#Friday the 13th movie
fanofspooky · 4 months
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“No! You can't be alive!”
Friday The 13th Part III
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bleachcakes · 8 months
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I drew this back in August but I feel like you all need to see the babygirlification of my favorite Jason Voorhees
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bubbleteapenguin · 2 years
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No horny teens allowed (except his mom because she made the snacks and allowed him to stay up an extra hour)! 
(2020 art)
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
Hidan: Hey, blondie; what’r your plans for the night?
Deidara, grinning: I convinced Sasori to watch a Friday the 13th movie marathon with me, hm.
Hidan: Really? Damn you’re lucky; you’re about to get some primo sexy time.
Konan: What are you talking about?
Hidan: Everyone knows that cheesy slasher movies like those aren’t really for watching, babe. They’re for putting on in the background while you get busy with someone.
Konan: Really? I had no idea. Well, enjoy yourself, Dei.
Deidara: Thanks, hm!
*later, in a dark room on the couch, with the tv playing the movies*
Sasori: … and that was completely unbelievable. In the first place, a decapitation is no where near as clean as that. Chances are there will still be strands of tissue and muscle connecting the head to the neck. And did you see how dull that machete looked?? There’s no possible way that —
Deidara, who’s waiting for Sasori to notice that he’s been naked for the past three hours: 
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misstwisted · 8 months
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Made sense to me at the time when I made it
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discordix1031 · 11 days
Jason's Birthday/Friday the 13th! 🎂 📅
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Friday the 13th has returned, and so too has Jason Voorhees ✨! This superstitious day is one of the most remembered of the year, and every time it shows up, I feel like it's Halloween all over again 👻. I'll be honest here; I have no idea when Jason's birthday really is in canon, but I figured since he comes back to Camp Crystal Lake on this day almost every year, I wanted to make his birthday on every Friday the 13th 😀. This tiny killer is on the hunt to take a slice out of this cake and smother himself in the red icing. With his cake knife in hand, he is ready to eat the whole thing!
The Tiny Terror is hungry 🤣! - Ghost.
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cinefiliz · 11 months
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Friday the 13th Part II
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bored-writer101 · 1 year
Friday The 13th (2009) Clay Miller X Reader
A/N: i love horror movies sm so you can understand my surprise when i was watching the friday the 13th remake and jared padalecki showed up on screen😂 i wanted to do a rewrite of this movie after the first time i watched it. of course when i went back to finish it, they had taken the movie off of netflix so i had to rent it😂😭 by anyway! i hope you all enjoy! :) (female reader)
Warnings: this is a rewrite of a rated r horror movie so decent amount of gore and swearing
Summary: You are Clay Miller’s girlfriend. He’s taken you to the middle of bumfuck nowhere, looking for his sister, Whitney. She’s been missing for a month and a half after she went on a camping trip with some friends. You and Clay are determined to find her, but there is a hockey masked killer who is waiting in the woods for you.
Words: 8631
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(not my gif)
You hopped off the back of Clay's motorcycle, following him into the dingy gas station. He walked up to talk to the clerk while you glanced around the store. You didn't find anything you wanted, so you walked over to stand next to Clay.
"She's gone missing, about a month and a half ago," he said as he pulled the missing posters out of his backpack, "would you mind if I maybe just put a flyer in the window or something?"
"Oh, I heard about that. That's sad. If it was up to me, you could wallpaper the whole place with them," as the clerk spoke, the man behind Clay tapped him on the arm, and Clay waved him off before turning back to the clerk, "but the owner makes the rules. And he's a real-" the man made a honking noise as he raised his eyebrows high on his forehead, implying that the owner was an asshole.
You and Clay both gave him a confused look, "um, well, is he here? Maybe I could talk to him. Maybe if he understood the situation-" the man behind Clay tapped him on the arm again, and you both turned to look at him.
"Um, you gonna buy something? I mean, you've been up here for quite a while yapping, so..." you glared daggers at him; you could not believe the audacity of this guy.
"Um, sure. Yeah," Clay said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side before you could tell the guy off.
"Thanks. We'll have two waters and some gas," the guy said to the clerk once the two of you were out of the way.
"Guess I'm an asshole" Clay muttered loud enough for the guy to hear, while you continued to glare.
"You okay bro? Is everything good?" the guy asked with smug smile.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks. But I'm not your bro" Clay replied.
"So you don't want be friends? You don't wanna hang out?" the guy teased, chuckling to himself.
"You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you," you said angrily.
Clay squeezed your hand, and you glanced up at him. He gave you a look you knew all too well, one that told you to stop while you were ahead. You only rolled your eyes at him before going back to glaring at the guy.
"Let it go, Trent," the girl next to Trent placed a hand on his arm, trying to diffuse the situation.
"It's not me. This guys being a dick," you and Clay both scoffed at him.
"Yeah, it's me. Obviously, I'm the one being a dick" Clay said sarcastically, "sir, thank you very much anyways" Clay said politely to the clerk.
"Yep" the clerk replied with a tight lipped smile.
"I'm sorry," the girl said to Clay as you walked past.
"Thank you" Clay replied quietly before he gently tugged you out of the gas station.
You let go of Clay's hand to grab the helmet sitting on the back of his motorcycle, "god, that clerk was such a condescending jerk! How much you wanna bet he was the owner? And that fucking dickhead too! What is it with the people around here?" you ranted, annoyed.
