#Flat in Yokohama
rentlifeagency · 1 year
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The RL Hiyoshi Studio 404 unit is a furnished 1K studio apartment with 21.40 m² of space that is located in Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, and is within a 5-minute walk of Hiyoshi Station on the Tokyu Toyoku Line. Rent is currently ¥86,000 and possibly available from late June. Contact Rent Life for details.
Details: https://english.rent-yokohama.com/
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bashamichiroom · 2 years
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The Mitsuzawa Kawamoto Building is a 3-story building with freehold land rights in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama. The building is on a 171.36 m² lot with a total of 280.90 m² of floor space located within a 10-minute walk of Mitsuzawa-Kamicho Station on the Yokohama municipal subway Blue Line. The first floor has a vacant commercial-use space (vacant), the 2nd floor has a commercial space (occupied by tenant) and a 2DK residential space, and the 3rd floor has a 4LDK residential space. This building can be purchased for residential/commercial use or as an investment property, and is currently listed at ¥117,000,000. Potential annual rental income is ¥9,601,200 with an estimated gross yield of 8.2%. This property can be purchased as an investment for rental income regardless of your residency or visa status. Overseas buyers are welcomed!Details here: https://www.bashamichi-room.com/invest/building-investment#h.tpuh2fyj1o0s
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elizais · 7 months
when you know, you know.
when they realise just how much they love you ft: dazai, chuuya, jouno, sigma content warnings: reader isn't a hunting dog for jouno's button divider by v6que, dog divider by animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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dazai knew he loved you, from the get go. but, it was a random tuesday when it hit him how much he loved you.
your favourite author was releasing a new book, you were buzzing about it all of last week and it would be released in your local bookstore on the same tuesday. you spoke about your excitement often as the day approached but when tuesday finally came, you were on an emergency mission in the neighbouring city.
you and ranpo were in kamakura for the day, ranpo solving a couple crimes and you stopping him from getting beat up by his lack of social cues.
when you found out you would miss getting the book, you were disappointed but masked it by saying "'i'll just order it and wait for it to ship, don't worry!" to your boyfriend, osamu. he saw right through it though and made a silent promise to himself to get it.
once his shift ended, he made kunikida drive him to the bookstore (you took the car to kamakura because of the mission). a long queue was stood outside the door but he knew he would have to endure it.
waiting the hour and a half to get in, he rushed past the crowd to grab the last hardback of the book that was beginning to drive him insane. when he stepped out after paying (with kunikida's card, of course) he saw it was absolutely pouring it down.
torrential rain all over yokohama. the paperbag he was carrying the before mentioned book in would not last a minute. checking his phone for how long it would take to wait it out, he saw that it was not an option. it would last all night and you would be worried sick about where he was when you get home in an hour or so.
so, he made the decision to take off his coat, and wrap it around the book. he began to run back to your shared home, it was on this run he realised how much he truly adored you.
his blue striped shirt clung to his body, his bandages so soaked they were beginning to fall down. he mentally cursed whatever god controlled the weather, joking to himself about making a mental note to get chuuya to pass on the message.
when he made it back, out of breath and drenched, he saw your car in the driveway. you were already home. you must have not been home for long because as when he opened the front door, you were only just getting changed. your hair was wet from the shower and you had the towel in your hands to partially dry it.
"hello, love!" he smiled, hair flat yet frizzy from the rain. his clothes sticking to his skin as his jacket was bundled in a ball under his arm.
"where were you, osamu dazai?" you pressed a kiss to his wet face, pretending to scold him by using his full name. you began putting a hand onto his hair and making it look even messier.
"well, if you must know.." he teased, "i had to pick something up." he watched your face light up in realisation at what he had done, gathering why he was soaking wet.
"no you didn't! 'zai, you did not." you gasped, switching his last name into the nickname only you were allowed to call him - even if you were one of the only people to be able to call him osamu. osamu only chuckling as he moved to place his jacket on the countertop of the kitchen, unravelling the ball.
he handed you the book and analysed your face as it contorted through pure excitement. "oh my god! 'samu i love you so so so much!!" you placed the book down and practically jumped into his wet body. your arms found their rightful spot, hugging around his neck and his arms around your waist.
"i love you so much too, but now we are both wet.." he faked a frown, unable to hold back his smile.
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chuuya was always enamored with you. nothing less. but he particularly knew it when you were keeping an eye on elise.
he knew that this wasn't the most realistic thing in the world, her only being an ability after all. but even if she wasn't exactly real she always wanted to hang out with you, do your makeup, put hair clips in your hair.. and you never said no!
so when mori called chuuya to his office to discuss some paperwork, he knew you had been hanging out with elise as elise ran in to mori - dragging you along behind her.
"yes, and this was when-" chuuya was interrupted by two girls giggling after the sound of a door opening. "rintaro!! look at what [name] let me do!" elise smiled, urging you to spin around. you meekly smiled at chuuya in your dollified-by-a-child state. sheepishly spinning around, chuuya saw your new look.
hello kitty stickers on your face, bright blue lipstick smeared on your lips, sparkly barrettes throughout your hair and a dodgy braid to top it all off. mori chuckled at the sight, meanwhile chuuya stifled his laughter to not insult elise. mori nodded at elise, a silent 'well done' at her work, she took that as enough, but she wanted chuuya's reaction.
"mister nakahara? doesn't she look good?" elise asked your boyfriend, pulling you next to him. a shit-eating grin on the little girl's face.
chuuya smiled at the sight, "she's never looked prettier! you have done a great job, elise." elise put her arms on her hips proudly and smirked. "can i dress her up for your next date??? pleaseeee??" elise begged the pair of you.
before chuuya could answer, you turned to your boss, still a little bit awkward with barging in to his office.. "i'm so sorry, mori, please, let me get out of your hair!" you tried to apologise and leave with a bit of dignity before chuuya pulled you back. he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, an exaggerated "ewww!" coming from elise.
chuuya crouched down to elise's level, "sorry, you just made her look too pretty!"
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everyone knew of jouno as a sadistic man. but for you something was different. when you first met him, he treated you with indifference. just another witness for a case that you were brought in to speak to the hunting dog's about.
but soon after, god knows how, you both started dating. whilst the hunting dogs had only met you when jouno had, they had no real idea of what the two of you were like.
but then, you come to their HQ again for who knows what, you instantly start teasing the man who teases everyone. a truly odd sight for his comrades.
quick pieces of flirting disguised as banter are chucked back and forth,
"your heart rate is through the roof." ... "like your ego?".
if they didn't know any better, they would have thought you hated each other.
when you two eventually stopped poking jabs at each other, you explained why you were there and gave jouno his lunch. a teasing "aww" from teruko came from across the room before jouno pinched your upper arm. you instantly pinched his shoulder back before taking a few steps back, trying to stop yourself from giggling at his frustrated face.
it was an odd scene to say the least, somehow, somewhere, a person existed that snuck her way into jouno's heart that could snatch his hat right off of his head, slap him with it... and he wouldn't be angry.
a person that tugged on his cape when stood behind him to annoy him, and started pinching wars with him.
saigiku didn't know when it happened, but it did. and he knew he loved you when you would relentlessly tease him back rather than giving in and letting him torment you like everyone else.
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sigma had only been on this world for 3 years, yet he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his time on it with you the moment he saw you darting across the sky casino doing jobs on a busy week.
it was an abnormally busy time, and someone must have brought in a bug because sigma was not feeling well in the slightest. he was confined to his office and you promised him that you would get all of the manual/in person work done for him.
you had to beg him to let you do this for him, so he could rest. and it was all worth it when halfway through a day of signing paperwork he checked the cctv. a miniature, on screen you was helping out the customers of the casino, pushing boxes back and forth with your colleagues of course..
he realised just how much of a blessing you are. he felt as though his eyes were becoming heart shaped as he watched you, forgetting about the stack of papers he had to sign off.
an older woman approached you, too far away from the camera for him to make out what was being said but the both of you ended up sitting down at an empty table. the table was right by another camera so he could continue watching.
you reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out a deck of cards, sigma smiled to himself when he saw it was the fancy deck of cards you had stolen from nikolai as punishment for tormenting sigma. to be fair, nikolai must have stolen them from somewhere too.
sigma did begin to feel bad for watching you, even if there was no malicious intent behind it. he chuckled when he saw you demonstrating to the woman how to riffle shuffle cards, taking a break from your duties to entertain her.
he must have been enthralled by the scene for the better part of an hour as you patiently taught her magic tricks too. he could tell you had been learning from nikolai.
it was this simple moment that really made him fall for you, your kind nature being displayed perfectly.
