#Gamma Contracting
gammacontracting1 · 1 year
Gamma Company | Gamma contracting 
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Gamma Contracting is a reputable construction company that has been exceeding expectations in the industry for years. At Gamma Contracting, we are dedicated to providing top-notch services, delivering quality projects, and ensuring client satisfaction. Gamma Company, a vital division of our organization, plays a pivotal role in our success. With a team of skilled professionals, Gamma Company specializes in a wide range of construction services, from commercial building to residential development. Our commitment to excellence is exemplified through every project we undertake. At Gamma Contracting, safety, precision, and sustainability are at the forefront of our operations. We adhere to strict industry standards and utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure each project is executed efficiently and to the highest quality standards. Whether it's constructing a new office building, renovating a home, or managing large-scale infrastructure projects, Gamma Contracting and Gamma Company are your trusted partners in turning your vision into reality. We are dedicated to building a brighter future, one project at a time. 
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"I think we underestimated the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude."
The war room was reeling. The human population had been estimated in the mere hundred billion range. They should barely have had enough of an economy to field two light cruisers, least of all the goddamn armada that was ravaging the inner worlds. After the alpha strike, the human flotilla should’ve been completely crippled. Instead the number of ships they were fielding kept growing.
Tan-Hauser was the first target struck by a human attack, and they reported seventeen craft before they lost comms. Attican was hit just three days after that, but their reports already showed numbers above ninety. Any doubts that the fleet was growing were eliminated when Outpost Batan reported 1,217 FTL pings two days before the loss of Kira.
The number reported was so big it was written off as a sensor malfunction. Twenty-five billion souls lost, all because nobody in the war room could face reality.
They were going to face it now. The Kirarian in front of them was the primary sensor engineer for the Batan outpost, a specialist with more expertise in analyzing space lanes than warships. He’d been up for at least the last two days, poring over the sensor data, and only now was ready to begin to share his findings.
From the pain in his multifaceted eyes, it was clear he was still reeling from the loss of his homeworld.
Seeing that he had the room’s attention, he began to speak. The translation units each member of the war council had implanted experienced a moment of lag as they struggled to convert the almost musical tonal humming of the Kirarian tongue to more common galactic speech.
"The simplest data that can be analyzed from an FTL ping is the distance that the ship traveled before dropping to sublight. The contracted space in front of the craft traps small particles, even light itself for a short period, compressing its wavelength and then releasing it when the field disengages."
The war room nodded along. The explanation was mildly technical, but anyone that had traveled on an FTL shuttle before knew the hazards of exiting FTL directly in front of your home destination. Blasting your home station with a wave of alpha, beta, and ultraviolet rays was hardly a warm welcome.
The engineer continued.
“The… issue with this is that we’re used to the majority of the ping being in the UV spectrum. We aren’t entirely sure what the spectrum of the signals we got from the ships were because Batan station can only detect up into the low gamma range, but that’s still what the majority of the human’s FTL pings were detected in. That’s at least ten billion times the frequency that we’re used to. Since the frequency of the burst can be roughly modeled by multiplying the mean radiation per unit distance by the length of the path, that implies one of two things: That the human ships are either traveling through areas with ten billion times the standard background flux, or that they are traveling extragalactic distances.”
The engineer paused for a few seconds at that statement. The pain of loss still shone in his gemstone eyes, but something more immediate was beginning to take center stage: Fear.
“Because the craft is essentially throwing… well, normally it would be the next three or four days worth of cosmic background radiation at you. In our case it’s more like several decades. But because it’s just giving you an advance on your normal cosmic background radiation, you can track the void in the next several days' worth of background noise to determine the ship's approach vector. The 1,217 crafts that arrived weren’t coming from the same spot. There were actually hundreds of converging vectors, but more importantly…”
He trailed off, a small 3D model of the local space appearing in the center of the holo table. A spiked ball of vectors protruded from the galactic disk, each piercing cleanly through his former homeworld.
His voice cracked a little, the hum turning into a hiss. The translator tech paused a moment too, struggling to convey the subtle emotional cues into the message.
“They’re all coming off the galactic disk. That doesn’t just mean that we’re surrounded, that doesn’t just mean that we’re outnumbered… It means that each attack that we’ve seen up to this point is from an entirely separate group. What we’ve been mistaking for fleets, I believe, are simply the beginning trickles of their exploratory forces. Each of the sites that they’ve targeted hasn’t been of significant strategic importance; they’ve just been sites with unusually strong output signals. I think they’re just using our transmission stations as makeshift beacons for their FTL jumps." He took a deep breath to steady himself before providing his final thought. "I think we underestimated the size of the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude.”
There was a heavy silence in the war room as that last sentence was processed. The engineer was already out the door before he heard the panic begin to set in.
Part of him felt a little guilty. It would’ve probably been kinder for them to go out not knowing what was about to hit them. Still, it wasn’t often you could force people with this much power to realize that they’d just lost everything.
There was a bitter satisfaction in that.
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ruthlesscore · 5 months
hi, hey, and hello!
I saw your stuff for ed and thought it was pretty neat! (It also kinda inspired me to ask you this request)
Whenever you get the chance could you maybe write something for A.K.I?
i just wanna see one of my fav sf6 characters in action!
