#God I have so many OCs and I've barely talked about any of them and have tags for even less
ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OCs as Planets
I was tagged by @stephschoices​ and @dakotawritesif​ to do this uquiz for any OCs of my choice. The free online banner maker I used is here.
I tag anyone who wants to do it!
Now, one OC for every planet, in order of creation:
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Valencia Talward is my MC for @shepherds-of-haven​
optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. be careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
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Dorothea Fairchild is my MC for Perfumare: Avulsion by @pdrrook​
innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
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Ella Wiseman is my MC for Mind Blind by @mindblindbard​
clever. intelligent and witty. wisdom, sharpness, anxiety and indecisiveness. you are the comedian. the "make someone laugh if they are crying" kind of lover. you don’t want to think too much about anything because that stops you from just having fun, but your brain doesn't ever shut off. you are curious and never ending. forecast and shadows. the smell of clean sheets.
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Evie Amell is my MC for The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction​
nurturing, generous and caring. introverted, tolerant, honest and trustworthy. you are "my phone is always on, call me any time." you are "i feel like i'm everyone's therapist." you are impressive with your stability and peacefulness. you are wallpapers of cows and fields of ever-growing seeds. you are the best friend. mother nature. ice cold water and the smell of rain.
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Cynuise aka The Harbinger of Calamity is my MC for Fell Star by @justpked​
patient. stable. reliable. persevering and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
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Asteria Violette Gaudare is my MC for Beyond the Spider Lilies by @justpked​
passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
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Evandra Vailia is my MC for @reapersbayif​
passion. energy. drive. determination. you are in tune with yourself and your body and if you don't already feel it, please try to tune into it because it is so powerful. you are at war with yourself and life and it doesn't always have to be so hard. anger is not a useless emotion but do not let it control you. love is more powerful than hatred will ever be. you are the smell of fresh cut grass and the satisfaction of a job well done.
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Fallon Rose is my MC for Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16​
mercy. kindness. sweet. forgiving and compassionate. you are second chances and sometimes third. you are "its ok because everyone makes mistakes." you are "i forgive you as long as you are learning." you are not held down by the demands of your ego. you believe in right and fair. open mindedness and friendship. you are mystical and magical, observant and the smell of warm bread in the morning.  
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the-desert-beast · 4 months
The Black Wolf Brewery
"Within Lion's Arch you'll find many kinds of criminal. Some, are sly, inconspicuous. Others, are brazen and brutish."
"Some, you'll never even know were there, right in front of you."
"Of these sorts of 'hidden in plain sight criminals' you'll find out dear friends, the blackwolf brewery. A simple brewery, that has been closed and shut up for years. Or so the newest owner would have us all think. Their name is unknown to nearly all but myself. Esyld runs quite the little business out of that musty old shack she calls a 'brewery.' I've never been allowed inside. I've never been allowed near her 'family' either, but people talk if you have the mind to listen. Kirari never shuts up when she wanders the streets at night. My theory is that, for one reason or another, I am immune to that little memory wipe charm that hangs from her ear. Whenever I ask other people about her passing by just the night before, they look at me like they've never even seen a woman before. They can recall everything from the night before, except Kirari's presence. Her brother Yuuji isn't always subtle either. He's quite awkward at the shops, quite blunt some days. I can barely read the Miyake siblings. Although, Yuuji seems to have a soft spot for one of the shopkeepers he visits every other morning. A young man. I've pestered the boy about Yuuji's presence but he too, never can recall the Miyake's face. I noticed just yesterday his new earring. Curious. Are they onto me? Or is it a precaution?"
"If Esyld has caught on that I've been watching them all, she'd rend me to pieces. Best to keep it subtle in the coming weeks. That revenant was always too clever for the rest of them. Lucky little me, that I'm never considered a threat. Too pretty or frail I suppose. Esyld of all people would know a pretty face hides a thousand lies."
"Arlais is the most difficult to trail, I can never tell when those, 'ghosts' or whatever they are of her's have spotted me or not. Rangers. She never leaves the brewery either, she's always within line of sight of that place. Dedicated, I'll give her that. Gods that woman has legs- I wish she were as short as I am, maybe then I could keep up without risking her pets spotting me so easily. "
"Last of all, there's Iniss. They barely ever leave the underground. Eachtime I've spotted them leaving it's always late at night when I'm trailing one of the other nightowls."
"All of this information is useless unless someone has a death-wish! The entire company keeps their deals and smuggling perfectly underwraps, I've never even seen one holding a package for nightmare's sake! Iniss nearly caught me the other night as well, now I have to think of a way to cover my tracks."
The journal entry ends there, the pages stained with blood. No skilled informant would ever allow a mole to squeak, or be so blind. Kirari hums to herself on her way back to the brewery, Esyld should be pleased.
aka, I wanted to talk about my EU alt OCs crew, and this is the braincell that struck me. so we got Esyld, (she/it/any), revenant, kingpin. sylvari, ex-nightmare court. butch pansexual. ⬆ these two are siblings ⬇ Iniss, (they/them), masculine honorifics; mister, king, brother, boyfriend, etc. Thief, weapons collector & smuggler. sylvari, ex-nightmare court. gay. (wriothesley from genshin impact inspired.) Miyake Kirari, she/her, mesmer, informant. allegedly human. (Secretly a mists demon Kitsune) (yae miko from genshin impact inspired.) sexuality; wouldnt you like to know weather boy Miyake Yuuji, he/any, elementalist, manager of sales & inquirys. (kamisato ayato from genshin impact inspired.) queer. Arlais, she/any, debt collector, ranger. human, canthan descent. (ningguang from genshin impact inspired.) lesbian.
The blackwolf brewery; an old brewery thats been abandoned for years. esyld bought it after rising through underground ranks and raising enough money to have her own crew.
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embry-call-fan-club · 5 months
Embry Call X OC
Prologue chapter to my fic Cozy on both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net
Slow burn
High school crushes
Popular guy + Shy Socially Awkward girl
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Winnie’s POV
Someone should have told me that my crush was that obviously in plain sight for anyone to see.
I somehow convinced myself that I was mature about it. I thought I kept my crush mostly to myself. I thought I was careful not to do double takes at him, or try not to sit in the desk next to him whenever we had a class together.
I didn't let myself like Embry Call.
I tried my hardest to avoid him in the halls, I never mentioned him—let alone told anyone—I didn't even look at him. I had my back to Embry all four years of high school.
But everyone within ten feet of me knew the whole time. No one told me how bad I actually had it for Embry Call.
I was mortified when my friends first told me how I should go to a party because Embry was suppose to be there. They said it so casually, so knowingly, as if they were talking about the weather. While I was so speechless that my mouth dried up. I barely managed to ask them how many people knew ten minutes later. They shrugged me off, they were sure I knew everyone in our grade already knew I liked Embry since middle school.
I was so humiliated I just hid in their bathroom till it was time to go. One of my friends did her best to apply makeup on me in the car. She was so excited for Embry to see me with eyeliner, blush and lipstick that was shakily applied in a dark car. I barely remember if it turned out scary or decent because it was the least mortifying part of that night.
With a reservation as small as La push, most parties often end up at the beach. Everyone in the school always shows up to the beach parties. No parents, and plenty of space and the beach keeps people entertained, which all make it the perfect party venue. It was the last day of summer, the first day of school started in just twelve hours. The entire three hundred something student body packed the beach, half of them already in the water and the rest building bonfires or serving out the jungle juice. That was local tradition, each student had to bring a bottle of any kind of liquor to mix in or be shared. La Push jungle juice never tasted like fireball and gummy worms; it tasted like cans of beers and stolen booze from our parents, and it guaranteed the worst hangover of your life. Only the strong could handle it. Tourists can barely endure a cup.
I didn't.
"You're not gonna forget this night." My friend Skylar laughed, but looking back at it now I should have taken it as a warning. She was right. I never did live this night down.
I can still feel the sand in the night air brushing over my exposed shoulders whenever I think about this night. I feel the heat blasting on my skin where hands squeezed. Then immediately the hordes of laughing and ridicule.
I'm not going to play victim, and tell myself that was the worst night of my life. It wasn't. God knows I've had dozens of harder nights. But it's the night that changed everything, and even after all these years La Push won't let me forget it. Till this day I'm still known as the Drunk Girl on the rez.
All my friends thought Embry and I was such a cute idea. They were all supportive, but at age fifteen it was more pushy than helpful. Skylar lent me her bikini, and swapped for my regular one piece that was one size too small for her, which showed off the beginnings of her new boobs. While me, who barely hit puberty barely filled out her baby blue, triangle, stringy two piece. They had to triple knot the measly string before we all got into the car.
Even now I still won't wear a bikini.
Anyone and everyone could see how red my body flushed when I was swimming in that two piece. An embarrassingly orangey-pink blush that I couldn't hide. All I could do that night was tugged the bottoms as high they would go and pray the knot held over and over again.
After being clued in, I felt like everyone noticed when I found Embry in the crowd when we first got there. He was surrounded by his friends on a blanket, all of them still long haired and boyish. Sixteen year old me thought everyone was staring, and they were...just not yet.
My friends figured if everyone knew, then what was to lose if I tried talking to him? Then I realized the worst right when I walked up to him; what if Embry knew I liked him? He was nice when I froze up and walked off. He offered me a wave while his friends snickered in the midst of me running away to the nearest cluster of people for an exit; the makeshift bar.
That was my first mistake.
I downed at least three cupfuls by the time I got in the water. I couldn't walk straight anymore. I figured the next best thing was to float and bobble till I could feel my knees again. I nearly sunk like a rock when I saw Embry drop his shirt at the shoreline. I swear the water got warmer when he swam in.
I'd usually pretend I didn't see Embry, then probably get out of the water for good measure. But young and drunk is a bad combination. Instead I swam up right next to him.
"Hey Winnie." He was nice enough to say hi when he noticed me, because Embry is too polite and sweet for the average teenager. His hair was down, the long brown mane stuck to the back of his neck and shoulders.
"Hi." For one measly word, I managed to slur it. I still turn red at the memory of that goofy grin I gave him.
"You look like you're having a good time. Are you good?" He chuckled at how drunk I was. He made my school girl dreams a reality when he inched closer to put a supporting hand at the back of my neck, just in case he had to pull me up if I went under.
"Super." I barely held my head up over a wave. The tide almost sent me drifting, but Embry's hand caught me before I got swept off. A firm hand holding me at the curve of my shoulder, another keeping me close by the small of my back. He pulled me in so close our knees kept softly colliding underwater, and I could see the water sticking to his lashes.
"I know you're a tough girl and all, but being this far out when you're this tipsy isn't the best idea." Embry looped an arm around me, his hand going from my lower back to the curve of my hip. I was so wasted I didn't remember how I let out a pleased hum till the morning after. "Let's get you to the kiddie pool."
"Embry, I should have asked you ou—"
The ocean pulled back far, then a wave silenced me. Half the beach was pushed back towards the shore. It crashed on top of us, flattening us into the sand. Water burned up my nose while mouthfuls of it were so cold then salty it stung like battery acid as it forced its way down. The tides flipped me against my will, threatening to pull my neck in the opposite direction of my body was dragged towards. Just when I thought I found the ocean floor, a second wave landed on me. The only thing I could do was thrash and hope I figured out where the surface was.
