chthonicgodling · 11 months
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@marscats37 making these two question responses into its own post bc I’m sure I’m about to write another essay <3EDIT AFTER I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS POST - Yeah this is another esssay lmaoooo
(re: this post right here)
1. Does Ker hate Maci for immortalizing Tory away from death and overriding her?
haha. hahahahahaha well. yes and no. First of all- let it be known again and stressed how little Ker CARES about politics lmfao???? Thanatos was SO MAD that Maci was like. alive. literally his overarching villain goal was to find a way to kill her, kill everyone, maybe take over the underworld if he could swing it and all the other gods were dead, etc. Ker’s villain goal is…. uhh violently eating people as is her designated Fate? secondarily Consuming and Unmaking Chal Because Chal’s Existence is An Embarassment to Her? But as a she doesn’t fuckin care what the Princess is doing, the Princess is just ANNOYING and loud and Ker has never had patience for her through all her dealings with Hades.,, and thats the main reason she dislikes her a dfkfk BUTTTTTT-
however….. however. Re: Tory. When Maci brought Tory to the Underworld as her new pet mortal you may recall me mentioning (possibly, idk what’s common knowledge anymore? Maybe on the second blog fkfkf) that it was Mass Chaos like the Underworld’s feelings on mortals is veryyyy different than Olympians tend to be and so, first if all, gross. And then a specific slap in the face to the death gods. But Tory was not only “maybe” going to possibly violently die if Maci hadn’t whisked him away - he WAS going to, as Tory actually had a near death experience shortly before his deification—
Not the time Thanatos attacked him before he and Maci were dating; when he deliberately did not kill him to leave Tory for Melinoe.
Nnnot the time either that right after, Melinoe arranged to have Tory attacked by a ghoul who assaulted him and injured him brutally afterwards -
But after ALL that- once Maci and Tory were finally together - and once Hades finally discovered that his daughter was dating a mortal - Hades fully tried to murder Tory himself and almost DID. in fact he’d strangled tory nearly to unconsciousness before Maci showed up and uh, set everything on fire - and that was so long ago tory would never remember that for a brief… split second before he could breathe again… there was almost the figure of a gruesome seven foot goddess glowering in his face—
(Tory’s been through so much lmao.)
uhhh yeah if Maci hadn’t showed up right when she had Tory absolutely would have Violently Died™ ?! Ker was just doing her job! but instead the Princess showed up out of fuckin nowhere, and that supernatural Fated drive to appear when mortals are about to kick the bucket suddenly fizzled away as his lifespan was lengthened— I’d like to think that Ker knew right then and there what and who Tory would become. The death gods are all a lil bit psychic like that. and ssshe wasn’t happy about it. also I’m sure her second thought was “ohhmmhggods thanatos is gonna whine about this forever 😑” so yeah, when Thanatos was like “hey I’m gonna get back at the Prince and Princess for the 8 millionth time and it’ll work this time if you help me by giving me a child to bully and brainwash” Ker did not object to this - no love for either of them yknow, and a very mild sulky somber grudge
I will say that though she’ll be mildly bitter forever, Tory at least once he did become a god has earned the respect of everyone in the Underworld for both balancing Maci out and also for being like, a good prince, and also a cool prince, and also like, a great deal intimidating so. Ker regards him coolly at arms length and I wouldn’t say she RESPECTS him in any real way but. maybe slightly. He’s kind of tolerable now that he’s a daemon himself. guess that leads to the next question!