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chuunai · 10 months
baby daddy chuuya ! who has been there for you every step of the way since he got you pregnant. the moment you told him that you had his kid in your belly, he swore that he’d be the best dad and husband he could be, kissing your cheeks and resting a hand on your then flat stomach. he’s already scheduling ultrasounds and prenatal appointments of the best care. a baby. his baby. with you.
baby daddy chuuya ! who pulls back your hair and rubs your back while you vomit from morning sickness. gently wiping your mouth with a towel after you finish, hugging you for support before getting you medication. he’s a bit sorry that his kid is already causing issues, but he’s more focused on you. he HATES the fact that you’re suffering, and will be for nine months.
baby daddy chuuya ! who cries after finding out during your first ultrasound that he’s not having just one baby with you, but two of them. he’s a proud father, gladly framing the pictures of the twins in your womb in the main hallway and also keeping a small picture for himself in his wallet. he’ll show off to his men, obviously. his wife is expecting twins, and it’s something he’ll fucking celebrate, alright.
baby daddy chuuya ! who plans a lavish baby shower with your friends and his own friends from the Mafia. the whole time during the party he’s keeping a hand on your swollen belly protectively—his duty as a soon-to-be dad. you’re not lifting a single one of your pretty fingers, not when he can help it. it’s a great party, with it ending with gifts and congratulations from everyone.
baby daddy chuuya ! who goes wild on preparing a nursery for the twins—one boy, and one girl—and who isn’t afraid on spending a shitload of money while doing so. the safest sturdy baby cribs, the softest plushies, tiny clothes, diapers, etc. his children deserve the best, and they’ll get nothing less than that. plus, he finally learns how to build a fucking crib after staring at a manual for 40+ hours and cursing every two seconds. it makes your pregnancy a bit more bearable watching your husband glare at a wrench.
baby daddy chuuya ! who indulges in your weird cravings and tries to appease you. you want pickles dipped in peanut butter? weird, but he’s got it. oh, you changed your mind and instead want ice-cream with cheetos and banana slices? sure, babe. he’ll still make you eat healthy though, even deciding that since you couldn’t drink, he wouldn’t either. you’re carrying two energetic babies, the least he could do was not drink.
baby daddy chuuya ! who’s practically attached to your baby bump. rubbing it—with or without lotion—, kissing the distended belly button, or hell, even talking to his kids inside. playfully scolding them about ‘bothering mom’ and how they were little gremlins. or the times where’d it be late at night and his head rested on your belly, murmuring about how much he loved them and how he’d always protect them no matter what.
baby daddy chuuya ! who ultimately just wants to live as much as a ‘normal life’ with you and his children. his kids won’t be involved with Yokohama’s dangerous underground activities as long as he can help it. no, they’ll live a life he never got to have. safety. love. and the happiest family in the world. his top priorities, now? making sure his family is safe and happy. forever.
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puppy love
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
My latest fixation, Chuuya with puppies! My precious boy deserves to be happy with a doggy of his own, so I decided to play into this little fantasy of mine (and his, probably). I'm planning on writing more parts to this lil series, I think it's helping me get out of my writing slump. Also parts of this fic are inspired by Shiloh, one of my all-time favorite books (so much nostalgia...) and a bit of a reference to that one puppy episode from Wan. And the panel I used for the banner is from the BSD manga (I think it's ch. 24) I hope you enjoy!
warnings: mentions of stray animals, Reader cries but it's in relief, mostly fluff, pet names (mostly "doll" but used only once in this part), the start of a slow burn perhaps? || words: 2k
Part I | Part II | Part III
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He’s halfway through his usual trek home, muscles burning and head pounding from another successful night’s mission, when he realizes he has a shadow.
Chuuya doesn’t let up his pace; stay calm, don’t give anything away—but he has to wonder, who could be this stupid to try to follow a mafia executive? And they’re not being subtle about it either. Making no effort to conceal their breaths or their footsteps—
Wait a minute…that sounds too light to be footsteps…
He sucks in a breath and turns around to face the culprit. Hands clenched into fists at his sides, preparing for a fight—
Staring up at him is perhaps one of the cutest fucking dogs he’s ever laid eyes on. (Not that he’s seen many dogs, but the point still stands.) Pointy ears, fuzzy orange fur, white paws and a belly that definitely looks too plump for a street dog.
He stares at it. The dog stares back, pink tongue lolling out the side of its mouth.
It takes every ounce of strength he can muster not to melt right then and there on the sidewalk. A thousand squeals on the tip of his tongue, gloved hands itching to scratch under that fuzzy little chin of his.
Never mind any dog hair, fuck that. Who’s gonna try to turn their nose up at this little cutie?
Chuuya briefly scans the area—not a soul in sight, just him and his companion beneath the lamplights—before dropping to his knees. The dog paws at the ground, his curly tail swishing madly in the air.
“C’mere boy,” he keeps his voice soft, holding out a hand. But the dog doesn’t budge. He just stares at him with that big dumb smile of his.
That really adorable dumb smile.
He tries again. The dog tilts his head and refuses to move. So Chuuya tries another tactic: “C’mere, girl?”
Still doesn’t move a muscle. Although now the dog looks amused as he paces from side to side, just out of Chuuya’s reach.
Yeah, gotta be a boy with that kind of attitude.
Chuuya sighs before pushing himself off the ground. Ah well, guess he’s too nervous to approach humans. Can’t really blame him for that; this city’s got its fair share of unpleasant people. He deals with them all the time, so he can kinda relate.
He shoves his hands back into his pockets (try not to think about how soft the dog’s fur must be) and turns on his heel to head home. It’s getting late anyway, and he’s got to get an early start tomorrow morning. He can’t be spending all night moping around some stray puppy following him around.
Even if he is the cutest thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
But he only gets a few steps in before hearing the unmistakable click-click of the dog’s nails against the pavement. He stops, the dog stops too. He glances over his shoulder, biting back a smile at the dog’s happy face.
“What do you want, huh? I don’t have any food, so if that’s what you’re looking for…”
Not that he looks like he needs any treats to begin with. He’s seen a few of the dogs roaming around Yokohama, all skin and bones as they pick through tipped-over trash cans. And the stray cats are no better, ears flat against their skulls as they hiss and claw at everything in sight.
So why does this dog look so fucking proud of himself?
Chuuya sighs and whistles to himself—and suddenly the dog comes running.
Two dirty paws plant themselves on his dress pants, that’ll surely be hard to get out, but how can he get angry when the dog’s trying so hard to reach his face? He chuckles under his breath as he kneels down to his level, as the dog plants kiss after kiss on his face with his slobbery tongue.
“Who knew all it took was a whistle?” he says more to himself than to the pup. The dog’s tail is wagging so hard he thinks it’ll fall off, the tiny little thing that it is.
He slides one of his gloves off, letting the dog sniff his hand before scratching him behind the ears. He was right, his fur is so soft… And his smile only gets bigger when the dog licks him again, not even minding all the drool.
But then he stiffens, slipping his fingers through the dog’s fur, noticing a red band of leather fastened around his neck. A collar? No way he’s someone’s pet. Then again, he does look a little too spoiled to be wandering the streets for food.
He curls his finger around the golden tag dangling from the buckle. No name, only an address he thinks he recognizes. Right on the edge of Yokohama, where the scent of sea salt is the strongest. Is it someone’s house? Apartment? Maybe a  shelter of some kind?
Chuuya steals another look at the dog, at those sweet brown eyes and twitching wet nose, trying his best to ignore the icy clench of his stomach. Maybe it’s for the best, just to bring him back. What’s he gonna do with a dog, anyway? Not like his job allows for much time raising a puppy, anyway.
Even one so cute as this little guy.
“Alright,” he sighs, scooping the pup in his arms, “let’s get you home.” He tries not to dwell on how warm the puppy is, or how softly he nestles his face in the crook of his shoulder.
And definitely not the way he can feel the pup drifting off to sleep as he starts down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. Gentle puffs against his skin, his curly tail twitching against his wrist.
