alucardy2000 · 2 years
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Human version of Flashover Tough firefighter
Flashover (C) ME
Transformers Animated (C) Hasbro
Don’t repost outside of this site
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boomgers · 29 days
Nunca se está preparado para un desastre de este tamaño… “Sismo Magnitud 9.5”
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Un repentino terremoto sacudió todo el parque químico en el condado de Gucheng, con fugas en las tuberías que provocaron constantes explosiones, el desastre se intensifica rápidamente y si se permite que se propague, toda la ciudad pronto será arrasada.
Con la tarea de apagar el incendio, un grupo de hombres conducen desde la estación de bomberos hasta el lugar y así comienza una carrera contra el tiempo para proteger y salvar vidas.
Estreno: 30 de mayo de 2024 en Cines.
La película está dirigida por Oxide Chun Pang, escrita por Ran Wang, Daiyuan Yang y Hongtao Zhang, y protagonizada por Jiang Du, Qianyuan Wang, Liya Tong, Cecilia Han, Haoming Yu y Dongjun Han.
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no-ophelia · 3 months
hypothetically if I changed the entire love interest trajectory of FlashOver would that be weird? Like, I love Ingenium and Tensei but I’m not sure I’m vibing with this direction right now.
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jcfireproductions · 1 year
Back Draft! Not Just a blockbuster movie!
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pressmost · 2 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Montag, 3.10.2022
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Montag, 3.10.2022
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Ich darf mit Bildern vom Erntedankfest in Stephanshart auf das Wochenende zurückblicken. Es war ein Fest der Gemeinschaft und des Zusammenkommens über Generationen. Und vor allem ein Fest des DANKES für die gute ERNTE. DANKE für die Vorbereitung – vor allem auch an die Jungschar und die vielen Initiativen, die die Kinder für dieses Fest…
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jojossillywalk · 6 months
ik we talk about avdol putting up a front, but my last post kind of had me thinking about polnareff and his initial reaction to thinking that avdol died? polnareff's a very tough talker, but he hypes himself up to conceal the fact that he's very emotional.
there's kind of a notion that polnareff has more emotional awareness than avdol, but i think. maybe?? by virtue of the fact that polnareff can't really keep a lid on it as long, and is thus cornered into emotional honesty. whereas avdol's emotional bottling stamina is longer
but i think both of them are definitely trying to be emotionally repressed.
i think both don't try as hard to be repressed around each other, which is good for them and bad for everyone who exists around them, who have to watch: avdol observing polnareff bend his tongue into a tesseract, pausing for thought, then going "... you are saying...... montreal :)" while polnareff is like "yea you got it! idk how the Fuck but yea :)'
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thelaisydazy · 3 months
Asks are open. Request whatever you like.
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midsunikm · 4 months
Reducing Powerline-Related Bird Mortality | Midsun Ikm
In this article, you will learn how to Mitigation Measures for Powerline-related birds & possible things can we impose to create a healthy environment.
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Birds play important roles for humans and the ecosystem; they pollinate flowers, disperse seeds, and can be a source of food and fertilizer. But as the global power lines advance significantly comes a threat to both power lines and these warm-blooded vertebrates. How bad is it, and what possible things can we impose to create a healthy environment?
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princessmotif · 1 year
I need to finish adazakura so I can outline my lottienat fic…
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Wednesday's Dictionary of Emotions
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Wednesday's Dictionary of Emotions || Masterlist [MAIN STORY COMPLETED, EPILOGUES LEFT]
[Pairing]: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
[Summary]: Wednesday's second year at Nevermore is a lot less eventful. Unfortunately, there are no murders or psychotic serial killers to find. There are not even any attempts on her life. Yet, somehow, Wednesday finds she's more stressed about the new outcast who casually walks around with Wednesday's heart in her hands (not literally, sadly).
[Warnings]: Explores intimacy. Soft Angst. Fluff. Wednesday generally being Bad At Feelings. Jealous!Wednesday. Possessive!Wednesday. Darker Elements Canon Level.
[Note]: Just here for a good time at the expense of Wednesday. Are these real words? fuck if I know :) Also, because this somehow needs to be said, reader is also the same age as Wednesday and her peers.
Main Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
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☠ ADRONITIS: A frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
☠ MONACHOPSIS: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
☠ JOUSKA: A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
☠ OPIA: The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
☠ AGNOSTHESIA: The state of not knowing how you really feel about something[...]
☠ LIBEROSIS: The desire to care less about things [...]
☠ FLASHOVER: The moment a conversation becomes real and alive[...]
☠ NIGHTHAWK: A recurring thought that only seems to strike you late at night.
☠ AMBEDO: A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details.
☠ KAIROSCLEROSIS: The moment you realize that you’re currently happy.
Summary Info
☠ First/Second Date Jitters
☠ Want Your Slow Dance
☠ Mayhem & Murder 17
☠ The Addams Family (In-Laws) / (Parents' Day 2)
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What Colour? (Kelly Severide x Reader)
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Synopsis: You disobey Kelly’s orders on a call, and he makes sure it’s your last time doing so.
Word Count: 5.6k
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI. Angst, smut, dominant and submissive, P in V, oral (male receiving), choking, overstimulation, edging, squirting, use of the word ‘slut’, daddy kink, lieutenant kink, use of a sex toy (vibrator), unprotected sex (wrap your willy, don’t be silly!!!), pure filth and shitty writing. 
My Masterlist
“You know what your problem is? You can’t follow orders!” Kelly huffed out, walking into your shared bedroom and ripping his squad jacket off in the process. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed” he spat angrily.
He was upset; there was no doubt about it. And could you really blame him? The man has lost more loved ones than most people would in one lifetime. His overprotectiveness and frustration at what he viewed as blatant ignorance was a direct result of the grief buried beneath him.
You sauntered into the room behind him, ready to defend yourself to no end. “Oh, so when you don’t follow orders, you’re brave and heroic, but when I don’t follow orders I’m just an idiot who’s risking their life?!” You sarcastically reasoned with your boyfriend, upset that this was even a conversation the two of you were having.
“I didn’t say that” he grunted with gritted teeth, sitting on the edge of the bed as he removed his shoes. “Is it become I’m a woman, Kel? Hm?” you asked, slightly taunting him with your hands crossed over your chest. You walked right up to him, attempting to tower over him but failing given he was bigger than you even when he was sitting down.