A.K.I x Reader - Bubble of Toxin
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- Thank you so much for requesting! Just like the last two posts, I've been planning an A.K.I related post! I really hope you enjoy this. I had fun writing it! -
- I had trouble trying to keep A.K.I in character, sorry about that! -
- The only way I can see A.K.I being with someone, and getting over her feelings of F.A.N.G Fei, is for her to relate to someone on a personal level. You feel? -
You come from a prestigious family. You're family is strange and keeps too many secrets. One being what you inherited from your father, which he gets from his mother: poison immunity. Who knows how this generational trait started, but you do know you have a special type of poison immunity, a genetic mutation, that the rest of your blood relatives don't: you are immune to more than one type of poison, which is nice considering everyone else is immune to only one type. Venom, plants, metals, bug bites, snake bites, carbon monoxide, and mushrooms. Due to this, you were really reckless as a teenager. You constantly got into fights and trouble with the law. When you turned of age you received a job offering that set you straight. No more street rat BS, and no more fighting just to roughen your hands up a bit.
You were an interpool anget.. and a self proclaimed culinary anthropologist, so you have to act like you have some sort of dignity. You go from place to place eating food, researching the ways human culture engage with food in a complex social and cultural way, and kicking ass for a just cause.
You've been all over the world, all except China. It's not like you don't like China, no not at all. It's more like there's more talented agents in the area, like Chun-Li, that are more qualified for the job than you! ... until you received a call from the commissioner. He asked if you could deliver something important to a personnel in Hong Kong. Of course you accept and head down there immediately.
Once you arrive, you head right for the rendezvous point in Tian Hong Yuan and handed off the package to the personnel. Now that Interpool work is done, you can finally get to what you like best, eating. Heading for the nearest food stand, with your yuan in your hand, you feast your eyes on some Kung Pao Chicken. After paying the vendor, you were heading to find somewhere to sit. Before you even reached a seat, a random bystander shouted.
"Someone just fainted!"
You turn your attention to the crowd forming. Now, you weren't a doctor or anything, but you were an Interpool agent! It's pretty much your job to help, right? You rush over to the crowd, pushing people out the way. The man who collapsed on the ground had a small pouch in his half opened hand. His body seemed to be screaming in pain. He groaned as if he couldn't move.
"Time to work. Time to work."
You look up to see a woman with a style you've never seen before. She works her way through the paniced crowd and to the man.
"You thought I had money in there? Oh, that's just my delicious poison!"
You think she talks funny. Her dialect is a bit childish for her age. She pokes at the mans chest with her claw like gauntlets.
"When inhaled, coriamyrtin blocks the gamma-aminobuytyrix acid receptors in the central nervous system, causing spasmodic muscle contractions... Time to put you out of your misery."
Misery? This lady is going to kill that man! You scarf down the rest of your Kung Pao Chicken before setting the disk down on a nearby table. You grab the lady's hand gently before pushing her off of the man with a push of her shoulder.
"You cannot take an innocent man's life!"
The woman clicks her tongue and looks at you with a shocked face.
"Ah, but he stole from me."
"Even so! You can't just flat out murder someone on the street!"
After a pause..
"Hm? Is that so?"
The lady stands up and shakes her head. She stands in a way that you can only assume she wishes to engage in a street fight with you, and you comply without another word. You stand in your typical fighting stance stance.
After a tough and fierce battle with the mysterious woman, you emerge victorious. The woman could only glare at you before tapping the poor man on the forehead, cleansing him of the poison he was tainted with. The woman grabed her pouch and left, and you hope you'd never see her again.
The next morning, you're down at the Nan Lian Garden. Since you were finish with your mission already, you might as well spend the rest of the trip eating and exploring, right? While walking along the path, you pass regular civilians. Once you hit that corner, you saw her again. That woman from yesterday. You couldn't help but to glare. An old man stood next to you.
"Hm? Are you looking at Aki dài fu?"
You turn to him.
"The doctor? Her? The woman in the black cheongsam?"
"Yes, her. She's a traveling doctor and very kind to the elderly. Be sure to say hi when you walk past her."
The old man his headed his way, levaing you alone... So her name is Aki? You take that bit of information with you as you continue down the path. You see Aki staring into the water from the bridge. You slowly walk past her, your street rat ways slowly pushed itself back into your head.
"Still trying to kill innocent civilians, Aki?"
She doesn't even turn to look at you. She just rolls her shoulders.
"Yesterday, when we fought, my poisons didn't work on you."
You stood next to her on the bridge, looking down into the water with her.
"And your poisons never will."
"How annoying."
"You wanna go?"
It felt like the two of you were standing there for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. The wind gently blew through your hair.
"Shishishi.. Don't go telling strangers your name. You don't know what I might do with it."
You just rolled your eyes. You turned to look at her.
"That thing. How'd you make that bubble you made? To make a toxin like that in such a short time is mad."
"Mad? I have built up an impressive resistance to neurotoxins. All because of my impressive master, F.A.N.G Fei!"
Who? Damn, you didn't even care. This lady was a straight lunatic and a possible threat to people's lives. As she went on and on about how great her master was, you began to wonder how far does her resistance goes. She said she built it up, but yours is due to a genetic mutation. As you drowned her words out, you couldn't help but to think that you finally found someone outside the family with a resistance to poison. Even if hers is built up.
"It's a family thing."
You stated, cutting her off.
"Every blood relative on the old man's side has an immunity to poison. The type of poison varies from person to person."
Aki just looked at you. Her lips drawn in a straight line.
"Really? I've never heard of it being a genetic trait. Interesting."
She sticks her hand up and the nails got longer and sharper.
"I should take a blood sample. Hold still ____."
Aki's lips curled into a smile.
"Kidding, shishishi!"
After awhile, you decide to head back to the place you were staying. Maybe the doctor isn't so bad.
Now, you were a traveling agent, and Aki stationed herself in China. It wasn't long before you had to leave and continue your work elsewhere. When you did leave, you thought about her and the way she talked about poisons. You went 4 entire months without talking to her before heading back to China for some more cultural experiences. You met her in the same spot in Tian Hong Yuan around midnight. She wasn't surprised to see you. You invited her to grab a meal with you, asking her for recommendations. You didn't know her life outside the bubble of toxin, and she didn't know yours. The meal was so good that you decided to get some food with her the next time you saw each other. Of course, Aki said if you win in a street fight against her, she'll pay for the meal.
