#French history rpf
Fic Update
Burning Desire
My Richelieu/OC FF is still going strong. Posted Chapter30 a few days ago, and if you like a good Cardinal Richelieu ff (PCap Version), drama, angst, romance and a good portion of smut, head over to AO3 and give it a go. It’s almost 90k words. In progress and I write it since January ‘23.
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hazellum · 6 months
Stepping Into the Russian Sun
Guess who's back! I'm finally posting on A03 again! This is just one of three fics I've currently got planned out. The first one is shorter than this, and is for the same fandom (shut up yes I know its a mobile dress up gacha game shut up shut up shut upppp), this is the middle-length one, and then I'm working on a more long-form fic with Avatar of Vatuu Azula!
Yes I ***will*** be posting about Avatar!Azula decently often while I write. Anyway! I'm back to writing! I'm also currently working on: MLP:FiM rewrite, a novel, and an original animated series (of which I am the head writer <3) with my bestie @camish-and-the-oc-gang / @camilishpilish (Check out her blog for Mane 6 redesigns and other assorted pony art (I suck at drawing horses))
Feel free to ask either of us about any of those three, I am going to Be Autistic about All of Them
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scrollonso · 5 months
Crazy In Love²
A Strollonso AU where Fernando succeeds the Spanish throne and makes it his goal as king to make the Prince of France his groom. (1.9k words, dark!nando, murder (duh), fluff too) [@catboysracing @mercyreg] {This took so long but first kiss race 14 is taking longer so 🔥}
last part - masterlist - next part (coming soon)
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As people began to disappear into the guest rooms Fernando excused him and Lance once again, his hand settling on the small of the boys back as he showed the Prince to the room he'd be sleeping in for the night.
The shorter one was practically beaming, unable to wipe the smile off his face since his father and Fernando began discussing the terms of the marriage.
"Will my son be able to continue his studies if he was to begin living here with you?"
"Of course. I'll be sure he learns the same if not more."
"Will my son be involved in battles if Spain was to find itsself in conflict while he's ruling by your side?"
"No, I'll do everything in my power to ensure he's as far from conflict as possible."
They'd continued asking and answering questions like that for ages, Chloe and Lance drifting to the side to talk about the younger boys plans as the soon to be King Consort
Lance was excited once Fernando whisked him away, eyes glued to the man as they walked, almost tripping over his own feet because of how lost in thought he'd gotten
"Careful, mi rey" Fernando spoke, quick to pull Lance into his arms, pulling one hand away to point at the two doors closest to them, the rooms across the hall from one another "This one is yours for the night, I'll be a few steps away if you need anything."
"Can I stay in your room?" Lance asked, hands grabbing onto the Spaniards biceps as he spoke
"With me?"
"Just until I get tired, I don't want to be alone" Lance said quietly, praying the man wouldn't find it weird
"What, are you scared of the dark?" Fernando raised a brow, just teasing the Frenchman
"Mhm" He nodded, bottom lip jutting out slightly at the thought of sitting in the new dark room alone.
The King laughed under his breath, not expecting the boy to really be afraid of the dark. Without hesitating he unlocked his door and pulled Lance in, letting go of him in order to light the lantern besides the door
"It's not funny!" Lance protested, covering his face in embarrassment as he stood in the chilled room
"I know, I'm sorry, mi rey" Fernando cooed, pulling Lance closer to him again to litter his exposed skin in kisses, pleased with the giggles that came as a result.
They spent the next hours just talking and getting to know eachother. Lance had practically told Fernando everything about him and Fernando had told the boy everything he needed to know.
Just as the boy began getting tired there was a knock at the door, it wad weird and had a certain pattern to it that caused Fernando to get up instantly, planting a kiss on his grooms temple before excusing himself to deal with whatever was waiting outside for him.
Lance heard the yelling from through the door, he wasn't sure what was going on since the conversation was happening in Spanish and he was far from fluent.
