#Gaston Gil Legume
hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Can you please give me some happy/cute hcs for Sea Three?
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They're a universal constant and find each other in every universe.
The three of them will always be together in every universe, regardless of whether it's romantic or platonic.
Uma, Harry, and Gil are a package deal. If you date one of them or are friends with one of them, you have to at least tolerate the other two.
The trio has at least one meal together every week. Even after the barrier is brought down.
They share everything. Including Uma's aunt Uliana ( I think I got this idea from @isleofdarkness but if I'm wrong correct me).
After the Shrimp Incident, Harry and Gil did everything they could think of to get the shrimp bits and smell of shrimp out of her hair. This may not sound cute but I remind you, the three of them were very smol and the two of them were using the crew's collective brain to find a solution.
In a world where they aren't dating, they are each other's wingman/wing woman (aka they will do everything in their power to help the other get a decent date).
They will hype each other up (or talk each other down from doing something reckless) if needed.
Gil and Harry helped Uma decorate her room on the Lost Revenge.
Harry and Uma have nicknamed Gil 'Sunshine' and they call his little sister, Gemma, 'Mini Sunshine'.
They get each other birthday gifts (I think this one is semi-canon).
Gil has a cat named Patchy that he rescued from his dad's hellion of a dog; it lives on the Lost Revenge. Uma and Harry didn't want it at first but he grew on them and the crew.
One time, while Harry was watching the cat it got out and he had to ask the Badun Detective Agency to find it, even though his sworn enemy works for it (Aka Harry Badun who is only considered an enemy because he refuses to use a different nickname). The cat was just chilling in a tree and Gil was never the wiser.
Speaking of pets, Harry has an old ass parrot he got from Evie's sixth birthday party that he named 'Mercuito' because he was the best part of the play Romeo and Juliet.
(They're all theatre kids).
Uma also has pets. Several in fact. Because as soon as the barrier was brought down, Uliana and the boys (and the rest of the crew) managed to get Greta and Cornelius the sea phonies from the sea phony club after their owner hightailed it to who knows where. Uma was so happy she nearly cried.
There's also her/the crew's sharks: Bartholomew, Fang, Bully, Crusher, and Meathead. They are the sharks the shark swim team swim with it.
Harry and Gil helped Uma name the sharks as kids.
They make stink bombs together.
Gil, Uma, and Harry all fixed up the ship together after Harry and Uma won it.
Harry got kicked out of Dragonball so he could attend Serprent Prep with Uma. He took Gil with him but Gaston hasn't noticed Gil hasn't been in any of his gym classes since.
Uma saved Gil from drowning once (in canon) and taught him how to swim along with Harry, and the rest of the crew.
Harry taught Uma and Gil how to draw.
Sometimes, if they're in extreme danger and need to get out quick Gil will pick Uma and Harry up and book it.
Harry invented the scammers and pick pockets club, and joined the croc wrestling club to fill his time when Uma is at work or at one of her clubs (Sea phonies club and shark swim team. She is the captain of the Shark Swim Team.) and when Gil is at his (Rat Trapping and Competitive Lifting).
They shit talk bad exes and ex friends together.
In the case they're not romantically involved and one of them has kids, the other two become the god parents.
For other cute things about the sea three, look here.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
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What I'd want to see is Frollo and Gaston interacting here. Wouldn't Frollo consider this gluttony?
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princess-ibri · 3 months
Just saw that you gave Gaston two sons, how did he find a woman to marry him? Will we get see those boys in your version of Descendents?
He actually has 3 sons! And yes, I've already done a Canon Descendants story for them! Here's the link to Part 1, the link to Part 2 is on the bottom of it
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gabineteolvidado · 1 year
I think Gaston would be an awful dad, but the Gaston twins (Gil’s older brothers) would be perfect troublemaking older brothers for him ❤️
I just imagine them teaching baby Gil how to start a fire or how to vandalize things
I wasn't sure with the ages, but I did my best
Gaston Jr. ¦ Gil ¦ Gaston III
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Maybe Gaston has many children, but he only kept the boys
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nyny-213 · 2 years
Descendants ramble!!!!
