#Galahdian Dreams
amarabliss · 9 months
Hi there! I was just wondering if you had a masterlist compiling all chapters for Galahdian Dreams? I just started the first chapter and it was so good!! I want to save a masterlist for me to binge and read throughout my day!! 💕 Thank you in advance!!
Hey there...this is so late...I am not profiecient in social media. I apologize... But i don't! It is over on a03 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22949203/chapters/54858949 It hasn't been updated in ages...and I'm not sure it will so I'm super sorry about that. <3
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andywinter16 · 1 year
What is something that glaives like about themselves :
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Nyx is proud of his tattooes that are egraved to his skin forever. They are part of Galahdian culture, part of his past that he cherishes dearly. They show his accomplishments, losses of the loved ones and commitments.
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Luche´s absolutely proud of his arms (especially upper arms). He can protect his people with them no matter what and he´s not afraid to get them dirty. Also gets blushy when people compliment them.( Also he has a few freckles on his left arm)
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... I really don´t like the way it´s going, Tredd. It´s his hard six pack, okay? He even learned how to make it dance, which is pretty neat. But behind this is lot of sweat, blood and renunciation. So that´s why he likes more tight clothes. (Why not to show-off, right?)
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Interestingly enough, Titus is proud of his numerous scars from battles. They remind him of the long journey he took to acquire his dream. And that there is no way to turn back, he´s already too entangled in this mess of war.
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It´s her hair! She cares of it very much with expensive shampoons, oils, coditioners etc. Crowe always had a long soft hair, that other girls were envious of. ( She greatly enjoys when Libertus braids them for her, but she will never admit that to him)
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He loves his smile! Because he can joke around with others and gives them hope when everything seems lost. His smile is like sunshine, it makes you melt inside and energize you like no other.
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Libertus is fond of his hands. He can cook  and bake with them delicious food for his friends, braid Crowe´s hair (and his own) and protect his people with them. Those hands are also covered in blood of his lost comrades, which takes haevy tool on him.
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Soni is proud of his back muscles. He´s proud how strong they are, it also means he can carry a lot on them. And hey, he can be a little bit show off for the S/O when he excercise,right?
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Axis is proud of his legs, how fast and strong they have got. He can out-run an enemy and give them fatal blow or catch his children when playing a game. 
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Day 2 Recap
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Another great day! Check out these works to satisfy your Nyx-needs!
Title: Untitled (Art) Artist: Finidraws Link: Twitter Prompt(s): Palette, Storm
Title: Storm! Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Prompt(s): Storm Summary/Excerpt:
“Something’s happening” Nyx said as he watched the hive of activity coming to and from the Citadel.
Title: A Prince and a Princeling: Chapter 2: Coming Home Author: Niaswish / Shairy Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Noct / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx and his army returns to their home with the first part of Lucis’ repayment in tow. As they approach the coast of Galahd, Ramuh welcomes them back with a Storm. One that freaks out a certain stubborn Prince.
Title: shimmering with their claws Author: yuzukimist / MYuzuki Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Shapeshifter Relationships: Cor & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Cor lifts a hand to wipe some sweat off his forehead, wishing -for not the first time- that he had dressed in lighter, looser clothing for this trip to Galahd. “Remind me why we’re here again?” he says, and it’s not quite a complaint but it’s definitely something close. Because he’s always been more comfortable out in the wilderness than in sleek modern Insomnia, but the jungles of Galahd are something else entirely from what he’s used to; he thinks that the humidity alone might very well be enough to do him in all on its own.
“We’re here,” Clarus replies, tone somewhere between long-suffering and amused as he takes a sip from his canteen before passing it to Cor, “because Ambassador Sergius is on a mission to make contact with the leaders of Galahd and she needs protection.”
Title: Shift Happens Author: WhoStarLocked Link: Tumblr, Twitter, Ao3 Prompt(s): Shapeshifter, Magic, Storm Summary/Excerpt:
There was a strange flash of purplish light, the flame turning into a huge glowing purple fireball that hurtled towards Nyx with an alarming speed. He threw himself away from the table with an alarmed yell, and caught himself before his face smashed into the floor.
“Astrals, Crowe! What the hell was that?!” He demanded, or at least he thought he did.
All he actually heard was a very disgruntled yowl. Like from a cat, or something. He glanced down at his hands, only to see two white, fluffy paws below him.
Nyx freaked out.
* * * *
Or, the one where Nyx accidentally gets turned into a coeurl!
Title: Be Not Afraid Author: whumpwriterforlife Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Summary/Excerpt:
In which Nyx gets caught in the middle of a storm and makes an unexpected friend.
Title: Storm Bound Author: Firechocobros Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
It’s Storm season which means it's Galahdian wedding season. Maybe this will be Nyx and Cor's year. If Cor can get his ish together and use his feeling words.
Featuring: Prompto being a sneaky sneak, Cor playing dumb, and Nyx being bullied. Also puppylove!
Title: Wreck of the Day: Chapter 5: Storm Author: Garbria / Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx starts his revenge
Title: Trust the Promises Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm, Shapeshifter Summary/Excerpt:
But just because it was night didn’t mean he had time for dreams. There was far too much to do just yet.
It's time to see what Nyx is up to in the His Dark Materials fusion I started with "Comfort in the Shade". Three snapshots of Nyx growing up alongside his daemon Arete.
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primamchorus · 1 year
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Introductions :: Primam Chorus
Name Meaning :: The First Dance (or some bastardized Latin variation of it) Nicknames :: Prim, any myriad of baked good product name from her brother Age :: 28 Birthday :: August 15th Height :: 5'6" // 167.64 cm Birthplace :: Insomnia, Lucis Race :: Lucian with Galahdian ancestry Orientation :: Demisexual / Demiromantic Relationship Status :: It's complicated Defining Feature :: Hair-restricted leucism Weapon Preferences :: Mana / Magic, Mace, Kukris / Knives (NIN), Lance (DRG), if disarmed and no mana: Fists (MNK)
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FFXV :: Origin
Born of noble House Chorus in service to the Crown of Insomnia as Arm of the King, Primam and her twin brother were raised with that at the forefront of their existence due to their mother's rigorous and strict regimen. Originally meant to be Crownsguard as they grew older, King Regis' conception of the Kingsglaive and taking in Galahdian refugees in exchange for their efforts to protect the Wall and city saw their mother requesting a change in their role as part-Galahdian individuals despite the generations that House Chorus has been in service.
Since the new King's disappearance, Primam had been helping with the protection and gathering efforts to keep survivors of all kinds safe in the lit safe haven of Lestallum. Her unit consists of her, her brother, Tandem, and two other Kingsglaive members by the names of Canem Lasciva and Felis Venor. A majority of their work involved braving the Endless Night to gather and bring back meteorshards for EXINERIS' efforts in distributing power where they could.
Due to the efforts of her and other Glaive and Guard that had been around, citizens and survivors had taken to calling them 'Warriors of Light' for ensuring the safety of light was always available to drive back the daemons. A title she never really thought that much of other than, "that's kind of endearing, to be honest."
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FFXIV :: "AU" I Guess
Through an unknown means to Primam and those affected by the happenings, she had been whisked away from the star of Eos and brought to the star of Hydaelyn. Originally, Primam had thought it an elaborate and vivid dream, but with the duration and how very real everything felt...well, she had to concede that perhaps she really had ended up on a different star altogether. An inconceivably odd occurrence for sure.
Having ended up in the lands of Yanxia, Primam had wandered the lands with what abilities she still had access to. Thankfully, her warping still remained intact, and she could travel relatively safely from place to place. It was not until she met an abrasive individual who was also considered a foreigner to the lands that she found a temporary respite.
Getting to know this man and his wife, who had been native to the lands, Primam had been reluctantly offered both a place to stay and a means to earn her keep. The married couple, Cynemund and Yuki Blacke, owned a museum by name of the Black Snow Museum in Shirogane. Primam used this as an opportunity to learn about the world she found herself in as she now works there.
It has since been four years since Primam first arrived upon Hydaelyn. In this time, she has made several contacts and has learned about the fact that there are others she knows upon the same star -- her brother included. Along with learning that there are at least four others from Eos upon Hydaelyn, Primam has taken to pouring research efforts in travel through aether -- not that she nor her allies from Eos can even attune to aetherytes nor manipulate it in the same way.
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chocobothis · 2 years
Ships ask- 1, 21, 27, 34, and 44, with the ship of your choice, if you could please?
I am always on some shit so you've got three ships! I've also realized I still answer questions by restating the questions sometimes so that's an old academic habit still hanging on.
The Ships
Claire Redfield x Nico Bright (Brightfield) from Resident Evil
Pre Vizsla x Solus Ve'tra (PreSolus) from Star Wars
Libertus Ostium x Feronia "Fe" Cataegis (Liberfe) from Final Fantasy XV
1. Describe their first date.
Brightfield: It was really cute and at an arcade bar. Claire’s obviously been on many dates but Nico really hasn’t. Yes, she had a relationship with Javi in high school that looked traditional romantic but was queer-platonic instead. This is her first big Official Romantic Date. It doesn’t matter that she knows Claire because this is Different. So, the location is somewhere they can keep moving around but also provides time to talk. Yes, Nico wins Claire a stuffed animal because she’s a gentleman like that. Yes, Claire helped Nico, age 19, get a very real Fake ID (one of many) so she could buy drinks on her own.
PreSolus: They actually don’t have a first date as much as they had a many, many things happen. It was also a little bit
What happened was they met because Solus was his temporary bodyguard during a mission to figure out why Death Watch attacked a Republic Cruiser. There was a hypothetical one night stand because everyone was still buying each other's covers. He’s a reformed Governor of Concordia, she’s a devout Jedi Padawan, and this fantastic, highly compatible hooking up is happening once. Then they had a wonderful fight near the mines on Concordia where they very much tried to kill each other (and came away with trophies). He sent assassins to Coruscant after Satine, she sent back a single living one and killed the rest, and also taunted him through the comm borrowed from a dead assassin. Then she tosses away her status as a Padawan and citizen of the Republic, fucks over some Jedi information networks on Nar Shadaa, and then joins Death Watch because being a True Mandalorian got her fucked over during the Civil War.