2. Does Ker ever feel threatened by anyone!
….short answer is no. The perception of Cocky invincibility is a personality trait innate in all three Deaths (including Neo whose biggest flaw is being unblinkingly fearless in literally any situation)
lmao but. long answer. S. Sort of! Actually kind of yes maybe like. once……. Wellllllll there is a short list of people who Ker has “fought” with or have at least been able to successfully clash with her without being obliterated into paste. once again cheerfully reiterating that Thanatos is not one of those people and Ker quite frequently was able to knock him around when he got too mouthy with her
Tory firstly has Tried To threaten her once Neo came into the picture, he’s always kept her at cautious arms length at his end bc they do need a mentor for Neo of course. but when Ker got pissy that Tory and Maci wouldn’t let Neo start to work with her at the age of 10 Tory (tried) to put her in her place by intimidation - it did work to back her off but not bc she was intimidated - just bc she fuckin. Needed Neo and could not risk Tory withholding her from her duties. So She just uh. Spoke briefly to neo and gave her her scythe and then moodily stalked away with the compromise of neo training with her at age 15 (it ended up being age 13!). there was one other time Tory did physically fight Ker and I will get to that in one second but before that—
there’s Epi. Epi has actually brawled with Ker twice within canon (possibly more in the past who knows!), as a relatively imposing daemon himself who most people are very much afraid of. First canon brawl - now, Epi and Loki’s son Vryk, who you’ll recall died and came back to life - is such an abomination to Death itself due to his undead status that he’s actually extremely unsettling for any death gods to be near, of course it’s only Neo and Ker at this time. (Neo manages.) Epi’s another sibling of Ker’s from Nyx’s brood of hundreds and at her insistence he’d actually reluctantly taken Vryk to visit Nyx outside of Elysium - upon which Ker HONED IN on Vryk’s horrible energy and appeared to try and dispose of him. At the threat to his son Epi wasted no time in shifting full daemon and LEAPING THE FUCK ONTO KER where they screamed and clawed at each other like hissing cats until nyx peeled them apart. Vryk is the future god of necromancy! Ker will hate him SO MUCH when he grows up! Does Ker find Epi threatening?? Ummm i guess not seeing as she fully made a move to eat his son out of his arms with no hesitation to consider how Epi (again. EVERYONE IS AFRAID OF EPI. Epi also eats people!) might react. him biting the fuck outta her at least gave her… pause?? no one won that fight it was a draw lol
The second time Epi got to attack Ker to try and threaten her is also the first time Tory did which was of course when Ker ate Chal’s arm off <333 the threats of Tory to deny her access Neo if she did anything to Chal, as she looomed over them all menacingly, fell COMPLETELY on deaf ears - Neo’s tutelage was not conditional (she hissed, over and over again, a direct quote.) when she finally tricked Chal into crossing the barrier so that she could try to eat her, Tory and Epi both daemon shifted and attacked her and this. did literally nothing to her. she did not care at all. She retreated only bc it was annoying having two furious daemons chewing on her and trying to tear her apart; with Maci appearing at the distress call to grab Chal to safety, Tory and Epi grabbed Loki to help hunt Ker down and the three of them followed her in the hopes of some sort of successful threatening punishment and to make her somehow return Chal’s eaten arm. They did find her, in her own cave surrounded by the Keres spirits, and none of the three of them could get her to flinch - and this brings me to the entrance of the one person who HAS successfully managed to intimidate Ker -
it was Bel :)) bel wins the Ker threat battle
or, well, the entity that stretches across Bel and Ty in two bodies, as they both showed up right there interlinked together the wayyy they doooo to be spooky and. Haha I can’t believe I’ve never drawn or like. mentioned this???? Fuckin ABSOLUTELY furious that Ker had actually attacked chal - and to the absolute chagrin of alarmed dad Epi & Loki & Tory - Bel confronted Ker and snarled that Chal no longer belonged to her to try and dispose of (Chal belonged to bel now, how DARE you 🥺). when Ker once again did not flinch, for who the fuck did epi’s child think he was talking to her like that— Bel (and Ty United) used his psychic telepath powers to puppet-force Ker beyond her own control to dispel all of the Keres, verbally swear to forfeit her claim to Chal and leave her alone forever — AND THEN FORCIBLY VOMIT ALL THE PIECES OF CHAL’S ARM THAT SHE’D EATEN until she backed down :)
and so. I guess. That’s the real answer. in a poetic twist of Fate because it all comes back to them, the only person EVER who’s been able to successfully make Ker feel threatened has been the 💕now husband💕 of her own abandoned child, poetic fucking justice. also we do this a lot in Elysium I’m realizing after typing that all out. the amount of times Maci and Tory have gone bezerker for each other….. It’s ok I Love This
PHEWWW WELL THERE YOU GO sorry to ramble again but!!!! if you made it to the end I hope these very long winded responses answered your questions THANK U FOR ASKING THEM AAHHH
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million-with-a-b · 1 year
Two quick questions: are we allowed to use headmate names, and what do we call you, super secret side blog?
