#Genie bottle
skybrushus · 1 year
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Do you want to take my hand? Another in my series of genie ponies. This is also from the anthro MLP dreamscape where Rarity and her family are all genies. Link
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aut2imagineart · 1 year
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With the release of the Barbie movie I figured it would be a good time to draw Barbie as a genie. Since I could decide on a single look I ended up giving her four different outfits with the same pose (to save time). The top left if based on her computer game Barbie: Magic Genie Adventure. The bottom left is based on the classic I Dream of Jeannie outfit (Barbra Eden would have been the perfect live action Barbie back then IMO). The top fight is slightly inspired by Jenni from the match 3 game Genies n Gems though I made some more creative differences with that one. Finally, the bottom right is inspired by a vintage genie art piece I came across while searching for inspiration.
Barbie belongs to Mattel.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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mcdamnright · 1 year
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Some of the vintage Italian Empoli bottles I’ve collected over the years
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artisanity123 · 2 years
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The genie bottle is a powerful symbol of the Law of Attraction. It's not only about making wishes, but it reminds you to be your own genie, and create the reality you desire. Wearing this symbol will help you to attract the things you are envisioning.
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artbyblastweave · 2 months
Now one thing I find really stylistically interesting about Batman Beyond, is that a lot of the mechanisms by which the supervillians do their thing come part-and-parcel with the cyberpunk setting, rather than being an aberration resulting purely from the superheroic genre elements. This is the future of a quote-unquote "present-day" DCU, meaning that they've superficially addressed the question of why all the cutting-edge supertech used in the cape scene never seems to see mass adoption by the civilian sector- forty years later, it has. This means that It's never hard to grok where any given villain is getting the resources necessary to execute their gimmick; these people are flashy by our standards, but they live in a world where everyone has access to flying cars and antigravity drones. Half these people are doing the cyberpunk equivalent of going killdozer with repurposed industrial equipment, or kludging together something with off-the-shelf stuff from radio shack, or mounting a machine gun on a technical truck, and literally in the middle of typing this sentence I started the episode where there's mass-market off-the-shelf animal gene-splicing that would have been a whole-ass individualized origin story in the time of Batman: The Animated Series. Even one-off mutants like Inque and Blight are well-understood within the context of the setting, to the extent of Inque being able to make a knockoff of herself on the go.
This is dystopic. Beyond the genre-typical surface-level megacorp domination of society it's dystopic. On the meta-level it's the same dynamic as Superman: The Animated Series, where the reason there's a sudden uptick in weird costumed crime concurrent with the protagonist's debut is purely Doylistic- the hero needs punching bags. But within the logic of the setting, there's nothing special about Willy Watt's decision to go full Carrie using a hijacked construction robot besides the fact that he had somewhat easier access to the thing than the average school-shooter. Spellbinder being able to put together functional illusion-and-mind-control tech on a high-school counselor's salary- when his entire complaint is that he isn't being paid enough- implies that the main barrier to anyone else pulling the same brainwashing stunt is that nobody else thought to. Shriek's sound suit might be more a more roundabout demolition tool than dynamite, but it's still powerful enough to bring down buildings and he created it as a fly-by-night contractor. The consumer tech base is evolved to the point that regardless of when Batman shows up, shit like this should literally never not be happening- they're past an inflection point. I remember Syndrome from The Incredibles having some kind of line about this
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chronurgy · 3 months
I really love that gale can actually Do It. He can actually become a god. Mortals seeking to become gods usually fail which makes it easy to write them off as over ambitious and consumed by hubris, to say that of course they were never going to succeed, they never had a chance. Icarus flying too close to the sun and all that. But Gale does it. He succeeds. And how do we interpret that? How do we read icarus's story without the fall? Can we really call it hubris, call it excessive pride and self confidence, when it works in the end? After all, it's not bragging if you can back it up
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Please do Wanda Maximoff as the genie and she can only grant three wishes for her master, which is the reader, so he must use them wisely.
Wanda, a genie, stands in the living room of Y/N's new home...
Wanda: so a home, a car, what is your last wish, master?
Y/N: i wish for your freedom
Wanda: w-what?
Y/N: Wanda, you're free.
