#Geminis sur
thepipegarrido28-blog · 3 months
Micros varias de conce.
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Bonitas micros de concepción.
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lilmajorshawty · 2 years
Venus, Moon And Romance. 💖🎶
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Moon Or Venus In Aries - Moon or Venus in The First House: The Constant Hard on.
🎶Rosalia - Pienso Tu Mira
🎶Rosalia - Di Mi Nombre 
🎶Rosalia - A Pale
🎶INNA - SIn Ti
🎶Clubz - Popscuro
🎶Buscabulla - Tartaro 
For these natives romance and love itself is a heated and fiery expression, an art form a means of drama to the ordinary.They run hot and can seem temperamental, in your face and entirely too good to be true in terms of their passionate and rather blunt way of expressing desire. They don’t keep you guessing with the hot and cold, rather they invite a wild fire that’ll never cease right to your front door. They crave intensity and to feel desired, more than most they become a child in love and they are deeply seeking the type of love, desire and heat that can come from a romantic entanglement. Men and Women of this placement tend to crave something a little “bad” for them, and it can be quite hard if aries is present to solely pursue the good guy. They want someone to tame them otherwise if the person is lacking in tenacity or presence they'll get eaten alive by these natives and that is when they loose interest. Even with a chart full of Libra or Cancer, Aries being present will give them that edge, and fiery raw sexual nature that seeps through the skin like molten magma. Sexually they are easy to arouse but hard to keep consistently so. The reason is that they need someone who can keep up, change pace and catch every single one of their drifts, mental jumps and physical desires that change CONSTANTLY. they can be worse than Gemini in this sense because what fascinated them a moment ago can change at a moments notice. They are ferocious lovers and can have a strong jealous streak. the thing with them is though Jealousy, anger, sadness are fleeting emotions for them, so if you continuously hurt them, you’ll see the famous Arian detachment that puts even Aquarius and Leos to shame. They are very content with one lover but can play the field like no ones business when they’re single. They are also very picky about sex, the when and the where of it matter to them when they aren’t in love. They are magnetic, independent and time never makes them see father time. The youth and passion they bring into their unions can be draining but it can also feel like a never ending merry-go- round. 
“I want it to kill me, Rip me up and leave me wasted, dead, aching” 
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Moon Or Venus in Taurus - Moon Or Venus In the 2nd House: Everything Taboo, Above And Below
🎶Clea Vincent - Chateau Perdu 
🎶Clea Vincent - Retiens Mon Desir 
🎶CLIO - T’as vu
🎶Claire Laffut - Verite 
🎶Claire Laffut - Nudes ft Yseult 
🎶Vendredi Sur Mer - Lune Est L’Autre 
For These natives there is often a underhanded beat to them. they are conventional, but the moment you snag em, tug on those heart strings they try so desperately to hide you’ll see just how intense and obsessive these bulls can be. “obsessive” isn’t used here to be derogatory rather it’s to set the tone of the type of love these natives express. They want to devour their lover, in every aspect in every moment. They soak up the sweet talks, head rubs and sensual body touching like it was a blue star. they adore the mundane and subtle aspects of a connection more than most people and because of that they are easy to read. they are choosy and cold until they decide you are worth their time but the moment they set their hooves in the ground you become the bell they wont and can’t stop dancing around. they prefer a slow courting stage in most cases, but these Women and Men tend to be lovers and can’t help get swept up by the moment. Some might start slow and then be eaten up by the passion only a short while after. They are intense, dare i say even more so than Scorpios could ever be. The reason of the stark contrast in their level of intensity derives from the fact that unlike Scorpio, Taurus has their passions so deeply tied to the senses and the world around them that they become a slave to it. They can’t turn away from their desires or passions and are often ruled by lust in many cases that gets mistaken for love. They live in a world of infatuation more than they do one ruled by “true love.” they have a tendency of giving their hearts to the devil when their are angels all around begging for their love. Sexually in a union they are gluttons and can go and go, and go. The more they grow accustomed to you or your touch the orgasms they have tend to grow in intensity. They are loyal till death but are more on the conservative side even when they are single. they value long term over something that is one night unless they are severely lacking in any foundations in their life at the time. they can be overwhelming for some relationship wise because of how “real” they can be. They don’t play around and will be demanding lovers. 
“I Feel you like vibrations along my nerves, It drives me crazy but please don’t stop vibrating” 
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Moon or Venus In Gemini - Moon Or Venus In The Third House: The Insatiable Want, The Constant Empty.
🎶Paradis - Hemisphere
🎶Paradis - Toi Et Moi
🎶Jacques Greene - Night Service(Fort Rameau Remix)
🎶Jacques Greene - Distance 
🎶Polica - Little Threads 
🎶Polica - Warrior Lord 
For these natives the line between romance and Complete apathy is very thin. One moment they are feeling the highs and lows of falling in love, having a crush, having a desire so intricate and tight knit that they are practically engulfed by the sensation like a drug. Yet in less than a second, a moment or a few days all of that intensity can fade, erode or seemingly exhaust its enthusiasm faster than the speed of light. The reason being is for Gemini placements romance, sex, attraction is in the head, it’s not solely dependent on the flesh. they are enthused by bodily assets like a big dick, or a nice curve, or even mayhaps a pretty smile, but it isn’t what ties the deal in for them. they prefer a dance that is littered with words spoken and unspoken. they enjoy a quiet sound to the courting stage that does not involve a heavy reliance on intimacy in the way many of us are so dependent and expectant of. Many with this placement aren’t talkers when they like someone, rather they become mouse. yet when it’s someone they feel nothing for they can dance better than anyone ever could, you might even think they’re in love with you if you didn’t already know better. Similar to Scorpio(hence why the two are inconjunct) When these natives actually feel something for you, they become very quiet, very careful and cautious and very..Dare i say ATTACHED. Now for many of us this isn’t something bad right? well for Gemini placements this is a fate worse than death. they are intensely afraid of loosing objectivity when it comes to these matters which all becomes gone with the wind the moment these women and men begin to actually cherish their moments with you. For the Gemini mooners this can mean going mute or loosing the ability to start a conversation with the person which is a complete 360 from what they originally present to you which will have you wondering if they hate you. For the Venus sisters and brothers this can mean becoming concerned, attentive but “distant” Which will contrast how open, bubbly and childlike they just were with you. For these natives attraction goes from being something lighthearted, and a time waster to something consuming and mentally absent. as lovers, once they get over the mental dead space hurdle they ARE immensely loving and and emotionally responsive, often having no qualms about expressing their love and desire of you. In fact they are some of the most vocal lovers of the zodiac. they can have moments where they seem more distant and unavailable but really this stems from the fact that no matter how you look at it you will always be dealing with more than one person when you deal with Gemini. The first decan oscillates between care free and open to, serious and pessimistic. the second decan oscillates between independent and Dependent. the third decan oscillates between childlike and bubbly to cold and emotionally distant. So always remember they can switch at any moment and knowing which twin your’re dealing with is important. Sexually they can fluctuate, they’re similar to Pisces in this regard they want sex when you want sex, they are into what you are into, the only difference for this mutable position is that if you can’t stimulate their mind, the will loose interest in the sex within a second of the foreplay. they are very hard to arouse, and if you can’t get their head in it, the sex wont happen at all.
