#Fuck Anon verse
technically-human · 2 days
Can you draw something with Doom Patrol!Edwin and Netflix!Edwin?
Maybe something about Dp!Edwin talking about his feelings for Charles with N!Edwin?
It's just something I've been thinking of, make it a little angsty?<3
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Glad you asked
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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kaleidoscopic crush
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ragnarokhound · 11 months
AND AND AND a vampire letting himself get bitten is I know you do not feed like me, but I would be that for you if you needed it. I know how it feels to be on the other side and I’m giving it to you oughhh AND THE MUZZLE???! Who is it protecting, really? Tim from getting ravaged or Jason’s conscience? Is it ensuring that he doesn’t hurt anyone or that he doesn’t touch anyone but Tim? Getting to the point where Jason is so deep he can’t pretend he doesn’t want to. That’s when the muzzle can come off -🐺🦇
"I know you do not feed like me, but I would be that for you if you needed it. I know how it feels to be on the other side and I’m giving it to you" - *softly sobbing into my pillow over this T_T OTL
"Is it ensuring that he doesn’t hurt anyone or that he doesn’t touch anyone but Tim?" - AND I'M UTTERLY RABID ABOUT *THIS* to the point that uh. I put off responding to you because I had to write this:
“I still don’t think we need it,” Tim complains, turning the key in the lock. It clicks shut with a small snik.
Jason doesn’t budge an inch. 
“Sorry, princess,” he says, his breath puffing warm past the cool metal bars against Tim’s neck. “Them’s the breaks. We agreed: if you don't bite, then neither do I.”
Tim feels his face heat. He huffs, settling back on Jason’s thighs and leaning back into the arm Jason has around his waist. He presses the key into Jason’s chest for him to take. 
The muzzle is big on him, a loose cage of steel and leather; reinforced in certain places with silver. When the transformation takes him, he’ll grow to fit it— which, by the way, was not an easy measurement to get.
“That’s not strictly true,” he says, thinking about how he’d been forced to wrestle Jason down to the ground to wrap the measuring tape around his big furry head. He’d needed to use teeth to do it.
They’d both been bloody and sweaty by the end of it, and Tim was finding fur in places he didn’t want to dwell on for the next month. But at least it meant the wolf was in a playful mood for the rest of the night, and not a murderous one. Some nights it took longer than others to make that transition.
Jason raises an eyebrow. He puts a heavy palm over the key, trapping Tim’s hand against his heart. 
“Oh? Please, enlighten me.”
Tim scowls, and he knows he must be practically scarlet from the lazy smirk sharpening Jason’s mouth, the smug glint in his eye. He loves to see Tim turn red. 
“Quit it,” Tim scolds. “You know what always ends up happening. We go out, and then you get fussy, and what else am I supposed to do? You always goad me into biting you.”
It’s true, too. Tim thought Jason was bad enough outside the full moon, but that’s nothing compared to the unleashed desires of the wolf. Jason continues to look smug, and Tim narrows his eyes.
“Every. Single. Time,” Tim can’t help but tease, sinking the fingers of his other hand into the scruff at Jason’s nape and watching his eyelids flutter. “You can’t help yourself. You need it.” 
Jason growls low in his throat, hand flexing over Tim’s. The moon hasn’t risen yet, but Tim swears his teeth have gone sharp.
“Shall we reevaluate, then?” Jason asks, voice low. He knows exactly what he’s doing. “How about this. The muzzle stays on—”
Jason pushes Tim’s hand to his own chest, then slides his hand with slow intent to flutter at Tim’s hips, digging into the meat of his thigh and pulling him flush to Jason’s core. Tim watches his lips move, hypnotized,  “—until you take it off.”
Tim wraps his fist around the metal, feeling the weight of it in his palm and all it implies— and meets Jason’s dark gaze with his own.
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randomnameless · 2 months
what do you of people who think that pointing out how problematic claude and almyra are in the fodlan games is racist?
You mean people who think you are racist for noticing that Claude and Almyra in general were written with the worst orientalist clichés from the early 1810s?
