#Fox's writing on the wall
foxtricksterwriting · 2 months
A Story from Hemlock's Childhood
Author's Note: Out of my MC's, Hemlock's the one with some supernatural experiences prior to the IF. They've been through some shit already 🤭 I got too excited to wait until tomorrow to post this lol
Tags: @girlfromthecrypt
“Hemlock, where are you goin’?” A tall, dark tawny skinned woman called as the front door creaked open. “To play in the woods, Mum said I could,” They responded, both hands still clasped on the doorknob. The iron pentacle hung from the doorknob clanged loudly as it hit the door. “Hemlock,” she sounded disappointed already, “Do you know what time it is?” As she spoke she set the herb bundle down and stormed over to the entryway.
“Uh-huh, 2 in the afternoon,” Hemlock nodded while holding up two fingers. The woman sighed, “Dear, it’s a figure of speech.” Her tone was gently correcting. 
She sat on her knees in front of them, “You spend so much time out each time, you won’t be back before dark if you go out now.”
“Yeah, I’m tough though, Ma! I ain’t gon’a let ‘em get me!” Hemlock punched the air, spinning with the motion. “Sugarplum, I’ve already told you, the things out in the woods aren’t things you can beat up,” she shook her head. “Good thing I ain’t gon’a be gone for that long!” They tried to reassure their Ma with a giant smile. She sighed again and ruffled their curly hair. “You better be back ‘fore dark, or you’re grounded for 3 months,” she gave them a stern look. Hemlock hummed, “I’ll be back soon!”
They waited for their Ma to stand up before grabbing the doorknob and jumping outside. The door slammed shut behind them. They jumped down the steps, skipping around the house and into the woods.
Hemlock did not get home before dark. The sun’s going down quickly behind them, projecting long shadows that drag them forward. They’d already ditched their shoes somewhere along the well-trodden path, like normal. Somewhere in the distance, they could hear animals rustling through the brush. A bird called loud and clear as it flew overhead. The dirt was still squishy from the rain yesterday and had a pleasant, earthy scent. Ma’s not gonna be happy ‘bout the mud when I get home, they thought.
It was dark before they even realized it, but the full moon still barely illuminated their path. A light breeze rustled the foliage. But Hemlock noticed the lack of insect chirps or any nocturnal animal activity. That’s weird. They scanned the environment, not noticing anything alarming. “Look at the trees, not in them,” They murmured to themself, a reminder from their Ma. It was a warning that she’s been drilling into their mind since they could sit upright on their own. They remember asking her why one time, “Dear, we live in Appalachia. All sorts of creatures live in our woods, half of them aren’t things we can fend off with bear spray or mace. Learn what to do to avoid them, don’t ever, ever, get their attention. Once you know, don’t you dare forget it. It’ll save your life one day.” That was when they were 5, maybe? It’s been 4 years and they’ve never forgotten it. Even when they’d forget everything their Ma would try to teach them for protection would go in one ear and out the other, they remembered that first warning.
A whispering in the wind snapped the child out of their thoughts. It was a mess of incomprehensible nonsense, they couldn’t make out a clear word. Their muddy feet felt suddenly cold and a subtle dread crawled up their legs. Hemlock shook their head as the whispering snaked through their ears and caressed their brain. Then, they caught some actual words … and an eerily familiar voice, “Hemlock?”
Their blood froze in their veins. That’s... “Hemlock! What’s wrong?” The child gulped as their own voice called out to them. Hemlock kept walking, repeatedly reminding themself to not react, and not to run. Running sets off a predator instinct. You can’t run. The voice called out from the brush behind them, somewhere, each time it’s more insistent than the last. Some were even angry, demanding. Over what felt like hours, the voice is relentless. And changing, slowly getting a little deeper and louder. It warped, gaining a slight warble when it got angry. “Come here,” It demanded, something in the bushes crashed around violently.
Hemlock caught a glimpse of tall, rectangular yellow lights. Familiar, safe, home. They picked up the pace, trying to not run. They can’t run, it’ll pounce. By now, the voice was no longer their own. It was now their Ma’s voice, complete with her accent. “Hemlock, dear! Turn around, look at me!” That’s not Ma, it can’t be Ma. It will never be Ma. Dread had forced its way up their spine and down their gullet, sitting heavy in their stomach. They were lightly trembling and they couldn't feel their feet or hands. A faint, rotten smell had permeated the cold air, so nauseating it almost made their vision swim. They rounded the house and rushed up the steps. They threw themself through the front door and slammed it closed. They clumsily locked the door, still not able to feel their fingers.