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“Kotaro! There you are!”
The engraving on the pup’s collar has led him to a tiny little shop a few minutes from the port. A bit shabby with a torn sign on the top and windows that have definitely seen better days, and he’s about to turn tail (no pun intended) until he sees someone nearly fly out through the set of double doors.
“Kotaro!” Your voice is strained, tears streaming down your cheeks as you sweep the puppy into your arms. Clutching him as tight as you can, smoothing down the fur on his head as he stirs awake from his little nap. “I was worried sick… How did you escape again?! I could’ve sworn I locked the doors… You’re just lucky I came back downstairs when I did—or else you would’ve been out there all night long!”
The puppy only wags his tail, staring up at you with those silly eyes and sweet little “smile.” He knows it’s your weakness, how could you be angry at a face like that?
Oh, well. As long as he’s safe, you can’t really hold a grudge against him. Not when he’s back in your arms, safe and sound, and it’s just the two of you, just as it always should be.
It’s only when you hear someone clear their throat that you realize you’re actually not alone. You hastily wipe your eyes with the back of your hand—it’s a little difficult with a nearly-twenty-pound dog in your arms—and stare up at the man before you. Kotaro’s savior, your savior. And suddenly you feel a fresh wave of tears surge forth.
“Thank you for bringing him back! I’m so sorry if he’s caused you any trouble, I know he has a habit of bothering people when he sneaks out—I thought I’d kept him inside this time! He just has a thing for running away like the little troublemaker he is. He’s still young, hopefully he’ll grow out of it when he’s older, maybe he’ll mellow out and settle down, and then…”
You bite your tongue and avert your eyes. No need to scare off the stranger with your incessant rambling, especially after he was so nice to bring Kotaro back to you. But he only shakes his head, a soft smile on his lips as he tips his hat over his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, he didn’t cause too much trouble.” He lifts a hand, allowing Kotaro to sniff him before scratching the fur beneath his chin. “Keep an eye on him, though. You don’t want him getting lost out there, especially this time of night.”
“I know… I swear, he’s gonna give me gray hairs before the end of the year. The other dogs aren’t even this mischievous, I don’t know where he got it from!”
Wait, other dogs?
He glances over your shoulder, towards the dingy windows of the shop. Pet supplies and part-time shelter, the sign plastered on the glass says. And sure enough, the closer he looks at your outfit, he can see little bits of dog fur clinging to the fabric—some gray, some brown, some white, and then a hint of orange thanks to Kotaro.
Just how many dogs do you have in there?
“Anyway, I just wanna say I really appreciate you bringing him back here. You didn’t have to, I know you’re probably busy. Let me just run inside and get my wallet, I think I have some left over if you want—”
But he’s quick to shut you down with a shake of his head, even a wave of his hands for emphasis. No money, he’s already got plenty of that to spare. And besides, it doesn’t sit right with him, paying him for something that should come naturally to any decent person.
And he doesn’t want to sound mean, but judging from the shape of that little shop of yours, you look like you can use every last cent you have.
“Oh, if you say so… But still, why don’t I make it up to you sometime?”
An uneasy silence settles in the air between you; Chuuya blinks as he watches you shift your weight, partially hiding your face in Kotaro’s fur.
“…I mean, you don’t have to—I just wanna pay you back some way! Maybe I can treat you to lunch one of these days? I don’t have many days off, but I can make it work! Or maybe…do you have a dog of your own? I can give you a discount on anything in the shop!” You throw an arm out to the double doors behind you, still holding Kotaro to your chest. “Name it and it’s yours! I really don’t mind, it’s just me here anyway. Well, me and the dogs, all nine of us.”
Wait, nine, including yourself…
“You have eight of them?!”
A laugh bubbles up in your throat at the look on Chuuya’s face. He reminds you of a child on Christmas morning, staring at the presents strewn around the glowing tree. He doesn’t seem one to enjoy the company of dogs, given his fancy attire and confident aura.
And yet, he still brought Kotaro back home, when he could’ve easily turned and walked the other way. You’ve learned not to judge a book by its cover, after all.
“Eight dogs, and hopefully more by the end of the year.” Your cheeks grow warm beneath his startling blue gaze. (His eyes are really pretty up close, aren’t they?) “…I can tell you all about them on our lunch date, if you’re interested.”
He blinks, eyes flitting back and forth between you and the dog in your arms. You’ve got guts, he’ll give you that; he can see it in the way you talk to him, the way you hold the puppy in your arms. Gentle as ever, but a fire brimming in your eyes. You love this dog, no doubt about it.
And you’ve got seven more inside? Do you love them all the same amount?
What breeds are they? How did you come to adopt so many dogs at once? Or did you adopt them at once, or sporadically over the years?
So many questions, and yet the night is crawling by. He shakes his head again, giving Kotaro one last scratch behind the ears, before meeting your gaze once more.
“Lunch sounds perfect, doll.”
Your lips pull up in a smile, and he can’t help but notice how it nearly matches the one on Kotaro’s face. Bright and eager, melting under the attention of the ones around you.
And yet your smile is infinitely prettier, and he finds himself thinking about it as he starts the familiar journey back home, as the night hours slowly tick by.
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Kouyou Ozaki (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Kouyou Ozaki x GN! Reader
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Warning: OOC. Yandere. Koyouou wanted to do some damage to Reader. English is my second language. Some slight spoilers.
Becoming self-aware
🌂 With self-awareness came hatred. And Kouyou Ozaki can't tell exactly, at whom her hate were directed to.
🌂 Was she mad at author, for putting them through the pain? Was she angry, because her "life" was the way it "was", because Author thought, sad backstory will make... readers... pity the character..? Was she angry at readers for liking tragic backstories? And what about Kyouka? What she did do deserve such treatment?
🌂 Kouyou can't tell for sure. Every time she tried to make some sort of scene out of her feelings or thoughts, they go awry, and Kouyou will get a headache, boiling anger and no answers.
🌂Nevertheless, Koyou just can't sit here, mopping all day... night... Whatever time was in this wrenched place. She must help other Port Mafia members. And Kyouka.
🌂 Despite the situation, Mori tried to keep his head cool, Kouyou can give him that. The idea of patrolling the city in pairs were good. She and Kajii were tusked to patrol the borders of Yokohama. Maybe, they could find a way out of the city.
🌂 There was something else. Not only hate. Hope. Hope of a mad person.
🌂 Maybe, it's just a cruel ability, that took over Yokohama's citizens? Maybe, if they find a way to escape Yokohama, the life will be back to normal? They will only need to kill perpetrator, and life will be back to normal. To normal real lives of normal real people.
🌂 If Koyou could, she would pray. Pray for an ability user, who took over Yokohama with their ability. For someone, they could reach. For someone, her Golden Demon could stab.
🌂 But then, Hirotsu and Chuuya brought news. Armed Detective Agency, including Dazai also were self-aware.
🌂 Of course, Koyou could pretend, that Dazai wasn't real, that he was a doll, an illusion. Just a tool to mess with everyone's brains. But, Kouyou knew, that it's not true.
🌂There is an ability user. Yokohama isn't under ability's effect.
🌂 And Kouyou Ozaki, Port Mafia Executive, "Golden Demon" ability user was created only for someone's entertainment.
🌂 But, there was also good news. Kyouka was... fine. According to Dazai, Ranpo, that detective, asked her to be his assistant, while he was investigating current situation. Kouyou was happy about that.
🌂 Illusion might be broken, world is big fake, but, right here and now, Kouyou Ozaki exists. And she has duty to fulfill.
🌂 And then, she felt entity's gaze on her.
She and Kajii were paroling borders of Yokohama again.
Kouyou Ozaki felt both irritated and nervous. The world outside of Yokohama was even... emptier.
The closest metaphor Kouyou could find, is drawing of a forest, made by kindergartener, who didn't know about animals existence.
Wilderness outside Yokohama was empty. No animals, no birds, no insects. Even trees were limited. It looked like a park, not an inhabitant area.
And it was flat. No hills, no complete roads.
The river and road lead to nothing. They just... stopped. Like someone cut them.
And beyond that only empty sea of green grass with rare trees existed.
That's why that unblinking gaze in the sky made Kouyou nervous. It was natural fear. Fear of being stalked by someone, while being far away from safety.
