natthemess · 3 years
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@fynnichi knows what’s up 😌💕
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deepseawave · 5 years
Playlist Snooping Tag
And @sweetonmylove blessed me again with another tag, thank you very much ;3 (a bit late but I made it)
Put your songs on shuffle, post the first 10, tag 10 friends afterwards
1. Back From the Dead - Skillet
2. Check Yes, Juliet - We the Kings
3. Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
4. Rollercoaster- Bleachers
5. Red Flag Day - U2
6. Brave - Skillet
7. The Cure - Little Mix
8. Put You in Your Place - The Lightening Thief Musical
9. You Get Me High - Skillet
10. You’re The Best Thing About Me - U2
I’ve got so many songs and these are just a bunch of Skillet songs (been listening to them a lot lately), a bit of U2 and luckily a Percy Jackson Musical song, nice
I want to try tagging people, so I’ll tag:
@undisclovered and
If you feel comfortable with this you can go ahead and try it, if not it’s fine and here’s a cookie 🍪
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padengeg · 5 years
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@bthessen28 @trashforthetrashgod @fynnichi @boltz @xeselle-blog
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janedesuga · 6 years
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大好きな妹と大好き友達と遊んでいた!😊 Hanging out with my favorite girls! Thanks for the photo @fynnichi 💕✨ #friends #sisters #familygoals #friendshipgoals #fashion #ootd #outfit #aesthetic #classy #pale #cityaesthetic #妹 #家族 #友達 #shopping #fun #blackandwhite (hier: Dresden, Pragerstrasse)
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fynnichi · 3 years
This suffocating feeling...as if someone was hugging you from behind and holding you close..slowly working their way up to your neck and carefully pressing their hands onto them. With every second, you'll get less and less air, you feel your blood rushing through your body and a piercing sound ringing in your ears...but it feels too good to fight back, since that would also mean to lose the comfort of their physical touch.
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fynnichi · 3 years
Awww sweetie💕, you didn't need to go that far to show me your insecurities and selfhate 😊🥰
Unless 🤔 you really are scum. But let's give you the benefit of doubt and call you insecure ❤
Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time and the headspace to think about me 😚
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fynnichi · 3 years
hi! could i get a male HQ matchup? i’m 5’2, i’m kinda chubby but it’s nbd. anywayz i have brown + bleached blonde hair that i’m waiting to dye purple. i’m an introvert but i’m more comfy around people i’m close with. i procrastinate a lot, i’m sensitive, + i think i’m pretty funny. i love coffee and cats, my hobbies are writing, baking, and playing video games. my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation! i don’t really have a type as long as they can make me laugh! thank you <3
Hello sweetie! Thank you for your patience 💚 I hope you are doing well! 
Well for me… let's say it was quite a hard time but I promise I will do my very best to catch up with all the asks! 
After reading your application I had to instantly think of my favorite character of all time!  
Yamaguchi Tadashi!
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-Just as you, he is more on the introverted and sensitive side, which means it's an really empathic relationship! We love that!
-Even tho Yamaguchi has always liked baked goods, he never knew that he had quite a talent for baking as well! After meeting you and becoming a couple, baking became a good stress reliever for both of you. You would never really admit it, but he even became better at baking than you.
-Against everyone's assumption, Yams is really into physical contact so you two are usually seen while holding hands.
-Or resting your heads against each other's shoulder! (Well, he will still look like a ripe tomato, but it's quite obvious that he enjoys it like a little puppy)
-Café Dates while doing homework? YES
-He is really into your colorful hair and LOVES to plan new colors with you! 
-You once tried to match your hair to his greenish color, and even tho it didn't suit you that much, it was hella cute to walk around in partner look
-You are the funnier one in the relationship. PERIOD
-He really wants to be more funny, but let's face it...he has the humor of an old man
-You still laugh at his jokes, since they are so bad that its actually sad, which makes it even funnier.
-You get along with Tsukki surprisingly well.
-That's because he really held back at the beginning to not make fun of you. Deep inside, Tsukishima was happy for Yams to finally get a girlfriend, so he didn't want to scare you away.
-Nevertheless he kept an eye on you, to see if you are good for him. But you two are just really healthy and supportive, so Tsummidoent mind you at all.
