#G dragon fluff
kattychann · 2 months
Enjoy the crumbs
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Extra screen(?
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rainydaygt · 5 months
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Hi. Today is my birthed day. I'm celebrating with some shamelessly indulgent Alistair g/t art because I do what I want and he is my husband and SNIFF i love him and and uuaaahhhhhh
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sweetestpieces · 7 months
Pairing: Giantess!Rhaenyra x Fem!Reader
Tags/Warnings: Giantess, Size Difference, brewing romance, fluff, idk, first time writing fic, completely separate from canon, slow
Length: 1125 words
Summary: Y/N spends her year with the princess, joins her to attend her proposals. (Part 4 of ???)
You can find Part 1 here & Part 2 here & Part 3 here.
“And don’t come back without more wine,” the princess called down to you in the courtyard. She was smiling. She’d been smiling a lot in the past few weeks. So were you.
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“I won’t,” you replied and gazed back up at the princess until she disappeared back into the halls of the keep, her laughter carrying through the corridors.
Being personal servant to Rhaenyra, your duties rarely kept you away from her for long. You spent mornings fetching her fruits and eggs with which she could break her fast on. Midday you could be found in the godswood with her as she spoke at length about some of the other suitors her father attempted to bring about. Some days you read to her with her head resting in your lap, the warm sunrays coming through the leaves of the great tree. At night you both retreated to her bedchambers where you would read to her by candlelight and fall asleep together. It was rather risky business as if anyone knew of your sleeping with the princess, even though it was truly only sleeping, rumors might begin to spread.
Whenever she had to serve her duties as princess, you were always by her side. It did not matter if court was being held in the throne room or if she need travel to Winterfell, you always accompanied her. The opportunity to travel was not something you’d expected to be fortunate enough to experience. For so many years all you knew were the boundaries of your family’s small farmland. Occasionally your father had you walk some five miles to the nearest village and back when in need of supplies, but that was all. By the start of your second year with the princess, you’d seen as far south as Sunspear, as far north as the Wall, and everything in between.
On one of those expeditions, this one going southeast to Storm’s End to meet a potential Baratheon suitor, among others, you rode along in the princess’s carriage. The thing was quite large to better accommodate the princess. Eight horses drew the wooden vehicle forward along the road. The spacious interior was lined with seats and cushions of the finest silks from Qarth. The princess lounged on one such seat, her long form stretched out almost to the other end of the carriage. You sat near her, watching her gaze out at the passing trees of the Kingswood. Moments like these, so near the princess in an enclosed space such as this, made her seem even larger than she was. Though recently, you couldn’t help but wonder if the princess had been growing. She seemed taller of late.
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“Tumbleton’s not far from here,” the princess said. Your home. She remembered and it gave you a warm feeling inside.
“Indeed,” you said, “Just a little the other way.”
“Do you miss it?” the princess asked after a long pause.
You had to think about that for a moment. When you first moved to King’s Landing, you did feel quite homesick for the farm and your family, as strange as it was. You almost longed for the grueling farm work. As your time with the royal family got on, though, you thought about home less and less. You did miss your family still, your sisters in particular. Perhaps, you thought, you’d pay them a visit soon. “I do. I miss my sisters.”
Rhaenyra looked from the window to you and tucked her legs in closer. “What are they like?”
You recalled your childhood to the princess and told her of how you all got along most of the time, but you still bickered like true siblings should. You all worked together and fought with each other. Rhaenyra looked at you with fascination as you told each story.
Soon enough you could hear the waves crashing in the distance and knew Storm’s End was near. The head of column called for a halt and you and Rhaenyra were helped from the carriage and onto the stone path. The castle lie ahead, grey and dreary even in the sunlight. “This way, Princess.” Riders approached bearing the Baratheon standard and you knew you were in for a long visit.
The next day was the day of the proposals. Lord Baratheon kindly offered his seat in the throne room for Rhaenyra to receive her suitors. Some hours before you and the other lady servants the lord of Storm’s End offered during the royal visit all washed, dressed, and groomed to perfection. Several footstools were needed to reach the princess’s height and help with her jewelry. “It’s rather tight,” Rhaenyra said when one of the maidens tied up the back of her dress.
“My Lady,” one of the other maids said, “It’s the dress, I’m afraid. It doesn’t seem to be properly fit to your shape.”