LiberFe: In terms of first dates, it was overall pretty standard. They got dinner at a Galahdian place then went to some little glorified art house theater to see a movie. The only reason for the movie was it was in Galahdian and they love hearing their native tongue. Afterward, there was probably drinks because Nyx is demanding they meet up. They’ve already known each other a while but both put out on the first date anyway. He has a small one bedroom apartment they end up crashing at.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Brightfield: They’ve both lived hard, even if rewarding, lives so the little domestic things are still magical to them. Grocery shopping, washing the cars, folding laundry, etc. together means so much because it means they’re both in the same space, at the same time, and healthy. Claire’s even learning to cook out of it because she can’t but Nico can. In return, Nico gets to watch Claire be the Sexy Mechanic while working on their motorcycles.
PreSolus: They honestly do, which feels like it's the opposite of how they carry themselves. He’s this badass Manda’lor, heads Death Watch, and is focused on reclaiming Mandalore. She’s a savvy politician, assassin, and otherwise swiss army knife of a Nite Owl. But, they both really enjoy the simple things and spending time with each other doing the little things. When they have their children (twins Tarre and Jila) they share the responsibility of caring for them, while carrying on their duties to Death Watch, and adore it. Honestly, one of Solus' biggest dreams has always been to be a mother. She wants that Domestic Life.
Liberfe: They really do but it becomes most readily apparent after the Dawn. They move back to Galahd with the other half of their polycule (Nyx and Lunafreya) to live wonderfully simple lives. Getting to take in all of the little things each day with partners tastes so much sweeter with returned sunlight. Hanging clothes out to line dry, walking through real forests, and even cooking is stunning now. They all work in Their Bar but Fe and Lunafreya still work part time as medics.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Brightfield: There’s tons and tons of little ways. Claire makes Nico a cup of coffee, checks her for injuries when she gets back from jobs, and takes care of her hair; her hair is 3A curls so there’s a Routine. While Nico helps Claire touch up the color to her roots, baked her brownies with extra walnuts and lets her have more of the edge pieces, and makes her wind down tea in her favorite mug. It’s taking each other to doctor’s appointments when injured or showing up with favorite foods for comfort. Sharing clothes so they’re always together in some way. Even listening to each other talk about their passions at length. Nico almost cried when Claire was eagerly listening to her talk about plants instead of getting bored.
PreSolus: She always makes sure she checks over his kom’rk, even if there’s other mechanics. It’s something she has to be sure of because she needs him back. He got her a strill to protect her and keep her company while he’s gone. She tends to his injuries both traditional ways and with her knowledge of Force Healing. He found two kyber crystals for her to forge her new lightsabers. Then it’s making cups of caf or soundboarding ideas or any number of little things that’s always “I love you” in subtle words.
Liberfe: Fe suffered a traumatic brain injury as a toddler (she nearly drowned) and it crops up in a couple of different ways; along with whatever her biological family had going on. One of the ways it shows up is selective mutism. He learned to sign for her and made sure their Final Home had an open concept so everyone could see each other and communicate with her. She also tends to decompress from sensory overloads by watching light projectors on the ceiling be it fish, galaxies, etc. He kept one at his apartment in Insomnia for her and they have a real fish tank in Galahd to supplement. She knows he loves cooking so she collects fresh herbs and spices for him. It's something she’s learned to handle for her folk medicines but still a part is reserved for him. She’ll also sort, prep, and label them for him. If he’s had a hard day she draws a bath that’s peak luxury with bath salts, candles, etc. so he can fully unwind. When he wants to think out loud she's always there to listen even if it may not seem like she's listening to an outsider.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
Brightfield: They’re full of inside jokes that range from known to their friends group/polycule (it’s almost a circle) to just the two of them. Claire’s cooking mishaps or Nico’s plant excursions rank toward the top.
PreSolus: Yes. Solus doesn’t drop that she never got a first date. Nor will she ever let it go that his ancestor outsourced Darksaber to her through the Force because Clan and House Vizsla was such a Hot Mess. She’s a morosexual and he repeatedly reminds her of it.
Liberfe: They’re not really inside jokes as much as a lot of Insomnians just can’t understand them. Someone says something in Galahdian or she’ll sign something rude/funny/etc. that he playfully refuses to translate. Their group of friends know what’s happening though.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
Brightfield: They cuddle all of the time. Claire’s very physically affectionate person and Nico spent one and half decades extraordinarily touch starved. It worked out so, so well that they love being clued to each other.
PreSolus: I do think they cuddle fairly frequently due to how friendly Mandalorians are with their own clans/groups/etc along with their personalities. Pre doesn’t strike me as someone who’s really dated beyond Bo-Katan (who gets folded into this relationship as their third) so having the chance to just hold someone romantically is nice. Meanwhile, Solus is an only child but spends large swaths of her time surrounded by others, be it fellow Mandalorians or her friends in the Order. She seeks out physical comfort. They also just don’t get to spend as much time together because their jobs pull them in separate ways.
Liberfe: Life is too short, especially for a Kingsglaive, to not spend a lot of time together. She’s perpetually chilly due to her Messenger of Shiva Status so cuddling her is a free cool down. It’s also really nice to drift off and wake up with each other in sight and arms length. That way everything is still real. Also, she just sleeps half on top of people so it was just gonna happen.
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
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meissashush · 2 years
For the sleeping dialogue prompts, waking up 11 with CorNyx, please?
11. "You were much nicer in my dreams"
Nyx did not dream often. Between the seemingly never-ending amount of work that followed him every waking minute and the very physical nature of his job, he usually passed out immediately and awoke some six odd hours later feeling like he got hit over the head. Coffee was quickly becoming his very best friend. Especially given that he’d been more or less banned from energy drinks. “Nyx, pass the lumpia,” his mother called from his right, her smile ghosting along his periphery as she leaned forward to be seen past Selena. “Thank you, cub.” He smiled back to her as he passed along the spring rolls—were they the vegetable ones that she preferred, or the meat ones he used to request for his birthday every year?—savoring the moment their fingers just barely brushed. He took the opportunity to elbow at Sel a bit too, which she retaliated against by threatening to stab him with her chopsticks. To his left, he heard Cor huff a laugh. “Behave,” Cor said, his voice just barely a whisper in his ear. Nyx shivered, turning to smirk at his lover. He had never seen him that beautiful. Cor sat beside him at his childhood dinner table, legs casually crossed to let his traditional garb collect in his lap, knees just barely covered by finely embroidered Galahdian cloth. He looked excellent in blue, Nyx decided, and with the Ulric family crest prowling across the valley of his legs. He suppressed a shiver as Cor returned his smile with a genuine one, the swift glimpse of white teeth between his lips almost as rare as the creasing in the corners of his gentle eyes. Cor raised a hand to Nyx’s cheek, fingers stroking gently across his check as a firm breeze ruffled through both their hair. “Nyx,” Cor said, voice suddenly firm in a way that did not match the gauzy light that surrounded them. “Get up.” A sharp sting across his cheek jolted him awake, ripping his dream out from under him. Nyx blinked away the gauze, now a byproduct of the mucus that had collected in his eyes, and glared up at Cor. The bastard was smirking down at him. “Did you flick me?” Nyx asked, rubbing at the mild sting along his cheekbone. “You asked me to wake you up,” Cor sniffed, taking a second to ruffle his fingers through Nyx’s greasy hair before hefting himself out of bed. “Come on, get up.” “You know, you were so much nicer in my dreams.” Cor, ever the asshole, just laughed.
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theoracleparadox · 1 year
Adjustments to Etro’s Blessing: Andromeda: 
1. Split up some chapters so they wouldn’t be so long; hence the appearance of extra chapters. Before revisions, the fic was 14 chapters or 113 pages (standard printer paper) long. After revisions, it is 28 chapters or 137 pages long. 25 pages of additional detail and scenes have been added. 
2. Added some brief scenes in the first two chapters alluding to r*pe (the cruelties of war).
3. Removed that dream scene between Andromeda and Luna, because it was just stupid and actually impossible for it to happen over such a great distance. 
4. Redid the scene when Andromeda’s chaos magic first truly manifested: it did not cause a fire, but simply threw Chad out a window and down to the sidewalk several stories below. It also caused a lot more property damage and probably a car crash or two. There were many witnesses. 
5. Cleared up the arrangements when Linda sent Andromeda away: Andromeda was officially placed in foster care, with a family outside of Insomnia. Linda was rushed to make a decision and very much regretted it later. 
6. Monica and Dustin become involved much earlier. Unbeknownst to Andromeda, while she was learning to ride chocobos in chapter 9, the Crownsguard pay a visit to Sheila and Trevor, who already know what is Wrong with this girl. It is during this secret meeting that it’s arranged for the old couple to look after Andromeda, even though they wanted to get out of fostering kids and certainly weren’t looking to adopt at their age. Considering that Kingsglaive were sent the first time around, Sheila wasn’t about to hand Andromeda over. 
7. Andromeda accidentally uses her chaos magic in front of Glaives, but they assume it’s some new Nif tech. 
8. Chapter 10 is just about completely rewritten. A scene is added in which Sheila and Trevor offer to adopt Andromeda on her birthday. It’s a very happy moment. She needed a break. And she gets a cell phone! What she doesn't know was that it was arranged and her adoptive parents get subsidy payments from Insomnia.
9.  Later Andromeda joins a search party to find Ian, a hunter who had gone missing. That’s when she first learns she can heal starscourge. Originally, she had been led by a dream to find the hunter, but that was really stupid. 
10. Andromeda only attends college for one year, instead of two. 
11. Chapter 11 has been split up and the first part is completely rewritten. The Imperial base that Andromeda vandalizes belongs to Caligo, yet I completely skipped over any interaction before because I wanted to rush on to Verstael. Caligo now confronts Andromeda about what she did. It goes better than you’d expect. 
12. The dialogue in the first encounter with Verstael is tweaked to reflect information that is already known and all the other changes in the fic, and just make it all smoother. 
13. The dreams involving clones have been made slightly more terrifying. 
14. Andromeda tries to interact with the lab assistants in the First Magitek Production Facility. Tries.
15. The military ball has been split into two chapters, and the interaction between Andromeda and Luna has been altered as it is the very first time they are meeting. 
16. After the ball, Andromeda is visited by Mila, her guide in Gralea. Or who she thinks is Mila. In either case, Andromeda angry drinks and accidentally shares her secrets. 
17. I previously glossed over when Andromeda finally saw her chaos kill someone for the first time. So I included something small in her first excursion in Galahd. She doesn’t have to think real hard before she realizes that she’s been killing people all along. Around the same time, she starts to plan to kill her handler, then run to the Galahdians to let her kill her. Her plan fails. 
