#i don’t care that it’s november i want to be christmas festive
bucket-barnes · 10 months
(Suggestion from @shouldwemaybe)
Isle Christmas traditions
The Isle of the lost isn’t a place many would consider “merry”…quite the opposite actually, joy is an unknown emotion to most residents of the Isle, schadenfreude sure, but not any forms of Joy or merriment. When winter rolls around, and when Auradonians start getting ready for the holidays, Isle residents find their own ways to celebrate…though that term is used loosely, more so “things done to make the winter more bearable”.
The pirates often found winter to be the ample time for “caroling”, or more accurately “getting drunk and singing sea shanties at the top of your lungs to distract yourself from the frostbite” (pirate ships aren’t exactly known for being warm places to sleep). This was a tradition that the lost revenge crew found themselves partaking in during Uma’s absence (Uma wasn’t very fond of the tradition as the pirates drunken singing often drove away customers). Harry, as de facto captain in Uma’s absence, was definitely a leader in this intoxicated choir, because if he drank enough rum and sang enough shanties…who’s to say his fingertips weren’t turning dark blue? Severe frostbite? No! You’re just drunk! (Safe to say Uma was less than pleased once Gil spilled the beans after she asked him where all the new scars on Harry’s hands came from)
The Tremaine’s were a more sophisticated lot, often decorating their apartment above the salon with whatever tossed out and broken ornaments from Auradon that came in on the barges, Anthony doing his best to make a nice dinner with whatever food was the least spoiled, and little Dizzy making gifts for her family, often taking inspiration from what she saw Evie wearing on TV and daydreaming about when she would get to Auradon and would be able to give her grandmother a broach made of real emerald or give Anthony a new coat not made from leather scraps
If you were of the more religious variety, Claud Frollo often held church services from inside the crepery (a church to some), though attendance tended to be low since most people abandoned their gods once they realized they were on the isle. The Tremaine’s were often in attendance, on occasion Captain Hook would be there if the sober guilt started getting to him, maybe a couple goblins wandered inside. Claudine didn’t mind her father’s sermons, it was nice change from him berating her and calling her a sin and disappointment. She always sat at the register listening to her father speak as she continued to serve customers that weren’t there for religion
The Legume family had their own traditions. Gaston would take his sons on a “hunting trip” on the far side of the isle, well…except Gil, he was too busy making sure no one had to cut off Harry’s hands because of the frostbite he refused to acknowledge. This hunting trip usually consisted of picking off whatever wildlife managed to survive on the isle and then taking it home for Gaston’s wife to cook into…they wouldn’t call it a feast, more so the only decent food the Legume boys are gonna see for a while. Gil’s stepmother, though married to Gaston, wasn’t terrible, she always saved a little bit of meat for Gil for when he came home, it wasn’t much but, better than nothing
Overall, the Isle of the lost is far from merry or very festive but…people adapt
Hope you liked this! It’s kinda short and admittedly not my best work (it’s kinda hard to come up with unique traditions while keeping the Isle’s normal levels of overall shittiness) I’d love to flesh out some of these ideas though so let me know if you have one in particular you’d like to see made into it’s own story! And feel free to keep giving me festive writing prompts!
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ohtobeleah · 9 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Eight: [Oh, Honeybee]
Summary: Jake can’t accept why you’d keep such a life-threatening situation a secret and you can’t accept why he suddenly seems to care.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil.
Word Count: 4K
Author Note: Smaller chapter, but still the same level of pain. Let me know what y’all think about the confrontation of it all.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“The fuck?” Bradley Bradshaw hated the festive season. He wasn't a Christmas guy. He didn't have an awful lot of family to celebrate with over the consumerist holiday that was shoved down your throat before mid November. He just wasn't the kinda guy who wanted to get involved in the festivities. 
“Who's calling you at ten at night?” Natasha Trace would probably end up regretting her decision to sleep with her co-worker and friend, but the drunken antics she and Rooster had gotten up to earlier in the afternoon ended up with a trip back to his house. 
“Its Hangman–” Bradley answered the naked woman beside him as he sat up in the bed he truly never should have brought her back to. He knew Phoenix would end up regretting her decision to sleep with him. A pity fuck they’d both end up calling it. “Hello?” 
“Are you busy?” Jake asked as he continued to watch you sleep. It had been a few hours since he got to the hospital and about two since he told your mother to go home for some much deserved rest. 
Bradley looked over his shoulder to see Phoenix rolling over, her chest laid flat against the mattress that smelled so much of Bradley. He sighed, peeled the covers up from over his legs and swung them over the side. 
“Nah, what’s up? Everything good?” The pair hadn’t always been on good terms, but ever since Jake had ultimately risked his own life to save Roosters, the two had been able to put their differences aside and let bygones be bygones. 
“I don’t think I’m coming back after Christmas.” Jake started as he let his head lean against the far too uncomfortable hospital chair he’d been sitting in for the better half of four hours. “Somethings’ happened and I dunno what I’m gonna do man.” It was the tone Jake was using that made Bradley frown as he slipped into his sweats. 
“Something happen to one of the kids, man?” Rooster has never heard Jake sound so defeated before. But as he padded down the hall Rooster had to stop in his tracks as Jake explained your current situation. He read the notes right from your chart, from the type of cancer to the stroke you had, how he tried to tuck your hair behind your ear and it fell from your scalp. How he’d tried to win you back, how you’d slept together, how you told him you still loved him yet thought divorce was the best way to go about things. Jake emptied his heart on Bradley sleeve and Bradley didn’t know how to process the pain and anguish Jake was obviously feeling. 
“Are you at the hospital right now? With Y/n?” 
“Yeah—yeah I just sent Maz, Y/n’s mum home to rest and shit.” Jake ran his hand across his face as he watched the IV bag containing your sedative get smaller and smaller. He wasn’t sure how you were going to react when you woke up and saw he was here. “I’ll probably go between here and her house, the kids are at mum's place and I can’t imagine what they’re thinking knowing that we’re both not there.” 
“I could uh—“ Bradley Bradshaw wasn’t a Christmas guy, but he was a family first person. “I could fly out? Maybe get the kids from your mum's house and get them back to Rhode Island? I’m not doing anything this Christmas so I’ve got time.” 
“Bradshaw,” Jake nearly sobbed. “I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.”
“It’s nothing, really, you’re one guy man, stay with your wife, or ex wife? I don’t really wanna get into your business but just text me the details when you can and I’ll organise your kids.” 
“I’ll text you my sister's number.” Jake replied. “She’ll help you out.” There was no real reason to argue, Jake knew that once Rooster had his mind set on something he was gonna do it. 
“No worries, I’m uh—I don’t even know what to say man, I’m so sorry, no one deserves to go through this.” It hit Rooster too close to home, his mother died when he was seventeen from Breast Cancer very similar to yours. It took her quicker than doctors had ever anticipated. 
He just hopes you wouldn’t meet the same untimely fate. 
“Anything man, anything you need, I'm there.” 
Time seemed more like an artificial construct as Jake watched Lydia disconnect the line that had been slowly feeding your body with a moderate range sedative. The young nurse looked guilty as she tried to avoid eye contact with the man she had accidentally told private patient information to. 
“She’ll slowly start to wake up over the next hour now that she isn’t slowly taking on the sedative.” Lydia explained. “She might be quite irritable and loopy but I’ll have her surgeon come by for assessment once she’s up.”
“When I was about your age I accidentally hit one of my commanding officers' car while pulling out of the car park at the Naval Base I was stationed at.” Jake mentioned as he let himself curl up in the world's most uncomfortable chair. “Point is we all
make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up about it, but I’d definitely be a little more cautious when reading patients emergency contacts.” 
“You’re wife’s a pretty strong woman Mr. Seresin.” Lydia smiled. “I hope that despite whatever reason she was keeping all this from you, that she’s happy you’re by her side when she wakes up.” Jake chuckled as he slightly readjusted himself and pulled his hood over his head. There were a plethora of ways you could react to his presence running through his mind, he hoped though, that the young nurse who’d accidentally filled him in on your current fight was right. 
“I hope so too kid, I hope so too.”
The slow steady rhythm of the many monitors currently tracking your vitals were the first sounds you heard as you slowly but surely woke from what you could only describe as one of the deepest states of complete and utter rest you’d ever experienced. 
Next it was the multi coloured Christmas lights that were hanging around your room. The reds, greens, yellows and blues that reminded you of nineties joy were the first things you noticed in the dimly lit hospital room you knew you were in. 
The third thing you noticed wasn’t a sound or an object, but it was the all too familiar sleeping man curled up in the most awkward position imaginable next to your bedside. Jake, your Jake. Sleeping with his mouth open wide and his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Woah—“ You groggily cooed as you felt the presence of another man checking your vitals beside you. “Whatever the hell kinda drugs you’ve got me on right now Doc has me seeing my ex husband.” You smiled ear to ear as you kept looking at Jake, sleeping, a little bit of drool even tainted his chin as his arms remained crossed and his hood covered his head. “This shits strong as.”
Doctor Ignatii continued reading and recording your vitals the more you came to, he knew, judging by the time you’d finished your dose of intravenous sedative and how cognitive you were, you’d come to realise in about two, maybe three minutes indefinitely that it wasn’t the drugs making you see the mirage of a man at your bedside, but in fact the real deal. 
“Mrs Seresin, can you follow the light for me?” Doctor Ignatii asked with a smile as he clicked on the small but effective flashlight at the end of his pen. He was gentle with the way he handled your head ever so cautiously, holding your eyelids open one by one as you followed the light accordingly. “Can you count to five?” 
“One, two, three, four, five—“ You mumbled out. Jake heard your voice as he stirred next to you and shot up with a gasp that startled you. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he sat upright and wiped the dry drool from his chin. 
“Welcome back to the land of the living Mr Seresin, I've seen a lot of ways people have tried to sleep in those horrid chairs but I’ve never seen that particular position before.” Doctor Ignatii chuckled to himself as he clicked his pen light off and placed it back in his top pocket. “Alright Y/n, wiggle your toes and touch your nose for me.” All you did was stare at your husband. Why was he here? Who told him? “Mrs Seresin, wiggle your toes for me please.” Doctor Ignatii was a little firmer in his request, he wasn't sure if you were just distracted or if you simply couldn't comply with his request because you couldn't feel your toes.  
But when you finally did wiggle your toes, when you finally brought your index finger up to your nose and when you finally spoke, Doctor Ignatii knew that in the next hour or so when he got you up and walking, that you were going to be just fine.  
“What are you doing here?” Your voice was rather horse from the sedative but you were able to ask Jake that all too powerful question that sliced his skin clean open like one of the sharpest knives never could. Doctor Ignatii knew that he had to give you some space when he was finished assessing your ability to wiggle your toes he cleared his throat. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
“I'll give you two a moment alone, but Lydia will be in shortly.” He explained before making his way out of your hospital room. The silence was deafening as Jake cleared his throat and looked anywhere but in your eyes to begin with. 
“Jake–” You immediately asked again as you tried to sit up a little straighter. “What are you doing here?” Jake ignored your initial question and instead pressed his tongue into the middle of his cheek. His blood was boiling, he was so full of rage that you hadn’t told him you were sick that he couldn't think straight now that he knew you were awake and talking. You were supposed to be the mother of his children if at the very least. He felt like you had an obligation to disclose medical diagnoses that could alter the course of your children's lives. Right? 