“Hemlock!! Where in the 9 hells have you been?! Do-”
“Clara, please, look at them!” Another woman with dirty blonde hair pleaded with Hemlock’s Ma. It made her pause and really take in their child’s appearance; Hemlock was pale as a sheet, eyes wide and tears streaking down their cheeks, and shaking so violently that they could barely stand. Hemlock shattered in that moment, “M-Mama!! Mum!!!” They sobbed as they threw themself at their Mum’s legs and clung on for dear life. “Th-ther-ere’s a mon-monster!! It ha-ha-ad my voice th-th-e-en it h-had Mama’s voi-ce!” Their frantic sobs cut their sentences into sloppy chunks. They already sounded terribly hoarse. Snot ran down their face and got stuck to their Mum’s pants.
The two women exchanged startled looks and Hemlock’s Mum picked the trembling child up. She did her best to soothe them while their Ma checked and secured every window, door and room.
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moonsnqil · 1 month
aftg au where andrew is a bartender at an arcade bar and neil is a regular who's there to play pac-man every wednesday
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varpusvaras · 12 days
Bail/Breha/Fox - 35. A kiss against a wall
(hi hello yes hi I’m normal just thinking about this I swear it is in no way consuming my mind)
(hello hi yes hello to you too, I'm very normal about all of this as well)
Fox was very used to how high-society parties worked by now. 
He had spent three years of his life providing security for a variety of events, familiarising himself with all the different customs and proceedings that went with different occasions. Of course being the security was a different thing to being a guest, but luckily, Fox was a fast learner. He had quite literally been designed to be adaptive and good at memorising even the smallest of details. So, at the very least, social events had not been a problem for him while integrating to living as a civilian and a royal. On top of everything, he didn’t even have to be in armor anymore.
Still, Fox could admit that the night had been rather long, no matter how much more comfortable he was now. At least the more formal proceedings were out of the way now, and the free hours of the evening for mingling and talking with the other guests had started, but even that had been going on for a while now. 
At least there were drinks, and his wife and husband. 
Fox had spent the start of the night with Bail and Breha. It was pretty much customary, as Fox was a new addition to the family, and thus had to be paraded around a little, so he could meet and greet all the other important people. As the night went on, though, Fox had been more free to find his own company. 
It had been rather easy, and Fox had even found a kindred soul. A young new Princess of a Mid-Rim planet, who had just married the Crown Prince of the planet after the war had ended. She and her new husband came from very different circumstances, as she had grown up very poor on Ryloth, and had faced many hardships during the war and even before it. She and Fox came from similar enough situations that they very much understood each other, at least when it came to marrying someone who was much, much more important in the eyes of the Galaxy than you ever were. 
So, all in all, Fox’s night was going pretty good, even though he was getting kinda tired and a little…well, bored was not the right word, but close enough. 
He glanced towards Breha and Bail. They were talking with other people a small distance away. They looked stunning, as usual. The blue dress Breha was wearing seemed like it had a slight sparkle to it in the lights of the hall, and it made her eyes shine brightly as well. Bail’s suit made him look somehow even more broad from his shoulders than he already was, and the dress pants and boots of said suit made his legs also look somehow even longer than they already were, which was quite a lot. 
They had gotten Fox a new suit that went with theirs. They had actually gotten Fox a lot of new clothes, and Fox was very sure that they had enjoyed the whole process of getting them a whole lot more than Fox had, based on the very…intense reactions they seemed to get. 
Not that Fox didn’t enjoy it. Quite the opposite. 
Bail looked towards him, and caught his eye. There was a quick glint of something sharp in his gaze as he looked at Fox, something that made Fox’s skin instantly a bit warmer underneath his new suit. 
Fox watched as Bail leaned to say something to Breha’s ear. She glanced towards Fox as well. Her lips curled up into a smirk for a split second, and she whispered something back to Bail. Bail nodded, straightened up, and made his way towards Fox. 
They talked for a moment longer, Bail and the Princess exchanging some pleasantries. Bail was standing very close to Fox the whole time, his hand coming to rest against the small of Fox’s back. Fox could swear that he could feel the warmth of the touch through his suit. 