18. Dalton brutally beats Andromeda, then starves her, in retaliation for her attempt at killing him. 
19. Andromeda goes mute for the six months she’s in Galahd with Dalton. 
20. I went over the dreamwalking chapter with a fine-toothed comb. The huge chunk with Linda was removed: I wrote it originally to show readers what had happened to her after Andromeda left Insomnia. Later, I actually wrote out a whole thing from Linda’s perspective, so keeping it in this chapter was moot. It did nothing for Andromeda nor the readers. 
21. That scene with Luna that I cut in the very beginning? It has been repurposed and added to Chapter 25. 
22. Although it’s Ardyn who burns down the village n Tenebrae in his rage, it’s pinned on Andromeda because she was there. She actually believes its her own fault for having gone there in the first place, and has guilt for it. Technically she has caused more death in Tenebrae than Galahd. 
23. As everything now happens a year earlier, Andromeda does not know that there is a second woman with Etro’s Blessing until after she leaves Niflheim. Etro has not yet thought to bless another person. 
24. Andromeda sees the clones for herself. They almost overcome her, but Etro saves her. I have made the conversation between them more emotional, as Etro seemed to be ambivalent to whatever Andromeda was going through before. In the previous version, she asked a lot from Andromeda, but gave little in return. I have made Etro more caring and supportive, and willing to fight for her Blessed One. Niflheim will know her wrath. 
25. Andromeda doesn’t speak to anyone in the First Magitek Production Facility. Especially to Ardyn. It’s like a deer in headlights situation, after he attacked and infected her. And he does it again in the facility. 
26. Since her coma was reduced to 2 months, Andromeda spends a lot longer in the facility before breaking out. About four months. She no longer has that confident attitude she had the first time around because every waking moment is terrifying. She joins the hive mind of the clones off and on. That and solitary confinement do wonders for one’s mental health. 
27. The last chapter has basically been rewritten. Etro actually does a lot more than she did previously. In return, Andromeda is a little more useless during the whole thing and at one point becomes hysterical that Etro will not give in to her bloodlust. Etro does not like that. 
28. Andromeda does still get away with the spy, but she is very much broken. 
Fic Playlist: 
This is a playlist I complied on Spotify for various chapters of this fic. I think the music writers use to get them into the mood for their fic/assign to their writing is very telling of what they’re trying to convey. 
1. Antumnos by Eluveitie
2. Ogmios by Eluveitie
3. Esvs by Eluveitie
4. Belenos by Eluveitie
5. The Spell by Cellar Darling
6. I Will Be by Florence + the Machine
7. Too Much is Never Enough by Florence + the Machine
8. Dare to Enter by Nightwish
9. Unwanted by Avril Lavigne
10. Voice in my head by Amy Lee and David Eggar
11. Where is the Edge by Within Temptation
12. Canvas of Life - Acoustic Version by Epica
13. I Am Only One by We Are The Fallen
14. Tear the World Down by We Are The Fallen
15. As Above, So Below by In This Moment
16. Holy Man by In This Moment
17. Once Upon a December by Invadable Harmony
18. Youth by Daughter
19. Love and War by Fleurie
20. Roots by In This Moment
21. Svcellos II (Sequel) by Eluveitie
22. Dureddu by Eluveitie
23. From G to E Minor by Nightwish
24. Hey Buddy by Nightwish
25. Heart Lying Still by Nightwish
26. Witches by Daughter
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starjunco · 2 years
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I posted 176 times in 2022
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138 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 171 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#garbria - 34 posts
#ffxv - 29 posts
#awlwren - 25 posts
#kingsglaive - 23 posts
#whumpcember2022 - 19 posts
#nyxweek2022 - 18 posts
#whumpwriterforlife - 16 posts
#nyx ulric - 14 posts
#ask game - 9 posts
#cor leonis - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#time to go day dream about galahdian liquors that the glaives may or may not be making in their off time...
My Top Posts in 2022:
It's a three-for-one drabble deal today, so I'm going to put them under a line to help not clog anyone's feed. We have...
Day 24: Anticipation -- Libertus Ostium, Tredd Furia, Pelna Khara, Crowe Altius, Nyx Ulric, Glauca
Day 25: “Shouldn’t You Be Happy?" -- Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum -- Parental fighting
Day 26: Free Falling -- Nyx Ulric -- Heights, explosions
Day 24: Anticipation (Ao3)
“What do you mean ‘explode’?!” Libertus yelled over the comm.
“That’s what ‘engine overload’ means!” Tredd yelled back. “Explode!”
“This hunk of metal is too big to just fall from the sky,” Pelna said. “There has to be life pods -- shuttles -- drop ships -- something! Just give me a second…”
“60 seconds! Get away from the back of the--” Tredd’s line shrieked and died. Not a second later an explosion shook the ship -- not the big one, not yet, but it had to be starting.
“Fuck fuck fuck…okay, emergency pods! Third and sixth levels, either side!” Pelna instructed.
“Probably not happening, got a problem,” Nyx said, his comm half static.
“What kind of ‘problem’?!” Crowe demanded.
“I’ll catch up, don’t worry,” Nyx said.
He clicked off the comm. Before him, in the center a hold full of empty daemon cages, stood the armored figure of Glauca.
Day 25: “Shouldn’t You Be Happy?" (Ao3)
Hey, this gala is boring. Wanna play Knight’s Tale?
Prompto stared at the bright phone from under the blankets of his bed.
Not right now, sorry. Not really in the mood.
He had told them he was tired, that he should just head to bed. Him leaving hadn’t solved the problem though.
It’s Solstice, shouldn’t you be happy?
A cabinet door slammed shut downstairs. Voices raised again, bickering back and forth.
Of course I’m happy. Got lots of cool stuff.
Prompto made himself smile, trying to convince himself. There was a loud crash downstairs then someone opened the outside door. The car started up a minute later.
“Who wouldn’t be?” He turned the phone off and tried to actually sleep.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted December 26, 2022
Day 21: Alt 4: Accidental Injury (Ao3)
Nyx had learned that the best time to train was after the majority of the Crownguard — and the remaining Royal Guard — had gone home for the day. Late, when the Citadel was closed to all but the most urgent business, the cleaning crews, and the unlucky that pulled the night and swing shifts.
There was talk about giving the Glaive their own facility — one of the old renovated ones — but for now, Nyx made due with sneaking around the training rooms after hours.
He did take a fair amount of joy in tearing apart the Crownsguard’s fancy bags though — all leather and logo as they were. If he occasionally pictured an exceptionally arrogant guard in place of the logo, that was no one’s business but his own.
Nyx flashed from one part of the circle to the other, adjusting to the pendulum-like movements of the bag so he always attacked its ‘flank.’ He kept both his and its momentum up until he was almost out of breath. He didn’t hear the door until it slammed closed.
Startled, Nyx followed through with his kick and spun to face the door. His jaw dropped when he saw who stood there in all his Immortal glory.
And dressed in just a t-shirt and sweatpants.
Did he have the room booked? Nyx couldn’t remember anything on the—Gods was he breaking some rule? Of all the people to catch and berate him it had to be the most—
The Marshal’s eyebrows knit and he looked past Nyx. “Watch—”
Nyx spun and saw the bag right before it hit him square in the face.
He didn’t hear the ‘out.’
15 notes - Posted December 21, 2022
Day 3: Storm (Ao3)
No one called 'ceasefire' like Ramuh.
Within hours the Resistance shifted from mounting its latest offensive to prepping half the island for possibly the worst storm in decades. When Cor proposed volunteer Crownsguard and Hunters reinforce the islands, he hadn’t accounted for rain delays.
“Is that everyone?” Cor asked his liaison.
“That’s supposed to be here, yeah,” Nyx confirmed.
If Cor didn’t know better, he’d assume the Galahdans were throwing a party: a couple who were tuning thin, guitar-like instruments were joined by another pair with instruments somewhere between horns and flutes; a group of children were folding and tearing paper to thread for streamers while an old lady told them stories; a group of women produced boxes and ceramic pots full of food that they were warming up in the stone ovens that occupied one corner of the large cavern; and Cor had seen kegs amidst the supplies.
“Hurricanes happen every year,” Nyx explained. “Why should life stop? There's food we only make during a storm -- you’ll love it.”
Cor was curious, if cautious, but dinner was instantly swept from his mind as a man ran in from the main entrance. He yelled in Galen, and Cor looked to Nyx who was frowning deeply.
“There's Nifs at the door -- scientists and infantry.”
Cor motioned to his people. “We’ll take care of them.”
Nyx cringed and held up a hand. “It’s not that simple. We have laws -- you don’t spurn Ramuh, especially during a storm.”
16 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Crowe Altius & Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric, Nyx Ulric & Selena Ulric, Nyx Ulric & Nyx Ulric's Mother, Cor Leonis & Nyx Ulric, Clarus Amicitia & Weskham Armaugh & Cor Leonis & Regis Lucis Caelum Characters: Nyx Ulric, Selena Ulric, Nyx Ulric's Mother, Cor Leonis, Regis Lucis Caelum, Weskham Armaugh, Clarus Amicitia Additional Tags: non-canon timeline, messenger au, Nyx and Cor Are About the Same Age, Events in Galahd Happened Earlier, Canon-Typical Violence, Tags May Change, NyxWeek2022, Galahdan Holiday, Shifter, Storm - Freeform, Coeurls, Messenger!Nyx Summary:
As tensions rise on Galahd, Nyx looks for ways to fulfill his calling as one of its guardians. Just when he thought the Nifs were bad enough, a bunch of Lucians show up. Are they friends as they claim or foes as the memories of his divine half would suggest?
18 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Libertus Ostium, Pelna Khara Additional Tags: Shifter AU, Warzone, but mostly light-hearted and funny, Happy Ending, nyx is a good kitty, kitty!Nyx Summary:
Nyx has the ability to turn into a cat, and he does this best to use this to his advantage.
Or in which kitty!Nyx goes scouting, makes a delivery, and cheers up a couple kids.
23 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hadesglance · 4 years
(2/2) home and safe but I know you won't let us down. Also, I see it was posted like a month a go, but I figured it couldn't hurt to add it - for that Writer's ask meme, 37. Talk about your current wips. I figured it appropriate for now 😉. I hope you're doing well and keeping as safe as you can in these circumstances 😊💜
what a wonderful surprise to find in my inbox! Such a long and lovely note! I know my heart is hurting too because Hades is not home safe and sound cuddling our dear OC. It’s been an experience writing the story rediscovering myths and figuring out how to morph them into what would work today.  
