#Fostering trust in long-term commitment
fosteringinsc · 1 year
Building Trust in Foster Care: A Fundamental Guide for Foster Parents
Building Trust in Foster Care: A Fundamental Guide for Foster Parents. Trust-building lies at the heart of foster care, forming the bedrock for healthy relationships between foster parents and the children in their care. As a foster parent, your role goes beyond providing a safe home; it involves nurturing emotional bonds and creating a sense of security for the child. In this blog post, we will…
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esotericalchemist · 27 days
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𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 *☾
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In astrology, Saturn is known as the "Great Teacher" or "Taskmaster." This planet governs discipline, responsibility, and the lessons learned through hard work and perseverance. Saturn's influence often brings challenges, delays, and restrictions, but it also offers the potential for growth, maturity, and wisdom. Saturn teaches us that lasting success is achieved through patience, careful planning, and a deep understanding of our limitations and strengths. While its lessons can be tough, they are ultimately transformative, helping us build a solid foundation for long-term achievements. In this post, I'll explore the general meaning of Saturn in astrology, discuss how to navigate its challenges, and explain where these lessons can lead in terms of personal and spiritual growth.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Aries, it brings together two contrasting energies. Aries, driven by Mars, is all about action, initiative, and a pioneering spirit, while Saturn focuses on discipline, limitations, and patience. These two forces don’t naturally align—Saturn’s cautious, methodical approach can feel at odds with Aries’ impulsive and fast-paced nature. If you have Saturn in Aries, you might find it challenging to assert yourself confidently or feel held back when trying to take initiative. This placement encourages you to find a balance between acting on impulse and planning carefully, teaching you to channel Aries' fiery energy into disciplined and productive efforts.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop patience and self-mastery in expressing your identity and leadership by focusing on building inner confidence through disciplined self-improvement, ultimately resulting in a strong, resilient sense of self that commands respect and authority. 2nd House: The key lesson is to learn financial discipline and align your values with long-term goals by practicing careful financial planning and avoiding impulsive spending, leading to lasting financial stability and a deeper understanding of your values. 3rd House: The focus is on mastering clear and effective communication through precise expression and patient learning, which strengthens your communication skills and fosters solid relationships within your community. 4th House: The lesson involves building emotional security and stability at home by creating a strong, supportive foundation through patience and responsibility, ultimately achieving a secure, nurturing home environment and deep emotional resilience. 5th House: The challenge is to express creativity and love with responsibility and discipline by channeling creative impulses into structured, meaningful projects, which leads to fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and lasting joy in personal relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing discipline in work, health, and daily routines by establishing consistent, healthy habits and a strong work ethic, resulting in success in work and robust health through disciplined daily practices. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and commitment in relationships by building them slowly, focusing on trust and mutual responsibility, which can lead to deep, enduring partnerships based on mutual respect and stability. 8th House: The key is to confront fears around transformation and shared resources by approaching change and intimacy with careful planning and emotional resilience, ultimately leading to empowerment through facing challenges, resulting in deep personal and financial security. 9th House: The lesson involves cultivating a disciplined pursuit of higher knowledge and beliefs by approaching learning and travel with patience and a structured mindset, leading to deep wisdom and strong, well-founded beliefs that guide your life. 10th House: The focus is on achieving career goals through persistent, disciplined effort by building your professional reputation slowly and focusing on long-term success, which results in significant career achievements and a lasting, respected legacy. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and ambitions by building meaningful, stable friendships and pursuing goals with long-term planning, ultimately achieving your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: The key is to face inner fears and limitations with discipline by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with patience and commitment, leading to deep spiritual growth and inner peace through overcoming personal challenges.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Taurus, it highlights themes around stability, security, material possessions, and values. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is naturally associated with comfort, luxury, and the enjoyment of earthly pleasures. However, Saturn’s influence introduces a more cautious and disciplined approach to these areas. Achieving the comfort and security that Taurus desires often requires significant hard work, patience, and sustained effort under Saturn’s influence. This placement teaches important lessons about building a solid foundation, managing resources wisely, and adopting a consistent, long-term approach to material and financial matters. Saturn in Taurus challenges you to balance your desire for material wealth and comfort with the need for responsibility, careful planning, and long-term vision.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a stable and grounded sense of self by building your identity on solid values and a patient approach to personal growth, leading to a strong, dependable self-image that others trust and respect. 2nd House: You learn to manage finances and resources with discipline by focusing on building wealth slowly through careful planning and saving, ultimately achieving long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating patience and consistency in communication and learning by approaching education and interactions with a steady, practical mindset, resulting in strong communication skills and reliable, well-developed knowledge. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life by creating a solid emotional and physical foundation for your family, which leads to a deeply rooted sense of security and a harmonious home environment. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love in a stable, consistent manner by channeling your creative talents into enduring projects and cultivating lasting relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creativity and stable, loving relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a consistent routine and disciplined approach to work and health by establishing and maintaining steady habits in your daily life and job, resulting in career success and robust health through a balanced lifestyle. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by building relationships on a foundation of trust, loyalty, and long-term commitment, leading to stable, enduring partnerships that bring mutual security and comfort. 8th House: You confront challenges related to shared resources and deep emotional bonds by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and responsibility, leading to empowerment through managing shared resources wisely and achieving emotional stability. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a grounded and practical approach to higher learning and beliefs by pursuing knowledge and spiritual growth with patience and real-world application, resulting in deep wisdom and well-established beliefs that guide your life with stability. 10th House: You achieve career success through persistent, disciplined effort by building your professional life on a foundation of reliability and long-term goals, leading to significant, lasting career achievements and a strong professional reputation. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and long-term goals by pursuing friendships and ambitions with a steady, consistent approach, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to find stability and security within yourself, even in solitude, by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with a focus on inner peace and self-sufficiency, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner security that transcends external circumstances.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Gemini, it introduces a disciplined, cautious, and sometimes restrictive energy to the areas of communication, intellect, and adaptability. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, typically thrives on quick thinking, versatility, and the exchange of ideas, but Saturn’s influence tends to slow these processes down, urging you to be more deliberate in your thoughts, communication, and learning. This placement often teaches the value of clear and precise communication, the benefits of structured and methodical thinking, and the necessity of developing patience in both learning and social interactions. Saturn in Gemini challenges you to transform your intellectual skills into something solid and dependable, emphasizing depth and substance over superficiality in all matters related to the mind and communication.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop well-structured, clear self-expression by refining your communication style and presenting yourself with clarity and confidence, leading to a strong, articulate identity that earns respect for its depth and consistency. 2nd House: You learn to communicate your values and manage financial matters with care by approaching finances and self-worth with a practical, well-considered mindset, resulting in financial stability and a secure sense of self rooted in clear values and effective communication. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication and learning by taking the time to master communication skills and develop well-organized knowledge, leading to strong, reliable communication abilities and a reputation for being well-informed. 4th House: The lesson involves building a stable, communicative home environment by fostering open and structured communication within your family and creating a mentally stimulating home life, resulting in a secure and intellectually rich home that promotes comfort and growth. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and joy in a disciplined, thoughtful manner by channeling creative energies into structured projects and approaching love and leisure with thoughtful engagement, leading to fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing disciplined communication and adaptability in daily work and health routines by establishing structured work habits and clear communication in the workplace, leading to career success and improved health through well-organized routines. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in communication within partnerships by building relationships on clear, thoughtful communication and mutual respect, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep understanding. 8th House: You confront challenges related to communication about shared resources and deep emotions by approaching sensitive topics with caution and thoughtful communication, leading to empowerment through wise resource management and emotional resilience. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to higher learning and philosophical communication by pursuing knowledge and spiritual growth with patience and clear expression, resulting in deep wisdom and a solid philosophical foundation that guides your life. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined communication and structured intellectual work by building your professional life on clear, organized communication and long-term projects, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for clarity and intellect. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and intellectual pursuits by pursuing friendships and ambitions with consistent communication and a focus on long-term goals, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and intellectually stimulating connections. 12th House: You learn to find mental clarity and discipline in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection and spiritual practices with a focus on structured thinking, leading to deep spiritual growth and inner peace that transcends external distractions.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Cancer, it introduces a disciplined and sometimes restrictive energy to the emotional and nurturing qualities that define this sign. Cancer, governed by the Moon, is deeply connected to emotions, home, family, and a sense of security. Saturn’s presence in this sign can create a tension between the natural inclination for emotional expression and the need for control and stability. This placement often brings important lessons about managing emotions, developing emotional resilience, and finding a sense of security within yourself rather than depending solely on external factors. Saturn in Cancer challenges you to build a strong emotional foundation, emphasizing the importance of responsibility in caring for both yourself and others while navigating the complexities of feelings and attachments.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop emotional resilience and a grounded sense of self-expression by cultivating inner strength and learning to express your emotions with maturity and control, resulting in a strong, stable self-image that balances emotional depth with responsibility. 2nd House: You learn to manage emotional security and financial stability with care by focusing on building a solid financial foundation and nurturing your sense of self-worth, leading to long-term financial security and a deep sense of self rooted in emotional stability. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful emotional communication by approaching interactions with emotional intelligence and care, fostering meaningful connections, and resulting in strong, emotionally intelligent communication skills and reliable relationships. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure, stable home life and managing family responsibilities with care by creating a nurturing, emotionally secure home environment through patience and dedication, leading to a deeply rooted sense of security and a harmonious family life. 5th House: You learn to express love and creativity in a disciplined, emotionally aware manner by channeling your emotional and creative energies into structured, meaningful projects and relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and emotionally rich, stable relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing disciplined emotional routines and a responsible approach to work and health by establishing consistent habits that support both your emotional well-being and physical health, resulting in career success and improved health through emotionally balanced, well-organized routines. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in emotionally charged partnerships by building relationships on a foundation of emotional maturity, trust, and mutual respect, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep emotional understanding and mutual support. 8th House: You confront emotional fears and challenges related to intimacy and shared resources by approaching deep emotional issues and financial matters with caution and resilience, leading to empowerment through managing these challenges wisely and achieving profound personal growth. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to emotional and philosophical growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with emotional maturity and a focus on deeper understanding, resulting in deep wisdom and a solid emotional foundation that guides your life. 10th House: You achieve career success through emotional discipline and responsible leadership by building your professional life on a foundation of emotional intelligence and long-term planning, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation for maturity and responsibility. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in emotionally driven social networks and long-term goals by pursuing friendships and ambitions with emotional intelligence and a focus on nurturing supportive connections, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social networks. 12th House: You learn to find emotional security and peace in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on emotional healing and inner stability, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace that transcends external circumstances.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Leo, it introduces a disciplined and sometimes restrictive energy to the self-expressive, creative, and leadership-oriented qualities of this sign. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is naturally associated with confidence, creativity, and a strong desire to lead and be recognized. However, Saturn's influence can make it challenging to express these qualities freely, often teaching important lessons about the responsible use of power, the need for humility, and the value of earning respect through consistent effort rather than simply expecting it. This placement may also bring a sense of caution or hesitation in self-expression, making it essential to develop inner confidence through discipline and perseverance. Saturn in Leo challenges you to balance your desire for recognition with the maturity and responsibility required for true leadership.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop disciplined self-expression and leadership by cultivating confidence through steady personal growth and responsible use of creative energy, leading to a strong, respected presence that combines creativity with maturity and integrity. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and self-worth with care and responsibility by focusing on building financial stability and a secure sense of self through disciplined efforts, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth based on real accomplishments. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and confident communication and creative thinking by approaching learning and communication with patience, ensuring your ideas are expressed clearly and confidently, which leads to strong communication skills and a reputation for thoughtful, creative expression. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with responsible leadership within the family by creating a nurturing, supportive environment through disciplined efforts and emotional maturity, leading to a harmonious and respected family life. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love in a disciplined, responsible manner by channeling your creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities and relationships, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support your professional goals and physical well-being, resulting in success in your career and improved health through disciplined, creative work habits. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by balancing leadership with cooperation, building relationships on mutual respect, responsible self-expression, and a balance of power, leading to stable, enduring partnerships. 8th House: You confront challenges related to power, control, and shared resources with responsibility by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and disciplined self-expression, leading to empowerment through responsible management and deep emotional resilience. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical and creative growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with responsibility, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with integrity and creativity. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined leadership and responsible self-expression by building your professional life on a foundation of mature leadership and steady effort, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and creative ambitions by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to express your creativity and leadership in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on disciplined self-expression and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner confidence that transcends external recognition.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Virgo, it highlights themes of precision, practicality, and service. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, naturally gravitates toward analytical thinking, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic. Saturn’s influence in Virgo intensifies these traits but also introduces challenges such as perfectionism, over-criticism, and a tendency to become overly fixated on flaws and imperfections. This placement often teaches important lessons about balancing efficiency with flexibility and managing responsibilities in a way that promotes both productivity and self-care. Saturn in Virgo challenges you to adopt a disciplined and organized approach to life while learning to accept imperfections and avoid getting lost in minor details that may not serve the bigger picture.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined and precise approach to self-expression by cultivating a strong personal identity through attention to detail and self-improvement, leading to a well-organized, respected presence that combines practicality with confidence. 2nd House: You learn to manage your resources and self-worth with meticulous care and responsibility by focusing on building financial stability and self-esteem through disciplined work and careful planning, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth based on practical achievements. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and precise communication and analytical thinking by approaching learning and communication with clarity, accuracy, and practical application, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being thorough and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a stable and organized home life with careful attention to detail by creating a well-maintained, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, leading to a harmonious and well-structured home life that provides comfort and security. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and attention to detail by channeling your energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize quality over quantity, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, thoughtful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support your professional goals and physical well-being, paying attention to details, resulting in career success and improved health through well-organized habits. 7th House: The lesson is to learn patience and responsibility in partnerships by balancing criticism with support, building relationships on mutual respect and practical cooperation, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by shared responsibilities. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and deep analysis by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution, meticulous planning, and an analytical mindset, leading to empowerment through responsible management and a deep understanding of complex issues. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical and analytical growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with practical application and attention to detail, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-structured philosophical outlook. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined work and attention to detail by building your professional life on careful planning, organization, and a commitment to excellence, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for reliability and precision. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and analytical pursuits by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach to organization and practical analysis, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and analysis in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-improvement and practical growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and clarity from disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Libra, it introduces a structured and disciplined influence to the areas of relationships, balance, and fairness. Libra, ruled by Venus, is naturally linked to harmony, partnerships, and a strong sense of justice. Saturn's presence in Libra is particularly potent, as Saturn is exalted in this sign, meaning it operates very effectively here. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the importance of responsibility and commitment in relationships, the need to establish clear boundaries, and the ongoing challenge of maintaining balance in various aspects of life. Saturn in Libra encourages you to approach partnerships and social interactions with maturity and fairness, highlighting the significance of long-term commitment, diplomacy, and the cultivation of stable, enduring relationships.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a balanced, disciplined approach to self-expression and relationships by cultivating a strong sense of fairness and responsibility in your interactions, leading to a respected presence that harmonizes personal needs with a commitment to fairness in relationships. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on balance and fairness by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and a commitment to long-term stability, resulting in financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in balanced values. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and fair communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity, diplomacy, and fairness in all interactions, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being thoughtful, fair-minded, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and balanced home life by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts and a commitment to fairness within the family, resulting in a stable, peaceful home life and strong, respectful family relationships. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with a sense of responsibility and balance by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize fairness and commitment, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, harmonious relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, balanced approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical well-being with an emphasis on fairness and service, leading to career success and improved health through well-balanced habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment and fairness in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and responsibility, leading to stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect, fairness, and long-term stability. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, intimacy, and shared resources with fairness by approaching deep emotional and financial matters with diplomacy and balance, leading to empowerment through responsible management and deep emotional connections built on fairness and trust. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, balanced approach to philosophical and spiritual growth by pursuing knowledge with a focus on fairness and justice, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with integrity and balance. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined leadership and a commitment to fairness by building your professional life on fairness, justice, and long-term planning, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for balanced leadership. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with a disciplined approach to fairness and cooperation, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections built on mutual respect. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and balance in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on inner balance, fairness, and self-reflection, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and balance from disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Scorpio, it brings a disciplined, intense, and transformative energy to a sign known for its emotional depth, intensity, and focus on power and transformation. Scorpio, ruled by Mars and co-ruled by Pluto, is connected with themes of regeneration, secrets, and control. Saturn's influence in Scorpio often presents challenges related to managing deep-seated fears, navigating power dynamics, and dealing with emotional complexities. This placement teaches crucial lessons about developing emotional resilience, confronting and overcoming fears, and the responsible use of power. Saturn in Scorpio pushes you to explore the depths of your psyche, confront your inner shadows, and emerge stronger and more disciplined, turning challenges into opportunities for profound personal growth.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a strong, resilient sense of self that can handle intensity and transformation by cultivating emotional discipline and navigating personal challenges with strength and control, leading to a powerful self-identity that commands respect and handles life’s challenges with grace. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with emotional depth and security by approaching financial matters and self-worth with discipline, focusing on long-term security and emotional stability, resulting in financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in resilience. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and intense communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity, depth, and a strategic mindset, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being insightful, strategic, and emotionally intelligent. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and emotionally resilient home life by creating a stable, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a deeply rooted sense of security and a strong, emotionally stable family life. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with intensity and responsibility by channeling creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize emotional depth, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and emotional health, leading to career success and improved health through emotionally aware, balanced habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, depth, and emotional resilience in partnerships by building relationships on trust, responsibility, and a willingness to confront and resolve emotional challenges, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep emotional connections. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, intimacy, and transformation by approaching deep emotional and financial matters with caution and discipline, leading to empowerment through responsible management of shared resources and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, transformative approach to philosophical and spiritual growth by pursuing knowledge with deep understanding and resilience, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life through transformation. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, intense focus and responsible leadership by building your professional life on emotional strength, strategic thinking, and commitment to transformation, leading to significant career achievements and a reputation for resilience and depth. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and transformative goals by pursuing friendships and long-term goals with emotional depth and shared transformation, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and transformation in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on emotional healing and inner strength, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace through disciplined self-reflection and resilience.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Sagittarius, it brings a disciplined and structured energy to a sign naturally associated with expansion, philosophy, and the quest for truth. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is characterized by its optimism, love of adventure, and pursuit of higher knowledge. However, Saturn's influence in this sign introduces challenges around balancing the desire for freedom and exploration with the need for discipline, responsibility, and focus. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the importance of patience in the pursuit of wisdom, the necessity of grounding expansive ideas in reality, and the challenge of maintaining optimism and faith even when faced with obstacles. Saturn in Sagittarius encourages you to develop a mature, disciplined approach to your beliefs, goals, and personal growth, urging you to combine your love for exploration with a practical and responsible mindset.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression and personal growth by cultivating patience and responsibility in how you present yourself and pursue your goals, leading to a strong, respected self-identity that balances adventure with maturity and wisdom. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with discipline and a focus on long-term goals by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and grounding your optimism in practical plans, resulting in long-term financial stability and a deep sense of self-worth. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication and learning by expressing ideas with clarity and a structured approach, balancing curiosity with responsibility, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being wise and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with philosophical and spiritual grounding by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, peaceful home enriched by shared beliefs and a sense of adventure. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on higher ideals by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize growth and wisdom, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing higher purpose and integrity, leading to career success and improved health aligned with your beliefs. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, honesty, and shared values in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and long-term growth. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and philosophical transformation by approaching emotional and financial matters with caution, discipline, and a focus on growth, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge with structured learning and practical application, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, ethical leadership and a commitment to long-term goals by building your professional life on integrity and higher ideals, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for wisdom and ethical leadership. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with discipline and a shared vision, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and philosophical understanding in solitude and spiritual practices by engaging in introspection with a focus on inner growth and the application of higher wisdom, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and clarity.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Capricorn, it resides in its own sign, where its energy is particularly strong and functions naturally. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, embodies qualities such as discipline, ambition, structure, and a strong sense of duty. With Saturn in Capricorn, the emphasis is on hard work, responsibility, and long-term planning. This placement teaches important lessons about the value of perseverance, the need to work within established frameworks, and the significance of building a solid foundation for future success. Saturn in Capricorn challenges you to approach life with patience and discipline, to set realistic goals, and to steadily work toward achieving them, often by overcoming obstacles and demonstrating your endurance and commitment.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined and responsible approach to self-expression and personal identity by cultivating a strong sense of self through steady growth, focusing on long-term goals and resilience, leading to a respected presence that combines ambition with maturity and a solid, enduring sense of self. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with discipline and a focus on long-term financial stability by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in hard work and practical achievements. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and practical communication and thinking by expressing ideas with clarity and structure, and approaching learning with patience and thoroughness, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being reliable, thoughtful, and pragmatic. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and stable home life with a focus on responsibility and tradition by creating a well-structured, supportive home environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, harmonious home life and strong family relationships rooted in respect and mutual responsibility. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on lasting value by channeling creative and romantic energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize long-term commitment, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing responsibility and structure, leading to career success and improved health through well-organized, disciplined habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, responsibility, and stability in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect, duty, and a commitment to long-term growth, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and shared goals. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and deep emotional responsibility by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and discipline, focusing on building long-term security and trust, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal growth. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, structured approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with practical application and long-term goals, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with maturity and discipline. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, structured leadership and a commitment to long-term goals by building your professional life on integrity, responsibility, and hard work, leading to significant career achievements and a strong professional reputation for leadership and endurance. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of long-term, collective goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with discipline and a focus on collective growth, resulting in the fulfillment of your aspirations and strong, supportive social networks. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and responsibility in solitude, spiritual practices, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner strength, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace and resilience through disciplined self-reflection.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Aquarius, it highlights the importance of discipline, responsibility, and structure within the realms of innovation, social causes, and intellectual pursuits. Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn and co-ruled by Uranus, is associated with humanitarian ideals, technological advancements, and a progressive mindset. Saturn’s influence in Aquarius emphasizes the need for structure and long-term planning in these areas, urging you to balance your desire for freedom and progress with the necessity of rules, order, and accountability. This placement often teaches valuable lessons about the significance of working within a collective framework, the responsibility of contributing to society, and the discipline needed to turn innovative ideas into practical reality. Saturn in Aquarius challenges you to responsibly push boundaries and contribute meaningfully to the greater good.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression by balancing individuality with social responsibility, cultivating a strong, unique identity while considering the impact on the broader community, leading to a respected presence that combines personal authenticity with a commitment to social progress. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on innovation and long-term stability by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility and grounding innovative ideas in practical strategies, resulting in long-term financial security and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in contributions to collective well-being. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined, forward-thinking communication and intellectual pursuits by expressing ideas with clarity, structure, and a commitment to social progress, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being innovative, thoughtful, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure, forward-looking home life with a focus on social responsibility and progress by creating a stable, supportive environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a harmonious home that encourages individual freedom within a structured family setting. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on innovation and long-term impact by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that emphasize originality and responsibility, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and innovative relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, innovative approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, with an emphasis on efficiency and social impact, leading to career success and improved health through innovative habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, innovation, and social responsibility in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to long-term stability and social progress, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by innovation and shared contributions to society. 8th House: You confront challenges related to control, shared resources, and transformative innovation by approaching financial and emotional matters with discipline and a focus on collective growth, leading to empowerment through responsible management of shared resources and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, forward-thinking approach to philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge and spiritual development with innovation, social responsibility, and structured learning, resulting in deep wisdom and a philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity and innovation. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, innovative leadership and a commitment to social progress by building your professional life on integrity, responsibility, and a dedication to long-term success through innovative solutions, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for leadership and social responsibility. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with a disciplined approach to innovation and collective growth, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and innovative thinking in solitude, spiritual practices, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and resilience through disciplined self-reflection and a commitment to personal and social transformation.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧
When Saturn is in Pisces, it introduces a structured and disciplined energy to the fluid, intuitive, and spiritual nature of this Water sign. Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, is connected with dreams, imagination, compassion, and a profound link to the collective unconscious. Saturn's influence in Pisces brings challenges related to grounding these ethereal qualities into practical reality. This placement often teaches important lessons about setting boundaries, managing escapist tendencies, and applying discipline to spiritual and creative pursuits. Saturn in Pisces encourages you to balance your sensitivity and idealism with the need for structure, responsibility, and perseverance, ultimately guiding you to turn your dreams into tangible achievements.