The air in the room grew silent as they all waited for Rhaenyra’s response. Such a comment to the wrong noblewoman could mean death. Clearly, these women did not know Rhaenyra as you did.
“Bring another, then,” she said, breaking the tension. You helped remove the dress from her, thinking to yourself that this dress fit perfectly a week ago.
Instead, the princess dressed in a red dress with golden leaf patterns across the entire garment, and she went to listen to proposals that she’d already planned to decline.
After the proposals had finished, Rhaenyra returned to her chambers to “contemplate her choices”. In reality, she gossiped with you about the lords that presented. She asked your opinion on them all and which, if any, you would choose.
Upon returning to King’s Landing, Rhaenyra met with her father to discuss the suitors. You lingered near the king’s chambers pretending to be busy as you waited for the princess to finish. It was quiet for nearly an hour before the shouting started.
“I’m heir to the Iron Throne!” the princess yelled.
“You can be heir to the throne elsewhere!”
The door swung open then and the princess, in tears, stormed off down the hall. You discovered her in her chambers still crying, curled up on her bed. You approached with caution and set a hand on her shoulder. “He’s sending me to Dragonstone,” she said. You felt your heart sink. “He says there are rumors. About us.”
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You climbed into bed beside her and started to cry too.
Rhaenyra boarded a ship for Dragonstone at the end of the month. You were there to see her off, the princess dressed in a black dress as you exchanged farewells with her. You could see her eyes were already watering before she boarded. You waited, along with the other maidens, watching the ship sail into the Blackwater Rush, and fade into the horizon.
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leethesheep · 3 months
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The wives!
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0swifttz0 · 5 months
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A treacherous journey for our little tiny friends as they fight the enemies, must be prepared for the worst and gear up and be grave!
While our giant friends hope to roll good, critital rolls so our tiny friends don't face death.
Always fun to do a dnd session! Well never Hage done one though, the idea of a G/T Dnd session sounds awesome. Who else would be interested in doing a session like that? :3
People in the drawings are @lilyunad @diegogtratty @maniakmonkey @oversized-writer
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strawberryangel6667 · 6 months
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rolplay stuff and lore
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
Cold Love
Wilbur is a dragon, his most wellkept secret. Tommy finds out so he brings him back to his hoard in the mountains.
CW: - vore
title taken from Cold Love by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
word count: 1.7k 🐉 read it on AO3
"Let me go," Tommy spits out. Despite his aggression, there's a fearful, panicky air about him that sends pangs into Wilbur's chest.
"Toms, come on. You know me - you know I'd never hurt you." He wrestles him into the ground, easily pinning him to the dirt without having to exert real effort.
Tommy's arms shake from the effort of trying to fight him off. Wilbur is almost relaxed above him, a slight frown on his face as he easily presses the boy down. The more he tries to fight and the more he sees how futile it is, the more his hostility slips into abject terror.
"Wilbur, please." His voice cracks and he starts to go limp. He blinks back tears. "I won't tell a soul. Your secret is safe, just let me go. I'll disappear, and you'll never hear from me again."
No. No, he doesn't want that at all -
And something must show on his face too, because Tommy's eyes widen at his reaction, and he starts to writhe again, sobs building in his chest.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I don't - I didn't - "
He falls dead silent, tears still streaming down the sides of his face.
"You're fine," Wilbur murmurs to him, trying to imbue his words with as much love as he can. "Everything's going to be fine, okay?"
He starts to stand, pulling Tommy up with him as he goes.
He's tense in his arms, but Wilbur remains gentle.
As soon as they're both standing up, Tommy lurches away from him, but he's not fast enough.
Wilbur pulls him close, his arms still loose around Tommy. "Were you trying to catch me off guard?"
Tommy is sobbing and yelling and hitting at his chest, but he doesn't react.
"I... what are you doing? You - you know I'm much stronger than humans, sweetheart, you've got to stop fighting me."
He breaks down in his arms and tries to fall to the ground, but Wilbur catches him and holds, staring at him in puzzlement.
"How do I make this better?" He asks, almost blankly.
