#Frankie Santana
jimmyandthegiraffes · 5 months
It’s me and Adric and Frankie Santana and Dr Pulaski we’re having a party and ur not invited and u know what we invited Jo Grant and Mike Yates and Amy Amanda Allen and Tawnia Baker and Monica Reyes and Victoria Waterfield and the 6th Doctor and no you still can’t come
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chiosblog · 3 months
'As mechanically inclined as a cage full of hamsters'
I know I dont appreciate much Frankie lol but I quite like his interaction with Murdock here, well I'm actually jealous cause I wanna hang out with Murdock this way too but that's another story
The A-Team 5x01 'Dishpan Man'
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alverrann · 10 months
Dishpan Man
I've been agonizing over this for ages, but in the fifth season why is he "Dishpan" Frankie Santana? What does it mean? I've looked all over, in 80's slang and modern slang and I can't find anything relating to the word that would apply to him.
The only thing I can think is that it's his nickname because of some obscure part of being a special effects guy, or some incident involving a dishpan.
Anyway, if anyone actually knows what it means, I'd love to know. And if you don't know, maybe we can toss around some dishpan story ideas.
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agentbluefox · 2 years
I desperately want to hear your thoughts on Frankie and Face (also can't wait to see that rant about Face and his father)
First, thank you for enabling me to rant about this. Literally rubbed my hands together when I got your ask and was like ‘my time has come I am going to go OFF about this'
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^^ actual footage of my last three braincells upon receiving this ask. (this got so long. it’s below the cut to spare everyone)
(I’ll preface this by saying I’m mostly looking at this from an in-universe perspective, not really criticizing the writing choices or why the writers/directors did certain things)
I’m going to briefly talk about season 5 as a whole because I think it’s linked to the thoughts I have on Frankie. I actually didn’t dislike season 5. It’s far from my favorite, but I feel like it is misunderstood to some extent (especially in fanfics). Or maybe I just like my interpretation of it. Either way, it wasn’t a bad season, and it provided a lot of interesting character moments by putting them all in situations we hadn’t really seen before.
However, the entire tone changed, the dynamics changed, and the overall story and interactions just felt a little... off.
Frankie is... fine as a character. If he were the protagonist/sidekick of some other show, he would be fine, he’d probably even be an interesting character. But he just doesn’t work in the A-Team. At least not in the way that the writers seemingly intended. The team, for four seasons, has operated as a single cohesive unit. You can TELL that these men have worked together for years, you can tell they’ve been though war and hardship together. This also means that it’s very clear that each of them has a purpose within the unit.
Hannibal is the leader and everyman in a sense, Murdock is the pilot and backup, B.A. is the muscle, Face is the con-man. That doesn’t mean the roles aren’t occasionally interchangeable or they don’t have other jobs or abilities, because they absolutely do, but at a very basic level, they all have a job and a place and it works well within the dynamic.
Then we get to season 5 and several things happen. First, the tone is different from the outset, the stakes are higher, there’s not so many fun missions or lightheartedness. The team isn’t just helping out the little guy anymore, they’re following orders from a man none of them seem to really respect, and doing jobs that none of them really seem to want to be doing.
At the beginning, through the trial, we really get to see the team’s loyalty to each other on display. This is great. But while the stakes remain high through the season, the dynamics go through a shift. Starting, I think, with Frankie. First, we see Hannibal taking Frankie under his wing, almost as a mentor (a dynamic that we’ve most often seen between Face and Hannibal in the past). We’ve never heard of this guy, suddenly Hannibal trusts him so we’re supposed to trust him. This MIGHT have worked if it was handled a little differently. As it is, it feels cheap and contrived. (especially since Frankie is just really full of himself from the first introduction) Murdock was right when he pulled Frankie aside and told him “It’s my team, not our team.”
So Frankie is taken into the team as a fifth member. The problem is, there’s no place for him within the cohesive unit that we’ve been presented with for the past four years.
And since there’s no real place for him, it became necessary to create one. The issue is that his place tends to overlap A Lot with Face’s. From his skillset to his relationship with the other characters - particularly Hannibal. The other additions to the team in the past (Amy for example) have added their own skillset/perspective/etc. They added something that the others couldn’t. Which I just felt wasn’t the case for Frankie.
We have scenes where Face is teaching him to pick a lock or to scam people, which at first is a little endearing. Like, okay, Face gets to teach someone else the ‘tricks of the trade,’ if you will. But very quickly, we start to get scenes where it’s just Frankie doing all these things that Face always handled. Frankie is redundant, and the narrative makes no attempt to give him his own niche. This leaves Face as a redundancy himself.