Through the houses:
1st House: The lesson is to develop a disciplined approach to self-expression by balancing intuition with practicality, cultivating a strong sense of self grounded in realistic goals and disciplined action, leading to a respected presence that combines sensitivity with strength and the ability to manifest dreams into reality. 2nd House: You learn to manage resources and values with a focus on spiritual and material balance by approaching financial matters and self-worth with responsibility, resulting in long-term financial stability and a deep sense of self-worth rooted in a balanced approach to material and spiritual values. 3rd House: The focus is on cultivating disciplined and thoughtful communication by expressing ideas with a blend of creativity and practicality, ensuring that your message is inspired and grounded, leading to strong communication skills and a reputation for being insightful, imaginative, and reliable. 4th House: The lesson involves building a secure and spiritually fulfilling home life by creating a harmonious environment through disciplined efforts, resulting in a stable, peaceful home that provides emotional support and fosters spiritual well-being. 5th House: You learn to express creativity and love with discipline and a focus on meaningful, inspired work by channeling energies into structured, meaningful activities that blend imagination with responsibility, bringing fulfillment through disciplined creative expression and stable, deeply meaningful relationships. 6th House: The focus is on developing a disciplined, compassionate approach to work and health by establishing consistent routines that support professional goals and physical health, emphasizing spiritual and emotional balance, leading to career success and improved health through compassionate habits. 7th House: The lesson is to understand the importance of commitment, compassion, and emotional boundaries in partnerships by building relationships on mutual respect and shared spiritual growth, resulting in stable, enduring partnerships characterized by deep mutual respect and compassion. 8th House: You confront challenges related to emotional depth, shared resources, and spiritual transformation by approaching financial and emotional matters with caution and discipline, focusing on deep emotional and spiritual healing, leading to empowerment through responsible management and profound personal transformation. 9th House: The focus is on cultivating a disciplined, spiritually grounded approach to philosophical and intellectual growth by pursuing knowledge with a balance of faith and practical application, resulting in deep wisdom and a well-developed philosophical outlook that guides your life with clarity and compassion. 10th House: You achieve career success through disciplined, compassionate leadership and a commitment to long-term spiritual and professional goals by building your professional life on integrity and responsibility, leading to significant career achievements and a strong reputation for leadership and spiritual integrity. 11th House: The lesson is to develop patience and responsibility in social networks and the pursuit of collective, idealistic goals by pursuing friendships and aspirations with a disciplined approach to collective growth, resulting in fulfilled aspirations and strong, supportive social connections built on shared spiritual goals. 12th House: You learn to apply discipline and spiritual understanding in solitude, introspection, and the management of hidden challenges by engaging in introspection with a focus on self-discipline and inner growth, leading to deep spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace through disciplined self-reflection and spiritual practice.
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glamaphonic · 6 months
i did this for rick so as promised my personal headcanon on the trajectory of michonne's feelings for rick
the most fun thing for me about this is that even though i would say that michonne is generally quite emotionally astute, it actually takes her way waaaaay longer than rick to be able to recognize what's going on between them
rick and michonne are so similar in terms of the things that drive them, that move them, that are most important to them (as gimple said: they have the same soul) and her entire approach to their relationship is basically tied into the fact that she and rick had inverse experiences at the very beginning of the apocalypse. he set out to find his family and did. whereas michonne had her family and lost them.
so she closes it all down, decides to just go away, but she can't really escape who she is, so she helps andrea. and this starts the recurring pattern in michonne's character arc where she repeatedly comes to these decision points where she has to make a choice between giving in to the nothingness or being herself (someone who is loving, compassionate, a protector) and every time she makes the choice to be true to herself, it invariably leads her to rick and their family
so from the moment they meet in s3 she is also viscerally drawn to him the same way he is to her, and like him there is no way she's in a place to even begin to process this. but she sought him out specifically because she was making that choice, to look for connection and community, and she sees who he is pretty much immediately, and so extends him this profound trust over and over again because who he is, what she sees in him, is fundamentally why she wants to be a part of that community.
in 4a, michonne's trauma has her turned every which way. she's already grown attached to rick and to carl and her reaction to this is to keep one foot out the door; to not be fully present for the community. to try to keep her distance even though while she's away she's still obviously thinking about her grimes boys all the time, i.e. bringing them back gifts, etc. and then the prison falls and it seems to justify her caution.
in 4b, she comes to one of those decision points and when she chooses to seek connection and community, it returns her to rick and carl. in my other post i note that this is where rick claims her as a grimes, but this is also where michonne fully commits. she claims them too. she accepts that they are hers. and of course we all know, and danai has even pointed out, the exact moment michonne fully falls in love with rick, when it clicks somewhere inside of her that it's only ever going to be him. but she's still nowhere near ready to consciously face that.
in 5a and through to 5b, just like rick she's not spending time examining what they've become. it just is. that's her family. they belong to each other.
towards the end of 5b, when rick starts to Realize, michonne doesn't because she instead actively sublimates the fact that she is in love with rick, that she has regained what she lost during the turn, into her general dedication to community. she puts everything into trying to shepherd their community without acknowledging her personal stake. which is what leads us to:
but that final wall is so hard to get past because that wound is so deep, she has to sit with all of that for a good long while (she's working up to it), and it still takes carl basically openly declaring that she's his mother and rick actually making the move before she finally lets herself see, in that moment, what was already long since there.
and it's just very delicious to me personally that from 4a on rick was hers for the taking, honestly. all she had to do was say the word, but she wasn't ready to take him until that moment on the couch.
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ezekiel-krishna · 6 months
Pick a Pen 🖊️
What Kind of Person will you Grow Old with ?
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Picking the ideal Pen :
Take a moment to close your eyes and inhale deeply. Slowly open your eyes, choose the first pen that captures your attention..
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⇝ Please remember that this reading is not personalized, so only take which resonates with you.. 1 > 2 > 3
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Pen 1
The person you'll spend your life with will provide you with a strong sense of security, happiness, and balance. This partner will value the idea of establishing a solid base and fostering a loving, harmonious atmosphere. The individual will be the perfect match for your dreams of a lasting and dedicated companionship. Your aspirations, beliefs, and dreams for the future will be perfectly in sync. Together, you will build a nurturing and encouraging environment where both of you can flourish.
With a sense of balance and peace , you guys will age gracefully into your own little world. Your Partner will serve as a rock-solid foundation, offering unwavering support during both the good times and the bad, providing you with strength and affection when it is most needed. This partnership will be marked by happy occasions, festivities, and a profound feeling of satisfaction as you navigate life's path hand in hand.
In this fated bond, you guys will sustain one another, establishing a strong base rooted in love, faith, and mutual admiration. Your relationship will unfurl like a seamless tango, where you both value and revel in each other's individuality while embracing the special bond you share.
Pen 2
The partner you'll grow old with will be unwavering, hardworking, and dedicated to laying a sturdy groundwork for your shared future. This person is committed to a stable and secure life, taking things seriously. Their down-to-earth personality and practical approach will provide a feeling of safety and consistency in your relationship. Your future partner will be focused on their goals and responsibilities, sharing your desire for reliability and a strong foundation..
It will be like stepping into a thrilling adventure alongside with this remarkable individual, who possesses exceptional skills in practical and tangible fields like business, finance, or craftsmanship. Their meticulous nature may sometimes give the impression of being reserved or cautious, but it actually arises from their deep-seated aspiration to ensure a solid and secure future for the welfare of both.. Together, you will establish a relationship built on trust, dependability, and a shared dedication to long-term stability.
Pen 3
This person is overflowing with dynamic energy and intense passion. A youthful and eager individual brimming with creativity, motivation, and a thirst for adventure. Your Partner is ready to dive into new experiences, take on daring challenges, and inject their life with enthusiasm and thrill. The individual you will spend your golden years with will sets your soul on fire, motivates your aspirations, and amplifies your thirst for excitement. Will be your companion, sharing your zeal for life, and forever pushing you to discover uncharted territories.
This journey will be a lifelong pursuit of personal and artistic growth, where you will wholeheartedly support each other's dreams and ambitions. Together, you will revel in the excitement of new discoveries and the magic of life's experiences. Your connection will be marked by a youthful vigor and a shared passion for exploration, resulting in a dynamic and enriching partnership.
Let this reading motivate you and steer you towards a lifetime of happiness, love, and contentment...🌟
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Today is the first day of Native American Heritage month. And in a little over a week, the SCOTUS is going to hear argument for and against the Indian Child Welfare act. ICWA was passed to stop the cultural genocide of Native American and Alaska Natives.
For hundreds of years, white people tried to destroy Native American and Alaska Native culture. What led to ICWA was a period of time from the 1800s until 1978. Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native children were taken from their families and forced into residential skills. Parents who refused could face imprisonment or lose their other kids. There are accounts of tribes hiding their children on days they knew government representatives were coming...so when the govenment caught on, they started unannounced visits. In addition, children would be taken from their families and adopted out to white families.
In schools, children were punished for speaking their own languages. They were forced to dress in anglicized clothes and have anglicized hair cuts. They were physically, emotionally, and sometimes sexually abused. Some died of malnutrition. Some were murdered. And others survived but were traumatized.
For those adopted, experiences differed based on the family, but they were still forcibly assimilated into white culture and still experienced that trauma. Some never saw their birth families again.
ICWA was created to stop this. It allows Native Americans and Alaska Natives to control the foster care and adoption placement of tribal children. Now, it's being challenged.
There are a few white families who say it's racist to not let them adopt Native American and Alaska Native children, and they have taken the case to the same SCOTUS that defied the Constitution and years of precedent by saying tribal land was a territory of the state and that states could charge some cases for crimes committed on tribal land.
So a few things:
This cultural genocide did not happen a long time ago. ICWA was passed less than 50 years ago. There are boarding school survivors and adoption survivors today who are watching this and speaking out against this. Earlier this year, the Department of the Interior found 50 unmarked grave sites at former residential schools. Grave sites, not graves themselves. Each individual site would contain multiple graves. Unmarked. Children who were kidnapped, died, and were buried without a name. And some people think that white people are entitled to adopt Native American and Alaska Native children and that tribes should just move on and trust the government.
