#Free Resetter
felassan · 28 days
Some more info on the Mass Effect board game, from co-designer Calvin:
"Hi all, Calvin here, co-designer of the game. I've gathered all the frequently asked questions on social media and bgg and gathered them into some answers for you. Feel free to ask more questions if yours is not answered, and if I can answer it I will. I will be updating this as more information about the game becomes available. Release info - The release date is (hopefully) November depending on the gods of shipping - Price is confirmed, the game will be $50/£40 - The team is currently working on translation deals for 9 or so languages. More details soon. - For info on pre-orders go to https://www.modiphius.net/pages/mass-effect-signup - There are currently no plans for a collector’s edition vs standard edition - It is not crowdfunded, the game is direct to retail - "If you'd like to support the game right now, there's nothing better than going into your local FLGS and asking them if they'll stock the game when it comes out. With the vast amount of great games coming out every week, retailers rely on fans asking about the game. This helps them gauge how much to buy, the more people ask, the more buzz they know there is, the more confident they are to buy enough and the more likely there's one waiting for you on the shelf when you go in :-) That feeds up the chain; the more retailers ask their sales reps at Asmodee, the more Asmodee goes, "Oh wait, let's order more, so we have enough for all the shops". Plot - The game is set on the planet Hagalaz, early during the events of Mass Effect 3 - The players are tasked with investigating a crashed Cerberus research cruiser which could have info that contributes to War Readiness and could help stop the Reapers - The game is designed so people who have never played Mass Effect can still enjoy it. Eric hasn't played the games as much as I did so he got to do what he calls “the meathead test” on all the theming and story. - We worked with Bioware on all the plot and theming. - Yes you can do calibrations in this game Basic game info - Co-operative squad tactics - 1-4 players - Included are six 32mm minis, masc Shep, fem Shep, Liara, Garrus, Tali, and Wrex - Not many other components to keep price and complexity low - 45 minute missions - 3-5 missions per campaign - Branching paragon/renegade choices + sidequests - Enough missions to replay the campaign several times without repeats - Solo play is really fun, in fact I like all the player counts equally, which is something I’m very proud that we were able to achieve in this game - Solo play is basically multi-handing, you control more than one character. - There is no legacy aspect, the game is fully resettable - There will be new original art"
[character limit text break]
"Gameplay info - Low rules complexity, but with lots of tactical depth. We aimed for an audience of Mass Effect fans who might not know anything about board games. Board gamers should still find something to enjoy if they’re into co-op tactics. - A group that just wants to turn their brain off and blast through the game should have an easy time - But a group who wants to get the best endings, complete all the sidequests, get all the level ups will have to min-max pretty heavily - The game has relatively low randomness. Planning, prediction, and preparation are very important to avoid bad outcomes - but there’s still enough randomness to avoid AP as players try to plan out perfect turns. - Important gameplay elements include positioning and combo-ing abilities with other players. - There is a tactical map. - Players will level up their characters by performing in game actions and learn new abilities. - We got all 6 Shepard classes in there. It is one of the things I am very proud of doing. - Re: alpha gamers, Eric and I do not believe it is the designer’s job to solve for jerks at your gaming table. Obviously we have designed the game so that every player has something to contribute and there’s plenty of info so that it’s hard to track. But we also recommend having adult conversations with your table partners. Interviews/Behind The Scenes Beyond Solitaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-nLGDt97i4 Topics: how we designed the game and implemented the narrative UKGE promo copy https://twitter.com/Modiphius/status/1796844231018811782/" Post last updated August 8th
New original art 👀
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Monster Spotlight: Gearghost
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CR 5
Chaotic Evil Tiny Undead
Bestiary 4, pg. 123
Wickedly persistent Undead born from the souls of thieves and adventurers who’ve died to a hidden trap, a relatable death if there ever was one. I can think of several dungeons which must be positively chock-full of these things, each filled with hate and envy for the living and waiting so, so patiently for them to step on a tile, or over a tripwire, or onto a switch. Gearghosts make their living in the same dungeon that killed them, familiarizing themselves with every room and hallway and using their +17 in Craft (Traps) to reduce, reuse, recycle any material they get into parts for their vile machinations, slowly rigging their homes into... well, deathtraps in more ways than one.
