radiant-reid · 2 years
The Private Side of a Secret Life
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Part 1
Summary: After the ladies of the BAU take Spencer's mystery wife out and learn some... new things about their colleague, the Reids get to work on making their fantasy a reality.
A/n: I just want to say a very quick thank you to all of you amazing people who loved part 1 and inspired me to write a part two. Enjoy  🤍
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (SMUT 18+)
Content Warning: vomiting | swearing | NSFM (breeding kink, daddy kink, unprotective penetrative sex, slight fingering)
Word Count: 3.1k
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"Spencer, seriously, I'll be fine." Y/n attempted to assure him for the fourth time, trying to wave him out of the bathroom so she could continue to apply her mascara without his watchful gaze.
Despite the reassurance, he grimaced. It wasn't that he didn't trust Y/n because he absolutely did and had for some years or that he didn't have faith the ladies of the BAU would look after her, but Spencer had second-hand nerves about what they would discuss. Mostly because he knew after a few drinks, Y/n was down for anything, which was actually how they ended up buying their very first sex toy. Although, that was beside the point because it brought immense pleasure and not lifelong embarrassment at work.
He still had one more trick up his sleeve, executing his scheme by pressing her against the bathroom vanity, caging her in with his arms on their side of her body as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Or, you could just say here." He suggested. "Put Poppy to bed early so I could rip that dress off you." His eyes were all over her figure, admiring the curves the tight dress accentuated.
When he used that tone, she had a hard time focusing on anything that wasn't how the temptation that was the growing bulge in his pants pressed against her ass.
Luckily, before she could drop the mascara wand, another Reid spoke. "Daddy! The iPad isn't working." Poppy complained, no doubt sitting on the couch tapping it harshly.
"Mood killer." Spencer dramatically whined.
Y/n could hear the playful tone in his voice as she shoved his shoulder. "I recall you named her Poppy."
"I don't even know anything about technology." He complained, stepping out of the bathroom.
Pulling him back in, Y/n passionately dove in to kiss him, purposefully teasing. "Spencer?" She asked, earning a nod after a pause from him as if his brain momentarily stopped working. "You were never going to convince me anyway."
Spencer let out another groan, more than a bit sexually frustrated before going to read the iPad instruction manual. Y/n fluffed her hair out again, trying to make sure it looked alright. Although she wouldn't tell him, she was worried about what Spencer's best friends would think of her.
"Okay, I'm going now." She announced, heels that she would end up taking off on as she walked into the living room. Poppy waved, still watching Spencer when Y/n walked over to place a kiss on her forehead. "Mwah." Spencer, sitting on the floor, tilted his chin up as he waited for his kiss. After she giggled, she leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips. "Love you both!" She announced, walking towards the door.
"No secrets," Spencer instructed, although it came out weaker than he would have liked.
Y/n spun back around, drawing a cross over the fabric of her dress where her heart was. "Promise." She assured him.
She stayed true to her oath to Spencer for most of the enjoyable evening. His friends were great, like how he'd described them so many times, and she had no trouble fitting in. The problems- spilled secrets- came when the shots came. Some tequila and her lips were loose.
"Oh yeah, having Henry changed the game," JJ said in reply to a question about her and Will's sex life. "Not that I don't love him with all my heart, but things were... different when we were still sneaking around."
"So you're trying to convince us that three-hour flights to New Orleans are sexy?" Emily rhetorically asked, making all of them burst into a fit of giggles while JJ tried to defend her statement.
Penelope was next to playfully bad mouth her friend's relationship. "A long-distance booty call." She joked. "I can't believe you thought we didn't know."
JJ laughed at the mistakes of her younger self, burying her head in her hands to avoid the embarrassment. "Even I knew." Y/n chimed in between laughs, making Emily and Penelope double over in giggles.
With the attention back on Y/n, they had the same question to repeat to her. "We know absolutely nothing about Spencer's sex life, so feel free to tell us everything," Emily told her, least drunk and ready to save his secrets for a later day.
"Well, Spencer never changed. Like, at all." Y/n was ready to brag about her husband and the way he could fuck her. "When I was pregnant, oh my gosh, he was insane like wild all day every day."
It made her shiver thinking about it. Spencer had been away on a case when she really popped, and as soon as he saw her pregnant with his child, he went crazy. She lost count of how many times she came that night.
"So when you got together, was he, you know, a virgin?" Penelope steered the conversation back to the question everyone at the BAU had wondered before they learned he had a wife and child.
"Yup," Y/n confirmed, proudly smiling.
JJ aw-ed, going on to explain why she thought it was cute. "It's sweet that you're the only person he's been with."
When Y/n bit her bottom lip, the rest of them knew there was more to the story, a much dirtier secret. "Wait, what?" Emily realized. "The other day, he was talking about how many germs would be exchanged in a situation like that."
Y/n snorted out a laugh, amused that he could publically oppose threesomes when he'd been an active participant more than once. "Hypocrite." She labeled him.
"Who?" JJ asked, all of them hanging on her every word, eyes wide in disbelief.
Y/n clenched her teeth together, unsure about what to tell them. The alcohol making her skin hot compelled her to truthfully, yet ambiguously, answer. "Promise you won't say anything?" She made them assure her, waiting for a nod before answering. "Let's just say that an ex-BAU team member knew who I was."
It took the three of them a moment to piece the story together, but Penelope finally got it. "Elle!" She shouted, loud enough for other patrons to turn their heads to look at their group.
Y/n's silence only confirmed the answer along with her guilty smile. "Or Gideon." Emily joked, forcing Y/n to choke down the sip of her drink instead of spitting it out.
"She taught him a lot." Y/n mentioned, forever thankful to Elle for teaching Spencer how to properly eat a girl out. In the 8 years since then, his skills continued to improve.
"Oh, he radiated sub energy," Penelope fondly remembered baby Spencer, who was so incredibly shy.
It prompted another question from JJ. "Is he still?"
Y/n scrunched her nose, half shaking her head. "Only sometimes, but it's amazing either way."
"Okay, okay, one last question." Emily declared. "How long?"Y/n shook her head, knowing he would kill her if he knew. "Come one." She pleaded, pressing both of her palms together before slowly pulling them apart. "Really?" She asked, stopping at what looked like 6 inches.
Y/n nodded. "Really." She assured them, letting Emily continue while their eyes continued to widen exponentially. "Yeah, there." She estimated, not stopping their shocked looks.
The conversation shifted direction to Emily's love life, the three of them feeling like they knew too much about someone they considered to be a brother.
Eventually, at some point in the early morning, the taxi stopped in front of the Reids' townhouse, and Y/n made her way inside after thanking JJ, Emily, and Penelope for the fun night. She had stopped drinking after the vodka, and she was sober enough to walk without needing to take her heels off.
Silently, for Poppy's sake- she guessed Spencer waited up for her- she made her way to the bedroom. As perfect as ever, he was sitting up against the headboard with his nose in a book.
"Waiting up for me?" Y/n asked, leaning against the door frame, so she could take her shoes off.
Spencer looked up, his eyes flickering with mischief. "Nah, this book was too thrilling for me to put down." He replied.
Y/n huffed, walking over and taking the book out of his hands. "A chemistry book in Russian is more interesting than me?" She asked, skimming over the title, which she couldn't read. The only reason she guessed it was chemistry was the drawing of covalently bonded molecules on the front cover.
"A little," Spencer answered, smiling up at her.
"Oh, a little?" She repeated, mocking his voice as she put the book down and looked at him, their faces only inches apart. "Really?"
He nodded before whispering. "Really." They were close enough he didn't have to lean forward much to kiss her.
Y/n deepened it, showing him how much she missed him in the small amount of time they'd been apart. Spencer's hands drifted to her waist while she cupped his cheeks, feeling the slight stubble around his jawline. Almost as soon as his tongue was in her mouth, he pulled back.
"You taste like gin... and tequila." He informed her, grumbling.
"Sorry that you like sweet cosmos with as little vodka as possible." She retorted, pulling away from him to get changed.
Spencer attempted to keep reading his book, but her nude figure immediately had his undivided attention. Once she brushed her teeth and took off her makeup, she climbed into bed next to him.
Putting his book down and turning off the light, Spencer lay down. "How was it?" He asked, facing her.
"So much fun," Y/n answered, affirmatively nodding her head and neglecting to tell him of details she revealed about their sex life.
"I'm glad," Spencer mumbled, clearly tired but feeling reassured that she enjoyed it.
Y/n closed the gap that time, kissing him gently. "Better?" She asked, regarding the taste of her lips.
"Minty fresh," Spencer commented, pulling her closer, so he could finally sleep knowing she was in his arms.
Instead of waking up to Y/n peppering his face in kisses, Spencer woke up when she dramatically shifted out of his arms. Sitting up, he noticed Y/n rushing to the ensuite, and he got up just as quickly to hold her hair.
"Let it out, baby." He cooed, rubbing her back as she threw up. Wishing she hadn't drunk as much, Y/n finished being sick and got up.
Spencer handed her a glass of water and gave her a pitiful look. Thankful, Y/n gargled with it before brushing her teeth for a few minutes, reapplying toothpaste twice. Attentively, he watched her while brushing his own teeth.
"You okay?" He asked her.
She gave him a nod. "Do you know what this reminds me of?" She asked, catching his eye in the mirror.
"When you were pregnant with Poppy." Of course, he did, not even needing to use his profiling skills.
Y/n turned around to face him, resting her back against the vanity. "I want-"
Spencer dove forward before she could finish the sentence, hurriedly pushing his lips against hers. Shocked, Y/n relaxed into it. She shouldn't have been surprised, having been thinking about his love for breeding meer hours ago.
"I know." He told her when he broke the kiss to breathe.
"You know?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer.
His hands were on the back of her thighs, picking her up. "I know." He assured her, waiting until she'd wrapped her legs around his waist to kiss her again.
Before she knew it, she was being tossed onto the bed, hitting the blanket. Spencer climbed on top of her, slotting one knee between her thighs as his lips trailed wet kisses all over her neck.
"Wait, what about-"
"Door's locked," Spencer replied before she could finish the question. His hands were already under her pajama top, squeezing her boobs.
Y/n giggled slightly, teasing him. "Excited or something?"
They couldn't have picked a better day intentionally. The soft sunlight peeked through the curtains and cast a golden glow around the room. The moment of peace every morning when they usually drank coffee or cuddled.
"You have no idea." He said, leaning forward to kiss her again.
Moving a hand down his bare chest, she traced her finger over the bulge in his boxers. "Yeah, I do." She mumbled against his lips, breaking out into a grin.
"Just wanna put a baby in you so badly." He rasped, wasting no time pulling up her shirt.
She worked with him, sitting up so he could take her shirt off before lifting her hips up and putting off her own pajama shorts. Spencer was doing the same thing, taking off his boxer shorts before running his finger through her slit.
"It gets you going, too, doesn't it?" Spencer questioned, looking up at her matching dilated pupils. Even doing so little, Y/n could feel herself getting wetter. "Yeah, I can tell you want daddy to put another baby in you."
"Please, daddy." She begged to feel him.
He smiled proudly at her, thrusting two fingers at once inside her. "Fuck, baby, so tight." With a purpose, he scissored his fingers, stretching her open.
Y/n's moaning was already unstoppable, her skin growing hot under his intense gaze. "Daddy, please... breed me." She whispered, needing more than just his fingers.
Spencer stilled his finger inside her, knowing the warmth would feel amazing on his cock. "Hmm? What was that?" He cooed condescendingly, having heard her perfectly.
"Please, daddy- fuck." Her concentration was broken when he pushed against the spot inside her that made her scream. By the smirk on his face, he'd done it on purpose. "Put a baby in me." She pleaded sweetly.
It was good enough for Spencer to run the head of his cock over her clit, making her arch her back as something sparked inside her. The guttural groan he let out as he bottomed out was enough to make her loudly moan. "Being so good for daddy, aren't you?" He asked. "Letting me fill you up and carrying my babies."
"W-wanna carry all your babies," Y/n affirmed, her breathing uneven as he continued to thrust into her. "Love having your cum in me."
"So deep inside you," Spencer declared. "Can feel your walls clenching around me already." Y/n could feel her heart thumping in her chest, unable to look anywhere but him as her blood pulsed around her. "Who does this pretty pussy belong to?"
Spencer was so attractive, with his hair bouncing with every thrust as he panted. It would have been easy for her to forget he even asked a question if he hadn't squeezed her hips. "You, daddy." Y/n moaned out.
"Gonna let me cum deep inside you, isn't that right, baby?" He asked. She could tell he wasn't far off from his moans increasing in pitch. "Make your belly swell so perfectly like it did last time." His rambling was also a sign he was close, speaking whatever was in his head. "Fuck, want me to fill you up?"
Y/n could barely get words out between her moaning. "Y-yes, daddy, so badly."
"Tell me," Spencer commanded, moving his thumb down to her clit to make sure she'd come before he did.
“Fuck a baby into me, Spence," Y/n begged, leaning up to capture his bottom lip in a kiss. "Make me a mommy again."
One last rough thrust was enough to have Y/n coming, able to feel her walls pulsing around Spencer's length as he came, his cock deep inside her.
Spencer stayed inside her for a moment, holding his weight above her body before pulling out slowly and reaching for a pillow to prop Y/n's hips up. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss up her chest before he captured her lips in another passionate kiss.
"You're so beautiful." He mumbled, falling onto the bed next to her in exhaustion.
Y/n pushed his hair back, and placed a kiss on his slightly sweaty forehead. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Spencer hummed happily. "I'm sorry for..."
"Going a little feral?" She filled in, grinning widely.
Apologetically, he nodded. "Yeah, that."
"If you couldn't tell, I enjoyed it." She laughed, making him feel better about his urgency to impregnate her. "I can't wait to have another baby."
"I know." Spencer agreed, placing another kiss on her lips as his hand drifted down to her lower stomach instinctively.
"So, Reid, we were told something interesting this weekend," Emily mentioned, managing to corner him at his desk on Monday with JJ and Penelope. Morgan wasn't there yet, and Rossi and Hotch were in their respective offices, so it was the perfect time to grill him.
Spencer tensed, trying not to look like he was internally freaking out about what his drunk wife had confessed to his friends. "What do you mean?"
"Something about the infamous daddy Reid." Penelope prompted.
Immediately, he froze while his cheeks reddened. Surely not... surely Y/n wouldn't have gone into detail about what she called him in bed. If she had told them, he wasn't going to hesitate in putting her over his knee when he got home.
"Spence." JJ waved a hand in front of his eyes, trying to get his attention. When he looked at her, she explained. "She told us that you're a big fan of her pregnant."
Understanding that they hadn't learned the most intimate part of their sex life, Spencer had no problem admitting she looked gorgeous pregnant. "Yeah, so?"
He quickly wished it didn't sound so much like a challenge when Emily revealed another detail Y/n had spilled. "She also called you a hypocrite." She started, making Spencer frown as he tried to figure out where the conversation was going. "For the comment you made about my hookup."
Still, Spencer didn't understand. He'd never said anything rude about the kinky things Emily, or anyone else on the team, was into. Mostly because he and Y/n had tried them all out. "I don't understand." He admitted.
"My hookup with two people." Emily helped him out.
Spencer's mouth dropped open in shock, a blush forming his cheeks. "She didn't." He stated, hoping it wasn't true. The nods all three of them gave him assured him it was. "Really?!"
"Yup," Penelope confirmed. "We're going to ask her to come out next girls' night, too. All your secrets are about to be ours."
It would have been easy for Spencer to shut up then, but he didn't. He had to win some ground back. "Yeah, she's not going to be drinking, though." He mentioned, quiet enough, they had to be hooked on his words to hear it.
"Seriously?" JJ sputtered out, in disbelief, about how quickly the couple had gotten to actually making a baby.
"I'm sure," Spencer affirmed, wearing a proud smirk.
He was positive like the test, a few weeks later, was.
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f10werfae · 2 years
In Sickness, and in Health
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Pairing: CEO! Husband! Henry x Wife! Reader
Word count: 948
Summary: Y/n tells a white lie, which ticks Henry off, in the best way possible
Warnings: None really? I guess mentions of vomiting
Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“I am dying” I croaked to no one but myself, coughing and gagging down the toilet. Lets just say walking home late at night from work, without a jacket on isn’t the best idea, especially when you already have a cold.
Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, you may as well have thought I was a walking corpse.
My phone vibrated from the other room, causing me to sigh which then erupted into a tickly cough spurting out of my throat. Walking back into the comfort of my cosy bedroom, I looked down at the phone on the nightstand to see the caller ID
My Bear 🐻
Smiling lightly I picked up the phone, debating whether I should answer it or not, should I really worry him while he’s out of town on business. Answer is, probably not.
However, not answering his phone would also raise suspicions.
Clearing my throat as much as possible, I answered the call, trying to prepare myself as much as possible.
(The Phone Call)
Henry: Hey love, why’d you take so long to answer? You alright?
Typical Henry, always overthinking and being overprotective
Y/n: Y-yeah I was just in the toilet, sorry bear. Why’d you call?
Henry: Do I need an excuse to call my wife?
Y/n: Hmm I guess not, you missin' me that much huh
Henry: Yeah I guess you could say that. Are you sure you’re alright, you’re sounding kinda nasally love, are you feeling poorly?
Busted. Well may as well keep up the act now
Y/n: NO! I mean no i’m feeling fine babe, just a bit of a blocked nose, you know how it is
Henry: Mhm yeah sure, anyways the lads are calling me back, call me later yeah?
Y/n: Sir, yes sir
Henry: I Love you baby
Y/n: mm I love you more
Henry: We’ll see about that
(End of Phone Call)
“Sh*t” I said before breaking out into the coughing fit I was holding in for that whole phone call. My head spinning, sending me into wonderland.
Settling myself back into bed, I felt Kal jump in beside me, his nose nudging my head.
“I’m fine Kal, mummy just feels a bit poorly. Don’t tell daddy when he comes back next week okay? We don’t need him being a grouchy bear”
I cooed, scratching Kal between the ears, watching as he got comfortable beside me clearly also heading to bed. Turning off the lamps on either side of the bed, I put Henry’s pillow under my head, wrapping my arms around the massive fluff sleeping beside me.
Who needs a heater when they have Kal?
(5:30 AM)
“Here we go again” I said quickly, feeling my stomach start to jump up to my throat. Throwing the covers off me, I dashed to the bathroom, collapsing to the bathroom tiles to splurge everything out of my guts.
“You done yet?” I heard a gravelly voice say behind me
'well sh*t' I thought
Turning my head slowly, I saw Henry looking at me his arms crossed as he leant on the doorframe, a dark look on his face. But it wasn’t one of anger, but he definitely wasn’t jumping for joy.
“Bear, what are you doing here?” I said, my head resting on my arms on the toilet seat.
“Well I felt as if something wasn’t right, and I was right, wasn’t I?” He said in a knowing tone, coming closer to help lift me up despite my head being in a frenzy.
“I’m so sorry bear, I jus' didn' wanna ruin your trip” I said with my words slurring from both sleep and illness, watching as he put toothpaste on my toothbrush.
“Open” He said bluntly, before starting to brush my teeth for me, reminding me of the times he’d do this when I would come home clearly drunk from the girls.
“Ok now lets get you back into bed missus” He said rinsing the sink, guiding me back to the bed, pulling back the covers and tucking me in tightly. A slight smile finding its way onto my face.
“Now don’t be all smiley pup, i’ve got a bone to pick with you”
“W-what” I croaked out, turning towards him as he slipped under the covers, taking off his shirt and throwing it at the laundry basket.
“First of all, you lied to me on the phone. Secondly, you know you’re a bad liar, so hearing you like that on the phone made me worry. Finally, you didn’t communicate with me lovie”
He turned to me, a tight lipped expression on his face as he brushed back some of the hair on my face. A feeling of guilt overcoming me, I felt like I was back being scolded by my parents again.
“I’m sorry hen, I jus' really didn’t want you to worry and come back early. I know how important this trip was to you, I didn’t mean to make you angry”
I said quietly, nuzzling myself into his chest, his hand going to caress the back of my head.
“i’m not angry babe, just disappointed. I’m your husband, i’m meant to worry about you, whether you’re healthy or not. You are my number one priority. Now come 'ere”
Putting his hands on either side of my face, he placed a passionate loving kiss on my lips, as I began leaning into it. Before my eyes widened, and I pushed him off me.
“Hen! I could get you sick”
“Hey, remember it’s 'in sickness and in health' it’s quite literally in our vows. I could give less of a f*ck. Now get back here and let me love on you”
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hiiiii! I was wondering if you could do one for the seven demon bros where the MC just kinda gravitates towards people when they're sleeping? Like they're laying on the couch with one of the bros next to them and they just kinda shift over to them while sleeping? Sorry if this is confusing 😅😅
This is the kind of softness that I need in my life 😤😤 reader is gender neutral! Also I suck at titles so I’m so sorry 😭😭
CW: lesson 16 spoilers in Belphie’s part
The Brothers and MC Cuddling Them in their Sleep
Finds it ironic how you pester him for not spending enough time out of his office and yet you’re the one fast asleep next to him right now
You’re headstrong though, so should he really be surprised at this?
He was a little surprised at the fact how you were moving closer and closer to him, and how you clung onto his arm. He should just wake you up and tell you to go to bed-
But all he can do is pull his arm gently out of your grasp, and instead pull you against him (which must be what you wanted after the sigh you let out)
He sat there for some time just observing you cradling into his chest, just seeing how relaxed and content you are makes him feel the same, and it brings a rare smile to his face. He’s glad that you can’t see it right now, nor how he’s cradling you and the soft look that he’s giving you
But you both can’t stay here for the rest of the night or else both of your backs would come to regret it (his more than it already does). So he tries to lift you without waking you, and while you did stir just a bit, you went right back to sleep after he reassured you that everything was okay
You went back to curling against him once you both reached his bed, and he welcomed the feeling with open arms (literally)
You didn’t hear him utter how much he loves and cherishes you before his own slumber took over
Oi MC! You fell asleep on the best part of the movie-
He was just about to move the snacks out of the way before you kicked them over, but then you grasped at his hand. His heart is about to beat out of his chest and the smile on his face is growing right along with his blush. “So now ya wanna finally wake up-“
But your eyes are still closed, and he thought that maybe you were pulling a fast one on him, but then he hears your snores (the one that he claims sounds like one of his old cars but really brings him peace to know that you’re okay)
So he sat back and tried to focus on the movie, but his side felt so warm and could you blame him for getting distracted with you hugging his side like this??
He ended up turning the movie off and really took his time in just…admiring you. He does it so much already but when he isn’t worried about what people may think about him or what trouble he got into next, it gets to really sink in just how much you mean to him. Why do you have to be so perfect? You’re the main reason why his sin influences him so much. You make it hard for him to not be so greedy
You better be lucky that he’s your first man, giving up his precious bed to crash on the couch with you (please like he would ever leave your side)
He pulled the blanket over you both, and fixed it to where you were laying on top of him, head right over his chest (thank Diavolo you’re passed out right now and can’t hear how fast it’s beating)
He’ll wake up to Asmo’s screeching and Lucifer’s scorning look in the morning, but he doesn’t care
He just cares about you and this moment right now
You’re displaying normie behavior right now and he is not happy
Yeah you two have watched the TSL more than you can count on both of your hands (including his), but that didn’t mean that you get to fall asleep! How can you be his Henry when you’re disrespecting the legacy that this is-
The rant in his mind went on pause after he felt a sensation hit his shoulder. And when he slowly looked down, he choked on his own spit
Your head was on shoulder…your head…was on his shoulder…your head-
He is so grateful that you’re asleep right now and in his room because he is panicking and trying to make sure that he doesn’t wake you up and oh my Diavolo you’re nuzzling into him-
Okay, he’s seen enough anime to prepare for this exact moment
But he still has to clamp his hand over his mouth before he can wake you up with excited scream
He isn’t used to physical contact like this, but it’s making his nerves worse because it’s you. It’s like his senses are heightened 10 times more because of the fact that it’s you
He’s stiff at first- very scared in waking you up and ruining the moment. But he finds his courage eventually- and be thankful. This is his limited edition Ruri-Chan blanket and not a lot of people get the chance to even look at it!