As for my current WIPs, well let me list my ways...
1. Obviously All hail the new queen... - the struggle is real...we’re venturing into the deep in folks and it’s only going to get gritty and desperate. Which is why it’s been difficult to figure out how to portray the situation. There’s a lot of layers that I need to figure out how to portray in order to get to Hades and then getting him out is a whole other obstacle. Needless to say it’s going to be a challenge that I will conquer!
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2. Oaths and Hearts - this is a little story based around Final Fantasy XV’s Ignis Scientia, and Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Human Inquisitor. Things get pretty crazy, it involves time travel and rifts, and heartache and betrayals! Unforeseen futures and diabolical darkness lurking in the shadows! Both games are one of my favorites and the idea of the Inquisitor meeting our dear Ignis, a man who is curious and logical just seemed to good to pass up. At the moment I’ve introduced a heavy burden to Ignis and he’s struggling to comes to terms with it. He wants to do the right thing for his country...but...he also wants to do everything right for his family...struggling with his oath and his heart...eh...see what I did there? hehehe
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3.  Galahdian Dreams -  Based around Final Fantaszy XV : Kingsglaive and the main character Nyx Ulric. It’s an alternate universe, where King Regis has only just taken the throne after the death of his brother Malcolm. He tasks the young Ulric to guard his niece, the former princess. It’s obvious to him that she is keeping things to herself, but she’s not the only one. The both of them need each other more then they know. Currently left off with the former princess taking her first steps back into the world of politics and Nyx finally taking a few steps of his own into her arms...
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So there you have it, my WIPs currently... not to mention all my daily day dreams while I run around with real life!
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amarabliss · 4 years
Galahdian Dreams - 16 (Nyx Ulric/Reader)
Synopsis: Your father was the king of Insomnia. He was good and just. You never thought you’d meet anyone like him after he was taken from the world. Your Uncle Regis, has taken the throne and followed through on your father’s plans. It was good to see the city in capable hands.
Enter Nyx Ulric, refugee, Glaive, fighter…how is it he can see all your secrets? He knows how to set you off and he’s promised to not let you go…(AU for sure, Regis wasn’t supposed to take the throne, and our lovely Nyx has more of a past then we thought…)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven  Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen
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Nyx looked at his reflection in the Citadel window. It had been a long time since he’d worn anything traditional. It felt odd, and yet comforting. When he spoke to Doris about seeing if someone had something for him to borrow, she smiled at him and made a call.
He was always amazed at his people. Every single one of them respected his decision to remain hidden away from Insomnia’s political stage. Yet, at the drop of the hat…they pulled out the works to make him presentable. Doris may have only been the cook for the royal family, but she knew the tailors, the farmers, and everything else.
So, when Lila’s mother Analise came forward with a beautifully embroidered ­achkan jacket it wasn’t entirely a surprise. However, the detailing in it nearly brought him to tears. He could tell they had been working on this for a long time.
“I will wear this proudly.” He told her tracing over the breast area where his family crest was.
“It was our honor to make it for you.” Analise bowed her head, little Lila quickly following suit to match her elders around her, “We hope it brings you wisdom…it was your mother’s intention to have this be your coronation garb.”
“You…you kept it this entire time?” Nyx looked at as she nodded before looking at all of them, “All of you…you didn’t need to do this…there are more important things…”
“Of course, we did.” Doris stepped over to him touching his arm gently with a smile as she looked at everyone else, “For hearth and home child…when home is no longer a building over your head…it’s in those around you. It’s in the traditions you carry forward. I know Selena at least taught you that…”
His mother did, and he was happy to be reminded of it. The last few months he’d forgotten it…the last few weeks he’d been reminded of how much he needed to hold onto it. So, in his time away from guarding a former princess he’d been working on a strategy to change everything.
You had helped him with so much and his people were better for it. Still it wasn’t enough to change everything. It was time for him to come forward…and so he waited to be summoned. Drautos had set up an appointment with King Regis under the guise of needing to speak about some change in leadership in the Refugee Ward. Not entirely a lie…
His head lifted when heard footsteps approaching him in the hall. His eyes widened slightly before he bowed, “Your grace…”
“Please…” The soft frail voice of Lady…no…Queen Lunafreya spoke over him, “be at ease. It isn’t necessary…I’m a person of the people…”
“Of course.” He straightened up looking at her. Still wearing her mourning band, he frowned a little, “Let me express how sorry I am for your loss…losing your parents…it’s not easy.”
She looked up at him a little surprised, “Thank you…you’re one of the few people I believe when they say that.”
“I know the feeling personally.” He smiled sadly taking in a deep breath, “It’s a gap that takes a long time to fill again.”
“But it does…fill again?” She asked him quietly.
He looked out the window and gave a small smile when he saw you entering the green house below. Your image was distorted by the windows, but he could tell you were filling up your watering cans about to make your rounds, “Yes…yes it does.”
“Forgive me. I’ve become rude in my grief…” Luna smiled at him a little as she looked out the window before looking back to him, “I recognize you. You were Y/N’s guard the last time I was here…but I don’t know your name.”
“Nyx Ulric, your majesty.” He bowed slightly again before looking at her, “And I am still her personal guard.”
“Looking from afar today?” She smirked as he blushed, “Or something else?”
“Something else. I’ve just returned from the front a few weeks ago…I have an appointment with the king.” Nyx told her quietly.
“I see.” She nodded slowly, “I’m glad to hear he’s still receiving people.”
Nyx could hear an underlying tone of distress, “Ma’am, is everything alright?”
The sharp intake of breath was clearly visible as she attempted to relax her shoulders, “It’s hard to sit by when your country is on fire. As Oracle…I’m supposed to represent peace and help anyone…no matter what…but as Queen of Tenebrae…I desire see results and my home restored to order and it just feels like I am the only one worried about it…”
“Not taking your calls?” He smirked a little trying to lighten the mood a little. It worked, she laughed a little, “Listen…I am the last person who should be saying anything…but in King Regis’ defense, this last year he’s become king, taken over a world he was only supposed to have a hand in. He’s doing the best he can with what he was trained for, which is to council people, not lead. Just give him a little time.”
“But he can see a solider immediately?” She snapped back before grimacing, “I’m sorry, that’s not fair…”
“It’s alright. You’re angry, you should be. I appreciate that you at least recognize that it’s not my fault.” He smiled a little before he saw Drautos behind her beckoning for him to follow him, “You’ll have to excuse me…”
“Of course, good luck.” Luna hugged herself as he stepped around her.
Nyx paused before holding up a finger to Drautos and turning around to the retreating queen, “Your majesty…”
She turned to him as he bowed again before standing straight and proud, “Yes?”
“I just want you to know…when I am able…I will give you whatever aide I can.” Nyx watched her eyes widen with confusion before they began to brim with tears, “I promise.”
He bowed once more leaving her in the hall approaching Drautos who was giving him a quizzical look, “What was that about?”
“Hopefully forming a bridge for the future.” Nyx told him as they turned the corner walking straight for the king’s office.
“So, you’re serious about this…” Drautos stopped in hall as Nyx passed him, “You’re going to expose yourself to Regis?”
Nyx stopped and looked at him before nodding, “I am. It’s time. We need a real voice. Y/N has done so much, but it’s time to stop sitting by and only scraping by. If we’re going to fight the wars for Lucis…then we need feel safe here. We need the same rights.”
Drautos cleared his throat before wiping a hand over his face, “As you command sir…”
“Aww…buddy…” Nyx smirked stepping toward him, “Never thought I’d grow up, did you?”
“Don’t ruin this…” He growled at him as he began walking again. He slowed just before the door as he spoke slowly, “I never doubted you, Nyx. You have so much of your father in you, there was no way you’d not become the man we all know you are. I’m just happy to see you embracing it.”
Nyx stared at him for a moment before looking away licking his lips, “I miss him…and mom…and Lena…”
Drautos frowned reaching over to touch his arm firmly, “You are making them proud. I know it doesn’t feel like it matters…and it doesn’t stop the ache…but you are.”
Nyx nodded clearing his throat before adjusting his clothes, “How do I look?”
“Like a king.” Drautos smiled before knocking on the door. They both heard Regis on the other side calling them to entering. Drautos took the lead, “Thank you for seeing us today your majesty.”
“Of course. My niece put a lot of effort in solidifying your people here…” Regis spoke as he finished some paperwork not looking up as Drautos shut the door, “it would be negligent of me not see her hard work remain.”
“I’m happy to hear you say that.” Nyx spoke watching Regis’ hand stop. Slowly his eyes rose to meet Nyx’s, “I want the same thing.”
“Ulric…” Regis stared at him for a moment longer before returning to the paperwork. He finished the last sentence before setting his pen down, “Your leave isn’t up yet and you’re already looking to add additional duties to your roster?”
“It’s a bit more complicated than that, sir. May I sit?” Nyx waved his hand to the chair in front of the desk.
“Of course.” Regis smiled at him as he leaned back waiting. After a moment he took a deep breath, “I’m feeling a bit of uneasiness in here…”
“Titus…” Nyx took in a breath, “Could you give us a moment?”
“Yes sir, of course.” Nyx looked back at Regis seeing his eyes narrow as Drautos excused himself.
“Hm…” Regis titled his head a little, “I sense that this is a heavier conversation then just helping to manage your people’s affairs.”
“Not really…” Nyx looked down smiling a little, “Sorry…Uh…I’m a bit out of practice…Uh…I need to apologize to you, to start.”
Regis’ eyes widened slightly before he nodded slowly, “Go on…”
“I…came here from Galahd…and became a soldier. Someone who could just blend into the crowd and fade away in a busy metropolis.” Nyx raised his eyes looking at him feeling his chest tighten with nerves, “But I’m not a soldier…I-I’m uh a leader…”
Regis let out a soft sigh letting his shoulders slump a little before he stood up moving around the desk taking a seat in the empty chair next to Nyx. Before he spoke, he reached over touching Nyx’s shoulder gently, “I know exactly who you are, Nyx Ulric.”
Nyx felt his eyes widen as he stared into Regis’ eyes, “No…I don’t think you do.”
Regis smiled as he spoke softly with a great deal of care, “You have your mother’s eyes…but I think she was right…your carry yourself differently. She said it was like your father, Anders. She had the most loving and heartbreaking look on her face as we watched walk toward the city with your guards.”
“You…you met my mother?” Nyx felt everything he had been preparing for just shatter around him.