“Is it because I might land myself in a situation you don’t think I have the ability or strength to get out of? Do you not trust me?” You stared at him with a questioning look, waiting for his rebuttal. Severide had a tendency to go for naturally submissive women - not that there was anything wrong with that - but you personally think this is why he lucked out with you; someone has to give him the same energy back, at least outside of the bedroom.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. You being a woman has NOTHING to do with this.” He stood up to steal the height advantage, and he peered down to look into your eyes, wondering to himself what he was gonna do with you. You, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch by his sudden movement.
“Then what does it have to do with, Kelly? Because I know damn well if you had had the opportunity to go back into that house, you would’ve. So cut the bullshit” you retorted, sick of having to defend yourself to someone a thousand times more reckless than you’ll ever be.
“Maybe I would’ve gone back in, you’re right, but I have the experience that you clearly lack since you think running into a flashover will get you a valor medal rather than a cemetery plot!” He scoffed out. He didn’t understand how you couldn’t see how dangerous your actions were, how you didn’t seem to have an ounce of regret for risking your life.
“Well you’re my lieutenant, aren’t you? I was simply modelling what I’ve observed from your leadership” You said, landing your index finger right into his muscular sternum, but he didn’t move a muscle.
When you said ‘lieutenant’, you attempted to say it without faltering, a hint of seduction evident. What better way to relieve the work day’s stress - and the tension from fighting - than with even more exertion?
“You said it yourself. I’m your lieutenant. I ordered you not to go back in, and you disobeyed me!” He shouted back, flailing his arms out to the side for emphasis and dramatic effect. He clearly was NOT picking up on the hint that you were done with this conversation, ready to move onto less verbal activities.
“How about I make it up to you? Show you that I can listen to your orders…” You looked up at him with those irresistible doe eyes of yours, simultaneously twirling of strand of hair between your fingers. If the sexual tension from the arguing wasn’t solidified before, it sure as hell was now.
“C’mon, don’t wiggle your way out of this by pulling that shit. I won’t hesitate to take you off duty for a mandatory psych eval since clearly you have a death wish.” Sputtering his threat with sarcasm, he rolled his eyes, fighting the urge deep within him to pick you up and toss you onto the bed like a rag doll.
Putting one of your hands on his chest, you brainstormed a way to escalate this into your desired outcome. “Can my punishment be anything but a visit to the shrink’s office? I promise I’ll be good for you.” You tilted to your head to the side, anticipating his response. “Hm, sir?”
You KNOW he can’t resist when you stroke his ego by reminding him who’s in charge, even considering your disobeying of orders earlier that day. What better way to evoke the dominant side of him that you loved so much?
You knew you were putting him - and his dick - through the five stages of grief, because you saw a sudden change in his eyes and before you knew it, he was smashing his lips onto yours.
The force with which he grabbed your face startled you, but you quickly adjusted, kissing back with excitement that your master plan - which you thought about and subsequently executed 3 minutes ago - was being initiated.
You urged him to sit back down on the bed by pushing your body up against him and climbing on top of him as soon as you had the chance- your lips not once removing from his. You rubbed up on him like an unaltered cat in heat as if it would take off the layers that separated you from his already hard cock.
Your lips were devouring each other’s, the sense of urgency and desperation evident. He sucked in your bottom lips with his teeth, and then spit into your mouth as he let go of his sharp pull.
Pulling your face away from his with urgency, he gazed at you intently. It was as if you could see the metaphorical gears in his head grinding as he thought of a way to assert his dominance over you.
“On your knees” he uttered as he removed both of his hands from your face. You were taken aback. After all, you were the one hinting at your desire to get down and dirty, and you just weren’t expecting Kelly to give up on his lecturing so quickly.  But this was your plan all along- get him distracted enough that he would forget about the stunt you pulled on shift (or, at the very least, postpone the reprimanding to a later date).
“I’m not going to ask you again” he spat out, angry that you weren’t immediately obeying. You looked down at him, noticing his pupils had swallowed his iris’ whole; his eyes gleaming with lust and dominance. Removing your legs from around his waist, you lowered yourself down until your kneecaps were on the rug, your body in between his legs, and your face perfectly centred with his bulge.
He motioned towards his belt buckle with his head, a hint of annoyance that you didn’t automatically begin releasing him. You reached up, pulling the length of his belt from under the clasp and removing it from the notch. Sliding it out from under his belt loops, you were about to toss it next to you when Kelly motioned for you to give it to him.
You could already feel the moisture between your legs, and being face to face with Kelly’s manhood only increased your libido. You unbuttoned his work pants, dragged the zipper down, and reached within his underwear.
His cock was NOT hard to find by any means- you took it out and observed it with admiration, the pre-cum very pronounced on his red, bulbous tip.
Kelly had a very nice penis, and I think half of the women in Chicago could vouch for him. Not only did he have a cock with the perfect ratio of girth to length, but he sure as fuck knew how to use it.
Taking the tip of your tongue, you ran it along his head, collecting the white, slippery substance already beginning to ooze out. Goosebumps spread along every inch of his body; he was the one in control, but you always knew how to make him shiver.
Starting at the very base of his shaft and licking all the way up, you didn’t hesitate to take your time with him, the pure enjoyment of providing him with pleasure the motivation behind your performance. Once you made it to the top, you encircled his head with your tongue over and over, making him fling his head back.
After he recovered from your teasing, he decided to take matters into his own hands by grabbing the base of your scalp, urging your throat to engulf his entire length. “Take me like the little slut you are” he whispered dominantly, the hand on the back of your head guiding you up and down periodically, the other placed behind him for support.
When you had reached the very bottom of his shaft, the tip of his dick most definitely touching your tonsils, he pushed you down even further, urging you to choke on him. “Look at me. I want to see how beautiful you look taking all of me in your mouth” he commanded. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, and he couldn’t help but smirk, a smile fighting through the corners of his lips begging to be unleashed.
He looooved to see you take him, and once you had made eye contact as you were told, he was practically using every fibre of his being to prevent himself from sending his load down your throat. The heavenly combination of your gurgling noises as you choked on him with teary eyes caused him to release his hand from your head.
You suctioned his dick as you sucked up his shaft, letting go of him with a pop. A string of saliva connected your lips to his length, and he wanted to capture this moment for the rest of eternity.
You giggled as you observed the look on his face, and it only encouraged you to continue. However, as you were about to get back to pleasuring him, he stopped you by grabbing his dick before you could.
“Nuh-uh. Strip.” He ordered.
This time, you didn’t hesitate to obey his command, your clothes making you feel trapped. You always felt completely comfortable with and around Kelly, and it translated to the bedroom when you were in a naked, vulnerable state.