The trauma children who were forcibly assimilated faced is well-documented. They grew up not knowing their family or their culture. They are desperate to stop other children from going through that.
Native Americans and Alaska Natives have sovereignty. This is recognized in the Constitution, through the fact treaties were signed with tribes, and through years of judicial precedent. The idea that the SCOTUS decided to hear this case instead of letting the decisions of lower courts stand is alarming. Sovereignty means that Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the right to self-governance and self-determination. They are regarded similarly to a separate country. If the U.S. decided to tell England to hand over its children to be placed with American families, it would be seen as a joke at best and a declaration of war at worst. Because one country cannot just barge in and control another country's government on peaceful terms. But if ICWA is overturned, the SCOTUS will be saying that sovereign nations have no right to control the foster care and adoption placement of their citizens.
So what can you do? Spread awareness of this. Post about it on social media. Write to your representatives. Don't let this case slip from your mind. And if there are protests in your area, join them.
You can ask your state's Native American and Alaska Native tribes what you can do to help. If, like me, you live in a state with no recognized tribe, look into cultural centers run by unrecognized tribes. Or donate to organizations like the Native American Rights Fund.
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novacqnes · 1 year
still a fool to want you // abby anderson [pt 2]
summary:…you didn’t learn your lesson the first time? college is still a scam but luckily abigail anderson is relentless in her pursuit of you.
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**part 1 :) **
warning: college!au, angst, mentions of alcohol & drinking, very very brief mention of vomit (not in a sexual way) smut; oral (fem receiving)
word count: 5.1k
pairing: abby anderson x fem reader
a/n: i know, i know, this took me a really long time. but she’s finally done so let’s celebrate that. also this is not proofread but i will circle back to do that later (clap for me please)
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abby was on a sex hiatus. 
although a sex drought would be the more appropriate term. it was intense, bordering on restrictive as it drained every ounce of self-restraint from the inside out. thus, she wouldn’t allow herself to look at anyone. small and speedy glances were somewhat sufficient enough to satiate her massive appetite. she wouldn’t allow herself to talk to anyone. long and usually suggestively driven conversations ended in sex, and she refused to even entertain it. but most important of all abigail anderson wouldn’t allow herself to touch anyone. 
she hadn’t felt the warmth of another woman since that night. the memory of it was fond, lingering at the forefront of her mind as she reminisced from dusk till dawn. she could still smell you, the familiar musk that emitted from your body, so subtle yet infectious. abby remembered the warmth, vehement and keen it buzzed through spreading to all parts of your body. it grew with riveting intensity brimming along the surface of your skin. distinctly she could almost recall that layer of sweat that followed suit, coating parts of you she’d only dreamed of touching.  
in many ways abby found herself yearning for it over and over again. reliving each moan, cry and whimper down to the very last. she could’ve found another girl and attempted to recreate it, although the lack of intensity would be too apparent to even bring it in comparison. no, no, abigail anderson wanted you. not some half-assed one-night stand to help her cling to the memory, or a bitter ex waiting to drag it down. it was a strange feeling, abby almost couldn’t recognize herself. she’d never longed for someone this much, especially not enough to commit to abstinence. but for you? she did it without question. 
however, despite her adamance, it did nothing in terms of progression. the semblance of trust you’d managed to foster that night had completely vanished. you hadn’t spoken to— let alone looked in abby’s direction in weeks. every attempt to avoid the woman was taken and it was evident by the amount of flowers piling up at your door. like clockwork, the first knock came, it was firm but soon followed by a second, more hesitant knock. abby lingered by the door for a few moments more before placing the next set of flowers at your step. eagerly you peered through the peephole silently watching as she walked back towards her room. you pushed the door open, reaching for the bright fuchsia bouquet.
it was routine. you brought the flowers to your nose, inhaling the sweet fragrance that filled the air around you. it mixed pleasantly with the aroma of dozens of other flowers around your room— all from abby. you couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away so you fixated on them. subconsciously counting down the minutes until a new one arrived. you refused to open the door, yet you stood as close to it as possible. hoping to catch even the slightest glimpses of her. it was something that no matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn’t contain. the wanting— more like yearning for something you shouldn’t want. it was untamable, and the gaping rift between the two of you only worsened it. 
“you ever gonna tell me what really happened between the two of you?” dina plopped down beside you, plucking the bouquet from your hands.
you shrugged, “told you everything already. we slept together, met her girlfriend— end of the story.” dina’s brows furrowed in response as her eyes drew back into narrow slits. she didn’t do anything, at least not verbally. her gaze felt intrusive, prodding at all corners of your being. she could see straight through you, and the thought alone only amplified the embarrassment.
“so that’s it?” she slipped a single flower from the bouquet, rubbing it in between her fingertips, “you don’t feel anything for her?”
“i can’t.”
“you didn’t answer the question.” the light thump of your heart began to pick up speed. rapidly slamming itself against the walls of your chest for some semblance of relief. slowly the rampant, heavy pump made it difficult to think, clouding your already frantic thoughts.
“i don’t know what i feel. i think it’s anger— or at least i want it to be. she had me right where she wanted and i fucking let her have it,” you sputtered, allowing the venom to fall from your tongue. the butterflies that once danced at the pit of your stomach hardened, becoming more frenzied with each movement. they transformed into raging bees feeding into the anger you fought to contain. it was a constant losing battle. one in which abby was left with absolute control over you, manipulating your emotions like a skilled puppeteer. 
dina pushed even further, tearing an olive green petal from the stem, “so you do have feelings for her.”
“she made a fool of me,” you spat, cheeks burning with sharp fervor. the disdainful memory was practically branded into the depths of your mind. how quickly you’d allowed yourself to trust her, surrendering yourself in ways that you couldn’t have possibly dreamed of— all for abby to destroy it in one breath. just like that you could feel the same emotions of humiliation and vulnerability creeping back in, except this time it was laced with an emotion much more treacherous— revenge. slowly but surely dina was egging you on. she reached for yet another bouquet tossing it in your lap. 
“i’m not denying that. but if you hate her so much, why does our room look like a depressed garden? just get rid of the flowers. better yet, destroy them,” she said calmly. 
“i’m serious, cut ‘em up and dump them at her door. she just left which gives us a nice window before she gets back—“
you shook your head, “i’m not doing that.” protectively, you clutched the old bouquet in your hands gazing at the dozens that decorated the entirety of your room. some were in vases while others were still wrapped. you’d nurtured them for weeks, and in several ways, they’d become part of you— despite the growing void in your heart. yet the white card in each served as a grim reminder, those flowers were an extension of abby. the thought alone left a bitter, rancid taste in your mouth. one that made your grip on the poor plant tighten until the viridescent stems began to cave in.
“looks like you already are,” she smirked, placing a pair of scissors in your palm, “that’ll just help even out the score.”
a balmy warmth crept along your spine upon the first twist of the doorknob. neither of you had expected it to be open, yet the fact that it was only amplified the rush of adrenaline through your body. dina led the way as you followed suit, venturing further into the room. it was weirdly reminiscent as the candles from the night remained, filling the air with the same sweet vanilla aroma. 
your eyes fell on her neatly made bed as you sauntered over to it, dragging your fingers along the hem of the clean sheet. it looked as if no one had slept in it since that night. which brought you immense comfort that you couldn’t even begin to describe. it made you feel special, different almost. that somehow it wasn’t all just a fucked up game. somehow there was a sliver of truth in the way she kissed you. or in the way that she held you, prioritizing your pleasure before all else. 
abigail anderson had a way of doing that. catapulting even the smallest people into the depths of oblivion— yet you weren’t sure when you’d ever come down. standing there, it all felt so tangible as if it was more than a depraved memory in your head. you could see the slight curves of her muscles against the fabric, hear the light rasp in her voice— and most certainly feel striking warmth emitting from her body. but in addition to that you could hear the grating voice of the mystery woman in the midst of it all. 
the world alone provided ample fuel necessary to make the first cut above abby’s bed, sending the first round of purple lilacs across the expanse. after the first any semblance of guilt you might’ve felt had completely vanished. this was your retribution— although small it was personal, cutting deep where abby would feel it the most. you didn’t want her to think about the dozens of sexscapades she’d had in her bed or the abundance of people she’d shared it with. you wanted her to think about you. regardless of whether or not it was voluntary— the entire room had to be stained with the memory of you. 
by the end of it, abby’s room was scattered with bright shades of amber, fuschia, and tangerine. thousands of fragmented flower pieces littered the wooden floors and the surface of her bed. you stood back as dina threw the last of the bouquet up in the air. silently watching as the wisps of petals joined the rest at your feet. it was a sight to behold but it wasn’t enough. the fire deep inside you still burned with fury and being here only made it worse. 
dina joined your side, slipping an arm around your shoulders, “how do you feel now?” 
“angry,” you muttered, clutching the scissors in your hand. it was the truth, you wanted to do more— you wanted to hurt her. but a large, overwhelming part of you still ached for her. getting rid of the flowers was supposed to symbolize something— disposing of abby, you supposed. that’s what all this was for, it was to help you move on. but there was only a regression. this room? it only forced you to face the very emotions you’d been running from all along. it induced a reckoning, one in which you recognized and embraced the magnitude of abigail anderson’s control over you. hence it was much more than just sex, it was visceral— occupying every aspect of your being. 
“good…i’m just gonna take this from you,” dina chuckled nervously, pulling scissors from your grip, “there’s another dozen of them back in our room. if we hurry we can fi—“
“y/n?” a loud, familiar voice rang out as the door crept open, soon accompanied by heavy footsteps against the wood. both you and dina whipped around to find abby standing at the entrance of the door. her eyes briefly took in the mess before settling on you. your body went rigid as you gazed back, seemingly caught in a trance. 
dina’s eyes darted back and forth between the two of you, “shit— abby right?” 
“that’s me,” her voice was rich and dulcet, filling your ears sweetly. abby’s presence was strong, and very quickly it shifted the atmosphere to something much more volatile. several weeks had passed since you’d been this close to her. yet the same painstakingly intimate warmth lingered, growing more prominent the longer you remained. you detested every waking second of it. the frantic butterflies, lining the pit of your stomach. the infectious heat that warmed your cheeks. it was nauseating— rendering you powerless to her once again. being around abby mimicked the feeling of falling, except there was no end in sight. you detested it just as much as you craved it. 
“we’re just leavin—“
she stepped forward, “how are you?” genuine concern etched into her features, nearly startling you. it wasn’t true to the abby you thought you knew. that abby was brazen and held little regard for anything besides sex. she didn’t concern herself with muddled emotions, especially the kind that belonged to others. yet everything that she was displaying now was contradictory to that. and it only enraged you further. 
“fuck you,” you spat storming past her. fervent heat radiated from your body as you continued down the hallway, overcome with adrenaline. streams of blood pumped vigorously through your veins, fueled by the rapid thump of your heart. disorderly thoughts brimmed at the forefront of your mind, following you all the way into your room. it was impossible to think straight with the newfound cloud looming over your head at every turn. thus you weren’t sure of much, besides the fact that a part of you was almost excited to see her again. 
hours passed and there was no immediate retaliation or reaction. you didn’t know what to expect but you wanted her to be as angry as you. even for just a little while. yet abby wasn’t experiencing any feelings of rage in the slightest— in all honesty, she wasn’t exactly certain of what it was. the messy array of petals spread across the room didn’t hurt her as you’d intended. oddly enough, abby felt like she was walking on air. for weeks she’d endured the wrath of your silence and constant avoiding. oftentimes she found herself longing to be close to you again. thus it didn’t really matter if you were still angry with her, she’d take it over being iced out any day.
with a newfound sense of courage, abby mustered up enough confidence to approach your door. in a way— she was almost unrecognizable. the abby you knew was never without confidence. it oozed from her in abundance as it was a skill craved by many. yet there was no sweet-talking to be done with you. the two of you were miles past that point and it would ultimately amount to nothing— she knew this. before she could knock the door swung open, revealing you on the opposite side. with one brief glance at her, you went to shut the door when abby finally spoke.
