#Gaming advice
cyanomys · 10 months
Hey TTRPG nerds
Anybody got recommendations for indie ttrpg youtubers? I'm looking for content that is broadly not D&D-specific, and not actual plays. So, video essays/reviews of games, how-to-plays, GMing/playing advice, game design, etc.
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gormlesssentrydrone · 4 months
my sister and I are doing our first ever run of the game, does anyone have tips or tricks on how to not be so sucks?
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Okay I hate to admit this but I’m struggling with my faith/dex character. I’m on NG+3 or 4 now with her, and every major boss fight is such an ordeal
Faith is 75 with erdtree seal +10, dex is 85 (90 with talisman) and I use hand of malenia +10, elonara’s poleblade +10, and hoslows whip +10 when I need strike damage. Mind is 45 or something, health 55
Main incantations are the lightning strike (the single yellow one like a spear), black flame, destined death/malikeths blade, magic dragon breath, and golden vow
Talismans are takers cameo, Millicents prosthesis, erdtree favor +2, and flock’s canvas
Anyone have any advice?
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devastator1775 · 6 months
Soooo ....I bought ELDEN RING!
And ...I'm a Fromsoft Rookie, so any sort of advice on builds, how to level, tips and tricks, ...would be appreciated. I'm planning on re-watching Jacksepticeye's playthrough of ELDEN RING again as well, so I can get some pointers from the Master ...or rather, the One True Irish Elden Lord, OTIEL.
What type of build would be fun for a rookie first-timer such as myself?
I'll also take bets on how long it'll take before I completely lose my sanity playing this.
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mildlybizarrecorvid · 2 months
Hey folks, is there any way for me to play Half-Life games?
I've got a Mac with one of those M chips so bootcamp won't work. The only alternative there I've seen has a decent sized price on the subscription, so that's a no. No Vr. For consoles, There's a Switch which I'm aware is useless here and an Xbox S, and as far as I know they recently took away the only way to get any Half-Life game on that. If your solution involves a decent knowledge of computers or technology, it is lost on me. I am a fool.
Am I just screwed?
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apple-eating-goat · 2 months
(Base Game) Slime Ranching Advice
This is in no particular order, just written as I think of things.
The first 'room' in the dry reef has a secret area to the left that you can access with a bit of skyrim horsing or a jetpack. There you will find your main early source of naturally spawning heart beets. It takes quite a bit of finangling to get back without a jetpack, but it's possible and worthwhile.
Don't use a corral with a solar shield for ranching phosphor slimes. Instead, simply free-range them inside the grotto expansion to the right (relative to your hut) of the ranch, with fruit trees (preferably cubeberries) growing in the plots. You will inevitably lose some plorts to despawning without drones (or even with if you have enough slimes), but it's still pretty worthwhile to me.
In a similar vein to the last tip, don't keep quantum slimes in a corral whatsoever. You can largo them with phosphor slimes and keep them in the grotto (though I don't recommend this(see the fourth tip)), or you can keep them in the overgrowth.
I don't recommend largo-ing two slime types that eat fruit or veggies. Instead, largo them with meat-eating slimes so that you can feed them more readily available food and still get the meat-eating slime's plorts.
If playing on casual mode, digitarr don't spawn in the slimeulation, so feel free to linger as long as you want to capture a full vacpack slot of glitch slimes.
Speaking of glitch slimes, their fruit tree disguises are always unharvestable pogofruit trees (though they sometimes grow cubeberries). If an object (mushroom, slime statue, one of those glowy pink plants in the moss blanket, rock, crystal) isn't there in the overworld that quivers occasionally, it's a pack glitch slimes. Spray it with debug spray to reveal them.
Conserve debug spray. Don't use it to reveal glitch slimes in slime disguise, only to pull object-disguised glitch slimes out of their disguises or to combat digitarr.
Returning to the real world, if you want maximum efficiency, apiaries should only be placed in the glass desert or moss blanket, as they are the two areas that have special apiary resources.
Similarly to tip 8, for maximum efficiency, only place pumps in the glass desert or the dry reef, for the same reasons as before.
Just as with the two previous tips, when maximizing efficiency, drills should be placed in either the indigo quarry or -once again- the glass desert. (Damn the glass desert has so many unique resources. Probably comes with being the final game area.)