“You have cancer and you didn't tell me?” Jake frowned as he spoke through a tired growl. “You have cancer and you didn’t think to mention it at all, not even a downplayed version of the truth? You just–” Jakes reaction wasn't something that surprised you, but his anger did. That anger was something you hadn’t seen in a long time, anger born from love and compassion. An anger so pure it rivalled empathy itself just in a different font. “You just negated the entire thing? Jesus Christ Y/n! You have–” 
“Stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma.” You interrupted Jake as tears welled in your eyes. “I know, I found out back in November, I hadn’t been feeling all that well since around March.” You kicked yourself everyday for not getting yourself to a doctor sooner, but with your separation, work, the kids, you just decided to self diagnose yourself as an overworked mum who had little to no time for herself. Finding the time to see a doctor was nearly impossible, it was only when you found that lump in the shower you panicked. “Jake I–” 
“You–” Jake clenched his jaw as tight as he could, you swore he could have chipped his bottom teeth he was clenching that hard trying to control his frustration. “You don’t get to fucking do this to me do you understand?” 
“Excuse me?” You questioned as Jake stood up from the chair he’d been cramped in for the better half of the last twelve hours. “I didn’t choose to do this willingly Jake are you fucking kidding me?” It may have come out more aggressive than Jake had intended it to, but his heart hurt so much he swore he was having a heart attack the more he looked at you in the hospital bed connected to machines and wires that told him what your heart was doing and what your blood pressure was. “I didn't choose to get fucking cancer!” 
“No, no you didn’t Y/n but you chose not to tell me about it.” Jake sighed. “Am I really that bad of a person that you can't tell the father of your fuckings kids that you might be dying? Stage three!? I'd understand if you had a scare and didn’t mention it or a bad rash but stage three?” Jake spat as he walked around your hospital room like he was looking for a way out of this whole mess. “That’s closer to a death sentence than it is to a malignant mass!” 
All you could do was listen, you couldn't run this time. You had to face the man who broke your heart more ways than one as he raised his voice and walked around your hospital room with his hands on his hips. 
“You, you had a stroke too.” Jake's voice softened as did his eyes, the realisation had hit as the immediate love filled anger that clouded his judgement faded. The misguided anger that he might truly be losing the love of his life had begun to wash away as the sadness crept in. 
“Yeah–” You didn't hold it against Jake, you'd had more time to process this than he did. “Apparently the chemotherapy was just causing havoc to my nervous system and caused a clot that travelled from my leg to my brain.” You said it with a shrug, like it was no big deal. Jake's eyes widened at the idea of something that was meant to help you had done so much damage. “I was given a pamphlet, strokes were a side effect, but I just didn’t think it would happen to me you know.” 
“Honeybee–” Jake cooed as he came back over to your bedside. “I–” There was a distinct tentative pause in the way his hand automatically went to slip into yous, but even though Jake second guessed his own judgement there for a split second, he still placed his hand in yours and reveled in the way you squeezed him back. “I can't understand why you wouldn't tell me about this.” Jake had tried to understand, truly he did. He thought about it alot on the plane–all the ways in which he’d ever let you down. He understood he was a shitty husband, or had been, but this was life or death. 
Jake almost wished he never asked why and had instead just silently accepted the fact you decided not to loop him in on what was probably your biggest health complication since Samuel was born. He almost wished he hadn’t asked because the way you looked right into his eyes as your bottom lip quivered and your eyes watered with such a heartbreaking cry of anguish that ripped through your chest, Jake wished he hadnt fucking asked. 
“I didn't tell you because I just didn't think you’d care.” You cried violently as Jake helped you sit up. “I didnt–I just didnt think youd, you'd care about me.” Your cries were muffled into Jake's shoulder as he held you, he wanted to climb right into the hospital bed with you, but he couldn't. So Jake compromised and leaned over just enough to wrap you in his arms and rub small circles into your back as you buried your face in his chest and shoulder. “I didn't think you’d fucking care–because you haven’t cared about me in years!”
“I have never stopped caring about you.” Jake cried too, he couldn't hold it in any longer. “I have never and I will never stop caring about you Honey.” It was a hard statement to believe especially with what the past four years had been. “I promised you in sickness and in health, I'm here, I've got you.” Jake cooed as he tried to soothe you, your cries of pure anguish for your own situation made him want to die. What more could he possibly do to ease this burden from you, what could he possibly do to take the pain away. “I'm here, I'm right here.” 
“You don’t have to pretend.” You tried to calm yourself down as much as you could. “Please Jake you don’t have to pretend to care about me anymore, I’m not yours.” 
“No you’re not—“ Jake nodded in agreement as he pulled away to wipe your tears, you looked like hell but he wasn’t about to tell you that. To Jake you were still the most beautiful woman in the entire world, the only woman he ever needed, wanted. “But I’m still yours alright, you have me and I’m not pretending.” Jake wiped the pads of his thumbs across your cheeks, he tried not to tug at the oxygen tube feeding into your nose. “I’ve got you yeah? You don’t have to do this alone.” 
“I never wanted to do any of it alone.” You sobbed again, it was all too much. Jake knew what you meant by all, you never expected your marriage to fall apart. Neither did he. “I can’t do any of this, I’m so fucking scared.” If someone had asked Jake three years ago if his marriage would fall apart around him, he would have stood up and punched whoever had said such blasphemy in the mouth. But here he was. 
“You’re okay.” Jake tried his best to console you, he did know what else he could do in the moment beside to hold you. The kiss he left atop your forehead was so pure and full of love you swore it sent an electric shock through your body, the same kind of electricity you felt when you slept with Jake the night before you said goodbye to your kids. “I'm not leaving your side alright, “I’m here, I've got you, I can't lose you this way– I wont.” 
Jake knew this love was a burden that you both shared. The both of you were just two sinners who can't atone from a lone prayer. Two souls tied, intertwined by pride and guilt. 
Jake was true to his word, he didn't leave your side for the rest of the day. He stayed right by your side hand in hand, just sitting there, talking, not talking, sleeping. All that mattered was that he was there. 
“What do you mean Bradley Bradshaw offered to get the kids from your mum's house?” You thought for a split second that perhaps you hadnt woken up. Or maybe you'd actually woken up in some parallel universe where your husband never forgot how to love you and he didn't have a disdain for the man who gave him his Call Sign out of rage. “Bradley Bradshaw? As in Rooster?” 
Jake couldn't help but to smile, there was so much he had to fill you in on, the two of you hadnt really sat down and spoken uninterrupted without the kids since January. Sure there were family functions and times where you and Jake had to coexist and coparents. But he never really saw a reason to tell you all about his time in North Island. You were with him when he was called to Togun the first time, there wasn't any need to really rub your nose in the fact he was called back again. After all, a part of the reason you left was because Jake prioritised his work life over his home life, more specifically, you. 
“Would you believe me if I told you I saved his life?” Jake couldn't erase the grin that grew ear to ear from his face as he watched your eyes light up with shock and excitement. He missed this, the gentle moments. 
“You did not–” In all the time you had known Jake while he was a loyalist to the United States Navy, he had never once put a toe out of line. Never pushed back, never rocked the boat. He had a goal and that goal was to reach the top. You couldn't do that while drawing unwanted attention to yourself. 
“I did,” He chuckled through that very grin that you swore was permanently pinned to his cheeks. “Even went against orders to do it.” The look of pure shock on your face told Jake all he needed to know, you didn't believe what he was telling you. 
“Who are you and what have you done with Jake Seresin?” You chuckled softly as Jake ran his thumb across your hand. “You? Going against the brace? Unheard of.” A lot of what made Jake, well, Jake–was that he loved his job. 
“Trust me Honey I never thought I'd see the damn day either.” Jake sighed, he still couldn't believe how much his time in North Island had changed him. How it broadened his perspective on all the things that made him simply him. “But he was stuck in a pretty tight spot, so was Mav, our Captain.” 
“Well–” You smiled as you readjusted yourself in your bed. Unbeknownst to both you and Jake, Lydia was watching just out of frame from her spot at the nurses station. She couldn't help but to notice the loving, all encompassing look the two of you shared. Perhaps her small mistake that usually would have been a carrier ending HIPAA violation wasn't so bad after all. “Look at The Hangman go huh, who says he's always leaving people out to dry.” 
“Oh I could still name a few–” It was organic the way you and Jake fell into a rhythm with one another when the pair of you allowed each other to do so. “But yeah, he's gonna fly in, get the kids for us because I really don't want them there for too long without at least one of us there and bring them back to your mums for us.” 
“Is she alright with that?” As always Jake knew you would think about everyone but yourself when the only person you should have been thinking about right now was you. “What if she–” Jake cut you off with a simple shake of his head.  
“I already organised it.” Jake explained softly, his thumb never stopped stroking your hand as he held it. “Your mums gonna take the kids while we figure all this out, I don't want them with mine.” It wasn't that Jake didn't love his Ma, he did. But the idea of her having the kids for an extended amount of time gave him stomach issues he couldn't handle. “I saved his life, I trust him to escort our three terrors back here.” 
“Have you met our kids? You asked with an all knowing look that Jake caught right away. Maybe Rooster wasn't the best person to call on, he had zero experience with kids, let alone Jake's twins and two year old. 
Jake knew that you knew there was a darkness in the distance, but in the moment while everything felt normal, you both laughed together knowing exactly how the flight with your kids would go for Bradley Bradshaw. 
“You’re totally right–” Jake cooed. “He might need to bring his flight helmet as a safety precaution.”
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional @jessicab1991 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus @emma8895eb
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a-simple-imagine · 9 months
That Warm Christmas Feeling
Synopsis: Your spending the holidays with Jordan but you wake up feeling hot…
Pairing: Jordan Li x fem!reader
Words: 1k+
A/N - Happy holidays my lovelies. I woke up feeling absolutely awful which sucks but here’s a little gift. It's short and messy but enjoy.
WARNINGS - swearing
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a blanket of white snow paved the way for joyful celebration and family festivities. the festive season had been deep in your bones since late November. the cheesy Christmas movies. the bright flashing lights. and jolly old men in beards. you never cared much for the festive season by any means, it almost seemed like too much but you were making a conscious effort to try and enjoy it. you want the first holiday season together to feel even just a little special. you had been dragging them along to all kinds of festive events. you had been ice skating and drank hot chocolate. Christmas shopping around the markets. it was all just fun and games. the main event was to take place at their home. your first time meeting their parents. it seemed like such a big step for a rather new relationship but you weren’t against the idea. it would be fun.
a loud groan forces its way past your lips as you roll onto your back. a dull ache settles deep in your bones. a thick fog invades your head as your brain throbs. a blocked, tickly nose. great. you’re sick. on Christmas day of all days. you pull the covers up over your head to escape the sun peaking through the windows. couldn’t have picked a worse day. “good morning,” whispered in your ear. there’s an edge of excitement to their voice. their hand comes up to remove the duvet and reveal your less-than-pleased expression. You move away from them, burying your fave deeper into the pillow. “You good? I thought you'd be more excited. My parents have a full day planned, you're gonna love it.”
A pit of guilt or nausea grows in your stomach. You really wanna get up and enjoy the day but you also just wanna go back to sleep. “Please don't be mad,” you mumble against the fabric of the pillow.
“Why would I be mad?”
“I feel like shit,” you admit. “I think I'm sick.”
“Oh,” there's a pause that almost allows you to drift off again. “That's shit.”
“I’m sorry,”
“no no don’t be,” they reassure you. “You should stay in bed if you're not feeling up to it.”
