#astrology business
seraphic-saturn · 7 months
Solar Return : Partnerships (7th House)
Solar Return 7th House in Aries: This placement may bring dynamic and action-oriented partnerships, encouraging assertiveness and enthusiasm in collaborations. It could signify the need for independence and mutual support in relationships or partnerships, urging you to be mindful of potential conflicts and maintain a balance of power in business ventures.
Solar Return 7th House in Taurus: This placement suggests stable and reliable partnerships built on trust and shared values. It may encourage a focus on nurturing and cultivating enduring relationships or partnerships, emphasizing the importance of patience and commitment in both personal and professional connections.
Solar Return 7th House in Gemini: This placement signifies versatile and communicative partnerships, emphasizing the importance of intellectual connection and mutual understanding. It may encourage you to foster open and transparent communication in relationships or partnerships, promoting adaptability and flexibility in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Cancer: This placement suggests nurturing and empathetic partnerships, highlighting the significance of emotional support and security. It may encourage a focus on creating a sense of belonging and comfort in relationships or partnerships, fostering a deep emotional bond and a shared sense of belonging in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Leo: This placement signifies passionate and expressive partnerships, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and admiration. It may encourage you to celebrate individuality and creativity in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of shared vision and a strong sense of teamwork in business ventures.
Solar Return 7th House in Virgo: This placement suggests practical and supportive partnerships built on organization and efficiency. It may encourage a focus on attention to detail and mutual reliability in relationships or partnerships, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and shared responsibilities in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Libra: This placement signifies harmonious and balanced partnerships, highlighting the importance of cooperation and fairness. It may encourage you to prioritize diplomacy and mutual understanding in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of equality and cooperation in both personal and professional connections.
Solar Return 7th House in Scorpio: This placement suggests intense and transformative partnerships, emphasizing the importance of trust and emotional depth. It may encourage you to embrace vulnerability and shared passions in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of empowerment and mutual growth in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Sagittarius: This placement signifies adventurous and expansive partnerships, highlighting the importance of shared experiences and a sense of exploration. It may encourage you to embrace diversity and open-mindedness in relationships or partnerships, fostering a spirit of adventure and shared optimism in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Capricorn: This placement suggests pragmatic and enduring partnerships, emphasizing the importance of commitment and mutual ambition. It may encourage you to prioritize stability and long-term goals in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of reliability and shared responsibility in business collaborations.
Solar Return 7th House in Aquarius: This placement signifies progressive and innovative partnerships, highlighting the importance of shared ideals and intellectual connection. It may encourage you to embrace collaboration and teamwork in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of originality and shared vision in collaborative endeavors.
Solar Return 7th House in Pisces: This placement suggests compassionate and intuitive partnerships, emphasizing the importance of empathy and spiritual connection. It may encourage you to prioritize emotional support and creativity in relationships or partnerships, fostering a sense of compassion and shared dreams in both personal and professional connections.
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sunshinesmebdy · 3 months
Moon in Libra: Charm Your Way to Business Balance and Financial Harmony
Ah, Libra! The sign of the scales, the diplomat, the master of aesthetics. When the Moon dances through this air sign, prepare for a potent blend of grace, diplomacy, and a quest for equilibrium in all aspects of life, including your business and finances. So, buckle up, entrepreneurs and financiers, because under Libra’s moonlit skies, we’re about to waltz our way to success.
Business Benefits:
Collaboration Charisma: Libra’s Moon makes you a collaboration pro. Charm investors, negotiate win-win deals, and foster partnerships that feel less like contracts and more like cosmically ordained alliances. Think “power couple,” not “solopreneur.”
Forget the lone wolf; under Libra’s Moon, you’re a celestial Casanova ready to charm the socks off potential partners. Investors swoon at your pitches, negotiations become elegant waltzes, and collaborations blossom like cosmically ordained power couples. Ditch the cutthroat deals; Libra favors win-win scenarios, forging partnerships that feel less like contracts and more like destiny dancing to the rhythm of shared success. So, put on your collaboration crown, unleash your diplomatic charm, and watch your business reach new heights, hand-in-hand with your perfectly matched entrepreneurial dream team.
Branding Brilliance: Channel your inner Venus and unleash your branding magic. Craft a visually stunning image that reflects your values and resonates with your ideal clientele. Remember, first impressions matter, and under Libra’s influence, you’ll make them swoon.
Unleash your inner Venus under the Libra Moon and watch your brand shimmer like a celestial runway. Craft visuals that are as captivating as a sunset, as balanced as a perfectly poised scale, and as unique as your soul. Think sleek fonts that dance with your message, color palettes that reflect your values, and imagery that speaks directly to your ideal client’s desires. Remember, first impressions are like love at first sight — under Libra’s influence, you’ll make them swoon, leaving them mesmerized and ready to say “I do” to your brand.
Conflict Calming: Tensions arise? No sweat! Libra’s Moon equips you with the grace of a celestial mediator. Navigate disagreements with diplomacy, find common ground through active listening, and watch disputes dissolve like mist under a morning sun.
Tensions simmering? Fear not, for under Libra’s Moon, you become a diplomat extraordinaire! Navigate disagreements with the finesse of a cosmic ballerina, your words as soothing as moonlit waves. Practice the art of active listening, transforming clashing cymbals into harmonious chimes. With each empathetic utterance, you’ll find common ground, watch anger melt like morning mist, and leave everyone feeling like winners bathed in the warm glow of Libra’s celestial peace treaty.
Customer Care Captivation: Turn customer service into an art form. Anticipate their needs, personalize your interactions, and make them feel like the VIPs they truly are. Libra’s Moon helps you build lasting loyalty through genuine connection, not just empty platitudes.
Forget customer service scripts; under Libra’s Moon, you’re a maestro of client captivation! Anticipate their needs like a cosmic concierge, weave personalized interactions that sparkle like moonlit threads, and treat them like the VIPs they are. Forget hollow platitudes, embrace genuine connection. Build loyalty through empathy, not empty promises, and watch your customers become not just patrons, but raving fans, drawn back by the irresistible charm of your authentically Libra-ian customer service magic.