It's became routine for the two of you. Grabbing food everytime you see each other, talking about your interests, consuming different poisons, and street fighting. You two enjoy your meals so much, it's starting to feel like dates. Oh, and Aki's smile is so sweet. Even if she constantly finds joy in morbid things, if she's happy, then it's fine. Aki blushes when she laughs at your shortcomings. Oh, when you smile at her, her shoulders loosen up, her hands place neatly on her chest, and her eyes widen in awe. Then she scratches you straight in the face, screaming about how annoying you are, calling you a rat and other things as she storms off. You started to think she had a crush on you at one point. At the end of your 4th meal together, you asked to exchange phone numbers.
At some point, it became mandatory to call Aki once a week and talk for 10 minutes or more. She seems to be enjoying your company more and more.
Now, Aki isn't one for physical person outside from her master, but she picked up the habit of sizing you up followed by a light kick of the shins when she sees you. She says that youre a small mouse and she's a snake.
Once she gets even more comfortable with you she'll introduce you to F.A.N.G. She gave you fair warning that if you attempt to hurt him, she will murder you.
If F.A.N.G. likes you, Aki will become very cuddly around you. If he doesn't, you will die.
Aki has no intention of learning about your occupation outside of culinary antropology, and you don't care for hers outside of her medical practice. As long as you keep your nose out of her business, everything will be fine. As for distance, it doesn't bother her, but she wants to see you in person at least once a month.
You two don't have a formal title to your relationship, but it's clear to everyone that something is going on.
You just want this delusion to last forever. To be at peace with Aki and to hold her in your arms.
"But the spider will eat the butterfly eventually."
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[{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] 💀Shivah "Shiva"
(Blockage) Zits, upon the "Uterine/Uterus" can lead to complications for child-birth or infection, causing a rigor of the ovarian-tube (I.Ovarian). However an substantiated amount of "multiple-zit" (Cysts) having accumulated at different intervals overtime; being an resolved/unresolved recurring issue, that is not allowing the ovary to properly descend; endometrial [Dermis]. Try anal-sex for pregnancy. Unless, baphomet [hymen] Serpentine "Male/Female" internal-contraction adhered unto individual birth, therefore the "umbilical" cord was wrapped around the infant within the womb. (Scat) Sodomite/Sodomites; Baphomet. Hereby concluding the "Hymen" rectal/hymens [Contracted] serpentine; cilia "Zit/Cyst" (lump).
II.Fertility "infertility" [Uterus] Barren I I Fertile; gamma/gamma (Γ) barren, surrogacy.
Theoretical/Theorem "Gamma" (γ) Female-Reproductive System. . .
[{Cancers}] Gamma = Gamma (λ) Lambda "Hermes" [Emphasis] Gamma/Gamma (Herpes) .
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vertigoartgore · 9 months
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Top 30 Movies that I discovered in 2023 (but not released in 2023) :
Pandora and The Flying Dutchman (Albert Lewin, UK, 1951)
Summertime (David Lean, USA/UK, 1955)
Tea and Sympathy (Vincente Minnelli, USA, 1956)
Murder by Contract (Irving Lerner, USA, 1958)
Nothing But a Man (Michael Roemer, USA, 1964)
Scattered Clouds (Mikio Naruse, Japan, 1967)
Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (John D. Hancock, USA, 1971)
The Hired Hand (Peter Fonda, USA, 1971)
The effect of Gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds (Paul Newman, USA, 1972)
Chilly Scenes of Winter (Joan Micklin Silver, USA, 1979)
Being There (Hal Ashby, USA, 1979)
El Sur (Víctor Erice, Spain, 1983)
El Norte (Gregory Nava, UK/USA, 1983)
Vigil (Vincent Ward, New Zealand, 1984)
Choose Me (Alan Rudolph, USA, 1984)
Desert Hearts (Donna Deitch, USA, 1985)
Anguish (Bigas Luna, Espagne, 1987)
The Vanishing (George Sluizer, France/Netherlands,1988)
Chameleon Street (Wendell B. Harris Jr., USA, 1989)
Proof (Jocelyn Moorhouse, Australia, 1991) 
Ninja Scroll (Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Japan, 1993)
Suture (Scott McGehee & David Siegel, USA, 1993)
What Happened Was... (Tom Noonan, USA, 1994)
Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis, USA, 1995)
August in the Water (Sogo Ishii, Japan, 1995)
Shall We Dance ? (Masayuki Suo, Japan, 1996)
Made in Hong Kong (Fruit Chan, Hong Kong, 1997)
Bullets Over Summer (Wilson Yip, Hong-Kong, 1999)
To the Left of the Father (Luiz Fernando Carvalho, Brazil, 2001)
Dead End (Jean-Baptiste Andrea & Fabrice Capepa, France/USA, 2003)
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naha-naha-nan-nan · 1 month
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[{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] 💀Shivah "Shiva" (Scat) Sodomite/Sodomites; Baphomet. The "Hymen" rectal/hymens [Contracted] Serpentine; Cilia "Zit/Cyst" (lump).
Uterus/Uterine "Endometrial" (Dermis) dermal-layer, endometriosis protruded to the cervical onto cilia at the center passage between the ovary-duct and/or fallopian tubes.
[{CANCERS}] Gamma = Gamma (λ) Lambda "Hermes" [Emphasis] Gamma/Gamma (Herpes) .