Tommy is still crying. "You - you ate the mayor," he whimpers. "You burned half the village to the ground. You burned the orphanage to the ground. You killed Phil and Tech - "
Wilbur swallows a lump in his throat and shoves down rising feelings of guilt. "I did what I had to do. I ate the mayor, I destroyed your village, including the orphanage. But how else could I get you?" He brushes a strand of hair from Tommy's eyes. "All that paperwork... it's easier if they think you perished in the fire. And for the record - " he conspiratorially winks at Tommy, trying to get humor him, "Phil and Techno are just fine."
He doesn't wait for a response, closing his eyes and starting to shift. He pays extra mind to Tommy's position in his arms. The change is done in seconds, and when he opens his eyes again, Tommy's just a tiny little thing lying between his clawed paws.
"Treasure," he purrs irreverently. "My little human - let's get you taken care of, yeah?"
Tommy stares up at him with wide eyes, completely frozen on the ground.
Wilbur wastes no time in leaning down and swallowing Tommy. He screams and kicks as he goes down the throat, but Wilbur's body was designed to eat live prey. Functionally speaking at least, Tommy is no different from the deer or tigers or knights he regularly eats.
He hums contentedly as Tommy settles into his brood pouch. It's padded out so he can be rough as he wants in there and it won't hurt either of them (and let it be said that he is trying very hard to hurt Wilbur).
"You're safe now, Tommy. Let's get you back to the rest of my hoard." He purrs again, a burst of delight in his chest. "I've waited so long to get you with the rest of my collection. Bit of a shame that you found out this way, but I'm a little glad too. I was going to reveal myself in a few months, but now I don't have to wait."
He spreads his wings and takes flight towards the treacherous mountains. Only the royals' finest knights could traverse the landscape, and even then, they were so tired and cold from the trip that their hands could barely grip the hilts of their swords.
He lands in the entrance and strides in. Techno and Phil sit idly on a pile of gold coins, chatting away, but as soon as their eyes land on him, they avert their gazes and seem to wilt. He's learned not to take it to heart - they've gotten better about managing their fear of him in the past few months since he added them to his hoard, and he's sure that as the years progress, all three of his humans will come around again.
He leans over Techno and Phil and opens his mouth up, finding it just the teeniest bit funny when they flinch back and start to plead with him not eat them. He brings out Tommy, letting the boy gently fall onto the two men below.
He sits back and admires them, a happy sound growing in the back of his throat.
"Finally," he says dreamily, "I have all three of you."
He shifts back into his human form and saunters up to them, ignoring how Tommy flinches backwards into Techno and Phil.
Phil pulls Tommy into his arms and starts to soothingly rub circles into his shoulder. "Wilbur, you're scaring him."
He shrugs nonchalantly. "You were scared too, in the beginning. He'll get over it soon - you all will - and then you'll be a proper part of my hoard."
Phil and Technoblade share a glance that he doesn't bother to decipher.
"Your hoard... what does that mean?" Techno asks slowly.
Wilbur grins brightly at him. "My collection! My treasure - it means you're mine now."
Tommy stares at him slack-jawed.
"Why us?" It seems like it slips out of Phil's mouth, something he says before he has a chance to apply a filter. But Wilbur doesn't mind answering.
"Techno is my twin, Tommy is my little brother, and you're my father." Those are all the human words for the familial terms, so they should understand.
Phil bites his lip. "Wil... we love you, but you can't - "
"I can do whatever I want," he cuts in, his voice edged with aggression.
Phil falls silent.
Wilbur smiles at him again. "Do you have anymore questions?"
Techno awkwardly coughs. "I hate to be the bearer of the obvious, but humans don't live as long as dragons. We're a lot less hearty, and you've stationed us on Dead Man's Hill. Because that's the name of this mountain, Wilbur - Dead Man's Hill. Are you sure you don't want to take us somewhere else?"
He feels his expression darken. "That won't be an issue. You're my hoard now. Which means your life force is tied to mine, and all three of your aging processes have stopped. If I'm to die - if - then you'll begin to age again." He turns a steely eye to Techno's. "And we will leave this mountain. But only when I know you won't try to do something silly, like leave me."
Techno nods, avoiding his eyes. "Sounds good."
"It does, doesn't it?" He agrees happily. "Now that I've taken Tommy, my collection is complete."
"Sorry - sorry, what the fuck?" Tommy chimes in, finally having found his voice.
Techno lowers his voice and says into his ear, "Wilbur is a dragon and he's keeping us now."