All he understood were scattered cuss words and the obviously tense tone. He heard Fernando's voice above all the others, the king's sentences practically overflowing with swears as his fist slammed into the closest wall, Lance unable to hide his fear as he heard the situation escelate.
He had no idea what had happened but when the door opened and the now rugged looking King came back in a part of him was scared. Scared of what he might be capable of.
Fernando noticed.
He always noticed.
"What's wrong, darling?" He asked, reaching out to cup the Frenchmans face, reddened knuckles further contrasting their skin tones
"Did something happen?" Lance asked, eyebrows knitting together as he gazed up at the man towering over him
"Nothing important, mi rey." The man insisted, craning his neck in order to peck the boys lips, taking a seat on the mattress besides him as soon as he pulled away "Don't worry about anything, it's all under control"
Lance believed him, of course he did. What reasons did he have not to?
Not long after Fernando came in Lance had fallen asleep, head on the Spaniards shoulder as his breath steadied.
The man knew he had stuff to do and if he didn't move the boy soom he'd never get to work so he slowly lifted Lance, laying him on the mattress and covering him up. The boy slept as if he'd never faced any misfortune in his life, he hadn't. Not yet.
Fernando krept out of the room, looking back to make sure his groom was still asleep under his covers before closing and locking him in.
"Padre" A voice called, Fernando turning to see his oldest son and military commander just steps away
"Carlos, when did you return?" Fernando asked, little to no emotions in his voice as he spoke
"Just now." He confirmed, coming closer to his father so he could lower his voice "I've almost finished escorting Jesuits out of the kingdom but some have barricaded themselves in their homes. What should we do?"
"I'll handle it. Lead me to them, Carlito."
It was towards town square, one house in particular had a handfull of Jesuits in escondites throughout the large building.
Fernando wasn't stupid. He practically broke the door down, snapping the wooden plank holding it shut in two, Carlos following close behind because he knew many men were in the home but he also knew his father had a tendency of getting out of control once he started.
The king listened, lanza gripped hard in his left hand. He'd had it modified, shortened so he could use it easily even when he wasnt on horseback. It was ironic, his weapon of choice had always been a lanza but something felt different today. The name felt different. Lanza. Lance.
His fingers flexed around the wooden rod, knuckles white as he began searching the first floor, Carlos staying further back to watch. His father liked what he did and he liked doing it alone.
He could hear breathing, it was shakey, it was muffled, but it was near. He stopped walking, realizing the person was behind the bookshelf to his right. Fernando turned back to Carlos, nodding over to where he suspected the Jesuit to be hiding.
Fernando didn't want to move the shelf, figuring there was somewhere else they could run off to in the mean time so he positioned his lanza against the wood and shoved it forward, hearing the way skin tore under his blade. He knew it wasn't a serious injury because only seconds later the bastard began to pray
"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil."
He scoffed. Ridiculous. There was no St. Michael. No Archangel. No God. No Devil. But if there was, Fernando would be the closest thing to it.
He pulled his blade out harshly, shoving the now broken wood out of his way so he could reach the man easier, seeing him clutching his shoulder as he continued
"May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God,"
It was embarrassing, the King thought, how the man was still praying to his god after being put in this situation.
He reached out his hand to grab the frightened mans cappa. He shook under Fernando, practically falling to his knees as he began to sob. Not stopping his prayer. Fernando was going to let him finish.
"Thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
As soon as he heard the mans voice fade he slammed him against the caved in wall behind him, lanza positioned against his larynx. Fernando knelt down, the Jesuit too afraid to move
"There is no god." He spat, watching as the mans sobs became harder before he pierced his throat, the life leaving his eyes as he was propped up with the Spaniards blade.
It took time but eventually Fernando had managed to rid Madrid of the rest of the Jesuits. Anyone else would feel some sort of emotion, regret, fear, jealousy, Fernando just felt content. Knowing the Popes biggest supporters were either dead or exiled brought a smile to his face.