“two seconds, just give me two seconds.”
you stepped out into the hallway, slowly closing the door as you crossed your arms over your chest. a thick— palpable wall of tension slowly stacked between you in the process. there was no protest but your expression was completely unreadable. nevertheless abby continued, subtly pushing the invisible boundary.
“i got your message with the flowers…i missed you.”
she missed you. abby missed you.
her words rang in your ears, forcing your heart to race in response. simultaneously the air was knocked from your lungs entirely as your breathing grew more labored. your body felt like a lifeless vessel, one which you couldn’t fully control. slowly you became a victim to it. rather than embracing the effect she had, you ran from it. she shouldn’t have this effect on you.
“you don’t even know me.”
“i want to,” she pleaded, “i get it, you don’t trust me right now but i’m gonna make it up to you.” the remorse was glaringly apparent in abby’s tone. her once cocky demeanor had completely vanished. in its place was an honest more vulnerable version of abby. she shifted from one foot to the other anxiously awaiting your response. you watched as she fidgeted with her fingers, blue eyes darting between yours.
“i don’t know….” 
she took a step closer, “you don’t believe me?”
“you expect me to believe you?” you whispered, averting her heavy gaze, “abby i didn’t ask you to do any of it, the flowers, the compliments— you chased after me. and like an idiot, i fell for it.” anguish crept into your voice leaving your throat raw. the hall soon fell silent as abby took another step forward, instinctively sending you backward. the surface of the door was cold against the fabric of your shirt. it served as another reminder— there was no escaping this. 
“i meant it— all of it. y/n, look at me.” her voice was firm and pointed. against your wishes you obeyed, craning your neck to meet her eyes. she continued pushing the boundary until there were mere inches between you. now it was impossible to look away as a fervent, profound heat stirred in the midst. you could feel it gradually taking shape, weakening your knees and any voices of protest in your head. 
“stop— stop doing that,” you muttered weakly, caving into her alluring touch. her lips brushed against the sensitive skin of your neck, working their way down to your clavicle. a deep shiver crept up your spine as abby hovered there for a while refusing to give in just yet. she placed her hands on your hips, pulling away as she looked down at you. 
“doing what? this?” she cooed, placing another kiss on your soft skin. a light moan fell from your lips as she tightened her grip, feeding into the mounting tension. you clutched onto her arms desperately sinking your nails into them. crimson red crescents decorated the sharp curves of her muscles in addition to her freckles. throughout it all you ushered her closer until there was no room left between you. the scene was an endless cycle that you found yourself infatuated with. from the way her smell pervaded your nostrils to the coarseness of her skin against yours. you adored every second of it. 
….and like clockwork, there it was. 
“i’ve always wanted you.”
her words— the promises hurdled you from euphoria, they didn’t mean anything, “you’re a fucking liar.” you nudged her away, leaning against the door for security. you didn’t know where the truth stood with abby. in fact, she’d yet to explain the blonde that so proudly announced herself as her girlfriend. 
“i swear y/n, it’s the truth. since that very first day in chem? you showed up late wearing that blue dress. i can’t even really remember what the lecture was about… i just kept staring at you. you looked so beautiful and smart—“
“what about your girlfriend?”
“she’s not— she’s not my girlfriend, anymore.” abby stammered, hints of insecurity creeping into her voice. 
you cocked an eyebrow, “anymore?” the word offered you the slightest bit of hope. it allowed you the possibility to imagine— even for a short while that abby could be yours. that somehow this screwed-up game of back-and-forth would actually amount to something. although there was a part of you that still doubted abby’s intentions altogether. 
“i promise to explain everything tonight…there’s a party to close out the semester at one of the frats. i was hoping you would let me take you out. i really wanna make it up to you.” her eyes pierced yours, slight glimpses of silver peering through them. you hadn’t realized just how beautiful they were. gradually drawing you in as you gazed back. an overpowering wave of silence swept over the hall as you got lost in them, nearly forgetting to respond. 
“….what happens if i say no?”
“then i’ll keep trying,” abby smirked, turning sharply on her heel. you stood by as she walked back to her room, silently contemplating the offer. undoubtedly the answer was yes— both you and abby knew this. yet there was a certain jubilance that lay in being chased by her. the determination in her pursuit, only made you want her more in spite of all that had occurred. however, you refused to surrender yourself as easily as you did the first time— abby needed to earn it. 
frat parties were never really your thing. they were loud and obnoxious, filled with equally as loud and obnoxious people. bright lights beamed down on the drunken party-goers as a sea of people formed at the entrance. abby clasped your hand in hers as you maneuvered through it, narrowly missing a shattered beer bottle glass just a few feet away. music boomed in your ears as the two of you ventured in further. the party was more abby’s scene which was evident by the number of people that came up to greet her. it made you feel out of place. thus you took it upon yourself to explore, branching away for abby’s side.
dozens of bodies were caught in a colorful moving mass, most of them moving to the rhythm of the song. cup in hand you made your way over to them completely unsure of what to do. you began moving to beat, downing what was left of the drink before tossing the red cup aside. the bitter taste of the alcohol lingered, providing the extra kick necessary to let loose. across the room, you briefly made eye contact with a dark-haired woman. her gaze was fixated on you despite your awkward movements. after a while she sauntered over, maintaining her distance at first before approaching you. 
she whispered her name although you were much too drunk to register it. spurred by the alcohol permeating your system you reached for her hands bringing them to your body. the mystery woman slipped behind you, allowing her hands to roam across the expanse of your clothes. yet despite the way it looked, you paid little attention to the person dancing with you. you felt the way she moved against you, hips driven by fervor however the same sentiments weren’t shared. this dance meant absolutely nothing to you. nevertheless being drunk provided enough space for you to at least pretend it was abby. although the apparent lack of muscle and warmth made it difficult.
as the music grew louder you felt a second pair of hands on you, replacing the dark-haired woman’s touch. this one was protective and reminiscent of abby’s. their hands were calloused and large traveling up and down your spine. you leaned into it humming as they eased you back around, there you were met with an unmistakably familiar gaze.
abby cooed, “hey, you disappeared on me….what was that about?” 
“you’re not my girlfriend— i can dance with whoever i want.” you hoped to provoke some sort of reaction from her but she simply stared, eyes flickering back and forth between yours. her lips pressed into a thin line as she observed you. you leaned onto her for full support, and a glazed film veiled both of your eyes. it was clear that she was holding her liquor much better than you were. however, there seemed to be some authenticity behind the affliction in your tone.
“you trying to punish me or something?”
you rolled your eyes, “i want you to start talking.”
“i—i’ve been trying to—fuck— let’s go somewhere quieter alright?” abby could hardly make anything out. the noises from the fraternity coupled with the music from the booming speakers drowned the both of you out entirely. she laced her fingers in yours pulling you towards an empty bathroom before shutting the door. there she helped you onto a stool, taking a seat right beside you.
“her name is jamie. we dated freshman year. she dropped out towards the end but by then our relationship wasn’t doing too well. i never got a chance to properly break it off, that’s why i texted her. i didn’t know she was gonna show up right then.” veracity practically oozed from abby’s voice as she turned towards you, offering more vulnerability than either of you ever had. she brought a hand to yours gently caressing it as you gazed back. this feeling…it was unfamiliar although you weren’t afraid to embrace it. her thumb lightly traced over your fingertips as you sat in silence reeling from her words.
“so you guys aren’t together?”
“no, i broke it off the night you and i had sex. but we were pretty much over before then.”
your voice cracked slightly, “then you weren’t just playing me? you actually want to be with me?” abby rose from her seat, resituating herself so that she was right in front of her you. she slipped a finger under your chin, tilting it upward so that you had ample view of her face. her features were drawn back, and in them lay an emotional plea that beckoned you closer. it urged you near, diminishing the distance that lay between you. and at that moment, despite all of your clothes remaining you’d never felt closer to her. 
“y/n that’s what all this has been for. i’ve been trying to win you over since the moment i first saw you,” she purred, crouching down until she was on her knees. abby gazed at you fiercely as if her entire world lay in tiny hints of gleam in your pupils. you refused to look away, finally welcoming the whirlwind effect that abigail anderson had over you. this was visceral, and it left you unable to muster up enough strength for even one coherent sentence. 
“….you still don’t believe me?”
“no— no i believe you i just….” heat rushed to your cheeks as abby moved closer, a slight smirk tugging the corners of her lips.
“what is it?” she whispered, breath fanning the lobe of your ear. she knew what it was. she had to have known. the cocky grin slapped across her face and practically gave it away. although in her defense it sounded much more prettier coming from your mouth.
“i want you to be mine, no bullshit.”
abby smirked, “i already am sweetheart.”
“….i want you to prove it. right here.” the words fell from your tongue so sweetly, abby almost collapsed right then and there. she couldn’t even remember the last time someone had this kind of effect on her. yet she was ready at your beck and call. her hands found their way to your face, smashing them against yours. the sweet and sharp taste of alcohol swirled in your mouth as the kiss deepened, growing with white heat. abby quickly flung your clothes off leaving you in nothing but your bare underwear. her hands traveled south, gently lifting you from the stool. she continued until the surface of your skin was pressed against the cool tiled wall. 
she hooked a finger around the hem of your panties, sliding them down your legs, her mouth found your tits. feverishly, she sucked one nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the sensitive flesh. high pitched cries fell from your clips as she attacked your chest, exposing your pussy to the chill air. you flung your hands to her hair, sinking your fingers deep into the strands. abby continued working her way down your body, pressing every inch of hard muscle against your skin. thousands of small hairs all over your skin came alive as abby left no part of you untouched. slowly she released weeks of pent-up aggression, nipping at your neck and shoulders. 
once she reached your stomach she dropped to her knees, locking her eyes with you as she made her first move. her tongue was hot against your clit, drawing slow tentative circles on the nub. she hummed as the taste of you seeped into her mouth, lining her tastebuds with your fluids. you shook violently against her, desperately trying to suppress the moans that spilled from your mouth.  
“i wanna hear it all baby…don’t hide from me,” abby coed, pressing herself further into your dripping pussy. she flicked her tongue along your entrance, fueled by the sharp whines that escaped from you. wet squelching sounds pervaded the air as she suckled along your folds, inviting the warmth into her mouth. tears soon brimmed the rims of your eyelids, obscuring your vision entirely. abby quickly morphed into a blurry blob before you as you clutched her even harder. 
“yes, yes, yes— fuck abby….” your cries grew more ardent, picking up speed with abby’s movements. she buried herself completely in your core, deriving the utmost pleasure as you shook against her tongue sloppily moving your hips in response. abby allowed herself to surrender to it, moving where your body ushered her to go. she could feel you…with each flick, you were closer to an earth-shattering high and she refused to stand in the way. bordering on frantic, your movements came to a screeching halt as you sank your fingers into abby’s dirty blonde hair. simultaneously dozens of shockwaves rippled through your body, sending you straight onto the floor. 
as you came down from your high abby joined your side, gently caressing you. she placed soft kisses on your forehead, allowing you time before moving. tears stained your cheeks and your eyes were coated with a deep shade of red. if it wasn’t for the orgasm then the alcohol would’ve most definitely caught up to you. hence round two needed to wait for another day, yet you didn’t get the memo initially. 
shakily you lifted yourself from abby’s body, reaching for her belt, “okay…now it’s your turn.”
