#Francis Key Fitzgerald
oneesanmarket · 2 years
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Mochi Mochi Mascot Bungo Stray Dogs Vol.2- Francis Key Fitzgerald
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dazaaaai · 2 years
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the-chikyuu-times · 8 months
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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Fitzgerald coming in to sskk sskking: Am I interrupting something
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
Bsd but everyone speaks their native language part 2 (part 1) (part 3)
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chuuyasballz · 8 months
Bungou Stray Dogs characters as random screenshots in my phone (part 31)
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Link to other parts
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Mora makes Teyvat go round
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald x GN! Reader
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Description: Ningguang and Pantalone are proud of being of Creator's good side. With power of mora and buisnesses, they will gain more strength, gaining even more favours from Creator to their nations.
Unfortunately, mora is low due to attacks on caravans.
But, this new possible partner, who wants to offer organise trades between nations, peak their interest.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Slight mutilation (non-descriptive). Dehumanisation (Reader called 'it'.
Mora is stability.
Mora is power.
Mora is respect.
People need mora to get food, clothes, houses. Everything.
People need mora to build shrines for Creator.
Ningguang and Pantalone use mora to give Creator respect and happiness.
Pantalone's eyes twitched.
Another ship was sailed, another caravan was attacked.
And nothing can be done about it.
Dottore tried. And look, where he is now? Went completely mad, tried to kill Creator, and now is locked in a cell.
It became another hit on Snezhnaya's reputation in the eyes of other nations.
And in the eyes of Creator.
Their Holiness, after Dirty Imposter disappeared, were wrecked with sorrow.
Each day, nations brought gifts to the ivory throne.
Each day, people were searching for an Imposter.
Both of these actions were focused on bringing back Creator's smile.
And both actions required mora.
Mora, that Snezhnaya start becoming low.
Pantalone breathe in.
The situation was bad.
Yes, he has enough mora to spoil Creator for the next hundreds of years.
Yet, in this situation, he needs more mora.
Much more.
Pantalone looked at the pile of open letters he had on his table. Offers, coming from different groups. Travelers, mercenary, wanderers.
All of them offered their help in moving goods from nation to nation.
All of them failed.
Pantalone took another unopened letter.
He read through it.
Another offer. And he has no other choice, except it.
Ningguang read through the contract one more time. It was written on a fancy paper with an ornament around the edges. Pantalone, who was sitting next to her, read through his own contract.
Pantalone spoke, looking at possible businesses partner above glasses.
"I must say, Mister Fitzgerald, it's quite an interesting offer."
Blonde businessman smiles politely.
Pantalone cast an interested gaze on the gems, that were laying in the middle of the table.
Gems looked stunning. They looked almost perfect, they varied in sizes.
"Are you sure, that you could transport all the goods safely? You are aware of the situation, right?"
Fitzgerald took one of the gems.
"Mister Pantalone, Miss Ningguang, I assure you, My Team and I are more than capable of doing it. As you can see."
Fitzgerald pointed at the gems. "We have this gems here. From Fontaine. And we did a great job transporting them."
Pantalone and Ningguang looked at each other. Everyone said that. Everyone failed. Ningguang and Pantalone don't have any other choice.
Ningguang spoke.
"True. Let's try to do it. We spent a lot of mora on the Imposter Hunt. All these rewards and mercenaries."
Pantalone chuckled.
"But it was worth it. I even got a precious relic from it."
There were envy in Ningguang's eyes. She also has a little souvenir from the Hunt. Yet, in comparison to Pantalone's, her trophy was simpler.
"Anyway, It's a deal, Mr Fitzgerald."
Both contracts were signed.
Francis broke a tree trunk, when he left Liyue.
Pantalone lost a lot of jewelry because of it.
The first trade was from Liyue to Mondstadt.
If someone saw a new trade caravan, they would think, that they have gone mad.
First, instead of a horse or ox, a white tiger was (somehow) harnessed to the cart. Atsushi chuffed from time to time, but did his job perfectly.
Fitzgerald was walking beside white tiger, looking around. He spoke out loud.
"Look, Weretiger boy, a dangerous monster."
Francis points at the hydro slime, that was more interested in berries, then caravan.
Meanwhile, Francis activated his ability.
"This beast can be defeated only with 100000000 mora punch. Mister Pantalone and Miss Ningguang were so generous, agreeing to give away all their mora, all their possessions to us, right?"
Atsushi scoffed.
Fitzgerald's punch left just a few hydro droplets from the slime.