“I did.” Regis moved his hand taking a deep breath, “I couldn’t let my brother head to a sovereign nation by himself, could I?”
“No…I…suppose not…” Nyx looked away from him shaking his head, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Regis shut his eyes hanging his head, “Six months before you walked into my city…I had lost my brother and his wife. Two beautiful souls taken from us too soon, and I was left to care for my niece. She was broken and her recovery would take long time.”
“Then I saw you come before me. Kneeling to pledge you service to my kingdom…also broken…having lost not just your country…but your family. I could relate in your pain a little. I could understand wanting anonymity. People need time to grieve and heal…perhaps that’s what you were doing…” Regis looked at him with a pained expression, “If it was your intention to keep yourself safe, I didn’t want to expose you. Or if it was your intention to leave your city behind…who was I to stop you?”
“So instead I made sure to keep an eye on you myself. It was the least I could do to honor your mother…” Regis sighed a little, “Now I feel it’s my turn to apologize. I’m so sorry I didn’t see how the orders were handed out…”
Nyx swallowed before he nodded, “That’s why I’m coming forward…that can’t happen again. We can’t keep living like we’re second class citizens…worse…like we’re nothing but cannon fodder…”
Regis sighed again putting his hands over his face before lacing his fingers together looking at Nyx, “I wish to grant you everything…I do…”
Nyx frowned seeing the conflict racing in Regis’ eyes, “But?”
“There are reasons why I cannot move…I am trying to set everything right but doing so puts Y/N at great risk…” Regis frowned staring at him, “She’s not ready for what I have planned.”
Nyx felt his fists clenched, “Part of your plan marrying her off to the Prince of Tenebrae?”
“I assure you that is not happening…” Regis leaned back exasperated, “No, it was suggested…I have no intention of making her marry anyone she doesn’t choose, but as I said…plans are in motion…that is…a ruse I’m using to busy a few parties.”
“You should have told her that. She’s…”
“I know.” Regis frowned as he spoke firmly, “But I need her anger to be real…I need everyone to be distracted by the prospect of her getting out of the way.”
Then it dawned on him what Regis was doing as he sat back in the chair. He was trying to put you back on the throne, “What do you need from me?”
Regis stood up moving back behind his desk, “Well your majesty…I need you to play along…let’s discuss how we’re going to help one another.”
A few hours later he was walking with his arms behind his back a pensive look on his face. He wasn’t expecting today to go how it did, and yet…there was a plan made and he knew more than before…much more.
He stepped up to your new office knocking on the door and waited. He smiled when heard your voice calling to enter. Cracking the door, he stuck his head in only, “Can I steal you away?”
You looked up face brightening with a smile when he entered, “Nyx! What are you doing here?”
“I had some business to take care of…thought I’d drop in.” He shut the door behind himself as you stood up, “That okay?”
“Of course…” You walked over to him looking him up and down making him smirk a little, “You look…”
“Good, right?” He spoke confidently tugging at his jacket.
“Very.” You stopped in front of him smiling as your eyes twinkled.
He chuckled a little feeling his ears get hot, “Yeah…uh…”
“Bashful?” You asked him sliding your arms around his waist which surprised him. You used to be very reserved before he left. Had distance made the heart grow fonder?
“Uh…maybe a little. Used of just being a grunt.” He smiled before holding you in his arms, “How much longer do you have to work?”
“I’m not working on anything important…really I’ve been trying to avoid councilmembers all day…” You sighed a little, “They’re not letting up…”
Nyx nodded slowly wishing he could tell you everything was eventually going to work out fine. That the marriage proposal was all a lie, “…then…let’s get out of here…”
You tilted your head a little, “I can’t just leave, and you know that…”
“Yes, I do.” He smiled a little before nudging your nose with his, “But I’m pretty Titus will do anything for me today. So…grab a coat…walk me home.”
“How can I refuse a well-dressed man?” You giggled walking back around your desk, “What were you doing here anyway? What business couldn’t wait until next week?”
“Hm…let’s talk about that later.” He smiled at you raising his hands up when you looked worried, “Don’t worry, everything is fine. Better then fine.”
“If you say so…” You locked everything up checking it twice before grabbing your coat and a hat that he recognized as his, but that wasn’t what bothered him.
“Everything alright?” He asked as you walked back to him, “That’s a lot of locked drawers.”
“Uh…been a bit paranoid lately…I just…” You looked at your desk as put pulled on the jacket, “I’ve felt as if things have been moved lately…I just want to be sure nothing goes missing.”
“I can have the crew come through and set up some security.” He frowned looking around the room already seeing were the cameras could be installed.
“I can’t do that…Some things are so sensitive I can’t risk it.” You smiled at him tugging on the hat, “I appreciate you trying though.”
“Just let me know if I can do something. I’m here to make your life easier and safer.” He opened the door for you.
“You know I will.” You stepped out and he led you through the halls as you chit chatted with one another.
“Y/N…” He watched your hair practically stand on end as you both rounded a corner hearing the familiar tones of a foreign prince, “You said you were busy…”
“I am.” You kept walking as Nyx glanced back looking at Ravus. He felt his jaw clench as he turned away.
“Doing what? We need to discuss…”
“I’m sorry I’m busy…I’m needed outside the Citadel.” You kept going as he approached you both from behind him, “Another time.”
“Y/N!” Ravus reached forward to grab you but was intercepted by a firm grip crushing his wrist. He glared at Nyx as he was forced back.
“Do not…lay a hand on her, without her permission.” Nyx practically growled at him his eyes holding an icy glare.
“You will lose your job for this…” Ravus spat at him, “I’ll make sure of it.”
Nyx shrugged letting him go watching his rub his wrist like a wounded dog, “I’m not on the clock…Ma’am, we need to go, or we’ll be late…”
You looked up at him as he ushered you into the stairwell that would lead them out only hearing Ravus throwing a mild tantrum. Neither of you spoke as he ushered them out past the guards walking toward the street. He pulled out his phone tell Drautos what was going on and left it that.
You both remained silent as they walked through the city. He felt miles apart from you, despite being right next to you. He hated that you both had to keep your distance still…right now more then ever he wanted to comfort you and be comforted…
“Nyx…” He was brought out of his thoughts as you whispered to him reaching out squeezing his hand, “what was that back there?”
He swallowed before he forced a smile taking his hand away, “It’s…I just didn’t…He shouldn’t have tried to grab you…”
“And we knew that was a problem already…you didn’t need to almost break his wrist, that could have gotten you into a lot of trouble.” You chided him making a face that for some reason frustrated him, “Nyx, what’s really going?”
“I don’t…I don’t wanna talk about this right now…” He started walking again.
You followed behind him as he started undoing his jacket. Today was just beginning to be too much. He wasn’t sure if he could keep things from you, and now everything was beginning to boil up. He was losing control…
“Nyx!” You reached out grabbing his arm getting him to look at you.
“Nothing’s is…” He started to say shutting his eyes.
“Something is! So, what is it?” You sniped back quickly as worried filled your delicate eyes, “Nyx…this isn’t…”
“I want to marry you!” He shouted throwing his hands out getting you to stop as he went on, “I want to marry you…not him…and I want to hold you in front of everyone and I want to kiss you whenever I want!”
He let out a heavy sigh turning from you for a moment feeling embarrassment rise to his cheeks before he turned back speaking softly, “I want…you…I want to grow old with you, have kids, the whole thing…and seeing him just push around like a thing and not a person…”
He looked down to his feet and kept his gaze down until you spoke. Your voice was crystal clear, “Okay…yes.”
His eyes snapped up meeting your face. Your smile was shining brightly in your eyes. He cleared his throat, “I…I wasn’t actually…asking…”
“Okay…” You smirked a little as you walked past him, “Guess now you know the answer when you do.”
How you continued to surprise him was truly incredible, and he loved it…He loved you...and yet he hadn’t told you yet. He should fix that.
He took a few long strides to catch up to you. Glancing over he could see the rose color on your cheeks as you smiled. He smiled looking forward, “I love you.”
He looked back when you looked at him. He didn’t think your smile could get bigger…he was glad to be proven wrong, “I love you too, Nyx.”
There it was. A promise. A deal sealed to always return home at night. To make it back from every trip. Loving you was simply like coming home…and like any good Galahdian…he’d do anything for hearth and home.
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Any particular points Galahdian cuisine? Or the cuisine of the Deep City?
Hhmmm. Ok Galahd first:
Overall Galahdian cuisine is very heavy on the fish and seafood since they’re an island nation and it’s very spicy and pretty light when compared to other countries. 
Their most common and easy to get hot spice is bamohn. It’s made from a nut and tastes like a mix between curry and black pepper. Of course you have chili (sweet and hot both), too. Galahdians consider it a crime against food if you mix bamohn with hot chilli. The other nations don’t seem to get that. (See Libertus’ complaint: it tastes like chocobo turd.)
Of course they also eat meat. There are a few garula herds they domesticated. Funnily enough they’re the only kind of animal that’s smaller (and faster) than their counterpart on the mainland.
One of their national dishes, called kreitschi, is mostly skewered garula meat, but it can be any kind tbh. Different isles use different meats. (The one Nyx lived on used hare.) Its a very thin and long strip of meat folded up and put on a skewer to roast. It’s mainly seasoned with bamohn and sweet chili.
They also grow and harvest edible algae. It’s basically their spinach, if that makes sense. They can put them in everything. They can make some mean green curry with it. Noodles didn’t exist until they were imported from the continent. 
Things they don’t eat are snakes and coeurls since they’re considered something like holy animals. There’s also the believe from mainlanders that they eat chocobos, which they don’t. (They don’t even exist on Galahd!)
So in short their diet mainly consisted of fish, seafood, meat (mostly roasted, if it’s not for curry), algae and any other green that’s halfway edible and fruits that are like papayas, mangos and pineapples (that sort of stuff).
And what would be a nation without a national drink? Galahd’s is callled fumir. It’s basically fermented garula milk (anyone notice that I made garulas the cow of Eos?) and of course it’s spicy. The colour depends on the spices used (that are different for each island) son it can have anything from a greenish to a brownish tint.
Deep City cuisine is everything that doesn’t need much sun to grow. Which is all kinds of lettuce, spinache, beans, peas, rhubarb, cabbage and mushrooms. They can actually also eat fish regularely, if they’re careful with how much they catch after Insomnia started a program to revitalize its waters since there is a river and it’s built by the sea.