"Winnie!" Embry and I were ripped apart. But he went back for me. He pulled me up by my elbows, helping me up to feet. "You're alright, you're alright..."
The rush of cold wasn't what made me figure it out. No, the piercing wolf whistle was the giveaway. Then the laughing broke out.
The wave knock off the bikini.
The top was drifting towards shore, while the bottoms were dragged off towards the sea.
I was too scared to even cry or shout. All I could manage was a dunk back into the water in a weak attempt to hide. I grabbed what I could, reached around and clutched with a white knuckle grip till skin threatened to rip.
The whole beach was laughing at me, even the sea was cackling. The louder they laughed, the more exposed my skin felt. The entire student body saw every inch of my body. They saw all of it, all tongue, cheeks, and lips. No matter how much more I sunk into the ocean, they couldn't unsee it.
If I had just one or the other half on, I would have made a run for it. But both my hands were only enough for one of the other, not that much skin. I wasn't sure if the salt in my eyes or the humiliation that made the tears well up.
"Look at me." Then there was Embry, blocking me from the crowd as much as he could. I only caught a glance of him before he came in and out of my blurry vision. A sweatshirt billowed around me and resisted the water before being weighed down then sinking. The fabric was cold rather than comforting from all the water.
"Just look at me." Embry assured, pulling the sweatshirt as far down as it'll go before helping me to my feet. I didn't even know he ran to shore and back to get this.
Our hands clutch at each other as I stumbled back up shore. I was so wasted, if I let go I felt like I would land into the sand. I didn't even bother to get my stuff. Instead, I immediately rushed across the beach, hurried past the parked cars and ignored the pointing and cellphones as much as I could. I picked up some speed when the sand gave away to solid dirt and grass.
Even far away from everyone, and I still felt completely naked.
"Winnie," Embry slowed down, pulling us to stop. The humiliation sobered me up, and the realization had hit me so suddenly a headache rushed to the front of my head. I pulled back, only to find out how much I needed the support to stand up straight. My head aware but legs were still drunk, I stumbled over my own feet till I landed into a tree.
"I'm not gonna bother even asking if you're okay, when I know you're not. Can I drive you home? Take you to get some food?" Embry reached for me, offering a hand like he done all night. It was then I noticed he was shaking, still shirtless to the waist down, he was soaking wet.
"The whole school just saw me naked." I rasped, nearing hyperventilation. I could feel the burn of the alcohol again, only this time rising back up instead of down.
"At least you're drunk." He didn't answer. Not with a lame lie about how no one saw me to spare my feelings, which I appreciated the honesty more than the fleeting comfort. But he didn't say yes either.
"Help me change schools. Or dump my body somewhere." I keeled over, not sure if I was going to throw up or just needed a place to hide. I couldn't stand it. Every curve and inch of my body felt polished, pinched and rubbed from all the eyes. I felt violated.
"I'm sorry, Winnie. I'm so sorry." Embry apologized, hugging his arms across his chest, sending water everywhere.
"You didn't have to. It wasn't your fault."
"It wasn't your fault either." Embry pointed out. "Is there anything I can do? Anything?"
"Not unless you can go back in time and drown me instead," My legs finally gave out from under me and I landed into the grass with a thump that made Embry jumped. "I'm just gonna sit here."
I needed a moment from all the running, from all the laughing, from all of the last few hours of my life. The party could still be heard from the beach, the music and crackle of the bonfire floated over the treetops to us.
"You don't have to have to stay." I said to Embry who instead lowered down next to me. Not too fast though, as if it'll make me motion sick.
"Not a chance." Embry's hand landed on my knee, then gave it a squeeze that made me even dizzier. "I'm staying till you feel better."
"I just flashed the entire school, and all in front of the guy I like. I'm not gonna feel better till I graduate."
"Lucky guy then." Embry chuckled, the rumble made my stomach do an excited leap. Then immediately lurched afterwards like I might throw up. "You should have taken him out to dinner first, Winnie."
"I doubt he'll say yes if I ask now." I clutched my legs to my chest, and hoped it would help lessen the nausea.
"No, he'll definitely say yes now. He'll be crazy not to. Who wouldn't want to see you from head to toe again?" My heart jumped so hard it rammed into my rib cage. The earth tilted on its edge, and nearly sent me toppling over into the grass. I had to hold my breath so I wouldn't have gasped.
"Whose the guy you like? Do I know him?" Embry asked, his voice threatening to crack a bit at the end like puberty. Drunken me had the urge to say him of course, apparently the whole school knew, which meant Embry should have known too. Yet, I still couldn't live with it. How was I suppose to even say, 'I know that you know I like you.' Let alone even ask a boy out? I was fifteen and hopeless and awkward like everyone else. Then I was fifteen, hopeless, awkward, and butt naked to everyone on the Rez.
"You know him." I slurred the ending. "You definitely know him."
"So I'm guessing someone in our grade." Embry thinks it's over, his face going serious. "It's Jared Cameron isn't it? Every girl has a crush on him. But Kim had first dips since preschool—"
"It's not Jared Cameron," I shook my head to myself. "It's someone I've liked since the fifth grade. Then tonight my friends clued me in on how everyone already knew I have the biggest crush on them. Which just makes this night that much more humiliating." I buried my face into the tops of my knees, ready for the ground to swallow me whole. It felt like finding out you're actually the biggest idiot in the room and everyone had been laughing at you the whole time, but add nudity to that nightmare. I've never felt so hollowed our before.
"Don't tell me it's Paul Lahote." He groaned, throwing his head back. If half the girls in our grade haven't liked Jared Cameron since kindergarten, then the other half had a crush on Paul Lahote. "I didn't take you for one of those people who like a bad boy type."
"No, Lahote is too much of a hot head." If it hadn't been such a humiliating night I would have laughed. "The guy I like is the nicest person I know. My favorite thing I like about him is how he's the sweetest guy to anyone and everyone."
"Sounds like a winner," Embry nodded solemnly, grinding his foot into the dirt.
"He helped me tonight." I heard the slurred words before I realized I said them. A long silent moment passed before the implications of my words weighed me down. I almost cursed but everything was slowed down and delayed by the alcohol. I didn't turn red till his eyes locked on mine, "No, wait—"
I didn't get to finish, Embry closed the gap between us. He hesitated, stopping against my nose. Every hair on my body stood up on end, my body threatening to shake. He swallowed, leaned in further, with his hands reaching up to grasp me around my hips then he hesitated once more, and dropped them.
Our eyes locked, the longing gaze the only thing between us.
Embry didn't hesitate again. He closed in on me, not stopping this time till our lips met. He cupped my face to bring me in closer, the other getting tangled in my wet hair. Just as we were about to deepen the kiss there was a burst.
"Yeah, get it Call!"
"Call is making out with the school slut!"
We didn't break apart, we jumped apart. A group of drunk boys hooted and cheered as they broke through the tree line, the phones shining lights on me as they recorded everything. I stumbled back, I felt naked all over again. But this time naked and damned like a burning woman at the stake.
"Hey!" Embry squared his shoulders, shielding me as much as his scrawny fifteen year old body could. Him being shirtless made everything seem worse than it actuality was. It was almost as horrible as the beach just twenty minutes before. I didn't wait for the boys to stop recording, or for them to hoist Embry on their shoulders or whatever.
I bolted.
Wasted, humiliated, wobbly and sore from the entire night; I ran.
And I never spoke to Embry Call again.
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stackthedeck · 2 years
you got any teacher!peter fic recs?
YES ALWAYS!! This is my favorite era of Peter's life and I curse Marvel every day for taking it from me
You've Got a Friend in Me by my beloved mutual @earth90214 It is so fun to see Miles and Peter's relationship out of costume and I adore the headcanon of Peter working at Miles' school because I want it to be canon I love how they match each other's energies and also Felicia showing up
a photograph to hang on my wall (superstar) by another beloved mutual @seek--rest I love seeing how Peter interacts with his students and the potential he sees in them and also MJ is so perfect in this!
Learning Curve by ABC24. I adore this fic because Mayday is here!! and she's in her awkward teen years and so embarrassed that her dad is working at her school. This fic is mostly focused on May, but there are some wonderful small moments of Peter working with students
no stupid questions by zippe. I almost didn't read this fic because other than Peter and Miles all the characters are ocs in everything except name. Like why is Ben Reilly Peter's student?? But this is a fantastic fic and the outside perspective of how Peter cares for his students is so fun! Like it really is sweet and explores so many different types of students and has some inventive story structure
Add Without Subtraction by kitausuret. Oh my god, I adore this fic! The lengths that Peter will go to for a student's learning are just so fantastic and this is honestly a really good mini PBL unit. I love MJ and Peter's relationship in this and also there are some Felicia and Johnny cameos
Up There Came a Flower by kitausuret. This fic has less teacher stuff, but school is an important factor. I love Peter/Flash especially because there's a hint that Flash is also working towards his teaching license. Honestly just a really cute getting together fic
Mr. Parker by Spiro. Not enough spideypool fics take advantage of Teacher!Peter and Ellie, but this fic gets so fun with it! Like Peter and Wade have fantastic chemistry but Peter is more concerned about Ellie and her growth as a student and it's just so cute!
Okay, this one is technically a professor!Peter fic and it's barely focused on Peter as a professor, but I've been dying to talk about it! Educational Purposes by Traincat. You know it's good, it's traincat! Peter is a professor and Johnny wants to do a roleplay about it, Peter's not that into it at first, but he does it for Johnny, but keeps breaking character to gush about how much he loves his husband. The tags make it sound like filth when this is some of the most emotional porn I've ever read
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enigmatic-prismatic · 29 days
hello hi what are your ocs called and what do they do
You weren't specific with a fandom so I'll just ramble abt the general stuff of the ones I can remember rn,,, this will likely be alot
Madoka magica, the human witches(idk if I can call them ocs but ehhh) are a bit self-explanatory, I haven't actually fully figured out a story though, they're just humanized versions of the holy quintets witches that find themselves in present time
Creatures of Sonaria, my oc-universe and story is the most fleshed out ig for this fandom- chapter one is based around the events and happening that all lead up towards the defeat of the void god who desired to consume the universe, and there are multiple different endings to the first part,,, I haven't figured out the next chapter
Rain world, all of my stuff for this fandom is a huge wip and I'm still working on the general timeline even(and im a lil scared to talk abt them)- I consider my oc stuff au because it probably wouldn't make any sense in whats there in canon rw, but for my ancient lady- best I can give you rn is that she's an ancient who did not wish to die, rather, wanted eternity and preservation so she experimented with the possibility of an iterator that could completely repair themselves when needed and didn't require as much resources but could still do as much as the others- with how the giant supercomputers seemingly fucked up the world's cycles but idrk, her first even slightly successful attempt was that white iterator I've shown(no name yet) but she could hardly consider them a success with how she could just barely do her purpose(she got better at moving around and repairing herself but creator stopped caring and left before that) and only had a slight decrease in resources needed. Ancient lady moved on and started making an "iterator" that didn't even have a structure eventually resulting in the creation of Terror after who knows how many attempts
I'll talk a bit about a couple of my favorite ocs, but it's mostly creatures of sonaria
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Technically the same person, my favorite out of all my characters- Lorcan and Faolán! Humans and things on earth get thrown into sonaria via getting snatched by the void(lor arriving was an accident).... I'm not too sure how to explain the full story atm, but mentally unstable child eventually becomes god and rewrites the universe- then creates a puppet body to exist in the world again, that puppet being Faolán
(Size of humans are also alot bigger than the game, regular angelic wardens are around 7 ft to them)
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Second fav, td! A creation of the void who escaped the god's rule and rebelled. Mf basically went on a whole ahh journey to gain the ability to heal others after his adoptive mother got murdered and got well over 10x the trauma along the way. Atleast he gets an actually good boyfriend in present time?