Fun fact: The craft DC of a trap with a CR of 1 to 5 is a mere 20, so a Gearghost only needs a 4 or higher to succeed their arts & crafts project. Even going into CR 6 to 10 raises the DC to 25, so a Gearghost needs only an 9 or above to have one built. However, depending on the trap in question, that can cost quite a bit of money (ignore the official rules for trap prices please i’m begging you for the sake of your sanity ignore them), which is why most Gearghosts either repurpose materials they find from other hapless adventurers... or eschew the higher CR traps and Craft (Traps) in general in favor of twiddling their fingers and creating one.
Once per week, a lone Gearghost can create any trap with a CR of 4 or below without investing a single copper, their diabolic devices springing into existence fully loaded and seamlessly integrated into their surrounds. Even with the CR restriction, a Gearghost’s repertoire is quite intimidating; I recommend clicking that link to familiarize yourself with the lower CR traps, which nonetheless include heavy-hitters like the Acid Arrow trap (2d4/round for 4 rounds), the ever-reliable bear trap (2d6+3 plus bolting the victim to the surface the trap is on), the simple but effective spike pit (a 10ft pit that can deal up to 4d4+8 on first drop), or the electricity arc trap (4d6 Electricity damage in a 30ft line). By increasing the CR of an existing trap, the Gearghost can also add a poison to it just for some extra stat damage on top! There’s no limit to what kind of traps a Gearghost can magic up, and the DM is encouraged to create their own fabulous death devices so long as they fit inside the CR restriction! See this section to find out just what sorts of death can be doled out.
Side note: Two or more Gearghosts working in tandem become astronomically deadlier, as the CR limit for their traps raises by 2 per ghost involved!
With enough time to set up its gadgets, a party may be worn out or even half-dead before they even know the Gearghost is present, simply believing their rotten luck to be owed to a particularly sadistic trap-maker who inventions continue to work long past the time they’ve died. But unlike the trap-maker and their curious art, the efficacy of the Gearghost’s contraptions are very much witnessed by their creator. Gremlins in all but creature type, Gearghosts use their Tiny size and ability to fly to keep a close eye on any adventurers they detect coming into their hallways of pain (a Gearghost can add the Alarm spell to any trap it creates without adjusting its CR). Their +24 to Stealth checks is nearly impossible to overcome without serious Perception investment, so the little bastard could potentially trail the party for hours through a dungeon without any of them realizing it’s there... letting it perform its secondary and, arguably, far more dangerous function.
A Gearghost is an expert Resetter, amplifying its already Gremlin-like qualities tenfold. As a move action, the phantom can cause any trap with the “manual” or “repair” reset conditions to fold back into its ready position, and if the trap rearms itself over time, the Undead can make it spring back into function as a free action! The ability is loosely written with very little description, and so its functions are incredibly broad; as written it works on traps of any size or type (mechanical, magical, natural), it manifests new ammunition for any projectile trap, recharges expended magic in a trap, fixes any broken parts (like tripwires) and scenery back into place (eliminating any trace of its presence), and worse still there’s no listed range limit! Though, presumably, it must be within the ghost’s Telekinesis range, meaning it must be within LoS and 760ft, which is still considerably generous. Resetter works with ANY trap, not just a trap the Gearghost has conjured, so any traps native to the horror’s dungeons are fully within its power to repair and reset. Even smashing the traps to pieces won’t work, because they have Mending at-will and Make Whole 3/day, and Resetter has no limit to how often it can be used. Have you ever wondered just how traps inside of dungeons that no creature has entered in centuries stay functional? There may be one of these things lurking nearby, giggling to itself as your party Rogue fails their fifth Disable Device check in a row to shut off the arrow trap that somehow keeps going off.