You looked up when Clay didn't respond. You saw him taping a flyer to the back of a black SUV you hadn't noticed before. There weren't any other vehicles, so it must have belonged to the dickhead guy. You chuckled.
"What?" you only shook your head at him with a smile before putting your helmet on.
Clay swung his leg over the seat of his motorcycle, and you got on behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. You watched Trent and the rest of his buddies get back into their car. One of the guys got into the trunk, reaching up and pulling it shut. You watched them drive away, Whitney's missing poster stuck to the trunk.
Clay kicked the ignition and you felt the engine rumble to life beneath you before he pulled out of the parking lot. You were only on the road for a few minutes when a cop car flashed it's lights behind you. You felt Clay's chest rise and fall with a heavy sigh as he pulled off to the side of the road. You leaned back slightly and quickly ripped off your helmet.
"Do you know why we're getting pulled over?" you questioned him, "is it cause you're not wearing a helmet? I've told you a million times-"
He cut you off, "it's not that. Just let me do the talking, alright?"
You heard a car door open and close behind you, "welcome back, Clay," the police officer called out as he started walking over.
"You mean that, Officer Bracke?" Clay replied sarcastically.
"And I see you brought a friend this time," the officer said as he approached. He sighed as he pulled off his large aviators, and you knew he was going to try to sympathize, "son, I know you think we're not on your side, that we're just a bunch of dumb country hicks out here."
'That's putting it lightly,' you thought.
"I put two, ten year veterans on that case. We did three dozen interviews and ran a county wide search for your sister. You know how many thousands of people disappear every year, even in this state alone? There's no evidence that anything happened to Whitney or any of those other kids at Crystal Lake," the cop explained, and you rolled your eyes, not caring if he saw.
"There's no car, no witnesses. Nothing. One of those kids was her boyfriend, right?"
"Right," Clay replied with a nod.
"Well, they probably just took off together," it was taking all your self control to not start yelling.
Clay scoffed, "our mother just died of cancer. Did I tell you that?"
"No, sir."
"Well, she did. She was sick for a long time and Whitney took care of her every single day. And then my sister didn't show up for the funeral. See, you just don't know my sister. That's not possible," Clay explained.
"Well, she's not here, son. I would suggest taking your friend here, and try looking someplace else. That's what the other families are doing," the cop said as he placed his aviators back on his face, having used up all the sympathy he had for that day.
The cop turned and started walking back towards his cruiser, and you waited until you heard the car door shut before speaking, "what the actual fuck. The people around here continue to amaze me," you said as the cop drove past.
You looked up at Clay when he didn't say anything, or make a move to start his bike. You could see his jaw was clenched. He stared at the cop car as it drove down the the road, slowly becoming a small dot on the horizon.
"Are you okay?" you asked as you hugged him tight, leaning onto his shoulder.
"I'm fine."
You sighed, knowing that he was far from fine, "I'm sorry, honey. She's here, and we're gonna find her," you said before leaning up and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you," he said softly.
He kicked the ignition on and waited for you to put your helmet back on before pulling onto the road. The cop car had already faded away in the distance. You hoped you wouldn't be seeing him again.
The sun was still high in the sky even though it felt like you had been out all day. It wasn't sweltering hot, but with no cloud cover the sun was beating down on you. The only breeze you were getting was when Clay was speeding down the road.
You were surrounded by cornfields and farmland on either side. There weren't many houses around, and there were many miles in between each one. It took many minutes of driving before you made it to the next house. Clay pulled up and parked at the end of the dirt path that led to the front door. You looked around at the junk scattered in the front yard as the two of you got off Clay's bike. You got a sense of unease as goosebumps spread across your skin. You noticed Clay walking up the path towards the house, and you hurried to catch up with him. You gripped his arm once you were walking next to him. He chuckled as he glanced down at you.
"What? You scared?" he teased you.
"Uh, of course I am! What kind of a question is that?..." your voice trailed off as you continued to scan your surroundings.
"Hello?" Clay called out as you approached the door.
The front door was open, but the screen door was shut and locked. You had full view into the house through the glass. You could see into a cluttered kitchen. There was a large wreath hanging on the side of the fridge.
"Hello?" Clay called out again before knocking on the door a few times.
After a few seconds of silence, you spoke up, "looks like no ones home. Let's get the hell out of here," you let go of his arm to wrap your arms around yourself.
"Hold on, I'm gonna leave a flyer."
"Good idea, but hurry up, please."
Clay knelt down to open his backpack and get a flyer out. As he did this, an all black dog jumped up on the screen door, barking loudly. You both jumped back, you letting out a loud, "shit!" as you reached for Clay.
"Christ!" he exclaimed as the two of you watched the medium sized dog jump at the door while continuing to bark.
The dog growled as an older lady with graying hair came to the door. She grabbed the dogs collar and opened the door, an angry scowl on her face. You gripped Clays jacket tightly as you stood somewhat behind him.
"I just wanted to ask you a question" the dog barked again, startling both you and Clay.
"Hush!" the woman yelled at the dog.
"I wanted to ask you, um, if maybe you've seen somebody. My sister" Clay said shakily as he held up the flyer, "she came camping up around here with some friends and she's gone missing," the woman looked down at the flyer before looking back up at Clay.
"She ain't missing. She's dead," she said, matter of factly.
"People go missing around here, they're gone for good. Outsiders come, they don't know where to walk. They bring trouble. We just wanna be left alone! And so does he," the lady explained.
"So does who?" Clay asked.
She didn't answer, she just reached out and pulled door closed.