Financial Fortunes:
Balanced Budgets: Libra craves harmony, and that extends to your finances. Use this lunar phase to re-evaluate your budget, seeking that sweet spot where income and expenses dance in perfect equilibrium. No more feast-or-famine cycles!
Ditch the financial rollercoaster; under Libra’s Moon, it’s time to tango with budget balance! Reimagine your finances as a celestial equilibrium, where income and expenses pirouette in perfect harmony. Libra craves fairness, so dissect your spending with a cosmic accountant’s eye, trim unnecessary frills, and adjust income streams like tuning the strings of a financial harp. Watch the feast-or-famine cycles fade like a forgotten melody, replaced by a serene symphony of sustainable, balanced budgeting. Breathe easy, entrepreneurs, for financial harmony awaits under Libra’s moonlit scales.
Debt Diplomacy: Stuck in a financial tango with debt? Don’t despair! Libra’s Moon empowers you to negotiate like a pro. Renegotiate terms, seek repayment plans that feel fair, and find creative solutions that leave everyone feeling like winners.
Debt may feel like a tango with quicksand, but Libra’s lunar embrace gives you the agility to sway in your favor. Renegotiate with charm, seek balanced repayment plans, and unleash your creative flair. Remember, a tango takes two, and finding solutions that leave everyone feeling triumphant keeps the music dancing. So, shed the shackles of despair, channel Libra’s grace, and dance your way out of debt with a win-win flourish.
Investments with Ethics: Ditch the get-rich-quick schemes and embrace ethical investing under Libra’s discerning gaze. Research companies that align with your values, prioritize sustainability, and seek long-term stability over short-term gains. Feel good about where your money goes, and watch your portfolio blossom with purpose.
Ditch the financial rollercoaster, entrepreneurs! Under Libra’s celestial sway, your budget transforms into a graceful tango, income and expenses spinning in perfect equilibrium. This lunar tango craves fairness, so grab your cosmic abacus and dissect your spending with an eagle eye. Prune away unnecessary frills, adjust income streams like tuning a celestial harp, and watch the feast-or-famine cycles fade like a forgotten waltz. In their place, a serene symphony of sustainable balance rises, leaving you breathing easy and waltzing hand-in-hand with financial harmony under Libra’s glimmering scales.
Unexpected Collaborations: Keep your eyes peeled for unexpected partnerships that can boost your financial fortunes. Collaborate on projects that leverage your combined strengths, share resources strategically, and witness your income climb as you rise together like the celestial tides.
Keep your cosmic radar pinging, entrepreneurs, for under Libra’s moonlit sky, unexpected partnerships shimmer like hidden treasure. These aren’t random alliances; they’re divinely orchestrated duets where your strengths merge with complementary brilliance. Think yin and yang, moon and stars, two businesses rising like the celestial tides on a wave of shared resources and strategic synergy. Collaborate on projects that ignite your mutual passions, where your combined expertise paints a masterpiece across the financial canvas. Witness your income climb as you rise together, hand-in-hand, a testament to the power of Libra’s moonlit matchmaking magic.
Bonus Tip: Embrace the beauty of Libra! Surround yourself with art, music, and inspiring spaces. Treat yourself to a new outfit that reflects your brand, and remember, sometimes, a little self-care is the best investment you can make.
So, there you have it! The Moon in Libra is your invitation to charm your way to business success, find financial balance, and collaborate your way to prosperity. Remember, success is a beautiful duet, not a solo act. So, find your perfect business partner, raise a glass (or a latte) to financial harmony, and let Libra’s moonlit waltz guide you to a fulfilling and abundant future.
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cha0ticlunarwitch · 11 months
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Some affirmations to start your Cancer Season out on the right note!
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vantaesfairie · 5 months
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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part 1 of my christmas series!!!!
pile 1, reindeer friends with a cute snoot:
wow they could be quite rich! they could be from old money or enjoy spending daddy's / mommy's money.
they could be continuing a family's inheritance or legacy in their area of study or work.
they could enjoy nature or watch things grow.
they definitely put in long term strategies. they are probably good in investing money.
they have pretty good foresight. they could play a role of 'caregiver' a bit, like they will spoil you materially.
they could have a small waist regardless of gender, and tall.
they are a good negotiator and likes to make you smile.
they are someone who takes care of you deeply and wants to watch you prosper.
they want to steer you away from your bad troubles and only towards good days. they want to take away your pain.
you may meet them at a time of prosperous growth or when your life seems to be taking a turn to the next chapter.
pile 2, black cat in christmas lights:
they have a very strong energy, they could be a fire sign or enjoy gaming or group sports.
they are very assertive and tend to be more masculine.
they motivate others and you, and would literally fight off people to protect you.
they could feel challenged a lot, they may have trouble with their self worth, esteem, and ego.
they want to win arguments, they want you as their prize.
they could be blunt but quite persuasive. they could be good with words to make you happy or seduce you.
they would love to debate or banter playfully with you.
they could play sports that involve a stick, like hockey or polo.
they are very ambitious in their work with clear direction of where they want to go and achieve but lack proper emotional development.
they may need you to keep them in their lane sometimes with their bad days, but they would be so passionate with you.
pile 3, stag (james potter? should i start a hogwarts pac?):
they could be more soft and introverted than the rest of the piles here. they could have sadder eyes (in your opinion).
they could hurt people without knowing and suffer hollow victories.
they want to treat you like their forever lover with everything that they give you. they want you to glow and be a rainbow in their life.
they would be very attracted to you, you would be their type.
they could be blunt with words which they regret immediately after.
they see you as someone who can help heal them so they may come to you for comfort.
they could feel like an outcast in their peer crowds easily.
they run out of emotional energy quite quickly so you would help give them spiritual energy like a charger.
they would learn many emotional lessons from you. they never want to hurt you.
they could be avoidant when you two fight because of their nature to hurt people easily, but they want to always cherish you.
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much!