Puddle slimes should only be kept in the pool at the docks, as it has more space for puddle slimes and comes with a free rubber ducky.
Keep a corral of pink slimes/pink largos in the plots at the lab, as their plorts are necessary for most gadgets.
Try and avoid crossing from the dry reef to the moss blanket during the night, as the feral phosphor largos there don't spawn during daylight.
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ditzydumbazz · 2 years
Ignihyde Chapter Advice
I’ve noticed there are a lot of ENG players struggling, so I’m going to provide a small tidbit of advice. In the Ignihyde Chapter, it’s more vital than ever to pay attention to Spell Elements. A lot of chapters will require you to pay attention to the Elements the enemies will have when setting up your team and the order of the appearance of the Elements in combat on the left-hand side of the screen. This go around, these are NOT suggestions. You either get the upper hand/break even with same element vs same element or you WILL lose. 
And Auto Battle will NOT be your friend in the Ignihyde Chapter. You WILL have to use your brain and take note of elemental attack patterns to come out on top. And for endurance battles, ALWAYS go for a team of High HP cards because going for taking them out via HP is hardly viable unless you have some VERY good cards. As someone who has played both the JP and ENG versions of this chapter set release now, I want to help make this as easy for players to get through as possible. Please note it may take you several tries to pick up the pattern, but you WILL get it.  (And please make sure you have one of EACH of the different characters up to at LEAST Lv 40 and with both spell slots at at least Lv 5 or you will SUFFER with the later gimmicks with the near-end of story boss battles! The card soft locking will give you trouble if you neglect the spell slots ESPECIALLY! Thankfully the characters you need to worry about are only the ones actively involved in the plot line, like the OB Squad and the Rescue Committee.) Good luck and may you get through Idia’s nonsense quickly!
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serysem · 5 months
Here's a lil something:
If you want to play Twilight Princess HD and have a challenge, play Hero Mode... but with the Ganondorf Amiibo.
You'll take a shit ton of damage and you can only heal with potions, fairies and by standing in a Light Spirit's divine water.
HOWEVER, if you want to keep your sanity, I suggest you do the Kakariko insects without the Amiibo. So no blue hearts (like here)
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because you'll only have 4, and once you have to collect the insects in the lil bomb-shack you WILL get killed by ONE explosion. So Game Over, which means you'll have to collect all the previous insects AGAIN.
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folatefangirl · 1 year
Haven't seen one of these floating around for the recent MTAP tag but here's some gameplay tips I've picked up as a newbie who picked this up while it was 80% off on steam. I was mega stressed early on due to not knowing things and would be happy to pass on advice to save others the stress:
1. Reddit is good for advice and tumblr is penalizing me for links so yeah. Use the reddit community and/or wiki when stuck. Link to a decent set of advice is in the replies to this post.
2. Repair your workshop as soon as possible bc you'll wake up with low stamina daily until that gets done. Doesn't take more than like 30ish or so pieces of wood.
3. Yep the advice to make more than one machine is correct. Even for the blender. Maybe not the cooking setup or basic skiver per se. Yes, this will use up resources and space. Use the For Sale sign to expand space (or be like me and try to cram a level 2 house into a space too small for it 😅).
4. In the small planter boxes, grow lettuce, cotton, and wheat as much as possible if you can. You can also grow other things, but these seem to be the most helpful for feeding mounts and skiver crafting. Large boxes are for the special giant seeds and you can get the box from the church store and seeds from the Mysterious Man. Fertilize often to have the best shot at winning the Autumn Festival!
5. No, you can't have a rival romance with Higgins, tragically. But you can spar and body block him and chat to him until 9 AM to prevent him from taking commissions, especially the fancy valuable ones. I'm currently chill with being at rank 2 in my first year so I don't bother yet. I still think we should be allowed to woo him. As a treat. And mechanic to make him nicer 😅. Btw once he scams you (you'll know when) talk to him as soon as possible after and you can at least guilt him into giving you money.
6. No seriously do use Gust's shop in A&G to swap for 999 wood and keep furnaces running. You'll get wayyy too much stone from mining and the first quarry only gives so much marble for stone tables to sell en masse when the market is up. Other quarries are annoying to get to in the early game. Use the excess for wood first, then making stone bricks or stone tools etc to sell or whatever. Go wild. I make excess glass to sell since it's more profitable than raw resource selling, yep even with the wood cost. Still haven't figured out how to make excess soil more profitable besides planter boxes.