"Ma'am, please. So does who?" she ignored Clay's plea, instead she turned and walked back into her house, pulling the dog along with her.
You looked up at Clay, who looked down at you with a terrified and confused expression, "what the hell do you think she was talking about?" he muttered as the two of you turned and began walking back toward his motorcycle.
"I don't know. Some local legend, maybe? I think every towns got 'em," Clay chewed at the nail on his thumb anxiously, "she doesn't know anything. She probably got told some scary story as a kid because all these small town hicks don't like 'outsiders.' We're gonna keep looking until we find Whitney," you reassured him.
Clay nodded as he leaned back against his back, still chewing on his nail. You sighed deeply as you walked to stand in front of him.
"What now?" you asked.
"We keep driving. Hit every house we see. Then we can try to search the camp," you nodded before the two of you got back onto his motorcycle.
You drove a ways down the road, the sun was starting to get low in the sky as you parked in front of a large, red barn. You could hear some sort of machinery buzzing inside. Clay hopped of the motorcycle, setting his backpack down before pulling off his jacket. You quickly snatched it from him, wrapping it around you. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a lopsided smile.
"You stay here this time, yeah?" you nodded, not wanting to deal with anymore weird country folk.
He leaned in and kissed you quick before turning and walking into the barn. After about a minute he came walking back out, and you heard somebody yelling from the barn. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you stood up. You saw Clay walking back over to you.
"What was that all about?" you asked, and he shook his head.
"Just another weirdo. Let's go."
The next house you pulled up to looked somewhat normal, so you walked with Clay up to the front door. It was a large vacation looking cabin. You knocked while Clay reached down to pull a flyer from his backpack.
"Hi, we're sorry to bother you. We're looking for someone and..." your voice trailed off as you recognized the girl in the doorway; ur was the girl from the gas station.
"Hey" she said, also recognizing the two of you.
You smiled and nodded back as a greeting.
"No luck?" she asked with a frown.
"No. No, not yet"
"May I?" she asked, reaching out for the flyer.
"Yeah" Clay said as he handed it to her.
"She's pretty."
"Thanks" Clay said quietly.
"Do you guys wanna come in for a second, grab a drink?" she asked.
"Uh..." you and Clay glanced at each other before looking back at her, " I don't think your boyfriend would like that too much" you nodded in agreement.
"Don't worry about it. He'll be fine" you and Clay glanced at each other again before you shrugged.
"Thanks" Clay said with a smile.
The two of you stepped into the house, the girl closing the door behind you. You followed her into what looked like the living room. You saw two guys sitting at at table eating, and another girl holding up a video camera. She pointed it over at the two of you, but you could see her aim it at Clay. You felt jealously begin to boil in your gut, but it didn't have long to simmer. The guy from before came out from the kitchen.
"Hey, Trent, uh, you remember..." she trailed off as she gestured to the two of you.
"Clay," he said.
"Y/N," you squeaked out, feeling a mix of anger and jealously.
Trent did not look too happy with the two of you, "Of course I remember Clay and Y/N. Why are they in my house?"
"Hey, new guy, and new girl. Beer?" the girl who was previously holding the video camera held out a beer can in both hands.
"No, no," Trent put out a hand to stop her before you could snap at her, "they've gotta get going. You got flyers to pass out, right?" you bit the inside of your cheek as to not flip out on this douchebag.
"Yeah," Clay said simply, "right"
"Look, if you're hungry, we-" Trent cut his girlfriend off.
"Okay. Look, Clay, Y/N, obviously she's just trying to be nice. But you two can't stay here. No offense, but this is a private party. I don't know you."
"No, you don't know us." Clay said.
"That's so funny, I just said that. Like two seconds ago, that I don't know you. I would probably leave soon before I get pissed off and you know..." Trent trailed off, and you stifled your laughter.
"Yeah?" Clay egged him on.
"Yeah," he replied sternly.
"What happens then?" Clay continued to antagonize him.
"Hey, look. Take it easy, Trent, all right?" the girl stepped between the boys, pressing a hand to Trent's chest, "I'll just- I'll walk you out, the three of you turned and walked toward the door.
"Jenna. Jenna, come on. Where are you going?" Trent called out, but she ignored him as she slammed the door behind her.
"Sorry about that" Jenna said to you.
"That's alright. It's his house, you know?" Clay said.
"Where's your car?" she asked as she looked around.
"I do not have a car, but I do have her" he said, as you walked up to his motorcycle.
"I bet she's fast. My uncle used to have a bike just like this."
"Oh, yeah. She goes real fast," Clay responded with a chuckle.
"So where you off to next?" Jenna asked after a moment of silence.
"Well, we haven't been to the other side of the lake yet, so we were probably gonna go check that out," Clay told her.
"You guys want some company?" she asked, and you could see the pleading look in her eyes.
You glanced at Clay before looking back at her, "we'd love some company," you told her.
Instead of taking his motorcycle, Jenna suggested you walk down the trail that circles the lake. You happily agreed and the three of you made your way toward the trail. You walked on Clay's right, while Jenna walked on his left. You walked in silence for a bit before Jenna spoke up.
"So you and your sister must be pretty close?"
"Yeah, we were pretty close when we were younger. But we kinda drifted, you know. I mean, I bailed when I was 17, and she stayed with my mom. Um, she kind of had to, I guess. I don't know, she's always been the responsible one" Clay explained.
"So, when's the last time you talked to her?" Jenna asked.