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murphychips · 7 months
a treacherous descent into werewolf romance fiction
okay so. this story begins with me being on facebook, scrolling through videos, and getting these adverts at the end of EVERY video clip from these sites:
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and i mean EVERY single one. and out of deranged curiosity i ended up clicking them and checking out their previews only to find maybe some of the more garbage i've ever had the displeasure of reading. each advert was different and each story varied, but all of them had dogshit quality.
eventually, i wondered who was making this stuff; MULTIPLE apps were being advertised to me under a bunch of different names, and all of them were centred around werewolves or mafia or billionaires. sometimes all three!
so i downloaded a couple of apps to see if i could identify an owner, but those all varied too! most don't even have websites; the app is the only thing they have. almost none of them have author names, or any way to identify the writer, and there's no way to submit to most of them. eventually, i chased up a few of these apps on reviews to find most appear to be stealing content from across the internet:
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some of these are stolen from amazon, others are stolen from similar apps are cross-posted, others--as one comment says--appear to be scalping from wattpad (and likely AO3 and fanfic.net, although i'm currently trying to find examples).
one app that crossed my phone was Letterlux, which does feature a submit page and appears to actually promote original work! the genres remain the same--werewolves, billionaires, mafia, etc--and so i was like alright. this appears to be a publishing outlet of SOME kind. what's the catch?
the catch is the abysmal fucking offerings:
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the 'exclusive' contract here is if you do the whole 'submit a thing and they extend an offer', whereas non-exclusive is you just posting the thing. but look at the numbers! look how low they are! $450 if your story is above 200,000 words????????????????? and you have to post EVERY DAY for the update bonus; if you miss more than 4 days, you're out of the running. HOLY EXPLOITATION BATMAN. never mind that for the non-exclusive, you get a measly $250 for 200,000 words and NO update bonus. with the signing bonus of a whole $50, that's $300 for 200,000+ words: a whopping 0.0015 per word.
another app that appears to promote original work is Galatea, owned by inkitt; it appears legit in that it's been advertised by a bunch of different places, i.e. Writer's Digest, and has a fairly slick site, but reviews from users say it's a scam--a less predatory scam than usual, but still a scam.
TL;DR, if you write heterosexual steamy werewolf romance, your shit is likely making money for some company in whoknowsistan, who use microtransactions to make you pay for individual books. and i haven't even TALKED about how some of these apps have some of the most crazy IP protection i have ever seen, such as banning you for an hour if you screencap ANYTHING, and hiding recorded videos:
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but despite all this, and this horrible rabbithole of novel apps i've fallen down, nothing compares to me having to read all this fiction and realising that we are ignorant to the quantities of sheer bad werewolf writing out there, so much so that i'm honestly tempted to post my own straight-bait just to see how far i can get. things that i've noticed:
all the female protagonists start off as abused or hated and are saved by some Alpha/Alpha King/Alpha Demon/idk man
sometimes the werewolf aspect is just an inner wolf who like. yells at you sometimes?
there's gamma rank werewolves?
there's DELTA rank werewolves?????????????
i honestly think i'm becoming addicted to finding out just how unhinged some of these stories get, but that is beside the point: in the end, for the love of god, don't be a dumbass and use these shady apps, and do NOT submit to places who won't even give you an entire penny per word. also, check your shit; it might have been scalped for someone else's profit. okay. ciao.
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gammacontracting1 · 1 year
Contracting Companies Dubai | Gamma contracting 
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Gamma Contracting is one of the leading contracting companies in Dubai, known for its unwavering commitment to excellence and quality in the construction industry. With a proven track record of delivering innovative and sustainable construction solutions, Gamma Contracting has established itself as a trusted name in the region. Gamma Contracting specializes in a wide range of construction services, including residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Their team of experienced professionals is dedicated to meeting and exceeding client expectations, ensuring each project is executed with precision and efficiency. Whether it's designing luxurious villas, constructing state-of-the-art commercial complexes, or managing large-scale industrial developments, Gamma Contracting consistently delivers outstanding results. What sets Gamma Contracting apart is their relentless pursuit of excellence, commitment to safety, and focus on sustainability. They prioritize client satisfaction by delivering projects on time and within budget, all while adhering to the highest quality and safety standards. For those seeking contracting companies in Dubai, Gamma Contracting is the ideal choice for exceptional construction services. 
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adryonline · 2 months
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harlronica · 2 years
Orion Starseeds
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It's important to note that everybody has Starseed alignments in their astrological birth chart. However, not everybody is currently incarnated to awaken to their Starseed journey and purpose. We are all Starseed's of different soul origins but not all of us feel the influence of our Star Gate's due to the fact that we did not all incarnate to undergo our spiritual awakening in this lifetime. We all have a purpose in life whether it's adding to our incarnation cycle to further our soul evolvement or undergoing a spiritual awakening meaning this is now intended to be your last incarnation you will make in the physical form. Your Starseed origin(s) are found within your astrological constellation markers/fixed stars and their degrees in your birth chart. If you are interested in learning your origins please scroll down below.
Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
*Orion Starseeds*
The Orion Starseed origin runs along the Taurus and Gemini degrees.
The same could be said for astrological planets located in the 2nd or 3rd house that run along a Taurus or Gemini degree- regardless of the sign the planet falls into. (Ex: the Taurus degrees are 2, 14, and 26. The Gemini degrees are 3, 15, 27. If you have for example Jupiter in Scorpio but Scorpio is running along an Orion degree of Taurus/Gemini and Jupiter is in the 2nd or 3rd house this is an Orion marking. The same goes for all Starseed origins.)
Orion Starseeds are driven by the capacity to work through the shadow aspects of humankind individually and collectively.
The most significant Starseed origin to the collective and are the largest seeded consciousness on planet Earth.