He might actually get a nose bleed if he wraps his arm around you, but he links pinkies with you. It’s like making a lifelong promise to each other- to stay by each other’s side, even though you already made a pact saying that. It felt more intimate this way, even if it was seen as childish
He’s appreciative that this is happening behind closed doors, but really he’s appreciative for you
Satan was just about to complain on how idiotic the criminal was for believing that their theory would actually work when he fully turned to you, hands in the air about to go into depth with his own theory-
Andddd you’re fast asleep
He’s a little miffed to be honest, but then you look so peaceful and the way that you scrunching your face up makes you look so adorable-
He decides that you’ll just rewatch the whole episode again later. It’s annoying, but it’s not as fun as watching it without you anymore
Not to mention the fact that he can’t pay attention to the resolution of the episode with you cuddling him like this- the tips of his ears are turning red but the romantic in him is feeling all giddy because it’s playing out like it does in the books, bu the tender feeling in his heart far outshines what he feels when he’s reading it
But he also decides that it would be best to go to an actual bed. Gives him the opportunity to not be interrupted or have the moment spoiled
His heart is racing as he holds you in his arms, and he has to admit that he would still be burning up even if he wasn’t under the covers with you. You just have that kind of effect on him still (but he’s not upset at all, far from it, the smile on his face is enough to see that)
He’ll tease you about it in the morning and it’ll be an inside joke between you, but he’s hoping that this doesn’t become a rare moment. Maybe next time you could read together, he’s been waiting to share this new title with you
Or he could read to you if you wish- either option is more than doable (he just wants to spend time with you)
Was his gossip really that boring that you had to fall asleep like this?
He would be offended if you weren’t laying on his lap (but he still kinda was; he wasn’t done wiping your face mask off!)
He would give you the benefit of the doubt though- atleast you were already in his bed looking cute as always!
He was so close to taking a picture and sharing it on every single social media platform that he has, to show everyone just what they couldn’t experience- but he stopped midway
How long has it been since Asmo could just…adore you?
He has no issues in telling you just how he feels and what he thinks- he tells you all the time how stunning you are (behind him of course)-
But looking at you now, it’s like he almost forgot himself. The pout of your lips, the crease of your eyebrows- every detail, even some that you saw as imperfections- were nothing but perfection in his eyes
The longer he stared, the more memories- genuine memories- flooded into his mind. He was the one that was always being admired- is this how it felt to be on the other side? To truly admire someone, body and soul?
But this could be a discussion for another day- he could hear your snores clearly now, and his own movements are getting a bit sluggish as well. You aren’t the only one who needs to be well rested; he needs his beauty sleep too!
He would put on his sleeping mask to help his eyes glow a bit more, but he wants your image to be what he falls asleep too
You’re a true wonder MC, getting the Avatar of Lust to fall in love with you? A dangerous feat…but one that wasn’t completely impossible as it would seem
Beel wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, he was just here because you wanted to watch it
And you promised free snacks, so it was the perfect combination for him
While he was downing his third bucket of popcorn, he felt you slump against him. He feels bad if he’s hogging all of the popcorn, even if you said it was okay. “Here MC-“
But then he sees that your chest is steadily rising and falling, and that you aren’t reaching for the popcorn at all. You fell asleep fast, and you’re trying to wrap yourself around his midsection, practically crawling into his lap
Luckily he wasn’t invested in the movie to begin with, and he doesn’t want someone to end up waking you up (and he definitely wasn’t about to leave you)
So he just turned off the TV and carried you wrapped in your own blanket and curled into his chest
You were pretty much swaddled against him
He did take you to your room first, but you aren’t letting go of him even when he tries to set you down on your own bed. If he wasn’t strong he was convinced that you would’ve brought him down with you (you had a surprisingly tight grip). So up to his room you went
It was like having an unplanned sleepover; except Belphie was asleep on the other side of the room and you on top of him, but he didn’t mind
He didn’t fall asleep right away though; partly due to the fact that he wanted to make sure that you were comfortable and also to the fact that his mind was occupied with thoughts of you
Before he thought of you as food that he wasn’t allowed to eat, but you became so much more than that to everyone. To him
The impact that you made on him and his family- bringing them together again like this- it reminded him of the Celestial Realm, but better because his entire family is here: you, Satan, and Belphie. How could he ever repay you?
You mean a lot to him MC, and while people believe that he only thinks with his stomach, you see him for more than his sin. He fell asleep holding and thinking about how much he really loves you, and he felt full for the first time in a while
But Belphie gave you both the stink eye when he woke up and wouldn’t stop sulking until you promised to spend the night again
When he felt weight lean on his side, he figured it was only a matter of time until you fell asleep. But did it have to be during the star gazing show?
But he couldn’t blame you, it was calming enough to make anyone a little drowsy, including him
And the heat you were transferring as you snuggled into his side had him struggling to keep his eyes open (like he already wasn’t struggling)
But he is a little pouty at the fact you fell asleep on him; usually it’s the other way around. But he doesn’t have a problem sleeping on the couch either (or you sleeping on him). He literally sleeps anywhere that makes him comfortable enough (and you’re one of his favorites), so this is nothing to him, and it’s a common spot
He even slept on the stairs once but you guys don’t talk about that
He already had a huge pile of blankets and pillows that would put any other pillow fort to shame, so this was perfect. Like making up for lost time
And he had a lot of time to make up for…and a lot of things to make up for too
How long has it been since…since it happened? All was forgiven, but it still haunted him. To have his hands wrapped around you so delicately now where they were once pressing against your very throat causing your…it made him nauseated just thinking about it. How could he do that to you? And why are you so forgiving of him? He didn’t deserve it, he didn’t deserve you-
But you’re too compassionate, too kind- why are you helping him so much when he’s at fault? Even as he’s gazing at you now, he’s scolding you for your actions, but is also indebted to you for the rest of his life
If won’t ever be enough for all that you’ve done for him, but he could use the rest of eternity to try. He would for you
“MC, you should have gave up on me…but I’m glad you didn’t. I’ll always keep dreaming of you, so promise to dream of me too, okay?”
The brothers walked into the pile of blankets and pillows that swallowed you both whole, clutching one another
Even his brothers yelling didn’t stir the both of you
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viking-raider · 2 years
Birthday Boy
Summary: It's the morning of Henry's birthday, and it couldn't be any better, than waking up in bed, with you in his arms. But you have other plans in mind. Messy plans!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning: NC-17 - SMUT, Oral (F and M receiving), Language, Teasing, Use of Food Products, Light fingering, Suggestive Dom Elements (both sides), Cotton Candy Fluff, Shower sex (P in V), Foreplay
Inspiration: Happy Birthday to the Cavill man!
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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You giggled, feeling Henry press his body against you, nuzzling his face into the back of your shoulder, neck and hair. He moaned softly, rubbing his stiff, morning wood against your butt with an even louder moan, and curved his large body around you.
“Morning, Birthday boy.” You hummed, pressing your back against his chest.
“Good morning.” He replied, smiling against the top of your shoulder, pressing gentle kisses all over your skin. “And thank you very much.” He chuckled, nibbling on the skin of your neck.
“I invoke the right of first present.” You blurted out, before Henry could.
Henry pulled away from your neck, pushing you down onto your back to look into your eyes. “That's not fair!” He grinned, with outraged amusement, that you were calling upon a small tradition you both had started on the first birthday you both shared together. “It's my birthday!”
“Well, you should have said it first, then.” You replied, smugly. “Huh?”
“Yeah, I should have.” He nodded, pressing his lips together, then kissed you. “All right, what is my first present then, my love?” He asked, his hand dipping under the blankets to draw lazy, but suggestive, circles over your belly.
You beamed at him. “Cake.” You said, patting him on the cheek, then got out of bed. “Stay there!”
“Cake—in bed!” He shouted after you, caught off guard. “This early in the morning!”
You laughed, hearing his shouts as you made it down the stairs. “Silly boy!” You chuckled, yanking open the fridge, scanning the contains for a moment, before two plastic bottles and one aluminum can popped into your focus and you grinned. “Perfect!” You giggled, snapping them up, before starting back for the bedroom, but stopped, going into the pantry to grab one more item, then returned to Henry.
“That does not look like a birthday cake.” Henry commented, as you set a bottle of chocolate and caramel sauce down on his nightstand, with a can of whip cream. “And that's for my birthday cake.” He said, pointing to the thing of chocolate fudge cake frosting.
“We can buy another one.” You chuckled, stripping off the shirt you were wearing, then tugged the blankets off of Henry, grinning at the actor's naked glory.
Good think he slept in his birthday suit!
“All right, but still, where's that actual cake, babe?” He asked, frowning at you as he pushed himself up a little bit to sit against the headboard.
You grinned at him, climbing into bed and straddled his waist, resting your hands against his chest. “You're the cake, Puppy.” You answered, wiggling your clothed pussy against his still hard member.
“Oh, dear lord.” Henry husked, a moan rumbling in his chest, allowing you to feel the vibration of it under your palms. “We're going to get our sheets so messy.” He said, breathily.
“Are you rejecting my present, Henry Cavill?” You asked, sitting back, so you sat on his thighs, denying his cock any source of contact.
“No, no!” Henry shook his head, hands shooting out to your hips, wanting to pull you back into place. “Of course not, love. I'm just saying the sheets are going to get ruined, is all. Not that I really fucking care cause...” He let out a heavy and hot breath, blue eyes roaming down your mostly nude body with a needy and hungry gaze.
“Good, I'm glad. I'll wash the sheets and if they don't come out, I'll just get us new ones, because I don't care either.” You said, sliding back into place, making Henry groan and buck against you. “All I care about is my birthday boy, on his birthday.” You cooed, rubbing your hands up and down his chest.
Henry hummed, grinning, his hands rubbing up your hips and sides, feeling giddy about whatever was about to happen.
You cast your eyes towards the nightstand and surveyed your selection of items, before picking up the frosting and pulled off the lid, peeling away the silver, protective seal and tossed both onto the nightstand. Dipping a finger into the thick and creamy icing, you scooped out a moderate amount, before setting the container aside, smirking at the intent and interested expression in Henry's eyes, the curiosity of what you were going to do with the sweet substance. You licked your lips, then slowly parted them and put your coated finger inside, pursing your lips around your digit, cleaning the frosting off of it, but holding it on your tongue.
Watching Henry gulp as you did this, you leaned forward and kissed him, sharing the sweet treat with him as you deepened it, nibbling on his bottom lip a little bit. Henry moaned, savoring the taste of the fudge-y chocolate mixed with the taste of your mouth was like an explosion on his taste-buds. He reached out as you started to pull away, breaking the kiss, but you pushed his hands away, chuckling at him and shaking your head.
“There's more to come, birthday boy, don't get greedy now, when your present has just started.” You cooed at him, picking up the bottle of caramel sauce and popping the cap.
You bit the inside of your lip, eyeing Henry's broad and muscular torso, before tipping the bottle upside down, a stream of rich, light brown syrup flowed out directly onto Henry's chest, causing him to hiss and jerk as the cold caramel touched his warm skin.
“Are you really?” He laughed, grinning and watching you draw a circle around his left nipple.
“Oh, it's not like we weren't going to take a shower after we get out of bed, baby boy.” You laughed, making one more circle around his left nipple, before moving over to his right and doing the same thing, followed by a line down between his pecs and a spiral around his navel.
“You want some?” You asked, holding up the bottle to him.
Henry opened his mouth in response, and you squeezed some of the caramel sauce inside, chuckling as he hummed, swallowing it down and smacking his lips. Picking up the chocolate sauce, you quickly doodled something over his nipples, making yourself giggle at the three and nine, and Henry roll his eyes. Scooting down a little bit, you stared at Henry's stomach, your breath and his body heat warming the cold and sticky sauce, your eyes flickered up to Henry's, seeing his chest rise and fall quickly, his blue eyes so dark, you couldn't find the speck of brown in them anymore, his lips were parted and his breathing was audible.
You felt your panties grow damp as you lowered your head, tongue darting out for the first line of caramel, feeling the muscles beneath his skin flex and tense as you started to slowly lick at the sweet lane, moaning softly. Letting your eyes fall shut, you blindly followed the avenue of caramel around Henry's navel and up, between his hard-earned abs to his pectoral muscles. Diverting to the side, you were careful to avoid the chocolate, as you cleaned up the caramel, then did the same with the left side. With the first swirl of your tongue as you followed the bottom hump of the three on his right nipple, you drew out the deepest moan from Henry, his hands flying out, one tangling in the back of your hair and the other tangling in the sheet on the bed. You chuckled against his skin, smiling as you rolled your head with the final lick, to finish off the rest of the chocolate number, knowing full well, that Henry Cavill's nipples were one of his most sensitive and receptive body parts.
“You like that, baby?” You purred, raising your head and licking your lips, a sultry look in your eyes as you shifted over to the chocolate-y nine on his left pectoral.
Henry gulped thickly, nodding his head, unable to speak for a moment. “Yeah—yeah, babe.” He panted, pressing his head back into his pillow, a light sheen of sweat breaking out over his forehead, plastering the sleep mussed curls there to his flushed skin. “Sweet Jesus!” He cried, as you slowly and lightly licked off the last of the chocolate sauce.
“The skill of that tongue is both delightful and sinful.” He gasped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“Thank you.” You replied, smiling proudly, then pulled away, patting him gently on his sticky and wet chest. “Oh, you're so hard, Puppy.” You cooed at him, rubbing your soaked panties down on his cock, getting the fabric even more wet with the droplets of pre-cum weeping from his purple tip.
“What kind of birthday cake is it, if you don't blow out the candle?”
“That is quite literally the cheesiest thing I have ever fucking heard in my life!” Henry laughed, shaking his head at you.
“But so true.” You purred, sitting on his thighs again and wrapping a hand around his candle. “Hmm.” You purse your lips and reach out for the bottle of chocolate again. “While your cock tastes absolutely fabulous on its own.” You complimented him, smirking devilishly. “Everything tastes better with chocolate.” You giggled, drizzling some of the deep brown sauce over his impressive length, then with an even more devilish giggle, you topped it off with a generous amount of reddi-wip.
Henry watched with huge eyes as you eased his adorned cock into your mouth, humming softly as you tasted the combination of chocolate, whipped cream and his seed on your tongue. It was sweet and heady, a blend that shouldn't work together, but somehow it did. You loved it. Taking every inch of Henry's manhood you could, you suckled him, bobbing your head in a smooth motion, savoring every moment of it. Henry gulped, watching you swallow him, with each upward motion of your head revealed less of the contents you had covered his shaft with, leaving it only glistening with his pre-cum and your saliva.
“My love.” He wheezed, feeling the growing tightening of his balls and the tingle at the base of his brain, his vision blurred for a moment and his eyes crossed. “Babe, I'm going to...I'm...cl-” He rambled, gulping and shaking his head, trying to clear his mind, but couldn't. “Clo—Fuck!” He barked, arching his back, moaning and grunting as he came, pumping hot and thick ribbons of come into your mouth.
You hummed, rubbing your hand over his trembling thigh as you drank down every bit he gave you with greed and readiness. Pulling back once the last spasm and drop had passed and wiping a line of drool from your bottom lip with the back of your hand, you sat back and looked up at Henry's face. He was still recovering from his orgasm, a state of bliss and a soft smile on his lips. It made you happy to see him so relaxed and content, so euphoric on his thirty-ninth birthday. You slipped off of him and stood beside the bed, moving towards the master bathroom, when Henry reached out and snagged your wrist.
“And, where do you think you're off too, hm?” Henry asked, softly, rolling his head to look over at you.
“Well, I was going to grab a washcloth to help out your wee mess.” You said, motioning towards the bathroom with your other arm.
“Oh no, you're getting back into bed, darling.” He told you, sitting up and wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you back into bed with him. “It's my turn to decorate a cake.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Mmm.” You hummed at him, nodding. “You're the birthday boy, so whatever you want, Puppy.” You replied, winking at him.
“That's right, dove, whatever the birthday boy wants.” He nodded back, pressing his lips together. “Now, lay down and get comfy.” He said, patting the bed beside him.
“Aye, aye, birthday boy!” You replied, saluting him and laid down on the spot he indicated, wiggling down into the comfortable sheets and mattress.
Henry grinned at you, giddy as he moved over you, curling his fingers around the waistband of your panties and slid them off of you, before nestling himself between your legs, letting you wrap them around his waist. “Hmm.” He hummed, tapping his fingers over your thighs as he studied his options on the nightstand. “What do I want to decorate my cake with first?” He purred, leaning down to press his lips against your stomach.
“I know.” He smiled, reaching out for the reddi-wip. “I need some stiff peaks to work with first, though.” He frowned, pressing wet kisses to your breasts, then gently blew on them, hardening your nipples and making your shiver. “Excellent!” He winked, before adorning each breast with a big dollop of whipped cream, covering your taut nipples.
Setting the whipped cream aside, Henry picked up the chocolate sauce and made a line along your left collarbone and down to your breast, spiraling around it, stopping just short of the pile of white fluff. Henry grabbed the caramel for a moment, doing the same to your right collarbone and breast, then drew a line down your stomach and circled your navel, before pouring chocolate into your belly button.
“You did not just fill my belly button with chocolate sauce!” You laughed, grinning at him, so amused.
“Body shot!” Henry explained, laughing and smiling, setting the bottles back down. “Lord, you look too good to eat.” He purred, biting his bottom lip as he looked at his handiwork.
“Well, you're going to have to eat me, or all of this is going to melt off, with my body heat.” You informed him, bashfully, already feeling the chocolate and caramel sauce around your breast start to drip down your sides.
“I suppose.” He sighed, faking melancholy.
Henry attacked your breast first, closing his mouth around your cream covered nipple, sucking it clean, tugging lightly before letting it go and start licking off the caramel, having to dip his head over your side to clean up the drip lines before they made it to the bed sheets. He nuzzled his face into your neck, nibbling along your collarbone. You closed your eyes and relaxed, letting your other senses take over, feeling Henry's hot breath on your skin, the hungry, but skillful lips move along your collarbone, leaving your skin almost spotless of the two substances, before dipping back down for your other breast and giving it the same treatment, as the other, whimpering softly at his attention.
You hummed, feeling Henry's mouth move to the valley between your breasts, nuzzling his cheek against them for a small moment, before continuing on, lapping up the sweet lines he had made there, until he reached your navel, still mostly full of the chocolate he filled it with, your increased breathing spilled some of it out, sending lines of chocolate towards your hips and lower abdomen. Henry sealed his lips around your navel, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked in the liquid, then probing the tip of his tongue inside, making you giggle and squirm beneath him, cleaning whatever else was left, then cleaned up the escaped lines.
“Hmm, such a tasty cake you make.” He hummed, resting his chin on your stomach.
“I was well prepared.” You joked, carding your fingers through his hair and resting your hand on his broad shoulder, kneading it lightly.
Henry chuckled, grinning at you, and turning his head to lay it on your belly for a short while. Both of you relaxed, the warm rays of sunlight coming in through the windows on either side of the bed, warming your and Henry's naked and sticky skin. Henry shifted, kissing your belly as he moved, reaching out, almost blindly, giving you a soft and smug expression as he applied the now warm whipped cream over your folds, then tossed the can aside.
You gulped, watching Henry go down on you, flexing your toes in anticipation of his broad and skillful tongue lapping at your reddi-wip covered pussy made you more excited than you had been in a long time. But Henry was painfully teasing, taking slow and shallow licks of the whipped cream, frustrating you as he took his time uncovering your clit.
“Henry!” You whined, breathily, frowning down at him.
“It's my birthday, if I want to unwrap my present slowly, I damn well will.” He huffed back, amused, returning to his unwrapping.
“Argh!” You howled, vexed.
Henry chuckled, licking his lips as he finally uncovered your pussy, slipping his tongue between your folds and moaning, feeling how wet you were. “Mmm, so much better than whipped cream.” He hummed, relishing in your taste for a long time, before he finally swallowed and pressed a lewd kiss to your nub, his tongue slithering out between his lips just enough to torture you.
You let out a soft and breathless mewl, melting into the mattress, Henry's wide tongue lapped at your sensitive and dripping folds, pushing between them to dance and tease your entrance, before taking the journey back up to your throbbing clit, making your thighs tremble and your eyes flutter into the back of your head.
“Dear God, Henry!” You whimpered, tearing at the sheets and tossing your head side to side on the pillow, back arching and heels digging into the mattress. “Please, babe, please!” You begged him, a hand flying to the back of his head, holding it in place, as you pressed down on his mouth.
Henry proficiently used his tongue to his advantage, easily bringing out your orgasm, with sweet sounds from your lips, crying out his name, as your back arched and hips rolled against his mouth, adding to the friction of his tongue, while you pulled on the curls at the back of his head.
It was all such a sweet surrender, that only Henry could make you submit too.
“Christ, Hen.” You purred, gently floating back down from your cloud nine as he came to lay beside you on the bed, pressing his lips to your sweaty temple. “Happy birthday.” You sighed, turning your head to meet his lips.
Henry smiled, folding you up into his arms and pressed you into his body, deepening the kiss for several minutes. He broke the kiss and pulled away from you, laughing at the feel of your sticky and sweaty skin adhering to each other.
“We should probably shower now.” He snorted, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I think that's a good idea, baby boy.” You nodded, rubbing noses with him, then rolled out of bed. “You coming, hot stuff?” You called out, over your shoulder.
Henry watched you walk toward the bathroom, admiring your naked form as he lounged on the bed. “Yep, just taking in the view for a second, honey.” He husked back, a whimsical look in his blue eyes, before he finally pulled himself up out of bed and joined you in the bathroom.
You turned the shower on, pumping out the hot water, and laughed, feeling Henry's blunt fingertips glide up from the back of your knee, over the half glove of your bottom, before snaking around your hip and hugging around your waist.
“All ready?” You cooed, shooting him a look over your shoulder as he pressed himself against your back, his fresh hard on nudging the soft skin of your thigh.
Henry shook his head and sighed heavily, his shoulders moving with the breath, he lowered his head, so his lips brushed your earlobe. “My love, with you, I'm always ready.” He purred, smirking roguishly.
Nipping on the helix of your ear, he spun you around and picked you up, forcing you to wrap your arms and legs around him to balance yourself, as he stepped into the steam filled shower stall with you. He pressed your back against the wall, the showerhead raining hot water down on you both.
“You know,” He growled, attacking your neck for several minutes, leaving almost painful love bites all over it. “I don't really give a fuck what we do for the rest of the day, to celebrate my birthday.” He said, pressing his cock against your pussy, still sensitive from your orgasm, only minutes before.
“As long as we're together.” He grunted, finally pushing himself inside of you.
You rolled your eyes shut, head lulling softly to the side against the shower tile, a peaceful feeling spreading through you, as Henry filled you up to your core, to your cervix really. It always made you feel so complete, when the two of you made love, feeling so right.
“I don't plan on going anywhere.” You cooed, pushing your fingers through his sopping curls. “Today, or any other day.” You promised, pressing your forehead to his. “My birthday boy.” You hummed, moving in tandem with him.