The Princess’s husband came along then, and very soon after, Bail bid them both farewell, and after Fox had managed to say his goodbyes as well, he was led away, through the hall and through one of the smaller archways and down a corridor. 
“Are we going somewhere?” Fox asked. 
“Just stepping out a little”, Bail answered. “We’ve been here before. I know a nice, calm spot.” 
Just then he pushed one door open to another hallway, where the sounds of the party only came as muffled. Fox opened his mouth and was just about to ask if there was a particular reason they wanted to step out for a moment, when Bail’s hand slip up and he grabbed Fox by the arm, his other hand coming up to Fox’s shoulder, and he turned Fox around and pushed him somehow both gently and firmly, until Fox’s back was against the wall of the corridor. 
Fox tilted his head up without Bail having to even ask, and Bail, reading him like an open manual, didn’t waste any more time, and dove down and pressed his lips against Fox’s. 
This wasn’t the first time they had kissed like this, tucked away to some corner or empty hallway, Fox pressed against the wall so Bail could shield him with his body. It had always been exhilarating, a mix of wonder and nerves coming together. 
Now he didn’t have to be nervous anymore, straining to hear if someone was coming. Now he could just enjoy it all to the fullest. 
Fox’s mouth was tingling slightly when Bail blacked away just a little. He was looking at Fox with an expression that was very clearly telling that he was wholly enjoying the view in front of him. 
“I must admit”, he murmured. “I do find this even more pleasant now, in these improved circumstances.” 
Fox snorted a little. 
“Improved circumstances, also known as being married?” He asked. 
Bail grinned slightly. 
“Exactly so”, he said, and then glanced to the side from the corner of his eye. “Your turn now, my love.” 
Fox looked to the side as well. Breha was standing there, watching them with a sharp grin of her own on her lips. Fox had not even noticed her there, though that was very much not his fault, as he had been decidedly occupied just now. 
“Thank you”, Breha said. Bail grabbed Fox’s arms again and pulled him away from the wall. There was a split second of confusion in Fox’s head, before Bail turned him around yet again and leaned now against the wall himself, pulling Fox to lean against his chest. His other arm dropped down and sneaked around Fox’s waist, keeping him very much in place. 
“Do you like the view?” He asked, his voice low, and it sent a shiver down Fox’s back, even though the question had been for Breha. Bail’s other hand came up, and he brushed his knuckles gently down Fox’s jawline. 
Breha stepped closer, lifting her own hand up to mirror Bail’s gesture, her hand finally coming to rest against the side of Fox’s face. Fox was sure that she could feel how hot his skin was under her touch, based on the way her grin sharpened more and her eyes lit up in clear delight. 
“I do”, she said, and pressed herself against Fox. She tilted Fox’s head down, and reached up, until Fox could feel her breath against his lips. “Very much so.” 
She closed the impossibly small gap and pressed her sweet, scorching lips to Fox’s, and Fox very, very much agreed with Bail about the improved circumstances.
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This is a scene that was sitting in my head since the end of season 2 lmao but it felt way too occ, but uh, with development of the third season I thinks is pretty reasonable
A prequel to this, if you will
[878 words]
"I have a hard time believing he's got a nose between his eyes, yet here you are arguing he's a saint." He sideyed the hedgehog, before fully frowning once his eyes fell onto the fox next to him.
Admittedly Sonic was slightly taken aback by the hostility, but he maybe should've expected it by now. Living in an Eggman controlled world would make anyone cranky, so he can't exactly blame them.
"That fox cannot be trusted." Rebel echoed immediately after, as if Sonic didn't get their poor memo already. "Have you already forgotten everything he's done!" Taking a step forward she flaunted her wings dangerously.
Still, Sonic stood his ground and he crossed his arms while tapping his foot rapidly. He eyed the couple before him and did his best to push down the anger he felt at their remarks.
He had to remind himself they obviously don't have the full picture, and what they do have, does not paint Nine in the most positive light.
Patience. He's gotta be patient.
"I never said he's without fault." He started slowly, a dangerous edge to his voice. "Or that you have to forgive and forget every wrongdoing he's ever committed. But you guys are more antagonistic than necessary."
"Oh, I think endangering the entire Shatterverse and destroying people's homes is just a bit more antagonistic than simply being wary of such a person." Rebel mirrored his pose, minus the foot taping as she continued to eye him up and down.