This origin can take you to any depth that you are willing to allow yourself to go- revealing explanations and healing like you have never experienced before.
Orion Starseeds will come to find their greatest strengths in alchemy, transmutation, transcendence of human limitations, and redemption of their spirit within their Orion origin.
There are several origins in Orion that may feel like a home planet. The two most notable are Gamma Orion or "Bellatrix" and Betelgeuse.
Gamma Orion is known as the "Star of Searching" providing the power to give fulfillment. It's said to be represented by the deer as it's nature is gentle, peaceful, perceptive, curious, tender, and inconsistent.
The Super Giant Betelgeuse is considered the "Star of Sorrow" and can be transformational, out casted, suffering, critical, sharp, forceful, and dreadful.
Predominant Orion origins found in two or more major planets may indicate past lives lived in China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem, and Saudi Arabia. This also indicates that one may have worshipped and implemented the Egyptian calendar, Astrology, and Egyptian archetypes.
Many with predominant Orion origins hold the encoding in the DNA as a Twin Flame and are pre-soul contracted to have the Twin Flame experience in this incarnation. Also, the most impactful Twin Flame story was Isis (Sirius) and Osiris (Orion.) Even with the Greek Mythology love story of Orion and Artemis.
Mintaka or Delta Orion is also within the Orion origins. Mintaka is believed to be where the true original angelic Orion's originated from.
Orion's are most known to carry the star expressions of other stars from the Orion constellation as they are comfortable having a "melting pot" identity. They feel more at home this way.
They benefit greatly by working with white dragons of purity from Orion as Orion is associated with dragon bloodlines and lineages. These Starseed's can also prepare those who work with the energy for higher levels of ascension.
Orion's are a highly evolved psychic Starseed origin as their existence and origin holds all human galactic war history within its celestial segment.
These are our "warrior spirit" Starseed's on Earth transcending duality individually and collectively.
Orion Starseed's dig deep and seek the truth as they somewhat enjoy exposing the ruthless, the scoundrels, and the villain's.
They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and they easily analyze and dismember all forms of perceptions. They hold strong in their viewpoints and need in-depth proof before accepting the view point of another.
Our conspiracy theorists, robin-hoods, freedom fighters, whistle-blowers, and divine alchemists.
Would most likely take a career in law, social justice, management positions, and psychology.
Carry inter-mixed alignments with the War God's Kaus Austrailas and Antares. Elevating Orion's expression to rise, conquer, and gain courage. They have the power to go to the innermost core, the depth of our humanism. They have the ability to destroy, they use destruction to create, and they can feel invincible and within that they birth the potential to invigorate.
Do you have any known alignments with Orion? Note below! Mine are in my Jupiter and Saturn. Aligned with Gamma Orion :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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U.S. Air Force officer and F-16 pilot is crowned Miss America in 2024
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/16/2024 - 08:27 in Military
Madison Marsh of Colorado defeated 50 other Miss America competitors representing the 50 states and the District of Columbia on Sunday, thus taking the crown. The 22-year-old, second-teent of the U.S. Air Force, is the first active military to win the competition.
Before his decisive victory, Marsh, a native of Arkansas, said that the pomp "really relates a lot to the military because you are serving, but in a different way".
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“When I wear my uniform, I serve and represent our country,” Marsh said. "When I put on the crown and the band, I'm serving, representing my community."
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The USAF quickly congratulated her, noting that "Marsh is currently pursuing her master's degree in public policy at Harvard Kennedy School through the Civil Institution Program of the Air Force Institute of Technology, which falls under Air University".
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The Air Force added the hashtag "AimHigh".
Marsh is attending Harvard Kennedy School with a Harry S. scholarship. Truman. She credits the Air Force Academy, where she graduated in physics, with the help to turn her into a leading candidate.
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“I don't think I would have entered Harvard if I hadn't gone to the Air Force Academy,” Marsh told Crimson. "I think I would never have become Miss Colorado without the Air Force Academy, because they trained me and improved my leadership."
Earlier this month, the Air Force Academy shared photos of Marsh, who obtained his pilot license at the age of 16, next to a glider, with the caption: "From the flight line to the spotlight". During the talent part of the finals of the competition on Sunday, Marsh recalled the joy and suspense of his first solo flight.
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Before studying at Harvard Kennedy School, Marsh worked as an intern at Harvard Medical School, looking for ways to use artificial intelligence to detect pancreatic cancer, and as an intern at NASA, researching gamma-ray explosions, according to Miss Colorado.
In addition to his studies, Marsh is also a black belt in taekwondo.
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After his victory, Marsh wrote in an Instagram post: "My mother - this is all for you".
Marsh founded the Whitney Marsh Foundation after his mother succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 2018. As president of the foundation, she raised more than $250,000 for cancer research.
Marsh, previously crowned Miss Colorado in 2023, indicated that she intends to apply her knowledge to cancer research and apply it to her political diploma, “trying to translate them to ensure that we are enacting policies that are equitable for all patients.”
The crown comes with a $60,000 scholarship and an opportunity to travel through the U.S. as a Miss America ambassador.
The mayor of Colorado Springs, Yemi Mobolade, noted in the X: "Madison, @CityofCOS wishes you great success. You inspired countless girls to dream big and reach the stars. Congratulations!"
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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learningsanctum · 5 months
April 27th, 2024
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Do you remember when OG "it girl" François de La Rochefoucauld went "perfect valor is to do, without a witness, all that we could do before the whole world" and it changed planet Earth's very core for generations to come? Me too.
Lately I have been trying to up my game on the company I work. Currently I have temporary contract but it does have a promise of promotion depending on my performance and, as most people would, I thrive on this promise. Which is why I'm so far away from my comfort zone - that would be law books, hiiiii law! - researching for books such as "How to Become a Successful and Valuable Executive for Companies" in the administration hub.