But, irritation still was Kouyou main emotion towards that entity.
Kouyou knew what it was. Who they were.
Reader. A single one, Kouyou was about that. Another of that people, who wanted drama. Who wanted to see sad backstories.
Looking from afar. In the security of their real lives. Of their real world.
Oh, how Kouyou wanted to blind that Reader up above.
She wasn't the only one, who had that idea. Some time ago Chuuya said to her, that he dreams about the day he could show that person, how powerful his ability is. They will feel it on their own skin.
And then, time resets.
And Kouyou, once again, was tasked to look after fifteen-year-old Chuuya Nakahara, who has just joined Port Mafia.
When they start feeling your presence
🌂 The shock of sudden time travel still was fresh in her mind, when Chuuya's words delivered the second shocking hit.
"Ane-san... I think, we were mistaking about... them... They are"... Chuuya thought carefully about his next words. "... seems not that bad."
Chuuya grinned for a second.
"And they knew, when to start playing good rock song."
🌂 Kouyou wasn't sure, what to say about it. Chuuya wasn't the one, who would change his opinion that easy. What happened between him and Reader?
🌂 And why she was hearing a laughter during Chuuya's and Dazai's bickering? Very soft and nice laughter.
🌂 Next time travel was felt worse. Because Kouyou woke up in the middle of the fight with Verlaine. But, something was off. King of Assassins was looking at something above his head. He wasn't paying attention to the battle.
🌂 After the battle, Chuuya was mumbling something with a smile on his face. And he was looking at something above his head.
🌂 And when Port Mafia found Verlaine, he was looking before him with a faint smile on his face. He was whispering.
"Perhaps, one day, we will meet. And I will show my gratitude for you... Little Light."
🌂 Kouyou could swear, that for one moment, she saw a shapeless blob, floating before Verlaine.
🌂 Another reset. This time, Kouyou and Mori was discussing Kyouka. And two new things appeared. First, a blinking blob of light, that appeared and disappeared from time to time. And a voice, coming from up above.
Pretty [||||||||||] her [|||||||||||] kimono.
🌂 A surprisingly kind smile appeared on Mori's face.
"Oh, so you finally can see Little Light, Kouyou-kun? Aren't they adorable?"
🌂 Kouyou didn't answer Mori's question, choosing to met with Kyouka. He heard, that Port Mafia and ADA were negotiating about creating a union. To get to the Real World. And met with Guiding Light.
🌂 Kouyou guessed, that Guiding Light were Reader. What happened while she was away? For a moment, Kouyou felt irritated. Why she wasn't included in more events? She wanted to know more about sudden change of hearts about Reader.
🌂 Kouyou didn't call Kyouka's cellphone that time. She only wanted to make sure, that she is alright. Nakajima can be free, for now.
🌂 Kyouka and Atsushi were at the same spot, Kouyou found them last? time. Atsushi was talking about something with Kyouka. Kouyou could hear some words he has spoken.
"them" "good" "will like" "kind".
And second voice also talked.
"hope" "Kyouka" "fine"
🌂 This tome, it was a talk, not a fight. Kyouka was fine. And, she really wanted to hear something from Guiding Light. Were Guiding Light hypnotizing people? Kouyou didn't know why, but she repeated that words, she told Kyouka the last time.
"Listen to me, Kyōka. I know how you feel. But... some things are simply impossible. No matter how much a natural-born assassin like you seeks light... A flower that blooms in the dark can survive only within the dark. If you pursue the light, its heat will burn you up in the end."
Something soft curled around her neck. And Kouyou felt a wave of warmth.
Kindness. Appreciation. Love.
"sorry" "didn't deserve" "strong"
"Kouyou, I admire you. You are such a strong woman. I don't know if I could go through, what you had to go through. But, I think, you can open up a little... They respect you. And, I don't think, they will try to betray you again. One day, even in the deepest darkness, light will shine."
And someone pet her cheek.
[*In reality, you traced your fingers along Kouyou's manga frame.*]
🌂 Kouyou returned to ADA's building with Kouyou and Atsushi. Other Port Mafia members already were there. And Kouyou really need time to think about everything.
🌂 Chuuya... was right. Reader's emotions don't feel fake. And, what was important to Kouyou, Reader didn't pity her. Perhaps, Kouyou should soften up for a bit.
🌂But, one problem remains. Kyouka. Will Reader felt kindness towards Kouyou as well? If they aren't, well, Kouyou's sympathy will disappear.
🌂 Kouyou just need to wait.
The union finally was established, and remains of Port Mafia permanently moved to ADA's building.
Fukuzawa and Mori were discussing with Fitzgerald about Guild joining them.
That's when Kyouka wanted to talk to Kouyou eye to eye.
"They saw my past. My parents. They hugged me."
Kouyou saw a faint smile on Kyouka's face.
"Atsushi was right. They are a good person."
When Kyouka left to help Atsushi with something, Kouyou looked up. At the Little Light.
"You... Never were a bad person, right? I am glad, that I learned about it before I could do something, that would upset Kyouka. Guiding Light, when we met... let me protect you as well."
🌂 Kouyou now understand, why others wanted to meet Guiding Light. And why they want to hear more from them.
🌂 If only all of them could hear Guiding Light's voice more often.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🌂 When they got access to Scout files, Kouyou immediately gave you most of her SSR Cards.
🌂 She, and some other people, who didn't get much spotlight, asked to be first, who gives you their cards. They want your attention.
"Kouyou has so many beautiful cards"
"I wish, there was SSR Kouyou Tarot Card, SR."
"I adore Chibi Kouyou from Port Mafia base."
🌂 Kouyou is planning, how she will protect you, when she got in reality.
🌂 Kouyou is interested in Japanese culture. She took some sewing lessons online. She wants to sew something for you.
🌂 Real World, if you will be near, doesn't seem so bad. Same to hope.
You got another note in your inbox.
Kouyou with Sakura flowers Stamp.
"[Y/N], I hope, you are doing well. If someone is bothering you, tell me, when we met. I will deal with them accordingly. Stay safe. Kouyou Ozaki."
You smiled and opened one of the Kouyou's cards. You pet chibi sprite.
"I am doing good, Kouyou. Thanks for your concern. No one was bothering me, but, if someone do, I will tell you. I hope, we will meet."
You didn't notice, but a smile appeared on chibi Kouyou's face.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
The Line (Port Mafia!Dazai x Port Mafia!Reader)
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x Reader
Description: Something is there, but if they both pretend it isn't, then everything is okay.
Warnings: Angsty but also more fluff than angst I think, mafia stuff, bomb talk, its Dazai so double suicide mentioned once. Sex also mentioned in passing like once. I think that is it, please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 1,262
Master Lists:
All Master Lists 
Bungou Stray Dogs Master List
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
A/N so i found a screenshot of this tumblr post of this quote on pinterest and besties,, I am running with it. I will add the quote in at the end.
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Was it his hand on the small of her back? Was it the feeling of his whispered breaths against the shell of her ear? When had the line been crossed, if it had been crossed at all? Neither really seemed to know where it had even been drawn in the first place. Perhaps that was the trouble with it all.
Danger was a part of life for those unlucky enough to call themselves members of Yokohama's notorious Port Mafia. It was the only constant, in Y/n's eyes. Well, danger and Dazai, but they were kind of one in the same, weren't they?
The same low, constant hum. She looked up from her desk.
Dazai stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with an aloof air. He'd grown quite a bit in the two years since she had met him. She supposed she must have grown as well but, somehow, he still seemed to be exactly the same. It was the calculating quality of his gaze. It was the smirk, the way the light glinted off his hair.
"That's new."
Y/n gestured towards the man with the end of the pen she grasped in her hand. Almost without thought, he raised a hand of his own to the bandage on his left cheek.
"I suppose it is."
They were never supposed to have even met one another in the first place. Their jobs were ones that should have pulled them far apart from each other's graces. He was an executive, after all, and she was just a lowly clerk. She dealt with numbers, paying off people who needed paying off, covering up the footprints of great men like him. He was supposed to send his subordinates to deal with her. That was what everyone else always did. Dazai wasn't like everyone else though, was he.
"I've got something for you." he stated, straightening up and taking a few steps into the room, his hands firmly in the pockets of his coat.
Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"What is it, another job?"
"A present."
Dazai pulled a box from his pocket, snapping it down on top of the work Y/n had splayed out over the desk's surface before her. It was large and flat. She eyed it suspiciously.
"It wont bite."
"You do."
"I said it, didn't I?"
"What is it, a bomb? Think it would be funny to watch me struggle to deal with something like that?"
"Don't give me any ideas." Dazai playfully replied.
"Is it full of anthrax? I have already told you, I have no interest in committing a double suicide."
"Just open it."
The Mafia was a dangerous place, those who worked there lead dangerous lives. There was no denying the living, breathing thing between Y/n and Dazai but... there was no place for such a creature here. Besides, neither of them would know what to do about it if there was. They had both forgotten how to be gentle long ago, were unsure if it had ever been in their nature in the first place. All that was left was the sharpness.
Hesitantly, Y/n picked the dark red box up and opened the lid. Nestled in the black velvet of the interior was a necklace. It was old, an antique locket of sorts with a few flowers engraved on its oval front.
"Nightshade." she commented.
"Made me think of you, Belladonna."
That was one of the things that helped tow the line, the invisible and complex line. Y/n never called Dazai anything other than his last name and Dazai only referred to her as 'Belladonna.' At first, the name had irritated her. It had felt like a denial of her personhood, her individuality. That was before she had known there had been a line to cross at all. She was older now, wiser. She looked back up at him.
"How sweet." she bitterly replied.
Dazai smiled his lazy smile in response. A girl could give up everything for a smile like that, even her life. Y/n wouldn't though. If she was willing to, that was mean it was all lost. They would have crossed the line long ago, if that were true. They couldn't have that. The line was what kept them safe, kept hem sheltered, kept them. He closed the distance, stepping up beside her in the space behind her desk.
Long, slender fingers snaked around the locket's delicate chain, pulling it from its bed. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as his fingers brushed against the back of her neck, securing the necklace. It felt heavy against her chest, a foriegn weight that seemed to cut right through her skin to her bones below. Gently, he slipped a hand under her chin, tilting her face up to him.
"Perfect." he hummed.
Had they already crossed it? Was it too late? If so, what had been the deciding factor? Was it the late nights up on the roof, talking till the sun rose? Was it the knocks at her door at odd hours? Had it been their legs tangled together beneath the covers night after night, no sex required?
"Thank you."
What needed to happen, what change had to occur for them to be able to say the words that echoed in the backs of their minds?
Dazai's hand lingered on her face for a moment longer. Y/n mourned the warmth of his touch as he dragged his fingers from her.
"I have to go."
Y/n sighed, turning back to her messy desk.
"The work of a Mafioso is never complete, is it."
A statement, not a question. Dazai let out a light laugh in agreement. Y/n picked her pen back up, listening intently to his footsteps as he crossed back over to the door. At the sound of a pause, a hesitation in the pattern, she looked back up.
"Same time same place?"
She smiled. Tonight, the kitchens. Stolen food, stolen time. Stolen kisses too most likley.
Belladonna. Something poisonous, something detrimental. Something completely and entirely his, if he was brave enough to take her. Dazai wasn't so sure he was, not right now at any rate. Dazai was a man who didn't like uncertainties. In fact, he avoided them at all nearly costs. He didn't know if the day would ever come when the bravery or the assurance would arrive. With things as they were now, it felt inevitable. A ticking bomb, a precariously placed glass. One wrong move, and everything would shatter.
With a curt nod, he disappeared back out into the hallway. Y/n listened to his footsteps against the carpet of the hall as he retreated, picturing the way he must look in the moment, wondering where he was off to.
The line was there, the brick wall between them. They both knew it. How far was too far? Was it holding hands as they walked down the street, checking to make sure no one could see? They already did that. They already did a lot of things. Maybe... maybe the line would dissolve when the fear left or, maybe, when it felt more manageable, they would be able to cross it, if they hadn't already.
How far was too far?
Y/n reached her hand up to her chest, fingering the cool silver of the locket where it hung at her collar. Maybe, just maybe, they had gone to far already. Maybe the world was already falling down around them, they just hadn't noticed it yet.
Here is the quote that inspired this:
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Post Canon Beast where it falls to Beast Atsushi to become the new Post Mafia Boss.
Atsushi casting one last look at Dazai's corpse and walking back into the building. He's alone, and he doesn't look back. Atsushi immediately calls a meeting with the executives.
And tells them what he can when he himself hasn't processed any of it. Atsushi who watched Dazai fall and now has to watch Chuuya crumble.
He manages, somehow to knock Chuuya out before corruption could spread in his greif filled rage. Atsushi asks Hirotsu to please take Chuuya to the infirmary.
Hirotsu with eyes full of sorrow says he'll do just that. Atsushi's expression doesn't change as he watches him leave and than faces the rest of the executives.
"I am going to be filling in, do you have any issues with that?"
They exchange looks and unanimously say no.
Each of them leave with orders to give a report on the branches of the Port Mafia under their control. Atsushi has a rough idea, but he needs to be certain.
Kouyou is the last to leave. "I'll handle Chuuya's report" she says. "Thank you...do you think he'll be okay?" Asks Atsushi, letting the worry colour his words.
"He will, it's going to be quite the uphill battle but he won't be alone." Kouyou looks at Atsushi, looking somehow both stern and kind at the same time. "You won't be alone either, I won't let you be."
All Atsushi can do is nod with tears in his. Kouyou simply smiles and they part ways for now.
She becomes his advisor, something he's ever so greatful for her. Atthough it's clear to everyone that the new Boss's right hand is Kyouka.
Atsushi had tried to talk her out of it, but Boss or not Kyouka wouldn't have it. She was firecely protective and well Atsushi trusted her to watch his back.
Atsushi checks on Chuuya regularly at his flat. Atsushi watches Chuuya embrace himself in the very greif Atsushi shuts out.
Sometimes Chuuya won't leave his bed. Sometimes he's pissed off or teary eyed. Sometimes all of the above, and yet Chuuya never tells him to leave.
Atsushi doesn't say much, he gives him regularly updates. He leaves him a tray by his bed and asks that he eats.
Kouyou vists him too. Between her and Atsushi they've split his reports up between them. Atsushi ends up doing the most because there's nights he can't sleep.
Atsushi ends up changing the Port Mafia.The Port Mafia's efforts became centered around protecting their city from the shadows rather than destroying it.
Those within the Port Mafia feel a feeling of relief, freedom and pride in their actions. They were still killers, the darkness of Yokohama but it was a far cry from their previous brutality.
Atsushi leaves his executives to do their usual jobs.
Everything else he takes care of and monitors. He gets the Port Mafia headquarters repaired. He spends his nights making phone calls to their various front companies.
Atsushi is no longer the Port Mafia's main line of security. But his skills have stayed sharp, he can't afford to be weak. And his reputation as the White Reaper remains strong.
In fact, seeing what many deemed a mindless beast become an effective, calculating and merciful leader is more terrifying. As is the reminder that Atsushi was Dazai's apprentice.
Some wonder if Atsushi was responsible for the Boss's death. But those rumours go silent in a hurry.
"I do have one question, Boss." Atsushi took the glass of wine she handed him. He never used to drink before all of this. But things have changed, he has changed.
Kouyou had laughed seeing his reaction to whiskey. Dazai's apprentice he may be but Atsushi had her's and Chuuya's superior taste.
"It's just us in my office, drop the formalities Kouyou. Ask away." He said, slightly exasperated. They had this conversation often.
She chuckled before becoming serious. "I understand why you didn't hand the position to Chuuya, but... Why not me? Why, take this all on yourself from the start?"
Atsushi took a swing of his glass.
"Because you would've hated it. I know you tried to leave, and while that desire might've ended you still desire freedom. I wouldn't condemn you to this life, to this cage."
And she wanted to deny it.
That she'd have happily taken this burden from him. But she couldn't, because that was a lie. And Boss or not she couldn't lie to him, Atsushi had been through so much.
He was shouldering so much. Her respect for him only grew. That for one so young to be so wise and so hurt.
And yet he chose to be kind.
Atsushi had improved things, their once enemy the Agency was now interested in meeting with him.