The walk back was nice, Carlos telling him the things he'd gotten into that day. His oldest truly was a mini-him. The other two mainly took after their mother but Carlos was the spitting image of Fernando and he couldn't wait for his boy to be king.
As they reached the palace Carlos told his father goodnight, going to see what food was left over from the ball while Fernando returned to Lance.
The Spanish king unlocked his door, eyes scanning the hall around him before he stepped in, making sure to re-lock it before finding his way back to his groom.
He was still asleep, eyelashes laying against his pale cheeks as he slept, soft smile on his face. He was beautiful, to Fernando, to everyone. The man still had his blade in his hand, his lanza, he hadn't bothered to wipe the blood off, simply stashing it in his wardrobe before finding his way to bed with the Frenchman.
It wad odd, sleeping in the same bed as someone you were just engaged to, but killing someone with your blade then laying with someone with the same name was stranger so Fernando couldn't be bothered to do anything differently.
Lance awoke hours later, registering the arms around his waist straight away, it was nice, foreign, but nice.
His hands found their way to the Spaniards, fingers lightly brushing over his rough knuckles, scabs forming over the cuts he'd made the night before. He was rugged, far more rugged than Lawrence.
Fernando was the first King, besides his father, that Lance had truly been in the presence of since he was very young, since the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle when he was only six.
He felt safe, for whatever reason, in the mans arms. He was so much larger than the boy, so much stronger, so much more powerful. Lance felt as though he could lay in Fernandos arms forever and never have to worry of anything bad happening to either of them.
"How'd you sleep, mi rey?" Fernando spoke softly, lips pressing against the nape of Lance's neck
"I slept good" Lance smiled, turning to face Fernando, checking to make sure he was as handsome as he remembered. "Did you sleep well?"
"How could I not" The king smiled back, hand leaving the princes waist to brush the hair from his face "Sleeping next to you was perfect, can not wait to do it every night."
Before Lance could respond there was a knock at the door, a man saying something in Spanish that caused Fernando to get up, petting the boys head as he left the mattress
"Let's get dressed, your father wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible."
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enlitment · 1 month
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idk something about the way this 1906 bio somehow manages to hit the beloved fanfic trope
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phatburd · 5 months
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The Poisoned Chalice
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Napoleonic Era RPF, French History RPF, 19th Century CE RPF, Historical RPF
Josephine de Beauharnais Bonaparte/Napoléon I de France | Napoléon Bonaparte
Napoléon I de France | Napoléon Bonaparte, Josephine de Beauharnais Bonaparte, Jean Lannes, Joachim Murat, Louis-Alexandre Berthier, André Masséna, Jean-Baptiste Bessières, Jean-Andoche Junot, Michel Ney, Hudson Lowe, Paul Barras, Ensemble
Additional Tags:
Terminal Illnesses, Fate & Destiny, Death, Afterlife, Myth & Folklore, Faustian Bargain, Magical Realism, Dubious Morality, Historical References, 19th Century, Ridley Scott can bite me, r/Fanfiction Exchange, Bittersweet Ending, Napoleonic Wars, Podfic Welcome
Collections: Fandom Diversity Fest Fate and Luck
Words: 2,500
Chapters: 1/1
When he was eight years-old, Napoleone di Buonaparte dreamt of glory on the battlefield, but the man in red saw he had an even far greater destiny ahead of him.
Echoing down through the centuries, dark rumors trail the legend of the man in red. Dressed all in crimson, be he demon, goblin, ghost, or the Devil himself, he appears when the nation of France stands on the precipice of great upheaval.
Now, Napoleon Bonaparte is fifty-one years old and he lies dying in the clutches of his captors, far from home. Does he have any last regrets?
This fic was written for the Fate and Luck Fest on the r/FanfictionExchange subreddit!
Special thanks to @cadmusfly for beta reading!
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vivelareine · 2 years
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This contemporary review of ‘A poetical Epistle from Marie Antoinette, Queen of France to Leopold II, Emperor of Germany’ by Thomas Atkinson really speaks to me.