"And holding grudges." Sonic sighed and he already saw the echidna's mouth open with shoulders rising, so he decided to cut him off then and there. He didn't feel like hearing the same thing twice.
"All got fixed in the end, and no one- er, everyone who got hurt is fine and kicking now, no?"
He forced some cheerfulness in. The atmosphere was suffocating, with tension so high you could cut it and serve like cake. He would go eat some cake after they're out of here actually. A reparation pay for Nine as well.
Speaking of which, he felt the fox shift behind him after a while of silence when the resistance leaders looked for a good rebuttable.
"Doesn't erase the fact we nearly did not make it. You nearly did not make it, because that little problem child of yours decided to throw a tantrum for whatever reason."
Knucks seemed to be the one with the most to say, and that somewhat grinned Sonic's gears more than necessary.
He narrowed narrowed his eyebrows dangerously.
"Ok first of all, it wasn't for no reason, and second–"
"You're wasting your breath, Sonic."
Nine's surprisingly aloof voice interrupted him.
When looking back he saw the fox standing right behind him. Most likely hiding from the duo before them, but he was sure Nine would deny it if he phrased it like that.
"That's all you have to say for yourself, punk?"
Knucks was most definitely looking for a fight at this point, and Sonic would give him one, if he didn't feel a gentle tug on his glove.
"Have you considered that maybe he was just having a bad day?" Sonic shrugged. He was honestly done being serious at this point and he believed Nine to be right. In everything actually, this was a bad idea from the start. He thought he was better at listening to his friends now, yet he seemingly remained just as stubborn as before.
"How many people do you know that go destroying a whole universe just because they had a bad day!?" It was Rebel's turn to snap as she lifted herself above Sonic with a glare.
The hedgehog just smirked "A few. And they have less salt up theirs than you guys." And he turned to leave, gently placing a hand around Nine to guide him away before things would escalate beyond control. This whole situation was his fault, with Nine as uncomfortable as he was, it was best to just exit entirely.
"Leaving already?" Knucks crossed his arms as he raised his eyebrow tauntingly.
"Still don't get what you see in him." Rebel sighed as she hopped back down onto the solid ground, "Keep him out of trouble, will you, Blue?" Rebel tried with a softer tone, but Sonic ignored her.
Except they didn't get far as Knucks bumped into them purposefully on their way forward.
"You're actually going the way we intended to. Really happy to see you again but we have work to do."
Just what was this guy's problem.
"Shame you decided to waste your time on that little freak, would've been much more useful here."
Nine went deathly still under Sonic's hold and the hedgehog's blood ran cold.
"What? Was that too mean?"
He vaguely saw the echidna was now under Rebel's scrutinizing gaze, but most of his attention was on Nine.
"Bud? You ok there?" Sonic asked, uncertain. Hundreds of scenarios ran through his mind at lightspeed but he didn't even have time to hope the worst of them won't come true when he saw Nine's ears pin to his skull.
Sonic reacted on pure instinct and the next thing he felt was a painful sting in his forearm and sharp metal digging into his back.
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mazzystar24 · 7 months
Okay blame @monica-rambeau for encouraging me to put this out here but like if anyone wants to fic this PLEASE do cos I have no talent and lots of ideas❤️❤️
(Linked posts go in more detail of what I’m imagining)
At the madney wedding:
Buck being wedding planner and maid of honor (clipboard and all)
Buckley siblings pinky promise for posterity ALSO PLEASE ON MY HAND AND KNEES FOR A “found it” reference like how Maddie in her letter to buck saying for him to be happy and find the people that make him happy and love and etc
Adorable wedding stuff
SPEECHES I NEED SPEECHES (also if during those speeches someone -buck👀- talks about how madney pretended to be just friends but took the risk then like there is an oh moment mid speech looks over at Eddie while saying sappy shit™️ that’s about madney and love but really about Eddie and them)
Then like bouquet toss: Buck accidentally catches it
Later Eddie finds him and buck is having a moment™️ and he sorta starts talking about how like his relationships haven’t worked out and he keeps going after the wrong person and he just want xyz (descriptions similar to the you don’t find it son you make it and the Bobby speeches aka describing Eddie) and he’s like talking about how he doesn’t think he’ll ever get it and then Eddie’s like you’ll get it and bucks like you don’t know that Eddie’s like yes I do bucks like how do you know that Eddie’s like I just do (yes this whole last part is basically a luke and loralie from Gilmore girls scene but sue me🙄) then like they have a moment™️ and then they get interrupted
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humanplaypretend · 10 months
The way Tabitha was Barbara's entire world
The way she stuck with her throughout all, good and bad, even when the times were rough and they got separated, she always came back, because they need each other. Because a part of one's soul has been ingrained into the others heart like a hot iron branding.