The chains drop from Wanda's wrists. The former genie cries as she looks to Y/N...
Y/N: now you can go live your life and fall in love like you always wanted.
Wanda: i think I already have.
Wanda jumps into Y/N's arms and kisses them softly...
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rooksamoris · 3 months
With his name meaning coming up, if Jamil ever seriously got on Magicam it would be over for Vil and Neige
jamil would fucking eat magicam up omg. im pretty sure it was vil in fairy gala who said that jamil and kalim (and leona) were pretty.
imagine he gets caught in some of the backgrounds of some of the others's photos??? like cater is taking a selfie with kalim and you can see jamil doing something in the background. kalim is probably on magicam, sharing all sorts of fun that he has, and in the background jamil is always there.
he ends up with his own set of fans who scour the hell out of night raven college student pages to find more of him because of just how pretty he is.
they make collages of him, and its mostly blurry pics, and he's just so baffled when someone shows it to him. he scrunches his nose and looks away, muttering something about how its weird, but deep down his ego is being very stroked by people writing shit like 'bro is majestic' and 'who's the pretty boy in the back' under images of him.
guys please spoil him with words of affirmation.
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newblvotg · 9 months
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hyunpic · 3 months
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240621 hynjinnnn instagram story
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skybrushus · 1 year
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Alright the theme my 6/10/23 Picarto stream will be those mysterious, magical, and exotic inhabitants of lamps, bottles, and flasks. The genie. So tune in tomorrow night starting at 5:30pm Pacific for all the fun!
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aut2imagineart · 10 months
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I wanted to do a quick something with my new character Celeste the Witch. Seeing she has a great aunt who's a genie (she was seen in a recent character set I did), I'd imagine Celeste would try to have a genie form herself with her bottle being her familiar Jackie and her broom merged together.
This was just something fun to do and I managed to finish as holiday piece (I'll post it a little later) though I may make another one since I still have time before Christmas.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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drenosa · 6 months
Genie: Alright, you get... seventeen wishes.
Jaune: Shouldn't it be three?
Genie: Normally yeah, but... *Motions at Jaune's everything* You got a lot going on and all.
Jaune: Well... *Pulls out a notepad* Guess I got some wiggle room. Could you give this a read-through?
Genie: *"Seated" at a table, reading glasses on and a lit cigarette in hand* ... Impossible (Physically), Impossible (Mentally), Impossible (Ethically, Morally & Legally) Impossible (Metaphyscially?).
Jaune: So... how many are left?
Genie: Uh... *Flipping back and forth through the notepad, tapping the ashes of the half-done cigarette in an overflowing ashtray* Uh...
Jaune: Just say it.
Genie: Yeah, no. Son, you're boned.
Jaune: Figures.
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
Feel free to expand on the weirdly loving handler and living weapon thingy you blessed our eyeballs with 👀👀
F-feel free to share more 👀👀
The thingy in question
With pleasure :D
I hope you wanted a lot more because this got long.
You can have:
Cuddles with undertones of power dynamics
Handler gently guiding/maneuvering a currently very dissociated living weapon (possibly after a hard mission/battle/something else that was difficult for them to go through)
Dogged loyalty and devotion
Weapon too conditioned to fully understand what they’re feeling
Both protective of each other but express it in different ways according to their roles
Denial. Denial that the living weapon is really a person, denial that one or both of them have gotten too attached/emotional about the other, denial about the ways the relationship is unhealthy, whatever else.
Can’t express their love/care the way two people normally would but find other ways to show it to each other.
They get each other in a certain way that no one else does, see sides of each other that aren't shown in many other situations
The drastic contrast between violence on the field and tenderness in private
And it comes in different varieties
Flavor 1: “I take care of my things.”
Very possessive
Heavy on the dehumanization
Handler/owner won’t let the weapon forget that they’re no more than an object in their eyes; every kindness and comfort serves as a reminder of this because each one is the handler taking care of and maintaining a thing that belongs to them.
—But they’re a very valued object. Maybe they’re expensive. Maybe they’re irreplaceable. Maybe the handler is very picky discerning about what kind of living weapon they’ll work with and others don’t fit the bill. Maybe they’ve saved the handler’s life more times than anyone else the handler has worked with on the field. Regardless of the reason, the handler won’t even entertain the idea of tossing the weapon aside like any other object.