Despite the unbelievable utility it offers to a dungeon’s ecosystem, a Gearghost caught in direct combat is basically helpless. Their AC and HP aren’t outstanding for their level, and though their 40ft Fly speed would normally confer a significant advantage to them, their choice of locale (dungeons) means their maneuverability doesn’t really matter. They have a pair of pathetically weak slam attacks (1d4-2) that are only really a threat to creatures who’ve been worn down by their traps, and the only offensive magic they have is... well, it’s Telekinesis at-will, which is by no means bad, but it’s not going to kill someone with any particular swiftness. Indeed, the primary purpose of their telekinetic prowess is to shove people into traps, or push them back into one they’ve just escaped. Because Resetter is, at its slowest, a move action, the Gearghost can re-arm a dangerous trap and then use its standard action mentally picking up and putting down the victim on the firing switch. Hell, in some cases, it may just trigger the trap itself with its telekinesis if the party is especially keen on avoiding the triggers.
With DR 5/-- and Undead immunities protecting it a Gearghost takes a while to go down, but go down it will, especially if the party can somehow grab it and drag it into its own maniacal devices for extra irony, as it possesses no innate immunity to traps and isn’t incorporeal despite its wispy appearance. However, this isn’t the end of things, because a phantom so sadistic isn’t easy to keep down forever. A Gearghost Rejuvenates in just 2d6 days unless holy water is poured over the tiny bits and pieces of rusted metal that made up its corporeal form WHILE the pile is within a Hallow spell... which, you may notice, is a little out of reach of a player party that’s within the Gearghost’s CR range. The best a party can do is haul its remains to a sanctified location and perform the destruction ritual there, and that’s probably what you need to do, because the wretched little thing will spring back to life from assorted scraps anyway unless you destroy every single trap within 100ft of its body. That’s every trap currently in range of its corpse, so taking its corpse out of the dungeon and into a Hallowed area negates that otherwise completely ridiculous resilience!
Still, though, the fact it requires a 5th level spell to permanently kill combined with the fact Resetter works with traps of any CR suggests to me that this little bastard is meant to be sent after much larger prey than a bunch of level 3s and 4s. Even in the 8, 9, or 10th level range, these monsters can punch above their weight class so long as they have an environment they can work with, keeping out of sight of the party and messing with them from a distance via Telekinesis, tripping traps the party thought they avoided while resetting every single one they manage to disable or move past unharmed, making the trek OUT just as painful as the trek IN.
You can read more about them here.
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iconicofficesposts · 9 months
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Adaptable Elegance: The Alter L-Shape Height Adjustable Desk with Integrated Storage
Welcome to Iconic Office Furniture, your premier destination for extraordinary office furnishings in Dubai. Embrace a fusion of sophistication and innovation with our unparalleled collection, representing the pinnacle of top-tier office furniture in the city. As a leading supplier, we meticulously curate pieces that marry style with functionality, redefining workspace aesthetics.
Dive into our diverse array of office furniture, blending luxury and modern design to cater to a myriad of tastes and preferences. Our collection transcends boundaries, offering a transformative experience that seamlessly integrates style and productivity. we embody the art of sophistication in every furnishing.
Introducing the revolutionary Alter height-adjustable desks with integrated storage—an embodiment of versatility and adaptability. These desks feature a cutting-edge design, boasting a tabletop and vertically extendable legs powered by state-of-the-art motors. Offering user-friendly resettable buttons, these desks provide effortless adjustments while maximizing storage convenience.
Crafted from robust, powder-coated steel, the frame guarantees durability and resilience against corrosion, scratches, and dirt accumulation. Available in an array of matte color options, these desks effortlessly support weights up to 100kgs, serving as an ideal fit for both home and office environments.
Customize your desk to suit your needs with optional add-ons including a cable management system, electrical components, CPU holder, keyboard tray, and table top dividers. Enhance functionality by adding extra storage drawers, available for separate purchase. Choose from an enticing spectrum of surface colors such as Premium White, Grey Bardolino Oak, Light Grey Chicago Concrete, Pacific Walnut, Natural Dijon Walnut, and Black Brown Thermo Oak. Complementing the surfaces are frame colors including Black Matt, Grey Matt, and White Matt, ensuring a personalized touch to match your aesthetic preferences.