“i don’t know if that’s a good idea, you don’t look too good—“ immediately you doubled over, clutching your hands to your mouth. your stomach began to stir, the bile slowly mounting inside you. you felt it creeping up your throat and in a matter of seconds you were bent over the toilet, heaving up whatever was left of your stomach contents. abby’s hand found its way to your back and she rubbed, while also using the other to hold back your hair. once you were done she reached for a towel, gently bringing it to your face as she tended to you for the first time since being together. during this you caught a glimpse of your disheveled appearance in the mirroring, quickly glancing away.
“i look gross,” you sighed, falling back against the wall.
abby brought the towel down on your face one last time, grinning at the pout plastered across your face, “i think you look beautiful.”
“you’re just saying that.”
“it’s kinda my job now, you know as your girlfriend and all…” her voice was cheery and it filled your stomach with those same butterflies. except for this time, there was no doubt, or looming regret to cloud every decision. it would take time to build your trust with abby yet it was something you were ready to embark on. you could already picture it, finally being able to find out who she was. without the guise that blurred the lines between a persona and the real abby. abigail anderson, who tended to girls in the bathroom and was a complete hopeless romantic. 
“can we go back to your room?” you asked, slipping your clothes back onto your body.
abby slid her arms under your legs, easing you back on your feet, “yeah but it's still a mess from earlier.”
“mmh even better…” you hummed, nuzzling into her side, “lead the way?”
her eyes darted back and forth between yours before pressing one last kiss to your forehead. when you looked up a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips, “yes ma’am.”
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Saturn Signs Maturity & Immaturity
Saturn in Aries:
Immature: They exhibit impatience and impulsiveness, often pursuing instant gratification without considering the long-term consequences, leading to hasty and ill-advised decisions.
Mature: They demonstrate patience and discipline, channeling their energy into thoughtful planning and strategic action, fostering resilience and enduring success through determination and focus.
Saturn in Taurus:
Immature: They display stubbornness and rigidity, often refusing to adapt to changing circumstances and clinging to familiar routines, hindering personal growth and progress.
Mature: They embrace change and flexibility, fostering a sense of stability and adaptability that encourages practicality and steady advancement toward tangible and sustainable goals.
Saturn in Gemini:
Immature: They become indecisive and scattered, sometimes lacking focus and commitment, leading to a sense of restlessness and a constant search for external stimulation.
Mature: They prioritize mental discipline and intellectual growth, fostering a sense of curiosity and insightful understanding that promotes meaningful learning and effective communication.
Saturn in Cancer:
Immature: They exhibit emotional inhibition and dependency, sometimes fostering a sense of clinginess and a fear of taking risks or exploring new experiences.
Mature: They foster emotional resilience and self-reliance, nurturing a sense of inner security and emotional stability that encourages genuine connections and a nurturing environment for personal growth and fulfillment.
Saturn in Leo:
Immature: They seek external validation and recognition, sometimes exhibiting egotistical behavior and a need for constant admiration, leading to a lack of genuine self-confidence and inner security.
Mature: They cultivate self-assurance and genuine leadership, promoting a sense of authenticity and personal responsibility that encourages a strong sense of identity and lasting, meaningful contributions to their community and the world.
Saturn in Virgo:
Immature: They display excessive criticism and perfectionism, often focusing on minor flaws and neglecting the bigger picture, leading to a sense of self-doubt and a lack of self-acceptance.
Mature: They exhibit practicality and attention to detail, fostering a sense of humility and self-improvement that encourages personal growth and a supportive, nurturing environment for others.
Saturn in Libra:
Immature: They prioritize superficial harmony and avoidance of conflict, sometimes sacrificing their true desires and values to maintain external peace, leading to a lack of genuine emotional connection and inner fulfillment.
Mature: They promote fairness and genuine balance, fostering open communication and mutual respect that encourages harmonious relationships and a strong sense of personal and collective justice.
Saturn in Scorpio:
Immature: They exhibit intense control and emotional manipulation, sometimes fostering a sense of secrecy and power struggles, leading to a lack of trust and a deep-seated fear of vulnerability.
Mature: They foster trust and emotional transparency, encouraging genuine connections and transformative growth, fostering emotional resilience and a deep understanding of the complexities of human relationships.
Saturn in Sagittarius:
Immature: They display skepticism and restlessness, sometimes avoiding commitment and genuine exploration, hindering personal and spiritual growth and fostering a sense of emotional detachment.
Mature: They encourage philosophical understanding and personal responsibility, promoting a sense of optimism and an appreciation for diverse experiences and perspectives that foster mutual learning and spiritual growth.
Saturn in Capricorn:
Immature: They exhibit emotional detachment and an obsession with authority and control, sometimes sacrificing personal relationships for the sake of professional success, leading to a sense of isolation and emotional emptiness.
Mature: They practice discipline and leadership, fostering a sense of responsibility and integrity that encourages genuine connections and a strong sense of purpose and stability in all areas of life.
Saturn in Aquarius:
Immature: They display rebellion and emotional detachment, sometimes challenging tradition without considering the impact on their community, leading to a sense of isolation and a lack of empathy for others' perspectives.
Mature: They promote progressive change and humanitarian values, fostering inclusive and collaborative problem-solving that encourages unity and a genuine appreciation for individuality and collective growth.
Saturn in Pisces:
Immature: They exhibit escapism and emotional martyrdom, sometimes allowing themselves to be taken advantage of and fostering a sense of helplessness and victimization, hindering personal and spiritual growth.
Mature: They practice emotional boundaries and compassion, fostering understanding and spiritual depth that encourage mutual support and a deep, transcendent connection with others and the universe.
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year
Pick-A-Pile: Love Is A Battlefield | How You & Your Future Spouse Handle Conflicts In Your Relationship
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 4 of Swords, Ace of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Wands, Knight of Pentacles
Certainly! I'll interpret this 5-card layout for "my Pile 1's," focusing on "How You & Your Future Spouse Handle Conflicts In Your Relationship." Let's dive into each card and their archetypal meanings, connecting them to your situation.
The first card, the 4 of Swords, indicates a time of contemplation and rest. In terms of your relationship, this card may represent that you and your future spouse value taking a step back during conflicts. Instead of letting emotions control the situation, you both seek a quiet moment to reflect and think things through. This can be a strong foundation for resolving conflicts, as it encourages thoughtful consideration rather than impulsive reactions.
The Ace of Wands brings an energetic spark into the reading. It symbolizes creativity, enthusiasm, and a fresh start. It suggests that both you and your partner approach conflicts with an innovative mindset, looking for new solutions rather than falling into old patterns. Coupled with the contemplative nature of the 4 of Swords, this means you both are not afraid to explore unique ways to resolve your differences, which keeps the relationship lively and growing.
The 7 of Pentacles talks about patience and evaluation. This card in your reading can symbolize the need to assess the situation carefully, understanding that some conflicts take time to resolve fully. It's not always about quick fixes but building a solid relationship through hard work and perseverance. You both are willing to invest in the relationship, understanding that growth takes time.
Next, the 7 of Wands represents the courage to stand your ground. There might be moments when conflicts become intense, and this card suggests that neither of you shy away from defending your perspectives. This isn't necessarily a negative thing, as long as it's done with respect. Balancing this card with the patient approach of the 7 of Pentacles and the reflective pause of the 4 of Swords can create a harmonious way to express yourselves without causing harm.
The Knight of Pentacles anchors this reading with its symbolization of reliability, dedication, and steady progress. This card might represent an archetypal figure in your life that embodies these qualities. It indicates that the relationship's foundation is built on trust and a shared commitment to work through conflicts methodically and sincerely.
My Pile 1's, your reading reflects a relationship that handles conflicts with mindfulness, creativity, patience, courage, and steadfast dedication. These cards weave a picture of two individuals willing to explore, understand, and invest in each other. It's a healthy blend of emotional intelligence and pragmatic approach. Your willingness to stand up for what you believe in while also giving the needed space for reflection and growth is a testament to a mature and nurturing relationship. Keep fostering these qualities, and your connection will thrive.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: Queen of Cups, 10 of Cups, 6 of Swords, 3 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles
Alright, my Pile 2s! Let's take a closer look at the energy between you and your future spouse as depicted by these cards, and see how you both might navigate conflicts within your relationship.
Kicking things off, we have the Queen of Cups - a nurturing, intuitive, and deeply emotional figure. She signifies empathy and understanding. In the realm of conflicts, this suggests that at least one of you (or perhaps both) has a naturally intuitive grasp of the other's feelings. This Queen symbolizes an individual in your life who exemplifies emotional maturity. When disagreements arise, this energy calls for a compassionate and understanding approach, emphasizing listening and feeling deeply before reacting.
Ah, the 10 of Cups, a card of emotional fulfillment, unity, and family bliss. This card entering the reading is incredibly positive and indicates that despite conflicts, there's an overarching sense of harmony and love in your relationship. You and your future spouse have a shared goal of creating a loving, happy environment, and this mutual aspiration will play a significant role in resolving any discord.
The 6 of Swords speaks of transition, moving from turbulent waters to calmer shores. When conflicts do arise, both of you are inclined to seek resolutions that allow you both to move forward. Instead of dwelling on issues, there's a focus on growth and progression. This card might also hint that sometimes, it's necessary to leave certain issues behind in order to focus on the bigger picture of the relationship.
Now, the 3 of Swords is a card that doesn’t sugarcoat – it's about heartbreak, sadness, and sometimes miscommunication. In the context of this reading, it reminds us that no relationship is without its pain points. There will be times of misunderstandings or hurt, but it's important to remember the love and unity depicted in the 10 of Cups. The presence of this card might indicate a need for improved communication or healing from past wounds.
Lastly, the Knight of Pentacles rides in with a diligent, methodical energy. He’s a knight that doesn't rush; instead, he evaluates and plans his course of action carefully. This card suggests that when conflicts arise, a practical and steady approach is taken. One of you might be the kind to methodically work through issues, ensuring that every aspect is considered and addressed. This knight can be an anchor in stormy times, bringing stability and reliability.
My Pile 2s, your journey with your future spouse is filled with deep emotional understanding, a shared vision of happiness, the wisdom to move beyond strife, the acknowledgment of occasional heartaches, and a grounded, practical approach to handling conflict. Remember the love and unity that bonds you and approach challenges with both heart and mind. Your relationship, with its blend of intuition and pragmatism, is well-equipped to weather any storm.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 2 of Wands, 4 of Wands, The Star, The Sun, Knight of Wands
Alright, my Pile 3s! Dive in with me as we explore the dynamics between you and your future spouse, especially when it comes to navigating the tricky waters of conflict.
Beginning our journey, we have the 2 of Wands. This card is all about looking ahead, planning, and decisions. It indicates that when conflicts arise, there's an emphasis on future-focused thinking. Instead of getting bogged down by the present issue, you both likely weigh how decisions made now will impact your shared future. This means there's a balance of passion and pragmatism. Someone in your life, an archetype perhaps, has taught you the importance of vision and forward-thinking, and this lesson plays a pivotal role in how you address disputes.
Moving on, we come across the 4 of Wands, a card of celebration, harmony, and home. It seems that regardless of disagreements, the foundation of your relationship is solid and joyful. The home you create (both literally and metaphorically) is one of peace, and this sanctuary becomes a haven where issues can be addressed calmly. No matter how heated things get, there's always a return to this sense of unity and shared joy.