(-Yamaguchi and Yachi always lose as Imposter, because they are too scared to kill others)
I hope you are happy with those bullet points and I could make you smile a bit c:
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fynnichi · 4 years
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Feeling cute - might delete later ❣️
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fynnichi · 3 years
hello , i may i have a male hq match-up?
im 5’4 with brown eyes and collerbone length black hair. im light tanned and a little on the chubby side. im introverted and like to keep to myself. im sarcastic and come off as cold but in reality im just horrible at human interactions. i love to talk about anything and everything mostly because i enjoy learning things that are outside of school. im not comfortable with physical touch at first but warm up as i get more comfortable with a person. i love to read and write as well as painting/ drawing. im content with being alone , mostly because it hard for me to create relationships with others , but i enjoy the company of those i like. when around friends and friends only i can become a little extroverted and make lots of jokes. i enjoy making other laugh and listening to things they’re passionate about. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. i hope you have a wonderful day :).
Thank you very very much for participating!!
Side Note
For everyone reading this:
I will do ALL the requests, it just takes a while for me to come up with an idea and to write them out! So don't worry, I read all my asks and you will definitely get your Match Up sooner or later ^^
End Of Side Note 
So, coming back to your specific ask, your match up is going to be:
Akaashi Keiji
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Since Akaashi is usually hanging around Bokuto, he prefers his significant other to be a bit more... on the calm side. 
Not really boring, but simply a bit quieter than his loud and overemotional Ace.
Akaashi was always respecting your need for personal space, since he knew you for quite some years. In fact, you two were neighbors, since your family moved to Tokyo 10 years ago. Both of you were living in a big apartment complex, and your flats were on the same floor.
That's why he was one of the few people you actually felt comfortable with. You knew that Akaashi would never make fun of you or force you to do something you didn't want. So sometimes you would use to just hang out at each other's place. Mostly when your parents would visit each other or if you wanted to study together. 
Usually those meet ups would consist of both of you just doing your own stuff, without interfering much in each other's work. But on rare occasions you would also watch a movie or a documentary. 
Akaashi really appreciated the fact that you didn't stick to him like glue. That you cared enough for him to chill out in the same room,but still give him enough space to breathe. But honestly? He also wouldn't mind being closer to you...sometimes asking himself how it felt to hug you or play with your hair… yes, occasionally he could he a real romantic. But he contained himself, since he didn't wanted to scare you or make you uncomfortable. You didn't had many friends to begin with,so he didn't want to destroy the relationship you both built over the past 10 years.
But you did indeed noticed it. Noticed how Akaashi looked at you, when he thought you were doing your homework. How he still kept a drawing you made for him 3 years ago. And how his mother would tease you to finally make the first step, since her son was too shy.
And it's not like you didn't liked it or weren't interested in him. You just couldn't figure out how to talk about this topic. Or if those feelings were even real to begin with!
You knew too well that Akaashi had lots of girls interested in him, which was no surprise, since he was good looking, intelligent and quite polite. His sharp green-blue eyes...his fluffy bed hair and his big, defined hands… you thought that he was waaaaay above you league! But actually, you were the only one, thinking like this.
Because at the same time, you were one of the few people Akaashi could show his sarcastic and annoyed side, without to worry about offending you. Your humor was on the same page as his and he found your chubby body and your big brown eyes extremely cute!
So it was pretty much a situation, where both of you didn't dared to make the first step!
And day by day the tension grew bigger and bigger, till Akaashi gathered all his courage and visited you on a day, where he definitely knew your parents wouldn't be home.
When you opened the door, you couldn't believe your eyes...Akaashi was standing there...with a small bouquet of flowers and a little transparent box, in which he carried a cake.
It was your birthday.
But...you'd have never expected to be surprised by him! And not with a cake and flowers! 
While you were just starring at him, Akaashi looked away with burning ears. 
"Just take them! I won't hold them forever." He still couldn't properly look into your eyes. 
At this moment you knew, his feelings were sincere and you couldn't run away from them.
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fynnichi · 3 years
Hihi! Can I get a haikyuu boy matchup please? I'm 5'6, she/her, Asian descent with fair skin and medium length straight hair. My love languages are tied between words of affirmation and spending quality time. I'm a perfectionist, I like cleaning/ keeping things in order and for almost my entire life I've based my self worth on my academic pursuits and ambitions (it's only been a year or two since I realised this). I've been told i am super observant and have good intuition. Oh and cafe hopping!