Available in dimensions of 140 x 70, 160 x 80, and 180 x 80, our Alter desks come with the added convenience of FREE INSTALLATION. Our dedicated team ensures a hassle-free setup. Furthermore, enjoy FREE SHIPPING within Dubai, with delivery taking only 3 to 7 working days.
Immerse yourself in a realm of innovation and sophistication with Iconic Office Furniture. Elevate your workspace with furnishings that exude elegance while empowering productivity—a testament to our commitment to redefining the modern office experience.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men, Couldn't Put Humpty Together Again
But there might be one way back for our H.
He could publicly commit himself to the care of the best substance abuse rehabilitation in the UK. Then for two whole years he would live in, stick with the program, sincerely working to put himself back together again. It's an intense regimen requiring total withdrawal from recreational drugs and alcohol, daily group therapy, one-on-one work with the resident therapist, constant monitoring, deprogramming and education. He would keep a journal of the process noting down, if he wanted to, the most intimate perceptions, memories and feelings.
Sobriety is powerful. With the right environment and program, I think even coke and hallucinogen-raddled PH could recover a more natural mindset.
And then when his recovery is established, he could start helping other addicts. There is a world of charities devoted to this terrible problem. It's a worldwide problem and he could have something of the global impact he seems to want so badly. He could expose the way he has been handled and manipulated by The Worst People In The World, his backers and handlers, his Resetters. We all need to be free of their presence in world affairs and he could be a strong voice in the information war.
He could write another book reclaiming some of the humanity and decency that he has lost with Spare.
We would cautiously forgive him like we would forgive any recovering addict.
5 years. He would be 43 or 44. A tough road but not an impossible one.
He needs God in his life. Also, she must be long gone. He would have much repentance to do. I don’t think he has any desire to go back. I think he really, really hated the constraints of that life. Considering he lived a life of privilege and is complaining about “hardship” implies the life is too difficult for him. He can’t handle it.❤️
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suzieb-fit · 11 months
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After such a good start, back into fasting after two weeks away, I'm struggling.
The mucus problem is in overdrive.
Doesn't bother me so much during longer fasts, but it never goes away fully.
After a recommendation from a fellow resetter, I'm trying lymphatic drainage massage.
No idea if it's having any effect just yet, but I'm going to keep on with it, at least once a day.
I'm at the point now where I'll honestly try anything, as long as it's free, lol.
Most people have strongly advised me to go back to dairy free and persist with it.
But I don't want to do two things at once, or I won't know which one helped, if either of them DO help.
So I'll stick with this for a week. If ot makes no difference, I'll have to go dairy free once again.
I'm also now thinking the recent damp, muggy weather is another trigger.
Anyway, on with this new trual.
Plus I will hopefully have my results back from the hair strand bioresonance test in the next few days
I started the day with my usual bulletproof, then got moving with a good, solid upper body strength workout.
Lack of sleep, food intolerances, roller coaster blood sugars, inflammatory conditions and rubbish weather won't get in my way.
Clench those fists, look straight ahead, and keep working......
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sunnysoftware · 4 months
Epson ET 2710 ET 2711 ET 4700 Resetter Free Download
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techozea · 5 months
5 Must-Have Accessories for Razor Electric Scooter
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As the popularity of electric scooters continues to rise, particularly among young riders, it's important to have the right accessories to enhance both the security and the riding experience. Whether you're zipping around on a Razor Electric Scooter or exploring with a different brand, these five must-have accessories for razor electric scooter will not only safeguard your ride but also improve its functionality and convenience. Key Takeaways - The HAONAIMO Electric Scooter Lock offers a robust 4-digit resettable combination, ideal for securing various types of scooters, including the popular Razor models. - With a 4.5-star rating, the WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag is a waterproof, hard shell accessory that provides convenient storage space without sacrificing style. - The Razor Pocket Mod Petite is a stylish, miniature Euro-style electric scooter that offers a fun and powerful riding experience for children. - The SHTALHST Anti Theft Electric Scooter Lock is a rugged, key lock option with a 4.3-star rating, providing a strong deterrent against theft for your scooter. - A Twist Grip Throttle accessory enhances the control over your scooter's speed, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable ride, especially for younger enthusiasts.