Perhaps due to Akutugawa's influence as much as his. An alliance would be necessary, with Dazai's warnings of a new threat. Though they were still a ways to go, Atsushi was hopeful.
Atsushi still wore his usual coat, but there was now a maroon scarf around his neck. The same one Dazai had once worn, as had the Boss before him.
Atsushi hadn't wanted too, it felt wrong and clearly indicated he was replacing Dazai. But he'd allowed Kyouka to put it on him, over his collar.
On the day of Dazai's funeral, Atsushi was organising some reports. A knock came at his door "Come in" he said, not looking up from his work.
"Huh, don't think I've ever see it so tidy in here."
The report dropped from Atsushi's hands. A familiar red glow stopping its fall and putting it away neatly. "I didn't think you were coming" Said Atsushi, turning around.
It was the first time Atsushi had seen Chuuya at headquarters since that meeting.
He was in his usual attire, not the oversized hoodie he'd practically been living in. His hair brushed and back in his usual style under his hat.
It was like nothing happened, and yet Atsushi knew better.
"I'm done with my moping." Said Chuuya, taking several steps forward. And if seeing Chuuya in his office didn't suprise him, he was when the man took off his hat and kneeled before him.
"I'm a bit late, but I swear my undying loyalty to you, Boss."
It shouldn't hit as hard as it did. It was one thing for the other members, for the executives to acknowledge Atsushi was the new Boss.
But somehow hearing it from Chuuya was different. "Get up" Said Atsushi quietly, tears in his eyes and Chuuya did putting his hat back on.
"No formalities in here" Chuuya smiled at him, sadly.
He could see the wear and tear Atsushi had taken. The burden on his shoulders that he'd chosen to carry, because Atsushi always chose everyone else before himself.
"I'm sorry kid."
He was sorry, sorry he'd left him to rot in his own greif. Sorry that Atsushi even had to be the Boss. But Chuuya couldn't dwell on the past, what mattered was he was here now.
So when Atsushi broke down, Chuuya caught him. He held him as Atsushi sobbed. Chuuya let Atsushi let out everything he'd been bottling away. The anger, the fear, the resentment, the betrayal, the sadness, all of it.
Kyouka poked her head in, worry in her eyes but she let Chuuya handle this. Knowing Atsushi would hide any trace of his sadness if he saw her, as not to worry her.
When it did the opposite.
"Are they coming?" Asked Kouyou, looking around. "In a minute, Chuuya's got him." Said Kyouka, Kouyou softened and sighed sadly. She had known this was coming, especially with it being the funeral today.
Eventually Atsushi's sobs died down and he rested his head on Chuuya's shoulder, emotionally and physically exhausted. Chuuya chuckled, ruffling his hair as Atsushi swatted his hands away.
"He'd be proud of you." Atsushi shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "I disobeyed him, he told me to leave." Chuuya wondered if Dazai knew saying that would only make Atsushi stay.
He'd planned this, that's for sure.
"Well, I am. I'm proud of you dunno if that means anything." Atsushi nodded, his smile turning genuine. "It does, it means a lot actually." Chuuya looked at him, suprised before smiling back.
"Good, I'll have to say it more."
Atsushi hums, looking at the clock and knowing it was time to go. "You think they'll let me lower the casket?" He asked, at Chuuya's confusion Atsushi added "so I can let him down, once last time."
Chuuya snorted.
"Maybe, you're the boss now."
"Yeah, yeah I am."
He dried his tears and walked out the door, everyone bowing there's head in respect as Atsushi walked past.
Chuuya and Kouyou behind him watching his back, Kyouka at his side. Atsushi would bare the burden of being the Boss of the Port Mafia, of protecting his city.
But at least now, he wouldn't do it alone. It wasn't the light Dazai wanted him to live it, but now Atsushi could choose for himself.
And he wouldn't choose anything else.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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I can't get over this shot of Akutagawa face flat on the floor. He's so pathetic. Yokohama gay men desire him carnally
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silverbladexyz · 9 months
Christmas Cuddles with Dazai
Sooo here is my Christmas fic for this year :D Enjoy ❤
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None. Gender neutral reader
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Dazai was in a dilemma. The worst kind of dilemma possible to ever exist to mankind- no, to ever exist in the entire universe.
The day had started just like any other normal Christmas day; with the two of you staying up until midnight the previous evening to bake Christmas cookies together. Then you went around exchanging gifts with your fellow colleagues at the Armed Detective Agency, wishing them Merry Christmas. Lastly, you and Dazai had had a private Christmas dinner together, complete with the lovely sights of Yokohama and each other's company.
Then, Dazai had drawn out from his pocket a small gift for you, and upon unwrapping it, revealed itself to be a plushie that you had been eyeing for months.
The plushie lay snugly in your arms as you cuddled it tight, refusing to let it go for even a millisecond. Dazai wouldn't lie- he did find the plushie cute and all, yet why did you seem to find it much more worth your attention than him? And on Christmas, nonetheless. A special day solely meant for the two of you.
It was partly his fault for getting the plushie, but he just couldn't stop himself from wanting to see that adorable overjoyed look on your face when you saw what he had bought you.
He pouted childishly, opening his mouth. "Y/N-"
"Isn't it cute, Osamu? It's almost as cute as you!" You gleefully held the plushie out to your lover, who blinked.
"I could cuddle it forever!" Bringing it back to your chest, you hugged the plushie tightly against your chest, almost squeezing it flat. You were about to nuzzle into the furry stuffed toy, and sigh in contentment at it's sweet smell.
Only for it to be pried out of your hands and set aside on the couch.
Lean, strong arms wrapped around your waist. Dazai buried his face into the crook of your neck, the soft black locks of his hair slightly tickling your skin. He gave a small exhale, seemingly content to remain like this for as long as possible.
You smiled a little, encircling your arms around him. One of your hands found its way into his smooth tresses, gently stroking his head. None of you said anything for a while- the peaceful silence was enough for the both of you.
"Were you jealous that I was cuddling the plushie instead?"
Your teasing tone caused Dazai to look up with a cute pout on his face again, his hold on you tightening slightly.
"I was not! Instead... I was just thinking how cold my beloved would be if I wasn't cuddling them instead! Especially in this freezing weather!~" He buried his face into your neck again, placing a soft kiss on the exposed skin.
"Sure thing, pretty boy~" You giggled, feeling Dazai slightly smile in response to your reply. He knew that you secretly loved his cuddles anyways.
"Luckily for you, I'm feeling quite generous; so you may cuddle me as much as you want today~"
You planted a small kiss on the top of Dazai's head.
"Merry Christmas, Osamu."
I felt like it was a bit rushed, but I hope you guys liked it! Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone 💖
@circinuus @dazaiyohane @ruanais @sariel626 @oldworldpoolhall @yuugen-benni @ghosak
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rentlifeagency · 1 year
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The RL Tanmachi Station Front 502 unit is a furnished 1K studio apartment with 22.00 m² of space that is located in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, and is within a 4-minute walk of Tanmachi Station on the Tokyu-Toyoko Line. Rent is ¥112,000 and is currently available from October. Contact Rent Life for details.
Details: https://english.rent-yokohama.com/monthly/detail/23029001160001.html
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bashamichiroom · 1 month
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The Griffin Yokohama Nihon-Odori 1001 apartment is a foreigner-friendly, 1DK flat with 30.45 ㎡ located in Naka Ward, Yokohama, within a 4-minute walk of Nihon-Odori Station. Cost is ¥107,100/month. Contact  Bashamichi Room to schedule a viewing.
