,” Soniee said with deafening finality, “she had betrayed her family.”
“That is what we concluded, although she and Death Watch would likely claim Satine, Jerec, and the New Mandalorians were traitors first, having abandoned the ancient traditions. But she is still complicit in the violence and destruction, the death of innocents, the murder of my grandfather, and attempting to kill her own sister.”
“And yet,” Lagos interjected, “despite all of that, and with the Confederacy, the Clone Wars, the corruption among her administration and in the Republic, Duchess Satine’s resolve for neutrality and preserving all life has never been stronger.”
Amis agreed, “If Death Watch had ever wanted to unite our people and undermine the beliefs of New Mandalorians, then they have failed.”
“But the public won’t see it that way.” Soniee brought up the footage of the crime syndicates’ attack on the shipping docks, from only hours ago, followed by how Death Watch arrested the criminals. “Why did the crime families attack, and how did Death Watch know to intervene? It can’t be a coincidence.”
Korkie looked up towards her. “Keep trying to hack into whatever databases you have access to, and record everything you find. Someone is playing with Mandalore’s future, and we have to figure out who.”
Soniee nodded, taking up her tablet and checking in on her visor.
He turned toward Lagos and Amis. “Keep what resources we use to a minimum and pack up the rest. Strategize for defense and mobility; Bo-Katan knows about this place and we have to be ready if she comes here.” Korkie stood, repacking his aunt’s journal and the portraits. “I’ll sort through what else is in those crates.”
Lagos gathered up their mugs and Soniee followed her to the kitchenette. Amis stood by Korkie, placing a hand on his shoulder. “What do we do when Bo-Katan inevitably does show up here?”
Korkie looked to the Duke’s saber, his expression grim. “We do what we must and defend our way of life.” He lifted the sheathed beskad and offered it to Amis, “You have more recent training with it than I do. Be prepared to use it.”
Amis nodded, fastening the scabbard on his belt, then looking back up at Korkie, “When we have the time, I can show you and the others what my uncle taught me. You might be surprised by how much you remember.”
Korkie gave a hint of a smile, “I hope so. I have a feeling this won’t end peacefully. If we have to contact to the Republic, the Clone Wars will be on our doorstep.”
Amis agreed, “Then the time for neutrality may be over.”
Endnotes: Varad said “I’m gonna flirt with the princess,” and I didn’t have the strength to hold her back. For Lani Varad, I drew inspiration from Shae Vizla of SWTOR.
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sparklingdust4612 · 3 years
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Aerial view of a pond in Finnish Lakeland, Finland
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athingofvikings · 3 years
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 114: The Paragon Of Animals
Chapter 114: The Paragon Of Animals
The Saami are a Finno-Ugric ethnic group indigenous to the Sápmi District of the North Sea Empire. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Saami's ethnic roots originated from the Uralic peoples to the southeast in the Volga Region between five and four thousand years ago. Migratory tribes of these people eventually pushed towards the Finnish Lakeland region approximately three and a half thousand years before present, and eventually spread through the highlands of the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsulas, mixing with the isolated groups already present and integrating them, creating the predecessors to the Saami people…
As one of the Sovereign Peoples of the North Sea Empire, the Saami, as a political unit, have the legal right to organize their own Things for internal self-government in their District, full representation in the Grand Thing, and to determine Saami tribal identification according to their own criteria…
Many Saami who live in the Sápmi District continue to maintain their traditional lifestyles, with herding reindeer, fishing, hunting, and forestry being dominant activities, while Saami who live outside of the District are noted as being disproportionately employed by House Haddock as Dragon Tenders for the Imperial Brooderies and Rookeries, a tendency that goes back to the founding of the Empire.
—Saami. (n.d.) In Wikikenna. Retrieved January 8, 1891
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zoeflake · 4 years
Apocalyptica - 'The Symphony Of Extremes' (Official Video)
Visit Finland & Apocalyptica proudly present – The Symphony of Extremes In honour of Finland’s centenary celebration (2017), Apocalyptica composed a song from the Finnish people’s DNA sequences, in co-operation with Visit Finland. The DNA was extracted from the extreme points of the country. 