I think the reason I feel so bad for Gil legume isn’t just because he’s wasted potential. It’s because he low key has no potential!!! At least with Jay and Carlos even though they have wasted potential too, they have personality. They have interests, goals, dreams, Gil rarely has none of that. Honestly if they didn’t put Gil in the third movie I highly doubt anyone would care. That’s how much potential he has. I literally don’t know anyone that cosplays him besides maybe one other person and me ofc lol. He doesn’t get cosplayed, he’s never the main character in fanfiction. If he is in the fanfiction he’s either the ditzy blonde character that he is or he’s babied by uma and harry. Which is fine but come on all the time. He has no personality other than the same three traits, ditzy, brawny, and sweet. He’s the golden retriever stereotype but that’s all he is!!! We rarely see when he’s hurt, how he acts when he’s upset, etc. Then in a lot of fanfiction he’s always the victim of some type of bullying, or he’s always a damsel in distress. I said this before but we rarely if ever see him stick up for himself, use his strength to his ability, and I feel for him because a lot of people think being sweet means being soft and that’s not ok.
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Gil: But what about the twins? Lee: Don't worry about them Lee: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs because they were wrestling and eating at the same time, stand up, and keep eating their hotdogs like nothing happened.
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stubborngods · 4 months
@denydefeat liked for a starter !
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“ you know what i won’t miss? when we get off this stupid rock? " ava asked suddenly, gaze traveling over to her brother. " people. except for a handful. they’re mostly awful, if you think about it. ” not, really, that avalon tended to interact with those outside of her siblings and her siblings' acquaintances - but, still, the less people she was forced to know, the better.
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
Descendants characters (if I've missed any let me know so I can add them)
red, daughter of the queen of hearts
chloe charming, daughter of cinderella & prince charming
morgie le fay, son of morgana le fay
maddox hatter, son of the mad hatter
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mal, daughter of maleficent & hades
jay, son of jafar
evie, daughter of the evil queen
carlos de vil, son of cruella de vil
uma, daughter of ursula
harry hook, son of captain hook
gil legume, son of gaston legume
dizzy tremaine, daughter of drizella tremaine
celia facilier, daughter of dr facilier
squeaky smee, son of mr smee
squirmy smee, son of mr smee
ben, son of belle & beast
audrey rose, daughter of aurora & prince phillip
chad charming, son of cinderella & prince charming
jane, daughter of fairy godmother
li lonnie, daughter of fa mulan & li shang
doug, son of dopey
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freddie facilier, daughter of dr facilier
cj hook, daughter of captain hook
zevon, son of yzma
jordan, daughter of genie
ally, daughter of alice
ruby fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
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harriet hook, daughter of captain hook
anthony tremaine, son of anastasia tremaine
ginny gothel, daughter of mother gothel
hermie bing, daughter of the ringmaster
diego de vil, nephew of cruella de vil
yzla, daughter of yzma
gaston legume jr, son of gaston legume
gaston legume III, son of gaston legume
claudine frollo, daughter of claude frollo
hadie, son of hades
mad maddy, granddaughter of madam mim
sammy smee, son of mr smee
rick ratcliffe, son of governor ratcliffe
clay clayton, son of clayton
lefou deux, son of lefou
harry badun, son of horace badun
jace badun, son of jasper badun
eddie balthazar, son of edgar balthazar
jade, niece of jafar
sophie, intern of yen sud
big murph ,son of black murphy
reza, son of the former royal astronomer of agrabah
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aziz, son of aladdin & jasmine
lil shang, son of fa mulan & li shang
derek, son of dopey
arabella, niece of ariel & prince eric
herkie, son of hercules & megara
ariana rose, niece of aurora & prince phillip
anxelin fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
carina potts, daughter of ms potts
yi-min, daughter of yao
artie, son of king arthur
tiger peony, daughter of tiger lily
pin, son of pinocchio
opal, daughter of mama odie
bobby hood, son of robin hood & maid marian
crabby, son of grumpy
gordon, son of grumpy
hap, son of happy
cheerful, son of happy
bashful jr, son of bashful
shy, son of bashful
sleepy jr, son of sleepy
snoozy, son of sleepy
doc II, son of doc
gesundheit, son of sneezy
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chester cheshire, descendant of the cheshire cat
dora, daughter of the dormouse
twee, daughter of tweedledee
dee, daughter of tweedledee
bill, nephew of the cook
katy, granddaughter of the caterpillar
tweedledee jr, son of tweedledee
tweedledum jr, son of tweedledum
- - -
- madam mim's granddaughters
- evil step-granddaughters
- stabbington cousins
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descendant-of-evil · 1 year
Under Her Shadow| Gil LeGume
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Pairing: Platonic!Gil x Mal's Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1,667
Trigger warning: this story contains themes of emotional neglect and family dysfunction.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a one-shot, so please don't be too harsh on me...