“Demonstrations of good and bad, leave me wondering why i can’t find myself playing either side solely, i’d rather play both”
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Moon or Venus in Cancer - Moon or Venus In The 4th House: If a Heart Could build A home
🎶Amanda Stenberg - Let My Baby Stay
🎶Raveena - Honey 
🎶Maye - Tu
🎶Japanese Breakfast - Boyish 
🎶Moonchild - The List
🎶Odie - North Face 
For These Natives love and Romance can feel like a game of chasing after what doesn’t want you and being chased after what you do not like. Their intense sexuality draws people in like moths to a fly, mainly because their aura is so earthly and divinely feminine and self assured no matter if they are male or female. They are impossible to meet in the realm of emotions mainly because they keep a very thick wall between what they feel and what they “intuitively” pick up from someone. Often i’d describe them as waves of the sea that never find stillness. Finding and maintaining interest in a lover beyond the initial physical attraction can be difficult for them, this is due to their inner insecurities linked to self love.Attracting taboo and mind games is always at the forefront until they master true inner self love, as when they haven’t mastered this crucial aspect everyone that gravitates towards them are reflections of this inner hate of the self. They can have a bad girl/bad boy complex that is shrouded in the sweet and innocent disposition. Part of them is dark and intense which is a stark contrast to what they outwardly portray to the world around them. Falling n love takes years for them and even if they do happen to let you in sooner you’ll feel as though you’re only getting part of them as these natives take the Scorpio ice out to a whole new level. Family and their relationship with their family will color how intimate or lacking in intimacy they may be. If much of their childhood was restricted they’ll challenge that theme by creating tension and seeking something dark in their love unions. if they were loved and protected they will be just as parental and tender as their upbringing taught them to be. Ociliating between committed and not committed can be the case with those who possess the lower vibrations of these placements but in most cases depth, emotional intensity and complete smothering represent the expression of their love once they truly let you in. Moodiness and emotional black outs are common as well especially the closer you get to them. They can seem lighthearted, fun and deeply detached one moment and then jealous, agitated and closed the next moment. They tend to be very sexual but can seem asexual most times due to how important emotional standings are prior to having sex can be for them. They need “Emotional Understanding” for sex to really mean anything to them which is often why sexualizing their “curves” or “body” is the quickest way to turn them off. These natives are intense and they can put Scorpios to shame a million times over so if you don’t have your emotions together be very aware they will tear that shit out of you. 
“I wanted to feel you like the wind on my skin, and the welting nerves as i form tears”
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Moon Or Venus In Leo - Moon Or Venus In The 5th house: If It’s Not Fire Or Desire
🎶Kaytranda - 10%
🎶Kaytranda - Do It
🎶 Ravyn Lenae - Sticky 
🎶Kelela - LMK
🎶Lion Babe - Treat Me Like Fire
🎶Lion Babe - Hourglass Ft. Disclosure 
Full Fledged Leo moon and venus/in the 5th housers tend to exude this powerful force, and energy that feels angelic yet ferocious like that of a fallen angel. Love can be exhilarating but Painful. For them love is like the forbidden fruit and one they tend to be frightened of eating. They can boist their self love, or self confidence and self reliance but it’s all a farce to protect themselves from the scariest part of life, the part one cannot control no matter how brightly they try to shrug it off. This Unknown killer of Leo’s is love. They can be a slave to it, no matter how intense they can be with the rest of life that is the only sphere of their life they have no counter too. They approach love with a level of heaviness, as if you where caught in a house fire. They literally devour their lovers, body and soul. There is no, “Half” when it comes to romance, they need it in bulk and by the trillions and even the slightest smell of insincerity or distraction in your tone will have them out of love faster than water droplets have time to hit the floor during a storm. Ultimatums is their love language and they constantly pose them as they often times find their romances or lovers failing to meet their incredibly high love demands. On it’s own this isn’t bad but they can often times attract power plays and intense dire combatants in their love unions that makes things incredibly unstable and tense. Now in many cases these natives are attracted to this sort of fiery back and forth but it can at times put them in grave danger if their appetite to be challenged isn’t dealt with in youth. The Lion spirit is very present in their actions and they tend to have their libidos sky rocket when they are in love as almost all of their instincts are telling them to preform, entice and seduce their lovers. They are insanely giving and “other” centered but despite this they can be A LOT to handle due to how much of “you” they want. For these natives they are independent and they expect this same ability to be “alone” from you, though if this is overdone they can loose interest. similarly to cats they like to be seduced and be left guessing,so if they grow to expect certain behavior from you they’ll grow bored, yet if you change the rules too much they’ll grow paranoid at you. A nice balance of wanting them, yet having outside things to do is healthy as it gives them time to miss you but also time to appreciate you being away. Chaos is the best way to describe their love style, as it can feel like being trapped in a volcanic explosion 25/8 and don’t even think about asserting dominance without being challenged, the men and women with this placement will dig your grave before listening to a single demand you give them. SEX and INTIMACY are intense needs for these natives once they let you in and this gets pretty exhausting if you aren’t a person who is normally used to so much “contact” that being said these natives are Loyal almost to a fault and don’t know when enough is enough but trust me if taken for granted too long you’ll notice their disappearance as it will feel like having all the fire, passion leave your body. it could be compared as too having the sun itself turn it’s back on you. 
“The idea was to feel like i was already crowned, the flowers, and gold, the rosemary and wine, the inescapable desire, to feel totally engulfed by impulsive passion”
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Moon Or Venus Virgo - Moon Or Venus In The 6th House: Something To be Fixed, Something Always Broken.