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Ami, a girl from the same forgotten town as lorcan- she's one of the closest people to him! Kinda, they grew up together but started to drift apart. What happens with her really depends on the timeline
...I've said alot
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earmo-imni · 1 year
okay but you having a you that goes on continuous adventures throughout the Favorite Fictional Worlds is AWESOME. That sounds like a blast. I am never in any of my daydreams. I'm not about to inflict situations upon myself lol. I DO however badly voice act a line I'm making my characters say until the emotion is right. Much to the horror of everyone else who lives with me, I'm sure. I write a TON of dialogue and the thought that the readers don't understand the exact voice I want the character to say things in... and that I barely comprehend that voice myself... brutal. Don't make me voice act my own characters I swear to god. It's just everyone talking in different flavors of my voice in there.
Yeah, it's unbelievable how much mileage I've also gotten about Seven Deadly Sins as compared to the other fandoms I've been in. Sometimes I just don't want to pluck the characters out of the canon and put them in my head, because I feel like that would disturb the beautiful creation, so I don't daydream about those fandoms at all. I basically have like three main universes, the longest of which I've had and have been working on regularly since the fourth grade. VERY interesting story to go along with that one, but it's the kind that you CANNOT tell unprompted, so I'm waiting for an appropriate time to entertain the Internet Strangers with my strange childhood book experience.
Anyway! Happy to be following you now, I'll have a blast looking around at your blog :D
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You are so freaking nice, thank you!
I inflict SO many situations on myself, partly because a lot of the time I find it easier to roleplay myself-but-slightly-to-the-left than to roleplay one of my ocs, but also because I legitimately enjoy my big crazy universe and also it’s just fun to be like “Yeah, I’m best friends with Meliodas and a member of Fairy Tail and a companion of the Doctor and also grown up Gamzee’s my moirail now cause I saved him from going brainwashed-and-crazy and also I fixed the MCU! It doesn’t suck anymore! The plot holes are gone!” It’s just fix-it fics and self-indulgent “girl fell into Middle-earth” style fics all day long. Unfortunately for alternate me I very much enjoy whump and angst and hurt/comfort so alternate me goes through. So much. Luckily alternate me is immortal due to shenanigans (the same way as Meliodas, essentially, except the resurrection time is way faster and also there’s no losing emotions), so they can survive everything. Unluckily this means I can kill them as many times as I want. Angst! 😃
(Meliodas may have had to essentially shake me by the shoulders and go “I know you want to help me and I appreciate it but I would like to not have to watch you die for me repeatedly because I see you as a friend and it hurts to watch you die regardless of whether you come back or not” whoops)
I also voice act all my characters (I actually find it significantly easier to keep track of my story if I speak it out loud) and boy howdy is it awkward when a family member comes down the stairs or I’m out on a late-night walk and suddenly realize Oh! There’s a person there! Hearing everything I say! And I sound insane!
And saaaaaaame with the problem of everyone speaking in different flavors of my voice!!! There’s a few characters that I have a pretty good grasp of their voice, and some that have very distinct ways of talking (Gamzee my beloved. Also literally everyone from Middle-earth) that make it easier to do them. But yeah, I FELT that.
I don’t usually write stuff down, I just let it exist in my head and hope I remember it next time I feel like playing in the sandbox. My au that you found is only like. The second thing I’ve actually tried to write down as a coherent narrative since my first attempts at fanfic when I was 15 (the other thing being my Tolkien OC Mavwin’s story. It is. Not even a full first draft. Oh boy.). I have a bunch of notes for a rewrite of an old fixit fic for a musical I like, and a bunch of notes on some Harry Potter OCs and significantly less notes on a Fairy Tail OC. Also a largely-unused sideblog for my multiverse-travelling daydream. (Don’t look yet, it needs some rewriting and a whole lot of updating.)
I am very curious about this world you can’t speak of unprompted, so consider this your prompt lol. I promise it can’t be any worse than what I’ve read/come up with/listened to my best friend explain about their OCs (I swear she’s worse than I am about giving her characters trauma 😂)
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Any symbolim in the ocs? Like their past or other factors?
Any songs associated and why
Oh shit, another ask. Thank you so much Anon!
Just keep in mind while I do have a good grasp on them and what they're about I am still working on them so some stuff may change, but still! For this question I think it's easiest to talk about the song I associate and go from there. Also I had more time to think about Orpheus and Charming than I have with the other two and I haven't found a song I think screams them. But I do have some stuff to say about them.
Adding this after typing everything I wanted to, I am so sorry, Anon. I felt like I could have answered your questions in a shorter response but I just kind of threw up all my thoughts and typed them all out.
For Orpheane the song I associate her with the most is Spiral of Ants (https://youtu.be/LmDWU0pVBHE) by Lemon Demon because because she got into her current situation she felt like just another cog in the system, (She is a self-proclaimed free thinker) not feeling like she was thinking for herself, then something happened that changed her life (Spoilers) then she felt like she was given a chance to take control of her life again. I was originally going to type out all the lyrics that especially speak to her, but I basically just wrote out the beginning of the song, but here are the main lyrics that describes Orpheus
You have no choice but to dance
Don't let the bastards step on your hands
Now, now, don't run out of breath
Don't feel surrounded by death
Take the wheel, this could be your chance
You're free now forever to dance
You have to keep it flowing
You are one ant
But yeah, she was originally supposed to be a marionette cat, before I decided to make her into a Tanuki worm on a string, but you see where this is going right? Oh and also Ordinaryish People by AJR (https://youtu.be/hDm26Rs-YNQ)
For Vedas I was thinking maybe she related to My Trains by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/-n_cn9oKJzo) and while despite her nervous demeanor she can be a chaotic little shit but she is too afraid but this is too wild for her. Probably the thing she could relate most to is the line "I wish these trains can take me away" but ehh.
Maybe after thinking about it I think for now the song she could relate to most is Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (https://youtu.be/-09Sox6voGU) with the lines she relates to the most are
"Can we make a difference?"
"Raise your voice against liars"
"Why does no one want change"
"If you hold on life won't change"
For Charming uhh I think I have too many songs that I associate with her. Like Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/Jl117xZUHX8) especially 'I am a freak" and "You'll never get to see what in the name of God could I be'' she may think she looks beautiful and loves how sparklingly she is she may secretly relate to Creep by Radiohead (https://youtu.be/l5t9IXtTr6g) (I mean she is still barely alive, but also part ghost, and plush. Even before she may have always been raised to think she's a doesn't belong anywhere) but also she would just really love this song I've Had Enough of You (https://youtu.be/fGO1RjnprUc) because it's a song about being fed up with some with a bunch of talk about theaters. She would unironically say "Please excuse my thespian vernacular"
But in the end I think (at least for now) the song that perfectly describes her is All of my Friend by Tally Halls (https://youtu.be/nqC70w6iD84) They even said "It's hard to be Charming" and it is! But yeah a song how the singer's troubles and the lines she relates to the most is:
"All of my friends let me know
That it's all in my head
There's no room to be blue
Everything will be fine
I'll be making it through."
"It's hard to be charming
And smart
And disarming
It's hard to keep up with the rest
It's hard to fulfill everyone's expectations
It's hard to pretend your the best"
"How do you feel?
You've been concealing your worries from the world."
But for backstory purposes I will say nothing but Lifetime Achievement from Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/ecjnB6Ght8Y)
For Maskky just a song I can kind of see her vibing to Mask of my Own Face by Lemon Demon (https://youtu.be/8ws-49HHK60) because she sees her mask as her face, and it's a song about someone causing trouble with that mask of their own face. I mean I feel like Whatcha Playin' (https://youtu.be/gq2D1yn6J2M) and THE WORLD REVOLVING (https://youtu.be/Z01Tsgwe2dQ) Match her chaotic personality but since there's no words to tell you anything else about her, uh, let me focus on the other stuff you asked.
Maskky absolutely loves her mask and sees it as her real face. With it on she feels like she can do absolutely everything. Without it, it's an entirely different story. She's ashamed of her real face and she starts to get timid and desperate to get it back, and while yes she does have a strange curse that'll turn her into a shadow creature without it, if she wasn't cursed she would feel the same way.
For all of these characters they can relate to Beneath the Mask (https://youtu.be/iqy3E5sAa6Y) but maybe Maskky the most since, you know, she can be talking about her physical mask as well. I don't want to go into too much detail about why I relate all these guys to the songs for spoilers. But also all of them are neurodivergent (Orpheane and Maskky are definitely have ADHD and Vedas and Charming are definitely autistic, but if I'll let other decide if they have both or any other neurodivergent conditions)
But yeah, Orpheus, Vedas, and Maskky are finally letting go of feeling like they need to mask, but unfortunately, for Charming, she is far from that. Also, I forgot to mention Maskky stims by stomping. Sorry, I know you didn't ask for that, Anon, but I wanted to mention it. Also, I'm sorry I kept using Lemon Demon songs.
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strangefellows · 2 years
Gilgamesh, Cu, Emiya, Robin Hood, Merlin, and Roman
Answered for Gil, Cu, and Roman so!
favorite thing about them
Emiya: EVERYTHING? He's so intrinsically My Type that it's painful. But if I had to pick something it's how he still manages to hold onto a tiny spark of who he used to be, the smallest flicker of his old ideals and hope and joy, amid the crushing weight of existential despair and apathy his life has ended up.
Robin: His EXISTENCE; but no, really, the way they've written who and what he is kills me, I love how he's handled and I love this idea of this forgotten boy who took the name Robin Hood, one of many faceless outlaws, becoming the face of that existence rather than any real "named singular person" Robin Hood like Loxley or Huntingdon or anyone we know.
Merlin: I love how he's handled as well, he's so inhumanly human and I love how he loves Artoria and feels so guilty but tricks himself into thinking he doesn't feel at all, but it's so obviously a lie, I love how he loves watching us, he's such an interesting take on the character.
least favorite thing about them
Emiya: I'm going to fucking KILL this stupid idiot sometimes for how absolutely ridiculously unhealthy his self-loathing got in UBW, like, you dumb moron.
Robin: How little screentime he gets and how he ended up a butt monkey for most of CCC, really.