“is that okay?” you ask quietly.
“Sure, they’ll understand. go back to sleep and I’ll check on you in a little bit, okay?” your only answer is a slow nod that pushes the fabric of the pillow roughly across your cheek. The door clicks shut and you drift off into sweet, sweet unconsciousness.
The time is a mystery when your eyes flicker open next. The world doesn't feel real as your head hammers with an uncertain pain. You sniffle as you fall onto your back. That's when you spot Jordan approaching with a steaming hot beverage in their hand. “How you feeling?” you just groan extra loudly emphasising just how awful you felt about the entire situation. “so good then yeah,” the bed dips beside you and he reaches over with a free hand to check your head. you don’t feel particularly hot so it probably wasn’t a fever. “Mom made you some tea, said it’d fix you right up but don’t feel like you have to.”
pushing up into a seated position, Jordan hands over a mug decorated with little Christmas trees and snowflakes. a heavy sigh leaves your lips. it really did feel like more effort than it was worth just sitting up straight. you take a cautious sip and warmth spills through your veins. “I feel like I ruined today,” you mumble into your cup. staring down at the swirling liquid. “I should have mentioned earlier.”
“you didn’t ruin anything,” Jordan expresses, a calming hand placed on your leg over the covers. “it’s not your fault you got sick.”
“I haven’t really felt great the last couple days but I thought it’d just go away.” you shrug, taking a much larger sip. “I really wanted to do Christmasy things with you. your parents probably think I’m awful.”
“They don’t think that,” they chuckle softly. “just focus on getting better and we can do Christmasy things tomorrow. they won’t mind.”
“thank you for the tea,” you reply handing back the drink.
“and besides,” he takes the drink back. “you’re giving me an excuse to get away from them. I need a break every now and then.“are you hungry?” you shake your head slowly. falling back down against the bed.
they just chuckle. “I’m gonna sit here a moment longer before I brace my parents again. just ignore me.”
the room is shrouded in darkness when Jordan enters once more. a crack of light filtering through the door. you don’t bother acknowledging them; just pull the thick duvet closer to your chest. a heavy sigh fills the air but it doesn’t come from you. the bed dips beside you. “are you awake?” they ask but you don’t bother answering. a silence a silence falls over the room as they shuffle about doing god only knows what. “I’m sorry you got sick,” Jordan speaks aloud. “I wish you could have spent the day with us. my parents can be a lot but they do go all out for Christmas… and I was looking forward to giving you your present,” their voice is quiet and you’re not sure if you should admit to being awake now. “my parents would have loved it. they’re already obsessed with you and they’re so happy I finally brought someone home. and I was gonna tell you I love you” After a moment you know they’re climbing into bed with you. an arm around your waist. you roll over to face them. “maybe tomorrow.”
“you’re gonna get sick,” mumbled out.
“I don’t mind,”
“Are you sure?”
“mhmm,” hummed softly and you don’t bother arguing. you just snuggle closer to his chest. they feel safe and comforting. a welcomed addition to your cosy domain. “I’m glad you’re here,”
“I’m glad you’re here,” you repeat against their chest. “and for what it’s worth. I… love you too.”
“you heard all that,” you don’t respond just shuffle further into his embrace. falling asleep to the sound of their heartbeat as a gentle kiss is pressed against your head.
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spicywhenspeaking · 10 months
If I'm There: Chapter Fifteen
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie meet in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings: underage drinking, unprotected sex (ope), mentions of depression and alcoholic parents.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic @laurpartyprogram
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When I read New Moon for the first time I thought Bella was being dramatic, sitting in front of her bedroom window just staring as time passed and seasons changed. How could your boyfriend breaking up with you leave someone such a shell?
I understand now.
Time isn’t just passing by me, it’s passing through me. School and work blur together, I’m still doing relatively well in my classes but I’m not giving it much effort and my teachers have noticed. Maggie tried to pull me out of my funk and invited me out to hang out, but I constantly came up with excuses to get out of it.
Mom comes home in November and I don’t register her arrival. Maybe if she had been a normal mom I could have been the kind of teenager that could keep up with her cool rockstar boyfriend. I wouldn’t have had to be nerdy Natalie, too focused on school to step away and have fun.
Thanksgiving is as eventful as you could imagine. Mom and Dad are trying to make us seem like a big happy family again like nothing happened. Of course a week later we find Mom’s stash of vodka in her sock drawer and she sobs while dad packs her bag to haul her back off to rehab.
I don’t react. I don’t care.
Nick texts me every once in a while but I usually ignore him. I know that’s mean but I don’t want to hear about the tour or Noah. Who doesn’t reach out at all. Jerk. I take all the pictures I had of us printed out together and shove them in an old shoebox. I throw in the shirts he gave me too, along with the cd and that stupid wolf drawing I kept and bury it in the back of my closet.
“Natty, come on. Let's just get out of the house, we can go to a movie?” Kyle has been trying to make me feel better, he feels responsible for what happened with Noah. I don’t think so, he didn’t force Noah to break up with me. No. Noah did that all on his own. We end up going to see some stupid action movie, I don’t pay attention to it.
Suddenly it’s December and finals are done. The semester is over, only a few more months and highschool is done.
It’s Christmas and Kyle got me a new set of ink markers and a sketchbook. “You haven’t been drawing much, thought a new sketchbook would inspire you.” Kyle says.
I try to smile, turning through the crisp clean pages. “Thank you Ky. I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything…” my voice disappears. “I just lost track of time.”
He nods in understanding, “no worries sis, you can draw me something” he nudges me and laughs.
“Yeah, of course.” I curl up onto the couch with the empty page in front of me. I end up drawing a skeleton hand sticking up its middle finger. I rip it out of the book and hand it to him. He laughs “thanks Natty, very festive” he jokes and a small laugh escapes me.
A week later it’s New Year’s Eve and Kyle is trying to get me to go to a party with him.
“Come on Natty, you’ll have fun!” He tries to convince me but it’s not working. “Really, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to head to bed early. You should go have fun Ky.”
He reluctantly leaves me and I’m digging in my fridge smelling leftovers when I hear the doorbell.
Walking over I open the door and Maggie barges past me dressed in a beautiful silver body-con dress, her curly hair is bouncy and her make up is sparkly and bright. Perfect for New Year’s Eve. “Um..hello to you too Mags, what are you doing here?” She gives me a once over and huffs an annoyed breath. “Well after you go take the shower you desperately need. We’re getting you dressed up and going to the party Hunter is hosting a few streets away.” Hunter is the guy that works at the coffee shop that’s a year older than us. We work together some weeknights and he’s nice enough.
“Uhhh I don’t know Maggie, I’m not really in the party mood.” I tell her as I pick aimlessly at my oversized hoodie.
“I don’t care. You’ve been sad about that idiot long enough. It’s time to start living again and show everyone what a mistake it was letting you go. The first of the year is the perfect time to start!” She encourages me and ushers me up the stairs towards my room.
Thirty minutes later I’m shaved, moisturized and sitting in front of my vanity while Maggie applies my makeup. She brought a dress for me to wear, it’s a deep cut golden glittering dress that hits me in the middle of my thighs. She brought a matching pair of gold heels and I put on my small gold hoops. She’s finishing up with a light mist of setting spray and moving on to my hair. Maggie thinks I will look good with loose curls with one side pinned back. I decide to let her take full control and when she’s done I look like a different person. Well, not exactly. I look like me, just not like I’m used to. My boobs are pushed up because of the bra Maggie brought for me so they look incredible and my skin is glowing because of the luminous powder Maggie dusted me with. I feel good. For the first time since Noah dumped me, I actually feel good.
I turn to hug Maggie, “thank you.” Her arms wrap around me returning my hug. “You’re welcome Nat, now let’s go party!” Giggling, we run down the stairs together.
Hunter's house is about a ten minute walk from my house. It’s a cold night but when I reached for a jacket on my way out of the door, Maggie told me not too. That “the party would heat me up,” whatever that meant. As we round the block and head down the street towards the party my skin prickles with goose bumps and I rub my hands up and down them to warm up. Maggie sees the house and points it out. It's a big white two story colonial with warm white Christmas lights lighting it up.
The front door is open but thankfully Maggie was right and it's warm inside the crowded house. “Okay, now lets go grab a drink!” Maggie calls out over the music. A DJ that I noticed in the corner of the cleared out living room is playing “We Found Love” by Calvin Harris and I have to laugh at the irony. I follow Maggie to the kitchen where there is more alcohol surrounding the kitchen island than I’ve ever seen. She mixes two cups and hands one of them to me. I hesitate to grab it at first but eventually I take it “what the hell,” I say and take a big gulp. The alcohol burns my throat going down but leaves a warming sensation in my stomach. “Woo! Lets party Natty!!”
Maggie cheers as she raises her cup in toast and takes a sip. The crowd, the loud music and the hungry eyes that have been checking me out since we got here have me slightly nervous. I want to have fun, I want to get out of my funk and have a good time. I take the drink and chug it all down. “Another one please,” I hold out the cup to Maggie and she looks at me surprised. “Alright Natty, careful now. I don’t want you to get sick.” she warns gently. “Trust me, I'll be fine, I come from a long line of alcoholics.” I mean it to come out as a joke but Maggie just looks slightly concerned. “It's just a joke Mags, I’ll be fine.” She nods and mixes me another drink and hands it over.
I take it and we wander out towards the dance floor. It’s only 10:30 so we have plenty of time until midnight. I think the DJ is doing a countdown of songs of the year because now he’s playing “I Love It” by Icona Pop. Maggie and I are dancing and I can feel myself loosening up, swaying my hips and jumping to the beat. I feel more alive than I have in weeks. I am so thankful to have a friend like Maggie.
The next hour is a mix of dancing and drinking, I am playing a round of flip cup in the backyard. My team wins and two other senior boys that I think are on the football team I was playing with lift me up onto their shoulders in celebration. I’m laughing and definitely drunk at this point and when I look up towards the back porch and feel like my eyes deceive me and I have to do a double take.
It’s Nick and Noah. He’s here. Why is he here? He’s looking at me with wide eyes and then looking down at the very large football players that are currently holding me up and his eyes squint into a glare. I tap the boys shoulders and they place me gently back on the floor. “Thanks for the lift boys.” I joke and we share a laugh.
My eyes shift back towards the porch and Nick and Noah are gone…was I just seeing things? I am pretty drunk so It’s likely.
I walk over to Maggie and she’s looking down at her phone texting, when she looks up and see’s me she quickly puts her phone behind her back.
I eye her suspiciously. “What are you up too?” I ask.
She smiles wide and tries to tilt her head to act innocent. “Well…maybe Nick texted that him and Noah were in town…and maybe I told him where the party was.”
My eyes bugg out and I lightly push her shoulder. “Maggie! Why would you do that!! Since when are you two texting?!” She grabs my drink and hands it to me and with the added surprise I throw it back instantly. “He texts me occasionally to see how everything is going? How you’re doing, since you don’t respond to his texts….” I roll my eyes. “I’m not going to talk to them. I don't care that he’s here. I’m having fun and I’m going to dance some more.” I turn and head back towards the house. “Are you coming?” I ask back towards Maggie and she follows after.
Grabbing Maggies hand I get back onto the dancefloor with new found enthusiasm. My hips are swaying and my hands are above my head, my hair is swinging side to side. Maggie is dancing in front of me and I suddenly feel hands on my waist. Looking back I see it’s Hunter. “Nice party Hunter.” I tell him. He smiles, “Nice dress Natalie, you looks hot.” I blush at his compliment. “Thanks.” I don’t know what comes over me but I know my dancing with Hunter is becoming riskier. My back is pressed completely against his front and his strong hands are gripping my waist.