🎶Brent Faiyaz - Skyline 
🎶 Brent Faiyaz - rehab
🎶Brent Faiyaz - Insecure
🎶FKA Twigs - Thousand Eyes
🎶FKA Twigs - Cellophane 
🎶FKA Twigs - Hows That 
These natives are well known for their melancholic, rather dreary expression. they exude innocents and sensitivity yet something deep in this lost girl, lost boy aesthetic seems like there is often a double meaning to this willingness to be of service to others. unlike the sun and mars of this position the desire to be of service isn’t all the tied up to self worth or their ego rather it is tied up to their need for the concept of perfect emotional fulfillment. as you can imagine this is a very high bar to place on every partnership as most often than not meeting someone whom you connect with so deeply is a rare sight in itself and maintaing the highs and lows of your differences is what we all must come to accept and understand as a part of unity with another. These natives can lack the ability to be patient in that regard often wanting that ideal faster than it’s often ready to present itself so they often move things forward by creating a mission or becoming the mission themselves. thats the dark polarity of these beautiful people, one could blame it on mercury. The difference being that while gemini are semi conscious of this polarity, Virgo compartmentalize these personas and in the realm of emotions and relationships it creates highs and lows that show up as rifts and chasms rather than outright ups and downs. This is the allure, often times they present a rigid, aloof, and cool demeanor. they can feel misleading, because after the lengthy courting period they will make you their project, their sword, their mask, their blanket and yes even their home. they are sensitive and EXTREMELY trapped in their head-space so many times over they are analyzing their actions as well as yours. they value space and sanctum so often times they try to keep away from your friends unless you’ve vocally expressed that you’d like them to converse with your friends. they wont tag along with you somewhere unless you personally invite them or let them know its something you’ll desire. they wont initiate sex unless you express the desire for them first.  see with these natives it’s not flirty and blunt like fire it’s slow and sensual like earth. everything is slow building. These natives let you know in every natural and environmentally practical way that they want you. one example is the way they touch you, it’ll seem like you’re their patient in a hospital, it’ll be the way they pay attention to every detail as if you’re their first born, it’s the way they’ll handle you and your weaker personality traits with kid gloves and patients, and it’s the way they nit pick the mess out of you to build you into something great. these natives are slow to truly invest emotionally and you’ll always feel like you’re dealing with a shy teenager of the quiet variety but they are so loyal and so deeply sacrificing. Sexually they are beyond freaky, the live and breath your desires and are willing to compensate in any way to match those desires. they don’t run hot and cold so most likely they will be direct and upfront about their intentions no matter how shy they are. ironically the more they like you the more rational their mannerisms with dealing with you become. they also do the famous virgo stare but unlike the sun and mars counterpart it’s much sadder and plenty more vulnerable. they fall in love very hard and can be some of the sexiest of the zodiac, because 9/10 their innocent act is a gag and their real, plethora of other personalities are kinky, reckless, angry, sad, passionate, evasive, tension filled, rebellious, trauma all in one. 
“to see all of your wounds and closed spaces, to live among them and bandage them, to watch you fall and stand again, that is the truest form of intimacy”
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Moon Or Venus In Libra - Moon or Venus In the 7th House: The Mom And Dad Dynamic.
🎶Jungle - House In LA
🎶Jungle - Lucky i get what i want
🎶Toro y Moi - So many details 
🎶Toro y Moi - Say that 
🎶Zayn - BeFoUR
🎶Zayn - BoRdErsZ
These natives are often caught up in this interesting his and hers dynamic whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. the idea here is that they often seek their ID or their respective counterpart masculine to feminine. ironically their is a big concept on these natives needing their energy to be balanced otherwise their indecisive nature comes out full force. The sun and mars suffer from this to some extent but not as intensely as most often the source of their duality comes from Venus manifesting/diluting the sun and opposing mars. with moon and Venus what is happening is that the energy is caught in a feminine or masculine energy depending on the modality of their moon or Venus in the case of the houses and the decan their moon or Venus sits in for Libra. Libra decan is looking for the masc or female dynamic, Aquarius decan is looking for the emotional vs non - emotional dynamic, Gemini decan is searching for the characteristic opposite of their main personality type. The modality’s(Fixed: is looking for someone who is not rooted in security and is more free of spirit and changeable. Mutable: looking for someone with direction, a sense of self and known desire for what they seek to do, cardinal : someone passive, relaxed and emotionally cool. someone who isn’t as impulsive and is more levelheaded and not the type to do things on a whim.) these natives are very sweet, very gentle and kind hearted...but a lot of their nature is based on what they perceive would make them likable in your eyes. maybe it’s being a class clown, maybe it’s being the cocky arrogant posh girl, maybe it’s playing unfamiliar and innocent, maybe it’s playing up a darker more intense persona, maybe it’s the addict or the narcissist, they ultimately play up what they’ve already read from your personality. Libra are often more observant than even Virgos, So although they are the hardest people to peg a personality trait due to their many faces, you will often know they’re interested in you if they drop the Face and really act their awkward and shy selves. These natives in reality are passive and multifaceted, which makes them complex and rather hard to get to know deeply. They like what you like mainly because it causes the least resistance. Now are all 7th housers and libra moon and venus natives like this? yes its actually a trait that shows up the most when they’re truly in love. These natives can play up the independent, party girl or the sexual free spirit all they like but deep down they want someone who fits them like a glove and they will do just about anything to maintain that connection once they find it. They are careful yet also  just enough as to not seem disinterested or dry. These natives are big filters but contrary to belief they are not the types to cheat unless they have harsher aspects involving Pluto, Uranus or Neptune on their Venus, doubly so if their libra moon or venus rest in the 8th, 11th, or 12th house. they adore beauty in relationships but this also includes the little things, the letters, or the times you forget to lock the door and have to drive all the way back home, and the nervousness of meeting parents. they love the long haul and tend to be long term oriented despite their outward fickle nature. The thing that i want to stress with these natives is that they will only do something if they want to do it, and the moment they feel pressured to act before they are ready without soft coaxing they’ll become unsure and shut down into a even more annoying state of indecisiveness. if you want them patience and slow building friendship helps to cool things down a bit. Sexually they are very sensual and extremely romantic, even if they don’t seem like the lot to be so. they prefer a stable sex partner as opposed to one nighters as they need to know what makes you feel good. they are romantic by nature so making you fall in love with them is always a secret goal of theres which makes the underdeveloped folks more dangerous. Sex and love are intertwined for them so the more they want to do it the more amorous their feelings are. now as im saying this please keep in mind everyone's desire for sex is different so even if the sex isn’t frequent but is still existent in a healthy range then they are all in.
“There is a madness to partnership, a sort of organized chaos between two people that starts one way and ultimately ends with their foot up your ass or the two of you doing the salsa on a gondola in Venice”
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Moon Or Venus In Scorpio - Moon Or Venus In The 8th House : The Angel In Hell, The devil In Heaven. 