Merlin: I'm going to beat him with a stick for his weird pervy antics sometimes, I really am.
favorite line
Tumblr media
Robin: His little conversation with Dan after you beat him in Extra slays me, but I also love his "Tree of mourning, bare thy fangs!" bit.
Merlin: His speech in Babylonia about loving to watch humans and the bit at the end where he talks about how much he loves watching us.
Emiya: Gil and Cu for absolute sure, but he and Rin are awful besties I love them. He and my Master OC too.
Robin: He and my Master OC, but I love him and Sanson's dynamic in Salem and I think him and Billy's friendship is so cute too.
Merlin: He and Every Single Knight, okay.
Emiya: ....I don't know if I ship him romantically with anyone? MAYBE Artoria? Let this man be ace and have a nap, preferably on top of his two idiot best friends.
Robin: Robin and Cu absolutely.
Merlin: Merlin/Romani all the way.
Emiya: As I've mentioned before, I'm not the biggest fan of him and Cu, but generally I really don't ship him romantically with anyone at all, so.
Robin: .....god do I want to know what horrors lie out there?
Merlin: While it's not a NOTP, I don't really ship him and Oberon.
random headcanon
Emiya: Part of him really, really regrets not getting to go to normal person college, he would have majored in mechanical engineering. This is also the part of him that is a closet shonen manga nerd.
Robin: Don't let him lie to you, he died at 19. He's a bit self-conscious of this fact sometimes because he doesn't want people to pity him or give him shit.
Merlin: He constantly lowkey smells like flowers, though specifically what kind varies person to person because of his Charm Person abilities. To people unaffected by that part of his magic, he smells of a field of wildflowers.
unpopular opinion
Emiya: I love seeing him being happy and dorky and he should get to have that more often.
Robin: Uh....I'm not sure of too many opinions on him, actually?
Merlin: Genuinely I like him a lot, he's not as annoying or obnoxious as some people think he is.
song i associate with them
Emiya: Listen, I have it on a lot of mixes, but this one is still such a good song for him.
Robin: Don't fucking @ me, this song plays in my head on loop half the time because of Robin.
Merlin: This one is a big Merlin song for me, honestly.
favorite picture of them
Emiya: No matter what happens this bit from UBW is my favorite image of him of all time.
Robin: Lord, this one is so, so pretty...
Merlin: There's a few lovely pieces of art by Taiki but this one's by far my favorite.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the use of AAVE for Nile (or lack thereof) in TOG fanfiction? I've been reading some Book of Nile fic and some writers seem to write her as a Millennial™ (using words like "fave" and "woke") but never acknowledge her Blackness in her patterns of speech. I know we don't see her use as much AAVE in the films, but I would argue she's in situations where code-switching would be valued (first in a "professional" environment in the army, then around a group of non-Black strangers).
Hi anon! I have many thoughts on this and I'm honored you asked me! But I should start by saying I'm white and any thoughts Black fans and especially Black American fans have on this that they want to share would be beyond lovely. (I'm not gonna tag anybody bc that feels rude but please add onto this post if any of y'all see this and want to!)
The main reason I personally avoid AAVE for Nile in my own fics is because I'm not Black. But Nile-centric fics by Black writers tend to avoid using much of it too, at least from what I've noticed/understood, and my guess is it's largely for the reason you mention, that she's in situations that encourage code-switching.
In movie canon Nile is highly competent at tailoring her language to each situation she finds herself in. This fantastic linguistics analysis meta shows how skillfully Nile chooses her vocabulary and grammar to meet her goals with different conversation partners in different contexts. In comics canon Nile had a bunch of different civilian jobs before joining the Marines, so she would've had experience code-switching in the ways that made sense for all those different contexts as well as the Marines and her family and high school and wherever else she spent her time before we met her. And now she's spending her time with a handful of immortals none of whom are native English speakers and a fellow Black American but one with a Queen's English UK accent whose professional experience is in the CIA where high-status code-switching is often an absolute must for success or even survival.
Fics featuring Nile are charged with extrapolating from that to how it might show up in her use of language that she's coping with a traumatic separation from her family and her career and pretty much everything she's ever known and now she needs to be able to make herself understood to people who seem to care about her and each other but are super duper in crisis, three (soon to be four) of whom predate Modern English entirely and the only one who's anywhere near her contemporary she's not supposed to talk to for a century. All of these people are telling her that pretty much any contact with any mortals poses an existential threat to her and the rest of the group. How the FUCK is she supposed to cope with that, like, generally? And would it be a more effective way for her to cope if she talked to Andy Joe and Nicky using the speech patterns that she used to use with her mom and brother, to at least retain that part of her identity even if it means having to do a lot of explaining, or would it meet her needs better to prioritize Andy Joe and Nicky understanding what she means with her words over using the particular words and grammar forms she used with her family?
I've seen several fics, both Nile-centric / BoN and otherwise, explore this a little bit in how/whether Nile uses Millennial™ speak. It's often a theme in Nile texting Booker despite the exile because of the popular headcanon that he as The Tech Guy is the only other immortal who understands memes. But Nile's much-younger-than-Booker mom probably uses Boomer and/or Gen X memes and Andy has been adapting to new communication styles for forever as evidenced by her canon high level of fluency with standard-American-accented English.
Which brings us back to people avoiding AAVE because they're not Black and they don't want to make mistakes (or they're not Black and they don't want to get yelled at for making mistakes, though I think many people overestimate how much they'll get yelled at while underestimating how much these mistakes can hurt). I can imagine some Black fans hold back from using much AAVE in fic because they don't want to share in-group stuff with white people who are likely to then adopt and ruin it, as white people so often do with Black cultural stuff. Some links about this including a great Khadija Mbowe video. I'm saying this gently, anon, because you might not know: woke, an example you cited as Millennial™ speak, is AAVE, and that's gotten erased by so many white people appropriating it and using it incorrectly online.
And also there's the part where fandom is a hobby and you never know when you're reading a fic that's the very first thing someone's ever written outside of a school assignment. This cultural considerations of language shit takes a level of effort and skill that not everybody puts into every fic, or even could if they wanted to because they haven't had time to build their skills yet. It's definitely easier for non-Black fans to project our millennial feels onto Nile than to do the layers of research and self-reflection it requires to depict what Blackness might mean to Nile, and it's not surprising that often people sharing their hobby creations on the internet have gone the easier route. There's not even necessarily shame in doing what's easier. It's just frustrating and often hurtful when structural white supremacy means that 3-dimensional Black characters are rare in media and thoughtful explorations of them in fandom are seen by the majority of fans as not-easy to make and therefore Nile Freeman, the main character in The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood, has the least fic and meta and art made about her of our 5 main immortals.
I've been active in different fandoms off and on for twenty years and I barely managed to write 5,000 words about Sam Wilson across multiple different fics in the 7 years since I fell in love with him. There's an alchemy to which characters we connect with, and on top of that which characters we connect with in a way that causes us to create stuff about them. Something about Nile Freeman finally tipped me over the edge from a voracious reader to a voracious writer. It's not for me to judge which characters speak to other individuals to the level of creating content about them, but I do think it's important for us to notice, and then work to fight, the pattern where across this fandom as a whole Nile gets way less content, and way less depth in so much of the content that's in theory about her, than any of these other characters.
Anyway, back to language. My two long fics feature Nile with several Black friends — Copley and OCs and cameos from other media — but all of those characters except Alec Hardison from Leverage aren't American. It's very possible I'm guilty of stereotyping Black British speech patterns in I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore. I watched hours and hours of Black haircare YouTube videos in the research for that fic and I modeled my OCs' speech patterns on what I heard from some of those YouTubers as well as what I've heard people like John Boyega and Idris Elba saying in interviews, but the thing about doing your best is you still might fuck up.
I'm slowly making progress on my WIP where Nile and Sam Wilson are cousins, and what ways of talking with a family member might be authentic for Nile is a major question I need to figure out. For that, I'm largely modeling my writing choices on how I hear my Black friends and colleagues talking to each other. I haven't overheard colleagues talking in an office in a long-ass time, but back when that was a thing, I remember seeing a ton of nuance in the different ways many of my Black colleagues would talk to each other. Different people have different personalities! And backgrounds! And priorities! A few jobs ago my department was about 1/3 Black and we worked closely with Obama administration staff many of whom were Black and there was SO MUCH VARIETY in how Black people talked to each other, about work and workplace-appropriate personal stuff, where I and other white coworkers could hear. There are a few work friends in particular who I have in my head when I'm trying to imagine how Sam and Nile might talk to each other. From the outside looking in, God DAMN is shit complicated, intellectually and interpersonally and spiritually, for Black people who are devoting their professional lives to public service in the United States.
One more aspect of this that I have big thoughts on but I need to take extra care in talking about is the idea of acknowledging Nile's Blackness in her patterns of speech. There's no one right way to be Black, and Nile's a fictional character created by a white dude but there are plenty of real-life Black Americans who don't use much or even any AAVE, for reasons that are complicated because of white supremacy. (Highly highly recommend this video by Shanspeare on the harms of the Oreo stereotype.)
Something that's not the same but has enough similarity that I think it's worth talking about is my personal experience with authenticity and American Jewish speech patterns. My Jewish family members don't talk like they're in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I've known lots of people who do talk that way (or the millennial version of it), some of whom have questioned my Jewishness because I don't talk that way. That hurts me. Sometimes when another Jew tells me some shit like "I've never heard a Jew say y'all'd've," I can respond with "well now you have asshole, bless your Yankee-ass heart," because the myth of Dixie is a racist lie but I will totally call white Northerners Yankees when they're being shitty to me for being Southern, and this particular Jew fucking revels in using "bless your heart" with maximum polite aggression, especially with said Yankees. But sometimes I don't have it in me to say anything and it just quietly hurts having an important part of me disbelieved by someone who shares that important part of me. The sting isn't quite the same when non-Jews disbelieve or discount my Jewishness, but that hurts too.
Who counts as authentically Jewish is a messy in-group conversation and it doesn't really make sense to explain it all here. Who counts as authentically Jewish is a matter of legal status for immigration, citizenship, and civil rights in Israel, and it's my number 2 reason after horrific treatment of Palestinians that I'm antizionist. But outside that extremely high-stakes legal situation, it can just feel really shitty to not be recognized as One Of Us, especially by your own people.
It can also feel really shitty to be The Only One of Your Kind in a group, even if that group is an immortal chosen family who all loves each other dearly. Sometimes especially in a situation like that where you know those people love you but there are certain things they don't get about you and will never quite be able to. I'm definitely projecting at least a little bit of my "lonely Jew who will be alone again for yet another Jewish holiday" stuff onto Nile when at the end of I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore she's thinking about being the only Black immortal and moving away from the community she'd built with a mostly-Black group of mortals in that fic. Maybe that tracks, or maybe that's fucked up of me.