See what makes Finnish DNA so extreme and how it was turned into the music, here: https://youtu.be/9E32mOd2-Jk   Watch the interview of a composer Eicca Toppinen: https://youtu.be/2PZ3Wo92iCs   Visit the project’s site: http://www.symphonyofextremes.com   Music video directed by Musuta Ltd.
 #FinnishDNA  The DNA parts of the song were extracted from the main regions of Finland. Each of them have their very own characteristics with distinctive roots. Watch the films:
DNA of Solitude: https://youtu.be/KnPZ77Ko_1I 
DNA of Darkness: https://youtu.be/JAURwUt52BQ 
DNA of Freedom: https://youtu.be/1hG189mvypA 
DNA of Lakeland: http://www.visitfinland.com/lakeland/ 
DNA of Lapland: http://www.visitfinland.com/lapland/ 
DNA of Archipelago: http://www.visitfinland.com/archipelago 
DNA of Helsinki: http://www.visitfinland.com/helsinki
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kulturarcok · 6 years
Finland, the land of thousand lakes
ENGLISH ×görgess le a magyar verzióért×
One would not even think what a magical place Finalnd is. It is truly a real pearl in the world. We hope, that you get in the mood to vosot Finland just as much as we did!
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Finland’s capital city is not that typical, crowded, noisy place as many would think. But during the night life it shows the most friendly and vivid side to us. Besided this, we can also take pleasure invisiting the citiy’s architectural masterpieces. One of the capital city’s most popular spectacle is the Tuomiokirkko Cathedral, designed by Carl Ludwig Engel. This building, towering on the Northern part of Senate Square, is not only a landmark for those arriving by sea, it has become a symbol for the whole of Helsinki.
Then  we can have a freshening and inspiartional walk at the coast, or we can jump on a ferry which goes to one of the small islands belonging to Helsinki. The fortress of Suomenlinna  can be reachedwith a short ferry trip from the citycentre. This suburb, consisting of 6 islands, all offering a diffenrt atmosphere so whatever mood we are in, we can surely find the right activity.
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At the coast of Finalnd we can find the world’s biggest archipelago. Old wooden towns, lighthouses, historical manors and the laid-back islander lifestyle, all sums up coastal Finland in a nutshell.
Bengtskär lighthouse is the southernmost destination in Finland, standing on a small, treeless island. It is the highest lighthouse in the Nordic countries and is rich in history. Nowadays the six lighthouse keepers’ rooms serve as accommodation and there is also a restaurant in the building.
Åland is an autonomous and monolingual Swedish region of Finland and consists of more than 6 500 islands. The capital, Mariehamn, a cute village-like town with a strong maritime and shipping heritage, is the only city in the unspoiled, ruggedly beautiful archipelago.
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When we visit Lakeland is like – as they say – getting to know the heart of Finnish identity. There are a total of 188 000 lakes in Finland – from the metropolitan area around Helsinki all the way up to Inari in Lapland. Ont he Eastern side of Finland is situated Saimaa, the country’s greatest lake, where the Saimaa ringed seal, one of the most endangered species in the world, live.
This lake washes some big cities’ coasts. One of them is Savonlinna. This place is perfect for short city breaks and lakeside cottage holidays as well. The main cultural event is the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival, held in the medieval Olavinlinna Castle.
MAGYAR Finnország, az ezer tó országa
Nem is gondolná az ember, hogy mennyire varázslatos hely is Finnország. Egy igazi gyöngyszem. Reméljük ti is legalább akkora kedvet kaptok ennek az országnak a felfedezéséhez, mint mi kaptunk!
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Finnország fővárosa nem az a tipikus, zsúfolt, hangos, nyüzsgő hely, ahogy sokan gondolnák. Ezzel szemben az éjszakai élet során a lehető legbarátságosabb és élettel teli oldalát mutatja meg nekünk. Emellett pedig a város különböző építészeti remekeiben is gyönyörködhetünk. A város egyik legnépszerűbb látványossága a Tuomiokirkko katedrális, amelyet Carl Ludwig Engel tervezett. Ez az építmény, a Szenátus tér északi részén magasodva, nem csak a tenger felől érkezők számára jelent tájékozódási pontot, de mára már Helsinki jelképévé vált.