- Ahaha this is part 2 of the match up i requested (miss perfectionist lmao). I love the Korean study aesthetic, boba, skincare and reading philosophy! I am really family orientated and I tend to keep friends at arms length due to some bad trauma/experiences with people i was once really close to. It doesn't mean I'm cold but I don't say anything too personal! I like maintaining aesthetic instagram feeds and I love musicology! really appreciate the efforts you put into your work and keep it up! ^^
Hello! Thank you very much for requesting a match up! And also sorry for taking so long. Uni has been quite stressful these past days, but I was really into finally giving you your match up, so please enjoy!! ⭐ The match up became more of a small one shot,I hope you didn't mind :')
Your match is Sugawara Kouchi! The more I read your application, the firmer my decision became. 
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Suga and you have been in the same class, since your first year of middle school and even though he didn't choose Karasuno so he could be in the same class as his classmates, but he was  still pleasantly surprised to see you there as well. 
You noticed each others existence, but weren't particularly close till your 3rd year of high school.
Thats when you noticed that his behaviour changed a bit...he became less focused on his school work and put all his energy in the volleyball club. Sugawara had always good grades, so the little drop wasn't quite dramatic but you noticed it. Not only because your seats were next to each other, but more because you would always be watching him from a safe distance. You couldn't really pinpoint when your interest for the pretty white haired boy started, but you didn't really mind. You didn't plan on getting close to him anyway.
But one day something happend,that you didn't expected. He asked you to tutor him,since your grades have been good for as far as he could remember. And since there wasn't really a reason to decline, you accepted it.
That was the beginning of your Monday sessions. He would come to your place and you would usually study for some hours. Sometimes more,and sometimes less, depending on if Sugawara wanted to talk to you more.
At first you felt extremely awkward and stressed. You would clean your room the night before and prepare everything, so he wouldn't think bad of you. But after about a month,you stated to enjoy your weekly study dates. And so did Suga. He didn't had any ulterior motives when you asked for your help, but he found it really cute, how helpless you were and how much effort you made to help him out. As a thank you, he would buy you cakes or other sweets to eat while studying and soon he would start to look forward to Mondays in general.
It took around 3 or 4 months till he realized that his affection for you was more than gratitude or sympathy. That he started to look for any reason to talk to you and that he wanted to shower you with little presents and compliments. 
You felt like his calming charm. Everything about you and around you seemed so soft and tidy. Exactly what he needed, when he felt unsure about himself and his life. When training was chaotic and hard, he knew that he could just be with you and enjoy some quite quality time, without the need to look out for something. 
So right before your finals he gathered all his courage and asked you out. He bought a little bracelet as a final thank you gift, since it was supposed be your last tutor session. His head became more and more red and honestly..he wasn't even sure if you liked him back. He knew that you liked to keep your distance, but couldn't figure out how to overcome it. So he thought that a confession would maybe give you a little push to finally realise your own greatness and worth. He wanted you to trust him and to lean on him.
But you couldn't believe what he was saying...panic rose inside of you,since you never expected him to confess. But seeing his expression, the panic shifted into happiness. He was serious. You softly accepted his confession and after your finals, you started to date. But it didn't feel much different then the time you used to spend together before. But that was good...it was already perfect the way it was between you.
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fynnichi · 4 years
-1/2- hi! i seen u were opening matchups, could i have a male HQ one pls? i’m 5’5, she/her w long dark brown hair w the front half of my right side dyed white, green eyes + tan skin! i’m super bubbly, loud, naturally v flirty + my love language is physical touch! i love working out + i’m a huge foodie, i’m stubborn + impulsive, love rain/storms, coffee + pda! i’m emotional, v confident, bold, giggly, energetic + observant! i ramble but i’m a gd listener, a night owl, v playful + love teasing -
-2/2- i’m spontaneous, optimistic, passionate + ambitious! i’m competitive, wear my heart on my sleeve + straight forward ~ i try my best to be upfront about my feelings + quick to stand up for myself! i love autumn/winter, cooking/baking whilst vibing to music, boba + outdoors (but also cosy nights in) my ideal type: tall, doesn’t mind physical touch, protective + can make me laugh! i also love late night adventures- tysm <3
Hello! Thank you very much for taking the time to write out a match up request!