Hmm hehHekehHdkrkehehe yeah I think so! But pls use Cody for our host bc thats his alternate name teehee
Uhmm collectively u could call us uhh. Whatever goofy silly thing u want??
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corvuscanidae · 1 year
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silverskye13 · 1 year
Tango: We got a little procrastination going on here?
Doc: Well I have two more embers to go, but -- I wanna, you know, I wanna go in the morning when I'm rested well and such
Cleo: [cackling]
Tango: Every bit helps, yeah
Doc: I might've drunk half a bottle of wine at the moment--
[Laughter from all the hermits in the lobby]
Cleo: Only half?! Lightweight!
Doc, defensively: I had to share!!
God I love these idiots.
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A real "Eat your fucking dice!" moment from Zac oyama
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the1trueanon · 11 months
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hehehehe finally got these done!! Reboot is so fun to draw; I swear drawing him just bursting into laughter immediately made me feel so much better about literally everything 🥰 He has such a pretty smile, especially when it's genuine. I love him being silly and giggly 🥰 I want him to just be able to laugh and be happy .....buuuut at the same time I also want to put him through so many of The Horrors(TM), so maybe my wants shouldn't be trusted XD
As always, Welcome Home belongs to Clown (partycoffin), and Reboot!Wally/the Reboot AU belongs to @bloodrediscream!💖💖
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
The story of my 3-year-long quest to identify a very rare bird
So I've been trying almost since I moved here to figure out what bird made this strange call that I sometimes heard near my house:
I tried to google "european bird that sounds like a laughing hyena?" and also to imitate the noise over the phone for a friend who once took an online bird course, but she had no idea. (Well, she said "that's a hyena." I said, "but I hear it all the time! Near my house!! Wait I'll do it better." She said, please stop making a hyena noise :(( and I stopped because the cats thought I was losing my mind)
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Eventually I managed to record the actual bird call on my phone, and used a Shazam app for birds—but once again, no luck. The first app I tried just assumed it was being trolled and was like "it's you, isn't it? That's not a bird that's your stupid human laugh, you're making fun of me. I'm not an idiot"
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The second birdsong app was more insecure and apologised a lot for failing to identify my bird. I thought it must be a rare bird! (The only uncommon bird I know of in this region is the vulture but it sounds less like a hyena and more like if elephants were birds.) Every time I heard the call (usually during the day) I opened the window trying to a) get a better recording so my app would finally have an epiphany, and b) see something flying off a tree.
At one point I was cutting brooms in the pasture and heard the call very loudly, as if the bird was just a few metres away, and it wasn't coming from the sky. I googled every possible version of "flightless (?) bird that nests in thorny bushes?" and found nothing, and started wondering if it was actually a mammal. But I couldn't think of any plausible local mammal that would make this sound—definitely not a fox or badger, who say WAOOHHH, and nothing like the polite whistle of marmots. We've got pine martens in the woods and I found a video called "mating pine marten scream bark" and thought oh!! that must be it! ... but then I listened to it and it sounded like yiiiaaaaaeeeeee, like if you stepped on a baby banshee's toe, nothing at all like the heheeheuruurhh of a hyena who just heard a good joke.
Anyway, this morning I was in the pasture and I once again heard the hyena laugh! I was standing by the moose butler tying up the hay net, away from any trees or shrubs and the call came from just behind me. I turned around thinking there was absolutely no way for the mystery bird to hide, it had landed on the ground behind me and this time I was going to see it!
it was HER:
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Absolutely no doubt. I saw Pampy's throat vibrating along with the last echoes of the hyena laugh. All these years I've been saying that llamas are very quiet animals who just make cute little "hum-hum" sounds (I rarely hear adult llamas humming to one another, it's mostly for mother llamas to communicate with their baby and with me) and I had no idea that the shrieking hyena-bird I occasionally heard outside my house was Pampelune! I googled "llama alarm cry" and immediately found youtube videos featuring llamas making this exact sound. There was a stray dog nearby this morning that Pandolf eventually chased away, so maybe Pampy was the first to hear him and sounded the alarm. Maybe she uses this cry to tell Pan to go do his guard dog job, because he left the pasture and ran into the woods when she made the sound (while I was turning round like "aha! you can't run, hyena-bird!")