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punksocks · 7 months
Astrology Observations: No.25
*just based on my personal observations, only take what resonates
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Omg my first degree theory observation was wrong Danial Kwan has moon at 18 degree, a Virgo degree ! (My bad y’all I’m learning). I’ll say that he had to get a hold of his mental health while in Covid and his adult adhd diagnosis and that influenced the writing of everything all at once (Imma learn this lol, more studying must be done)
Ok better degree theory lol, the degree of your Venus and/or mars can show placements you attract. My Venus is at a cancer degree and I’ve dated a l o t of people with Cancer placements (an experience lol)
A guy’s Lilith can show that his sort of femme fatale attraction (type of girl that overstimulates him, makes him feel enamored but is also his weakness.) His Lilith placement can describe this femme in more detail. For Aries, a go getter that takes no shit (I believe @zeldasnotes said Lilith in Aries in a man’s chart is a strong indicator that he’s a feminist and I totally agree.); For Sagittarius she’d be untethered and have a great sense of humor and may be outside of his culture. For Aquarius she’d be idealized as a manic pixie dream girl, like quirky in a way he could never figure out. let me know if you all would like a whole post on this !
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Only outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in your 1st can give you an extra ordinary appearance and make you stand out quite a bit.
Your mars conjunct to someone’s sun can make them feel competitive with you. Venus on the other hand can make you put the sun person on a sort of pedestal and can make the relationship feel like you’re a fan of the sun person. Moon to someone’s sun can feel more at home and at ease.
Men with water Venuses seem to be super monogamous or like incapable of monogamy (which is fine lol, but be ethical about it and establish boundaries and don’t cheat yo)
12th house synastry is sticky asl, as soon as you moved on someone just appears on your mind out of nowhere, lotta hidden energy all tied up together; 8th house synastry is really intense but it’s often hard to build something stable out of the intensity. 4th house feels like home, but as someone with Uranus over their 4th, I associate this synastry with being unpredictable and chaotic in familiar way. 5th and 11th house synastry tends to be good long term. 5th house means you feel fun and creative and always excited together. And 11th house will mean that there’s a feeling of friendship underneath the passion that usually sustains the connection imo.
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For all of the seriousness associated with Capricorn placements (especially suns) often focus on a lot on whimsy in their creative works, like it’s the outlet for a lot of their hidden optimism (Hayao Miyazaki, Nobuhiko Obayashi the director of Hausu).
Ok ok I know Scorpio risings are known for intense, bedroom eyes and their overwhelming s*x appeal and making suitors flee because they’re so intimidated etc etc… but quietly I think our biggest weapon that people don’t see coming is our sense of humor. (Honest to god I was thinking of how funny Hugh Grant is even though he doesn’t need to be bc he’s been so handsome this whole time lol. He always puts in the effort into that comedic timing) (Also people still think if you’re hot and intense you can’t be funny so it defuses some of the tension pretty well imo)
I feel like Virgo placements always seem to think they feel boring even though they’re like very knowledgeable and compelling in their own right (I’m getting all reflective and remember when like Virgo moons/mars would always ask if they’re being boring or complain about being boring but they tend to be good conversationalists when they allow themselves to analyze things so deeply)
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I think cancers are actually the most defensive sign, naturally. I want to say they have this in common with their sister sign bc Capricorns are defensive and don’t like to show “weakness”. But the way that underdeveloped cancers (can) play the victim when scrutinized is different. (Like Capricorns do that earth sign thing where they use their perception to make you feel like you’re wrong, and they want to be seen as the authority not the victim). Where cancer is in your chart could show where you’re especially guarded and trying to protect your sensitivity.
To me Jupiter conjunct south node means you’ll reap benefits of good karma from a past life (or the effects of bad karma will be a lot in this lifetime but I saw this in obama’s chart and it’s a benefic planet so the first thing is what I thought of lol, he’s not a good guy but becoming the first black president of the us seems like a past life power play imo)
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thesirencult · 4 months
We have established that what we think about manifests in the physical.
We also know that our emotional vibration, translates to the 3D.
Before social media, our mindset was engineered by our immediate environment, books and TV.
Now, we consume so much content that it is ALTERING OUR THOUGHTS.
Perception becomes reality.
If you consume content of women who have multiple plastic surgeries your brain, after 1 month/year/decade will think of it as the "norm". "It's okay to get plastic surgery, let's change up our nose!"
Watching videos of people talking about their loneliness will evoke that feeling within you. You will start empathising with them and before you know it you will feel lonely too.
ONLY follow and interact with content that makes you feel good. Inspirational people and accounts that help you cultivate the mindset which aligns with your goals and dream reality.
Don't let them take away your power.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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How Your Natal Chart Can Reveal Your Target Audience
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Sun: The sun symbolizes our purpose, radiating the essence of our identity and values. Within the Sun we discover the path to our personal brilliance, seeking recognition and the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to society. Here you will experience where you naturally are shiny and acknowledgement for your endeavors.
・❥・Sun in Aries/1st house, individuals embody the fiery energy of their sign, radiating a dynamic and courageous spirit. They shine brightly through their boldness and initiative, seeking acknowledgement for their fearless endeavors.
・❥・Sun in Taurus/2nd house, individuals radiate a steady and grounded presence, symbolizing reliability and determination. Their inherent stability and practicality make them shine in areas where they can create tangible value and contribute to society.
・❥・Sun in Gemini/3rd house, individuals shine through their quick wit, curiosity, and adaptability. They effortlessly captivate others with their multifaceted personalities and versatile communication skills, seeking recognition for their intellectual pursuits.
・❥・Sun in Cancer/4th house, individuals radiate warmth, empathy, and nurturing energy. They shine brightest when they can create a harmonious and supportive environment, seeking acknowledgement for their ability to provide emotional security and care for others.
・❥・Sun in Leo/5th house, individuals embody the essence of shining itself. They radiate confidence, creativity, and leadership. Their natural charisma and dramatic flair draw attention, and they seek recognition for their unique talents and the ability to inspire others.
・❥・Sun in Virgo/6th house, individuals shine through their meticulous attention to detail, practicality, and analytical mindset. They seek acknowledgement for their precision, problem-solving abilities, and dedication to serving others through their work.
・❥・Sun in Libra/7th house, individuals radiate harmony, grace, and diplomacy. They shine brightest when they can foster peace and balance in their surroundings, seeking recognition for their ability to bridge differences and create harmonious connections.