Grateful that you had showered at the end of shift, you started with your grey squad 3 t-shirt, crossing your arms to grab the bottom of either side of it. Peeling it over your head, you tossed it aside, revealing the grey Calvin Klein sports bra confining your chest.
You removed your leggings, and noticed that you happened to be wearing the matching underwear of the set.
Kelly didn’t take his eyes off of you as you undressed below him, and knowing he was watching your every move as you exposed more and more of yourself made your cheeks turn a crimson red.
You stopped when you were in solely your bra and underwear, expecting him to give you your next command, but he seemed annoyed rather than satisfied.
“I said strip, didn’t I?” he spat through gritted teeth, expecting you to be fully naked for him and wondering how you didn’t catch that the first time he asked you.
You were starting to get into your head, feeling vulnerable about the thought of being completely naked in front of him while he was fully clothed. However, you knew what you had suggested to him in exchange for his scolding to come to an end, and you wanted to follow through.
Turning your mind off, you immediately began removing your undergarments, your horniness beginning to overpower any insecurities you could’ve had about being bare.
As soon as you were fully exposed, you looked up at Kelly as if to tell him you were ready for what was next. His cock jolted, hardening as he looked you up and down, running his tongue along his lips without even realizing.
“C’mere” he muttered, patting the spot next to him. You stood up and you could just feel the wetness between your legs, knowing your slick was about to start dripping down.
Being at times uncomfortable with the amount of lubrication your vagina produced, Kelly always assured you that seeing you so wet filled him with the biggest sense of pride. Knowing he could physiologically alter the state of your body in a way that essentially prepared you to take him made him lose it.
You sat next to him and he once again grabbed your face, kissing you with such passion and force that he was smushing your cheeks together. You kissed him back with the same energy he was giving you; it was as if the rougher you moved your lips against one another, the more pent up sexual energy would be released.
One of his rough, calloused hands reached up to fondle one of your nipples. He rubbed the sensitive and aching bud between the pads of his index finger and thumb, knowing it would turn you on even more than you thought possible.
“Kel… fuck!” You threw your hand back as he began to leave sloppy, wet kisses down the side of your neck, and eventually on the base of your throat. Once his lips reached your collarbone, he found a spot to mark as his and began sucking on the thin skin.
At this point, both of his hands were fondling your breasts, kneading and rubbing them as if he had never touched boobs in his life.
He abruptly stopped sucking - a hickey in it’s very early stages appearing where his lips had been - and stood up.
You looked at him with confusion, a faint red ring starting to form around your lips from his beard brushing against your skin.
Standing at the side of the bed, approximately where you had been a couple minutes prior sucking him off, he ordered you to hang your head off of the bed, and you knew what was coming.
Kelly knew that this was one of your favourite ways to give head; the way it was easier to take him down your throat, the way you - or Kelly - could easily reach between your legs, the way the blood rushed to the top of your head; it was vulnerable, hot, and a perfect way to submit to him.
You spun around quickly and lowered your back onto the bed, shimmying until your shoulders were at the end of the mattress, and you slowly lowered your head back.
Your head was upside down, face to face with Kelly’s cock, and you couldn’t be more excited. He grabbed himself in his hand, and tapped his dick against your lips.
“Open.” And that you did. Your mouth opened to take him, and he slowly entered into you, allowing you to adjust. He didn’t go completely in, but he thrusted at a slow pace into your mouth.
Sure, he was in heaven; there was no doubt about that. But you, on the other hand, were in complete submission and sheer bliss as you engulfed his length. You knew that at this point, there would be a complete puddle beneath your heat by the time you were done, the oral you were giving him in this particular position turning you on indefinitely.
He began to pick up the pace, and you knew he was going to throat-fuck you soon, but he suddenly stopped, half of his dick still in your mouth.
“Spread those legs for me. I want you to touch yourself while I throat-fuck you.” It was as if he would never ask. You widened your hips, spreading your legs with your knees pointed up.
Reaching down you began to play with your pulsating clit, the excessive slick of your heat aiding in your masturbation, and Kelly continued sliding in and out of your mouth.
Finally being able to touch yourself practically had you on the verge of an orgasm, but you knew that when you were the submissive and Kelly was the dominant, he was the one who told you when to release.
He was moving in and out of your mouth much faster than before, and he decided that now was as good a time as any to grab both of your nipples with his fingers and pinch them. The combination of you playing with yourself, him entering your mouth at this angle, and him toying with your extremely sensitive nipples was a recipe for an orgasm, and he knew that.
So, he took himself out of your mouth quickly, a glob of spit connected his cock to your lips as he pulled out completely.
He walked away, spit trickling down the sides of your face. You knew you were most definitely sporting the raccoon look, remnants of your smeared mascara on your upper and lower lash line, but you also knew it was a sexy sight for Kelly to see. You looked ravaged, and knew that once he began to throat-fuck you, the mascara residue would be running down your face along with your tears of pleasure.
You knew better than to move from your fixed position without his permission, so you remained still, awaiting his return.
He came back, lowering himself into your mouth once again. When you heard a click and a buzz that followed, your eyes widened, and you withered beneath him.
It’s not that you didn’t want him to use the vibrator - you most definitely did. It was more the fact that you probably wouldn’t be able to last more than 30 seconds without violently cumming.
He touched the wand to your clit, and as he tapped your mouth with his cock again, you knew he was signalling for you to take him.
The vibrator hadn’t even been on you for 10 seconds and you were already squirming. “Colour?” He asked, removing the vibrator from between you and pulling out of your mouth at the same time. He always made sure to check on you as things began to intensify.
“Green” you breathed out eagerly, wanting him to continue what he was doing.
You used the basic traffic light system whenever you experimented in the bedroom, the both of you making consent the forefront of your sexual encounters. Green means you’re doing okay and are enjoying yourself, yellow means slow down or modify an action, and red was the danger zone, indicating a complete stop was needed.
“I’m going to throat fuck you now” he stated once he had received the all-clear from you.
Before he could even ask you to open for him, you were waiting with your mouth wide open, ready to take his length.
He put the vibrator back on your clit, and began fucking your mouth at a medium pace. The vibrator was operating at it’s lowest setting, but you were shaking like a leaf.
The tip of his dick was so far into your mouth, you wondered how he could go down any more. Once he did, you began to gag, producing an overload of saliva in the process; the sounds you were making music to his ears.  
