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montereybayaquarium · 6 months
The beauty of the monastery kelp forest
We get by with the help of our fronds! Sea-riously! A new study by Monterey Bay Aquarium scientists found that denser kelp forests can better handle serious stressors like sweltering seawaters!
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The study looked at kelp forests before, during, and after an extreme marine heatwave that hit west coast waters from 2014-2016. It found that denser and more sheltered forests, and the animals living in these forests, fared better against the extreme heat. These persistent forests were also able to keep hungry sea urchins from roaming around the reef and gobbling up the remaining kelp.
Another Aquarium study showed a certain species supports strong kelp forests by snacking on  sea urchins — you guessed it — sea otters!
You can dive deeper into this research here!
Healthy kelp forests not only provide homes for a wide range of marine life — they also absorb carbon dioxide — naturally pushing back against climate change (hurray photosynthesis!). 
Globally, kelp has been declining for a half-century and warming ocean temperatures present a serious threat to cold-water species like kelp. 
Studies like these help us understand what makes kelp forests strong, and how we can implement restoration efforts in areas with less kelp coverage.
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sayruq · 4 months
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Everyone knows a family that has lost a child in Zamzam, a camp for hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Sudan’s Darfur region. Hunger and disease have become grim features of daily life, and a child is dying in the camp every two hours, according to the medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). “There have been many, I cannot remember them all. The latest died yesterday,” says Laila Ahmed, who lives in the camp with her nine children. Like most of Sudan, Zamzam has had no phone or internet connection for the past two weeks, but the Guardian managed to talk to refugees through a satellite link.They described a desperate situation, with no clean drinking water and little access to medical treatment. Families share meagre food stores. Almost 25% of children are severely malnourished. Dengue fever and malaria are sweeping through the camp. Beyond its perimeters roam militiamen who kidnap or attack women who venture out to collect firewood or grass for their donkeys. Apart from one small distribution in June, no food aid has arrived since fighting erupted across Sudan on 15 April. “I think we are approaching starvation,” says Abdullatif Ali, a father of six. “The people are suffering from malnutrition, disease – many issues.” Zamzam was set up in the mid-2000s in the wake of the genocide in Darfur, carried out by predominately Arab militias called the Janjaweed. Before the current war between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which grew from the Janjaweed, a patchwork of international aid agencies provided services to Zamzam, but they abruptly pulled out when the fighting started. Since then, the camp’s population has swelled with new arrivals fleeing fighting farther south. “This is a vast, overpopulated camp that needs a large amount of support, but it has been completely left on its own,” says Emmanuel Berbain, an MSF doctor, who visited recently. “It’s a complete catastrophe, to be honest.”
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tamamita · 2 years
The pre-flood era in the Bible is interesting, cause everything was just fucked up. You got giants (Nephilim), fallen angels that copulated with humans, demons roaming the Earth, fallen angels that waged wars against God, such as Satanael, and humans who ate MEAT, god forbid. Azazel introducing weapons to man that leads to a global war between men and gods. Enoch becomes the angel Metatron and is exalted. People were even taller and could live for centuries. But God didn't like that and sent a flood to kill them all, save a few ones.
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aettuddae · 4 months
business matter — chapter 42.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
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a blonde-haired girl wakes up after hearing commotion in her apartment. voices, disguised in whispers, but still loud enough to cause a disturbance. it sounded like two people fighting in the distance. she got up from the bed disoriented, her heart beating rapidly at the thought that something bad was happening to one of her members. with her vision blurred by not having yet gotten used to the tangible world, she roamed around her room. visualizing her acoustic guitar, she wobbled to it and reached out to grab it, trying to shake the sleep from her body along the way.
she opened the door to her room with a rough yank on the handle and hurriedly ran down the hallway, raising the instrument over her shoulder, ready to throw it or use it as a hammer at whoever had barged into her home.
"come in!"
"i don't want to!"
“i told you to take off your shoes and come in!”
“i'm not going to let you see my socks… WHY DOES SHE HAVE A GUITAR!?”
"what's going on!?"
winter dropped the guitar and admired the situation anxiously, swaying from side to side as if at any moment she would have to run away. in front of her was her leader, with her elaborate makeup and elegant wardrobe, barefoot and stressed, pulling on the arm of jang serim, who was in the hallway, clinging to the door frame, refusing to enter, objectively more disheveled than her member. there was a strong aroma of alcohol in the air, and after assimilating what was happening, she understood that it was coming from the guest.
“serim is drunk and she doesn't want to go in.” karina explained with annoyance in her voice, lifting her leg and resting her foot against the wall so she could increase the force with which she was pulling serim into the apartment.
"why?" the youngest took a few steps until she was next to her member, stopping to look at the oldest of the three in confusion.
“it's just,” karina let go of the other party, causing her to fall sitting on the floor. “she says it's not respectful to come in drunk when other people are sleeping here.”
“i am a well-mannered baby.” serim spoke, forming a pout with her lips, but her words were barely understood since they came out in a blur. after that, she lost her balance and fell on her back.
“oh, she's gone.” winter judged.
“she didn't eat anything before drinking." her roommate explained, walking over to the girl who was on the ground.
"she didn't?" the vocalist followed her.
“she didn't, because she wanted to make me upset!” karina complained as she put her hands under serim's arms to lift her up.
"that's true." jang admitted and then began to laugh frantically.
"be quiet." karina ordered, using all of her strength to move her inside while minjeong pulled her legs.
“we had to leave early because the idiot got drunk, so our manager brought us here.” she continued contextualizing as she carried the eldest. “when we were in the car i managed to get her to unlock her phone and i notified her staff, but they will come in an hour, so she has to stay here until then.”
once in the living room, she let go of serim, instructing winter to do the same, letting her fall. the blow and roar woke up the member of heaven, who clumsily stood up, leaving her standing statically with her back to both aespa.
"where am i?" she questioned, lost as she analyzed the place and realized that she didn't know it.
she abruptly turned around, trying to discover the entire room, only to find the girls who had their eyes glued to her. winter couldn't contain her laughter and karina was rubbing her temple with a burdened grimace.
"oh, it's you." serim left the alert position in which she was and her face showed disappointment when she met the dark haired woman. “and giselle!” she regained her energy upon seeing the other person and pointed at winter excitedly.
“i'm winter.” she said simply and laughed covering her mouth.
"please don't rob us!” ningning exclaimed, appearing from behind her friends in her pajamas, throwing various stuffed toys into the air, trying to hurt the criminal who was in her house, but not hitting anyone because she had her eyes closed in fear.
“giselle!” the drunk girl repeated before the arrival of a new individual.
"where?" the youngest opened her eyes to look for the japanese one, finding the disastrous situation. “jimin!” she squealed with displeasure.
“no, i'm serim from heaven.” she introduced herself politely.
“i am jimin." karina corrected her coldly.
“no, you are karina.” she shook her head. “i know because i had to repeat it many times to learn it.”
“why didn't you tell me that serim was here?” the maknae protested, fixing her hair.
“because i shouldn't be here,” the oldest remembered.
"oh no…" vocalized minjeong.
"stay still!" the leader of aespa shouted, going to catch the girl who began to run towards the door.
“she's so funny.” ningning said as she bit her lip and undid the last button on her pajama shirt.
"what is she doing?" jang murmured to karina, who had successfully caught her, staring at the chinese woman, while being held firmly by her waist by yu so that she wouldn't run away again, but this one only looked at her out of the corner of her eye angrily.
"what's going on?" giselle joined the meeting, appearing down the hallway with hiro in her arms.
“giselle!” the guest threw her hands in the air happily. “and the dog i definitely don't hate." she pointed at the animal.
“serim is drunk and she has to wait here for a moment until her manager comes to pick her up." karina repeated. “sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep, i'll take her to my room,” she noticed.
“can she come to my room?” ningning intervened.
“ning!” aeri reproached her.
"alright." serim accepted, trying to walk in her direction.
"get away from my baby." jimin nagged at her, hitting her arm.
"then can i sleep with giselle?" she wondered with a strange hint of innocence.
"serim!" the main rapper amended her.
"cheater..." ning muttered in disbelief.
"stop." karina pretended to start crying while she tried to keep the eldest still.
"why not me?" asked winter offended, as her leader started to drag the guest to her room.