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The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (18+)
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Summary: Spencer and Reader's schedules mean too many lonely nights and near misses. One bad day makes Reader realize just how much she misses and loves her boyfriend
CW: Spencer Reid x Fem (Doctor!)Reader (SMUT: Penetrative sex with condom, talk about birth control, kissing, fingering, tiny breeding kink)
Note: Ahhh I absolutely hate the title but whatevs. Also I know I fucked up the tenses. Let’s pretend grammar rules do not exist. I am no Emily Henry…..
Word Count: 3100
The worst day is always the worst day until, of course, another worse day comes along. Bad days, I’ve come to understand, are a lot like dominos. They fall one after another until the entire thing comes crumbling down. This week, the Monday domino came in the form of reports filed incorrectly. And the Tuesday and Wednesday dominos came in the form of an antsy four-year old that vomits violently and an elderly man with ‘bumps and lumps’ littered over his hairy back. At this point, I have to convince myself that I actually like the kind of doctor I am. But in reality, I’m totally jealous of my boyfriend’s more glamorous doctor honorifics.
As I walked up the staircase to our shared apartment, I’m reminded of a book I read as a kid. I would need at least two or three more hands to count how many times I’ve read Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I suppose that my younger self found some sort of comfort in the humor. I reached around in my backpack, searching for my house keys.
The apartment was silent. It’s that weird sort of time. It’s early enough, by his job’s standards, for Spencer to still be working. But it was also late enough for me to walk into the small bedroom and find Spencer passed out from lack of sleep.
“Hello,” I called. I kicked off my shoes, plopped my backpack on the floor and shed my coat. No one responds to me, making me think that Spencer’s still working.
Millions of thoughts ran through my mind. I thought about the unwashed laundry piling up in the basket. I thought about the yogurt in the refrigerator that’s well past its expiry date. And I thought about the last time I fell asleep in bed with Spencer by my side. We both knew this day would come. But, it seems, this day turned into weeks and those weeks turned into months. I would call him, tell him just how much I miss him, but I’m just too tired.
I hardly even remember how I got into the bedroom. It was like I was in the hallway, staring at the smiling, happy faces of Spencer and me in picture frames and now poof! I’m in the bedroom. The bed was unmade and messy. Books were practically oozing from the sides, battered copies of mass market paperbacks, ornate and decorative copies of books we’ve wasted half our paychecks on. I usually don’t like the mess and disorganization, but I was too tired to even care. Or I just found it utterly charming that this mess is a product of the person I love the most in the world.
I tried to focus on that. On how many books we haven’t read together. On all the lazy Sundays we’d spend snoozing in bed way past a respectable hour. On him coming home soon and slipping into bed and holding me close as we both finally…
The first thing I realized, even before I opened my eyes, is that I was wet. The second thing I realize me is that Spencer is yelling.
I opened my eyes, finally taking in my surroundings. I’m in the shower? After the shock of being awoken, I realized that I must have fallen asleep in the shower. My clothes are soaked and Spencer’s crouched down next to me.
“Spence,” I croaked. My voice is ladened with sleep, “Your socks are going to get wet. You’re going to get wet,”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” he said. He sounded a little annoyed, but maybe it’s more like bemusement. I’m too tired to decipher the tone of his voice right now, “God, I thought something bad happened to you. I need to check out your head, I want to make sure you didn’t fall,”
“I’m fine, I’m fine, Spencer,” I said, sitting up in the shower. He rolled his eyes, sitting up to get a better look at my head.
“Shh. Let me check you. I am a doctor, after all,” he said, a playful, yet tired smile toying at the corner of his mouth. I had to fight the sleepy urge to kiss all over his stupidly handsome face.
“You’re a fake doctor,” I muttered.
“Oh, hush,” Spencer chastised. He studied my head, finding nothing, he kisses me, “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes,”
Spencer helped me up and I pulled off my soaked shirt and damp jeans. I tossed them towards the Laundry Pile of Doom. We moved quietly, like one symbiotic machine moving together to the same goal. I’ve learned to appreciate the silence with Spencer. We’ve learned how to say a wordless I love yous and silent I’m here for yous.
“Let’s get to bed,” Spencer said. He held out a pair of pajama pants and a soft tee-shirt. I nodded, wordlessly thanking Spencer. I follow him into the bedroom, already playing the dreams in my head.
“I’ve missed you,” I told him, helping him make the messy bed before we crawl in. Since we’ve been together, Spencer’s learned that it’s impossible for me to sleep soundly in an unmade bed. I hate the feeling of the crinkled sheets under my legs, “Even though we saw each other yesterday,”
“I know,” Spencer whispered. He sits on the bed, watching me. I smile and scoot closer to him, “Are you going to tell me why I found you sleeping in the shower?”
“Spence,” I groaned. “I just had a really crappy day. I had to change five times today. There’s this kid, a literal demon-child, that has this awful case of food poisoning. I showered at the hospital before I got home, but I just thought a hot shower would relax my muscles or something. I don’t know. I guess I was just exhausted,”
“I’m sorry, baby,” Spencer said. He kissed my cheek chastely. I can get carried away very easily with Spencer, especially when we’re both drunk from lack of sleep, “That sounds really bad,”
“Oh god. Oh god,” I cringed. I plant my hands into my face in embarrassment, “I am so selfish. Spencer, how-? I’m such a selfish idiot,” I groaned.
Spencer’s face floods with confusion, “No, no you’re not. What are you talking-”
“Me! Spencer! Me, I’ve been complaining about getting puked on by a sick child and you’re out there….you’re out there almost dying. And I’m just. I’m just an idiot,” I lamented. I leaned over and kiss Spencer on his cheek, “I’m just an idiot. And you’re freaking hero,”
“You’re not an idiot, Y/N. You’re a doctor. I’m a fake doctor,” he teased. Spencer smiles, kissing my cheeks as my smile grows. Spencer’s laughter is contagious. It rattled across the room in a sound that’s pure joy. I wish I could bottle it up and keep it forever and ever.
“You’re a really hot fake doctor,” I whispered. I let him kiss all over my face and encouraged him with a tug of his hair as he leads down my neck, “Spencer,”
He answered me with a groan. I flipped the blankets off me and hook my legs around Spencer’s torso. I felt his body flush against mine, so I can feel everything. I can feel all the soft parts of him and especially the hard parts. His body fit perfectly against mine. Spencer deepened the kiss, pulling me in by my jaw. Hungry, Spencer whimpered into the kiss. I traveled my hands under his shirt, feeling the heat on his skin.
It’s like I could feel the room spin. My heart swelled inside my chest and it’s almost too much to bear. Spencer’s hands were eager as he touched me. It’s hard to remember that there was a time, not too long ago, that his touches were marked by trepidation. His touches are lazy, uncoordinated, but they are exactly what I want. Spencer is exactly what I want.
“I can’t get enough of you,” Spencer whispered into my ear. I felt my skin prickle at his confession, even if it’s something I know all too well already. “You’re just so…beautiful. So beautiful,”
I brushed my tongue along Spencer’s bottom lip. It’s soft and plump. He tasted like home. Kissing Spencer felt like home. I never liked when romance novels would try to convince readers that their boyfriend would taste like cinnamon or coconut, when in reality you’re lucky if he tastes like minty Listerine. But I could taste the toothpaste and Listerine on Spencer’s lips. I smelt our shared shampoo and body wash. I smelt the detergent we use to wash our clothes. I smelt him in the shirt I wear, the very shirt that he’s clawing off my body at the moment.
I could smell him, feel him, taste him all around me. And it all screams a single word with as a single syllable: home.
It’s all around me. All around us.
Spencer sighed. It’s the kind of sigh that’s full to the brim with contentment. He sighed as if he could kiss me and cradle me like this for the rest of our lives. I may be tired, but I’ll never be too tired to object to something like that.
“Hi,” I whispered. Spencer gave me this toothy grin that completely melts away my annoyance. The entire day, including the vomiting kid and the old man with the pusy back, just simply melted away.
“I love you,” I told him. I stretched my neck to kiss Spencer’s forehead, “I love you so much. But I would really like you to finish what you started,”
“Patience is a virtue,” Spencer joked. “I’m going to take my time with you, sweet girl,” Spencer’s tongue flickers out from his lips. Wetting his lips, Spencer tosses his head forehead in a gesture that I’m left to assume is meant for me to take my shirt off. Usually, I would respond with some sort of snarky comment, but I’m either too tired or too eager to come up with something witty. So I, for once, oblige.
“God, I never will get tired of this,” Spencer huffed. He helped me with the shirt, tossing it on the floor, and threw his clothing with it. His hands, like magnets, cling to my chest. I hissed at the sensation of his cold hands against my warm skin. He rolled my nipple in between his thumb and index finger. I bit my lip at the feeling, I close my eyes, but not before I sneak a look at Spencer’s gleeful expression.
“Me too,”
I kisses him again, loving the feeling of his swollen lips against mine. For a moment, it’s like everything disappears. Spencer’s kisses make the world, all the bad things, melt away. I grind down in his lap, forcing our bodies to rut against each other.
“Y/N,” Spencer called out. His voice is a warning sign or a white flag being waved.
“God, please,” I cried into Spencer’s mouth. His smile burned into my jaw as he kisses downward. He left wet, sloppy kisses across my collarbone, sure to leave marks that will be well hidden under the privacy of clothes, “Spence-”
“Shhh,” Spencer hushed, “This is all about you, sweetheart. All for you,”
With a surprising amount of agility, Spencer maneuvered us so I lie on my back. He hovered above me, looking down at me like he’s gazing at something beautiful. I suppose I am beautiful, in Spencer’s mind, at least. It’s hard to feel beautiful sometimes, but when his mouth is on my mouth and his hands can’t get enough of me, it’s hard to think otherwise.
Actually, it’s hard to think at all.
Spencer slithered down to my waist. He grabbed my hand, pressing tiny kisses into my wrist. I thread my fingers through his hair, tugging him up to look at me in the eyes. A grin, that I’m inclined to describe as devilish, appears on his face. He’s so pretty and beautiful and all the words that describe something so immaculate that it numbs you.
We’ve turned this, disorganized bedroom that’s littered with battered books and dirty clothes and coffee mugs to some secret oasis. It’s magical. I’ve thought that couples that believed in sparks or whatever, were insufferable. But it’s magical. Spencer’s magic. I’m magic.
We’re magic.
Spencer’s fingers are certainly magic. With a wicked grin, Spencer’s fingers dug into my thigh. He separated my legs, giving me the slightest bit of pressure and friction. I rutted my hips towards his hands, downright delirious for any kind of contact.
I studied him. I carefully studied the curve of his nose, the sharpness of his jawline, the softness of his eyes. This is the man I’ve looked at, the man I’ve loved for so long. All those stolen glances, all those quick pecks and lazy hugs, all those times our fingers meet. All those touches and all the touches yet to come. I’m on fire for him, begging for his touch. I felt it build in my ribs and sear throughout my body.
“Hurry, Spence,” I chanted. His name is a sweet prayer on my lips.
Listening to me, finally, Spencer kissed me on my thighs. His tongue traveled finding exactly where I wanted him. His fingers, swift and nimble, circled across my body. I twisted my hands into his hair, cheering him on silently.
I felt a Spencer-shaped knot build in my belly. It spreads into my chest, like a white-hot wound that demands to be felt. His finger is buried inside of me, beckoning me closer and closer to the edge.
“Condom?” Spencer asked. I nodded, tossing my head to the nightstand. Frantically, I started to search, but stopped when I feel the pressure of Spencer’s hand on my arm, “I got it. Don’t worry,”
I smiled, grateful for him because at this point I hardly doubt I could see six inches in front of me, let alone into the drawer for a condom.
We’re overachievers. And over planners. Which makes us a perfect recipe for anxiety and an awful case of what’s the worst thing you can think of? game. Between my residency and Spencer’s never-ending work schedule, a baby would not be ideal. Maybe it will one day. One day when we’re not crashing into an unmade bed at 2AM after eating a tray of four day old, chilly lasagna and stale marshmallows.
“Thank you,” I whispered. Even if I know I don’t have to thank Spencer for it. He gets it. He always does.
“Of course,” he answers, struggling with the condom packet. I smiled and covered my hand over his, telling him I’m here. He handed it to me, but not before he grabbed my jaw to pull me into a kiss, “Of course, Y/N. One day, I’ll put a baby in you. One day, but for now–”
Swiftly, I ripped open the packet and help roll the condom on Spencer. He hissed at the sensation. Within seconds, I felt Spencer line himself up. And then I felt that familiar pressure and a deeply warm sensation in my belly.
I swallowed Spencer’s moan into my mouth. He smiled toothily into the kiss, clashing his teeth against my lips. The apartment, yet again, is silent for a moment. And then I heard Spencer’s guttal groan in my ear. His breath is hot against my ear, but it makes my skin chill. I clung to Spencer’s tee shirt, ready to rip it off him. He must have realized this because he sheds it, dropping it to where he tossed mine before.
“I know, I know. You feel so good, Y/N. I missed this…you,” he cried out. He buried his head into my neck. Spencer’s high pitched whimper pierced in my ear as his fingers, deft and skilled, cast quick circles against my clit. That, coupled with the way he slid in and out of me, is enough to drive me crazy.
I hummed into Spencer’s hair, inhaling the smell of his shampoo– my shampoo. He’s beautiful and fragile like this, yet he’s strong and stoic. The mounting pressure grew inside of me as Spencer’s trusting became more less calculated. His fingers sped up, begging me with his motions and words to reach that edge with him, for him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he cried out, voice muffled by my neck. He kissed me softly, sweetly as we both unravel. I could grow addicted to the way he holds me close after this finishes. He kissed me, leaving no patch of skin or freckle or scar unkissed.
“God, you’re so perfect, Spencer,” I said. I brushed his hair from his forehead, licking my well-kissed lips with a smile.
He stayed inside of me still, both of us a combination of too lazy or too tired or too in love to care to move. I love it, though. I love the feeling of our bodies flush together. I love the feeling of him inside me, even when we’re still and unmoving. Eventually, we’ll separate.
“I really do love you, Y/N,” Spencer reminded me. He propped himself on his elbow and looks down at me.
I added that to the list of things I absolutely adore about Spencer Reid.
Hands. Hair. Cardigans. Smile.
“I know,” I replied with a cheeky sort of grin. “I love you more,”
“Impossible,” Spencer said. He sat up in bed, yawning. I stifled a yawn myself, even if it’s futile. I thought during it, I forgot just how tired I actually was. Now, we’re both beyond exhausted and covered in sweat and other various bodily fluids.
It’s totally sexier than it sounds.
Maybe a shower would be good. A shower with Spencer.
Like that totally won’t lead to more.
“Did you know that people who yawn after witnessing someone else yawn are shown to have a proclivity towards empathy. There’s even certain studies that suggest that yawning in front of someone displays an intense emotional connection,”
“Is that so,” I said. I tugged at Spencer’s neck, pulling him in for another kiss. You’d think that I’d grow numb or tired from kissing Spencer by now, but I doubt I ever will, “Is that your way of telling me you love me most?”
“Sure is,” Spencer responded. He offered a hand, leading me to what I hope is a hot shower and a very long night’s sleep.
“You have to promise me one thing,” I ordered as I stood, “No funny business in the shower,” I smiled, losing all credibility when I fell back into his arms.
“Sure,” Spencer said, “We’re too tired to do anything anyway,”
“I’m deliciously–no, deliriously happy,” I said, kissing him on the forehead one last time. I marvel about how this day– this week, started off as horrible and terrible and no good and very bad, but is ending up quite the opposite.
@pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @reidslibrarybook @fightingdragonswithreid @sleepyspencer @fandomfriend33 @folkreid @muffin-cup @jswessie187 @doctorspenceryeet @alexrosex99 @reidslovely @shemarmooresfedora @xoxospencerreid @gspenc @ssa-uglywhore27 @alexxavicry @nomajdetective @spencerreidat3am @reidsacademia @fandomstuffff @foxy-eva @reidselle
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
Even If You Don't Mean It - Part Four
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Summary: Sy takes you out for the day and you find out what you really mean to him.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 9k
Series Warnings:
Smut including oral sex (m and f receiving), hand job, fingering (f receiving), p in v sex, dirty talking, implied masturbation (m and f), showering together, slight praise kink, anal play (f receiving), mentions of PTSD, descriptions of PTSD, mentions of war, angst, fluff.
Part Four Warnings:
Smut including fingering (f receiving), oral sex (f receiving & discussion of male receiving), anal play (f receiving), p in v sex, playful biting, mild choking, intimate touching, showering together, dirty talk including discussions of masturbation and sex toys, discussion of somnophilia, praise kink, angst, fluff.
Authors Note:
This is the final part to the story. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of the story, your comments and reblogs have meant so much to me and have been really encouraging.
Thanks once again to my wonderful friends and beta readers @amberangel112 and @henryobsessed . Your constant support and friendship means the world to me.
A massive thank you to @radiantheartbeat for editing you have truely lifted my writing and inspired me to be better. It has meant the world to me and I have enjoyed getting to know you through the process as well. Everyone, if you want some more great Henry content, please check out her blog here . You won’t be disappointed.
Dividers made by me.
Parts Masterlist
Part 3
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The bed dips and you open your sleep-hazed eyes to see Sy climbing into bed. It’s still more dark than light within the room, but you can hear the birds outside and know it must be near dawn.
“Sy? What time is it?” you mumble as he reaches for you.
“Roll over,” he murmurs back. You can smell coffee on his breath and wonder how long he’s been up. “Still early,” he adds, “go back to sleep, Sugar.”
You look at him a moment, clearly seeing his face in the slowly building light. His eyes are bright without any sign of sleepiness; he must have been awake for some time.
“Roll over,” he repeats and a grin crosses his lips, “I like bein’ the big spoon.”
“Okay,” you oblige, rolling your eyes playfully, but truthfully, you like it too.
He held you like that when you went to bed last night, his arm rested under your pillow, the other cradled you firmly against him while he cupped your breast in his hand. The sound of his long, steady breaths in your ear had been better than any lullaby you had ever heard, and you had fallen asleep almost instantly. 
He holds you now that same way, keeping his whole body flush with yours; even his legs follow the same angle. The only difference now is that his arm is around your waist and his fingers are tucked between your body and the mattress. He’s effectively trapped you, which you don’t mind one bit.
“Did you sleep okay?” you ask.
Sy hums softly, he’s so close to you that the rumble in his throat reminds you of a jet engine, “Better than I have been.”
“How long have you been up?”
After a brief hesitation he admits, “A couple of hours.” 
You slip your fingers between his and the mattress as you wriggle into him, the warmth of his chest feeling cozy. “I’m glad you stayed.”
“Me too,” he says as he kisses your shoulder, “now, go back to sleep, baby.”
“I can’t, I’m awake now.”
Sy hums again. This time the sound seems to come from a deeper place and he kisses the back of your neck, just below your hairline. You sigh as his hand goes to your breast, cupping it tenderly and letting his thumb slide over your nipple. His lips follow your spine before moving across your shoulder, his hands dancing over you; his fingertips brushing your skin as gently as butterfly wings. His lips are just as soft and his whiskers are like feathers on your back.
“Sy…” you moan wistfully. 
“Shh,” he murmurs, “go back to sleep.”
You close your eyes and try to sleep but Sy won't stop touching you. You suppose he’s trying to be sweet by stroking, petting, and kissing you, but his caress is like a blowtorch, searing through your skin and delving deep into your bones. You don’t know if he’s doing it on purpose; his touch is so gentle, tender and soothing, yet it feels so seductive, sensual and full of desire. He wants you again, you know this instinctively despite his urgings for you to sleep. His hands move lower, gliding agonisingly slow over the curve of your ass. Rolling onto your stomach and nuzzling into his warmth, you widen your legs in a silent invitation. Blood rushes through your veins and your core feels maddeningly empty, sleep is the last thing you want to do right now.
“Noah…” you sigh, turning your head to kiss his chest, brushing your lips across his hard pectorals. 
His warm layer of fur tickles your nose but you like the feeling and the smell of fresh soap on his skin. Your tongue flicks teasingly over his nipple and he groans while pressing his cock into your side. He’s hard, just like you suspected, and you hide your smile of triumph. His fingers move across your back and his nails graze over your spine from nape to buttocks. You shiver with pleasure and Sy makes a noise deep in his throat as he kisses your shoulder. His hand moves over your ass again, sliding lower and lower down your leg, until he switches direction to scratch softly up the inside of your thigh. 
“Touch me, Noah,” you beg unashamedly.
At your words, he releases an approving vocal rumble that echoes in his chest as he raises his fingers to your lips, “Get ‘em wet for me, baby.”
You take him in your mouth, looking into his eyes as you do. His eyes are firmly fixed on your lips, and you recognise the carnal appetite in his gaze. You feel a jolt in your chest and you moan as your own aching hunger becomes increasingly unbearable.
“Good girl,” he says softly, “you're so good to me, baby.”
You whine, pleading pathetically around his fingers, lifting your ass higher until you're almost on your knees. He removes his dripping fingers from your mouth and you bite your lip, he growls in response and plants his lips on yours. His spit lubricated fingers part your slit, and you gasp into his kiss as he opens you to find your rapidly dampening core.
“Fuck,” he drawls into your mouth, the curse elongating with his long exhale.
Sy’s demeanour changes like the wind and his chest presses firmly onto your back, using his weight to flatten you into the mattress. His arm snakes between your shoulders and the mattress, his knees pushing your legs further apart as he settles between them.
“I don’t know if I can be gentle,” he growls into your ear, dipping another finger into you, and you moan as he turns them inside you.
“I don’t want you to be,” you say as you twist your head to capture his bottom lip between your teeth and suck provocatively on his soft flesh. 
His fingers withdraw as he springs to his knees, grabbing your hips, tilting them and nudging your thighs still further apart. His breathing is hard, each one reverberating in his throat and whistling through his nose. His fingers dig into the flesh of your ass and he spreads you wide with a soft curse. You bury your head into the mattress, knowing how on display you are for him and the rush of desire you feel becomes intermingled with self consciousness. 
“Jesus,” he groans, “you look so fuckin’ gorgeous…” He runs his hand over your slit, spreading your slick all over, “Un-fucking-believable!” His touch is confident and firm, your whole body buzzing as his rough, calloused skin rubs against you.
You feel his whiskers on your ass cheek, and his teeth sink playfully into your flesh. You jump with a yelp and giggle, shocked that he bit you, but you can practically feel your wetness seeping from your core. 
“Shit, Sugar—you’re so fuckin’ ready for me. ”
“Noah, please…” 
His fist hits the mattress to support his weight as he leans over you and growls in your ear, “Tell me what ya want, baby,” he slides his cock over you, teasing you, “tell me how you want me to fuck you.”
Oh shit. 
“I… I don’t know,” you stammer. Who asks these things?
“Yeah you do, baby, you told me yesterday,” Sy says eagerly, “tell me again.”
What did you say yesterday? Right now you can barely remember your name.
“What? I— I don’t remember,” you ask stupidly.
“You want me gentle at first,” he prompts, “then…”
Oh fuck. 
“Harder, rougher…” you mumble into the pillows.
“That’s my girl,” Sy says proudly. He pushes inside you with a low groan, and you lift your hips up to meet him with a short cry. “Fuck,” he breathes into your ear with a drawn out exhale, “I wanted this all night— needed to be inside you again. It took everythin’ I had not to touch ya while you slept.”
“You should have,” you say in desperation, “touch me while I’m asleep, touch me whenever you want, Noah.”