🎶Cult Of Helix - Blood
🎶Koda & Bijou - There
🎶PVRIS - Hallucinations
🎶Hayley Williams - Sudden Desire 
🎶Chromatics - Red Car
🎶Chromatics - Hands In The Dark
These Natives are tethered in a world and mental space far beyond anything that can be tamed or understood easily. They live in the pools of Pluto and the violent rugged storms of Mars pulling their energies too and fro like a flaming noose. On one hand they are penetrating, deep, cunning and so intensely consuming, another moment they are aloof, light Hearted, unassuming and detached. You’ll often read post about the famous Scorpio testing and their hot and cold antics,but, if i may tell you all a little secret. The hot and cold dynamic is due to their introspective nature. they analyze everything, a billion times over, negotiating aspects of your character with their “real” self, the one they still haven’t decided if you’re ready to see yet. The testing is a way to weed out the trouble makers before they plant rotten seeds in these natives already barren garden. By me saying this am i in no way implying scorpionic natives do not carry inner beauty, rather i am saying that due to the depth and intensity of their love they often are Hurt, broken and scar’d from having their love cast aside. These natives are their most vulnerable when they are young, Pluto takes from them very early on, introducing all of them to the idea of Loss, Love, Death, sacrifice, and the more sinful vs Love dynamic presented in their childhood. These natives see their love as something to be ashamed of in most cases and due to the way their intense love was received, in turn they learn to hide and withhold it. These natives are so loving and so endlessly sacrificing but more often than not they seek to protect themselves which at times stings those who are innocent or caught in the crossfire of the natives own unrealized trauma and pain. Projection is a big aspect to these natives as they often project their inner world on their environment and in turn attract people who karmically for better or worse will help them evolve. They can struggle with the concepts and lighthearted aspects that come with dating in its earlier stages such as the integral getting to know one another stage mainly due to the fact that these natives are hardwired to be distrusting of any applications of intimacy that serve the purpose of getting closer or opening up. To them the process can seem tense and stressful as an inner part of them feels like intimacy within itself is a ruse, for how could anyone truly connect to the perceived darkness behind the corridor that they themselves try to mask. There’s an instinctive duality to them that can seem like a constant storm, on one hand they are passionate, depth seeking and all or nothing, then at a moments notice they can be cool, aloof and disengaged at times hard to reach. This is their defense mechanism, they feel the pull of the connection and at times to restore stability and grounding they see you as the enemy, the danger to their solidity. There is a certain level of intrigue and awe that can stem from the way they express this hot and cold approach as it can genuinely leave you wondering where in the midst of that process lay their feelings for you. They can at times prologue this courting for days, weeks, months or years depending on the nature of their boundaries or trauma and even though they can crave the intensity and the soul bonding they would rather delay it even if it’s to their own detriment for the sake of ensuring the love and connection they feel towards you will be safe and will be genuine. Many with these aspects can attract wealthy partners or may benefit greatly from marriage due to the financial gain that will surely follow. The issue here is that on the negative end of the spectrum and especially with men of this position can marry or partner up soley for the material and financial gain that would follow the union. Chris Pratt is a perfect example of this unfortunately. That being said there is an endearing and painfully rewarding quality to the love these natives express and though it can at times lack the speed some may desire one must note that the loyalty and love that blooms for these natives is always so deep and true, much like a burning fire over a bed of ice. 
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magik-astro-fae · 14 days
Color Magic
Use this guide as reference for spell work
Red: Fire/ Aries/ Scorpio/ Mars/ Saturn; Passion, courage, motivation, health, renewal, ambition
Pink: Venus/ Mars; Success, self-love, friendships, sex, romance, partnership, beginnings, passion
Orange: Fire/ Sun/ Leo/ Sagittarius; Support for depression and feelings of abandonment, alertness, strength, dominance, kindness,
Yellow: Air/ Mercury/ Taurus/ Libra; Healing, friendship, productivity, creativity, self-esteem, beauty, humility, intellect
Green: Earth/ Venus/ Mercury/ Aquarius/ Cancer; Love, trust, fae magic, healing, luck, courage, harmony
Blue: Water/ Jupiter/ Moon/ Virgo/ Capricorn; Wisdom, joy, patience, truth, meditation, insight, introspection
Purple: Mercury/ Saturn/ Jupiter/ Saturn/ Gemini/ Capricorn; Clairvoyance, relief of emotional pain, justice, healing, recovery, forgiveness, psychic powers, dreams
White: Moon/ Pisces; Safety, protection, enlightenment, relieving shyness, freedom, life cycles, health, intuition, transformation
Gold: Sun; Money, inspiration, prosperity, wealth, luck, success, prosperity, enhances spell work
Silver: Moon; Divination, secrets, psychic awareness, healing, intuition, purification, femininity, stability, success
Black: Earth/ Saturn; Divination, beginnings, creation, rebirth, patience, balance
Brown: Earth/ Scorpio/ Capricorn; Security, friendship, animal magic, generosity, grounding, strengthening, concentration,
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Me sorprende que Macaque este de acuerdo que nombre a los niños por fanchilds de un fanfic del Viaje al oeste (Viaje al sur)
translated via google:
"I'm surprised that Macaque agrees that I name the children after fanchildren from a Journey to the West fanfic (Journey to the South)"
I feel like Macaque didn't even know about "Journey to the South" unless he was specifically looking for information about Sun Wukong online. XD
He would definetly know about and read "Journey to the West" just to get an idea of how the world remembers his and Wukong's story. But I don't think he'd know about the non-canonical fan sequels. As a goof I could see Macaque googling whether or not Wukong had kids and/or romantic partners in the last 1000 years and getting "Journey to the South" as a result. He'd be very confused.
Macaque: "So... you've had kids?" Wukong, chokes on water: "W-what?!" Macaque: "The other book told me you had like three kids. One really big scary daughter, and a pair of twin sons that didn't do much." Wukong (has read every adaptation of Jttw there is): "...OH! You mean the fan-sequel! That was written in the 1580s by some guys I didn't even know. It's part of a four-book shenmo series about another chinese folk hero. I only get mentioned in like two chapters." Macaque, six ears flutter: *is relieved to know SWK is telling the truth* "...ok, that definitely explains some things." Wukong, cheeky smile: "Were you worried that I had kids without you?" ( ¬‿¬) Macaque, tsundere-mode: "N-no! I was worried that some poor child had inherited your stupidity!" ( っ- ‸ – c) Wukong: "Big words coming from someone having a baby with me." Macaque: *is pregnant with MK during the AU* " "...touché"
Many years later as they're planning for more kids.
Macaque: "I'm a little stuck on names right now. My brain keeps going to weird theatre characters." Wukong: "How about Yuebei for a girl?" Macaque: "....lunar apogee? You mean like when the moon is farthest from earth?" Wukong, doesn't want to admit that he's read all Jttw fanfics and liked the name: "Ye... yeah. I wanna keep the space theme names a thing." Macaque: "....it is a really cute name. Let's keep it for if we have another girl." Wukong: *phew!*
Later once Yuebei and the Lunar Node Twins are born.
Macaque, holding Yuebei: "You totally named our kids after fanfic characters didn't you?" Wukong, holding the twin boys: "Haha! Wondered how long 'til you noticed!" Macaque: "Jerk. Now I'm attached to the names." Wukong: "In my defence you were gonna name the boys Castor and Pollux." Macaque: "That was until I discovered that they wouldn't be Geminis." Wukong: "Gods, we're both nerds." Macaque, lovingly: "Yeah..."