Mr. Atkinson is very desirous that the sentiments contained in these pages should not be considered as his, but as coming from the Queen of France; and we suspect, that the Queen of France, were she to read them, would be as anxious to refer them back again, as the sole property of Mr. Atkinson.
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clemjolichose · 2 years
Me, looking at my special interest about Vilebrequin: mh.
Me, turning to my special interest about queer history and especially AIDS: okay...
What about--
Hear me out, how about I smash them together?
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salmondelicious · 4 months
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The burning Moscow
Inspired by @goddammitjosef 's article posted on AO3
This article impressed me, so I painted this.
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goddammitjosef · 8 months
go read my fic (plz)
No Archive Warnings Apply
F/M, M/M
French History RPF, Napoleonic Era RP
Aleksander I Pavlovich | Alexander I of Russia/Napoléon I de France | Napoléon Bonaparte
Josephine de Beauharnais Bonaparte/Napoléon I de France | Napoléon Bonaparte
Aleksander I Pavlovich | Alexander I of Russia
Napoléon I de France | Napoléon Bonaparte
Josephine de Beauharnais Bonaparte
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Smut, Handjob, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Unrequited Love, Edgeplay, Overstimulation, Making Out
Words: 3,557
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
will. i saw a poll asking whether sam winchester was a rapist in french mistake. and i was like no. of course not. sam would never. but then i read the script and rewatched the scene and like. after gen kissed sam, sam took her offered hand and follower her upstairs. and im like. did they do it? did they fuck??? and then i was like (was it hot?). and just like that whole messed-up-ness of that situation. s
anyways. i request a sam winchester/french mistake genievie fic
lol yeah i dont really do rpf, even supernatural’s canon fake rpf, because i have Zero interest in any of those people. BUT. i do have thoughts on this situation. they’re very simple: No. We’re not supposed to look at the comedic scene of Jared-playing-Sam-playing-Jared going off to have sex with his real world wife as Sam being a rapist. It’s a bit ridiculous to think that, you know? Supernatural loves its sexual violence; if it wanted this to be a scene we take seriously, it would be. but this is. the silly second-hand embarrassment rpf episode.
like, on a meta level we can argue how this scene reflects negatively on the writers’ views of consent and how this sort of joke comes up pretty commonly on spn. first other instance i can think of like this is in Andy’s first episode where we see him walk away from a sexy lady’s apartment immediately after we learn how his powers work, implying he used said powers to have sex with her. In the same way that the point of that scene is not to tell you Andy is an evil predator—because again, when the show wants to tell you that, it isn’t subtle. when his brother uses his powers to hurt a woman later, it isn’t framed in a comedic way like the earlier scene is—neither is this scene with sam and french mistake!gen meant to be anything other than a ‘haha wouldn’t it be funny if sam had sex with fake ruby? who is jared’s irl wife?’
there’s just a point at which we have to accept that supernatural was a show with a heavily male-dominated staff with a history of poor writing around consent and jokes about people using deception to get sex. and this wasn’t like. a 5D play by the writers to tell us which characters were secretly evil rapists. this is them being sexist. what’s happening here is misogyny on the writer level, and choosing to instead interpret it only through the lens of fandom-esque character cancelling is a useless endeavor.
tldr; we aren’t meant to be picking up on bad vibes in this scene because the writers literally did not realize there were unintentional bad vibes. because of the sexism.
or: its a joke, and anyone butthurt about it should probably not be watching supernatural. it might be a bit advanced for their level of media analysis lmao.
sorry aksjkfjgks you wanted fic you got slightly bitchy meta instead. not bitchy at you, to be clear, but this idea lol.