Suddenly I’m being ripped off the dance floor and away from Hunter and Maggie. “What the fuck!” I squeal, turning to see how grabbed me. I see none other than Noah.
“Put me down Noah! Right now!” I yell at him over the music. I wiggle and kick to get out of his grip but he’s too strong and I’m too drunk to figure out how to escape with any of my karate skills. What’s the point of having a black belt if I can’t remember how to break out of a hold after a few drinks. More than a few drinks I guess as the world spins and I’m set back down on my feet in the cold night air.
“Natalie, what the Hell are you doing?!” Noah says in an explosive tone.
It takes me a moment to react. To fight past the feelings of relief in seeing him. To dig deep into myself for the anger. “Excuse me?” I say and my voice is dripping with venom. “Who the FUCK do you think you are?! Wisking in to pull me away while I’m finally having fun!” I yell not caring who hears and his eyes dark around. I fight the compulsion to get closer to him, the need to reach out and touch him to see if he’s real.
He just ignores my yelling and asks again “what’s going on Natty, you’re drunk dancing on some guy? That's not like you.”
I laugh out loud “ha! What happened?! Seriously? Well..let me see.” I say in a mocking tone and tap my finger against my chin. “My boyfriend dumped me and then left without a word, then, my Mom immediately relapsed when she got home from rehab and I fell into a pit of depression that my best friend dug me out of. She brought me out to party tonight and that’s exactly what I was doing. I’m at a party. I’m partying.” My voice despite slurring slightly is resolved. He eyes me up and down, his hand reaching out, hesitating and then dropping back to his side. “You’re barely clothed. You never dress like this” he snides, “and you're drunk. I thought you didn’t drink?” He asks.
“Yeah well, I thought you said you’d love me forever but I guess things change. And you’re drunk too! How are you judging me for that right now and as for the outfit? Everyone else thinks I look hot. I know Hunter did. Should we go ask?” I know I’m pushing him but I don’t care. I move to get past him and he holds out his arm, stopping me. “No need. I know exactly what he was thinking. I saw his face, how he was looking at you like a piece of meat.” Noah’s voice sounds tormented, like watching me dance with Hunter was painful. “Well Noah! He can look at me however he wants! And I can dance with whoever I want and I can kiss whoever I want! And if I want to, I can FUCK whoever I want! You dumped me, remember? You don’t get to come back and act like my big protector anymore.” Forgetting my previous restraint I end up growling out all of this about an inch from Noah’s face. He backs me back up against the wall and keeps the distance the same. We’re nose to nose and I hear a rumble in his chest. “You deserve better than him, better than me.” My eyes roll, “oh fuck off with that. I am perfectly capable of making that kind of decision myself”
We can hear the countdown begin inside the house.
“I’m just trying to help you Nat, that guys bad news”
“Hilarious, that’s exactly what people told me about you.”
“Maybe you should have listened.” His eyes fall to my lips and I can feel deep down that I’m done for.
“Is that what you wished had happened. That you had stayed away from me?”
I shake my head and without thinking, maybe due to the drinks or because Noah is finally back in front of me and I still desperately miss him despite the heartbreak. I pull him even closer and kiss him.
At first he’s stiff, hands and body stilled until my fingers toy with the hair at the nape of his neck and he comes alive. Grabbing me back and kissing me fiercely, like a man starved and I’m the only water he’s seen in weeks, months, years.
Fireworks explode in the background and we burst apart when the rest of the party runs outside to watch the sky glitter with a chorus of colors.
Staring at each other, mouths red and swollen from our harsh kiss, he looks me up and down again and says “fuck it, do you want to get out of here?”
I nod silently and Noah takes my hand and leads me away from the party and down the street heading towards my house. Praying to the universe that Kyle isn’t home and pushing away the thoughts that are asking “is this a good idea?” “What’s going on here?” I don’t care. We kissed and everything fell away.
I am so weak.
Apparently so is he, his whole “you deserve better” thing flew out the window the second our lips touched again.
The cold air sobers us up a bit by the time we’re sitting on the floor against my bed awkwardly.
“Um, I found a stash of my moms vodka my dad didn’t catch if you want another drink?” I ask and fidget with the bottom of my dress. His eyes track my fingers on my thighs and he mumbles out a quiet “sure.”
I run out of the room back downstairs to grab two cups, filling them with ice and cranberry juice. Next, I go into the pantry and look behind the five pound sack of flour and still sitting there, a tad dusty, is half a handle of whipped cream vodka. I pour some in each drink and take the cups along with the bottle back upstairs.
Noah has moved to now sit on my bed, his head against my headboard. “I missed your room, it smells like you” he says softly as I hand him the drink.
“Yeah, well hopefully by that you don’t mean you miss my BO. I’d have to call you out for that one” I try to joke and diffuse the awkwardness. He chuckles and takes a sip of the drink. “This is good. Um, butno I don’t mean you’re BO. It just smells good. Like you”
I smile and take a sip of my own drink. “Thanks then, I guess”
We drink in comfortable silence finishing our drinks and refill the cups with another shot of the vodka. There’s not as much cranberry hiding the flavor but the sweetness of the whipped cream in the vodka is pretty easy to get down. The closeness, the renewed alcohol in our systems brings me back into my warm drunken state.
“How have you been Natty?” His eyes are downcast, not risking seeing the pain that flashes in my eyes at his question.
“I’ve been better, but Maggie has been helping me. Nick texts me sometimes, I should be better about responding. How have you been?” I ask, but I keep my eyes fixed on him.
He lifts his head and meets my gaze, “pretty shit without you to be honest, I shouldn’t have ended it like that.” His words are soft and lure me in.
“But you still would have done it?” I ask and take another sip, easing the nerves creeping up.
“I should say yes. I think you deserve so much more Nat. You deserve everything, attention and support and no drama.” His fingers trail from resting beside him to tracing the hem of my dress and I chug down the rest of the cup and set it aside. “What is life without drama?” I ask and fight against the urge to lean forward towards his warmth.
“A life free of sadness and anger?” his voice is melancholy and I feel my heart cracking again.
“Those come with life regardless. They are unavoidable for everyone.” Like an invisible force field shatters, I place my hand delicately on his shoulder, “you brought much more into my life than sadness and anger” I whisper to him, afraid of putting so much of myself out into the open but, the effects of drinking seem to have broken down my boundaries.
“You brought everything into my life” Noah replies and moves swiftly capturing my lips in a firm kiss and I instantly melt into him. Scrambling I slot my things on either side of him and tangle my hands into his hair. His hands grip my waist and move to squeeze my ass and bring me even closer. “Noah, Noah, I need you” I whimper in between kisses and he slides his hands under my dress and squeezes my flesh.
“Fuck, Natalie. I missed you so much” he says into my neck as he kisses up and down. He reaches around and unzips the back of my dress and lets it fall down my arms and around my waist.
He unhooks my bra and I rip his shirt over his head. Instantly he’s on me again, lips kissing and sucking at my skin causing me to squirm and grind down onto him feeling the hard length of him.
He flips us over and pulls the rest of my dress down and staring down at me with burning desire. My head is spinning but I refocus on the feeling of Noah pulling down my panties and trailing a path of open wet kisses towards my soaking wet core. At the first touch I buck off of the bed and a sinful whine escapes my lips.”I missed the way you taste” he moans out. And even with his mind clouded with alcohol he is a master with his tongue and I squirm in pleasure. When he adds a finger my body writhes in pleasure as I fall apart in a cry of ecstasy.
“More Noah, please. I need more” I beg and he stumbles to unbutton his pants, not even all the way off his legs before he’s sinking into my warmth. “Oh Natalie, you feel perfect. You’re everything, so good. Fuck” he moans as he begins to move his hips back and forth causing sparks of white to appear behind my eyes and the glorious feeling of being filled completely.
We’re a tad uncoordinated and unbalanced due to the alcohol but we eventually set a pace that’s causing us both to catch our breaths and moan in tandem. Noah’s hand reaches down to press against my clit and I set off into a second orgasm. My inner walls clenching around him and causing him to lose himself and spills deep into me.
“Fuck.” He gasps out and rests his head against my stomach as we both take a moment to catch our breath.
“Yeah, you can say that again” I respond half asleep.
Noah rolls off and onto the stop next to me, crashing onto the pillow and we pass out wrapped tightly together.
Hours later with the morning sun leaking into my room I groan, wiping the sleep from my eyes and while moving to sit up feeling the arms around me I am reminded of the actions of last night.
I reach over to my phone that is almost dead on my nightstand and I see I have missed texts.
Maggie: ims o drink!!! I’ll call u tmorw LUCV YOU 1:36am
Kyle: staying to make sure my boys get home safe, I’ll be back home tomorrow afternoon. Happy new year nat! 12:45am
“Shit” Noah grumbles as he slowly rises and sees the state of the two of us. “Um..how are you feeling?” He asks cautiously. I shrug “I feel tired, nauseous but also hungry? And my head is killing me” I say to him, “you?” He has his face in his hands before looking up at me. “I’m okay. I'm just- I’m sorry about last night. That was stupid” his voice is pinched and he’s throwing his legs over the side of the bed pulling his pants quickly back on and running a stressed hand through his hair. “What? What are you talking about Noah?” I demand, pulling the blanket higher to cover myself. He pulls his shirt on next and let’s put a harsh sigh. “Sleeping together, that was a mistake.”
That stings. “A mistake?” I whisper, “so you don’t even want to try and make this work?” I ask with agony clear in my voice. “You’re just going to leave? Again?”
“I shouldn’t have come over here last night, it’s not fair to you Nat. I can’t be what you deserve right now and I can’t ask you to wait around for me. I'll just complicate your life” He finally looks at me and there’s nothing I can do about the tears falling from my eyes.
“If that’s how you feel I’m not going to beg you to love me. Just go Noah. Leaving is apparently something you’ve mastered” I don’t care about the spiteful nature of my words. I just roll back over facing away from him as he finishes gathering his things and heads out of my room and out of my life again. I go back to sleep for a few more hours. I don’t cry until I’m showering off the makeup and sweat from the night before.
Kyle gets home and doesn’t ask when he sees my red rimmed eyes just gives me a side hug and tell me it will get easier.
Maggie texts me again later in the afternoon.
Natalie: Come over? We can have a girls night and I’ll tell you about it. Just understand that I don’t want to ever hear the name Noah Sebastian again. 2:37pm
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muawh muawh ! kisses kisses ! I know it hurts but just trust the process....
next chapter
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thewonderingbard · 10 months
so I get it’s only november but i’m feeling christmas-ey already so who cares
what’s some festive headcanons you have for the skeletons?
happy (early) holidays Morgana
- Anon
This is done on my phoneeee so it might be a bit messy :(.
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
He regularly dresses up as Santa for children.When not doing that he love the Christmas movies that are on the TV.His favourite Christmas movie is The Polar Express.While Gyftmas had Gyftmas trees, when he first saw a Christmas mad tree his eye-lights sparkled in wonder.
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
He really likes decorating the house and Christmas tree.However his favourite bit about Christmas is the tinsel,he likes the way it feels against his bones.So don’t be surprised to find a house covered in tinsel. Surprisingly Paps doesn’t like the drinks at Christmas.He doesn’t like mulled wine , he hates Egg nog and is in fact allergic to vanilla so he can’t really have any ‘Christmas’ drinks.