Tommy stares at him. "I thought you were fucking dead."
"Mm, me too," he says dryly. "But I'm not. I'm just the adopted twin brother of a dragon."
"Did you know?!" Tommy asks, sitting up and stumbling away from them.
Wilbur watches him curiously, fondly noting as he tips backward into a stack of gold coins.
"Did they know what?"
"What do you - what do you fucking think, Wilbur?!" He screeches.
Wilbur smiles, and lets himself shift again. Tommy flinches away as he approaches but he doesn't mind, picking him up in his mouth and plopping him back down next to Phil and Techno.
"They didn't know," he says soothingly, gazing down at them. He curls his tail loosely around their little group, forming a protective barrier. Or a cage.
Techno slides an arm around Tommy's shoulders. "Trust me," he murmurs, "if we had known, we never would have let you - " he cuts himself off, seeming to stiffen as his eyes nervously dart up to Wilbur. "We didn't know," he concedes.
Wilbur laughs lightly. "Can you imagine if you had? You never would have been my friend! And Phil never would have taken both of us in. I had to lie."
There's a look on Phil's face that he can't decipher. "Wilbur... I would have. Of course I would have," he says gently. His words carry weight, but the meaning behind it is unidentifiable to Wilbur.
"No," he says simply. "So it's a good thing I lied. Because the years passed and you realized how much you loved me, and now that you know I'm a dragon, you won't leave."
A sharp wave of paranoid insecurity strikes through his chest. "I don't think you'll leave," he mutters in afterthought, his tail slightly tensing around them.
Technoblade looks conflicted. "We love you for you, your being a dragon doesn't change that."
Wilbur frowns down at him, puffing a plume of smoke out. "Why are you saying that?"
"What - what do you mean?"
"We aren't leaving this mountain, Techno. I'm not that stupid."
A look of surprise crosses his face. He's a good actor, Wilbur decides. "I wasn't saying that to trick you, we do love - "
"I know you do!" Wilbur sharply cuts in. "Because I spent years bonding with you as a human. And now that you know I'm a dragon, it doesn't matter!" He gives them a smile with his large, sharp teeth. He ignores how forced it feels. He ignores how it feels like he's trying to convince himself more than them.
Phil looks at him with a pained expression. "Mate - "
"You're a little scared right now, but that's fine," he purrs, cutting him off. "We have the rest of time for you to love me like you used to. You weren't supposed to find out, but you have, and that's fine. I'll just keep you here. I'll just keep you here, and we can be a proper family."
He nuzzles the three of them with his snout, ignoring how they flinch away from him. "I love you!" he exclaims. "And you love me. So everything is fine. It's fine."
~ ~ ~
🏷️: @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @flowers-of-plenty @gracideaviolet
hope you enjoyed :3
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welcometomylittlelife · 5 months
D&D Character Idea
Hey there!
So, I have this idea for my own Dungeons and Dragons character.
His name is Tal'el, and he's a Sprite. Basically, he is this small, fairy-like person who is a poison master for his people. He knows herbs and medicines as well as the more dangerous side of plants. He can fly around and do all sorts of fun things. He's not really a fighter, but he knows how to use a bow and arrow.
Then, after some tragic things happen to his tribe (not sure what to fill in there yet), he meets some adventurers and decides he wants to go out adventuring and exploring. He also wants to solve the mystery of what happened to his people.
Sound... okay? Let me know what you think or if it's a bad idea. I'm new to this whole thing.
Anyway, that's all.
So long! Parker
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iwasonthelastbus · 7 months
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Williant with his niece.
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abigailbozarthart · 2 months
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Aldous and the Dragon
Comission for the man who is now my boyfriend, of his character Aldous the half-gith swords bard and the silver dragon Axe-Xiao! Plus a bonus doodle of why you hug the dragon and not the other way around.
Coms closed but waitlist open.
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taryndedoo · 10 months
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Big Thicc dragoness ;3 She enjoys the cuddles and so will you.
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It was a birthday for a friend the other day so got him some big fluffy cuddles!
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Takes Your Child To The Studio ~ Big Bang Reaction
The smile on his face was wide as Jiyong pointed out to Seunghyun, your son in the corner of the studio, trying his best to copy the four boys.