And to be fair, it’s not even just Frankie, it’s the rest of the team too. ‘The Spy Who Mugged Me’ is a great example of that. And, objectively, I like this episode. It’s a fun story and it’s neat to see Murdock taking on a role that’s so opposed to the one he usually has. But once again, it is Face’s role; one that he’s not being allowed to fill, which leaves him basically as an extra. And here we do see quite a strong reaction from Face, after Murdock leaves him out on the balcony all night (I love Murdock but I just want to shake him for this tbh). He hasn’t been allowed to fulfill his role on the team, and then when he’s completely removed from the equation, nobody even notices. Might just be my interpretation but he feels sort of reserved this whole season. Like he’s drifting a little bit, with no reassurance that he really is vital to the operation of the team. Something that I think he needs more than any of the others.
He tries to leave in season 5. Something he’s done once before, though the circumstances were different. This is an interesting decision, because it means he’s giving up the pardon, despite being the one constantly looking for the normal life it would provide. That being said, I personally don’t think he ever intended to actually leave. I think we were seeing him at the end of his rope, realizing that this isn’t quite what he wanted, and this was, in a way, an act of desperation. To see if his team would try and stop him, or to see if they would follow him. What he was proposing was basically to go back to the way things were. Being on the run, helping people THEY wanted to help, instead of performing glorified chores for Stockwell, and watching his place on the team be given over to an outsider.
B.A. said early in the series that Face would be in jail if it wasn’t for Hannibal, and I think this is absolutely true. Face is the most vocal about wanting a normal life, but I think he’s the one least suited to it in many ways. He’s never had a normal life. I don’t think he would know how to stop. He enjoys it, just like the rest of them do. With Frankie there, I think he probably recognized that he was potentially replaceable and that, if they get the pardons, he might lose his team for good.
I got the sense that they were all in a sort of survival mode in the last season. They cut it really close with the trial and their ‘executions’ and then they’re offered a chance at the pardons. I got the sense of “none of us are happy about it, but we’re going to suck it up and make the best of it because what other choice do we have?” Maybe Hannibal realized he could have got them all killed and that’s still a very real possibility, so the focus now HAS to be on getting the pardons, and he’ll deal with the fallout later (Face, Murdock’s mental state, etc.). Unfortunately, that means we have the team at a low point in many ways.
Now, I have my own headcanons about what happened after the finale (which I will either make a post about at some point or write a fanfic about), but I think at some point, the balance these characters has is pushed completely off kilter, forcing them (Hannibal mainly) to take a step back and evaluate where they are and what needs to change. Recognizing that their operation worked because their dynamic worked, not just as a team but really as a family, and that maybe the pardons aren’t really worth all the trouble they’ve caused.
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introvertpanda · 2 years
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The A-Team
S05E09 - Point of No Return
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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The A-Team 5x13 "Without Reservations"
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jazzdailyblog · 5 months
Mario Bauzá: Pioneering Afro-Cuban Jazz and the Legacy of a Musical Innovator
Introduction: Mario Bauzá, born one hundred and thirteen years ago today on April 28, 1911, in Havana, Cuba, was a pivotal figure in the development of Afro-Cuban jazz. His contributions as a musician, composer, and bandleader helped shape the sound of Latin jazz and left an indelible mark on the world of music. Early Life and Influences: Bauzá, raised in Havana, showed prodigious talent on…
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americanahighways · 1 year
Film & Music Reviews: DVDs Capture San Francisco’s Glory Days, plus Frankie Ford, Bill Pritchard, Cal Tjader, & David Deacon
Film & Music Reviews: DVDs Capture San Francisco’s Glory Days, plus Frankie Ford, Bill Pritchard, Cal Tjader, & David Deacon @GratefulDead @ByJeffBurger #americanahighways
DVDs Capture San Francisco’s Glory Days, plus Frankie Ford, Bill Pritchard, Cal Tjader, & David Deacon For a brief time in the late 1960s and early 1970s, San Francisco was at the center of what appeared to be a burgeoning new world, one in which rock bands were not just musicians. They were in the vanguard of a movement that rejected practically everything that had come before and sought to…
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felis-rach · 20 days
So I was thinking of songs to my One Piece ships:
Luffy/Usopp: The Last of the Real Ones - Fallout Boy
Nami/Vivi: Into the Night - Santana
Zoro/Sanji: Beggin - Maneskin
Franky/Robin: Smooth - Santana
Jinbei/Brook: Skeleton Appreciation Day - Will Wood
Jinbei/Robin: Sway - Michel Bublé
(Bonus: I just need Chopper singing Chop Away at my Heart. Every single time I say his name this song blasts in my head)
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creepling · 8 months
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it's finally here!! i have created playlists for each character from the texas chainsaw massacre video game. the playlists are still ongoing and i will add to them when i come across songs that remind me of them. most include 60s/70s songs but have a mix of contemporary. all playlists were made in spotify.