Summary: Basically it's a sad & lonely-reader meeting and befriending the ball-of-sunshine that is Gil LeGume...
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You stand in a secluded alley on the Isle of the Lost, watching as Mal and her friends wreak havoc on the poor inhabitants of this forsaken place. You are Mal's younger sister, but it often feels like you don't even exist to your own mother, Maleficent, who openly favors Mal over you, always praising her older daughter's every move and putting her on a pedestal. Meanwhile, you are left in the shadows, feeling invisible and unwanted.
You watch as Mal struts around with her new friends, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. They are now the most infamous gang of Vks on the İsle, known as the "Core Four", and Mal is the leader. They’ve been inseparable since going on that crazy quest (that you weren’t part of) to retrieve Maleficent’s scepter: The Dragon’s Eye.
As you see them all laughing and joking together, a bitter wave of loneliness washes over you (despite knowing that deep down, you'll never fit in with them, no matter how hard you try). You have no one to talk to, no one to confide in, and no one to call a friend.
You try to approach Mal, to see if she'll pay any attention to you, but she brushes you off with a wave of her hand. She's too busy with her new friends, and you're just an afterthought. As the day wears on, you find yourself feeling more and more isolated. You watch as Mal and her friends plan their next scheme, and you know you'll never be a part of it.
Eventually, you decide to wander off on your own. You find yourself in the docks, sitting on a barrel, feeling sorry for yourself. You can't help but wonder why your mother doesn't love you as much as she loves Mal. What did you do wrong?
As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, a shadow falls over you. You look up to see a boy standing in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest. It's Gil LeGume, son of Gaston.
"What are you doing here all alone?" he asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.
You shrug your shoulders, not really knowing how to answer.
"Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You shake your head, tears threatening to spill over. "No," you whisper.
Gil sits down beside you, and you're surprised at how comfortable you feel around him. You've always been too disgusted by Gaston and his sons to talk to them, but Gil seems different.
"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice soft.
Trusting your instincts, you take a deep breath and tell him everything. About how Maleficent favors Mal over you, about how you feel invisible and unwanted. About how you're always left out and never included.
Gil listens intently, his eyes never leaving yours. When you're finished, he puts his arm around you, and you lean into him. It's the first time in a long time that you've felt comforted.
"You know," Gil says, "Blood-Family isn't everything. You don't need the approval of your mother to be happy."
You look up at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, that you shouldn't have to strive to be like Mal, for Maleficent’s approval. You don't have to follow in her footsteps. You can be your own person, and make your own choices. You can do whatever you want and be whomever you want to be… That’s what İ did and İ’ve never been happier."
You nod, feeling a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. Maybe he's right. Maybe you don't have to be in Mal's shadow forever.
Gil stands up, pulling you to your feet with him. "Come on," he says, "Let's go to Ursula’s Fish and Chips, I heard that the fries are on discount today."
You smile, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. Maybe today isn't so bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow.
