#French royal
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Louis de Boullogne II, Attributed (French, 1654-1733) Portrait du comte de Toulouse en costume de novice de l'Ordre du Saint-Esprit (The Count of Toulouse in the habit of a novice of the Holy Spirit), 1693 Chantilly, musée Condé
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alternatehistoryworlds · 10 months
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AU: Valois House. Children Francis I and Claude Valois.
Luisa(1515 - 1576). Queen of Spain and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Wife of Charles V. Despite the fact that the age difference between the spouses was 16 years, they loved each other. Charles treated his young wife with tenderness. She was interested in music, dancing and writing. Luisa and Charles had 7 children: John III, Claude, Philip, Ramiro, Ferdinand, Joana, Charles.
Charlotte(1516 - 1570). Queen of Portugal. Wife of Juan III and mother of 6 children: José I, Manuel, Isabella, Sancho, Aldegunda, Mary. Charlotte devoted much time to the education of her children and the enlightenment of the Portuguese court. She was the favorite sister of Francis II and maintained a close relationship with his wife.
Francis II(1518 - 1590). King of France. Husband of Mary Tudor. Francis loved his wife. Unlike his father and brothers, he never had mistresses or children out of wedlock. The reign of Francis II was an era of prosperity and rise. Father of 8 children: Claude, Francis III, Catherine, Charlotte, Tristan, Raoul, Adele, Henry.
Henry(1519 - 1587). Duke of Orleans. Husband of Catherine de Medici and father of 10 children: Francis, Elizabeth, Claude, Louis, Charles, Henry, Margaret, Hercule, Victoria and Jeanne. All his life loved only his mistress Diana de Poitiers, even wanted to marry her, but because of pressure from his father did not do it.
AU: дом Валуа. Дети Франциска I и Клод Валуа.
Луиза(1515 - 1576). Королева Испании и императрица Священной римской империи. Жена Карла V. Несмотря на то, что разница в возрасте между супругами была 16 лет, они любили друг друга. Карл с нежностью относился к молодой жене. Интересовалась музыкой, танцами и писательством. У Луизы и Карла родилось 7 детей: Хуан III, Клод, Филипп, Рамиро, Фердинанд, Хуана, Карл.
Шарлотта(1516 - 1570). Королева Португалии. Жена Жуана III и мать 6 детей: Жозе I, Мануэль, Изабелла, Саншу, Альдегунда, Мария. Шарлотта уделяла много времени образованию своих детей и просвящению Португальского двора. Была любимой сестрой Франциска II и поддерживала близкие отношения с его женой.
Франциск II(1518 - 1590). Король Франции. Муж Марии Тюдор. Франциск любил свою жену. В отличие от отца и братьев у него никогда не было любовниц и внебрачных детей. Правление Франциска II было эпохой процветания и подъёма. Отец 8 детей: Клод, Франциск III, Екатерина, Шарлотта, Тристан, Рауль, Адель, Генрих.
Генрих(1519 - 1587). Герцог Орлеанский. Муж Екатерины Медичи и отец 10 детей: Франциск, Елизавета, Клод, Людовик, Карл, Генрих, Маргарита, Эркюль, Виктория и Жанна. Всю жизнь любил только свою любовницу Диану де Пуатье, даже хотел на ней жениться, но из-за давления отца не стал этого делать.
Part 1.
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ancientsstudies · 5 months
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Château de Versailles by michaelthecanadian.
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chrasilla · 1 year
i love wes anderson's regulars because if i was a famous director i too would only do stuff with my friends and include them in everything i do
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tomcat-reusables · 4 months
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Getting into Wes Anderson and don’t know what to watch? Refer to this handy dandy flow chart I made.
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Dancers of the Royal Ballet in Cambodia
French vintage postcard
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edgarallennope · 1 year
Wes Anderson's cinematic canon is a diverse and colourful spectrum of comedy and tragedy that frequently explores familial dysfunction, grief, solitude and otherness to YOU. To me it is a cinematic universe. Bill Murray is the same guy in all of those films.
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The thing about Wes Anderson's films is that I don't always connect with the stories he is telling, but by fucking god do I appreciate the craftmanship that went into making them.
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escapismsworld · 4 months
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Forest House in the French Alps 🇫🇷
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diorsiren · 16 days
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transbookoftheday · 7 months
Transfem Book Recs for International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day! Here are some transfem book recommendations for you:
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Book Titles:
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier
Joy, to the World by Kai Shappley and Lisa Bunker
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt
Just Happy To Be Here by Naomi Kanakia
Me and My Dysphoria Monster by Laura Kate Dale and Hui Qing Ang
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes
Fake It by Lily Seabrooke
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Fierce Femmes And Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom
Princess of the Pomegranate Moon by Emily Wynne
Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
The Ojja-Wojja by Magdalene Visaggio and Jenn St-Onge
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod and Jess Taylor
Into the Gray by Margaret Killjoy
Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plante
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Jean Marc Nattier (French, 1685-1766) Princess Anne-Henriette of France - The Fire, Detail, ca.1750-51 São Paulo Museum of Art
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alternatehistoryworlds · 10 months
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AU: Valois House. Children Francis I and Claude Valois.
Madeleine(1520 - 1583). Queen of Scots. Wife of James V and mother of 9 children: Kenneth IV, Duncan III, Mary, Malcolm, Margaret, Donald, Francis, Claude and Annabel. Madeleine and Jacob's marriage, was a happy one. Was very devout, patronized the church and helped the poor.
Charles(1522 - 1597). Duke of Angouleme. Husband of Anne of Austria. The married life of Anne and Charles was not happy. In marriage 5 children were born: Francis, Etienne, Gerard, Claude and Anne. In 1545 he took part in hostilities against the English and contracted the plague in a military camp, the king feared for the life of his son, but soon the Duke went on the mend. Charles was an ardent lover of literature. His personal library was considered the largest in Europe.
Margaret(1523 - 1593). Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Wife of Maximilian II and mother of 7 children: Anne, Helena, Franz I, Mary, Matthias, Wenzel and Barbara. Margaret and Maximilian had a happy marriage. She was charitable, and because of this she won the love of her subjects. She was considered the most educated woman of her time
AU: дом Валуа. Дети Франциска I и Клод Валуа.
Мадлен(1520 - 1583). Королева Шотландии. Жена Якова V и мать 9 детей: Кеннет IV, Дункан III, Мария, Малькольм, Маргарита, Дональд, Фрэнсис, Клод и Аннабель. Брак Мадлен и Якова был счастливым. Была очень набожной, покровительствовала церкви и помогала бедным.
Карл(1522 - 1597). Герцог Ангулемский. Муж Анны Австрийской. Супружеская жизнь Анны и Карла была не счастливой. В браке родилось 5 детей: Франциск, Этьен, Жерар, Клод и Анна. В 1545 году принимал участие в боевых действиях против англичан и заразился чумой в военном лагере, кароль опасался за жизнь своего сына, но вскоре герцог пошёл на поправку. Карл был ярым любителем литературы. Его личная библиотека считалась самой большой в Европе.
Маргарита(1523 - 1593). Императрица Священной римской империи. Жена Максимилиана II и мать 7 детей: Анна, Хелена, Франц I, Мария, Маттиас, Венцель и Барбара. У Маргариты и Максимилиана был счастливый брак. Была милосердной, благодаря этому и завоевала любовь подданных. Считалась самой образованной женщиной своего времени.
Part 2.
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Battle of Trafalgar by John Christian Schetky
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champagnexowishes · 11 months
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europesroyalsjewels · 7 months
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Empress Eugenie’s Pearl & Diamond Tiara ♕ The Louvre Museum
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