Details: https://www.bashamichi-room.com/rent/1dk-rental/griffin-yokohama-nihon-odori-1001
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blenderfullasarcasm · 6 months
snippet from a crossover I'm working on :)
Dazai drags open his heavy eyelids, blinking lethargically to clear his vision as he allows his head to fall to the side. The blur of color next to him resolves itself into unevenly cut orange hair and a pile of tacky clothing. He can feel his lips curl involuntarily. Even in an alternate dimension, it seems he can't escape Chuuya.  “Ah,” Dazai drawls, pitching his voice to elicit maximum annoyance. “So hell is real.” “Haah?” Chuuya levers himself into a sitting position in an instant so that he can turn the full force of his glare on Dazai. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Dazai doesn't bother getting up from the pavement. Instead, he spreads his hands expressively in Chuuya’s general direction, as if the solution should be obvious. “If I’m dead and Chuuya is here, then this must be hell.” Chuuya snorts unattractively. “Feeling’s mutual,” he says absently, scanning their surroundings warily. Dazai rolls his eyes, faintly disappointed by Chuuya’s lukewarm reaction. “There’s no one within ten meters of us,” he says dismissively, drawing Chuuya’s attention back to himself. Chuuya doesn’t bother asking how Dazai knows, taking his words at face value. The line of his shoulders relaxes slightly, though the muscles in his arms are still tensed, ready to flip himself into the air at a moment’s notice. That’s normal for him, though. Dazai’s fairly certain Chuuya hasn’t completely unclenched since he was eighteen. It’s probably why he’s survived as a Port Mafia executive this long. The weight of Chuuya’s gaze returns to Dazai, the pressure familiar and heady. The blue of his eyes is paler than he’s used to, in the flat gray of the sky above. "So, where are we?" ...If Chuuya doesn't recognize this alleyway, they're definitely not in Yokohama anymore.
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I love the dazai fell harder and faster tropes, chuuya literally fell from the sky it was love at first kick and in not even a day or two of meeting him they're already a confession ( false confession or not can be subject to debate) , then he prepared a creepy party for welcoming him into the pm while giggling while he's doing it, then you have his 27 notebook of grievance and It's not even the worse of it he's so unhinged omg, chuuya isn't any better they have a mutual obssession i swear poor port mafia and ada and the whole of Yokohama who have to witness their sexual tension.
I like to imagine chuuya smilling radiantly or laughing and dazai go flustered like error.404.dazai.ex have crashed while chuuya is oblivious, i think that he will rant to oda and ango about chuuya and then they were both like : ango : " someone should tell him " while oda is like " he will figure it out eventually i believe in him." , then you have how they brag about the others and mask it with insult if ADA and PM have a drinking game of how many times dazai and or/chuuya mention the others they will be flat out drunk ( having dazai and chuuya put money in a piggy bank every time that they mention the others will have chuuya wallet way less full and dazai in even more debt).
I think that while dazai is thirsty he can be the type to hide his flirting with insult or acting like he was mocking him ( because he refuse to have chuuya have this win over him) while chuuya is oblivious but if they get together it would be while in a fight and these too dumbass will confess while not even realize it then they will realize what they did, be embarrassed but no one will take it back because if you take it back you lose, while dazai would make sure to make known that chuuya is officially his with a voice recording of the confession in his hand and if you make a move on him you're my enemy while chuuya mastered the art of denial .
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blackmamba1103 · 1 year
Warning: This contains smut, public sex, clothes ripping, a Dazai Osamu x Reader. Grammatical and typographical errors ahead, minors dni.
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Looking out of the tinted window of the car, you sat on the backseat with your legs crossed, a wine glass full of crimson substance on hand. Many years had passed and Yokohama haven't changed that much. Passing by some clothing shops, convenient stores, malls and hotel buildings. You'll be taking a walk through town later or maybe visit the bar you usually go to with Odasaku, Ango, and him.
Now that you think about it, you missed and at the same time hated a certain brown haired mafioso, right after Odasaku's death he had disappeared without a word, the pain of being abandoned left a bitter taste on you and that's also the reason why you left Yokohama to move on and carry on with your life.
Upon arriving at the port mafia base, you were greeted by your father's men causing you to exhale a bit, how much you dislike it when they tried to treat you like a royalty. You head inside and through the hallways of the building. Reaching your father's office, knocking on the door and then stepping inside only to see him sitting on his usual seat facing the glass window and Kouyou sitting on the other seat across from him, a small table in between them.
"Ara~ Y/n-chan's finally here, you've finally grown to a fine young woman." Kouyou spoke in a soft tone of voice, you in response smiled warmly at the older woman.
"How's your trip, sweetheart? How much I missed you~" Mori asked, leaving his seat and approached his beloved daughter with a smile on his lips, embracing you tightly.
"I missed you too, dad. And it went well." You said in a soft tone of voice, pulling back to look at his father then around his office, "Where is Chuuya?"
"They're on a mission. Have you heard about the weretiger, Y/n?" Kouyou asked and you sat on a chair beside your father, crossing your legs.
"Yes, I did. Chuuya infromed me about it. Are you planning to capture it?" You asked, turning your attention to Mori.
"Of course, sweetheart." He said, a small chuckle escaped your lips at your father's reply. You already expected it right before Chuuya even told you about it. If it's about money or something he wants, he will surely do anything to get it.
It was afternoon and you decided to have a walk alone through the streets of Yokohama with your hands in your coat pockets. For your whole attire, you wore a brown trench coat and underneath it is a long-sleeved turtle neck shirt and for the lower part is a brown high waisted tennis skirt, black pantyhose and a pair of black ankle high heeled boots. Your long pale white hair down on your back and you also wore a brown beret hat on your head.
Walking and looking at the shop windows and buying some snacks to eat along the way for passed 30 minutes. Then you came across a café, observing the place and saw the sign
"Uzumaki Café." You said in a soft tone of voice and was about to step inside when you heard a familiar voice causing your body to froze on the spot.
"Y/n..." He says again for a couple of seconds and a soft shaky exhale escapes your lips, turning your head to look at the man you had never expect to meet again. You could see different emotions through his brown eyes...there's longing...guilt...sadness...affection...regret...
Your attention shifts towards a shorter male that was standing beside him, he has light gray hair, pale skin, and is of average height with a slim build. He has segmental heterochromia, consisting of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil.
After a couple of seconds of silence, you glanced back at the taller man. You had a flat expression on your face, what do you expect to react towards a person who ruined your life and abandoned you?
You glanced away from his brown eyes that had always spellbound you, "It's been awhile, Osamu."
That day he had told Atsushi to come back to ADA office alone since his gonna have a talk with you for a bit. There is a part that you were against the idea of talking to him but there's also a part where you really longed to and want to. It's...confusing...
You sat on a bar stoll taking a sip of the red wine you had ordered at Bar Lupin, he had decided to take you in this place again. There's so many memories you had in this place with Oda and Ango that even right now you still kept the picture Ango had took of you four.
"How have you been?" He asked after a minute of silence, sitting beside you on a bar stoll. His left arm on the counter whilst his other hand hold his whiskey on ice, elbow on the counter as well, his brown eyes looking at you. It's been a decade since he last saw you and you had changed so much...even him...
"I've been well," you trailed off and took a piece of cherry and placing it in between your lips, plucking the stem off and placing it on the bowl then chewing, "how about you?"
"I've been doing great as well." He said and then silence follows. It was suffocating...after some time he speaks again in a more softer tone, "I'm sorry, Y/n."
"Sorry for what now?"
"For leaving without saying anything."
A chuckles escaped your luscious lips at that comment, uncrossing your legs then straightening your body up and turning your head to look at him, a small and fake smile on your lips.
"You're a decade too late, Dazai Osamu." You replied in a flat tone of voice and your face now devoid of emotion, you finished your wine, placed some paper bills on the table and slide off the bar stoll hurriedly heading out of the bar. Just as you reach outside, you were pulled by hand on your arm and towards the dark alleyway on the side of the bar. Your back on the stone wall as you glared up at him.
"Listen to me, I have a reason-"
You quickly cut him off with a slap on his face, the sound was harsh and sickening, you breathed heavily.
"Fuck off! I don't want to listen to your excuses. If you think a simple sorry can fix everything then you're wrong!"
All the frustration, the pain and suffering you had gone through because of his disappearance, you had waited for him to come back but he never did.
"I don't know what to do...how to find you..." you said in a small and cracked tone of voice, a defeated sigh escapes you, "It's better if we end this once and for all-"
Your eyes glow a vibrant shade of red indicating that your ability is activated but your eyes dims back to its normal hue when he used his no longer human ability and at the same time he had captire your lips in a passionate kiss. You placed your hands on his chest in an attempt to push him back but he quickly grabbed your hands and pinned it above your head preventing you from doing so.
You couldn't stop the tears that rolled down your face, he's doing it again just to decieve you and it worked just like he planned. You stopped struggling, your eyes closing as you kissed him back with the same vigor and after a minute or so he pulls back to look at you, forehead pressed against each other and him finally letting your wrists go and placing his bandage arms around your waist with your arms around his neck.