As you and Gil walk through the Isle of the Lost, you start to see things in a different light. You notice people and places that you've never seen before, and you begin to realize that there's a whole world outside of Mal's group.
You and Gil sit on a bench, eating your chips and talking about everything and nothing. You tell him about your favorite things, like reading and drawing, and he tells you about his love for pirating and sports.
It's the first time in a long time that you've had a real conversation with someone, and you realize how much you've been missing out on.
When the sun starts to set, Gil walks you back to your home. You thank him for spending time with you, and he gives you a smile that makes your heart flutter.
As you walk into your house, you're surprised to see Maleficent waiting for you. She looks angry, and you feel a pang of fear in your chest.
"Where have you been, Y/N?" she demands, her eyes narrowed.
"I was just out," you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Out where?" she snaps.
"Just around," you say, feeling a knot form in your stomach.
Maleficent glares at you for a few more seconds before storming off, leaving you standing there, feeling small and insignificant.
You walk up to your room, closing the door behind you. You sit on your bed, staring at the wall, feeling tears sting your eyes. You thought maybe things were going to change, but now you feel like you're right back where you started.
As the night wears on, you can hear Mal and her friends laughing and having fun outside your window. You try to ignore them, but their voices carry, taunting you with their happiness.
You pull your blanket up around your shoulders, feeling alone and forgotten. You try to remind yourself of what Gil said earlier, that you don't need to be like Mal or her friends, that you can make your own choices.
But it's hard to believe that when you feel so unloved and unwanted.
Eventually, you fall asleep, but your dreams are plagued with visions of Mal and Maleficent, both of them looking down on you with disdain.
When you wake up in the morning, you feel drained and exhausted. You don't want to face another day of feeling like you don't belong.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you decide to try to take his advice. You grab a notebook and start to write, letting your imagination run wild.
As the day wears on, you find yourself getting lost in your poetry, forgetting about the world outside your bedroom window.
You're surprised when you hear a knock on the balcony of your window. You look up to see Gil standing there, a shy smile on his face.
"Hey," he says, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again today?"
You smile, feeling warmth in your chest. Maybe things are starting to change after all.
Together, you and Gil explore the Isle of the Lost, discovering new places and things to do. You feel like you're finally starting to find your own place in the world, as your own person.
As the sun starts to set, you and Gil sit on a rooftop overlooking the Isle of the Lost. You talk about everything and nothing, and you realize how much you've come to value his friendship.
"You know," Gil says, "You're pretty fun to hang out with."
You laugh, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. "Thanks," you say, feeling a happiness that you haven't felt in a long time.
As the night wears on, you and Gil walk back to your house. You say goodnight, feeling a sense of contentment that you haven't felt in a long time.
But as soon as you open the door to your house, that sense of contentment disappears. Maleficent is waiting for you, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
"Where have you been, this time?" she demands.
You feel a knot form in your stomach as you try to come up with an answer. "Out with a friend," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Maleficent glares at you, her eyes narrowing. "Out with a friend? Fool! Villains don't have friends, only allies… Your sister is a leader with three minions, why can’t you be more like her?" she says, her voice dripping with disdain.
You feel tears sting your eyes as you realize that nothing has changed. Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, and nothing you do can change that.
But then you remember Gil's words, and you find a newfound strength inside of you. You stand up straighter, looking Maleficent in the eye.
"I'm my own person," you say, your voice steady. "I don't need to be like Mal to be happy."
Maleficent's expression softens for a moment, but then it hardens again. "You'll never be as good as Mal," she says, her voice cold.
You feel a sense of defeat wash over you as Maleficent walks away, leaving you standing there, alone and forgotten once again.
But then you remember the happiness you felt with Gil, and you realize that you don't need Maleficent's approval to be happy. You have your own interests and your own passions, and you don't need to live in Mal's shadow anymore.
From that moment on, you start to embrace your own identity. You spend most of your time with Gil, exploring the Isle of the Lost and discovering new things. You draw and read and write, finding joy in the things that make you unique.