As a rule of thumb, I don't believe you can determine if someone is racist or not based on their opinion of fictional characters -
That being said, there's a difference between saying "I think Devdan sucks" and whatever goes down in the chamber pot, using real world rhetoric about "invasive species" and whatnot to throw shade at fictional characters you don't like.
@gascon-en-exil made a Tellius video about Devdan's uh... well, Devdan in general in Tellius and the wtf that was Devdan in a game released in the 2000s, internationally released at that - and fwiw, some youtube comments talked about minstrel shows and how Devdan reminded them of those shows so, I definitely think pointing Devdan's entire existence - down to his concept - isn't racist in itself, you're not committing robbery when you're trying to prevent one.
About Claude and Almyra in general as depicted in Fodlan...
Well, in FE16 the game basically told us that Almyrans - in the Cyril/Hilda paralogue - are people who enjoy senseless bloodbathes (they raid the border for funsies and feast and party if they're able to return home ffs!) and while they might have different values (which is not a bad thing in itself!), they are the kind of people to turn tail and flee even if it means leaving their allies die (what Claude expected Hilda to do in CF!) or their civilian randoms (Cyril was caught by Goneril forces when they raided their camp).
You can't fight anymore when you're dead, so running away isn't always the worst solution, and yet, the way it's depicted (in CF for tears, in VW to shit on Nader) in the game, it's not supposed to be something we see as good/nice/has relevance.
In Nopes Shahid mounts the greastest invasion the Locket has ever known... to show his dad that he has muhrit too and can attack the "cowards" so plz stop mopping about the son who left without writing a letter.
Aka, Almyra sends its troops to invade Fodlan... in a penis measuring contest for the throne.
However, everything falls apart when we play GW's second part.
Now Nader wants to bring "souvenirs" from the war, by - and it's Lorenz who tells us ffs, not Claude, but Lorenz which has all sorts of implications - pillaging the cities they will be conquering.
Claude asks his dad to give him the Almyran Navy - and by ask I mean Nader has him sign the paper while he's half asleep, a bit like what your random kid does when school asks for a parent's written authorisation, you hang the damn paper to your parent while they're doing something else so they sign without really thinking - for his personal fight in Fodlan that consists in...
Killing the CoS? Yes, but also, and more importantly, to get rid of Fodlan's "outdated" values basically by tearing apart the country/its borders.
In a nutshell, in Nopes, FE16!Hilda's racist stereotypes about Almyrans and Almyra are... confirmed.
To sum up, canonwise, Fodlan depicts Almyrans as people who love needless bloodbathes, who prey on the country they're agressing "for fun!" when it's at its lowest point to mount a serious and real invasion to 1/score points in the royal inheritence record, or 2/to effectively bring disorder/kill/remove important pillars of that country because they want to change its "values and traditions" while pillaging and massacring the land as they cross it.
My bad, it's not the 1800s rhetoric about "the orient" it's both this, and a side dose of throwing the worst tropes ever like "invading people to bring them civilisa- i mean, a new set of values".
In a way, Fodlan is worse than Tellius in that regard, because while Devdan is, hopefully, a side character you can forget to recruit, Almyra - through Claude - is a compulsory point to play through when you play the Fodlan games.
Like, the devs - graphic devs at least - really researched and designed outfits, not only based on RL cultures, but to give a distinct flair to Almyra (when they couldn't be assed to do the same for the "mainland fodlan" characters), like Claude's outfits always have a detail (at least one when it's not the barbarossa class!) to tell you that this class/character has ties to this other place, Almyra!
Surely you'd want to know what Almyra is about, right?
And then you learn and wonder, Echoes didn't bother to draw specific outfits reminding the player of RL cultures gor Grieth or the Brigand Boss, so what was Fodlan thinking when they gave those outfits to Claude and Nader? What kind of associations are you supposed to make?
Are we back in the "Kaga said the land of bandits who kidnap to most likely seduce without consent ladies was inspired by Persia? What the actual fuck?" era?