It's the way they matured together, the way they explored life together.
Tabitha came from a life where she was but a weapon for her brother to use. She wasn't a human, she was merely a hitman. Living in the shadows of a pathetic man, being denied the humanity and respect she deserves.
And Barbara could relate to her. She was brought up to become a cliché housewife. A blonde, rich little girl that was gonna become married to a good policeman. Her life had been planned out for her even before she could talk.
They met each other in a moment of chaos, and found peace within the others embrace.
A peace that was disrupted many times, yes, but that persisted throughout it all. The candle's fire dimmed, but never went off.
Barbara saw the intelligent, caring and loving human that was behind the war machine that Tabitha was made to be, and Tabby fell in love with the woman that understood her.
Barbara helped Tabby regain the humanity she was denied, and Tabby helped Barb to realise that she didn't need a man or anyone else for herself to be worthy. Worthy of love, of respect, worthy of a nice life.
Barbara had not only found someone that understood her, but also someone that loved her for who she was. Not like Jim, who loved the "sane version" of her, who wishes for her to change and go back to who she wasn't. Tabitha saw the true Barbs and she decided to stick with her, be with and for her. She was her pillar of support, of unconditional love (although sometimes rough). And she was taken away from her in front of her eyes.
The love of her life, the only one that saw her for who she was and loved the true version of her, was ripped away from her. Her reason to strive and get better, her will to live, gone.
The fact that Barbara not only went behind Tabitha in what was essentially a suicide mission, she PUT HERSELF in the middle of the gunfire in a last attempt to get revenge, heartbroken and desperate. Something she would NEVER do for anyone else. If she had to go, it might as well be avenging the only person that truly ever loved her, die by her side, asking for forgiveness for all the ways she erred Tabitha.
The scream she let out when she saw Tabitha's eyes lose the beautiful glimpse they once had was HEARTWRENCHING. Never once has she acted this way about anyone else because never has she cared so deeply about anyone else
And Tabitha's last words being "Barbara, don't", meaning to not do anything that could get her killed or harmed out of revenge, just adds even MORE to the heartbreak because even in her dying moments, even in the agonising pain that is getting stabbed through the heart, she cares about Barbara. Even when the world is getting blurry, and the tiredness is scarily taking over, even then, the safety and health of Barbara are her priorities.
I am sobbing.
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drumlincountry · 1 year
EVERY fantasy book EVERY scifi novel every starwars movie every post apocalyptic show. I ask, WTF??? The same same question EVERY time. Say it with me - WHERE’S THE FARMING?
#ursula k le guin is guiding me. hand on my shoulder.#approx 200 generations of agriculturist ancestors stand at the other shoulder and they are yelling#where does your food come from? who makes your clothes?#who repairs them?#how do you store these things? how do you preserve them?#What fuel do u use to cook how many people are you feeding?#look. too much of the art i consume comes from the imperial core/global north where most of us have to think about where our shit comes from#approximately none of the time#but if u are writing about an alternative world u HAVE to have these systems#i just watched the gay episode of TLOU and it was pretty good in that regard but in the early part the guy had chickens#excellent move good work#and then the chickens never reappeared?? nor the food garden? we only saw leisure activities? which sure u could have some time i guess.#but what the fuck were you feeding those chickens? did ur big metal fence keep foxes away too?#and then at the end [spoiler event] WITHOUT LIKE. REFERENCING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THE ANIMALS?#YOU HAVE DEPENDENTS MY DUDE. YOU CAN'T JUST [SPOILER].#and how do those quarantine zones work? those walled citiess? we saw the land 10 miles to the east and it was wilderness?#and weirdest thing there was pasture? grazed pasture? but no animals on it? is this city land?#why weren't the fugitives avoiding it? why was it in the middle of forest?#or was it some other self sufficient person? in an underground bunker? who herded all their sheep in when they heard people coming?#which if u have ever worked with sheep. good luck doing that urgently.#me fein#agriculture
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writingfeatherduster · 4 months
On one hand, I want to be faithful to myself, work patiently on my passion projects, and publish only the best of my work.
