#Fuck yall
a-meh · 1 day
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fairuzfan · 10 months
i have a special hatred for liberal zionists who say "you're not helping Palestinians" and pretending to advocate for us. keep our names out of your mouth. you do not speak for us. only talking about how you feel victimized while we watch people die of bombardment and starvation. i would rather you admit your selfishness than for you to pretend to care about us only to use us for your own self interests.
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swimmingclass1978 · 1 month
"Jegulus shippers hate and objectify women!"
Babe half of us are lesbians and the other half are bi/pan/omni or other women loving options
Meanwhile you are mad bcz we don't make all of lilys personality being james' wife and harrys' mother? Mhm alright makes sense
#we love women
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So when Jews have big noses were disgusting Eastern Europeans, but when a pretty pale Arab woman has a big nose she’s indigenous?
Antisemitism I’ll tell you that much.
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sf-97 · 4 months
fakes for fakes, y'all never deserved a heart like mine
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angel-tears1004 · 2 years
What's up with people that can't grasp the concept of others wanting to know all the hot, messy tea of someone famous just because it's hot and messy tea and not necessarily a pArASoCiaL relationship. Let us be nosey and shut up
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True love wasn't when I cried to Night Shift. True love was the queer ships I randomly stumbled upon on a Tuesday morning.
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goobercorelmao · 2 months
Y'know what? Fuck y'all. I'm not going silent on this app just because y'all are some snakes. I'll do whatever the fuck I want and I'll do it because I fucking can. I'm glad I left before season 4 because y'all were probably defend the heinous shit that your favs do because "ohhh but he's my sweet little pookie bear 🥺". Y'all's fandom has shown your true colors and you are just as bad as the other side of the fandom who are raging bigots who don't fucking understand who Homelander is. Y'all are freaks who are into some really weird shit, but y'know what? It was my bad for not expecting people who like a show full of heinous shit to be into heinous shit and defending it. Y'all have put down my trauma and told me I was shaming what other people are into but I'm tired of being shamed because I don't like your questionable kinks. And to my ex-moot if you ever see this, I hope that you are happy that you just fucking ghosted me and didn't stand up for me because I felt uncomfortable being in a server full of weirdos. You told me "oh no yeah I'll tell the mods I promise!" Because you KNEW I was distressed but you didn't do anything and then threw me under the bus when I finally spoke up. I hope you are happy that you ditched me at one of the hardest points in my life and that I almost thought about k!ll!ng myself a few months ago. I hope you're happy that I celebrated my birthday alone because you weren't there for me. Fuck all of y'all who ditched me, I literally only have three people left on my side. I will not be silent about this shit anymore and I will never be bullied into apologizing when I just felt uncomfortable with the things y'all are saying. I don't want to be the bad guy. That's all folks, DM for receipts about what happened.
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in the three months leading up to steve meeting the rest of eddie's family, eddie has taken it upon himself to run steve through a crash course in the munson family cookbook. they'll be in kentucky the whole summer so steve has to be prepared.
tonight, eddie said he was making steaks.
when steve gets to the trailer after work, eddie's frying something in the skillet that obviously does not smell like any steak he's ever eaten.
"uh, eddie?"
eddie looks over his shoulder. "hey, sweetheart!"
steve sets his keys on the table before walking over and looking over eddie's shoulder. he's even more confused. "i thought you said we're having steak?"
"we are," eddie nods toward the skillet.
"that doesn't look like it."
eddie rolls his eyes and turns around to face him. "not steak from a cow," he says, like it's obvious (it is not, in fact, obvious). "it's bologna."
steve resists the urge to rub at his temples. instead, he puts his hands on eddie's hips and rubs his thumbs over the little tease of skin between his shirt and jeans.
"baby, i don't think bologna counts as steak."
"it does for us poor folk." eddie reaches up and grabs steve's nose, gently giving it a shake. "we call it poor man's steak. real steak's expensive so we gotta use what we can afford." he gestures behind him. "so, bologna."
steve doesn't remember the last time he ate bologna, or if he did at all. all his meals consisted of whatever his mom cooked and it definitely wasn't any of the things eddie had made him so far.
(don't tell his mom, but eddie's food is way better. he can taste the love it was made with.)
"it does smell pretty good," steve concedes. his stomach gives a growl. he hadn't eaten lunch because he was so excited for a steak dinner.
eddie grins and reaches for the loaf of bread on the counter. "pick your poison, then, stevie-boy!" he sweeps his hand over the options of toppings: mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato. "we're eatin' like kings tonight!"