Majd egy frissítő és lélekemlő sétát vehetünk a parton, vagy felugorhatunk egy kompra is, ami az egyik Helsinkihez tartozó kis szigetre igyekszik. A Suomenlinna erődítmény is egy ilyen rövid komp útra található a belvárostól. A hat szigetből álló külvárosi rész mindegyike más és más atmoszférával rendelkezik, így bármihez is van kedvünk, itt megtalálhatjuk a megfelelő elfoglaltságot.
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Finnország partjainál a világ legnagyobb szigetvilágát találjuk. Régi, fából készült házak, világítótornyok, történelemmel átitatott majorságok és nyugodt szigeti életmód. Ennyivel lehetne jellemezni dióhéjban Finnország partvidékét.
A Bengtskär világítótorony, Finnország legdélebbi pontja, egy kis, fák nélküli szigeten helyezkedik el. Ez a világítótorony a legmagasabb az északi országokban, és telis-tele van történelemmel. Ma az őrzők szobái kivehetők szállásként, valamint étterem is működik az építmény belsejében.
Åland egy autonóm, egynyelvű svéd régiója Finnországnak, amelyet több mint 6500 sziget alkot. A „főváros” Mariehamn egy aranyos, falu-szerű város, jelentős tengerészeti és hajózási örökséggel. Ez az egyetlen város az érintetlen, rettentően gyönyörű szigetvilágban.
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Amikor ellátogatunk Finnország ezen részébe, ahogy ők mondják, megismerkedünk az igazi finn identitással. Az országban összesen 188 ezer tó található Helsinki metropolita környékétől kezdve egészen a lapföldi Inari-ig. Az ország keleti részén található a Saima, az ország legnagyobb tava, amiben a Saima tavi gyűrűsfóka él, amely a világ egyik legveszélyeztetettebb faja.
A tó több nagyobb település partjait mossa. Az egyik ilyen Savonlinna. Ez a hely tökéletesen alkalmas egy rövid városi kiruccanásra, vagy egy tóparti vendégházas kikapcsolódásra is. A legnagyobb kulturális esemény az éves Opera Fesztivál, amelyet a középkori Olavinlinna kastélyban rendeznek meg.
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kivikunnas · 1 year
Sauna - Finnish Lakeland
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naivepets · 2 years
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evoldir · 3 years
Fwd: Graduate position: UJyvaskyla.SexualSelectionTheory
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UJyvaskyla.SexualSelectionTheory > Date: 27 October 2021 at 07:23:58 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Doctoral Researcher, Evolutionary Biology > > Applications are invited for a 4-year fully funded PhD position to study > sexual selection at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finnish Lakeland. > > Does selection act differently on the two sexes? Are there universal > differences we should expect to see between females and males, based on > scientific principles and the most fundamental, definitional properties > of the sexes alone? These questions date back to the days of Charles > Darwin but are widely debated to this day. This PhD project will address > the above topics using mathematical modelling and literature reviews, > supervised by Assistant Professor Jussi Lehtonen. The results will help us > identify and understand the fundamental evolutionary mechanisms driving > sex-specific selection and sexual dimorphism. > > Jyvaskyla is a mid-sized city in Finnish Lakeland, surrounded by beautiful > nature, countless lakes, nature trails, and national parks. It is also > known as the ‘capital of sport’ with excellent opportunities for > both summer and winter outdoor activities. Jyvaskyla is a relatively > affordable city and university students form a large part of the > population, bringing a lively atmosphere with them. > > The Department of Biological and Environmental Science at the University > of Jyvaskyla hosts expertise in empirical as well as theoretical > evolutionary biology, including sexual selection. > > To apply and for further details, see the full position description at > the following address: > > https://ift.tt/3nBetmX > > Applicants are kindly asked to submit their applications using the online > application form by 30 November 2021. > > For details, please contact Assistant Professor Jussi Lehtonen: > [email protected] > > "Lehtonen, Jussi" > via IFTTT
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livefuntravelposts · 3 years
Top Places to Visit in Finland
