#emetophobia tw //???
teaboot · 2 months
Okay so I may have been struggling under a miscommunication issue
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californiaquail · 5 months
saw somebody acting like the puke bowl is a midwestern thing and i feel like that's not true
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pmpwbrrs · 9 months
Gourmand why are you like this. How can you make living things out of the blue fruit you ate 3 minutes ago. How do you make a living breathing fucking snail? You can't even eat it, and yet you can spit it out, how the hell does that work? Put that thing back!!! Why is it alive??
And how can you make a goddamn neuron from an overseer and. What was this.... Hold on
AND KARMA FLOWER. And how can you make an overseer from neuron+ANYTHING!!!!! FROM ANYTHING!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!
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adnrewminyard · 4 months
imagine being kevin day, son of exy, born and bred to be a cog in the well-oiled machine that is the edgar allan ravens. all you know being the routine of practice and practice and practice and performance and victory alongside those you call brothers.
-and then one day you wake up in your estranged father's apartment between a bottle of painkillers and a bottle of vodka and there is a knot of bandages where your future used to be. you don't wake up at 4am anymore. you sleep until noon and vomit the remainders of life as you knew it into unfamiliar toilets. you watch orange and white clash against each other from sidelines you haven't touched since you started growing facial hair.
your brother doesn't ask you to come home. you would come if he asked. the days are longer here and the food is too rich. the colors are too harsh, the language barrier is too much. you speak and no one understands.
they feel sorry for you, but not for what you have lost, instead for what you have suffered. you try to show them what belonging means, to sever parts of yourself to fit inside a uniform, but they don't understand the necessity of the blade the way your brothers did. they don't understand that suffering feels religious if you do it right.
the therapist tells you it's survivor's guilt but the only survivors you can see are on the court in black and red and they read your eulogy after the game at a press conference. you are not a survivor in any way that matters anymore. how treacherous your heart is for continuing to beat when you can't even hold your lifeline in your hand without dropping it.
you want to go home but your key doesn't open the same door anymore. you want to sit beside your brother but there is no space on his side of the table. you want to be a raven but you are a fox.
you grieve for connection until there is a knife where your neck guard used to sit. you grieve for your life until a boy offers to show you how it feels to survive. you offer to show him how it feels to live. he tells you he won't sever parts of himself to fit the uniform, but there are telltale bloodstains in the fabric from long before you asked.
you wake up at 4am again. you take turns vomiting in the toilet, you when the alcohol level dips too low and him when his smile runs out. he doesn't speak your language but he understands it. he keeps the car running when you visit the therapist. he keeps an eye on your back to watch the 02 on your jersey turn orange. the colors don't seem as harsh anymore.
he offers you safety. he offers you belonging. he offers you the only thing he knows how to give, the only thing you know how to take.
he offers you a lifeline. you pick it up with your right hand.
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incognitopolls · 4 months
Anon grew up always taking blankets and entertainment to the bathroom when they were sick and camping out in bathroom quarantine until they finished vomiting/etc. Family would leave food and such outside the door. Anon only found out recently that this isn't what everyone does, even though it seems like common sense to them– less to clean, and less interaction with other people to possibly get them sick.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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junebuggeryy · 7 months
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ᴀʀᴇᴀ ᴜɴsᴀғᴇ. ᴇᴠᴀᴄᴜᴀᴛᴇ
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steampoweredwerehog · 6 months
Matthew got a redesign! Which means I could finally make This:
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Hm… Eldritch-mortal complications have to come up eventually
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
important reminder for people who menstruate:
if your cramps are so painful you can't do daily tasks, take care of yourself or get out of bed. if you pass out or vomit from cramps. if you can't walk or stand up properly from cramps. if you need to take pain medicine when you get cramps or else you will get sick, pass out, whatever.
seek medical help. people talk about how painful cramps are, and it's true, but there's a level of pain that simply isn't normal, and you need to get it checked
signed: someone who was recently diagnosed with endometriosis
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clingyduofan · 5 months
sometimes I miss dsmp so bad I feel like I'm going to throw up
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vellichorom · 4 months
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to that one person who asked awhile back for my take on The King beloved... i hope i did him the marshmallowy peepy justice you thought i had in me...
transparents below the cut so you can Behold my newfound watercoloring skills in their lone glory. yes they are very tiny i can't change that
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striders · 5 months
11 hours until i have to go in for a jury summons and i just puked for like 15 mins straight
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villainousauthor · 8 months
The hum of the old box fan fills the small room, as Hero presses their face into the warm pillow. It's a hot and sweltering day, afternoon light shining through the blinds, Hero's clothes strewn about the room. An arm wraps around their middle, pulling them closer.
Hero is the first to break the silence, though they don't turn around to face Villain. "We can't keep doing this." They focus on the spot on the wall opposite the bed, not wanting to admit how much they enjoy the feeling of Villains splayed hand across their torso.
"Well you certainly weren't complaining earlier. Or the last two times." Villain's voice is soft, as they gently brush hair away from the back of Heros nape, pressing a clammy kiss there.
The sheets rustle underneath them, Villain's warm and sweat sticked skin pressing against them, the warmth so inviting that it chips away at Hero's resolve. They wet their lips before speaking. "People are going to start getting suspicious, if I'm caught with you my reputation would be ruined. They would think I'm working with you."
"Ah, this is a reputation thing, is it? Let them think what they want." Villain's face is buried in their hair, arms pulling them even closer. In truth that's only part of it. The countless crimes and atrocities Villain has committed play over and over in Hero's head until they feel sick, head spinning and stomach weak.
There's been more than one occasion in the past, where after one of these not well thought out hookups, that Hero found themselves emptying the contents of their stomach in the toilet, guilt clawing at their throat. They think of how much blood is on those hands that feel so nice against their skin, how much those same hands that brings them so much pleasure has brought untold amounts of suffering to others.
Villain's hands rub soothing circles into their skin, and Hero feels the bile starting to rise. Quickly, they sit up, pulling themselves away from that soft embrace and pulling a sheet around them.
"I can't keep doing this, I need to leave, and I don't want you contacting me again." Hero's words sound frayed, erratic and worried.
This doesn't deter Villain in the slightest though, their voice still honeyed, as if their tongue was a weapon that could disarm them immediately. "Darling, come back to bed. If this is a guilt thing, don't get worked up over it. Nothing you do or don't do would have saved any of them." Hero simply shakes their head in response, still not facing them.
With a sigh, Villain sits up and reaches over, firmly pulls them back. They bury their face into the crook of Hero's shoulder, pressing slow opened mouthed kisses against their pulse. Hero's stomach twists and they don't know what from this time.
"You wouldn't be able to stay away from me if you tried." Villain's lips trail down their shoulder, before traveling back up to their jaw line. Each kiss sends a spark through them, twisting another knife in their gut.
"And besides, I wouldn't let you leave me even if you could."
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treacherous · 2 years
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Taylor explaining the usage of blue glitter in the Anti-Hero music video for Variety’s “Directors on Directors” series
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flanaganhorror · 9 months
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If Samantha Sloyan offers you a drink, don't fucking drink it (insp)
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prisonhannibal · 1 year
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post canon sketchy comic of will having a nightmare about drowning after the fall off the cliff
this isnt finished and its actually the first page of something I'm working on so you might see a better version of it in the future if im good at actually finishing projects
this would be a couple days after the fall. also its the same bathroom as the one will stitched hannibal's wound in in part 1 of my s4 series hehe
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A little lesson on interpreting the horrors
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