In a way, depicting Almyrans as the "bloodthirsty people who pillage as they go" is, imo, as offensive as Martin's Dothrakis, I don't think you are, or anyone is, racist for pointing it out.
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I just read anon’s snok verse ask and I’m obsessed with every variation of sonic asking Ralph!sonic for book recommendations??
Imagine sonic wachowski wants to try reading books and not just comics but he’s conflicted because he doesn’t know where would he find a good book, so he asks ralph!sonic and ralph!sonic asks he what is he looking for specifically— and when told exactly what wachowski wants he goes to look for a not too long book with engaging characters and action scenes to give the kid the next day. 🥺💕
Sorry that turned long but i had to get it out of my system I forgot I adored ralph!sonic a lot.
NO! BABY DOLL! NEVER. APOLOGIZE. EVER. This? This is glorious!
👉🥹👈 Okay, listen. Raph!Sonic dresses like a little librarian with a cardigan and reading glasses and gives his friends a tour of his library to share his books. He’s got shelves upon shelves of book with the sliding ladder and he whisks himself from one end of the room to the next giving each Sonic variation a book and—GAAAAAH THE BRAIN ROT!!!!
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danisphilsbottom · 15 days
You are so brave for having your url in this day and age. I stand with you. The silent majority.
omg anon thank you i am literally so pained by how wrong i was but i feel like if i abandon the url that it would be so wrong of me. i have to remain brave, thank u for steeling my spirit.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
homelander x supe!reader who has super strength in their skill set and they end up chucking each other around the room during some aggressive foreplay lmao just imagine
When your back crashes against the reinforced cement wall of the training room, you swear you hear a few joints pop. Grunting, you pick yourself up off the ground, laughing a little breathlessly. "You should look into chiropractic work," you say, tilting your head until your neck gives a satisfying little crack. "I think you just aligned my spine." Homelander laughs boisterously. "You don't say? I don't suppose it's helped align that attitude of yours." "Oh, it sure has," you purr, curling your hands into fists as he gets nearer. "C'mere, big boy. Let's kiss and make up." When he's close enough, you feign right before throwing a left hook, timing your physical strike with your power, giving Homelander's leg just enough of a pull to throw off his balance. Your punch lands, but at the cost of Homelander grabbing you by the throat and slamming you hard against the ground, knocking the wind right out of you. Your heart is racing, eyes wide. Once that split second of shock wears off, you start laughing. The way he throws you around feels like a rollercoaster, and the Compound V in your blood barely lets you register pain anymore. It's all just sensation and adrenaline, and you're becoming kind of a junkie. Above you, Homelander's eyes are blown black, his lips curved in a devious, hungry smile. "Again?" He asks, licking his lips. You nod fervently. "Again." Hauling you up, Homelander obligingly throws you to the other side of the room.
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blueiight · 2 years
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Coming slowly to know his evil, or being catapulted into it ... was all the same. I wanted none of it finally. And, deserving nothing better, I closed up like a spider in the flame of a match. And even Armand who was my constant companion, and my only companion, existed at a great distance from me, beyond that veil which separated me from all living things, a veil which was a form of shroud. (IWTV, 1976)
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bipherpol · 4 months
In regards to the Nico siblings AU, have you heard the theory that Robin's father is Monkey D. Dragon? I ask only because the mental image of Lucci slowly realizing that Luffy is their half-brother is hilarious.
Like, there's definitely joy because he's not the only younger sibling anymore, but also LUFFY is their younger brother. This is alarming and confusing and Jabra will laugh himself sick.
i had not heard that theory but that is hilarious. lucci would be absolutely horrified at finding out he's related to luffy. like, yay he's not the youngest, but... luffy. lucci strongly considers asking to be adopted by someone else rather than be related to luffy.
(and garp. imagine looking at garp and realizing he's your grandfather.)
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
i had a sad but happy thought :(
So Trust Verse AU but Ellie survives, and the first time John meets her, it takes a few moments for reality to really hit John that "oh my god, I'm a father now"
internally, he freaks out. And Gwash senses this. So he tries to talk to John about it.