With the appearance of The Star, there's a beautiful aura of hope and healing in this relationship. The Star is a beacon, illuminating the darkest nights and guiding the way. Even in the midst of conflicts, there's an innate belief in better days and the possibility of resolutions. This card suggests that both of you lean on faith and optimism to guide you through difficulties. There's a sense that the universe or a higher power watches over your relationship, blessing it with healing energy.
Radiating positivity, The Sun shines brightly in this spread, emphasizing clarity, success, and joy. The energy of The Sun combined with The Star in this reading suggests that your relationship is not only blessed with hope but also with moments of clear understanding and illumination. Misunderstandings are often short-lived, as there's a strong presence of clarity and openness between you two. There’s also a youthful exuberance; you both might have a knack for finding fun and laughter even amidst disagreements.
Wrapping up our exploration, we meet the Knight of Wands, a fiery, passionate, and sometimes impulsive figure. This Knight is quick to act and full of enthusiasm. When conflicts arise, there might be a tendency for one or both of you to react quickly, driven by passion. However, channeled positively, this energy can be used to rapidly address and move past issues. The Knight’s presence might also hint at an archetypal figure who is fearless and eager, teaching you about the importance of zeal and courage.
My Pile 3s, your relationship with your future spouse shines with optimism, clear vision, joy, and fiery passion. While disagreements are a natural part of any partnership, your approach is both forward-thinking and anchored in a strong foundation of hope and happiness. Embrace the lessons from the archetypes in your life, maintain that balance of enthusiasm and vision, and continue to bask in the radiant love that the two of you share. Remember, with The Star and The Sun by your side, even the darkest nights will lead to brighter days.
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pekoehoneyncream · 23 days
Ghost's MBTI Type
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Quick Run Down: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality typing device based on Carl Jung's theory of psychological types. It sorts people into 16 different personality types based on four pairs of opposite traits: Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F), & Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
Ghost is ISTJ
Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging
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(Fair warning, most of this is ripped straight from mbti sites, w/ minor wording edits from me)
Core Characteristics:
Dependable and Responsible: ISTJs are known for their reliability and strong sense of duty. They take their responsibilities seriously and are committed to following through on their promises.
Detail-Oriented: They have a keen eye for details and are thorough in their work, ensuring accuracy and precision in their tasks.
Practical and Realistic: ISTJs prefer practical solutions and realistic approaches to problems. They focus on what is achievable and avoid getting caught up in abstract theories.
Organized and Structured: They value order and structure, often planning things meticulously and appreciating a well-organized environment.
Reserved and Private: ISTJs are typically reserved and may keep their feelings and thoughts private, focusing more on factual and practical matters than on expressing emotions.
Loyal and Committed: They are dedicated and loyal to their commitments and relationships, valuing long-term stability and trustworthiness.
In Relationships:
Trustworthy: ISTJs are consistent and dependable, providing a stable foundation in the relationship. You can count on them to be there when needed.
Practical: They offer practical solutions and support in tangible ways. Their approach to problem-solving is grounded in realism and effectiveness.
Organized: Their organizational skills can help manage the day-to-day aspects of the relationship, ensuring things run smoothly and efficiently.
Loyal: STJs are dedicated partners who value long-term commitment. Their loyalty fosters a strong sense of security and trust in the relationship.
Reserved and Distant: Their reserved nature may lead to emotional distance, making it challenging to connect on a deeper emotional level or to openly discuss feelings.
Resistance to Change: ISTJs may be resistant to change and new ideas, preferring to stick with established routines and methods. This rigidity can cause friction if their partner is more adaptable.
Overly Critical: They might become frustrated with what they see as inconsistency or disorganization, which can lead to their partner feeling nitpicked and criticized.
Difficulty with Emotional Expression: ISTJs can have a hard time expressing their emotions with sincerity and often use nonverbal ways to show care instead.
Challenges with Spontaneity: Their preference for planning and structure can clash with a partner who values spontaneity and flexibility, potentially leading to conflict over lifestyle differences.
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PekoeHoneynCream's Masterlist
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Abundance Meets Strategy: Moon in Taurus Unlocks Financial Growth (April 10th)
April 10th brings a powerhouse lineup of astrological transits that can significantly impact your business and finances. The Moon, our emotional center, spends the day nestled in the grounded and security-seeking sign of Taurus. This transit alone fosters stability and long-term planning. But the magic truly unfolds with a series of powerful aspects — sextiles and a conjunction — that create a potent recipe for financial success. As your resident astrologer and business consultant, I’m here to decode this cosmic dance and show you how to leverage it for abundance!
The Moon in Taurus: Planting Seeds of Security
The Moon’s presence in Taurus creates a fertile ground for financial growth. Here’s how to tap into this energy:
Create a Budget (if you haven’t already): Taurus craves stability. Devote time to analyzing your income and expenses, then create a realistic budget that allows you to save and invest for the future.
Explore Long-Term Investments: The security-oriented Taurus energy aligns well with exploring investment options for your business or personal finances. Conduct thorough research and consider seeking professional advice.
Focus on Sustainability: Taurus thrives on long-term planning. Don’t get caught up in fleeting trends — focus on building a sustainable financial foundation for your business.
Aligning with Abundance: Moon’s Cosmic Connections
The Moon’s dance with other planets amplifies the potential for financial success:
Moon Sextile Mars in Pisces: This supportive aspect brings a surge of optimism and motivation. Pursue your financial goals with renewed energy and confidence.]
Business Implications:
Balancing Practicality and Imagination: The harmonious sextile between the Moon in Taurus and Mars in Pisces allows you to blend practicality with imagination. You can ground your dreams in reality without losing their magical quality.
Steady Progress: You’ll find a sweet spot where you can envision your goals (Pisces) and work towards them steadily (Taurus).
Financial Impact:
Creative Ventures: Innovative solutions for financial challenges can emerge. Explore new revenue streams.
Embrace Intuition: Trust your gut feelings when making financial decisions. Sometimes, seemingly risky ventures hold great potential.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus: This powerful conjunction is a dream come true for ambitious individuals! Expect opportunities for expansion, increased income, and breakthroughs in your financial strategies. Embrace innovative ideas and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Business Implications:
Abundance and Growth: Jupiter and Uranus together amplify expansion. Expect opportunities for growth, promotions, and exciting new ventures.
Resourcefulness: Tap into your network and community. Collaborate with others to achieve mutual success.
Financial Impact:
Wealth Creation: Real estate, investments, and self-employment can yield profits.
Independence: Consider innovative approaches to resource management. Break free from conventional norms.
Discipline is Your Ally: Moon Sextile Saturn in Pisces
The Moon also forms a harmonious sextile with Saturn in Pisces, injecting a dose of discipline and responsibility into the mix. This translates to:
Smart Spending: While the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction encourages growth, Saturn’s influence ensures you manage your newfound abundance wisely.
Sticking to the Plan: The discipline of Saturn helps you stay committed to your budget and long-term financial goals, even when faced with temptations.
Building a Strong Foundation: This sextile fosters the creation of a secure financial foundation for your business or personal finances.
Business Implications:
Balancing Stability and Empathy: Grounded Taurus meets intuitive Pisces. Use practicality to manifest spiritual ideals.
Responsibility and Compassion: You may feel a responsibility towards the collective or less fortunate.
Financial Impact:
Practical Manifestation: Use common sense to turn dreams into reality.
Embrace Change: Trust the flow of life. Let go of material attachments when necessary.
Remember: This is a powerful day for attracting abundance and solidifying your financial future. Embrace the grounded energy of Taurus, combine it with a dash of innovative thinking, and leverage the supportive aspects to manifest your financial dreams. With a strategic approach and a dose of discipline, this can be a turning point on your path to financial security!
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
I'm curious and making a seperate post about the forgotten and older Captain Marvel characters from the past comics, but what are your thoughts on them? A bunch of them aren't even used anymore, but have so much potential to them if they're ever brought back.
Like Joane Jameson, apparently she was Billy and Captain Marvel's secretary at Whiz Radio, who knew of both of his identities and helped them. I really like this idea and think it would really be useful for a Billy Batson that's a street kid and constantly wary of adults who might want to turn him back in to the foster system, she provides a safe example for Billy to look up to and actually trust. Not just that, but she could also provide assistance for Billy/Captain Marvel on missions, things he may lack insight on or informing him of villainous attacks/incidents.
Are there any characters you wish to see be brought back to the present day comics or see them be included in fanfictions more? I also really like the idea of Dr. Sivana's children be brought back into the action more, especially Beautia, since she's actually a good person (from what I remember) and on good terms with the Captain
So it's taken me literally forever to answer this because every time I do I go down a mini research rabbit hole about older/unused characters because there are SO many that I would like to see more of.
My thoughts under the cut because it got long.
This isn't even everyone, but it's a lot of cool underutilized characters I'd love to see brought back.
Because of the number of characters, I'm splitting them into categories for ease of reading:
Cissie Sommerly: Billy's girlfriend and the niece of his boss Sterling Morris (who also needs to used more tbh) She is a sweetheart who loves her little brother (Pete) and is very kind hearted. She didn’t get much development in the older comics, but she often had to deal with Billy and Cap’s shenanigans. I would love to see more of her!
The Sivana kids Beautia, Georgia, Thad Jr, and Magnificus: we recently got an adult Georgia in the New Champion of Shazam but I want to see the whole family together! And exploring their family dynamics with only half of them being supervillains would be so fun! They love each other but it's complicated. Georgia and Thad jr were basically parallels to Mary and Captain Marvel Jr and that was a fun balance. Meanwhile Beautia and Magnificus weren't really interested in their father's evil scheme though they gkt roped into them sometimes. And of course Beautia's crush on Captain Marvel causes problems but she's still awesome and even tutors Billy for school.
Sunny Sparkle: basically he was so universally beloved by everyone who met him that they just gave him things. Bank robbers would just hand him their stolen cash. Car jackers would give him the keys. He was gifted so much stuff every day that Billy had to help him donate and sell stuff regularly. In modern comics, I think it'd be cool if he was unknowingly a metahuman whose power was being hypnotically charming.
Freckles Marvel: she was Uncle Dudley's niece and despite not having powers, liked to tag along on adventures especially with Mary. She's a lot like Darla with her upbeat little sister energy. I can see them being friends in modern comics (or maybe even related since they both have the last name Dudley)
Dexter Knox: a child prodigy and inventor who was good friends with Billy. He's basically the smartest person in Fawcett and he loves showcasing his inventions to Billy.
Arson Fiend: an insurance salesman that uses extortion and threats of arson to meet his sales quota. He drinks a potion that gives him fire powers which he uses to commit arson against people who didn’t buy insurance from him. We've talked a bit about his connection to other Captain Marvel villains like Lady Blaze who healed him and gave him his powers back when he lost them. He's such a simply evil character that works really well for comics.
Chain Lightning: a teenager with multiple personalities and the power to control lightning. She has 4 personalities: Amy (the "main" alter), Amber (the more angry/volatile alter who protects the system), the Inner Child (no name besides that but encapsulates their child like wonder), and ID (the embodiment of their id, thus more impulsive than the others). She actually absorbs some of the Marvel’s magic lightning which allows her alters to temporarily have their own bodies. Amy is in love with Captain Marvel Jr because he saved her life, but the other alters are more wary of him, especially Amber. While any adaptation of Chain Lightning needs to be conscious of the ableism that happens when depicting a system, I think there's a lot of great potential with this character.