And even though Maleficent still sees you as inferior to Mal, you now know that you don't need her approval to be happy. You have your own place in the world, away from Mal's shadow, and you've finally embraced the fact that you don't need to be anyone but yourself to be happy…
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leavethemtorot · 3 months
Gast LeGume
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Legal name: [Gaston Adam LeGume the Third] Gast LeGume
Aliases: Bronze
Gender: Trans Fem
Age: 19
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 6'5 (196 cm)
Scars/Birthmarks: Several scars along mouth, several scattered scars along body
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
Appearance: Often seen in Brown and yellow
Birthday: Jan 18
Known Family: Gaston Legume (Father), Gaston LeGume the Second (Brother), Gustave LeGume (Brother), Gene LeGume (Sibling), Gale LeGume (Sibling), Gil LeGume (Brother)
Notable Traits: Ruthless, Capable, Humorous, Proud
Associations: Laura Rourke, Freddie Facilier, Myf Mim, Bernadette Sykes
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Things I love about the sea three;
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All info is from Uma's Wicked Book and the descendants movies.
The fact that they put up with one another.
How in sync the three of them are.
Uma's speech thing before 'What's my name' where she mentions Gil and Harry before herself specifically.
They share what is essentially a diary disguised as an 'How to Guide'.
They all are somewhat good at drawing (based on the doodles spread around the book).
The part where Harry says "Sorry, Gil, it's true" when he talks about the lesser crocodile wrestling matches he's seen before talking about Gaston losing to ten foot croc.
The fact that they've gotten into food fights together.
How comfortable they are with one another.
They tell each other a lot of sensitive info in Uma's wicked Book.
They run the crew together.
Gil is the one who found the ball gown that Uma used to make her skirt.
Harry gave Uma a cracked crystal ball for her birthday once that she still has.
Harry once accidentally stole Gil's boots once and was implied to have given them back.
They gossip together.
Gil and Uma both agree that the fact that Harry was comfortable with sleeping on the Jolly Roger when snakes were being used to deal with a rat infestation is weird. And they were both creeped out by the snakes.
They're all dramatic together and find the cauldron born in the cauldron repair shop annoying.
Uma lets Gil have a tab despite being annoyed by how high it has gotten.
Harry and Gil both dislike going to Trolltown but still do because the slopshop is there and Uma likes eating there.
They go to the slop shop often together (at least once a week).
Harry joking about being able to read the slop shop menu to tease Uma and Gil.
Them pranking dragon hall students together.
Uma and Harry both loving the same class—Accelerated Piracy.
The boys teasing Uma about the fact that a hairy troll named Moe (who works at the Slop Shop) has a crush on her and how he even slipped her a note once.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Does anyone have any theories/headcanons as to who Gil’s stepmother is? He mentions that his father has a new wife in Uma’s Wicked Book for Villain Kids.
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bucket-barnes · 10 months
(Suggestion from @shouldwemaybe)
Isle Christmas traditions
The Isle of the lost isn’t a place many would consider “merry”…quite the opposite actually, joy is an unknown emotion to most residents of the Isle, schadenfreude sure, but not any forms of Joy or merriment. When winter rolls around, and when Auradonians start getting ready for the holidays, Isle residents find their own ways to celebrate…though that term is used loosely, more so “things done to make the winter more bearable”.