For most people meat is pretty rare. (There is a group of people that lives by and in the old aqueducts that breed chocobos and, yes, also eat them). There’s also an animal that looks like a mix between a crab and an insect (the metalcrawlers) that is edible. And there’s the rats in the abandoned sewers if one wanted to.
Most of the time the stuff is cooked in stews or hot pots.
Hiemi actually has a kind of greenhouse with solar lambs in the clinic where she grows herbs and spices and the occasional vegetables. It’s where she gets most of the ingredients for her potions and medicines from. 
There are also a few families that figured out how to grow grains. That’s where people like Gammer get their flour from. Stuff like that is grown in the old ruins since they lack the space for real fields.
Hope that’s what you wanted. :) My answers always seem to get pretty long…
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secret-engima · 3 years
Galahd worldbuilding question! How do Galahdians deal with mental illness in terms of legal culpability? Like, if someone's mental illness causes them to attack - or in worst case, kill - someone else, how would the Clans deal with that? Most mental illnesses aren't so severe, granted, but some are and that's not even getting into the accidents that can happen when you throw in trauma/ptsd. Which, given the Burning, would probably be *very common.*
....that is a really good question. Uh. Hm.
I think they very much take it on a case by case basis? It depends on the age of the victim, the age of the *perpetrator*, and also in some cases the *mental* age of the perpetrator, as well as their past history? Kinda depends on if they are known to usually be in control of themselves or if they've always had a history of being prone to violent fits? As well as if they can be considered mentally old enough to understand what they've even done, depending on- you know- whatever kind of mental illness they have. I ... do not know a lot about mental illnesses so idk what all goes into it and the sheer breadth of symptoms and reactions so this is a very hard question for me.
Overall, for the more severe cases or cases that cropped up in children (or those who are just- not mentally close to adults despite body), they're given a sort of pass? It is considered more morally reprehensible to punish or Exile someone who has multiple people vouching for their inability to understand what they've done or control whatever caused the incident (that and arguably leaving them unsupervised out there is just asking for more people to get hurt). In the event that it's decided the mentally ill person can't be held responsible, that responsibility and punishment instead falls on their primary caretaker most of the time, the one who should have known better/done better at keeping things running smoothly.
Of course if it turns out the victim triggered the incident despite warnings to the contrary, the victim or the victim's family are made to pay reparations instead. Galahdians are big on the "if you poke it with a stick and it bites you, you deserve it" mentality.
In cases of people who *are* mentally adult and/or have demonstrated a better ability to hold themselves accountable in the past, then the punishment does fall squarely on them. And like- depending on if the victim was just hurt, they likely won't be Exiled? Held legally responsible and punished somehow yes, but not banished.
For mental illnesses like Bipolar ... syndrome? (forgive me if that's not what it's called), they are held a lot more legally culpable, because Galahdians actually have a surprising number of *medications* for stuff like anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc etc. At least back before the Burning. In ancient tradition, someone who demonstrated signs of mental illness was taken to the nearest Temple of Ramuh, where they would be watched and prayed over for several days and nights by the Clan Elders and healers. And because Ramuh is a softie for his kids and also doesn't really do obedience to Bahamut in all but name, those Elders and healers tended to have very vivid dreams of gathering specific ingredients in the jungle and preparing them in certain ways to give to the patient.
Yes I am saying that Ramuh spoils his kids enough that Galahdians invented their own form of mental health medications and practices long before Lucis and Niflheim stopped trying to whack the problem out of their own patients heads with a sometimes literal stick.
Not to say Galahdians didn't used to do that, but prayer and vivid medicine recipe dreams rapidly proved more effective, and those recipes could be written down and exchanged between Clans to help others so ultimately that won out.
Of course the majority of those recipes went out the *window* with the Burning, so there was a resurgence in problems managing/helping with those things when they got to Insomnia and Insomnia's very confusing healthcare system. And of course ptsd was an entire extra problem no one needed.
There are probably more than a few functioning alcoholics in the Galahdian sector of slums, just because at least they know what's in alcohol over the extremely confusing science names slapped on all the mainlander medications.
....I got off topic but does that answer your question?
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: Kitten Kisses
A world where everyone lives, 10 years after the final battle.
Galahd is flourishing but Nyx Ulric, Representative of Galahd, really just wants to lay down beside his husband, though life evidently often does not go the way you want it to. Prompto is simply confused by his parents being chaotic miles away from Insomnia.Whereas Cor is simply enjoying his retirement as he should. 
Some surface mature content ahead, not explicit or anything, just husbands being soft after a good time. Here’s more Galahd goodness and world building we have been deprived of by SE. 
From The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub AU  . Takes place 10 years after and slightly before the Epilogue of the main story. 
“You are enjoying this a lot I see.” Cor remarks, in an absolutely pleasant mood while he indulges an amorous Nyx nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
A few soft groans and gentle kisses, a long moan and a satisfied sigh. Sounds of lovemaking drowned by the sounds of the monsoon rain.The storm not a concern for the two writhing figures in their abode.
Nyx continues to pepper Cor’s jaw with lazy kisses, revelling in how fitting his husband looks in the galahdian sheets and pillows. The sight of his lover framed by the satin drapes, body shiny with the scented oils with only his clan beads knotted in a necklace sitting on his sternum proudly. By Etro’s grace, he definitely is enjoying this more than he should.
“I love how you look like this, all blissed out and relaxed.” Nyx rubs Cor’s cheek gently, trying to enjoy the sight.”You know, I never thought I did see the day where I can have you here in my homeland, in my bed draped in the silks looking like absolute sin.” And he resumes kissing down the older man’s neck, looking to leave a few more marks like the wild man he is.
Cor laughs.
“Its the massage oils. And you only like it because it inflates your damn ego.”The old Marshal drawls lazily, stretching a little but definitely pleased.Too comfortable to find anymore smart retorts.
“Well, that, and who says pride snd pleasure can’t be relative?” Cor snorts as Nyx smirks into Cor’s chest, enjoying the warmth as he massages his sides.
“Well, you like that too.” Now that earned him a rough nudge as he laughs, kissing whatever parts of his partner’s skin that he can reach.
“Mm, If you still want, you can. Though I might fall asleep at this rate. I’m getting too old.”
“Nah, I’m good for tonight. Hang on. Lemme just clean you up, then we can rest.” Nyx kisses the corner of his lips and gets up, ignoring the stickiness and grabbing his pants off the floor before heading out of their room to find a washcloth. Cor smiles sleepily watching the other man leave the room, albeit a little clumsily, all while appreciating the marks he had left on the younger man earlier that evening. Rough and primal, just how Nyx likes it. He gives a wistful sigh, before burying himself deeper into the plush pillows, forgoing the blanket and enjoying the cool wind of the storm drifting in. It wasn’t too bad that the rain would come in this early in the season. The rustic charms hanging by their balcony chiming and lulling him into a deep dream.
Its almost shocking how Cor got assimilated so quickly, adapting to the new land, people and culture. Though that was to be expected considering he was a soldier. Yet having lived among hunters growing up, and sharing a life so closely with a pure blooded Galahdian, Cor took to Galahd almost instantly and to Nyx’s amazement. The younger man was initially concerned how he might settle in into his motherland but those worries were for a naught.
Its so unexpected for a Lucian, yet his husband proven again he was no ordinary man. 
The Marshal having reached the golden age of retirement from the Lucian military a few years back meant the timing was also perfect. He had initially expected Cor to not leave Insomnia, considering how close he was to King Regis and the Crown. Though Cor did one better, packing away his military fatigues and crests and finally putting on his partner’s beads now that secrecy and discretion is unnecessary, telling Nyx he would follow him back to his homeland. Simply said that now with the peace, it all just seemed right.
The Marshal of Lucis, the legendary Immortal whose name is known throughout Eos and has served 3 generations of the Lucis Caelums. 4 generations, if you really want to include Ardyn. There will be no second Marshal after Cor Leonis leaves the service of the Crown, the post retiring alongside with the soldier who held it. Thus, taking with him the titles and only leaving tales of his exploits on the battlefield against enemies, Spirits and Gods alike.
Long before the War had ended, they have once talked about Nyx going back to Galahd if fate would allow that possibility. Maybe for a few days should their vacation lined up, let him show Cor his hometown, that sort of wild dream. Its strange how life threw them for a ride instead and now here they are. Galahd, rebuilt and thriving as a maritime and tourist destination. With much support from Insomnia after a year or so of back and forth once he stepped down as Captain of the Kingsglaive, handing the reins over to Crowe. 
He himself now being the Representative of Galahd as his forebears once did in a forgotten time. Even though his people are a matrilineal and matrilocal society, he is still the last of the founding Ulric Clan, Coeurl-kin, Keepers of Etro. The fact that he have helped to raise and guard Prompto as the last Farseer sealed his position as well. So long as he keeps his Tribe protected and provided for, the Clan leaders will allow him to remain as their representative.
They have also left behind their house in Insomnia for Prompto, though they do not doubt for a moment that their son spends more time in the Citadel. But they will respectfully leave their son’s private life alone.
Nyx washed up and took a damp cloth and towel beside the bath and proceeded to return to his husband. Until he stepped through the beaded curtain and stopped dead in his tracks
“…Nyx?” Cor, rousing from his sleep, finally notices the younger man frozen by the door. If he was there… then the warm comfortable weight beside him was definitely NOT his husband. For one, his hands felt fur-
The Marshal’s instincts then kicking into overdrive, tiredness gone as he jumps out from their shared bed and across the room. 
There beside him, was a large, beautiful and oddly familiar Galadian Coeurl.With a scar across its nose, watching him curiously, whiskers flicking harmlessly and purring.
[ Family Group Chat ( =^._.^= ) ]
[Baba 3:09am]: I have a question.
[Baba 3:09am]: Its important.
[Baba 3:10am]: Prompto.
[Baba 3:10am]: Prompto Leonis, Son of Ulric. 
[Baba 3:11am]: Tell me. Will the Goddess smite me here and now on the very ground I stand if I skin one of her beasts for disrespecting me and mine in my very own home.
Prompto squints at the glare of his phone after being rudely awaken up by the incessantly KWEH-ing device and blindly fumbles for it over the shoulder of the obstacle named Gladio. He blinks the sleep away, ignoring the octopus prince wrapped around his waist, grumbling that his human pillow moving around so much. Nyx was using punctuations and he never uses punctuations. He quickly punches in a text.
[Prom 3:20am]: R u drunk??? =.=
[Dad 3:21am]: Ignore the idiot, Prompto.