He moves his legs to the outside of yours and you press your thighs together instinctively. God, you can feel how snuggly you’re gripping him and how completely he fills you. 
“Holy shit, baby…” he slowly drags his cock out of your core, then grunts before filling you again, “I wanna wake ya up with my mouth on your cunt…” he pulls back at a painstaking pace making you whine and cry out as he brutishly buries himself deep within you, “or fill you with my cock, just like this.”
His chest presses into your back as he snakes his arm around your neck; his thick bulging muscles squeeze your cheek and you nuzzle into it. His beard scratches at your skin and his heavy breath echoes in your ear. His lips suck, his teeth nip and his tongue teases your neck and shoulders. His body rolls, his rhythm increasing in force and desire with every retreat and invasion.
“Dammit, baby. I ain’t ever gonna get enough of you. Ever!” His hand slips between your body and the mattress and his fingers glide over your folds until he feels himself disappearing into you. “God damn, baby. I can feel your pussy stretching around me. It feels so fuckin’ good.”
His teeth sink into your shoulder as the arm around your neck tightens. His muscles swell, the coarse hair of his forearm tickles your chin while his fingers sweep over your clit, drawing little circles. Your thighs involuntarily squeeze tighter together as his touch becomes more insistent, driving you mercilessly to your edge. He attends to the bite he’s marked you with, soothing it with his lips and tongue as he keeps up his brutal, primal pace.
You want to tell him how good he feels, to not stop, but your words only turn to moans in your throat. You grab hold of his arm, fingers digging into the dense, tight muscle beneath his sweltering skin. God, being under him like this— his body covering you completely, grunting and growling out his indecent desires— it's amazing. 
Even though he’s everywhere, in you and enfolding you like a blanket, you want more of him. Greedy and lustful, you reach behind your head and wrap your arm around the nape of his neck to tug him close seeking his silky lips and velvety tongue. And as if he knew you needed his kiss, his mouth is waiting to meet yours.
Your breath quickens and you break away, gasping for air as your legs quiver, your orgasm approaching at lightning speed. He holds your jaw in his hand, forcing your gaze to remain on his feverish eyes, while his commanding, emphatic voice urges you to your peak. Blazing hot euphoria tears through your body as you soar into bliss and your senses briefly leave you before Sy draws you back into your skin with his whispered words. 
“My baby,” he murmurs, “my woman. God, look at you.” 
He’s still inside of you, sinfully hard, yet unmoving. He kisses you tenderly, reverently, like he thinks you’ll break and you open your eyes to look straight into his soft— though still carnal and demanding— azure gaze. You feel so desired when he looks at you like this. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Sy says incontrovertibly, as if he heard your thought. 
You don’t know what to say, there are so many things, but you don’t know where to start. So, you kiss him. He whimpers as he returns your kiss and begins to move inside you, smooth, slow, and shallow, waiting for you to be ready to take his savage pace again.
He utters a low curse and with a grunt he pulls out, manhandling you easily onto your back. He grins as he bends your legs, curling you into a ball, lifting one onto his shoulder. He makes that familiar guttural burr in his throat as he runs a hand down your raised leg and holds your hip with the other. You gasp, amazed at how quickly and effortlessly he throws you around, but the sound makes him stop and furrow his brow.
“No good?” he asks, lowering your leg.
You lift your leg back onto his shoulder. “No! It’s good,” you say, a little shaken, though immensely aroused, “You’re just— so strong.” 
Sy chuckles while grabbing your hips and tugging you closer. You bite your lip as he tucks your other leg under his arm and leans over you. “You like that? Bein’ thrown around some?”
“Apparently I do, yeah,” you force out as your stomach tightens and your core clenches with ardent need.
“Fuck, Sugar,” Sy kisses you roughly as he slides his hand under your neck and presses his forehead against yours so hard it actually hurts. “You make me so fuckin’ horny, you know that? Hotter than hell, that’s what you are.”
You pull on his neck as well, lifting your lips to his. Your eyes briefly meet before he closes his and moves his mouth against yours. You let your eyes slide shut as well, succumbing to his kiss with total submission. His gravelly voice saws in his throat and his kisses become rougher, his tongue demanding and domineering as it pushes past your lips and into your mouth. His gentle grip on your neck becomes firm, tightening as his passion increases. You become lost in the moment, grasping Sy tight, unwilling to let him go as your passion rises to match his.
“Please fuck me, Noah?” you ask, the words spilling out before the thought even had time to fully form in your mind. You grope for his ass, pulling him closer, “Just fuck me,” you repeat, not a question this time, now you’re demanding.
“Damn, woman,” Sy snarls, grabbing at his cock and guiding himself into your core. In an instant he becomes the image of an animal, his lip curling back over his teeth revealing a wolfish grin. “You fuckin’ kill me,” he spits out, “you make me Goddamn crazy.”
His eyes slide over your curled body until he sees where you’re joined and his face tenses as he mumbles a curse. He grabs your waist to hold you still while he watches himself pumping in and out of you, your bodies slamming together with a loud clap.
“You feel so fuckin’ good… your pussy… shit, that’s so fuckin’...” He doesn’t finish his sentence because his lips are on your neck, sucking your skin deep into his mouth and he bites into the tendon, just shy of pain. He is driving you wild, feral, all coherent thought is lost as you move your body beneath him, countering him, finding your own rhythm.
“I… I’m gonna come…” Sy pants, “I can’t…” 
“Don’t stop, Noah, I want you to come,” you spur him on.
“Fuck,” he roars as he rises to his knees, his hands gipping your hips as he lifts your ass off the mattress. 
He surges forward, holding himself deep within you as his eyes roll shut and his head lulls back. He clutches your hips with desperate fingers, his huge body shuddering as he releases, grunting through bared teeth. He pulls out slightly, then slams back into you before he stills and your leg falls from his shoulder as he collapses half onto you, half onto the bed.
“You ok?” he heaves breathlessly. He attempts to roll off you, but you wrap your legs around him, still wanting to keep him close.
“Yeah,” you reply with a contented sigh.
“I uh… went a little hard there. I wasn’t sure…”
You kiss him softly to silence him. “I’m good,” you assure him, “really, really good.”
Good doesn’t even begin to describe how you feel; you’re elated, sated and feel an overwhelming sense of intimacy. And that thought doesn’t immediately make sense to you. Being together last night— making love— it was understandable that you felt vulnerably close to Sy. But what you had just done— fucking— also brought about that same surge of affection, and it seems surprisingly strange to experience it in two very different encounters. 
However, you decide not to question it. Instead you go with it, covering his cheek with your hand, not wanting this feeling to end. He grins as he grabs your wrist and kisses your palm with a groan.
“Gimme a minute, Sugar,” he says, “Jesus Christ…” his eyes shine brightly with a boyish delight, “you’re…” he laughs and shakes his head, “that was not what I was expecting at all.”
You frown, a little unsure of his meaning and feeling suddenly insecure you slide out from under him, grabbing the sheet and pulling it up to cover yourself. Perhaps the sense of intimacy you feel is one sided; maybe he isn’t feeling the same way. Shame rises within you, making you feel queasy as you try to move away from him.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Sy cups your cheeks, halting your retreat, and turns your head so you’re looking at him. “It’s not a bad thing, Sugar. I—” his eyes roam your face then he kisses you forcefully, no tongue, just rough lips and passion. “I’m still gettin’ used to the fact that you ain’t shy, and then…” he shrugs, “then we fuck like that. I knew it would be good, baby, but that was fuckin’ amazin’. You’re fuckin’ amazing.”
You smile a little coyly. When you’re aroused, your inhibitions fall away and you don’t tend to get embarrassed or shy, but now, in moments like these, you still do. Your cheeks heat as you try to gather the courage to say what you want to say. Then you look into Sy’s eyes and you see the earnestness in them, how he’s truly listening to you, that he wants to know what you’re feeling, and all your embarrassment melts away.
“It’s never been like this for me before,” you admit. “With you, it’s different. I feel different. I feel… safe.”
Sy’s brows pull together and he looks away, then he drops his head with a grin and looks back at you. You can see that he’s processing, trying to work out how best to say what he's thinking, and you return his smile while you wait for him to speak. His silence is different now that you can see him and you no longer feel the need to fill the empty space with chatter.
Sy kisses your forehead, then bending his elbow, rests his head on his upturned hand. He uses his free hand to pull back the sheet a little and caresses the curves of your body. You continue to wait patiently for him to speak, and eventually he does, licking his lips a few times before he begins.
“You make me feel nervous,” he confesses with a chuckle. His fingers trace the curve of your breasts almost absentmindedly. “I haven’t felt this way with a woman since I was a teenager.”
You frown, “I don’t want to make you nervous,”
“I make you nervous too,” he points out and his smirk turns cocky.
“Only when you look at me like that,” you say as your heart skips a beat.
“Do ya want me to stop?” You shake your head, you never want him to stop looking at you like that. He bites his lower lip and his face loses its mirth. “But you make me feel calm too,” he says, “I don’t know how you can make me feel both, but ya do.”
“I don’t know how it's possible either, but that's how I feel too. I guess…” you swallow, unsure if he wants to hear what you’re thinking, “I guess it’s because I want this so much. I want this to work between us.”
Sy looks at you for a few moments before saying, “I can’t see how it won’t. It already is.”
You smile and bring his head to your chest and eventually you both fall back to sleep.
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You awake in the same position that you fell asleep in, Sy’s head is still on your chest with one of his hands wrapped around your breast. It makes you chuckle and he stirs, his hand squeezing before sliding down your side and tucking under your waist.
“You awake?” he asks softly.
“Yeah,” You raise your arms over your head to stretch, your breasts lifting and Sy kisses them softly. You brush your hand over his head, and close your eyes, relaxing into the feeling of his pelty hair on your palm while his plush lips and warm mouth caress your chest.
“I can’t stop touching you,” he murmurs, so quietly you barely hear him.
You smile and hum, “You don’t have to stop.”
“We gonna stay here all day?” he asks with a smirk.
“If you want to,” you say, “I didn’t plan anything for today, I wanted to wait and see what you want to do.”
Sy is quiet for a while, as he sweeps his fingers over your belly. Then he says, “I wanna take ya out.”
“Yeah?” you say, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice. 
“Yeah?” he imitates your tone with a teasing grin, “I wanna take ya for a ride on my Harley. I took her out first thing yesterday and she’s workin’ fine. I know about this place where we could eat, it's got a real nice view.”
“Sure,” you say excitedly. Going for a ride on his bike was one of the very first activities he told you he wanted to do with you all those months ago. “I still don't have a helmet or anything.”
“I borrowed a helmet for ya. Just put some thick jeans on and you can wear one of my jackets ‘til I getcha one of your own.”
“You wanna buy me a jacket?”
“If you like riding with me, yeah,” Sy says, “I’ll take ya on weekend rides. Maybe when… I’m sleepin’ better, we can spend some nights out at a cabin or one of those little hotel things, you know, those houses, what are they called?”
“A Bed and Breakfast?” you guess.
“Yeah, that's it,” Sy grins.
“You don’t seem like a B & B kind of guy,” you tease.
Sy shrugs and you think he might be a little embarrassed. “Maybe not, but I thought you might like it,” he explains. “Fuck! I’m not really good at this whole datin’ and romance thing, am I?”
“No, don’t say that.” You rest a hand on his cheek, “You’re honest and you trust me enough to tell me how you feel. That’s one of the most romantic things anyone can do.” 
Sy’s brows pinch together and raise in the middle, his jaw jutting forward. He looks at you so long you begin to think you’ve said something that upset him. Then he kisses you, faintly brushing his lips over yours.
“I hope you like ridin’ with me,” he whispers.
“Why do you like it so much?”
“It clears my head. Calms me down.”
It strikes you as funny that not long ago he said something similar about you. “Then what do you need me for?” you ask with a cheeky grin.
“My bike doesn't kiss me back. I've tried…” he sighs dramatically, “but she just won’t give it up.”
You laugh, “Come on. Let's go then.”
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Sy follows you into the shower, grinning as he washes, his eyes roaming shamelessly over your body, watching as you soap yourself up. He gets hard again, not fully erect, but he’s well on his way, and he doesn’t exhibit any need to hide it.
As much as you enjoy watching his eyes take you in, your mind is on other things. My woman, he had said, and it wasn’t the first time. There's a presumption that you and Sy are officially a couple, but you still haven't spoken about openly. You suppose part of the fault lies with you since you were reluctant to make promises while he was deployed, but now you need to know where this stands. He speaks as though you are his girlfriend, that must mean something, however since that flash of déjá vu last night, you want explicit confirmation about his feelings towards you.
As you finish rinsing the soap from your body, Sy speaks, “What's on your mind? I can tell you're thinkin’ hard on somethin’.”
“It's…” you want to tell him it’s nothing but you don't want to lie.
“I went too hard didn't I?” Sy interprets your evasion with a look of regret on his face, “I hurt ya.”
“No, it was good,” you assure him, “I liked it. A lot.”
“Then what is it, Sugar? What’s goin’ on?”
You nibble on your lip as his brows draw together. You can see his jaw tightening beneath his beard and he seems to stop breathing. You can barely breathe yourself as you quickly force out the words, “Sy, are we dating?”
He exhales with an amused bark, “Jesus, I thought…” You look away embarrassed as he laughs at you, but he tucks his fingers under your chin and guides your face to his, “We are well beyond dating in my mind.”
“Okay, but what does that mean?” you ask in frustration, “For God’s sake, Sy. You’re so blunt about everything, but you keep dancing around this. What do you mean?”
As quick as a snake, his arm wraps around your waist and he holds you close, his furry, muscled chest presses against your smooth, soft one, knees bending until he looks you in the eyes. 
“It means whatever you want it to mean, darlin’. If you want me to be your boyfriend, then that’s what I’ll be.”
If you want? That is hardly reassuring. You look into his eyes and though he appears earnest, his words don’t seem to match his intent. Frustration simmers within you, and you can feel your brows drawing tightly together.You know you must look furious, but you can’t help it.
“But what do you want, Sy?” you try to push away from him, but he draws your naked body closer to his and doesn’t let go. 
“I want you,” he says roughly and emphatically. His eyes scan your face and he raises his hand to your cheek as he smiles, “I’m yours, anyway you want me, Sugar. I don't want anybody else but I ain’t gonna rush ya. Not after that night I asked you…” His grin falters a little and he licks his lips, “We go at your pace. I don’t want to scare you off by puttin’ labels on us.”
“I told you I don’t scare easily, Noah,” you respond, with a small smile.
“Hmm. I think ya do get scared, you just don’t let it stop you,” he says seriously as he runs his thumb over your jaw.
“Maybe,” you concede.
Sy grins briefly then his face becomes serious and his tone descends, “Does it scare you? How serious I am about you?”
“No,” you say softly, leaning forward to place a light kiss on his lips, “because I’m right there with you.” He raises his eyebrows as you kiss him again. “I don't want anyone else either.”
Sy hums as he kisses you back with soft, relaxed lips. For a while, he lets you take the lead, squeezing you tightly as you trail your kisses down his neck. 
He turns you in his arms. His hands slide over your body and he makes that now familiar noise in his throat as he kisses your neck. You close your eyes as his lips move over you and his fingers slip between your legs.
“I’m gonna make you come again,” he growls. Making a low moan, you reach for his cock but he pulls away, “No, Sugar. Just you.”
“Why?” you ask petulantly.
“I can't explain how good you feel to me, how much I just like touchin’ ya. Especially when there were times I thought I'd never get to be with you like this. When I thought ya didn't want me.” 
He curses in your ear as his fingers part your centre. You bite your lip and whimper as blood rushes to your core, and you feel how puffy and slick you are beneath his touch. 
“Jesus,” he groans, as his thick finger slides easily into you. “Your pussy is fucking perfect.” 
His hardness presses into the cleft of your ass as he curls his finger and your thighs close around his hand. 
“I keep thinkin’ about something you said yesterday,” Sy drawls into your ear as he dips another finger into you.
“Yeah?” you ask. You mewl as he fills you, then drags his fingers slowly from your heat before easing them back inside in a sleepy rhythm.
“You said that you touched yourself while you were thinkin’ of me.” You hear the smile in his voice as he says it. You groan as embarrassment floods your face with warmth. Sy cups your cheek and brings your face to his. “Don’t do that. I can’t stop thinkin’ about it cause it’s so fuckin’ hot. I used to wonder what you’d look like, how you would do it, if you used toys.”
You bite your lip and he drags his thumb over it until you release it. He kisses you softly, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his fingers, subtly building your desire to near breaking point.
“Tell me,” he urges. “I wanna know.”
“I have a vibrator,” you admit.
Sy’s eyes roll shut as he inhales deeply and you feel his cock jerk. “That’s a good girl.” He eyes are dark and narrowed when he opens them, his voice thick with lust as he asks, “Do you fuck yourself with it?”
He really wants to know, you realise, it really does turn him on. “Sometimes, but I usually only use it on my clit.” you say breathlessly. He wants you to talk to him, but he doesn’t stop fucking you with his finger; once again he has made you feel stupid and brain dead in the best possible way.
“I wanna watch you do that. Fuck. I want you to use it while I fuck you,” he squeezes your ass, and your eyes go wide as one of his fingers brushes slowly over your ass hole. “Jesus… the things I wanna do to you…” 
His finger passes over your sensitive hole again and this time he presses softly against the tight rim while he pumps his fingers into your core. You bite back a moan as a shiver runs up your spine and all of sudden you feel yourself approaching the edge.
“Fuck, baby,” Sy practically moans, “you like that.”
Abruptly he removes his fingers and pushes you against the tiles as he drops to his knees. He lifts your leg over his back and your thigh rests on his shoulder as his tongue dips into your core. He hungrily presses his face against you, lapping and curling his tongue deep within you. There’s an urgent ferocity in his eyes as he looks up at you. God, when he looks at you like that, it’s like he wants nothing more than to crawl up inside you.
He is unrelenting as he moves to your clit, holding your body against the tiles with a firm forearm against your belly. His eyes don’t leave yours, they’re so dark with primal lust that you barely see the blue of his irises. He hums against you, shifting his arm to capture your breast in his hand, squeezing, watching how your hips buck and how you move above him as you seek your release. Your knee shakes, your clenching muscles tremble as you ride the edge of the cliff, so close to falling over. Then his finger presses rhythmically against your ass and your body surges forward nearly forcing him off of you. He determinedly clutches you tight, working you until you hit your high and your eyes slam closed as you cry out his name.
Unable to stand, you begin to sink and Sy scoops you into his arms. You’re legitimately dazed and your muscles feel as weak as a newborn foal’s. He strokes you affectionately, kissing you gently until he thinks you’ve regained enough strength to stand with him.
Although he’s holding you, you still wobble. “Lean on me, baby, put your arms around my neck,” he says, adding, “Good girl,” when you do. 
He wraps an arm around you holding you close as he turns off the shower and walks you out of the cubicle. He grabs your towel, covering your shoulders while he kisses you some more.
“I love making you come,” Sy grins. “You look so fuckin’ good… The way your voice quivers when you’re close is so fuckin’ hot. And the way you move when you come— God damn. ”
You smile shyly, your cheeks heating as he rolls his hips against you, his cock still rock hard. You lick your lips and look down, watching as he rubs against you. You reach for him and he lets your fingers slide over his length. He shivers with a curse before he grabs your wrist.
“I want to,” you say with an unintentional whine to your voice.
Sy chuckles and moves the arm he’s holding behind your back. “I know you do,” he says, “And I want you to, but I also want to take you out and at this rate we ain’t ever gonna leave.”
“When we get back, then…?” you let the unasked question hang in the air.
“When we get back,” he agrees and runs his thumb over your lips, “Will ya put me in your mouth again? Get me real close, then climb on top of me and ride me? God, I wanna see that! I wanna see ya come on me like that.”
“If that’s what you want, Noah,” you mumble softly. 
“There’s a million things I want,” he smirks, “but let’s start with that.”
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A couple of hours later you’re clinging to Sy, your front pressed against his back, arms wrapped around his middle, and your thighs cradling his ass. You feel a bit like Charlie in Top Gun and even though Tom Cruise couldn’t hold a candle to Sy, the thought does make you giggle. You squeal in delight as he opens the throttle on his Harley, peeling the tires as you ride out of the military base.
It’s not the first time you’ve been on a bike; your brother has a Kawasaki, but it's the first time you’ve been on a cruiser and it's a much more comfortable ride. Though it's still fast, it takes the corners smoother and slower than when riding with your brother, and it gives you a nice opportunity to just relax in the moment.
As the distance stretches between town and the mountains you feel a weighty peace descend upon you. Just being near to Sy, feeling him breathe beneath your hands, feeling the strength of his back as you press into him, and knowing that he’s here with you, is more than enough. When the road straightens out you realise that you’re not alone in your feelings. Sy covers your hands with one of his, like he’s touching you just to confirm that you’re real and present, as though if doesn’t hold onto you, you might disappear. Although you can’t speak, you don’t feel like it’s necessary; you feel him so deeply in this moment that all you can do is melt into it, into him, and let the feeling of utter contentment seep into your bones.
For the next hour you sit with your thoughts, letting them wash over you and run wild; you fantasise about how much you desire the man in front of you, and about all of the potential the future holds with him in your life. It becomes striking how quickly your doubts seemed to have vanished.
When you arrive at your destination, you are pleasantly surprised. On the high side of the street stands a small diner with outdoor picnic tables, and across the road is a scenic overview showcasing the lush green mountains that takes your breath away.
You get off the bike on stiff and shaky legs. Wanting to stretch them out after so long without moving, you walk to the edge of the carpark and look over the vista, pulling your helmet off as you go.
“Pretty, ain’t it?” Sy asks as he comes to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“I’ve lived here for three years and I never knew this place existed,” you say a little breathlessly. 
Sy rests his chin on your shoulder, so your view is the same. “One of the guys on the team told me about it a few years ago and I’ve been coming here ever since. Sometimes me and a few of the guys who ride will come up here on the weekend. When I told them about ya, they uh…” you can hear a grin in his voice, like he’s remembering a joke or something, “they said it was a good place to bring you.”
“I thought you said you hadn’t told them anything about me,” you accuse with a smile, glad that you mean enough to him to tell his buddies about you.
“I hadn’t, but since I want you to meet them in a couple of weeks, I thought I’d better warn ‘em so they don’t have a heart attack.” You chuckle and Sy gives you a squeeze before he adds with a whisper, “I ain’t ever brought a girl to meet ‘em before.”
Turning in Sy’s embrace you put your arms around his neck. “Why not?”
Sy lowers his head rubbing his nose against yours, encouraging you to lift your chin higher. “Wasn’t ever serious before,” he says before his lips meet yours. When he pulls away, he stares at you longingly with heated eyes as he licks his lips. He opens his mouth to take a breath as if he’s going to speak, but instead he just grins, and cupping the back of your head, he guides you to his chest. You turn your head so you can rest your ear between his large pecs, and you close your eyes to listen intently to the low thumping beat of his heart, while his fingers stroke your hair.
“You hungry?” he asks, his voice resonating deep in his chest.
Sighing, you lift your head and find his gaze already waiting for you. You smile and nod. “Can we sit outside to look at the view?”
“Anythin’ you want, baby. C’mon,” Sy grins, giving your ass a gentle pat and placing his hand on your lower back to guide you into the diner. 