It quickly got the attention of all four of the boys as your son got lost in his own little world. “He’s having a right boogie.”
“He takes after his daddy,” Seunghyun proudly told them all, “he constantly wants to watch our videos back at home and tries to copy the dances.”
“You want him to be a dancer in the future?” Daesung asked him.
Seunghyun shrugged as he didn’t tear his eyes away from your son, “it would be pretty cool if he was a dancer, I mean look at him, he’s a natural, right?”
“He’s already a better dancer than you,” Jiyong teased, “how does it feel to be shown up by your four year old son at the studio, at your own place of work?”
“He’s not showing me up,” Seunghyun tried to dismiss, “hopefully one day this will be his place of work too.”
“Dancing his heart out,” Youngbae chuckled, “and being the best dancer in the Choi household.”
“Hey, the second best Choi,  thank you.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Youngbae as Daesung voiced his concerns about the fun activities that he had prepared for your daughter.
Daesung looked questionably as he met Youngbae’s eyes, “you know that Y/N doesn’t like her eating sweets during the day.”
“I’m doing Y/N a favour,” Youngbae reminded him, “if sweets are needed to keep Y/D/N under control then she’ll just have to deal with the consequences.”
“Are the sweets needed?” Seunghyun asked as he watched on.
A hum came from Youngbae as he watched your daughter closely, “probably not, but I’ve got a reputation as the fun uncle that I need to try and keep.”
“I’m so glad you’re taking Y/D/N home to your sister tonight and not us,” Jiyong jokingly told him, “I can already imagine her going crazy knowing what you’ve done.”
“Y/D/N knows what happens with Uncle Younbae stays with Uncle Youngbae,” he assured them, “it’s our little promise.”
“One day Y/N will find out,” Seunghyun warned him, “and you won’t be doing this anymore.”
“Y/N needs me to take care of Y/D/N.”
A weak smile formed on Jiyong’s face as he walked into the studio with your son in tow, feeling the eyes of all three of the boys watching him closely.
Your son quickly ran off to greet the three boys as Jiyong dropped his bag. “Y/N isn’t feeling well, so daddy duties today it is.”
“And we have to babysit too?” Youngbae asked him, throwing his arms up into the air. “We signed up to sing and dance and not take care of Y/S/N.”
“It’s just for one day,” Jiyong quickly assured them all.
Seunghyun nodded as he walked over with your son in his arms, “I’m sure we won’t lose too much time if we spend the day dancing and messing with Y/S/N.”
“You won’t even know that I’m here,” your son jokingly told them all, copying what Jiyong had prepared him to say in the car, “it’ll be like I’m at home.”
“We know your daddy bud, we know that you’ll be here,” Daesung replied to him, “you make as much noise as he does.”
“I guess one day wouldn’t hurt,” Youngbae eventually decided, “but you owe us for babysitting.”
“He’s your nephew, don't you forget.”
A sigh came from Daesung as he watched your daughter do another lap of the studio, full of energy, and not looking ready to tire any time soon.
His hand rested over his head as Jiyong chased after her, “Y/N’s going to go crazy if I take her home with this much energy.”
“We’re having fun!” Jiyong called out to him, picking your daughter up and throwing her in the air, “daddy’s being boring, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, don’t be boring,” your daughter noted with Jiyong.
A roll of the eyes followed from Daesung as Seunghyun appeared beside him, “if she doesn’t sleep tonight, I’ll throw you guys under the bus with Y/N.”
“You can’t do that,” Seunghyun groaned, hitting against his arm, “Y/N’s scary, especially when it comes to Y/D/N, she’ll go crazy if you tell her this is our fault.”
“Stop chasing her around the studio then,” Daesung told the three of them, “or you can come home and do bedtime.”
“Are they coming home with us?” Your daughter excitedly asked, “are uncles coming for tea?”
“I think that’s up to mummy, sweetheart.”
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sanctuary-of-muffins · 5 months
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A treacherous journey for our little tiny friends as they fight the enemies, must be prepared for the worst and gear up and be grave!
While our giant friends hope to roll good, critital rolls so our tiny friends don't face death.