“Fuckkkk” Kelly moaned out, seeing the - stubborn - woman he was in love with sprawled out, legs spread open and head tilted back, taking him like such a good girl.
Usually, he would shower you with praise when your sexual activities erred towards the rougher side, but with the sheer stress and terror you put him under earlier, he was merely focused on having his way with you.
Once your legs began to shake profusely, he knew you were close which triggered him to remove the toy. This earned a moan of frustration and desperation to escape your mouth; the pleasure you felt was overwhelming, and the edging made you want to combust.
Making you gag on his cock a couple more times, he knew that he also couldn’t postpone his orgasm any longer. He desperately wanted to be inside of you, assuming that by now you’d be gushing for him.
He exited you for the last time, but kept the vibrator on you, wanting to torture you just that bit more. You whined out in pleasure, gurgling in the process given the saliva was dripping out of your mouth.
Shutting the vibrator off, he placed it on your bedside table, unsure about whether or not he’d decide to use it again later. He helped you in sitting up by lifting your shoulders, and you automatically scooted to the top of the bed, centering yourself.
Before he made his way over to you, he reached behind him grabbing the back of his squad 3 t-shirt and lifting it over his head. He revealed his beautifully sculpted chest, a sight you never got tired of seeing.
Finally, he slid his pants off, followed by his tighty whities that made his ass look like a peach. Kneeling onto the bed, he began towards you, the anticipation of the fact that he was finally about to have his way with you nearly killing him.
“How bad do you want this cock inside of your pussy, hm?” Kelly asked, running his thumb through your folds, applying pressure to your clit once he reached the top.
“Very badly” you whined, unable to sit still. Your eyes kept shifting between his, and his cock. His shaft was glistening, and his tip was so profound it looked like he was going to burst any second.
“Very badly what? What do you know to call me?” He gave you a questioning look as he ran his dick across your folds.
“Very badly, daddy. I want your cock inside my pussy very badly” you said, once again in a whiny tone as you peered up at him with glossy eyes.
You don’t know what had gotten into you, why you had the desire for sex more strongly than a drunk frat boy. But what you did know was that if he wasn’t fucking you within the next minute, you would probably disintegrate.
“Spread those legs for me” he commanded, and you did as you were told. Both of you were completely revealed for the other, a level of intimacy achieved that you never thought possible.
Kelly tapped his heavy cock against your folds before gathering your wetness with his head. With one hand on the headboard for support, he used his other hand to guide himself into you.
The feeling of him slowly sinking into you - stretching you out in the process - was well worth the foreplay you had just done. It was as if the buildup made the moment your bodies connected that much more pleasure-filled.
Once he was completely submerged within you, he looked up at you for reassurance and you nodded your head extremely quickly. You usually needed some time to adjust to his size, but you were so ready for him both mentally and physically that you didn’t need the warm-up.
Both of his arms propped his body up, each one planted on either side of your head as he slowly thrust in and out of you. You spread your legs even further as you took him, reviling in the immense euphoria you felt from him fully filling you.
The speed at which he rocked into you quickly hastened as he saw how much enjoyment you were experiencing. Your head was bobbling around as your eyes rolled back in pleasure and multiple gasps escaped from between your lips.
He roughly grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. “I want you to look at me while I fuck you. You hear me?” Without breaking his pace, he asked if you understood what he was asking of you, and you nodded hastily in agreement.
“Yes, yes” you gushed, doing everything in your power to once again prevent your orgasm from erupting early.
His hand quickly grasped the sides of your throat, the lack of oxygen causing a sudden dizzy feeling that sent you even further into sub-space.
“Yes, what?” As he asked you, he released the grip on the sides of your throat to readjust, and once again squeezed, practically urging you to answer him.
“Yes, lieutenant.” He nearly came immediately inside of you at the sound of you sultrily stating his rank. But he wanted you to come first, not because you deserved to on this particular day, but for something else he had planned.
He quickly slipped out of you, releasing the grip he had on your throat which caused you to look at him in confusion.
He grabbed one of the pillows on your bed and lifted your hips, sliding it beneath you to gain leverage. He then reached for the vibrator, your eyes widening as you watched his every move.
“What colour?” He asked the question as if he were asking you what you wanted for dinner; the ease of his tone made you want to giggle.
“Green” you responded, without even thinking about your answer; you were beyond ready.
As soon as he got the all clear, he sank right back into your warm, wet heat, slowly regaining the fast pace he was fucking you at before he last pulled out.
He clicked the wand on and lowered it onto your clit, the dual-pleasure you received as he crashed his cock repeatedly into your g-spot while vibing you to the high heavens caused you to yelp. You were practically smelling colours, your senses overloaded in the best way possible.
Nothing but pure frustration was fuelling Kelly as he drilled into you; he wanted to fuck the stubbornness right out of you for scaring him the way you did on shift, and your refusal to see that your actions were reckless heightened his anger even more.
“Fuck, fuck!!!” Your face scrunched together as you tried to fight off the early stages of your orgasm. Kelly could feel you pulsing around him, knowing you had to be close.
“I want to cum, daddy, please, can I come? Fuck!!!” Keeping still inside you, he took the wand off of your clit to turn up the level of vibration, and then returned it back on your swollen bulb.
Pummelling into you with strokes so deep he must’ve been scraping your cervix, he commanded “cum for me, slut.” As soon as the words escaped his mouth you completely unravelled, the orgasm you had put off for what felt like an eternity suffocated your entire body in pure bliss.
You were shocked he had let you come first… you thought this was supposed to be your punishment for disobeying his orders, and you didn’t think being the first one to orgasm was on his list of ways to teach you a lesson.
But you had no idea what Kelly had planned until he was flipping you over onto your hands and knees, only to immediately thrust right back into you.
Your entire body jolted as he did so, given you were still recovering from your orgasm; you were so extremely sensitive, goosebumps appearing on every inch of your skin.
“I’m going to make sure you never disobey my orders again” he stated matter o’factly, absolutely ravaging your pussy. Holding onto your hips for support, the pads of each one of his fingers dug so deeply into your skin you knew he was causing bruises to form.
“Fuckkkk” you let out, your voice faltering in the same fashion as his thrusts. You couldn’t help but squeeze your eyes shut and keep your head down, attempting to ride out the overstimulation as he pounded out his emotions into you.
Without disconnecting your bodies from one another, he reached over on the bed to grab the belt you had removed from him earlier. He looped it underneath you, pulling up tightly as he snaked it around your hips. The cold leather made you shiver once again, a sensation that took your mind away from the second orgasm coiling in your tummy.