Basically, this got very long but it's complicated, writing about experiences that aren't your own takes skill which in turn takes time and practice to build, writing about experiences not your own that our society maligns can cause a lot of harm if done badly, it can also cause a lot of harm when a large enough portion of a fandom just decides to nope out of something that's difficult and risky because then there's just not much content about a character who deserves just a shit ton of loving and nuanced content, people are individuals and two people who come from the exact same cultural context might show that influence in all kinds of different ways, identity is complicated, language is complicated, writing is hard, and empathy and humility and doing our best aren't a guarantee of avoiding harm but they do go a long way in helping people create thoughtful content about a character as awesome and powerful and kind and messy and scared and curious and WORTHY as Nile Freeman.
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albatris · 2 years
hi lets say I am speaking in the perspective of Hypno and he is currently stressing over how to kill a god that has more power than he ever will, how would you go about that? this god also has three heads and too many hands. Hypno doesn't like that
(ive got no specific oc I want an answer from!)
thank you for the ask!! :D sorry for the. length. of this reply. whoops. resident god-killer Nat Rentalcar had a lot to share and was VERY excited to do so gfhjhf
"Oh! Holy shit, yeah! I got this one! I know this one! Certified vampire-hivemind-god-killer Nat Finch at your service. I've got some hot tips for you, Hypno, okay, and trust me, these are going to make all the difference. Or, like, some of the difference. At least a little bit of the difference. Probably. I think. Stop laughing at me, Quinn, I'm the closest thing to an expert anyone's gonna get 'round here, okay?
Uh... first up is... Jesus Christ, don't do it alone if you can avoid it. Get yourself some friends. Get yourself some angry, riled-up friends. Not a team of hyper-logical specially-trained-to-kill-gods strangers you barely know, no matter how competent they might be. Friends! People you trust! People you like! People you can bounce off of! It's about the vibes, yeah? Vibes are powerful business.
That being said, I thoroughly recommend getting yourself acquainted with a Zeke Cunningham-Warwick-Lâm, though. That will make your job much easier. But, uh, you can't borrow our one because she already had to participate in killing a god once and she's very tired about it so you'll just have to go find another one. There are probably other people with that name who are just as cool.
What was I talking about?
Oh, if there's any chance at all for you to bribe or threaten or trick or goad the god into playing fair, or abiding by a specific set of rules that work in your favour... TAKE IT. Then you yourself... play dirty as fuck. No rules. No honour. Set the god up then screw 'em over. This thing is more powerful than you? You're not gonna win by playing nice. Lie through your teeth if you gotta. Manipulate them. Trap them. Gaslight, gatorade, girlboss or whatever it is. Be tricky and sneaky. Then if push comes to shove, fight like a cornered feral animal.
Is... it possible for you to somehow steal a little tiny bit of the god to eat beforehand? Just a nibble. That worked pretty good for me. Though someone else did the stealing. And I was unconscious for the eating. And, I mean, it was only helpful for me because it made me, like, some cool special weird kind of vampire who can absorb stuff through his skin and explode into a gory monster on command. But I think either way eating some god can't hurt. Eat some god for luck. Eat some god for placebo effect. Eat some god to get a taste for it. Remind your gods they're edible. Do it just 'cause it's hardcore and metal as hell. Do it. Do it.
Also, you should play some of that old roguelike Quantumfish! For practice! You know, that one only like six people have actually ever beat? My friend Yvonne swears by it. Says, um - well, if you can beat the washing machine warehouse stage in Quantumfish, that's a pretty good approximation of how hard it is to beat at least the outer layers of a god. But just to be safe, make sure you can regularly get past the drive-in cinema boss fight and make sure you're REALLY good at the cyberspace dragon mini-game.
Lastly, uh... don't burn yourself out before you even get to the fight! Some folks are always going on about training, training, training, blah, blah, blah, "Why are you launching chocolate chips at Alex through a straw while it works on the computer instead of focusing on fighting the Garble, Nat?" and "How dare you take a nap when you should be strategising, Nat?" and like... sure, I get it. And maybe it's just because we all assumed we were about to die regardless and our enthusiasm for training and strategising was, like, ocean floor low. But remember to look after yourself! Self-care, baby! Eat a nice meal! Go to the beach with your friends! Murder some rich bastards for fun! Loosen up, relax, treat yourself well. My point is, if you work too hard, you're just gonna make yourself easier to kill.
Okay, that's it, go, have fun, good luck! I believe in you!"
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
WIP Whenever
Ever since @mtreebeardiles asked about Reyes as a fighter pilot in the RAF in my WWII/ME 'verse, I've been trying to sort out how to make it work. I spent much of the weekend watching Battle of Britain documentaries on youtube to refresh my memory (all while spinning for Tour de Fleece! lol), and while some aspects of it are still needing to be worked out, I think I've got a rough idea how it will go.
Last night as I headed to bed, one of my OCs in this world (Serafina MacKinnon's twin, Sean) started talking and so I got about 1300 words written for a part of the story. This is a small piece of that from Sean's point of view.
Setting: England, late August 1940, Sean MacKinnon, Scott Ryder
Sean entered the dispersal hut, cup of tea in hand.  He was on a mission, though he doubted he was going to get the results he was looking for. 
The small building – all of one room – was dim; storms had kept them grounded most of today and, thankfully, most of the Luftwaffe on the far side of the Channel.  That meant a good day for catching up on paperwork and other administrative responsibilities.
And God alone knew, if Director Tann had anything to say about matters, it was that they had to keep the paperwork up to date.  In and on time.  Someone needed to remind the man that there was a war going on out beyond his office.
Setting the tea on the desk within easy sight and reach, Sean now waited for a sign.  Any sign.  An acknowledgement.  Recognition.  Even a scream – of anger, frustration, pain; Sean wasn’t particular at this point, just some sort of reaction.  He’d take whatever he could get at this point and be satisfied because anything was a start.
Without a word, Scott reached for the cup with his free hand, taking a sip then setting it back as he continued to scratch away at his reports with his pencil.
Sean sighed.  He knew what Scott was writing, of course.  Two more planes lost.  One pilot killed.  One pilot missing in action.  Operational strength down to six.  At current rate, we will be out of pilots by the end of the week.  We need replacement pilots; six at minimum.
It wasn’t difficult to determine what was being written.  From the beginning, the Andromeda Initiative had promised much but delivered little.  In the overall grand scheme of things, it appeared that Tann, Addison and the others in the administration were expecting miracles out of bare minimum.
Maybe we ought to go behind Tann’s back and check with Fighter Command directly…?
The jangle of the phone yanked Sean back to the moment as a surge of adrenaline raced through his blood.  Habit had him taking a step over to answer, but Scott’s hand reached it first.
“Tempest Squadron?”
A moment passed.  Then a second.  Sean remained where he was, but kept his eyes on Scott’s face.  It was relief he read there, not adrenaline or panic. 
“Thank you.”
As Scott replaced the phone, Sean dropped into the empty chair in front of his friend’s desk.  “Who was it?”
To his credit, Scott didn’t go back to writing; still, he didn’t meet Sean’s gaze either.  “Cora.  Addison’s seen fit to finally send us replacement pilots.  Cora said Kallo should arrive within the hour.”
There was an ache and exhaustion in Scott’s tone that answered the question of how many, but a number was still needed.  Rising to his feet with a nod, Sean took a step towards the door.  “I’ll go clean out some bunks.  How many?”
Not enough.
Outside, Sean ducked and dodged his way towards the barracks.  He was halfway there before he realized that the relief he’d seen in Scott’s eyes wasn’t due to the fact they were getting replacement pilots, but that it wasn’t a call to scramble. The war was taking it out of all of them, mostly their commander.  He was going to have to come up with another way to convince Scott he needed to relax or he was just as likely to end up as a statistic in the reports as the others had.
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novantinuum · 3 years
The blorbo meme for your own OCs? (ones for specific fandom worlds or otherwise)
Ojhfhsdbhjg I will gladly!
(Note: There are a mixture of Steven Universe and Breath of the Wild OCs in here. I'll add photos after OC mentions so y'all have an idea of who I'm talking about. Most of these will be WIPs/sketches. Tbh some I've probably barely talked about on this blog, but let's go XD)
“Blorbo” Character Ask Meme
____ My blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
At the moment? Aryll Haywood, my version of Link's sister. Of all my OCs, she invades my thoughts the most, and is- quite honestly- probably the most fleshed out of all of the characters I've ever created. I think it helps that the very essence of her setting gave her an obvious life conflict to bounce off of... aka the loss of her entire town and family to the Calamity. There's a lot of juice to play with there, in imagining how an 11 year old girl would try (and fail) to cope with that. I can't wait to eventually share her full story- just a few days ago, I started officially writing the prologue for that long fic of mine!
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My scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
ASDshgjhdg is it a crime to ALSO say Aryll for this one? I would very much love to pick her up in my arms and swing her around like a parent with a tineee precious baby ;w;;;;;;;
Not really sure I have any other OCs who would count as "baby," a lot of the others are downright snarky motherfuckers, lmao.
My scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
I've grown quite attached to Arwel Haywood (Link and Aryll's father) while writing a bit of fic from his POV, (A FIC I STILL NEED TO FINISH, auUGHHHH! ! !!!!), and feel I don't think about him as much as I should. I need to flesh out his personality a bit more. So far, though... I am big uWU at the thought of him just,,, really, really loving his kids. I think he does have the tendency to push Link too hard too young with their training, and perhaps spends time with his son just a tad more than his daughter due to their shared interest in swordplay, but oh god does he do his genuine best with them, and I am HUGE a aAAA
(Not my art, but a preliminary Hero Forge model I did of him)
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My glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Taafeite, a fusion of my OC Jean Maverick and Steven Universe. They don't show up in their world very often- thus "obscure fave-" but when they do, it's sure to be quite a show. They're a big personality and very much enjoy being in the spotlight. Please don't underestimate their weapon. It may look like a glorified pizza cutter staff, but that bitch is fucking sharp.
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My poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Hmm. I don't think any of my SU or BotW OCs fit this category. The only OC I have that even remotely fits is... a VERY old pull... Aster, a Gravity Falls multiverse OC I had at one point but never did anything concrete with. Aster... was the one who was a mercenary working for Bill, charged with hunting Ford down during those 30 years he was lost in the multiverse. They... definitely kill, and definitely do MANY morally wrong things, but there's a depressing backstory to be told, and they eventually do experience Character Development™ and become a less Problematic person, ahahah.
(this art is old as Balls, i'm so sorry)
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My horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Jean Maverick. I, uh... outright amputate one of their legs in end-game content that I will probably never write out in full, so saying this is not a spoiler. I put them through so much bullshit, lmao. Trauma... self-loathing... I yeet them into the Gem war at one point... more trauma... meeting their mother WHILE experiencing trauma... homoerotic encounters with foes... oh yeah, they've got it all, shshgdhkkl
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My eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
jhhjsbdgj absolutely Morganite. Aka Jean's nemesis. Aka a gay ass motherfucker who was so lovesick for the concept of a romance that had long died in the war that she tried touching the sun and got burned. I kinda gave her a really depressing backstory, but she commits war crimes and is GemRacist™ though, which is why she's going to superhell. Byeee!