And John's just like: "I don't know HOW to raise a kid, it's not like I had the best examples to follow!" (And all that fun stuff)
And Gwash rightfully points out: "you took care of your siblings" (and probably did a better job at it than your father). But John's like "it's not the same thing tho"
Gwash sighs (because this boy is a disaster wrapped in trauma and newfound anxiety), takes him by his shoulders, and goes: "It is the same thing because you filled in where your father failed. You can raise this child, and you're going to do one hell of a good job. I know it."
Sorry for that lol. I'm sad and bored and have been hyperfixating on your series for like three months. :)
for SOME reason I actually never gave much thought to John's reaction first meeting his baby but oh that has so much potential.
Alex handing her to him and at first John is nothing but happy. absolutely head over heels. that's their daughter, it's Alex and him and something entirely new, and she's beautiful and he loves her and he loves Alex.
and then Alex walks away for whatever reason and John is left alone with a whole human baby. like a whole ass person. who depends on THEM. for everything. as in. JOHN. he's supposed to be her father and take care of her when his own father never took care of him.
so he's standing there silently panicking when Gwash comes in, takes a single look at this disaster of a boy, and clocks him immediately.
"everyone is scared at first. it's natural," he says, and John stares at him like he's insane.
"I don't know how to be a father. I don't know what fathers are supposed to do."
Gwash shrugs, infuriatingly unbothered. "whatever it takes."
John is not reassured by this, so Gwash sighs and comes over, gently touches his face.
"the fact alone that you're worried about doing wrong by her means you're going to be a good father. bad fathers don't worry about failing their children."
John blinks and holds his little daughter a bit tighter. "I don't know how to raise a child," he says quietly, and Gwash knows that's not true because he's heard John talk about his siblings and the role he played in their upbringing, but that's not what the boy needs to hear right now.
"of course you don't. no one does. there's no written manual, John. no two children can be raised the same way–you just have to get to know her. you'll know what she needs."
he'll know what she needs.
he will know what she needs.
John is not going to fail his daughter.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
How DO you think universe signatures work? I don't think I've seen many theories or discussions on it but I also haven't been looking for them either
HOHOOO UNIVERSE SIGNATURES. ok. as i was rewatching scenes so i could write this, my theories fucking blinked out of existence :) there is as much consistency to universe signatures as there is to the atsv timeline.
alright lets see how incoherent this gets
btw i’m not using the word ‘dimension.’ incorrect scientific terminology in an animated spider man comic movie franchise about the multiverse? couldn’t be me. i already let them keep their holograms*
itsv came out in 2018 and is reported to have taken four years to make. in 2014, we couldn’t have made atsv; the technology hadn’t been developed, because there wasn’t yet a movie to demand it. (usually when the question comes up during production, the team has to invent an answer. like animating violet’s hair in the incredibles in 2004, or water in finding nemo in 2003, or fur for sully in the monsters inc movies, or the entire animation process of 2019’s klaus, or reflections on the cars in cars—) this, combined with itsv being set entirely in miles’s own universe, means that the b team’s (noir, peni, ham) universe signatures changing between universes can be attributed to 1. less worldbuilding than atsv and 2. lack of technological ability in 2014-2018 (no diss to the og animators obviously, itsv is fucking gorgeous)
but that’s a boring doylist analysis. i wonder if we can get watsonian. atsv, which was likely produced from 2017 or so to 2023, explores four more universes, rather than sticking to miles’s. surely it’ll have more answers!
i went through the entire movie to see what changes. not gonna bore y’all with a scene to scene analysis, so i’ll summarize: the only person who substantially differs between dimensions is gwen (abstract in E-65, solid but still pastel in E-1610, slightly more painted in E-50101, abstract again in E-928 during emotional scenes). hobie’s collage changes to match the tone or color palette of the universe around him, but doesn’t take on its signature. other than that, the only effect any universe has on every character is with its light, and the only effect to overpower a universe signature is a portal.