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the puppy had decided to change his sleeping partner and entered karina's room following her and serim. once the animal was inside, the resident closed the door. the vocalist stood in the center, looking vacantly around her, her body moving beyond her control due to the alcohol in her system.
hiro walked past her, heading to her bed. with a single jump, he went up and lay down comfortably. he looked warm and happy, so serim was tempted to try it on her behalf, walking there and then plopping down on the mattress.
"sleep and i'll let you know when your manager comes." karina advised seriously, leaning her back against the door.
“i shouldn't fall asleep in your bed." said the oldest, but ironically her eyes closed on their own and her words came out in whispers.
"i'd rather you fall asleep than keep talking."
"you are so mean." she took a big breath of air trying to regain clarity, raising her head a little and resting her weight on her elbows so as not to fall asleep. “it's your own room, are you going to stand there?”
“do you want me to lay with you?” she crossed her arms.
“it's your bed." she made obvious. “and i think we are already committed enough to each other to share it.” she let her head fall against the pillow.
karina looked at her from where she was, taking a moment to think. she began to wander removing all the accessories and makeup that she had on her, finally leaving her earrings on the nightstand and sitting next to her workmate. serim had her eyes closed, but she lifted her eyelids when she felt the weight next to her. she looked at the younger from below, who was focused on watching what her dog was doing. since he was asleep, serim, still intoxicated, realized that she was just trying to avoid eye contact.
“see that we can coexist?” she tried to break the ice.
“didn't i tell you to go to sleep?” she contradicted bitterly.
“you're more irritable than usual." she observed, doing her best to speak properly.
“i have to live with you,” she answered, still not looking at her. “and then when we have an event you get drunk.”
"i don't think is that." she dismissed without getting affected. “you are like this because of your boyfriend.”
“can you not mention it?” she blurted abruptly, quickly turning her head so that she couldn't see her expression, and fixing the position of her body.
“see how is that?” knowing that she was right she laughed, and because of her drunkenness, she couldn't stop it.
“no, i'm sorry, but you're not always right.” she frowned and finally turned to her. "can you stop?" she asked seeing that she wouldn't.
“serim, it's crazy how happy it makes to be right.” she criticized her angrily. “serim!” she held her shoulders with her hands as if she was about to shake her to make her reason, but she only exerted pressure to hoard her attention, intending to make her shut up. the named one connected her eyes with hers and little by little she stopped her fit of laughter. she raised one of her hands and placed it on karina's, which was on her shoulder. keeping the smile on her face, she explored the features of the blackhaired woman with her gaze, who would keep her grip until serim's joy was erased from her face. serim gently squeezed the hand she was touching and accompanied it with an unconscious lip bite.
“i can't believe you, you're horny already.” she quickly pulled away from the older one. "gross."
“you were very close!” she noted merrily. “and i'm not horny, i just have a lot of love to give.”
she let her arms fall spread all over the bed, accidentally resting her right one on the other's lap, making them both look at it expectantly. they remained silent, still. the atmosphere was peculiar, there was a different tension than the one that usually created between them, and it seemed as if one of them made an abrupt movement, it would dissipate. in the dancer's gaze, it was clear that she wanted jang to stop touching her, but nothing in her body language matched that, she did not move to push her away. the vocalist slowly raised her limb, gently bringing it up to the girl's face, to touch her cheek and caress it, gaining her attention, getting her to observe her without any emotion.
“karina,” she called and received a hum. “you know that if you kissed me now i wouldn't remember it tomorrow, right?” with her knuckles she tenderly drew her traits.
“i don't want to kiss you." she stated, still in the same position.
“stop thinking about that guy.” she ran the tip of her thumb over her bottom lip.
“while you ask me to kiss you?” she took the focus off of her. “he is my boyfriend, i can't cheat on him.”
"cheat? but if you're not together and he hasn't spoken to you for two weeks." she let out a giggle full of irony. “and i'm not asking you to kiss me, i'm just saying that if you wanted to i wouldn't stop you.” she leaned on her forearm, slightly separating herself from the mattress.
“we are taking a break." she lowered her head.
“whatever that means.” she took her chin between her fingers and made karina face her.
“if you don't want to, why don't you get away?”
the girl hadn't noticed how she leaned into serim's touch, and how it had drawn her into her personal space. they were at the perfect distance so that they could touch each other just by lowering her head a little, and so that the smell of alcohol the oldest one emanated made her a little dizzy.
serim was right, wasn't she? jongin had disappeared. at first, she didn't believe that he would be so brutal, but who had been her boyfriend for over a year simply asked her for some time and erased himself from her life from one day to the next. and now she didn't know what he was doing, or where their relationship stood.
what does taking a break mean? if he had already cheated on his ex, what could assure her that while they were apart he would not be with other girls? is it okay to want to make him feel bad for leaving her?
if they weren't together as of now, it wouldn't be infidelity, right? serim was probably right. as usual.
karina leaned in, reaching the older girl's lips with hers and trapping them in a kiss. serim moved her grip, sliding her hand down her cheek to her nape, and from there she pulled her closer. the dark haired woman moved closer to the center of the bed, held her opponent's face from both sides and gently pushed her, making her lie down completely again, remaining on top of her.
they were kissing slowly, but intensely. in the end, it was not a loving kiss, but one motivated purely by desire, attraction, and resentment, they did not have to be sweet with each other when they could continue battling as they always did. they pressed against each other and held themselves as close as they could, karina's nails were digging into serim's cheeks, who could only concentrate on maintaining resistance so as not to completely lose control.
until the screen of her phone turned on, and more than it concerned her, it was yu who moved far from her to see where the light was coming from.
“your manager is calling you, he must be downstairs.” she straightened up, sitting properly on the bed and stretching her arm out to reach the device.
“no, he's not.” the senior refused and lifted herself, trapping her face in her touch again to connect their pupils, running her lips from her shoulder to her neck, causing her to close her eyes enjoying the attention, a sign that told her to continue on karina's jaw and cheek, until it reached her mouth another time and they kept going as if the phone wasn't still vibrating.
leaning on the embrace that serim had on her waist, biting her lips while she got lost between them and met her tongue, she convinced herself that she could vent her anger towards jang in this way more often. although she would surely change her mind as soon as it was over. and suddenly she forgot how jongin had treated her. although she would surely remember after serim left.
they were completely immersed in each other, until hiro's growl replaced the silence of the room, forcing them to put an end to it to check what was happening to the dog, who was standing firmly ready to throw a tantrum.
“it seems like someone is jealous..." the drunken one pointed out in a flirtatious tone, making jimin laugh.
perhaps the first time she made her laugh.
“it's okay, don't worry.” the puppy's owner spoke softly to calm him down.
when she made sure that hiro was already appeased, serim took advantage of her grip on karina's torso and hugged her carefully, but also surely, to which she responded by reconnecting their lips, but not for a long time.
serim's scream was possibly heard on the upper and lower floors of the dormitory and woke up all the members again. the girl jumped on her feet over the bed due to the pain and since she was still completely numb she lost her balance and fell to the floor, which made her yell again.
all as a result of the fact that hiro had not really chilled out and as soon as he saw that his guardian was still kissing someone else he couldn't stand the wrath and bit hard the hand that the stranger had on jimin's waist.
“i can't believe i just made out with this loser.” karina talked to herself, covering her face in shame. “i'll cure you and you'll leave, your manager has already waited too long for you.”
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— taglist [CLOSED]: @yoontoonwhs @cwpiqwon @aliceiwk @xen248 @gtfoiydlyj @rinapomu @aeriuchinarga @multiliker @somedaydream @impossiblesharkcashrebel @yjiminswallet @haerinsloverr @yerimbrit @73vyn @dni-unavailable @lovemariana @sewiouslyz @yeetaberry127 @masuowo @yallatalla @aerithykly @chaenniefirst @minfolio @xszn @starrynini05 @hotluvlet @wmnrhot @mineige @lisaswifey @brocoliisscared @fae-the-wanderer
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jadeseadragon · 3 months
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#Repost @scotlandisnow
"Following the release of Scottish wildcats into the Cairngorms National Park last year, this summer 'Saving Wildcats' are getting ready to release more into the population 🐈
Tracking their movements using GPS radio collars, we know 17 of the 19 released last June, have stayed within the project area. With some starting to settle down but most continuing to roam about the countryside, scoping out different areas.