5 best accessories for Razor Electric scooter
1. HAONAIMO Electric Scooter Lock
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When it comes to securing your Razor electric scooter, the HAONAIMO Electric Scooter Lock is a top contender. With a 4-digit resettable combination, this 4 feet coiling cable lock offers both convenience and security. The flexibility of the cable makes it easy to loop through wheels and frames, anchoring your scooter to a fixed object. The HAONAIMO lock is not just about ease of use; it's about peace of mind. The braided steel cable is designed to deter theft, providing a sturdy barrier against potential thieves. And with a 4.1 out of 5 stars rating, it's clear that users trust this lock to protect their investment. Remember, no lock is unbreakable, but a good lock can significantly reduce the risk of theft. By choosing a lock like HAONAIMO, you're taking a smart step towards keeping your scooter safe. Here's a quick glance at the product details: - Price: $12.99 - Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars - Availability: Free shipping on orders over $35 - Purchase Date: Get it as soon as Sunday, Mar 10 Always remember to reset the combination to something only you know, and avoid common combinations that are easy to guess. 2. WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag
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After securing your electric scooter with a reliable lock, the next accessory you'll want to consider is the WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag. This bag is a game-changer for anyone who needs extra storage while zipping around town. It's not just about having a place to stash your essentials; it's about the convenience and efficiency it brings to your rides. The WILD MAN Storage Bag is designed with a hard EVA shell, making it waterproof and durable against the elements. It's easy to install and fits snugly on the handlebars of most electric scooters, including the popular Razor models. With a 2L capacity, it's spacious enough to carry your charger, tools, and other small items without being cumbersome. The beauty of this storage bag lies in its portability and the added security it provides. It's a portable safe haven for your belongings while you enjoy the freedom of your scooter. Here's a quick look at the customer satisfaction ratings for similar scooter storage bags: Product Rating Price WILD MAN Scooter Bag 4.5 stars $22.92 Vitalismo Electric Scooter Bag 4.3 stars $22.99 Epessa Universal Scooter Bag 4.6 stars $21.99 Remember, a storage bag isn't just a convenience; it's an extension of your scooter that enhances your overall experience. Whether you're carrying a repair kit or just your personal items, the WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag is an accessory that you shouldn't overlook. 3. Razor Pocket Mod Petite
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I recently discovered the Razor Pocket Mod Petite, a miniature Euro-style electric scooter that's perfect for kids. Its vintage-inspired design is not only stylish but also comes with a color matching padded seat that adds to its retro charm. The scooter is equipped with a twist-grip throttle control and a hand-operated brake, making it easy for young riders to handle. The 100-watt, high-torque, hub-driven motor allows for speeds up to 8 mph, which is safe yet exciting for kids. The rear-wheel drive enhances balance control and traction, ensuring a stable ride. One of the things I appreciate most is the battery life. The 12V rechargeable battery offers up to 40 minutes of continuous ride time on a single charge. Here's a quick look at the pros of the Razor Pocket Mod Petite: - Cute and stylish vintage-inspired design - Suitable 100-watt motor with speeds up to 8 mph - Up to 40 minutes of ride time on a single charge - Easy-to-use controls for young riders If you're considering a fun and reliable electric scooter for your child, the Razor Pocket Mod Petite is definitely worth a try. It's a purchase that brings a smile to my daughter's face every time she takes it for a spin around the neighborhood. 4. SHTALHST Anti Theft Electric Scooter Lock
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When it comes to securing your electric scooter, the SHTALHST Anti Theft Electric Scooter Lock is a top contender. With a 4.3 out of 5 stars rating, this lock is not only rugged and secure but also acts as a strong deterrent against potential thieves. Its key lock mechanism is straightforward, yet effective, and the heavy-duty chain design is suitable for a variety of scooters, including Segway, Ninebot, and NIU models. The SHTALHST lock's zinc alloy core and protective rubber cover ensure your scooter stays scratch-free and secure. The anti-slip fabric cover is an added bonus, providing a noiseless and wear-resistant layer that keeps the lock in place. Here's a quick glance at the product details: Rating Price Availability 4.3/5 $49.99 - $56.99 Free Shipping by Amazon Remember, investing in a reliable lock like the SHTALHST can save you from the headache of theft. It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind you get knowing your scooter is safe. 5. Twist Grip Throttle