let’s pretend that in an infinite multiverse, such a thing as a standard can be set, and that standard is Comic Style. comparing it to itsv, where peni and ham gained depth from previously 2d-esque universes, it seems as though some things don’t change—general color palette and extreme stylistic divergences from the aforementioned standard, eg when atsv peni is styled in 2d—and some change universally—like universe-specific volumetric light, eg in itsv when E-1610’s halftone-style light gives peni depth and in atsv when E-928’s holographic-style light does the same in a different way.
then portals. they distort the space around them in their style of origin: organic portals always have miles’s universe’s signature because that’s where they were born; any portal opened with an E-928 watch has miguel’s orange holographic hexagon, no matter who uses them or where they open to; portals opened with hobie’s homemade watch are always collage, though they take on the color palette of the universe they’re opened in. that means portals have to be watch-specific, prolly based on the materials’ universe of origin, but in that case, hobie’s would look a lot like miguel’s since he harvested most if not all of the parts from E-928. so it has to be specific to either the person who made it or the universe it was made in.
but neither of those make sense! the degree of separation from universe/person that apparently applies to the watches doesn’t apply to items left in other universes. E-1610’s rubik’s cube retains its color and volume in noir’s universe, but the sweater gwen leaves on miles’s bed isn’t abstract, and the shoes she nicked from E-138 aren’t scrappy. even hobie’s watch is rendered in strangely crisp 3d, brightly colored and noticeably not collage.
and of course, both universe-specific light theory and portals-overpower-all theory aren’t totally consistent. hobie’s only properly illuminated when he’s in his base colors. but maybe that’s a quirk of atsv? he doesn’t glitch like paper in the radius of a portal—renaissance vulture didn’t glitch like paper either, maybe that’s just how glitching works! maybe it’s always that tv-signal-bright blocky mess! maybe there is one concrete rule in all this!!!!!
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noir’s universe (during his intro scene, at least) comprises of three solid colors: black, light gray, and white, and volume/shadow is communicated through the intensity of halftone used. in itsv and in atsv he’s always in black and white, no matter the color of the light around him. he’s also the ONLY CHARACTER who glitches differently. noir breaks down in black and white!! when the team is lit up by gwen’s portal in atsv’s final scene he’s the only one not distorting in color!!!!! what the fuck man!!!!!!!!!
there isn’t one cohesive multiversal rule for how universe signatures act and interact with different universes, much as i’d love to have one. it raises too many questions and doesn’t give quite enough evidence to study. the closest i can theorize is color/style generally sticks and lighting/spatial physics generally doesn’t, and since that’s relatively simple, i’ll use it. gwen gets her photo-booth-app watercolors and peni/pav/ham/noir get just a little more rendered.
theories i have seen floating around that i also enjoy
gwen’s universe requires people to be in tune with it, to reflect their emotions—implying that the floaty abstract art during her scene with her father is diagetic. so when she’s not in her universe, she’s not like her universe.
hobie’s universe signature necessitates that he doesn’t conform to any other style
on that note, so would ham’s, because cartoon logic defeats reality logic
hope you enjoyed!! or at least were amused by my suffering <3
*do not get me started on holograms
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jonathanbyersphd · 6 months
Does Lonnie ever become aware that Jonathan and Will have kids and try to meet them?
Hi Nonny,
Ok so, in my personal headcanon. Lonnie is aware that Jonathan is married to Nancy (bc Hawkins friends) But doesn't find out he that Jonathan has a daughter until circa 1999 or 2000 when Will off-handedly mentions Jordan while they're visiting Lonnie in the hospital (he's dying (as deserved) and Will wanted to go because Guilt/Regret/ETC and Jonathan went just to support Will) and Lonnie is curious but Jonathan (protective king) shuts that shit down so quick.
A lot of other things happen (minor fight adjacent with the byers bros, Hopper fishing intervention, Lonnie Dies) but the whole thing is what leads Will to ask Mike if he wants to adopt and then voila Matty
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randomnameless · 1 year
Does that mean Mercie and Supreme Leader could be distant cousins potentially? Guess it might be an idea in that 10000 year lore.