The belt allowed him to drill into you with an added force, and with his free hand he grabbed a fistful of your hair, bringing you closer to him.
Lowering his mouth down to your ear, he uttered “don’t you dare disobey my orders at work ever again. Do you understand me?!” The way his hot breath fluttered into your ear canal made you feel completely and utterly his, and you’re pretty sure that’s the effect he was going for.
“Yes, yes sir, I understand” you quickly responded, continuing to let him take you relentlessly. He let go of your hair and reached around you, grasping onto one of your tits. A pinch of your nipple sent what felt like a wave of electricity shooting through your entire body.
“God, you’re so fucking hot. You take my cock so well, huh?” He gave in and showered you with praise - though it was minimal - after you were being so good for him.
“Yes daddy, I take your cock so well. No one can fuck me like you can” you gushed in response. Your’s and Kelly’s sex life was always off the charts, but you believe this was the most mind-blowing sex you’ve ever had together.
You could tell he was close by the way he was losing his momentum, but he mustered up some strength to take himself across the finish line, hoping you would be right there with him for your second orgasm.
He released the belt from beneath you, tossing it to his side in order for him to reach around for your clit.
“‘M gonna cum. Fuck!” Kelly moaned out. “Cum with me darling. C’mon, you can do it” he encouraged, pushing your body to the brink.
“Fuck” he groaned out. As soon as you felt his hot liquid start to coat your walls, the coil forming your orgasm ruptured like the snapping of an elastic. “Oh my god” you gasped, feeling liquid rush down your legs.
Kelly looked down at where the two of you connected, and all he saw was a clear liquid begin to seep through the sheets.
“Did you just…” you were zoned out to the max, so clouded with intense sensation you could barely even hear him.
“What?” you whispered, turning around to look at him. When you saw he was staring beneath the both of you, you looked where he was and noticed the puddle you were hovering above.
“Oh my god. I think I just squirted” you gasped, nearly giggling. You had never done so before, and you were almost proud of yourself.
“That’s so fucking hot” Kelly whispered, slowly unsheathing his cock from your pussy. You flipped yourself over onto your back, letting out a breath from the exertion you had just been through before collapsing.
“I’ve never done that before. I honestly didn’t think I could” you admitted as he laid down next to you, propping his head up with his elbow. “Are you serious?” Looking at you like you had five heads, he scanned your face for any hint that you might be lying.
“You just fucked me into the abyss, Kel, yes I’m serious. That was so fucking hot” you breathed out, still attempting to catch your breath.
As silence filled the room for a second, the both of you entering recovery mode, you decided that now would be as good a time as any to apologize.
“I’m sorry, Kel. I didn’t mean to go against a direct order, and I sure as hell didn’t mean to scare you… I know that it’s not just myself I put at risk when I act on impulse, it’s the entire house, and if something happened to one of them because of me, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself” I admitted.
Kelly nodded as you explained yourself. “I really don’t want our relationship to get in the way of our jobs. Just know that if anyone else had pulled the shit you did I would be just as angry with ‘em.”
You nodded in understanding. You knew he was just trying to do his job, and it most definitely made his leadership abilities look questionable when you went against him.
“Understood lieutenant” you said with a wink and a smile, earning a chuckle from him in response.
“Was I too rough with you? You know you can always communicate with me if you need to, no matter how deep in the moment we are” he scanned your face as he asked his question with sincere concern.
“No, no, Kel. It was great. I would’ve spoken up if I couldn’t handle it. You always take such good care of me.” Staring up into his eyes with admiration, you were wondering to yourself how you go so lucky to end up with a man like him.
He caressed your cheek with the pad of his thumb before planting a kiss on your lips.
“I’m gonna go start a bath for you, m’kay? You relax” he stood up, leaning over to kiss you on the forehead before walking to your en-suite.
“Hey, Kel?” He turned around. “Yeah?” He asked curiously.
“If you fuck like that every time you’re angry, expect me to rile you up way more often from here on out” you giggled.
“Fuck off” he smirked, grabbing a pillow from the end of the bed and tossing it at you playfully. As he turned around continuing his walk to the bathroom he muttered “I don’t have to be angry to fuck you like that. Just say the word princess.”
EEEEEEEP I hope that was okay!!!!! This is my first time writing smut so PLEASE take it easy on me. This idea was brewing for a while and I feel as though I executed it poorly so please give me feedback- I’m more than willing to made edits! Let me know what y’all think and enjoy your St. Patty’s weekend!!!!!!
Also, if you’re waiting for me to write your request, your patience is beyond appreciated. I’ve been struggling tremendously with my mental health, and although that is not an excuse, I just wanted to provide a reason for the delay. Thank you!!!!🤍
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bestfattsong · 8 months
Qualifiers round 1, part A
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kettlefire · 2 years
I would die to see Danny Phantom shoved into everyday regular-life shows.
Like Imagine
Danny Fenton suddenly being a firefighter in 911. Danny being a new transfer firefighter, meeting the team. How he might bond with Bobby, or Buck, or Hen. Casually hiding the fact he's not human, while also having the best survival rate.
Like what if the only reason he transferred there was because his previous fire house thought he was something else, something stranger because he managed to save people in situations that they should have died?
Fire turns into a collapsed building, and Danny makes it safe with civilians?
A little girl mentioning Danny was a guardian angel because he glowed when a flashover hit?
Danny in a doctor show, like The Resident. He only becomes a doctor because how else is he supposed to get medical care for his strange physiology without alerting attention?
Danny meeting Conrad when he's on a rescue mission. Danny running into Pravesh when he's there with Ellie (Danielle) for something completely unrelated to his own health.
Danny getting a call from Nic that Ellie is there and having to rush over before they do any testing and trying to explain to them that yes he's related to her, and yes he's her doctor, and yes it can be a problem but she has a very rare medical disease and he's the only one specialized to handle it.
Danny showing up in Law & Order SVU. Butting heads with Elliot because he just happened to be there and stopped a crime but refuse to cooperate with the detectives.
Be real, Danny would hate authority figures, and would probably be pretty ACAB.
Danny befriending Sonny because they accidently bump into each other in a grocery store or something and then Danny suddenly showing up in one of their cases.
Like nothing drastic or supernatural like, just Danny trying to live as normal of a life as possible and failing miserably because the ancients hate him.
Danny meeting Barbra because he accidently spilled coffee on the man's expensive suit and decided he wasn't going to leave the man alone until he felt like he paid his dues. Barbra refusing to let this child pay for his dry cleaning.