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mydayserenade · 3 years
My Dear Starlight
Yunho x OC
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rom, angst, fluff (???)
first time playing around w/ this kind of genre so apologies if its shitty
i suggest listening to Fix You by Coldplay cause it will definitely send you to sad hours while reading
"Do you remember the last time we went star-gazing? It was the night before I eventually confessed to you, we were lying on the grass and I was pretty much sleep deprived and alongside handling an empty stomach that was growling" he said and chuckled, reminiscing the sweet moment ever so vividly like it happened just yesterday. Yunho took his attention off the sky and watched silently as his fiance gaze the starry night without even noticing him staring at her like she was the brightest thing to ever exist as of the moment, which has always been a thing for them to do to each other... but mostly Yunho.
"I do dummy, can you believe it has been 5 years since then? Time flies so fast" Luna responded, leaning towards her right side to get a closer look at Yunho's visuals "And now here we are, engaged and a few months away from officially tying the knot." she giggled, toying with the necklace that he gave to her during their first anniversary and looked back at the night once more to admire it; the moon dawned on them like a bright spotlight, the sky was as blue as the deep sea, complimenting the shining stars that laced the sky, telling tales of long lost lovers which completed the visually angelic twilight that these two would share for hours.
Yunho looks over to his paramour with the endearment in his doey eyes and smiles ever so sweetly as she laid beside him, interlocking hands with one another and her hair that sprawled like beautiful waves; in a swift move he sits himself up and props Luna to lay down on his chest. Luna responds in a squeak, shocked by the sudden gesture her fiance did.
"Whenever you miss me" Yunho broke the silence between them and rested his cheek on the head of his soon-to-be Mrs. Jeong, she flinches as she felt his warm arms wrap around her chest, feeling his heartbeat going at a slow but steady pace.
"Um, where are you going with this?" she asked confusingly as Yunho snuggled on her neck, inhaling the delicate perfume that he oh so loved whenever she would put it on; he breathes in the intoxicating fragrance and lets out a satisfied sigh before he continued.
"It's just an intrusive thought" he replied and continued to snuggle, "but whenever you miss me while I'm away or when I suddenly get called by the House of Hufflepuff" he said jokingly in the last part, receiving a slap on the arm by her and continued on. "Look up at the night sky and think of me. My mom always told me that I had a special connection with celestial things most especially stars. I thought it was just nonsense she shared with me as a teenager but as I got older and took into consideration the feelings I had and enviroment or situations I was in, I did notice a few things that made me convinced that my mom was indeed right about her speculations." Luna was bewildered, all she could do was laugh. This was the first time she has ever heard of this story from Yunho considering the fact they've been together for 5 years, 24/7, 365 and he would often share his most atrocious memories; even his embarassing ones. She looked up at Yunho who was looking straight at her, showing how perplexed she was by her furrowed brows and confused grin.
"So you're telling me, God decided to make your bloodline 40% human and 60% celestial and as you age the more you feel connected with these things, will somehow tingle in your bones and signal you to shoot supernovas out of your hands like Starfire or some shit whenever it's nightime?" she asks.
"You're phrasing it like it's a crazy Sci-Fi movie Luna, I wasn't even finished." Yunho eyerolls and massages the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh of annoyance. Luna enjoyed teasing him and seeing him all fired up; even if Yunho had a fierce exterior that people would be afraid of approaching, only few knew his childish side and how young at heart he was for things that he loved and took interest in.
"Go on continue, I was just annoying you." she giggles at the sight of him pouting and scrunching up his nose, Yunho takes a deep breath before he proceeds to the next.
"Eversince I was a little boy and when there were times where I had no one to play around with" Yunho looks up at the stars and grows a grin on his face as he points upward "they were always my companion and relate to how I was feeling. Whenever I felt happy, it would always blink at me, become bigger in size and blind me with its light; however when I felt sad, it would always shrink and release very little light. It would sometimes respond to the many queries I had and decisions by its blinking, it somehow felt like I had a mood lamp with me everywhere I go." he crooks his head to the right, scoffing at the many memories of him that flashed in his mind. "Even if I had no one to talk to at that time, as crazy as it sounds, the stars comforted me in a way that is unexplainable."
"It felt like someone understood the things you were going through like no one else has, almost as if you had an alternate you up in the galaxies." Luna looked up at how Yunho admired each white dot with the happiness in his eyes, looking so astonished like a little kid who just visited a candy store for the very first time. She now understood the many moments where he would suddenly look up the sky while driving, walking or even eating and just stare for seconds before eventually returning to what he was doing, almost as if he was thanking the heavens above or checking up on them like they were part of his family.
"You understand now? Whenever that time comes, just look up and I'm there." He whispers in Luna's ear, hands interlocking with hers and giving her a soft kiss on the head. Luna couldn't help but tear up by the gentle gesture Yunho did, the tale he had told and the thought of not seeing him for even a second. He was her rock and she was his, not a day would go by if they did not see each other in between the hours.
"I do Yunho, I do." she sits up and faces Yunho, cupping his face with her warm hands with Yunho gently caressing it and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips.
6 years later...
"I'm here" Luna whispered, standing in the middle of the silent and deserted park which was quiet enough to hear her; holding onto her precious necklace, she looked up the sky, admiring the white dots that scattered the sky. The stars were a bit different from normal, they were shining and twinkling more and more, almost as if it was calling out to her in morse code.
"You should really try and hide your excitement to a bare minimum, see this is why I never planned any surprise parties with you" she scoffed and sat down on the grass, closing her eyes and completely taking in the midnight breeze that brushed against her skin and blew on her hair. She lets out a sigh and toyed with the golden chain that was entangled on her fingers, feeling every abrasion and imperfection this necklace presented.
"You're probably wondering why I am here at 3 am in the morning" she said, fluttering her eyes to a vast field with streetlights surrounding it, "Awww man" Luna laughed, "You're most likely gonna kill me if I went out especially in this hour, well truth be told Mr. Jeong; are you battling me now with this cold gust of wind you blow?"
No one responds.
"I thought so too." she said under her breath as she hangs her head down, taking a deep breath before she continued to talk.
"I came here because I couldn't really sleep well these past few days and" she starts to choke up, sniffling and trying her absolute best to not break down, that's the last thing he would want Luna to do... especially in a time like this. "I don't know" she shrugs, rubbing her hands on her face. "I've been in my head too much, I've been emotionally unstable for the first time in a long time and I'm just" she suddenly pauses while a million thoughts circulates her mind. She urged herself to keep a strong and stable state for the past 6 years in front of friends and family, always say she was doing alright and all but deep down inside she was suffering the greatest loss of all and couldn't even bare to hold it in any longer.
"Yunho I'm so so so sorry" she lets out her tears, hysterically wailing on the field. She clutches her heart, completely lost her sense of reality and just wanted to scream out the pain and tiredness she has been holding on for the past few years, hiding behind a facadé so that people around her would not have to feel the burden that she might put on them. The countless nights of tear stained pillows and fake happy days were all weeped away at this night, she looks up at the skies; frozen and chanting swear words like a maniac.
"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner how much you suffered on the inside, for being such an asshole to you during those times and for not being enough of a friend and wife to you." she whimpered, losing all her might to prop herself up. In a graceful fall she lands on the grass, curled up, shiverring and clutching her knees amidst the cold breeze and moist grass under her.
"I'm a terrible person, I'm a fucking disgrace, and yet somehow I still exist in this world when it should've been you who is still alive. I tried my best to not worry you every night by saying I was doing okay, that I was living good and this and that, but for the past few days..." she closes her eyes and squeezes the pendant with her palm as tears streamed endlessly down her cheeks, "The wave of guilt just hit me harder than ever and I honestly am not so sure I can carry on this shameful life that only keeps me breathing."
From the day she knew up until his deathbed, Yunho never wanted Luna to see him at his worst neither did he want her to struggle and pity him, but his condition allowed Luna to see her beloved slowly succumb bit by bit. As much as she wanted to help him; he would always brush it off, plaster on his dimpled smile and please her in the best of his abilities and strength even if his state wasn't the way it was before. He did not want Luna to regret the moments she had with him and only fill her memories with the pain that he had felt and the hardships he's going through. She didn't agree to any of his ordeals but he had tried and persuaded her to commit to his wishes, in the end however; it would only lead to many arguements and her cursing him out. Eventually she caved in and did the best she could to seize the days, nights and hours with the presence of her one and only love yet deep down inside she was guilty of not helping with his condition and wanted to cater to his medical needs even if she had to travel miles away to get what he asks for.
"I respected your wishes, I carried on the many months with you with a positive outlook and a cheery personality. I was happy during those times I'll admit, because I was by your side everyday until the last second of you breathing, but at the back of my mind I knew I should've gone against what you wanted me to do and assist to your needs." she runs her hand through her hair, fuming at the thought of herself not doing her part during the days of Yunho's struggles. "You told me that I shouldn't feel guilty as this isn't my fault that you were diagnosed with this and it isn't my business to meddle around something like this, but goddamnit Yunho" she breathes uncontrollably as tears yet again pools in her eyes "I'm your fucking wife! I'm your best friend! I have been with you for as long as I can remember and I have made a vow to you that I'm gonna take care of you and nurture you when needed until our hair turns gray and we are all wrinkled." She bursts into annoyance and disappointment. None of what she did made perfect sense to her, all she wanted was to cry and rewind time so that she can make up for the past mistakes she's done and the many regrets she wanted to be erased in her mind. Luna didn't have the energy to continue on and she just lied in the grass, sprawled out and cried until her lungs gave out. She felt pain, she felt disappointment, she felt useless, she felt defeated.
A blinding light then hovers over Luna's exhausted and tearstained body, at first she did not mind this but as the light lingered on her for how many minutes now, she was irritated to this God-like halo that did not want to leave her be. She then slowly opens her eyes and was immediately welcomed to a soft, bright and white light that the moon shined on her, way different from the previous. The stars then aligned, creating a mystical ceiling that somehow calmed Luna's nerves and distract her away from her thoughts, it shined excitingly but twinkled in a calm matter. Luna was in awe at how much beauty the sky emmited, she had completely felt relaxed and wiped the tears that streamed down her face. She goes on to bask under the moonlight and stars, breathing in and out and feeling liberated and worry-free, something she has never felt ever since Yunho was put to rest.
"Now I truly understand what you meant." she mumbled, feeling lighter than ever. Luna then proceeds to put back her shoes on and did a flying kiss to the air multiple times before she left the park. "I think I know what I need to do now." she smiled and took a deep breath.
"Thank you for giving me something I never believed in but eventually found myself with you, love." she sighs lovingly as she gets up and moves towards her car. She takes one last look at the stars and glances down the necklace she has been holding. "Thank you for tonight, see you soonest, my dear starlight."
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beebubb · 3 years
William grossman: becoming a pasta
(also i mention my OC amari here but they're just friends and roommates here. No romantic things)(also this might be kinda long and I mention some stuff about my creepypasta AU so if you don't wanna be confused you can check it out!)
Like I mentioned in an old post, will and LJ went on a lot of self discovery adventures for Will.