・❥・Sun in Scorpio/8th house, individuals possess an intense and transformative energy. They shine through their depth, emotional resilience, and unwavering determination. Seeking acknowledgement for their power of regeneration and the ability to delve into the mysteries of life.
・❥・Sun in Sagittarius/9th house, individuals radiate a joyful and adventurous spirit. They shine through their enthusiasm, optimism, and expansive worldview. Seeking recognition for their quest for knowledge, freedom, and their ability to inspire others with their philosophical insights.
・❥・Sun in Capricorn/10th house, individuals embody ambition, responsibility, and discipline. They shine brightest when they can achieve tangible success through hard work and perseverance. Seeking acknowledgement for their achievements and the impact they make in the world.
・❥・Sun in Aquarius/11th house, individuals radiate uniqueness, originality, and a visionary perspective. They shine through their ability to think outside the box and challenge conventions. Seeking recognition for their innovative ideas and contributions to society.
・❥・Sun in Pisces/12th house, individuals possess a compassionate and intuitive nature. They shine through their sensitivity, creativity, and spiritual depth. Seeking acknowledgement for their empathy and the ability to connect with others on a profound emotional level.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Venus: Venus is the planet of beauty, aesthetics, and creativity. Venus also talks about our ability to create relationships, be adored and have a client and not just a customer. With Venus we can see how you can sell you work or ideas for others, how they will see you and feel around you and how others will value your work.
・❥・Venus in the 1st house/Aries: you’re drawn to projects that allow you to showcase your unique style and flair, and your ability to create works that reflect your personal tastes and values attracting clients who are looking for something truly authentic and individualistic. Many times the value of your work is due to the person behind it and people will seek and buy from you much more because they like your personality and authenticity than because they identify with your work alone. For you to stand out, you need to be the face of your business. If you work autonomously, be the person who connects with customers. If you are hired, try to escape the home office.
・❥・Venus in the 2nd house/Taurus: can indicate a love of luxury and material possessions. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to create high-end, valuable works of art, and your ability to infuse your work with a sense of elegance and sophistication attract clients who value quality and craftsmanship in their projects. You are the type of worker who accumulates everything you have to put into a single work. You can't do small things and that's why you attract clients who like a lot of work on one thing. Because of this too, you are better able to sell your work for an amount equivalent to your work or even more (because we know that many times the work we have with something is not compatible with how much we can sell it).
・❥・Venus in the 3rd house/Gemini: can indicate a love of communication and storytelling. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to express your ideas and emotions through your career, and your ability to connect with others through your work attract clients who value clear, effective messaging in their projects. Your clients are those who like to see the day-to-day more, like twitter and IG stories, nothing too big and planned, but spontaneous and with a clear objective, they like quick and interactive art. Siblings, childhood/school friends and neighbors can be your first clients.
・❥・Venus in the 4th house/Cancer: can indicate a deep emotional connection to your work. You’re drawn to projects that tap into your personal history or family background, and your ability to create works that evoke a sense of nostalgia or sentimentality attract clients who value a personal touch in their projects. It can also appeal to people who like more morbid subjects (the 4th house is all about where we physically stay and the coffin is our last home). Give them the angst (if you do arts, plz).
・❥・Venus in the 5th house/Leo: can indicate a love of creativity and self-expression. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to showcase your unique artistic style and flair, and your ability to create works that reflect your personal tastes and values attract clients who appreciate individuality and creativity in their projects. Your clients love storytelling, but it's grand and fanciful. They also like content inspired by other works but original in its own way and rivalries like the red and blue characters.
・❥・Venus in the 6th house/Virgo: can indicate a love of service and practicality. You’re drawn to projects that serve a practical purpose or solve a specific problem, and your ability to create works that are both beautiful and functional attract clients who value efficiency and practicality in their projects. People like how your projects solve something, fill a gap that no one else was filling. Giving an example of a story, you're the type that gives immersion and meaning to each character and it has a beginning-middle-end and that's what people like.
・❥・Venus in the 7th house/Libra: can indicate a love of collaboration and partnership. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to work closely with others, and your ability to create works that reflect the tastes and values of your clients attract clients who value collaboration and teamwork in their projects. In this, your best projects are the ones that do collabs, ARGs, and works that need audience interaction to have meaning like many arts in museums that need the audience to work.
・❥・Venus in the 8th house/Scorpio: can indicate a love of depth and intensity in your artistic work. You be drawn to projects that explore complex themes and emotions, and your ability to create works that are transformative and impactful attract clients who are looking for something truly powerful and meaningful. Your customers want impact. They want your work to change them and make them think about what they were doing with their lives until now. Just as they want you to see them deeper and get closer to the cruelest and most carnal reality that exists in our world.
・❥・Venus in the 9th house/Sagittarius: can indicate a love of exploration and adventure. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to explore new ideas and perspectives, and your ability to create works that inspire a sense of wonder and awe attract clients who value a sense of curiosity and exploration in their projects. I also see a lot of more religious works here, with angels, demons, saints and of course, non-Christian stuff too. As well academic work or with a political vision behind it. It's that kind of work where you put a bunch of references on the last page. Your clients need you to be patient and guide them step by step to understand your work, which is why showing each step of everything is very important.
・❥・Venus in the 10th house/Capricorn: can indicate a love of ambition and achievement. You’re drawn to projects that allow you to showcase your skills and talents on a large scale, and your ability to create works that are both beautiful and impactful attract clients who value success and recognition in their projects. A taste for sculptures or non-digital arts is also very valid here, things that are catchy, for example, go sell physical books and not digital ones. Your customers like to be linked with your work, they like to being able to showcase it so when they talk about it they are included and recognized in a group.
・❥・Venus in the 11th house/Aquarius: can indicate a love of community and social connection. You’re drawn to projects that bring people together and create a sense of shared experience, and your ability to create works that resonate with a broad audience attract clients who value a sense of community and belonging in their artistic projects. Your client needs to be taken directly from the superficial to the deepest, it's like taking them from tiktok to a movie. That's why playing between the middle ground of showing them a preview of your work is the most appropriate.