The pirates often found winter to be the ample time for “caroling”, or more accurately “getting drunk and singing sea shanties at the top of your lungs to distract yourself from the frostbite” (pirate ships aren’t exactly known for being warm places to sleep). This was a tradition that the lost revenge crew found themselves partaking in during Uma’s absence (Uma wasn’t very fond of the tradition as the pirates drunken singing often drove away customers). Harry, as de facto captain in Uma’s absence, was definitely a leader in this intoxicated choir, because if he drank enough rum and sang enough shanties…who’s to say his fingertips weren’t turning dark blue? Severe frostbite? No! You’re just drunk! (Safe to say Uma was less than pleased once Gil spilled the beans after she asked him where all the new scars on Harry’s hands came from)
The Tremaine’s were a more sophisticated lot, often decorating their apartment above the salon with whatever tossed out and broken ornaments from Auradon that came in on the barges, Anthony doing his best to make a nice dinner with whatever food was the least spoiled, and little Dizzy making gifts for her family, often taking inspiration from what she saw Evie wearing on TV and daydreaming about when she would get to Auradon and would be able to give her grandmother a broach made of real emerald or give Anthony a new coat not made from leather scraps
If you were of the more religious variety, Claud Frollo often held church services from inside the crepery (a church to some), though attendance tended to be low since most people abandoned their gods once they realized they were on the isle. The Tremaine’s were often in attendance, on occasion Captain Hook would be there if the sober guilt started getting to him, maybe a couple goblins wandered inside. Claudine didn’t mind her father’s sermons, it was nice change from him berating her and calling her a sin and disappointment. She always sat at the register listening to her father speak as she continued to serve customers that weren’t there for religion
The Legume family had their own traditions. Gaston would take his sons on a “hunting trip” on the far side of the isle, well…except Gil, he was too busy making sure no one had to cut off Harry’s hands because of the frostbite he refused to acknowledge. This hunting trip usually consisted of picking off whatever wildlife managed to survive on the isle and then taking it home for Gaston’s wife to cook into…they wouldn’t call it a feast, more so the only decent food the Legume boys are gonna see for a while. Gil’s stepmother, though married to Gaston, wasn’t terrible, she always saved a little bit of meat for Gil for when he came home, it wasn’t much but, better than nothing
Overall, the Isle of the lost is far from merry or very festive but…people adapt
Hope you liked this! It’s kinda short and admittedly not my best work (it’s kinda hard to come up with unique traditions while keeping the Isle’s normal levels of overall shittiness) I’d love to flesh out some of these ideas though so let me know if you have one in particular you’d like to see made into it’s own story! And feel free to keep giving me festive writing prompts!
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shellyseashell · 1 year
frollo burns all of quasimodo’s letters. no matter how long he’s lived away from his uncle, no matter how much he’s healed from that trauma (or at least, he’s working on it), there’s some things he can’t shake. and so he writes frollo letters.
claudine watches her father burn them. he never tells her who they’re from. she never asks. one day, she asks jehan. he tells her they’re from quasimodo. she didn’t know you could communicate between auradon and the isle, but gil told her about people he knows who have family in auradon who they write letters to.
she asks jehan why he doesn’t stop frollo from burning them and replies. “he has gone this long without me,” he says. “i do not think it would be welcome.” claudine isn’t sure she agrees, but she says nothing.
jehan suggests she try writing him. they are cousins, after all, he knows better than anyone what she’s going through. claudine figured it can’t be the worst thing she’ll ever do. she’s already begun sneaking out. besides, it gets lonely with just her uncle and gil around.
i don’t know if this will be welcome, she writes. but father burns all your letters, and that doesn’t seem fair, so i figured i’d write you. it gets lonely anyway. i have uncle jehan, and gaston’s son gil, and sometimes i find the pirates trailing me through the market, but father does his best to keep me isolated. what was it like for you, in the bell tower, all alone? i don’t live in a bell tower, but sometimes i think father is considering it. i hope not. i hate small spaces. anyway, i’m sorry for rambling, and i’m sorry if you don’t want this letter. if you don’t want to reply, that’s fine, but if you do, address it to gilbert legume. he’ll make sure i get the letter.
she gets a response a week later.
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nyny-213 · 2 years
I also found out Gil has a stepmom, do they ever say who she is if not someone please give me some ideas of who she could be. Cause who is out here marrying Gaston lol.
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I like to think that the literal day that Lee came out Gil just. Slapped some of his old clothes on the kid. Grabbed him round the waist. And carried him to the market to get BOY clothes for his newly declared baby BROTHER
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