"Uh, about six months ago. We got into a fight, actually. She uh, she called and said she wanted to see me. Said she was counting on me, and I never showed."
"Hold on," you said as you knelt down on the side of the trail.
You picked up the object from the ground, twirling it around in your hands. Clay and Jenna came over too look over your shoulder at what you had found.
"What is that?" Jenna asked.
Clay leaned down and you handed it to him, "it's a GPS," he said as you stood back up and continued walking.
Clay handed it back to you after examining it more closely. The screen was cracked and it wouldn't turn on. You shoved it into your back pocket and continued down the trail. You walked a few more minutes before coming across the entrance to a camp. The sign above the entrance read CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE in fading white pain. You felt yourself shiver as you read the words, and you hugged Clay's jacket tighter around you.
The three of you searched all the old cabins. They were decrepit and dusty. All the old furniture was still there. The bunk beds and dressers, old lamps and toys. It was eerie to see all of the old things. You wondered how long it had been since camp had actually been held here.
The sun had set by the time you had searched almost all the cabins. Fortunately, Clay had packed two flashlights in his backpack. You gave yours to Jenna, as you could see the fear is her eyes. You did your best to stay close to Clay.
"Let's just check out this last cabin, then we'll head back" Clay said as you walked toward the final cabin.
The cabin was just as old and dirty as the rest. There were dirty baby dolls and other toys scattered all over the floor, along with the the bunk beds that were falling apart. A matted teddy bear in the corner of the room made you want to turn back for the door.
"You really should call the police" Jenna said, and you turned and hurried over to them when you realized they had moved a room over.
"I've already called. They're not looking for her anymore. No one is, except for us" Clay replied.
"Then they should look harder because-" Jenna was cut off by the floorboards breaking underneath her foot, she gasped is surprise, "ow!" she cried out as her foot fell a few inches to the dirt ground below.
"You all right?" you asked as you reached your hand out for hers.
"I'm okay, I'm okay" she lifted her foot out of the hole, bringing it up to rub her ankle.
"You sure?" Clay asked.
She nodded, "yeah."
Clay reached down and picked up a dirt crusted baby doll from out of the hole in the floor.
"Please put that nasty ass thing down," you said, and he promptly threw the doll back on the floor.
"Let's get out of here," you nodded at his words.
"Yes please."
The three of you quickly made your way out of the cabin. You walked down the dirt path until Clay's flashlight began to flicker before turning off completely.
"Give me a sec, I gotta change my batteries," Clay said as he stopped to kneel down and get some batteries out of his backpack.
Jenna shined her flashlight down so he could see while you scanned your surroundings. Surprisingly, there were still some lights on the outside of the cabins that still worked. It didn't help much in illuminating the camp, though. Suddenly, you heard rustling in the distance behind you. The three of your heads shot toward the noise.
"Someone's coming," Clay said before he got up and grabbed your hand.
"Oh shit. Let's go" Jenna said, grabbing onto your arm.
Clay pulled the two of you along to a canoe holder a few feet away. You helped Jenna slide underneath before you followed quickly behind. Clay squished himself next to you and the three of you laid there silently. Jenna held a hand over her mouth to quiet her breathing. A tall, shadowy figure came walking down the main trail that cut through the whole camp. You couldn't make out many details in the darkness, but as they approached Clay's discarded backpack, it looked like a body bag was slung over their shoulder. You held tightly onto Clay's arm as you did your best to keep your breathing steady.
The figure walked up to Clay's backpack, and threw what they had been carrying to the ground with a loud thump. Now you were certain it was a dead body as you stared at the bloody stump where their head used to be. Your eyes widened and your hand flew to your mouth to stop the scream rising in your throat. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You held on tighter to Clay's arm, surely leaving imprints in his skin.
You saw the figure pick up Clay's backpack before tossing it back down. They then turned and walked off. You didn't know what he was doing at first, but it didn't matter. Clay quickly slid out from underneath the canoes and reached down to pull you out. You helped him yank Jenna out before the three of you then ran quietly to hide behind a nearby tree. You saw that whoever it was had turned on a large spotlight before walking back over to where you had been previously hiding. They angrily ripped the canoes off their holders, throwing them to the ground haphazardly. They looked around for a few seconds before they lifted the body back up and threw it over their shoulder. They grabbed Clay's backpack with their free hand and started walking towards one of the cabins.
"Wheres he going?" Clay whispered as he crept towards another tree, trying to keep the figure in sight.
"Oh my god. We gotta go," Jenna whispered frantically, but Clay shushed her.
"I gotta follow him," you grabbed Clays arm.
"Are you insane?!" you whisper yelled at him.
"He had a dead body. We gotta go. We gotta warn my friends," Jenna added.
"Jenna's right, we need to get the fuck out of here."
"Okay, okay" Clay said as he turned to follow you and Jenna.
You crept around quietly until you were a few cabins down, the. you started running. The three of you sprinted out of the camp, Jenna leading while you ran behind her. Clay took up the rear as you made your way back towards the house. You had only made it about half way when Jenna tripped over something in front of you. You stopped and helped her up.
"You okay?" Clay asked her.
"Yeah" she replied, breathlessly.
"What the hell is that?" you asked as you knelt down next to Clay.
He pulled up in a string that was at about ankle height across the path. Jenna grabbed your arm and tugged you up.
"Come on, let's go."
