#Gil deserves better
nyny-213 · 2 years
Descendants ramble!!!!
I think the reason I feel so bad for Gil legume isn’t just because he’s wasted potential. It’s because he low key has no potential!!! At least with Jay and Carlos even though they have wasted potential too, they have personality. They have interests, goals, dreams, Gil rarely has none of that. Honestly if they didn’t put Gil in the third movie I highly doubt anyone would care. That’s how much potential he has. I literally don’t know anyone that cosplays him besides maybe one other person and me ofc lol. He doesn’t get cosplayed, he’s never the main character in fanfiction. If he is in the fanfiction he’s either the ditzy blonde character that he is or he’s babied by uma and harry. Which is fine but come on all the time. He has no personality other than the same three traits, ditzy, brawny, and sweet. He’s the golden retriever stereotype but that’s all he is!!! We rarely see when he’s hurt, how he acts when he’s upset, etc. Then in a lot of fanfiction he’s always the victim of some type of bullying, or he’s always a damsel in distress. I said this before but we rarely if ever see him stick up for himself, use his strength to his ability, and I feel for him because a lot of people think being sweet means being soft and that’s not ok.
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ofsmokenandgold · 2 months
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Montse deserved better...
Yes, I'm a little obsessed about this, but rewatching parts of Land of Women yesterday it really struck home how Montse went from being cheerful, and sassy and fun early in the series to sad and diffident and even slightly fearful by the end. And she didn't deserve that. She did nothing wrong except not be Gala.
I do think this is an inherent problem with rom/com comedy/dramas where you have a "designated couple" from the beginning. Everyone else becomes an NPC, especially the "other woman". I think if they'd thought more about it (rather than focusing solely on Amat and Gala) the show runners should have allowed Montse own the pregnancy a little more forcefully; insist on telling him and not let him brush her off and lay out really clearly what's going to happen next. There's going to be a baby, it's his, he's going to have to help support it but she intends to go on with her life in La Muga with or without a relationship with him. It would have given her a bit more agency by the end of the series, instead of just making her look like she's been discarded.
I also don't really understand why Amat said nothing to her the entire time that it was clear that he was developing feelings for Gala. Was it because he didn't want to have "that" conversation; let's face it, none of us ever enjoy those conversations, but delaying them is just cowardice. Or was it because he wasn't sure he actually had a chance with Gala and he didn't want to blow up his FWB deal with Montse so he could go back to having no-strings sex if it didn't work out. That's not the most attractive characteristic in a man.
Although I guess I'm glad that they gave us a nicely complex character, however unwittingly. I really don't think the show runners saw any problem in the way he behaved towards Montse because she was an NPC. She existed only to provide obstacles to getting Amat and Gala together.
Anyway, as I have said before, this is why fanfiction exists.
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valariecomet · 4 months
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Why must the monster high writers insist on having Lagoona and Gil be together? It's not like anyone likes them together. Almost everyone I know in this fandom at the very least hate Gil and Lagoona being together, if not hating Gil as a whole (me being one of them, Fuck Gil!) Just let them break up already!
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thranduilswifesblog · 2 years
Though I had so many problems with this series, but I'm happy to sees my baby Elrond's smile he's my favorite character
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I read all the books, I even analyzed many facts about his life and put myself in his head, and I know how sad Elrond's life is. Like he loose everyone he had in his life. (Arwen and Elros is the worst).
But in this series I see he surrounding by everyone who cares for him (though Gil galad kinda acted like a douchebag in this series) but still fine.
He got Disa, the big sis he never had, Durin, the brother that always remind him of Elros, Celebrimbor as the nicest mentor he ever wanted, and Galadriel as the mothet figure he never asked but he got it. Like THANKS YOU AMAZON FOR CARED ABOUT MY BABY ELROND!