Underswap Sans - Blue
He puts his Christmas decorations up the day after Halloween.Blue buys snacks and drink that no one can touch because ‘There for Christmas!’.He loves Christmas so much the food ,the songs ,the vibe,everything! He however doesn’t like preparing Christmas dinner.(That’s probably for the best.)
Underswap Papyrus- Honey
He loves the stories that surround Christmas .He makes a tradition out of reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ the night before Christmas. He is the opposite of Paps he loves all Christmas drinks and hates tinsel.He also lights 12 different Christmas scented candles around the house.
Underfell Sans - Red
He pretends that he hate Christmas but loves it. He likes the warm feeling of sitting in front of a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands all while watching a Christmas movie.He does find most Christmas songs annoying as they are played CONSTANTLY.
Underfell Papyrus- Edge
Edge really likes the Christmas markets.He loves buying and wrapping gifts.Everyone gets different wrapping paper.He also enjoys cooking the Christmas dinner.It means he can go all out cooking and he gets to make possibly new food.Edge claims a Christmas dinner is not complete without potatoes so he makes potatoes is 10 different ways.He also writes thank you letters to everyone he has gonna a gift off.
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
He is not a fan of the bright flashing lights or all the different things he can smell , they both give him a head ache.All he wants to do a Christmas is to chill out.Watch a movie or two and spend time with his brother(and you if you are his S/O).He makes those handmade wooden reindeer for people.Seaweeds favourite thing to receive of of people is clothed especially the clothes that are soft and comfortable to wear.
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
Unfortunately in the winter he has to use his mobility aids way more, due to the cold weather it’s also likely for him to be bed ridden for a day or two.When that’s not happening Papaya makes food for food banks.He can’t bare the thought of some family’s going without food on Christmas of all days.He also donates some money to charity.Anything to help those less fortune. He doesn’t like the way wrapping paper feels and,considering he is a possible future Paps, is also allergic to vanilla.
Sorry this took so long to come out!
I kept getting distracted!
Thank you for requesting!
And Happy Holidays!
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
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If you've been following me for over a year, you might know that every december I bring you FANFICMAS, where I post festive fics throughout the month leading up to Christmas! This year is no different, I'm hoping to bring you guys some joy with these fics and maybe some other writers will join me in on this festive ride! I will include some writing prompts for creators who miht want to take part in it, feel free to use any of them!
I will be updating this post as I finish the fics, so stay tuned for more info!
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November 27th - HIS FOREVER
boyfriend!Harry X Reader 810 words
December 4th - HOT AND COLD
college!Harry X Reader 2.1k words
December 11th - DEAR HARRY
Harry X Reader 3.8k words
December 18th - SECRET RECIPE
from the Nan&Harry Universe 2.4k words
December 24th - LIKE A FAMILY
older!Harry x single-mom!Reader 2k words
exboyfriend!Harry X Reader 5.6k words
December 26th - LEFT ON READ
childhood bestfriends to lovers fic 3.4k words
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"Cheers to that!"
"This can't be happening, not before Christmas!"
"Do I hear jingle bells?"
"I'm putting you on my naughty list."
"Is this... is this for me?"
"Best. Christmas. Ever."
"I ruined Christmas, right?"
"I heard something. And I don't think it was Santa."
"Please don't make me wear that!"
"I don't know what I hate more. This or Christmas."
"I think you put too much rum in your hot chocolate."
"Tradition? We have literally never done that."
"Let's just go to sleep and hope Santa will take care of it by the morning."
"Hey! That's mine! We don't steal presents around here!"
"Well, we can try again next year."
Feel free to use any of these, tag me in the posts and use the hashtag #fanficmas2022 ! I would love to see your take on the prompts! But you don’t have to use them, if you have an original idea and you just want to join fanficmas, it is totally up to you. I just want us all to have fun with some holiday spirit! I’ll be reblogging all fics I get tagged in/under my hashtag!
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I'm putting you on my naughty list --- @harrysfolklore
Christmas at mum's --- @finerllines
The darkest hell --- @babyiamperfectforyou
Baby please come home --- @pancakes4two
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❄️ I hope to bring some joy to you all and read some amazing stories! Have an amazing last month of the year!❄️
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aquabuggy · 2 years
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I’d say please don’t re-post these images but honestly why would you. This thing sucks. 🧡
Walmart Santa Ball Game Or Whatever
Alright look. Look okay, I’ve seen a lot of water games. A lot! I own a lot too. I’ve seen the very best these games can possibly be as a result of toy designers transforming the basic concept of a water game and going ham with it. There’s some wonderful stuff out there and I hope I’ve been able to enlighten some of you to it! But my point is, one could easily assume I’ve been spoiled by these fantastic toys, and have lost appreciation for the lesser quality ones.
But it’s just not true! I love cheap water games! I love bootlegs and knockoffs and questionable design choices and poorly thought through ideas that result in a hilarious yet admittedly charming end product. They’re the bulk of my collection for good reason. They’re silly, and I like silly.
This toy though? This particular one? Is not charming, nor is it silly enough to allow me to forgive it. Let me explain.
This piece of shit sucks! Oh my god! It looks so simple right? How could this simple festive ball catching game go wrong? Well! I’m glad you asked!
Whoever designed and produced this toy, did not care! At all. At any point in the process.
Let’s go over it. First things first, this is very clearly a reskinned baseball themed game the toy company already had on hand. The backdrop is a simplistic Santa clip art they probably bought off Getty during an end of November sale for 60 cents in a value pack. Lazy start sure, but not unforgivable yet. Hey, you could even say it earns some silly points, having the placement of the mitt look like it’s bursting out of Santa, clearly not attached to his hand, and the suggestion that his cap has grown a sudden taste for violence, having sprouted hands and a bat to swing. These choices were most certainly not intentional however, so I am hesitant to reward them. That bat by the way, serves 0 function. It’s also a molded piece that is a separate part from the tank that’s glued in after the backdrop is placed. They could have left it out entirely, and they chose not to.
So the actual game right? The objective is to catch those colorful balls in the mitt right? That’s what you, understandably, would assume. But no! You can’t! It is physically impossible! At most, you can catch ONE ball in the mitt. One. I have played this game endlessly, and there is no amount of patience that will allow you to fit or stack any more than a single ball. That’s it. That’s the whole game. It takes seconds to complete, a single button press. THAT’S IT. I began to theorize at some point that maybe the goal was to pick a specific colored ball and attempt to catch it, until I realized I was definitely putting more thought into it than they ever did.
I received this toy unopened. This thing, tricked parents that likely looked fondly upon their childhood playing with water games, and took advantage of their want to pass that nostalgia on, and thus took up valuable space in some poor kids stocking. And even the kid must’ve known this thing was junk, never played with it, and it likely sat in their basement for years before someone found it again, judging by the residual mildew smell the packaging had. I bought this off of eBay for a total less than $10 after shipping and tax, and I STILL feel ripped off.
I can say with certainty that this is the very worst water game I own. I hate this thing. And I can’t even destroy it because I need to keep it as a testament to just how lazy toy companies can get with their holiday cash grabs. MERRY CHRISTMAS
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princess-josephina · 2 years
Fruity Four Advent Calendar 8-12: Rituals
For today's prompt on the Fruity Four Advent Calendar challenge
all i want (for christmas) is you
Steddie | M | AO3 link
Eddie makes an advent calendar for Steve, and each December day brings with it a pleasant surprise. Steve didn't know he could be any more in love and more perpetually horny for his boyfriend, but Eddie managed to work miracles with both.
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So here's how it starts. It's a late November night, and Steve and Eddie have been cuddling on the couch in Steve's living room, and Eddie's just been telling him how Wayne and him had a tradition of making advent calendars for each other when he was a kid. 
"I mean, we couldn't afford actual gifts, so it was just notes, with little, silly things", Eddie recalls. "Ideas, promises, plans, just words. He'd write down 'fried chicken' because I loved it and then make it for dinner. Or the name of the movie he'd rented, and we'd watch it together. I'd put down the name of a song he loved and play it for him on the guitar. Or just draw a smiley face because it was a Monday, and he would be smiling the entire morning even though he hated Mondays."
"That sounds amazing," Steve sighs, trying to keep his voice from sounding bitter. He envies Eddie's relationship with his uncle; of course, Eddie's own parents were even less in the picture than Steve's are now, but at least Eddie had Wayne, who loved him with all his heart. Steve wishes he has someone like that in his childhood; someone who'd give him so much care and attention, not just shove the most fancy toy of the year under the Christmas tree and act like Steve should be grateful. He wasn't feeling lonely these days, not really, not with Eddie and Nancy and Robin and Dustin always in his orbit, each loving him in their own way; and Joyce and Hopper practically adopted him, made sure he knew that he was always welcome in their home, for anything, be it a piece of advice or a home cooked meal. And yet.
"My parents weren't exactly so... festive," Steve settles for a neutral word. He raises his head from where it lays on Eddie's chest so he can meet his eyes. "I mean, we'd decorate the house and have a Christmas dinner, and of course I got gifts for Christmas, but it felt more like... checking stuff off a list, I guess."
"No advent calendar?" Eddie frowns at him. Steve shrugs, aiming for nonchalant; but of course, Eddie can see right through him. "That's just unacceptable," he declares, sighing and brushing a strand of hair out of Steve's face. "I'm gonna make it right, Stevie. I'm making you one this year."
"Come on Eddie, that stuff's for kids," Steve laughs, even though his heart melts at the offer. "You don't have to." It's not like he needs anything anyway, really. He's finally as content and at peace with his life as he's ever been.  
"I know I don't have to." Eddie scoots down, rearranging them so they're face to face, and kisses him softly. "I want to. God knows how, I've landed myself the sweetest, hottest boyfriend a guy could wish for, and I plan on absolutely spoiling him by Christmas. Fight me on this."
Steve doesn't, of course. Just tucks his grin into the hollow of Eddie's throat and holds him a little tighter. 
The rest on AO3
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exo-xexo · 2 years
King and Queen
Hello @sakurasangcl​ , surprise! I am your secret Santa! I hope you like this lil fic! Merry Christmas! @exols-silver-christmas​
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Baekhyun frowned as he woke up cold. He is under his nice big blanket, in his nice big bed, in his nice big room. He sighed as he decided to get up, usually, he’s the first one to wake up. His queen, however, decided to put a wrench in his normal routine. Thankfully, they decided to stay at one of their lovely getaways for the month. Baekhyun is more than capable of taking care of things while he’s relaxing. His court isn’t concerned about this ability to work away from work. As a King, Baekhyun needs to find time to take off. There’s not a lot of time for a King to take a vacation. Not if that King wants to be a good King that is. Baekhyun knows quite a few kings who live a lavish lifestyle more than working for the people.
Baekhyun put on his black, fluffy bathrobe and put on his slippers. He walked over to the balcony and looked out the door. He would love to lean on the banister, but the snow on the ground made it clear that it is very cold outside. Baekhyun made his way to the en suite bathroom and went through his morning routine. It only took him five minutes to get ready today, he wasn’t too concerned about his appearance since he wasn’t leaving the house. Baekhyun made his way down the grand staircase. He smiled to himself when he heard his queen singing to herself in the kitchen. It’s their family time of year again and Baekhyun can’t wait for the festivities to start.