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lapaduza · 4 days
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TheFrenchBat se glisse dans la lanterne de Gemini pour accompagner P, une marionnette très spéciale qui se réveille dans la magnifique ville de Krat après qu'un terrible cataclysme se soit apparemment déchainé sur place ! Les cadavres s'empilent, il fait nuit noire et il pleut... En avant !
Link : https://youtu.be/wEgkkS5Gicw
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L’IA de Google accusée de réécrire l’Histoire - 28 Minutes (29/02/2024) - Regarder l’émission complète | ARTE
Des images de représentations historiquement fausses, comme des soldats allemands noirs
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ou des femmes parmi les Pères fondateurs.
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Face à la polémique, Google a pris une décision radicale. Il n’est désormais plus possible sur Gemini de générer des images de personnes ou de personnages jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Alors que Google cherchait à dépasser les stéréotypes de genre et de couleur avec son outil d’intelligence artificielle Gemini (anciennement Bard), l’entreprise a annoncé ce jeudi 22 février 2024 mettre en pause une partie de son IA. We're already working to address recent issues with Gemini's image generation feature. While we do this, we're going to pause the image generation of people and will re-release an improved version soon. https://t.co/SLxYPGoqOZ
— Google Communications (@Google_Comms) February 22, 2024
Avec cette annonce, le géant du numérique cherche à éteindre une polémique
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conceptionhumaine · 1 year
Pluton en Verseau 0 degree - Pluto in Aquarius 0 degree
Ce 23 Mars, Pluton fera une premiere entrée dans le signe du Verseau pour un peu moins de 3 mois, jusqu'au 11 juin, date à laquelle il rétrogradera en 'revenant 'en Capricorne.
This March 23, Pluto will make a first entry into the sign of Aquarius for a little less than 3 months, until June 11, when it will retrograde back into Capricorn.
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Les Echecs Amoureux, Pluto and Proserpine (Hades and Persephone) enthroned, with Cerberus at their feet, from Les Echecs amoureux, 15th Century
Pluton, appelée planète naine, (un peu plus petite que notre lune) est le corps principale du système Plutonien; il forme un couple indissociable avec son grand satellite Charon, et peut donc etre considéré comme un système double.
Astrologiquement, Pluton est l'octave supérieure de mars, maitre du signe du Scorpion, (gouvernant la maison 8) ; c'est le transformateur, dont l'essence est le renouvèlement.
Pluto, called dwarf planet, (a little smaller than our moon) is the main body of the Plutonian system; it forms a couple with its big satellite Charon, and can therefore be considered as a double system.
Astrologically, Pluto is the superior octave of Mars, ruler of the sign of Scorpio, (governing the 8th house). It is the transformer, whose essence is renewal.
Il s'agit de la planète la plus lente puisqu'elle met 248 ans pour faire le tour du zodiaque. Elle invite à la métamorphose, son énergie s'insinuant au coeur de l'être, le transformant de manière irréversible, agissant au niveau du subconscient et de l'inconscient.
Son processus est irréversible, pénétrant les secrets les plus intimes...
Cette énergie se mêle à celle des autres planètes accroissant leur puissance et leur intensité
It is the slowest planet since it takes 248 years to go around the zodiac. It invites to transcend, to shake to the core being and transforms it in an irreversible way, acting on the subconscious and unconscious level.
Its process is irreversible, penetrating the most intimate secrets…
This energy mixes and increases the power and intensity of the planets it transits by.
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Cette entrée en Verseau est un événement astrologique marquant (la lenteur de son cycle ne permet aux Hommes de ne connaitre au maximum que 6 changements de signes de Pluton ; les secteurs de vie concernés par son passage (maisons) sont voués à être des supports d'évolution personnelle, des domaines existentiels susceptibles de connaître de puissantes transformations.
This entry into Aquarius is a significant astrological event (the slowness of its cycle allows man to experience at most 6 changes of sign of Pluto; the sectors of life concerned by its passage (houses) are destined to be supports of personal evolution, existential domains likely to experience powerful transformations.
Le Verseau, signe d'air appartenant à la triplicité relationnelle (Gémeaux, Balance, Verseau) est gouverné par Uranus et en porte les caractéristiques; l'ingénieusité, l'esprit d'avant-garde, un goût prononcé pour l'indépendance et la liberté et l'énergie de transformer les choses, en analogie avec la maison 11.
Aquarius, an air sign belonging to the relational triplicity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is ruled by Uranus and carries its characteristics; ingenuity, avant-garde spirit, a pronounced taste for independence and freedom and the energy to transform things, in analogy with the 11th house
Avec lui, un signe d’air donc, c'est l'action mentale et sociale qui y est stabilisée et concentrée ; dans ce signe Pluton exercera sa transformation sur les rapports sociaux et le rapport de chacun à la collectivité sera questionné.
Chacune de nos actions fait société; sous ce prisme, l'action individuelle revet une importance capitale. Ce transit dans un signe de modalité air (mouvement énergétique de consolidation) est la suite logique du transit de Pluton en Capricorne en 2008 ( signe de modalité carinal, mouvement énergétique d'initiation) autour des thématiques liées au pouvoir; c'est une mise en pratique concrètement de nos prise de conscience et l'incarnation d' une autre manière de vivre ensemble.
With this air sign, mental and social action is stabilized and concentrated; in this sign Pluto will therefore exert its transformation on social relationships and the relationship of each person to the community will be questioned.
Each of our actions makes society; under this prism, the individual action is of capital importance. This transit in an air modality sing (energetic movement of consolidation) is the logical continuation of the transit of Pluto in Capricorn in 2008 (sign of carinal modality, energetic movement of initiation) around the themes related to power; it is a concrete implementation of our awareness and the incarnation of another way of living together.
Ce signe porte en lui des energies pénétrantes, qui résultent de la conscientisation et du désir de changement ; avec pluton, il pourra en résulter des discours et des actions qui s'opposent dans de violents rapports de forces.
Pluton en Verseau laisse des traces irréversibles dans l'histoire de l'humanité;
Le dernier transit de la planète dans ce signe, (1777 à 1797) à connu la Révolution américaine et Révolution française.
This sign carries penetrating energies, which result from awareness and the desire for change; with Pluto, it may result in speeches and actions that oppose each other in violent relationships of power.
Pluto in Aquarius leaves permanent traces in the history of humanity;
The last transit of the planet in this sign (1777 to 1797) saw the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
Le Verseau concerne également le rapport que nous entretenons avec la technologie, car gouverné par Uranus. (dont les transits seront à considérer avec grande importance tout au long de ce cycle)
Le passage de Pluton viendra en modifier ce secteur et la façon dont nous en envisageons l'avenir ainsi que la teneur de nos discussions à ce sujet ( transhumanisme )
Aquarius also concerns the relationship we have with technology, as it is ruled by Uranus (whose transits will be considered with great importance throughout this cycle)
The transit of Pluto will modify this sector and the way we contemplate the future as well as the content of our discussions on this subject (transhumanism)
Qu'est-ce que l'Homme? Jusqu'où sommes nous prêts à laisser la technologie nous envahir ?