As Scotland's last remaining native cat species, we're proud to support this project and make progress towards vital global conservation."
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hyperfixatedhells · 5 days
hyperspecific sso nostalgia
"you have taken a dangerous fall" or falling off of a cliff so many times that you get taken back to your stable. also the screen turning red when this happened.
magic horses only turning magic if theyre away from civilization.
having to spam W or else your horse will slow down.
waiting for the bus and using the bus ticket.
using the circus ticket.
having to drag and drop items from your inventory.
jojo siwa at the disco.
spirit around jorvik.
collecting the stars and being so excited upon finding one.
certain horses being cold tolerant, [fjord, icelandic, etc] the others slowing down upon entering the valley of the hidden dinosaur.
finding gary goldtooth in the middle of nowhere.
low quality saddle bag pets and that stupid torn saddle bag.
not being able to stack items.
having to build reputation to progress.
the saving nightdust quest.
april fools updates, especially the 2016 supershire.
the summer bonfire event, the birthday event, the st. patricks day event, all of the holiday and seasonal events.
how the areas would be decorated for valentines day, easter, etc.
those things that would temporarily change your starter horses coat into all sorts of wacky things.
the barrel race in moorland.
the old filter.
the trailers being star rider only.
the closets being star rider only.
jumping being star rider only, and justin teaching you how to jump.
no jumping in towns/cities.
the original home stable.
waiting for the fairies and just BARELY missing it.
the baronesses racetrack being under construction for SO LONG.
jorvik not having any snow during christmas.
the 2017 character update and the ORIGINAL original character, plus the original weird looking starter horse.
horse island.
unnamed stable girl, the one that came before maya.
all of the old npcs.
when you enter a new area, the name of it would flash in the middle of your screen.
speed boosts on roads.
star stable news with ylva and matilda.
the loading screen stable cat who gave you tips.
the kallters.
having to build your reputation with the hermit to buy his horses and having to build your reputation with the kallters to buy fjord horses.
the iceberg and the seals.
the clothing and tack being basically unidentifiable until you hovered over them, because the items just had a gray or gold icon with what the item actually classified as. [aka what it looks like on mobile]
the fort pinta shark.
the global store not being around and having to buy things directly from the shops or the mall.
the infamous purple car and bulldozer that would run you over.
having to fill your houses needs multiple times a day plus the little smiley face mood thingy.
only being able to care for your horse near stables.
only having three uses for your water bucket.
unused furniture.
starshine roaming around greendale.
the "glue man" and the little girl in your stable singing during halloween.
the chat filter being called phil.
stacy place oh god stacy place. also archie fails
all of the star stable commercials and ads, especially that one fucking disney channel commercial.
please add your own nostalgias onto this post i would love to hear them
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robfinancialtip · 8 months
In this informative video, Kaaren Thompson from Karma Dog Speak shares her experience with the Halo 3 Collar, a groundbreaking innovation in the world of pet technology. As a seasoned user of the Halo Collar, Kaaren provides a comprehensive Halo Collar review, shedding light on the collar's impressive features and enhancements.
Kaaren introduces us to Cosmo, her furry companion adorned with the cutting-edge Halo 3 Collar since its release on September 1st. This collar has been a game-changer in Kaaren's extensive journey as a Halo dog owner.
The Halo 3 introduces exciting new elements, including a range of vibrant colors like Orchid, Sunburst, gray, and white. With a new magnetic charging port, this collar is not only stylish but also waterproof, allowing dogs like Cosmo to enjoy a dip without compromising functionality. The collar's GPS satellite technology has seen incredible improvements, offering a global connection via AI, Bluetooth, cellular, and Wi-Fi. This means your pet can roam freely, regardless of your location, and stay connected to the network.
One remarkable feature Kaaren highlights is the Halo Collar's beacon functionality, serving as both a keep-away and stay-in zone. This innovative capability provides pet owners like Kaaren with the ability to create boundaries indoors and outdoors, ensuring safety and training.
Kaaren shares personal anecdotes, including instances where the Halo Collar played a crucial role in bringing back an escaped dog, demonstrating the collar's effectiveness in real-life situations. The collar's remote feature allows Kaaren to call back her dogs with a simple signal, promoting positive dog training and providing freedom for dogs in various environments.
Beyond the technology, Kaaren emphasizes the positive impact the Halo 3 Collar has had on her relationship with her dogs, providing a unique sense of freedom and safety. The collar's waterproof design and magnetic charging port add to its durability, making it an ideal choice for outdoor dog activities.
The Halo Collar isn't just a tracking device; it's also a reliable dog activity tracker, ensuring that your furry friend stays healthy and active. With a focus on dog safety, this collar combines technology and practicality to offer pet owners peace of mind.
Whether your dog is a water enthusiast or an escape artist, the Halo Collar proves to be a reliable companion. Kaaren encourages viewers to consider this best outdoor dog collar for its flexibility, global connectivity, and the peace of mind it brings to pet owners. Remember to follow Kaaren on her social media channels for more insights, and if you found this video helpful, feel free to like, subscribe, and join the conversation.
✅ New PrecisionGPS(™) Technology ✅ New Active GPS Antenna ✅ 24-hour Battery Life ✅ Auto-connect to Any Cellular Network Worldwide ✅ New Perfect Fit System ✅ Magnetic Charging Port ✅ New Colors: Orchid and Sunburst
NEW COLORS Halo Collar 3 is available in 4 vibrant colors: ✅GRAY ✅BLACK ✅ORCHID🆕 ✅SUNBURST🆕
CHAPTERS: 00:00: Halo Collar Overview 02:55: Halo Collar Features 04:06: Virtual GPS Boundaries and Active Tracking
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typhlonectes · 2 years
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Kansas Research Shows Reintroducing Bison on Tallgrass Prairie Doubles Plant Diversity
Findings from decades of data also point to resistance to extreme drought.
Decades of research led by scientists at Kansas State University offered evidence reintroducing bison to roam the tallgrass prairie gradually doubled plant diversity and improved resilience to extreme drought.
Gains documented in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science were among the largest recorded globally in terms of species richness on grazing grasslands. The research involved more than 30 years of data collected at the Konza Prairie Biological Station near Manhattan.
Zak Ratajczak, lead researcher and assistant professor of biology at Kansas State, said removal of nearly all bison from the prairie occurred before establishment of quantitative records. That meant effects of removing the dominant grazer were largely unknown, he said.
“Bison were an integral part of North American grasslands before they were abruptly removed from over 99% of the Great Plains,” Ratajczak said...
Read more: https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/kansas-research-shows-reintroducing-bison-on-tallgrass-prairie-doubles-plant-diversity
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silent-sanctum · 5 months
If you can, you do Jotaro x reader where the reader (gender neutral) is a very famous music celebrity and how Jotaro handles the being with someone who is famous with their daughter Jolyne in their life as well. Love your work and hope everything is good with you 🩷
Thank you anon! 💖 Kinda stressing out over paperwork over here but it's all good nonetheless! 🫡 You're request is heard and I hope I did your request justice with this short fic. Hope you enjoy! ♡
My Universe - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2.2k
One of the perks of having your spouse be a famous global soloist, is having a kid with them and have said child be their number one fan if Jotaro wasn’t already.
Sure, he may not necessarily like all the discography you put out for your fans, but that’s normal for anyone. You did mostly pop with some R&B on the side, and he was more of a jazz man himself. But he did have his personal playlist of favorite tracks he’d listen to time to time on repeat.
But Jolyne was on a different level than he was- she adored you off-screen and on-screen. If you were at home or at least around her, she’d have a field trip being with her idol: She’d get her hands on every merchandise that’s yet to be released, listen to songs yet to be heard, and get special access to VIP areas only meant for artists.
How about the time spend with Jotaro?
Well, aside from musing your daughter with all the perks and love from a celebrity guardian, there were times you left Jolyne with her own bodyguard and babysitter, and used the free time to roam the city with your husband and do whatever they wanted to do.
Initially, your personal life was kept secret from the world, choosing to separate and not involve it with the life of stardom. And that was still the case back when you and Jotaro were still dating. You posted a lot on your social media, mostly pictures of your “selcas”, outfits-of-the-day, food items, behind-the-scenes special from your stages, nature shots, and pictures with fellow celebrity friends.