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
A long list of Gil Alexander/Alex the Great Headcanons
Alexander can’t cook for shit but can make sourdough bread and scones pretty well
Alexander enjoys watching to early horror movies and has all the Universal Monster Movie on reels, he lends them to people
Alexander’s type is people with children because he desperately wants to be a father-figure
Alexander is dyslexic and when he has something to type up, he always makes sure someone reads what he’s so far written for typos and grammar errors
Alexander is extremely oblivious and gets teased for it
Alexander is a black Welsh man to me, there isn’t enough black main/side characters in BioShock
Alexander absolutely loves reading romance novels and always talk about them to Suchong and Tenenbaum, even giving them to Suchong when he asks if he can borrow them for a few days (though Alexander doesn’t know why)
Alexander’s favorite flavor of tea is lemon and he enjoys it with earl grey scones with blackberry jam. He always orders it whenever he’s at a bistro with friends for tea
Alexander is a hopeless romantic and ends up daydreaming about a nice man or lady asking him to dance like they were in a fantasy novel
Alexander actually doesn’t like the ocean, he just doesn’t like how empty it is and how cold it is (making his line about going to live outside if Delta spared him even more ridiculous and a tad funny)
Alexander enjoyed looking through people happy memories when he still had his sanity
Alexander is a trans man but keeps it *very* under wraps so most people don’t know he’s actually trans
Alexander has ocular albinism so he’s sensitive to too much light in his eyes
Alexander constantly gets stepped on by Fontaine because he’s not very confrontational and very timid, though bit of his inner “Alex the Great” comes through when he’s had enough of Fontaine’s shit
Alexander doesn’t have a lot of friends but the friends he does have are Langford, Tenenbaum, Steinman, McClendon, Holloway, and Eleanor
Eleanor and Alexander used to have tea parties with Eleanor’s toys, he’d let Eleanor dress him up in crowns and bad makeup
Alexander is bisexual
Alexander has a large collection of those super cheesy romance novels that he reads because 1) he’s a hopeless romantic at heart and 2) is that he wanted that sweet, sappy and sexy romance with Suchong but it’s hard during a political war and constant work
Alexander can sing, he can’t sing very well but he sings to Eleanor when she was having nightmares or whenever there was karaoke at a Fontaine Futuristics office party
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ghost-bard · 2 years
Back to thinking about goobleck again 🧍‍♂️ he deserved way better than what he got (from both the riptide pirates AND the fandom)
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sorrowfulrosebud · 5 months
Gen 1 gil was so fucking racist wtaf
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teafiend · 6 months
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Let me make a detour from my usual KDrama rare pairs to fangirl scream about this pairing. This show has tropes galore to make a shipper like me go squeeing to high heavens. Love this for me and the show, truly❣️
While not wholly a rare pair as this pairing from the drama itself has a number of high quality FMVs to fangirl over - and the overwhelmingly more popular ship with viewers - and there exists a tiny amount of fics in Korean, on Ao3, the fics (in English) for this pairing is basically nonexistent. A sad state of affairs, certainly, but the main female character is generally beloved, and the number of FMVs enough to tide me over for a time, so all in all, this is a very wonderful ship for me to have fun with.
Compared to some of my other rare pairs, this ship is unironically a major, major comfort! There is extremely little frustration to be had although fan content is not in abundance either. A lovely, sexy and peaceful ship 🥰🥹
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anotherfanaccount · 1 year
Gil Chae is selfish and manipulative to a fault but the girl really doesn't have any reference to her wrongdoings. As per her she's just doing all this for her one true love. That said her self-preservation skills are going to be so helpful and she's going to grow up so fast.
Jang Hyun on the other hand, again pretty selfish and even manipulative, does help albeit has a mystery around him that doesn't yet show his true intentions. Currently though, he has taken a liking to the maiden that he thinks doesn't like him, and is doing everything with the intention of saving her.
The romance has not started technically but it is already on a tragical path. And the cinematography and bgm is so good. Can't believe I'm this excited over a show that will very well wreck my heart.