Although I think I look a little ridiculous reading those books - because they honestly look fake or one of those authors who just throws shitty advices on a book to earn an extra with the publication - I'm honestly giving those a chance. Maybe they can teach me something! I'm all for learning more so if it's learning something you shouldn't be doing! What if the book is just shitty in essence? Then I will have backhand experience to identify a shitty book when I first star reading it and see it's essence is similar to the last "bad" book I read.
I like to think that everything we do is constructive. "For better or for worse" is something I apply but with motivational undertones so i can channel it into something positive!
I'll soon complete three months working at this company and it's a "big girl job" per say. It's an international company that has a gamma of possibilities for growth and literally can take me to unexpected places if I manage a promotion, which, for someone like me who dreams of seeing the world would be a nice bonus not to mention a dream come true.
However, my dreams aren't merely limited to company growth but if I manage it will be something that will make me feel good and what are we on this Earth for if not to appreciate little pleasures in life?
Since I can remember I have this will to work on an office and be part of something bigger than me. This company aligning with my principles, such as it being environmental conscious and caring for it's workers - I work at HR so I have first hand experience - is the most awesome part of going to work everyday.
In my life plan - which I believe haven't changed much since I was a teen - all of it's goals are constructive, long term and take time to complement each other. When I say I intend to do five years of law only to enroll on temporary (eight years) navy service people tend to say I want very different extremes and I simply can't see it this way.
Corporative life is part of my life but I don't necessarily want it to be all my life! I believe new experiences and a change of scenario can always do good. Also that people make decisions based on the options they have at hand at the time they are picking. Sometimes what you want is not on the table thus why you have to come up with a plan to make it an option. That can take years. That's when we start outlining long and short term goals for ourselves.
I, for an example, had a dream of coming out of high school and doing medicine, with a specialization in psychiatrics later on in mind. The human mind always fascinated me! But as all of us know it isn't that easy to get into law and because of a ton of life-changing problems I had in high school I couldn't really focus on passing the exams to get into public universities. So I applied for law which was my second option and am rolling with it since then. It doesn't mean I gave up medicine. Of course it doesn't!
Carefully I analyzed my options and build a plan from there, always taking into consideration the areas which I have more affinity and seeing how and why they could complement each other. That's the conclusion of months of research and pondering: I would finish law so I could apply to the temporary navy service (TNS) as an Official rather than the lower rank, which will give me a bigger monetary return, allowing me to live with easy and simultaneously saving a good amount so when I finish the TNS I can enroll on an international medicine university and sustain myself while living there.
Of course those are the main goals connecting with each other and people often fail to see the process. What I mean is that in the five years it takes me to graduate I will be studying and training to pass on the military exam and while I'm at navy I will be studying Spanish so I can enroll on my dream med university.
Once, upon telling a colleague about my plans, she said, and I quote, "it is okay for you to want to be the Barbie: a thousand and one jobs" but she also added "you just gotta make sure to have your goals set on stone so when difficult comes you can keep yourself on your toes and focused on the goal" and that's the best advice I have gotten so far.
When people tell for you to work in silence they mean it most sincerely because most of those around you won't understand your plans and, even unknowingly, will demotivate you. Sometimes it seems crazy and most of times it really is but its not impossible and it's exclusively on you how far you will go to achieve your dreams by transforming them in plans and following through and through.
"Work in silence" isn't supposed to be bitter or trendy but is simply stating people don't have the same world view as you, so you won't make sense to them most of times and - good news - you don't need to! They aren't bad for not understanding though. They just have a different color pallet of lens to see the world and it's fine.
Don't give up on something because it doesn't makes sense. Make sense out of your nonsense if it's the true call of your heart.
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kairunatic · 6 months
Maybe Gamma came back due to contract reasons or it's just another case of Beowulf or Temujin getting a skin out of nowhere
No idea
Gamma didn't made any tweet about it
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itsgerges · 2 years
Does Light Velocity Have Effect On The Matter Creation Process?
Best Greetings
Does Light Velocity Have Effect On The Matter Creation Process?
We analyze the light velocity 300000 km/s - Let's put the facts in following…
light velocity 300000 km/s creates a limit - (No velocity is greater than 300000 km/s) (Einstein hypothesis)
Matter energy is defined by light velocity (Einstein Equation E=mc2)
Lorentz transformations be effective by light velocity
The observer effect on the observation results be related to light velocity
From Gamma ray can electron and positron be created – where – the creation system (male and female) gives a reference for similar creation method
The creature eyes can see the sun rays, it is unexplainable coincidence – why the sun rays can't be in some invisible light form? In this case the creature would see no light
More ideas
We may be at some preferred position, may be at the center of the universe
the speed of light may decide the parameters of expending universe.
The facts tell – (The Light Velocity Limit Is Related To The Matter Creation Process)
Shortly - The Matter Creation Depends On Light Velocity
This is the conclusion I reach by the facts – for that– I put the following hypothesis
The hypothesis
The Creature Brain Uses Light Velocity In The Realization Process
The hypothesis explanation  
The hypothesis tells – Any creature brain uses a light velocity – and – when this creature looks at a light beam – in this case – One Light Beam Looks At Another Light Beam
If 2 two light beams look at one another – each will see the other as (Matter = Particle)
Because - the vision depends on the different velocity-
 If the different velocity be Zero –the two moving players will see the other as matter
If the different velocity be 300000 km/s – the two players will see the other as Light
Based on that
All matters around us are (light beams) but our brains cause to see them as matters.