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formulatrash · 1 year
What's your take on the hockey booktok thing? Since you mentioned it on twt
my initial take would be that all these people scare me so much I don't want to get into it but also people keep messaging me to be like did you know people ship carlando" off the back of it and yes. I did know that.
my understanding of what's happened on booktok, which I absorb any information about only twice a year during whatever version of this is blowing up at the time, is pretty limited. partly because I'm not on tiktok and partly because I can't read. but the crux of it seems to have come down to people writing disgustingly thirsty comments on a hockey player and his wife's posts, regardless of what they were about, somehow feeling empowered to be horny not just on main but in someone's face because of booktok.
that's, clearly, not remotely acceptable. if there are communities of people out there that thirst about me I don't know about them (although the cold tendrils of horror about the Wikifeet page have just gripped me and no, oh god, that isn't the phrase I should've used at all get me out of here) but there are loads of people who fucking hate my guts. that's like, fine, it's their own business; if they keep it on discord or whatever and away from me it doesn't do me any harm. lord knows, I have committed the act of hating and indeed being horny, sometimes simultaneously, when I was at a safe enough distance for none of the subjects to ever know.
this is a thing about fandom. if you post "Max Verstappen looks breedable" on here then he's extraordinarily unlikely to ever see it or probably know what it means. if you comment that on Kelly's instagram posts, even if you don't like her and even if that's for valid reasons, that's very different.
as I gather it, the booktok thing has exploded into RPF in general. which, I gotta say, RPF and sexually harassing a dude and his family are in fact very different things. one has a rich history, both as actual ways of telling history (Anthony and Cleopatra: RPF, Chernobyl: RPF, the god damn Gran Turismo movie is RPF about an uncomfortably large number of people I know IRL and to be fair it looks like it slaps I'm gonna see it) and as a longstanding artform. RPF's history of horny is even extremely longstanding, with obscene RPF being used by both the French and Russian revolutionaries to undermine the concept of royal divinity.
RPF is political because it involves an interpretation of real events and people. and the perspective from which that's written will always be political. RPF can, certainly, be feminist; there's quite a lot of retellings of classical stories that fit this. RPF can, also, be fucking weird horny shit. or terrible man takes. or incredible, tender, queer retellings; Kaz Rowe's graphic novel about real-life surrealist Claude Cahun is an obvious example of the latter. Pride, the film about the miners' strikes and the AIDS crisis, is another.
so yeah, it is a legitimate and recognised form of literature and art and also uhhhh. well. I mean the omegaverse is definitely recognised, legally, in court because of that one case but I don't know that even its fiercest enthusiasts would really be all that keen on describing it. not as like, literature or anything just I think most people would rather literally never have an IRL conversation about that. ever.
I'm not 1000% clear on how carlando got into this but clearly that's broken containment a long time ago anyway. when you had Sky doing love heart interviews 15 races into them being teammates or whatever, there was an obvious amount of gay chicken being played by the producers that frankly, as a queer person in motorsport, I'm a lot more comfortable with the fan version of.
no, obviously, I do not think they are dating - or want to think that tbh - but frequently-queer fans projecting the wish fulfilment of seeing a kinder and more representative world for their desires, in places hidden from the subjects, is a lot less weird than leering, laughed-at dating questions and milk baths. in an ideal world it wouldn't have to be a secret, yearned-for alternative because things would be safe and open enough for there to be real queer stories everywhere but that, unfortunately, is not the one we currently live in.
wish fulfilment and telling stories are not the same things, necessarily. sometimes you tell the stories to remind yourself it's ok to have wishes or to work out what those even are. I don't think there's anything necessarily harmful about what names the characters have in those, provided the line between reality and any real people's privacy is kept.
clearly, with the booktok thing, that's where things went extremely wrong. generally tiktok as a whole seems to have a very odd perception about other people's agency, whether it's pranking videos or like the girl who filmed people peeing at Spa. if you regard everyday people as content opportunities (spoiler: the law does not think this and particularly in the EU you cannot film people without their consent) then I guess it's easy to slide over to seeing an athlete as a target for what I suspect very few of the people doing it recognised as very unpleasant and invasive harassment.