On the other hand, I am so sick of going to work and could totally put my head down and grind out shitty fast fiction and over-the-top erotica to sell for a few bucks a piece on the Kindle store until I have a semi-decent passive income to lean on if I felt like it.
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Writing Dump 5
Pairing: Rasa(OC) x Keith(Duality)
Media: Duality; Visual Novel
Warning!! Duality is for +18! If you're a minor, DO NOT INTERACT!! Even if this work is SFW, Duality is not meant for minors.
Tags: @dualityvn
Author's Notes; No thoughts, just Keith and Tenebris :)
Rasa watches as Keith cradles a bowl. “What’re you doing?” They ask. Keith looks at them with a sweet smile, “I’m trying a new cookie recipe.’’ The pink haired person hums, setting their chin onto the counter and crouching awkwardly. They watch as their boyfriend pours flour into a measuring cup, then into the bowl and begins mixing. “Rasa?” He starts. They hum in reply, looking up at him. “Why don’t you get a chair or something? Or sit on the counter? That position can’t be comfortable,” he fusses. Rasa wordlessly stands up and hoists themself up onto the counter. They continue to stare down into the bowl where the dough is being made. Keith looks down at the bowl, then up at them. He spoons a little out and holds it out for Rasa. “Here, I’m fairly certain you won’t get sick from it or anything,” He says. Rasa stares at the utensil before carefully taking it and licking the dough off it. “I still need that,” Keith pouts. Rasa nods and hands the spoon back. “What is it supposed to taste like?” They ask, tilting their head to one side.
Keith looks at them, shocked. “What do you mean?” He responds, worriedly.
“Is it supposed to be sweet?”
The blonde sputters and nods. “Ah. Well, I bet Tenebris would adore it, then,” Rasa leans away from him, expression not changing.
“B-but, uhm… don’t you like it?”
“I imagine I would enjoy it immensely, were I able to taste it.”
Keith stares into Rasa’s brown eyes, confused. They reflect the expression before realizing why he was reacting like that, “Ah, I haven’t told you about that. Fae tend to take after animals in strange ways. I get a fair few of my inhuman qualities from cats; one of them is the inability to taste sweet things. You’ve seen some of the others, like my reflective eyes. My sincerest apologies for not telling you, I did not think it relevant.”
Keith sighs, relief flooding his system. “I thought I did something seriously wrong,” He laughs a little. Rasa gives him a rare smile, “Yes, again I apologize. I did not mean to… ‘freak you out,’ so to speak. I believe you’ve done an amazing job, even if I can not taste it.”
“That explains somethings, I guess. I just thought you just didn’t like sweet things. You always leave any for me or Tenebris.”
Rasa chuckles, “I suppose that assumption is correct. It is hard for me to enjoy what I can not taste. But I will not complain about it; it simply means that there is more for you.”
Keith blushes and goes back to mixing the dough with Rasa watching closely, questioning each step.
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falllpoutboy · 7 months
lionsgate rapidly changing the promotion for tbosas by adding THE HUNGER GAMES in front of its title and making the actual title the subtitle ohhh they need the box office numbers really bad 😩
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Why does attempting to make a game plan to discuss Boundaries with my parents and adult brother feel like I'm gearing up to fight for my life?
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
Mountain's Peak (Part 1) - Nepal Sanctum (Part 2) - Talk it out (Part 3) - The Fight (Part 4)
Here's hoping this is the last bit of Delinquent Zenyatta we'll be seeing for a while!! Thank you for reading!!
In which the heart is moved
Zenyatta had never understood the term "his heart sank". The human heart is a very vital organ that rhythmically pumps oxygen rich blood throughout the human body. It does not "sink", any movement from it's cadge in the chest would be catastrophic for the human in question.
He'd never understood.
A minor concussion, major whiplash, two broken ribs, three more cracked, a dislocated shoulder, a minor wrist fracture, a twisted ankle, and mild frost bite.
That was Emile's diagnosis.
Zenyatta stared passed Mondatta into the human's room, warmth rushing out from the lit fireplace. Emile lay unconscious on a makeshift bed he'd been using now for 3 months, just a pile of hay for a mattress and spare robes for blankets on the stone flooring of Mondatta's home.