7. If you don't wanna feel like a monster for killing llamas for their worn fur, you can totally kill panbats. I like all the critters so I feel like a monster regardless 🥴. Kinda has to be done for certain quests and quest items tho.
8. Make allll the Dee-Dee Stops you can for the spots marked on the map. You can also have your mount follow you to the next stop.
9. Bring or make stamina repletion food when mining, esp if you have the game speed slowed down and don't run to the Round Table to replete (you have a limited number of things you can eat and can only eat once daily... Or you could try sitting for an hour if you aren't like me and it won't drive you crazy to sit and do nothing).
10. Annoying timed storyline quest needed items that you can collect earlier while the main story has no time limit for progression per se: pretty much all ores/ore products and special mining items like valves and engines, wild cocoons, ironwood (more than you think), bat wings, bamboo papaya, information discs (I keep the extra beyond the ones I give Petra for research in general for the storyline quest diagrams; I can complete the relics later), knight badges from the Round Table (minimum 250 of them), old parts, crystal necklace x1, dog food x1, soap x1, wildflower bouquet from Alice x1, tempering fluid, copper and steel wire, steel planks, welding rods. Can't think of the other ones that were super urgent and non-commission board rn as of Winter 1st (my latest stopping point) but yeah this is totally a hoarding game.
11. P.S. To get into the hazardous ruins area as a lower level, literally just dodge and run for 60 seconds. Do a hit if you feel brave. Yes, it's cowardly but it totally works and unlocks neat stuff you really need for certain quests. You can kick their asses later.
12. The worst that can happen if you die is that you get warped back home. Same for passing out at 3 AM but without the health depletion. Use that knowledge for what you will. I've noticed in boss battles it just bumps me back to the start of the battle with full health and stamina so I only get warped back further in other situations.
That's all I have for now but I may add more as I play. Hope this helps!
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ED:tG Survivor Tips and Warnings
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Since Evil Dead the Game has come to Steam, I've been seeing a lot of new players. And, I love new players but... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, we need to talk about a few things.
I am level 555 in game and here are some tips and tricks to keep your veteran teammates from wanting to fuckin' murder you!
Tip/Warning Number 1!: Do. NOT. shoot before the demon finds you! At the start of game, the demon has no idea where you are. While you are getting the map, do not shoot. The demon can hear literally every ranged weapon and will come find you. They will chase you down and gut you. If you shoot, your teammates are highly likely to run away from you because they want to get as far away from that spot as they can before the demon shows up. So you will most like be alone or left to die.
Tip/Warning 2: Unless you're on mic and have planned it with your teammates ahead of time, do not get in a fuckin' car during the map phase! Demons can see you driving the car and will hunt you down. It's a great way to call the demon to you and get your whole team murdered.
Tip 3: If you are playing Pablo, drink sodas around your teammates for fuck's sake! Pablo has just as much ability to heal the team as any other support (except Cheryl, she heals far more). Shielding is very good but you also need to heal. Especially if there's a Ruby on your team! Because Ruby cannot have shields and need to be healed more.
Tip 4: If you are fighting Eligos and you are a Hunter (the Ranged characters: ED2 Ash, Ed Getly, Amanda, Kelly), do not take a crossbow unless you're really good with it. I don't care what color it is. The aim on them is kinda wonky and the reload is slow. Berserkers are very wiggly, this makes them extremely hard to hit with a crossbow.
Tip 5: Take blunt weapons against Eligos! At the book, you want to be able to stun the possessed elites because they melt the book very quickly. Also, even Hunters need to get up to the book and melee the deadites there in the last 30 seconds to stun enemies as fast as possible so the book doesn't die.
Tip 6: If you have a healer/support (ED1 Ash, Cheryl, Pablo, David, Blacksmith) on your team, make sure to supply them with sodas and amulets so they can keep you in the fight!
Tip 7: If you're a support, don't take any legendary weapons unless the fighters don't want them. Yes, you do reduced damage but you taking the gold weapon is just going to get the team killed.