Yeon Jun won't die this soon....right? But also the young scholars going to fight and actually realising the situation they're in was so perfectly executed. They all are going to understand the world they're in albeit for some it'll be the end itself. It really is such a terrific way to die tbh.
Eun Ae truly deserves love though. Please save her from the coming atrocities.
Another scene that just had me fall for Jang Hyun, man just taught Gil Chae to stand up for herself and handed a weapon to her. It doesn't get any more "I like you but since you don't yet I'll do whatever it takes to save you, even from yourself".
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garussy · 2 years
I’m rewriting monster high but Lagoona dumped Gil and she is dating Venus.
They are girlfriends fighting for the environment and especially the ocean.
Gil is forever alone being the pathetic mama’s boy he always has been and always will be.
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sheepwhosleeps · 2 years
Uma and Audrey
It wasn't until someone said "Do you realize how much of a power team they would be???" until I realized yes, Uma and Audrey would be such a power team. LIKE BEST FRIENDS KINDA!!! (except no one could replace Harry Hook or Gil because they wouldn't let her)!!!!
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thefandomstorage · 2 years
A part of me wants to write a fic with Gil-Galad somehow meeting up with an injured and still heavily traumatized Maeglin who now has white hair after the fall of Gondolin and just “Well I obviously can’t just leave you alone and injured in the wild, so I’ll take you with me.”
Gil-Galad then proceeds to lie his ass off to everyone about the strange elf he brought back and is obviously hiding. What elf? Oh that one! He’s just a friend. What’s his name? Uhm...What a coincidence, it seems to have slipped my mind! Gottagobye!
Gil-Galad keeps telling himself that he’ll exile Maeglin or hand him over to the Gondolin survivors, but he keeps putting it off, even when Maeglin is majority healed. Next thing they know, the armies of Valinor have arrived and the War of Wrath ramps up. With nothing left to do, Gil gives Maeglin a disguised name, armor and a sword, and together, they fight. They are quite surprised to discover that they work very well together. That’s probably when they start becoming friends. 
And then Elrond comes in. And Gil is trying so hard to keep his two friends separated. Which is hard when you’re friends with a very curious and nosey peredhel who is very suspicious about the mysterious white haired elf who is always with the king.
It’s even funnier if Elrond is hiding Maglor 
Elrond: Is that Maeglin?! Gil-Galad with an obvious Maeglin behind him: No no no, you’re seeing things. 
*Maglor passes by behind Elrond*
Gil-Galad: Is that Maglor Feanorian?!
Elrond: No, you’re seeing things.
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tariah23 · 1 year
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Finally… LV 100 Merlin… I haven’t started grailing servants to 120 yet and it’s annoying and hard so I won’t start now or at all probably (would rather focus on servants who I want to get to 100 for now) but um, my support is looking good… Vitch… I don’t have gunpowder to level up her skills though :(.
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lesbiantvfish · 8 months
I remembered to put the context in the srmt post and now archived that in my srmt art tag. tldr: I can’t tolerate “anti antis” let alone ones that are ablest and post like they aren’t
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leletha-jann · 5 months
Headcanon unrelated to current comic events (everyone has Dreen theories right now)
In the future, it becomes known that Agatha Heterodyne's Spark was, for the first part of her life, suppressed by a wearable Mechanism. We know that fact is in university textbooks, after all... And because Sparks Are Just Like That, people try to replicate it.
This is, to say the least, not a good idea. No one else is Barry Heterodyne. Most of the Sparks who try cause serious damage to the potentially Sparky children they try their devices on. You'd think people would get a clue, but...Sparks. Sparks think "oh, but that inferior hack who barely deserves to be my rival did it wrong, obviously, I can do better!"
It is one of the things that, in the post-canon, Triumvirate-ruled Wulfenbach Empire, gets you shot on sight.
(Outside the Empire, it gets you wrapped up in the local equivalent of a high-security bow and sold to the Empire to be shot on sight. Both Gil and Tarvek have been known to undersell valuable trade/security treaties because they really want to shoot that guy. It's a known if minor weakness in their diplomatic prowess, which their neighbors are happy to exploit when possible.)