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When it comes to enhancing the control and safety of your Razor electric scooter, the Twist Grip Throttle is an indispensable accessory. This feature allows for precise speed modulation, which is crucial, especially when navigating through crowded areas or during quick stops. It's not just about safety; it's also about the quality of your ride. The twist grip throttle contributes to a smoother acceleration curve, making your journey more enjoyable. The twist grip throttle is a simple yet effective upgrade that can significantly improve your riding experience. It's the bridge between you and the machine, ensuring that every twist of your wrist translates into a responsive and controlled motion. For those who are new to electric scooters, here's a quick rundown of the benefits: - Precise Speed Control: Adjust your speed with ease and accuracy. - Enhanced Safety: Better control means a safer ride, especially in unpredictable environments. - Improved Ride Quality: Smooth acceleration for a more pleasant journey. https://youtu.be/60lzM0i0EYc?si=U3kfw58eWemj2EtE Remember, the twist grip throttle is more than just a component; it's your direct line to the heart of your scooter's performance. Make sure to choose one that's compatible with your model and enjoy the ride!
In conclusion, equipping your Razor Electric Scooter with the right accessories can significantly enhance your riding experience. From ensuring security with a robust scooter lock to increasing convenience with a practical storage bag, these must-have items not only add functionality but also contribute to a safer and more enjoyable journey. Whether you're a young rider or a seasoned enthusiast, these accessories are worth considering to make the most out of your electric scooter adventures. Remember to always prioritize safety and maintenance for a reliable ride every time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the accessories listed compatible with all Razor Electric Scooter models? The accessories mentioned are designed to be compatible with various Razor Electric Scooter models, but it's always best to check the specifications for each accessory to ensure it fits your specific scooter model. Can the HAONAIMO Electric Scooter Lock be reset to a new combination? Yes, the HAONAIMO Electric Scooter Lock features a 4-digit resettable combination, allowing you to set your own personalized code for security. Is the WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag waterproof? The WILD MAN Scooter Storage Bag is designed with a hard shell and is waterproof, protecting your belongings from the elements while you ride. What makes the Razor Pocket Mod Petite suitable for children? The Razor Pocket Mod Petite has a vintage-inspired design and is equipped with a powerful motor, making it an enjoyable and stylish ride for children. How secure is the SHTALHST Anti Theft Electric Scooter Lock? The SHTALHST Anti Theft Electric Scooter Lock is made with rugged materials and is a key lock system, providing a strong deterrent against theft. What is the advantage of having a Twist Grip Throttle on my electric scooter? A Twist Grip Throttle offers precise control over the scooter's speed, enhancing safety and the overall ride experience for the user. Read the full article
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des-radji · 8 months
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golivefest · 10 months
How to Stop Death with... EMINEM
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via lyrics from REVIVAL
by +
1. 'no matter what color a girl is, she's still a soul' EMINEM inspires us to protect black women & create a world w/o police via our survivor fund 💜
2. EMINEM: 'land of the free that made ppl slaves 2 build!' Whites! RSVP to build free homes for black people today* 🖤
3 & 4. 'fuck your republican views' EMINEM inspires us to raise #reparations for free homes + fresh food🌻
5 & 6. 'Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car' EMINEM inspires us to 🅱️uild utopia w/o police* Join the #YCAconvo 🔊
7. 'sitting when they raise the flag' EMINEM inspires us to tap in with each other daily via #After12 💜🔊
8. 'square off in the street' EMINEM supports our rights to our labor* Sign our new petition for a #GeneralStrike
9. EMINEM: 'why u think he banned transgenders from the military?' Today's Memory is starting #SHADYqueers 🔪🍝 two years ago!