Today is a perfect day for his wife. Baekhyun finished his weekly duties yesterday, which means he has two days of relaxing ahead of him. It snowed a lot last night, which is something that makes his queen very happy. If Baekhyun could make it snow in the summer for her, he would. Baekhyun took a moment to take a deep breath. There was a heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen. His queen demanded that it be just the two of them in the house. Baekhyun, of course, compromised by having a couple of security guards on the grounds with them. Everyone else was sent home for the holidays with a holiday paycheck.
There’s only one person in this home that is allowed to touch anything in the kitchen and it certainly isn’t Baekhyun. He tried to make his queen breakfast and nearly took down the house. His wife woke up with smoke in the air, the fire alarms going off, and the husband covered in flour. Oh if his subjects could have seen him then. Baekhyun quietly made his way to the kitchen and watched his queen work around the kitchen. She is dressed for a day at home, currently wearing one of Baekhyun’s holiday sweaters. She is singing Christmas songs and baking cookies. The Queen of Auris loves to bake sweets and give them to various charities, group homes, homeless shelters, and anywhere else she deems needs some extra love around the holidays. Baekhyun also makes a note of where she is sending her cookies. Baekhyun isn’t a perfect King, but he tries to help as many people as he can.
“Good Morning lovely, you’re up before I am today. You left me in the room all alone,” Baekhyun pouted. His wife looked up quickly, obviously a little startled. Once she spotted him, she smiled and rolled her eyes.
“I’m sure the King of Auris can handle waking up alone every once and a while,” Julia shakes her head and places her recently completed cookies on the kitchen island. Baekhyun looks at all the plates of already completed cookies. Julia frosted them already and they are now drying.
“What brought this on today?” Baekhyun asked. Her next event isn’t until Monday.
“It’s just such a perfect day. You don’t have to worry about work, the yard looks beautiful covered in snow… Can we start putting up the Christmas decorations today? You can’t pretend to be disappointed because it’s not November anymore,” Julia smiled hopefully as she wrapped her arms around Baekhyun’s neck. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled at her.
“Well, I suppose we can start. It’s just the two of us this year, right? We’ve got a lot of work to do,” Baekhyun said, Julia immediately kissed him on the cheek. She then pushed him back to the stairs.
“Go get dressed so we can get started!” Julia demanded excitedly. Baekhyun allowed himself to be banished back to the bedroom. He closed the door behind him. When it’s just the two of them, Baekhyun likes to dress comfy. He grabbed a comfy outfit and put it on. He only returned to the kitchen when he finished his morning routine.
“Great! You’re back just in time! I just finished the sets I wanted to get done,” Julia puts up his apron and smiles at Baekhyun. Julia grabs his hand and pulls him into the living room.
“You’ve already brought everything out of storage?” Baekhyun asked as he looked over the sea of differently-sized boxes.
“Of course! I’m excited to set things up! I asked Mrs. Lee before she left for the holiday to help me. She even brought the outside decorations inside,” Julia said excitedly as she danced around the boxes. She was making sure to step over the boxes instead of on them.
“Well, What do you want to do first?” Baekhyun asked. He looked across the cardboard ocean in their living room and had no idea where to start.
“I think we should go outside first, it’s supposed to snow later tonight. I want to get the decorations out there before it begins,” Julia walks over to the river labeled ‘Outside’.
“What should we put up this year?” Julia likes to rotate the decorations every year. They have so many decorations it would be impossible to put them all up at once. Not to mention that would be one hell of a light bill.
“The two reindeer. I think we should also put up the squirrel with the hat, the snowman, and the dinosaur. What else do you think should go up?” Julia asked him. Baekhyun walked over and looked for the particular boxes Julia named. He moved over the two reindeer, the squirrel with the hat, and the dinosaur. He looked at all the remaining boxes.
“That depends, do you want the whole outside covered in lights?” Baekhyun asked while he tried finding his favorite outside decoration. “Of course I do, you know that silly! How could we not cover the whole outside of the house in lights? We also need lights for the driveway,” Julia rolled her eyes at her husband and waited for him to pick anything he might want.
“Well if that’s the case then we have to go with the Corgi and his tree,” Baekhyun decides as he finds his favorite box. It wasn’t creatively named. It was just called the Corgi and the tree.
“Of course, I should have known. You pick the same one every year,” Julia teases as she stands next to him.
“How about I put them up and you put the rest of the decorations back in the shed?” Julia suggests. Baekhyun sighs as he looks at all the boxes he needs to put away.
“Alright, at least let me help you take those who have been chosen outside first,” Baekhyun smiles at Julia. She approves this request with a nod and makes her way to the front. Both she and Baekhyun get all bundled up. Julia opens the door for Baekhyun while he carries his first two boxes outside. He put down the dinosaur and squirrel. Julia ripped open the boxes and started planning out where she wanted everything to be. Baekhyun brought out the two reindeer and then the corgi and the tree. From there he left his Queen to take over the placement of the decorations. Baekhyun opened the shed door to begin the long task of putting those not chosen back into the shed until next year. Or next month depending on how Julia was feeling.
Baekhyun didn’t know when he turned his bag he would become a target. While he was turning around, Julia started making her ammo. When she had enough to demolish Baekhyun, she started pelting him with snowballs! Baekhyun turned around in shock. He blocked the snowballs from hitting him in the face.
“Alright, Princess, game on!” Baekhyun yelled out with a laugh. He hid behind the shed door. He quickly made his ammo. Once he had enough to rival Julia, he started throwing snowballs back at her. Julia quickly ran out of ammo, she decided to retreat. Baekhyun wouldn’t let that happen! He ran out and grabbed her around her waist. He gently swung her around and kissed her on the lips.
“I win,” Baekhyun teases.
“No fair! You always win!” Julia laughed and pushed Baekhyun away from her. Baekhyun could tell Julia was getting cold.
“Go inside and warm up, I’ll be in soon. I promise,” Baekhyun kissed the top of her head with a smile.
It took him an hour to put everything back. He’ll never understand how Mrs. Lee can work so quickly. He’ll have to give her a raise, she works hard and never really asks for anything special. Julia sat on the porch with a mug in her hand. She smiled at Baekhyun, who locked up the shed and made his way to her.
“Do you still want to decorate the inside? I understand if you’re tired,” Julia addressed him when he made it back to the porch.
“Of course, I still want to. We still have so much to do. I love how you placed the decoration! They are very well-spaced, I’m sure they can be seen from miles away!” Baekhyun smiles as he looks across the yard.
“Thank you! I have great plans for inside too. I’m sure you’ll love it!” Julia stands up and hands Baekhyun the mug. There is hot cocoa inside of it, he took a sip and opened the door for his Queen. The two of them took off their outside gear and walked back into the living room.
“Alright lay it on me. Tell me exactly how you want this room to look,” Baekhyun looks at Julia for guidance.
“Thankfully, the tree is already up. We can decorate that last. I want to start with the stairs and the wall decoration. Then we can get those boxes out of the way,” Julia decided. Baekhyun helped Julia unpack some boxes and pulled out decorations he forgot they had. Most of the wall decorations they had consisted of beautiful snowflakes of varying sizes. Baekhyun helped Julia put up their crystal Auris suncatchers in the windows, along with beautiful snowflake ones that were a little smaller. Julia loves the little rainbows they create when they catch the sun's rays. Baekhyun also carefully pulled out the reindeer figures. He handed them to Julia once he cleaned all the packing peanuts off of them. He watched her place them around the living room happily. Baekhyun snuck up behind her and wrapped gold tinsel around her shoulders. Julia jumped in shock and turned around. Baekhyun just smiled at her.
“Gotcha, you should be more careful when you’re decorating. Anything can happen while you’re so occupied,” Baekhyun joked as he pulled her into his arms.
“Baekhyun, we don’t have time for joking around. We have to clean before the sun goes down,” Julia pushes him gently with a smile.
“Of course, my Queen. I’m surprised we were able to open as many of these boxes as we did. I know you love to decorate, but didn’t we do this too quickly? If I had known that we could get this done in a single day, I would have requested that we wait until a proper day arrived,” Baekhyun teased.
“My King, what other day can be as proper as this?” Julia rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. Baekhyun laughed at her reaction. He looked at the mess surrounding them and sighed.
“Alright, let’s start cleaning before we lose any more time. I’ll start putting the boxes away,” Baekhyun sighs. Julia’s laugh motivates him to start cleaning the packing peanuts and start putting everything away until the decorations need to be put back in them. Julia follows his lead and helps him with the boxes.
The daunting tasks took a few hours longer than the outside decorations. They finished with enough time to watch the sunset. Julia made them both hot cocoa while Baekhyun watched the sky change. The satellites predicted snow tonight. When Julia came back into the living room, Baekhyun had started a fire in the fireplace. He also put on a movie and turned down the lights. Julia put down the cocoa on the coffee table in front of Baekhyun. Julia looked out the window and watched as giant snowflakes fell from the sky. She smiled and sat down on the couch.
“You better not talk through the whole movie this time,” Julia teased him. Baekhyun looked offended at Julia.
“You’re my favorite person to talk to! I would much rather talk to you than watch the movie,” Baekhyun pouted slightly.
“You talk to me all the time. You can talk to me day and night,” Julia laughs and leans against Baekhyun.
“And yet, it’s still not enough for me. I could talk to you until I’m blue in the face and it still wouldn’t be enough,” Baekhyun smiles at her.
You’re such a sweet talker, you better be careful. Who knows what kind of trouble you can get into talking like that,” Julia warns with a smile.
“I don’t think so, you’re the only one that gets to see me this way. Everyone else gets business Baekhyun,” Baekhyun says factually.
“Can I ask you a question?” Julia asked, the movie long forgotten.
“You just did! I’m just kidding, of course, you can love,” Baekhyun says with a teasing smile.
“What if you find someone you like more than me?” Julia asked. Baekhyun was taken a little off guard. Had he done something to make Julia feel this way?
“Where is this coming from love?” Baekhyun asked concernedly.
“It’s just something I wonder sometimes. There are a lot of beautiful and kind girls in the world…” Julia trails off.
“Yet, they can only compare to each other. No one in this or any other universe can take my attention away from you,” Baekhyun says without hesitation. He noticed Julia looked unconvinced.
“Before I met you I was miserable. You remember I was in an arranged relationship. I had no choice in that. I could have lost everything when I refused to marry that lady. However, she wasn’t happy either. We didn’t treat each other badly, we just weren’t happy. Then I met you and I knew I had to know you. Not too long after I met you, she met the love of her life too. It was both my decision and the Princess’s decision to split. Thankfully, we were both able to talk to the rulers before us and we kept the alliance. However, the best thing to come from all that was you,” Baekhyun says with a smile.
“You are the greatest person to come into my life. As long as you’ll allow me to, I will be by your side,” Baekhyun says very sincerely. Baekhyun bundled her up in a blanket and held her close as they restarted the movie. It’s their favorite time of year again, but Baekhyun doesn’t mind waiting longer for the festivities if he can have moments like this with his Queen.
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bucket-barnes · 11 months
Suggestion from @tiredflowercrown
VK’s first Christmas:
Christmas wasn’t really a thing on the Isle of the lost. There was never really anything to be cheery about of you lived there so why celebrate a holiday centered around joy?
The VK’s were…perplexed by Auradon Christmas. Evie had always fantasized about seeing it for herself whenever she watched the holiday broadcasts on the Auradon news network when she was little, seeing all the lights and colors, not to mention the beautiful outfits. Oh how she loved those outfits, the dresses, the coats…how she dreamed of getting to wear one of those pieces.