This vision be produced by the brain realization effect  
It's similar to a person puts black eyeglasses and sees every thing in black color
 That explains the velocity limit isn't related to the universe but to the creature ability- means- even if a higher velocity than 300000 km/s be found we CAN'T discover it –
 Let's see this hypothesis results
The velocity limit depends on the creature ability - if there's higher velocity we can't discover it  
Lorentz transformations can be explained– because – The particle dimensions be defined (originally) based on light velocity (in our brains) –
and when
This particle moves by light velocity – This particle dimensions be changed as a result
It explains why particle own length be contracted by high velocity motion (for example)
The observer effect on the observation results can be explained also- because – the wave was a wave before the observer sees it and this wave become a particle (matter) when the observer sees it – the matter be created by the creature brain effect on light motion.    
I want to say – The Solar System Is One Light Beam –
The light beam created the space by its energy – and after the space creation – the light velocity be 300000 km/s – means –
We, the Earth, All planets and all matters be in One Motion moves by 300000 km/s
our brains uses this velocity (300000 km/s)
as a result
We see the Earth And All Planets As Matters – also our bodies are matters – (All Matters Be Produced By A Motion With Velocity 300000 km/s)
What's The Sun Rays??
The Sun Is A Stationary Point On The Motion-
We move by a velocity (300000 km/s) and the sun moves by a velocity (Zero)
That explains why we see the sun as a light beam
How Can We Create A Stationary Point?
The revolution motion creates a stationary point -
Suppose The planets revolve around any point of space (x) – And the planets velocity is (300000 km/s) –
On this point sides there are 2 velocities – equal in value and opposite in direction - by that the point (x) be stationary relative to the revolution motion  
Shortly – because of the planets revolution around the sun – the sun point of space be stationary one relative to the revolution motion – the different velocity between the 2 motions be equal light velocity (300000 km/s) and by that we see the sun as a light beam
That explains my conclusion
The Sun Rays Be Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total – means
The sun is Not doing nuclear fusion to create its rays – this is a wrong idea –
The Sun Rays Be Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total
A question
The Earth velocity is 29.8 km/s and Not 300000 km/s? how can I explain that?
 The solar system with its planets move by one motion its velocity 300000 km/s –
The planets motions be integrated to create one unified motion
By this one unified motion – The Planets Create The Sun STATIONARY POINT –
The ship sails over the sea with velocity 300000 km/s and the ship tries to create a vortex point on the sea – they try to create the velocity (Zero) of the sun point – by that – the planets velocities be integrated geometrically to decrease the light velocity 300000 km/s to be equal (Zero)
The revolution effect is a correct idea but the real reduction of the velocity from (300000 km/s) to (Zero) is a complex process needs all planets motions to be unified to do it –
The velocity reduction be done geometrically –by that –
The solar system is very similar to A Mechanical Clock – and the velocity 300000 km/s is the second hand in it and the planets are the gears by their motions the hour hand be created – and by that two velocities be found in the solar system –
One velocity (300000 km/s) and the other is (Zero)
I want to say
The solar system is made of one light beam and all things in the solar system be made of this one light beam energy –
The important question is that (why has the energy different forms?) – if all things be made of one energy (one stuff) –How this diversity and nature richness can be found?
The light uses different geometrical rules in creation –means –
Metal and wood both be created of light energy but with different geometrical rules – (means the same stuff but different creation rules)  
I wish to explain my theory importance – where- the designer has left his geometry book by the matters creation of the one light beam energy –
Not only we can create any matter simply but also we can get the geometry book
The next point should be the light original velocity – because
The velocity 300000 km/s is the limit of the creature brain
The light original velocity is 1.16 million km per second
The light created the space and its velocity after the space creation be 300000 km/s because the light spent its energy in the space creation.
The velocity 1.16 million km/s is the original one- it's registered in the planets data – and we can understand the planets data only based on it – it's more important that the light velocity 300000 km/s – let's provide some data to explain it
778.6 mkm = 1.16 mkm/s  x 671 seconds
721 mkm     = 1.16 mkm/s  x 629 seconds
629 mkm     = 1.16 mkm/s  x 551 seconds
5906 mkm    = 1.16 mkm/s  x 5127 seconds where
778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance
721 mkm     = Jupiter Mercury Distance
29 mkm       = Jupiter Earth Distance
551 mkm     = Jupiter Mars Distance
5127 mkm    = Jupiter Pluto Distance
5906 mkm    = Pluto orbital Distance
The light uses a distance as a period of time to create another distance based on it- this is a necessary process – because – it created the solar system distances in one network form and by that no one distance be independent from the others- the solar system distances be similar to the chess board distances be created based on one map  
The next point should be (The Planet Motion Analysis)
Let's explain the idea shortly
The planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light is this train engine
(The Planets Are Geometrical Points Found On This One Light Beam)
The planets move depending on the light motion
Light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time-
Light moves carrying all planets with it
Based on that
The planets move this same motion, pass this same distance in this same period of time
As a result
The planets use different rates of time
Let's explain that
Earth velocity 29.8 km/s = 6.3 x Pluto velocity 4.7 km/s
By that- one hour of the Earth clock = 6.3 hours of Pluto clock
 Earth moves in its day (24 h) a distance =2.574 mkm and
Pluto moves in its day (153.3 h) a distance =2.59 mkm (error 1%)
The period (153.3 h) be equal the period (24 h) because 1 h of Earth =6.3 h of Pluto
Based on that
The two planets move (equal distances) in (equal periods of time)
Because both planets move (the same one motion the light moves)
In fact
The motion rate of time is the cornerstone of the solar system and the main force in it -This point should be explained in an independent answer because the whole solar system machine depends on it
Thanks a lot – kind regards –
Speed Of Light Has An Effect On Matter Creation Process
 Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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compneuropapers · 2 years
Interesting Papers for Week 6, 2023
Visual evoked feedforward–feedback traveling waves organize neural activity across the cortical hierarchy in mice. Aggarwal, A., Brennan, C., Luo, J., Chung, H., Contreras, D., Kelz, M. B., & Proekt, A. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4754.