Tip 8: If you are a Warrior (AoD Ash, Henry, Scotty, Mia), don't fuckin' shoot unless you're de-possessing someone. You have severely reduced ranged weapon damage, meaning guns are useless on you and you'll just end up taking more damage then if you just meleed the deadite. Make sure colored guns go to the hunter or Annie (if you have one).
Tip 9: If you are playing support, do not open chests around Objectives or in places where the demon has been. If there are tiny Ashes inside, they have a high chance of taking your sodas and amulets. Just mark the chests so you teammates can open them for you.
Tip 10: If you're a support and you're fighting a high level Evil Ash, he has a perk that stops healing. If one of your teammates gets slashed with his sword, they will be unable to be healed for several seconds. So, if you drink during that time, you will be wasting a soda! Keep lots of amulets on you for boss fights so you can amulet and protect your teammates while they kill Evil Ash.
Final Tip/Warning: This tip is extremely important! When you are in the Dark One's phase, you need to stick by your Support. Do not run around the dark ones. Just by the support and kill the dark ones. You take a lot of damage during this phase and if you're not close to your team, your support will waste multiple sodas to heal the team that's spread out. This leaves them with no supplies for the book stage. So, stay in a teammate cluster when fighting dark ones. your healer will appreciate it!
Now. Go have fun and murder some fuckin' deadites!
Love you all, little wraithlings! ❤️
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eclipsewarrior101 · 8 months
Does anyone have any ideas on how to beat
Cookie Run Kingdom chapter 18-30
I have tried so many combos but I just can’t get it.
Here are my cookies and levels I have.
Any suggestions would help.
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 7 months
I dunno who needs to hear this, but don’t play the ‘take the pills’ ending of My Eyes Deceive first. That’s the bad ending- you want the ‘don’t take the pills’ one (the ‘good’ ending) first so it’s put into perspective how much your choice affected the MC. Furthermore, that’s not what the storytelling intended. If you get the good ending first, the story is better explained- the twist of the bad ending feels less out of the blue. In the good ending, you get hints and implications that start to signal what’s really going on, that leads to a sense of discomfort the game doesn’t really confirm nor deny. The bad ending’s job is to confirm it. The bad ending shows you that ‘yes, you’re right, this is exactly as fucked up as you think, and it can be even worse.’ If you do the good ending first, THEN the bad one after, the storytelling is so much better paced, so much more gut-wrenching to the viewer. Please, suffer through this story the right way.
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pink-tiledbathroom · 1 year
ive just recently started playing stardew valley and im wondering if theres any information i should know thats not really given to you? im not asking for like,, lore or cheats or anything. just like, how do you normally go about your first year that generally helps you more than playing the,, 'traditional way' ig
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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Gaming advice from Nathan Treme on Instagram.
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ravensnpennies · 1 year
Gamemaster's Guidepost: What I Think a Good Player Is
Gamemaster's Guidepost: What I Think a Good Player Is So what do I think makes a good player for a GM? I've a good solid idea of that gained over thousands of hours and hundreds of players. #TTRPG #GURPS #roleplaying
Because I have such high standards for myself as a gamemaster I also have high standards for my prospective players. I’ve talked about this before but I feel it bears another post to look over what I consider the bare minimum for me to invest in a player as a GM. And I do invest. It’s nothing for me to spend 2-3 hours outside of the game to talk with players about their characters, how they feel…
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marysunshine23 · 1 year
Shadows Over Loathing! Fairies! :D
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I don't have anything against fairies, but clearly, this game does! So I decided to write about how I deal with these little in-game nasties. (I like fairies a lot, ngl)
Faerie Exploder
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Don't bother attacking her, she's gonna kamakaze herself in her first move. Unfortunately, it hurts everyone on your team.
Faerie Wackadoo
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Fuck this guy in particular. There's a 50/50 chance he'll heal or poison everyone in the battleground. Get rid of him first.
Faerie Mushtender
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This guy is also annoying; he summons a mushroom baby every turn. If you don't get rid of him quickly, you'll have more work cut out for you than necessary.
Faerie Gunmother
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Annoying, but nothing terrible. She fires three bullets at random targets.
Fairie Twigthumper and Pineneedler are the least of your problems, so I'm not showing images of them here.
Fairies in this game are annoying, but they give cool rewards like fairie wand cores, which can turn your weapon into a wand. (I used it with the swordleaf leaf sword because the idea of having a magical leaf amuses me to no end.)
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