You continued running down the trail, following close behind Jenna. You ran for what felt like hours. Your heart continued to pound loudly in your ears as you struggled to breath. You crossed over a small bridge, a landmark that told you that you were getting close. You forced your legs to keep moving as you could see the house come into view.
"Thank god" you muttered, using the last of your strength to make it to the house.
You ran up the steps to the back of the house. Jenna shoved it open and the three of you rushed inside. Jenna went into the living room while Clay slammed the door behind you. You let out a sigh of relief as you turned the lock.
"Shit! You scared the piss out of me," one of the guys from earlier exclaimed.
Your relief was short lived as you remembered who's house you were in. Clay looked out the glass of the doors, scanning the tree line to make sure that person wasn't following you. You stood next to him with your hands cupped up against the glass as you peered out into the moonlight night.
"Where is everybody? T-There's a guy out there carrying a dead body!" Jenna told her friend.
"We need to find a phone," Clay muttered to you, "Jenna, where's the phone?" he asked her.
"Uh, I-I don't know. Over there?" she pointed toward the kitchen.
"You fucking with me cause I'm high? That's totally not cool cause I just finished smoking, okay?" Jenna's friend asked shakily.
Your eyes darted everywhere searching for the landline. You spotted it on the counter and you jogged over to pick it up. Clay was close behind as you picked it up off the receiver and passed it to him with shaky hands. He quickly dialed 911.
"Hi, I'd like to report a homicide. Uh, Clay Miller. Yeah, I'm at a house by Crystal lake. It's... Yeah, that's it. Hurry," he said into the phone before hanging up, "they said they're sending someone," he said to the room as he sped walked back over to the back door; you followed him close behind.
"Police?" you noticed Jenna's friend holding a bright purple bong in his hand, and you let out a sort laugh.
"Yeah," Clay replied as he brushed past the guy.
"Where is everybody else?" Jenna asked again.
"I don't know. I've been here all day. Chelsea and Nolan left, like, hours ago to the lake," the guy explained as was getting increasingly more panicked.
"Well, what about Trent? Bree?"
"They're in the bedroom."
You glanced over when you heard him say that, and Jenna gave you an annoyed look.
"Uh oh," you muttered, wondering if you'd have to deal with a breakup in the middle of all this shit.
"What?" Clay asked you franticly, not paying attention to anything else but keeping watch.
"Oh, nothing. Nothing" you assured him as you turned back to look out the window.
Jenna came back after a minute without Trent or Bree. Now you really hated this guy. You were just about to go over and ask if she needed you to get Clay to break the door down, when all the lights in the house went out.
"Oh fuck" you muttered.
"Who's messing with the lights?" you heard Trent yell as he walked into the living room.
"Oh shit. Chewie's still out there," you heard Jenna's friend say.
You watched Clay put the phone to his ear before shaking his head, "phones dead. Jenna, do you have a cell phone? Do you have anything?"
"No, nothing has signal" she told him.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Trent yelled as him and who you guessed was Bree walked into the living room.
"Trent-" Jenna tried to stop him, but he ignored her, continuing to yell over her.
"Get the fuck out!" he yelled at you.
"Easy" Clay yelled back.
"They're just trying to help us!" Jenna pleaded.
"Oh and you, you leave with them for eight hours, fucking all over the woods? You know what? Why don't you get the fuck out too?" Trent said angrily to Jenna.
You were running off so much adrenaline at that point that you couldn't stop the words that came out of your mouth, "are you fucking kidding me, bro? You say that like you and Bree weren't just up there fucking! We've been dealing with a murderer, so maybe you should shut the fuck up!" you truly didn't care what these people thought of you, so the burning embarrassment you thought would follow your rant, never came.
Clay backed you up, yelling just as loud, if not louder, "listen, dumb shit! There's a bigger problem-" Trent cut Clay off by pushing him back.
"Are you serious? There is a killer out there! He's the one who cut the lights!" Clay shouted as Jenna stepped in front of Trent.
You didn't make a move to stop Clay. You honestly wanted him to knock this guy out. You'd rather do it yourself, but it would be just as satisfying watching Clay knock the guy to the floor.
"Trent, don't you get it? Chelsea and Nolan never came back," Jenna continued to plead with Trent, "Lawrence, what are you doing?" Jenna questioned her friend as he grabbed a hanging frying pan from off its hook and headed for the back door.
"My boys still out there. I'm gonna go get him" he replied.
"That's a really bad idea, dude," you told him.
"Yeah, don't go out there. Please" Clay pleaded with him.
"Look, I told you, all right? You can't get a handle on me. I'll surprise you every time," he said with a confident smirk before heading out the back door.
'He's fucking dead,' you thought as you shook your head.
"Guys this is bullshit. The power goes out here all the time" Trent said after all of you had waited for Lawrence in silence for a while.
Suddenly, you heard screams in the distance.
"Help me!" you heard Lawrence scream from outside, "help! Help me! Please, help me!"
"Lawrence," Jenna said before running toward the back door.
Clay stepped in front of her put his hands out to stop her, "no, no, no. You can't go out there."
"We have to help him." she said.
"No, we can't-"
You cut Clay off, "he's just using your friend as bait. He wants us to go out, because the second we do, he's gonna get us too.
"Look, you don't know that," Trent said, but the shake in his voice told you that he wasn't so sure.
"Jesus, where are the police?" Bree cried out before walking into the kitchen out of view.
You could still hear Lawrence screaming for help in the distance, "I can't move!"
"Look, we have to help him," Jenna said, but you just shook your head no.