Danny meeting Olivia because he decided to go into daycare work and took care of one of their victims (Or called the unit on a possible case on one of his kids) or he's taking care of Noah.
I feel like this is an unexplored gold-mine. I'd love to read stories where Danny isn't in mortal danger, or struggling to survive something, or his secret gets about.
It's just Danny trying to be a functioning adult and turning into that friend that always has something traumatic happening to them every five minutes.
Being sucked into problems and barely making it out without the normal people finding out that he wasn't normal.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Guardian Angel 🖤 Part 3 🖤
Read on AO3 - Requests are Open - Masterlist
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 4.1 | 4.2| 4.3
Chapter Summary: Reader gets put in time out for bad behavior while Leon teaches her the rules of what things are going to be like from now on.
🖤Pairing: Yandere!Leon/Fem!Reader 
🖤Tags (not all apply to all chapters): NSFW, Masturbation, Dubcon, Sex, Gaslighting, canon typical horror and gore descriptions, probably eventual kidnapping or kidnapping like behavior, use of pet names like bunny. Leon induces some PTSD like flashbacks on purpose, general things of that nature. Unwanted creampie, etc. Probably treat as dead dove. Inappropriate use of animal collar.
As always this was inspired by @hxllfiredoll 's story Something Permanent. If you like Yandere!Leon please go give that a read along with @dollrxst's story Lovesick and @gigabyte-flare's story There's no Escape. Also wanted to add @lipglossanon because I love their work and you should too. While not explicitly yandere! it's adjacent and their works are awesome.
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You fought hard. You really did, you scratched at his back, kicked, struggled. When the basement door was flung open you even grabbed hold of the doorway with all your strength, but your hands lost their purchase as he continued the descent down the stairs. In a last ditch effort to free yourself from him, you tried to swing your body to knock him off his balance, it didn’t work. Leon didn’t budge an inch and his hold on your didn’t ease up. Your eyes stung when you heard the flick of a switch and you were greeted with a terribly bright fluorescent lighting. You were dropped into a chair. You struggled again but he held your arm in place like nothing while he clamped something cold over it. He did the same to your other arm and leg until you were stuck in the chair by all four limbs. Leon stroked your cheek softly while you trembled against the cold chair. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go, Bunny. Really it’s not, you forced my hand, left me no choice. All you had to do was be a good girl.” “F-fuck you!” The words not coming out as harshly as you intended through your trembling, you at least chalked up the nerve to spit at him. Smack. Your vision became disoriented and your head flung to the side, a searing pain in your cheek. A bit of blood formed in your mouth where the skin of your cheek was cut on your teeth. That was the first time you saw true anger flashover Leon’s face for a brief moment. You watched him wipe the spit from his cheek before he disappeared somewhere. When he came back your heart sank and the giant syringe in his hand. It looked like nothing you’d ever seen before, even the needle was giant. You wiggled around in the chair as much as you could as he placed the needle against your neck. “Don’t fight it, it’ll hurt more if you’re wriggling around. If you sit still it’ll only hurt for a moment.” He held you by your hair and sunk the needle in your skin, it felt like being pierced by a pole, it hurt bad. You expected to feel the additional sting of medicine, but you didn’t, less than a few seconds later Leon pulled it out of your neck, he dabbed at the spot with a tissue and then rubbed the sore spot a little. “Wh-what was that?” You asked nervously. “A little tracker for my special girl. Brand new design too, gotta bring doughnuts to those lab geeks next time I’m at work.” He finished inspecting the injection spot before backing away. “Alright. Let’s start with lesson one; respect. And to help you with that, I brought a little toy.” He pulled something black out of his pocket, you couldn’t quite make out what it was until he began to place it around your neck. You heard an audible click. A collar? He moved for a moment to bring a chair to sit in front of you and plopped down. “Now, from now on you’re going to refer to me as Daddy or Sir. Though I’m partial to the first one, as long as you’re addressing me with respect, we’ll be okay. Are we understood?” You glared at him with all you could muster. “C’mon baby, I asked you a question. It’s not very respectful to leave me hanging is it?” Your lips remained sealed. If talking was what he wanted, you weren’t going to give it to him willingly, it was the only way you had to rebel now. You watched him let out a disappointed sigh. “I guess you are a slow learner. That’s okay, we have plenty of time.” He fished a small remote out of his pocket. “One last chance sweetheart.” 
Silence. The scream you let out was feral. The pain radiated from your neck and shot tingling sensations throughout your entire body. You flopped within the constraints of the chair, if you had been standing it would’ve knocked you on your ass immediately. The sensation only lasted a second at most, but it was awful. A fucking shock collar?
“Do we feel like speaking now?” “Y-yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes Sir.” “That’s a good girl.” He said leaning forward to press his lips to yours gently. “See? Just gotta be a good girl f’me, alright?” “Why are you doing this to me?” You sobbed against his kisses. “Aww, my poor little Bunny. I’m not doing this to you, I’m doing this for you.” He said peppering your face with kisses, stroking the back of your head softly. “You need this. You need me. I’ll keep you safe sweetheart, you just gotta learn your lessons and be good.”
“Wh-what . . . what are you talking about you fucking psycho!” You watched him raise an eyebrow and lift the remote again. “Wait! Wait! No! I’m sorry - I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry Daddy.” You pleaded with him. “I just meant I don’t understand. Please explain to me, I’ll be good.” You watched him smile with approval.
You were trying his patience, you really were. His plan not going exactly how he imagined? That’s fine, stuff happens. But your defiance of him, spitting on him. He wasn’t thrilled with how he handled that. His hands were supposed to be for your love and comfort, but hey he’s human. If it had been anyone else he may have done worse, but he knew his little bunny wasn’t smart, didn’t think things through. It wasn’t your fault. 