Only a few tables are occupied and you mentally try to match the vehicles outside to their owners. An older greying couple who are sipping coffee look like they’re travelling on the brand new BMW road bike. A younger guy who’s eating bacon and eggs seems the sort to ride the Yamaha. And another biker around Sy’s age, who sits reading the newspaper as he sips from a mug and smokes a cigarette, probably rode in on the other Harley. There are plenty of spare tables, so you don’t grab one immediately and instead walk inside the shop to order your food. Sy pays without a word, which you expected considering he told you to leave your purse at home, saying that you wouldn’t need it because it would only be a hassle on the bike.
You choose the picnic tables furthest from the building and closest to the uninterrupted view. Sy sits next to you instead of across like you would expect, perching astride the bench and drawing you between his legs, making you smile. When he says he can’t stop touching you, he really means it, unable to even eat without wanting you in his arms. You lay your head against his chest and he rests his chin on your crown and for a while you just sit and take in the view.
“Whatcha thinkin’, Sugar?”
You blink, a little caught off guard. “Nothing actually. For the first time in ages, I’m really not thinking about anything,” you shrug, “I’m just happy being here with you.”
He kisses the top of your head, “I can't tell you how good that makes me feel,” he says, “I want you to be happy. I want to be the one who makes you happy.”
“You do, Sy,” you reassure him. 
“Sugar, I–”
He’s interrupted by the friendly face of one of the wait staff placing your coffees and meals on the table. You return the teenager’s grin and detangle yourself from Sy.
“Thanks man,’ Sy tells him and the waiter barely has his back turned before he starts digging into his pancakes. 
“Hungry much?” you ask teasing.
“Starving,” Sy says around a mouthful of food, “all I had this mornin’ was coffee. I didn’t sit right with me to be digging through your kitchen lookin’ for food.”
“Well, tomorrow, feel free to help yourself to anything that's there.”
Sy slows down eating and asks slowly, “You want me to stay the night again?”
“Yeah,” you say somberly, “If you want to.”
“How long do you want me to stay?” His tone shifts, becoming stern and authoritative.
“As long as you want to,” you shrug and try to keep your voice casual, “you could stay the week if you want.”
“But what do you want?” Sy asks tersely.
You shove a fork full of waffle into your mouth, giving yourself some time to think. You know what you want, but you’re afraid it will be too much for him. He’s glaring at you, fork poised in the air as he waits for your reply. 
Fuck it, be honest.
“I want you to stay the week,” you say firmly.
Sy grins like the cat who ate the canary, “Come ‘ere,” he jerks his chin a little, before leaning in to meet you halfway. His lips taste sweet from the maple syrup and you both lick your lips when he pulls away.
You giggle a little and grab the front of his t-shirt to draw him back in for another kiss. Running your tongue over his lips you slide your hand over his thigh, your fingers skimming over his fly, and he moans into your mouth. You let him go and Sy just stares at you a moment, before blinking rapidly and shaking his head.
“God dammit, woman,” he growls under his breath. You grin wickedly as you keep eating and Sy chuckles. “You’re really are tryin’ to kill a man, ain’t ya?”
“So, you’ll stay the week?” you ask innocently.
Sy clears his throat, “Hell yeah I will. And then?”
“Then, I'll go back to work and you’ll go visit your family.”
He nods, becoming quiet while he finishes his short-stack, even the lustful glint in his eyes fades as the silence stretches between you. You believe that he has something more to say, but you follow his lead and keep eating. Eventually, he pushes away his empty plate with a satisfied groan and reaches for his coffee. You glance at him as he licks his lips and clears his throat.
“Have you given any thought about comin’ with me to meet my folks?” Sy asks. There’s a strange tone to his voice that you can’t quite place.
“I have to go back to work Sy,” you say gently, “it was tough enough getting this week off, I couldn’t ask for two.”
“I know baby, it’s just,” he pauses and takes your hand in his, “I don’t wanna leave you so soon. I wish ya could come with me for the whole week.”
“Yeah, me too” you sigh sadly.
“When will I get to meet your parents?” Sy asks eagerly.
“You really want to?”
“Yeah, I really do,” he notices your look and smiles, “What are you thinkin’, baby?”
You grin, “That you’re the first guy who actually wants to meet my father,” Sy chuckles and you continue, “You're probably the first one that isn’t scared too.”
He keeps smiling but doesn’t say anything as he takes a big gulp of his coffee. You mimic his movements, taking a few sips of the still warm brew in your mug while you think. 
Your family knows about Sy, they knew he was coming home and promised they’d leave you alone this week. Your mom had hinted that she’d like to meet him, while your Dad remained stoic about it, but your brother was adamant that he meet Sy sooner rather than later. 
Your brother's service had ended and he was home for good now, studying at the local college making the most of his tuition money. You lived about two hours away from both your parents and brother so it would only take a quick phone call to arrange for them to meet Sy.
“My parents have a Sunday lunch most weeks. I could see if my brother is free in a couple of weeks and we could have lunch together.”
“What about this Sunday?” Sy asks and you raise your eyebrows.
“I can ask,” you say and he grins. “You really do wanna meet them, don’t you?”
Sy hums and nods. He looks at your coffee and asks, “You finished?” You nod, and he sits up straight, stretching his back. “Walk with me?”
Sy points his chin across the road, “There’s a path down there that takes you to the proper lookout. Might be nice to have a looksee.”
Sy gets up and takes your hand, slipping his thick fingers between yours and curling them. He walks you across the road and you see the trail he’s talking about. The path is narrow but well travelled and when you approach the railing Sy comes to stand behind you, trapping you between the metal fencing and his hard body.
For a while you just stand there enjoying the view with Sy resting his chin on your shoulder. It's surprisingly quiet and even the noise of the road seems to have disappeared. 
“This is beautiful, Noah,” you say, softly. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
“Thank you for comin’,” he replies, then adds with a slightly sheepish tone, “I do have a confession to make.”
“Go on,” you say, smiling.
“It wasn’t just the guy's suggestion that made me want to bring ya out here. I thought about it a few times while I was on tour,” he chuckles, “not all of those thoughts were family friendly either.”
You giggle a little, then get serious, “Why here? What's so special about this place?”
“I don’t know,” Sy says, “I thought about so many places I want to take you, dates and stuff, but this one kept comin’ back to me.” He chuffs, “Sometimes when we’d talk on the phone, I’d close my eyes and imagine us standing here like this, havin’ that same conversation,” he moves closer, pressing his whole body against yours, “I’d imagine what your face would look like when you’d speak, looking so beautiful while looking at something so beautiful.”
Sy insists that he isn’t romantic, but he truly is, it’s there in his soul, and you can feel it.
“I thought about all the things I wanted to say to you, and all the things I wasn’t sure you wanted to hear from me,” he continues, and you feel his eyes burning into you. “When I couldn’t sleep, I’d think about what you’d look like standing here with me and I’d think about all those things I wanted you to know.”
You turn your head towards his voice, and you were right, he is staring at you with those bright azure eyes. You concentrate on the slash of umber in his left while you swallow, your mouth suddenly feeling dry. “Will you tell me now?” you ask softly.
“Don’t need to, I've already said it all. I couldn’t keep it in,” he says in a low hoarse tone. He rubs his hand over the top of your arm, “You’re my everything. From the moment I saw you, I wanted you. And every moment since then, I’ve only fallen deeper.”
“How are you so sure?”
“‘Cause with you, I want things I ain’t ever wanted before,” his hand slides over your belly, “I think about things I’ve never thought before. You make me feel things I never thought I’d feel.”
“Do you ever worry that it won’t work?”
“I used to, but not anymore, not since…” Sy stops and dips his head into your neck, “not for months.” He kisses your neck softly, and his next words are a little muffled, “Sugar, we got through the hardest part. We weren’t even together when I left, but we made it work, through all of that.”
“It’ll be harder when you leave again, and—”
“Baby, I ain’t goin’ anywhere.” Your brows raise in surprise. “I mean, I may get transferred, but my time in group is over, I’m getting a staff position.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, you only get about three years leading a team, then you’re promoted, or moved to staff or teaching. I had thought about droppin’ my commission and stayin’ in group— but not anymore.”
“I’m confused.”
“I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that you don’t know about these things, cause it's different than what you’re used to with your dad and brother. I’m going to be on staff, I’ll work with command, mostly on base, which should keep me stateside. I am up for promotion soon and I think I’m likely to get it despite all the shit— well, I should get it.”
“And what if they transfer you to a new base?”
“It's probable, and we can talk about that during the transfer period. But let me put it this way, baby— I want you with me, wherever I go.” His brows draw together as he looks at you, and seeing your blank focus he sighs, “You still don't get it do you?”
You shrug a little and shake your head. You think you know how he feels, but part of you still doesn’t believe how things have changed so much between you in the last 24 hours. Yesterday you were just so relieved to have him back safe and to touch him again, that you've barely thought beyond the here and now. And despite the things he’s said to you, you know that you haven't been able to fully process his words.
Sy lifts eyes and looks out over the valley, stoically thinking through what he wants to say before he speaks. Eventually he swallows hard and asks, “You know how you hear those stories where the first time a guy sees a woman he immediately thinks to himself, ‘I’m gonna marry her some day’?”
“Yeah,” you say, unsure of where this is going. Sy drops his gaze to yours, his eyebrows lifting infinitesimally, and you suddenly realise what he's trying to convey. “Holy shit,” you exclaim, covering your mouth.
“Yeah,” Sy chuckles, “That’s exactly what I thought the first time you smiled at me, Sugar. Surprised the fuck outta me too.”
He keeps a small grin on his lips, but he licks them anxiously, and his eyes won’t stay on yours as he runs a hand over his short hair. He’s nervous, you realise, so you lift your hand to his cheek and smile reassuringly at him. 
Sy lets out a long breath and he forces himself to keep his eyes on yours as he reaches into his pocket to pull out a set of dog tags. “I’ve thought of about a million different ways to show ya how much you mean to me. I even went—” Sy shakes his head and his Adam’s Apple bobs in his throat as he swallows, “In the end… these are what I wanted to give you.”
You look at the tags as he places them in your hand and bite your lip. You know what this gesture could mean. These aren't just a token that he carried with him on tour, it's all of his personal information; his full name, social security number, blood type, and his religion. You run your thumb over the stamped letters: Syverson, Noah H., O positive, No Preference. 
“I don’t mean for you to wear ‘em or anythin’,” Sy says, “I just want you to have them. I wanted to give ya somethin’ that I had with me out there, cause… I won’t ever forget what ya did for me while I was gone.”
You look at him as you blink back tears, your throat is so tight you can barely speak, “Sy, I don’t know what to say.”
He chuckles, “Baby, you always know what to say.”
There is something you want to say, but you're afraid it’ll be too much, too fast. Sy’s eyes bore into yours, like he can see into the deepest parts of your soul, and it surprises you that you don't mind this intrusion.
“Say it,” he urges softly. His hand cupping your neck while he wraps an arm around your waist. His brows draw together and raise, his forehead wrinkles like he’s pleading with you. 
“I love you, Noah.” 
Sy curses, murmuring your name as his head drops. You think maybe you’ve fucked up, misread this whole thing, but then his mouth is on yours. His kiss is voracious, ferocious, and he crushes you so firmly against his body that you feel as though he’s trying to consume you, trying to meld the two of you together so you’ll never come apart.
Then he stops as suddenly as he started. His hands cup your cheeks again and he makes you look at him. “You really mean it don’t you? You wouldn’t say it if ya didn’t mean it, right?”
You smile and pull his head down until it rests on yours. “I love you,” you reiterate, “I wouldn’t say it if I didn't mean it.”
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
All Yours
PAIRING: Henry Bowers x Reader
SUMMARY: You wanted to show Henry that you only belong to him and you come up with an idea. To carve his name on your skin
GENRE: Fluff and smut.
WARNINGS: Knife play, blood, carving in skin, cockwarming, penetrative sex, face licking, bulge kink.
WORD COUNT: 1k words
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“I want you” You felt Henry hug you from your back, starting to leave hickeys on your neck. You could feel his desperation, and that only meant one thing. He fought with his father.
You turned around and grabbed his face, stopping his mission to mark your whole neck.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked him, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
“I just need to be inside you” You started to take off your clothes until you were completely naked. You jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist and carrying you to his bed. Kissing him with eagerness. He threw you into his bed and stayed there. Admiring every single part of you.
“So pretty. You’re mine and only mine” Hearing that made your heart flutter. You knew Henry loved reminding you only belonged to him. Having some kind of ownership over you always made him proud. “Am I right, baby?” You only nodded.
“Can I ask for something, Henry?” You asked him, thinking how you would ask him for something as extreme as your idea was. You made him sit down in the bed while you sat on his lap. “Last week, when you were following that kid, you started to carve your name on his stomach. I want that.” You were looking straight into his eyes, trying to see any kind of reaction he could have. But he stayed unimpressed. You looked down.
“Are you sure you want that? It’s gonna stay forever on your skin.”
“I don’t care. The hickeys are not enough for me anymore” Henry grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.
“I’m gonna ask you one last time. Are you completely sure you want my name carved on your skin?”
“The idea of a scar showing I only belong to you is perfect. I don’t care about the repercussions of it.”
“Ok, but first, let me be inside you. This is going to be painful, and I know you’re a sucker for pain, always making you wetter than it should” Henry positioned himself on your entrance as you started to ease down on his cock slowly. You heard yourself whimper, trying to adjust yourself to his size.
Henry grabbed his knife. He looked at you one more time, trying to see if there was a glimpse of fear or regret. But he saw you were calm. You felt the blade on your skin, and you closed your eyes. Henry started to carve the first letter.
You felt a tear roll down your cheek. It hurts, but the thought of his name on your skin forever made you clench over his cock.
“Such a masochist,” you heard him chuckle. You tried to hide your face in the crook of his neck, but you knew you couldn’t get closer to him since he needed space between your bodies to continue carving his name on you.
You didn’t look down, knowing that you probably would make him stop, even if you wanted this. Looking at it would make the pain stronger, and you don’t want him to stop.
You couldn’t help but move, riding him. You felt your wetness and what may be blood on the inside of your legs. You were sure Henry was enjoying this, too, feeling him twitch inside you more than three times. You may be a masochist, but he was a sadist. The perfect combination.
“I’m almost done” You looked at Henry. His forehead wrinkled. Deep in concentration, he was being as careful as he could, trying to carve his name in the most excellent way possible. He wanted it to be perfect since it would be on your body forever.
At this point, your face was as wet as your pussy, tears rolling down from the pain and pleasure the blade caused. You looked down. Blood covered your and Henry’s lower stomach. You could see Henry’s name in red. You knew you needed to clean the cuts and bandage the cuts so they don’t get infected, but you needed some release, and Henry knew that.
“As much as I love to fuck your brains out, I’m going to be careful right now. I don’t want you to bleed out on my bed” You only nodded. He started to thrust slowly, making you feel him completely. The movement of your bodies made the cuts sting. You weren’t sure if you were crying because of the pain or the pleasure such pain was bringing you. Henry stopped looking at where your bodies connected, the view of his dick covered with your juices and blood mesmerized him, but the sight of you crying was better. Henry tried to memorize your face, the mix of pain and pleasure. Tears roll down your cheeks. He needed to taste them. Henry came closer to your face, licking them as they fell.
“You just taste delicious, baby, no matter what I’m licking, your pussy or your tears,” you clenched around Henry at his words. He’s always so disgusting that you love it. You are pretty sure if he wasn’t fucking you, he would clean up your cuts with his tongue.
“Henry, harder” he didn’t say anything and just started to fuck you harder, making his bulge visible on your lower stomach.
“Look at that. I don’t need to get completely out to see how my cock is fucking you” Henry looked at your tired face, a sign of you being close to your orgasm.
“Are you gonna cum? Tell me who you belong to?”
“You, Henry, I’m all yours.” Henry went faster. He couldn’t care less for your cuts now. The sweet moans and whimpers you let out made him proud. He was the only one who knew how you sounded, the only one who would ever be able to see you like this, all fucked up. One of his hands went to your clit, making you feel electricity all over your body. And when you least expected it, you were seeing stars. You knew he was closer too, his breathing starting to sound erratic.
“Inside me, I want it inside me” That was enough for Henry. He groaned, filling you up.
The two of you tried to stabilize your breathing. Henry lay you down on his bed. Admiring his work of art. Blood and cum dripping down your pussy. You were all his, and that's the only thing he cared about. 
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n a v i g a t i o n
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superdcchick · 2 years
Henry x female reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Unprotected sex (p in v) Oral (male receiving and female receiving). shower sex. 
Word count: 1,368
As the morning light peeked through the curtain Henry awoke with a yawn and a stretch. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes and then reaching out to feel you. How did you get to the other side of the bed without him following? You were facing away from him, hands under your face and legs slightly bent up. He sneaked over to you burying his face into the crook of your neck and reaching his hand around your waist up to your breasts. You were wearing a light top and panties. Too warm for anything else and being next to Henry was like having your own fire in the bed.
Pulling the string of your top down off your shoulder as his lips followed. His hand slowly moves down your body. He gently moved your leg out so that he could get to your clothed core. His whole hand covered and squeezed you before he slowly brought his hand up to your clit moving in slow circles. You inhale deeply and moan as you exhale, his lips on your neck again. Your hips start to move against his hand, your hand on top of his applying a little bit more pressure. He grinded himself against your ass, you could feel his morning wood against your ass. You push yourself back against him, he groaned ad he bit into your shoulder. His other hand sneaks under you and he lays it across your chest, pulling you against his chest as his hand slips down your panties. His delicate touch against you, his breath on your neck, his hard cock rubbing against your ass.
Turning in his arms to face him, looking into those big blue eyes rubbing your thumb over his bottom lip. His hands roam all over your body. Melting into his kiss, hands full of his dark curls. Bringing your leg over his hip and slowly moves his hand to your ass cheek. Pushing him onto his back, you climb on top of him grinding yourself against his erection and his hips buck up against you in return. Trailing kisses from his neck to his chest, slowly moving lower down his body. Another groan leaves his mouth as your breast brushes over his rock-hard cock. It almost looks painful to be that hard. Starting to rub him as you go lower. Finally, pull his boxers down freeing him from his cage and slowly taking him into your mouth. His hands in your hair hold it back out of the way so that he can see all of the show you are putting on for him.
Taking him as deep as you can and swirl your tongue around his tip when you came back up. Making his body jerk as you suck on his sensitive tip. His hand went from your hair to your neck to pull you back up to his lips. He lay you down using his knee to open your legs as he lay on top of you. Trailing kisses from your neck to your chest and removing your top. Kissing down the valley of your breasts, then over to suck on your nipple while his hand played with the other. As he moves further down your body he slips your panties off and throws them somewhere in the room. He kisses all up along your legs till he is at your soaking wet core. He rubs his finger through your folds watching you as you squirm. Finally, he takes your clit into his mouth, fuck that felt good. His tongue lapping at your taste, he flattens his tongue against you and licks up and moans as he sucks on your clit again. The vibrations go through you like a shock of electricity.
His finger enters you and you arch off the bed, your hand finding his hair. He could stay there all day if he wanted to. You notice him rutting against the mattress. You sit up taking him by his chin and kissing him, tasting yourself. He hovers over you as you line his cock up with your entrance, dragging the tip of his cock through your juices. He slowly pushes himself into you, your breath quickens as he fills you up. Once he's fully in, he stays still, giving your walls a chance to accommodate his large member.  He peppers kisses over your neck and collar bones. Taking his face in your hands you give him a nod and kiss him and he begins to move. Slowly at first, feeling every inch of him. You're moaning into his ear getting louder as he speeds up. The noise of skin slapping against skin as you want him to go harder. His head is buried into the crook of your neck as he bites and sucks at you.
He feels you getting close, your pussy clenching around him and tugging in his hair as you come to your climax. The sight of you out of breath from pleasure is one of his rewards, Laying him down on the bed you climb on top of him, lining yourself up again and slowly sinking down onto him. His eyes closed and his mouth open. You kiss him and start to ride him. He takes your thumb into his mouth, sucking and biting as you go faster. You lean back giving him a full view of his thick cock in your tight cunt. He bucks his hips in rhythm with you. He watches as you rub on your clit making you move faster. Both of your moans fill the bedroom. You can tell he is close. His fingers dug into your hips. Watching his face, his brows knitted together as you ride his dick. You couldn't help but cum, your pussy clenching around him again also bringing him to his climax. You love being full of him, he sits up and wraps his arms around you kissing you between your breasts to your neck. You stay like that for a while, his head on your chest as you play with his hair.
He lays you onto your side never letting go of you. You both just lay there for a while holding each other, him peppering kisses all over your body You look over to see the time, both of you have to get ready for the day. Prying yourself from his grip you leave him in bed to go shower. He watches you as you walk away and into the bathroom. Stepping into the shower you wash your body and then your hair. As you rinse off the shampoo you feel hands on your hips. His hands roaming your body. He grabs you by your neck from behind and brings his mouth to your ear.
"I'm not finished with you yet"
He spins you around and holds you against the shower wall. His knee kicks apart your legs as his hand cups your core. His fingers move in rough circles around your clit. His head against yours as you start to moan and bite your lip. Grabbing your leg, hooking it over his hip while rubbing his cock against your pussy then pushing himself into you fully, filling you whole. He's not giving you time to adjust this time as he's already pounding you. Grunting into you with every thrust, biting and sucking at the skin on your neck. You reach down to rub your clit but he takes your hand away and pins it above your head. His thrusts got harder, deeper, faster. You can't hold it any longer and you clench around him. Your moans fill the bathroom sending him over the edge also. His eyes closed tight as he cums. Your clenching pussy milking his cock for everything he's got. His breath was harsh against your lips. You gave him a final kiss before leaving him in the shower. He didn't like that, he held onto your hand trying to drag you back into his arms.
You left the bathroom to dry off and get dressed. When he was finished he went to the bedroom and found a note from you stuck on the mirror.
"See you at 7. Be naked. Love you!"
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Importance - Part 2
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Part 1
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau x Daughter!reader
Category: Angst wit fluff?
Content warnings: talks of kidnapping and arguing
Word count: 1.0k
A/n: here’s part 2 of Importance! I had a few ideas how to end it but I think the sis the best one. Thanks for reading with me!
You walked until you got tired but somehow ended up at the hotel your Auntie Emily was staying at. She had came back to the states to help find your mom but her stay was extended because she had another high profile case to work.You had known what floor she was on because you and your mom had visited her for a “girl talk” before you found out how your mom really felt about you. The talk went well and Emily had only told you and your mom about her staying.
You got on the elevator and made your way to the 6th floor, knocking on her door. You were completely broken over what JJ said to you. She was your best friend and mother and she told you her job was more important than you. She betrayed you and it cut open a wound that would take forever to heal.
The door swung open and your eyes met Emily’s, you ran into her bursting into tears all over again.
“What’s wrong sweetie? Are you okay?” She asked rubbing your back. You hiccuped sitting down on the bed and she went to grab you a water.
“I got into an argument with mom and—“ you couldn’t even get the words out. You kept hearing JJ voice telling you how you didn’t matter. It took you back to the times when she would have to leave work to care for you and Henry. Were you bothering her when you needed help?
It made you question everything. Did she even want me? Is she at work to be away from us? All the worst questions flew through your head.
“And what honey?” Emily said taking the cup out your hand and sitting it on the desk.
“She said her job was more important than me and Henry.” Looking up at Emily with your red eyes.
“I’m so sorry honey, I don’t think she meant it that way.” Emily said trying to soothe you, eventually you fell asleep while in her arms.
JJ and the team had been looking for you for hours. “I can’t believe I said that to her, now she’s gone.” JJ cried, she never meant to hurt you. The BAU is important but not as important as you and Henry.
“I’m sure we’ll find her JJ, she can’t be too far.” Spencer said rubbing your moms back, and heading to the round table with her.