Once in a blue moon, your fans would blow up social media whenever you decided to be ballsy and post pictures of you with Jotaro, his face hidden thanks to his hat and mask. The content of the image was relatively tame and “neutral”, but given the context behind these pictures- the intimate proximity of the two, the matching color palette clothes, the rare posting of him in general- might as well made your fan base theorists.
“Boyfriend reveal when????”
“Bestie, please share the tea to the world”
“Hello? The couple fits?? The cute poses??? Call me delulu but-”
“All of you are being weirdos. Stop invading their privacy”
“Yeah the dude could be her cousin or brother or something”
“Girl they be dropping these lovey-dovey ass pics and still wonder why we’re this delusional”
“Uhm cousin?? Brother?? With those pictures? Weird but pop-off ig”
You’d receive many posts of similar flavor all over your timelines and you admitted to liking whenever your fans talk about the love of your life as if it’s a conspiracy theory and most of them coming from a supportive mindset. It irked Jotaro for a moment when said community managed to somehow track both his formal account used to document his research findings, and his private social media account where he posted pictures of scenery similar to yours.
But there were the rational handful who were able to veer them off his ass, dismissing their claims as false despite hitting the nail on the spot.
Eventually, once you shifted to a more flexible and lenient agency, you decided to reveal to the world that the popular music icon was engaged and to be married the next week all through a single image of your hand brandishing a ring on your ring finger with a bride emoji as its caption.
“And yall called us crazy for saying they had a boyfriend all this time”
“We boutta get Papa Star amongst us”
The fans and the general public went wild and aside from the obsessive ones, most of your community sent their support.
Despite your relationship now public to everyone, Jotaro still wanted to keep himself mostly anonymous to the news. So whatever images were taken with him in it was blurred out with the default blur effect or an emoji sticker- a “star” one to be specific-covering his face whenever it was shared among fans.
The community erupted with loud awes and cheers when you announced to the world that you were going to have a baby girl in the family in one of your interviews.
“Alright baby protectors, it’s our time to RISE”
“Much love to the little onee”
“I will defend this child with my life.”
“Shooters for baby girl where yall at?”
“Oh she bout to be the luckiest mfer with all the merch exclusives”
Years later, Jolyne grew up to be her parent’s number one fan, doing exactly what your fanbase had thought of when she’d grow older.
Going back to the present, you found yourself stuck knee-deep in your career doing a sold-out world tour, performing for thousands of cheering people in cities across the world. This wasn’t your first tour and you’ve found a decent routine to follow when doing so, but this year was a first for you.
You expressed both in social media posts and in interviews that burnout began to hit you full-time and a multitude of nagging negativity clouded your head as you kept up with all the schedules, production, and practice sessions for majority of the year. You’ve been so busy that time spent with your family this year was little to none. You constantly shared that hopefully sometime in the middle of promotions, you could return home to your family.
Jolyne felt it watching you through the screen. Jotaro felt it too.
All of them missed you and he wanted to do something about it for once.
By the time September came, your world tour came to a close with one last concert to be done in the Rose Bowl Stadium in California. Both him and Jolyne were never able to attend to any of your concerts due to work and school, but timing was in their favor for once and he made the most of the opportunity.
He got into contact with your manager, someone he became close acquaintances with, and notified of them coming over to watch your show. At first, Jotaro just wanted to be there with your daughter in tow, but the manager and a couple of the crew members in-charge of the set list had different plans.
He agreed to it.
With the VIP tickets secured and their booth ready for them, Jotaro and Jolyne flew across the States with eager anticipation and excitement, the latter mostly radiating off from the little girl.
Eventually, the day of the concert arrived and your daughter couldn’t contain herself from running about, unable to wait any longer for her to watch her other parent sing and dance live for the first time. During the day, rehearsals were done before the show proper and a handful of lucky fans were able to watch it.
Thanks to a streamer fan’s dedication and generosity, Jolyne was able to watch you walk about the stage in cozy casuals interacting with your community through a live stream in her phone. From time to time in the middle of preparing things needed for a concert, Jotaro would tune in as well, happy to see you even if it was from a live feed.
Hours later, he rented a car nearby and drove both of them to the beaming stadium, teemed with cheering crowds of fans falling in line either to enter the venue or to purchase on-site merchandise. On the lampposts and the walls were banners of you welcoming everyone to the event.
To avoid getting mobbed, both father and daughter kept themselves hidden from any passing person with a hat and mask as they walked across the area to the stadium’s entrance. To everyone else, they might as well be an ordinary dad-and-daughter duo who were also fans of their favorite artist.
Jotaro followed the instructions sent to him by your manager and headed off to a more discreet entrance where they didn’t have to worry about any lines or people complaining of why they get to enter first and not them. A guard stationed by waved them inside and led the family into their seats overlooking the brightly lit stage. Before the platform were thousands of light sticks waving in the dark, belonging to the fans singing to songs being played as they waited for you to start.
Beside him, Jolyne sang along with enthusiasm, shaking her own personalized light stick to the beat of the music. He would do the same in an alternate universe, but here it just wasn’t his thing.
After a few minutes, the music faded off into silence and the lights dimmed until the stage cast the whole venue in darkness. The crowds cheered and many miniature lights shook in the night. The speakers suddenly blared a remix of one of your title tracks and the jumbo screens flashed to show a VCR containing a mashup of you in a concept film, introducing your theme as a music artist to your audience.
Then as the dancers brought in the energy with their entrance, the stadium exploded with excited screams as you rose up from the below and walked to the front, passing by your back-up dancers until you stood in front of everyone. A second after you greeted the crowd, you switched demeanor and joined the others in choreography.
Jotaro couldn’t help but smile and clap by the time you finished your introductory performance, contrasted by his daughter’s loud screams. He watched wistfully at you speaking with the audience, sweating from all the dance and singing.
It truly was something different watching you live versus watching a live broadcast from home. You’re so near and yet so far from him.
And so far, the rest of the evening was spent like this with you; the beloved soloist performing many of their hit songs ranging from hard hitting beats with impressive dance routines to soothing ballads that had you simply sitting on a fancy stage prop all dolled-up to match the aesthetic of the songs.
Jolyne never pried her eyes away from her other parent, always focused on you and making sure she sung, danced, and responded to your every questions with the devotion of a true, hardcore fan.
By the time the concert was near its end, you were standing in front of the crowd in a cozy outfit akin to the aesthetics of a person living in a humble cabin in the woods. Supposedly, this segment was supposed to be for when you brought up a box of mixed Q&A and dares for you to do.
However, as you said that you were about to start with the bit, the screens beside you changed from showing an arcade-esque “Break Time with Y/N” to a simple “You have special guests watching you”.
Out of the blue, spotlights turned to Jotaro and Jolyne’s booth and there they were- clear as day on the jumbo screens. Everyone cheered yet again as their way of greeting their favorite artist’s family. And even as Jotaro froze on spot, tipping his hat over his eyes as he offered a small wave, his little girl beamed and waved her light stick at the camera.
“I’m here! Hello!”
Jotaro, from what he could see from under his hat, fixed his gaze on the other jumbo screen where it showed your reaction to the surprise- you were crouched on stage, one hand waving at your child, while the other covered your mouth as he saw tears well up in your eyes.
You didn’t expect them to be at your closing concert but seeing your family present was enough for you to break character and fixate on the loves of your life. “Ah really, you guys…”
In response to your happy tears, the crowd cried out a nearly-synchronized “don’t cry!” prompting you to let out a wet chuckle and sniffle.
It occurred to him that he could do something while the cameras were on them. He reached for his phone from his coat pockets and with a few taps, he showed the screen to everyone- a mobile digital message with the words scrolling across the black screen in neon yellow:
Congratulations on your successful world tour. We love you <3
“Ah! You’re gonna make me cry again!” You said, whining as you swiped your eyes free from the new batch of tears ready to fall. He chuckled back. “Everyone, that’s my husband and baby girl. I love them and the fact that they’re here makes me the happiest person right now.” The crowd cooed.
“Now that they’re here, I’m all the more charged up to perform for everyone!” You said and the stadium cheered in response. With one more long look at your family watching from their booth, you continued. “Hope you all enjoy the rest of this night as much as I am enjoying right now.”