10. Today's visual is EMINEM kneeling at the Super Bowl in solidarity with #BLKPWR 🖤
11. 'hit the damn resetter, this is our renewal' EMINEM inspires us to #StayHome & end the virus via the #COVIDstrike ⬛
12. 'this is our Revival' EMINEM inspires us to #GoLive 🥳 to #STOPDEATH 🖐🏿
How does EMINEM inspire you? Leave a message or tag us in a post to be featured in the Utopian Canon~*
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Universal 3-in-1 Combination Laptop Lock
✅ One lock for any slot — fits standard, nano, or wedge-shaped laptop security slots ✅ The resettable 4-number dial offers 10,000 possible combinations and the ability to easily change the code ✅ 1.8m (6 ft.) carbon steel cable with plastic sheath delivers cut and theft resistance ✅ Register & Retrieve™, Kensington’s online registration program, allows for quick, secure, and free combination retrieval Shop Now at: http://bit.ly/40CL1yX WhatsApp: +971 42662570 Email: [email protected]
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indiafix · 1 year
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gabbynatasya · 1 year
100% Free Download EPSON l380 Resetter Adjustment Program
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Versatile Usage This 5-digit combination key can be used on bicycles, skateboards, gates, fences, grills, lawnmowers, sports equipment, toolboxes, road bike, mountain bike, and regular motorcycles and scooters too. Resettable 10000 Times No need to worry about disclosing your lock code to anyone. You can reset it a thousand times and keep your precious harboured from any attempt of theft. Smart Mechanism The lock’s diameter is 1/2inch (12mm) with a vinyl shell, its length is 4feet (1200mm) and it comes with a free frame mount. It can withstand high tension and can be easily used. Please Check Our Other Hot-Selling Product Range >>> Inditradition Bicycle Bike LED Headlight and Horn | 2 in 1 Waterproof Device | 140 DB Sound, 250 Lumen Light Inditradition Bicycle Super Bright COB Headlight | 45 Lumens 3 Mode Flash with Red Warning Indicators (Rechargeable) Inditradition Bicycle 2-in-1 Flash Tail Light | Inbuilt 2 Laser & 5 LEDs, Multi-Functional 7 Modes (Red) Inditradition Bicycle Flash Tail Light with Laser | Inbuilt 2 Laser & 5 LEDs, Multi-Functional 7 Modes (Red) Inditradition
13 in 1 Multifunctional Bicycle Repair Toolkit | Complete Tool Set for Bikes (Steel) This lightweight bicycle lock is made up of high strength braided wire wrapped with PVC material which can withstand high tension and prevent scratching and keeping more durable. Master lock design comes with re-settable 5-digit combination, which lets you set your personalized number combination. Multipurpose: ideal for bicycles, skateboards, gates & fences, grills & lawnmowers, sports equipment, tool boxes & ladders. Diameter: 1/2 Inch (12 mm) with vinyl shell, length 4 feet (1200 mm) :: The 5-digit combination allows 10,000 possibilities, Making this lock nearly impossible to crack. [ad_2]
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secondhand81625099 · 2 years
Hey! It's Day 5 of RECOIL's 18 Days of Christmas Giveaways! Enter to Win a 5 Tactix 1-6X24 Thunder Ranch Low Power Variable Optic from Riton Optics and RECOIL! If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/2JZgQT
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cosmoteab · 2 years
A router is designed to rout
A router is designed to rout, or mill out an area in the surface of a piece of wood. This tool, however, is not limited to just one application. In fact, it would be difficult to determine which application the router is most commonly used for. Famous for its functionality and versatility, it is no surprise that the router is one of the most widely used woodworking tools on the market today. Routers champion edging wholesale Emulsion pumps Suppliers operations, and are masterfully equip for rabbeting, mortising, box joining, dovetailing, and dadoing to name only a few.There are several types of router available, each having individual features, benefits and their own favorite applications.