Sabina: she is technically from the Trials of Shazam not Fawcett comics, but I think she's cool. Basically she was raised by a cult called the Council of Merlin. She was destined to be 10th in line to receive the powers of Shazam so she starts killing those ahead of her in the order to ensure that once Billy was mo longer the Champion the powers would go to her. But when Billy was transitioning to become the Wizard he chose Freddy as his Champion, bypassing Sabina and the predestined order of things. So Sabina decides to kill Freddy AND the gods he was going to get his powers from. She's so evil and cool and I really like her design. I definitely think there's a way to bring her back.
Fawcett Heroes: there are a ton of fun characters that weren’t necessarily Captain Marvel characters but were part of the same world before he was a DC property.
Bulletman and Bulletgirl: literally Billy’s favorite superheros! He reads their comics and everything! They were very popular at the time, Whiz comics second most popular characters behind the Marvels. They are a husband and wife duo that gave themselves superpowers (strength, durability etc) which they use to fight crime, particularly supernatural villains.
Mr Scarlet and Pinky: Brian and Pinky Butler are a father-son vigilante duo. They were so good at their jobs that Brian barely had any work as a district attorney because of such low crime rates. They were basically a working class version of Batman and Robin. They're good friends with the Marvel family and when Mary got her first solo series, part of the advertising was having Pinky send her pen pal letters inviting her to have new adventures with him and the other Fawcett characters.
Ibis the Invincible: an Egyptian prince whose mummy was uncovered and brought back to life (by Shazam). He uses the Ibistick, an extremely powerful magical wand, to help people as he adjusts to modern life. He can do just about anything as long as he has his wand and often gets thrown in the middle of conflicts between gods.
Kid Eternity: aka Kit Freeman, Freddy’s long lost little brother with ghost powers! After dying in a boating accident when he wasn’t supposed to, he was brought back and given powers as compensation. He can summon spirits, turn invisible, and become intangible, though his powers shifted over time. He's such a cool character and he deserves more love!
Whew that was a lot! If anyone else has characters to add (and I know there are many) I would love to hear about it! And if any of these characters intrigue you I encourage you to check them out and sneak them into your fics!
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novagad · 20 days
As a funded Crypto trader with a proven track record of success, I offer a client-centric approach to trading that prioritizes profitable results and effective risk management. With expertise in technical analysis and strategic decision-making, I am committed to delivering exceptional trading services that align with clients' financial goals.
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Now, let's delve into the key points that showcase my strengths and skills as a funded Crypto trader:
Proven Track Record: With a history of successful trades and managed funded accounts, I have demonstrated my ability to generate consistent profits and achieve financial growth in the Crypto market.
Technical Analysis Expertise: My proficiency in utilizing various technical analysis tools and indicators allows me to identify lucrative trading opportunities and make data-driven decisions with confidence.
Risk Management Skills: I prioritize effective risk management strategies to protect capital and minimize potential losses, ensuring that clients' funds are safeguarded throughout the trading process.
Strategic Decision-Making: Through thorough market analysis and trend identification, I am skilled at making informed and well-calculated trading decisions that optimize profitability and align with clients' financial objectives.
Client-Centric Approach: Understanding the unique goals and preferences of each client, I am dedicated to providing personalized trading services that cater to their specific needs, fostering long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual success.
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saylessastrology · 9 months
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1. Aries Rising: Aries should focus on channeling their energy into productive projects and learning to balance their assertiveness with patience and tact.
2. Taurus Rising: Taurus should prioritize self-care and finding ways to indulge in their passions, while also being open to change and embracing new experiences.
3. Gemini Rising: Gemini should work on improving their communication skills and building stronger connections with others, while also staying focused and committed to their goals.
4. Cancer Rising: Cancer should strive to establish healthy boundaries and practice self-compassion, while also exploring their creative side and pursuing hobbies that bring them joy.
5. Leo Rising: Leo should aim to enhance their leadership skills and self-confidence, while also valuing the contributions of others and fostering a sense of teamwork.
6. Virgo Rising: Virgo should focus on personal growth and self-improvement, while also learning to let go of perfectionism and embracing spontaneity and flexibility.
7. Libra Rising: Libra should prioritize self-reflection and inner harmony, while also advocating for fairness and justice in their relationships and the world around them.
8. Scorpio Rising: Scorpio should embrace vulnerability and emotional authenticity, while also nurturing their relationships and creating a sense of trust and intimacy.
9. Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius should seek knowledge and broaden their horizons, while also finding balance between their adventurous spirit and the need for stability.
10. Capricorn Rising: Capricorn should set ambitious goals and work towards long-term success, while also finding time for self-care and cultivating a sense of inner fulfillment.
11. Aquarius Rising: Aquarius should strive to express their individuality and unique perspectives, while also connecting with others and promoting unity and collaboration.
12. Pisces Rising: Pisces should practice self-compassion and prioritize their emotional well-being, while also embracing their creativity and exploring their spiritual side.
Remember, these resolutions are just suggestions and each individual may have their own unique aspirations and goals. ❤️💫
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accountsend · 1 year
Building Trust in B2B Relationships: Nurturing Connections for Long-Term Success
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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In the world of business-to-business interactions, trust is the cornerstone. When you build strong, trusted relationships with your clients, partners, and even competitors, you create a foundation for long-term success. Let's explore five essential steps to nurture trust in your B2B relationships.
Know Your Customers
To build trust, you must first know who you're dealing with. Use your B2B contact database to understand the needs, challenges, and goals of your clients. The more you understand their business, the better you can provide valuable solutions and advice. This not only positions you as a trusted advisor but also fosters a deeper connection.
Communicate Clearly and Honestly
Clear and honest communication is crucial to building trust. Keep your clients informed about project progress, challenges, and successes. If you make a mistake, own up to it. This demonstrates integrity and shows that you value the relationship more than your ego.
Deliver on Your Promises
Trust is built on reliability. Always follow through on commitments and ensure you meet, if not exceed, expectations. If you promise to deliver a service or solution, ensure you do it timely and efficiently.
Show Consistency
Consistency over time breeds trust. This means maintaining the same level of service, following through on commitments, and staying true to your brand values. Consistency provides predictability, which in turn builds confidence and trust.
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Encourage Feedback and Adapt
Regularly ask for feedback and be open to critique. This shows your willingness to improve and adapt to your clients' needs. Moreover, it demonstrates respect for their opinions, fostering a sense of partnership that enhances trust.
In conclusion, nurturing trust in B2B relationships requires a blend of understanding, clear communication, reliability, consistency, and openness to feedback. As you cultivate these qualities and embed them in your operations, you'll find your connections growing stronger, and your business thriving.
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igotsnothing · 1 year
Ok, ok, ok...I was not that excited about this expansion. When it was announced, I thought I wouldn't like it at all because I'm more of a San Myshuno kinda gal. I love big cities, grew up in big cities, and always felt the countryside was great for naps, slipping into comas, and hiding out in the witness protection program.
Obviously I am an idiot.
Less than 24 hours since I began tinkering with this pack, I am now furiously and obsessively plotting this story.
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Asa Wyman was born and raised in Chestnut Ridge, where he proudly owns and runs his own ranch. He raises sheep, llamas, and keeps dairy cows. Asa is focused, hard-working, but also kind and generous. He's an idealist and is a deeply-feeling, sensitive person. This has led to much heartache in his life, but he doesn't know how to be otherwise. This soft-heartedness also causes him to make the impulsive decision to foster a severely neglected horse, Copper. While his intentions are good, he is completely out of his depth. Asa needs help with the horse, who has trust issues and is terribly defiant. This prompts him to reach out to the legendary horse trainer, Ignacio...
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Ignacio "Nacho" Rodriguez is part Chiricahua Apache on his mother's side and Chicano on his dad's side. His family moved to Chestnut Ridge when he was already in his early teens, which made him feel like an outsider among the close-knit cliques at school. As a result, Ignacio comes across as somewhat aloof and indifferent. He loves the landscape of Chestnut Ridge: the rugged land and wilderness call out to him. Although he is a passionate person, he doesn't believe in serious relationships or any type of long-term commitment. In fact, his few friends joke that only horses get Ignacio's complete devotion. He is known for being a horse trainer, a fabled "horse whisperer", whose services are often sought after even beyond Chestnut Ridge. So, when Asa appears before him one afternoon begging him to help Copper, he is intrigued...by both the case and the disarmingly charming rancher who is failing-oh-so-hard at keeping his obvious attraction secret...
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Copper is ADORABLE, my sweet widdle horsie-pooh! Look at him! Look. At. Him! He can do no wrong! Actually, he can. He has issues. He's scared and afraid to trust and it makes him difficult to deal with and defiant. Copper is verrrry smart, you see. He's got everything figured out: the foster guy doesn't know what he's doing AND he's on to the trainer guy's tricks. He likes it, though, when the two of them come see him at the ranch. He doesn't know what they're yammering and bickering about, but he feels better when they are both there. There's a warmth and sweetness he can pick up on when they're there and it's very soothing and healing for him; so, he needs to make sure they keep showing up. Together!
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Solar Return : Partnerships (7th House)
Solar Return 7th House in Aries: This placement may bring dynamic and action-oriented partnerships, encouraging assertiveness and enthusiasm in collaborations. It could signify the need for independence and mutual support in relationships or partnerships, urging you to be mindful of potential conflicts and maintain a balance of power in business ventures.
Solar Return 7th House in Taurus: This placement suggests stable and reliable partnerships built on trust and shared values. It may encourage a focus on nurturing and cultivating enduring relationships or partnerships, emphasizing the importance of patience and commitment in both personal and professional connections.
Solar Return 7th House in Gemini: This placement signifies versatile and communicative partnerships, emphasizing the importance of intellectual connection and mutual understanding. It may encourage you to foster open and transparent communication in relationships or partnerships, promoting adaptability and flexibility in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Cancer: This placement suggests nurturing and empathetic partnerships, highlighting the significance of emotional support and security. It may encourage a focus on creating a sense of belonging and comfort in relationships or partnerships, fostering a deep emotional bond and a shared sense of belonging in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Leo: This placement signifies passionate and expressive partnerships, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and admiration. It may encourage you to celebrate individuality and creativity in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of shared vision and a strong sense of teamwork in business ventures.
Solar Return 7th House in Virgo: This placement suggests practical and supportive partnerships built on organization and efficiency. It may encourage a focus on attention to detail and mutual reliability in relationships or partnerships, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and shared responsibilities in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Libra: This placement signifies harmonious and balanced partnerships, highlighting the importance of cooperation and fairness. It may encourage you to prioritize diplomacy and mutual understanding in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of equality and cooperation in both personal and professional connections.
Solar Return 7th House in Scorpio: This placement suggests intense and transformative partnerships, emphasizing the importance of trust and emotional depth. It may encourage you to embrace vulnerability and shared passions in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of empowerment and mutual growth in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Sagittarius: This placement signifies adventurous and expansive partnerships, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and a sense of exploration. It may encourage you to embrace diversity and open-mindedness in relationships or partnerships, fostering a spirit of adventure and shared optimism in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Capricorn: This placement suggests pragmatic and enduring partnerships, emphasizing the importance of commitment and mutual ambition. It may encourage you to prioritize stability and long-term goals in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of reliability and shared responsibility in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Aquarius: This placement signifies progressive and innovative partnerships, highlighting the importance of shared ideals and intellectual connection. It may encourage you to embrace collaboration and teamwork in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of originality and shared vision in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Pisces: This placement suggests compassionate and intuitive partnerships, emphasizing the importance of empathy and spiritual connection. It may encourage you to prioritize emotional support and creativity in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of compassion and shared dreams in both personal and professional connections.
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