With Jolyne’s suggestion via a whisper, Jotaro turned to his phone and changed the message one more time before the camera diverted away from them. This the message scrolled by in neon green saying:
Let’s celebrate! Let’s eat out later! Our daughter is starving.
Your fans expressed a mix of laughter and wholesome “aw’s”. In turn, you smiled and with both hands grasping your microphone, you replied back to them with a curt yet loving, “Of course. My treat.”
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The global illegal wildlife trade is largely facilitated by organised criminal networks. For instance, pangolins are poached extensively in Asia and Africa to meet the demand arising from China. Research shows many other endangered species from the Global South end up reaching the Global North. For example, a recent study found that there were at least 292 seizures of illegally traded tiger parts at United States ports between 2003-2012; the majority of them from the wild in Asian countries where tigers still roam free. The over 6,000 wildlife seizures reported by European Union member states in 2018 represent 16,740 specimens of species protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and mostly originated from the developing world. Clearly, local harvesters in poor countries are not the ones organising complex transnational operations to transport wildlife parts across international boundaries. The international kingpins and an extensive network of smugglers run this nexus. If the aim is to break this cycle of crime, it is these networks that need to be disrupted; it is the consumers they feed who need to be penalised.
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✧。◟ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ — lee hyperreal x reader [PGR] [Happy Activation Day, Lee!!]
darling, you're the one I want
a.n. - self-indulgent comfort because I badly needed one. ALSO??? IT'S ACTUALLY LEE ACTIVATION DAY?!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE I LOVE YOU (COME HOME WHEN YOU COME TO GLOBAL, I'M SHARING THIS WITH YOU TOO READERS AND MUTUALS <3 <3 <3) I guess this is also short because I wasn't prepared (unplanned, the other one [NSFW] a little secret is the one who is planned LOL)
words - 1,458
pairing - hyperreal!lee x commandant (no specific genders mentioned, tho implied female)
warnings - none. comfort. super soft fluff with lee hyperreal. lowercase for the aesthetic™ I guess a bit suggestive?? because something happened to y'all the other night 👀
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the first light of day cascades through your windows and lands on your outstretched hand.
as the outside world began its usual morning routine — the sound of machines clanking, chattering as the white noise, daylight dancing on the palm of your hand — you should wake up. a long, long list of things to do is waiting for you. Lucia and Liv could be in the maintenance room and you're needed for more paper works. but you don't — all you could think about was the warmth of the occupied space beside you, intertwined with you under the sheets.
Lee is here. Lee's sleeping beside you.
he's on his side, sleeping soundly, as one hand grasped yours, the other draped on your bare hips. both of your legs are tangled, your body nearly leaning onto him. his usual stoic face was relaxed, an expression you rarely see during the war. while the battlefield may have scorned his appearance, only moments like this would allow you to see Lee drop his guard down and show his human side.
propping a hand to support your head, you couldn't help but look at your sleeping lover. you've always known Lee has been so handsome; even when he had his Entropy frame, humans or constructs would approach him and ask for his number. but you couldn't help but laugh at that memory. this man is yours; unfortunate to them, but he's the one who is part of Gray Raven and the one who owns your heart.
was this the first time Lee was with you in bed? you usually see him after you wake up, preparing your morning coffee, the papers on your desk arranged accordingly. right now, he's actually beside you.
pride and love well up in your chest. although he may have given up his humanity years ago, you couldn't help but think about how you've learned to adore him. unclasping from his hand, you lightly touched his face.
tracing his face. from the blonde locks covering his closed eyes, to the shape of his jaw. from the chin, you drifted to the slope of his nose, the softness of his cheek. you tenderly traced the outline of his lips, which made you smile, as the events of last night replayed in your mind, the thought that made you blush and joyful. you may have studied all the lessons the F.O.S. taught you, but no one was there to write a book about Lee. and so, you couldn't help but want to touch every part of him that you could.
as you do, you couldn't help but think now; the war, the punishing virus, the ones you love. fear may be evident as it grows fondly like your endearment for Lee, but you solely believe in hope: in hope that one day, a world where you could roam with Lee and your team, and other people in Babylonia, without anything to destroy life anymore.
you leaned and kissed the corners of his mouth. one kiss turned into little kisses that littered across his jaw, up until the eyelids. your heart is heavy with endearment — you want to kiss Lee without hesitation, without a pause.
fortunately for you, Lee was already awake. the moment you started to touch him, he woke up from his slumber. but hearing you squeaking with joy, he let you have your moment. until you started kissing him anywhere but his lips.
jolting up, he took your wrist and flipped you over: you are under him, wrists lightly held above your head. “good morning, commandant.” said Lee, the raspy, morning voice making you smile with pleasure.
“good morning,” you replied, voice scratchy, “I think you made me lose my voice. how am I supposed to talk to the council now?”
“mm, that's not my fault.” he leaned down to nuzzle your exposed neck, breath tickling your shoulders, “I can tell them to reschedule. you need the rest after all.”
“still your fault. I still have so much to do.”
“why don't you do it then?”
you sighed, playfully rolling your eyes, “a certain someone made me lose the ability to walk.”
Lee lifted his head to reveal a smirk that made you want to wipe off of his face. “oh, really? that's unfortunate. would you tell me who it is?”
He let your hands go, still caging you in between him. deciding to play along with his game, you wrap your arms around his neck, laughing. “mm, well, he's good-looking. definitely an eye candy.”
“mhm, and?”
“he has blonde hair. a cute guy.”
“I think I get the image. what else?”
“a strange guy. he's also really shy but somehow switches personalities when there's no one else around.”
“really? that is a strange guy. I think you should stay away from him.”
“ah, I should, but that's a shame.” you mirrored his grin, “after all, he just told me that I should stay a little longer.”
a faint blush dusted his cheeks. he leaned down, lips closer to yours, that you could feel the thrumming of his heartbeat. “mm...if I told you to stay a little longer, would you?”
you pulled him closer, his body now touching on top of yours. two hearts now mirroring each other's beats. “I would,” you whispered, turning to kiss wherever your lips could reach, “I would stay with you.”
you wish you would. you wish it would stay forever like this: on a bed on a work morning, skipping whatever the hell was out for the both of you. for a split second, the image you had earlier reappeared in your thoughts: a white gown, a floral arc, an aisle, and the man in a suit waiting for you at the end of the aisle.
such thoughts shouldn't happen, but your heart, oh. you could never imagine the future without a Lee — Morian — in it.
“I love you, Lee.”
the three magic words that you've always wanted to tell him all the time. Lee didn't answer. instead, he nuzzles the warmth of your cheek. then the other. aiding him in his ministrations, your fingers tangle themselves in the softness of his hair. the shuffling of the blanket, the tangling of your legs. he moves downward now; kissing the edge of your jaw, to the crook of your neck, the dip of your clavicle. he looks at you, a twinkle in his eye as he kissed the back of your hand, to the inside of your palm.
he straddles you by the hips. you remember a construct's body may be different from that of a regular human, but to see the outlines of his torse, a transparent, glowing blue light from his spine, only made you look back at him with awe. you trace the outline, to which he holds your hand fondly.
“I've always seen you like a god.” Lee confesses. as he held your hand to his chest (his heart was beating erratically now), he spoke more of his feelings. “you have always been too kind to me, even though I can be brash and apathetic. you only show me mercy, and I don't even know how to repay you.”
“being alive and being here is enough for me.” you whispered, the pal of your hand flat against his erratic heart, “I can't imagine a life without Lee. without Morian.”
You felt his heart skip. He only chuckles, “I can't get enough of you saying my name. it feels...unusual.”
“I love you, Morian.”
He exhales. Taking your hand and kissing the palm of it once more, before looking at you with his tender cerulean irises, he whispers.
“I love you more, [Y/N].”
no one is alone here now. only two lovers, laughing under the sheets, incessant touches here and there, that only they can share with one another.
“w-wait!” you exclaimed, prying Lee away from you for a moment, “I forgot to give you something.”
Lee cocked his head, “what?”
you pecked his lips, grinning, “happy birthday, Lee.”
“really? that's it?” he laughs, holding your hips, “thank you, [Y/N].”
“I have a gift for you.”
“oh? what is it?”
excitingly rolling to your side of the bed, you pulled out a ribbon. looking at Lee, you carefully place the ribbon on top of your head. Lee's eyes darken with an expression you're now slowly getting used to.