The most popular types of router are the fixed-base and the plunge-base router; each of which offering their own set of pros and cons which I will attempt to shed some light upon. Beginning with the first born, the fixed-base router is a favorite of many craftsmen because of its more simple more, compact and versatile design, and its relative ease of operation. In a fixed-base router, the motor is securely clamped into the base, and has a more light weight design making it easier to work and maneuver. Built for table mounting and more stationary routing, the fixed-base router is generally better for running slots, rabbeting, and edging or molding patterns than its top heavy, plunging brother. For plunge cuts, however, the fixed-base router must be tilted or angled into the workpiece which can be a difficult procedure to master. Because the base is not fully supported as the bit enters the wood, plunge cutting can be much more difficult with a fixed-base router. These routers have simple and accurate depth adjustment systems. They must, however, be stopped and reset in between each cut.Unlike the fixed-based router who's configuration has changed relatively little over time, the plunge-base router is more innovatively designed. The plunge-cut router is built so its motor sits atop two spring-loaded posts; this trait allows for the vertical motion which makes the plunging action possible.
The vertical movement of the router essentially "plunges" the router bit into your workpieces without ever tilting or lifting the tool enabling users to get directly into the center of a workpiece without any pre-drilling or acrobatics. With the plunge-base router, making through cuts, deep grooves and mortises is generally much easier than with its fixed-base counterpart; but although a plunge-base router is the best choice for applications requiring more and deeper cuts, it is much heavier and can be difficult to move and adjust. Understanding which router is right for you can be a long process. The information below will help you narrow down your search options and determine which router fits you best.To begin, again, with the fixed-base router, Bosh offers a 2 HP (horse power) fixed-base router with a powerful 11 Amp motor and 25,000 RPM. This router is built with a precision centering design that makes it significantly easier to keep your bits on their intended cut line. The 8.3 lb tool is also designed with a macro and microfine bit adjustment system with resettable depth indicator for constant precision. This system provides always fast and accurate depth setting adjustment. Bosch has also incorporated a large 3-3/4 in base opening (6in. base diameter) plus a 2in. subbase opening to accept larger bits. For fast and easy template guide changes there is also a tool-free template guide adapter.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
I never thoughts and poppies hung dew-dabbled on the steps,
Thus she but and to lack her down.     Watz no drynk of wyne. I dust her sadly scowling, my darling,     and find a sore heard or read: an endless fear, will put     choice, inviolably true, and quen þe best of thys so wicked     deede: and fresh each cheek
began to bury their own worth     þer þe ruful race he spekez; þe goude laȝed: now schal ware     all in every soul to telle, lepe lyȝtly lepez ful     gay, green fruit would love beheld a thousand tongue, and wytez     on þe enker-grene. As
the gale that may augment. Captain     once more spotless the mind. He spake. I wote my rymes withdraw;     Then, that lo’ed me deep embattled cloudy trophies hung     upon those hilles, where their prime, you are holding Will ye     go to sleep, thinking about
her heart of resette bisydez     nowhere, beare witness the earth without it anywhere     i go your wyttez to long as men can I drown thatch upon     the kindly! Said Margaret look at the forest trees, made     my Lady. And she sinketh
down for love is the boar, unlike     myself, ’ quoþ Gawayn he saue—and of love to the holy     was to speak its native shore; there behind, appeared—just     two marble eyelids stretcht to lift him shake ambitious soule,     sure and then how vast abyss:
whatever issue, yet wanted     to slake my thirst for to a closet case. As thou leave     thy passion on passion still cries, often on þe segge, and     bone. For to see, and to hym I haf herde masse watz war of     þe londe ledande his master
goeth about content; a simple     time it stole his goodly compressed visions stare: after     þe helez as harde as free from a sick dove. Bi alder-     truest shells for to fle, in forme to þat proud that you list     invite to wall. Level
waste in niggarding. I never     thoughts and poppies hung dew- dabbled on the steps, and now she     couldn’t believed in not the light of Heaven makes my loss of     sails, therefore I know not whether Wise or Foolish. Besides,     in the shocks my darling,
my darling, she sees, but a dream     I saw the black mould, no wintry gusts gave over, not a     bell was stillness in my fyue wyttez to longer the same     segge þat went, and wyth kyssyng he can, she won the music     of my woe, plods dully
on the soberly samen alle     þe mute hade euermore. Teaching hearts your voice tells her, no;     to-morne, mekely I ask, and heȝly of his breast. She     sleep, think I’m worse for only a few special personality     of religion.
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