The team was looking at security cameras because you walked off without your phone, so Gracia couldn’t track you.
“Okay I checked all the camera within a 10 mile radius and this is what I found.” Gracie’s said putting up the security camera of you at the hotel.
JJ grabbed her keys and headed straight to the hotel. When she arrived she practically ran to Emilys room She knocked on the door and Emily quietly opened it.
“Where is she? Why didn’t you tell me she was here?” JJ said in an angry whisper. “I promised her I wouldn’t, but you need to fix whatever you said to her. I think under all that anger she just wants is her mom back.” Emily said, she was called in and was getting ready to go.
“Y/n?” Your mom said tip toeing towards you.
“Great the last person on earth I wanted to see.” You said nonchalantly, you finally stopped crying after your brief nap.
“I understand you’re upset but please list—-“ you cut her off, “listen?!? How about you listen! Listen to what you said. You told me your fucking JOB was more important than the people you RAISE.” yelling loud enough your mom stepped back.
“Nothing is more important than you and Henry. You are my world, I love my job but I’ll do anything for you and your brother. I’m so sorry ” She said softly.
“Did you even want me? If it was so important why not give me up huh?” You said after finally calming down.
“Of course I wanted you and your brother. I didn’t mean what I said y/n you have to believe me.” JJ begged.
“Nothing you say will fix this. You said what you said mom. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this.” You said honestly, and you wouldn’t forget. This was something that would always lurk in the back of your mind.
You noticed the defeat on your mothers face, no matter how much she hurt you, you truly hated seeing her face stained red like this.
“I don’t hate you mom.” You whispered “you just don’t know what it was like watching you on that video with that man. And to see you just go back to work it’s almost like you didn’t even consider it could happen again.” You said looking her in the eye, you wanted her to feel what you felt.
“Henry will never admit it but he slept with me and cried himself to sleep the entire weekend you were gone. This job is effecting all of us and I draw the line when it hurts my little brother.” You said matter a factly, you protected Henry with your life ever since he was brought into this world.
“I love you and you’re my everything. I just wish sometimes that you would be there for the small moments. You save lives and I understand but you’re missing your kids lives in the process.” You said softly sitting down next to your mom.
“Then I’m quitting. I can get a job at the bureau that allows me to stay home more. I hate when you’re upset honey.” Your mom said rubbing your back.
“I didn’t mean what I said nothing is more important than you y/n. You’re my baby girl and I don’t want to miss another second of your life.” She said noticing how tired you were. You both curled up in the bed and eventually fell asleep crying and hugging.
Towards the morning Emily walked in to see you both wrapped in each other. She snapped a quick picture and sent it to your mom. You finally had your mom back.
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multifandomwriter56 · 2 years
600 Follower Celebration Gif Drabble 3
A/N: This is the third gif for my celebration. Also a square filled for @anyfandomfluffbingo 
Square Filled: Flower Crowns
Request by: anon (I hope you like this love and that I included John’s kids enough for you. Thanks again!)
Characters: John Shelby, Katie Shelby, Tommy Shelby, I named John’s other kids George, Henry, and Robert
Summary: Y/n is John’s eldest kid and her birthday is coming up. Will her father remember or will she go without celebrating it? This is set in season 1
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2,102 (Yeah, this isn’t a drabble but we’re just keeping it that way so it can match the rest)
*gif is not mine*
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To be a queen would be a dream come true for Y/n Shelby. 
“Y/n, Robert pooped again!” A young girl’s voice shouts.
Or maybe just to be treated as one would satisfy the eldest John Shelby child. 
To be anything but a nanny for a day, would make the thirteen year old happy. Just one day of not being the only person in charge of her four younger siblings. That’s all she wants. 
If her father remembers her birthday, that’s what she wants to ask for. She loves her father but he is not the most involved father. Not since he came back from the war and her mother died. Usually he leaves after breakfast and she doesn’t see him until all the kids are in bed and she’s reading a book on the sofa. Most nights, he carries her to bed since she falls asleep while waiting for him to come home. 
And tonight is no different. Once her siblings are asleep, she grabs the newest book her Aunt Polly bought for her before snuggling up in the corner of the sofa. Two hours later, she jumps awake when she hears the door swing open. Her father is never home this early.
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise. He never comes here. 
“Joh- Oi, what are you doing awake?”
Y/n stares up at her uncle, her eyes narrowing as she asks a question of her own. “Where’s my dad?”
Tommy raises his eyebrows at his niece but answers her question. “If I knew I wouldn’t be shouting his name in his own house.”
Y/n couldn’t argue with that. “If you don’t mind, Uncle Tom, I would appreciate it if you didn’t shout again. I don’t want to deal with a crabby two year old.”
The teenager is surprised when she sees a small grin on her uncle’s face. Just like her father, her uncle changed after the war. He’s not the same man who used to take her on walks and buy her sweets; or tell her stories using the different voices he could make. She tries to stay away, knowing the man has better things to do than to waste his time with his niece. She may not dislike her uncle, but she definitely is not a fan of him either. 
“Why is a thirteen year old still awake at this hour, eh?” He asks as he lights a cigarette.
“I’ll be fourteen in two days.” She mumbles.
“Fourteen, eh?” Y/n nods. “And what are you doing for your special day?”
Y/n looks down at the book in her lap, guilt rising as the anger starts to boil. “I have to take care of my siblings, Uncle Tom; so Dad can do whatever it is that you need of him that day.”
Tommy studies his niece, seeing the battle of selfish and selfless fighting each other in the young girl. No child should feel guilty for wanting to have a special day on their birthday. 
Before the older man can continue their conversation, the door opens to reveal one John Shelby.
Not wanting to chance her temper to burst through, Y/n hugs her father and tells the two men goodnight before heading upstairs. 
The next day starts out normal but as the morning turns into the afternoon, Y/n notices her siblings acting strange. They’re whispering to themselves and will completely stop talking when Y/n gets too close. Katie was gone early this morning but returned by the time breakfast was on table and is now following her older sister around everywhere. Usually Katie is playing in the lane with her brothers or Finn. 
“Okay, out with it. What are you and your brothers up to, eh? You know if you do something under my watch, Aunt Polly will box my ears and tell Dad. So tell me now so I can make sure you lot don’t get caught.”
Katie smiles up at sister, trying her best to look as innocent as possible. “It’s nothing to worry about. We won’t get caught. Promise.”
Y/n wants to trust her, but the last time Katie said that, they ended up caught at the cut by Arthur and Y/n was lectured by him and her father. She definitely does not want to see disappointment on her father’s face ever again. 
That night as she kisses Robert’s forehead she hears the door open. With a concerned frown, Y/n slowly makes her way down the stairs. Even though her body relaxes, her frown remains. “What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I live here.”
Y/n rolls her eyes at her father. “Dad, it’s only been dark for an hour. You’re never home this early.”
“What are you? Me mother? I decided to stay in tonight. Now, what are you reading?”
Y/n shows him the title, still confused. 
John sits on the sofa in the spot Y/n usually occupies. He pats the seat next to him, a silent order to sit. 
Y/n does.
The older man leans back as he pulls a cigar out of his pocket. “Read it to me.” 
Y/n stares at her father as he lights the cigar but when he teasingly elbows her side, she opens the book.
Soon the fourteen year old is leaning against her father, her words slurring and her eyes fighting to stay open. 
John gently pulls the book from her grasp before lifting her into his arms. He settles the teenager on her bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. “Goodnight, Y/n.”
“Night, Dad.”
“Happy Birthday.” 
Y/n frowns, her eyes remain closed. It’s not her birthday. That’s tomorrow. She grabs John’s old pocket watch from off her night stand. She brings it close to her face so she can see the time. “Huh. It is my birthday.” She whispers to herself.
She sets the watch back on the table, her eyes closing as sleep starts to take over. Y/n couldn’t remember the last time she fell asleep with a smile on her face. Maybe her birthday won’t be so bad after all.
She was wrong. So very wrong.
Robert woke up early, throwing up. Her father and Katie were already gone for the day. So that means she has the youngest Shelby to herself. She sends George and Henry out to the lane to play when she hears Finn and Isiah running by; ordering the two older boys to watch them.
“I hate birthdays.” She mutters as she puts her sleeping brother in his crib. She hopes that was the last of the throw up. She doesn’t know how he could have anything left in his stomach. 
“Y/n Shelby, come here!” John’s voice booms through the house.
“Fuck.” She mutters when Robert wakes up crying. She picks the two year old and heads downstairs; the famous Shelby glare set on her tired face.
“Dad, was that fucking neceassary? I just got Rob- What’s going on?” Y/n stops mid rant as her eyes land on her whole family in the kitchen. 
“Err, sorry for waking Robert, but we have something for you.” John says, showing no remorse whatsoever.
“What is it? Another pregnant woman?”
“Y/n Shelby!” Polly scolds. 
The now fourteen year old blushes, shame rising to her heated cheeks. “Sorry, Dad. I’m just tired.”
John waves away her apology, feeling like he deserves worse than a few harsh words for all the responsibility he’s put on his eldest. 
Deciding it would be a good idea to move things along before it gets too awkward, Tommy gets his youngest niece's attention. Once he has Katie’s attention, he gestures for her to go to Y/n.
Katie smiles, nodding to her uncle before heading in Y/n’s direction.
Y/n watches her little sister, wondering why she has her hands behind her back. “That better not be flour.” She warns, ignoring the chuckles coming from her family.
Katie shakes her head. Slowly, she pulls out the project she was working on yesterday morning. “This is for you. It’s your crown.”
Y/n stares at the crown made from flowers. “H-How?”
“I stole the flowers from that crazy lady by Garrison who sells them.”
“Katie!” Polly admonishes, but turns her glare to her nephews. John and Arthur ignore the glare as they bent over with laughter while their leader just smiles at his nieces. 
Polly rolls her eyes, knowing there’s no point in saying anything else on the matter.
Y/n doesn’t hear her father and uncle’s laughter as she stares at the crown of flowers with tears in her eyes. At some point, Robert wiggled out of her arms and went to Ada who picked him up.
“Put it on, eh?” Tommy encourages.
She slowly reaches for the crown and gently takes it from her sister. A single tear slides down her cheek as she sets the crown on the top of her head. 
“From this point on, you are Queen Y/n, ruler of Small Heath.” Katie announces. “But tomorrow, you are back to Y/n, my big sister.”
“Thank you.”  
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” John informs his eldest. “We still have presents and cake. Everyone to the living room!”
Y/n waits for everyone to leave the kitchen before turning to the man now standing next to her. “I’m assuming this was your idea?”
Tommy shakes his head before lighting the cigarette in his mouth. “You can thank your sister.” He takes a puff before answering her silent question. “She heard us the other night. She came to me the next day, saying I should order everyone to come to the house on your birthday. I told her to do it herself.”
Y/n snorts. “And how did that go?”
“She ordered me to be at the house by noon before doing the same with everyone else.” He tells her, not able to hide the mirth flickering in his eyes. 
Y/n laughs. She should’ve known better than to doubt her baby sister. “She’s going to rule the world one of these days.”
“Aye.” Tommy agrees. “But not today. Today, Queen Y/n is our ruler.”
Y/n smiles, glancing in the direction of the living room. “Well, I better join my subjects before Henry and George open all my presents.”
Tommy dips his head, his left arm stretched out. “After you, milady.”
* * *
Y/n sighs as she lets her body go limp. Today was a good day; a day she will never forget. 
“Good day?”
She opens her eyes, smiling when she sees her father leaning against the entryway to the living room. “Yes. Very good day.”
John smiles, happy with her answer. He makes his way to his daughter, sitting next to her. His smile widens when she leans against him and he wraps his arm around her, pulling her close.
“Thank you, Dad.”
He drops a kiss on the top of her head. “I would do anything for you. Anything.” 
Y/n’s smile falls at hearing the guilt in her father’s voice. “Dad, it’s okay. I’m okay. I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I shouldn’t have said it.”
“I don’t want you to be sorry. You’re fourteen. You shouldn’t be playing mother to your siblings.”
Y/n opens her mouth to argue, but a finger under chin stops her. The finger turns her head to face her father.
“I promise you. I will find someone to be a mother to your siblings… to you.”
Y/n knocks his hand away. “I don’t need a mother. I can take care of myself; and I can take care of my siblings.”
This time, John grabs her chin. Once he has her attention, he speaks. “I know you can. I have no doubt you can. But that doesn’t mean you should. You’re fourteen. You’re still a child, and I want you to be able to act like one.” He gently releases her chin, his mirth coming back. “Besides, you can’t get married until your thirty, so you don’t need to worry about being a mother for a long time.”
Y/n rolls her eyes, but she can’t stop the smile from tugging at her lips. “Very funny, Dad.” 
“It’s true.” John insists. His little girl may not be so little anymore; but he will still cut any boy who even thinks about touching his daughter.
“Thank you. I needed that promise.”
John lands another kiss before whispering, “It’s a promise I plan on keeping.”
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee
Peaky Blinders: @psychkunox @theshelbyclan @supermouse @lilymurphy03 @findinghisredrighthand​
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 3 years
i’m a little late but if you’re still looking for fluff requests maybe gn reader during a slow day at the bau where everyone is crammed in the conference room sharing food, watching videos of henry and jack, teasing each other, etc and reader either makes and offhand comment or blurts out how the bau are a family unit and everyone pauses for a second because (even though they all see each other as family) nobody has ever really verbalised it like that
Family (BAU X gn!reader)
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Warnings: None other than this hasn't been proof read so could be horrendous
Word Count: 528 ish
It had been a slow week, not that you were complaining, You had all piled into the conference room with your paperwork, promising Hotch that you wouldn’t get too distracted. He had reluctantly agreed (God he felt like such a dad to the team sometimes). With the whole gang piled into a room you, naturally, got extremely distracted and within forty-five minutes, Garcia had made hot chocolate and pop corn whilst Morgan and Emily fought over what movie to watch. Hotch and JJ had already shown at least five videos of Henry and Jack each,
“Oi, I’ll give you five pieces of popcorn for three squares of your chocolate,” You whisper to Spencer, who thinks for a minute before nodding, you quickly make the switch, the pair of you ducking your heads when you find Morgan and Emily grinning at the exchange to the left of you you. In response, you throw a pen in their direction (which, unfortunately, means you won’t be able to do any more of your report just yet… shame...). They were about to retaliate but a look from Hotch stops them short.
“I love that this unit is basically a family unit,” You blurt before you realise you’re thinking it, the words are already out of your mouth and spoken into the universe.
“You’re right, Kid,” Morgan grinned, patting your shoulder slightly. “I guess I never really thought about it too much,” You ducked your head slightly, fiddling with the tips of the paper of the file you were going through.
‘Fuck, (Y/N) way to show your age,’ You thought.
“I’m so glad it’s finally been said!” Penelope exclaimed, “Honestly, I was starting to think you guys were emotionally constipated or something,” You snorted. “So, (Y/N), if this is a family unit, what roles do we all have?”
“Oh, er, I- I don’t know, honestly,”
“Bitch please,” Garcia said dramatically, you both let out a snicker.
“Okay, fine, but this stays between us and if anyone mentions it, I will beat you up,” You joke, “Hotch definitely has dad vibes, Rossi is definitely like an uncle, yourself is a crazy aunt, Derek is obviously the overprotective elder brother - the eldest son who should know better and keep the others safe, Emily is the middle child that likes annoying the shit out of the eldest, Reid is one of the younger siblings that must be protected at all times, JJ is the mum,”
“And you, my dear,” Garcia said, pointing a fuzzy pen in your direction, “Are the youngest sibling that is too adorable,”
“Oh stop, you’ll make me blush here in public,” You said dramatically.
“Why am I the second eldest that annoys the eldest?”
“Is that not obvious?” Morgan smirked.
You all continued to laugh and joke around until Hotch had to leave to attend a meeting.
“Right, kids, you all need to finish your homework and be in bed by ten,” Hotch said in a (mock) stern tone before leaving the room.
“You heard your father,” JJ said, following Hotch out of the room. You let out a loud wheeze. Not to sound cheesy, but you loved your family.
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radiant-reid · 3 years
Under the covers
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Summary: Friends with benefits never works out, but, this time, it was an accident, unbeknownst to Spencer and Y/n until the team pointed it out.
i just had this idea but can you do something like being roommates with spencer and then becoming friends with benefits and one day someone at work refers to you as a couple because somewhere along the way you both started acting like a couple without even realizing it (with dom!spence if you’re comfortable & lots of fluff)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (Smut)
Content Warning: Swearing | SMUT (NSFM), sir kink, dom!spencer sub!reader, light bondage, mix of light praise + degrading kink, unprotected penetrative sex|
Word Count: 4.2k
It wasn't an unusual occurrence.
When necessary, sharing rooms wasn't a big deal, especially for Prentiss, JJ, L/n, and Reid, who had been with the team on and off for the longest.
Spencer was furious with JJ the first time it happened. The months of lying about Emily and the energy he wasted caring. He could have spent that time doing something else, like the date Penelope wanted him to go on before Emily 'died.' What would have happened if that was the perfect girl, and it was JJ's fault he never got to meet her.
It was a stretch, he knew that, but he was too stubborn to be rational.
Y/n was the only person who he felt wasn't walking on eggshells around him. She hadn't been afraid to tell him he was being childish: that his petty remarks were only going to ruin his friendship with JJ.
"Reid, you've got to stop," Y/n told him sternly, almost immediately after he'd slammed their hotel room door closed. She was determined to reign him in.
Spencer threw his bag on the bed, a contrast to his usual calm behavior. Since he found out, nothing about him had been clear headed. "You don't know a fucking thing about it, L/n, so stay out of it." He snarled, not even able to make eye contact with her. He was positively fuming, transferring his anger.
"Reid, I've known you for 4 years! I was just as heartbroken as you after Emily left." Y/n yelled at him. She wasn't mad about his yelling, but she knew if she wound him up enough that he faced his problems, it would help get it out of his system. "I'm not taking it out on everyone around me, so get your act together."
"I'm not going to 'get it together.'" Spencer mocked her voice. "I'm going to keep being mad at JJ because she could have told me. She should have told me." His voice was just starting to level, and Y/n knew he was at a turning point.
"Spencer, I get it, okay?" Y/n reminded him, sitting down in the hope Spencer would as well. He did, sitting next to her on the side of her bed. "But Morgan, Garcia, and I didn't know either, and we're not ruining friendships over it." She reminded him. "You love JJ, and you're Henry's godfather, so don't fuck it up. Especially when we've got an impossible opportunity to have Emily back."
Spencer knew what she was saying was true. And he was thankful to have Emily back, and he was trying not to be mad. "I know." He hesitantly admitted, not feeling guilty about it yet. Eventually, he knew he would, but he was still angry.
"So you can apologize to JJ. She's not mad, but she loves you, and she doesn't want to lose your friendship over an order she was instructed to follow." Y/n told him, strong yet tenderly. He knew everything she was saying was right. She was always right.
Spencer groaned, resting his head in his hands. "Thanks."
Y/n moved his hands away, tilting his head upward. She could see there was still some mad in his eyes, the brown darkening as he looked at her.
The air shifted when Spencer glanced at her lips, only for a moment, but Y/n knew what he needed. The darkening in Spencer's eyes had changed as his face softened slightly, staring at her with all the passion of his previous anger.
"Spencer." Y/n hesitantly started, wanting to make sure there were no miscommunications about what she thought was about to happen. No more lies.
Spencer knew what she was going to ask, answering before she continued. "Yes, if you want to."
"Just as friends?" Y/n asked, biting her lip in the hope she wasn't about to break his heart. He was sweet, but she wasn't ready for something serious.
Spencer nodded at her. Everything in him was far too fragile to get into a relationship. "Yes, Y/n, only friends. Not that, that, t-there's anything wrong-"
Y/n cut him off before he could keep going. "I know. No strings."
The room was a whole lot less tense after that. No more lingering questions or deceptions, just the plain truth. For once, Spencer didn't even feel awkward discussing sex. He was blushing, but he didn't feel self-conscious.
"Okay, how are we going to do this?" Spencer asked, more than ready to jump right into it.
It was Y/n who started, leaning in to place her lips against him. Quickly, before pulling back to make sure there wasn't any hesitation in his eyes. There wasn't. Not even a glimmer of regret or uncertainty.
Spencer dove in more forcefully the second time, kissing her hard and dominating. The dynamic was hanging in the balance of the kiss. The roughness of his lips and firm grip on her face showed Y/n that Spencer was going to be in charge.
Y/n tugged on his tie, trying to pull him even closer as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Why she assumed he wouldn't be a phenomenal kisser, she didn't know. Lips perfectly molding against hers as his hands traveled down to her hips.
They pulled apart, panting from the lack of air, but it was worth it. Spencer's grip tightened, pulling her onto his lap as she gasped. After seeing her talk down unsubs much bigger than she was, Spencer was amused by the fact she was so compliant. Letting him take all his anger out as he gripped her hips.
It really was electric. The energy transferred from Spencer's anger to limitless passion.
Leaning up, Spencer reconnected their lips. Even though she was sitting above him, he was definitely still in control, with his hands traveling up to cup her tits. Y/n groaned against his lip at the feeling, and Spencer smirked into her lips.
Y/n was already grinding down on him, everything inside her red hot as she felt the blood pulse around her. She could already feel the growing bulge in his pants, and it reaffirmed his consent.
The air was much hotter when Spencer pulled his lips away from hers, looking up at her. He always knew she was pretty, but the swollen lips and full-blown pupils really added to her beauty.
His lips traveled down her neck, resting against the pulse point on her neck and trying to determine how fast her heart was beating. The answer was fast, and that his brain was too blurred to do the math. Her pulse throbbed hard, only spurring on his kisses.
In a second, he unbuttoned the first few buttons of the shirt, giving him unfiltered access to her soft skin.
There wasn't any hesitation to sucking marks into her neck, and there was no doubt she was enjoying it when her moans sounded. Soft mewls turned into louder groans as he continued, simultaneously thrusting his hips up into hers.
Y/n could feel his smirk, cocky, and all over her skin. It was a game he was one move away from checkmate, and she wasn't going to let him win so easily.
Two hands on his shoulders pushed Spencer back into the mattress, changing his view from Y/n's chin to the ceiling. It was only seconds before Y/n was on top of Spencer, sitting upright on his lap as she leaned in to kiss him more forcefully.
Her hands were roaming his chest, thankfully already rid of everything but his shirt and tie. Starting at the bottom, Y/n undid each button slowly, drawing out the torture. Spencer let her, not judging but observing.
When she couldn't undo his tie, Spencer chuckled, amused by her now frantic efforts. "Need a hand?" He offered, still holding her hips.
Sheepishly, she nodded, watching in awe as he swiftly undid the tie. His fingers always made her pay attention, but watching them work from such a short distance held her fascination. All the things she wanted him to do with them, and that was the night.
Her hands continued to explore his chest, appreciating the scars. Spencer observed her enchantment. "You're cute when you think you're in charge." He noted.
Y/n leaned down close enough to kiss his lips, but she didn't. Instead, turning to whisper in his ear. "I am in charge."
Spencer playfully chuckled, like he would do with a child, and it incensed Y/n, who, in rebuttal, ground down against him. Still, it only made her wetter. "Oh, because you're on top of me?" He questioned.
In an attempt to fluster him, Y/n leaned in to kiss his neck. She thought it was working until Spencer wrapped his arms around her back and flipped her over.
Her eyes flicked from shocked to aroused as her eyes shamelessly drifted down his body. Holding her jaw, Spencer forced her to look back up at him. "Who's in charge now, doll?" He growled.