[Dad 3:21am]: You are doing ok, right?
“Prommmmm, is too briiight.” Noctis grumbles, tugging his waist tighter, before Prompto shoves the raven haired prince away to have more space to move his hand. Noctis grunts and turns to the other side to huddle with Ignis, resuming snoring softly in an instant.
[Prom 3:22am]: Was slpin zzzzzz
[Dad 3:23am]: Sorry. Its nothing. Go back to sleep.
Probably nothing then. Prompto huffs and drops his phone to the side, nearly hitting the Shield beside him and quickly flops back into dreamland.
Spoiler alert: It wasn’t nothing.
[ Family Group Chat ( =^._.^= ) ]
[Baba 8:09am]: Am I being tested? Am I failing as a husband?
[Dad 8:10am]: Nyx is just being dramatic. Go about your day. He’s fine.
Okay, now Prompto is starting to be concerned, as he chews on Noctis’ salad which has usual, appeared on his plate.
“What’s wrong sunshine, you look serious.” Gladio notices how quiet their youngest one was being this morning, sipping on his still warm Ebony coffee, keeping an eye on Noctis trying to make sure the prince doesn’t drown himself in his oatmeal.
“My dads are being weird. Is this like, you know, some sorta weird mid-life crisis thing?” Prompto finally puts down his phone and gratefully accepts the orange juice from Iggy, who gives him a peck on the forehead in reply to his thanks.
“I highly doubt the Marshal and the Representative can ever be at odds for very long. Well, as far as I know. Are you concerned, darling?” Iggy asks as he puts away his second cup of Ebony and sorts out his documents.
“Not really? I-I don’t know?”Prompto shrugs. For as long as he lived, as Ignis has said, the couple were never at odds for very long.The longest was a day and after a 3 hour long spar and 2 hours more they were back to being themselves the next morning.Its just all very weird.
Three days later, it was clear whatever was between the 2 was a bigger issue than he thought.
[Dad 12:32pm]: Son, are you able to get away from the Citadel for a couple of days?
[Dad 12:33pm]: Its okay if you can’t. It’s not a big issue.
[Baba 12:33pm]: It is a big issue Cor.
[Prom 12:34pm]: K u guys r making me worried. R u both fighting? Is this like some pre-divorce thing??
[Baba 12:34pm]: Galahdians don’t have divorces. The closest we have to separation is stabbing the partner to death.
[Dad 12:34pm]: Nyx.
[Dad 12:34pm]: And no, we are fine.
[Prom 12:35pm]: OK WTF???
“Ok.I think its bad.” Prompto stares at his phone grimly after another council meeting. With the absence of King Regis on his tour around Eos (read: vacation), it is Noctis who has to chair the meetings. The prince looks over Prompto’s shoulder and reads his text.
“Wow. Morbid much?”
[Dad 12:35pm]: Let me know if you can come to Galahd and when. We’ll pick you up at the Port.
[Baba 12:36pm]: Its okay cub we are fine just let us know if you can come visit and we will talk then
“Riiiight. That’s comforting.”Prompto scrunches his face in thought.”Guess I’ll take the time to clear my time off then. May I, your Highness~?”
“Yes, just take it! Go have fun with your dads. Make sure they don’t stab each other to the death. Though my money is on Cor. ” The prince grins, putting away a report and laughing as he dodges the punch on the shoulder.
Prompto loves the beaches and the fresh clean air of Galahd. So different from the mainland and all the regions of Eos he has been to. Sure, every place has its unique smell and sights but Galahd is simply, different. Nature is regrowing between the ruins left behind by the war, warmth and sounds of life are filling the isles once again. Prompto walks down the Island Port and gets through the customs easy enough as part of the Prince’s retinue, where he greets some of the Kingsglaives stationed there and heads further in-land to find his fathers. The blonde casually taking a few scenic shots while some of the locals recognises him or spots the clan beads in his braid and gives him a friendly shout.
However, the surprising part was actually finding Libertus waiting for him. He gives his uncle a quick greeting and gladly takes the ride to his parents’ residence in his scooter. Libertus was one of the first few to return to Galahd after the autonomy was declared. He then helped Nyx coordinate the restructuring efforts of the Isles while setting up a Tavern, which is now a hotspot for locals and Glaives stationed here. The blond asks Libertus if he knows what was happening between his dads and the older galahadian merely barks a laugh and tells him to wait and see. They weave through town and into the further parts nearer to the forests to a small homely tropical house, his fathers’ home for the past 5 years. 
Prompto quickly spots Cor lazing in his hammock beneath the trees with no intention of getting up even though the old Marshal had spotted his son from afar. Weird but ok.
“Dad!” Prompto shouts happily as he makes his way up the steps.
“Shhhh.”Cor gestures for his son to pipe down, before he beckons him over to have a look.
There in the hammock under the shade with him are 3 tiny Galahdian Coeurl cubs sleeping on Cor’s chest, their horns still tiny, dull harmless nubs, little whiskers twitching in their slumber.A closer look and Prompto notices one had a bandage around its tiny chubby paw. The soft scene is so soft that it makes Prompto coo at the babies.That is, until he realised-
“Why do you have baby Coeurls?” Prompto looks at Cor, and he remembers his dad’s odd question if he was alright that night. These were Etro’s favourite beasts who rarely appear before humans, even locals. The last time they did emerge was during his trial as Etro’s Farseer. His blue clear eyes widening as he asks again.”What did you do? Wait- where’s baba?”
As if he has heard his son’s question, a loud crash and a string of curses in galah came from behind. Prompto makes his way towards to the sound and sees Nyx wrestling the scarred Coeurl from the Etro’s Shrine years ago. More curses.The Coeurl looks almost as if he’s too lazy to deal with Nyx. The young man blinks and looks to a laughing Libertus for answers.
“Apparently Nyx thinks the Coeurl is threatening to steal his home and your dad by coming onto his land and bringing in his cubs.” Libs smirks,”the Marshal picked up and helped the injured baby during an excursion with the hunters for wild Garula. Gave ‘em some Garula milk and tucked them away in a safe den. Now the big cat thinks he is a good parent for his litter so he’s taken to following Cor around with the lil ones.”
Prompto.exe has stopped working. He turns back to see his nonchalant dad petting the injured cub back to sleep and giving the milky scented baby sniffing curiously a kitten kiss on its pink nose.
”Whua? Whoa, how did you even- you know what, no, never mind, I’m not going to try and understand all this just yet.” And he turns on his heel with his bag into the house, away from the humid afternoon heat.
“Take a shower and freshen up, Prompto.”Cor drawls idly,”We’ll have lunch together in a bit. Once Nyx is done with his alpha posturing thing over there.”
Another crash and Nyx is belting out another glorious set of expletives in galah. Prompto sighs, mostly in relief. At least his dad’s are not stabbing each other to death he suppose.
Thank you everyone for indulging me and my lil ramblings of an AU, have a happy new year!
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oftincturedwords · 3 years
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Chapters : 4/4 Fandom : Final Fantasy XV Rating : T+ Warnings : ¡Spoilers! Flashbacks , PTSD , Prejudice against Galahdians , Aftermath of Battle , Mild Language , Minor Emetophobia Warning , Canon Character Death Mention , Panic Attacks , Anxiety Attack , Nightmares , etc. Relationships : Gen. Characters : Nyx Ulric , Cor Leonis , Libertus Ostium , & Crowe Altius. Additional Tags : Whump , Fainting , Reluctant Caretaking , Mild Hurt/Comfort , Backstory , Angst , Exhaustion , Emotional Hurt , etc. Word Count : 12,703 Prompt : Sleep Deprivation Summary : Nyx makes his way to rendezvous with Libertus in Galahd, but he begins to realise that something isn’t right. Still he presses on, pushing his newly restored body to its limits. Luck would have it he stumbles across a familiar, if not overly friendly face. A/N: If you haven’t read the story before this titled ‘Forsaken Peace’ this won't make much sense , so I advise you to go read it first ! This story with flashbacks/memories/dreams in between the present day events , I’ve tried to make them obvious & to label them to make them easy to differentiate them , but if it’s confusing please let me know. No beta so all mistakes are mine. Read On : Ao3
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wintersweetbou · 4 years
Melting Point
Fandom: FFXV/Kingsglaive Rating: Fluff. Self-indulgent, diabetes-inducing fluff. 
Being stranded turns a regular mission into an impromptu camping trip. In a storm. Crowe and Sonitus work together to herd their glaives (wet cats they swear) to actually sleep. Everybody has a sweet spot- a melting point- and Crowe knows them all. 
The day could not get any worse. Crowe had had it up to here with her idiots. Yes, they were crammed in a shitty tent pitched hastily- the thunderstorm raging at the time had allowed for nothing less- but at least they could try to dry out. Her pack of mages were the only sensible ones here, drying sopping clothes with soft puffs of fire magic. The others were too busy griping about their situation- waiting for pickup at a haven after said storm washed their transport out- and not being of any real use. Crowe shook her head at their bickering and turned to see her mages pull out sleeping bags from the armiger, setting up for a damp yet relaxing night. It wasn’t so bad, the storm now a steady downpour rather than the lightning bath it had been an hour earlier. 
Sonitus and Axis were the only boys who seemed to have their shit together- changing into spare clothes and settling in, sharing ration packs. Sonitus caught her eye, nodding towards where Nyx, Pelna, and Libertus sat squished together, whining about the stupid flooding getting their boots wet. Crowe sighed in exasperation, rolling her eyes in response. She cocked an eyebrow, jerking her chin towards Luche, quietly growling into his earpiece, and Tredd, silently stewing in irritation. 
Sonitus rubbed a hand wearily down his face, nodding tiredly. If they didn’t get their respective morons to sleep soon they would be pissy all the next day and then some. He turned back to Axis, grabbing his blades and a whetstone from the void. Axis watched with dark eyes, blinking slowly, hair drying into a floppy mess over his eyes. The glaive snuggled into his sleeping bag, belly down, head resting on folded arms. Ready to watch the proceedings. 
Crowe had finally gotten her boys to change and attempt to bed down, but they still wouldn’t shut up long enough for the rain or rhythmic scrape of Sonitus sharpening his weapons to drain some of their tension. A more hands on approach was needed. Everybody has a melting point, and she knew all of theirs well. 
She plopped unto Libertus’s back, forcing him down further into his bag with a grunt of frustration. He squirmed, bumping into both Pelna and Nyx, gaining growls from both men. 