Somewhere in Snezhnaya, in one of Pantalone's safes, 100000000 disappeared.
"We are saved... Oh, no! Another one!" theatrically gasped Fitzgerald, pointing at lizard, that was staring at the cart.
"This one is more deadly! I must double the effort!"
When the caravan arrived at Mondstadt (Atsushi turned back before someone could notice his tiger form), Ningguang's and Pantalone's safes became more spacious. And Teyvat wildlife get some damage.
Fitzgerald's plan was risky, to tell the truth. According to you and books Jouno and others have brought from Teyvat, there was only one language in Teyvat. At least, the only official language. There was no information, if other languages existed. But Francis decided to take this risk.
With some help from Poe, Natsume, Rimbaud and Fyodor, Fitzgerald created an 'ornament'. A synthetic language, that was made from mix of English, French and Russian alphabet and grammar. With Poe's writing, new words looked like an ornament.
The ornament, that proclaims, that person, who sigh the contract, will give away all their money and possessions to Fitzgerald.
And he has a nice little ability to use with new finance help.
Francis stared at what was before him.
He proved, that he can be trusted. And, his businesses 'partners' show them, what their trophy's from the Imposter Hunt were.
Ningguang had four bloodied canines....
Dirty Sinner were put in stocks in the middle of Liyue's Harbor. It looked half dead.
It wasn't enough. Tommorow it will be executed. It still have too much dignity.
Rocks, dirt, rotten fruits, manure...
Everything were thrown in Imposter.
It wasn't enough.
Ningguang stare at Imposter.
Its mouth were in blisters.
Its teeth were intact...
A dagger and her fingers weren't the best instruments for a dental practice.
But, Ningguang managed.
And Pantalone had two pinkie fingers in the jar....
It screamed, when its injured feet made contact with snow. Pantalone grinned.
He got a great trophy.
First one, who did it.
Soon, Imposter will lose even more.
Acolytes needs mementos from their great victory.
Fitzgerald saw the mountains of gifts. Gifts for that beast, who ordered to hunt after his treasure.
And he, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, must be the one, who delivered it.
Francis can't stay here. In Teyvat.
He needs some real world.
He hopped, that he would reached Lowecraft 'waiting' place, before the sunrise.
Fitzgerald stumbled from the portal, back to their world. He wasn't looking, where he was going. He needs to see you. To make sure, that you aren't in pain.
"What have you learned about, Fitzgerald?" Yosano's voice was sympathetic.
Francis looked at her. She was waiting for his answer.
She was the only one, who knew everything about your injuries.
Before that night, Fitzgerald only knew about burns.
He finally found his voice.
"Teeth... Toes..."
His voice was muffled, when Yosano hugged him, pressing his face to her shoulder.
She let him cry.
Pantalone was happy. Fitzgerald did a great job. Trades between nations slowly start anew.
Slowly, mire mora will come to Snezhnaya and his vault. And he will spend it to make Creator happy.
Suddenly, his mansion starts shaking.
The next moment, Pantalone was sitting on the Shezhnaya's snow. His home was nowhere in sight.
In Guyun Stone Forest some of the stone spears, that Morax threw during Archon War, collapsed. Fitzgerald was sure, that crystalfly was a dangerous predator.
Ningguang grabbed the table, trying to stay on her feet. She was having a conversation with other Qixing, discussing, what other things they could trade with other nations, to use new mora on gifts for Creator, when half of the pillars in Guyun Stone Forest collapsed. Before anyone could react, a second earthquake came, destroying the rest of the stone pillars.
Outside, people of Liyue saw, how Jade chamber disappeared right before the earthquake.
Fitzgerald saw a second crystalfly.
Both Ningguang and Pantalone have a headache.
They have lost their houses. And, somehow, almost all mora they owned. There were no sighs of treasure horders or weasel thieves. Both Ningguang and Pantalone knew, how to be careful with spending mora.
Yet, both now have one thousand mora each.
The knock on the door made Pantalone and Ningguang turned their heads towards the exit.
Baisi noticeably flinched. She looked terrified.
"We finished looking through taxes declarations... And..."
Baisi put the documents on the table and left.
In a few moments, two loud shouts were heard.
Spa was quiet. Spa was good.
And this spa was completely yours and Fitzgerald's for today.
Fitzgerald announced, earlier today, that you two will have a self-care day. And 'drag' you here.
You had some sweets prepared for you.p
"Now, try this, Treasure" Fitzgerald put a sweet roll right to your lips. You took a generous bite.