It's my first time, so I hope you will like it!
When I read your ask, I was really torn between Oikawa and Atsumu, but at the end, I decided, that our beloved Inarizaki Setter was the better match for you!
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Atsumu was just drawn in by your aura! When he first spotted you at the Mensa for the first time, your interesting haircolour stood out to him first! Dying part of your brown hair white? That's quite unique. And the more he looked at you, the more your bubbly and expressive nature took him in.
After that, it felt like he saw you everywhere, even if you weren't in the same class.
The campus? You would be sitting there with friends.
On his way home? He would spot you in the conbini near the school ground.
It took him quite a while and some conviction from his brother to realize that he may had a crush on you.
And after that realization, it went on pretty fast.
He got your number through a mutual school friend and invited you to Boba and a movie. After that, you two just went with the flow and kept on meeting. Usually for a shopping spree or a late evening walk.
You were the first one to confess, but both of you were pretty open about your feelings anyway. Whoever saw you, would just feel the sparks between you. You would look out for whatever reason to briefly touch each other. Like hugging each other whenever you meet, or getting into harmless fights. When you were together, everything was funny. And everything was also a competition. Who could blow a Boba out of the straw the furthest away or who could run to the train station the fastest. To no ones suprise, Atsumu would always win.
Wherever you both were, it would never be boring.
He adores your open personality and your cuddly nature. It's quite rare to find someone who isn't afraid to told hands in public or to tell him "I love you" in front of other people. But that is exactly what Atsumu needs. The confirmation that you need and want him.
Whenever he is down, you can cheer him up, but at the same time, you can kick his ass and get him down to earth, when he looses the ground and gets on an ego trip.
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fynnichi · 3 years
Why didn't you do any Match Ups? 
So...long time no see i guess?
Tbh it's quite embarrassing coming back after such a long (unannounced) break but it was quite a tough time...a lot of things pressured me and I had arrange myself with certain topics I didn't plan on having to deal with ever again, but well...that's life.
Over the Christmas days I wanted to post some of the Match ups I did while being away, but anxiety kicked in and I became embarrassed to come back. I KNOW IT'S RIDICULOUS, so please don't judge me. Its just, that I was afraid to receive hate, just by coming back after such a long time… but I really didn't want to break my promise to do ALL Match Ups eith, even if it would take a while… so hopefully you will stick with me. I avoided Tumblr nearly completely over the course of the past weeks, since I was just so afraid to be confronted with my failure...I also decided to close the Match Ups for now till I catches up with all my university work and worked on those prior said topics.
Doing this was still quite educational. It showed me where my limits are. So I am quite thankful for that.
With this, I will excuse myself. The first Match Ups will follow really soon after this "announcement ", so stay seated and enjoy! 
Have a nice day and a happy new year. May the next year be gentle and release us from all the trouble and trauma we had to experience in 2020.
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fynnichi · 3 years
You are the most amazing person and you will forever be one of my favourite people, favourite memories, favourite smiles. My favourite love, my favourite friend, my favourite soul. I love and love and love you and am so grateful that in the vastness of this Universe I managed to stumble over your soul. And that I get to keep it close and safe within my own. I love you 💕
You are literally the sweetest thing on earth. Always looking out for me and showering me with affection ❤ your message may not change the place I am rn mentally it makes the stay a bit more bearable
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fynnichi · 4 years
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Missing you 💋
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fynnichi · 3 years
smol sad
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fynnichi · 3 years
Jeden Tag sehe ich in den Spiegel und erblicken die Reflexion meiner selbst.
Trübe, eingefallene Augen, graue Haut und spröde Haare.
Keine Kraft weiter zu machen, und doch der Druck jeden Morgen aufzustehen und in den Tag hinein zu leben.
Jeden Tag muss ich mit dem zurecht kommen, was ich habe.
Einem kaputten Körper, dem grundsätzlich nichts zu fehlen scheint
Und einer Psyche, die so in sich zerfallen ist, dass sie an ihrer eigenen Glaubhaftigkeit zweifelt.
Jeden Tag habe ich das Gefühl immer mehr zu zerbrechen.
Jeden Tag habe ich Schmerzen die niemand versteht.
Jeden Tag kommt die Diagnose, dass es eigentlich nichts zu diagnostizieren gibt und 
Jeden Tag stirbt ein Teil von mir.
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