there's nothing wrong with fancying athletes. there's nothing even wrong with sexualising them, provided you respect some boundaries and provided it's not part of the conditions of their working contracts. there's a lot of difference between there being a discord where, idk, people say Mitch Evans is hot (he is, although somewhat implausibly he genuinely does not know this) and sponsors for female tennis players wanting them to wear revealing outfits and stay skinny or teenage girls being encouraged into provocative photoshoots by people who promise them roles, etc. teenage male athletes being pressured into doing things they don't want to yet or maybe at all to prove they're men, queer athletes being forced to hide who they are or repress it entirely.
would it be a little bit odd to find RPF of yourself? yes. I won't lie, I would judge the characterisation. I already do judge that on the frankly very weird things people write about me. you have never seen RPF as strange as the narratives people will make up about you in the comments of an article about hydrogen and frankly those scare me a lot more than whether someone thinks I'd be assigned beta or whatever.
stumbling across something, rather than having explicit sexual fantasies forced into your face, especially on what's your own social media pages where people you know in real life can see them, is very different though. some people who engage with RPF cross lines, whether that's weird conspiracy stuff about girlfriends being faked or stalking people's friends accounts etc.
RPF doesn't inherently cross lines, even when it's public; there's a very interesting interview here with Jann Mardenborough and the guy who plays him in the Gran Turismo movie about, among other things, portraying a fatal crash he was involved in. clearly, Jann is not only aware of but is the executive producer of what's ultimately fiction about himself and there's an ownership there, of course. but some parts of the movie are made up, for sure.
obviously I'm like, the not-very-secret infiltrator here because clearly I am On Tumblr and know what AO3 is. I follow a bunch of people who write fanfic because they also make nice gifs of my favourite blorbos and I like to think we can all make peace with our own boundaries about that kinda thing. also I read every single Shane/Ryan fic in like 5 weeks and honestly, not going to apologise except to myself for persisting with a few that didn't pay off.
but like: you do not have to make RPF or any fandom activity unethical. the way you conduct yourself does that and some people step way out of line.
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mossistyping · 5 months
I was tagged by @saviour-of-lord (thank you!!)
Who is your favourite driver? Charles and Oscar (do not make me choose)
Do you have any other favourite drivers? Max, Alex, Logan :)
Who is your least favourite driver? No further comments your honor. Due to recent events, I'm sorry but I'm really starting to dislike Carlos. I wouldn't say he's my least favorite, but thin ice right now.
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well? Mostly drivers!
If you like teams, what team do you pull for? Williams! I love underdogs, which is not smart of me. I like the family history too, even though I'm glad they've now got a better shot (...) since they were bought.
How long have you been into f1? Precisely November 8th 2023.
How did you get into f1? This is silly. I was telling @mercurial-vroom the tale recently. I was visiting my fiancé last summer and we were invited by our friends to have some wings + watch a replay. Honestly couldn't even tell you what GP it was. I was just enjoying the best wings of my life and vibing.
Well, I swear our friend must have put something in that fucking sauce, because I woke up in France several months later, on November 8th, with the urge to consume anything I could about F1. Now here I am.
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf? I never ever thought I would, but F1 threw the RPF liker beam at me. So yeah.
How do you view new fans? Being a new fan, I simply hope they have fun + like discovering the sport like I am. I hope they don't encounter the "old guard" who keeps pretending you as a fan need to have a fucking engineering degree to enjoy the sport. Especially if you're fem/adjacent. Enjoy the sport and leave the grumpy ones behind.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why? I would hate being in that situation. Please do not put me in that situation. Alpine could be fun though, being french and all.
Are your friends and family into f1 as well? My brother watches some GPs, but I also do not have the best relationship with him, so. Otherwise I have surpassed my fiancé's interest in F1, so it's mostly me live reacting to the races and him nodding along and smiling (bless him).
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends? Definitely!
Tagging @wanderingblindly (Leo 🤝 tagging Liquid 🤝 me), @mercurial-vroom, and @dwarvenchords if you'd like!