You all stood there in silence, other than Lawrence's screams, "I can't die like this! Help me, please! Trent!" you wanted to help him, but what help would you be to him dead?
"Somebody has to do something! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Bree yelled frantically as she began to sob.
You heard one final scream from outside, then nothing. All you could hear now were the sounds of Bree sobbing. Jenna reluctantly turned and walked over to where Bree was sat on the floor with her knees hugged to her chest.
"Everything's going to be okay. The cops are on their way" Jenna said to Bree as she knelt down next to her.
"You hear that?" you whispered to Clay.
He nodded, "yeah. Nothing."
A shiver ran down your spine as you realized Lawrence was most likely dead. The realization made your heart begin to pound loudly in your ears again. You couldn't hear anything over the thumping as the events of the last few hours flashed through your mind. You felt warm hands on your shoulders before being turned to the left.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Clay asked you with a concerned look on his face.
"Y-Yeah," you lied.
"Listen to me. I am not going to let anything happen to you. We are both gonna get out of this alive," he told you firmly, but still being gentle with you at the same time.
You nodded furiously as the tears began to well up in your eyes. Clay wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. He held you close, rubbing your back softly as you sniffed, trying to keep the tears in. You jumped when you heard sudden banging, and you turned to see Trent walking up the stairs. You also noticed the phone lying in pieces on the ground.
"W-What are you doing?" Clay asked him
Trent ignored him, continuing up the stairs. Bree went up after him soon after. You and Clay went back over to look out the back doors. Jenna came over and stood next to you, handing both of you a flashlight.
A few minutes passed when a knocking on the door made Jenna jump and let out a gasp. Clay shushed her. The three of you stood still as statues.
"Police!" you heard someone yell from the door.
"Oh, thank god" Jenna said as you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding it.
"Go, go" Clay ushered you to the front door.
"Police, open up!"
Jenna pushed the curtain back to the window next to the door. Before you could pull the door open, a sharp object came through it, the tip of it just barely missing your eye. You were frozen in fear as Jenna screamed and sprinted away from the door.
"Oh shit. Oh shit. Go, go, go" Clay grabbed you but the waist and yanked you away from the door.
You were snapped out of your shock and the three of you ran up the stairs and into the first room you found. Clay ran over to shut any open windows.
"Get the door," Clay said.
"Okay, shit," Jenna muttered as you both turned; she let out a short scream when Trent appeared in the door way, making you jump slightly.
"What are you doing? Is he in the house?" Trent asked.
"He killed the cop" Jenna told him.
Trent cocked the pistol he was holding.
"What the fuck, you've got a gun? Let's go, now!" Clay gestured toward the gun then out the door.
You rushed quickly out of the room. Suddenly, Trent stopped and turned to shoot a few shots into the closet.
"For fucks sake!" you yelled as your hands flew up to cover your ears.
"Jesus! What are you doing!? Give me the gun!" Clay yelled at him.
You heard a thud inside the next room to your right.
"Someone's in there," Jenna said with a shake in her voice.
Clay pushed you and Jenna back as Trent turned around started shooting blindly at the closed door.
"Check it out" Clay ordered him.
Trent walked slowly toward the door before turning the handle and attempting to push it open. It seemed like something was in the way, but after one final push, it opened. Trent leaned in to check before he quickly out and shut the door.
"Bree's dead. He killed Bree!" he shouted before turning and running down the stairs.
The three of you followed him down the stairs and to the front door. Clay unlocked it and pulled the door open.
"Holy fuck" you heard the shake in your own voice as you saw the cop; a fire poker had been jabbed through his eye, and you shuddered at the fact that you could have suffered a similar fate. Clay patted down the cop, in hopes of finding anything useful.
"There's no gun, no keys, nothing. Let's go," you ran toward the cop car and Trent tried opening the passenger door with no luck.
You followed Clay to his motorcycle, "where are the keys?" he asked as he searched around for them.
"I don't know!" you replied, continuing to frantically search the ground for them.
"Help! We got officers down!" you heard Trent yell into what you assumed was the cops radio.
"My keys are gone. Where are my keys? Are they in my jacket?" you shoved your hands into the pockets of his jacket that you were wearing, finding them empty.
"No, I don't know where they are!"
"Hey Jenna, fuck these two. Let's get out of here!" Trent turned to grab at the radio again when suddenly, Bree's dead body fell on top of the hood of the cop car; the windshield shattered as Trent began to scream.
Jenna screamed too as Clay began pushing both of you you, "go, go, go!" he repeated as he pushed you toward the woods.
You ran down the trail that went around the lake, and back toward the camp. You jogged the way you had went earlier that day. When you got to the entrance of the camp, Clay led you off on a side path you hadn't noticed before.
"He was headed this way. Come on" you followed Clay to the large cabin you saw the figure walking towards earlier.
You snuck your way inside. Clay led as you held onto his hand tightly, your other arm linked with Jenna's as you crept through the cabin. The place was a decaying mess, just like the rest of the cabins had been. This one was bigger though, and it looked like it had been a counselor cabin. The more you looked around, the more it looked like someone's actual house. As you were walking through the house, you thought you heard distant, muffled screaming.
Clay stopped, seemingly he had heard it too, "did you hear that?" Clay asked and you nodded.
"What was that?" Clay shushed Jenna, and the three of you stood there in silence for a moment.
You heard another scream and it sounded like it came from below you.