(And it's still considered the merciful option, because if they don't shoot the guy, Agatha is going to get her hands on him.)
The Triumvirate takes such things personally. They have kids by this point. There was never any doubt that the kids would break through, but boy, were the three of them really paranoid about locket-type mechanisms for a while.
Triumvirate kids get warned about accepting jewelry from people with the fervency of razor-blades-in-Halloween-candy scares. Each of them has a secret pattern of imperfections on all their sigil pins and other wearable things, that only they know, so that no accessory they ever own is replaced or altered without their knowledge.
No more Spark-suppressing, brain-strangling mechanisms. Ever.
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psychostxr · 29 days
𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐧 | kiss me better
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PAIRING. deuce gorgon x gn/fem! reader
WARNINGS. mentions of bruises
NOTES. i'm alive! sorry for being absent, i got a job at a library and it's been taking up all my time so i haven't really written anything since febuary. but please enjoy this peace offering despite it being short
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"Oh my ghoul," you whisper, taking in the sight of your poor boyfriend as he sits on the bench outside the school nurse's office.
You knew Deuce would take some hits during the Skultimate Roller Maze game, but nothing could prepare you for what you saw. Deep purple bruises stain his cheek and nose. A sling and cast cradle his left arm, and his signature shades are cracked, threatening to shatter and turn everyone around him to stone.
"Deuce!" you call, rushing toward him.
He looks up to see you and quickly tries to stand up from the bench. You wrap your arms around him as gently as you can, careful not to press against any of his injuries. Deuce winces slightly but pulls you closer with his right arm. You pull back just enough to cup his unbruised cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin.
"What happened?" you ask, "The camera in the maze suddenly stopped working, and then we couldn't see anything."
Deuce sighs, his breath shaky. You can see the pain etched in his eyes, even behind the broken glasses.
"It was Gary from Granite City High," he begins, his voice low. "He sneaked up behind me and stole my glasses. I turned the camera bat Rocco was holding into stone. Rocco threw the stoned bat at Gil and knocked him over. Then Gary shoved me. I slammed into Gil, and you know the rest."
Deuce gestures weakly to his battered body. You feel a surge of anger rise within, but you try to push it down. It's not fair that Granite City High got away with winning this season's Skultimate Roller Maze despite cheating and injuring your school's entire team. But there was no evidence to prove they cheated. They made sure of it when they destroyed the camera.
"What about Gil?" you question, distracting yourself from your anger. "How's he doing?"
Deuce motions to the nurse's office. "He's getting checked now. Lagoona's with him."
"I'm so sorry, Deuce." You lean your head against him, rubbing your hand up and down his chest. "What they did wasn't fair. You didn't deserve any of that."
Deuce kisses the top of your head. "It's not your fault, babe. You don't need to be sorry."
"I know…" you sigh, pulling away to look up at him. "I just wish I could do something to make it better."
"Well," Deuce says, his lips curling into a smirk. "There is something that might help. Think you can kiss me better?"
You grin. "That I can do."
Deuce gently tugs you closer by the waist, and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. Standing on your tiptoes, you gently kiss his forehead, lingering just long enough to let him feel the affection behind it.
Then, you move to his non-bruised cheek, leaving a soft kiss there. You kiss every part of his face that isn't bruised, and when Deuce thinks you're finally going to kiss him properly, your lips teasingly brush over his to continue kissing his face.
Deuce chuckles softly. "Stop teasing."
You pause, locking eyes with Deuce through his shades. Then, you lean in and kiss him passionately, letting all your love and care flow into that moment. Deuce's grip on your waist tightens slightly, pulling you closer as he kisses you back. When you finally break the kiss, your foreheads rest together.
Deuce lets out a content sigh. "You always know how to make things better."
"I'll always be here for you, Deuce. No matter what."
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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