・❥・Venus in the 12th house/Pisces: can indicate a love of the mystical and mysterious. You’re drawn to projects that tap into the unconscious or spiritual realms, and your ability to create works that evoke a sense of transcendence and otherworldliness attract clients who value a sense of spirituality or mysticism in their artistic projects. I didn't want to be so direct, but drawing tarot cards would be a great idea 😆. But if you can understand the example, here it talks about taking things learned in non-material ways to the material. Placing the meanings of an arcana in a drawing is very difficult and there are other subjects that are the same way. Your customers like all the message that exists behind an image, they are the kind of people who talk about allusions and different interpretations.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 10th house: The 10th house represents career and public image. The sign and planets located in this house can provide clues about the type of clients who may be drawn to your public reputation as well your first impression of your professional persona, normally what they see in a commercial for example.
・❥・Aries in the 10th house: can indicate a bold and assertive public image. You attract clients who value risk-taking and pushing boundaries, and your willingness to take creative risks make you stand out in your field. Your clients are drawn to your energy and passion when seeing you for the first time. You’re a trailblazer in your field, always seeking new challenges and opportunities to showcase your skills. Clients who value boldness and fearlessness are particularly drawn to your work.
・❥・Taurus in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on traditional, high-quality craftsmanship in your career. You attract clients who value a sense of stability and longevity in their purchases, and your dedication to producing well-crafted pieces help establish a strong reputation in your field. You project an image of stability and dependability that appeals to clients who value quality and longevity. You have a consistent and methodical approach to your craft, creating works that are built to last. Clients who value luxury and high-end quality are drawn to your work.
・❥・Gemini in the 10th house: can indicate a versatile and adaptable public image. You attract clients who value a sense of wit, humor, and playfulness in their project, and your ability to work across different mediums or styles make you appealing to a wide range of clients. You project an image of versatility and adaptability that attracts clients who appreciate diversity and flexibility. You have many different interests and talents, and are able to pivot between them with ease. Clients who value intellectual stimulation and variety are particularly drawn to your work.
・❥・Cancer in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on emotional depth and personal connection in your career. You attract clients who value works that tap into the emotions or have a sentimental value, and your ability to create works that evoke strong emotions may help establish a loyal client base. You project an image of sensitivity and nurturing that appeals to clients who value emotional connection and comfort. You may be skilled at conveying deep emotions and exploring themes of home and family in your work. Clients who value introspection and vulnerability are drawn to your work.
・❥・Leo in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on self-expression and individuality in your career. You attract clients who value bold, attention-grabbing works that showcase your personality, and your ability to create works that make a strong statement help establish a strong public reputation. You have a dramatic and attention-grabbing public image that attracts clients who appreciate boldness and extravagance. You have a flair for the dramatic in your work style, and be skilled at creating works that are larger than life. Clients who value confidence and showmanship are particularly drawn to your work.
・❥・Virgo in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on precision and attention to detail in your career. You attract clients who value well-crafted and meticulously designed works, and your ability to produce high-quality pieces that showcase technical skill help establish a strong reputation in your field. You project an image of meticulousness and attention to detail that appeals to clients who value precision and quality. You have a disciplined and focused approach to your craft, creating works that are meticulously crafted and flawlessly executed. Clients who value craftsmanship and attention to detail are drawn to your work.
・❥・Libra in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on balance and harmony in your career. You attract clients who value works that have a sense of beauty, elegance, and balance, and your ability to create works that evoke a sense of harmony help establish a strong reputation as a tastemaker in your field. You project an image of harmony and balance that attracts clients who value beauty and aesthetics. You have a refined and elegant style, and be skilled at creating works that are pleasing to the eye. Clients who value sophistication and grace are drawn to your work.
・❥・Scorpio in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on intensity and depth in your career. You attract clients who value works that tap into the darker, more taboo aspects of human experience, and your ability to create works that evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue help establish a strong reputation as an edgy or provocative artist. If you have You have a mysterious and intense public image that appeals to clients who value depth and complexity. You are drawn to exploring darker themes and emotions in your work, creating works that have a powerful emotional resonance. Clients who value authenticity and emotional depth are particularly drawn to your work.
・❥・Sagittarius in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on adventure and exploration in your career. You attract clients who value works that have a sense of spontaneity and exploration, and your ability to create works that evoke a sense of wonder or inspiration help establish a strong reputation as an innovative or adventurous artist. You project an image of adventure and exploration that attracts clients who value freedom and optimism. You are drawn to exploring new ideas and pushing boundaries in your work, creating works that are bold and adventurous. Clients who value exploration and expansion are drawn to your work.
・❥・Capricorn in the 10th house: can indicate a focus on practicality and ambition in your artistic work. You attract clients who value works that have a sense of structure, organization, and long-term vision, and your ability to create works that have a clear sense of purpose and direction help establish a strong reputation as a successful or business-minded person. You project an image of authority and professionalism that appeals to clients who value stability and security. You have a disciplined and hardworking approach to your craft, creating works that are dependable and long-lasting. Clients who value reliability and success are drawn to your work.
・❥・Aquarius in the 10th house: you have a unique and innovative approach to your career, which can make you stand out in the eyes of potential clients. You are drawn to unconventional techniques and materials, and your work push the boundaries of what is considered traditional or mainstream. As a result, your client base include people who are looking for something fresh and different. They are attracted to your work because it challenges their preconceptions and expands their perspectives. Your work are seen as cutting-edge, and you may be considered a trendsetter or a pioneer in your field.
・❥・Pisces in the 10th house: you have a more dreamy and imaginative approach to your career. Your work are inspired by your intuition and your emotional experiences, and you have a talent for evoking feelings of nostalgia, longing, or enchantment in your audience. As a result, your client base include people who are drawn to your work because it touches their hearts and resonates with their innermost feelings. They appreciate your ability to capture the beauty and complexity of the human experience, and they be moved by the emotional depth of your work. Your work are seen as romantic or poetic, and you may be considered a master of emotional storytelling.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 11th house: The 11th house represents community, social networks, and group affiliations. The 5th house is about pleasures, while its opposite, the 11th house is about shared pleasures, in that this house talks about the things that people like the same things as you and identify with your tastes.The sign this house can provide insight into the types of clients who may be drawn to your work, as well as the communities or networks where you may find them, but unlike the 10th house where this encounter is professional, here it is more "relaxed" professional like meetings and events.