"What the fuck..." Clay muttered as he began pushing debris aside with his foot. He used the small pickaxe tool he had found earlier to pull open what seemed to be some sort of basement or cellar door.
You shined your flashlight down to see that it was only a few feet deep. Clay dropped down into the hole before helping you and Jenna down. You crouched down and crawled into what looked like old mining tunnels. They were cluttered with old camping equipment, and other random junk. There was the occasional lantern hung up to keep the tunnels lit.
You walked quietly through the tunnels before coming to a fork. Clay looked at both of his options before turning down the right path.
"This way," Clay said before leading the way down the long tunnel.
The tunnel led to another cluttered area. Off to the right, you saw Whitney chained up and sat on a dirty mattress on the floor.
"Clay? Y/N?" she said in disbelief.
"Whitney? Whitney!" Clay said as he rushed over to her.
"Oh my god, Whitney!" you exclaimed as you followed him.
You were surprised to see her still alive. You were beyond thankful, but after seeing that headless body, your hope of finding her had diminished greatly.
"Thank god," Clay knelt down and hugged her.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he held her close.
"Yeah. Thank god," she echoed.
"You're okay. You're okay. Oh god," he said as he pulled away, holding her face in his hands.
You knelt down next to her and looked down at the chains holding her in place.
"Just get me out of here," Whitney begged.
"We will, we're gonna get you out of here" you told her as you aimed the flashlight down so Clay could see.
"Come on, you guys, let's go," Jenna said frantically from behind you.
"Can you break it? Just break it," Whitney said.
Clay picked up his pickaxe and Whitney held her hands up on a box next to her. You reached over and helped to keep her hands apart and steady. It was a futile effort, as all your hand were shaking.
"Hold still" Clay told her.
"Please hurry," Whitney cried.
Clay reared back then whacked the pickaxe down, missing the chain.
"We gotta get out of here" you heard Jenna whimper from behind you.
"I don't wanna hit you," he said, worriedly.
"Just fucking do it!" Whitney said.
"Okay, okay" Clay took another swing, missing again.
You heard a loud thud in the distance.
"Oh god" Whitney whispered.
One more swing and Clay broke the chain.
"You guys, I can see him. He's coming," Jenna said as she ran back toward you.
"We gotta go," you said as you stood up.
"Grab onto me," Clay told Whitney as he wrapped his arm around her middle.
You helped him lift her up off the ground and the four of you started running down the tunnel, the opposite way of which you came. You ran a few minutes before Jenna stopped in front of you.
"It's a dead end. What are we gonna do?" you heard her say as you saw the end of the tunnel, "Clay?Hurry," Jenna pleaded as he looked around for a way out.
"Here. Here!" Clay pushed on a grate that was above you; he pulled and yanked on it but it wouldn't budge.
He looked down in front of him at a pile of boxes, "we can get through here," you and Clay knocked them down to reveal a small opening in the dirt wall.
"Follow me," Clay said before he crawled in first.
He turned around and stuck his hand out to Whitney, and you ushered her inside. You quickly followed, taking Clay's hand and letting him pull you in. You turned around to help Jenna.
"Give me your hand, Jenna. Come on hurry. Okay, I got you," Clay said as he grabbed Jenna's hand.
Before you could pull her all the way in, a machete was plunged through Jennas chest. Whitney screamed as you all fell back.
"Oh my- fuck! Jesus, god, no," Clay tried to grab Jenna's outstretched hand.
"Clay no, come on. Clay!" Whitney said as you both tried to pull him back.
"Oh, fuck" he muttered as the blade was pulled back out of Jenna, and the man pushed her lifeless body to the side.
"She's gone Clay, we gotta go!" you grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
You ran down the tunnel as fast as you could. As you were running, Whitney accidentally kicked a box with her foot, knocking over a lantern. You heard it shatter on the ground and the loud whoosh of the flames you felt the heat behind you. You hoped that would slow the bastard down.
"Look. I think this might be a way out" Whitney said as you reached a wooden ladder leading up.
Clay climbed up, pushing floorboards out of the way, "alright. Let's go. Come on. Hurry," Clay said once he decided the coast was clear.
You let Whitney go up first, checking behind you as she climbed up the rickety ladder. Clay pulled her up before reaching down to help you.
"Come on," you climbed up and reached out for his hand, letting him pull you up and out of the hole, "let's go," he said as he turned and started walking.
You quickly realized you were in an overturned bus. Clay walked to the other end of it with you and Whitney close behind. The door to leave was above you, and Clay yanked and hit at it to get it open.
"Shit, it's stuck," Clay muttered.
Finally he was able to yank on the handle and it squeaked open. Clay climbed out before reaching down to help you.
"Give me your hand!" Clay called down to you.
You helped push Whitney up and out of the hole as she reached for Clays hand.
"On three. One, two-" before he could finish, something pulled him back.
"Run! Whitney, Y/N, get-" he was cut off as he was yanked away.
"Clay!" Whitney yelled.
"Clay!" you echoed her.
"Stop it!" Whitney yelled as Clays head was smashed through a window above you.
"No! Clay!" you looked up and saw the man who had been terrorizing you; his face was covered by a hockey mask, but you could see his wide eyes staring down at you.
"Shit. Shit, what do we do?" Whitney cried.
"We hide. Move, move" you pushed her toward the other end of the bus.
Whitney climbed up onto a small ledge above the hole you just came out of. You crouched down to the left behind a row of bus seats at the very back of the bus. You stayed quiet as the man walked slowly over to the hole before looking down into it.