features . . . joan baez, tia blake, santana, bob dylan, and more.
features . . . the mamas and papas, dolly parton, the beatles, patti smith, simon & garkfunkel and more.
features . . . the doors, grateful dead, syd barrett, king crimson and more.
features . . . metallica, jim croce, johnny cash, black sabbath, lana del rey and more.
features . . . abba, the beach boys, boney m, david bowie, blondie and more.
features . . . bay city rollers, cream, t rex, aerosmith, electric light orchestra and more.
features . . . jefferson airplane, ethel cain, deep purple, the zombies, fleetwood mac and more.
features . . . stevie wonder, hot chocolate, cat stevens, jackie wilson, frankie valli and more.
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 2 years
I’m forming a club. It’s me, Frankie Santana, Katherine Pulaski and Monica Reyes and we are all doing great thank you. Tasha Yar is there sometimes too.
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desertthorn · 3 months
Not who would you grieve most, but whose sudden death would shock you to your core?
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thetisming · 1 month
i thought about this and then got mad so once again:
WHO MR SCHUE WOULD CAST IN & JULIET (seasons 1-3, so none of the new New Directions)
this is pretty obvious. yes i'm aware Rachel is white. unfortunately, as we know, this is not Glee. this is tbe Rachel Berry show.
Santana would be so fucking mad about this casting for many reasons, and both she and Mercedes would audition for Juliet but ultimately Mr Schue would cast Rachel. would she be any good? probably. does anyone want her to play Juliet? no. except for like, her, William and Finn.
you heard that right, folks! this man is ONCE AGAIN casting adults in a high school show! nobody likes this decision, but this man is evil i fear. she would probably be pretty good at least.
IF he doesn't cast Emma, he casts Brittany. Santana would want to play William if Brittany was Anne. maybe he would cast Quinn, i could see that
naturally, he would cast himself as Will. Santana would give him a lot of shit about it. straight up just fuck that dude, but he would definitely cast himself as Will.
MAYBE Santana would get to play him. maybe Mike Chang (he wouldnt want to). or more likely Puckerman. mayne Artie?
we all knew it would be him. he'd be....fine. probably pretty good. Brittany and Kurt would both audition, and truly the obvious choice would be Brittany because she genuinely would be so great. for Kurt, it'd be the same reason as WSS where he's 'too gay'. anyway i dont have much to say about this, finchel blah blah blah William does shit
i am sorry, but you know it's true. Kurt would play May, he would be chosen because hes effeminate, he'd be really mad about it cause he wanted to play Romeo. he'd probably be pretty good but that doesnt mean he's happy about it
this one DOES actually make sense i think, i could genuinely see Darren as Frankie. so i dont think anyone would be too upset.
i could also see him casting Blaine as Will, but maybe that's just wishful thinking
would i cast Mercedes as Angelique? maybe. is Mr Schue only doing it because shes fat and Black, rather than because she would genuinely be great as Angelique? probably.
he would totally ignore everything she says about why she should play Juliet and just. ignore how good she is in favour of Rachel. as per usual
i could see Mercedes as Juliet, and i could also see her as Angelique because she would do a great job!!! she would probably audition for Juliet but ultimately, this is the Rachel Berry show.
LANCE - ???
i genuinely have no idea who he would cast as Lance, but my mum says Ken Tanaka. maybe he would cast Puck or Artie? idk
Mike would be Kempe and Tina would be Lucy and idk about everyone else, i am getting very tired
thank you for reading my mini essay
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introvertpanda · 2 years
Face: Lucky for you, I'm an expert liar. And I'll teach you because you're the coolest, smartest, most capable friend a guy could ever have.
Frankie, tearing up: Really?
Face: No, but now you see how good I am.
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pezberrypolls · 5 months
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Alright, since I realize I haven’t exactly been as active on here recently as I would like to have been, I thought I would attempt to make up for it by letting you guys in on some of the newest OC babies I’m planning on introducing soon. I hope you guys like these little tidbits, and (even though I don’t have any of their intro posts up yet), feel free to ask me whatever questions you’d like about them!!
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— Texas native who transfers to McKinley at the beginning of season two after her mother’s job is relocated to Lima.
— Generally your typical sweet Southern belle, but also fiercely independent and has a feisty streak.
— Well-set up to be popular when she first transfers, but quickly becomes an outcast after giving a tongue-lashing to some jocks after she watches them slushy Tina, so she joins New Directions.