This will also be our gaming banner for gaming events! Also, wouldn't be a fun idea to do a dungeon and dragon session G/T related? Would any of yall be interested in trying one out? :3
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michaelmac6072-art · 2 years
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Giant Android 18 with Krillin in tow. What're they talking about, I wonder~
I honestly don't really know much about Dragon Ball like at all, but these two seem like fun characters and are fun to draw. Say what you will, but Akira Toriyama really does have an eye for character design.
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malemacrofics · 2 years
The Tiny Protector
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Summary: While on a mission in the Hinterlands, Cullen comes across a small curiosity. A man victim from a spell by a darkspawn Emissary that’s left him reduced in height. Luckily, a small size doesn’t mean the tiny guy can’t still help protect his new protector.
Content: Accidental Shrinking, Caring Giant, Fluff
A/N: Hopefully this is the first of many new fanfics! Also, special thanks to @iliumheightnights for letting me use his OC, Finnick!
Cullen doesn’t normally go on missions for the inquisition. In fact, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t detest the idea of leaving Skyhold normally. Sure, its stone brick walls and floor offer little in way of comfort, but between his bedroom and the courtyard of the keep, it truly does feel like home. However, when Leliana’s scouts reported darkspawn activity in the Hinterlands, the Inquisitor specifically asked Cullen to go with his soldiers. In hindsight, it seemed like an odd request, but Cullen wasn’t one to question his superior. At Least not with Josephine and Leliana standing right next to him.
Regardless of what happened back in Skyhold, now Cullen was here in the Hinterlands. And so far, Lelianna’s spies seemed to be wrong. They’ve visited numerous small settlements and none have reported any darkspawn activity. In fact, the soldiers were at the last settlement they had to search through. There wasn’t much special about it so far. There was a lack of people in the settlement when the soldiers arrived, but the lack of any destruction or personal effects in any buildings just caused Cullen to assume people had gradually left. He doubts many cartographers were making it out here to update their maps after the rift opened.
As Cullen approached the town hall, however, he could hear faint sounds of combat. He called over some soldiers before opening the twin doors. Before them was a mage engaged in a fierce magical duel against a Darkspawn Emissary. Each spell cast was immediately dispelled by the opposing party. That was, until the mage’s focus was drawn towards Cullen and the rest of the templars. In the briefest of moments, panic began to set into the Mage’s eyes, just enough time for one of the emissary’s spells to connect to the mage it was dueling.
As a sickeningly green bolt of energy connected with the mage’s robes, it began to wash over the cloth like ocean waves crashing over sand. Immediately, the mage began to fall over, almost as though paralyzed. Once he hit the ground, all that remained was the cloth of the robes.
Maker’s breath… Cullen thought, If only we were able to get here sooner.
As Cullen thought, the emissary began to cast another spell, the same sickly green energy coalescing in its hands. However, after the bolt had been cast, but before it could hit Cullen square in the chest, it was met by a different ball of energy. This one cast from the robes laying on the ground. And in the moments between the emissary’s bolt being dispelled, and it beginning to cast another, an arrow from one of Cullen’s archers found itself lodged in the emissary’s chest. And as it looked down at the wound it now had, it began to dissolve, pieces of its own mass separating and falling to the ground. All that remained of the darkspawn was a small pile of dust and the arrow that had been shot into it.
Returning to reality, Cullen quickly rushed over to the heap of cloth on the floor. He began to search through it, hoping to find some personal effect that they could send home to the man’s family. However, in place of a locket or journal, was something Cullen wasn’t expecting at all. Laying in the cloth, almost in a daze, was the mage. He was still clothed, his undershirt and pants seemed to change with him, but instead of his normal height, he was reduced to mere inches tall. The man looked up at Cullen as a slight smile covered his face before he collapsed. All he remembered before everything went dark was the far off sound of a man ordering soldiers, and the feeling of leather against his skin.
Finnick woke up with a start. His head was pounding and he felt drained. Not only physically, but magically. He closed his eyes trying to remember what had happened. He recalled fighting a darkspawn in a wooden building, a strange man appeared, and the last thing he had done was cast a dispel. He looked around his surroundings and it appeared like a tent. Small candles dotted the area, providing scant light into the night. However, this tent was more akin to a fortress or castle. The ceiling above Finnick seemed to be nearly 100 feet above him. And the floor he was resting on seemed to be made of oak, with massive papers stretching it’s surface. Finnick attempted to run to the edge of the surface he was on, and after gazing over the edge realized two important things. One was the fact that he seemed to be at least 50 feet from the ground, and that whatever surface he was on was more akin to a table than any floor. And with those realizations, that’s when it clicked for Finnick.