"Fuck you," you heard Whitney spit.
You peeled out from your hiding spot to watch her use both her feet to kick him backwards, causing him to fall into the hole.
She hopped off the ledge, tripping and falling face first on the floor. The man came up out of the hole and grabbed onto Whitney's ankle. She screamed as she tried to crawl froward. Her nails scraped along the metal of the bus. She kicked at the man's face, but he didn't let go. She continued to scream as you looked around for anything to help. You noticed a plank and your feet, and you lifted it up over his head. You brought it down hard, knocking him down into the hole and forcing him to release his grip on Whitney's ankle. You jumped over the hole and helped Whitney to her feet as you heard creaking above you.
"Y/N! Whitney!" Clay yelled from above you.
"Clay!" Whitney called back, running toward the other end of the bus, you close behind.
The rain started to pour down onto the three of you as Clay helped you out of the bus. You helped push Whitney up before Clay pulled you up. He helped the two of you hop off the side of the bus before you started running off into the woods as the rain soaked through your clothes. You ran for awhile before coming across the barn you had stopped at earlier in the day. Clay made sure the coast was clear before waving you over.
"Hide" Clay whispered as you stepped into the cluttered barn.
Whitney grabbed onto your hand and pulled you to the left, the two of you crouching down behind a pile of random junk. Clay walked further into barn as you knelt down behind some boxes with Whitney. Suddenly you heard a loud crash. You couldn't see their fight from where you were crouched down. Whitney stood up slightly and peeked out to watch. You waited a few seconds before looking over her shoulder.
The man pulled out his machete and swung it at Clay. Your whole body tensed as Clay dodged the blade and pushed the masked man back into the wall. He was quick to flip Clay around and slam him against a huge wood chipper. It whirred to life, and you recognized it to be the machinery you had heard earlier that day. The man threw Clay to the floor before picking him back up by his hair, pushing his head toward the spinning blades of the wood chipper.
"Shit, Whitney, we have to do something or he's gonna kill Clay," Whitney looked like she was thinking before she stood up and walked to the center of the barn.
"Whitney, wait!" you whisper yelled, but she didn't listen.
You stayed hidden, looking around for some kind of weapon. You saw a metal baseball bat lying in the grassy floor next to you. You picked it up and readied yourself to run out if you needed to.
"Jason," Whitney called out.
You watched him turn and look at her. She held something up, it looked like a necklace of some sort. You peered out and watched the killer throw Clay to the ground.
"It's okay," Whitney said as she began to walk closer to him, "you can stop now. It's okay," you didn't know what the hell she was doing, but it was too late to stop her now.
You watched Clay charge him, hitting him with something in his back. You stood and rushed over as Clay wrapped chain around his neck. Whitney took the other end of the chain and threw it into the wood chipper. The chain got stuck, and yanked Jason into the air by his neck. He thrashed around in the air, trying to get free, with no luck. Clay walked around him and back over to you and Whitney.
Suddenly, the board snapped that the chain was wrapped around snapped, causing Jason to fall to the floor. He quickly got back up, grabbing a piece of the broken wood and hitting Clay across the face with it. He went flying backwards until he hit the wall of the barn, falling to the floor. Jason then turned and hit you in the stomach, causing you to fly backwards too. You landed in a pile of junk, every part of your body aching.
"Y/N!?" you only groaned in pain as you felt a pair of hands grab you, "Y/N! Are you okay?" Clay pulled you up and into his arms.
"I don't know" he held you up as he helped you walk back towards Whitney.
You looked over and saw Jason, laying back against the wood chipper, covered in blood with a machete in his chest. You then looked over at Clay, who had a cut on his left cheek. You reached up and cupped his cheek gently. You also noticed the bruise already forming on his chin where he had been hit with the plank of wood.
"Can you stand?" he asked you.
You nodded as you tried to put your weight back into your wobbly legs, "I think so. Let's get out of here, leave this for someone else."
"What if he..." Whitney trailed off.
"He won't. There's no way. Let's just get the hell out of here!"
Whitney nodded in agreement. The three of you started to head out of the barn, Clay keeping you upright with an arm around your middle. Whitney was on your either side, holding you up as well.
You couldn't help but take one last look behind you, and you could have sworn you saw him twitch. You ignored it, telling yourself that it was finally over.
"I told you we'd make it out alive," Clay said with a weak smile.
"I told you we'd find Whitney," you kissed his cheek before doing the same to Whitney, and she chuckled, which made smile.
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dannybonesbury · 9 months
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They were warned… They are doomed…
And on Friday the 13th, nothing will save them.
I need to buy this figure so bad no one understands
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ghost4meeks · 1 year
𖤐 18 days until Halloween 𖤐
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Friday the 13th (1980) dir. Sean S. Cunningham
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Literally Jay
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fanofspooky · 4 months
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“Did you know a young boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counselors weren't paying any attention... They were making love while that young boy drowned. His name was Jason. I was working the day that it happened. Preparing meals... here. I was the cook. Jason should've been watched. Every minute. He was... he wasn't a very good swimmer. We can go now, dear.”
Friday The 13th (1980)
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bleachcakes · 5 months
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They’re twinning
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bubbleteapenguin · 2 years
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sharkittyblue · 1 year
Ways to Enjoy Your Summer!
Maybe head to the beach and go for a swim:
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Or join a summer camp:
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Or even go on a road trip:
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Or stay inside and just binge some classic summer horror flicks like
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