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The last time Kati and I were in Finland, we were standing in 5 feet of snow looking for the Northern Lights.  It was a cold, bitter winter night and the only thing that got us through was eating reindeer stew along the road.  It warmed us up and kept us going.  But Finland is a lot more than just the Northern Lights.  Finland is a land of incredible lush green sights, long lakes, and vast seas. The country is home to a record 179,584 Islands and 188,000 lakes. The four main archipelagos in Finland are; Helsinki, Kotka, the Archipelago Sea, and the Kvarken archipelago - a UNESCO Heritage site. Finland is also famed for its robust health care system and highly efficient education system. But that's not all that this beautiful Nordic country has to offer. The country is a favourite destination with most folks living in Europe . Fondly  known as "The home of a thousand lakes" Finland is a magical treasure box filled with stunning and fascinating attractions! From the Northern lights to the magical winter and irresistible summers, it is undoubtedly a hidden gem waiting to be explored by both the young and old alike.     Why Visit Finland? Snuggled perfectly between Sweden to the west and Russia to the east, Finland shares certain traits with its Scandinavian neighbors. The breathtaking scenery, magnificent rugged coastline, snow-packed ski fields, and the winter Northern Lights. You can enjoy exhilarating activities such as dog sledding, chasing the Northern Lights, and swimming  across the Arctic when you visit Lapland during winter. In addition to the outdoor adventures, this Nordic country also has other enjoyable experiences in store for you! Think steamy and relaxing saunas, delicious cuisines, and trendy, stylish Nordic cafes. We have compiled a list of some of the most irresistible places you must see on your Finland tour.   
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Finland is incredible during the winter, but this country has so much to offer year round.  
11 Must-See Attractions In Finland
  1. Meet the Real Santa Claus in Rovaniemi
  Do you have any idea where Santa Claus lives? Don't let anybody fool you that Santa Claus doesn't exist – yes, he does, in  Rovaniemi, Finland!  Doubling as Lapland's official capital and the secret entry point to the Arctic, Rovaniemi is undoubtedly one of the  most iconic tourist destinations. It's without a doubt the best place to launch and end your Christmas visit to Lapland. A must-visit attraction site is Santa Claus Village. This charming theme park encased in the snowy mountains of Lapland is Finland's alternative to Disneyland. You will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to meet the jolly man himself – Santa Claus! After chatting with Father Christmas, you can stop by Santa's post office and post a postcard to your loved ones back home. Then visit Santa Park, a magical place where kids can discover Father Christmas's Cave.  Experience the Ice Gallery, admire a series of incredible ice sculptures, and even take a tour inside Santa's toy factory. Other outdoor adventures include enjoying a reindeer sleigh ride, ice fishing, making snow sculptures, and exploring the surrounding nature riding a snowmobile. As evening approaches, spend your night at the Arctic Snow Hotel. While there, don't forget to sample out the Lap cuisines, and conclude your night relaxing in one of the incredible ice spas!  
2. Visit the Polar Bears at the Ranua Wildlife Park
Nestled between the magical mires and wild but quaint forest lies Rauna Wildlife Park, an enclave of unruffled experiences mixed with the Arctic wilderness. The Ranua Wildlife Park offers enchanting experiences with Arctic wildlife, and the surrounding nature will take you to the fairytale world Of Snow-White And The Seven Dwarfs. From Rovaniemi, you can start your day driving down to Ranua Wildlife Park, about an hour's drive away. While here, check out the Ranua Zoo; this northernmost zoo pays homage to nearly 50 endangered Arctic animal species. However, the real draw is its polar bears. Be sure to say hi and take photos with Venus and Manse, the two beautiful polar bears living as a couple. Once done with polar bears, experience  a magical excursion in a coach drawn by horses through the whistling forest or a giggly reindeer sleigh ride. While enjoying the tour,  stop by the ecological wolfdog rescue center for a campfire lunch. Other notable activities include a snowmobile ride through the deep crystalline woodlands, or hike through a frozen and barren bog wearing your snowshoes.  