“I'm your present.”
“...how am I supposed to open my present if they're already open?”
You wink, legs shyly opening. “there's more to come.”
and so, that was how your day goes, as the day bleeds into the nighttime. Lee doesn't know though, the real present that sits on your drawer, waiting for the right time to be opened.
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comments, likes, reblogs are appreciated!! please don't copy or plagiarize my work!
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dino--draws · 11 days
TL-5956 Survival Headcanons
Involving: Some bending of the rules to make it more likely for these guys to have survived for 12+ years and counting, the likelihood I misread at least one part of how this all works so please don’t kill me, various overthinking shenanigans, me being a lil mean to characters, and my unabashed mental illness
and a sizable amount of text under the read more (not even kidding it’s like 1,500+ words LMAO)
Exclusively red monochromacy. This is not a visual filter sort of effect, everything has turned red. This actually isn’t a head canon it’s something Harry told me and it fucks me up. Actually a lot of this specific section is shit from the article itself that I’m emphasizing for fun.
The sky has become pitch black, and the horizon is rimmed by red like a macabre sunset. There is no difference between night and day. The sun will never rise here again.
Site-43 remains the single most stable area in the wake of the K-Class Paradox, and is considered the last bastion of human civilization. The rest of the world is left a nonsensical, contradictory wasteland due to spatial and temporal damages. Any entity you find roaming those reddened wastes are no longer what they once were. Do not engage, for those who wander are lost.
Randomized increases and decreases in the number of perceivable temporal dimensions results in visual distortion of surroundings. Added extrasensory perceptions may increase this disorientation in survivors. It takes a lot of getting used to, that constant bombardment.
Due to condensation of vaporous substances, there has been a sharp global temperature increase. Everything is humid.
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Site-43 Condition
The following parts of the Site are lost/heavily damaged: 
Euclid and Keter Class Wings of the Security and Containment Sections [Detonated, First Sublevel is functionally abandoned due to instability]
Applied Occultism [Second Sublevel, damaged by detonation and other breach occurances]
Archives and Revisions Section [Burned]
All underwater site facilities and utilities. [Completely destroyed] 
With each instance of the breach, all areas that were previously destroyed become reverted to their 2002 states, then re-destroyed. This results in these locations being able to be scrapped and harvested for functionally renewable supplies after each amelioration of the breach. These salvaged supplies only vanish with the causal loop’s reset if they are left within their original area. 
Due to the heavy damage done to the First Sublevel of the site, the Second Sublevel is left similarly unstable structurally and partially collapsed. Both Sublevels are abandoned sans annual gathering of supplies. 
The Third Sublevel of the Site remains the most structurally stable and safest part of Site-43, the surviving personnel remain here. 
The Inner-Sectional Subway System is no longer in operation due to sustained damages during the breach, but its tunnels are still utilized for transportation to different areas of the Site by foot. 
Site’s power remains in operation, requires vigorous upkeep.
Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) rations were the primary food source for several years as research was directed towards the creation of a renewable food supply. They have a metric fuck ton of rations to work with, but it's always smart to look for alternatives Just In Case, y'know?
Due to the fact that everything is red, and there is a notable lack of a sun, growing traditional plants is out of the equation because I don’t think we’re photosynthesizing in these conditions. However, what they can grow and cultivate is things such as mushrooms and algaes! Utilizing waste from the site as fertilizer, gathering soil, and perhaps a bit of GE to make sure they’re not eating anything toxic and getting the right vitamins — they can grow food. It’ll take work, but can be done with enough care. Keeping out mold will be a nightmare but god love 'em they're trying.
A handful of stray storage closets and part of the Hiring and Regulation Section have been converted into spaces for food growing
There is probably a whole bunch of shit they could science their way through when it comes to synthesizing food that isnt just mushroom farming tbh. Like turning petroleum and CO2 into food
Bottled water stores ran out swiftly. Water is primarily gathered through the usage of moisture traps (see: increased humidity). Due to SCP-001-A the harvesting of these traps are risky endeavors, and require a pre-setup of dilution equipment to ensure a lack of reflectivity. This harvested liquid is then abated to reduce risk of anomalous effects, and stored/distributed to personnel. Prior to his death in 2023, Dougall Deering would accompany those harvesting to ensure 001-A’s pacification. 
Any and all site wastewater is subjected to purification processes to acquire as much drinkable water as possible. Nothing goes to waste.  
Lake Huron itself and any groundwater adjacent to the site is unreachable and unusable due to SCP-001-B and SCP-001-C. 
There’s probably a vending machine or two that’s caught up in the 2002 causal loop reset that they can loot each year. They can have some treats, as a treat. 
For all I know this is one of those weird space-time situations where no one actually needs to eat or drink but sshhhhh it's fun to think about
After each causal loop, the areas of the Site that are restored and re-destroyed are functionally “refreshed”. Though still heavily damaged and destroyed, these areas can be looted each year for materials -- copper wiring, plating, materials to repair other parts of the site, possible acquisition of rations and water.
Clothing from transmogrified personnel annually slain in the Archives and Revision and Applied Occultism can sometimes be recovered for use in repairing existing clothing, or as medical bandaging. 
Sections and faculties of the Site that go unused in the wake of the Paradox have been stripped; materials moved elsewhere for post-breach repairs and general maintenance of vital site functions.
Excursions outside of the Site are risky and dangerous -- though as successful containments of the breach have occurred, stability around Site-43 has begun to increase and grow safer. Nearby areas are occasionally scouted for any usable materials that remain, or were brought about by spatial/temporal distortions. 
The building of the REISNO Cannon was a nightmare to build in spite of its small size -- due to the amount of brute-forcing they had to do with its construction. When PHMD build the PXE alone, it took far more supplies to build.
Medical Care
To aid individuals wounded by SCP-001-A, able bodied personnel are encouraged to donate blood. 
These guys are working overtime due to the inherent dangers of the Paradox, doing the best they can to ration out their supplies and create what they can to help others.
Some members of personnel need to undergo treatment for sialorrhea, as the excessive production of saliva can put them at risk of both SCP-001-A and dehydration.
Medical personnel worked with the Memetics and Countermemetics Section to create Solution 001-A.
All reflective surfaces have either been destroyed, scuffed and scratched so that they are no longer reflective, or treated with Solution 001-A.
Application of Solution 001-A results in a clouding of the eyes and an impairment of vision. In light of added perceptions due to SCP-001, this is considered a blessing in disguise. 
Any personnel who had glasses has either had them destroyed, or took out the lenses from the frames.
Individuals wounded by -A are often given two options — needing to rigorously clean their wounds and be given bi-monthly blood transfusion to counteract the inability of the wound to heal and the risk of infection; or undergo amputation to completely rid themselves of the injury. For individuals whose injuries are not localized to their limbs, amputation cannot be done and the wounds simply must be taken care of. Seeing personnel with always bloody bandages, amputated limbs and prosthesis are not uncommon sights.
Bandages for -A wounds must be prior soaked in Solution 001-A, and wrapped tight, as to avoid the risk of the blood’s reflection. This is preferably done by medical staff, who have recordkeeping of all individuals wounded by -A.
Keepers of 001-B cannot communicate and over time grow conceptually vague, but the cycling of -B occurs while individuals are still recognizable. The Memetics and Countermemetics Section is in charge of the recordkeeping of Keepers.
Keepers can still interact with others and show their presence through physical touch and facial expressions. 
I don’t know if they are capable of writing, but it’d be cool if they devised a non-verbal and non-words series of drawn symbols and gestures for Keepers to utilize as a way to quasi-get around the anomaly. However “cannot communicate” could extend to “writing and sign language”
Lake Huron is to be avoided at all costs. Any individual attempting an excursion outside of Site-43 (typically for the gathering of biological materials from dead trees/foliage/etc) is not to approach due to the risk of the water rising again.
Respiration from the anomaly sometimes results in structural damage to the Site, or tremors, which requires repair.
The Survivors
The Site’s original population has been cleaved -- both by the initial breach’s heavy losses, and subsequent accidents. Only a little over 100 people remain come the 2030s, and Site-43 functions on a stretched-thin skeleton crew. 
Agent Radcliffe -- A bit torn up here and there from encounters with spectral and temporal entities, but is mostly okay. 