It was always will's dream to become a popular killer like Jeff but sense he couldn't actually bring himself to kill someone, he would doubt himself a lot and would sometimes just be so upset or angry at himself
Will: maybe coming to the underworld was a mistake.. I shouldn't have come here...
LJ: come on bud! There's gotta be something here you're good at!
They had literally tried many things.
Will worked for a surgeon for literally a day before he got fired. He couldn't bring himself to dissect someone. Yes he had seen dead bodies before out on the street but he couldn't bring himself to be the one to actually commit to doing it
He also tried to be a bounty hunter/hitman but, ended up quitting immediately after he was told to kill a family
He even worked at a black market that was hiring someone to just care for the oragans they sold. It was going pretty well but, lets say it was will's first time seeing an actual beating human heart
Will: what else could I be good at?!? Everything here involves killing! And I can't even kill someone if it depended on my damn life...
LJ: you could still try for your dream of being a slender proxy!
Will: but being a proxy involves killing! Maybe I should just go back to the human world... I don't even have my mark! I didn't get a permanent smile like Jeff or red bleeding eyes like ben!
Amari: I don't have any cool marks either!
Will: but atleast you got skulls shapes on your eyes! I didn't get anything! Maybe I just wasn't meant to be here...
Amari hated seeing will so upset. She knew his dream was to work for slenderman, and obviously, she wanted him to achieve it. She got lucky and worked for him from time to time, so she was sure she could talk to slender and see if will had a chance.
How he met slenderman
Amari went to see her boss a few days later. AKA slenderman. She explained to him his situation and, he actually wanted to meet him!
Slenderman isn't judgemental like many in the underworld think he is. He can see potential in someone even at their lowest.
She obviously went to the apartment to tell will the good news
Amari: will! You aren't going to believe this but i talked to slenderman about you and....he wants to see you!
Will: what?!? Are you serious?!
Amari: yep!
Will: holy shit!! Let me take a quick shower then!
Will took a shower and once he was ready he followed amari to the slender mansion.
Once they got there, masky did the regular check for weapons on him (it's normal for them to check new people that go into slenderman's meeting room just to make sure of any weapons or suspicious items)
Will was calm but was holding in his inner fanboy.
"I can't believe I'm seeing slender's most valuable proxy!!! Holy shit!!!"
LJ wasn't all that excited sense he already knew pretty much every pasta and knew what it was like living in the mansion/manor.
LJ: "what a hassle...."
LJ wasn't really aware of all the dangers the proxies tried to prevent. He just saw it as a way to show off their wealth and to think they were better than others
Once they were clear, masky took them to the meeting room
Even if will wasn't sure if he could get a chance working with slenderman, there was one thing he was definetly certain of.
Get their autographs
No way he was gonna waste his visit to the slender mansion and NOT get their autographs.
Masky: you may go inside
Will: um....could i get your autograph please?
Masky: oh, yes
Will: yes!! *takes out a scrapbook he made* here!
Masky: *signs in* there
Will: thank you so much!!!
LJ: come on! You look like a dork!
Will: ok ok! And I'm not gonna waste my visit and not get their autographs *goes into the meeting room*
Once they got in they were immediately greeted by slenderman
"Glad you came here william, please, take a seat"
William was so excited by seeing slenderman in person but was also terrified about what he would think of him.
Will became really shy and nervous while talking
Slenderman: so i heard you were interested in working with me later on but you had a few doubts on your own abilities, could you tell me more?
Will: i um....*fidgeting with his fingers*
LJ: he wants to be a proxy but he has trouble actually killing someone. So we wanna know his chances of actually becoming one
Slenderman: ah I see, well I'll have to look at some other assets, do you have any school documents?
Will: *nods and takes out a folder with his school papers*
These kind of meetings were actually pretty common so slenderman already knew what to look for in school documents
Will's grades weren't that good tbh
He had many subjects he struggled with. On his report cards, pretty much every subject had D's and C's, and the occasional F's. Only is P. E he had a B.
Slenderman usually looked for atleast a B average
Though the only straight A's that will got, were in chemistry
Slenderman: I see you're proficient in chemistry, how come that's the only subject you get A's in?
Will: well um.... It's pretty much the only subject that I like....
Slenderman: may I ask what your under realm mark you for when you arrived here?
Will: i didn't get anything...
Slender seemed kinda surprised at his answer.
He opened up a locked drawer on his desk and took out a heavy book and went through the pages and stopped at one with a picture of a hand with lines
Slenderman: may I see your hand?
Will: uh... Sure? *shows him his hand*
Slenderman seemed really intrigued with will's hand.
LJ and Amari were extremely confused.
Amari knew pretty much the process of these type of meetings but when she was applying as an apprentice for slenderman, slender didn't ask to see her hand like he did with will
Once slender was done checking will's hand, he looked through more of his records
LJ: um.... So what do you think? He has a bit of potential right?
Slenderman seemed lost in though for a second but replied
"William, have you ever took any.... Magic classes or considered taking one?"
The three of them were surprised.
Like, magic? They knew that magic existed in the underworld but why would he think will would Want to study it?
Magic is a really complicated subject and depending on what element you were granted or want to control, it takes a lot of discipline and training and it is rarely recommended to the top students at the institution sense it was pretty much college level
LJ: why do you ask that?
Will: yeah I mean... I'm barely passing and I don't know if my grades are even good enough for me to graduate this year.
Slenderman: well i don't know how you didn't see this before but, look
Slenderman turned the book to their direction
LJ and amari were shocked
LJ: will you?!?
Will: *looking at the book and at his hand* wait....holy shi-i mean oh my god! I have powers?!
Slenderman: i looked through your records and i see you're part of the grossman family.
LJ: uh yeah he had a great grandpa but how does that explain this? He never had any sort of contact with magic
Slenderman: maybe not him exactly but, she did
Slenderman pulled out a picture from isaac's record folder (all demons and rulers from hell and the under realm have a record of their citizens) and pulled out the picture of a woman
Slenderman: she's ida grossman. Isaac grossman's great grandmother. She was killed for practising witchcraft. It would explain why will was granted magic here in the under realm.
LJ: sense he has this power, how come i never saw it before? I've been with him ever sense he was born!
Slenderman: well his power is still undeveloped sense he never had any proper training or took any classes. He has the mark on his hand but if he wants to actually use his abilities, he'll need to start practicing.
LJ now understood, and was happy for will
LJ: how can he start?
Slenderman: well,i have a proxy named sherry that knows about this, she could be will's tutor. Also I have been really interested in getting an apprentice with magical abilities but it has been difficult finding one, but if will wants to work with me then..
Slenderman took out an apprentice application
Slenderman: I could take him in as my personal sorcerer
LJ: well, what do ya say bud? Do you wan-
Will: yes!!!!!
Will didn't even think twice on his answer. Of course he wanted to work as slenderman's apprentice in magic.
He felt like his life had literally no direction but now everything was changing. He felt more confident than ever
LJ: do these classes have a price or somethin'?
Slenderman: it's usually 50 per class in a normal school but it depends if my proxy wants to charge for them or not sense she teaches them individually.
Will: oh....
Amari: ah don't worry i can pay for them!
Will: you don't gotta do that!
Amari: it's fine! You're my friend, we should help each other out
Slenderman: so I'm guessing that it's settled then?
Will: yeah!
Slenderman: alright then, I'll just need a signature of your parent or guardian on the application
LJ gave his signature
Slenderman: thank you. Well you're ready to go. All you need to do now is finish your last month at the institution and once you're done, I'll have amari bring you here again to start your training.
Will: yes! Thank you! Um one more thing, could I get your autograph sir?
Slenderman: oh yes of course!
Once slenderman signed his notebook they thanked him and were free to go
Who knew that will was more special than many thought he was.
I hope you guys liked this! I'll be making more parts!
Also i know will wasn't really developed in the Creeps comic so I kinda let myself create his character more.
Also this was inspired by a headcanon I saw where will was granted powers so I wanted to include that into his character.
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lovelylogans · 4 years
Yes. Please Open The Box. I've been on hp brainrot cause I've been rewatching the movies with my mom. Please
i feel like i have a lot of opinions that are popular opinions, and fuck terfs, but nonetheless:
regulus black would have been the perfect example of a brave slytherin that albus was named after
arthur, hagrid, or remus could have served as other father figures instead of albus; tell me hagrid would not burst into tears upon hearing his child was named after him? also, arthur, for both ginny and harry!
i read the occasional drarry fic but it has to be very, very well-written; or, at least, it has to have the understanding that draco has to go through some sort of redemption, either through atoning for his own actions, or an au in which he already has—some fics make him the next-gen spy, a bit like snape
uh, draco and dudley are perfect foils, and people would simp after dudley if he was as “conventionally attractive” as tom felton
dudley had more of a canon redemption arc than draco did
fatphobia is rampant in the series—villains are the vast majority of fat rep, and even good fat characters like molly or hagrid still have faults (hagrid is “big and dumb,” a bit like dudley tbh, and molly is kind of just? a Mother? like that’s her defining character trait. nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom if that’s what you want, of course, it’s just that molly didn’t have much of a personality outside of her children until the later books.)
misogyny too—molly was so mean to hermione in the fourth book and fleur in the sixth, ginny was mean to fleur too, hermione gives off “not like other girls” energy especially concerning lavender and pavarti
poc harry and hermione—sure, jkr says she’s cool with it, but she gets a lot of credit for the bare minimum. she could have written them that way.
there’s a whole lot of white people in hp. wish there’d been better rep
same with dumbledore! it’s so clear she said he’s gay to get better credit for rep that’s barely there, but now she has the chance to expound in it in the fantastic beasts movies, she isn’t planning on addressing it. right. okay.
should i even get into the antisemitism of the goblins
most -isms jkr ticked, tbh, and described better by other people who these -isms directly affect, so i won’t get too much more into it
wish hufflepuffs had more house rep, in general, they mostly just get cedric, and i wish that “good slytherins” were expounded upon, especially concerning the whole “no slytherins stayed” for the final battle you cannot TELL ME that there wasn’t ONE slytherin who had ambitions to fight voldemort
(i’m a ravenclaw, btw)
cho, angelina, and ginny are all overhated; movie!ginny was albeit lacking a lot of the Spice of book ginny, and movie cho got shorted bc they didn’t include marietta as the betrayer of the da, but like. god. pls chill ppl
albus probably considered that sirius was innocent but decided to leave him in azkaban, even though he didn’t know for sure; albus probably also laid out the traps for the stone with eleven-year-olds in mind, just in case harry wanted to try and prove himself; albus was behind a lot of the machinations, and at the very least he left a child to be abused for years on end
i wrote a ten page essay on why snape is a garbage person for that college class i mentioned. i got a perfect score.
like seriously i could talk about how much snape sucks and why him having a crush on lily isn’t redemption, but like. we get it. c’mon. “i see no difference,” threatening to kill a student’s beloved pet, being that student’s worst fear....... come on.
harry should have been the dada professor when he grew up. like it’s right there.
tonks is genderfluid you cannot convince me otherwise
i love wolfstar as much as the next gal, but if we get a marauders tv show slash movie, you know she’d make that shit as straight as possible. no thanks.
someone on tiktok said florence pugh as helga hufflepuff tho and. yeah.
mmm jkr really should have kept her hands off a lot of the international schools; i know she messed up at the very least native american representation, even though native americans requested she not do that, and there are really big Colonization Vibes from those expanded schools. which like, i get, bc colonization was happening, but. still. so many fics have done better with those concepts.
speaking of! fic recs! these are all on ao3
the changeling: slytherin!ginny. takes her through all seven years and addresses various kinds of magic. i absolutely adore it. harry/ginny
boy with a scar series: takes various “what ifs” about the harry potter series and writes them; mostly canon ships
sunshine in my eyes: lily is raised by professor mcgonagall. jily
true, and unafraid of toil: a character study of autistic newt scamander
the dogfather: petunia turns down taking in her son, sirius escapes azkaban much earlier, and harry’s adopted by muggles. only the first year of hogwarts is written out in full, but there’s ficlets that follow through to the end of the wizarding war. wolfstar.