・❥・Aries in the 11th house: your community might consist of energetic, assertive, and action-oriented individuals. Aries brings a sense of enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit to group activities, attracting individuals who share a passion for bold and daring ventures.
・❥・Taurus in the 11th house: you may find yourself drawn to a community that values stability, comfort, and material security. Taurean energy encourages connections with individuals who appreciate the beauty of the physical world and share a love for the sensual pleasures of life.
・❥・Gemini in the 11th house: promotes social connections that revolve around intellectual pursuits and the exchange of ideas. You may find yourself gravitating towards communities filled with curious, communicative, and versatile individuals who thrive on mental stimulation and lively conversations.
・❥・Cancer in the 11th house: creates an emotional bond within your community. You are likely to attract people who value empathy, nurturing, and a sense of belonging. These individuals may prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels like family.
・❥・Leo in the 11th house: you may find yourself at the center of a vibrant and enthusiastic community. You naturally draw attention and inspire others through your creative self-expression. Your community might comprise individuals who appreciate drama, self-confidence, and a touch of theatricality.
・❥・Virgo in the 11th house: indicates a community that values practicality, organization, and attention to detail. You may be attracted to groups that focus on self-improvement, health, and service-oriented activities. Your connections are likely to be grounded in shared values and a desire for personal growth.
・❥・Libra in the 11th house: promotes connections that revolve around harmony, balance, and cooperation. You are likely to find yourself surrounded by individuals who value diplomacy, fairness, and the pursuit of justice. Your community may prioritize creating an inclusive and egalitarian space for everyone involved.
・❥・Scorpio in the 11th house: draws you towards deep, intense, and transformative connections. You may be attracted to communities that explore taboo subjects, delve into psychological depths, and engage in passionate endeavors. Your connections are likely to be driven by a shared desire for personal growth and profound transformation.
・❥・Sagittarius in the 11th house: encourages connections with adventurous, open-minded, and philosophical individuals. You may find yourself drawn to communities that emphasize learning, travel, and the pursuit of wisdom. Your connections may span across different cultures and belief systems, fostering a spirit of exploration and expanding horizons.
・❥・Capricorn in the 11th house: brings a practical and ambitious approach to your community. You are likely to attract individuals who value hard work, discipline, and long-term goals. Your connections may revolve around professional networks, career-oriented groups, and those who share a drive for success and achievement.
・❥・Aquarius in the 11th house: promotes connections with like-minded individuals who prioritize innovation, progress, and social change. You may find yourself drawn to communities that embrace diversity, intellectual pursuits, and humanitarian causes. Your connections are likely to be fueled by a shared vision for a better future and a desire to make a positive impact on society.
・❥・Pisces in the 11th house: creates a compassionate and empathetic community around you. You are likely to attract individuals who value spirituality, creativity, and emotional connection. Your connections may revolve around artistic or healing endeavors, as well as groups that emphasize collective well-being and support for one another.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 7th house: The 7th house in astrology holds a significant place as it governs our partnerships and connections with others. It sheds light on the qualities we find attractive in others and reflects the energy we emit to draw people towards us. This house plays a crucial role in shaping our relationships, both personal and professional. It signifies recurring and loyal clients who appreciate our work and consistently seek our services. This house also encompasses closer professional connections, such as business partners and colleagues, who play a vital role in our career advancement and success. When analyzing the sign in the 7th house, we gain a deeper understanding of the qualities we value in our professional connections. The sign in the 7th house also influences the way you present yourself to others, as it shapes the energy you emit to attract people into your life.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Pluto: Pluto holds immense power and influence, representing transformation, intensity, and the depths of our subconscious. When Pluto is found in our natal chart, its placement indicates a profound impact on our magnetism and the way others are drawn to us. Pluto's energy influences our allure, creating an aura of mystery and desire that can be both captivating and transformative. The house in which Pluto resides in your natal chart reveals the specific area of life where this magnetism and desire are most pronounced.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Leo and Sagittarius houses: the placement of Leo and Sagittarius in your birth chart holds the potential for remarkable leadership and brilliance in specific areas of your life. These houses signify positions of influence and the ability to inspire others with your wisdom and guidance. While Aries, being an independent and self-driven sign, may not be included in this list, Leo and Sagittarius shine as houses where people seek your advice and assistance due to your inherent qualities.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Ruler of the 10th house: The planet that rules the 10th house in a birth chart influences the individual's career path, ambitions, and how they are perceived in the public sphere. It indicates the qualities, energies, and areas of life that are significant in shaping the person's professional identity and success.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Ruler of the 11th house: The planet that rules the 11th house in an individual's birth chart influences the person's approach to friendships, their involvement in group activities, and their aspirations within a larger community. The placement and aspects of the ruling planet in the birth chart can provide insights into the person's social life, their ability to form and maintain friendships, and their involvement in organizations or communities.
Thanks for reading this far!! If you want me to delve deeper into the topics I just mentioned, comment here or send me an askbox to let me know you're interested. Reblogs, likes and feedback are highly appreciated. Kisses from the Sea!!
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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chrisadew · 1 month
People born with Mercury Rx or Mercury in the 12H can find that they have to repeat themselves a lot because what they intentionally communicate is sometimes either completely ignored or overlooked, and in some cases stolen or duplicated; then what they unintentionally communicate can come under intense scrutiny.
You can see this in action with ghostwriters, authors who write all their lives then become famous after a scandal (or death), editors and proofreaders (that can make or break the flow of a book), people who tweet and get 3 likes, but someone else copies it word for word and it goes viral, making them look like the originator, or a throwaway blog post that gets lots of attention vs a meticulously planned newsletter that gets heavily critiqued.
When learning new things, people with these placements may have to revisit the material a few times in alternate ways to help it sink in.