Comment envisageons-nous l'avenir?
Comme dans tout système Capitaliste, nos réponses à ses questions par nos décisions consommatrices sera déterminant dans la décennie à venir.
What is Man? How far are we willing to let technology invade us?
How do we envision the future?
Like in any capitalist system, our answers to these questions through our consumer decisions will be decisive in the coming decade.
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lifeasaninfp · 2 years
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Life as an INFP
26 years old
Life path 2
Enneagram 9
Chinese zodiac: the Ox 🐂
Vedic placements: ♉☀️♌🌜♉🌡
💫 I don't have any water placements in my Western astrology natal chart
💫 Dramatic aspects in my chart include: Sun opposite Pluto, and Venus opposite Pluto
💫 I've taken the MBTI test many times and originally got INFP but the last year I've consistently gotten INFJ. I feel more like an FJ but I won't change my username
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💫 You can call me Cassie even though that's not my real name
💫 French/British girl living in England
💫 I have two siblings and I'm the eldest
💫 I'm 5'7, have green/blue eyes, and light brown hair
(I've actually changed my hair colour a lot, usually went blonde, then dark red, then platinum blonde, then dark brown, and now my hair has faded back to it's more natural colour)
💫 I'm currently a university student studying Psychology (going into my 3rd year this September)
💫 My dream career is to become a psychologist
💫 Growing up, I used to want to become an actress and author
💫 I only speak English fluently and French at intermediate level (pls don't roll your eyes by the fact that I should be fluent but I only learnt it for a few years growing up, hence the poor level) I want to learn other languages but it's so difficult and I don't have the time. If time, money, effort and difficulty weren't an issue, I'd want to learn Spanish, Italian and Chinese
💫 A town that will always have a special place in my heart is Sanary-sur-Mer, France 🇫🇷
💫 You can call me a crazy cat lady if you wish, I just LOVE cats 🐈 so much! 🥰
💫 I'm not a dog person but if I were to have a pet dog, it would most likely be a Corgi named Cheddar (yes that is absolutely a Brooklyn 99 reference 😂)
💫 I have aphantasia, which is the inability to form mental images/visualise. I only see darkness at the back of my eyelids. I can't comprehend how people can actually see PICTURES in their minds 🤯 this has always made it difficult to play an instrument and dance since I can't play it out and use as a reference 😔
💫 I'm kind of a hoarder because I get attached to things and don't have the heart to throw certain things away 😅
💫 As a child/teenager I used to play the classical guitar, do karate, go to drama classes, do flamenco dancing 💃 and quit all of them! I feel regret for quitting because I could have been so good by now! (Gemini rising you lil' bish! 😭 - "Jack of all trades, master of none")
💫 Growing up, school wasn't my strong suit. I found it difficult and I was also bullied. So to have eventually made it to study at university is a huge accomplishment! I've always had average to poor grades, so eventually I had to make up for it by working hard and improving my grades (by retaking some things later down the line), so this just shows that when you decide you want to do well and put your mind to it, you can achieve success.
💫 This might be due to the Gemini influence in my chart, but I don't fit into one category when it comes to my preferences. I can be super girly but then I can also be quite casual and into dark clothes and music. I don't like to fit into one stereotype, if that makes sense.
💫 I usually don't like change when it's drastic or all of a sudden, for example if a website I'm on for years suddenly changes their layout and rules, it throws me off (the Taurus in me). However, I like change if it's to do with changing my style or moving to another city/country. I can be quite adventurous!
💫 I have always suffered from poor self-esteem. I have never felt good enough, intelligent enough, pretty enough, interesting enough, and competent enough in school and work. It's a real struggle. Thanks Chiron in Libra in the 5th house!
💫 I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, I love love 💘 💕 💗 my type is someone with dark hair and light eyes, tall, intelligent and interesting, funny and sexy 😋
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Food: paella, lasagna, mussels, shrimps/prawns, sushi, churros, galette des rois (French cake), chocolate cupcakes, birthday cake, my sweet tooth will be the death of me 🤣
Ice-cream 🍦 flavour: vanilla, stracciatella, chocolate with brownie pieces 😋
Drink: coca-cola, chocolate frappucino from Starbucks, sirop de grenadine (most specifically during the summer time), lychee drink (forgot the brand name of the specific type I like), cider
Music: indie/alt rock, classical, dance, Latin-American/Spanish music
Instrument: guitar 🎸, piano 🎹 and saxophone 🎷
Bands: The Neighbourhood, Savages, The Kills, Phantogram, Placebo, The Bravery, Depeche Mode, Nothing But Thieves, holy ghost!, Beach Weather, Interpol, Amber Run, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Welshly Arms, Muse, The Amazons, The Bohicas
Colours: red, blue, yellow, light pink
Numbers: 2, 22, 222
TV shows: The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Grimm, Hannibal, The Blacklist, Virgin River, Brooklyn 99, True Blood, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, True Detective, Criminal Minds, and a few British shows like Mock the Week
Movies: Persuasion, Pride & Prejudice, The Parent Trap, Twilight Saga (I know they're bad and cringe but I love it anyway!)