"Let me explain, Y/n. I know it's too late...but I'm begging you...let me explain...please..." he says in a soft tone of voice and kissing your lips, nose, cheeks and forehead just like he used to back then. You just prayed that you wouldn't regret your decision and so you slowly nodded in reply.
"God...I missed you so much..." he breathlessly says and capture your lips again in a more hungry and desperate kiss and you moaned low on your throat, your hands grabbing the collar of his brown trench coat and pulling him closer. You could felt his hands, caressing your hip and waist, he took off your trench coat and let it fall on the ground, his bandaged hands that toyched the skin of your stomach when he slid his hand inside your turtle neck, it burned your skin and shivers run down your spine at the pleasurable feeling.
Pulling you in his body even more, he had placed his left knee in between your legs causing you to gasp and moan, his tongue diving in to taste you even more.
At this moment you could feel how much he longed for you and you feeling the same way as he is. There's also a part that you couldn't trust him yet, that he would abandon you again just like he did before but there's also a part of you that wanted to trust him and let him explain. Your thoughts got cut off when his mouth left your lips only to trail kisses and left small marks along your jaw and neck, pulling the collar of your turtle neck.
"Osamu..." you whispered his name and your hands caressing and tugging on his dark brown locks of hair. Oh, how much you missed this, his heated touches, passionate kisses, his brown eyes that look at you affectionately and his voice...you couldn't resist him and so you give in to the temptation.
"Y/n..." he breathlessly says and a small gasp escape your slightly parted lips when his hands slid inside to the back of your brown tennis skirt and ripped open your panty hose.
"You idiot!" You whispered yell and glared at him, he just chuckle at your reaction then took your hands and guided it towards his pants.
"I know you like it when I do that."
"I don't!"
"Don't lie, baby." He whispered huskily on your ear and biting the tip making you whimper a bit, "Now...do me a favor and unbuckle me up."
You did as you were told with shaky hands, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants, pulling the zipper down revealing his boxer briefs that has a small tint on it. He was hard.
"So hard for me? Did I turn you on that much~?" She whisper in a soft and seductive tone, a small shaky exhale escapes his lips as he felt your right hand caressing his navel and moving down to slip your hand inside his underwear to grab his well endowed cock.
He groan a bit at your sensuous touch and a small smirk forming on your lips, how much you like it hearing his voice and the way his nose nuzzling your neck, a choke moan escaped him when you squeezed him a bit and your thumb teasing the tip of his cock in a circular motion and your other hand squeezing and rubbing his balls. He grabbed your hand and you stopped, "If I wanted to cum, I want it inside you."
A dark blush tints your cheeks when he says that causing him to smirk. He do know how to make you blush just with a simple sentence but of course, you wouldn't back down, you wouldn't be entitled as the perilous seductress of the port mafia for nothing.
"Really~? Then take me~" You whispered in a seductive way.
"I love it when you talk dirty to me but I still need to prep you, my dear bella. It's been awhile since we did it and it might hurt."
"Hmmm? But I've done it with the other--" a small gasp escapes your pink luscious lips when his hand slid inside your panties and fingers rubbing your clit in slow circular motion.
"You're so wet for me, you were saying?" He asked through gritted teeth and a close eyed smile, noticing the irk mark on his head, without a warning he insert a finger inside your tight walls, thrusting it in and out slowly and after some time he slid another finger in next to the other. You gasped and moan, clenching around his fingers and a sly smirk forms on his lips while humming in satisfaction. Placing a kiss on your cheek and just as you were about to cum, he had stopped his movements causing you to whine and pout your lips, glaring at him a bit.
"Don't look at me like that, It's a punishment for teasing me~"
He grabbed your legs, hoisting you up and your arms around his neck with your back pressed against the wall. A soft blush tints your cheeks when you felt his cock rubbing on the slit of your entrance then he whispered darkly beside your ear, "We're still outside so try not to scream too much, you don't wanna get caught, do you~?"
At that said and slight adjustment of his hips, he had entered her, both of you moaning softly in unison. He felt your walls clamping down on him and so he nuzzled your neck lovingly to get you to relax. After a few seconds, he started moving slowly for you to adjust from his size while small whimpers escaping your pink luscious lips with your eyes closed shut at the feeling. It was a pain mixed with pleasure but slowly the pain subsided and you were now gasping and grabbing on the fabric of his brown trench coat with you moving your hips in timing of his thrusts. The euphoric feeling was to much for you to handle and you bite down on your hand.
Dazai thrusted rather a bit roughly causing you to stop biting your hand to gasp, head thrown back and he licked his lips at the sight. Just by looking at your disheveled and your pleasure filled expressions and the way you tighten around him is enough to almost send him over the edge. He fastened up the movement of his hips and cover your mouth with his bandaged hand and just as you cried out for release, a small gasp escape his lips as he released right after you, painting your walls with white substance. His movements slowing down to a stop. Both of you trying to catch your breaths, his hand left your mouth and then placed a loving kiss on your forehead.
"Will you come with me, Y/n?." He whispered and you just nodded your head in reply.
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Oneshot: For a minute, everything will be fine Genre: Fluff, nothing particular A/N: Just had a mental convo with Dazai on this →Masterlist
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As the sun begins to set over the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow over the land, the world seems to come alive with a majestic energy. The rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze, the distant sound of birds singing their evening songs, and the way the clouds dance across the sky - it's all a symphony of beauty that cannot be ignored.
"Death sounds pretty good right now" Dazai spoke, his head on your lap as you both sat near the edge of the cliff, the Yokohama city the sun's rays slowly reducing it's luminance.
Your hand ran through his dusty darkish brown hair, as you took a deep breath, each passing moment making you feel like it was your last.
Was Dazai right all along? Is their truly a worth living when everything around you is chaotic? that a simple mere human mind was able to think beyond the way of living confused you, but in this world, where possibilities are endless, one cannot hold back and stop.
"You alright?" You spoke, your voice as quiet as possible, as your finger played with Dazai's hair, (S/T) skin on brown, as little rays of light dance across the area, golden on yellow, and yellow on green.
A soft sound of reassurance was heard from Dazai's mouth, as turned and tilted himself, his face now buried inside of your lap, his breath tickling your thighs as you laugh and shove him off you, before you stood— dusting off the tiny hay like grass.
You couldn't decipher Dazai's face, yet he got up when you did, only to lose his balance again and end up back on the ground.
You extended your hand, as you watch Dazai fell face flat on the ground, before he reached out his hand, you pulling him up as he stood.
"Well aren't you quiet feisty today belladonna?"
"I saw that," You spoke as you crossed your hands over our chest, a playful smirk on your face.
With a smirk, Dazai dusted off his clothes and chuckled, "Ah, you know, a little tumble just adds some excitement to the day."
You raised an eyebrow playfully, "Excitement or not, you do have a talent for making dramatic entries."
He flashed a mischievous grin, "Life's too short for anything less, my dear belladonna"
You both started to walk back to the city, thanking the wind for letting you have peaceful time near the cliff.
As you continued walking, You couldn't help but ask, "So, what trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"
Dazai placed a hand over his heart in mock offense, misinterpreting your question, "Me? Trouble? I'll have you know, I was merely exploring the boundaries of gravity."
You rolled your eyes, obvious to his ignorance, but still replied "Exploring the boundaries of gravity? Is that what you call tripping over your own feet? Considering that, I will thanking Chuuya for making you interested in gravity"
He laughed, a sound that seemed to dance through the air, "Ah, you see through all my secrets, don't you?"
"I've had plenty of practice," You replied, a hint of a smile tugging at your lips.
Dazai's expression turned momentarily serious, as he looked at you with a glint of genuine warmth in his eyes. "Well, I'm glad someone's keeping track of my antics."
You nudged him playfully, "Someone has to make sure you don't accidentally fall into any more 'gravity exploration' missions."
His laughter echoed once again, and for that moment, as you strolled down the path with the sun casting a warm glow, it felt like the troubles of the world were distant and inconsequential.
Right now, it's hard not to feel small when faced with something so amazing. The world is tough to live in, but there are people who bring good luck to others. It's a reminder that these people are just regular folks, living in a world that's both dangerous and mysterious. But it's also a message that they need to do their part to take care of this world we used to call home.
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