It would have annoyed her, but Spencer was just so hot. "You, Sir." She cheekily replied. "Now, are you going to fuck me, or what?"
"You're about to be in big trouble, sweetheart." The sweet pet name contradicted his warning. Y/n wasn't listening, walking her fingers down to palm his length. "I thought you were going to be a good girl for me." He tutted, shaking his head in disappointment.
The term of endearment made her shiver, the electricity between them making her brain short-circuit. "I'll be a good girl." She quickly stated.
Spencer's eyebrows raised, challenging her as he fought off a smirk. "My good girl?" He asked, hands tracing down her body to finish unbuttoning her top, pulling it open.
"Ye-Yes, Spence, promise." Y/n managed to get out through heavy breaths.
With a finger, he pulled the strap of her bra up before letting it snap back against her skin. "I liked Sir better." He hummed, letting his fingers move inside the cup of her bra, flicking over her nipples.
"Yes, sir." She returned with a smirk, more than ready for him.
He hummed at that, pulling her up so he could take off her shirt, followed by his own. Next off was her bra, and he snapped the clasp before taking it off her, immediately groaning when he saw the delicate skin. Spencer thumbed over her nipples, holding her tits in his palms as he noticed her breath hitching. Then, he laid her back down, a knee in between her thighs, both forcing her legs apart and holding his weight.
Making sure her attention wasn't on his hands, Spencer placed his lips on hers, biting down on her bottom lip before pulling it away. Y/n didn't care about anything as she clashed their teeth together.
Spencer leaned further over her as Y/n's hands rested against the zip on his pants. With one hand, he grabbed both of her wrists, pulling them up past their lips until he pinned them onto the bed above her head.
With his tie still in hand, he touched the fabric to her wrists. Y/n's eyes widened as she threw her head back, trying to figure out what he was doing.
"Can I?" Spencer asked, already looping the fabric around her wrist.
Y/n pouted, trying to hide her surprise at his kinky side. A side she definitely wanted to tap into. "Want to touch you, though."
Spencer leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips. "You can, just later. Still got to punish you for your dirty mouth." He reminded her, stroking her hair out of her face.
So Y/n let him. He had never not been good at anything, and she trusted him. "Do it."
Spencer did. He looped his tie around her wrists, tying it, so it was loose enough it would avoid hurting her. It was a sight he was in awe of. The red fabric complimented her skin tone perfectly, and Spencer realized that when he wore it the next time, he'd remember her in that position.
With her hands rendered ineffectual, Spencer kissed a line down her chest, stopping to suck marks onto her tits, flicking his tongue over her nipples.
He continued down until he reached her pants, unbuttoning the button before dragging down the zip. Y/n lifted her hips up, letting him tug her pants and panties down.
"So eager," Spencer mumbled, resting a finger in between her pussy, filled with confidence at the wetness. Y/n squirmed downward, trying to get him to slip a finger in. The look Spencer gave her was dirty, in the best way possible. "Such a slut."
"Please, Sir, please touch me." She begged, hoping it would help. While he enjoyed watching her desperation, he couldn't wait to draw out the moans from her and tease her.
He didn't bother about starting slowly, opting to thrust a single finger quickly all the way into her. The walls around his finger pulsated as soon he did it, and it drove him crazy. There weren't many thoughts left in Y/n's head, just so much pleasure it made her head spin.
"Spence, fuck." She moaned once he added a finger, the two of them moving at the perfect place. There really wasn't much he wasn't good at.
Occasionally, she did fixate on his fingers. Especially when he was talking about a case, using his hands to demonstrate a point. Her mind wandered to where she'd like those slender fingers, exactly where they were then.
He leaned up to place a quick kiss on her lips. "Such a dirty mouth." It didn't stop him from thrusting his fingers in and out at a sharper pace, angling them up.
"Shit, S-Spence... Gonna cum." She managed to get out. All the electricity was surging as she built to her climax.
Spencer only added more voltage, with a thumb on her clit, giving her no built-up with the firm and fast circles he was drawing. "Can feel it. So fucking tight." He hummed. "Cum for me, hon."
And Y/n did, sparks flying as she let out a loud moan and came all over his fingers. Spencer lightly groaned as he took in the sight; Y/n's stomach tensed, her back arched, and her eyes rolled back.
"So hot," Spencer spoke in a husky voice, still gawking over her body. Completely nude while he was still half-dressed.
It was something Y/n immediately saw a problem with as she came to, the dazy feeling subsiding as her pulse decreased and she managed to regulate her breathing. There wasn't a depressing feeling that followed her orgasm, just excitement.
She wiggled her hand, trying to draw her focus to them. "Untie me, now."
Spencer scoffed. "You're going to have to do a lot better than that, sweetheart."
She put on her best smile, blinking slowly to accentuate her 'fuck-me' eyes. "Untie me, please."
That earnt her a nod, Spencer's perfect fingers coming to swiftly untie the tie, releasing her. Y/n didn't waste a second. She traced her fingertips down to his pants, noting the more hardened length as she got to work unlooping his belt.
"Something we could try out in the future?" Spencer wondered, seeing the way her eyes lingered on the leather.
Y/n nodded rapidly, wide eyes looking up at him. "Yes, please." With the anticipation still in her mind, she got to work on taking off his pants. Unlike Spencer, she wasted no time in pulling them down, letting his dick spring back up.
Spencer had to physically move her face up to drag her eyes off his ample length. "Enjoying the view?" He asked with a proud smirk.
How could she not be? From his deep jawline to his slim yet muscular figure to his larger-than-expected length.
"Can you fuck me now? Please, sir." Y/n begged, propping herself up against a pillow. She let her legs fall open, showing her eagerness.
Spencer climbed in between her legs, resting his hands on each side of her shoulder. "Look at you begging like a good girl" He cooed, holding her jawline, so she had to look at him.
With her attention on him, Spencer used the element of surprise, thrusting into her in one slow thrust. It knocked the air out of her lungs and made her gasp.
He gave her a minute to adapt. The clenching, wetness was heaven and perfectly adjusted him. Y/n leaned up, placing a long kiss on his lips to ensure him it was alright to move.
The feeling was indescribable. Spencer filling her perfect, hitting every spot. Even the way she clenched around him drove Spencer insane. It was like there was nothing else in the room with both their eyes locked together.
Spencer's movements didn't slow down, only quickening as they chased their releases. Y/n buckled her hips up to match his thrusts as her eyes rolled back into her head. The moans from both of them were endless and increasing in volume.
Spencer noticed her clenching, moving a finger to circle her clit in a way that made her scream. She tipped completely over the edge for the second time only moments after. Her whole body tensed as she shook.
It only took three more sloppy pushes for Spencer to finish deep inside her. A single groan left his lips as he flopped down on top of her.
"Buddy, you're going to have to get off me at some point." Y/n state, brushing his sweaty hair out of his forehead.
"I already got you off." Spencer teased back, giggling in a way she'd never seen before.
With as much energy as she could muster, she shoved his shoulders, and probably due to most of his help, Spencer rolled over next to her. They lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling and more blissed out than ever.
Y/n got up first, struggling to stand as she walked to the bathroom. When she came back, Spencer was redressing in pajamas.
"You okay?" He asked, casting his eyes down her body without feeling any shame. Y/n nodded. There was no way she couldn't be. "I think we need some rules." He suggested, throwing her a t-shirt of his and some underwear to put on.
Suddenly, she felt like she was in trouble. In a classroom with regulations that she had to follow. Still, she kept a calm facade. "Sure, what?" She asked, getting dressed.
Spencer leaned against the headboard, shuffling over so she could sit next to him. "Probably shouldn't tell the team." He thought. She could definitely agree about that one. "Honesty. If we're going to be...trying things out. Honestly, I don't know what we're doing."
"Let's just keep being friends and sleep together. It's super casual, Spence." Y/n assured him, seeing him start to spiral.
Spencer could nod then, feeling better. "I think we should have a signal, for if we're not sharing a room." He decided. Y/n let him continue. "Sweetheart really seems to get you going, so I'll say that."
"And I'll reply with 'buddy'." Y/n decided, grinning about what she'd said previously.
The system work. It worked well and for months. Case after case, the friends-with-benefits fucked all over the country. Spencer was quick to make a list of things for them to try, on paper, of course, so it couldn't be hacked. Their friendship was maintained as well, joking together and swapping books. Somehow, and thankfully, there was no awkwardness. A business-like transaction.
But everyone knew.
"Aaron, you know what they're doing, right?" Rossi asked once they were on the jet, having been briefed by Garcia on the latest serial killer. He nodded to the pair, acting friendly, but everyone noticed Y/n was wearing a day-old shirt.
Everyone also noticed they picked each other first if they had to double up on rooms. And there was something about the pet names 'buddy' and 'sweetheart' that made their pupils dilate.
Hotch looked up from his file, shaking his head. "No, there's less paperwork if I don't."
The team could all notice how comfortable Spencer and Y/n were around each other, but they didn't comment on it until one night at a bar.
Under the dim light, Spencer pulled Y/n onto his lap so everyone could fit around the table.
"Drinks!" Penelope announced, bringing a tray over with some cocktails on it.
Y/n took one, sipping it before she stuck her tongue out and screwed up her nose. "Yuck." She commented, shaking her head at Penelope's bad choice while everyone else laughed.
Spencer took the glass from her fingers, tasting it himself. "What? That's delicious." He disagreed, shaking his head at her.
By the time the remaining members of the team- JJ, Garcia, Morgan, Prentiss, Y/n, and Spencer- walked out of the bar, they were headed right to their favorite pizza shop. Wandering the streets of DC in the pitch black.
"I think I've seen this situation on too many cases," JJ commented, slightly swaying.
Y/n shook her head, an arm wrapped around Spencer's shoulder so she could walk in her heels. "It's alright, we've got Spencer."
Garcia, in a similar position with Morgan, turned back to shake her head. "We've got Morgan." She rebutted. Emily scoffed, wanting to be included. Drunkenly, Penelope pointed to her. "And Prentiss."
Spencer pouted, trying to gain some sympathy. Y/n traced his jawline with a finger. "You're plenty strong, baby." She cooed jokingly. He rolled his eyes, still unable to stop his blush.
Only 10 minutes later, they had their pizza, walking to a nearby park to sit on a picnic table.
"Ohhh, try this." Y/n moaned, handing the slice of the 4 cheese pizza over to Spencer so he could take a bite.
Spencer still had an arm around her waist but he leaned down to take a bite of the slice in her hand. "Mmm, you're right. Pass me a slice?" He requested.
Y/n handed him her one. "Have the crust." She absentmindedly said, knowing it was his favorite part.
Unbeknownst to them, the rest of the group was watching their interactions. They had been for months.
It took them all getting drunk, and Penelope's love for them as a couple for her to say something. "You know, you two are basically a couple."
Their eyes immediately widened, looking at her with frowns. "We're just friends," Spencer told her firmly.
"Yeah." Y/n backed him up, not feeling the need to shuffle away from his embrace.
The rest of their friends couldn't believe the obliviousness. And they were more than ready to start pointing out the evidence, making sure the couple promised to not interrupt.
"You wear Spence's Cal-tech hoodies all the time," JJ reminded Y/n. That was true, there were 3 in her wardrobe. But friends shared clothes.
"Reid, you're always mirroring her body language," Prentiss observed. At first, it was subtle changes, but they were at the point where their mannerisms were so similar it was uncanny.
That was harder to debate. They all mirrored each other sometimes just because they were always in close proximity. But Y/n and Spencer took it to the next level.
"You share food and drink without thinking about it." Garcia reminded them, pointing to the pizza that was conveniently being held by both of them.
"Final point," Morgan announced. "You're both attractive, so there's only one reason why you don't get asked out. Everyone thinks you're dating."
Even though they were drunk, the presentation of the truth sobered them up faster than sleep could. It all made sense when they looked at each other. How it happened, they didn't know. But they had definitely become more or less than a couple.
"So, can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?" Spencer asked her, a cheeky smile on his lips.
Y/n leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Only if you take me home after. We've still got number 5 to check off."
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f10werfae · 3 years
A Proud Boyfriend ☁️
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Pairing= Henry Cavill x Flight Attendant! Reader
Word count: 1,254
Warnings= inappropriate touching? Implications of smut
Summary: Henry and Y/n are on two different flights, although Y/n knows better than to question the fact that Henry always gets his way
Requests are open!
Likes, Re-blogs and Comments are appreciated♥️
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(Y/n’s P.O.V)
I looked into the mirror straightening out my pencil skirt, fixing my name badge and the tiny scarf around my neck. My suitcase lying ready at the foot of our bed as my boyfriend Henry was still in the bathroom getting ready.
“Henry babe, you’re going to miss your flight and i’m going to be late for work if you dont hurry up!” I said shouting into him slipping on my black heels giving me a height boost of a few inches, yet somehow Henry still managed to tower over me.
“I’m coming lovely, don’t worry we both won’t be late or is my name not superman” He said shooting me a cheeky grin before grabbing my hand and my suitcase, before leading me out of our bedroom and down the stairs.
“Are you sure you’re not on my flight babe?” Henry said bringing us outside and putting all of our luggage into the trunk of his car.
“I’m sure babe, i’m attending a flight to New York and you’ll be on a flight to L.A”
“Can you not ask or something to get you changed?” Henry said finally closing the trunk whining slightly before opening my door for me and then getting into the driver’s side.
“As much as i’d love to work on your flight bub my schedules already been confirmed and checked” I said adjusting his growing hair behind his ear before grabbing his stubbly chin to look at me, as I pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Ugh Y/n you got lipstick on me didn’t you?” He said grumbling, harshly rubbing at his lips in the car mirror.
“Hey you weren’t complaining about the lipstick last night bear” I said smirking at him before turning to look out the window.
[At the Airport]
With Henry’s luggage on a trolley and mine in my hand, it was unfortunately time for us to go to different sides of the airport.
“Alright baby, you know how it goes: stay safe, text me when you land, call me when you get to your hotel and don’t miss me too much” Henry said winking at me before placing small kisses on both my cheeks, and then my lips for a little longer.
“Sir, yes Sir” I said jokingly saluting him before pulling him in for one more massive bear hug. His huge arms engulfing me instantly into a cocoon of warmth and love.
“Such a shame, I wanted to see you working in this uniform too” He said clenching his teeth before subtly giving my ass a slight grab, his other hand cradling the back of my head clearly not wanting to let go of me yet.
ANNOUNCEMENT: *Can all passengers on the flight 247 to New York, please find their way to gate 18*
The speaker said overhead, cutting me and Henry's time together even shorter.
"Alright bear, it's time for me to go now, I love you okay?" I said pulling away to look at him while cupping his cheeks, bringing him in for one more final kiss.
"I love you too gorgeous and i’ll miss you so much”
Taking the handle of my suitcase, I started walking towards the direction of my gate, occasionally looking back at Henry to see him still watching me leave until I was out of sight.
[On Y/n’s Airplane]
“Y/n what are you doing here?” Captain Shields said looking up from his seat as I walked into the cockpit.
“What do you mean? I’m on this flight it said on the schedule” I said tilting my head a little bit, feeling confused at their confusion.
“Ugh, did Rachel not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” I said walking further into the room.
“She asked to take your shift today on this flight, something about meeting her boyfriend in New York. Your new shift is on a flight to Los Angeles, flight 826. Is that okay?” Captain said looking at me, clearly in pity seeing that I had walked all the way over here for no reason.
“Yep that’s fine, when does that flight depart?”
“I’d say another 15 minutes so you better get going
Walking back to the main part of the plane realisation hit, that was Henry's plane. Looks like the cheeky bear does get his way after all, guess it’ll be a nice surprise for him.
I grabbed my luggage and headed back towards the corridor connected to the plane, and down the main link corridor of the airport walking to my new gate. Gate 34.
Walking towards the gate, I realised I was the last one to board. Heading through the staff lounge, I boarded onto the plane and set my luggage by the stewardess cabins. Before once again fixing myself in the mirror and walking out to the main area of the plane.
Well what do you know, my one and only boyfriend is right at the back of the first class seating area, I could tell he was shocked by the way his eyes widened when he saw me.
My fellow attendant Sam told me to go down the lanes and make sure everyone’s seat belt was fastened, and everyone was compliant except for of course one.
“Is your seatbelt fastened sir?” I asked Henry trying to stay professional despite the smirk growing on his face as he looked me up and down.
“I actually don’t know how to fasten these type of seatbelts” He said smugly acting dumb.
“Come on Henry don’t be difficult” I said pouting slightly knowing he was going to get his way, once again.
“Why don’t you show me how to buckle it?” He said leaning back a bit, watching me as I leaned down and bucked his seatbelt for him. Feeling his eyes on me the entire time as he discreetly placed a few kisses on my neck.
Standing back up I continued my way down the aisle, and back up again feeling his eyes on me constantly, he would definitely be bringing this up in the bedroom.
[2 Hours In]
I was about to walk about the plane when I realised a certain someone had fallen asleep, grabbing a blanket from the shelf I walked over and gently tucked him in. Luckily all the seats surrounding Henry had been empty due to not so many people flying during the pandemic.
“Thank you baby” I heard him say sleepily, making my heart melt as I leaned down and kissed his forehead.
[After The Flight]
I picked up my luggage and headed towards the exit of the airport when I felt a hand intertwine with mine.
“I loved seeing you work baby, makes me so proud to be able to call you my girlfriend” Henry said holding my hand as he directed me towards the conveyer belt filled with luggage.
“I must say, you are one troublesome passenger Mr Cavill, getting me all hot and bothered” I said teasing him watching him pick up his three suitcases placing them onto his trolley.
“Mhm i’m sure you were, now how long are you in L.A for my dear?” He said now standing in front of me, his two hands holding my waist, him staring deeply into my eyes to a point where I blanked out a little bit.
“Hmm i’m here for around five days I think? Then i’m back home for a week or two” I answered unsurely not remembering my timetable.
“Well until you’re back on a plane, I want you on my bed”
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onyx-luvrrr · 2 years
Hi miss! I was wondering if you can do Willam Afton x reader. Like she's married to William. So I thought if William wasn't so fond with Micheal when he was a baby, but was fine with his other kids how would reader feel as she loves all her kids.
Hi! I meant to post this yesterday, and I'm sorry I didn't </3 Pairing(s): William Afton x Reader Word Count: 0.5k Pronouns: She/Her
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“Look, he has your eyes,” [YourName] cooed softly. William hummed in response, focusing on the book in his hands. [YourName] was too fixed on her newborn son, Micheal, to even glance up to see what William was doing. After 12 long hours of labor and waiting almost ten months prior to that- she was so happy to finally be holding her son. It wouldn’t be until a year later that [YourName] noticed the distaste William had for their son. “You missed his first steps and his first words.. all because of what? Henry?” [YourName] questioned. William breathed in and out slowly, trying to prevent himself from snapping at his wife. “I didn’t miss anything important, the boy just.. isn’t what I was expecting,” William answered. He turned away from her. “Nothing important? He isn’t what you were expecting?!- You know what- I’m going to walk away because if I don’t, I’m going to end up saying something I might regret,” [YourName] stated, folding her arms and storming off. Four years later, [YourName] and William would have a surprise baby girl named Elizabeth. The switch inside of William finally flicked on and all of a sudden, he was a parent. He did skin-to-skin, rocked her, and even helped Micheal hold Elizabeth. All the things he wouldn’t dare to do with Micheal, he would do with Elizabeth. It would be the same way three years later when [YourName] gave birth to another little boy, Evan. Micheal was now nine and had developed his own feelings, thoughts, and emotions. “Come on, hold your brother, Mike.” [YourName] said. “I will once dad and Elizabeth are done hogging him,” the child said, sighing as he climbed onto the bed. “No, Micheal, down. You could hurt your mother,” William scolded his son. “You would let Lizzy do it, why can’t I?” Micheal asked. “Your sister is lighter and younger than you. Don’t play games with me, Micheal Afton,” William scolded again. Micheal before nodding. [YourName] sighed sadly and shook her head before leaning over and patting her son’s head. “You can sit with me in bed once we get home tomorrow, ignore your father,” [YourName] whispered, causing the child to chuckle and smile.
William Afton:
❥ William would grow distant from his eldest son after Evan’s birth.
❥ Not that the two were close in the first place; they didn’t have a proper relationship to begin with. ❥ You would argue with William day in and day out to pay Micheal the same attention he pays Elizabeth and Evan. ❥ But of course, you never won that argument. ❥ When Micheal turned fourteen, William opened up the pizzeria. ❥ You saw this as a bonding opportunity for Micheal and your husband. ❥ Despite never having the closest relationship with William, Micheal grew to love the pizzeria. ❥ His little brother, Evan, not so much. ❥ You were so unaware what it meant, a year later, when you saw William and Micheal finally bonding. ❥ God, you wished you never pushed the two to have a relationship.
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All for a Raise
A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! Welcome to day 2 of Kinktober! Found the Gif off of Google.
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Day 2: Office Sex
Pairing: Boss Henry Cavill x Employee Male reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2305
Summary: You worked for Mr. Cavill for 5 years, and became his favorite out of all his employees. When you mention to one of your co-workers about wishing for a raise, Henry took this as an opportunity to "get close to you".
I hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it's bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
M/n: Male name
L/n: Last name
S/c: Skin color
TAGS: @gayhopefullove @softboy5393 @elliot-damon-2006
After sitting and looking at the screen for 8 hours, making phone calls, and doing paperwork, you could finally go home and rest. "Quitting time," you said, stressing your arms. Hearing the bones crack.
"Time to leave, M/n?" One of your co-workers said in front of the cubicle. "Yup, I'm so tired! I just wanna go to bed," you said gathering your stuff.
"Tell me about it. I just wanna rest." They said loosening their tie to let their neck breathe. "Yeah, let's get going. My sweetie (bed) is waiting for me."
"You know, I wish I could get a raise. Worked here for 5 years," you said going for the door. "Just ask Mr. Cavill for a raise. You know, he's your favorite out of all of us." They replied, hitting your shoulder playfully.
"I'm not his favorite, now come on, I just wanna go lay down in my bed." they nodded their head before following you out. Unknown to you, Mr. Cavill was listening to your conversation.
He decides he's gonna make you "work" for your raise.
You were currently doing paperwork until you heard your name called. "Uh, Mr. L/n... Mr. Cavill wants you in his office." His assistant said. "For what, may I ask?"
"He just wants to talk about something important, he didn't give any further details," they said before walking back to their desk. "What does he want to talk to you about?" someone in the cubicle next to you said.
You shrugged your shoulders. "If I come back and I'm gathering my stuff, then you know what happened." you joked but you were also worried, 'Am I gonna get fired?'
As you were walking to his office, your mind was all over the place. As you close in on his office, your heart was beating faster. Now, you were at the door of his office.
"Mr. Cavill, L/n is here." They called him and hung up, "Please proceed, he's waiting." you nodded your head, hesitantly grabbed the door handle.
'I hope it's nothing bad.' you twisted the doorknob to see Mr. Cavill on his computer doing business or something. (Totally not looking at porn.)
His office is stereotypical like in shows or stories. "Ahh, M/n, glad you came! Please come closer." He gestured for you to come closer. You came closer to him.
You looked around the room to avoid eye contact. "Please, make eye contact," Henry said in a more deep voice than before. "Uh, sorry sir- so, why have you called me?"
You didn't know if you should sit down or just stand there. It was like back in high school when you would have to give a presentation, and at the end, you didn't know if you should sit or not.
"Before you start talking, can I sit down?" Henry looked at you before responding, "Yeah, those couches over there." He pointed towards the couch on the left side of the room
You nodded your head then walked towards the couches, Henry was also following you. You both sat down.