3. Chase down the Northern Lights
Regarded as one of the world's natural wonders, visitors from all over the world flock to Finland every year in the hopes of snapping a photo of these awe-inspiring Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). The best area to witness the Northern Lights is near Kilpisjarvi. When the sky is bright at that latitude, the chances of seeing an Aurora are 80% percent. So three nights out of four! Those odds must be encouraging. During the winter seasons, the sun appears for a few hours, and the nights are usually very long. The Finns typically call this season "Kaamos." With these conditions, particularly in places like Kilpisjarvi, you can enjoy yourself joining the cross-country skying. Picture yourself skiing during the night while chasing after the Northern lights. It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a fantastic way to witness this magnificent phenomenon. If you are not a fan of skiing, don't worry, you can enjoy watching this magnificent wonder at the comfort of your bed inside a glass igloo. Nothing is thrilling, like relaxing under the stars and staying up all night watching as the Northern Lights dance in the sky above you!  
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Seeing the Northern Lights is always a highlight. There are many websites which will tell you the best places and nights to go out chasing them.  
4. Lighthouse Island
Finland's coastline has the largest archipelago globally. Naturally, you expect to see lighthouses by the hundreds all over the country's shoreline. The lighthouses have become a magnet for tourists, some with unique features to accommodate visitors willing to spend nights in them. The Bengtskär lighthouse is the tallest in the entire Nord region. It is a pretty magnificent sight to behold. Located on a spectacular Island, you can get to the island by boat, with the best possible season to visit between June - August. Make your bookings early in advance to secure your night stay. Bengtskär lighthouse has six rooms to stay in.  Söderskär lighthouse in Helsinki is a must-see. The journey to Söderskär is more accessible by boat, and it takes an hour to get there and about two hours touring the lighthouse. Activities include; climbing the lighthouse; you get to see the entire landscape from an aerial view. It's quite spectacular. While there, you can have a cup of coffee at the keeper's cottage adjacent to it.  
5. Finnish Saunas and Lakes 
  Kati and I love to take a sauna.  We actually have two saunas.  One at home and we built one in the woods in western North Carolina.  There is nothing better and we actually give the sauna credit for keeping us healthy.  If you think thousands of Finland Islands are enough for one tiny country, there are over 3 million saunas and nearly 190 000 lakes in Finland. Locals enjoy saunas and have made it a favorite pastime. Finns go to enjoy saunas at least once a week. So when you visit, indulge as excessively as time allows you to have a relaxing dip in one of the great saunas.  Finnish Lakeland has the most summer cottages and saunas too. Experience swimming in winter and rolling in the snow around your holiday cottage.  
6. Suomenlinna UNESCO Site
Finland has a record six cultural UNESCO World Heritage sites and one natural UNESCO World Heritage site. The Suomenlinna Fortress Island in Helsinki is a favorite tour destination in Finland. Added to the UNESCO Heritage List in 1991, Suomenlinna is an exceptional military architecture monument. The seven islands of Suomenlinna are comprised of old dungeons and fortresses in an inhabited district in Helsinki. To get to Suomenlinna, take a fifteen minutes ferry ride from the Kauppatori central market square.  
7. Archipelago National Park
Archipelago National Park - a seascape filled with hundreds of islands! It is only 59kilometers away from Turku city. A convenient route to get to the park is through Kimito and Pargas. Positioned directly south of the city, The Archipelago National Park has a lot to give, from Viking settlements to fortified islands. Using Turku as your launching base, you can explore the park by either canoeing or cycling between the quaint towns, with breathtaking landscapes around every corner. You can cycle along the Archipelago trail to Pargas and Nagu islands, which offer an authentic archipelago life experience and a wide range of accommodation. While in Pargas, don't forget to pass by Art Bank for some fine art, then hop onto a boat and head out to Berghain, a fantastic comping site. If you don’t enjoy cycling, go for the Riverine route. You can opt for a kayaking adventure, or if you feel it's too much work, hop into one of the ferries available for a peaceful sightseeing day around the Archipelago Park. Notable areas not to miss include the Rosala Viking Village, the Military island of Oro, The isle of Bengtskar, and finally, the peaceful island community of Uto.  