He is on a table. And the ground wasn’t 50 feet below him, but probably only 3. Just as the fear begins to seat itself in the base of his stomach, Finnick watches as the strange man from the town hall enters the tent. His blonde hair and stubble framed his face quite handsomely, with a faint scar visible across the man’s upper lip. And his polished armor glinted in the candlelight, only hidden behind the large feathered collar. The man looked in surprise at seeing Finnick up and moving. He made his way to the table and sat in the chair that was pulled up. He began to introduce himself.
“Greetings, ser mage. My name is Cullen Rutherford. I’m here on behalf of the Herald of Andraste.” He said with a smile, “We heard rumors of darkspawn operating in this part of the Hinterlands, and upon investigation, we encountered you. May I ask your name?”
“Finnick. Just… Finnick for now. Where am I, and why are you so large?” Finnick asked nervously.
As soon as Finnick had asked that question, Cullen’s smile faded. “Right, your size. When we approached your battle with that darkspawn, it appears he had cast a spell of some kind on you. We don’t have the magical knowledge here at our base camp to have any hope of reverse it. However, with your permission, I’d like to take you to Skyhold. Perhaps the herald or our mages could reverse it.”
“It’s not like I have much of a choice, do I? I either go with you, or have to fend for myself at this size.”
“Unless you have another idea, it appears that way, Finnick. My apologies.”
Finnick thought for a moment, hoping there was some alternative he could think of. However, each time his mind drew a blank. “And I can trust you?” He asked.
“Of course. I wouldn’t wish you any harm. You have my word.”
“Alright then, Cullen. How soon do you plan on heading back?”
“We’ll stay stationed here for the night, and leave first thing in the morning. If you’d like, to can even sleep in this tent with me.”
“That sounds nice. Although, I don’t suppose you have anything extra to cover up with? At this size,  the gentle coolness of the Hinterlands feels more akin to a midwinter night.”
“I’m afraid not, Finnick. I understand it would be unconventional, but if you wish you could rest on my body as I sleep. I don’t move much and hopefully my body warmth would stave off the cold for you.”
Finnick immediately felt himself blush. He turned his face away from Cullen. Did he honestly just offer for me to sleep with him? Finnick asked himself. I suppose he’s right though. It seems like the best option at the moment.
“And you wouldn’t find that too awkward, Sir Cullen?” Finnick asked, his face still flushed.
Cullen notices the slight blush, even in spite of the size difference between the two. He cracks a small smile at the miniscule mage, “Of course not. Would you?”
“N-no, not at all.” Finnick sputters.
“Then it’s settled. Just give me a moment to take off my armor, and you shall accompany me to bed.”
With his sentence finished, Cullen walked behind a folding screen. However, given the height of the templar, his shoulders and up were still more than visible. And Finnick could swear Cullen looked over his shoulder to check if the tiny mage was still watching. Once Cullen was done, he walked from behind the folding screen. His muscular chest bare as he stood there simply wearing a thin pair of linen pants. A small dusting of hair visible across the templar’s broad chest. Cullen approached the table and placed his hand on its surface, palm up.
“Climb aboard.”
Finnick stepped on the palm, grabbing Cullen’s thumb for support. Cullen made his way towards his cot and laid on it’s surface. He laid Finnick on one of his pecs before covering his legs and stomach with a thin blanket. He laid his hand over Finnick, almost like his own tent, before asking the mage “Comfortable enough for you?”
“Yes, thank you.” He quickly responded.
And as the two fell asleep, Finnick began to wonder how much he really wanted to return to his normal size. Life alone in the Hinterlands was hardly the easiest thing to have to do. Being under the care of a gentle man like Cullen seemed like a very worthwhile trade. Even if he had to be stuck at the height of one of Cullen’s fingers. Regardless, that’s an issue for another day, for tonight the moon is rising, a soft breeze blows over the hills and mountains, and the two men have a wonderful night’s sleep together in a tent. Wondering what’s going to happen next.
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imeelmeal · 2 years
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Coming up with characters with a friend! I know this is basic but …. Hot rich dragon dude? Who is nice and cares for intruding borrowers?
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