Francis secretly smiles.
All your teeth were intact.
He cast a quick glance to your feet.
Currently, you two enjoyed foot massage.
Francis smiles. Your pinkies were here.
He squeezed your hand.
And promised to himself, to keep you safe and sound. And make sure, that no one will even think about taking something from you as a trophy.
You raise an eyebrow, looking at all the mora Mark, Steinbeck, Dazai, Anglo, Fyodor and Sigma brought in the house.
You took one of the coins. It glimmered in daylight.
Without looking away from the coin, you asked.
"Okay, I will ask. How?"
Twain looked pleased with himself.
"We rob one of the banks, that belonged to that one, in glasses."
Steinbeck added.
"Fitzgerald won't be the only one, who could rob Mr Pants."
Dazai looked extremely proud.
"Ango and I are scumming people. We put some fake donation boxes. People are glad to spare some mora."
Ango, who was counting mora coins, spoke carefully. He was looking at you, observing your reaction.
"We tell everyone, that this mora will be used for a new shrine."
You didn't need an effort to not flinch. You spent enough time with Hawthorne to stop flinching every time the topic of religion came up.
Fyodor spoke next.
"And Sigma and I created a casino. Cards, some machines with toys for kids. Some prizes are unique and appealing to many. And almost impossible to win. But, as you know, everyone wants to play again."
Sigma shrugged.
"The prizes for everyone were my idea."
You dropped the coin back to the pile. Your mouth moved, before you can think.
"It reminds me of an anecdote. Want to hear it? A funny short story?"
Everyone immediately perked up. They took it as a sign of your recovery. It was good, that you start recalling something funny.
"Okay, [Y/N], we are ready for the story!" Naomi pretend to be impatient.
Well, there is no going back. You cleared your throat and started.
"One day, American man, Japanese man and Russian man decided to have a competition and see, who will make cat eat mustard by its own violation. American man immediately grabbed a jar and force mustard down cat's throat."
"Hey, that's violence!" Russian man objects. “You have failed!”
A Japanese man spread mustard between two pieces of fish and wrapped it in bacon.
“Hey, that's a hoax!” Russian man objects. “You have failed!”
“Well, your turn!” Japanese man and the American man grin.
Russian man, without thinking twice, takes the jar and smears mustard under the cat’s tail. It, of course, immediately starts to lick mustard, trying to get it off. Cat licks and licks, even though she is yowling.
“Do you see that?!” - Russian man rejoices “Voluntarily and with a song!”
"You have an interesting taste in jokes, Myshonok." corners of Fyodor lips slightly raised up. On the background, Nikolai and Pushkin were howling with laughter.
Actually, everyone was at least smirking. Even Natsume look a little bit amused.
Francis scoffed.
He was making sure, that Ningguang and Pantalone will rot in slums.
And, it was a good thing, that no one would be able to help them.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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miammey · 9 months
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I could finally draw, happy birthday to these two!!
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neo--queen--serenity · 7 months
I can’t believe I only just now noticed this.
But when Francis is using his ability, which is named after the irl Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, he glows GREEN.
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The GREEN LIGHT was a central narrative tool used throughout The Great Gatsby novel. It was a huge deal to Gatsby, and was a consistent metaphor for his love for his romance interest, Daisy.
Fitzgerald, whose character in BSD is meant to directly mimic Gatsby, has a wife and child he would commit atrocities for. He believes what Gatsby believes: that only through money and power can he can live happily with the people he loves.
He embodies the Green Light and everything it stands for when he activates his ability, and that’s so fucking cool to me.
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emomarktwain · 2 months
I felt silly...
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fvedyetor · 3 months
sigma and fitzgerald. i want to see our experts in capitalism interact, at least once. please asagiri. do you see my vision.
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hersheymallow · 5 months
People always ask for more platonic relationships in fics. Just read bsd damn. We have atsushi and kyouka. We have ranpo and yosano. We have aya and bram. We have Fitzgerald and Louisa. We have tachihara and gin.
Srsly guys,,,, asagiri can REALLY write platonic. It gets overlooked bc it also has a million fantastic noncanon gay relationships, like soukoku, ranpoe, and fyolai to name some of the most beloved.
Bsd has it all man.
Just give in
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mothonthewall · 7 days
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smash or pass chav fitzy
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the-chikyuu-times · 9 months
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
Bsd but everyone speaks their native language part 3 (part 1) (part 2)
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