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bucklovesblond · 4 months
i just wanna know what is tagging the entire main cast instead of lou himself to receive an apology or correction in his wording going to do. he said in the same breath that tommy was ignorant, immature and toxic back then, so where are we getting that hes a racist and misogynist from??? please do fucking enlighten me.
i am black myself and i believe he could have said something better than "teasing" as well, but he STILL said all tommy did was wrong and they all moved forward from it. this small mess up is NOTHING compared to what the fuck ryan guzman did while getting a slap on his ass and getting on by just fucking fine. y'all pushing for lou to get fired, but not him. when hes the actual bigot here.
you don't get to choose when to play pseudo moralist for your own benefit. this is fucking disgusting and i am tired of every last one of you. bucktommy stans are not excluded from this either because while some of this outrage is insane and being handled absolutely wrong, you all don't get to tell anyone especially poc or any woman ESPECIALLY how to feel about what lou said. people have that right to be upset with the wording he used in that answer.
more importantly, anyone with eddie, ryan or buddie accounts need to be the LAST ones trying to take the moral high ground because you actively looked past ryan's bigotry to support your favorite character or your ship. seperating character from actor is null and void when they commit such atrocities as he did. end of story. i hope y'all never get that ship and eddie gets written off the damn show in the future.
lou should say something about the way he poorly worded that, but i refuse to let any of y'all act like he should be canned for this when ryan guzman is still EMPLOYED and a MAIN on the show after the digusting bullshit he pulled.
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fairuzfan · 10 months
Israel supporters are so disgusting. In Tweets where Gazans, in English, report about the latest bombings and who it targets and kills I see at least 3 different accounts saying "I'm so sorry for this if only Hamas surrenders then you'd be safe" as some sort of fucking false pity comfort. You people are absolute snakes.
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snailpebbles · 8 days
praying for everyone to shut the fuck up !! you don't know what happened or what will happen !! if it was literally any other driver you'd have sympathy. Bro cannot help that he's well liked by fans you find stupid, and multiple things can be out of his control. Drivers have egos and yadda yadda but christ almighty !! chill the fuck out and let the man live !! he's driving in circles and is gaining confidence which ig the internet really hates. But when that confidence is gone you're saying he doesn't deserve a wdc, needs to crash, haha papaya rules, that weird bottas hamilton thing, etc. let the man race. you can care all you want abt some tension between him and piastri but they DO NOT care !! Be realistic !!!! He's number two in the wdc and piastri isn't (I pray for the day he is number one please god please I'll sell my soul).
tldr: shut the fuck, we don't know anything much abt him, the team, or what happened in quali. use critical thinking and leave the fandom brainrot behind.
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9kylian · 21 days
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wejustvibing · 3 months
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"reprimand" despite him admitting to it
i just don't understand why this shit isn't taken as seriously as brake testing
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g3othermal3scapism · 1 month
Thank you for speaking some wisdom about s3. I was tired of feeling like I was going to get booed off the internet defending it. I really connected with season 3 and while I see people's criticisms a lot of them just feel like we didn't get what we want and that makes the show bad. Like why are you watching the show if you don't trust the writers? Just turn it off and please touch grass
YOU GET IT!!! I’m a sydcarmy enjoyer as much as the next guy, but some of yall let fandom dictate far too much of your media literacy and consumption. If you want a show specifically for shipping, pack it up and take ur ass to netflix. go watch heartstopper. this show is so amazingly written and it isn’t just mindless television made to be trendy like sum of yall r accustomed to, it is an honest to god art piece of filmmaking that tells a whole story, and is not there to serve your exact fandom needs. it was a really good season imo, just different. we all loved s2, but this season HAD to be different. it was a whole season of character study and relationship building, and it wasn’t super action-packed with huge events, but it was so beautiful!!! if yall genuinely think s3 was BAD because sydcarmy wasn’t cutesie wattpad fic sydcarmy……… idk man.
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cryptidcraab · 3 months
Hi ND people. Stop being dicks to other ND people who fit stereotypes and aren't put together. Yes, even when they do that. 'That' does not include hurting others without a good reason. But it DOES include:
- people with loud verbal tics
- nonverbal people who aren't quiet
- people who are talking to themselves/ hallucinations
- people who repeatedly say/do things
I say this because a woman with a very large 'neurospicy' pin upon her shirt was quite rude to a guy with an 'I'm autistic please be patient' pin on the bus who is stating fortnite facts and looking out the window. She looks like she's on Tumblr and I hope she sees this and feels bad.
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