Agent Gwilhem -- Has a bad shoulder due a shrapnel injury. She has taken charge of the remaining members of MTFs Alpha-43, Beta-43 and Delta-43.
Technician Markey -- One of many individuals issuing repairs and maintenance to Site-43, he has sustained various small injuries to his hands due to his work. Lost a finger when it was crushed in a collapsing pipe. 
Dr. Wirth -- Has become pockmarked by various burn scars across his face and hands over the breaches. He received deep wounds across his stomach from SCP-001-A in 2027. Will never forgive himself. 
Chief Mukami -- Has taken major charge within the Site, primary maintainer of reports and processing of incidents. She has a few sparse injuries from an instance in which the bulkhead jammed during one of the loops, and she was injured by shrapnel. 
Technician Ambrogi -- Another individual who aids in site repairs, he would lose his leg in the aftermath of the initial breach due to structural damage caused by the detonation of the Keter and Euclid Wings, resulting in a small collapse of a hallway. Now utilizes a ramshackle leg prosthesis. 
Dr. Del Olmo -- Has sustained two injuries from SCP-001-A, a clawmark to the upper thigh, and one to the shoulder. Initially had turned down the offer of amputation due to their locations, but would have his leg amputated after severe infection years later. 
Dr. Deering -- Unscathed until the day he died. While everyone around him was hurt and bleeding and dying, he was always fine. It’s unclear if this is out of luck, or punishment. He thinks the latter. 
PHMD -- Injured by SCP-001-A shortly upon retrieval, receiving claw marks to the face and lower arm. Turned down amputation of the arm, claiming he needed both hands for his work. Wounds had become severely infected by the time he went missing due to neglect. 
Dr. Ngo --  Had a tendency to throw herself into danger to help others, was never wounded by SCP-001-A, but was a bit scuffed up due to other small scale accidents. Was practically the backbone of the Site for some people, as the only remaining psychologist, a lodestar of hope against this nightmare. Her death is still mourned. 
Dr. Reynders -- Mostly unscathed, aside from a few injuries -- notably one to her cheek from a temporal entity. Has gone missing.
Chronological reversions seem to have odd effects on those still alive. The running theory is that SCP-001 has severely slowed their aging to preserve their lives.
The See You In Hell PTF members are all friend-adjacent in my heart of hearts. Breach containment solidarity. Maybe a bit rough against the edges but we gotta tough it out together. All we’ve got is each other now, yknow?
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jesus christ ok I think that's it I think that's all the thoughts in my brain if anyone actually reads this whole thing i heart you forever ok? i fffffucking love TL-5956-X 'n how fucked up it is I hope we get to see it again at sometime. regardless i will be thinking about it forever
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Billionaires reimagined by AI in an alternative universe if they were born without rich parents, didn't receive billions in government handouts, and didn't have thousands of employees creating value they siphon away and rebrand as their 'personal net wealth'.
1. Donny Chumpf: Evaded taxes but didn't get away with it because he's working class, resulting in a criminal record which prevented him from obtaining another job. Chumpf spent more than half his life in prison.
2. Schemelong Musk: Musk's father was a miner but he didn't mine emeralds in Africa, but rather coal in West Virginia. After losing his mother at an early age to prescription opioids, Musk never regained focus or was able to obtain legitimate work. He spends his days roaming the streets loudly ranting to himself about space travel, underground tunnels, and magical coins with dogs imprinted on them that will replace the US dollar and global currencies.
3. Shill Tate: Had a good longterm job at a factory that makes chips for personal computers, but executives made the decision to relocate the plant to China so they could boost their bonuses. He and most of his community were never able to recover despite great efforts.
4. Jep Bozo: An enterprising and hardworking boy, Bozo got his first formal job at 15-years-old at the local warehouse for a global corporation. Despite working 60 hours a week for 20 years in backbreaking labor, Bozo never escaped poverty. He was injured on the job and without adequate medical or leave benefits, was told not to return.
5. Mac Chucklef*ck: Since youth, Mac had a lot of promise and was even accepted into Stanford University. Then Mac got in trouble for using the school's resources to bootstrap a private tech company which kept a database of images of female students without their consent. He was booted from the school, and without a college degree couldn't find good work and turned to a series of unsuccessful side hustles to make a living.
#InheritedWealth #TaxTheRich
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pandorasword · 10 months
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
❅ Before the fall
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❅ KBS news:
Good evening I'm Kim Ji-yeon and today January 9, 2023, we bring you urgent and concerning news about one of the most prominent figures in the K-pop world. Chaeri, the popular member of the internationally acclaimed K-pop group BTS, was involved in a snowboarding accident while spending her free time on the slopes during the group's temporary hiatus.
According to reports, Chaeri was snowboarding alongside a small group of friends, including her cousin Kang Haerin - emerging member of the KPOP group NewJeans - when the unfortunate incident occurred. However, the exact nature and extent of her injuries remain unknown.
Emergency response teams were swiftly deployed to the scene, but the resort's remote location and inclement weather conditions have complicated the situation. As a result, updates on Chaeri's condition are still pending.
Fans around the world are expressing their deep concern and rallying together to support their beloved idol. On social media, the hashtag #StayStrongChaeri is trending as the global K-pop community unites in solidarity.
In this moment of uncertainty, it's essential to respect Chaeri's privacy and allow her agency, Big Hit Entertainment, time to provide accurate information to the public.
We'll be diligently monitoring the situation and will bring you updates as soon as they become available. Our thoughts are with Chaeri, her loved ones, and her devoted fans during this worrisome time.
Please stay tuned to KBS for the latest developments on this developing story. Thank you for joining us, and we'll continue to keep you informed as events unfold.
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❅ Haerin and Namjoon texts:
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❅ KBS news:
We have received reports that Chaeri has been transported to a hospital following her snowboarding accident. 
BTS members and Chaeri’s father were spotted at the medical facility, making people question once again the severity of her condition.
BigHit Entertainment's silence doesn’t help, as the public craves answers about their beloved celebrity's well-being and the true nature of the incident.
NA: From conspiracy theories to heartfelt prayers, fans and non-fans alike are seem to be unable to think of anything else on social media.
Chaeri's status as a global star has turned the hospital into a media circus, with fans camping outside, eagerly awaiting any glimpse of hope or news.
We'll be keeping a close eye on this developing story, and as soon as any official information emerges, we'll bring it to you.
Stay tuned for further updates, and join us in sending thoughts and prayers for Chaeri and those close to her during this tense period.
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❅ Aurora's impact in the event
The Mountain-Wandering Influencer: Aurora 
In the vast world of social media, there exists a wandering soul who roams through snow-capped peaks and unimaginable mountain landscapes. This person is Aurora, the influencer who knows the heartbeat of the mountains better than anyone else. Through her adventures, she takes us on an endless journey through the wonders of the world, from freeride landscapes to the comforts of mountain lodges.
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With a glance at her stories, it seems there isn't a mountain Aurora hasn't climbed or a trail she hasn't traversed. She lives the rush of snowboarding down the slopes and the warmth of a cup of hot chocolate in her mountain cabin. Oh yes, the cabin: her home, where her faithful companion, a domesticated wolf named Accalia, resides.
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But let's get to the heart of the current events. Aurora became known not only for her stunning shots but also for being one of the first sources of information about the incident involving BTS's Chaeri. Yes, it was her, through her Instagram profile and her tweets, who informed the world even before the news agencies had a word to say.
Her tweets describing the scene and her concern for Chaeri went viral, gaining followers at a rapid pace. With each update and detail shared from her mountain location, her following grew. Aurora not only shared the news but made us feel like we were right there with her, on the slope, in the midst of the tension.
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Her passion for sharing and informing had a significant impact on the K-pop community. Her story showcased the power of social media in connecting people in crucial moments. And this is how Aurora Frost, the mountain-wandering influencer, demonstrated that a simple post can unite hearts and souls in a way no other means of communication can achieve.
Hello. This is BIGHIT Music.
We would like to share with you important communication regarding our artist, Chaer. We are aware that many of you have been affected by the news of her accident and we wish to provide updated information about her health status.
On January 9, during a snowboarding session, Chaeri was involved in an incident. The incident resulted in a fractured ankle, a partially dislocated wrist, and other minor injuries. Immediately following the incident, rescue teams and medical squads were activated, providing necessary care and transporting her to the hospital for a thorough medical evaluation.