Model-based characterization of the selectivity of neurons in primary visual cortex. Bartsch, F., Cumming, B. G., & Butts, D. A. (2022). Journal of Neurophysiology, 128(2), 350–363.
Rational use of cognitive resources in human planning. Callaway, F., van Opheusden, B., Gul, S., Das, P., Krueger, P. M., Griffiths, T. L., & Lieder, F. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(8), 1112–1125.
Explicit knowledge of task structure is a primary determinant of human model-based action. Castro-Rodrigues, P., Akam, T., Snorasson, I., Camacho, M., Paixão, V., Maia, A., … Oliveira-Maia, A. J. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(8), 1126–1141.
Novelty and uncertainty regulate the balance between exploration and exploitation through distinct mechanisms in the human brain. Cockburn, J., Man, V., Cunningham, W. A., & O’Doherty, J. P. (2022). Neuron, 110(16), 2691-2702.e8.
Expansion and contraction of resource allocation in sensory bottlenecks. Edmondson, L. R., Jiménez Rodríguez, A., & Saal, H. P. (2022). eLife, 11, e70777.
Long-term memory retrieval bypasses working memory. Liu, B., Li, X., Theeuwes, J., & Wang, B. (2022). NeuroImage, 261, 119513.
Rational arbitration between statistics and rules in human sequence processing. Maheu, M., Meyniel, F., & Dehaene, S. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(8), 1087–1103.
Modular strategy for development of the hierarchical visual network in mice. Murakami, T., Matsui, T., Uemura, M., & Ohki, K. (2022). Nature, 608(7923), 578–585.
Efficient coding of numbers explains decision bias and noise. Prat-Carrabin, A., & Woodford, M. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(8), 1142–1152.
Learning shifts the preferred theta phase of gamma oscillations in CA1. Rayan, A., Donoso, J. R., Mendez‐Couz, M., Dolón, L., Cheng, S., & Manahan‐Vaughan, D. (2022). Hippocampus, 32(9), 695–704.
Two distinct ways to form long-term object recognition memory during sleep and wakefulness. Sawangjit, A., Harkotte, M., Oyanedel, C. N., Niethard, N., Born, J., & Inostroza, M. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(34), e2203165119.
Strategy updating mediated by specific retrosplenial-parafascicular-basal ganglia networks. Serrano, M., Tripodi, M., & Caroni, P. (2022). Current Biology, 32(16), 3477-3492.e5.
State transitions in the statistically stable place cell population correspond to rate of perceptual change. Tanni, S., de Cothi, W., & Barry, C. (2022). Current Biology, 32(16), 3505-3514.e7.
Human inference reflects a normative balance of complexity and accuracy. Tavoni, G., Doi, T., Pizzica, C., Balasubramanian, V., & Gold, J. I. (2022). Nature Human Behaviour, 6(8), 1153–1168.
Understanding implicit sensorimotor adaptation as a process of proprioceptive re-alignment. Tsay, J. S., Kim, H., Haith, A. M., & Ivry, R. B. (2022). eLife, 11, e76639.
A neuro-metabolic account of why daylong cognitive work alters the control of economic decisions. Wiehler, A., Branzoli, F., Adanyeguh, I., Mochel, F., & Pessiglione, M. (2022). Current Biology, 32(16), 3564-3575.e5.
Neural mechanisms of credit assignment for inferred relationships in a structured world. Witkowski, P. P., Park, S. A., & Boorman, E. D. (2022). Neuron, 110(16), 2680-2690.e9.
It’s in the timing: reduced temporal precision in neural activity of schizophrenia. Wolff, A., Gomez-Pilar, J., Zhang, J., Choueiry, J., de la Salle, S., Knott, V., & Northoff, G. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(16), 3441–3456.
Neuronal congruency effects in macaque prefrontal cortex. Yao, T., & Vanduffel, W. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4702.
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etherealvoidechoes · 10 months
Having fun slowly making notes for a fic or two and eventually adding Zhao Huiwen(from XCOM Legends) to the Wandering Souls fics(probably a year or two in for that fic).
But right now my brain is partially fixated on making a fic about his hybridization and how that all came to be. Will be somewhat different from what Legends says and happens a few or more years before the absolute disaster of Subject Gamma taking over Vahlen’s facility and the other rulers breaking out.
Will also be partially Vahlen focused and will put her through the wringer a bit that’ll bring on a lot of guilt and apprehension and will have that small part of her brain go “The Commander would kill me as I have let my ambitions get the best of me again.”
A little spoilers below for the fic idea.
In short, Vahlen and co either find data(more or so traded for it) or catch wind of reports of a unique Chryssalid abnormal variant in the nearby region that ADVENT is having trouble catching or killing. Vahlen curiosity if piqued and wants to see/get her hands on it first despite the more concerned company saying it’s probably a bad idea.
But Vahlen puts together a little force to go investigate the whole affair and all the equipment they need and some pleasant resistance contracts she made over the years locate her a small abandoned facility she can temporarily operate from to study the creature as everyone has compromised on that thing is not being transported back to the main base as there is too much risk. And Big Sky is very “that thing better be hyper unconscious or dead before it’s brought onto my ship.”
They get there. They find it and see the difficulty ADVENT has with it. Very different than the normal they know. Manage to catch it, but things go wrong just as they are getting it in containment and Zhao takes a hit that would have been for her. And then they learn another concerning fact about this Chryssalid.
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