#Soul archer
siren61 · 7 months
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What would happen if one was a hugger in a group of people who hates physical touch?
Morro absolutely HATES (loves) it <333
He’s never been hugged in his life :( , not even his former mentor WHAT⁉️ Well, probably one time if you would consider that one moment when he saved him a hug but y’know
And yeah, Ghoultar sleeps like that please don’t get me
Also here’s some low quality Soul MEWER (i hate you sm rein) memes i hate myself sm for making these AHSHWKJSA
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sepublic · 6 months
Back when S5 aired, I remember having this very out-there interpretation of Morro and his generals as each representing the five stages of grief. It was a HUGE stretch and I was clearly inspired by Matpat's video on Majora's Mask, but for a fanon rewrite, it could be a fun idea?
Morro is Denial, obviously; He's in denial over the fact that he's not the Green Ninja, he refuses to accept this or his destiny.
Bansha is Anger, because she seems the most openly hostile and aggressive of the group, screaming loudly.
Soul Archer is Bargaining, he literally bargained with Ronin for his soul in the past.
Wrayth is Depression, because he was gone for a long while, inactive, only to finally come back from his 'funk'. Which leads us to...
Ghoultar is Acceptance because out of all of the ghost generals, he's actually pretty chill and seems okay with being a ghost.
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riptidesblog · 6 days
Imagine how terrible it was for Bansha,Soul Archer,Ghoultar and Wrayth:you're one of the top generals of an eldritch goddess that embodies hell with plenty of skills to match but you're outranked by a kid.A whiny teenager.And said teenager will abuse his power.He canonically had a throne built out of whatever there was in Ronin's shop.He probably had them make it.Grown-ass men and a woman doing arts&crafts bc their boss made a kid the one in charge and kid is pretending that his lame excuse for a 'throne'(really,a glorified chair) is valid.Even if they are used to stuff from the kid, said kid is possessing another kid and they are both little shits.Their prisoner will critique the design and correct them(so what if some things he says could work because he did study at villain school?That's not the point).It was probably miserable
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blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
I HAVE AN AU! Again.
Essentially, instead of Morro getting sent back to the Departed Realm, he gets stuck in Ninjago and shares residence of the attic of Sensei Yang's temple.
Cue Cole popping up to just hang out with the two ghosts up there. He eventually befriends Morro, and now Cole has to hide the two ghosts in the attic.
Some months later, there are rumors that say some ghosts from the Stiix Incident lived, and were hiding out in some no-name village near Stiix's remains. Cole volunteers to check it out.
Guess who he finds? Bansha, Wrayth, Ghoultar, and Soul Archer! He makes a deal with them to move into the attic with Morro and Sensei Yang until they find a better place to lie low.
Now he has to hide six ghosts in the attic.
Cue chaos and shenanigans.
Cole should've thought this through.
I will add extra details in a different post if you want?
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st311ar · 7 months
Hey i love all the ghost warriors so i'm giving the main trio backstories.
In order to make these backstories you need to remember all ghosts were either disgraced in battle, Or they offended the FSM.
Next: Soul Archer
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(Sidenote: i dont really know what disgraced in battle means, but i feel like that's deserting the army, or committing serious war crimes depending on the time period, government, and army.)
Alright im not bullpointing these, so here we go.
First off, lets just act like their used to be another bigger village to jumonikai, and that's where Archer lived. Also, i assume that's an alias so lets give archer a name............Arthur. Because it rhimes. Of course it doesn't really come up, but yeah.
So, this larger village is getting most of their labor and resources off of jumonikai. Jumonikai isn't gonna have it, so they start a war with this massive town.
Arthur joins the army in the town at about 20-25 take your pick. His family was starving due to the lack of resources from jumonikai, so he decided to join with his archery skills.
With the army being extreamly underdeveloped in the ways of training and such (since this is one of its first wars), He instantly became one of the top archers, but also a friend to the younger soldiers. Jokingly, the younger ones would call him 'papa archer' while at camp, and he'd laugh it off.