Evie’s first exposure to a real Auradon Christmas was a trip to the fabric store with Doug, who was just as passionate about the holiday as she was. The two spent hours admiring the fabrics, the silk reds, the shimmering golds, the dark greens, it was all beautiful. Evie spent the next three days working on making her childhood dreams a reality, making fabulous festive garments for all of her friends: for Mal, a dark red, leather jacket with a dragon embroidered in gold on the back. For Jay, who cared more about practicality than style- a dark blue, woolen jacket with gold buttons and matching gloves and beanie. And for Carlos, a red wool sweater and white scarf (of course with a matching set for dude, who also received a pair of little red boots so his feet wouldn’t get cold on walks)
Mal got to spend the holidays with Ben and his family and it was…an experience to say the least. Every day Ben would give her a little gift or trinket leading up to Christmas, he loved spoiling her, one day he gave Mal a little dragon figurine he wrapped a ribbon around, and another day a little gold necklace charm.
Mal’s favorite part of Auradon Christmas’ was the music, the bells jingling lightly in the winter breeze, the jazzy and warm songs played in stores and Auradon Prep’s dining hall. On the Isle, the closest thing to Christmas music was the pirates singing sea shanties while drunk to distract themselves from the bone chilling cold, but in Auradon, Mal and Ben would go for long walks in town, Mal leaning against Ben’s shoulder to hide her smile while Ben just kissed her head and relished in the fact that he got to see his girlfriend so happy
Jay was never fond of winter on the Isle, whenever his father kicked him out he’d have to fend for himself in the cold, trying to find a warm place to sleep for the night, which was almost impossible. On Auradon, Jay actually found himself liking the snow and the cold (it definitely helped that he now had actually warm clothes and not just two ripped leather jackets and a pair of jeans) Jay and the tourney team often ended up having snowball fights on the field since it wasn’t like they could practice…Herkie was the hardest hitter.
When it came to Christmas, Jay took the opportunity to find the perfect gift for every single friend, after all, his time as a thief taught him to find the objects of the best value. He had gotten Lonnie a new dagger, with lotuses and other flowers engraved on the blade (and he payed extra to get her name put on it too) though his favorite gift he got for someone was probably what he got for Carlos- a framed photo of the two of them winning their first tourney game, it wasn’t flashy or shiny…but it was still special, and seeing the smile on his friend’s face was worth more than all the gold in Agrabah
Carlos loved just about everything about Christmas in Auradon, the lights, the songs, the decorations, the food… just seeing the snow outside made him happy. Jane had invited him to watch Christmas movies with her and though some of them were a little strange (especially the ones about small towns and the “true meaning of Christmas” but Jane said her mom loved those ones) he couldn’t help but fall in love with the warm feeling they gave him.
On the Isle, the winter usually meant it would be harder to evade his mom since Hell Hall’s front doors often got snowed in during the particularly bad blizzards that were rather common, but in Auradon, the winter meant sitting in his dorm room, watching movies and eating snacks with Jane curled up next to him and dude sitting on his lap while a fire crackled in front of them…a very welcomed change to Carlos
I hope you liked this! I didn’t really know how to make all my ideas into one plot line so if you’d like to see some of these made into their own stories let me know! Feel free to leave me more ideas, I’m gonna be feeling Christmas festive for the next two months so you’ve got plenty of time!
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tis-i-spookie-pie · 2 years
Totally canon BSD scenes
Where Dazai is feeling festive… for the wrong festivity… in the wrong month…
Dazai: “I~!”
Atsushi: “Dazai, please–“
Furious stomping can be heard coming up the stairs to the Armed Detective Agency’s office…
As if on cue, the Agency door slams open and an absolutely infuriated Kunikida is revealed…
Kunikida left the office for five minutes to pick up donuts for the members of the ADA and promptly threw one into Dazai’s mouth…
Dazai: “Oh Kunikida, come on! Halloween is over with, it’s time to get into the Christmas spirit! Unless you’re trying to get on the naughty list this year, I don’t think throwing donuts is too kind–“
Dazai: “Sure it does! You just gotta believe~”
Kunikida: “THAT’S IT!”
Tanizaki emerges from the back room with paper plates and napkins in hand and sits down next to an extremely tired-looking Atsushi…
Tanizaki: “I only left for a couple minutes to grab some plates for the donuts… what happened?”
Atsushi: “Dazai’s ‘Christmas spirit’ defrosted and Kunikida just wants to preserve the fall season.”
Tanizaki: “Ah…”
The ADA members were once again reminded to not mention Christmas until December around Kunikida… and learned Dazai could sing while running away from someone…
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Totally canon BSD scenes - part 65
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violetclarity · 2 years
happy new year, friends! NYE has been a tough one for me in recent years - it always brings to mind the things I didn’t accomplish, and the things that haven’t changed, over the past year. Plus it comes at the end of the christmas season, and while I love the festivity, that is also a hard time of year for me - especially this year - because it kind of sucks to be alone for christmas!
I don’t have any grand lists or 2022 recaps to share. I only wrote one fic this year - co-wrote, with the incomprable @yrfrndfrnkly - and though I finished my novel draft back in april, I’ve been struggling hard to make any further progress on it. I only picked it up to edit this fall, and I’ve gotten less than 1/4 of the way through. It’s definitely my goal in 2023 to crank out those edits, but other than that, who knows what the new year holds in terms of writing.
My main hope, going into 2023, is to take care of myself, to check some things off my to-do list that I’ve been meaning to do, to continue to make my home & my life more suitable. I started off strong on my apartment updates (by which I mean, finally organizing and doing a lot of things I’ve meant to do since I moved in) in november, and I want to keep that momentum going and hopefully have everything well settled by the time I’ve been in this apartment for a year.
For january though, I mostly want to hibernate, and drink a lot of hot chocolate, and read good books (one highlight of 2022 - I read many good books). I’m feeling rather frustrated, and also fragile, and I’m not sure if the perfect solution is to insulate myself for a few weeks, but I think I’m going to test it out and see if it helps.
I’m not sure quite why I’m sharing this - half accountability, more than half as some kind of antidote to all of the 2022 recaps and lists of awesome things that happened last year I’ve seen floating around on all platforms, but tumblr is the only place I feel comfortable being this honest? or something? no disrespect meant to anyone posting best-of lists etc, of course - I’m so happy for everyone’s successes this past year! - but I wanted to make room also for those for whom, like me, the new year is sort of meh, or complicated, or they don’t have a ton of solid things they can point to like “look at my year!” - I see you <3
resolutions or no, I am hoping for a joyful, creative, and restful 2023 for each one of you!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Jingle All The Way
Summary: Sophie and Marlon work to find the perfect Christmas toys for their kids.
Word Count: 1472
Read on AO3:
Sophie and Marlon weren’t sure how this had happened. They had been so caught up in all the holiday activities, festivities, and chaotic stress that came with it that they had forgotten something huge. They had forgotten to get the one toy that their two kids had been practically begging them for for months leading up to Christmas: the holiday edition Captain Commando action figure with built-in water jets in the toy’s wrists.
“We’re so screwed,” Marlon rested his head on the steering wheel while his wife sat in the seat beside him frantically scrolling through different stores' online catalogs.
“Maybe ooorrrrr this will just make it a special Christmas adventure!” Sophie spotted the annoyed look on her husband’s face. “Babe, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll both go searching all of today. You already called Louis, I called Vi and they both said they’d help us. Minnie and Ren are looking after Raylan and Marley who were practically bouncing off the walls to spend time with them and Timothy. It’s gonna be okay,” Sophie gently rubbed Malon’s back. The sensation helped anchor him in that moment, pulling him away from the anxiety and potential dread he was feeling.
With a shaky breath he lifted up his head and gave a smile. “You’re right. Okay, let’s find those toys!”
“Hell yeah!” Sophie stole a quick kiss then opened the car door and jumped outside.
“First one to find the action figures gets bragging rights!” Sophie called out then was off like a shot, haphazardly trying not to slip on the icy road as she made her way over to Violet who was waiting nearby.
“Be careful!”
“Yep!” Sophie gave another wave and then was off on her quest for the fabled Christmas toy. Marlon watched her in the car window for a minute then turned the key in the ignition and pulled out onto the street. He still had to pick up Louis before he could start the hunt.
“I’m still surprised that you and Sophie didn’t get the action figures like a month ago,” Louis caught Marlon’s annoyed glance. “What? All I’m saying is that I got toys for Maisy, Lee Kenny and Juliet in November and that was just the extra gifts.”
“You know what, Lou, if you’re gonna be sassy like that then I can go on my own.”
“No! Come on, Marlon, don’t be like that. Besides I have good intel that those special action figures are still available for sale at the Target right by Crawford Ave.”
Marlon felt a smile pull on his lips at that. He switched lanes to be able to turn on the right street as they approached their destination. He was gonna make Raylan and Marley’s Christmas perfect and beat Sophie at this Christmas toy hunt! He knew he would because he’d do anything to get those toys.
There were no Captain Commando limited Christmas edition action figures there. Instead, Marlon was staring at a completely barren toy aisle.
“Oh damn, well I guess this is why you shop early.” Louis gave an awkward grin when he saw his best friend’s scowl. “Okay, okay, let’s not worry. We’ll go get some hot cocoa then continue to look. This is just the first store after all.”
Marlon took a deep breath and sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just really fucking stressed and I don’t wanna seem like a bad dad because I couldn’t get Raylan or Marley what they wanted for Christmas.” He kept walking until he felt Louis’ hand grab his shoulder.
“Hey, they’re not gonna think that. You’re a great dad.”
Marlon still seemed down in the dumps but he cracked a smile. “Thanks, Lou.”
“No problem, buddy. Alright! To hot chocolate and then the perfect Christmas present!”
“So let me get this straight-”
“I don’t know, can you get it straight if you’re gay?” Sophie sent over a teasing smile to Violet who already looked tired of her best friend’s mediocre jokes. “Okay sorry, continue.”
“You didn’t get some action figures for Raylan and Marley so now you’re trying to find them just four days before Christmas?”
“Yep, that’s pretty much it,”
Violet sighed and shook her head. “You and Marlon are unbelievable.”
“Hey! We got all the other Christmas shopping done! What about you? I bet you haven’t gotten everything you need for Allison and your grandkids.”
“Prish and I got everything weeks ago. A new knife for Allison’s collection, some stones we found during our trip, superhero toys and marshmallow guns for Mitchie and Griffin and cute baby clothes for Wren. Plus a bunch of stuff we found for super cheap and bought on a whim for them too,”
Sophie was speechless. Her attempt to throw it back at Violet had failed. “Okay well, yeah. Whatever, I love my kids!”
“I never said you didn’t,” Violet grumbled, her back hunched and hands stuffed in her pockets. Sophie didn’t seem to pick up on that though and instead was laser focused on finding the action figures.
But it amounted to nothing. No matter what stores they went to, all the action figures of that kind were sold out. Even after a call to check in on the kids where Raylan and Marley went on and on and on about how much fun they were having building snow castles, Sophie’s mood didn’t brighten.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. Just take a few deep breaths,” Violet instructed; Sophie listened to the best of her ability. “Feel any better?”
“Nope, I still feel like a bad mom. Okay! Back to hunting! I know that luck is gonna be on my side!” Sophie dashed off before Violet could say anything. With a long sigh she chased after Sophie. She could almost never catch up to her best friend when she was going full speed. Finally Sophie sat down near an escalator, her chest heaving. Violet stood beside her, doubled over in exhaustion.