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scrollonso · 5 months
a sneak peak of what i have so far
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f1-stuff · 2 years
What was the reason that made you start shipping Charlos? I love your work, actually your multichapter is my confort fic for this season of hell, and I'll love to know what made you think : Ah yes, romance material. Like some specific reason (actually no, if you want to give us all the reasons would be great) maybe? Because yeah, we all know their behaviour in public 😂.
Ohoho what a question 😂 I will try to be brief...
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The first video of them together that I can remember made me insane was the jenga challenge and the outtakes, which inspired me to make my first f1 gifsets EVER! I'd been watching f1 races for about a year, and following Ferrari on social media, but hadn't really engaged with the content much bc of grad school...
So I consumed all the content I missed, and just fell in love with their dynamic. They make each other laugh, and Carlos seems to really bring Charles out of his shell. And they're both so talented and hardworking, but I love Charles' almost boyish raw talent paired with Carlos' hardwork perseveres ethic.
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I think, in general, just how touchy they are and comfortable in each other's space stuck out to me. I don't think I've ever seen such an openly tactile male friendship, especially coming from watching north american sports, where men seem a lot more repressed lol
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On top of that, the fact they have the same name and somehow ended up teammates with Ferrari just feels like fate or destiny or something... (but if they were both called Carlos or both Charles, I don't think I'd read or write fic. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face 😂)
I'm such a shipper tho - every fandom I've been in, I can't help it. I was previously a hockey blog, and in that fandom there were a looot of fics that really made me fall hard for pairings. Charlos was the opposite where there seemed to be sooo much actual content of the two of them interacting, where it almost feels like RPF watching it (I'm like, 'did they really just do/say that??'), but a total lack of fics. So I'm trying to remedy that 😅 (if you knew the number of fic prompts/ideas I have outlined that I haven't gotten to...)
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They're the hardest pairing I've ever written for actually bc they're both very charming and funny (their banter is on another level fr), as well as multilingual, which adds another complicated layer. Fortunately, spanish and italian are two languages I'd been learning for years, but I'm by no means fluent, and I know almost zero French haha. Also, they both just have really compelling histories, and it very quickly inspired in me an empathy and love for them.
Anyway, thanks for this ask! (I'm sorry it wasn't brief.) But to sum it up, idk if I can list an exact moment where it clicked - it was just an overall impression I got right away...
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((they make me so insane))
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beatrice-otter · 2 years
questions for fic writers: 7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Oooh, good question! I love worldbuilding. This is not all the worldbuilding I'm proud of, it's just the ones that popped into my head as I was thinking about this question. (I've been writing fanfic for 20 years or thereabouts, so I don't always remember everything I've written even if I really like it.)
In Juno's Lands. (Stargate SG-1, gen, Daniel & Teal'c) This story comes from two places. One is the artwork it was made for (it's a reverse big bang piece) and the other is my ongoing frustration with how white all people in the Stargate galaxy are. These people are supposedly descended from North Africans kidnapped through the Stargate 10k years ago, why aren't more of them black? Yes, they're Egyptians, and most modern Egyptians are fairly light-skinned; but that's the result of successive waves of conquest from the Greeks to the Romans to the Arabs to the Europeans. So I decided I was going to have Daniel and Teal'c marooned on a planet where the locals were as dark-skinned as they ought to be by rights. I was frustrated by a lack of sources available to me in English in the time I had to write the story, so most of the worldbuilding isn't based on any particular North African tribes, but I was able to get at least the names and some of the language. And the economy and village life and temple functioning were based more on "okay, but how would the sort of stuff we usually see in Goa'uld-owned planets actually work?" and my long-ago history degree than anything else.
From Castle to Palace. Beauty and the Beast/French History RPF. Figuring out how to fit the Beast into real French history was fun, and then figuring out "so what would be going on in the French court at this time, and how would people react to Belle, what would her options be?" was even more fun. I wrote all 17k of it in like a week or so, because the ideas just kept coming. If I'd known more about Revolutionary France, or had more time to research (it was a Yuletide treat), it would have gone longer, I had all these vague ideas for how having the Beast as king instead of the guy who was (in real life) King Louis XVI would change things, especially with Belle there as an advisor.