Mercury 12th housers can also sometimes be a little clumsy when walking (e.g. tripping over air) but excellent skateboarders/skaters, dancers etc.
When you see Mercury Rx in a business chart, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing because depending on what else is going on in the chart, it can actually show opportunities for repeated success in the business areas represented by the sign/house/aspects - LinkedIn, Twitter and Tumblr all have Mercury Rx in their founded and/or launching charts.
© 2024 chrisadew. All rights reserved.
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k-tarotz · 4 months
New Kpop Game!
How it works;
Send a request with 2 idols (can be from the same group but don't have to be for this) who you'd like check your compatibility with!
Send us your sun, moon and venus sign!
Send either your life path number or enneagramm!
Follow us, like this post and Reblog our paid readings here! To participate!
We are doing this small game for a smaller insight of our newest paid reading "sweet venom" which will be much more detailed! Paid readings are Open for anyone of course! ♡
The game will close exactly 2 hours after this post - any request after it will automatically be deleted!
Though we might open it again tomorrow or after a few days - same circumstances as now!
- Hun & Candy
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divinelyviolet · 2 years
Astrology Observation:
Your Moon sign could lead to the type of intuition you have when it comes to other people
Earth Moons: can tell when people are uncomfortable/dont like the person they are with/etc
Random Bonus Observation: Earth moons can always tell when there’s a bug nearby or can spot them very quickly
Water Moons: Can tell when people are lying about their emotions or can tell when people are lying/avoiding an emotional situation within themselves
Air Moons: Can tell when someone lies about things they know or say they know
Fire Moons: can easily tell when people are upset and hiding it, can feel that rage behind that person’s mask
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bxtxnx · 6 months
Pisces placements can be most successful in careers and businesses that have to do with art or any artistic abilities.
Whether it's creating art as a freelance illustrator or designing sites as a UI designer, Pisces placements are successful in spheres that enable them to unleash their creative abilities.
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theladybrownstarot · 2 months
❀ Namaste People ❀
P.S :The previous one got deleted 💀I'm conducting again .
Hru all ? I hope you are doing all well and be blessed by me and universe. I just wanted to ask you something randomly :)
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You know I'm soon to start with paid readings in 2024 (will take quite time) which will be covering diverse topics for you- from personal , financial, love and to spiritual and more which will be a surprise.
And what not ? They will be highly affordable, detailed, discounted, with various prices and exciting offers for all - national and international .
Next last few polls will be conducted after some months to finalise the decision as per responses,kindly cooperate for same .
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sunshinesmebdy · 3 months
Moon in Virgo: Tidy Up Your Biz and Harvest Financial Abundance
Astrologers, rejoice! Business gurus, unite! Because under the meticulous gaze of the Moon in Virgo, it's time to blend cosmic wisdom with practical strategy. Get ready for a potent mix of grounded energy, keen analysis, and a sprinkle of earthy magic ready to boost your business and finances.
Virgo's Virgo-ness: Picture a spotless spreadsheet, a perfectly balanced budget, and a to-do list so organized it whispers sweet satisfaction. That's Virgo's domain. When the Moon dances through this earth sign, it brings a laser focus on details, a knack for efficiency, and an urge to declutter both your physical and financial spaces.
Business Benefits:
Sharpened Skills: Hone your expertise, take that online course, or finally master that new software. Virgo's energy fuels learning and skill development, making you a powerhouse of knowledge and competence.
Channel your inner Hermione Granger under the Virgo Moon! Devour knowledge like polyjuice potion, mastering that new software with flick-of-the-wand ease. Whether it's an online course on astrological forecasting or the intricacies of blockchain technology, Virgo's studious energy makes you a sponge for information, transforming you into a confident, competence-wielding powerhouse ready to tackle any business challenge.
Streamlined Operations: Virgo loves a well-oiled machine. Use this lunar phase to audit your business processes, identify bottlenecks, and implement systems that save time and resources.
Don your efficiency hat, because under the meticulous Virgo Moon, streamlining your business becomes a cosmically ordained quest. Scrutinize processes like a celestial accountant, unearthing time-sucking bottlenecks and banishing them with automated spells (aka, handy new systems). Watch as email chains unfurl into streamlined communication channels, meetings morph into laser-focused action sessions, and your once-chaotic workflow hums like a perfectly tuned engine, freeing up precious time and resources for your entrepreneurial magic to truly shine.
Networking with Purpose: Quality over quantity is Virgo's motto. Connect with potential clients or collaborators who share your values and expertise. Think strategic partnerships, not random coffee chats.
Forget the business card bingo of generic gatherings – Virgo's discerning Moon demands quality connections. Seek out collaborators and clients who mirror your values and expertise, like kindred spirits drawn together by constellations of shared passion. Think chess match, not cocktail party. Craft targeted pitches that resonate with their specific needs, and cultivate strategic partnerships that feel like cosmically ordained alliances. This intentional networking isn't about collecting contacts, it's about igniting mutually beneficial collaborations that propel your business towards the stars.
Marketing Magic: Craft targeted campaigns that speak directly to your ideal customer's needs. Virgo's analytical prowess helps you understand your audience and deliver messaging that resonates.
Under the analytical gaze of the Virgo Moon, ditch the shotgun marketing blasts and unleash laser-focused campaigns that whisper sweet nothings to your ideal customer's soul. Virgo's eagle eye pinpoints their deepest desires and pain points, transforming you into a messaging maestro. Craft content that speaks their language, addresses their specific struggles, and showcases your solutions like the missing puzzle piece to their perfect life. Let go of generic pitches and embrace storytelling that resonates with their values, because under this lunar influence, targeted marketing isn't just effective, it's downright magical.
Financial Fortunes:
Budgeting Bliss: Break out the spreadsheets and get granular. Categorize expenses, track income, and create a budget that feels secure and sustainable. Virgo loves a balanced bottom line.
Spreadsheets sing and budgets balance under the Virgo Moon! Unleash your inner accounting alchemist and transform financial chaos into crystal-clear clarity. Categorize expenses with the precision of a cosmic librarian, track every penny like a moonbeam, and craft a budget that feels not like a restrictive cage, but a beautifully organized, secure haven for your financial future. Virgo craves equilibrium, so find that sweet spot where income and outgoings waltz in perfect harmony, leaving you feeling abundant and empowered, the maestro of your own financial orchestra.