"Zenyatta." Master Mondatta's voice brought Zen back from his thoughts. He stared up at his brother who stood before him and the resting human.
"He will be alright." Mondatta assured, "Sister Reya has tended to him the best she can, now he must rest."
Zenyatta gave another glance to the human, Emile, small as he was, bruised black and blue. He looked like a corpse. The grip Zenyatta had on Emile's broken glasses tightened.
"Emile tells me the two of you were sparring," Zenyatta flinched, and prepared for the worse. Exile, he assumed, forced out the monastery and onto the human filled streets of the outside world. He would need to sneak away in the dead of night, or Ramattra would surely follow him. "when he slipped and fell down the stairs."
That.. confused Zenyatta. That was not what had happened at all, had it? They had sparred, Zenyatta had laid his hand upon Emile until he could stand no longer.. correct...? Why would the human... lie..?
"Is this true, Brother Zenyatta?" Mondatta asked genuinely. He believed the human's words, or at least was willing to believe them if this was the truth he was willing to bare with.
Zenyatta hesitated, the glasses in his hand made a faint crunch as what little remained of the lenses fell out.
"...no.. Master Mondatta... That is.. Not what happened.."
"I see," Mondatta cupped Zenyatta's shaking hands in his own, leaning down ever so slightly to be on level with his shorter brother, "Perhaps you can tell me the truth of the events over tea?"
It was warm.. so warm... A soft chime played in the left corner, soft and mournful, a lullaby for someone no longer here..
Emile's eyes cracked open to see the now familiar blurry ceiling of his bedroom in Master Mondatta's home, the soft crackle of the fire by his feet much louder than is usually once when he'd first wake up.
Emile turned to reach for his glasses, which he'd always rested on his left side. His entire body ached at the motion, which turned out to be fruitless as his hand came to find nothing.
"Looking for these?" A voice asked, a metallic hand out stretched and slid Emile's glasses onto his face, "You have impeccable timing as always, human, I just finished repairing them."
"Zenyatta...?" Emile's eyes widened behind his cracked glasses, the Omnic in question sat in a meditative position in the opposite corner of the small room. He couldn't believe his eyes at first, assuming it some sort of dream that the monk who'd hated him most of all would pay him a visit during recovery.
Zenyatta wordlessly assisted Emile as he raised himself off the ground, leaning him against the back wall of the room, as the human racked over possible reasons Zenyatta would have to visit him.
Emile's eyes filled with tears as he came to his conclusion. He'd lost. He challenged Zenyatta and lost and had to fulfill what he'd promised to do. He had to leave.
Tears flowed down the human's face, which wasn't unusual for this particular human, but was still rather startling, "Wh-why are you crying? Are you in pain?"
Zenyatta started to get up to go get Master Mondatta when Emile responded, "I-I'm sorry- I-I said I'd leave when I lost bu-but- I-I can barely sit u-up right now-" He hiccuped and rubbed at his eyes with his one good arm, "I-I'll leave, li-like I said, as soon as I can sta-and I promise,"
Zenyatta suddenly understood the term "his heart sank"
Zenyatta grabbed the human's cheeks, they were so hot, wet with heavy tears, soft and round and so very human.
"You won."
"I- h-huh..?"
"I... Forfeited. Just before you passed out. I lost. You won." His thumb ran gently against the under side of the human's eye, brushing away another tear before it fell, "so.. no more tears.. you may stay.."
Emile breath hitched, his entire body was shaking, the news hadn't sunk in yet. He reached to put his hand on Zenyatta's, only to flinch in hesitation just as his skin brushed Zenyatta's arm. "I-I- I'm sorry-"
"It is alright." Zenyatta kept his hands firm, pushing the human's cheeks together slightly with his force, "You will not hurt me..."
Emile gripped onto Zenyatta and sobbed into his chest. More tears, wet and salty and thick drained from the human's eyes. He was so warm. Had humans always been this warm? Zenyatta wrapped his arms around Emile and held him securely to himself.
"Did you know," Emile spoke as he wove red thread together on his lap, "You make a little chime tune when you meditate?"
Zenyatta looked up from his own work, a basket, and tilted his head, "A tune? Surely I would hear it if I did."
"That's what I thought too!" Emile shifted to turn to face Zenyatta, letting his legs hang over the edge of his bed, "But I caught Master Mondatta doing it the other day and asked him about it, and he had no clue what I was talking about!"