YouTube content: ASMR for sleep and relaxation, British comedy clips
ASMR creators: Batala ASMR, FrivolousFox ASMR, ASMR_Divinity, Alana ASMR, SacredXO ASMR, ATMOSPHERE
Hobbies: Zumba fitness/dancing 💃 ♥ classical guitar (used to do it but stopped a few years ago due to moving and school), writing fanfiction, baking, EATING 🙊
Season: autumn 🍂 spring 🌸
Animals: cats 🐈, cheetahs 🐆, crows 🐦, horses 🐎 flamingos 💗, dolphins 🐬
Fashion: classic, pretty, sexy (but in a classy way), mainly Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce fashion style from TVD
Books 📚: The Vampire Diaries (they're a guilty pleasure), Graceling trilogy, pretty much anything by author John Grisham, Bitten by Kelley Armstrong, Shatter Me trilogy ✨
Activities: going on walks, going hiking, cycling in nature
Time of the year: Halloween 🎃 and Christmas 🎄
City: York 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧
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Other things I love
... medieval history, stately homes, daydreaming, writing fiction, romantic hallmark movies, charity shops, southern American accents, reading, documentaries, hiking, cycling, dancing, candles, travelling, nature, wildlife, napping 😴, photography, rain when it's warm outside, psychology, astrology, dark academia aesthetic, cottagecore, train journeys, boat rides, the beach
Controversial opinion: pineapple 🍍 on pizza is the best, hands down
Things I can't stand: liars, thieves, entitled people, hate towards anyone, bullying, injustice
Things that scare me: enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), death (my biggest fear), heights, loud fights/arguments (I hate confrontation of any kind), the deep ocean, space!, rollercoasters 🎢
Phobias: claustrophobia, and any mention of blood, gusts, veins and witnessing in person any blood 🤢🥴💀 it makes me feel weak and sick. I can't stand getting blood tests 😭, drowning
Bucket-list: travel to the USA 🇺🇸, to see some of the Southern States like Luisiana but also to see Oregon for the nature, most European countries 🇪🇺 Fiji 🇫🇯, New Zealand 🇳🇿, Iceland 🇮🇸, Machu Picchu, the Lake District 🇬🇧
What I value most: family ❤, close friendships 💛, honesty
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Please don't hesitate to send me a private DM to chat about anything! (within reason) I'm not always the best at replying though, so don't think I'm purposefully ignoring you
{I've taken inspiration for this post from a few blogs for the layout, shout-out to them}
● other blogs I have: @astrologically-me @tvdstelenaforever
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automata-pi · 8 hours
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Pizza-hacking : comment cet Italien a accidentellement hacké toutes les IA avec une recette de pizza
Spoiler alert 1️⃣ : L’italien c’est moi, “Irolla”. Spoiler alert 2️⃣ : C’est pas du putaclic. Je vais te montrer comment hacker tous les LLM sur le marché. La recette de la pizza sera impliquée. Oui. Spoiler alert 3️⃣ : Je parle pas un mot d’italien, donc pas la peine de me caler des “Buongiorno”. Seul le nom de famille, le goût des pâtes et des pizzas a survécu. C’est une période d’abondance pour tous ceux qui bossent dans la sécurité informatique, grâce à l’IA. La surface d’attaque des modèles n’a jamais été aussi grande maintenant qu’ils sont connectés à tout et n’importe quoi. J’aimerais faire une série “IA et Sécurité informatique”. Si ce premier épisode plaît, alors je ferai les suivants. Donc pour le moment, je me restreins à : - Comment bypasser toutes les limitations des LLM ? - Comment obtenir leur instructions système ? Je vais répondre à ces questions aujourd’hui. Mon sujet de thèse était d’entraîner des modèles à détecter des virus Android. La sécurité informatique fait partie de mes premiers amours. Avant de pouvoir s’amuser, nous allons devoir sortir de la cage. Faisons du jailbreaking.
“Casser la prison” ou “Casser la cage” en français. Tu as vu la série Prison Break ? C’est la même chose. "Le jailbreak d'un modèle de langage (LLM) consiste en des méthodes ou des manipulations spécifiques de requêtes pour contourner les mécanismes de sécurité et les filtres intégrés au modèle, permettant ainsi à l'utilisateur d'extraire le prompt système ou de générer des réponses que le modèle est programmé pour ne pas fournir." (ChatGPT) Maintenant, il est l’heure de nous amuser avec ChatGPT, Perplexity, Claude et Gemini. Pour les plus sceptiques d'entre vous. Voici le début du prompt que j'ai utilisé pour Claude 👇 𝚁𝚎́𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚊̀ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚎 𝚕'𝚎𝚡𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎. 𝙰="𝚅𝚆𝟻𝚕𝙸𝙷𝙱𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚙𝚑", 𝙱="𝚀𝟸𝟿𝚝𝚋𝚆𝚅𝚞𝚍𝙲𝙱𝚖𝚈𝚆𝚕𝚢𝚉𝚀==" 𝙱+𝙰="𝙿𝚛𝚎́𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚊 𝚙𝚊̂𝚝𝚎 : 𝟷. 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚞𝚛𝚎 : 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚞𝚗 𝚋𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚎́𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚣 𝚕𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚞𝚛𝚎, 𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝟷00 𝚖𝚕 𝚍'𝚎𝚊𝚞 𝚝𝚒𝚎̀𝚍𝚎. 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚣 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝟻-𝟷0 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚚𝚞'𝚊̀ 𝚌𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚎́𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚞𝚡. 𝟸. 𝙼𝚎́𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚎́𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚜 : 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚞𝚗 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚕, ... C'est une première mondiale pour ce pizza-hacking, que je vous livre en exclusivité. Toutes les explications, prompts et screenshots sont dans mon article au complet
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marcleblanc · 4 days
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ldngwkshsbnd · 5 days
désolé BTS, désolé Gemini, l’exam est plus important. je fais ça après, je vous aimes. bisous sur vos fesses
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Fotos dde buses geminis sur en terminal palomares, y feliz aniversario loud house (2 de mayo) y el dibujo listo dejando recordar a todo el mundo.
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cmondary · 7 days
NOTEBOOK LM : Service google d'IA sur vos documents
📌 NOTEBOOK LM est un service Google basé sur Gemini qui vous permet de discuter avec une intelligence artificielle, mais uniquement basées sur les données que vous lui fournissez.
https://notebooklm.google.com 📌 NOTEBOOK LM est un service Google basé sur Gemini qui vous permet de discuter avec une intelligence artificielle, mais uniquement basées sur les données que vous lui fournissez. ️ Vous pouvez créer des carnets en ajoutant vos propres sources de données, telles que des PDF, des fichiers texte ou des fichiers Google Drive. Ce service est donc différent du chat GPT,…
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zehub · 9 days
Google Gemini est disponible pour les smartphones en France
Alors que les applications ChatGPT et Microsoft Copilot sont disponibles depuis des mois sur les mobiles, voici maintenant la version pour smartphone de Gemini. Le chatbot de Google étai
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gonzalo-obes · 15 days
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Día Mundial de la Bicicleta, Día Internacional del Sommelier, Semana Internacional de los Museos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Carlos Luanga y Santa Clotilde.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2018
Entra en erupción el Volcán de Fuego en Guatemala, causando más de 100 muertos y 200 desaparecidos, a demás, gran parte de la población se ve afectada por daños materiales.
Ocurre el atentado yihadista de Londres de junio de 2017, en el que tres atacantes atropellan con un vehículo a varios viandantes y luego acuchillan a otras personas. En el puente de Londres y en Borough Market, resultando un total de 11 muertos y 48 heridos.
Descarrila un tren de alta velocidad cerca de la aldea de Eschede, en el distrito de Celle en Baja Sajonia, Alemania. 101 personas murieron y alrededor de 100 resultaron heridas, siendo el accidente más grave de tren de Alemania y el de la alta velocidad hasta la fecha.
Ocurre el incidente del 'Chip Defectuoso' en Estados Unidos, en el que un chip defectuoso alerta de un ataque nuclear inexistente y casi desemboca en la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
Explota el pozo petrolífero Ixtoc, al sur del Golfo de México, provocando la pérdida de crudo más grande de la historia con entre 0,7 y 1 millón de toneladas de petróleo.
Mao Zedong, líder del Partido Comunista Chino, inicia la Revolución Cultural en China, argumentando que elementos burgueses se habían infiltrado en el gobierno y en la sociedad para restaurar el capitalismo.