Debt Disposal: Tackle outstanding debts with renewed determination. Negotiate better terms, make extra payments, and experience the liberation of financial freedom.
Ditch the debt demon and embrace the warrior spirit under the Virgo Moon! Channel your inner debt disposal dragon, breathing fire upon outstanding balances with renewed determination. Hone your negotiation skills like a celestial diplomat, securing lower interest rates and crafting repayment plans that fit your budget like a cosmic glove. Make extra payments with the fervor of a moonbeam illuminating a dark cave, watching those numbers shrink faster than a vampire in sunlight. Embrace the sweet liberation of financial freedom, feeling the weight of debt lift like a cosmic spell dissolving, leaving you empowered and ready to conquer your financial Everest.
Savvy Investments: Research, compare, analyze – Virgo's energy is perfect for making informed investment decisions. Seek advice from trusted professionals and prioritize long-term stability over short-term gains.
Transform into a celestial stockbroker under the Virgo Moon! Put on your research goggles and analyze potential investments like a cosmic detective, comparing, contrasting, and sniffing out hidden risks. Consult trusted financial oracles for guidance, but ultimately, let your own Virgo-honed discernment be your compass. Prioritize long-term stability over fleeting trends, building a portfolio that grows like a well-tended celestial garden, not a gambler's dice roll. Embrace the slow and steady path, for under Virgo's meticulous gaze, informed investments blossom into financial freedom, one calculated decision at a time.
Unexpected Windfalls: Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities to increase your income. Virgo favors those who put in the work, so your dedication could be rewarded with a bonus, a new client, or a lucky windfall.
Keep your antennae tuned to cosmic whispers under the Virgo Moon, for fortune often favors the prepared! Your dedication and sharpened skills could attract unexpected boons like a bonus shimmering out of thin air, a new client drawn by your newfound expertise, or a windfall landing softly as a celestial feather in your lap. Remember, Virgo rewards hard work, so keep hustling, honing, and learning, and trust that the universe may just surprise you with a bonus chapter in your financial story.
Bonus Tip: Embrace the earthy magic of Virgo! Surround yourself with green spaces, incorporate crystals like citrine and jade into your workspace, and practice grounding exercises to channel the Moon's practical energy.
So, there you have it! The Moon in Virgo is your invitation to tidy up your biz, fine-tune your finances, and reap the rewards of your focused efforts. Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, celebrate the small wins, and trust that under Virgo's meticulous guidance, your business and finances will shine.
Now go forth and conquer, astrologically savvy entrepreneurs! Your financial stars are aligned.
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peppermintcandiesshop · 6 months
Zodiac sign bracelet
Real stone bracelet tailor made for for each Zodiac sign
Made with gemstones intended to heal and help, in a way made specially crafted with each sign in mind
pictures in order
1.)Taurus, 2.)Leo, 3.)Libra,
4.)Virgo, 5.)Aries, 6.)Pisces,
7.)Gemini, 8.)Cancer, 9.)Sagittarius,
10.)Scorpio, coming soon)Capricorn , coming soon)Aquarius
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sorry there's no Capricorn or Aquarius yet maybe soon
All above can be found at the link below plus there's so much other pretty hand made things there as well give them a look
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vantaesfairie · 3 months
𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉 : 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
this is a gender neutral pac. late happy valentine's day 2024 and happy chinese new year!
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pile 1, white comb:
when you leave your victim mentality behind, and stop saying things that limit your own potential growth. when you step out of this insecure energy and blossom. when you start to trust your inner voice, your gut, and learn from it. when you become a calm and aware person. when you learn to trust your intuition. when you reach an intellectual spike. when you learn to communicate well and say things without beating around the bush. when you have the mental strength to love and stand firm in your beliefs. when you break free of cycles that do not serve you.
signs: fencing, rock pools, castle, church, a woman in blue, an expansive mountain view, splitting fog, chess, a sunny day
pile 2, pink comb:
when you learn to seek joy by yourself and within yourself. when you are self sufficient and independent. when you start living a life of personal comfort and leisure. when things start getting easier for you. when you are intuitively aware of yourself. when you have grown to be mature on the inside. when you start trusting your gut (similar to pile 1). when you contemplate and learn from things that have hurt or benefitted you. when you have healed and cleared your head from pain. when you are mentally prepared to love. when you have patched yourself up on the inside.
signs: journalling, grapes, winery, robin bird, sunflowers, a crescent moon, stained glass, yoga, pilates, a tomb that stands out to you
pile 3, blue comb:
when you are making progress to where you want to be in life. when you travel. when you are committed to what you want to achieve. when you are looking forward to the future and what it can bring. when you start appreciating what or who is there for you instead of crying over spilt milk. when you step out of self pity. when you start leaving the past and regrets behind. when you start to be gentle in strength. when you master patience and compassion. when you have inner strength to be in love. when you see the positive side of things and learn to be kind to yourself.
signs: big dog, lion, garland of flowers, desert, fast flowing river / stream, chalice, a beautiful sunset, new sprouts on branch
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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planterfulpieces · 3 months
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(So I love dragons. But tying it to Planterful was hard until I remembered geology existed and is part of the natural world. But then I had the issue of any kind of cohesive story grouping this and future releases together. Hence birthstones. But anyway. Here ya go.)
It's the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac. And we love dragons! What better way to introduce our Birthstone Series than that, we ask you?
There isn't one. We know. It's fantastic timing.
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Each month we'll be releasing a new color for our Baby Gemstone Dragon and Egg that corresponds to its birthstone. For February, it's Amethyst.
And yes, we did skip January. That's because Chinese New Year is in February, so you won't see January's dragon rounding out the year till January 2025!
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As a side note, we had a fantastically fun time taking photos of him. He's so shiny, it's unbelievable.
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He's available for purchase on our site, or on Etsy at PlanterfulPieces!
(One more product drop tentatively scheduled for end of this month, and then I got several things coming this spring! I'm so excited to show you!)
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