“Let’s call it a day. You tried your best.”
“No! I’m not giving up yet! There has to be some kind of way to-” Sophie was interrupted when an announcement was made over the loudspeaker.
“It’s time to spread that holiday cheer and what better way than with a chance to win two Captain Commando action figures! Come to the center of the mall if you want a chance to bring home something special for your kids!”
“That’s it! Let’s go!” Sophie grabbed Violet’s hand and dragged her along until they reached the center of the mall where the rules were already being shared.
“...And so if you have the right number on your raffle ball, then you win!”
Sophie grinned. It seemed easy enough. She just needed luck. She bounced nervously on the balls of her feet as she reached into the Santa bag. Violet soon followed suit and the two waited until the numbers were called.
“Number twenty seven.”
Sophie’s eyes widened. Holy shit! She had it! Her excitement made her feel all jittery and she threw her arm up in the air to show off her winning number when suddenly she bumped into someone, causing the raffle ball to bounce on the ground.
“Shit!” Sophie dashed after the ping pong ball, running back and forth down the escalator to try and grab it as it fell but it was too quick. The ball kept bouncing and bouncing until it landed in a kids’ play pit.
“What the hell are you doing!’ Violet called out as she watched Sophie dive head first into the ball pit.
“Winning!” Sophie declared. She kept searching until finally she found it. Using all the strength of her lungs, she shouted, “I have the winning number!!!” She rushed back up and pushed her through the crowd, apologizing until she got to the front.
When she arrived she accepted the toy with an exhilarated grin and stared at it as though she was holding priceless treasure. She was so caught up in the moment. “This is great! Now all we need is for your number to win! Show me your ball, Vi!” Violet rolled her eyes at the wording then grumbled as she held up the lottery ball. Both of them waited with tense breaths.
“Number forty eight.”
Immediately Sophie’s optimism deflated. It wasn’t the right number.
“That’s my number!”
Moments later Marlon moved forward before he spotted Sophie and paused in shock. “Sophie?”
“What are you doing here?” The married couple asked at the same time.
“I’m winning an action figure,” Marlon explained as he accepted the prize. A happy laugh left Sophie’s lips at that and he looked over with slight confusion. “What?”
“Guess we didn’t screw up Christmas after all,” She held up her action figure and both of them shared a happy smile. Maybe they were pretty awesome parents after all.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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( important note: there’s no writing requirements for this. it’s just an ic update so that everyone knows what happened/will happen. )
on NOVEMBER 21, the current members were summoned to another meeting with their managers, KYUHWAN and KYUWON. the two of them were seen wearing christmas hats to celebrate the joyous festivities early. KYUWON begins to speak first, “good news, all of you got a christmas present from legacy.” he then hands each of the members the folders of line distributions for their b-sides. “due to the holidays, the company was able to prioritize your comeback and we can now slowly work on making sure that everything is ready for the big day. i know it means more work for all of you, but we did warn everyone beforehand to enjoy the break while you can.” 
“but wait!” KYUHWAN exclaims as he felt excited over the next batch of news he was about to tell them. leaving his spot, he exits out of the room and after a few minutes, he returns back with HAN KEEHO, JUNG WOOKJIN, and PONGSAK TEE standing next to him. “these three should be familiar to you thanks to future dreams. if not, now is the time to get well-acquainted with all of them. after the coaches saw their performances during the debut bootcamp that they undertook recently, we’re happy to announce that these three will be joining all of you as members of V&A.”
KYUWON smiled as he added, “i know, i know. some of you are going to ask us who is going to what unit. that was the same question we had when our bosses told us the news too.” perhaps it’s because it was the first time V&A had new members, but both of the managers were hoping that this would be the start of something good for their group. 
“HAN KEEHO,” KYUWON called his name first before revealing, “you will be joining AGITO, the unit that i take care of.”
KYUHWAN looked at WOOKJIN and TEE with a shy smile as he told them, “and WOOKJIN and TEE will be joining VERSUS.” KYUHWAN then added in a lighthearted manner, “personally, i’d say all three of you should get used to recognizing your managers. you don’t want to accidentally go to the wrong unit.”
the managers give the next few minutes some time for both the current and new members to get well acquainted with each other before explaining additional details about the new members.
for KEEHO, WOOKJIN, and TEE, all three of them will move from the debut bootcamp dorms to the V&A dorms. KEEHO will be in ROOM B with HARU while TEE will be in ROOM A with ALEX and WOOKJIN will be in ROOM B with JAESUN and YEONWOO.
because this announcement is only known to the members and not to the public, they will be spending the rest of the trimester and part of JANUARY getting well acquainted with the rest of the V&A members and learning all of V&A’s songs and choreography ( including the new ones, as you will see later on ). they will not be able to participate in OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) until FEBRUARY, but if you want to give us the e-mail address to add you to the blogs, you can do so! furthermore, aside from the year end ceremonies event, they ( KEEHO, TEE, and WOOKJIN ) can participate in V&A MISSION 005 ( WRITING CHALLENGE ) if they want but for them it will be any posts written from TODAY until DECEMBER 31, 2022 11:59PM EST.
“oh! about the comeback,” KYUWON changes the topic back to what they had originally. “V&A’s comeback will be on FEBRUARY 7. it’s a bit earlier than what the creative team had in mind, but supposedly legacy is going to have a busy first half of 2023.”  
since the title tracks were not revealed last time, we can now announce it:
( important note: there will be no V&A title track song like before and the albums this time around will be split into two; one version for versus and one version for agito. in addition, for agito’s title track, there’s no choreography for it so agito won’t be focusing on dancing as much as they have before. however, they will be strongly encouraged to work on their vocals. )
you can find the line distributions document for the title tracks and b-sides over HERE ( this includes the new members and their parts too ). with this update, you can create threads pertaining to this if you wish for the writing challenge! 
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agentnico · 2 years
Spirited (2022) Review
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Ah here we are once again. It’s that time of year when Christmas starts in November. What a pile of wallop. 
Plot: A musical version of the classic Christmas story by Charles Dickens. A miserly man who treats everyone around him with terrible selfishness finds himself on a fantastical adventure into the three phases of time: past, present, and future, in order to discover how he ended up so miserable and alone.
Everyone knows the original Charles Dickens’ classic story of ‘A Christmas Carol’. Even if you aren’t a reader I’m sure you were forced to browse through its pages at school, or at the very least watched The Muppets version. So in cometh the streaming semi-giant Apple TV to pair one of the biggest Hollywood comedians Will Ferrell with one of the biggest Hollywood stars period Ryan Reynolds in a modernised take of Dickensian literature. Big twist this time around though - the story is told from the perspective of the ghosts. In fact, in the world of Spirited the three ghosts haunting has become an annual event, and is in run like a business in an industrial version of the afterlife...well, I’m not sure if its the afterlife. The movie never really specifies on what ethereal plate this company performs on, but let’s be honest, one doesn’t really need to care for the minor details when at the end of the day all we want is a fun festive Christmas film (in November) with some jokes, catchy tunes and little heart. Does Spirited succeed in these regards?
Though it is no new Christmas classic, Spirited is a harmless holiday treat. There’s fun to be had with the narrative switching of the traditional roles, with Reynolds’ Scrooge-esque character turning tables and shepherding the ghost of Present into having to look back on his own past, present and future. Yet the story is still predictable, however is boosted by the fun comedic pairing of Ferrell and Reynolds, as well as a game supporting cast including Octavia Spencer and but a dash of the Dench. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul are behind the film’s many musical numbers, and though all the songs are perfectly enjoyable in context of the film and the choreography of the background dancers is pleasing to the eye, none of the songs are immediate hits in comparison to Pasek and Paul’s prior works on La La Land and The Greatest Showman. Don’t get me wrong, there are some catchy tunes such as “Good Afternoon” and “That Christmas Morning Feeling”, but even they don’t scream top chart hits. And the reason for this is that I think that all the songs here have too many lyrics. As in they lack cohesive choruses, and its usually within the chorus where a song can show off its true catchy elements. But again, in confines of the movie’s narrative the music played well. 
Halfway through the film I turned to my fiancée and made a prediction as to where I thought the film was going. I tried to act as a Shyamalan-expert and predict the twist, however unfortunately the movie did not go in that way and instead ended on a fairly generic finale. Nothing wrong with that, it’s a family friendly film after all (minus a certain moment when the ghost of the future gives us a glimpse at one possible future outcome that is surprisingly dark), however I personally thought my twist idea was better. Though naturally I cannot disclose my idea here as to avoid spoilers, though you are always welcome at my house for a chat with some tea and biscuits. In any case, Spirited is a splendid if not forgettable winter warmer that you and your family can easily enjoy with a hot choccy and the Christmas tree lights on....in November.
Overall score: 6/10
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kinetic-elaboration · 10 months
November 25: Fic Planning, Not Writing
I went out to the Farmer’s Market today and spent a pretty decent amount of time outside. It’s definitely getting festive out there, with the ice skating up and the Christmas decorations and the tree, and it was chilly, too, like mid-40s actually. I managed to get the elusive mini-baguette and then a coffee, which I drank outside, but it wasn’t too cold in the sun. I reached a pretty major breakthrough on a long-form fic I’ve been poking at for a while now, something I think I might want to write after Time Loop—if such a day ever comes. That’s pretty exciting to me. It’s not quite there yet, but it’s close. I think I’ve reached as far as I can go with handwritten notes and I need to type out a more precise scene list. And I also… the story is possibly set in the past, but in like a Vibes only way, you know? Like I have certain aesthetics I want to use but I also don’t care in the slightest little bit about historical accuracy. But it’s also hard not to care. So I sort of want to do research, at the very least into photographs and stuff, to get those vibes right, but I’m also a little afraid of going down a rabbit hole with it.
Honestly, it doesn’t even matter though because I feel like I’ll never move past Time Loop because I’ll never be able to write this scene. Like I literally have 1 day left in this massive staycation—did not write any of it at all. When I got back from being out and about, I thought I might write. But I’m just too fucking scared. Like I’m literally scared of it, I don’t know why. I mean, I sort of know why: the amount of time that’s passed, the expectation that I’ve put on it, the number of times I’ve gone over parts of it in my head, the number of false starts. It’s just always easier not to deal with this big, looming thing. And I know a million reasons why this is objectively ridiculous but this isn’t a logic-based problem. I just… at some point I need to just do it. Another ten fucking times because that’s how many scenes I have left.
Anyway, I still hold out a strange hope that I’ll do it tomorrow if for no other reason than I’ve become bored with all my distractions. I want to write that fucking scene tomorrow, do a little bit of simple cleaning, and decorate for Christmas, and I think that is a reasonable to do list that will allow me to go back to work feeling at least marginally satisfied with myself. Hopefully.
I was sort of thinking I’d try to write the scene tonight but the thing is I need to force myself to go to bed earlier and get up earlier because I have been way too nocturnal this break. So I’m excusing my non-writing-productivity with ‘well if I rest better I can write tomorrow easier because I will wake up earlier and have more hours to do it.’ Semi-reasonable I suppose.
The extra sad part is that I have written this same scene, essentially, like 3 times already. I feel pretty decent about Bellamy’s point of view, I like this story, I like a lot of what I’ve written for it, I feel like I like so much of it that even if the rest does suck, which I don’t think it will, it will still be a story worth having been written… But as I said, this isn’t logical. There is no logic about irrational fears.
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