8. Bear Watching in Suomussalmi
For those who love bears, the best place to watch them is in Suomussalmi, a small region in Finland near the Russian border. There are approximately 1000 brown bears in Finland, but you are unlikely to meet with one while leisurely strolling through the forest. These brown beasts can smell you from afar, and they usually flee before your paths cross. For the best bear-watching experience, hire a local guide. The guides are familiar with the forest and know where to find these beasts.   
9. Try Out Finnish Cuisine
Whether it's in the summer or winter, it doesn't matter which season; sampling out the authentic Finnish delicacy is a must-do activity for anybody visiting Finland. Finnish delicacies combine traditional and chic cuisine, with beef, pork, seafood, and reindeer as the primary ingredients. While strolling through Helsinki Old Market Area, you can start with quick bites, like Finnish Squeaky Cheese, Karelian Pie, and Rye Bread. Try lip-licking typical Finnish sauces with pancakes, Lapland bread cheese, or Riispurro (Rice Porridge) for a more severe breakfast. For lunch and dinner, you are full of choices. You can try out authentic Finnish meals like Pastry Macaroni With Beef Meatballs Smeared with Jam mixed with Mash Potatoes, Roasted Herring, and many other dishes. Lastly, beer lovers can try out local favorites such as Glogg Akvavit, Finnish beers, Finnish Vodka and Sima.
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Helsinki is worth exploring and checking out some world class restaurants.
  10. Oulanaka National Park
Oulanka National Park is widely regarded as one of the best national parks in Finland, and with good reason. There are a series of spectacular creeks that run through the Kiutakongas Falls canyon. It's a quick one kilometer  stroll from the parking lot, so you can have a swell  time hiking with your spouse or your loved ones.  Just below the waterfalls, several beautiful rope swing bridges spanning over the canyon. Outdoor adventures are the thing here, and even if you are not athletic, you will have a good time.  
11. Finnish Glass Igloo
Finland is a land of extremes in terms of season contrasts. During summer, the sun stays up all day, and all night, in Northern Finland . This phenomenon  is known as  "The Land of the Midnight Sun." During winter, the opposite happens:  darkness fills the land, giving way to beautiful moonlighting, bright stars  and a romantic setting for a cozy night under warm fires. This time is known as  "kaamos."  During kaamos, it is not entirely dark,  the skies glow from the brisk  the moon, and the stars, reflecting an amazing view from the backdrop of the bright snow across the landscapes. The Northern Lights project  enchanting backdrops from the seashores. An exciting approach to  experience the Midnight sun and Kaamos is to sleep in a a glass igloo, out in the open skies. It’s a magical experience!   Our Final Word Finland is more than just a stunning European destination; it is mystical heaven on Earth that brings the human imagination to life. From the breathtaking sightseeing sites to the enchanted wonderland of snow and fascinating natural phenomena. Finland appeals to a wide range of tourists, including history lovers, nature-buffs, food lovers, and thrill-seekers. There really isn't a best time to see Finland.  Both summer and winter offers travelers an incredible amount of activities. Head to Finland and discover why it is rated as the happiest country on earth.
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geofflewriter · 4 years
Finland, Finland How I Miss You #reprise #holiday
Finland, Finland How I Miss You #reprise #holiday
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Four years ago today, I was on holiday, abroad. How strange those concepts feel now. Still it is lovely to return to the bonkers world that is Finland, if only for a while…
Finland is full of trees. When it’s not wet. After Helsinki we ventured north, to the Lakeland and, boy do they have a lot of lakes. We flew about 400 miles and hired a car and then looked at the map. A to B as the Finnish…
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