(the completely unwilling participants on) the bachelor: james is the first british bachelor; lily is a journalist who is sent on the show, undercover, by her shitty boss. james/lily
swung by serafim: a characterization of snape that i do not completely hate; i avoid the last two chapters, bc i do not like snarry, it squicks me out, and i didn’t see the tags for it until the very end of the work since it gets more textual in those chapters, and also it involves real life events that feels a bit strange to write about in fic, but. that’s just me. i think there’s cho/harry/cedric in there?
turn: genuinely just one of the best-written harry potter fanfics i’ve ever read. harry after the epilogue gets sent to an alternate universe where things went a little different. drarry
the debt of time: obligatory “hermione gets sent back in time to the marauders” fic; these were super popular on fanfic.net, where i started out, but i read this recently and really really enjoyed it. sirius/hermione, remus/hermione
the pure and simple truth: everyone goes out to a bar. drarry, romione
hogwarts, to welcome you home: harry as the dada professor from mcgonagall’s perspective
stealing harry: sirius never went to azkaban, but harry still went to the dursleys for a bit. it’s written up to part of the third book, but it has notes for how the rest of the series would have turned out. wolfstar
hermione granger’s hogwarts crammer for delinquents on the run: if harry was told he was a wizard at age seventeen, instead of age eleven. drarry
the reclamation of black magic: harry’s grandmother dorea was in a coma and never died. now she’s come to adopt her grandson and seek a reckoning on the wizarding world. this is unfinished and is in harry’s first year; sirius black/remus, for a bit, but also remus/female oc and sirius/male oc; probably harry/hermione, by the end of it.
if any of you have fic recs (especially fics featuring ginny, jily, or wolfstar) (i’ve been meaning to read atyd, i’m saving it) please let me know!
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Entry #357 - Him
Wen Junhui's Entry
"Should we post this?..."
"Jun wanted this posted for his sake, no matter what... It's the least we can do for him,"
"Well, it was scheduled for today, and Jun stated he wanted it to be so... Alright. Have it posted."
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I don't know why I'm writing this... Perhaps for closure on my mind? Most likely. But, perhaps, it's also to record thoughts and feelings that I might forget sometimes, needing a reminder later on. But, today was the day I received a gift. A proper goodbye, and a story that brought me to tears and to dream of things I'm not sure I'll ever get to have with him. But, it's nice to see that it could have been an option one day. To move in together, loving and cherishing each other... But, I guess I can only dream of it now since I'm not sure he'll come back. Or, if any of them will come back.
But, it happened when I was with Minghao and Jeonghan hyung. We were eating and talking together, just like usually. Minghao and I were talking in Chinese, while Jeonghan just smiled, now and then checking his phone to check on the members. Then, Jeonghan hyung looked at me with wide eyes, but then he smiled so bright at me. It astonished Minghao and I, both of us wanting to know what it was. Then he said: "Jun should have the benefit of seeing his gift someone has sent him,"
Of course, I smiled and laughed, wondering who would send me a gift. At first, I thought it was a specific, sweet and kind-hearted empress we had came close with, who checked in us whenever she could. Or maybe it was the kind and gentle koala, Felix, wanting to ensure I was fine. But when Jeonghan hyung handed me his phone and I saw what it was, and especially who it came from, I gave him back the phone, covered my hand over my mouth, then removed it, saying, "Are you playing a prank on me? Tell me right now." And, of course, Jeonghan hyung chuckled and shook his head, confirming that it was real. No hallucinations, none of the boys wouldn't dare to do a thing to me, and that it was from them despite him not reading it. So, I read it. And I read his last message to me.
You wouldn't believe the amount of tears I cried. Even thinking back has me shakily writing and crying. But it doesn't hurt like it used to. Not like when I used to cry every night, wondering what to do, how he was, and questioning countless things that made me so scared to get up. But after receiving it, being able to get his last message to me and receive the closure I desperately needed, I can finally accept it. I can accept that it wasn't me who drove him away, or, whatever bizzare thoughts had been created in this corrupted brain of mine.
However, it makes me reminisce about what we did together and what we had said. I remember, a memory that's becoming slightly foggy, when him and the boys came to assist us when the system had been breached. I remember how he came with everyone to help us, getting us all back together despite the gruesome fight that followed. But I remember how he soothed me, talking softly with him when my episode had occurred. I remember him hugging me, comforting me, and us laughing despite the situation when I had came up with the idea of us being awkwardly weird buddies. And after that, I wondered about him: What was he like? What was his story? His dreams? His likings and dislikes? What did he see in me? . . . What was that tight feeling in my chest whenever I thought about him?
Then, the more we talked, him and I, the tight pressure in my chest grew, but it wasn't unbearable. It wasn't uncomfortable. Almost, pleasant? My heart would race, and my cheeks would hurt because I would smile so much when he was around. But, I slowly tried to withdrawal back when he had grown attraction for someone else. I remember that. I was scared, and I didn't understand why it made me sad when I saw his post. The boys didn't notice me, and I don't blame them because I played it off and wished the best for him. I encouraged him, trying to cheer him up. Even though I didn't understand my own feelings, I knew that was in some sort of pain. But, I hoped, despite that pain, that his feelings would be reciprocated. But, in the end, later, I found out that he no longer had those feelings, and both were just friends.
But after that, I didn't look at him the same way. And, perhaps I never did after the incident at the base. However, I understood that I favored him from the others. Not like a mother who favored one child over the other, but, someone who adored him more, but still cared for the others equally. I recall the time I came into Jeonghan and Joshua hyungs' room, almost having a break down because I didn't understand. But, they comforted me and talked with me for hours until they made it clear: I liked Jeon Wonwoo. But I could never tell him that. Not that I didn't want to, but I wanted to get to know him more than I already did. Then, the rebrand happened. He was still the same person we knew, but, there was more to him now, and I didn't want to make things complicated because he had Hanahaki... A ghastly disease I've heard one too many times.
So, I waited for an opportunity when it was right and he had the time he needed, but, I couldn't. I remember how I'd sit there, staring at nothing as I questioned everything: Would he be okay to love a person who was psychotic, a mafia member whose killed dozens? Would he be frightened by me when my episodes started? What if I hurt him by accident? What if I was too late? He barely comes out, so maybe he doesn't or never will see me the same way as I do. And, most importantly, can I even provide him everything he'll ever need and want? Especially love? Will I be enough for him? I was slowly shattering myself with doubt, even when the others found out and encouraged me, but reminded me of other possibilities. And then I thought maybe I shouldn't try because her find someone better than me. Someone pure and healthy, both physically and mentally, sweet and kind. Someone who could offer more. Someone who wasn't me...
Then the entire thing happened. We talked about my crush situation, and I was running around screaming my head off as the boys came after me. But all I wanted to do was just fall somewhere when running, and just lay there, wondering what in the world I was doing. What was he thinking when he found out?... I remember that look on his face when they exposed me, just stern, looking at me and wanting to know who it was. I wasn't entirely sure why he'd suddenly drop his previous attitude. But, now and even after it, I knew why. But what followed afterward had terrified me. I wasn't told about it until I saw the post, but Wonwoo was having it. Hanahaki. And when I saw that it was black cosmos, I was stunned. I didn't know that much about Hanahaki, so, at first, I nearly started to despise the flowers because it was the very flower blossoming inside him. But I still wished him the best, and then... It happened. He confessed, catching me off guard. I remember bawling, the boys comforting me as I responded and told him I felt the same. And at that moment, I had never been more happier in my life when it was me he liked.
After that, we went on a date that was memorable, and I hope to never forget, not even a single detail of it. We had gone out to eat together, and it was the first time he saw my state. I was twitching, and because I was nervous, it increased it, making it hard for me to even eat and I nearly felt embarrassed, wondering if I was making it uncomfortable for him. Yet, he reassured me and helped me. Not once was he bothered by it. He was okay, and I was glad he was. It made me overjoyed that he was okay with me. From there, it was absolutely amazing for me. We went together, stole a cart and raced off to the playground nearby. And there, that became one of my favorite spots although it makes me anxious whenever I'm near a place that's meant for children, being that I'm not trusted to be around kids. But that day was not only labeled the greatest day of my life, and my first date, but also the day I had my first kiss with someone I loved above all things.
And it was the same day he gave me the moon bracelet, something I haven't taken off for ages since I got it... A beautiful white bracelet with a beautiful white stone, while he was the other, a beautiful dark blue that's nearly black. It's something I've treasured ever since, and something I will never lose despite me being clumsy time from time.
It's things like this that I look back towards, and sometimes, I wonder if I could have done more for him and me. But, I'm happy. I'm happy we at least got these opportunities with each other, and cherished each other for so long and even after he's left with the boys. Even though it hurt so much, so very much when he left without a word, I understood. It had to be done for their sake, especially their Admin, but I wish I could've done more. But, I can finally let it calm the storm inside me. I don't know if there will be a day he may return, but I do hope there is even though he told me not to hope too much. But if he ever does come back, all of them, I will never let go, and I promise that I'll do more, continuing my promise to love and cherish him forever. And even if he doesn't come back, I know he loves me dearly, as much as I love him. And that's enough for me. He's enough for me.
- Wen Junhui
💕// @ghoulxbaekhyun (Seok's love) @seventeen-chatbot Wonwoo (Jun's love)
Closest friends// @empress-jiaqi @kpop-shelter @yourlocal-babybear @yourlocal-babybear2 @julia-oc @shinhaneul-oc
💎// @singledad-coups @minghaostitch @decade-wonwoo @god-vernon @xdevilmingyuxx @princexjunhui @leejihoon-cb @van-gogh-minghao @/seventeen-chatbot
🥀// @aikihades @sophie-svt-13 @waitingwhispers60 @yangomangos @m00n-nim96 @moonlit-jaemin @time-for-confession @xash-axx @vampiremomo @mafia-chaeyoung @split-jiu @artsydahyun @princess-yeji @werewolf-sehun @incubuswooyoung @twiceland-saga @amazingspiderhan @mafia-choa @la-soleilmafia-cb @mafia-arin @floristluda @werebaek [DM for +/-]
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