— Generally sings country and pop music outside of the group numbers, but occasionally busts out a showtune (and does some country duets with Sam).
— Either a Tina or Santana ship, I haven’t quite decided yet.
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— Her story is set in kind of an AU post-canon after the boys recover the stolen money from the ravine, where Santi officially retires and they all move to the same town close to each other (and also where Frankie doesn’t have a baby and broke up with his girlfriend because I just. Can’t really deal with that).
— Quite literally bumps into Frankie at a bar (and spills her drink all over him) and very quickly becomes friends with all four of them.
— A total energetic and social ray of sunshine who’s very comfortable in her bisexuality and active in her local queer community, and helps the boys come to terms with their various non-straight identities.
— The main singer at a local burlesque club, and KILLS it as a performer.
— In a poly ship with all four former Delta Squad boys, who are all also dating each other (except for Will and Benny, obviously).
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— Daughter of Grumpy of the seven dwarves fame.
— Pretty much lives up to her father’s name; doesn’t put up with one bit of crap and is never afraid to speak her mind (which normally doesn’t make most people happy, but she doesn’t really like people anyway).
— Is definitely an outcast in Auradon and at school; the only people who actually talk to her at school outside of the teachers are Ben and her cousin Doug, who’s actually a little scared of her.
— Befriends Mal almost immediately after the VKs get to Auradon (they are truly kindred spirits) and decides to try and help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand because she resents Auradon and how fake and falsely cherry it is.
— Doesn’t really lose her prickly streak by the time the Coronation rolls around, but does come to realize that not everyone in Auradon is so bad and she needs to let people in more.
— Definitely besties with Mal, but also strikes up unlikely friendships with Carlos and Lonnie (and kind of becomes Carlos and Jane’s unofficial protector since they’re both pretty quiet and she is. Not).
— Also an Evie ship because I simply have to give my beloved girl a girlfriend. <3
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— A boyfriend for my bi king Charlie Swan. <3
— A tailor who runs a clothing shop in downtown Forks - Charlie constantly brings his uniform to his shop whenever it gets ripped.
— Definitely suspects the Cullens of being vampires but can never prove it until Charlie lets him know about Edward and this man just jumps up and shouts “I KNEW IT!”
— Sweet but fiercely loyal and protective Gryffinpuff king. <3
— Definitely acts as a non-Charlie adult confidant to Bella and is the best stepdad when he and Charlie finally get together.
— Also used to have a bit of a crush on Carlisle and still gets nervous around him even after getting together with Charlie because Carlisle is just. So pretty.
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— A British archeologist working with American Army Intelligence who gets assigned with Indy to help him find the Ark of the Covenant.
— Kind of shy and socially awkward (mostly due to constantly being underestimated in her field for being a woman) but incredibly intelligent and observant and knows when to stand her ground and not take other people’s crap.
— (Also probably autistic, but, well, they didn’t really have the language for that back then. But she is.)
— An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman who would do anything to help people in need (but also tends to trust too easily, which is why Indy is good at balancing her out).
— Indy likes to call her Lou, and she pretends to hate it, but she secretly loves that he thinks enough of her to give her a cute nickname.
— A ship for the daring professor himself, obviously!
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— (Yes, I know Winchester sister OCs are overdone, I don’t even care.)
— Technically her first name is Olivia, but she doesn’t like it and prefers to go exclusively by Via.
— Sam and Dean’s half-sister, fifteen years old in the first season, who was born out of a three-night stand between John and her mother.
— John didn’t stick around, obviously, but he kept tabs on Via and her mother and when the woman was killed in a car accident shortly after Sam left for collage, he came and got her and started training her to be a hunter.
— Immediately loves her two older brothers and is fiercely loyal to and protective of them, but shares a closer bond with Dean since she’s spent more time with him.
— Doesn’t like John at all, however, both for essentially abandoning her and her mother and for trying to turn all his children into hunters rather than letting them have normal childhoods, which is a point of contention between her and Dean.
— Despite her anger towards John forcing his kids into early training, she loves being a hunter and has a particular affinity for taking down vampires.
— A badass baby lesbian (who not only knows Dean is bi WAY before they even meet Cas but takes one look at Sam the first time they meet and is like, “Well, this one’s not straight either”).
— Might not have a love interest, or I might make another OC to give her a girlfriend, I haven’t decided yet (I’ll probably wait until I get a little further into the series).
Alright, that’s it for my more immediately upcoming OCs!! Again, feel free to ask me any questions you want about my newest babies!!
Tagging some of my OC community besties: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @luucypevensie, @carmens-garden, @endless-oc-creations.
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