During one particular battle, the bloodiest in the war yet, he managed to take out over 100 of jumonikai's soldiers, earning him the title 'soul archer' due to how many he had killed.
Exept...About 3 months later, the army planned a direct attack on the village. Arthur thought the other soldiers knew what a attack on a village intailed...Do not hurt the innocents.
Well. He was wrong.
When the attack happened, Soldiers went absolutely ham, destroying houses and killing the mothers of innocent young children. Some, even killing the surviving young. Soul archer, appauled by his comrads, began to activley rescue and save children on sight. betraying his army by killing off thoes who tried to murder the innocents, and letting the innocents escape.
Though, before the battle was over, Soul archer was struck down by a fellow comrad in the age range of his 40's, and sent to the cursed realm for the "war crimes" he commited in his army.
Despite the fact he was only saving those who couldn't protect themself.
In his death, he connected with the other ghost warriors during a certain period of time. He has a more comrad connection with Ghoultar and Wrayth, and a more sibling like connection with Bansha. Despite this, Soul archer and Bansha are mostly in charge of making sure that Morro isn't seriously injured or sacrificed in the cursed realm, and they are in fact very sucsessful.
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ryderlovessyntax · 2 years
Merry Christmas
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c-c-v · 1 year
Manage to finally make the funi after a lack of motivation and such, humans are still a iffy pain the ass for me so kindly mind any this silly or off, I'm trying real hard here but hopefully ye shall enjoy :3
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
it’s October, you know what that means
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It means I’m watching Possession for the millionth time
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ninjago-shipping · 2 years
Gambit = Ronin x Soul Archer
Named as such because Ronin lost his soul/gambled away his soul to the Soul Archer.
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orochiposting · 7 months
“I can fix him dw” [drill sounds] {screaming} [chainsaw revving]
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siren61 · 7 months
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🎋 [ “I think it’s better I wasn’t saved.”
“Why is that?”
The archer asked as he sharpened the ends of his arrows.
“I’ve been running scenarios in my head, if ever I was managed to be pulled from the P— er, her.” He cringed at the thought of their former queen. “If destiny will be in my side this time, I’ll be taken in, forgiven and accepted in the group. Low chance from Lloyd, and especially that red ginger-snap.”
“Mhm. And unfortunately as always, if it isn’t?”
“I’ll be shunned, imprisoned, tortured, or who knows what they do with criminals nowadays.” The spirit gave a small shrug. “But knowing Wu, he’d probably keep me in the Monastery, insists those prized ninjas of his’ to give me a chance.”
“Possible. However you’ll be reunited with your former mentor; a second chance, to make up your rights, gain their trusts, recover the time that was wasted decades ago, and even gain a new family, if destiny will choose to be your friend. What’s your reason for stating that it was better for your fate to end this way?” Soul shifted his attention to Morro.
“Hm.. well, I can only think of two reasons so far.”
“And those are?”
“Wu has his own family now, I will only cause a huge ruckus if I were to be forced alongside them. And speaking of family,” he paused before turning to where the trio where; Bansha wrestling with Ghoultar with a hearty laugh, while Wrayth was cheering the lady as well as insulting the ghostly skeleton. “I’ve already found mine.”
The answer surprised the archer but didn’t show it. Normal people wouldn’t notice it, but it was quite easy for the spirit to notice that subtle smile on the former general’s face as he watched the others. It’s unexpected and new to him for Morro to show such emotion.
“I see. And the second?”]
This was supposed to be a late Valentines post, with an extra comic!! But I’ll separate that in another post
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morroodle · 2 months
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Was this just an elaborate way to procrastinate on making the face on the latest morro plushie? Yes. Yes it was.
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riptidesblog · 5 months
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Ghost generals
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
Hey, other Durge players, I'm curious: what class/es did you give your Durge and how do they tie into their backstory?
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cosmicssubway · 5 months
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reachartwork · 2 months
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twilight huntress vesper
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