"So.. What, we make music only humans can hear while we meditate? That seems unlikely. Perhaps there is something loose in your head Reya did not pick up on the first time."
Zenyatta stood from his seated position on the floor and cupped Emile's face, rattling his head gently to emphasis his point.
Emile laughed, placing his hands over Zenyatta's, his left wrist still tightly bandaged from their spar three weeks ago. He'd been recovering well, both of them had.
"I'm serious! When we all get together for Meditation in the evening it's like a symphony! I can't believe you don't notice."
"Perhaps because I am busy meditating," Zenyatta pinched and pulled at Emile's cheek, "unlike some little human I know~"
"Oooow!! I meditate!!" Emile pushed at Zenyatta's head in a weak attempt of prying the Omnic off him. Instead Zenyatta doubled down and pinched the other cheek, pulling them both.
"Ah yes now I know the 'Chime' you are talking about, you do it too. It's called snoring."
"Aaaaaaaugh Uncle!! Uncle I tap!! I give!!!" Emile flailed until Zenyatta finally released him with a chuckle.
His laugh made Emile's heart soar and a flush rise to his cheeks, which were already red from Zenyatta's previous assault.
"Brother Zenyatta." Mondatta's voice came with a light knock to Emile's door frame, "You are playing nice with Brother Emile, yes? He is still in recovery you know."
Zenyatta flinched and spun to face Mondatta, plopping himself on the bed next to Emile before wrapping his arm around him, "Yes yes! Gentle as ever, Master!" He waved his hands as a show of innocence.
Mondatta gave a glance over the scene, before picking up Zenyatta's discarded half finished wicker basket with a soft hum. "Good then, though I hope all this playing is not getting in the way of your chores." He extended the basket to Zenyatta, who too it sheepishly.
"My apologizes, Master Mondatta.." Zenyatta held back from pinching Emile's squishy cheeks once more upon hearing the human giggle at his scolding.
Mondatta found himself admiring the quickly closing gap between his siblings. How fast they'd gone from hatred glances to sitting hip to hip. He still wasn't sure how they'd come to this, but he was happy non the less.
With a hum Mondatta motioned for the two to come stand, "Well then, if you two are ready, Ramattra is already outside awaiting us to head to evening meditation."
Zenyatta stood quickly and started to pull Emile up with him, but the human waved him off, "Go on ahead of me, I'll catch up."
Despite the quick relations Emile had formed with Zenyatta, he could tell Ramattra was still holding a distance, one he attempted to cover with a high voice and faked laughs. As much as he enjoyed Zenyatta's company, he wanted to give the monk time with Ramattra as well.
"Are you certain?" Zenyatta asked, "It's no trouble."
"I know. I'm fine, go on."
Zenyatta hesitated for a moment longer, then nodded and quickly was out of the room.
Mondatta watched his brother go before offering his arm to Emile, which the human took and pulled himself from the bed on wobbly legs. His ankle was still wrapped and stung when he'd put his weight on to it, and his chest still ached when he breathed too deeply, making meditation rather exhausting, and his wrist still occasionally seized in pain. All part of the healing process.
Still, Mondatta noticed the way his student would flinch upon stepping, or when he'd grab something with his left hand without thinking. He hated to see his siblings in pain...
Emile smiled up at Mondatta, "Shall we get going? Wouldn't want to be late."
Mondatta looked over his student once more, cheeks flushed red, glasses broken, old bruises littering his exposed skin turning green and yellow, wrapped in patchy bandaging. He wondered to himself if it was right to allow him to stay..
And then he remembered the laughing he'd heard from down the hall, a mix of human and omnic, joyfully playing together with nary a care in the world
Mondatta pulled Emile's robe up snugger on his shoulder, adjusting his clothes for a moment to be sure they kept him warm. He belonged here, same as all of Mondatta's other siblings, because he too was in tune with the iris.
"...Perhaps you should put on a few more layers first"
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surfacedfox · 8 months
Crabs in a bucket except they don't want freedom… they want to own the bucket.
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dramasetter · 1 year
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Andava condiviso
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percyjacksonfan3 · 1 year
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Apparently @yourstrulytaaay is suffering along with every member of the buddie fandom tonight
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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The way that Gillray unintentionally made Fox and Tierney and Sheridan and the rest of the Whigs look 200% cooler with this
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