I wanted to share this discovery! I've had llamas for nearly 4 years and I'm only now finding out that they can laugh like hyenas when the situation calls for it. I feel bad for the poor birdsong app that I've repeatedly gaslighted feeding it a llama call and insisting that it identify this bird for me while it hung its head in shame like "I swear I don't have your bird in my database. I'm so sorry. I'm a bad app."
Llamas are fascinating creatures. Please experience their majestic alarm call again, and be alarmed:
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i need more Steve being a nuisance in Eddie's life.
don't get me wrong, i love the reverse, but just picture: Eddie acting all tough and in your face and Steve turning the charm up to a thousand with him, always pressing and pressing until he breaks through, until he makes Eddie snarl or fume or god forbid blush.
Steve playing up their competition, Eddie refusing to take his ideas seriously just on principle and Steve getting all up in his space when they work, saying "I told you, Munson" or "see? I was right, and you were wrong" and Eddie bares his teeth to him all mean and scary, but it doesn't scare Steve, he's all bark and no bite. Unfortunately.
Steve being overly sweet and flirty just to get on Eddie's nerves, catching Eddie staring and saying "you like what you see, Eds?" and Eddie's almost convincing with his "There's blood on your side. You should patch that up, Harrington" spitting out his name like it's a dirty word. It almost works, if only Eddie wasn't blushing so hard.
Instead Steve only grabs his chin and says "no need to worry, baby, i got it", throwing in a wink for good measure. Eddie yanks his face away and storms out, cigarette pack already out.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 242
   He looks the same as he had that fateful day, a storm raging around him and risking sending the ship down into the abyss. Hair whipping in the wind as the sky roars its deadly challenge echoed by the beasts they all sought to bring down those centuries ago. 
   It looks just as human as they- that is to say not at all, not anymore. A body twisted, sand and lightning melding into a molten sea ever-expanding. Its eyes as gold as the treasure it guards, brilliant blues and greens dancing across bodies in sigils unknown. 
   It looks exactly as it did that time ago, smile dancing on its lips as the sky opened up in torrents, like blood gushing from a wound. “You’re free to go,” it says, in words they understand and words they don’t. “You don’t have to stay here any longer.” 
   “Where will we go?” They ask, so very tired of this eternal battle, of being trapped in crashing waves and storms of water and sand. Being tossed one way and the other, never able to go home, for home was gone long ago. 
   It looks up, their own gaze following, the ship crashing through the dredges of a storm they had thought eternal. And for the first time in eternities, they see them. The stars. Dancing and dripping from a serpentine form that cradles the Sun and Moon, smiling down to the beast and them alike. 
   And so, they take from the seas, and take to the stars instead. 
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triglycercule · 3 months
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and then dust woke up from his dream
chat what do we think of horrordust heightswap doodles
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(In a good way!!!!!!!!)
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dwaekkibabie · 8 months
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I see no difference
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wikitpowers · 3 months
help even my tumblr ads are kitty coded 😭
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stardusttealeaves · 1 month
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"Aww shucks, havin' fun without me?"
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hestiashand · 1 year
this is how the end of classic went, right?
[ ID: a comic in video format of tsunade and naruto talking in the hokage office. the audio is originally from a barbara walters interview and goes as such “can you tell me what your relationship with [uchiha sasuke] is?” “i’m [sasukes’] right hand arm… man. i’m [sasuke] everything. his confidente, his best friend…. his silly rabbit.” “his what?” “his silly rabbit.” “his silly rabbit?” “yes.” “is that what he calls you?” “no.” END ID. ]
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manchesterau · 10 months
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petition for them to play charades again just to see how frustrated dan gets
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