The Genetics Factory. Criminal Minds/SG-1, Derek Morgan. So this one started with me watching that CM episode where Derek holds little Henry (I think it was Henry? idek, it was years ago) and deciding that he would be a great dad, and how could we accomplish that, and my main fandom was SG-1 at the time, so this melded with some Thoughts I was having re: the Trust/Evil NID. To wit: getting people with the Ancient Gene is really fricking important for the safety of the planet and the ability to exploit Ancient technology, and the Trust/Evil NID has already demonstrated their willingness to do Evil Mad Science on humans. How might these two facts combine? If the Trust/Evil NID were going to make a baby factory to produce people with the Ancient gene, how would that work? And then once I had that answer, I added Derek Morgan, and voila!
Keshta'shivau. Star Trek AOS, Spock/Nyota. This was inspired by me reading a lot of stories about Spock and what the Vulcans were doing and how that would affect his relationships, and getting annoyed because none of the worldbuilding fit with my ideas of Vulcans. So I did my own! This is heavily influenced by the Star Trek TOS novels of the 80s and 90s, especially the ones by Diane Duane. (Spock's World was formative, for me.) So I extrapolated from that to "what does that mean for Vulcans after their homeworld has been destroyed?"
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surfeitofpeaches · 9 months
My name is Meg (or Yzma, depending on what part of the internet you have recognized or followed me from) and I'm here to share my thoughts.
Back on tumblr after many years as a place to put my various live reads and watches. I'm active on twitter as bl_yzma but have found that it's not a great place to have longer form conversations about books and shows or to post more than a few sentences on a single topic. So, I've created this new space strictly for that. More degenerate and Weird content will still probably be on twitter.
As an introduction, I'm an adult fandom person (turned 35 this year) and have been active in a variety of fandoms since I was 13 - Lord of the Rings (and for a good while lotrips), historical rpf, Hoyoverse games (mostly Genshin), lots of anime fandoms (Eva, Trigun, Psycho-Pass as big examples), LOST for a good while, football rpf, World of Warcraft... the list has been long and it gets longer. Right now, historical RPF and the Hoyo games are probably my biggest time sink.
My primary fannish interests at the moment for historical rpf are heavily towards the 12th/early 13th century England with a smattering late Roman empire and Mesoamerica. While I don't work currently as a historian, in museums or other adjacent spaces, I have worked as a research assistant and TA while working on my Master's. My research interests at the time started with the mistresses and illegitimate children of Henry II and then (after an affair with a much older man who was working in a very period, shifting dramatically and not in a great way to) pornography and the female body in the French Revolution. I've studied both in the United States and in Europe, taught high school history for a while, but now I work for a nonprofit dealing with evictions and homelessness.
All that to say, most of this blog will likely just be my reactions and thoughts on various history/historical fiction books, films, articles and fanfiction that I read - maybe some fantasy and science fiction stuff as well if I'm feeling up to it. I used to do these live watch megathreads for Lost on LiveJournal when it was airing and I loved being able to look back at them. This is a very long introduction that I'm not sure many people will care to read, but I wanted to make clear-ish what a person might be getting into if they decided to follow my blog. :P
My current list of possible threads include The Devil's Crown (1978), a reread of Warriors of God by James Reston (meh?? we'll see?? I have a bunch of notes and tabs in it but what I've reread doesn't grab me like it did when I was in high school and I've already found a Ton of very bad History in it just from a quick glance), The Brothers Karamazov (if I can find a buddy reader), Matthew Strickland's Henry the Young King, a bunch of articles of religion during the reign of King John (for a class I'm teaching), maybe the audiobook version of Natasha Seigel's Solomon's Crown, C.S. Pacat's Dark Heir and Sherry Parker-Chan's She Who Became the Sun.
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