“We are already packed in like sardines, can you not-” Libertus started, but squeaked as Crowe tickled the back of his neck where his braids left it exposed. 
“Can you not. Shut up and get some sleep.” She chuckled, using her weight to pin him, nails following his neck as he squirmed under her. 
“Ok, okokok- just get off!” Libertus nearly squealed, much to their amusement. Libertus wriggled, seemed to find a comfy spot, and lay there, still grumbling to himself. Crowe snorted, and then slowly started to scratch across his shoulders, using her nails to get down through his shirt. Libertus groaned and relaxed, asking her to go higher or lower, slowly starting to drop off under the gentle scritches. Crowe grinned to herself as his requests and quips started to slur, his head drooping down. She followed the contours of his spine, gently digging in, until his breathing evened out, deep and slow, minutes later.
“That was quick.” Nyx chuckled, watching from where he lay squished up against his now sleeping brother at arms. 
“Magic hands. Now roll over.” 
“Make me-” Crowe wriggled her fingers threateningly at his sides, and Nyx thought better about his actions, rolling onto his front with a grumble. Pelna snickered in the darkness.
Crowe carefully got up and stepped over Libertus’s form as the man started to snore. She settled on Nyx’s back and began to run her fingers through his hair, gently untangling and scritching at his scalp. Nyx made a low noise of appreciation and settled in, turning his head for her to get better access. Once there were no more tangles, she scratched down his scalp, from forehead, to behind his ears, to the knot of bone on the back of his skull. Nyx purred at her ministrations and groaned as she continued, following the path of his spine down. Once she reached his lumbar she started her way back up, this time firmly massaging into the tense muscle along the sides of his vertebrae. Up she rubbed, back along the same path to his forehead. Nyx moaned, going boneless in her hands. Back and forth she whittled away at his tension and irritation until he finally passed out with a groan. 
Crowe studied her handiwork, standing and tucking in her snoring “brother” and the “hero”. Idiots, the lot of them. 
She brushed her hair out of her eyes and caught the gaze of a grinning Pelna. She rolled her eyes, carefully stepping over to settle behind his head. The young man immediately laid back, setting his head in her lap, his teeth bright in the gloom. 
“Eager, are we?” Crowe smiled, ruffling through his hair. Pelna made a happy little noise in response, eyes sliding closed. Ever a cuddlebug, Pelna was always down for physical affection. He turned his head and pressed into her hands, murmuring in quiet pleasure.
Crowe methodically ran her hands through his mop of dark curls, picking out any tangles, earning little pleased noises as she went. They chatted quietly about nothing in particular, frustration draining away now that nobody was actively griping. Crowe ruffled Pelna’s hair, then smoothed it back down. Messing it up, and fixing it. Back and forth. 
The young glaive had no resistance to his hair being played with, going slack in her lap. Crowe urged him to slide back into his sleeping bag, which he somehow managed while mostly unconscious. She chuckled, zipping him in, and played with his hair until he was completely unresponsive. 
Sonitus glanced over as he switched blades, one now finished. Crowe had made good progress, three down- two to go. Sonitus slowly stood, careful not to step on the lightly dozing Axis, and plopped down up against Tredd. The redhead sat with his knees tucked under his folded arms, chin resting on tense arms. He stared irritably into the dark, lost in his own thoughts. Sonitus put his back solidly against Tredd’s, leaning in a bit to share warmth in the damp chill. Tredd made no outward sign he even noticed but Sonitus could tell he was not quite as tense as he was a second ago. Hard to think you are alone with another body pressed in against yours. 
Sonitus inspected the edge on his blade, noting how the day of Magitek slaughter had worn down the edge. A single whetstone would be sufficient, but with Luche and Tredd still firmly brooding he pulled his favorite set of whetstones out of the void, setting them down in front of him. A fine polish would be needed tonight- coarse stone down to fine stone. Starting with rough stone he dragged it down the blade, evenly, rhythmically. Tredd took no notice, still rooted in his thoughts. Sonitus smiled to himself and started to sing softly into the night air. 
Axis looked up, startled out of his dozing, and then settled down. The Bellum clan was known for its songs and dances. Songs to work to, to make labor pass and keep spirits up. Dances to keep their joints flexible and to keep coordination high. War chants to intimidate enemies and to cheer warriors. But their secret weapon was known only by few outside their clan. A Bellum lullaby sung in safety to someone they cared for was incredibly potent. Axis had seen it in use several times- if you were quiet and kept your ears open a non-bellum could hear the clan’s magic at work. Lucians scoffed at the notion of magic outside the Lucis Caelum and Oracle lines, but the Galahdians knew better. There are older magics than that of kings. 
Sonitus sung gently as he polished his steel with a fine whetstone. It was an old Galahdian song, in an even older dialect, but Axis could follow along, mouthing the words. It was about the ocean, waves on the sea, rocking the sailors to sleep, the waves holding her children close, bidding them goodnight, sailing on stars….
Axis was unaware of where the tune of the song faded into that of dreams, but Sonitus registered the sudden lack of motion from where Axis was following along. Amusement washed through him and his attention turned back as Tredd made a low noise of irritation and slouched further. Sonitus continued on, willing warmth and safety to flow through the tune. 
Tredd was a fighter, Sonitus would give him that. He could feel the redhead nodding off against his back. Tension slowly left his muscles, leaving exhaustion in its wake. Tredd fought back as best he could, struggling to stay awake. Stubborn like a kid fighting sleep. 
Sonitus sang ever softer, the song naturally looping, designed to lull even the most valiant of souls. Tredd slid down onto his sleeping bag, grudgingly turning to curl around where Sonitus sat. His eyes closed of their own accord, the rhythm hushing his growl of irritation to a muted grumble. It took only a few minutes more for the furrow between his brows to relax and a few more for his body to go slack. 
Sonitus did not stop singing as Tredd started to snore, just in case. Crowe stalked over carefully after tucking in her pack of mages. Sonitus stood as slowly as he could, desperate not to wake Tredd, who was snuggling into the warm hollow that he vacated. Sonitus's face made an interesting sight, cringing in the dark at any errant twitch from the man under him, yet still managing to sing. Even though Tredd clearly was out he kept moving as if dealing with live explosives. 
Crowe bit back a chuckle, gently tucking the bag closed around the sleeping Furia. She turned and gave him a tired smile and turned to the last glaive standing. Sonitus met her gaze and nodded in agreement, gathering up their sleeping bags. They picked their steps silently over to their prey.
Luche sat cross legged on his sleeping bag, pouring over terrain maps by a tiny flame dancing in his palm. The shadows played across his face, deepening beneath his eyes. If they had just moved a little faster they could have outrun the storm, but no, dropships just had to be waiting in just the right spot to ruin their return. It was almost as if they somehow knew the Kingsglaive would be returning that way over the plains...Luche growled low in his throat. Drautos had better get his intel together or he swore to Ramuh…
Crowe snatched the map out of his hands, earning a startled half-yelp, and then the beginning of a curt telling off before she pressed her palm over his mouth. 
“Don’t care, Luche. Bed. Now.” Crowe snarled as Sonitus spread their sleeping bags alongside his. The blonde flinched when Sonitus wrapped an arm around his waist, tugging him down. Luche squirmed in Sonitus's arms, resisting, until Crowe forced herself into his space. She wriggled in, grabbing his arm and forcing him to wrap around her. Luche froze in a mix of exhaustion and shock. Crowe scootched back until her back pressed firmly against Luche's chest. Sonitus completed the Lazarus sandwich, cuddling forward against his back. Luche wanted to protest but no noise would come out. Crowe and Sonitus shared an amused smile- Luche's mind only shut up when holding someone or being held. But. Both? At the same time? 
Luche couldn't hold any train of thought anymore than he could hold a handful of air. The gentle expansion and contraction of Crowe's breathing in his arms, her head tucked in under his chin, hair tickling his throat. The soft whisper of Sonitus's lullaby in his ear, a solid arm, warm and heavy, draped over his waist. A soft spot to lay down and comrades keeping out the chill and damp. Muted rainfall outside…
Crowe whispered back and forth with the captain’s second, talking about nothing of importance. Sonitus grinned to himself, feeling the hardness of Luche's shoulders relax gradually. The blonde slowly melted into the curves of Crowe's body, curling around her and holding close. Sonitus snuggled in closer, mirroring, still singing, weaving his spell. 
Crowe started nodding off first, drifting in and out of the conversation. Luche huffed in amusement, allowing himself to enjoy the moment for once. Sonitus almost rolled his eyes. The only way to get the mother hen of the kingsglaive to rest was if another glaive and/or glaives needed cuddles themselves. Luche eventually gave into the fog clouding his mind, following Crowe into dreams. 
Sonitus chuckled silently, settling in himself. Nobody could resist the song.
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rolerei · 3 years
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Fashion AU - Noctis x Reader - Pining - Slowburn
Rating: M
Chapter: 3/26
Summary:  Noctis is a young designer in search of a model for a prestigious fashion design competition. You're a third year university student on the brink of a burnout. In the City That Never Sleeps, your paths crossed.
In This Chapter: You fulfilled Noctis' invitation to visit Regalia's studio again, only to find out that he wasn't there. Luckily, Ignis and Prompto were available for some awkward chat.
Just outside of the campus grounds, Ignis pulled over next to the pedestrian path without forgetting to turn the blinkers on. Noctis opened the passenger’s door and rode shotgun. Neither of them talked, and the car was filled with awkward silence as Ignis drove into the busier part of downtown Insomnia.
“So you told her who you really are,” was the first thing that Ignis said out loud.
“Ugh. I’m sorry, okay?” Noctis groaned. “I seriously didn’t know what else to say. She was going to call security!”
Ignis sighed. If he wasn’t on the wheel he would already be pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Well, I suppose covering your identity would be rendered moot if she ends up accepting our offer.”
“Yeah… I hope so, too.”
At the next red light, Ignis took the chance to give Noctis a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “How did you sleep last night, by the way, Noct?”
Noctis let out a heavy sigh and leaned back against the car seat. “I did sleep a little bit. Then I couldn’t anymore, so I decided to sketch until morning.”
“Yes, I’m quite aware that you’ve been sketching.” It was Ignis' turn to sigh, remembering the sight of drawing papers scattered all around the floor when he first arrived in Noctis' apartment that morning. “What made you not able to sleep this time, Noct?”
“I had a dream, Specs. Of a Galahdian warrior queen riding out for a battle.”
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