Leon leaned back in his chair and ran his eyes over you. “First, why don’t we get you out of that chair, hmm? I’m sure it’s not very comfy. Besides, look at you, naked, dirty, my cum drying on your thighs. Poor girl.” He hated how frightened you looked at him right now. Didn’t you understand? You didn’t need to fear him. He was here to protect you. You were his world. No worries, you’d understand soon. Leon got up and exited the basement gathering a bucket of warm soapy water, a washrag, and a towel before making his way back down. He gently scrubbed your body free of dirt and dried cum as best he could before dabbing you dry with a plush towel. He walked over to the other side of the large basement and flicked the light on. This was a very special project of his just for you. He made it using the metal parts from a broken down jail, the metal cage was in perfect condition. He’d set it up in the basement, except he padded the entire area including the poles. He wanted to make sure it could contain you, but that there’d be no way for you to hurt yourself, accidentally, or as a form of rebellion.  Leon undid the locks from the chair and lifted you, holding you bridal style as he pressed a few kisses to your forehead softly. He carried you over to the cell and set  you down before closing the cell door and locking it. “Consider this the Bad Girl Room.” He said with a smile. He saw you pout as a look of confusion formed on your face. “B-but I said I’d be a good girl.” “And that’s how you earn your place out of the Bad Girl Room. But right now? Right now you’ve been a very bad girl, trying to run away, spitting at me. That’s not very nice Bunny, especially after all I’ve done for you the past few days.” And there it was, a small look of guilt on your face. It made his heart soar. There’s his little Bunny, despite everything you were still in there, so sweet. 
“P-please Leon, Sir . . . why are you doing this? If it’s because I asked to go home I’m sorry. I’ll stay the rest of the trip, just please let me out.” “Oh sweetheart, this is for your own good. Look at you, you’re a complete mess. You blabber about a man who doesn’t exist. You can’t remember simple things like packing pajamas or your phone. You even agreed to go on a last minute trip to the middle of nowhere with a man all alone. That doesn’t even include the million ways you leave yourself open for harm at home.” He sighed. “You simply cannot take care of yourself. That’s what I’m here for, baby. It’s okay to be crazy, I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.“
“Wait - no!” He watched you yank and grasp at the bars in a pathetically desperate attempt to escape as he began walking around the basement flicking off the lights, preparing to leave. “I want you to sit in there and think about your bad behavior and we’ll talk when I think you’ve earned it. Goodnight Bunny.” He said, flicking the last switch off, leaving you in total darkness. 
Leon made his way back up the staircase and closed the basement door behind him. He stretched and rotated the shoulder he’d flung you over, it was his shooting arm after all and after years of recoil it definitely ached sometimes. Once he was satisfied with his joints popping, he ventured back upstairs and sifted through your bags. He collected all of the hygiene items, but everything else was tossed into the trash. 
He took a moment to look at the messy sheets. His cock twitched in his pants when he remembered the look of ecstasy on your face while he was between your legs. The desperate whimpers. He wished more in this moment that you didn’t make him have to punish you, he would’ve loved round two, maybe some sweet morning love making. He groaned – that would have to wait for another time. 
You had never been scared of the dark, at least not since you were a child, but there was a calm eeriness being in total darkness right now. Even when your eyes adjusted the area was pitch black. You found yourself backing up until you hit the plush wall of the cell and slid to the ground shivering in the corner. 
You scratched at the collar around your neck, you spun it around until your hands felt the metal of what felt like a padlock. It wasn’t coming off. You adjusted it back to its original position and pulled your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. Now all you were left with was your own thoughts. Leon had called you crazy. That’s what you’d assumed this whole time, but somehow hearing it come from his voice was like an arrow through the chest. He’d locked you down here, prevented you from leaving. He fucking shocked you. But, he had done a lot for you the past few days. . . maybe he was right? 
No. No. No. Even if you are crazy, he’s a fucking psycho. You didn’t deserve this. This wasn’t normal behavior. This was scary. What did he even mean by ‘all the ways you left yourself open to harm at home?’
But what if this IS what you needed? You could barely keep your head on straight the last few days. If you hadn’t tried to make a daring run for it in his Jeep maybe you’d still be upstairs curled up in his strong arms, safe. Maybe if you hadn't spit on him –
What the hell is wrong with you for even considering that?
Your internal debate was interrupted by the scratching of a tree branch outside. The sound made you jump out of your skin. The moaning of the wind whirling by sounded awfully a lot like….he didn’t exist. That never happened. Stop thinking about it. 
Your thoughts were going nowhere productive. You decided to close your eyes instead. Please, please just let me sleep. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts anymore. 
You weren’t sure how long it took before your brain finally settled into unconsciousness, but it didn’t last long. The first image your brain conjured was of that awful night again. Derek bent over in the alleyway, the tentacles. This time the dream ended with Leon holding the gun, backing you up against the brick wall. “Baby what did I tell you about going out at night? You’ve been a very naughty girl.” He held the gun up to your head and pulled the trigger. You woke up with a scream, darkness still surrounding you. You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t allow yourself to think. Instead, you sat there staring into nothing with unfocused eyes, disassociating from everything. Even the awful hunger pangs in your stomach were ignored in favor of the sweet nothingness. Sit in the corner. Lay on your stomach. Lay on your back. Sit in the corner. You repeated this for who knows how long. 
Your eyes stung and your head swam. How long have you been down here? Lack of food, water, and sleep was slowly destroying your psyche if it was even intact to begin with.  It started with seeing things flitting across your vision, things walking out of the corner of your eyes. You’d rub them and would be greeted with regular darkness again. As your body continued to  weaken, so too did your mind. Lying on your back you swear you felt something tickle your cheeks. Whiskers. “Jasper?” You whispered. Jasper was your childhood cat, long since passed away. You’d recognize that orange tabby pattern anywhere, the white and orange fur making a heart on his forehead. You giggled and lifted your hand up to pet the soft fur. The cat rubbed against you and purred before seemingly disappearing under your touch.
That was the first time you cried since being in the cell. You missed Jasper. 
Every now and then you’d feel soft fur brush against you, meowing in the distance, purring in your ears. You weren’t sure if you wanted it to go away or if it was comforting. Next came the man in the corner. His voice sounded a lot like Derek’s, but you couldn’t make out his face besides the glowing red eyes. He’d spit nasty words at you. “You already forgot about me? Whore.” You couldn’t reply as grief and guilt washed over you. You felt so weak. Were you going to die? At this point you hoped so. You didn’t want to feel anything anymore. 
The first time you got a dose of reality was when the door clicked open. You thought that too was your imagination, until one of the basement lowlights flickered on.  “Oh baby girl. You look terrible, did you even sleep these past few days?” Leon unlocked the padded cell doors and knelt in front of you, he tilted your chin so you would look up at him. He was scanning your face for a moment with a small look of concern before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Hey sweetheart. Did you think about your bad behavior?” He asked, voice so soft you almost couldn’t believe it came from the person who’d locked you down here. “Yes Daddy, I’m so sorry for being a bad girl.” Your voice was flat, and you wore a neutral expression. Speaking felt strange again, your throat was dry, lips cracked. 