A form of ownership that looks a lot like love. It’s hard to tell where the lines are drawn between sole ownership and monogamy, between maintenance and tenderness, between carefulness and caringness.
Handler definitely will not share. This weapon is theirs and theirs alone. You are not taking it on a mission without them.
Flavor 2: Basically BDSM but more questionable in the “safe, sane, and consensual” department.
Heavy on the affection & fondness. Probably in both directions.
Handler treats the weapon as more than an object, but never as a peer. They’re beloved but ultimately expected to obey.
One or both of them delight in their unequal roles.
Likely some kind of tension and want between the handler and the weapon. Also probably in both directions.
Some dubcon intimacy going on. I’ll let you decide how dubious and how intimate. Suffice it to say, the weapon is conditioned to do what their handler tells them, and that conditioning doesn’t just disappear when they leave the battlefield.
Maybe there is some consent involved, at least at some stage. Maybe they volunteered to become a living weapon out of their own desires.
Flavor 3: Stuck in this situation and doing what they can to be nice
Handler knows this is a weapon but it looks so human
Surely the conditioning can’t completely eliminate their emotions. They must be able to feel the difference between kindness and callousness even if they don’t show it. It would be cruel not to give them gentleness and comfort when they’re past the point of being able to seek it out for themself.
Finding excuses for the “unnecessarily” nice treatment. It’s to keep them operating in peak condition. It’s to reinforce their loyalty to their handler and contrast with the violence of the enemy. It’s because it would be more unnecessary work for the handler to break the habits they formed interacting with actual people. It’s because the handler has fallen for those doe eyes.
Would probably decondition them if they were in any place to do so. But they have to answer to a higher power, whether that be a commanding officer or a greater moral good, etc. so instead they focus on making the aspects that they can control of the situation they are in more merciful and comfortable even as they continue to use them as a weapon.
Flavor 4: Love each other but both believe the dehumanization.
Conditioned like you wouldn’t believe
Maybe the handler has fallen for propaganda. Maybe they took the weapon at their very conditioned word. Maybe they’ve gone through some kind of conditioning themself. Regardless, they see the living weapon as just that: a living weapon. Definitely not a person, but not some lifeless, inanimate thing either.
There’s a deep, non-sexual intimacy to the relationship between a weapon and its wielder. To depend on another to save your life time and again, to destroy foes you could never overcome with your own bare hands. To trust someone so deeply you respond to their orders faster than you can assess a threat or target yourself, so completely you don’t even think to question them. To participate together in the intense acts of killing and fighting for your life.
That forms a bond no one else can truly understand. No relationship in polite society compares with one founded on mortal peril and unquestioning faith.
In the end one is a person and one is a weapon, but they’ve both developed a love for the other. Their relationship is built on the difference in their roles and functionally inextricable from that difference, yet is defined by more than roles alone. If you asked them what they were to each other they would say “It’s my weapon” and “They’re my wielder” with absolute surety, but they would say it with love in their eyes and fondness in their voices.
Flavor 5: Handler doesn’t realize how deeply gentle their treatment affects the weapon
Maybe the handler considers it basic human decency. Maybe they consider it more efficient to keep their weapon in top condition. Maybe they’re just a naturally gentle person. Regardless, they treat the weapon better than any handler or trainer before them but (at least initially) don’t think much of it.
No one else has shown the weapon any sort of kindness since before they were a weapon.
Taken by surprise when the weapon breaks down crying in a tender moment
Handler is kind because it just makes sense. Cruelty doesn’t serve any purpose. It doesn’t have especial meaning to them.
In contrast, the kindness means everything to the living weapon. They become deeply devoted to the handler over it.
Maybe the handler finds out how much it means to the weapon. Do they try to tell them it’s no big deal? Do they make it more of a point to always show that kindness now that they know how important it is? Do they worry this means the weapon needs more conditioning?
I’ve had this on the mind a lot can you tell
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apologeticallyfat · 1 month
Sailor X
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lili-divine-artist · 3 months
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Some drawings of Sun and Moon in my Genie Au, I forgot to show this drawing here! >< I hope you like it !
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