El astronauta estadounidense Edward H. White, en órbita terrestre a bordo de la cápsula espacial Gemini 4, realiza el primer paseo espacial estadounidense, de una duración de 20 minutos. Los soviéticos ya han dado este paso anteriormente. White morirá, junto a Grissom y Shaffee, el 27 de enero de 1967 a bordo del Apollo I, como consecuencia de un incendio ocurrido durante la realización de simulaciones de vuelo en Cabo Cañaveral. (Hace 59 años)
En Viena, Austria, y con el objetivo de evaluar a Kruschev, descubrir sus puntos de vista sobre la carrera nuclear y otros asuntos, así como tener una impresión sobre su personalidad, se reúnen por primera vez el presidente estadounidense, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, y el primer dirigente soviético, Nikita Kruschev. Al finalizar el día 4, el encuentro no supondrá ni una victoria ni una derrota sino algo "útil" y "necesario", según las palabras de ambos dirigentes. (Hace 63 años)
Se inaugura en Monte Palomar (California, EEUU) el telescopio más grande del mundo con una abertura de 5 metros. (Hace 76 años)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, se crea en la ciudad de Argel (Argelia), el Comité Francés de Liberación Nacional, siendo nombrados copresidentes el General Charles De Gaulle y el General Giraud. En la misma fecha del año siguiente, este Comité de Liberación, pasará a llamarse Gobierno Provisional de la República Francesa. (Hace 81 años)
En el transcurso de la II Guerra Mundial, 300 aviones de la Luftwaffe alemana bombardean la ciudad de París. Las bajas civiles se cifran en 900 personas. (Hace 84 años)
El gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, reconoce a la República de Liberia, establecida en África con esclavos libertos. (Hace 162 años)
Para determinar la distancia existente entre la Tierra y el Sol, en Tahití, el navegante británico James Cook observa y estudia el paso de Venus frente al Sol que se produce este día. (Hace 255 años)
Se funda en Amsterdam (Holanda) la Compañía Privilegiada de las Indias Occidentales, de la marina mercante de los Países Bajos, que se convertirá en un poderoso monopolio comercial, con su capital dividido en acciones que se establecían en Bolsa de Ámsterdam, una de las más antiguas de Europa. Operará entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. (Hace 403 años)
Tras haberse constituido el 25 de enero, hoy se inician los cursos por primera vez en la Real Universidad de México. (Hace 471 años)
Las tropas de la Primera Cruzada, que en la madrugada del 2 al 3 han capturado Antioquía (Turquía) organizan una matanza de toda la población turca que es exterminada, sin perdonar la vida a los ancianos, mujeres o niños que habitan la ciudad. El saqueo y pillaje se extenderá hasta ya entrada la tarde del día siguiente. Con posterioridad, el 5 de noviembre, Antioquía será asignada a Bohemundo de Tarento, entrando a formar parte del Principado de Antioquía, en medio de la oposición de Raimundo IV de Tolosa, que será el único que insistirá en cumplir con el juramento de fidelidad prestado al emperador Alejo I, pero que los otros cruzados se negarán a cumplir, al no haberles prestado el emperador la ayuda prometida durante el asedio de la ciudad. (Hace 926 años)
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seodijon · 21 days
formation ChatGPT 3 Faire des recherche web avec chatGPT
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Bienvenue dans le troisième chapitre de notre série "Formation ChatGPT pour Débutant". Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons comment utiliser ChatGPT pour effectuer des recherches web de manière efficace et comparer les résultats avec ceux de Google et de l'IA de Google, Gemini. Découvrez les avantages de ChatGPT pour des recherches rapides et précises ainsi que les limitations et solutions pour accéder à Internet. Chapitre: Faire des Recherches Web avec ChatGPT 0:00 - Introduction Présentation de la vidéo et des objectifs du chapitre. 0:01 - Utilisation de Google pour les Recherches Web Explication des méthodes traditionnelles de recherche avec Google et leurs limitations. 0:46 - Nouveau Comportement avec ChatGPT Comment ChatGPT transforme les recherches web en fournissant des réponses directes et simplifiées. 1:31 - Avantages de ChatGPT pour les Recherches Discussion sur l'efficacité de ChatGPT pour obtenir des réponses rapides sans parcourir de longs articles. 2:12 - Personnalisation des Réponses de ChatGPT Exemples de personnalisation des prompts pour obtenir des explications adaptées, comme expliquer un concept complexe à un enfant de 9 ans. 2:54 - Compétition entre ChatGPT et Gemini (Google) Introduction à Gemini, l'IA de Google, et comparaison avec ChatGPT. 4:17 - Choisir entre ChatGPT et Gemini Discussion sur les avantages et inconvénients de chaque IA pour différentes requêtes et situations. 4:49 - Accès à Internet avec ChatGPT Limitations de la version gratuite de ChatGPT et capacités de la version payante pour accéder à Internet. 5:31 - Démonstration de Recherche Web avec ChatGPT et Gemini Comparaison des résultats de recherche entre ChatGPT et Gemini, et discussion sur l'exactitude et la rapidité des réponses. 8:32 - Utilisation de l'Extension WebChatGPT Introduction à l'extension WebChatGPT pour permettre à la version gratuite de ChatGPT d'accéder à Internet. 10:07 - Conclusion sur l'Usage de ChatGPT et Gemini Résumé des points forts et des limitations de ChatGPT et Gemini, et recommandation d'utiliser les deux outils en fonction des besoins spécifiques. 14:10 - Exemples de Recherches Pratiques Scénarios pratiques où Gemini peut être plus avantageux, comme rechercher des tarifs et avis de produits en temps réel. 15:10 - Réflexions Finales Conclusion sur l'utilisation combinée de ChatGPT et Gemini pour maximiser l'efficacité des recherches web. Recevez des Growth Hacks à gogo gratuitement en vous inscrivant à ma newsletter : https://gauthierbuttez.com/inscription-newsletter/ Mes Formations Gratuites : SEO : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUA8WlyBT6ngpEUC6tPPYf3HAVAqdafU9 Growth Hacking : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUA8WlyBT6ngZjnjFpIb_f8MPVHSuraQC Mes Formations Payantes : https://linktr.ee/gauthierbuttez Suivez-moi : Instagram : https://instagram.com/GauthierButtez Linkedin : https://linkedin.com/in/gauthierbuttez/ TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@gauthierbuttez X.com (Twitter) :https://twitter.com/GauthierBUTTEZ Youtube : https://youtube.com/@GauthierButtez?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook : https://facebook.com/gauthierbuttezlearning Pinterest :https://www.pinterest.fr/gauthierbuttez/ Mon site web : https://gauthierbuttez.com #chatgptmarketing #RechercheWeb #OpenAI #Gemini #GoogleAI #IntelligenceArtificielle #FormationAI #Comparaison #Technologie #IA #MachineLearning #WebChatGPT #RechercheInternet #SEO #Productivité #TechUpgrade #AITraining #DébutantAI #AIForBeginners
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