He kissed you again on the lips this time, you couldn’t help but press back into the affection softly. “Lift your arms up for me.” You did as you were told and he tugged a warm black sweatshirt over your arms and head. Then he helped you stand a little so you could get into the underwear and sweatpants he’d brought too. Clothing felt so good. So warm. He helped lead you from the cell, your legs wobbling like a newborn deer. He stopped for a moment. “Do you want daddy to carry you princess?” You nodded weakly as he lifted you up off the ground bridal style as he walked you up the stairs and out the basement door. You watched as those red eyes disappeared into the distance behind the both of you. You could swear you heard a soft meow before the door closed as well. You rubbed your eyes at the blast of sunlight coming through the windows. He sat down on the couch with you first, sitting on his lap and resting your head on his chest and shoulder. “Gonna brush your hair now, mkay? Then we’ll get you something to eat.” He brought the soft brush to your hair and started at the bottom, gently working the knots out as he went up. It felt relaxing, the bristles against your scalp, the sound of his breathing. It was nice to feel something soothing and real. Even Leon’s scent was familiar and comforting, even though it shouldn’t be. “I imagine you’re hungry? What do you want for breakfast hmm?” He asked, setting the brush down and continuing to massage your scalp with his fingers. It was such a normal question it felt so strange to hear. When was the last time you ate breakfast? You couldn’t remember. “Bunny, is it respectful to ignore me when I’m talking to you?” “Sorry.” “Sorry what?” “Sorry daddy.” “Good girl, now tell me what you want for breakfast, ok?” His hand moved from your scalp down to rub circles on your lower back. “Pancakes and eggs?” You dared to look up and meet his gaze. “I can manage some pancakes and eggs. Wait right here, okay?” He gently moved you off of his lap onto the couch. You hadn’t the energy to run, not that it mattered if you did. He returned quickly with what could only be described as an oversized sippy cup. “Gotta drink up princess, 3 days without water isn’t good for you.” You shakily brought it up to your lips and drank while he disappeared into the kitchen again. Water felt so good on the back of your throat, it was nearly euphoric, you downed the entirety of it as fast as the cup’s lid would allow.
Leon returned a while later lifting you up to carry you into the kitchen and plopping you down in a chair. He refilled the cup and set it in front of you before plating your food. He’d taken the liberty of pre-cutting your pancakes and had left you with a toddler’s spork. It was hard plastic, the kind that couldn’t easily be broken into something sharp.
Leon watched you inspect the utensil with confusion. He reached over to tuck some hair behind your ear. “Gotta make sure you’re not going to hurt yourself. Eat up, I know you must be starving.” Despite your hollowed eyes and cracked lips, you still managed to be the most beautiful thing Leon had ever laid his eyes on, his beautiful girl. He’d missed you so much the past three days, but sometimes caring for someone meant tough love even if it was hard for yourself too, ya know? He began to eat his own food while he observed you. You brought the spork to your mouth and took a large bite of the pancake. He watched your eyes close with pleasure as you savored the first real bite of food in days. “Mmm. ‘S delicious Sir.” You said scarfing down the next bite, and the next. His heart swooned that you loved his cooking so much. “Hey, hey slow down now. Don’t want my little Bunny choking.” He said with a stern tone. He watched you freeze for a moment before slowly chewing the rest of your bite and swallowing. He could tell it was an internal battle to scarf the rest of it down or follow his instructions. “Rule number 2; always listen to me. Understand? I know what’s best for you. Now slow down when you eat, the food isn’t going anywhere.” He was pleased when you did as you were told, slowing down and continuing to eat until the plate was empty. Leon held your cup to your lips again to make sure you got more water. That’s right, silly bunny. Just listen to me. Once breakfast was over he helped you back up to the bedroom. “Now, I know you didn’t sleep much. I think it’s best if you take a nap alright?” He’d made some alterations to the room while you’d been in time out. Call it adult-baby proofing. All the corners were fitted with rubber, the window safety locked. The bed had one of those safety blankets on it, the kind that zipped to the bed so it couldn’t be taken off only adjusted slightly, like a sleeping bag. He didn’t know what your exact state of mind would be after time out, and he wasn’t going to take any chances with you hurting yourself.  Leon ensured you were tucked neatly into the bed before he kissed your cheek. “Get some rest.”
“W-wait.” He saw your arm weakly reach out for him. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
“What is it?”
“I don’t wanna sleep. Bad dreams when I close my eyes. Monsters in the room.” Your eyes kept flicking behind him to the darkness of the open closet. He thought for a moment before turning and looking to where you were looking.
“There’s nothing over there baby.”
“There is, I can see it. The eyes, the red eyes. He was in the basement too.” He felt your hand tighten around his as your voice trembled.
Leon gave your hand a small squeeze in return before walking over to the closet door. He turned the light on and stepped into it. “Look, no monsters.” He waved his hand around inside the closet before stepping back out and closing the door. “Promise baby, I’ll protect you from anything, you just gotta get some sleep.”
He sighed when you shook your head again. He could tell it wasn’t defiance, but pure fear, so he’d let it slide this time. He heard you whimper as he left the room, going into the bathroom and unlocking the medicine cabinet. He pulled a small syringe from it and flicked the glass vial to make sure there were no air bubbles and held it behind his back as he walked over to you and sat on the side of the bed.
“You have to get some sleep.”
“What’s rule number 2?”
“Always listen to you.”
“That’s right, such a good girl.” He leaned down to kiss you and when he did he stuck the needle into your arm before pulling away. You winced and slapped your hand over the mark. “It’s okay, shhh. Shhhh.” He brushed his hand against your forehead and peppered your face with kisses. “Sleep sweetheart, I’ll be right here. You’re safe. You’re safe with me.” He said while your heavy eyelids lost their fight to stay open. Soon your breathing evened out and he knew you were asleep.
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pressmost · 2 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Montag, 26.9.2022
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Montag, 26.9.2022
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Das Kirtagswochenende ist vorüber und hat wieder einmal begeistert. Es war nicht das übertrieben strahlende Wetter, es war vielmehr herbstlich – aber es hat ausgehalten – und der leichte Regen hat entgegen allen Wettervorhersagen erst in der Nacht nach dem Kirtagsonntag eingesetzt. Wir haben uns über so viele Gäste enorm gefreut – schon…
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jojossillywalk · 10 months
me, intentionally setting up and writing a difference of views in a relationship that is meant to lead to a conflict: haha! yes!
me, having to write the conflict:
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