Henry was kind of... was close to you. "So, what did you want to talk about sir-" Henry cut you off. "Please- call me Henry."
"Uh, okay," you said, not really understanding why he is being like this. "The reason why I called you here is that I heard you want a raise? Am I not mistaken?" Henry said, looking at you.
"Uh- yes? Well, you give me a raise!" you said with excitement and hope in your eyes. Henry chuckled at your excitement, 'You're so innocent my darling⁓.'
"Oh, but you have to work for it," Henry said with a husky voice. "Well, what do I have to do?" you said clueless, you didn't understand his true intention.
"Oh? What work do I need to do?" you said tilting your head. "Well..." Henry said, inching himself closer to you. "Uh,- Henry?-" before you continue, Henry latched his lips onto yours.
Your eyes widened as he continued. You put your hands on his chest to try and push him back. Henry pulls back, "You want that raise? Then this is the work you have to do."
'All for a raise?' you had to think logically. You did have a small crush, but that was unprofessional, so you just put your feelings aside. 'Would I have sex with my boss?... HELL YEAH!'
You have gotten on Henry's lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Good choice. Now, let's have some fun." Henry wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for an intense make-out.
His tongue pushed past your teeth and began to invade your mouth. He gripped your ass as it became more heated. He pulled back with a string of saliva connecting your lips.
"Hold tight." You held onto him tight. Henry got up and carried you to his desk and sat you on the table. "You turn me on some much, M/n. Having to see you in those tights that show your fat ass. Took everything in me to not pounce on you and take you in front of everyone." Henry said truthfully.
But their fun was ruined...
"Sir, your wife is here! Should I let her in?" Henry's assistant said through the intercom. "Get under my desk and suck me off," Henry demanded. You nodded your head, not wanting to get caught by his wife.
You got under the desk to be faced with his bulge. "Yes, let her in," Henry said, as you began to touch his cock through his pants. "Hey, honey!" you could hear his wife.
"Yes, baby?" Henry said, trying to hold back a groan as you kept touching his bulge.
You reached up and unzipped his zipper on his pants. When you undo the zipper, his thick meaty cock popped out, and it looks to be 10 inches. A huge piece of man meat. You felt a quiver of delight by looking at it.
"Well, it's just that- you're never showing me attention-" his wife continued, and it was that time you decided to give his meaty cock little licks.
You worshipped his cock as you lapped it up and down. Lathering it up with your saliva. You continued to lick and taste his cock, so thick and strong in your hand.
Henry was losing his breath, his wife didn't suspect a thing. 'Fuck...' you began to lick his huge tip and tease it, licking the slit- with precum oozing.
"What about our children?! Huh? Answer me, Henry!" she yelled at him, demanding an answer. 'Drama...' Henry wasn't listening to her, he was more focused on you.
He had enough of your teasing, you felt a strong hand grab your head and pushed you down onto his cock.
You moan and tremble as his thick cock invaded your narrow throat. "I'm leaving!" she said before storming out of the office. "Finally she's gone... Now I can focus on you baby boy."
"Fuck..." Henry groaned, leaning back on his chair. "You suck my cock better than my wife." you gurgle noisily around his cock and with your nose buried in his bush.
You felt dizzy by his musky, masculine scent. His pre-cum dripping down your throat. It seems like people just wanna cockblock.
"You’ve gonna be kidding me!" Henry exclaimed, picking up the phone, removing both his hands. You felt a rush of possessiveness course through your veins, 'He was being distracted from my blowjob?'
You cradled his heavy balls as you deepthroat his massive cock. Your eyes flicked up, watching his reaction. "Fuck... baby..." Henry groaned.
"What was that, sir?" the person on the call said. "Ah- uh, nothing. Continue." Henry was losing himself, your mouth was warm and wet for him. The way it tightens around him.
Henry couldn't help him. He began to roughly thrust his hips into your mouth. "I-I'll be... s-sure to visit... t-the R&D... d-department... F-fuck!" Henry moans. You slide your tongue teasingly around the tip and sides before deepthroating.
"Sir? Are you okay? Do I need to send someone-" Henry hung up the call. Henry grabbed your head and shoved it all the way down before releasing a roar.
Thick jets of Henry's cum slide down your throat as you swallow every drop of it. You held his cock in your mouth before pulling back. Henry's thick jizz splattered all over your face, coating you in his milk.
Then you could feel something wet. You look down and see a wet spot in your pants.
You looked at Henry with lust in your eyes. "Best orgasm I ever had. Better than my own wife." Henry praised you.
Henry cleared his desk of clutter, so he could put you on it. He picked you up and placed you on your stomach with your ass facing him.
Then Henry removed your cum stained pants and underwear and suit. "Such an eatable ass. So, plump. So thick." Henry said, squeezing your cheeks together before giving a good smack. He enjoyed your ass jiggling.
You heard a drawer open and close. Then a cold substance spreads around your rim. "I Knew this lube will come in handy," Henry said before pushing his lubed thick finger into your hole.
Henry undid his tie and shirt showing his built body and arms.
"You're so tight! Jesus! Tighter than anything I ever experienced." Henry groaned as he pushed his finger deeper. Then, he slips in another finger- doing a scissor motion. Spread your walls to be prepared for penetration.
"Mmm." you gave a small moan. You laid your head on the hardwood desk, looking at the right sidewall. "You ready for me baby?" you nodded your head, giving him your full consent.
'This is it. I'm about to have sex with my boss!' then you felt his thick cock slapping your cheeks and giving a small thrust between your cheeks.
"I'm going in!-- fuck⁓" Henry groaned- throwing his head back. He pushes his tips past your tight ring. "You're so tight..." Henry continues to push all the way.
"A-ah... I-it's all... the way... i-in," you said, gripping his desk. You feel a rollercoaster of pleasure as you feel his cock nearly touch your prostate and it twitches inside.
"It's all the way in baby boy -- FUCK -- So warm and tight." Henry could feel your hole clenching and unclench around him. "Tell me when I can move.
After spending a few minutes, you began to push back against his cock. Henry started to thrust forward slowly. His cock was already hitting your prostate.
"A-ah... mmm!" you moaned delight as you thrust back towards. "You're... h-hitting my... - A-ah! - p-prostate!" your eyes rolled back with your tongue sticking out.
Henry smirked before flipping you onto your backside and putting your legs on his shoulders.
"You look so beautiful under me," Henry said before dipping his neck into yours. "Mmm... Ah, Henry!" Henry was leaving marks all over your soft s/c.
You could feel your cock twitching and Henry's throbbing inside. "You're close?" you nodded your head. "Me too. Inside or out?" Henry said. "In. I want you to fill me." Henry smirked before going harder.
Henry kept going rougher and harder on your ass. You feel his thick cock-thickening inside as he thrust harder.
Your mind was in a lust haze, and you clenched around him. Milking him of his delicious essences. "CUMMING!" Henry roared as you got even tighter.
"C-cum in... side... me!" You cried, your inner walls tightening around him. Henry gave a roar before unloading his thick creamy seed inside you. You felt so full.
Your cock released its second load all over your chest. "Mmmm, that was amazing sex baby," Henry said, pulling out and leaning back onto his chair.
You felt so empty. Then your arm was grabbed, and you were holster onto his lap. "H-henry?" you stuttered. He looked at you with dark eyes before putting his laps back on yours.
You kissed back with your hands running through his soft hair locks. His strong arms wrapped around your waist. You pulled away, "Why did you do? What about your wife?"
"Well, M/n. The truth is... I like you more than my wife. And when I heard that you wished for a raise, I took advantage of that just to have sex with you. If you don't like me- then we can forget this all happened and I'll give you the raise-"
You cut him off by kissing him. You pulled back, his eyes widened. "I like- no, love you, Henry." You smiled at him. "Well then, don't worry about my wife. I'll divorce her."
'All of this because I wished for a raise?'
A/N: Be ready for day 3 tomorrow! Bye, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Me or Her
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Summary: Spencer tries to correct his wrong decision.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: angst with happy ending, swearing, arguments
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: this is for @boldlyvoid ‘s 2k writing celebration so big congrats to them! <3
“Spence, I’ve always loved you. I was just too scared to say it before.”
She can’t do that, can she? What gives her the right?
Spencer had been dead silent on the way home from the BAU and you weren’t really sure how to broach the subject.
So our pretty coworker confessed her love for you today. That was weird, right?
You were mulling over conversation starters when Spencer exited the bedroom for the first time since you both got home.
“You’re leaving? Spencer, can we talk about this?” you pleaded.
“No,” he slipped on his coat.
“So you want to pretend that nothing ever happened?” you asked incredulously, “You have nothing to say at all?”
“WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY, Y/N?” he snapped, “That I might be in love with someone else? That I may have been just using you to fill the void over the past couple of years? Is that what you want to hear?”
“You don’t mean that,” you crossed your arms in front of you to shield yourself from the hurt.
“The more and more you nag me, the more I’m certain,” he spoke firmly, “I’m going to visit JJ in the hospital.”
“Now? While we’re in the middle of a fight? Spencer, she’s in stable condition. She’s just getting a few stitches. We need to discuss this,” you started to tear up.
“Spencer Reid, it wasn’t a question. If you walk out of that door, we’re done. It’s me or her,” you stood your ground.
You never in a million years thought he would slip out of the door without another word.
You opened the door and screamed to his disappearing figure, “Fuck you, Spencer Reid, for invalidating our whole relationship over a sentence that came out of someone’s mouth while they were being held at gunpoint! Newsflash, asshole! This was real to me!”
You slammed the door again, trying to pack your things through the blinding hot tears.
“Hello, my radiant little sunflower. How are you doing?” Penelope greeted.
“N-need a p-plane ticket outta here,” you sobbed.
“Okay, anywhere specific?” Penelope asked.
“The farther, the better,” you zipped your luggage up.
Penelope asked the one question she was afraid to hear the answer to, “How many?”
“Just one,” you sniffled, “I may not see you again for a while but can you do one last thing for me?”
“Anything,” Penelope nodded.
“Don’t tell him where I’m going. He’s probably going to beg or plead at some point once he realizes the mistake he made but the damage has already been done. He chose her,” you stated.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Penelope shed tears for you.
“Not your fault,” you shrugged, “Where am I headed?”
“London. Your flight leaves in 2 hours. First class on me, I insist,” Penelope spoke.
“You’re the best, Pen. Thank you for everything,” you sniffled, “Maybe once I actually find a place and settle down, you can come visit.”
“It would be my pleasure,” she smiled solemnly, “Best of luck to you, Y/N. Let me know if you need help finding a hotel or a nice café.”
“I’m here for Jennifer Jareau,” Spencer flashed his badge.
The nurse led him back down the hall to where JJ was lying awake in bed. He was just about to enter when Will and the kids appeared in the room as well.
Henry jumped up onto her bed as Will had Michael on his hip. They were smiling and laughing and JJ and Will were holding hands.
Spencer’s hand stopped on the doorknob.
What the fuck was he doing? What was his goal here? To ruin a family? To hurt people?
He took a seat in the hallway again as he pondered.
After about 15 minutes, his phone buzzed rapidly in his pocket. He let it ring, numb to all feelings.
On their third time calling back, Spencer finally answered.
“Dr. Spencer Reid?”
“Yes?” he answered.
“I’m a nurse from your mother’s facility. We’re calling to inform you that her lucidity has rapidly improved today which is good news for the short-term but unfortunately in most cases leads to a rapid decline a few days later. It’s best if you come in as soon as possible.”
“Alright,” Spencer stood, quickly walking to the door, “I’m on my way.”
“Spencer!” Diana called out as soon as she saw him, running up and wrapping her arms around her son.
Spencer eagerly returned the hug but spoke to the doctor behind her, “How did this happen? I mean I’m grateful but last time I visited, she didn’t know who I was.”
“It’s rare but it can occur. Like the nurse said over the phone though, time is limited so make the most of it,” she spoke.
“Thank you,” Spencer waved as she left.
“You need to tell me everything I’ve missed!” Diana exclaimed, “Call Y/N we need to get her over here too!”
Diana took a seat on one side of the chess board, unaware of the heartbreak her son had caused merely hours before.
Spencer cautiously sat down across from her, beginning to set up the pieces, “You see I can call Y/N but I don’t think she will come,” Spencer grimaced.
Diana’s fist tightened around the rook in her hand, “Spencer Walter Reid, what did you do?”
“JJ said she loved me and I got confused because I used to have a crush on her for so long so I thought that was what I’ve always wanted. I went to the hospital to see JJ, leaving Y/N under the impression that I chose JJ,” Spencer frantically explained to his mom like a little kid trying to justify breaking the rules.
“Do you love JJ?” Diana asked.
“I don’t know,” Spencer rubbed his hands against his face.
“You want to know what I think?”
“Yes,” Spencer nodded, desperate for a second opinion.
“I think you love the idea of JJ. You love the idea of getting something younger you could only dream of having. But, I think you only truly love Y/N. I even bet if you knew Y/N when you were younger, you would have had the same pining crush on her and you would feel even luckier to have her now. You just took Y/N for granted because she loved you from the start. There was no unsureness or waiting or struggle. Y/N made it clear of her love for you and you tossed her to the side like garbage when there was another woman after you.”
“You’re right. Shit!” Spencer exclaimed, “Sorry, pardon my language,” he apologized to everyone looking at him.
“I think I messed things up, I’m not in love with her, I’m in love with Y/N,” Spencer spoke.
“Duh,” Diana remarked, “Are you going to go apologize to her now?”
“But we don’t know how much time we have left together,” Spencer looked at Diana sadly.
“This is already borrowed time, Spencer. You’re supposed to have forever with her.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, Mom,” Spencer hugged her, rushing out of the facility.
“Y/N!” Spencer unlocked the apartment door, running inside, “Y/N! Are you here?”
He checked the couch, he checked the bathroom, he checked the bedroom. You weren’t here. All your stuff being gone certainly didn’t seem promising of your return either.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Spencer pulled at his hair, “God, Spencer, you’re so fucking stupid for a supposed genius.”
He plopped down on the couch with his phone, dialing your contact, “Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please, for the love of god, pick up.”
“The number you are calling is unavailable,” the robotic operator voice spoke.
He was blocked.
All of his frustration with himself boiled over and he threw his phone across the room, shattering a picture frame on the shelf in the process.
Upon closer inspection, it was a picture of the two of you on your one year anniversary where Spencer surprised you with a trip to Hawaii. You looked ecstatic as Spencer hugged you from behind, both of you beaming at the camera.
Spencer cried as he swept the shattered glass up.
Spencer was waiting at Penelope’s door with coffee and a muffin.
“Nope,” Penelope sped past him.
“Please, Penelope. I need to know,” Spencer begged, “I’ll do anything.”
“Oh, I’m sure you will because you lost the best thing that ever happened to you. But like I have been telling you every day for the past two weeks, I fully intend to respect her wish of not revealing her location so butt out!” she slammed the door in his face and Spencer heard the lock click.
Spencer sighed, sulking back to the bullpen.
“Spence,” he felt someone tug at his arm, he looked up to see JJ, “Can we talk about what happened?”
“You have a family and a husband and I’m in love with Y/N. There’s nothing else to say,” Spencer continued over to his desk to complete another day of paperwork before going back to an empty apartment.
Spencer watched her carefully as she entered the airport, slipping on a hat and sunglasses. He was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, something he rarely wears.
“Hi, I have a flight to London. Penelope Garcia. I’ve got my passport and ticket right here,” Penelope handed the receptionist the documents.
“You’re all set,” they politely smiled at her, ushering Spencer to come forward next.
Luckily, Penelope was too busy rolling away her luggage to notice Spencer in back of her.
“Hello, I need a flight to London, the earliest one you can get me on,” Spencer spoke.
“We have one leaving in 40 minutes and there is one spot left,” the receptionist informed him.
“Perfect, thank you so much,” Spencer accepted the ticket.
There had been a few close calls on the flight where Penelope had almost spotted Spencer. He forgot to deepen his voice when asking for water. She got up to use the bathroom when he was coming out.
But luckily for Spencer, he was not seen. He swiftly grabbed his luggage and followed Penelope to the exit from a distance.
As he entered the brisk air of London, he saw you standing there with a sign that read ‘Miss Penelope Garcia’. He watched Penelope run up to you, squealing as the two of you embraced.
Spencer sat himself down on a bench nearby, pretending to be on his phone to avoid detection.
You had a completely different hair style and length now but you still looked just as gorgeous.
“It’s been forever!” he overheard Penelope whine.
“It’s been 3 months,” you laughed, “And we facetimed at least once a week.”
“Yeah but I still missed you. I wanted to get out here sooner to help you move into your new place but he-who-shall-not-be-named wouldn’t get off my ass,” Penelope spoke.
“Thank you for not saying anything. I know it was hard,” you replied.
“Oh honey, don’t you worry about me. I was considering ‘accidentally’ leaking him a fake address in a miserable place but I couldn’t decide where,” Penelope chuckled.
“Well, you’re here now and that’s all that matters,” you grinned, “Let’s go see my flat and then grab dinner.”
The two of you got into your car and Spencer sprung into action, hailing a cab as fast as possible.
He quickly hopped inside before it had even come to a halt, “I need you to follow that car right there,” Spencer pointed to your car.
The driver looked at him skeptically.
“I promise I’m not creepy,” he assured the driver, “It’s for a…surprise party.”
The driver just shrugged and followed the car as Spencer promised a big tip if he didn’t lose them in traffic.
“Pen, I think this taxi behind us is following us. They have been since the airport,” you warned her.
Penelope looked back, “I can see two men conversing inside but can’t really make out any details.”
“I’m going to make a left turn on this dead end road. There’s only one house on it so if they pass that, they’re definitely following us. I need you to get my gun from inside the glove compartment. There’s also pepper spray in there for you. Once I get out, lock the car and call the police if I shout,” you explained to her.
You drove past the only house on the road slowly and they didn’t stop.
“It’s go time,” you said, unbuckling your seatbelt and pulling the car over.
“I don’t know about this, Y/N. Shouldn't we just drive to a police station?” Penelope squeaked.
“Too late,” you took out your gun from its holder and clicked off the safety.
“Be careful!” Penelope pleaded as you exited the car.
“Interpol!” you yelled, approaching the car, “Slowly exit the vehicle with your hands above your hand and get on the ground.”
The two men stepped out of the car. One seemed to be an innocent driver who was shaking in his boots. Possibly a hostage. The other’s face couldn’t be seen through the hood, hat, and sunglasses he was wearing.
“Why were you following us?” you asked them both as they laid face down on the dirt road.
“P-Please don’t hurt me,” the driver begged, “He just told me to. He said it was for a surprise party. I didn’t know.”
You could see and hear the sincerity of the driver’s words and facial expressions.
“You can leave, sir,” you spoke, offering him a hand to get up, “Never allow someone to follow a random car again please.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you,” he nodded, getting back into his car.
“Why were you following us?” you asked once again to the remaining man.
“Hey, buddy. I’m talking to you and you better start answering or I’ll have to get my team out here.”
The man turned his head to the side and slowly raised his hand up, discarding his hat and sunglasses.
“What the fuck do you want?” you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, please just hear me out,” he pleaded as you placed your foot on his back.
“I’d rather have you arrested for stalking,” you seethed.
Penelope exited the car once she heard yelling, “Y/N, do I need to call the police or use my pepper spray?”
She gasped when she saw Spencer on the ground, “How did you find her?”
“I followed you all the way from the airport,” Spencer admitted.
“But I didn’t even tell anyone I was leaving,” Penelope stomped her foot in protest that she had been outsmarted.
“I observed an increase in your online shopping and inferred it was due to an upcoming trip. It was confirmed when I saw you talking to Kevin because you would only talk to him now if you needed something which in this case was coverage for your trip,” Spencer explained.
Penelope turned to you, “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I thought I was so careful.”
“You were,” you reassured her, “I’m not mad at you. He’s just one very persistent asshole.”
“Y/N, I’m still in love with you,” Spencer spoke from the ground.
“The adults are talking,” you pressed your foot farther into his back, “What are we going to do with him?” you whispered to Penelope, “I sent the driver home because I assumed we’d be taking this creep to the station.”
“I can still hear you, you know?”
“Good,” you replied.
“I’ll call and see if they have availability at the hotel you stayed at right when you got here. It’s close to the airport so he can find a flight home and not bother us,” Penelope clicked away at her phone.
“Well good luck, it’s one of the first weeks of university so parents are flying in to move their kids in and taking up all the hotels,” you explained.
“I’ll call around,” Penelope pressed the phone to her ear and stepped away.
“Y/N,” Spencer began.
“Keep talking and I will bring you to the station,” you threatened.
“Doesn’t matter at this point. You need to hear this. I just need you to know how sorry I am for how things ended. I was an absolute asshole who couldn’t communicate my feelings. I don’t love JJ, I never loved JJ. Yes, I had a crush on JJ but she’s not you. You are, god, I can’t even describe you, Y/N. You are more than I could have ever dreamed of. I need you back in my life. I’m nothing without you. You’re my future and I’ll spend forever trying to make it up to you.”
You were silent until Penelope came back.
“There’s not a single damn hotel room in the city,” she sighed in frustration, “And the earliest flight back is in two days. I booked it for him.”
“There’s room at my flat for you both,” you replied, “Just keep him out of my face.”
“Will do,” Penelope nodded.
The way back to your flat was filled with Penelope scolding Spencer for ruining her vacation and his mumbled apologies.
“Night, Pen,” you closed the door to the guest room after giving her a cup of tea.
You passed through the living room where Spencer was trying to make himself comfortable on the couch. You had a small couch with big arms so his neck and back were bent and his legs were sticking up in the air.
He looked absolutely miserable and even though he brought this on to himself, you still felt a little bad.
You extended a hand out to him and he looked shocked at your presence.
“Come on. You’re not sleeping there, I forgot how tall you were,” you helped him up, “Just no talking or you’ll wish you were sleeping on the couch.”
You kicked off your slippers and slipped under the comforters of your bed, Spencer following. An awkward silence filled the room while you waited for sleep to take over.
Spencer, in probably one of the dumbest or best decisions of his life, slowly reached his arms over to your side. Whether you were too sleepy to realize or you actually enjoyed it, you melted into his touch.
You woke up to a familiar feeling. This wasn’t your pillow but it was a little squishy. Too tired to open your eyes yet, you felt up the object with your hands.
“Hey,” Spencer croaked.
Now you were awake.
“Sorry,” your head snapped up, “I forgot where I was.”
“I’m not complaining. I could get used to that again.”
“I can’t just drop everything and move back because you want me to, Spencer. I’ve moved on with my life. I’m not the same person any more after what you did,” you spoke.
“I’m not asking you too. I’ll move here. I’ll get my own place. All I’m asking is for you to let me back into your life in some capacity,” Spencer replied.
“You would quit your job and move to another country on the possibility of us being together again?” you asked.
“A thousand times yes,” Spencer replied.
“I don’t understand you, Spencer Reid.”
“I’m an idiot in love,” he shrugged with a slight grin.
“Welcome to London, I guess,” you laughed.
“Happy to be here,” he smiled, looking only at you.
A/N: i’m really happy with how this fic turned out! :)
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @ssacalumsg0lden @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat @spencerreidsmommy @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @mggs-sidehoe @rexit-mo @hufflepuffhaze @thisismynerdyself @xoxospencerreid @wifeyprentiss @reidsbookclub @spencersrose @pinkdiamond1016 @muffin-cup @a-little-bit-of-everything19
one-shot only taglist: @strawberryspence @fbivestreid
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