You have no idea how many cans of worm this AU opens anon -
AU where Dimi marries Mercie, and the resulting Blaiddyd heir has... a crest of Seiros :(
No one understands why, maybe it's a Hresvelg curse for destroying Adrestia?
With time, the Crest of Seiros is known as the Crest of Hresvelg (to Rhea's chagrin) and is now seen, in the Kingdom's folk legends, as a curse that befell humanity when it became too greedy.
AU where it's Papa Martritz's line that is a branch line from the Hresvelg House -
Ionius not managing to roll for crested heirs with his different wives jumped on the occasion to destroy House Martritz (even if it has a heir! in the over, but it exists still!) and put an end to eventual pretenders to the Imperial throne, if his "lady friends" can't give him an adequate crested heir :(
And even if the baby survives, it has a chance of not getting a crest of Seiros, and by virtue of not being a noble born baby, people might believe it's just a random bastard and not a legitimate threat to his dynasty
(Imagine if Baron Bartels got his seiros crested bby with Mercie though - hopefully, Emile made sure that plan would never see fruition!)
Ultimate combination AU : Mercie and Emile can tolerate Zanado fruits
Just like Constance!
Somehow, before being turned in a pincushion, lizard!Lycaon befriended Lamine's 9th daughter, who returned North when he "suddenly died" and Hildegard I (who descends from Willy's human children, the ones he got when he had his crest but from human women!) took his succession.
The resulting kid had no pointy ears but was "human passing" enough (only 1/4th Nabatean!), then said kid got kids - sometimes with a crest of Seiros, sometimes with the crest of Lamine - and their kids got kids - and they ended up in Adrestia, becoming Mercie's mom family.
Mercie will notice something strange because her parents recipe (that was influenced by her mom's cooking) always featured putting slices of fruit in the shape of a star on his various cupcakes - but then, those disgusting fruits Flayn, Seteth and even Lady Rhea nibble on occasion, when sliced, look like stars ? Granted, she never tried to eat any since everyone knows they're inedible! She tried to put a slice on a cupcake and ate it, to Annette and Dedue's surprise, she didn't threw up like everyone else, nor collapsed, even if Annette scolded her "Mercie, what are you even doing?! Those things can't be eaten!"
Overhearing Mercie's recipe history, Seteth frowns like never before - Lycaon used to hold hands with a scion of Lamine who joined their side (he told Seiros the Warrior to watch out because he was too young to hold hands, she ignored him, again!).
This will make Billy start to question themselves, if Rhea considered Mother like her daughter, and Mercedes is the child of the child of the child of the child (etc) of Rhea's son, is Mercedes their sort of nephew?
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writingkitten · 5 months
When you’re supposed to be working on your final but you keep getting distracted by daydreams of fucking that old man 😔💗
!!! A necessity!!! Thinking of fucking the old man is an important part of your daily life. Make sure to get plenty of the old man fucking in!!!
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despairforme · 11 months
what’s your honest-to-god opinion on Gin?
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❝ Ya make it sound like I keep my opinion 'bout him a huge-ass secret. Ya expectin' some kinda big CONFESSION? ❞ There was amusement in his voice, because he couldn't believe that he HADN'T gotten his opinion about Ichimaru across strongly enough. How many times did he have to say that he HATED THAT FUCKER? Their personalities were at odds. Nnoitra hated how Ichimaru was always making comments that got under his skin, seemingly for no other reason then to fuck with him and make him mad ( even more annoyingly - it worked ). So yeah, his honest-to-god opinion about him was that he was an annoying asshole who Nnoitra would prefer DEAD. What more was there to say?
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angelsonthesideline · 2 years
How many babies have you killed because you did not want to take responsibility for your actions?
I am guessing you are referring to women having the right to reproductive care - up to and including abortion?
I have never been pregnant.
But don’t get it twisted, this space is very pro-choice, because it is an integral part of female health security. I am not pro-death, but I am definitely pro-choice.
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