Currently, Chaeri is receiving the necessary medical care and attention. Doctors are closely monitoring her health condition and planning her recovery path. Her health and well-being are our top priorities, and we are doing everything possible to ensure she receives the best care. 
We kindly ask for your understanding in respecting Chaeri's privacy and that of her loved ones during this sensitive time. We understand that many questions may arise, but please await further updates from us or official representatives.
We will strive to provide further information as soon as we have updates on Chaeri's condition and her recovery journey.
Thank you for your understanding and constant support.
❅ KBS news, a few days later
Breaking News: BTS's Namjoon Speaks Out on Chaeri's Accident
Good evening, I'm Park Min-ji. As the world anxiously awaits updates on Chaeri's condition, we've managed to get exclusive insight from BTS's leader, Namjoon, also known as RM.
Sources close to the group have confirmed that our team was able to approach Namjoon for a statement on Chaeri's current situation. In a brief but heartfelt response, Namjoon conveyed, "It's been a really tough time for us. Chaeri is not just our bandmate; she's our sister. We're all praying for her recovery, and we're just grateful that she's alive. We're just trying to be there for her and her family right now."
This statement provides a glimpse into the emotional struggle the BTS members are facing as they navigate this challenging time. The global K-pop community continues to rally around Chaeri, sending an outpouring of support and well-wishes.
As we eagerly await further updates on Chaeri's condition, BTS fans worldwide are holding onto the hope that their beloved idol will recover swiftly. Stay tuned for more developments, and we extend our thoughts and prayers to Chaeri and the entire BTS family during this trying period. Thank you for joining us, and we'll keep you informed as the situation unfolds.
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❅ How BTS help Chaeri
Jin, despite having just enlisted, obtained a special permission to visit Chaeri in the hospital as soon as possible. Several years earlier, Jin himself had been the one to teach her how to snowboard, nurturing her passion for the sport.
He couldn't believe that the accident might be attributed to any negligence on her part. Driven to unveil the truth, he took on the role of an advocate, actively working to expedite the investigation into the incident and urging the agency to initiate legal proceedings against the resort.
Even though the time spent with Chaeri in the hospital was limited, in skillfully offered solace through gentle gestures like a comforting kiss on the forehead and the reassurance of brotherly caresses, nfusing her with the courage needed to navigate the demanding journey of recovery.
Forced to depart early, Jin maintained his genuine concern for Chaeri's well-being through messages and phone calls, demonstrating his commitment to stand by her side even from a distance.
Yoongi was used to scold Chaeri for her eating habits. The girl went from often treating herself to junk-food snacks at all hours of the day and night - then complaining of stomach pains caused by the mix of sweet and salty foods - to almost starving for days whenever she worked too hard and forgot to eat.
Everyone knew it: the band members, the fans, the staff.
But when Chaeri was injured and had to rest, Yoongi always brought her something to feed her every time she visited. It didn't matter if it was a milka chocolate bar, a whole pizza, stuffed burgers from the most famous fast food restaurants, or anything else. Yoongi just wanted to make her smile.
He knew that Chaeri's recovery would also depend heavily on her mental state, and he wanted to do everything he could to alleviate the stress and anxiety that came with being injured and unable to perform.
Hoseok was always the one to lift Chaeri's spirits whenever she was feeling down, and her injury was no exception. Despite his busy schedule, he made it a priority to visit her in the hospital and the dorm every chance he got, bringing along gifts and telling her funny stories to make her laugh.
But it was during the physical therapy sessions that he truly shone. He would sit beside her, offering words of encouragement as she worked to regain her strength and mobility. And when Chaeri would become frustrated at her slow progress, Hoseok would take her hand and remind her that recovery was a marathon, not a sprint.
Together, they would do exercises and stretches that felt impossible at first, but gradually became easier with each passing day. And as Chaeri's confidence grew, Hoseok felt a sense of pride knowing that he had played a small but important role in her journey toward recovery.
Jimin was the one who made sure that Chaeri never lost her passion for music during her recovery. He knew that losing your sense of purpose could be just as detrimental to your recovery as physical injuries. So, he would bring his guitar to her hospital room and serenade her with songs from their repertoire, sometimes even allowing her to sing along if she felt up to it.
Despite the pain of her injuries, Chaeri found solace in the music and the company of her bandmate. They would write silly lyrics and melodies together, to make days a little funnier
Jimin's infectious energy and positive attitude were contagious, and he helped to remind Chaeri that one setback didn't define her career or her identity. With his encouragement, Chaeri was able to find joy in the small victories of her recovery and remain optimistic about her future.
During Chaeri’s recovery, Taehyung noticed that her creative spirit couldn't be confined by the situation. One day he suggested her to focus on her fashion brand, using that time to breathe life into new projects.
Taehyung, with his innate passion for art and design, immediately got to work with Chaeri. They spent hours together sketching, discussing styles, fabrics, and colors. Together, they experimented with new ideas and concepts that would make her fashion brand even more distinctive.
They sat side by side for hours, immersed in creativity, with the sound of brushes and pencils filling the silence of the hospital room.
This collaboration not only led to a new fashion collection but also created a deeper bond between Taehyung and Chaeri, based on shared passions and mutual inspiration.
Together, they overcame not only the injury but also turned a challenging time into an opportunity for growth and creative realization for Chaeri and her fashion brand.
Namjoon, recognizing the emotional toll Chaeri's injury might be taking on her, became a steady pillar of support throughout her recovery. Understanding the unique challenges that come with being a global superstar forced to step back temporarily, he made it a priority to address not just the physical aspects of healing but also the emotional well-being.
During his visits, Namjoon would bring carefully curated playlists designed to soothe Chaeri's soul. He believed in the healing power of music and saw it as a way to transport her mind to a place of comfort and tranquility. 
In addition to music, Namjoon brought along a collection of movies—films that ranged from heartwarming classics to motivational documentaries. He understood that sometimes a good movie could provide a much-needed escape, allowing Chaeri to momentarily forget the challenges she was facing and find inspiration in different stories.
Beyond entertainment, Namjoon engaged her in thoughtful conversations about life, dreams, and the challenges they both had overcome. He shared his own experiences with navigating the pressures of fame and reassured her that taking the necessary time for recovery was not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to her strength.
His thoughtful gestures and genuine conversations created a safe space for her to express her real concerns and fears.
During Chaeri's recovery period, Jungkook went beyond providing emotional support and pleasant distractions; he also demonstrated practical commitment to facilitating her daily life. Taking on the role of a true friend and confidant, he became a constant source of comfort.
Jungkook volunteered to move back in with Chaeri in their old dormitory, as his idol activities were temporarily halted. His daily presence not only relieved Chaeri's loneliness, but also allowed Jungkook to be there for her at all times.
Throughout the day, Jungkook took care of practical tasks such as preparing meals, ensuring Chaeri had everything she needed, and assisting her with daily activities that her condition made challenging. This caring attitude underscored his tangible commitment to making Chaeri's healing journey as smooth as possible.
In addition, Jungkook continued to engage Chaeri in enjoyable activities, such as movie nights, gaming sessions, and simple conversations to divert her thoughts from the incident. 
His dedication to being there for Chaeri in every aspect of her daily life was evident.
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @enchantingbrowneyedgirl | @ycuvi | @cosmicwintr
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toobbolive · 11 months
I feel like people, when assessing blue team's capabilities, have a tendency to refer to bad as their protector? its true soulfire has been spinning their wheels a lot on other projects but thats because people (tubbo especially) have been trying to create machines and farms that the admin team quickly act to disable.
I don't think blue team really has or needs a protector, and Bad is a great player but he's not the only contributor to their success. they have been doing really well on the survival front without a token protector (like red and philza) and its got nothing to do with fighting! tina is fucking killing it! their farm makes so much fucking food that every other team uses them as a pantry and it doesn't even affect them
as well tubbo has been active in other ways, trying create in order to get dirt in order to get any source of drink to sate thirst, to making a mob farm in order to get experience and use mob kills to tilt the global percent in their favor, and now with the villager trading (mending books!!! dozens and dozens!) he's capable enough in combat to roam solo and his knowledge of mods was integral for them to survive the early days
purgatory is a bad, bad time but there’s a lot more to survival than just fighting it out
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